Where should the bed be located in the apartment? How to place a bed so that there is free space. How to place a bed in a rectangular bedroom

We spend almost a third of our lives sleeping, it is important that the sleeping place is comfortable. When deciding how to properly place a bed in the bedroom, you should take into account many many nuances, because thanks to good sleep efficiency is maintained, health is maintained, youth is prolonged. Layout modern apartments sometimes it openly puts all the rules for arranging furniture in jeopardy, but even so, choosing a place to install a bed should be approached responsibly.

The ideal option for installing a bed in the bedroom is with the headboard load-bearing wall where there is no window or door. In relation to the bed, door and window openings should be located on the side, preferably on the side of the foot. If the bed is small, then you can place it with the headboard in the corner (diagonally) - this arrangement is suitable for rooms where the entrance is opposite the window. In this case, you will keep the door in sight, and straight sunlight It will not be blinding in the morning if the windows face east or southeast.

When choosing a place, it is worth remembering the rules:

  • the location of the bed in the bedroom should provide easy access for both partners;
  • make sure there is no air blowing on the bed installed air conditioner, no drafts from the window;
  • It is not recommended for the bed to be adjacent to the wall behind which the bathroom or kitchen is located. Extraneous noise does not contribute to restful sleep. If the installation cannot be changed, use a high soft headboard or cover the wall with cork to increase sound insulation;
  • the bed should not be adjacent to the door so as not to create stress.

How to set up a bed so that waking up is comfortable? At some distance from the window. It is generally accepted that heating radiators are most often placed under the window sill. This is how you can avoid problems:

  • overheating due to too intense battery operation;
  • bright sun with open curtains;
  • overdrying the wooden parts of the stock body, which can cause it to dry out.

If there is an uneven floor, position the bed so that your head is elevated. This situation can arise in old houses or cottages, where the foundation could sag due to the characteristics of the soil.

When choosing a furniture layout in relation to the sleeping area, it is also important to take into account the location of cabinets, cabinets, tables and chairs. Opening doors and pulling out drawers should not touch the bed. But how can you install a bed in a one-room apartment, while following all the rules? Here it is worth considering the fact that the sleeping area will most likely be used as a relaxation area by other family members, if any, or to accommodate guests. Options with one-room apartments You can see the photo below for clarity. Here you can see how specialists try to use space as ergonomically as possible in order to provide people living in the apartment with maximum comfort with a minimum of space.

How a bed shouldn't be

There are rules regarding how to properly place a bed in the bedroom, violation of which is guaranteed to ruin your sleep and well-being. It is important to know not only how to set up a bed in order to wake up in good mood, but also how not to do it:

  • You cannot place the bed opposite the door. According to Feng Shui, narrow and long spaces cause the measured flow of “qi” to accelerate and become restless. In addition, the dead were always laid with their feet towards the door. Even an accidental likeness to a person going to the next world can cause real harm to health;
  • no mirrors, mirrored ceilings. Even glossy surfaces in the bedroom are not recommended. There is no place for TVs and computers next to the bed;
  • Where else you shouldn’t place a bed is against the wall adjacent to the kitchen or bathroom. Job household appliances, pouring water or humming in pipes can become serious provocateurs for insomnia;
  • a bed placed in the middle will make you feel like a shipwreck victim on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Sometimes this attitude is practiced, but this is one of the most unfortunate options - a person subconsciously feels defenseless and uncomfortable;
  • Another way to cause inconvenience to yourself is to place the bed against the wall with the foot of it. Perhaps the worst of the options. Not only will your head be “in the attack zone,” but when you wake up, your eyes will be staring at the wall;
  • only a lonely person who does not want to arrange personal life. It will simply be inconvenient for the other half to get over your spouse every time;
  • Trying to rationally use the free space above the bed, shelves, paintings, and mirrors are often placed on the walls. A heavy chandelier can be hung on the ceiling. All this puts unconscious “pressure”, because a hypothetically heavy object can fall. For a restful sleep, there should be no heavy or sharp objects above your head;
  • the passage between the bed and the furniture must be at least 70 cm. This minimum distance for movement;
  • Do not place hinged wardrobes next to your bed. Doors opening to a person lying on a bed can be perceived as threatening and make you worry;
  • Some people, trying to create a secluded place in a single room, block it off with a closet. If it is always dark in such a corner, a person will feel like in a closet in bed. In addition, in such areas there is poor air circulation, which can cause the development of allergies, psychosomatic suffocation and asthmatic attacks.

Due to the inappropriate placement of the bed in the room, if the basic rules are neglected, a person may be constantly exposed to stress due to interrupted sleep. Air flow from an air conditioner or a draft can easily cause a cold; water, noisy pipes or a dripping faucet can lead to insomnia. In relation to the door, the bed in the bedroom should be located slightly away from the opening. The person lying down should be able to see the door and people entering. This rule is based on the unconscious instinct of self-preservation

How to place a bed correctly if zoning is done inside the room using multi-level ceiling? The ceiling above the bed should be high; nothing should put pressure on the sleeper from above.

Often it is not possible to position the bed correctly and then people wonder why they cannot feel comfortable, why do they get colds even in warm time years, insomnia and headache, and in winter a dry nasopharynx and a constantly irritated throat. They don’t realize that the air next to the radiator is dry, and the movement of household members outside the door causes them to regularly wake up at night and flinch from their own reflection in the mirror.

How not to place a bed

How does the size of the space affect the layout?

Modern layout takes more into account the ergonomics of space. Apartment owners do not have a question about how to install a bed with an area of ​​more than 15 m2. But old buildings are small, elongated, narrow rooms and then this question becomes relevant.

The ease of movement and perception of space depend on how you place the bed in the bedroom. Before purchasing or installing an existing bed in small spaces, it is important to first take careful measurements of the bed and the dimensions of the room. For free movement there should be a passage of 70 cm. Before deciding how to place a bed in a small bedroom, draw a plan to scale with an image of the planned furniture, leaving space for swing doors, compartment doors.

How to place a bed in a narrow bedroom? Designers suggest placing it across the room away from the door, providing space on the sides for small cabinets with lamps. When there is very little space, the headboard is located towards the window. It is recommended to install a screen or curtains between the window and the headboard of the screen. A small, narrow bedroom forces the bed to be installed along the wall. For a single person, this option may be quite convenient. Proper distribution of space will allow you to arrange your sleeping place with maximum comfort.

IN spacious room designers make the bed the central element, which often becomes a kind of axis of symmetry for the room. In this case, the bed can even be installed with the headboard in the corner, which makes it maximally protected, gives an overview of the door to the room and provides access to the sleeping area from both sides.

Feng Shui rules

The Chinese teaching of Feng Shui teaches how to organize a home in accordance with the energy of the 5 elements and coordination according to the cardinal directions. Based on the tenets of the teaching, a house is a projection of certain energy fields, the activity of which affects the owners in different ways. The location relative to the cardinal directions for the bed is one of the primary importance, because this is what can positively or negatively affect many aspects of life.

The correct position of the bed will ensure:

  • harmony in marital relationships;
  • easy conception, pregnancy and childbirth;
  • healthy sleep and good health;
  • will attract good luck and charge a person with positive energy.

According to the tenets of Chinese traditions, it is better not to hang a lamp above the bed. But it is not recommended to leave the sleeping area dark; light can disperse negative energy. You can place neat lighting on the ceiling, and install lamps on bedside tables.

The owner of the room decides which side to prefer, but when positioning, rely on your inner feeling - there is no point in putting the bed in a position that is uncomfortable for you. How the bed should be positioned relative to the cardinal directions: it is important to understand what exactly a person wants to get:

  • north - will ensure career growth and well-being;
  • east – health and wealth;
  • south – glory and prosperity;
  • West – creativity and children.

How to place a bed to make it comfortable. Many of the recommendations already mentioned are also supported by the Feng Shui tradition:

  • do not lie with your feet towards the door or exit, remember that this is how the deceased is laid out. If you can't turn the bed around, use a screen or curtains to shield yourself;
  • It is impossible for the bed to stand in an unlit corner - negative, oppressive energy will accumulate there, sucking the strength out of a person. Also, you should not arrange storage areas with unused items under the bed. The placement of the bed on the cardinal points will be optimal if you install it in the southwestern sector, which is responsible for marriage relations, or in the southeast, closer to the health sector;
  • the bed in the room cannot be placed opposite a mirror or mirror surface - visually you find yourself in a corridor with negative energy. According to Feng Shui, there should be no screens, equipment, or computers near the bed in the bedroom. They emit negative energy;
  • Before going to bed, ventilate the room, let in fresh “qi”. 15 minutes is enough for this. For the bedroom, choose a room that is as close in shape to a square as possible - the ideal shape, a sign of the earth. Using the “ba-gua”, a compass, find out where in the apartment there are favorable sectors for installing a bed. Remove from sleeping place images of grinning animals, sharp objects(even souvenirs), stuffed animals, portraits. No one should “gaze” at sleeping people. It is negative to install aquariums and fountains next to the bed - in the zone of wealth, water elements will bring profit, but fluidity in the family sector will provoke discord between spouses and possible betrayal.

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How to place a bed in the bedroom correctly - in which direction: 9 common mistakes

Have you noticed that after sleep you don’t always feel alert and rested? The issue may not be a lack of time, but incorrect location beds. Today we will talk about how to create a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom and how to position the bed correctly.

Connection between bed, ceiling and mirrors

Not everyone thinks about the connection between the bed, mirrors and ceiling in the bedroom. But they directly affect the energy in the room.


A large chandelier, and even one located above the bed, has a bad effect on the psyche and prevents us from fully relaxing. This also happens due to bulky wall sconces hanging over the headboard.

It has been proven that all electrical appliances emit energy radiation, which has the most negative effect on the human biofield.

You should not use large lampshades, many pendants or ceiling lamps.

Ceiling surface

To create comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom, consider a few important nuances:

  • White smooth ceiling - best option for the rest room.
  • The minimum distance between the ceiling and the bed is 1.5 m.
  • Sockets must be located at least 1.2 m from the headboard.


Lively discussions never cease around mirrors and mirror surfaces, or rather their mystical properties. Many believe that mirrors are capable of storing clots of energy that affect the owner.

Recently, mirrored ceilings have gained popularity. If you decide to diversify the interior of your apartment with a similar trend, then it is better to organize it not in the bedroom. A sleeping person should not be reflected in the mirror.

How not to position your bed: 9 common mistakes

To find the best possible location for your bed, it's important to understand the mistakes you might make during the process. Here are 9 of the most popular.

Photo Description

Mistake 1. Bed with the head of the bed facing the window

If there are no other options for arranging furniture, drape the windows with thick curtains, blinds or roller models.

Mistake 2. Bed opposite the door

There is no need to place the sleeping bed opposite the entrance space. According to folk signs, lying with your feet towards the door is a bad sign, and in Orthodoxy this pose is called the “dead man’s pose.”

Mistake 3. Bed next to communications

It is unacceptable to install a sleeping place near a water supply or other communications built into the wall.

Mistake 4. Bed over the bathroom

If you live in a private house and the bedroom is on the second floor, then do not make the mistake as in the photo. There is no need to organize a sleeping area above the stove or toilet.

Mistake 5. Bed next to the radiator

You should not place the bed close to heating radiators - this is not the best in the best possible way will affect the quality of your sleep.

Error 6. Mirror opposite the bed

As already mentioned, lying down you should not see your reflection.

Mistake 7. Bed in the middle of the room

If the sleeping place is placed in the middle of the room, this can cause anxiety and a feeling of insecurity. It is better to install the bed with the headboard close to the wall.

Mistake 8: TV in front of the bed

Ideally, the TV screen or monitor should be located at a distance of 3 meters and at an angle.

Mistake 9. Very soft mattress

A mattress that is too soft does not contribute to sound and healthy sleep. It is better to give preference to semi-rigid models.

Orientation by cardinal directions

A working person can spend up to 50-60% of his free time in the bedroom. And the environment in the room directly affects the speed and quality of the recovery process after a hard day at work.

Space exploration is a real science. Many in the process resort to the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui, which is designed to harmonize energy flows and balance negative forces.

According to Feng Shui, the head of the bed should be directed towards the East. There are other options:

  • a headboard facing the South-West is designed to bring happiness;
  • to the South - success and health;
  • to the Northeast - calm and peace of mind;
  • to the North - a surge of strength;
  • to the West - financial stability;
  • to the North-West - a thirst for travel.

Feng Shui proponents also believe that positive energy and calmness are brought by smooth lines in the interior. They remove small and unnecessary objects from the bedroom, because they believe that each of them has its own energy (and not always positive).

When arranging a bedroom, you should adhere to the principles of harmony, beauty and minimalism. In the rest room, it is better to use a minimum of furniture: a bed, bedside tables and a couple of lamps will be more than enough.

Here are a few useful tips from designers who will help you decorate your room as comfortably as possible.

  • Use pastel colors in the interior.
  • Lay a soft carpet on the floor - it not only relaxes you well, but also dampens outside noise.
  • Do not place the bed on the wall where the entrance to the room is located.
  • It is better to choose small lampshades, with minimal and discreet decor.
  • To decorate the interior, use panels, poufs, beautiful pillows or paintings.
  • It is important to ensure free movement around the sleeping area and consider a free approach to the chest of drawers or bedside tables.

Paired objects (two sconces, two bedside rugs, two poufs, etc.) have a positive effect on the atmosphere.

How to arrange beds of different sizes

During the arrangement process, it is also very important to take into account the size of the sleeping bed itself. There are several nuances here.

Double bed

Double beds are distinguished by their considerable dimensions; their width is usually 1600-2000 mm. The optimal location for such furniture is the middle of the wall. The bed is placed with the headboard against the wall, providing space for approach (at least 60 cm).

Due to its size, the double bed immediately becomes the main object in the interior, which sets the style for the entire room. Don't get carried away bright design in the bedroom, it is better to keep the bed frame neutral.

According to Orthodox traditions, the bed of the spouses should be a single bed. If a couple sleeps on different mattresses, it is a symbol of separation and an unhappy marriage.

Single bed

Due to its compact size, installation does not cause any particular difficulties. In the process of arrangement, you can experiment a little with the principles of Feng Shui and orientation to the cardinal points.

If you are choosing a bed for a children's room, you can give preference to a loft bed. It allows you to make the most of space in a small room.

Baby cot

Usually such a crib is placed next to an adult. If the child sleeps in another room, the sleeping place should be installed in a corner or along the wall. Installation rules are the same as for adult beds.

To properly place a bed in the bedroom, you should take into account a number of nuances. The location of the bed greatly affects the quality of sleep. Discomfort due to a slight draft or a subconscious feeling of danger caused by, for example, hanging shelf at the head, can even cause insomnia. The teachings of Feng Shui explain the influence of the location of the bed on sleep by the rotation of energy flows, which is disrupted due to improper furnishings. According to Chinese tradition correct location beds can bring success and prosperity into a person’s life.

The teachings of Feng Shui will help you place the bed correctly in the room. It states that the most unfavorable position is for the bed to be positioned with the foot of the bed facing the door. Everything comes out through the doorway positive energy, because of this, after waking up a person feels a loss of strength. If there is nowhere to move the sleeping place, it is recommended to close the door while sleeping. In Slavic culture there is also a sign regarding this placement of the bed. An analogy is drawn with a dead person being carried out of the house “feet first.”

A bed placed with its back to the window provokes arousal nervous system. Subconsciously it creates a feeling of danger, increases the general level of anxiety and provokes insomnia. In addition, due to poor sealing, a draft occurs. And this can cause colds or other more serious diseases. According to Feng Shui, the bed should not be placed between the window and the door.

Nervous stress also causes sleeping on a bed, the head of which is under dormer window, sloping roof or under stairs. In order not to provoke increased anxiety, the sleeping place should not be placed next to hanging shelves, high shelves or under massive chandeliers.

Original bedrooms with a mirrored wall or ceiling are also not a suitable option. According to Feng Shui, a mirror glows and radiates large number energy. During sleep, a person becomes more receptive, so after sleeping in such a room he will feel tired. From a psychological point of view, a mirror near a bed can provoke nightmares (if a person sees his reflection while asleep) or severe fear.

Pipelines, air ducts and heating batteries in the wall next to the bed are also contraindicated. If the bedroom is located next to the toilet or kitchen, the bed should be placed against the opposite wall. A TV, computer or Wi-Fi router should also not be placed in the sleeping room, as they emit negative energy.

To ensure sound sleep and contribute to the restoration of all body structures, it is important to create a feeling of security in the sleeping area. The best way to do this is to install the bed next to a blank wall.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the following should not be located in the sleeping area:

  • chandeliers;
  • large-sized lamps;
  • sockets;
  • hanging pictures;
  • shelves;
  • aquariums;
  • indoor plants;
  • fireplaces.

The most unfavorable places for a sleeping place:

  • center of the room;
  • footboard or headboard to the doorway;
  • between the window and the door.

Features of correct placement

If the bedroom is small, placing the bed correctly becomes more difficult. In rooms with perpendicular doors and windows, the bed should be placed with the head of the bed against a solid wall. When placing a sleeping place across the window-door line, it is important to maintain a distance of at least 50 cm from the foot to the wall.

The best way to place a bed in small bedroom- close to the wall. However, this rule only applies to a single bed. Otherwise, access to the sleeping area should be from both sides.

  1. Loft bed. This is a sleeping place located on a suspended structure, at the bottom of which there can be a closet or a workplace.
  2. Sofa bed.
  3. Folding bed. In this case, the bed is built into the chest of drawers. When assembled, the structure turns into a shelving unit.

Successful placement options in narrow rooms:

  1. Along one of the walls (single bed).
  2. In the corner of the room.
  3. Across the bedroom, with the headboard against the long wall.

Feng Shui placement

The teachings of Feng Shui are based on several fundamental principles. Following them, it becomes easier to place the bed correctly in the bedroom:

  1. Correspondence. The dimensions of the bed should be combined with the rest of the interior. It is important that there are no objects larger than the bed in the room.
  2. Orderliness. The bed should have high legs so that Qi energy can circulate freely. You cannot store boxes or keep bed linen under it. All pieces of furniture must have soft, simple shapes. It is recommended to avoid sharp corners.
  3. Orientation. In any room there should be energy center. The main element in the bedroom should be the bed. The rest of the objects are sprayed around her in a semicircle.
  4. Protection. The sleeping area must be made of natural wood and have a solid foundation.
  5. Harmony. There should not be too bright lamps in the room. It is important that the light is distributed evenly across all objects.

You should also place the bed in the room correctly in accordance with the cardinal directions. Depending on the direction of the headboard, sleeping in such a place will affect different areas life. To restore vitality, you need to sleep with your head facing East. Other directions:

  • southwest - happiness in family life;
  • southeast - luck;
  • south - health;
  • northeast - restoration of mental strength;
  • west - prosperity;
  • north - a surge of vitality;
  • northwest - attracting new opportunities to life.

To get the most benefits from your sleep, it is important to maintain an overall atmosphere of peace. There should be no piles of things and dust in the sleeping area.

To enhance the impact of the location of the bed on life, you need to regularly wipe the corners of the room and the area under the bed with a saline solution. After this, it is recommended to burn a wormwood branch or other incense. This will clear the room of energy debris. It is important to carry out the ritual at least an hour before going to bed, and during and after it, keep the windows open.

Important nuances

In rooms where the floor surface is uneven, the bed should be positioned so that the head is elevated. Usually this situation arises due to the characteristics of the soil and occurs in cottages or old houses.

In order for Qi energy to circulate freely in the bedroom, you need to regularly ventilate the room. Before going to bed, you should always open the windows for 15 minutes.

The most successful room for sleeping will be the one whose shape is close to a square. This is an Earth sign. Also, paintings with aggressive subjects, such as animal fights or wild nature, should not be kept near the bed. Stuffed animals and portraits of people should not be kept in the sleeping area.

It is better to place the bed in the bedroom after watching pets. If they are not there, you should ask someone you know to bring their cat into the house. The animal will not sleep in a place where negative energies circulate.

To prevent the bed from accumulating negative energy during the day, the bed should always be assembled and a blanket placed on top, and for a sound sleep, it is recommended to keep a mint sachet under the pillow. Before going to bed, the bag of herbs should be removed from under the pillow.

The main piece of furniture in the bedroom is the bed. And your overall well-being depends on how comfortable it is. But not only its quality, the choice of mattress, etc. are important, but also its correct location in the room. If you think that placing a bed correctly in the bedroom is easy, you are mistaken. There are too many nuances both from the point of view of ergonomics and from the point of view of energy, which is studied by Feng Shui. You will have to rack your brains to choose the optimal position, but the rest will be complete.

How to arrange a bed in a small bedroom

You can read about the redevelopment of Khrushchev buildings in this article. The design of the kitchen is discussed here, and you can also read about the design of the hallway.

Feng Shui bedroom: rules

In order to feel good and have at least normal performance, you need to get enough sleep. You can't argue with that. The atmosphere should be calm and relaxing, and for this, when decorating a bedroom, light, pastel colors are generally chosen.

But it’s not just color that creates atmosphere. The furnishings, including furniture and other items, are no less important. Eastern philosophy pays great attention to the correct arrangement of objects and decor, and in particular, one of its directions is Feng Shui. There are quite a few rules, here are the main ones that apply specifically to the bedroom:

  • It is advisable to place the headboard close to a solid wall without windows or doorway. If you can’t place it against a solid wall, then at least not under a window.
  • Do not put your feet towards the door.
  • It should not stand on the straight line connecting the window and the door.
  • If there are ventilation shafts behind the wall or sewer risers, the bed definitely cannot be placed against such a wall. This applies to bedrooms with their own bathrooms. Position the bed so that it is as far away from such a wall as possible.

How to put a bed in the bedroom

Orientation by cardinal directions

According to Chinese sages, the direction of our home in general, and the place to sleep in particular, influences our lives: we spend much more time at home while sleeping than when we are awake. Therefore, choose another place to place the headboard of the bed:

  • to the south - ensures stability of reputation;
  • to the southeast - enhances perseverance, helps achieve goals;
  • to the east - sleep peacefully;
  • to the northeast - activates thought processes;
  • to the north - promotes the development of intuition;
  • northwest - attracts friends;
  • to the west - improves health and promotes the appearance of offspring;
  • to the southwest - attracts love.

Based on all this, you choose to sleep with your head to the north and develop intuition, or to the southwest to find love... or somewhere else.

When choosing the location of the bed, consider its position relative to the cardinal directions

Read how to choose wallpaper for your bedroom here.

How to safely and comfortably place a bed in the bedroom

Safe - this time from the point of view of health and possible dangers, and convenient - from the point of view of ergonomics: to make it comfortable to sleep and maintain the bed - make it, change linen.

From this point of view, sleeping on the straight line connecting the doors and the window is not worth it. The reason is drafts, which can be dangerous and definitely won’t add comfort.

You should not place tall cabinets on either side of the bed. This creates an uncomfortable feeling and there is a chance that something will fall. Feng Shui, by the way, also does not recommend this arrangement of furniture, but for a different reason: the corners of the furniture are directed towards the sleepers, disturbing their energy.

Only small-height furniture can be placed on the sides

A little about how to place a bed from an ergonomic point of view. It is desirable that there is a passage of at least 70 cm on both sides. If there is a dressing table, chest of drawers or other furniture, then the distance increases - at least 0.95 cm, and preferably a meter or more. Then you can squat down near the furniture to open the lower drawers, for example, and it will not interfere when making the bed.

Correct placement of the bed in the bedroom

How to place a bed in the bedroom is of interest to many owners of houses and apartments. A good rest without nightmares at night depends on its successful location.
ABOUT proper organization You can find a do-it-yourself sleeping place in this article.

How to orient your bed while sleeping

The location of the bed in the bedroom in the cardinal directions plays a big role in a person’s well-being. According to Feng Shui, the head should be positioned in a favorable direction.
For spouses you need to choose according the best place for a man.

The position of the head of the bed depends on:

  • Its location to the north is considered ideal. In this case, the Earth's magnetic lines are located along the human body.
    Then he receives stability, peace of mind, prosperity, good health and quick healing from illnesses.

You need to sleep with your head to the north so that your sleep is calm and sound, and there is peace and tranquility in your soul. For married couples, this position helps them feel more affection and intimacy, but for a teenager and an active person this direction is too calm.

  • The position of the head to the east corresponds to the natural movement of celestial bodies. Since ancient times, the east has been associated with the spiritual principle, where reason, mental strength and freedom of spirit are concentrated. In addition, this position will give a person a feeling of coolness in the summer heat.

The East is capable of imparting strong ambition and ambition, giving the desire to accelerate the course of events. His energy can help you start any business and makes it possible to wake up in the morning in a good mood.

  • Sleeping with your head facing west can bring love, enhance sensitivity and creativity. This is ideal for magicians and creative people, especially for artists.
    The Western direction increases the intensity of passion, which is necessary to strengthen family relations. Sleeping with your head to the west is filled with satisfaction in life.
  • Head direction to the south is good for singles if they want to gain fame and become more successful. The south gives energy for progress to all affairs on a broad front.

Advice: Those who suffer from insomnia, are stressed and are too emotional should under no circumstances sleep with their heads facing south.

  • The northeast has rough and harsh energy. It is well suited for those who want to find a purpose in life and make the right decision. This direction gives vigor, but is absolutely not suitable for a person who wants to relax and improve their sleep.
  • Provide long and deep sleep the north-west will help. This energy is more suitable for mature and elderly people rather than young and carefree people.
    This direction can help you gain leadership qualities and manage responsibilities correctly.
  • Sleeping with your head directed to the southeast helps to free yourself from subconscious complexes and increase creativity. This is very useful for those who want to start a new business and who need an influx of fresh energy.
  • Harmony and fullness of life can be achieved by those who sleep with their heads facing southwest. This is useful for improving family relationships and at work.

In addition to the position of a person in the bedroom, the placement of the bed is very important (see How to properly place a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui). With her correct installation the occupant of the room may have the opportunity for career advancement.
If the bed is in accordance with the requirements of Feng Shui, its location unites the favorable flows of Qi, strengthens and balances their flow, and has a positive effect on people’s health and success.
The ancient Chinese believe that the orientation of the head of the sleeping bed to the cardinal points can have the following effects:

  • To the north - helps to develop intuition.
  • To the northeast helps in obtaining good results in experiments and scientific research.
  • To the east - gives a peaceful and restful sleep.
  • To the southeast it gives perseverance and perseverance in business.
  • To the south provides an excellent reputation.
  • To the southwest can help in love affairs.
  • Going to the West gives guarantees of having healthy children.
  • To the northwest will ensure good luck in friendship.

The video shows in detail how best to arrange the bed in the bedroom. This article discusses the basic provisions and examples of the design of bedrooms.

Ways to place a bed in the bedroom

The instructions for placing the bed indicate how to place the sleeping bed:

  • Near the wall. This is a good location.

Arrangement of the bed with the headboard against the wall

  • Headboard by the window. A feeling of security is created by the wall behind your head. In its absence, a person experiences a feeling of discomfort.

Tip: In this case, it is necessary to close the window at night with thick curtains, shutters or roller shutters.

  • Center. A central location of the bed in the bedroom cannot be considered successful. There is not a single wall nearby, which means there is no feeling of protection and reliable support.
  • Opposite the door. If there is no other option for placing the bed in the bedroom, you must separate it from the door with a screen or partition. The height of the screen must be greater than that of the bed itself.

The bed in the bedroom can be installed in different ways, which is determined by the size and shape of the room and the personal preferences of its owner.
But there are some general principles which are not recommended to be violated:

  • Niche. In an alcove or niche is the most correct location of the bed in the room. The enclosed space gives a feeling of comfort and safety, as shown in the photo.

Placing a bed in a niche

  • Straight. It is undesirable if in the bedroom the bed is located between the door and the window:
  • this is the most ventilated place in the room; opening the window at night will be very dangerous for health;
  • upon entering the room, a person will immediately be able to see the bed, which is the most intimate place in the house.
    • Window. It is undesirable to place the bed directly under the window; there should be an easy approach to it. If there is no other option for installing a bed, you need to make sure that there is no blowing from the window, and, if possible, close it tightly with curtains (see Curtains and bedspread included for the bedroom) for a restful sleep.

    A bedroom furnished according to Feng Shui, the placement of the bed in it in compliance with all the rules, is not enough for a safe, full sleep. It is very important that they do not hang over the sleeping area. heavy chandeliers, paintings, shelves with books.
    Even good fastening placing them against the wall does not guarantee against an unexpected fall, and therefore injury during sleep.

    Tip: To preserve vision, the TV should be located away from the bed, and a light source should be installed above the sleeping place for reading literature. They can be sconces, on bedside table- desk lamp.

    Organization of a sleeping place

    Sound sleep and good health are inextricably linked. A person can sleep for a long time or very little, but he cannot do without sleep.
    The bed is the master of the bedroom. It should be as convenient as possible, no matter how high its price. This is one piece of furniture that you cannot skimp on.
    When arranging your home according to Feng Shui, the correctness and incorrectness of the location of the bed can only be checked in one way - experiment. In any case, you need to try and experiment with its placement.
    If there is a feeling of discomfort, lack of comfort, you can safely rearrange the sleeping bed until pleasant sensations arise and joyful events begin to happen in life.