Interior decoration of a steam bath by hand. Decorating the inside of a bathhouse with clapboards with your own hands - step-by-step instructions. Creating a comfortable room

The bathhouse is a place not only for physical cleansing, but also for restoring spiritual harmony, helping to heal the soul and body. For a comfortable and enjoyable bathing, high-quality interior decoration of the bathhouse is very important. Photos or videos are not always good for studying repair work, the information accumulated over centuries is much more important. Therefore, if you decide to build a bathhouse or restore an existing room with your own hands, you should very carefully study the rules and methods of decorating its interior. Everyone chooses the appropriate design based on their own taste.

However, there are general rules for choosing an interior that should be followed for the harmonious functioning of the entire complex. By properly designing the bathhouse, you can minimize heat loss, increase the durability of the structure, and protect visitors from accidental burns. Also, the interior lining of the room contributes to the release of aromatic particles at high temperatures, which improve health human body. If you wish, you can significantly reduce the cost of repairs by doing the interior decoration in the bathhouse yourself.

Sticking to the right technology carrying out this process, there is no doubt about the durability, quality, and most importantly, the positive impact of the entire complex on health.

Finishing materials

When viewing articles where various design options are presented, the wooden interior decoration of the bathhouse immediately catches your eye. Photos presented in different sources, offer many interesting ideas bath complex, the lining of which is made of wood. This material is the most environmentally friendly and has a positive effect on human well-being. In addition, its main characteristics include high heat and moisture resistance.

A wooden frame is the most common type of building for a steam room. The interior decoration of the bathhouse should also be wooden. The most environmentally friendly bath complex is made from logs, which has good ventilation and, as a result, a good hygienic environment.

But not every type of wood is suitable for these purposes. Cedar, linden, hornbeam, oak and ash have long been considered the most suitable. The most widely used are linden and pine, since when heated they most actively release specific substances and have a healing effect on the human body.

Particularly sophisticated lovers will like the interior decoration of a bathhouse, a combined type sauna, where several types of wood are combined.

The main criterion when choosing cladding is the quality of the material, which must be perfectly hewn. The wood inside the bathhouse is never painted or varnished, since when the temperature reaches a high temperature, the influence of harmful chemicals increases sharply and can seriously harm health. In the absence of a coating, wood emits much better essential oils.

Materials should be selected based on the knowledge of experienced specialists. Only in this case, a bathhouse built with your own hands, the interior decoration of which is carried out according to all the rules, will be in no way inferior to a complex designed by professionals.

Preference should be given to deciduous types of wood for ceiling decoration. When choosing pine needles for these purposes, you should expect the release of resinous substances that can leave a rather unpleasant burn on the skin.

The interior decoration of a bathhouse requires a thoughtful approach when choosing materials for each room. When arranging the vestibule and washing area, you can use various tiles. But as for the steam room, there is a whole science to its design.

Walls in the steam room

The highest temperatures are maintained in the steam room, so the materials here should be of the highest quality. Hardwood is best suited because it has greater heat resistance, which will prevent burns from accidentally touching the walls. Also, these breeds dry out quickly, which helps maintain a healthy microclimate in the steam room.

Interior decoration Baths allow the use of lining, which is fastened with nails. The boards are not covered with any additional decorative materials.

It is also necessary to provide a reliable vapor barrier, which can be foil insulation or glassine. The insulation for the walls can be mineral wool, foamed polypropylene with a foil coating. The sequence of these materials is as follows: insulation, then vapor barrier, followed by an air layer and finishing lining.

Steam room floor

The floor in the bathhouse must be laid at a slope, along which the water will flow to a specially designated place for it. A drain siphon should be installed here. This is very important point when arranging a steam room, because moisture should not linger in it for a long time.

You should not use wood for the floor of the bathhouse, as it will be the wettest place. More suitable for these purposes ceramic tile, which will extend the service life of the entire floor structure premises and will be much more convenient to maintain. Can also be used wood covering, however, its durability is significantly inferior to ceramic tiles. The steam room floor level should be higher than the washing room level (15 cm).

Benches in the bathhouse

The aesthetic appearance of benches and shelves in a bathhouse depends on the customer’s imagination. Oak, poplar, aspen and linden are suitable for these interior items. The edges of benches and shelves should be rounded, and their surface should be smoothly sanded. They are most often placed under blank walls.

The distance of the top shelf to the ceiling ranges from 1 to 1.2 m. The distance of the benches from the stove is at least half a meter.

Furnace finishing

When planning the interior decoration of a bathhouse, you need to take the choice of a stove seriously, because it is the soul of the entire complex. Each oven has its own character.

This part of the interior correct design not only brightens up general form, but will also become collateral fire safety baths

There are several options for finishing the stove, which depend on the budget and imagination of the bathhouse owner. So, you can decorate this element of the bath complex with tiles, use a steel case, or simply plaster the stove.

Washroom finishing

The most important parameter required for the interior decoration of a bathhouse in a washing room is the moisture resistance of the wood. You can use pine needles. Its good resistance to wet conditions will extend the life of the room.

Doors and windows must have small size, which will help prevent unnecessary heat loss. The windows should be double and the doors should be made of durable wood.

Bath interior finishing technology

Technologically, the interior decoration of the bathhouse is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the material must be acclimatized in the bathhouse for at least 24 hours;
  • preparation of lining sheathing;
  • installation of hydro- and thermal insulation;
  • installation of wood panels;
  • selection and installation of furniture.

All of the above stages require adherence to a certain precision and accuracy of work, otherwise all the shortcomings will make themselves felt over time.

Decorating the rest room

When decorating a relaxation room, it is very important to choose the right interior design and avoid large expenses. A suitable option there will be pine, which is of high quality and has a large number of shades. When using this material there are no problems with applying varnish. The resins contained in the pine structure perform a protective function.

Spruce is also well suited for these purposes. It is more difficult to process, but this material will add originality to the room.

When using oak to decorate a recreation room, you can rest assured of its strength and durability.

It is important to comply with all technical standards for interior design, which will ensure a long service life of the premises. A built bathhouse (with your own hands), the interior decoration of which meets all construction and sanitary and hygienic requirements, will last for many years, healing the people in it and pleasing the eye with its unique design interior

A log, concrete, frame or brick bathhouse in any case requires hydro-, heat- and vapor barrier, as well as internal lining. Traditionally, wooden lining is chosen. It has an aesthetic appearance, is safe for health, and is easy to install and operate. But the modern construction market offers other solutions.

Steam room finishing

As a rule, if the budget is sufficient, the steam room is lined with solid wood - aspen, linden, oak or cedar lining. To save money, you can use pine materials, but in this case you need to check the boards for the absence of “resin pockets”.

What to use besides lining? More cheap option– cladding with edged or unedged linden, aspen and birch boards. The tree must be prepared for installation: remove the bark, sand the surface and open it with water-based varnish or special biocides.

How to inexpensively cover the inside of a bathhouse? For brick building You can use planed boards; they are more affordable, do not require lengthy preparation for installation, and provide greater thermal insulation. The thickness of the material is 1.5 times greater than standard lining.

Foil, parchment, jute, cotton wool, and foamed foil polypropylene are used as thermal insulation materials. The area near the stove is tiled.

The ceiling, in addition to the lining, can be finished with tempered frosted glass. A backlight is installed in it. The result is a rather non-standard, but modern steam room.

Placed on the floor heat resistant tiles. Clinker can withstand high temperatures, has an anti-slip coating and is completely safe. But, if you want maximum comfort, it is better to choose wood flooring, alder, ash, birch or poplar are quite suitable.

If the bathhouse was built from logs, the ceiling and walls inside do not require any cladding. It is enough to treat the log house with a fire-retardant, moisture-repellent and antimicrobial agent.

What material you should not choose for cladding is plastic, plywood, OSB, chipboard and any sawdust-based derivatives. Even with moisture-resistant coatings, when heated, the resin and synthetics that form the basis of the binder will begin to evaporate. And this is already potentially dangerous for the body. The same applies to pine and spruce boards; they cannot be used in the steam room.

Bathroom trim

What material is suitable for tiling a bathroom or sink - tiles or porcelain stoneware. Unlike wood, ceramics will not require constant treatment with moisture-protective and bactericidal agents.

Glass-magnesite boards are no less popular. This is a durable, moisture-resistant, non-flammable, non-toxic material that is not susceptible to the development of fungus or mold.

You can also use decorative moisture-resistant plaster, plastic panels, plasterboard and glass magnesite for walls and ceilings, followed by the application of waterproof solutions. PVC, slatted pebbles and fiberboard are also allowed. However, it is necessary to take care of complete thermal insulation of the steam room.

In addition to tiles, you can lay moisture-resistant laminate or panels based on composite plastic on the floor. But tiles will be more practical and durable. Wooden shields are placed on top of it to prevent slipping. What interior to create in the washing room in the photo below.

Arrangement of the rest room

The main thing here is not practicality, but comfort, a relaxing atmosphere, and ergonomic design. Most affordable way– cover the room with pine boards. They do not rot, dry quickly, have beautiful view. Based on the durability of the material, it is better to choose boards made from Scandinavian pine. A pleasant light pink shade will eventually become covered with an original patina and will give the room even more coziness.

Spruce lining can also be classified as an inexpensive and high-quality finishing material. Thanks to Swedish and Finnish hot air processing technologies, the boards acquire the necessary strength and moisture resistance. There is less resin in spruce than in pine, it is more fragrant, and small knots (which are inevitable) easily turn into the individuality of the interior.

Budget materials for a relaxation room also include laminated, polyvinyl chloride MDF panels, quartz vinyl tiles, fiberglass wallpaper, decorative plaster, tiles with a stone, brick or wood pattern. In general, everything will depend on the imagination of the owners and the style in which the room is intended to be decorated.

There are also compositions (two-component paints) that completely imitate wood on any surface (mineral, old wood). The inside of a brick or concrete-block bathhouse is finished with OSB or gypsum board panels, primed and puttied. Then paint is applied.

Since there is no increased temperature and humidity in the recreation room, linoleum flooring, tiles, edged boards or chipboard followed by varnishing can be used for the floors.

It is cheaper to stick fiberglass wallpaper on the ceiling or simply cover it with paintable panels.

But, if you still want to make a bathhouse not only a place of relaxation, but also a place of healing, the use of wood cannot be avoided. You simply select varieties of inexpensive wood: birch, alder, poplar, aspen, pine. And for areas with increased workload, you can use oak, cedar and linden.

If the bathhouse will be in use all year round, it is better to install heated floors in the relaxation room, and the walls should be well thermally insulated before covering.

How to inexpensively cover the inside of a bathhouse - practical recommendations

We will tell you how to inexpensively cover the inside of a bathhouse, what materials are best suited for covering a steam room and a bathroom, and how to arrange a relaxation room

Interior decoration of a bathhouse - what is used besides lining?

Bath buildings are built from logs, concrete and cinder blocks, bricks and other building materials. The casing remains unchanged interior spaces clapboard. In this article we will tell you what other finishing and decorative products can be used in a bathhouse.

In addition to lining, what can you use to cover bathhouse buildings?

The choice of finish depends on the purpose of the room. Inside the building, in addition to the steam room, there is a relaxation room, an entrance hall (dressing room), a bathroom or a washing room. If desired, the project includes a terrace, a residential attic or several square meters under a small pool.

Lining is a universal material; with proper processing, it can cover all walls and ceilings, but it will turn out too monotonous. Therefore, diverse interior decoration of the bathhouse is chosen.

Already from the name it is clear that this room is periodically maintained at 100% humidity and high temperature. We need a finishing material that can withstand such changes and also does not emit substances harmful to humans during heating: formaldehyde, ammonia, phenol and others.

  • According to the specified parameters, only solid wood is suitable, so the owners always try to line the inside of the bathhouse with clapboard made of linden, aspen, cedar, and abasha (African oak). Often planed products from larch or pine are used, but in this case it is necessary to choose slow-growing varieties, since so-called resin pockets do not form in them. Accordingly, the resin will not constantly be released on the surface.
  • The bathhouse, in addition to the lining, can be finished with more budget options– trimmed or not edged board from various types of wood - linden, cedar, alder, aspen. Only untreated wood will need to be pre-prepared for installation - remove the bark and sapwood, sand it and coat it with wood-protective water-based varnishes or impregnations with a biocidal effect.
  • Covering the walls inside a brick bathhouse with planed boards gives a much better heat-intensive effect, since the thickness of the molded products exceeds the section of the lining by 1.5-3 times.
  • Do not try to cover the steam room and other rooms with sheets of sawdust: plywood, chipboard, OSB and other analogues, even moisture-resistant ones. During the heating process, thermosetting resins containing sawdust begin to emit toxic fumes. The result is poisoning of the body instead of healing.
  • For the ceiling, in addition to lining or edged boards, designers offer a non-standard option - hardened frosted glass, under which the lighting is mounted. The bathhouse will turn out to be very unusual, but modern.
  • The floor can be sheathed with clinker or heat-resistant ceramic floor tiles with a special anti-slip coating. It is hygienic and will withstand high temperatures perfectly.
  • And lastly: if the bathhouse is made of rounded or profiled logs, then the finishing technology inside the building does not require covering the ceiling and walls with anything. It is enough to treat all surfaces with fire-bioprotective compounds on a water or oil-wax basis with a moisture-resistant effect.

  • A bathhouse without a washing station is unthinkable. Invariably, the best material for bathrooms and toilets are ceramic products: tiles, mosaics, porcelain stoneware. This is convenient and inexpensive, since you not only need to cover it with clapboard, but also take care of its safety. That is, constantly treat the lining with protective agents with a moisture-resistant and biocidal effect. Tiles don't need this.
  • The walls and ceiling are finished with decorative waterproof plaster, plastic panels or plasterboard or glass magnesite for painting with waterproof compounds, but only if the steam room is thermally insulated according to all the rules.
  • But for the floor in the bathroom, the choice of products is more extensive. Traditionally, floor tiles or porcelain stoneware are used, but you can cover a small room with modern waterproof laminate made of composite plastic (Duma Floor, Aqua-Step) or special moisture-resistant floor panels, which are offered by the most famous manufacturers of laminated flooring - Egger, Quick Step, Alloc and others.

  • By definition, it is intended for changing clothes and precedes the entrance to the steam room. To set the mood in the appropriate manner, they also try to cover this unique vestibule with clapboard, but here you should not limit yourself to finishing options.
  • A multifunctional bathhouse is an excellent field for applying your imagination in the field of design. You can cover the walls with decorative clinker or ceramic tiles imitating stone or brick, wallpaper, including fiberglass, paint them in any color, apply decorative plaster, sheathed with plastic or veneer strips.
  • The floor in the intermediate room requires a more or less moisture-resistant material - PVC linoleum or natural marmoleum, vinyl or ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles, edged boards and even plywood or chipboard for varnish.
  • The ceiling inside the dressing room, in addition to the lining, can be sheathed with panels or simply painted. They will look good ceiling wallpaper on a non-woven or fiberglass base.

4. Rest room.

  • The good thing about a bathhouse is that, in addition to everything else, it almost always has a room for relaxation. For creating special mood use laminate and MDF or PVC panels with wood decor, vinyl or quartz vinyl tiles, wallpaper with a corresponding pattern.
  • Some paint and varnish manufacturers offer special mixtures that allow you to imitate wood on any mineral or old wooden surfaces. For example, the Dulux series has two-component Trade BrushWood paint. A bathhouse made of bricks or concrete blocks is first lined with sheets of SML, gypsum board, OSB, then a composition is applied over the puttied and primed surface, which, after drying, creates a wood texture that is visually almost indistinguishable from natural.

Lining - pros and cons

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that a bathhouse cannot do without lining. This is the best finishing material, as it has a unique set of positive properties:

  • Low thermal conductivity and high heat capacity.
  • Resistance to temperature and humidity changes.
  • Resistance to splitting.
  • Optimal noise reduction ratio.
  • Pleasant, healing smell.
  • Easy to install.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that the lining is susceptible to rotting and woodworms, but the problem can be solved - it is enough to treat the surface with special protective compounds for baths and saunas in order to forget about problems with wood for 3-5 years.

How to cover the inside of a bathhouse except for the lining in the steam room, bathroom, dressing room and rest room

What are the advantages and disadvantages of lining? Review of finishing materials for different rooms.

What is the best way to line the inside of a bathhouse?

  • What should you consider when choosing cladding for a bath?
  • Wooden cladding for a bath
  • How else can you line a bathhouse from the inside?

How to line the inside of a bathhouse and how necessary is it? The question that worries the owners of these premises may have several answers. So, if the bathhouse building is built from natural logs, the walls inside do not need to be sheathed, unless you use clapboard for elegance.

After completing the construction of the bathhouse, you should think about arranging it from the inside. A variety of materials are used for cladding, which are selected depending on the material of the bath itself.

The walls of brick or stone, gas or foam concrete buildings must be sheathed. Firstly, this is the only way to achieve maximum insulation of the room. Secondly, bare walls look unaesthetic.

You can cover the walls of a bathhouse or sauna with different materials:

  • clapboard made of wood different breeds or block house;
  • wooden boards;
  • glass-magnesium sheets.

You can make a choice that suits your tastes and material capabilities by familiarizing yourself with the requirements for lining the inside of a bathhouse and the characteristics of different materials.

What should you consider when choosing cladding for a bath?

In paired rooms, in no case should you use fiberboard and chipboard, as they emit heat when heated. toxic substances.

Before you start choosing the cladding, you need to consider that wood is the most suitable material for a bathhouse. However, in the steam room, dressing room, and relaxation room, you can and should use different breeds of it.

For rooms with the lowest humidity and stable temperature (dressing rooms, rest rooms), pine can be used. This inexpensive wood does not crack, is characterized by low thermal conductivity and a beautiful pattern. The phytoncides that pine wood has released for many years are very beneficial for health. Pine wood impregnated with resin is not afraid of fungi, dampness, or mold. However, it is completely unsuitable for steam rooms or indoor saunas: when heated, pine begins to release resin. Using the steam room becomes inconvenient. And the heavy aroma of pine needles may make breathing difficult rather than easier.

For covering rooms with very high humidity and temperature, alder, linden, abashi, aspen, poplar or larch are suitable. Firstly, even at temperatures above 100°C, these rocks do not heat up very much. Secondly, such wood dries quickly and is not afraid of mold and mildew. It does not emit resinous substances.

Important: in the bathhouse (especially in steam rooms) you cannot use materials obtained by chemical means. Fiberboard and chipboard, linoleum, laminate and similar materials emit very toxic substances when heated: poisoning can occur. They are also very flammable. The only exception is magnetite, because it is produced without the use of chemical resins and is environmentally friendly.

Wooden cladding for a bath

It is clear that the best cladding for a bathhouse is wood or materials made from it. But what is the best way to cover a bathhouse? Ordinary boards? Block house? Wooden clapboard? Let's consider the features of all these materials.

Lining for finishing the inside of a bathhouse is an excellent option. It is inexpensive and quite easy to install.

  1. Regular boards. The plank upholstery is attached to the sheathing, always at a right angle. But ordinary boards are rarely used. Untreated with antifungal compounds, they can quickly rot. A ready-to-use board is relatively expensive, but it looks worse than, for example, lining or a block house. Planing boards yourself and treating them with special impregnations is time-consuming and expensive. Using them to level walls is not easy. In addition, the boards may contain a certain number of knots, which negatively affects both the operation of the cladding and its appearance. That is why lining or block house is often preferred to ordinary boards.
  2. The advantages of lining are undeniable. This is what is most often chosen for interior wall cladding in various bath rooms. Here are its main advantages:
    • since lining and eurolining are made from different types of trees, you can always choose exactly the type of wood that you like best;
    • even amateurs do not have a question about how to line a bathhouse from the inside with clapboard: convenient tongue-and-groove locks allow both a novice craftsman and an experienced professional to cope with facing work;
    • clapboard cladding looks very aesthetically pleasing, attracting visitors with its unique wood pattern; the panels allow you to visually align any wall;
    • The technology of laying the boards requires that tiny gaps remain between them; they improve air circulation in the bathhouse, help the walls “breathe,” and prevent condensation.
  3. A wonderful alternative to lining is a block house. Externally similar to natural logs, this material is many times superior in strength and ease of use, does not dry out, does not crack, and does not warp. How to cover a bathhouse with a block house? The same as with regular clapboard. First you will have to build a sheathing (frame), and then use nails, staples or clamps to secure the block house. Be sure to be at right angles to the sheathing.

When choosing a lining or block house for a steam room and other “hot” rooms, you cannot choose coniferous species (except larch).

How else can you line a bathhouse from the inside?

Magnelite tolerates high temperatures, high humidity and is easy to install.

Sometimes the inside of the bathhouse is lined with magnetite. This is acceptable, but far from the best option for interior cladding. It is made of magnesium, fine shavings, binding components and fiberglass mesh. It is believed that even with high temperatures ah magnetite does not release into the air harmful substances. It also has other characteristics that make its operation convenient and safe:

  • tolerates temperature changes calmly, does not burn;
  • easily tolerates any humidity, and does not become saturated with moisture, does not change shape, does not rot or mold;
  • Easy to install and does not require complex or special tools.

Magnelite is an excellent material for covering any bath rooms. However, it is preferable to sheathe the steam room with wood, although each owner independently decides how to sheathe the inside of the steam room or sauna.

How to line the inside of a bathhouse: choice of materials

How to line the inside of a bathhouse to not only create a beautiful aesthetic appearance of the room, but also bring health benefits? What to choose: lining, solid wood or use glass-magnesium sheets?

We line the bathhouse with wooden clapboard from the inside

In construction it is very important that the material is as natural as possible. Wood is the most environmentally friendly of all.. Wood products have a beautiful appearance and have thermal insulation properties. In addition to load-bearing and enclosing structures, wood is also used as a finishing material. Very often the inside of the bathhouse is lined with clapboard. Due to its qualities, wooden lining has found wide application in construction.

Types of lining and classification

The lining is divided by type of wood:

  • Pine. The most common wood for lining. It has a beautiful appearance and low cost. Over time, a pine product begins to darken.
  • Spruce. Northern spruce is used to make the lining. It is more durable and has a beautiful appearance. Just like pine darkens over time.
  • Canadian cedar used for finishing the bath. It is not cheap, but it has excellent technical specifications and beautiful appearance.

  • Oak. Handsome and durable material, easy to process, expensive.
  • Aspen. Beautiful light color. Has thermal insulation properties. Well suited for a bath.
  • Linden. It is very suitable for finishing a bath, because the material does not heat up much and emits a pleasant aroma.
  • Alder. In a room with high temperatures, the material does not heat up. It also hardly dries out or warps.
  • Abash. African oak has high strength and softness. Such wood does not shrink, warp or heat up. Has a beautiful appearance. The cost of abasha is quite high.

Most often, the interior lining of a bathhouse with clapboard is made of hardwood. The temperature in the bathhouse is high and under its influence Coniferous wood releases resins. Hardwoods have virtually no resin compounds, so no resin is released.

The type of wood from which the lining is made is also of great importance. There are 4 main varieties:

  • "Extra"- a product made of wood of the highest grade without a core or flaw.

  • "A"- one live knot, two resin pockets and two blind cracks are allowed per one and a half meters of the length of the product.
  • "IN"- the presence of four knots (up to 2 cm) is not prohibited, two of which must be captive. Two resin pockets are also possible, one and a half meters long for the product.
  • "WITH"- lining classified in this class allows two captive knots with a diameter of 2.5 cm, non-through cracks of no more than 5% of the length, two resin pockets up to 5 cm long and up to 5 mm wide, mechanical damage up to 6% in diameter, a contrasting spot with a diameter of up to 15 cm, as well as other spots and stripes with a total complexity of up to 5% of the entire surface of the product.

Pros and cons of lining

  • Natural and environmentally friendly material that does not emit harmful substances.
  • Beautiful appearance. Depending on the type of wood, the lining has different shades and textures.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.
  • A comfortable indoor microclimate is created.
  • Easy to install.

  • High cost of material.
  • Need for constant care behind the wood.

Methods for attaching lining to the wall

Listed below are the 5 main ways to attach lining to a wall.

A clamp is inserted into the lining, which is attached to the guide rail using a nail, screw or self-tapping screw. A rail is inserted into the groove and each subsequent rail is fastened in the same way. They must be fastened tightly enough so that there are no gaps. If the last row of lining does not fit entirely, and a large gap remains, then the top row must be cut to size and secured along the guides.

First, the panel is marked in the places where the nails will be driven in. Then, at an angle of 45 degrees, the nails are nailed into the edge with the groove. The panel is applied to the wall and then you can drive in nails. After installation, the caps are recessed so that the next panel of the lining easily fits into the groove. After this, the next panel is installed using a similar method.

This installation method cannot be used for thin lining, as it will break off.

Over time, under the influence of high temperatures, the wood may dry out a little, and the locations of the plugs will appear. To prevent this problem, special compounds must be applied over the plugs.

Technology for performing bath lining work

  1. Preparatory work. All internal communications must be laid. The finishing material should already be purchased, unpacked and laid out in a drying room. Also, you need to have all necessary tool, to perform the work efficiently and quickly you will need:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • construction stapler;
  • level;
  • plumb line;
  • painting cord;
  • square;
  • hammer;
  • pendants;
  • fasteners (nails, screws, self-tapping screws, staples, clamps).

Bathhouse lining requires significant funds for the purchase of material and its installation. There is an opportunity to reduce the cost of material. There is no high temperature in the waiting room and high humidity. Therefore, it does not require special finishing conditions. In the dressing room, you can make lining from coniferous wood. The floor does not have to be made of wood, but can be made of ceramic tiles.

In the steam room itself, it is best to cover the ceiling and floor walls with clapboard hardwood. In addition, all lava beds and other auxiliary structures must also be made of such material. This is due to the fact that hardwood does not emit resin and does not heat up under high temperatures, which ensures a comfortable stay in the bathhouse.

Lining the inside of a bathhouse with clapboard: types, pros, cons, technology

The ideal covering for lining the inside of a bathhouse is lining. It looks great in the interior of this room and is easy to install.

Wooden cladding of walls and ceilings in a bathhouse is a traditional finishing option that allows you to accumulate heat in the premises and create an optimal microclimate for bathing procedures and relaxation.

Decorating the inside of a bathhouse with clapboards with your own hands is possible for anyone who has minimal skills in working with tools for wood construction. But at the same time, it is important to strictly follow the work technology at all stages so that the casing does not deform over time and does not lose its functional properties.

Material selection

You can decorate the bathhouse premises with ordinary lining or eurolining, and it is recommended to use eurolining at least for covering the walls and ceiling in the steam room. The advantages of eurolining include:

  • larger size lock connection(the lock is more reliable and easier to install);
  • the presence of vertical slots on the back side (they compensate internal stresses, preventing cracking of the planks, provide ventilation and removal of condensate, protecting the wood from rotting);
  • protective treatment (the wood is pre-treated with products suitable for use in steam rooms).

The interior lining of the bathhouse is carried out using only the highest (elite) or first grade lining - such wood has no defects. If, in order to save money, planks with knots are used, they are placed in areas where contact with human skin is excluded (ceiling, Bottom part walls under shelves).

The choice of wood type depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities, but it is important to select a material from options suitable for use in a bathhouse. These include: traditional linden, aspen, alder, oak, cedar, larch (mainly for the washing department), ash, as well as exotic wood species - abashi, hemlock, etc.

Preparatory stage

The walls in the bathhouse need quality internal insulation. First of all, a roll of waterproofing material is attached to the wall - it is mounted by pressing it with lathing slats.

Between the elements of the sheathing, mats made of non-flammable fiber insulation are laid - they are fastened by surprise, for which the size of the mat should be 2-3 cm greater than the distance between the sheathing slats.

A layer of foil vapor barrier is laid on top of the wool. The canvases are attached with an overlap of 10-12 cm, the joints are taped with aluminum tape. To attach the heat-reflecting vapor barrier film, use a construction stapler.

If mineral wool with a foil coating is used as insulation, installation of a vapor barrier membrane is not required. The mats are attached with the foil side facing the clapboard sheathing.

Narrow 20 mm thick slats are placed along the sheathing - a counter-lattice, thanks to which an air gap will remain between the insulation layer and the sheathing for ventilation.

At the stage of preparation for finishing the bathhouse with clapboard, it is necessary to take care of ventilation - provide appropriate openings near the stove, one at a level of 150-300 mm from flooring, the second is under the ceiling. Air ducts are mounted from corrugated aluminum pipe, valves are installed on the holes to regulate the air flow.

The principle of fastening the casing

The premises are finished from the inside with clapboards in two ways: the planks are placed vertically or horizontally. Each fastening method has its own characteristics:

  • Vertical installation. It is quick and easy to install; condensate easily rolls off through the slots back side slats (but also easily rises through the capillaries of wood), the tongue-and-groove lock is protected from moisture penetration. Due to the vertical arrangement of the slats, it is easier for heated air to circulate inside the steam room.
  • Horizontal laying. When fastened with the tenon facing up, the lock is also protected from moisture; air circulation between the sheathing and insulation is better due to the fact that the sheathing slats are located vertically. With a horizontal lining, if necessary, you can replace water-damaged planks located near the floor without touching the rest of the lining.

Vertical fastening of the lining is suitable for saunas with dry steam, horizontal – more functional for a Russian bath with high humidity. But in general, the choice is determined by personal preferences.

Installation of sheathing

When sheathing the inside of the bathhouse, the first step is to install the sheathing under the lining. For the sheathing frame it is used wooden beam, treated with fire-bioprotective impregnation. Please note: the timber should not be pine or spruce (this wood emits pungent resin odors when heated), the composition for protective treatment a specialized one is selected that does not emit harmful substances at high temperatures.

If the lining will be mounted vertically, the sheathing slats are mounted horizontally; for horizontally directed cladding, a vertical frame is required. The step of fastening the elements is 40-60 cm.

Before the stage of installation of the casing, it is necessary to lay the wiring to the places where the lamps are installed, to the socket for electrical sauna stove etc. The wires are mounted in moisture-proof, non-flammable corrugated casings.

Installation of lining

The interior lining of the bathhouse is carried out using hidden fasteners, because:

  • It is easy to get burned on the open caps of metal fasteners;
  • low-quality hardware rusts when exposed to moisture and stains spoil the appearance of the wood;
  • open fastening (for safety, the caps are recessed into the wood) worsens the appearance of the room.

Clips and small nails are used as hidden fasteners. If you decide to use self-tapping screws, it is recommended to close the holes into which the heads are recessed with wooden plugs, which complicates installation.


When considering how to properly sheathe a bath room, you should pay attention to the order of work. The ceiling is finished first, since the wall planks must rest against the horizontal cladding.

The planks are installed starting from the wall with front door. There should be a gap of 40-50 mm between the ends of the finishing elements and the walls, which is necessary to compensate for the thermal expansion of the wood (the ceiling heats up the most, as hot air rises to it) and for high-quality ventilation between the sheathing and the walls.

The planks are fastened using clamps. The last board is secured using finishing nails without a head, which are driven in using a hammer so as not to damage the wooden plank.

Wall cladding

Installation of the lining begins from one of the corners of the room. The fastening of the boards is standard: the edge of the first board is fixed with hidden nails, the clamps press the edge of the groove to the sheathing, and the ridge of the next element is inserted into the groove.

The upper ends are adjusted to the ceiling point-blank. It is necessary to leave a gap of 20-30 mm between the floor and the wall cladding in the steam room to prevent rotting of the lower part of the cladding. When installing the lining vertically, moisture rises through the capillaries by 40-50 cm, and when installed horizontally - by 20-25 cm.

By finishing the washing compartment from the inside with clapboard, the gap between the floor and the casing is increased to 40-50 mm.

The sheathing in the steam room should not rest against adjacent walls - a gap is required to compensate for the expansion of wood under the influence of temperature and high humidity. Also, the lamellas themselves should not be joined together as tightly as possible, point-blank.

To create the required gap between the slats, the following method is used:

  1. The ridge of the plank is driven into the groove of the previous one until it stops.
  2. Along the seam line sharp object notes are made.
  3. The bar moves a few millimeters relative to the marks.
  4. The verticality of the lamella is checked, after which it can be fixed with clamps.

If you connect the seams of the ceiling and wall cladding, finishing the bathhouse inside with clapboard will look impressive.

Installation of additional elements

The outer and inner corners and baseboards are fastened using finishing nails without heads, which are recessed into the wood. The installation sites of fasteners are sanded with sandpaper so that there are no rough spots left.

The slopes of the doorway can also be sheathed with clapboard, cutting it to size. To frame the openings, platbands made of the same wood as the door are used.

If the bath is installed wooden windows, to design the slopes you can use lining, the gaps between the junction of the wall sheathing and the window opening in this case are closed decorative strips or a strip for lining.

Finishing near the stove in the steam room

Lining is a flammable material and should not be adjacent to a sauna stove. The corner of the stove or part of the wall around the built-in stove is lined with stone or brick, or a sheet metal screen is installed, under which a non-flammable sheet heat insulator is laid.

Also, wooden sheathing should not be allowed to come into contact with the chimney - in the place where the chimney passes through the wall or ceiling, a “coupling” made of non-flammable fiber heat insulator is installed and a metal apron is attached.

Final work

Finishing the inside of a bathhouse with clapboard includes the stage of processing the material with special compounds that prevent wood from rotting and changing color under the influence of external factors.

The steam room and washing room, decorated with wood, and the dressing room are treated with compounds for water based or wax based. The environmental friendliness of protective equipment is important.

Lamps are mounted on the ceiling or walls and covered with decorative wooden gratings. Ventilation holes are equipped with valves - they are also easy to install with your own hands.

Features of shrink finishing

How to line the inside of a bathhouse with clapboards with your own hands if the log house was built recently? For complete shrinkage wooden bath It takes at least 3 years, but I want to start using it as soon as possible. To solve the problem, use special technology installation of sliding inner lining.

When arranging the sheathing frame, sliding guides are used - metal elements in the form of corners with a slot allow the sheathing to move as the frame shrinks. This eliminates the risk of deformation of the inner lining.

A gap of 20-30 mm is left between the ceiling and the wall cladding for shrinkage. The gap is covered with a plinth fixed to the ceiling.

To cover a bathhouse with clapboard without extra financial expenses, it is recommended:

  • apply material different varieties and species - for the dressing room, the requirements for the type of lining are much lower; the use of cheaper coniferous wood, including 2 grades, is allowed;
  • buy lining of different lengths - short slats are cheaper, and where long slats are not required, you can use them;
  • To finish the washing area, use alternative inexpensive finishing options, including PVC panels.

A competent choice of finishing material and adherence to the technology for installing internal cladding make it possible to finish the bathhouse yourself, saving on the involvement of specialists - the services of professionals require an increase in the construction budget.

From time immemorial, not only the Slavs, but also Finnish, Ugric and even nomadic tribes made a considerable contribution to the creation, which over time began to be called “Russian bathhouse”. In those days, the technology was very simple: a massive log house was used, which did not have any insulation inside. In our technological world, this option is not very practical, since it will require a significant amount of firewood and a lot of time to fire the bathhouse. Wood was once the cheapest material - this is no longer the case. A modern bathhouse is easier to sheathe. There is enough information and photos for this. How to do it inexpensively and beautifully? This will be discussed further.

A quick guide to material selection

What sauna lining should I use and is it needed at all? An important question for steam room owners. Let's first figure out what functions it performs. The main task of the cladding is to reduce heat energy consumption and reduce the combustion time from 4 to 1-1.5 hours. Although, perhaps, this does not apply to baths that were competently built using old technologies - from solid timber. In this case, no insulation is required. However, construction costs will be completely different.

So, when choosing a material, first of all, you need to think about the properties it should have. Of course, it must be non-flammable, steam-resistant and, undoubtedly, harmless to your health. Not recommended for cladding interior walls baths are unnatural materials.

The favorite material for interior decoration is lining; a little less often they prefer a block house with a spectacular appearance, or magnetite, which is just developing on the market. What, after all, should you prefer? Let's look at all the options in more detail.


Builders associate lining with beauty, practicality and reasonable cost. High-quality lining partially regulates the air humidity in the steam room, prevents the appearance of fungal mold and condensation, and allows the walls to “breathe.”

Advice. There is a little secret when choosing lining that can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing it. Very often on the building materials market, lining up to 1.5 m long costs much less than 2 m and above. And covering a bathhouse with material of this length is quite simple - you just need to make a strip in the middle.

Most often, lining is preferable for finishing the interior of a bathhouse, since it has a number of undoubted advantages:

  1. Saves heat. Lining significantly reduces heat loss and, accordingly, the amount of firewood (electricity, gas) used.
  2. Gives the room an aesthetic appearance, hiding communications and uneven finishes.
  3. Prevents the formation of dampness.
  4. It lasts a long time.

You should also take the choice of wood for lining seriously, because the level of reliability of the material and the degree of financial costs depend on it.

  • Linden - perfect option for the steam room. The essential oils it produces have a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. It enhances sweating without burning the skin and respiratory tract due to low thermal conductivity.
  • A less costly alternative to linden will be aspen. It draws diseases out of the body and is not susceptible to rotting after prolonged contact with water. This wood is very soft and cuts easily.
  • The best option for shower walls would be larch. It has a positive effect on well-being and increases resistance to infections. And floors made from this wood will be extremely durable and reliable. Even various small rodents and bugs will not be afraid of them.
  • Leader in strength among tree species is undoubtedly white share. It is even stronger than oak and will only get stronger over time. Acacia is not subject to deformation and rotting. Products made from this wood will be very durable and wear-resistant, so acacia is perfect for finishing doors and floors in a steam room.

Choosing a block house

Block house for a bathhouse - the optimal combination of price and quality. This material is so close in its external characteristics to the log house, that it is almost impossible to distinguish a bathhouse lined with a block house from a log one. This material undergoes special drying, so it is not susceptible to deformation or cracks. But periodic (once every few years) bactericidal treatment is still desirable.

There is a classification of block houses according to quality:

  • Class "C" - material Low quality, processed only superficially. Various types of deformations are allowed (cracks, remains of bark, etc.);
  • Class “B” - average quality block house, allowing only a limited number of deformations (small cracks, knots up to 3 cm, etc.);
  • Class “A” - perfectly processed material, without any irregularities (except for small knots - up to 3 cm);
  • "Extra" class - the most high level quality material with perfect surface finish.

For the interior decoration of the bathhouse, a block house of the last two classes is recommended. Deciduous and coniferous wood is used as material for the block house, with the exception of spruce and pine (since they have high thermal conductivity and can cause burns when touched).

Advice. In a steam room, you should never use chipboard or fiberboard, as they release toxins when heated.


A self-confident newcomer to the building materials market is a glass-magnesium sheet. It is made from fine wood chips, magnesium and other components reinforced with fiberglass mesh. This is acceptable, but not the best best material for interior decoration. However, certain advantages of this material cannot be denied:

  1. Insensitive to temperature changes and combustion.
  2. Does not rot and is impervious to moisture
  3. Easy to install.

In this article we have introduced you to possible options decoration of the interior of the bathhouse, starting from natural wood and ending modern materials. Now, knowing the advantages of certain materials, it will be easier for you to make a choice depending on your wishes and financial capabilities.

What not to do when lining a bathhouse: video

How to cover a bathhouse: photo

The Russian bathhouse is not only a place for taking water procedures, but also a recreation area where you can have a good time with your family or just friends.

It doesn’t matter whether it is built from foam blocks or timber, the main thing is the high-quality finishing of the bathhouse inside.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the population asks how to properly decorate the inside of a bathhouse, since modern construction market and renovation firms offer a plentiful variety of options?

Let's try to figure out this nuance and find the most beneficial solution for you.

Some features of the construction process

Before sheathing the inside of the bathhouse, you need to familiarize yourself with some recommendations and installation rules.

  • Firstly, first of all, the area of ​​the entire room (walls, floor and ceiling) is initially measured. This will let you know exact amount required material.
  • Secondly, think over a suitable design in advance so as not to be confused in the future when choosing a particular color shade.
  • Thirdly, bath materials must not only have external beauty and aesthetics, but also not contain any harmful elements or impurities (this mainly applies to paint and varnish products).

Just like any construction process, do-it-yourself interior decoration of a bathhouse requires certain tools, which will allow you to carry out repairs in the most as soon as possible. In this case it is:

  • hacksaw;
  • level;
  • square;
  • pencil or marker;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • lacing;
  • plane;
  • a circular saw.

Finishing the bath inside

The most common finishing material today is lining. Undoubtedly, such an element can be combined with almost any interior.

This accessory is used to cover the rest room (dressing room), the steam room itself, and even the outside walls. Of course, during operation, tinting with a special composition and treatment with an antiseptic are often required. However, despite this, it is the most practical and reliable option in the case under consideration.

And if you also take into account the cost (approximately 200-250 rubles/m2), then you will not find greater savings anywhere.

Let's say your bathhouse measures 5m (length) x 4m (width). Of these, for example, the steam room itself has a size of 3m x 2m (2x2 is the dressing room). The height is about 2 m. Then (excluding openings) the walls of the washing compartment occupy an area of ​​20 m2 (you multiply the width by the length) and the waiting room 16 m2. The ceiling area is also 20 m2. total area equal to about 56 m2. The cost of the lining will cost you 350-400 USD. (plus stock).

The price of a board (for the floor, slats can also be used for lathing) ranges on average from 4.5-6 thousand rubles/cube (for example, a standard 150x50 mm floorboard per cube contains 21-22 pieces, the length of the products is 6 m). In this option with the above dimensions you will have to spend about 10 thousand rubles.

As for the cost of work, construction companies on average charge 250-300 rubles for laying 1 m 2 of lining. This is in addition another 450-500 USD. IN total amount you will spend about 35-40 thousand, and this does not take into account benches and shelves.

But this is a small room, but what if the dimensions are significant, but the required amount is not at hand? Don’t worry, lining the inside of a bathhouse is completely doable with your own hands, the main thing is to follow certain recommendations and know at least superficially the technology of the construction process. In addition to significant savings in this case, you will be confident in quality work, because you build for yourself.

If you are still thinking about the material for building a bathhouse, then, of course, the best option there will be a tree. If you have a sufficient budget, it’s worth considering environmentally friendly and durable cedar baths; if you have a more modest budget, consider spruce or pine baths.

Do-it-yourself bathhouse decoration

    • Finishing should begin with wood processing. This includes logs (if the walls are not made of stone) and the material itself. The composition can be applied with a regular brush.
    • Next, alignment is performed. Those. fill the rail from one end and the other (no matter the ceiling or wall) using a plumb line or level. Then you tighten the lacing and fasten the rest of the sheathing along it. For these purposes, slats of 20x40 mm are used, the pitch between them is 0.5-1 m. Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws and nails.

  • Then you perform insulation. Availability can be applied here mineral wool in aluminum foil. The material itself is attached using twine and a stapler (you can also use slats).
  • Polyethylene film is not recommended, as it is subject to deformation under the influence of high temperatures and will soon become unusable. The same applies to polystyrene foam, which can simply become damp and cease to serve as thermal insulation.
  • Next comes the turn of the lining. The panels can be mounted vertically, horizontally and even diagonally.
  • The products are inserted into special grooves and, for greater strength, nailed with stainless steel nails or screwed with self-tapping screws.

At the same time, keep in mind that if the fasteners are horizontal or vertical, do not forget to check the evenness using a level (plumb line). In practice, this will not cause any problems; installation will be relatively easy.

As for the steam room, the floors in it can be either made of boards or with tiles. In the part of the room where the stove is located, do not place any flammable objects nearby (this mainly concerns wooden products, including boards).

  • Do not use for decoration metal elements(mounts, holders), since you can get burned on them in a steam room.
  • Shelves and benches can be either adjustable or stationary. They are attached to the wall without window openings. At the same time, there should be at least 120 cm from the ceiling to the top shelf (do you need to sit?).
  • At the same time, the shelves are made with different sizes(for example, the bottom is about 50 cm, the middle is 100 cm, the top is about 1.5 m), as this is more convenient.
  • Do not use linoleum, chipboard (fibreboard) or plastic during installation.

To ensure an optimal and long-lasting microclimate in the bathhouse, adhere to certain criteria:

  • do not install large window openings to avoid heat loss;
  • turn on dim light, this helps you relax as much as possible;
  • It is not recommended to insulate floors, since constant drainage of water will not be able to completely escape. This will damage the wood;
  • paint should not be used, as toxic substances will be released at high temperatures;
  • It is advisable to mount the sheathing, or rather boards (lining), vertically so that steam (and, as a result, water) does not linger on the walls.

And with the money you save, you can purchase some bath accessories, for example, a water barrel or a shower head. Good luck with the renovation!