Dimensions and calculation of metal tile sheets: rules and examples. Online calculator for calculating metal roof tiles - calculate the exact amount of material How to calculate metal tiles

If, of all the roofing materials, you have chosen metal tiles, then the first question that will arise is how much metal tiles you need to purchase. This is logical, because before starting work on roof cladding, you must purchase the required amount of metal tiles. This is not as difficult to do as it seems. You only need to follow some rules, know the area of ​​the roof itself, as well as the dimensions of each sheet. Having all this data, you can easily calculate how many tiles you will need to cover your home. This is exactly what we will do.

You will learn how to correctly calculate metal tiles for a roof so that there are no extra parts left or you don’t have to go for additional consumables.

Rules for calculating metal roofing tiles

Metal tiles are a convenient and practical type of roofing. The good news is that she is easy to work with. The profiles themselves are large, so installation is quite easy. I would like to say right away that product manufacturers make metal tiles standard sizes. They can be divided into two types:

  • overall length and width;
  • useful (working) length and width.

General indicators are the distance from one edge of the metal tile to the other. The minimum length is 40 cm, the maximum is 8 m. The width of the metal tile is from 1.16 to 1.19 m. But, since in practice the parts are overlapped, a working length and width are required. This distance does not include overlap. Typically, the vertical overlap is from 10 to 15 cm. The horizontal overlap is 6 or 8 mm. It turns out that the useful width is 1.11 m. But, if the roof has a slope of less than 8 m, then you can use one large sheet rather than joining several vertical position. So, knowing the working width, you can perform the correct calculation. Let's look at everything with an example.

Determining the quantity

To do the calculations you must have a calculator. If you do not know the width and length of the roof slope, then it needs to be measured. After all, the sheets of metal tiles will be attached from the ridge to the edge of the slope, so the length of the material will be almost identical to the slope from top to bottom. There will only be 5 cm left for the overhang. It is easy to take measurements when the roof structure is simple, for example, gable or shed. If the option is more complicated, it is better to invite a professional measurer who will do all the work.

Pay attention! Metal tiles are a specific coating. It's not symmetrical. What does it mean? And the fact is that the profile can only be laid in one direction during the installation process. You cannot turn it 180˚ and use it in that position. In this regard, when working on a complex roof, there will be more waste of metal tiles. This is important to consider when purchasing.

What is required for calculations? You must figure out how many rows will fit on one roof slope. It's not that difficult. Then, all that remains is to find out the number of profiles in one row. And then everything is generally simple. At first glance, it may seem that calculating the quantity is difficult and time-consuming, but this is not so. It’s better to do everything in advance so you don’t regret it later.

We count the number of rows on the roof slope

All you need is the width of the slope and the working width of the profile. The total width of the slope is divided by the working width of the profile, and the finished figure is rounded up. Let's say you measured the roof along the ridge, and you got 10 m. And you also know that the working width of the profile sheet is 1.1 m.

Pay attention! Each manufacturer indicates the working width and length of the material in the instructions for their product.

How many rows will there be then? 10÷1.1 = 9.09. It becomes clear that for your roof, 10 m long, you will need 9 rows of metal tiles, the working width of which is 1.1 m. We found out the first indicator. Now let's move on to the number of profiles in the rows.

Number of metal tiles in one row and their length

To find out, calculate the length of one roof element and the length of the overhang. We talked about the fact that they range from 40 cm to 8 m. It is very good to work with long sheets, since they leave a minimum of waste. But, they are extremely problematic both to deliver to the site and to the roof. That's why the best option It is generally accepted that the size of one profile is from 4 to 4.5 m. They are simple and convenient to work with, delivery can be carried out by ordinary transport, and it will be more difficult to damage the material.

So, by calculating the size of the overhang from the eaves to the ridge, you got, for example, 6 m. Now, knowing the dimensions of the metal tiles, you can find out their number in one row and, most importantly, the size of each profile. For 6 m, laying one profile will be problematic. You need to use two. Now we find out the required size of the first and second sheets. You need to use the formula: X=A+B+C, where A is our length of the slope, B is the overhang at the eaves, C is the vertical overlap of the metal tile. Typically, the overhang of the eaves is 5 cm, and the vertical overlap is at least 15 cm. If the roof is small and only one sheet will be used, then the C number is not taken into account. If there are 3 of them, then two overlaps of 15 cm are considered.

For our sizes use 3 pcs. irrational. Two profiles are enough, in which the length of the bottom sheet is a multiple of the wave pitch of the metal tile. In this case, 15 cm is added for the overlap and 5 cm. So, the total length of the slope with overlap and cornice will be: 6 + 0.15 + 0.05 = 6.2 m. The lower profile will have a size equal to the wave pitch. Often it is a multiple of 35 cm. You calculate your figure indicated by the manufacturer. Add an overlap to it. It turns out that the size of the lower profile can be as follows:

  • 35×2+15= 85 cm;
  • 35×3+15=120 cm;
  • 35×4+15=155 cm.

The list goes on. But, if we bring it closer to our indicators, we get the possible length of the lower element: 190 cm, 225 cm, 330 cm. Now we need to calculate average length roofs. The total figure with overlap and cornice was 6.2 m. To find out the average, divide it in half. 6.2÷2=3.1 m. From the calculations we carried out above, the ideal size for the lower profile would be 330 cm (3.1 m). This number is a multiple of the wave pitch of the metal tile. So, we found out that the lower element will have a length of 3.3 m. And to find out the indicators of the second (upper), you need: 6.2–3.3 = 2.9 m. That’s all. As a result: for your roof slope of 6 m, you will need to lay 2 sheets of metal tiles, one of which is the bottom one, has a size of 3.3 m, and the second one, the top one, has a size of 2.9 m.

Total amount of metal tiles per roof slope

We shook our heads a little, now we can summarize what we have learned. For a roof measuring 10x6 m, you will need 9 rows of metal tiles, each containing 2 sheets (3.3 and 2.9 m). Their total number is 18 pieces. Nine of them are 3.3 m each and nine are 2.9 m each. But these are consumables only for one side. If the covering is gable, then twice as much will be required.

Pay attention! You should not take the goods end-to-end. It's better to take 10% more as a reserve.

We count additional elements and fasteners

In addition to the sheets themselves, you will need to purchase the following components:

  1. Figured horse.
  2. End strip.
  3. Cornice strip.
  4. Snow holders.
  5. Lower and upper valley.
  6. Junction strip.

Additional elements are produced in a standard length of 2 m. We already know the width of the cornice, it is 10 m. Therefore, we will need exactly 5 planks for it. But, during installation, it is necessary to make an overlap, which for the cornice is 10 cm, and for the valley - 30 cm. Other additional parts are calculated using exactly the same scheme. It is important to know only the indicators (ridge, valley, end) and divide it by the length of the additional element.

In addition, you cannot do without fasteners. Sheets of metal tiles are fixed with special self-tapping screws with a washer head and seals. Due to the fact that the color of the caps is the same as the color of the material, they are not too visible. How can you find out their number? Eat average, which is 7 screws per 1 m 2 of roofing. All you need to find out is the area of ​​the roof slope. The area formula is quite simple: S=a×b. Since we have a gable roof, the formula will look like this: S=(a×b) 2. For example, let’s take all the same indicators 10×6 m. S=(10×6) 2 =120 m 2. If 1 m2 requires 7 self-tapping screws, then 120 will require exactly 840 pieces. We just multiplied total area by the number of screws. Now all that remains is to go to the store and buy them. One package has 250 pcs. How many packages should I buy then? 840÷250=3.36. You'll have to buy 4 packs to have extra. If this is a lot and you can buy separately, then buy 3 packs exactly and 90 pcs. apart.

If we talk about the installation of additional parts, then to fix them for 1 m you will need 6 self-tapping screws. They are sold in 100 pieces. in a pack. All this is calculated individually according to the same scheme.

Let's sum it up

Before starting to install the coating, any developer will first sit down and count the number of parts consumed and find out the cost of the finished coating. This is a very important stage. It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “Measure twice, cut once.” After all, without knowing exactly how many consumables you will need, you will not be able to complete the installation. But buying everything by eye is very stupid. It’s good if there aren’t enough metal tiles. You can go and buy the missing number at any time. When there is an excess of it, then it is money wasted. Therefore, use the tips from this article and find out the required amount of metal tiles. Then all the work will go smoothly and without any problems.

When laying a roof, it is important to correctly calculate required quantity roofing material. Especially if a metal roof is used. The calculation of metal tiles for the roof, unlike other covering materials, has some characteristic features, which may cause some problems. Therefore, you need to be able to correctly calculate the required amount of coverage for your home.

The main features of the dimensions of metal tiles

Before using this material for installation, you should pay attention to main feature– wave inhomogeneity. The entire length of the wave has differences, smooth increases and decreases, which do not allow one to determine the exact length of the sheet.

However, wave heterogeneity has an effect only indirectly during overlap. It follows from this that the usable area depends on the shape of the material.

Important! It is worth highlighting the main feature metal roofing, which concerns its dimensions, especially length. Whatever the length, it is always a multiple of 5 mm, and the sheet itself can have a length from 80 to 800 cm.

The most popular are segments with the following length dimensions - 362 and 363 centimeters, 222 and 223 cm. The overlap of these segments is 12 and 13 centimeters. It is also worth paying attention to the common width sizes of this material - 116, 118, 119 centimeters. The overlap of this group of sizes is 9.8.6 centimeters.

How to calculate area

A standard hip roof, which has four end slopes, is usually made of metal tiles, but before equipping it, it is worth determining in advance the required amount of roofing. Usually its quantity is laid down at the stage of design and estimate documentation.

The calculation of a metal tile roof can be done independently or using a special online calculator. If you use an online calculator, then using it you can determine not only the required amount of material, but also calculate the cost of all the necessary products.

But it is worth noting that the roofing calculator can be used to the following types designs:

  • For pitched roof;
  • For a gable roof with equal or different slopes;
  • For three-slope;
  • For hipped roof from metal tiles;
  • For a multi-slope roof;
  • To cover mansard type;
  • For a hip roof with identical slopes (hip roof made of metal tiles).

The calculation of the amount of metal tiles is carried out taking into account the following requirements:

  1. Before calculating the required material, it is worth assessing the entire scope of the work being carried out. This can be done even without taking into account the dimensions of the sheets that will be purchased for covering;
  2. Regardless of what the house will be covered with - a cold roof or a warm roof made of metal tiles, it is necessary to measure the length of the slopes;
  3. Next, measure the width of the slopes from the ridge to the overhang of the eaves;
  4. For a cold roof, hip, attic, it is necessary to take measurements of the ribs;
  5. After this, it is worth finding out what shape the future roof will be, namely what type of geometric figure will be used when constructing the covering - triangle, trapezoid, rectangle.

The roof is often arranged in the form of a triangular or rectangular shape, in rare cases it is made in the form of trapezoids. But regardless of this, you need to know the formula for calculating the coverage area.

Formulas for different types roofs:

  • For rectangular shapes the formula is used - S=LW, where L is the length, W is the width of the slope$
  • For a trapezoidal covering, a slightly different calculation formula is used - S=h(A+B)/2, where A is the length of the overhang, B is the length of the ridge, and h is the distance between the overhang and the ridge;
  • For triangular ones, the following formula is used: S=ab/2, where a and b are the legs.

Determining the number of sheets

Important! Regardless of what type of roof it is - gable, hipped, tri-sloped, it is necessary to correctly calculate the required amount of material. Its calculations can be done online in a calculator using the necessary formulas.

The main thing is to know the dimensions of the future coating; using these indicators you can easily calculate the amount of metal tiles. The thing is that initially you have to deal with a rectangle, which later takes on the appearance of the required shape.

Therefore on initial stage you can use the formula for a rectangular roof. Next, the resulting area must be previously divided by the dimensions of the sheet and metal tile calculations performed online using a calculator. The resulting dimensions can be used to purchase required product. It is advisable to add another 5-10% to the size.

The popularity of metal tiles is explained by its aesthetics, reliability and ease of installation. The purchase of the required amount of material is carried out after careful calculation.

Principles for calculating metal roofing tiles

To understand how to calculate a metal tile roof, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main principles of this process. The accompanying technical documentation usually contains an indication of the total and usable width of the products. The usable area indicator is usually given as 1.11 m. When calculating metal tiles for a roof, namely vertical rows of this material, the maximum width of the slope is divided by the parameter of the working width of the sheet. The result obtained is rounded upward. In this case, it is possible to lay the sheets overlapping.

Next, the length of the vertical row and how many sheets are required in total are calculated. This involves adding the length of the slopes (the distance between the cornice and the ridge, between the lower and upper points), the size of the overhang from the cornice and the size of the overlap. The size of the eaves overhang is generally taken to be 40-50 mm: this indicator is directly affected by the thickness of the metal sheet used to make metal tiles. Also, the size of the overhang depends on the rigidity of the profile.

Importance eaves overhang quite large, since it prevents the influence of atmospheric moisture on the internal cavities of the roof. In addition, areas where the roof meets the walls of the building require protection. The size of the vertical overlap is usually in the range of 150-250 mm: this is influenced by the characteristics of the material and the degree of roof slope. It is selected before calculating the required amount of material.

On roofs with a slight slope, additional waterproofing and the use of a more durable finishing coating will be required: in this case, there is an increase in operational loads on the structure. This is mainly achieved due to the greatest overlap during installation sheet material. In general, the vertical overlap parameter is directly dependent on the angle of inclination (its minimum value is 120 mm).

Ways to reduce waste

When calculating metal tiles for the roof, rounding is carried out accurate results. The resulting difference between the actual and rounded size indicates the material that will go to waste. If the task is how to calculate metal tiles for ready-made slopes, then their actual dimensions are taken into account. Carrying out calculations even before the roof is built makes it possible to correct the roof slopes, which significantly reduces the amount of waste. In the case of rectangular roofs, this is achieved by increasing the size of the sheathing, which protrudes beyond the gables. Adjustment of the hip roof is carried out by changing the slope angle of the triangular hips.

Before you calculate the metal tiles, you must take into account the width of the ridge. If it has wide blades (16.5 cm), this makes it possible to reliably cover the gap from the roofing sheet to the ridge. In this way, situations are resolved when the sheet is 3-5 cm shorter than required by the drawing. Increasing or decreasing the slope can also be achieved by changing the protrusions of the fillies beyond the edges: this is the name of the boards used to lengthen the rafter legs and arrange the overhang. On hip roofs, when moving the fillies beyond the edges of the walls, an identical distance should be observed.

Calculation of the number and length of sheets

Often, when purchasing roofing material, it is possible to cut sheets according to required sizes. In this case, vertical overlaps can be avoided, since the length of the sheet will include both the length of the slope and the amount of protrusion of the eaves overhang. To implement this method, in place construction work a surveyor is called. The length of the sheets can vary between 70-800 cm.

The advantages of cutting sheets of metal tiles to order are the maximum reduction in the percentage of material waste and the improvement of the technical performance of the roofing cake.

There are also disadvantages to this method:

  1. Storage is very long sheets causes additional difficulties. Standard products are much more convenient in this regard.
  2. Sheets over 4.5 m are quite difficult to lay: this concerns both their lifting and proper fastening. The most convenient material in this regard is 4-4.5 m long.

How to calculate roofing material correctly

Calculation of the amount of metal tiles per pitched roof rectangular type is carried out in several stages:

  1. The length of each slope is measured.
  2. The result obtained is summed up with the size of the overhang.
  3. They measure the skate.
  4. The number of rows is calculated, taking into account the width of the slope: to do this, it must be divided by the parameter of the working width of the sheets. The result obtained is rounded upward.
  5. When calculating the number of sheets along the length, vertical overlaps are taken into account. In case of asymmetry of the slopes, each of them is calculated separately, and the results obtained are summed up.

Regarding sloping roof, then each of its planes will have to be calculated separately. You need to understand how to calculate the roofing material correctly. In general, if there are complex shapes, a special program will help you calculate the amount of metal tiles for the roof. When doing manual calculations, it is recommended to use graph paper, with obligatory adherence to the scale and taking into account the necessary transverse and longitudinal overlaps.

Complex slopes most often have a triangular or trapezoidal shape: the presence of drawing calculations in this case is required. When calculating sheets of metal tiles for the roof yourself, it is important to follow general rule, according to which the total area of ​​the material is always greater than the total area of ​​the roof slopes of complex shape by 18-20%.

How to calculate additional and fastening elements

Along with the roofing material, when arranging the roof you will need some additional elements:

  • Horse.
  • Wind, adjoining and end strip.
  • Endova.
  • Dropper.
  • Snow retainer bar.

Additional elements have a standard length of 2 m. When calculating their exact number, the sections of the roof where they will be installed are measured. At the same time, ridges, cornice and wind strips have an overlap of 100 mm, and valleys - 300 mm. The length of the skate is divided by 1.9, followed by rounding the result upward. Other additional elements are calculated in the same way.

When studying the question of how to calculate metal tiles for a roof, it is also important to remember about fasteners. It is necessary to perform this, taking into account both sheets of material and additional components. We are talking about 4.8x35 mm or 4.8x29 mm self-tapping screws. Typically, when using metal tiles, 7 screws are required for every 1 m2: one package contains 250 pcs. Additional elements are fastened with 4.8x70 mm self-tapping screws, 6 pieces for each element. There are 100 of these fasteners in one package.

After choosing a roof, everyone wants to estimate the budget required to purchase roofing material. To do this, you need to know the dimensions of the roof and be able to correctly calculate the optimal number of sheets of metal tiles. For a simple design, you can easily do it yourself.

Standard or custom metal tile sheets?

Many people do not know that sheets can be ordered in almost any length (usually from 0.5 to 6 m), and not just standard sizes.

Standard sizes of metal tile sheets of the most popular profile "Monterrey": 0.5 m; 1.15m; 2.25m and 3.65m. The lengths correspond to one-, three-, six- and ten-wave sheets.

Fig. 1: difference between standard and custom metal tile sheets

This fact allows you to purchase a roof with maximum number useful area and, of course, save on purchase. Suppose (Fig. 1), we have a slope length of 6.5 m and we want to cover it vertically with two sheets. In this case, custom-made sheets will be 3.65m and 3m long (where 15cm is the overlap of the sheets). In case standard sheets we will get two modules of 3.65 meters each, i.e. extra 65 cm from each sheet of metal tile.

When ordering sheets of metal tiles to fit the roof size, take into account the vertical overlap of approximately 15 cm.

Calculation of additional finishing elements

Let’s immediately give an example of an image that shows all necessary elements metal tile finishing:

Metal tile components

The presented elements are used not only as components for metal tiles, but are also used in other roofing materials, having slight differences in shape.

The elements have a standard factory length of 2 meters. Since for greater tightness they are stacked on top of each other by about 10 cm, we will use the general formula to calculate them.

Quantity of a certain additional element for the roof = L/1.9. Where L is the total length that needs to be closed, 1.9 m is the useful length of the standard element. The resulting result is rounded up.

Example. Let's assume the length of the roof along the ridge is 7 meters. Then the number of skate slats will be 7/1.9=4. In a similar way, we independently calculate other metal tile finishing elements.

Number of screws for fastening metal tiles

A necessary element of any metal profiled roof is fasteners, thanks to which the material is securely held on the sheathing. For metal tiles they are used special screws with a special rubberized washer. The most commonly used sizes are 4.8x28 and 4.8x35 mm, where the first value is the diameter, and the second is the length of the fastener. The average consumption of such screws is from 6 to 8 pieces per square meter roofing covering. Typically, fasteners are supplied in multiples of packaging. The average number of such screws per package is 250 pcs.

Scheme for fastening self-tapping screws for metal tiles

The metal tile sheets are fastened together with 4.8x19 mm self-tapping screws at the top of the wave approximately 20-25 cm apart. They are packaged in multiples of 250 pcs.

To fasten additional elements (ridge, wind strip, upper valley and abutment strip), a 4.8x50 or 4.8x70mm self-tapping screw is used, also installed at intervals of 20-25 cm. Quantity per package - 100 pcs.

Calculation of metal tiles for rectangular slopes

There are many online services according to the calculation of metal tile sheets, but they, as a rule, do not take into account the dimensions of the sheet and, as a result, give the total roof area, which may differ significantly from the correct one. We need to know the exact number of sheets and their length. To calculate the material, it is necessary to “decompose” the roof into separate slopes, representing various geometric shapes. In most cases, the roof consists of slopes in the shape of rectangles, triangles and trapezoids. Let's start by calculating a rectangular slope.

To begin with, we clarify the full and usable width (taking into account the interlocking ceiling) of the metal tile sheet. The Monterrey profile has a total width of 1.18 or 1.19 m. Useful is almost always equal to 1.1 m.

Fig. 2: calculation of metal tiles for a rectangular roof slope

In the case of a gable roof, we have two rectangular slopes. Let's assume that each of them measures 9.5 x 6.5 m (see figure). Based on the calculation of the useful and full width of the metal tiles being 1.1 and 1.18 m, respectively, we get 8 full sheets of 3.65 m each and the same amount of 3 m in length. The width of the overlap will be 8.88 m. We perform similar calculations for another slope. The uncovered area of ​​the roof can be covered by cutting the sheets (3.65 and 3 m) lengthwise into 2 equal parts. As a result, for a given roof size you will need 16 sheets of metal tiles 3.65 m long and the same number of three-meter sheets. The area of ​​the roofing material will be: (3.65m + 3m) x 1.18m x 16 = 125.55m² (formula for calculating the area of ​​a rectangle S=a*b). Rectangular slopes have the least amount of metal tile waste!

Please note that the area of ​​metal tiles will always be larger than the area of ​​the roof due to the longitudinal and transverse overlaps of the roofing sheets.

In a similar way, you can find out the number of sheets not only for a gable, but also mansard roof(broken line) having 4 rectangular slopes.

Calculations of metal tiles for a complex roof

WITH gable roof everything is quite simple. But what if you have to rely on a hip or hip roof? The first consists of two triangles and two trapezoids. In the second option - only triangles (see the article "roof shapes"). Such complex roofs will require more roofing material because the corners of the metal tiles will need to be cut off. For more accurate calculations, specialized programs are needed, for example, "Roofing Pro".

An example of calculating metal tiles in the "Roofing Pro" program

The program allows you to determine the number and length of roofing sheets for a roof of any complexity, as well as add the necessary cutouts in the slopes.

Metal shingles have a reputation for being a modern, sophisticated and easy-to-install roofing solution. Before attaching this material, they must carry out calculations, taking into account the size of one sheet, the shape of the roofs, the spacing of the sheathing and some other nuances.

Calculation of metal roof tiles

There will be no doubt about the quality of installation of a metal tile roof if you determine in advance the optimal sheet size and calculate how many self-tapping screws are required. When calculating the amount of metal tiles, pay attention to the shape of the roof, which can be not only single or gable, but also complex, for example, hip.

Metal tile sheet sizes

The width and length, and therefore the sheet area of ​​metal tiles, are conventionally divided into two types: full and useful. The first type is understood as the value that is measured from one edge to the other of the product, and the second type is the size without taking into account those centimeters that are lost when creating overlaps.

When purchasing material, it is the useful width and length that are taken into account. In other words, the calculated amount of construction raw materials is rounded up.

The usable width is the width excluding overlaps.

The length of the metal tile sheet varies from 40 cm to 8 m, and the width is between 116 and 119 cm. For the length of the product in the transverse direction special attention don't pay attention. The length of the tile sheet is much more important. Optimal size- 4.5 m.

A smart builder will prefer to use sheets whose length corresponds to the distance from the ridge to the roof eaves. He will abandon this idea only if the ridge board is located too far from the top edge of the walls. Still, lifting sheets 6–8 m long to the top of the house is a very difficult task. In addition, huge pieces of material during lifting to the roof can severely scratch the walls.

When the dimensions of the roof do not allow covering it with one sheet of metal tiles from the eaves to the ridge, they buy material longer than necessary, and simply cut off the extra centimeters. Short sheets are not accepted: they will have to be mounted with an overlap, which will lead to a significant waste of material and stupid waste.

Calculation of self-tapping screws for fastening metal tiles

When installing metal tiles, self-tapping screws are used different sizes:

  • 4.8x35 mm or 4.8x20 mm (for fixing the material on a wooden sheathing);
  • 4.8x20 mm (for connecting the edges of sheets in geometrically complex roof areas);
  • 4.8x50 mm or 4.8x70 mm (for places where the material needs to be secured especially tightly).

What the consumption of self-tapping screws will be should be determined in advance, taking into account several nuances:

  • fasteners are inserted into all places where bottom part waves of material come into contact with the sheathing;
  • near the ridge beam, self-tapping screws are immersed in each wave of material;
  • at intermediate stages, fasteners are twisted into sheets through a wave;
  • when creating an overlap, the screws are placed at a distance of a meter from each other along the sheathing.

Fasteners are inserted into metal tiles often only in the area of ​​the eaves and ridge

Fasteners inserted into the material at small intervals will soon cause roof leaks. And self-tapping screws, rarely used, will not be able to hold the metal sheets in place, which will lead to serious deformation of the roof.

Usually, 7 screws are enough to fasten 1 m² of metal tiles, under which the sheathing is installed with an average pitch of 50 cm. True, this rule only works when constructing a roof of a simple configuration. As the shape of the roof becomes more complex, the required number of fasteners increases.

To determine exactly how many self-tapping screws measuring 4.8x35 mm, 4.8x20 mm and 4.8x50 mm will be needed to install a metal tile roof, you should know the following parameters:

  • approximate consumption of screws per 1 m²;
  • roof area;
  • section of the sheathing board;
  • slope length;
  • width of the slope;
  • required number of sheets of material.

This is what the diagram looks like for fastening 4 sheets of material laid out in two rows with self-tapping screws

Using a self-drawn diagram for attaching metal tiles to self-tapping screws, let’s try to perform the calculations. Let's imagine that we need to fix the material on a roof with an area of ​​150 m², boards with a cross-section of 30x150 m are used as lathing, the length of the slope is 7.75 m, the width is 10.2 m, and 40 sheets of metal tiles were purchased for the roof installation. Now let's complete the following tasks:

  1. Let's find the required number of fasteners measuring 4.8x20 mm. As the diagram shows, each side joint requires 21 self-tapping screws. It turns out that for all 18 seams that will appear when joining the sheets, you will need 378 fasteners 20 mm long.
  2. Let's determine how many 4.8x35 mm self-tapping screws you need to buy - fasteners for inter-row joints. According to the rules, each seam formed as a result of combining two rows of material is fixed with 6 self-tapping screws. On a roof with an area of ​​150 m² there are 20 such joints, which means that for installation work at the inter-row junction it is necessary to purchase 120 fasteners 3.5 cm long.
  3. Let's calculate how many fasteners measuring 4.8x35 mm will be needed to work in the ridge area and on the cornice. In these areas, one sheet of metal tile is fixed with three self-tapping screws. Consequently, on a roof where 40 sheets are planned to be placed, 120 fasteners will have to be used in the ridge and eaves area.
  4. Let's find the number of 4.8x35 mm fasteners required for installing metal tiles on the sides of the roof. At one end, 22 self-tapping screws are usually used. It turns out that during the work process, 88 fasteners will be needed at the 4 ends of the gable roof.
  5. Let's find out how many 3.5 cm long screws will need to be screwed into the central part of the metal tile sheets. Once 5 fasteners are inserted into the middle of one piece of material according to the rules, it turns out that 200 screws will have to be used for all 40 sheets. If we take into account all previous cases of using fastening elements measuring 4.8x35 mm, the following becomes clear: before installing metal tiles, you need to purchase about 550 screws (with a reserve).
  6. Let's determine how many fasteners with a diameter of 4.8 mm and a length of 5 cm need to be purchased. Taking into account the wavelength of the roofing material and the degree of reliability of fastening in the area of ​​the ends, ridge and cornice, we decide to purchase at least 360 screws.

If we add up all the results obtained, it turns out that to install metal tiles on the roof we need to prepare about 1,300 screws.

Number of sheets of metal tiles for roofing with one and two slopes

To find out how many sheets of metal tiles will have to cover the roof in one slope, use certain data:

  • nominal and useful width and length of one sheet of material;
  • length and width of the roof slope;
  • overlap dimensions in width and length.

The overlap of sheets in length is usually 10, 15 or 20 cm. And the size of the overlap of the edges of the material on each other in width is determined by the useful width of the product. If nominal parameter the sheet is 1.1 m, and the useful one is 1.1 m, then the overlap in width will be the difference between these values ​​(0.08 m).

The largest overlap of sheets in length is 20 cm
  1. We multiply the width of the slope by the length and find out that the roof area is 90 m².
  2. We divide the width of the slope by the useful width of the metal tile sheet and get the number of rows along the width of the roof (9/1.1=8).
  3. To the length of the roof slope we add the dimensions of the overlaps and the distance by which the rafters extend beyond the walls, as a result of which we find the total length of the slope (10+0.3 (2 overlaps of 0.15 each) +0.1=10.4).
  4. We divide the full length of the slope by the useful length of the sheet to determine how many pieces of material one row along the length of the roof will consist of (10.4/3.5 = 3).
  5. We multiply the number of rows along the length of the roof by the number of rows along the width, that is, we find out how many sheets of material will be used in the construction of the roof (3x8 = 24).

Judging by our calculations, 24 sheets will need to be fixed on a roof with an area of ​​90 m².

If you need to determine the amount of metal tiles for the construction of a gable roof, then the calculations will be exactly the same. True, one more action will be added to them - multiplication by 2.

Exceptions can only be in situations where the roof slopes are not the same. In this situation, for each slope the amount of material is calculated separately.

Calculation of metal tiles for a hip roof

When the roof is hip, that is, it has four slopes, in order to find out the required amount of metal tiles, the structure is conventionally divided into sections (two isosceles triangle and two trapezoids). Next, the calculation is carried out in several stages:

Video: how to calculate the amount of metal tiles for a roof

Metal tile calculator

  1. Select roof type.
  2. Note whether the roof will be insulated.
  3. Specify the width and length of the slopes.
  4. Check whether the soffit needs to be calculated.
  5. Specify the type of soffit.
  6. Write down the width of the cornice in the cell.
  7. Specify the width of the front board.
  8. Select material.

Calculation of sheathing for metal tiles

Before calculating the amount of material for the construction of the sheathing, do the following:

  • use a tape measure to measure the width and length of the slopes;
  • determine how much the sheathing will extend beyond the cornice;
  • take into account the cost of windshields;
  • decide what the basis will be roofing material- solid or sparse.

On the left is a sparse sheathing for metal tiles, and on the right is a solid one

Consumption edged boards the construction of a continuous sheathing can be determined without unnecessary hassle. Let's assume that the roof area is 80 m², and for the construction of the base for the finishing coating, boards measuring 0.15x6 m and 25 mm thick were purchased. In this situation, the calculation will look like this:

  1. 0.15 m x 6 m = 0.9 m² (area of ​​one board).
  2. 80 m² / 0.9 m² = 89 pcs. (required number of boards).
  3. 0.15 m x 0.025 m x 6 m = 0.0225 m³ (volume of 1 board).
  4. 89 pcs. x 0.0225 m³ = 2.0025 m³ (cubic capacity of all necessary boards).

When the sheathing is sparse, calculations are carried out taking into account the selected distance between the boards. Let's say the material is to be laid out every 35 cm on a roof with an area of ​​80 m², the width of the slopes is 8 m and the length is 5 m. Then the calculation will consist of 5 steps:

  1. 5/0.35 = 14 pcs. (number of boards on one slope).
  2. 14*8 = 112 m.p. (total planking of boards on one slope).
  3. 112 m.p.*2 = 224 m.p. (total molding of boards on two slopes).
  4. 224 m. p. /6 = 37 pcs. (number of six-meter boards).
  5. 37*0.0225 = 0.8325 cubic meters. (total volume of lumber for sheathing).

It is easy to calculate what the consumption of metal tiles for the roof and sheathing boards under it will be if you know such data as the area of ​​the roof and the dimensions of the materials used. By the way, so that independent calculations allow you to build a roof without problems, the numbers obtained during the calculations should be rounded up.