Brick wall in an apartment. Imitation brick for interior decoration: panels, tiles, interesting DIY options. How to create a bare brick wall in the interior: photos of premises and recommendations

When carrying out renovations, everyone wants to add a decorative element to their apartment that will distinguish their home from a series of monotonous and boring rooms. One such option is to decorate the walls with decorative bricks, which makes the surrounding space lively and cozy.

Many people think that a do-it-yourself brick wall can only be realized experienced builder, and such repairs will cost a pretty penny. Our material is intended to prove the groundlessness of such misconceptions, so today we will talk about how to create an imitation brick in your room and what you will need for this.

Necessary tool

The list of necessary means at hand depends on the method by which we plan to decorate the walls with brick in the interior, but we will certainly need:

  • Container for preparing the solution;
  • Drill with a nozzle for stirring it;
  • Scotch;
  • A set of spatulas, you will need both wide and narrow ones;
  • Provilo;
  • Painting cord for placing beacons so that the resulting wall is smooth and beautiful;
  • Oilcloth and various rags - this type repairs generate quite a lot of dirt.
  • Plaster and paint, for carrying out finishing our wall;
  • Brush and roller with which we apply our finishing materials;
  • And so that our decorative brick does not differ from the real one, we will need to draw the seams - using jointing or even a simple pencil.

Preparation and calculation of the required material

The main part of the costs for such repairs falls on the purchase of material with which we will imitate brick wall plaster - that is, the cement plaster or putty. Typical plaster consumption is approximately 8.5 kg per 1 square meter with a layer thickness of 10 mm. We will need half as much decorative plaster - such a thick layer is not needed, and therefore we multiply 4.25 kg by the area of ​​​​the area that we plan to use for decorative finishing brick walls.

Plaster is usually sold in packages of 30 kg, and therefore we round the resulting number up, because in practice the consumption may turn out to be higher - beautiful and even bricks may not turn out the first time, somewhere you will need to make a slightly larger layer, and so on. The price per bag usually varies from 250 to 500 rubles, but we recommend not saving, because plaster Low quality can bring all your efforts to naught.

In the same way it will be necessary to calculate the quantity necessary materials for finishing, but we believe you can handle the paint without boring advisers.

Preparing walls for work

The preparatory stage, during which we put the walls in order and rid them of layers of previous finishing and other debris, is key to obtaining a high-quality repair. If you haven't gotten rid of previous layers of plaster or adhered dirt, your plaster brick wall may crumble along with the old coating. All depressions and protrusions must be carefully sealed and brought to the general level. Measure the level of curvature using a rule and carefully tidy up the wall.

We also don’t forget to prime our wall - this will help ensure good adhesion between the finish and the wall, and also prevent the formation of fungus and mold. After the primer has dried thoroughly, we can begin to construct our brick wall in the interior, for example, in the hallway.

Technology of applying brick decor

There are two main ways to make an imitation of a brick wall in an apartment with your own hands:

  • with cutting seams using a scraper;
  • using masking tape.

Read and choose the one you like.

Cutting seams with a scraper

First of all, we apply plaster to our primed wall and level it with a spatula. The spatula should be wide, about 20-25 cm; it will be great if you also have a narrow spatula on hand, with which you can apply the plaster in hard to reach places. When the applied mortar has dried, it’s time to begin our main task - marking the seams, which will turn our boring plaster into an original brick.

We apply a spatula to the plastered area and draw seams with the sharp side; their width should be about 0.5-1 cm. The pattern is at your discretion, but we recommend following the dimensions standard brick– 250-120-65 mm. Now we have a diagram according to which the seams should be drawn - it’s time to arm ourselves with a scraper; both a chisel and homemade product in the form of a steel strip. The depth of the seams should directly depend on the layer of plaster; if you applied 10 mm, then the seam should be from 3 to 6 mm.

You can also arm yourself with jointing, with its help you can give the seams a convex or concave appearance. After our site is ready, it is worth checking it for flaws and eliminating them in a timely manner - this will not be easy to do with dried plaster. Now we remove excess plaster from the bricks, wipe their surface with a rag and wait for it to harden. After this, the wall is ready for painting or other finishing work. Using this method, we can get a brick-style wall for half the price than using another finishing option - tiles that imitate brick.

Forming seams with tape

In this option, immediately after priming, we mark the wall and stick tape onto the marked seams. The plaster is applied directly on top of the tape, and as soon as it is leveled and allowed to dry a little, they pull the tape and leave a pattern of seams on the surface.

This method is a little more complicated and takes longer - you will have to clean the edges of the bricks. In addition, not every beginner will be able to remove the adhesive tape without pulling the solution behind it, and therefore we recommend using this method only for people with extensive experience in repair work Oh.

Finishing walls

Now we need to bring our wall, already covered with bricks, back to its proper form, and therefore we sweep away the dust from it and thoroughly clean the excess with sandpaper.

The next step is re-priming - you need to apply it not only to the bricks, but also to each seam. You can either apply paint or omit this procedure, depending on what color and texture of bricks you would like to get.

Well, in general, that’s all. Such work requires a lot of time, effort and diligence, but the result of such cladding will be beyond all expectations - the effect that a brick wall, made with your own hands using simple means, produces on guests will certainly amaze you.

At all times, people have strived to make their home beautiful. Various finishing materials, unusual furniture, original ceiling designs and much more allow you to add style and originality to any room. But quite often a situation arises when you want to get the most effective result with a minimum of funds. This option includes finishing the walls with brick-like plaster.


A brick wall fits well into almost any interior, as it is one of the oldest building materials. Whitewashed, such walls go well with Provence and shabby chic styles. Red and brown bricks are an integral part of the loft style, and gray and beige will perfectly complement the modern urban design of kitchens, bedrooms and halls.

It is the design of a room using brick and its imitations that brings different interior styles together, as it goes well with modern metal parts interior, and with antique woodwork.

Brick-like finishing in a house is always bright, fresh solution, eye-catching. And even if there is no brick wall in the house, it will not be difficult to create one with your own hands using plaster finishing.


Plaster differs from other finishing materials in its durability and excellent appearance, variety of textures, “naturalness” and excellent heat and sound insulation qualities. In addition, it is easy to maintain and allows you to renew the surfaces in the future by painting.

There are many types of plaster. Thus, mineral plaster of a special texture will make the wall rough. By the way, it can be used for outdoor work, as well as on balconies and loggias. Venetian plaster very popular lately, but to imitate brickwork it is not used - it is an expensive material, which contains marble flour.

Plaster is sold in construction stores in dry form. Any plaster is based on binding materials, and sand, stone chips, fiber additives, thickeners and paint can play the role of filler. The most beautiful imitation of brickwork is obtained from gypsum plaster and graffito plaster, which is highly decorative. In addition to wall decoration, graffito is used to decorate fireplaces, doorways, and walls on an open loggia. country house and so on.

If you are preparing plaster from a dry mixture, then its consistency should resemble thick sour cream, and you should not prepare too much of the mixture, because otherwise the solution will set and it will no longer be possible to apply it.

To make it easier to transfer the design to the plaster, you can make a model of the end of the brick. Thick cardboard or linoleum is perfect for these purposes. You need to mark the seams on the brick by making an indent along the entire perimeter of the workpiece (from the front side), and also mark another central seam - in the middle. The brick model is used when applying a masonry pattern to the wall and then gluing the pattern with tape. It is best to start marking from the upper corner of the wall, simply tracing the model with a pencil.

Attention! If you have to plaster large spaces (a retail space or a cafe), then you should think about saving materials.

Applying plaster by machine will help with this. The mixture for mechanical plastering is cheaper than standard options. In addition, working with modern equipment will save time and use 20–25% less material.

Application technology

Before you begin work on decorating the walls with brick-like plaster, the surface must first be leveled with a primer, and all curvatures and differences of more than two centimeters must be removed. This must be done, because the plaster mixture will be applied in a layer of no more than 2 cm, and serious distortions will be noticeable. It is important to remember that concrete and wood walls require different primers. After the preparatory work is completed, it is better to wait 2-3 days for the applied composition to dry completely. Afterwards you can start plastering.

Gypsum plaster is best suited for depicting bricks. It is characterized by ease of application, lack of “shrinkage” (does not change after drying) and environmental friendliness. The mixture is applied in a layer of approximately 1–2 cm, while the total consumption of plaster will be 8–10 kg per 1 sq. m. m. Do not mix gypsum plaster with any other substances, for example, cement glue. This can lead to cracks and even peeling of the plaster.

Imitation of brickwork using a plaster layer can be done in two ways: apply seams with a scraper or use masking tape for this purpose. To apply seams with a scraper, you will need spatulas, wide and narrow. Wide used for application and leveling plaster mixture, and a narrow one will be needed to correct corners and small depressions. You will need a scraper, but its role can be performed by an ordinary chisel or steel plate, as well as a rule of 1.5 to 1.8 m long and jointing used in stone work.

The plaster mixture is applied with a wide spatula and then leveled. The seams are marked after the solution has dried, but has not yet completely set. To mark the wall, you need to apply a rule and draw the seams. The width can vary from 5 to 10 mm; we recommend that you avoid too wide and deep seams with this method of application.

When marking, it is better to focus on the dimensions of a standard brick and use a pre-prepared model made of thick cardboard or linoleum.

After the seams are drawn, you can begin to work them out, that is, directly apply the design. You need to start with long horizontal seams, running a scraper under them and removing the “extra”, and then proceed to short vertical ones. The recommended joint depth is 3–5 mm, and beautiful shape they can be given by working with jointing.

Masking tape is a popular means of depicting seams., although this method is more labor-intensive than the first. First, the walls are primed, and then future seams are drawn on top (you can use a regular pencil). Painting tape is applied along the lines, and its ends should extend beyond the area of ​​the wall being treated. The adhesive tape should overlap.

Next, the entire wall space is covered with plaster, along with seams and tape, and leveled. You can use a spatula, or you can apply the plaster with your hands, it will turn out even more natural. It is advisable to do this only with latex gloves. It is necessary, without waiting for the plaster to dry, to pull the ends of the tape and remove it along with part of the plaster. If the tape does break, you can use any sharp object to free its tip.

The main problem is that the masking tape does not always come off neatly from the plastered surface. It may be removed with more than necessary part of the solution or torn. There is no point in delaying the work, since the quick drying of the gypsum plaster will not allow you to carefully remove the tape. After removing the painting material, the edges of the bricks must be further processed with a spatula and jointing. For those who find working with tape too difficult, there is the option of using ready-made stencils. They are sold in large construction supermarkets.

Imitations of brickwork can be very different. Two common options are gypsum tiles that imitate brickwork, and a pattern on wet plaster. If everything is clear with the first option, since it is very difficult to spoil a wall tiled like a brick, then the second option raises many questions. When choosing this technique, you need to understand how to apply the drawing carefully and which image is as simple as possible to execute. There is no need to be afraid of these finishing works - they are simple, will not take much time and will even save time.

The lesson of drawing brickwork on plaster will bring joy and pleasure not only during the process, but also after completion of the work, if:

  • the seam lines will be slightly curved: a perfectly straight brick wall is extremely rare, so small errors in the outline will create the illusion of real brickwork;
  • paint the wall a natural color (beige, milky white), and make the seams darker.
  • experiment with texture and give the bricks roughness, and also further refine the edges, making them more noticeable and protruding;

  • imitation brick will be treated “antique” or painted accordingly;
  • there will be bricks different sizes or long, with natural grooves or chips;
  • make the edges smoother - an ordinary damp sponge will help with this, and the remaining solution on the edges can be removed with a dry cloth.

Painting will also help to add beauty and neatness; you can use either a brush or a spray bottle to apply paint.

Beautiful examples in the interior

  • Imitation brickwork looks great in any living space. If you need to delimit zones, for example, to separate the dining room from the relaxation space, then a wall with imitation brickwork will cope with this task perfectly.
  • To depict the texture of a brick, you can use different materials - a natural sponge, a metal scourer for washing dishes, a shoe brush and much more. When printing on wet plaster A natural sponge produces a very beautiful, natural texture pattern.
  • To make the finish look natural, the imitation is painted brick brown, and the seams can be made lighter or darker. The brick finish looks harmonious in the interiors of a modern urban loft style. It is almost impossible to distinguish a high-quality imitation from a real brick wall!

Brick is one of the most traditional building materials for our country. Therefore, such a finishing element as brickwork is widely used to decorate the walls of premises. Designers have long appreciated the wide creative possibilities brick wall decoration: various shapes and colors of this decor help create a very interesting and original interior.

Naturally, such ideas are implemented in different ways, taking into account all the capabilities of the owner, as well as the characteristics of the room being decorated.

Brick wall decor options

Instead of real brick, modern decor often uses other materials for interior decoration, the structure of which strongly resembles a brick surface.

Brick walls can be finished using materials and technologies such as:

  • building panels;
  • clinker tiles;
  • brick wallpaper;
  • painting.

The advantage of such materials over real brickwork is that they are much lighter than brick and occupy much less volume.

What type of decor is best to choose to reproduce a brick wall? Let's take a closer look at the most popular options for finishing brick walls. Knowing the features of each of them, you can easily create a unique wall decor at home.

1. Brick-like building panels

Construction panels are a real leader among “bricks”, famous for their strength and water resistance. This finishing material has long conquered the market exterior finishing, and now has found its application in interior spaces.

Such imitation panels are made of plastic. This means that they are not afraid of dust, moisture, mold or rust. In addition, such brick panels are highly resistant to alkalis and acids and are not at all afraid of hot droplets of fat, which is why they are often used in the kitchen.


  • ease of fastening;
  • light weight;
  • ideal appearance;
  • minimum prices.


  • Some panels require additional sheathing, so this design takes up a certain part of the usable space.

Brick panels are mounted both horizontally and vertically, so the pattern on them depends on the method of placement. They are mounted on nails, screws or self-tapping screws. Most of these are mounted directly on the wall.

In decorative brick panels, each element has its own independent fixation, so an accidentally damaged part of the “bricks” can be replaced in half an hour.

Important: Brick panels are perfect option decor for a balcony, kitchen apron or crowded corridor.

2. Brick tiles

An excellent alternative to brick for wall cladding is clinker tiles. This is an inexpensive and very beautiful analogue, made from raw clay. In terms of its characteristics, laying method and thickness, brick tiles are no different from simple tiles.

4. Decorative brick-like plaster

Imitation of stone brickwork made of plaster looks very impressive and unusual. In addition, it is very easy to do it yourself.


  • variety of textures and colors;
  • ease of application;
  • excellent insulation;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • durable and practically maintenance-free.


  • may take up useful space;
  • low resistance to dirt (attract dust);
  • The surface must be very smooth. There should be no noticeable scratches, bumps or depressions.

Decorative brick-like plaster is used to decorate:

  • one wall in the room;
  • niche or ;
  • “bricks” randomly placed on a flat painted wall.

Important: This type of imitation is very popular with creative people, as it provides enormous opportunities for flights of fancy.

5. Painting like brick

A great way to decorate brick walls is by painting. The color for the bricks is selected depending on the style of the room, your mood and individual taste.

Modern interior solutions that use such a “brick wall” most often belong to one of two styles:

  1. Calm and cozy Country requires soft pastel shades"brickwork";
  2. “Brickwork” in the Loft style can be done eccentrically and with a special twist using painting.

A great option for “brick” is elastomeric paint. It fills all the cracks formed due to shrinkage of the walls, protects the surface from moisture and strengthens it. For bright and colorful decoration, acrylic and water-based paints. They are applied with brushes of different thicknesses, and if you need to create an additional dust-repellent or water-repellent coating, you can use a wide fur roller.

  • poor resistance to mechanical damage;
  • cracks over time;
  • not suitable for uneven walls;
  • The color in the jar and on the wall can vary greatly in shade.

Advice: to add realism to a drawing made to look like a brick, you can subtract or add a few millimeters from each brick.

Looks original and stylish. Against its background, a loft-style room or other interior design options will look impressive. To create such a finish, it is not necessary to make natural masonry. You can simulate it. In this case, the masonry can be made using on different grounds. under a brick, will be discussed in detail below.

Brick imitation options

Finishing the walls with a brick look (photo below) will be relevant for almost any room. The masonry looks stylish and interesting. Such walls allow you to create original, modern interior. However, not everyone has them built of brick. In this case, you can make an artificial finish. Depending on the chosen technique, it will look more or less natural. The following options are available faux finish under brick:

  • decorative tiles;
  • gypsum;
  • building panels;
  • dye;
  • wallpaper;
  • Styrofoam;
  • decorative plaster;
  • drywall.

To choose suitable option, you need to consider the features of each of the listed types of brick wall decoration.

One popular option is the use of panels. This material has different options decor of the outer surface. One of them is brickwork. These are rectangular boards that can be made of plastic or MDF. The first of these options is suitable for installation in rooms with high level humidity, for example in the bathroom or kitchen.

MDF boards can be used in almost all rooms. Since they are made from pressed chips, it is better to install such panels in dry rooms.

The advantage of panels that imitate brickwork is ease of installation, light weight of the material, and ease of maintenance. If for some reason one section becomes damaged, it can be easily replaced. For this purpose, slabs are purchased with a reserve.

Wallpaper and painting

You can decorate the wall of a room with a brick look using wallpaper. This is one of the most simple options. Repairs can be done in this case quickly and inexpensively. You just need to choose the appropriate wallpaper pattern. Modern technologies seals allow you to create truly brick-like imitations. The surface may even have a texture similar to masonry. Each brick will be convex and have a rough surface.

The use of wallpaper with a brick pattern is suitable for decorating even a small room. Its dimensions will not decrease. At the same time, the costs of repair work will be minimal. It is quite possible to wallpaper the walls yourself. The disadvantage of this technique is the fact that the finish will still look unnatural. The bricks will not be convex enough. Therefore, it will be noticeable that this is just wallpaper.

When considering how to make a brick wall yourself, you should pay attention to such an option as special painting. This technique is suitable for a room with very smooth walls. Repairs can also be done by yourself. Even a novice master can cope with this task. Painted walls are easy to clean.

Finishing in this case will be relatively inexpensive. At the same time, paint can additionally protect walls from moisture. Therefore, this option is suitable for the kitchen, bathroom, loggia.

To create such a decorative surface, you will need to purchase acrylic, water-based or elastomeric paint. Each brick can have a natural color. In some interiors (for example, in a nursery), the masonry can be bright and unusual. Each brick is decorated with colors unusual for such decoration (pink, yellow, blue, etc.).

Of course, a paint coating cannot create the look of natural brick. However, if this is not required, this option will be one of the most preferable. To finish, you need to mark the wall, drawing each brick. First, the surface is primed and then painted with the main color. It matches the shade of the mortar between the bricks. Next, all the gaps that imitate the mortar lines are sealed. The first layer of paint is applied using a roller. You can manually add shades to the bricks. This will make the drawing look more impressive.


When considering options for how to make a brick wall in an apartment, you should pay attention to material such as tiles. Today, many versions of tiles are produced that imitate brick in their appearance. At the same time, tiles have a number of advantages. Compared to natural brickwork, this finish is relatively inexpensive. Its weight will be less, since the thickness of the slabs is small. You can choose a tile design to suit almost any interior.

Tiles can be made from different materials. It may be artificial or a natural stone. Also on sale are clinker and gypsum tiles that imitate brickwork. The choice depends on the operating conditions of the finish, as well as the budget allocated for repairs.

Clinker tiles are made from clay and sand. Its surface can be smooth or rough. This is a strong, durable material that is not afraid of various external influences. Most often, this option is used to decorate the kitchen. Such a surface is easy to clean from various contaminants using detergents.

How to make a wall under white brick? In this case, you can use gypsum tiles. There is a material on sale that has different shades. This is an inexpensive, environmentally friendly material. It is suitable for dry rooms.

Tiles made of natural or artificial stone often used when creating exterior finishing, for example, when registering outdoor fireplace or recreation areas on own plot.


Considering options on how to do decorative wall under the brick, you should pay attention to another interesting approach. You can create an imitation of masonry from ordinary polystyrene foam. In this case, the masonry will be convex and uneven. At proper finishing it will be possible to create foam bricks that will be very similar to natural material.

You can create such a finish in almost any room. Polystyrene foam - very lightweight material. Therefore, there are no difficulties during installation. It is especially recommended to pay attention to this option when finishing interior partition from plasterboard. In this case, polystyrene foam will serve not only as decoration, but also as sound insulation.

You can make polystyrene foam bricks quickly. The cost of such finishing will be minimal. To make artificial masonry, you will need to draw lines on a sheet of foam that will delimit each individual brick. The material is cut using a sharp knife.

When the required number of blocks have been cut, they are glued to the wall. A distance is left between each brick. After this, the surface is painted. You need to choose a coating that will be compatible with artificial material.

You can make a similar finish from plasterboard. The technology is the same as when using polystyrene foam. Plasterboard blocks are glued onto a special gypsum-based compound.

Decorative plaster

You can make a brick wall using plaster. This option looks impressive in the interior. Using this material, convex, textured surfaces are created. However, creating such a coating is not difficult.

Apply to the surface. It is not necessary to perfectly align the walls. They may have minor defects. The finish will be durable. It can be washed using household products. You can do this finishing with your own hands. This significantly reduces the overall cost of repairs.

In addition, imitation brickwork made of plaster is good insulation. Heat loss in the room during the cold period is noticeably reduced. Moreover, the owners of an apartment or private house can choose the texture and color of the finish on their own.

When creating a finish for brick walls made of plaster, you can choose different shades. The texture can be very different. The final result will depend on her choice. The surface of each block can be rough or smooth. Interior design using this technique can be created in accordance with the latest fashion trends.

The disadvantage of finishing with plaster is the fact that its surface becomes clogged with dirt and dust. Therefore, it is better not to use such materials when finishing the kitchen. In rooms, such surfaces can be easily washed using ordinary household chemicals.

Making decorative bricks from gypsum

Brick wall decoration can be made from materials and you can create them yourself. This is a creative, interesting process. First you need to make a mold. It is made from silicone. Each decorative brick should be from 5 to 20 mm thick. To create a mold, you need to make a base model from a solid material. It could be a real brick. It is coated with Vaseline and then a layer of silicone. You can make a mold with which several decorative bricks will be poured at once.

When this step is completed, you can begin mixing the solution. Dry plaster is mixed with water. You should get a thick mass. The mold needs to be greased soap solution or Vaseline. Next, gypsum is poured into it. This must be done carefully. The fill is leveled by running a regular ruler across the surface. The plaster hardens within 30 minutes.

After this, the mold is carefully turned over, removing the blanks. The result is white decorative bricks. They can be painted in any other shade. White wall also looks interesting in the interior.

There is a simple technique on how to make a brick wall from a similar material. It is glued to a special compound (you can purchase glue for tiles). Using a notched trowel, the composition is applied to the surface. Next, each homemade block is glued to the surface.

Preparing the wall for finishing

It is quite possible to make brick walls with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction will help with this. Before finishing, you will need to properly prepare the base of the walls. To do this, you need to remove the old wallpaper, helmet or other material. When this procedure is completed, the surface of the base is thoroughly washed. If it's wallpaper, it's removed. Old plaster also needs to be removed.

Once the wall surface is prepared, you need to assess the extent of its damage. If the unevenness is large, they should be sealed with putty. If you will be painting or wallpapering, you need to create a perfectly flat surface. To do this, apply a layer of starting and then finishing putty.

When the surface is leveled, it needs to be primed. This is necessary for strong adhesion of the glue to the base. The primer may include antiseptic components. They prevent development under the layer finishing material mold.

There are different primers. They are intended for application to different types grounds. There are the following types of primer:

  1. Acrylic. Suitable for concrete, cement, plywood and wooden walls.
  2. Glyphate. Applied to metal and wooden surfaces.
  3. Alkyd. For wooden walls.
  4. Perchlorovinyl. Suitable for concrete, metal or plastered surfaces.

Having chosen the appropriate composition, it is applied in two layers. The first time the primer is applied, leaving it until completely dry. Next, you should treat the walls again. After this, the surface becomes ready for further finishing.

Finishing work

When learning how to make brick walls in the interior, you should use simple instructions. After preparing the base, it should be outlined. Draw a straight line below. In this case, you should not focus on the floor level. For this work, a building level is used. The wall is demarcated, leaving the required distance between the blocks.

The material chosen as decorative brick, need to be covered with reverse side adhesive composition. Next, according to the markings, glue the block to the wall. First lay out the first row from the bottom. The next row is created in checkerboard pattern. The material from which decorative bricks are made usually does not weigh much. Therefore, it is not necessary for the blocks to rest on one another.

After all the elements decorative masonry will be glued to the base, you can paint the seams in the chosen color. This must be done carefully. During the work, a thin brush is used.

Application of plaster

When deciding how to make a brick wall in an apartment, many owners give preference to plaster. You can create a textured surface from it. First, the markup is also created. The seams between the decorative bricks are painted desired color. When it dries, cover the wall surface with construction tape. Special thin tapes are available for sale. They are glued first along horizontal lines.

When this work is completed, plaster is applied to the wall. The mixture should be quite viscous so that it does not spread or slide off the base. You can add pigment to the composition if desired. The wall surface should be rough. You can also make the finish smooth.


How to make a brick wall from plaster? After the necessary preparation, the composition is applied to the walls from bottom to top, evenly distributing it over the surface. You need to work quickly so that the plaster does not have time to harden. After this, while the layer is still semi-wet, you need to carefully remove the masking tape. At the same time, they pull on the horizontal lines. The vertical crossbars will also be removed from the solution. After this, the finish should dry well.

It can be made simpler. A layer of plaster is applied to the prepared wall. Until it has completely hardened, using a knitting needle or other sharp object Markings in the form of bricks are cut out on the surface. Use a dry brush to clean the edges, giving the finish a more natural look. After this, the space between each drawn block is painted. This must be done carefully so as not to go beyond the lines. The surface of decorative plaster bricks can be treated with varnish or paint.

Having considered how to make a brick wall, you can create an original, stylish interior. The room will look interesting and unusual.

Modern trends in the design of interior decoration are increasingly inclined to non-standard solutions, in particular, the use of unusual materials.White brick in the interiorwill personify order and cleanliness, and will also create a sophisticated accent. This type of decoration can exist in rooms of any functional nature. In our article we will look at the features that it has, as well as ways of its design.

White brick in the interior: methods of design and imitation

The easiest way to carry out this design is in a new building, where there is no interior decoration. In this casewhite brick in the interiorwill look most realistic. For finishing you only need to treat the surface with special means and paint. It is not necessary to clean up or remove unevenness and minor flaws in the masonry - with them the design will look much more natural.

If the walls have already been subjected more than once finishing works, or they are constructed of concrete or plasterboard, you will have to choose one of the most convenient simulation options in orderwhite brick wall in the interiorlooked as natural as possible. Before this, it will be necessary to remove all signs of the former finishing and also treat the walls with painting solutions to prevent the occurrence of dampness of the walls, fungus and other troubles.

White decorative brick in the interior

For designing an intricate interior , resort to using sand-lime brick. Photos of designs where usedwhite decorative brick in the interior, provided in our article. Based on them, we can say that it has a rather unique appearance, attracting with its attractiveness. In addition, it has such qualities as moisture resistance, strength, excellent sound insulation and, importantly, environmental safety.

In addition to wall decoration, this material can be used to construct partitions, fireplace surrounds, and decorate columns and arches. In order for the surface to have the most attractive appearance, it can be opened with varnish.

A good photo example of this design would be a loft-style living room, where white wall bricks in the interior(With bookshelves) puts the emphasis on this direction in the best possible way.

White brick wall in the interior: imitation using tiles

In order to make a realistic brick wall, you can use the technique of decorating with tiles. This could be, for example,white brick wall in the kitchenor in the bathroom. For these premises, the most rational use is ceramic tiles, which most closely matches its quality characteristics. There are two types of tiles - in the form of individual bricks and a block of several rows. With its help you can decorate not only the wall, but also kitchen apron, fireplace lining and others architectural forms. If you decide to recreatewhite brick in the interiorusing ceramic tiles yourself, here it is worth considering one nuance: the gaps between its individual elements should be slightly larger than with conventional installation for greater naturalness.

The easiest way to display brickwork is to selectwhite brick wallpaper in the interior. A big plus for this type of finishing is that it can be done independently, without the help of specialists, which will also allow you to save some money. Another undeniable advantage is that the surface of the wall on which the wallpaper will be glued does not require careful cleaning and leveling. On the contrary, small irregularities will play a positive role.

White brick wall in the interior, can be wallpapered with different styles brickwork, most suitable for the design of the room and at the same time will always look “warm” and original.

White brick wall in the interior: choosing a design style

To date,white brick in the interiorresidential premises, as shown in photo , can be found when decorating in such styles as modern minimalism, high-tech, modern. Design of premises in a village And Provence and country styles also welcome the design of individual walls in this way.White brick wall in the interior, issued in Scandinavian style will look easy and natural, especially since the main attributes of this style are purity and elegance. This type of decoration can often be found when creating Gothic interiors. Various designs interiors by professional designers can be viewed in our photo selection.

White brick wall in the interioris a must-have element in the loft style. Let's look at the photo how it was designed by professional designers using photo wallpaper, creating a three-dimensional realistic look in the living room. The interior will be filled with comfort and warmth if one of the walls with a built-in fireplace is lined with decorative brick, as shown in the following photo.White brick in the living room interior small sizes can make the space heavier in some way. In order to soften this effect, you can add details to the interior such as photo frames on the walls, curtains, put a soft carpet on the floor, and cover the sofa with a blanket. Beige furniture will go perfectly with white walls.

White brick wall in the interiorthe living room can become an accent element used in zoning the space.

White brick wall in the kitchen

The kitchen space can be decorated entirely with white brick or you can choose one wall for it, for example, near the dining table.White brick in the interior(photo can be found in our th article ) is able to expand the kitchen space, make it brighter and more attractive. Original and practical solution The apron will be decorated with tiles imitating brickwork. It will give a clean, neat look work surface, and at the same time, washing it is quite simple.White brick in the kitchen interiorwill go perfectly with any textures and shades: wooden furniture, metal equipment, fabric curtains, etc.

The hallway is a room that requires a particularly painstaking approach to design, since it is the first to greet anyone who enters the house.White brick in the hallway interiorwill be able to visually expand the space, which is important for small rooms. This design technique began to be used by designers quite recently, but, as we see in the photo, it looks very impressive.White brick in the interiorcan concentrate attention on one of the walls of the hallway or be placed along the entire wall surface. To enliven such an interior, experienced designers use the technique of covering one of the walls with 3D photo wallpaper (the image of cities with small streets is especially relevant), as shown in the photo. Multi-colored lamps, flowerpots with plants, original paintings and other eye-catching elements will perfectly complement the interior.

White brickwork or its imitation in combination with textiles can help create a calm, romantic atmosphere in the bedroom. Quite often they decorate the wall at the head of the bed with it, complementing it with paintings, as shown in the photo, original lamps and other decorative elements.White brick wall in a bedroom interiorIt will look quite impressive if you choose bright textiles and contrasting furniture correctly.

In most cases, it will be appropriatewhite brick wallpaper in the interiorbedrooms (see photos in article ) or the use of decorative bricks. Tiles are used much less frequently, since their reflective surface will become inappropriate in a room where you want to relax and unwind.

Along with decorative stone,white brick in the interioris increasingly gaining popularity and becoming required element, symbolizing luxury housing. It serves, in a way, as an indicator of longevity and safety, while at the same time giving the room a special coziness, cleanliness and warmth.