Types of beam elements. Metal beam in construction. General information about the device and purpose

The most popular type of product is steel beam, information about which we will try to present in as much detail as possible on this page of our website.

Beam, I-beam

Beam It is most often made of carbon steel, or even low-alloy steel. Widely used in civil and industrial construction. beams are classified according to their main purpose: for example, a column beam (K), a beam for suspended tracks (M), and also by production method (hot-rolled steel beam). Beams also differ in such characteristics as the thickness of the wall and flange and the location of the edges of the flanges. The range of beams corresponds to GOST 8239-89, GOST 19425-74, GOST 26020-83 and STO ASChM 20-93.

I-beam has an abbreviated name - I-beam, which is what this product is most often called. This product has a cross-section in the shape of the letter “H”. I-beams are produced in two ways: hot rolling and welding. A beam produced by the hot rolling method, that is, a hot-rolled I-beam, is considered more popular and in demand. Therefore, our assortment is dominated by hot-rolled steel I-beams.

I-beam steel beam differs quite favorably from other types of beams - it significantly exceeds them in strength and degree of wear resistance. The I-beam tolerates temperature changes well and can be used in the construction of buildings in which the premises are not supposed to be constantly heated.

Where is the I-beam used?

Beam is a very important type of rolled metal for construction, both industrial and civil. Often it is the basis of the entire metal structure. I-beam beam widely used in the construction of column structures, floors, bridges, overpasses, mines and other structures that must be high-strength and withstand heavy loads. Steel beams They are also used in other industries, for example, in mechanical engineering and carriage building.

What sizes and types are I-beams?

I-beam It comes in different lengths - the minimum length of the beam is 4 meters, the maximum is 12 meters. The beam has a height of 10 to 100 centimeters. What length and height the beam will be depends on its purpose.

The internal edges of the beam flanges can be parallel and inclined. Types of beams with sloped flange edges:

  • Regular beam
  • Special beam

The slope of the edges of a conventional beam should not exceed 12% (its minimum value is 6%). Special beam There are two types, which are usually designated by letters: C and M. Type C beam is used in the construction of mine racks, and it is also used to reinforce mine shafts. For the construction of suspended tracks, a special I-beam of type M is used.

A beam with parallel flange edges can be of the following types:

  • Normal beam (type B; for example - beam 20 B1, beam 30 B2, beam 40 B1)
  • Wide flange beam (type Ш)
  • Column beam (type K)
  • Beam of unmeasured length
  • Beam of measured length
  • Beam of length that is a multiple of the measured length
  • Beam length, which is a multiple of the measured one, with a remainder of up to 5%

I-beam beam may vary in strength, based on which its final cost is determined. You can order a beam from the warehouse with delivery by calling the phone numbers listed on the website. By purchasing this product from us, you can be sure that the items you need are always available in stock, which means that deliveries will be made in as soon as possible. We will be glad to cooperate with you.

I-beam (I-beam) is a type of rolled metal product characterized by high load-bearing capacity. It has a recognizable H-shaped cross-section, which determines technical specifications products. One of the most popular materials in various industrial fields.

You can always check on our website the current prices for a new I-beam and.

Purpose and scope of application

I-beams are used as load-bearing elements during the construction of metal structures and large-panel construction. The use of rolled products of this type makes it possible to simplify design solutions without losing the load-bearing capacity of structures. Most often, I-beams are used to solve the following technical problems:

It is permissible to use beams of this type in the construction of any structures that have increased load-bearing capacity requirements. It is recommended to place an I-beam in the body concrete structure, during open installation, mandatory anti-corrosion treatment is required.

Product benefits

The specific cross-sectional shape ensures excellent bearing capacity this structural element. Compared to standard rectangular profiles, the I-beam has 7 times increased strength and more than 30 times increased rigidity. According to their own design features the I-beam is close to the channel, but the latter is mainly used in the construction of lighter structures; it will not be able to work effectively under significant loads.

The widespread use of I-beams is determined by the following advantages.

  • High resistance to bending and torsion.
  • Increased load-bearing capacity.
  • Reduced weight compared to other types of rolled metal with similar technical characteristics.

Production Features

In practice, two main methods for manufacturing I-beams are used.

  1. Hot rolling technology, which allows for the production of products on an industrial scale.
  2. Manufacturing of I-beams using welding tools technological lines. Welded beams have a more precise geometry, but are inferior to hot-rolled beams in some technical parameters.

Production of this type of carrier structural elements is carried out using high-carbon low-alloy steels, which predetermines mandatory anti-corrosion treatment for open installation.

In accordance with GOST 27772-88, which regulates the production of hot-rolled shaped steel, the following grades of steel should be used for the manufacture of I-beams: C 235, 245, 255, 275, 285, 345, 345K, 375.

Existing classes and corresponding GOSTs

All types of I-beams produced by rolling can be divided into three main classes, the requirements for which are determined by the current standards.

Welded products are produced on the basis technical specifications manufacturer TU U 01412851.001-95. Individual manufacturers use their own specifications to produce one or another type of I-beam.

According to the characteristics of the section, the following product categories are distinguished:

  • Beams with normal flange width (B).
  • I-beams with increased flange width (W).
  • Column I-beams (K).
  • Monorail I-beams (M).
  • Beams of a special series for particularly difficult conditions (C).

Manufacturers ship batches with multiple, multiple measured, unmeasured lengths of I-beams. Standard sizes involve the production of products with a length of 4 to 13 meters; the production of beams beyond the specified parameters can be organized by agreement directly with the manufacturer.

Features of demand calculation

When determining the amount needed for various designs material, choosing a transportation method, you need to know the ratio of the sizes and weight of I-beams. The need to convert one value into another also arises when developing design documentation.

This problem can be solved using online calculators, and in case of their absence, it is recommended to use special tables given in regulatory documents.

So for hot-rolled steel I-beams the ratio is given in the following table.

And to determine total area surfaces of I-beams of the same GOST, we recommend using the following table.

Such reference data will significantly simplify the calculation and development of project documentation.

New articles

Beam - is a long element, the length of which is significantly greater than the characteristic size for the cross section. Included building structures the beam works mainly in bending, so it is recommended to make it with thin-walled cross section. The most popular are I-beams, which are an H-shaped profile formed by two parallel flanges and a wall connecting them.

Fig. 1 - I-beams on the rolling mill cooler

Floor beams made of various materials. The most popular option is a welded or rolled I-beam. Calculation metal beams flooring is carried out based on the number of supports, the pattern of support on the walls and attachment to the base, operating conditions and other factors. Based on the calculation, the most economically acceptable beam option is selected.

If necessary, reinforcement of metal floor beams is carried out. Such measures are required if during operation this element is subjected to horizontal loads, which can lead to a decrease in its characteristics and destruction. To avoid this phenomenon, metal beams are reinforced in one of the following ways:

  • the use of overlays to increase the cross-section (Fig. 2a, 2b);
  • concrete coating (Figure 2c);
  • use of a sprengel (Fig. 2d);
  • the use of spacer or tension devices to adjust stress (Fig. 2e, 2f);
  • use of additional supports (Fig. 2g, 2h).

Rice. 2 - Methods for strengthening beams

Depending on the manufacturing method, they are distinguished the following types metal floor beams:

  • hot-rolled I-beams are the cheapest and simplest option, which involves the use of commercially produced rolled products;
  • welded, bolted, riveted beams are manufactured by specialized enterprises and allow solving non-standard construction problems.

Hot rolled I-beams metal floor beams

The bulk of I-beams used in construction are produced by hot rolling from continuously cast billets. Depending on the production technology and geometric characteristics products are distinguished by several groups of beams.

I-beams with sloped flange edges according to GOST 8239

This type of product is distinguished by the presence of a slope of the internal edges of the shelves relative to the external ones within the range of 6-12°. Such products have the following characteristics:

  • produced profiles - from beam 10 to beam 60 (the number indicates the height in centimeters);
  • profile width – from 55 to 190 mm;
  • wall thickness – from 4.5 to 12 mm;
  • shelf thickness – from 7.2 to 17.8 mm.

Reinforced I-beams with flange slopes in accordance with GOST 19425, which were originally developed for the manufacture of suspended tracks and reinforcement of mine shafts, can be used as floor beams.

Fig. 3 - Beam with sloped flanges

I-beams with parallel edges according to GOST 26020

Recently, in construction, preference has been given to more economical I-beams with parallel flange edges. In addition to the specified standard, such products are also manufactured according to STO ASChM 20-93 (they have minor differences in geometry).

Characteristics of normal I-beams:

  • produced profiles - from beam 10B1 to beam 100B4 (the number indicates the height in centimeters, the letter “B” is a normal profile, the last digit is the standard size number in a group with the same height);
  • profile width – from 55 to 320 mm;
  • wall thickness – from 4.1 to 19.5 mm;
  • shelf thickness – from 5.7 to 32.5 mm.
  • produced profiles - from beam 20Ш1 to beam 70Ш5 (Ш - wide-flange type);
  • profile width – from 150 to 320 mm;
  • wall thickness – from 6.0 to 23.0 mm;
  • shelf thickness – from 9.0 to 36.5 mm.
  • Produced profiles - from beam 20K1 to beam 40K5 (K - column type);
  • profile width – from 200 to 400 mm;
  • wall thickness – from 6.5 to 23.0 mm;
  • shelf thickness – from 10.0 to 35.5 mm.

Fig. 4 - Beam with parallel flanges

Welded, bolted and riveted floor beams

This option is used when the dimensions of the metal floor beams differ from the standard ones or the rolled I-beams do not satisfy the design conditions for overall stability, rigidity or strength. In addition, preference is given to “prefabricated” beams if they are more economical or have a better level of performance characteristics.

The most commonly used is a welded beam, which is made by automatic submerged arc welding. On preliminary stage cutting, cleaning and straightening of metal, cutting edges for welding are carried out, and then, directly, the process of connecting the elements into a single whole. After welding finished product straightened to eliminate thermal deformations (mushroom shape).

In this way, it is possible to obtain not only standard sizes, but also products of variable cross-section, reinforced or bistal I-beams.