Types of wallpaper for the bedroom. Wallpaper for the bedroom (real photo examples). The most common types

You should choose wallpaper for your bedroom depending on its size and style in which it is made. Healthy sleep is a key process in a person’s life. Therefore, competent decoration of the bedroom, as a place to relax and sleep, is important from both a decorative and practical point of view. What you need to consider in order to choose not only attractive, but also functional, safe wallpaper for the bedroom that will contribute to comfortable rest and good sleep - read the article.

What determines the choice of wallpaper for the bedroom

Wallpaper is the most common finishing material that allows you to achieve both decorative effect, and practical (visual expansion of space, changing the proportions of the room).

Thanks to the right wallpaper, you can significantly improve the aesthetic properties of the bedroom and give it originality.

Which wallpaper is best to choose for decorating a bedroom depends on factors such as:

  1. Room location. For bedrooms with windows facing southeast, designers recommend choosing wallpaper in cool colors: they will create the impression of freshness and coolness on hot summer days. For rooms on the north side, the best choice would be light wallpaper warm shades: such canvases will visually make the room brighter and more comfortable (especially in winter time when daylight hours are shorter).
  2. Lighting in the room. If the bedroom has many sources of natural light, then the choice of wallpaper in terms of saturation is unlimited. As for the bedrooms with exclusively artificial lighting(this happens when one large room is artificially divided into two), then you should choose light wallpaper, preferably with reflective particles or shiny patterns. Dark wallpaper, in this case, will create the impression of a gloomy and cold space.
  3. Bedroom dimensions. Universal color for wall decoration that can be used in bedrooms of any size is white. Dark wallpaper is not recommended for use in small bedrooms, but in large rooms designers recommend using companion wallpaper, which will allow you to gracefully zone the space.
  4. The nature of the design. A good choice for classic bedrooms would be liquid wallpaper, striped fabrics, lattice, and damask patterns. Wallpaper will look stylish and beautiful in modern interiors crow's foot, canvases with geometric patterns, 3D effects, textured elements. When choosing wallpaper to match the design, you should also take into account the direction of the style.

At the same time, the color and texture of the wallpaper determines the furniture and textiles (curtains, bed linen) in the room. Thus, the choice of wallpaper for a bedroom with light-colored furniture is practically unlimited. But if the room has bright fittings of non-standard shapes or richly colored textiles, then the wallpaper should be neutral.

Psychological perception of color: which wallpaper to choose for the bedroom

Most often, we choose wallpaper based on its appearance: texture, pattern. At the same time, the choice of shade of the canvas is influenced, in most cases, by our personal preferences. But, choosing the color of wallpaper for the bedroom has its own nuances related to the direct purpose of the room. So, wallpaper in the bedroom should contribute to healthy sleep, rest after a working day, and relaxation.

The ideal colors to promote restful and long sleep are blue and cyan.

To create a joyful mood at the beginning of the day, you can choose yellow wallpaper. Pink wallpaper will create a romantic atmosphere, lavender color, photo wallpaper in these colors. Green and its shades will help relieve nervous tension and relaxation.

At the same time, more delicate shades of purple and red are suitable for use together with other types of wallpaper. To pick up best combination For partner wallpapers, you can use the color wheel.

What wallpaper is better to glue in the bedroom: rules for gluing

Decorating the walls in the bedroom with wallpaper depends on many factors, including the personal preferences of the apartment owners, the practical purpose of the finishing material, and the features of the room.

If you have a sunny side and large number windows in the bedroom, then it is better to stick vinyl, light-resistant wallpaper on the walls: such canvases will not fade over time under the sun's rays.

Both vinyl and non-woven wallpapers are perfect for the bedroom.

If your bedroom is combined with a nursery, you are prone to allergies or simply care about your health, then for finishing the room you should choose environmentally friendly, safe for humans and environment wallpaper. These include paper, vegetable, fabric, and cork coverings. The price range for such wallpapers is quite wide: the most affordable are considered paper wallpaper, the most expensive are fabric and plant ones.

To ensure that safe wallpaper does not lose its properties, it must be glued with special, environmentally friendly compounds.

If you plan to carry out repeated renovations in a year or two (for example, when the baby grows up and the mother no longer needs to be near him all the time), then it makes sense to hang paintable wallpaper in the bedroom, for example, non-woven wallpaper. Such canvases can have different textures, which can easily withstand several color changes.

Small room: which wallpaper is best for the bedroom

Correctly selected wallpaper for the bedroom small size can not only make the room comfortable for sleeping and relaxing, but also visually enlarge a small space. So, light wallpaper is ideal for these purposes.

If the bedroom is small, then you can visually enlarge it with the help of light-colored wallpaper

In addition, to make the room visually more spacious, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose wallpaper with diagonal patterns and vertical stripes.
  2. Refuse dark models (even if it’s only one or two stripes of paired wallpaper): dark color visually “eats” at least 40% of the entire area of ​​the room.
  3. Avoid wallpaper with overly large elements: such wallpaper will look ridiculous because its size does not match the dimensions of the room and will visually reduce the area of ​​the bedroom.
  4. Avoid small prints around the entire perimeter of the room, otherwise such wallpaper will create the impression of a small, crowded space.
  5. Choose canvases with glitter, reflective particles, shiny patterns: they will diffuse the light and visually enlarge the room.

Designers advise using companion wallpaper to decorate the walls of a small bedroom. In this case, you should use an asymmetric gluing method.

Selection rules: which wallpaper is best for the bedroom (video)

Choice is always difficult. Choosing wallpaper is even more difficult due to the huge number of options and possibilities. To narrow down the choice, you need to start from the conditions that exist. So, if you choose wallpaper for the bedroom, you need to proceed from its purpose: the environment should promote relaxation and create a calm background. Having decided on the color, choose the type of wallpaper, then the texture, type of pattern. Well, then the search for what you need in the retail network begins...

Color selection

In order to have a good rest, you need to create an environment conducive to relaxation in the bedroom. Psychologists have long known about the impact of colors on the psyche, and they even compiled a table, based on which you can easily find the colors that are most suitable for the bedroom.

As you can see, the choice for the bedroom is not the widest. But that's not all. The same psychologists found that the same color on different surfaces is perceived differently by a person. For example, light green and blue on the walls create a feeling of coolness, but on the floor they create a feeling of uncertainty and unsteadiness. To choose everything correctly, consider the following table.

In this table, select from the column labeled “on the side.” If we talk about the bedroom, then the most matching colors two groups - beige + pink + light yellow and blue + light green + light gray. Only the second group is suitable for sunny rooms facing south and east, and the first for northern and western ones. Three colors left.

If wallpaper for a bedroom is selected during the renovation process, then you need to take into account the colors already present in the interior. If textiles, say, can be changed, then the flooring or furniture is not always so. Therefore, consider also the table that designers use when choosing colors for the interior. In it, matching colors are arranged vertically and horizontally.

When creating an interior, it is not necessary to use all of them - the most inappropriate ones, in your opinion, can be ignored altogether or added in small quantities. Using the same table, you can find partner wallpapers if you want to follow fashion trends and decorate your bedroom with combined wallpapers. They are often produced in collections that contain matching wallpapers. But such collections are usually expensive, so in order to save money you have to look for combinations yourself. Find the color of the main background, look vertically and horizontally which may suit you. This is a win-win option: such a couple will look good.

The most common technique when combining wallpaper is to find a pair: plain and with a pattern on the same background

What wallpaper is best for the bedroom?

In this section we will talk about the materials from which wallpaper is made. Technologies make it possible to use different materials, increasing the durability of the finish, the durability of paints and allowing the walls to be washed even with a brush, and more than once. It is unlikely that you will need to wash them in the bedroom, but the fact that the surfaces can be glossy, matte, even velvety is interesting. Using wallpaper of the same color, but with a different surface, you can achieve an interesting effect.

So, what kind of wallpapers are there:

  • Paper. The most eco-friendly wallpaper for the bedroom. They can be thin and smooth - single-layer, or they can be dense, with an embossed pattern. Single-layer ones are usually the cheapest, but gluing them is problematic: when wet, they stretch, tear, and even highlight all the irregularities on the wall. Multilayer - duplex, triplex - are more expensive, although they also belong to budget options. They are easier to work with and allow you to hide minor irregularities. The disadvantage of paper wallpaper is that it fades quickly and breaks easily. Another peculiarity of them is that they are rarely monochromatic: in this case they look too simple. Of the plain ones, there are mainly only white ones - they are glued to the ceiling.

    Paper wallpaper most often has some kind of pattern - different types and size

  • Vinyl wallpaper. A layer of polyvinyl chloride or other similar polymer is applied to a paper or non-woven base. Eat different technologies applying a vinyl layer, allowing you to get different surfaces, but for bedroom decoration, silk-screen printing and heavy vinyl are usually interesting. Silk-screen printing looks very beautiful on flat walls: the muted shine is very similar to the shine of natural silk. The disadvantage of this type of wallpaper is that vinyl creates an airtight film, which is why the walls do not breathe. But which of our walls are breathing now? If only wooden and without insulation. The rest certainly do not breathe, and the normal atmosphere in the rooms is ensured by ventilation. So this is not an argument, however, decide for yourself.

  • Non-woven wallpaper. Non-woven fabric - non-woven material from a mixture of natural (cellulose) and chemical fibers (polyvinyl chloride). Used as a base on which to apply decorative coating. So, there can be both vinyl and paper wallpapers on a non-woven basis. They are distinguished by more convenient gluing: dry on a surface lubricated with glue, and any surface, even not completely flat. Due to the elasticity and at the same time strength of the base, many surface imperfections are leveled out. They often have a larger roll width—one meter wide, which is also convenient—fewer joints, faster gluing. Their disadvantage is high price: the production technology is more complex, and the materials themselves are more expensive.

  • Textile wallpaper. This view finishing materials belongs to the middle and high price category. A layer of natural material is applied to a base made of paper (cheaper options) or non-woven fabric (more expensive) - jute fabric, linen, cotton, velor, felt and even silk. Basically, their cost is determined by the price of the top layer. The surface depends on the texture of the material; it may look like matting if it is jute wallpaper or coarse fiber linen, or it may be fleecy, like velor or felt. Since they are made from fabric, there are rolls of large width, such that the entire wall is glued with a continuous sheet. They are also called seamless - the joints will only be in the corners. The disadvantage of these wallpapers is, firstly, the price, secondly, the surface is capable of accumulating dust, and thirdly, they do not withstand mechanical stress well (they are wiped off, torn). But all this is compensated by a very attractive appearance.

    Textile wallpaper - an elite finishing material

There is another type of wallpaper - photo wallpaper. These are photographs printed on a base in large format. Can be printed on any of the above types of wallpaper. There is a solid selection of ready-made images, and it is possible to order printing individually - in specialized workshops or advertising agencies.

Natural motifs in shades of green - according to the perception table, promote relaxation Morning in the forest - ideal for getting up for work Airy dandelion on a blue background - freshness is guaranteed Photo wallpaper - this is not necessarily a transfer of a photograph, you can print a drawing or even a picture Bedroom in Japanese style- it’s natural to see bamboo on the wall Dawn on the wall - beautiful and inspiring

Just keep in mind that if photo wallpaper is pasted in the room, the remaining surfaces - walls, floor, ceiling - are made neutral and monochromatic. This wall will be the dominant one, everything else is just a background. If photo wallpaper is pasted on the wall above the bed, it makes sense to choose textiles in the same colors. You just need to hit the shades exactly. Then the whole room will look like a single whole.

Combined wallpaper for the bedroom

The latest trends in interior design allow you to use several colors, textures or patterns in one room. One of the simplest and yet most effective ways is. If you have no experience, the easiest way is to use one collection. But usually they are not in stock, you have to wait to order, which is not always possible. Then you will have to select companion wallpaper yourself from those that are available. To make them look harmonious, you need to know some rules:

  • Choose wallpaper of the same type and the same thickness, otherwise it will not be easy to match them.
  • Beginners should not use more than two in one room. different types wallpaper
  • Before purchasing a batch for the entire room, it is better to see samples on site. They won't always give you pieces of wallpaper, and they won't help. You can buy two rolls, if available, already unpacked, and, if possible, agree on a return or replacement. At home on the wall and see how well they look in your bedroom: lighting plays a very important role. What looks great in the store doesn't always look good on site.

There are two ways to choose a good match. The first is plain basic wallpaper and a pattern on exactly the same background. It can be floral or geometric - you choose according to your taste. Such companion wallpapers always look great in a bedroom interior.

The second option is opposite colors. For example, on a dark background there is a light pattern and its mirror color reflection - on a light one - dark lines. But this is only for two-color combinations. This is also an option that always works.

This is the principle of selection, but you can also arrange the companion wallpaper in different ways.

Accent wall

This technique is used most often: there are practically no opportunities to “mess up”. Choose a wall that will attract the main attention. In the bedroom, this is usually the wall next to which the bed stands.

Beautiful and stylish bedroom, but too depressing... Warm brown in combination with emerald - balancing opposites For lovers of bright colors - one wall is in favor And again a pair - brown with turquoise, but already plant pattern Wallpaper under brick wall... Gray-greenish tones - calm and confidence The latest trends in design - priority on geometric patterns Almost classic ornament on the wallpaper - the rest of the surfaces are in beige

Much less often the emphasis is placed on the wall opposite the bed. Then brighter or ornamented wallpaper for the bedroom is glued opposite. It’s just that not everyone likes to contemplate plain walls)))

A piece of the wall is highlighted in color - this is the dominant area

If there are any design flaws, this is how attention is diverted from them - they focus on the opposite wall, gluing wallpaper with a pattern on it, while the rest are covered with plain wallpaper.

Another way to shift the emphasis away from the bed is to make some area lighter. Here you won’t even notice that the wall is uneven, but with a protrusion...


It is more difficult to play with selecting a part of the wall: you can get a completely different effect than was intended. There are several proven ways to change the perception of a room.

If the room is low, but you want a larger bed. To avoid the feeling of a snuff box, they highlight the area behind the bed with a more saturated color, maybe a little wider, but they also glue the wallpaper with the same stripe to the ceiling. This method blurs the lines and makes the room seem taller. In the company of competent lighting, this effect is enhanced.

Vertical wide stripes on the sides of the bed give approximately the same effect, but in a smaller volume. The photo below shows textile wallpaper for the bedroom.

You can make the bottom of the wall striped, but you shouldn’t alternate them often - one or two on the surface. It is only important to choose the right place. For example, if the bedroom is long and narrow. Cover a short wall with brighter wallpaper and, moving some distance away from the corner, place another strip on the long surface. Visually, a short one will appear closer and wider.

Approximately the same result can be achieved if you cover only part of the wall with brighter wallpaper.

It is more difficult to beat the horizontal arrangement in the interior different wallpapers. A clear horizontal demarcation greatly lowers the ceiling. This type of decor is acceptable for steel buildings in which the flow is too high.

A bedroom is not only a room for sleeping. Many are accustomed to combining a bedroom with a study, wardrobe, and sometimes a living room or library. In any case, the bedroom is a small little world of its own, in which you can relax comfortably, work productively, and read a book. Comfort is here main criterion in the design of such a room. On general view and the atmosphere can be significantly affected by the choice of wallpaper. There will be an article about how to do this correctly, armed with our advice.

Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom

There are a great many types of wallpaper today! At first glance, it’s easy to get confused among all the diversity. But in order to understand which ones are best suited for your bedroom, you need to familiarize yourself with their classification.


They are also called washable. The basis of such wallpaper is paper or non-woven fabric, and the outer layer is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). By the way, this is the same polymer from which they are made plastic windows and suspended ceilings.

How to successfully choose wallpaper for furniture

Wallpaper and furniture are the main design elements of any room. For the best final result, you should take care the right combination colors of walls and bedroom furniture. Thanks to the harmonious combination, the room will look beautiful and cozy.

Bedroom with light furniture

There can be many options. It all depends on the desired end result and the area of ​​the room.

If the room is small, then choose light wallpaper for light-colored furniture. This will preserve the feeling of free space. Otherwise, the room may turn into a dark “box”. White, golden beige, light green, ocher, muted orange - all these colors are excellent partners for a light furniture set.

If the room is large, then you can play with contrast and match light furniture dark wallpaper. Caution is important when choosing this design option.

To make everything look seamless and consistent, follow simple rule: choose warm colors for warm colors and shades, and cold colors for cold ones.

Bedroom with dark furniture

A wide variety of combinations are also possible. More often dark furniture completed in warm colors, so use the advice outlined above - warm colors and shades. Green, brown, beige, sand color options should first of all attract your attention among other options.

Successful solutions for choosing wallpaper in different styles


According to the chosen style of the room, the wallpaper in this case should:

  • Be fashionable by design
  • Do not have excesses in the drawing
  • Be made from modern environmentally friendly materials
  • Serve as a backdrop for the setting

A clear classic combination of wallpaper with furniture or a play of contrasts – it’s up to you. It is important to maintain the correct design balance: after all, the Art Nouveau style presupposes a competent combination of all interior components.


A bedroom in Provence style is a nice, cozy room with elegant (usually light) furniture and whimsical designs on textiles and wallpaper. There are many options for choosing wallpaper colors. Blue and its shades, white, beige, golden yellow, light green. It is possible that all the colors inherent in the style will be found in the wallpaper design.

It is only important to observe the measure: if the bedspread is already supposed to have a small pattern, then the wallpaper should become a plain background for all this.


A classic technique in the embodiment of the loft style is part of the walls in their “pristine form”, when the bricks are visible. We are talking about imitation brickwork (real naked masonry is unlikely to look aesthetically pleasing). The rest of the walls of the room should be decorated in a calmer and more neutral way (plaster or light wallpaper).

There should be no drawing as such on the wallpaper. In other words, choose wallpaper in one tone or with abstraction. If you want to see a pattern on the wallpaper, then it should be dim, better than a geometric shape, small and often repeated across the canvas.


Wallpaper for this style should be chosen according to the general direction - light, warm shades, often floral or checkered (it’s about them that you can say: “cheerful colors”). It’s just important not to oversaturate the interior small details and practice moderation. After all, the bedroom is a place to relax. And your eyes should also rest.

An excellent choice would be plain wallpaper in a muted (even somewhat faded) tone with a discreet pattern.

Japanese style

In order to adequately embody this style, you need to adhere to its basic principles.

  • Laconic details
  • Minimalism in decoration
  • Use of natural materials
  • Interior decoration in neutral colors

Regarding the “clothing” for the walls, you need to make a choice: either it is wooden panels, or wallpaper with an ethnic pattern.



Because this style assumes the most laconic interior, then the wallpaper in the room must comply with this rule. The color of the wallpaper can be almost any (it depends on the overall chosen color range premises). But it’s better to be careful with drawings. It is best to choose wallpaper without a pattern, in one color (the fine texture of the wallpaper will help compensate for the monotony) or with a dim abstraction. As an option, place a large image on one wall (or part of a wall), which will act as an independent interior detail.

Wallpaper colors in the interior of a room: options and their features


Light and simple, limitless and light color. This is the choice of true romantics.

Its properties include, first of all, a calming effect. In contrast to its “relative” blue, it does not seem gloomy and even in abundance will not oppress and oppress. Very good for small rooms, as it visually expands the space.


This color is very popular in the design of bedrooms. Helps cope with negativity and irritation, promotes rapid relaxation and favorable rest. Natural natural color, which is always pleasing to the eye. That is why it is used in the design of any room.


It is chosen by those who are confident, strong people. Regardless of the quantity, it dominates the interior design and sets the atmosphere for the entire room. This color is very good for decorating walls in living rooms and kitchens. It can also look good in the bedroom if you combine it correctly with other colors (light).

Popular cool color. At the same time, it is calming and reduces activity. It will look great in a large bedroom (it will help make it more comfortable), but is contraindicated in small bedrooms (as it optically reduces the space).


A very contradictory color in the design of a bedroom. On the one hand, it looks intriguing and even somewhat mystical, on the other hand, it “presses” with its richness. It is best used in combination with other colors. Most good option combinations are black and white.


A universal color in terms of freedom of action. After all, you can combine it with almost everything else. By itself, it conveys a feeling of openness and lightness, but without partner flowers it can look rustic and boring.


An accommodating partner for many other flowers. A good option for small spaces and rooms with insufficient natural light.


We can say that this is a timeless color in the design of bedrooms. All shades of brown have a calming effect on the psyche and help you relax.

Wallpaper color and cardinal direction

  • The windows face south. This means there is a lot of light in the room. Accordingly: you need to select wallpaper in rich, dark tones (purple, blue, dark blue, chocolate, muted terracotta).
  • The windows face north. The lack of lighting can be compensated by choosing wallpaper in warm colors: purple, yellow-green, light orange, golden yellow.

Combined wallpapers - bold solutions for excellent results

There are several options for combining wallpaper and stickers:

  • Horizontal arrangement
  • Vertical arrangement
  • Individual inserts

For successful results, follow important rule sticking combined wallpaper: When choosing different colors (shades), maintain a consistent texture.

Ways to combine wallpaper
VerticalThe vertical stripe can be plain or variegated (this depends on the color of the second type of wallpaper). The classic zoning of walls with a vertical stripe is when the width of the strip coincides with the boundaries of the bed. The height of the strip can be up to the ceiling or continue along the ceiling (and even go to the opposite wall).
HorizontalA fairly popular way of zoning walls using wallpaper. There are many combination options - both in terms of wallpaper combinations and in the method of dividing the walls into parts. More often bottom part The walls are covered with wallpaper with a more saturated and dynamic pattern, the top - with more moderate colors and tone.
InsertsAs a rule, wallpaper inserts of a different color (different from the main one) are placed near the bed or table. For a complete effect, the inserts are most often framed with a baguette. The shape of the insert can be square, rectangular, or oval.
NicheIf a niche in the room is made for decorative purposes (and not for installing a cabinet in it, for example), it should be combined stylistically with the walls. To do this, the same wallpaper that was used to decorate the walls of the room is pasted inside the niche.

Photo wallpaper

Harmony is the most important rule for arranging photo wallpapers! It is recommended to use only one wall for the location of the photograph, otherwise the room will look overloaded.

Principles for arranging photo wallpapers:

  • "One wall." The classic option is to place the pattern behind the bed.
  • Minimum decor. The wall with the image does not need to be crowded with furniture, this will ruin the overall impression.
  • Harmony with the rest of the walls. Since the photo wallpaper will be the brightest element of the walls, the rest of the room can be in one tone (they must be combined with each other!)

You should take the choice of image very seriously. Think about what you are willing to see on your bedroom wall every day.

Wallpaper for a children's bedroom

Rules for wallpapering

The variety of wallpaper choices amazes the modern consumer. This applies to both colors and abundance of species. However, there are a number of rules that can be called universal for any type of wallpaper. Below we present them in the order in which they will be useful to you when pasting.

  • To make old wallpaper easier to remove from the walls, moisten it with water. As soon as they are saturated with moisture, start “undressing the walls.”
  • Uneven walls must be eliminated before wallpapering. The putty should be applied with sweeping movements, and the excess should be removed. Plastered walls are sanded and primed. Then they must dry.
  • Choose an adhesive that is suitable for your wallpaper. This will affect the quality of the pasting result.
  • When wallpapering walls, there should be no drafts in the room.
  • Wallpaper must be applied end to end.

Combining wallpaper in a bedroom interior does not end with pasting one type behind the bed and another on the other walls. It’s getting more complicated and we’ve prepared photos of wallpaper combinations in the bedroom with analysis from the designer.

Which wallpaper to choose for the bedroom

In general, wallpapers are better suited and are more often used in classic interiors bedrooms. Don’t be surprised that most of the photos will be from the classics. However, in modern styles There are situations when no other material will give the desired effect.

Classic wallpaper in the bedroom interior

The theory of combining wallpaper will come later, for now we will simply provide photographs and comment on them, finding out why the bedroom interior looks stylish or not.

The standard and best version of classic wallpaper for the bedroom is wallpaper with a colored background and pattern without strong contrast. This can be either a pattern that differs from the main color by 1-2 tones, or a silver or gold pattern.

Wallpaper with a clear pattern is accent. They cannot cover the entire room. The standard is 1 wall, maximum two. Let's look at the photo.

Classic wallpaper with a large pattern and especially with gold and silver colors at the base looks expensive. The rest of the bedroom furnishings must match, otherwise it will be dissonant and inharmonious. appearance. Photos when this rule is not followed:

The second type of classic wallpaper is wallpaper with a contrasting pattern. It would seem that whether the contrasting pattern makes a big difference or not, does it make sense to highlight them in separate species. Eat. They are perceived completely differently, the bedroom design around such wallpaper is built differently.

Between classic wallpaper There is a huge difference with a contrasting pattern and a non-contrasting pattern.

Wallpaper with a contrasting pattern greatly loads the bedroom interior with details. If you don’t take this into account and add more details with bed linen, curtains and other items, you’ll end up with a mess. Such wallpaper should almost never be used on more than one wall.

Another type of wallpaper for classic styles are wallpapers that can be painted. It makes little sense to provide their photos, because... It is impossible to distinguish a simply painted wall from a wall with painted wallpaper from a photo. In reality the texture is visible, in the photo it is not.

Modern wallpaper in the bedroom interior

In most modern styles, wallpaper is rarely used. Paint, decorative plaster, 3D panels, etc. are used to decorate walls. But when you need a pattern, geometric shapes or something like that, wallpaper still helps.

An interesting borrowing from classic styles is black wallpaper with a low-contrast or silver pattern. It is in black that they are used in modern styles when you need to add a little luxury.

Geometric shapes and broken patterns go well with some modern interiors bedrooms, and you can only get them with wallpaper. There's also wallpaper with stripes and fine textures.

Neutral wallpaper without a pronounced texture too interesting option. Especially considering that the basis of all modern styles is minimalism.

Gradients and photo wallpapers are another type of wallpaper that fits well into modern bedrooms. But be careful with photo wallpapers - this is a very risky move. This option can look stylish, or maybe collective farm, you need to have a fine sense of the line. If you know how to work with graphic editors, you can photoshop the wallpaper in your bedroom to get an idea of ​​what it will look like.

Nowadays, it’s rare for anyone to stick one type of wallpaper on all the walls in the bedroom. In most cases, these are two types of wallpaper, where one is accent and the other is background. Accent wallpapers are either wallpapers with a clear pattern, or darker, or more saturated in color.

By the way, we are in:

Combined wallpaper

Manufacturers take modern trends into account and have long been producing wallpaper collections designed to be combined within the same room. This is a good and least risky option, and it’s hard to make a mistake using it.

Usually in such collections the main and accent wallpapers are clearly distinguished, but sometimes they differ only in color. It is expected that the more saturated ones will become accentuated.

The fact that wallpapers are combined with each other within one collection does not mean that you will not mess up with their arrangement. More on this later.

We combine different wallpapers

When you want to combine wallpaper from different collections, you need to think about two things:

  1. Do the wallpapers match each other?
  2. Which bedroom wall should you stick which wallpaper on?

To answer the first question, check out and with.

The article about color combinations is strictly required reading. Otherwise it will be like this:

There are nuances to the second point. The standard for a bedroom is to place accent wallpaper behind the bed. This is often justified, but not always.

If the wall behind the bed is small due to rectangular shape bedroom, then make it an accent best idea. We have already written about it. This also includes the situation when the wall behind the bed is overloaded with details: lamps, paintings, a high colorful headboard, etc. Below are examples of how NOT to combine wallpaper in the bedroom.

The second option is to make the least busy wall an accent wall. Using this combination methodology, the wallpaper usually ends up behind the bed - in most bedrooms this wall is the least loaded. After all, on the perpendicular walls of the bedroom in 99 cases out of 100 there is a door on one side and a window on the other.

The third option is the wall behind the TV. The problem here is with the competition for attention between the TV and the wall. In general, not the best option for combining wallpaper. If for the first two reasons, your bedroom is not suitable, perhaps combining wallpaper in the bedroom should be abandoned altogether. Or unload the wall behind the bed.

Wallpaper with imitation wood, imitation brick and even imitation concrete. There are even wallpapers that imitate concrete slabs, with gaps between them and painted rivets. At first glance they look cool, but let's figure it out.

Most of the materials listed have been successfully imitated in design for a long time. Natural wood is imitated by laminate (which, by the way, can also be glued to the wall behind the bed in the bedroom). Real brick is imitated by decorative brick. Concrete and much more (almost everything) is imitated with decorative plaster.

So why is wallpaper worse then? Because they only imitate the pattern, but not the volume and texture. And it looks terrible. Even in the photo. Just think about it - even in the photo you can see that this is just imitation wallpaper. Flat, boring. In life everything looks even worse, such wallpaper will not deceive anyone.

The coolest thing about natural materials or their high-quality imitations is the texture and volume.
Light and shadows play with each other on them, and we see their depth. This is why concrete and wood love contour lighting - it gives the material shadows and depth. Matte and glossy areas and roughness are visible. Wallpaper will never be able to do that. Just look at what bricks and concrete look like with texture:

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Wallpaper is still the most popular and affordable wall covering. Their softness and texture allow you to create a special coziness in every room. Wallpaper for the bedroom is incredibly diverse and can transform, refresh and decorate the interior

Features and Benefits

Wallpaper is considered one of the most ancient wall coverings. Their official creator is considered Jean-Michel Papillon, who in 1645 came up with wooden blocks to create a long-lasting and skillful pattern on paper wallpaper. In fact, history takes us to Ancient China, where 200 years BC they began to stick rice paper on the walls. Much later - in 1481 A French artist painted wall paper for King Louis XI with charming angels in the blue sky, which quickly became a fashionable trend among the nobility.

Little by little, wallpaper began to decorate homes all over the world, while also performing quite practical functions. So, the design of this coating provides:

  • excellent breathability;
  • pleasant tactile sensations;
  • good sound insulation depending on the type of wallpaper;
  • the ability to carry out repairs yourself;
  • presentable type of coating for several years;
  • all kinds of prints and patterns, including photo printing;
  • masking some wall irregularities;
  • minimum costs;
  • environmental friendliness.

The last point largely advocates the use of wallpaper among bedroom interiors. Lack of foreign odors and impossibility allergic reactions allows you to sleep peacefully in the room. Besides, modern design allows wallpaper to be an organic covering as in classic bedroom, and in modern styles.

Depending on the direction in the design of the bedroom, wallpaper sometimes looks completely different:

  • For example, among the features of the models for classic bedrooms choose a clear repeating pattern with notes of ornateness.
  • Provence and Country on the contrary, they may not have too careful drawing and even be produced in one color, because the main accents here are furniture and accessories.
  • The secondary importance of wallpaper design is also observed in the Art Nouveau style. Colors and images here should not drown out stylistic decisions in choosing a bed and furniture set.
  • Abstractions on wallpaper have firmly entered into the style Minimalism.


Modern and traditional types of wallpaper vary enormously in price segment and in aesthetic and practical qualities. Some create a glossy surface, others create a soft textured structure. Knowing their features will allow you to achieve the desired look of the bedroom. First and all known species are paper wallpapers. They are the most environmentally friendly type and are perfect for the bedroom, consisting of paper and cellulose.

They also have other advantages, for example:

  • The most affordable prices;
  • Brightness of colors;
  • Variety of designs and ornaments;
  • Breathable surface that prevents the appearance of fungi and mold;
  • Opportunity independent conduct repair.

It is worth saying that paper wallpaper can be single-layer or double-layer. The latter are in a higher price range, however performance characteristics them higher. Single-layer options are familiar with such problems as:

  • Possible stretching of the pattern during gluing;
  • Sunburn;
  • Fear wet cleaning;
  • Translucent patterns from old wallpaper due to improper treatment of walls before repair;
  • Difficulty removing wallpaper from the wall during subsequent repairs;
  • Lack of sound insulation, which is important for such a relaxation area as a bedroom.

Of course, two-layer models also have these disadvantages to some extent, but the second sheet makes them tougher and stronger. You can enjoy their presentable appearance for 5-7 years.

A more advanced option eco-friendly wallpaper You can consider non-woven wallpaper. They contain cellulose-based non-woven material, making them very practical. For example, this option can be confidently wiped with water, painted water-based paint and enjoy textured patterns. In addition, non-woven wallpaper “breathes” and meets all fire safety requirements. This look is also good for bedrooms.

However, do not confuse non-woven wallpaper with non-woven vinyl wallpaper. These products have only a general appeal, differing in practical application. So, experts advise using vinyl wallpaper for the hallway, bathroom or kitchen. In places where healthy sleep is expected, the presence of polyvinyl chloride can play a cruel joke on the owner. The fact is that vinyl does not allow air to pass through, has a characteristic odor, and is a completely synthetic material.

Vinyl varieties include one of the most attractive types called silk-screen printing. On a perfectly smooth and thin surface, embossing creates glossy patterns that captivate with the shine of silk threads. Despite the fact that vinyl wallpaper has excellent aesthetic properties and can be washed, its use in the bedroom is not recommended. Therefore, experts advise paying attention to more natural materials. For example, acrylic wallpaper have a thinner synthetic layer that provides best walkthrough air.

And when thinking about high-quality repairs for many years, you can consider the option of natural wallpaper. They are made from materials such as cork, bamboo, jute, seaweed and even straw. Non-woven fabric can be used as a base, or there may be no base at all. This option can be called one of the most environmentally friendly and presentable, which also has a large number of advantages.

Pros of natural cork wallpaper:

  • Pleasant tactile sensations from the softness of the material;
  • Non-flammability;
  • Dust-repellent property;
  • Possibility of pasting not only smooth walls, but also convex or concave surfaces;
  • Service life - more than 20 years.

At the same time, such models also have a main disadvantage, which is an obstacle for those who want to carry out repairs on a budget. For square meter For this unique canvas you will have to pay at least 500 rubles, which for a full wall amounts to a significant amount. In this case, designers advise not to give up this attractive idea, highlighting the framed part of the wall with a natural covering, leaving the remaining walls of the bedroom for a more budget-friendly covering.

Another innovative type is glass wallpaper. They are made from heated special glass fibers using a kind of loom. This species is absolutely strong and durable, and is not afraid of even the tenacious claws of pets. In addition, this is washable wallpaper that can be easily cleaned with any detergent. Fiberglass wallpaper is used in its natural form and for painting, because the number of possible colors reaches 20 times.

Textile wallpapers have the highest class of beauty for the bedroom. Made from silk, velor and felt, they are extremely pleasant, although they are very difficult to care for. For example, fabric ones fade in the sun, but it is better to entrust them to a craftsman, because a drop of glue on the front side will remain there almost forever. This option also traps dust, which affects light-colored wallpapers more.


Despite all this, textile wallpaper is increasingly used in bedrooms. They exude comfort and warmth, captivating those who want to transform an ordinary room to one of the most comfortable corners in your home. Coatings of this type hide small unevenness in walls well and are an environmentally friendly product. In some cases, liquid wallpaper is used for bedrooms. Decorative plaster made of non-woven fabric is supplemented with mineral additives, for example, quartz sand, and is applied to the walls with a spatula. The result is a textured wall with the ability to apply any patterns and images using a stencil and paint. Their service life is long.

Having chosen the type of wallpaper suitable for your home, it’s time to decide on its color. You will have to spend a third of your life in the chosen color, and therefore the right decision here is extremely important.

Color variety

Choosing a color for the bedroom is a responsible undertaking, because the color palette will affect both your sleep and your energy level when you wake up. In this case, it is important to choose which value has higher priority. So, if when you come home after a busy day you want to take a break from everything, it is better to give preference to neutral, soothing tones. If rich shades invigorate and motivate you, you should forget about the stereotypical pastel shades of the bedroom and breathe life into the interior with rich colors.

This year has become a time for designers to gradually forget the color beige. Despite the fact that this tone can be considered universal and suitable for everything, The designers have chosen something more interesting:

  • So, white wallpaper is a good choice for cozy corner calmness and balance. They match absolutely any color of furniture and even pastel shades fill them with strength, turning them into bright accents . And against the background of a white ceiling and dark parquet, they significantly extend the room in height, adding visual space.


  • Black wallpaper– another trend this season. However, before giving them preference, it is important to soberly assess the area of ​​the bedroom, because any dark color eats up space. The situation is different with spacious rooms when the black tone gives the atmosphere luxury and solidity. It is worth noting that even in a large room, black wallpaper is glued to one wall, for example, at the head of the bed. This way, the bed area is accentuated, and black is not the first thing you look at every morning.


  • Coming up with stylish combinations for a black wall, stylists recommend using these multifaceted gray wallpaper. Moreover, they may not be monochromatic, but two-color, consisting of geometric patterns. For example, vertical gray and white stripes can be considered a simple and effective geometric solution. A gray long-pile carpet can complement such a luxurious and laconic bedroom.

Don’t forget about high-quality lighting in the form of a large chandelier or spotlights.


  • Presence warm colors will decorate the space of any bedroom. To achieve this, the walls can be decorated with wallpaper with imitation natural stone, boards or lining. It looks very colorful, keeping pace with the new trends of the latest season. The space can be completely covered with similar wallpaper, or perhaps, as in the previous case, located at the head of the bed.


  • Remains in fashion and blue tones . Stylists advise choosing blue and turquoise shades for decorating the bedroom, which give special tenderness and tranquility. Experts recommend treating dark blue tones with caution, because too much color can turn cozy bedroom into a cold and gloomy room. A combination of several wallpaper tones will help solve this problem.


  • But green tones, on the contrary, they are definitely loved by all stylists and psychologists. This positive and pleasant color palette can improve your mood, relax you after mental work and set you up for positivity at the beginning of the day. For the bedroom, you can choose either plain wallpaper or options with delicate flowers, for example, pink peonies, violets and other intricate fantasy floral motifs.


  • Pink wallpaper, By the way, today they are also at the peak of popularity. However, they never left the heights of relevance, because most women’s bedrooms are decorated with this particular color. Here you should choose pastel colors from soft pink to gray-pink undertones.


  • The ancestor pink tonered tint, Designers do not recommend using it to decorate a bedroom. Red wallpaper excites the mind too much, excites thoughts, and sometimes even incites aggression. This color is contraindicated for people with sleep disorders. However, not all shades of red need to be excluded from possible options. So, burgundy and brown wallpapers are perfect for noble classic bedrooms. Combined with luxurious furniture from natural wood they give an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

  • Lilac and purple tones wallpaper raises some doubts among psychologists, because these shades, like blue tones, are cold. When they appear dark and overly saturated, they can instill anxiety, and therefore when choosing this color you should pay attention to a pale lavender tone and delicate pastel colors.


With a pattern

Deserves special attention wallpaper with a pattern, after all, in most cases, it is precisely because of the unique ornament that this type of wall covering is preferred. Floral wallpaper is considered one of the most popular types. Indeed, they have been and will be popular for a very long time, because the magic of flowers will captivate with their beauty and tenderness. The easiest and most unobtrusive option would be wallpaper in small flower, including no more than three shades. Their numerous varieties can be observed in Country and Provence styles, where wildflowers settle on a green background.

If the bedroom is made in modern styles, original solution will become wallpaper with peonies and roses. They can look like photo wallpapers, or they can have an abstract, unobtrusive design. In the first case, large “live” flowers are placed on one of the walls, leaving the remaining surfaces monochromatic. The second option allows for the possibility full coverage wallpaper surface, provided the color is delicate.

And yet, despite its beauty and attractiveness, color motifs more appealing to women's bedrooms. However, no one thought to forget about men, creating stylish striped and checkered wallpaper. Vertical stripe Contrasting shades visually stretch the room, while the checkered pattern creates an English and Scottish style.

Another popular subspecies are wallpaper with monograms. The patterns on them are repeated with a certain pattern. Since they can be made in classic and modern themes, it is safe to say that there is a wallpaper for every style. At the same time, large monograms are suitable only for spacious bedrooms, because like any other large pattern, they tend to reduce space. And when choosing this option, it is important to correlate it with the furniture, remembering that bright and designer furniture will look better on barely noticeable wallpaper with monograms and vice versa.

How to combine with the interior?

The combination of wallpaper with the interior is an important point in the implementation perfect renovation. It is not for nothing that designers strongly recommend deciding on the color of the furniture set before purchasing a covering. However, you can use universal colors. For example, beige and sand shades suit both white furniture and dark sets equally well.

Designers also have characteristic colors for furniture in light and dark colors. So, if the color of the headset is warm chocolate tone, good choice warm colors such as green and brown will appear. If the color of the furniture is close to white, bleached oak and color natural wood, there will be a golden hue ideal solution. It is also worth paying attention to wallpaper in white, light green, calm orange and olive shades.

Curtains match the wallpaper taking into account the following principles:

  • In tone or tone darker or lighter;
  • Beige or white, if the wallpaper has a bright and rich color and pattern;
  • With two-color wallpaper, curtains can repeat one of the selected tones;
  • Light shade to match cold and warm color palette wallpaper

When decorating a room with light curtains, designers recommend choosing white tones with a slight blue tint. This little secret will allow you to refresh your bedroom and breathe cleanliness into it, especially if the windows face sunny side. Experts advise treating patterns on curtains with some caution and not overusing them when wallpapering with images. For plain wall coverings, designs on curtains in the form of geometric stripes and monograms are acceptable.

How to choose?

And yet, even with knowledge of the exact selection criteria, we often doubt whether the wallpaper will suit a particular room. Therefore, it is important to decide for yourself what kind of environment you are trying to create in the bedroom, because even the most attractive wallpaper on the wall may not bring joy if it is not chosen to your liking. Explore the photo catalog of wallpaper and stylish options in interiors to understand what is closer specifically to you and your home.

After accurately understanding your desires, a selection of wallpapers begins. Their choice should take place in a variety of offers, and therefore you should not make a decision by visiting just one store. In addition, you can always study samples and make a selection based on photos on Internet sites.

Keeping the criteria in mind the right wallpaper for small and spacious bedrooms, smooth and not very smooth walls, high and low ceilings, you can confidently give preference to the chosen option:

  • For a teenage boy The best solution would be to exclude rich and aggressive colors, because growing children need to adjust to a calm wave after a hard day. Gray and white photo wallpaper with the image of your favorite football player on one wall or a mystical character, space with numerous planets will be good options for an unusual design.

It is worth saying that for a girl the principle of calm walls is also relevant. Pink and blue pastel colors, gray, beige and lavender with youthful patterns will help create the right mood.

  • Besides, for boys and girls of early age The nursery can be decorated in brighter colors, because, according to psychologists, kids draw energy from the environment at home, while teenagers come home to relax. Cars and princesses can be located at the head of the bed.
  • In the children's and adult bedrooms can be used different option wallpapering, for example, wallpapering in a vertical combination is suitable for increasing the height of the room. In this case, any wallpaper can be selected. Plain and with monograms, they can be repeated at various intervals, which will look even more creative than stripes at equal distances.

  • Wallpapers that are the same in texture and similar or matched in pattern are suitable for combination. In order not to make a mistake with their compatibility, it is enough to choose them from one collection of one brand - as a rule, they are available in several colors. Wallpapering using vertical combination can use in its arsenal one simple, but very effective technique to increase the ceiling height. To do this, one of the vertical stripes must go to the ceiling. It is best if the stripe is close to its color.

Win-win vertical combination options:

  • maintaining symmetry when two contrasting dark stripes are opposite each other;
  • asymmetry, when one wide contrasting stripe can be opposite several thin stripes;
  • transition between colors, when one wall is completely covered with one type of wallpaper, the second has a vertical combination from wide to thin stripes, the third and fourth are completely made in a different tone.

To others possible method The gluing design can become a horizontal division. A border made of paper or plastic, running horizontally, perfectly expands a small room with high ceilings, for example, in apartments called “Khrushchev-era” apartments. The wallpaper can be the same on the bottom and top parts. Often, the height of the strip is directly related to the height of the window sills, but other options are also possible.

Classic combinations and divisions with horizontal combination in the bedroom:

  • the wall one third from the bottom is made of striped wallpaper, wide the upper part is made of plain wallpaper;
  • 2/3 – if the lower part is wide, the wallpaper is selected with large drawing, the top remains monochromatic;
  • 1/3 – the bottom is made in a small repeating pattern, the top is made of large monograms that match in character.

It is worth noting that other options can be used. For example, in some versions, a horizontal wide strip of bright wallpaper runs down the middle, leaving the bottom and top plain.


Zoning with wallpaper This is the separation of different zones in a room using contrasting colors. Sometimes this technique is the only possible way to highlight zones in the bedroom-living room or children's room. When highlighting zones in the bedroom, stylists recommend limiting them to a small number. For example, in a children's room it could be a desk, and in an adult it could be a dressing room, however, most often it is subject to zoning. sleeping place. To implement it, a combination of bright wallpapers with calm ones is allowed.

It is worth remembering that rich colors and prints should not be in sight before bed to prevent insomnia.

The bedside area can stand out with wallpaper with patterns, photo wallpaper with large format printing. To highlight areas such as dressing table or a wardrobe, it is enough to purchase patterned wallpaper that matches the tone of the main color. This will create a holistic view of the room, while dividing it into zones.

Zoning in a children's room can occur in two cases:

  • the room is shared by two children of different sexes;
  • The room includes a sleeping area, a work area and a play area.

In the first case, contrasting wallpapers are selected and matched using plasterboard partition, effectively smoothing the transition. In the second case bright wallpaper located on the working and play area, and plain ones - near the berth. When zoning a bedroom, the key point is its shape and size. So, for a narrow bedroom, typical of the Khrushchev era, it is necessary to carefully consider the design, without turning the room into a tunnel that has no end. Therefore, the wallpaper here should be chosen to be contrasting. For rectangular bedroom long walls pasted over light colors, while others are dark. Thus, dark wallpaper attracts all attention, which means the room seems more proportional.

When zoning a narrow bedroom its owners will have to face the fact that small space you will have to connect several zones. For this, two types of wallpaper can be used. Dark ones with a pattern are located near working area against a small wall, light and calm - in the sleeping area. You can also use another technique with three types of wallpaper. The leading and primary color is used to cover the entire space, the second is the sleeping area, the third is the working area, and borders or plastic panels serve as delimiters.

In a square bedroom zoning is easier, however, here too it is important to follow all the basic rules. One of the key recommendations is to divide the room while maintaining its integrity, because in a square room the lack of thought is especially noticeable. Therefore, when gluing white wallpaper on the work area, and blue wallpaper on the bedroom area, you should combine them with the help of accessories. So, blue pillows can be harmoniously placed on the work area chair, and white curtains can decorate the sleeping area.

Fashion trends

Experts admit that a bedroom with a workplace and a wardrobe can be perfectly divided using one type of wallpaper. Here, however, experts recommend adding decorative plaster or liquid wallpaper. The combination of different textures is the trend of this season. So, plain wall coverings cover work areas, and bright and beautiful wallpaper comfortably located at the head of the bed. Experts describe this method as concise and win-win.

Modern ideas Bedroom interior designers in 2017 are pleased with their diversity. Two types of wallpaper or one, or maybe three - everything can look fashionable and attractive if chosen correctly.

The fashionable pages of interior design magazines this year never cease to talk about the use of two colors in the design of bedrooms. The transitions between them can be smooth and clearly defined. Striped walls with lines of varying widths, created from various rolls of wallpaper, look interesting in this option.

Three-color combinations did not go unnoticed by the designers. The number one color on the fashion list is white. It is successfully used as a base tone, diluting it with more saturated, but close to each other colors.