What are the planting styles in landscape design? Landscape design styles: compare and evaluate the main characteristic features. Lavender Provence: a touch of antiquity is a must

Throughout the history of the development of gardening art in different countries the world formed its own unique types gardens and their design styles. Despite the fact that some of them have managed to lose their original features by our time, their basic concept and principles of organization to this day are a source of inspiration for landscape designers designing modern garden areas.

Main types of gardens and their design styles

In landscape design, there are two main, basic principles, according to which the future image of the landscaped area is formed - these are the so-called formal (regular) and landscape (landscape) styles.

It is noteworthy that all of these elements in the overall composition are combined in such a way that the visitor would not be able to immediately take in the entire territory of the park, but could admire the views while walking through its isolated spaces - “ green rooms", pavilions, courtyards and halls.

Dutch gardens

They can be considered an example of the effective and most rational use of space. Most of them are characterized by features of a formal style: here you can observe the same strict symmetry, thoughtful arrangement of geometric elements and shapes. However, in some variations of the design of Dutch gardens there is a clearly defined landscape style, along with which there is an effective use of space and light.

This trend can be explained quite simply: the Netherlands is one of the most densely populated European countries, so the area of ​​the local territories is usually small and requires a professional approach to its organization and development.

A distinctive feature is the abundance of flowers - tulips, snowdrops, daffodils. A striking example here is the world famous Royal Flower Park in the Netherlands.

English landscape gardens

They belong to one of the oldest trends in landscape gardening art. Formed for the first time in England at the beginning of the 18th century, this landscape style began to actively spread throughout Europe, displacing the previously more popular formal direction “à la française”, which was used as the main style in European gardening at that time.

French landscape, formed under the influence of the English landscape style (Ermenonville Park);

The French Renaissance is the predecessor of the French formal style, which arose on the basis of the principles of the Italian Renaissance (Château Ambleville with parks in the spirit of the Italian Renaissance).

Italian gardens

Stylistically based on the use of symmetry and strict geometry. It was this direction that had a colossal influence on the formation of the concept of English and French gardens, and on the history of landscape gardening art in general. A significant role in this was played by the Renaissance, during which gardening areas in Italy began to expand, acquiring more pronounced geometricity and symmetry in their appearance.

Before the Renaissance, the medieval Italian garden was enclosed within solid insulated walls and served exclusively as a place for growing fruits, vegetables and medicinal herbs or, using the example of monastery gardens, to spend time in prayer and meditation. Figuratively speaking, with the advent of the Renaissance, the wall between the garden and the landscape outside was destroyed, and fountains, antique sculptures, water features began to appear in the territories - everything that was designed to delight and surprise.

An example of such a landscape organization is the palace and park complex Palazzo e Giardino Giusti (Giusti Park) in the east of Verona, built in the 16th century, and to this day considered one of the best examples of Italian landscape art.

Japanese gardens

A group that includes such traditional types of gardens and private parks as:

Stone lanterns;

Tsukubai - small stone pools, mainly for ritual purposes;

Fences, enclosures, various devices and devices (shishi-odoshi, etc.);

Trees and flowers (azaleas, camellias, ginkgo, Japanese cedar, sakura, bamboo, willow, Japanese cypress, etc.);

Live fish - mainly multi-colored koi carp (so-called “brocade carp”) are common in Japan.

Examples that clearly demonstrate the canons of Japanese style in landscape design include such famous parks as:

Kenroku-en (Kanazawa);

Koraku-en (Okayama);

Kairaku-en (Mito).

Korean garden style

They are another example of using the principles of landscape design style. Initially (like Japanese ones) formed under the influence of Chinese trends in landscape design, over time they acquired their unique character, filled with elements of Korean culture and traditions.

The classic type of garden and park areas in Korea is characterized by such details as:

Evergreen trees and plants - mainly Korean cedar and bamboo;

Natural streams, waterfalls;

It is noteworthy that in organizing such landscapes, techniques of both formal and landscape styles can be used.

The most the most famous example A traditional Persian garden is the park at the Taj Mahal mausoleum-mosque, located in Agra (India). Despite the fact that this historical and cultural object is located outside of Iran, its organization clearly demonstrates the main canons of a special style of planning characteristic of Persian gardens - the so-called. “charbagh” (“chaharbagh”). This style of landscape design involves dividing the space into four rectangular parts, separated by paths or channels with running water.

Spanish gardens

A separate, independent direction. Having largely adopted the features inherent in Persian, Islamic and Roman styles, this type of garden over time acquired its own unique character and gained popularity in different parts of the world - primarily in countries with hot and dry climates.

An interesting feature of the organization of most gardens in the Spanish style is the use of numerous techniques and heterogeneous elements aimed at activating the human senses (hearing, smell, touch, etc.). Thus, in the arrangement of territories subordinate to this direction, the following are used:

Small multi-level fountains with murmuring water;

Fragrant flowers and fragrant herbs;

Fruit trees;

Artificial ponds, etc. "reflecting" pools;

Objects that provide shade and coolness: arcades (a continuous row of equal arches), pergolas, trellises, garden pavilions;

Drip irrigation systems that provide freshness and humidity.

The use of symmetry in the improvement of territories subordinate to this direction is one of the main principles of the original Spanish style. Illustrative examples its embodiments are well-known historical and cultural objects - such as the Generalife - the former residence of the emirs of the Nasrid dynasty who ruled Granada, Maria Luisa Park in Seville, the Alcazar of Seville.

Each owner land plot wants to design it so that it looks not just beautiful, but also unique. There are different directions for this landscape design, which have their own characteristics and characteristic features.

A well-thought-out layout of the territory, as well as the chosen colors, plants, decor, furniture and equipment make it possible to create a unique landscape composition even on the most primitive site.


Currently, special attention is paid to landscape design. After all, a beautifully designed garden or personal plot creates a favorable atmosphere and a feeling of comfort. Only a properly planned landscape looks truly stylish and presentable.

To design the territory, the following landscape design elements are used:

  • planting materials in the form of trees, shrubs and lawns;
  • architectural elements, which include paths, gazebos, sculptures, bridges and canopies;
  • components of a rock garden in the form of flower beds, flower beds and retaining structures;
  • elements of reservoirs from cascades, streams and ponds.

Any direction of landscape design is a whole philosophy, which is based on a certain type of art and creativity. Using this or that style, you can create a comfortable environment not only for yourself, but also for those around you.

The main thing is that the entire area has the appearance of a single composition, only then will it radiate aesthetic beauty and look complete.

Main groups

All styles of landscape design have their own characteristics and characteristics, which you should definitely pay due attention to. It must be remembered that each direction in the landscape is intended for a specific area, therefore, before making the final choice, it is recommended that you read the description of the option of interest.

Conventionally, all landscape directions are divided into two main groups:

  • Regular. They are characterized by strict geometric shapes and patterns.
  • Landscape. They are as close as possible to nature and its natural beauty.

Each of these groups includes certain styles that differ from each other in their individual characteristics.


This regular style is based on strict symmetry and clear geometric shapes. This direction is intended for large areas where it is possible to bring all creative ideas into reality.

The constituent elements of such a landscape are straight alleys, neat flower beds, round arbors, forged benches, pergolas, as well as decorative decorations in the form of arches, columns, antique sculptures and stone balls. In the very center of the site there are always beautiful fountains and ponds.

The trees planted here include thujas, maples, lindens, jasmine and lilacs, and flowers are presented in the form of roses, begonias, salvias and phlox.


An exquisite style of landscape design, which is characterized by such features as elegance and high cost. Particular attention is paid here to architecture and accessories, but vegetation fades into the background. The central element in the design is always the house, which smoothly and very harmoniously complements the other objects.

Preference is given to materials of natural origin, which gives the atmosphere nobility.

Plants with sharply shaped leaves, such as hops or virgin grapes, are beautifully planted in groups to create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.

The color range consists of black, white, chocolate, beige, silver, blue and purple shades. Red and yellow colors can be used as contrast. A wonderful decoration is the presence of a fountain or stream, which gives the area a special freshness.

Beautiful gazebos, benches and fences are necessarily complemented with forged elements on a plant theme. In addition, figures of birds and animals in bronze colors are used as decoration.


It is characterized by a wide variety of plants, as well as the architectural forms used. This style is based on several directions simultaneously:

  • Chinese. When decorating, each element is located according to the rules of Feng Shui. Particular attention is paid to plants, which are presented in the form of fruit and evergreen trees, shrubs, medicinal herbs and flowers. The decorative function is performed by bronze sculptures, wooden figurines, as well as architectural forms. Cozy gazebos and small houses create a favorable atmosphere for spending time.
  • Japanese. It is characterized by such features as minimalism and conciseness. Each component detail here carries a certain meaning and is also a symbol of Japan. Required element considered an alpine slide and sakura.

  • Asian. Designed for large areas where it is possible to create real comfort and harmony. The design uses gentle tones and clear contours, making each composition look very stylish and aesthetically beautiful. Stones of different shapes are an integral part of this trend, so they complement almost every component of the landscape.

Eastern style characterized by clear planning of zones, as well as the correct geometric arrangement of trees, bushes and flowers, which together gives a feeling of serene calm.


A style of landscape design that is distinguished by sophistication and grace. It is characterized by simple geometric shapes and linear designs. In the process of arranging the site, materials such as natural wood, metal and concrete. The decor includes modern sculptures, improvised fireplaces and garden furniture. Plants suitable here include cacti, non-flowering plants, dracaena, yucca, succulents and grass.

The most popular areas of modern style include:

  • Minimalism. It is created using laconic forms and a minimum number of constituent elements. Great for both large and small areas. The main rule here is to divide the territory into separate zones. The color scheme consists of white, silver, cream and light terracotta shades. Trees such as birch, thuja, pine, maple, willow, as well as various fruit plantings are used for landscaping.

  • Hi-tech. A style that does not require clear lines and certain decor, making it suitable for implementing the most extraordinary ideas. Materials such as glass, stone, metal, plastic and polycarbonate are used to design the site. Important has good lighting, which most often takes the form of LEDs, neatly arranged in modern lighting fixtures.

  • Loft. Considered the most budget option landscape design. Brick and stone masonry are appropriate here, and ordinary pallets, boxes, pots and decorative lamps are often used as decoration. The color scheme is quite restrained and is presented in light, cool shades.

The design in this style looks quite simple, but at the same time functional and beautiful.

  • Vanguard. An amazing and extraordinary style, characterized by the most daring experiments and unusual lines. In such a design, not only a cottage plot, but also any park or alley will look original. It harmoniously combines bright flowering plants and a calm atmosphere, which have a beneficial effect on others. This free style is distinguished by the author’s idea, which, with the help of imagination and creativity, is successfully implemented on the object.

  • Bionics. A fairly new design direction where preference is given to environmentally friendly materials of natural origin. Interesting lamps imitating waterfalls, flowers, trees or sea life are used as decorations. This feature gives the atmosphere a certain romance and comfort.

Mirrored or glossy surfaces in the form of paths or other landscape elements add special beauty to the site.

Each of these areas is a real fashion trend, which is capable of turning even the most primitive area into a chic design composition.


This direction of landscape design is characterized by the creation of a comfortable and aesthetically attractive area for relaxation, in accordance with all relevant rules. Here it is important to correctly place accents with the help of plants, furniture and decorative elements.

The most popular ethnic styles are:

  • Alpine. Its main features are durability and ease of creation. Stone is actively used here, from which various kinds of slides, paths and boulders are created. All compositions are designed in light colors using appropriate alpine plants. It is perfect for both large and very small areas.

  • Landscape. Using this style, beautiful imitations of meadows, fields, forests or other natural landscapes are created. Decorative elements made from natural materials in the form of wooden gazebos, stumps and logs harmoniously complement the landscape composition. A good decoration would be a small lake or pond, the banks of which will be lined with sand and pebbles, and water lilies and water lilies will float in the water. Forest and wildflowers add special beauty to the area.

  • Rustic. It does not require strict planning, and any available materials are suitable for its creation. Such rural landscape design involves a minimum of costs, but at the same time is very picturesque, cozy and comfortable. Handmade furniture looks original, as well as decorative decorations in the form of wicker baskets, wooden carts and vintage bicycles. The flower beds on the site are arranged in random order and act as unique bright accents.
  • Country. Democratic style, characterized by simplicity, thoroughness and closeness to nature. The paths are made of brick, wood or slabs, along which grass, lilacs, jasmine and wildflowers grow. A beautiful gazebo made of logs, a pond or stream with a garden bridge across it, create a favorable atmosphere for complete relaxation and tranquility.

Beautiful decorations include wickerwork, swings, wells, and wooden benches, buckets and watering cans.

  • Provence. Refined and delicate style landscape design, with which you can easily create beautiful area for relaxation. In addition to flower beds, it is appropriate to plant flowers in boxes and baskets, combining different options. Provence style is characterized by gentle color scheme in beige, white, pink, blue and purple tones.

  • English. An ideal solution for large areas where it is possible to turn your design imagination into reality. There are no strict forms or straight lines here, so each component element of the landscape is characterized by unevenness, tortuosity and a natural shape. Preference is given natural materials such as wood, stone, sandstone or gravel.

Mandatory items are gazebos, swings, barbecues and bridges with forging elements.

  • Mediterranean. A style with a pronounced Greek accent, the color scheme of which is presented in white, blue, yellow and terracotta tones. The plots are decorated with a huge number of flowers arranged in ceramic pots. Integral attributes of this landscape trend are open gazebos and fountains, around which paths made of stone or ceramic tiles are carefully laid out.

Comfortable rattan furniture or wrought-iron benches, complemented by soft pillows, add a special coziness to the atmosphere.

  • Scandinavian. It feels functional, simple, restrained and orderly. The color scheme is in natural shades such as green, blue, brown, red, yellow and grey. Wood and stone are used as the main materials. For this style, furniture made of wicker or rattan is perfect, complemented by decorative elements such as sculptures, as well as antique objects in the form of carts, spindles, wheels, barrels and ceramic shards.

  • Italian. In this style, you can observe a clear division of the site into separate zones using straight or diagonal lines. There must be a small pond, a fountain or a beautiful statue in the center. This design trend is characterized by a lot of stones, which decorate almost every element of the landscape. Plants can be planted miniature rose, Japanese quince, Italian pines, cypresses, jasmine, almonds and Amur grapes.

  • French. It involves the design of the territory in the form of unique compositions with clear lines and smooth geometric shapes. Neat paths, as well as alleys made of hazel and juniper perfectly emphasize the beauty of this style. The central element is a pond, fountain, pool or statue. Beautiful lawns, edged with pebbles, look especially aristocratic.

  • Mauritanian. It is distinguished by an abundance of lush flower beds and tropical plants. The reservoirs present on the site have a rectangular or square shape, the bottom of which is lined with colored tiles or stones in the form of a bright ornament. Gazebos are also characterized by a square or rectangular shape and can be decorated with decor in the form of flowering vines.

  • Indian. Areas designed in this style are characterized by strict geometricity, therefore landscape area here it looks like a single whole. The presence of various water elements in the form of canals, pools, fountains and lakes creates a feeling of complete harmony with nature. The gazebos are decorated with fresh flowers and carved trellises. All paths are laid out from colored gravel, along which figurines and lanterns are located.

This direction of landscape design allows for maximum use of trees, shrubs and flowers.

  • Chalet. Amazing style, where in the main part of the site there are different mountain landscapes in the form alpine slides, beautiful slopes and rockeries. Characteristic features of this direction are the zoning of the territory, the presence of alpine slides, water features, beautiful paths and lawns, as well as bright flower beds. The color scheme is presented in light and calm tones, but sometimes inclusions in the form of red and orange shades are allowed.

As for vegetation, it is appropriate to use coniferous and evergreen trees such as pine, spruce, thuja and cypress.

Creating the garden of your dreams requires a lot of effort, investment, style searches, and time. The value of landscape design lies in the ability to competently and logically distribute and break up space, and place floral and other plant accents on the site. This requires a special creative approach.

Let's take a closer look at the nuances of site design in this article.


It is human nature to surround yourself with beauty. Today you can create natural harmony and landscape beauty with your own hands. The main thing is to follow the chosen direction. And the choice here is really very large. The modern style design of a garden or personal plot can tell a lot about the owner: his tastes, preferences, knowledge.

Today in country villages you can find both individual trends and a mixture of styles. Eclecticism has its own characteristic features here too - in one corner you can see Alpine design, in the other - avant-garde. The use of different styles allows you to find a solution for a specific site using modern construction, covering and other materials, for example, geotextiles.

Stylistic decisions

In landscape design, all attention is paid to details: the shape of alleys and paths, the selection of plants, the color palette of the entire site, the presence of ponds and hills. The selected styles may differ in popularity, but not in energy.

Any landscape is good if it is made with soul. For example, you can organize a chalet on flat terrain. But let’s focus on the most common styles.


This style is the most natural, classic. There is another popular name for it - English, so it is named for its commitment to classicism and traditions. A characteristic feature of this genre is the strict symmetry inherent in the landscape style. This applies to both the layout of the site and trimmed bushes. The naturalness of wild nature is absent in this aspect - everything is ruled by rationality and regularity in garden care.

You can also come across such a name for the landscape style as cottage style. Wealthy people living in cottages outside the city need a calm, predictable atmosphere, at the same time not without some lush vegetation. Suitable for this certain types plants, for example, bright, catchy spirea.

Signs of landscape style in garden landscape design:

  • straight paths, paths and alleys;
  • strict outlines of flower beds;
  • classic look of trees and ponds;
  • the presence of fountains (especially in the middle of the composition);
  • the presence of gazebos at the intersection of paths.

Landscape design is best for large plots (at least 15 acres). Color palette The landscape can be anything, the transition of shades should be soft.

To make the design more natural often used natural material(stone, wood).

In landscape style, it is preferable to use topiary plants - linden, thuja, pyramidal poplar, and maple are suitable for the main vegetation. A worthy decoration the garden will become grapes, jasmine, lilac, juniper.

It is better to install a gazebo in a round shape with an imitation of an ancient Greek portico, or you can use pergolas. The garden will be decorated with cast or forged benches and ledges. To complete the composition, sculptural figures, columns, flowerpots on legs and arches are suitable.

In the landscape style and in any of its varieties, there is romance and a desire for harmonious combinations, correct geometry (combinations of both strict and more loyal shapes and sizes), much depends on the general design style of the site.


Strictness and symmetry are also present in the regular style of landscape design. This is more French chic with popular centerpiece compositions.

All attention is given to the key object in the landscape. The central figure is a sculpture, a tree, a fountain, a bush, and even a house. All objects are arranged symmetrically in relation to each other. Although it is worth emphasizing that experiments are appropriate in a regular style. You can put up a classic gazebo and plant a motley flower bed around it. The pond can be natural or artificial, as well as a gazebo (for example, made of bushes).

The choice of plants for a regular garden is based on fundamentally important factors:

  • strict symmetry and axial compositions;
  • central or key figures;
  • neat lawn and paths;
  • symmetrical arrangement of flowers, shrubs and trees;
  • flower beds planted in a certain order;
  • the presence of gazebos made of plants (bosquets) is welcome;
  • main flower garden in regular garden usually consists of a long flowering plants(for example, marigolds or pergolas);
  • It is better to choose bush plants that retain their shape for a long time after cutting (for example, barberry, maple, hawthorn, spirea);
  • symmetrical cultural plantings can be diluted with plant species from the natural environment.


The sophisticated and free Scandinavian style in landscape design attracts with the chaotic distribution of trees, flowers, bushes or sculptural figures on the site, and the abundance of vegetation different varieties and their bold combinations. At the same time, in the design of such a garden there is a clear line of harmonious combination of all elements, right down to the garden furniture.

On many modern areas the eye catches on beautiful wicker or wooden furniture. She creates an indescribable feeling home comfort and comfort.

Some designers advise moving away from stereotypes and giving preference not to finely crafted benches, but to large hewn logs. Even a simple snag under a bush can bring more positive emotions than a chic sculpture.

IN Scandinavian style The emphasis is on natural beauty and naturalness, natural shades in landscape design. The presence of pebbles, cobblestones and branches “accidentally” found around the bend in the path is welcome.

Unusual shapes of objects are considered appropriate here.(benches, tables, canopies). Next to high hedge a beautiful canvas of flowers can be next to it. In general, there should be plenty of greenery in such a garden.

In Scandinavian style, details play an important role. So, some rustic utensils can dilute the overall picture.

The main points that decide a lot in the Scandinavian style of site design:

  • mandatory presence of stones (from ordinary and unprocessed blocks to small pebbles);
  • artificial grottoes against the backdrop of various plants create a natural phenomenon;
  • the presence of decorative elements made of wood or stone;
  • no asphalt paths, only grass or stone;
  • free sites rectangular shape they are also created from stone, and brightly colored plants and even berry bushes are planted around the perimeter;
  • There should be no clear zoning on such a site.

Russian estate

Of great interest in landscape design is the design of a garden in the style of a Russian estate. The main difference between this design is that it skillfully combines beauty and practicality. In such a garden, both bright flower beds and neat vegetable beds look great.

Harmony is the main factor for success in the design of a Russian estate. But it is worth considering that a vegetable garden is inappropriate here for everyday use. It's more like decorative element landscape. IN this style mini-gardens are practiced “for the soul and benefit”- this is one of the conditions for decorating a garden in the Russian style.

The natural environment, even some carelessness and randomness of the vegetation on the site are also one of the characteristic features of this style.

The garden requires regular care, but without fanaticism. It is more difficult to create a natural or natural landscape under the guidance of a gardener. In this case, you can do without cutting the bushes, but the lawn must be well-groomed. In a Russian garden you can use both plants typical of Russian latitudes and exotic ones.

Particular attention is paid to the topic of zoning on the site, when it needs to be divided into recreational and functional zones.

Using the example of many areas, you can see the placement of accents from stones, architectural elements, vegetable hedges, and gazebos. If we take examples of what ancient Russian estates looked like, we can recall vast areas of forest where birches, oaks, and conifers grew. Next to the house there were always lilac bushes and fragrant flowers.

The breadth and generosity of the Russian soul is expressed not only in song, but also in space. Moreover, to feel free, you don’t have to have large plots of land. Main - proper use landscape space.


This is a themed garden that evokes East Asian philosophy. Feature of the garden Japanese style is maximum unity with nature. At the same time, here you will not find chaotic planting or “randomly” scattered stones and sculptures. Landscaping in the Japanese style is possible even on a miniature plot, where several dwarf plants of a variety of conifers are usually located.

Thanks to the sophisticated psychology of Japanese designers, a unique, inimitable landscape is created on the site, which does not accept regular geometric outlines. For Japanese garden it is typical to create several functional zones at once, regardless of the area.

The interzonal space has very smooth transitions thanks to the right choice plants and materials. A garden in a classic Japanese style appears only in calm, delicate colors.


Another type of Asian-style plot is a Chinese garden. It is not always possible to arrange a garden in this style the first time. Although it seems that the ideas of the Chinese garden are simple, they are easy to implement.

The main subtleties of Chinese landscape design are that different ones can easily be combined here style directions . For example, it is easy for the uninitiated to confuse Japanese and Chinese landscape design. In fact, there are a lot of differences here. The Japanese style, like the Chinese, emphasizes the superiority and beauty of nature itself. However for the Chinese it is important to emphasize the man-made nature of the garden.

The elements of water, fire and earth are the main components of the landscape.

When designing a site, wood and metal are necessarily used. The design options for such a garden are extremely varied. So before you change general view plot, it’s worth deciding on the design directions in the Chinese style:

  • a classic version of garden design - with bright colors and smooth transitions, with many decorative elements;
  • creating a philosophical garden - a corner for solitude and reflection, without bright spots of color;
  • home garden - more like a small decorative vegetable garden;
  • calm or aggressive garden in the Chinese style.

The entire landscape is arranged for high or, conversely, low plants. But a full-fledged Chinese-style garden can only be laid out on a large area.


Exquisite rustic style Country music is attractive because it seems very familiar and familiar to many. This rural style in the design of a site has been known for a long time; subsequently, designers managed to find other approaches to decorating a garden in an eco-style.

Free flight of imagination against the backdrop of a natural riot of colors, lush flower beds, low hedges with a mysterious gate. Free eco-style in the design of the site implies naturalness and low maintenance.

Landscape design in country style can be arranged even in a summer cottage.

Main features of country style:

  • presence of trees of different sizes;
  • rural simplicity;
  • romance;
  • bench near the house;
  • a low white fence or fence;
  • fragrant berry bushes and small fruit trees;
  • country gazebos;
  • all kinds of paths and paths bordered with flowers.

To create a country-style garden, three main principles are used. Site design should be built on romance, softness, without inclusions of exotic flowers. Preference is given to hydrangea, phlox, peonies, lilac or jasmine. Chamomiles, cornflowers, field herbs, yarrow and plantain are suitable as decorative frames.

Romance is characterized by slight negligence - in such a garden you will not see perfectly smooth paths and an English lawn. Creates a feeling of presence of a piece in the garden environment, without human intervention.

Artificial decorative materials are practically inappropriate here; even elegant plastic figurines will stand out noticeably against the general background of calm and natural harmony. But the presence of clay pots, wooden watering cans, carts with vegetation and even old wheels is welcome.

Country style includes accessories that recreate the old country style. For example, a small mill, if a stream flows nearby, a gazebo from a rose garden, a wooden trough or bucket.

Country-style humor includes clay figurines of gnomes or wooden sculptures of animals.


The modern style of the garden plot has been embodied in a striking example of Art Nouveau. There is also a mixture of minimalism and hi-tech here. This style reflects the individuality of the owners of the house, who prefer a bright urban style in design.

An Art Nouveau style garden does not take up much space. Everything you need is already at hand - a lawn with clear lines, a couple of bushes, flowers and herbs in the corner, free planning or zoning, perhaps the presence of a pond or stream. The geometry of the garden here seems more symbolic, natural, and unpretentious.

The presence of forging elements in the garden on a bench and a German-style lantern will perfectly complement the overall appearance of the site. The simplicity of the garden lies in the fact that it is clearly visible from any side.

The Art Nouveau landscape also implies the presence of contrasts. This applies to shapes, lines and colors, horizontal and vertical transitions, the play of light and shadow. When organizing a stylish garden, you need to select plants, preferably exotic species. The more unusual or unusual the colors of large leaves garden plants– so much the better. Bushes can be trimmed in the most unusual shape and made spherical, rectangular with transitions. Preference is given to bushy plants, which are easy to give the desired geometric shape.

The well-groomed Art Nouveau style garden contrasts with lush vegetation of asymmetrical shapes.

You can plant rhododendrons, giving them, on the one hand, a fancy look, and on the other hand, leaving them in a slightly original form. From plants unchanged Grapes, clematis, bindweed, and hops have been companions in the Art Nouveau style for a long time..

Original patterns on a green carpet are created by a contrasting combination of floral plants. Bionics, vintage and architectural forms in landscape design in the Art Nouveau style can combine the characteristic features of classical design elements; any theme can be chosen.


The exquisite look and romance of the garden in the Provence style goes back to the original source - French Provence. This style with lavender fields, winding paths, ornate decorative elements on the stone walls fill the garden with indescribable charm.

Soft, invigorating style Provence in landscape design represents both the Mediterranean and Italian design . Designing a garden in this style is typical mostly for countries with arid, hot climates.