The girl has a dark brown discharge. Reasons for the appearance of brown discharge on women's panties. Additional factors that provoke discharge

The color of leucorrhoea is one of characteristic features, by which the state of a woman’s reproductive health is judged. A change in shade is not always a sign of pathology. Individual characteristics of the body affect the state of hormonal levels, blood composition and clotting, and the production of vaginal mucus. The appearance of brown discharge in women is often associated with normal physiological processes, but can be the result of a serious illness. It is important to find out the cause and, if necessary, receive timely treatment.


Why do such discharges occur?

The brown color of the discharge always indicates the presence of coagulated blood in it. The intensity of the color depends on its quantity, as well as on the consistency of the mucus. Liquid leucorrhoea is usually light brown, almost pink. The discharge is thick, contains stagnant blood or clots, and is dark brown.

The causes of bleeding may be:

  • physiological processes associated with damage to blood vessels (these include menstruation, ovulation, implantation of the embryo into the endometrium, postpartum self-cleaning of the uterus);
  • hormonal changes in the body leading to menstrual irregularities;
  • damage to the epithelial membranes of the genital organs during abortion, gynecological procedures, sexual intercourse;
  • age-related changes in the structure of the vaginal mucosa;
  • damage to the surfaces of the cervix and vagina as a result of inflammatory processes;
  • processes in the uterus and ovaries, leading to improper development of their tissues and blood vessels;
  • genital injuries;
  • inflammation of the bladder.

Normal discharge

Normal brown discharge is not abundant, does not have an unpleasant odor, and is uniform in composition. Such discharge appears when using hormonal contraceptives, with slight damage to the capillaries of the vagina during douching, examination by a gynecologist, sometimes after violent sexual intercourse, as well as at the beginning and after the end of menstruation, during ovulation, implantation of a fertilized egg.

Brownish leucorrhoea can also appear after nervous stress or physical fatigue.

Pathological discharge

They can be abundant or spotting depending on the type of pathology. Have bad smell, contain dark clots of blood or particles of dead tissue, may contain pus, lumps, foam. Often alternate with bright red bleeding.

A clear sign of pathology is the appearance of spotting on any day of the cycle, if it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, and other menstrual irregularities, infertility is observed.

Pathology is indicated by the appearance of bloody leucorrhoea during menopause (after menopause). A sign of serious illness may be the constant appearance of spotting after sex.

Brown discharge is pathological, accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina, frequent urination, and fever.

Diseases and pathologies that cause bloody leucorrhoea

Ectopic pregnancy. This is a dangerous condition in which the fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterine cavity (most often in the fallopian tube, less often in the cervix). The cause may be inflammation of the appendages, the formation of adhesions and tumors in the uterine cavity. Damage to the tissue at the site of attachment of the embryo leads to the appearance of spotting dark brown leucorrhoea. They are also associated with rupture of the membrane of the ovum, its rejection, and “tubal abortion.” One of the most dangerous scenarios is a rupture of the fallopian tube at 6-8 weeks.

Erosion, cervical dysplasia. The diseases are associated with changes in the structure of the epithelium of the pharynx of the cervix, which extends into the vagina, ulceration of the surface and damage to small vessels.

Colpitis, cervicitis– inflammation of the vagina and cervix. Thinning and atrophy of the mucous membranes occurs, and bleeding cracks form on them. Disruption of the microflora leads to the development of fungi (thrush), facilitating the penetration of pathogens of sexually transmitted infections into the genitourinary organs. Brownish discharge has an unpleasant odor and unusual consistency.

Endometritis. The inflammatory process in the uterus causes purulent brownish discharge to appear instead of normal periods. Pain in the lower abdomen occurs, and body temperature may increase. The chronic process causes infertility.

Endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis. Pathological growth of the endometrium leads to various menstrual disorders, the appearance of spotting dark brown leucorrhoea with clots after menstruation, as well as between them.

Polyps. Their formation is considered one of the manifestations of endometrial hyperplasia. Polyps are round growths in the basal layer. Most often they are found in women of menopausal age.

Ovarian cysts. Manifestations depend on the type and origin of such neoplasms. Spotting brown discharge may appear before and after menstruation. At the same time, the duration and total volume of blood loss increase. Blood clots may appear.

Tumors of the uterus. Manifestations depend on their location and size. Bloody, spotting discharge appears when the tumors are large enough, which makes early diagnosis of such diseases difficult.

Brown discharge that appears at different periods of the cycle

The appearance of brown discharge in women can be both normal and pathological. If in any doubt, it is better to consult a doctor.

Before your period

If dark discharge occurs in a woman 1 day before menstruation, this is normal and indicates the beginning of endometrial detachment. Their appearance several days before the onset of menstrual bleeding may be associated with the use of hormonal contraceptives, as well as with the presence of diseases of the genital organs.

Video: Why bloody leucorrhoea appears before and after menstruation

In the middle of the cycle

Light brown discharge normally appears in the middle of the cycle due to ovulation, when the follicle ruptures and a mature egg is released from it. They are scanty, do not cause discomfort, and last no more than 2 days.

Instead of menstruation

The reason that spotting brown leucorrhoea appears instead of normal periods may be:

  • the onset of pregnancy (including ectopic);
  • hormonal contraception;
  • use of hormonal medications, antidepressants and anticoagulants;
  • sudden weight loss, nervous or physical fatigue;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • onset of puberty or menopause.

After menstruation

Spotting brown discharge can be observed after the end of menstrual bleeding, if she has decreased blood clotting, weakened uterine tone, and also if last days During her period, the woman was too physically active. If such discharge appears within 1-2 days, it is not dangerous. If they last longer and are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, the cause may be endometriosis, polycystic disease, or uterine tumors.

When using oral contraceptives and IUDs

The cause of spotting and bloody leucorrhoea is an artificial change in hormonal levels in order to suppress ovulation. The body adapts to the new state within about 3 months. If the brown spot appears longer, then you need to choose another drug or method of contraception.

After intercourse

If there is insufficient mucus production in the cervix, microcracks can form on the walls of the vagina, which leads to the appearance of scanty brownish mucus. Dryness may be a consequence of a woman's low arousal during sex. Most often, this condition occurs during menopause.

Video: Causes of brown discharge after sex

During pregnancy

After pregnancy, there should be no true menstruation, but instead, scanty brownish-pink discharge may appear. This occurs when a woman has low progesterone levels, causing the endometrium to partially shed.

“Periods” after a delay can be either normal implantation bleeding or a sign of early miscarriage, as well as a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy.

In teenagers

The instability of hormonal levels in the first years after the onset of puberty leads to the fact that menstruation comes chaotically. Instead, scanty brown discharge may appear.

During menopause

A sharp decline in the production of female sex hormones leads to the gradual disappearance of menstruation. In this case, prolonged delays occur, menstruation turns into irregular dark brown discharge. This is a natural process, but the same condition is also characteristic of various serious diseases. In particular, similar symptoms are observed in the presence of malignant tumors. Moreover, the likelihood of their occurrence in women over 50 years of age is increased. Therefore, after the onset of menopause, it is especially important to undergo an examination if suspicious signs appear.

What to do if brown discharge appears

Since the reasons for their appearance can be quite serious, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. It is impossible to make a correct diagnosis on your own. However, getting rid of an advanced disease is much more difficult. If the cause of the pathology is not identified in time and treatment is not started, infertility, severe complications and dangerous conditions are possible.

If signs of obvious pathology appear, or even if you simply have doubts about the origin of the brownish discharge, you need to go to the doctor. Detect inflammatory and infectious diseases Smear, blood and urine tests will help. An ultrasound will show the presence of tumors. If necessary, blood tests for hormones will be prescribed. You may need to consult a urologist and endocrinologist.

Discharge from the female genital organs is a fairly physiological phenomenon if it is colorless, odorless and free of impurities. Brown discharge, which can appear at various periods - before and after menstrual periods, during pregnancy, after sexual intercourse, etc., can serve as an unpleasant signal. But a brownish tint to discharge in women can also be normal. What are the reasons for such phenomena and what should you pay attention to?

The discharge can be of different shades: from light brown to dark and rich. This can indirectly reveal the cause of their occurrence.

Light brown discharge is the result of bacterial vaginosis, an infectious process that is sexually transmitted, and microtrauma of the uterine cervix.

Dark brown discharge usually indicates the presence of clotted blood in the discharge. Blood can be of vaginal, cervical or uterine origin.

In what situations can they appear?

Brown discharge in the form of spotting marks can appear in a teenager before puberty, at the onset of menopause, during reproductive age and during menopause. They all have different causes.

Photos of brown discharge of varying consistency and character are presented below:

Causes of brown discharge

The brown tint of the discharge always indicates the presence of coagulated blood in it. The intensity of the color depends on its volume and consistency of mucus. Liquid leucorrhoea, as a rule, can be light brown, almost pink. Thick discharge that contains stagnant blood or clots may be dark brown.

The causes of bleeding can be:

  • Physiological processes that are associated with disruption of blood vessels (these include menstrual periods, ovulation, the introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrium, cleansing the uterus after childbirth);
  • Hormonal disruptions in the body that lead to pathologies of the menstrual cycle;
  • Violation of the epithelial membranes of the genital organs during abortion, gynecological procedures, sexual contact;
  • Age-related changes in the structure of the vaginal mucous layer;
  • Violation of the surface layer of the uterine cervix and vagina due to inflammation;
  • Processes in the uterus and ovaries, which lead to improper development of their tissues and blood vessels;
  • Traumatic lesions of the genital organs;
  • Inflammatory process of the bladder.

Normal discharge

Normally, brown discharge is not profuse, does not have an unpleasant aroma and is uniform in structure. Such discharge may appear when using hormonal contraception, with minor damage to the capillaries of the vagina during douching, examination by a doctor, in some cases even after violent sexual contact, as well as at the beginning and end of menstrual days, during ovulation, and consolidation of the fertilized egg in the uterus.

Brownish leucorrhoea can also occur after nervous stress or physical fatigue.

Pathological discharge

They may be abundant or spotting, depending on the type of pathological disorder. It has an unpleasant aroma, includes dark-colored blood clots or particles of dead tissue, and can include pus, foam, and lumps. May often alternate with bright bleeding.

A clear symptom of the disorder is the occurrence of spotting on any day of the menstrual cycle, if it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, and other menstrual pathologies also appear, infertility is diagnosed.

The disorder is indicated by the occurrence of bloody leucorrhoea during menopause. A symptom of significant diseases may be the regular occurrence of bleeding after sexual intercourse. Brown discharge, which is accompanied by itching and burning in the genitals, frequent urination, increased temperature regime bodies.

Diseases and disorders when bloody leucorrhoea occurs

  • Ectopic pregnancy.

This is a dangerous condition when the fertilized egg is attached not in the uterine cavity, but outside it (often in the fallopian tube, rarely in the uterine cervix). The reasons for this may be inflammatory processes in the appendages, the formation of adhesions and tumors in the uterine cavity. Violation of the tissue in the area of ​​attachment of the fertilized egg leads to the appearance of spotting dark brown discharge. They are associated with rupture of the membrane of the embryo, its rejection, and “tubal abortion.” One of the riskiest options is considered to be a rupture of the fallopian tube at 6-8 weeks.

  • Erosion, uterine dysplasia.

The diseases are associated with changes in the structure of the epithelium of the pharynx of the uterine cervix, which extends into the vagina, ulceration of the surface and disruption of small vessels.

  • Colpitis, cervicitis.

Inflammatory process of the vagina and cervix. Thinning and atrophy of the mucous membranes occurs, and bleeding cracks form on them. Microflora pathologies lead to the development of fungi (candidiasis), and the penetration of pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases into the genitals improves. Brown discharge has an unpleasant odor and an unusual consistency.

  • Endometritis.

Inflammation in the uterus is the reason why purulent brownish discharge occurs instead of the usual critical days. Pain appears in the lower abdomen, and an increase in body temperature is likely. Chronic course causes late infertility.

  • Endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis.

Pathogenic growth of the endometrium leads to various disorders of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of spotting brown discharge after menstruation, as well as in the intervals between cycles.

  • Polyps.

Their formation is one of the signs of endometrial hyperplasia. Polyps are rounded growths in the basal layer. They are often found in women during menopause.

  • Cysts on the ovaries.

Signs depend on the type and origin of such neoplasms. Spotting brown discharge with ichor may occur before and after menstrual days. This increases the duration and total quantity blood loss. Blood clots may occur.

  • Tumors of the uterus.

Signs depend on their location and volume. Discharge mixed with blood occurs when the tumors have become quite large, which complicates the diagnosis of such diseases.

Brown discharge after menstruation

A signal from a woman’s body about an emerging disorder is considered to be discharge that occurs a few days after the menstrual period. In this case, the woman must consult a doctor to determine the causes of the discharge and, if necessary, select the necessary therapy for the woman.

What does this mean? Such discharge may appear due to the following reasons:

  • Prolonged endometritis;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Significant mucosal injuries;
  • Uterine hyperplasia;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases and other infections;
  • Polyps;
  • Ectopic pregnancy.

As a rule, in addition to brown discharge, which is dangerous for women's health, a woman may experience other unhealthy symptoms. This can be a pulling and sharp pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back. In addition, there is a loss of strength, mood, reluctance to have sexual contact, etc.

Most reasonable decision What can be done in such a situation is to immediately contact a specialist. Perhaps everything will not be so dangerous, but just a normal option, but another outcome is also likely. And in this case, consulting a doctor on time can not only relieve you from significant health problems, but also protect your life.

Light brown discharge : if they last more than 3 days and have an unpleasant aroma, then this is often considered a symptom of chronic endometritis - an infectious and inflammatory disease of the uterus, which in most situations occurs due to difficult childbirth or abortion.

Copious dark brown discharge : Discharge of this color can become a symptom of uterine hyperplasia or endometriosis. Often, such discharge occurs with submucosal (located directly under the mucous membrane) endometrioid nodes in the uterine wall. In addition to bleeding, the main symptom of endometriosis is severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Brown spotting can be observed after the end of menstruation if a woman has reduced blood clotting, weak uterine tone, or if the woman was overly active in the last days of menstruation. If such discharge occurs within 1-2 days, it does not pose any danger. If they last more than 2 days and also have unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen, then the cause may be diseases of the genital area.

In some cases, such brownish discharge may appear after an examination by a gynecologist or after sexual intercourse, if there is erosion of the uterine cervix and the mucous membrane is injured. This condition should also be treated by a specialist.

Brown discharge mid-cycle

If brown spotting occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, then you first need to pay attention to its quantity and nature. The color of the discharge matters:

  1. Dark discharge often occurs when a woman just starts using oral contraceptives (there is a sharp change in hormonal levels).
  2. Light brown discharge can occur not only when taking hormonal contraceptives, but also as a result of abnormalities in the woman’s genital organs. In such a situation, traces of oxidized blood from damaged small vessels give the discharge a tint.
  3. Red-brown discharge occurs due to the formation of microcracks on the vaginal walls due to insufficient formation of protective mucus during sexual intercourse. A similar situation appears, for example, during the first sexual acts, when deflowering. Often a woman encounters this symptom at the very beginning of menopause.

Normal brown discharge mid-cycle

It is considered normal when a woman experiences lightly colored spotting of a brownish-brown hue right before or immediately after menstruation. In the middle of the cycle, brown discharge is natural if it is insignificant and does not have any unpleasant smell. The cause can be physiological processes in the body.

  • Ovulation.

When a follicle ruptures and a mature egg is released, an insignificant amount of blood may be released, which, after oxidation from the air, acquires a brownish tint. This is usually done on the 14th day from the start of menstruation.

  • Attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall.

During the period of implantation of the embryo into the endometrium, minor damage to the endometrial vessels may occur. Drops of clotted blood may stain the mucus that is released. During this period, the woman is able to feel mild pain in the lower abdomen.

  • Short term miscarriage.

If for certain reasons the embryo detaches from the endometrium, then slight bleeding occurs. It takes on a reddish-brown hue, lasts 1-2 days, and then acquires the usual color of menstruation. At the same time, the woman often does not even know that she was pregnant and had a miscarriage.

  • Puberty.

The first menstrual cycles in teenage girls usually occur with deviations; the cycle will be established after approximately 1.5-2 years. Until hormonal processes are fully regulated, adolescents may experience brown spotting between menstruation.

  • During menopause.

Menstruation during menopause can also become irregular, as ovarian function weakens. Between and after menstrual cycles, scanty reddish-brown discharge often occurs.

Please pay attention ! It is important not to miss a significant disease (inflammation, tumor formation) in the presence of such a sign.

Pathological discharge in the middle of the cycle

Pathological discharges include those that, in addition to a brown tint, also have other unusual symptoms. In this case, breakthrough intermenstrual uterine discharge is considered one of the signs of diseases of the uterus or appendages.

You need to contact a specialist in the following cases:

  1. Brown discharge with an unpleasant aroma occurs between menstrual cycles, and the woman does not use hormonal contraception.
  2. Pain occurs in the lower abdomen and lower back. You feel dryness in the vagina, irritation, burning, and an increase in body temperature. Sexual intercourse brings pain.
  3. The discharge is of an unusual nature (lasts several days, includes clots of dried blood, appears regularly between periods, is profuse).

Experts advise that if you have any doubts about the reasons for brown discharge that occurs between critical days, immediately carry out a gynecological examination, even if there are no specific symptoms of ailments.

Brown discharge before menstruation

The organs that are part of the reproductive system are considered among the most vulnerable in the female body. Their functioning can be affected different conditions, which are not related to diseases. Doctors identify some causes of brown discharge before menstruation, which are determined by physiological processes:

  • The end of the formation of the organs of the reproductive system

If a girl’s period began not so long ago, and the cycle has not yet stabilized, then experts do not consider brown premenstrual discharge as a pathology. Discharge is normal for six months to two years from the first menstruation and there is no need to worry about it. It is worth thinking about the presence of disorders in a woman’s body if such discharge is constant and continues for 7-8 months. In this case, you need to immediately consult a doctor to identify an accurate diagnostic conclusion.

  • Introduction of hormonal contraception

Such drugs have an effect on the hormonal levels of the whole body. The presence of characteristic brown mucus a few days before menstruation is a symptom of the presence of the desired effect of contraception on the body. You need to worry if such discharge has been going on for more than 3 months. Such a symptom may indicate the need to select another method of contraception.

  • Use of an intrauterine device

The principle of influence of this method affects not only the likelihood of pregnancy, but also the shade of the discharge. After installing the IUD, experts assume the possibility of light brown discharge before menstruation during several cycles.

  • Eating disorder

Sudden changes in body weight, diseases (bulimia, anorexia), regular strength training sessions that exceed the body's load can cause fluctuations in the menstrual cycle and the occurrence of spotting. This phenomenon can be eliminated with the help of treatment. To do this, you should contact a nutritionist.

  • Premenopause

This period characterizes the beginning of the restructuring of the reproductive system. The entire hormonal background is subject to change. Changes in estrogen levels can cause dark brown or black discharge before your period is due. To eliminate such phenomena, a specialist may prescribe the woman to take hormonal medications.

  • After sex

Insufficient lubrication or excessively active sexual intercourse can lead to injury to the surface of the vagina, uterine cavity and labia. This phenomenon can cause discharge of brown clots. They can go away a couple of days after sexual contact and do not require special treatment. In addition, after sex, such a symptom may occur due to the presence of erosion of the uterine cervix.

The main actions that are aimed at identifying the cause of discharge before menstruation include:

  • Examination by a gynecologist;
  • Taking a vaginal smear;
  • Ultrasound examination;
  • Complete blood count and hormone analysis;
  • Histology;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Biopsy;
  • Study of heredity.

This range of procedures is required to better study the root cause of this phenomenon and select an effective course of therapy.

Brown discharge during pregnancy

Brown discharge during pregnancy - spotting and bloody - is a violation. Normally, discharge can occur when the embryo is attached to the uterine wall, when the integrity of the endometrium is disrupted early stages 1-2 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, spotting may occur during pregnancy in the first trimester on days when menstruation was expected. For any brown discharge, you need to contact a specialist or call an ambulance.

Causes of brown discharge during pregnancy:

  • Insufficient levels of the hormone progesterone, which causes endometrial rejection and poses a risk of miscarriage;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Placental abruption, previa.

Any brownish discharge during pregnancy is more later carry a risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

About normal discharge

Normal brown discharge may not be abundant and does not have an unpleasant aroma; it is uniform in structure. Such discharge occurs when using hormonal contraception, with a slight violation of the integrity of the capillaries during douching, examination on the gynecological chair, in some situations after too active sexual intercourse, as well as at the beginning and end of critical days, during ovulation, attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall.

Brown vaginal discharge can also occur due to nervous stress and physical fatigue.


If any brown discharge occurs, you should contact a specialist. First of all, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy and the threat of miscarriage.

If there is no pregnancy, then detection and treatment of the cause that caused the appearance of brown discharge is required.

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When faced with such a manifestation as brown discharge in women, it is important to understand all the nuances of the processes occurring in the body. Much depends on the menstrual cycle or pregnancy. But, if brown discharge appears for no apparent reason, then this is a sign of one of the dangerous diseases.


First of all, it is worth identifying the reason why brown discharge appeared in women without odor or with a characteristic odor. Itching and brown discharge may also be present - all these are alarming symptoms signaling a malfunction of the reproductive system.

The manifestation also varies depending on the cycle and pregnancy, which cannot be ignored when diagnosing. It is advisable to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible if any alarming symptoms occur.


The following list of pathologies is characterized by the presence of atypical leucorrhoea in its symptoms.

After reading this list, you can understand why a woman had brown discharge at one time or another:

  • endometritis (chronic form). The disease is characterized by the active development of inflammation on the mucous membrane in the uterine cavity. The disease can be triggered by surgery or abortion. The disease can manifest itself at any period, for example, in the middle of the cycle or towards the end, while the woman often has abdominal pain in the lower part;
  • endometriosis. The disease is characterized by the appearance of small cysts and nodules on the patient’s internal genital organs. This disease does not have any characteristic symptoms because it does not cause pain. You can detect dark brown discharge from the vagina a week after your period. The discharge is also characterized by a pronounced, unpleasant odor. Small blood clots can be seen in them;
  • endometrial hyperplasia. The name disease combines several pathological processes localized in the uterus. The list of pathologies is very large: it can be either abnormal development of the embryo, fibroids or uterine cancer;
  • inflammation. Any disease that is characterized by an active inflammatory process, for example, vaginosis, trichomoniasis and others, has in its symptoms manifestations in the form of leucorrhoea with blood or a brown color. If the diseases are those that are transmitted through sexual intercourse, then they are characterized by light brown or yellow-brown discharge. Additionally, the disease is characterized by itching, burning sensation and pain during intimacy;
  • implantation bleeding. This is especially true if the patient experienced a delay in menstruation before the brown leucorrhoea began. This phenomenon indicates pregnancy. The nature of the discharge is light brown and does not stand out for a long time. If similar symptoms occur during pregnancy, then there is a risk of miscarriage;
  • long-term use of a course of medications containing hormones. In particular, brown leucorrhoea begins to occur in the middle of the cycle or before menstruation. It is considered normal if such outflows last 3 months or less. Otherwise, you need to contact a gynecologist to review the prescription of the drug, since the current one is not suitable.

Menstruation cycle

Symptoms such as brown discharge in women should be considered in relation to the menstrual cycle:

  • before. It is considered normal if (irregularly) menstruation begins a day or two earlier, and manifests itself in the form of spotting light brown discharge. Before menstruation, this phenomenon can be observed due to a change in climatic living conditions, resulting stress, physical activity or abortion. However, it is worth understanding that no other symptoms are typical for the normal state of the body;
  • middle of the cycle. For the normal state of the body, during the period of ovulation there is a sharp jump in the concentration of hormones in the blood. This phenomenon can provoke a brown discharge in the patient, however, to exclude more serious pathologies in the body, you should contact a gynecologist for an examination;
  • after menstruation. If in the last two days during menstruation, spotting brown leucorrhoea began instead of bleeding, then there is no need to worry - this is normal condition body. If such a phenomenon lasts more than a seven-day period after menstruation, then there is a possibility that it has occurred mechanical damage cervix or vaginal lining, there is a malfunction of the hormonal system or a polyp has formed.


In this case, there is no need to immediately consult your doctor, since there is a risk that the woman’s reproductive system is not in order and the fetus is at risk of underdevelopment or miscarriage. There are also situations in which vaginal discharge during gestation is normal. The fetus is not in danger if a woman has brown discharge in the first trimester in accordance with her menstrual cycle.

If the color of the leucorrhoea in the first weeks after conception is red or brown, then there is a possibility that these are symptoms indicating developing erosion of the cervix. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy there is an increase in blood flow to the uterine structures, resulting in bleeding.

Subsequently, the uterus takes on the appearance of an ulcer. The phenomenon is also characterized by accompanying symptoms in the form of pronounced pain syndrome, which arises and goes away spontaneously.

If the bleeding is minor or dark red in color, then the cause is probably the formation of a polyp, which is a harmless tumor. There is no need to carry out any therapeutic measures or surgically scrape it out. However, some situations still require its removal. Only a qualified specialist can make a decision about this.

There are also other reasons why a pregnant woman experiences dark or red vaginal discharge.

These include:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • the presence of pathological processes occurring in the uterus;
  • cervical lesions;
  • tumor formation in the reproductive system;
  • entry of pathogenic, actively developing microflora;
  • dilation of blood vessels in the reproductive system (similar to varicose veins).


A symptom such as brown discharge in women is often very alarming. If you are not sure that this is a normal condition for the body, then it is recommended to go to a gynecologist as soon as possible. There is no way to cure the disease on your own, at home, or to diagnose it correctly.

In some cases, the doctor only recommends adjusting your lifestyle, diet and replenishing the lack of vital macro and microelements. It is also important to drink more fluids, since in some cases this problematic condition appears due to a lack of water in the body.

If the specialist finds more serious reason, due to which brown discharge from the vagina has begun, you will need to take a course of special medications. It is impossible to determine which medications you should take on your own. Many of them are purchased using the recipe provided. Some problematic cases require, in addition to medication treatment, surgery, dietary supplements or chemotherapy.


This is especially true for situations where, in addition to bloody, brown discharge, there is pain, burning, itching and odor from the secretion.

Leucorrhoea – normally should be present in everyone. Brown discharge in women may indicate a problem. To find out the reason, you need to undergo an examination. Treatment not started in a timely manner sometimes leads to serious complications.


What does brown discharge look like?

How to recognize this kind of discharge? They can be of different shades, are constant or appear from time to time. Depends on the reason for which they arose.

They come in brown color. You can see this in the photo.

A brown secretion with an odor indicates the presence of pathology.

Dark colored discharge comes in different shades. But it’s not difficult to see something wrong.

Causes of brown discharge in women and what does it mean?

Not in all cases, such a manifestation indicates a disease. One of the reasons is the implantation of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall when pregnancy occurs. During this, a woman may not only see brown discharge on her underwear, but also feel pain and discomfort in the abdominal area.

Other reasons are:

  1. Surgical treatment of the pelvic organs. After radical treatment, the patient has bloody discharge, which eventually turns brownish in color. If they don't have an unpleasant odor, then it's not a big deal. If additional discomfort occurs (pain, itching, specific odors), you need to tell your doctor about it, as this indicates an additional infection.
  2. Miscarriage. In women who have a spontaneous abortion, parts of the fertilized egg may remain in the uterus, and this provokes the onset of the inflammatory process. The result of this is bleeding, brown, brown and almost black discharge.
  3. Abortion. After “cleaning”, patients should have discharge for 4-6 days. The color range varies from red to brown. If a woman has brown discharge for a longer period, this may mean the presence of a polyp in the uterus. In this case, there may also be pain in the lower abdomen and during sex. If the brown secretion smells unpleasant, then endometriosis may have developed.
  4. Consequence of childbirth. After childbirth, lochia appears over the course of several days. This is normal physiological process. The color range varies from dark red to light brown. There shouldn't be any unpleasant odor.
  5. Trauma to the vaginal area during sexual intercourse. If sexual intercourse is too active or rough, the vaginal mucosa may be injured. If this happens, then there will be a red-brown secretion on the underwear after sex.
  6. Inflammation of the reproductive organs. A sign of endometriosis is brown discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  7. Hormonal disorders. Hormonal imbalance causes unnatural discharge. This can also occur due to taking birth control pills.
  8. The presence of neoplasms in the genital organs and other diseases. Sometimes a brown secretion means that there are some neoplasms, erosions or infections in the pelvic organs.

Brown discharge after menstruation

If a female has dark brown discharge immediately after menstruation (on the 5-6th day), then this should not be a concern. Such a secret speaks of the end of critical days. Also, these discharges signify the beginning of pregnancy. During implantation of the embryo, a brown spot appears. With hormonal imbalances, there is also a spotting brownish discharge on the underwear. This is also a sign:

  • endometritis (except for soiled underwear in acute pathology is present elevated temperature body, pain in the abdomen, weakness);
  • endometriosis;
  • endometrial hyperplasia (if left untreated, a malignant tumor may develop);
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • ectopic pregnancy (if the fetus is attached in the wrong place);
  • self-administration of OK;
  • the presence of a polyp, cyst, infection.

Brown secretion in the middle of the cycle

If the discharge in women is brown, odorless and in small quantities, this is a sign of physiological changes in the body.

It could be:

  1. Ovulation. When the follicle ruptures and the egg is released, there may be some blood. Since there is not much of it, it has a brown tint. This happens on days 14-16 of the cycle.
  2. Attachment of the fertilized egg. In this case, some vessels are damaged and some blood is released.
  3. Miscarriage. The fertilized egg comes out and discharge appears.
  4. First menstruation. Until the cycle has returned to normal, there may be similar deviations. It will be installed within a year.
  5. Menopause. This is due to disturbances during menopause.

The main causes of brown secretion in the middle of the cycle are hormonal imbalance and gynecological diseases.

Brown discharge before menstruation

Sometimes before menstruation, 1-2 days before menstruation, a woman notices the presence of a brown spot on her underwear. Over time, this develops into normal menstruation. This is not a pathology and no treatment is needed.

If the discharge appears a week before the start of your period, then you can no longer say that everything is normal. This indicates erosion, uterine diseases, endometrial hyperplasia, benign tumors (fibroids) or polyps.

This is also a sign of hormonal imbalance or improper use of OCs. The rudeness of a partner during sexual intercourse can injure the mucous membranes, which contributes to minor bleeding from the genitals.

Women who have the IUD also sometimes experience similar symptoms.

If a woman has such a malaise before her menstrual period, then she should consult a gynecologist and be examined.

If the discharge appears due to the fact that the uterine mucosa has grown (endometritis has occurred), then in the future this threatens miscarriage during pregnancy if the woman does not seek help from a doctor.

Brownish secretion during pregnancy

If a brownish secretion appears while carrying a child, then you should not be nervous right away, but you need to go to an obstetrician-gynecologist immediately.

It is normal for there to be some light brown discharge in the first two weeks after fertilization. This indicates that egg implantation is occurring. Some suffer from brown spotting due to hormonal changes, which can last for about two months. There is no smell or any discomfort.

If the secretion is present for a long time and its color changes, there is an unpleasant aroma - this is not a good sign.

In addition to all of the above, a brownish color on linen indicates that:

  • the fertilized egg has attached outside the uterus;
  • there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, that is, miscarriage;
  • there is any disease (erosion, fibroids, etc.);
  • the fetus froze;
  • there is a hydatidiform mole;
  • placental presentation is present;
  • the mucus plug has come away (a sign that labor will begin soon).

To understand the cause and avoid irreversible consequences, you need to be examined.

Brownish discharge with a bad odor

If the discharge has a specific odor, this is definitely a pathology. This also includes pain in the lower abdomen and fever. The latter is not always present.

This is the sign:

  • pregnancy outside the uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • endometritis;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • venereal diseases;
  • fetal freezing;
  • miscarriage.

When should you see a doctor?

You should consult a specialist for any abnormalities, no matter if there is an unpleasant odor, itching or other discomfort. After examination and examination, the doctor will definitely tell you whether it is normal or pathological.

How to get rid of brown discharge in women?

To eliminate this kind of discharge, you need to find out the exact reason for its appearance.

  • If the cause lies in gynecological or sexually transmitted diseases, then antibacterial or antiviral, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in the form of ointments, creams, suppositories. Often prescribed in tablet form or injections.
  • For erosions, cauterization is done. For various neoplasms and ectopic pregnancy, radical treatment is resorted to.
  • If an incomplete miscarriage occurs or after delivery there are remains of the placenta in the uterine cavity, curettage is performed.
  • If the discharge began due to taking OK, then the drug that caused it is discontinued and another one is prescribed.
  • When there is a threat of miscarriage, the woman is placed in storage.

Self-medication is contraindicated.


Dirty discharge in women should be alarming. To avoid worsening the condition, you should immediately seek help from an obstetrician-gynecologist.

There are cases when such a symptom does not indicate a pathology, and there will be no bad odor, itching in the external genitalia or pain in the abdominal area. If this happens, then you need to take action immediately.

The appearance of clear, odorless discharge from the genital tract is a physiological process that occurs in almost every healthy representative of the fair sex. Depending on the period in a woman’s life, discharge may slightly change in volume and color. However, in most cases, a change in color to brown indicates the occurrence of a pathology, which necessarily requires medical intervention.

During the day, healthy representatives of the fair sex normally secrete about 1 teaspoon of mucous fluid from the genital tract. Fresh discharge is transparent, however, during the day, when it is on the laundry, it may acquire a yellowish tint and a faint sourish odor.

In some cases, brown vaginal discharge may appear. This symptom is observed:

  • On the 14-15th day of the menstrual cycle, during the period of ovulation. The process of egg separation is manifested by the release of a small amount of brownish mucus with thin blood streaks.
  • A few days before and within 1-3 days after menstruation. Slight brownish drops observed on underwear or pads during this period are oxidized blood.
  • In the first 1-2 months of taking combined oral contraceptives. The appearance of a characteristic brown “smear” is normal at the beginning of taking medications and indicates a restructuring and adaptation of the body to changes in hormonal levels. However, brown discharge that bothers a woman for more than 2-3 months is a reason to contact an endocrinologist and discontinue COCs.
  • After using Postinor and its analogues for emergency postcoital contraception.
  • After childbirth during the period of lochia separation. This clinical manifestation indicates a normal healing process of the internal membranes of the genital organs.

According to statistics, brown discharge periodically occurs in 80% of women in different periods life, while it does not cause discomfort and even in the absence of treatment goes away without a trace.

Brown discharge without odor and accompanying discomfort should not bother a woman and be a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. However, if you regularly detect brown, dark spotting on your underwear, accompanied by pain, fever, unpleasant odor and other pathological symptoms, it is important to undergo a full examination and start treatment in a timely manner.

Most common pathological causes

One of the frequent complaints with which patients turn to a gynecologist is the occurrence of bloody or brownish discharge.

Most often they are caused by processes such as:

  • injuries to the internal membranes of the genital organs received during intimacy;
  • improper performance of gynecological manipulations;
  • use of mechanical contraception, inappropriate “aggressive” spermicides;
  • violation of hormonal status;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • cervical erosion;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • endometriosis;
  • glandular hyperplasia;
  • cancer of the uterus, ovaries.

Since bloody dark and light brown mucus from the vagina can be a symptom of dangerous precancerous and oncological diseases, if it is constantly discharged, it is important to consult a doctor for examination, determining the cause and prescribing the necessary treatment.

Important! Very often, brown, spotting discharge is the first sign of an ectopic pregnancy. If, against the background of a delay in menstruation, its quantity increases, pain occurs in the lower abdomen, weakness, and falls. blood pressure- it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance to resolve the issue of a possible violation of tubal pregnancy and hospitalization of the woman.

Discharge after sex

During intense sexual contact, microdamage to the mucous membranes of the vagina may occur, accompanied by the release of drops of blood, which upon contact with air acquire a frightening dark brown color. In this case you need:

  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene, select suitable intimate gels, do not use soap and do not resort to douching to avoid infection of damaged mucous membranes.
  • Use lubricant purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store, and be careful during intimacy.

Normally, brown discharge after sex is usually not abundant and lasts no more than two days. Their formation over a long period of time indicates serious trauma to the genital tract or the development of an infectious pathology.

Important! Brown discharge with drops of bright red blood, noted by a woman after painful sexual intercourse, indicates possible erosion of the uterine cervix.

Infectious causes

Light brown discharge often acts as one of the signs of sexually transmitted diseases. In case of viral and bacterial inflammatory processes in the genitals, the discharge that flows onto underwear or pads can be of any color. However, in the presence of inclusions of blood, which has been in contact with air for a long time, they acquire a light brown tint.

They occur when:

  • Acute, during which intense itching leads to self-harm during scratching. From the resulting microtraumas and cracks in the inflamed mucosa, drops of blood are released, which, when mixed with the cheesy discharge characteristic of candidiasis, give it a pink or brownish tint.
  • - infectious disease sexually transmitted infection, leading to dryness, burning and discomfort in the intimate area, the appearance of copious foamy yellow, brown-orange or bloody discharge. In addition, the pathology is accompanied by dull pain in the lower abdomen, unpleasant sensations when urinating, an unpleasant, rotten odor from the genitals.
  • , manifested by pain, itching, difficulty urinating, white-yellow discharge, which, with a long course of the disease, acquires a brownish tint.

If there is brown discharge with an unpleasant odor and itchy skin, the gynecologist must take a smear from the woman for flora, and also prescribe serological and PCR tests. They help to identify infectious pathologies even in the early stages and prescribe appropriate therapy (antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic drugs).

Important! When an STD is detected, in addition to the woman, it is necessary to carefully examine her sexual partner and, if the same infection is detected in him, a full course of treatment should be prescribed to both patients.

Chronic pathologies

In conditions of constant stress, poor ecology, nutritional disorders, bad habits, as well as in cases of complicated heredity, women may experience hormonal imbalances, which, if not corrected, lead to dangerous pathologies.

The following diseases are most often diagnosed in patients of reproductive age:

  • - chronic inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus. The prerequisites for the disease are intrauterine interventions, previous abortions, and miscarriages. This disease manifests itself as aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and back, brown discharge before and after menstruation, and cycle disruption.
  • Endometriosis- a pathological condition characterized by the growth of endometrial nodules outside the uterine cavity, in the myometrium, cervical canal, on the ovaries, peritoneum, and bladder. The main clinical manifestations of the pathology include pain during menstruation in the abdomen, lower back, and sacrum.
  • Hyperplasia- excessive growth and thickening of the inner lining of the uterus, which is benign in nature and is manifested by the appearance of brown spotting discharge, intermenstrual bleeding and heavy, prolonged periods.

In the early stages, these pathologies may not manifest themselves, but over time they lead to anemia, exhaustion of the woman, worsening hormonal imbalance and infertility. This is why it is important to regularly visit a gynecologist to preventive examinations and, if pathology is suspected, undergo a thorough comprehensive examination. Treatment of these diseases is carried out with the help of hormonal drugs and, if necessary, surgery.

Important! In case of uterine endometrial hyperplasia, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and hysteroscopy with a biopsy. This will allow us to determine the nature of the overgrown tissue and prescribe the correct treatment. This disease cannot be ignored because in some cases it can lead to cancer.

Dangerous conditions

A significant part of all gynecological diseases is occupied by tumors of the ovaries, uterus and its cervix. They can be either benign, slowly growing and not affecting other tissues, or malignant, prone to aggressive growth and metastasis.

The main danger of cancer is that it has few symptoms for a long time and practically does not bother the patient. This leads to late diagnosis of the disease, which worsens the prognosis.

The presence of a malignant tumor of the reproductive system can be suspected based on the following signs:

  • Brown, spotting leucorrhoea that can occur after sex, before and after menstruation.
  • Copious brownish, bloody discharge, discharge like “meat slop”.
  • Constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen, perineum, lower back.
  • Dysfunction of the pelvic organs (discomfort during urination, defecation).
  • Unmotivated weight loss. Loss of appetite, refusal of meat food is especially common. Weakness, decreased tolerance to physical activity.

In addition to ovarian and uterine cancer, oncopathologies of the external genitalia can occur. They manifest themselves by the presence of ulcerative defects and long-term non-healing erosions, the appearance of bright red, dark brown drops on pads or underwear, thickening of the skin, dryness and itching. For tumors of the reproductive organs of any location, the patient is indicated for specific treatment by an oncologist.

Important! If any, even slight brownish discharge appears, lasting longer than 3 days, you should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible. Early detection of the disease and timely initiation of therapy are the key to good results in treatment and recovery. .

In this video, a venereologist talks about brown discharge.