Military mortgage is a scam. Military mortgage - a scam or not? BZhF Bank is an ideal solution for clients with bad credit history

Welcome! So, is a military mortgage a deception for military personnel or a real method to solve housing issue? Delivery program financial assistance from the state in the form of a military mortgage is intended to provide housing for those in need. This measure of state support has been implemented since 2005 and during this time not only positive reviews military personnel about the work of Rosvoenipoteka and the features of the program itself. Let us examine in more detail possible negative situations when applying for a military mortgage and fraud in this area.

The following categories of military personnel who have the right to receive a mortgage loan on preferential terms are established by law:

  • officers with a contract for service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces, concluded before 2005;
  • foremen, sergeants, sailors, soldiers who entered into the 2nd contract;
  • midshipmen and warrant officers with more than three years of service.

Military personnel discharged from service will also be able to count on receiving financial assistance when purchasing housing. military service, but registered in the federal authorities. At the same time, the main criteria for applying for a mortgage are the presence of a long-term contract for service and participation in the NIS for more than 3 years. If the above conditions are met, the potential borrower will be able to apply to the bank for a loan.

Legal pitfalls

Before deciding to participate in the military mortgage program, a soldier should be aware of all the legal subtleties on this issue. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. Age limit of participants

The borrower's age limit at the time of making the last mortgage payment should not exceed 45 years. This parameter directly determines the possible loan period and the maximum amount of borrowed funds. Young military personnel who meet all the requirements of the program and the bank will be able to receive the largest amount and enter into a loan agreement for at least 15-20 years.

  1. Strict adherence to deadlines for participating in the NIS for obtaining a mortgage

After a military man has become a participant in the savings-mortgage system and received a confirming certificate, Rosvoenipoteka opens a personal account in his name, which is replenished from the federal budget within the limit of the allocated amount. During the first three years, no debits can be made from the account. This is prohibited by law.

  1. Additional costs during the registration process mortgage loan

As you know, issuing a mortgage is associated with some additional costs: providing a professional assessment of the property, costs for home insurance, health and life of the borrower, payment of state fees, etc. All of them are the responsibility of the military personnel, and not the state represented by Rosvoeipoteka, and they should be planned in advance. This should not come as a surprise to the client.

  1. Consequences in case of dismissal

Dismissing a military member from service before the end of the mortgage term is fraught with consequences. It all depends on length of service. If a person has served for more than 20 years, then the money received from the state cannot be reimbursed. If the length of service is more than 10 years and the reason for dismissal is valid by law, then further repayment of the debt to the bank by the borrower will be made at the expense of the serviceman. If the reason is not valid, then in addition to paying the debt independently, the borrower will have to return the allocated funds to Rosvoenipoteka.

  1. Possible additional payment according to the approved payment schedule

The state annually allocates a fixed amount, which is transferred to the military personnel’s personal account in the NIS. Previously concluded mortgage agreements provided for a floating interest rate, which could change in the event of rising inflation and other unfavorable economic factors. Now all banks offer only fixed interest rates, without the possibility of change throughout the entire loan term. However, military personnel with loans with a variable interest rate, in the event of an increase in the rate, will be forced to make additional payments for current payments according to the changed schedule. Naturally, there is a lot of dissatisfaction and objective negative feedback on this matter.

  1. Independence of the amount of savings in the NIS account from the composition of the military family

The account accumulates funds from the budget per serviceman, regardless of the number of family members. For large families, this can become a significant problem, since living conditions, for example, in a one-room apartment will be far from comfortable. Therefore, for a larger apartment, the serviceman will have to invest his own funds.

  1. Maximum loan amount limit

The maximum value of borrowed funds for a military mortgage cannot exceed 2.8 million rubles. In regions and small towns, this money can buy fairly high-quality and spacious housing, but in Moscow or St. Petersburg, this is unlikely to be possible. The price level there is completely different.

  1. Limited choice of specific housing

If previously housing for military personnel was built and provided free of charge without the right to choose, now they can choose their area of ​​residence, house, apartment area, its layout, etc. But again, you will have to choose from a list of objects accredited by the bank and Rosvoenipoteka, which are not always distinguished by quality and increased comfort. As a rule, these are economy housing with standard layouts and a small area.

Fraud facts

Military personnel, despite the seemingly maximum transparency of the program and mortgage registration scheme, can easily become victims of scammers. The most common cases of fraud are:

  1. Selling housing using fake documents

Even a thorough check of the purchased property by the lender and the state regulatory authority cannot be a 100% guarantee of a legal transaction. If the fact of forgery is revealed after the mortgage has been issued and money has been transferred to the seller, then the situation will be resolved through the court.

  1. Registration of a transaction by a pseudonotary

Such cases also occur, and they are fraught with the loss of an apartment and the fulfillment of obligations to the bank.

  1. Purchasing an apartment different from that shown to the buyer

It happens that a buyer looks at one apartment and decides to purchase it, but the transaction is documented for a completely different property. And, as a rule, not in favor of the potential borrower (smaller area, etc.).

  1. Selling a “problem” apartment

An example would be a situation where a serviceman purchases housing that is clean according to the documents, and after some time a citizen released from prison, who previously lived in it and was illegally discharged, begins to demand his rights.

  1. Selling a home whose owner is actually dead

This situation is quite rare, but there have been cases of such transactions (especially in the early 2000s).

Of course, it is important to clarify that the considered cases of fraud are carried out by criminals without the participation of the state. And no one is safe from the hands of such scammers, including military personnel.

Disadvantages of the military mortgage program

Like any other government program " Military mortgage"has certain disadvantages. These include:

  • lengthy loan processing times, bureaucracy when preparing documents (the total duration of all approvals and receipt of the required amount can reach more than one month);
  • lack of indexation of savings allocated by the budget (since 2016, such an amount has not been indexed, and there are no plans to do this in the near future due to the instability of the economy);
  • the possibility of losing purchased housing (if a serviceman was dismissed from the ranks of the RF Armed Forces due to good reason or until the service life of 10 years is reached, then in case of violations of the fulfillment of loan obligations, the bank has the right to foreclose on the collateral property);
  • low loan amount (in a large city, 2.8 million rubles can only buy small apartment, which is completely unprofitable for large families);
  • the impossibility of dividing an apartment between spouses in the event of a divorce (a military spouse who is not a member of the RF Armed Forces cannot count on receiving a share of the purchased apartment, as the law establishes that earmarked payments do not apply to property acquired during marriage).

In addition, the rate on military mortgages today is practically no different from the interest rate offered by banks for borrowers of all other categories. The thing is that savings from the NIS account can be used to pay the down payment and pay off current debt.

  1. Despite the transparency of the scheme, it is better, if possible, to control the entire process as much as possible

It is better to check every document and clause of the contract, since no one is immune from the human factor. Mistakes in such a serious matter are unacceptable and can result in financial loss and unnecessary liability.

  1. Trust transactions only to professionals

If among the banks only an approved list has the right to issue mortgages to the military, then the lawyer or notary who undertook to support the transaction must be thoroughly checked. As a rule, all the necessary information is freely available and can be found in open sources.

  1. Use the mortgage calculator in advance

Each potential borrower is recommended to make preliminary calculations for the loan being issued in advance, calculate the amount of the current monthly payment, and the amount of overpayment. Naturally, it is important to take into account the amount of funds allocated by Rosvoenipoteka. But since it can change or be indexed, the calculations will of course be quite approximate. But even they will help to paint a picture of each client’s credit burden and assess their capabilities in the event of force majeure.

  1. Before signing a loan agreement, you need to include in the family budget additional costs and expenses for obtaining a mortgage.

As I said earlier, such costs include the cost of preparing a report on the assessment of the property being purchased, paying for the services of realtors, lawyers, paying for insurance, etc. No one will pay such costs for the borrower, neither the bank nor the state.

  1. Get acquainted with all offers among banks implementing the military mortgage program

Currently, 13 Russian banks are processing such loans. Each of them offers its own program with unique conditions. Despite the general similarity of the loan parameters, it is important to study all the products available on the market and choose the most suitable one. It is better to carefully calculate everything and read the reviews among borrowers, since mortgage lending involves long-term cooperation with the selected banks for many years. Comfort, benefits, and a wide range of third-party services and products will be the primary characteristics in the selection process.

All of the above allows us to draw the main conclusion - a military mortgage is effective program assistance to military personnel and their families to improve their living conditions. Over the years of the program’s existence, many families have actually been able to buy comfortable housing and solve the main problem of many Russians.

Of course, there are disadvantages, facts of fraud and illegal actions on the part of government bodies are revealed, but all this does not give the right to call the support provided by the state a fraud. Despite the transparency of all procedures and the real estate purchase transaction itself, the borrower is required to pay utmost attention to details and documents in order to avoid negative consequences in the future. Trusting only professionals, constant monitoring and interaction with all participants will allow you to obtain a mortgage quickly and without any losses.

You will also be interested to know what will happen to the military mortgage upon dismissal and how it will be divided.

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Don't let yourself be driven into a corner! The most stupid and popular use of the savings-mortgage system for military personnel.

Advertising, marketing, media, propaganda of external attributes of success - they try to manipulate every person every minute. As marketing puts it, lead to a targeted action. The same thing happened with services in the field of NIS implementation.

Military personnel are imposed maximum amounts of mortgage loans, and realtor fees are paid from the money accumulated on the NIS. It is unfortunate that the military personnel agree. And we are talking not only about young guys who recently graduated from school and signed a contract, but also about officers - highly educated personnel from the law enforcement ministries.

How to use military mortgage funds and not paint yourself into a corner?

Option to participate in a military mortgage No. 1

You are serving in a large city, perhaps in your hometown. You stand in line, like someone in need, for service housing, which, of course, you won’t get. You have a family, maybe children, and you have long dreamed of a family nest. The deadline for selling a military mortgage is approaching, you buy a large apartment using NIS funds and the maximum mortgage loan. Not the best solution.

All payments intended by the state for you will be used to pay off the mortgage. You have painted yourself into a corner and if you are fired, you will owe the bank and the Russian Federation, and monthly payments will be about 30,000 rubles/month for 10 or more years.

Selling the purchased apartment will be difficult, because... it is pledged to the bank and the Russian Federation. If you decide not to pay the bills, after a while the apartment will be seized and sold (perhaps for less market value). The money will be divided between the bank and Rosvoenipoteka.

It happens that the amount of debt is not fully covered by the amount from the sale of the apartment, in which case the balance must be paid to you again. Did you feel the clamp on your neck? Firstly, by taking out the maximum mortgage, you have tied yourself hand and foot with military service - you will not go anywhere. Secondly, you will lose money that will be used to pay off interest on the loan.

Option to participate in a military mortgage No. 2

You are serving in a small garrison near a large city (no further than 300 km) and have taken an apartment in this city with NIS funds and a maximum mortgage loan for rent.

The most illogical step. If in the first case you will at least live in own apartment with pleasure, then this step is completely illogical. The average profitability of real estate per year is 6-8% (for rent). For a military mortgage, the loan costs 12% per annum. Thus, you earn nothing and lose about 5% of the mortgage loan amount. From 2 million this is 100,000 rubles per year. Absolutely unprofitable.

Do not forget that during the period of service, a serviceman is provided with official housing, and if it is impossible to provide it, compensation for subletting is paid.

The situation with compensation for military personnel has improved significantly for officers and warrant officers since September 18, 2016, when the limits for subletting residential premises were lifted. For soldiers and sergeants, the limits remained the same: 15,000 rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg, 3,600 rubles for cities and regional centers, 2,600 rubles for other populated areas.

Considering that the military personnel are not in hopeless situation Regarding the question “Where to live?”, it does not make financial sense to take out a mortgage loan. If you are an officer or warrant officer living in rented housing, receive money for subletting. I would like to note that you can rent an apartment from relatives. If you are one of the soldiers and sergeants, then try to do your military service where it is possible to obtain official housing.

If you have already taken out the maximum mortgage and find yourself in a similar position, try to pay it off as quickly as possible. Change your car to a cheaper one, pay additional monthly fees from your income, use the money from renting a property to pay off your debt. Don't forget to calculate at the end of the year how much personal income you contributed toward your mortgage, and claim a tax deduction for that investment.

Deception of military personnel with military mortgages

Any business involving legal services has its pitfalls. It is also impossible to avoid them when applying for a military mortgage. Often, RA military personnel, as well as employees of the Military Forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are faced with deception, especially in the secondary housing market. The rules for purchasing a targeted housing loan also have many sharp corners.

We'd like to do brief overview details that you should pay attention to before purchasing a home.

1. It is necessary to understand that if the mortgage is not fully paid, dismissal from service may cost you big money. If an employee has less than 20 years of service, the state will no longer finance the loan payments and the remainder will have to be paid out of pocket.

2. For the first three years after registration in the savings-mortgage system, an employee is not entitled to receive a loan, even if his total experience is more than three years. Do not also forget that the certificate of the right to receive a loan is valid only for six months, during which the employee must have time to draw up all the documents, including the purchase and sale agreement.

3. At the time of loan repayment, the serviceman’s age should not exceed 45 years, which creates certain problems for people over 30.

4. Despite the fact that officially all mortgage costs are financed by the state, the borrower may face a large number of small costs for various certificates and certificates. For example, when purchasing an apartment on the secondary market, you must use the services of an appraiser. If the house chosen for housing is more than 20 years old, the bank may require a document stating that there are no plans to demolish it, which is a fairly fair measure.

5. Independent process Submitting documents may take much longer than stated due to bureaucracy. And if the certificate expires, the contract may become invalid even for last stage purchases.

6. Costs for property insurance are made from the borrower's funds.

7. In the event of inflation, Rosvoenipoteka may reduce the amount of payments, which will extend the payment period. That is, you should not count on a specific day and hour when you can quit.

This is just a short list of the main problems people face when trying to get a military mortgage. In such an important matter, sometimes it is worth shifting certain responsibilities onto the shoulders of professionals in their field. The military guarantor will take on most of the bureaucratic operations, and will complete them in a short time thanks to close cooperation with banks and developers offering preferential housing to military personnel.

We also suggest that you pay attention to the forum of NIS participants, where everyone can leave feedback or ask a question.

Cases of fraud and deception of military personnel regarding Military Mortgage

Fraud is a huge problem in modern market real estate in the Russian Federation. In Moscow, where 130 thousand transactions are concluded annually, 5% of them turn out to be illegal. When buying an apartment on the secondary housing market, you need to be very careful and careful to avoid problems. With the primary market, everything is much simpler, especially if the developer is accredited by the bank and Voengarant.

Main types of fraud:

  1. Selling an apartment using fake documents. After concluding such a transaction, its legal owners may unexpectedly come to your apartment.
  2. Transactions with false notaries that will not be confirmed by the state. The result is that the apartment is not yours, and the loan must be repaid.
  3. Offer and inspection of one apartment, and actual sale of another.
  4. Selling an apartment whose owner has actually died.

Military personnel are often limited in time and cannot afford to carefully check all documents, which is why the risks can be enormous. When contacting Voengarant, you will be dealing with the primary housing market and accredited developers with excellent reviews. This will eliminate any possibility of fraud, since this living space did not previously belong to anyone. To avoid becoming a victim of scammers, you do not need to contact unofficial persons.

Legitimate transaction or fraud: military mortgage - a deception of military personnel?

At the words “military mortgage,” some people perk up and see a real chance to get own vein, others categorically declare - a divorce is for suckers.

But in fact, a military mortgage is an absolutely legal project. It's not even a matter of deception, but, as always, a matter of ignorance of the essence of the matter.

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Is military mortgage a scam?

No. This is a legal program, within which the serviceman and his family receive square meters, and the bank that provided the loan is money.

In short, it looks like this: a military serviceman, if he meets the conditions of Rosvoenipoteka, is provided with a loan on preferential terms.

The Ministry of Defense will repay it while the person serves in the Armed Forces ( Federal law No. 117-FZ). Military mortgage deception of military personnel is the judgment of the unenlightened.

You need to understand that this is not a deception, this is a transaction, not a gesture of charity. This is often forgotten by clients who are so happy about the opportunity to finally get a personal corner that they are ready to sign any documents without looking.

This huge mistake. As already mentioned, any mortgage is a transaction. Any program that a bank launches is initially designed to benefit it. That is why you need to carefully read both the terms of the military mortgage and your specific contract.

Legal problems

Usually difficulties arise on the following points:

  • Age factor- according to the program, at the time of loan repayment the client must be no older than forty-five years. Don’t think that this won’t affect you, because you are still very young. Yes, now you are thirty, or even twenty-five, but they usually take out a mortgage for fifteen to twenty years. How old will you be then?
  • Deadlines. There is no need to rush, no one will give you an apartment right away - unlike a regular mortgage. The first three years, after registration in the mortgage system is completed, you will have to wait, because the loan will not be issued immediately. And then, when the certificate has already been received, the warrior has six months to do everything. I didn’t have time to get at least some document - it was my own fault. An expired certificate loses its validity even at the final stage of the transaction!
  • Cost. Yes, the state promises that it will bear the costs of the mortgage - and it will fulfill this promise. But in addition to the loan itself, there are many other costs, such as appraisal services.

So even the registration process itself is quite expensive - and the state did not sign up to cover these costs. Insurance must also be added here. That is, it turns out that even without bearing the burden of monthly payments, this business is quite expensive.

  • Inability to quit. And not only for the time until the loan is repaid. If there is a crisis in the country, Rosvoenipoteka can extend the loan term by reducing payments. That is, the date of planned departure from service will also be postponed indefinitely.
  • Ways to defraud military personnel about mortgages

    So, is a military mortgage a scam? Everything is the same as when applying for a standard mortgage loan for civilians.

    It is aggravated by the fact that civilians are in no way limited in time when preparing documents - with the exception, of course, of the validity period of certain certificates, but in the end, no one forbids them to go and get a new one - But for the military, literally every minute counts.

    If you delay for a day, it may not be enough, and the certificate will expire. So they literally grab the first option they like, hoping for chance. Meanwhile, this is fraught with the following:

    • the transaction was completed by an unauthorized person- for example, someone who does not have not only the position of a notary, but even a legal education;
    • sale of an apartment using forged documents;
    • they demonstrate one area and end up selling another;
    • sale on behalf of deceased owners;
    • the apartment turns out to be not “clean” - for example, one far from wonderful day the previous tenant returns from a place not so distant.

    Litigation and decisions

    This practice already exists at the moment. Military mortgage courts consider cases with “encumbrance” and the possibility of dividing the apartment thus obtained.

    As for the division, it is impossible to clearly predict the judge’s decision. On the one hand, such an apartment is not joint property of the spouses and cannot be divided. But on the other hand, if the outgoing “half” was able to prove that they invested their personal funds in the apartment, the court may satisfy its demands for division.

    Sometimes this happens - a person, after serving a contract, himself submits an application to be excluded from the NIS lists. But it is not a fact that this desire is satisfied. But this is not a military mortgage scam, but a deception of the unscrupulous leadership of the unit. The latter thus leaves no opportunity to escape from the yoke of the mortgage.

    So the St. Petersburg Garrison Military Court, having considered the claim of Captain Borisov, admitted the inaction of the unit commander regarding the submitted application on exclusion from the NIS lists. The court justified the decision by the fact that participation in the mortgage can only be voluntary. The command was obliged to satisfy Borisov's demand, as well as pay his costs in court.

    And it also happens that the dismissal is recognized by a court decision on a military mortgage as illegal and the command of the unit is ordered to reinstate the citizen in the ranks of the Armed Forces until his savings and additional security contributions are fully paid - following the example of the Vladivostok court in relation to reserve major Petrov.

    Within a month after his dismissal, he expected the money to be legally issued, but did not receive it and went to court. There were no delays - perhaps because he had a good lawyer on his side.

    Never, Under no circumstances should you rent an apartment other than through an agency. They themselves will check the home for legal purity.

    It should also be remembered that if the expression about the “bondage” of a mortgage is true, then this applies specifically to this case.

    The Department of Defense will only repay the loan while the person is serving. That is, not only can you not resign, you should also think about your health - after all, you may be considered unfit for further service.

    And finally, no matter what, you can only resolve your issues through a notary or at least a qualified lawyer. It is generally better to discuss this issue with a lawyer before filing an application.

    And finally, if the matter comes to trial, You should never hope that you will be able to defend your interests without a lawyer.

    Thus, it turns out that military mortgage is not a hoax, but a completely legitimate subtype of the credit system. The method of taking money from people or a real chance to acquire their own home - everyone decides for themselves. But any deal should be concluded only with the client fully aware of what he is getting into.

    Military mortgage for early dismissal

    According to statements by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the cost of purchasing housing is fully compensated by the state, while the serviceman does not spend his own funds. Is this really true? It cannot be argued that military mortgages are a deliberate deception of military personnel. But it is obvious that the program has many nuances and pitfalls.

    How is a military mortgage paid to a bank?

    Having become a member of the NIS, a serviceman receives a personal account. The account is replenished with annual contributions from the federal budget. It is these payments that are transferred to the bank to pay off the loan and are used for the down payment.

    The real estate registered under the purchase and sale agreement remains pledged to the credit institution until the mortgage obligations are fully fulfilled. The actual payer of the mortgage loan is the Ministry of Defense. During the loan repayment period, the serviceman’s personal account is not replenished, since all funds are transferred directly to the bank.

    Important! Applying for a mortgage is accompanied by additional expenses: home appraisal, life insurance of the borrower and collateral real estate. These expenses are paid by the program participant from his own budget.

    How military personnel are cheated on military mortgages

    Military mortgage is government support. The goal is to help military personnel solve the housing problem at the expense of the federal budget. However, there are situations when the state stops transferring funds to pay the mortgage or even confiscates the housing. Faced with such a problem, people tend to consider themselves deceived. In reality, neither the bank nor the Department of Defense seeks to defraud the service member. The reason is ignorance of some of the nuances and features of the military mortgage system.

    Like any credit product, a military mortgage implies special conditions, subject to which the housing loan is compensated by the state and subsequently becomes the property of the military man. Knowing all the pitfalls, you can avoid problems:

    1. You can order a certificate of entitlement to a housing loan after three years from the date of registration in the NIS register;
    2. Accumulated funds can only be used to purchase residential real estate;
    3. Having taken out a military mortgage, a soldier must serve 20 years or more. In case of early termination of a military contract (except for preferential reasons), you must reimburse the full cost of the mortgage with your own funds;
    4. Facility insurance is a mandatory condition of the program and is paid for by the military personnel themselves. Insurance payments must be made annually throughout the loan period;
    5. Additional costs for assessing housing and registering a contract, notary and agent services are also not compensated by the state;
    6. The certificate is valid for 6 months, the bureaucratic process of collecting documents may take longer;
    7. Rosvoenipoteka, as a rule, does not index monthly payments, while the bank initially provides for an annual increase in the monthly mortgage payment. This may result in a longer loan repayment period.

    As in any real estate transaction, purchasing an apartment using a military mortgage may be accompanied by fraud on the part of unscrupulous sellers and realtors. The main part of the scams occurs in the secondary housing market:

    1. Sale of real estate by third parties using forged documents;
    2. Registration of a transaction with a notary without a license;
    3. Replacement of the selected object. The documents indicate data on worse and cheaper housing;
    4. Invalid transactions. Sale of an object after the death of the owner, before the inheritance takes effect.

    Important! In order not to be deceived, it is necessary to study in detail the conditions and consequences of using the military mortgage system, study the bank’s program, and also entrust the choice of housing to qualified agents. Before signing an agreement or other document, you must carefully study all the points and make sure that the specified data is accurate.

    In what cases does housing purchased with a military mortgage remain with the military personnel?

    Purchasing residential real estate under the military mortgage program involves certain conditions, upon fulfilling which the serviceman becomes the full owner of the home.

    1. Military mortgages are compensated by the Ministry of Defense after 20 years of service, including on a preferential basis. The listed subsidies are paid free of charge. After closing the loan, the military man becomes the owner of the property;
    2. If federal cash there was not enough to fully repay the mortgage, the balance of the loan is paid using the military’s personal savings. After the serviceman fulfills all obligations under the mortgage, the apartment becomes property.

    Important! When applying for a mortgage, you need to take into account that the age limit for receiving additional payments is 45 years.

    How to withdraw savings from a military mortgage upon early dismissal

    The need for early dismissal arises for various reasons. If a NIS participant did not complete his service due to health reasons and a military mortgage was not issued, he can withdraw his savings if he has more than 10 years of service.

    The procedure for paying additional funds for a military mortgage takes into account the reasons for dismissal and length of service. Those dismissed on preferential terms can count on such payments if they have more than 10 years of experience.

    Advantageous factors are:

    • Organizational and staffing measures;
    • Medical indications;
    • Family circumstances;
    • Age limit.

    Compensation for a military mortgage if you did not use it

    As a member of the NIS, a serviceman can withdraw unused savings from his personal account under certain conditions.

    • If you have a service record of 20 years or more, you are allowed to use your savings at your own discretion;
    • If a contract soldier, having served more than 10 years, was dismissed under the general military order, but the military mortgage was not used, in addition to savings, he receives additional payments. Based on the amount that he would have accumulated before 20 years of experience;
    • When leaving service for family reasons, if the serviceman has not taken out a mortgage, he can count on compensation for his savings. In this case, the service experience must be more than 10 years;
    • If the military mortgage is not used, upon dismissal of your own free will. Having served from 10 to 20 calendars, the serviceman receives savings and additional payments at his disposal.

    Do I need to return the military mortgage upon termination of the contract in 2018?

    The return of a military mortgage in case of early termination of the contract is regulated by the Federal Law “On the Savings Mortgage System of Housing for Military Personnel”:

    • Art. 10 indicates that a military mortgage upon dismissal for organizational reasons and with service of more than 10 years does not require compensation;
    • If there is a dismissal under the National Labor Code with 13 years of service, the military mortgage must be returned. The serviceman must pay the state all transferred housing loan funds, including the amount for the down payment;
    • The apartment cannot be returned under a military mortgage in the event of the death of a serviceman;
    • When applying for a mortgage, if a person leaves on preferential terms and has less than 10 years of service, he is obliged to return the funds provided.

    Military mortgage after restoration from stock not on preferential terms

    If the military mortgage is not sold by the NIS participant before transfer to the reserve, the dismissal law provides for the restoration of savings if a new contract is signed. However, if the dismissal was not on preferential terms, then the savings will begin anew. Previous amounts will be cancelled.

    Important! In order not to lose savings when renewing a contract, you need to formalize dismissal under preferential circumstances.

    Military mortgage for those discharged at a certain age

    The age limit for military personnel is 50 years. Upon dismissal due to age, accumulations in the personal account cease. Accordingly, the remaining amount of the loan will have to be paid independently. The earlier a military mortgage is issued, the greater the likelihood of full repayment using mortgage savings.

    Repayment of a military mortgage upon dismissal after 35 years is made by the state in the case of service of more than 10 years in the presence of preferential circumstances, or 20 years without them. In other cases, it is necessary to compensate the state for the funds spent, including the savings in the personal account used for the down payment.

    Problems with paying off a military mortgage while serving in a foreign army

    The Military Mortgage Program is intended only for active duty military personnel. Russian army, and are valid only in the territory Russian Federation. Programs for serving in a foreign army are regulated by the laws of the state in which the service takes place.

    Questions and answers

    When will additional funds for military mortgages arrive?

    Additional funds are transferred within three months from the date of writing the application for receipt of payment.

    Military mortgage fraud and how to protect yourself from fraud

    Welcome! So, is a military mortgage a deception for military personnel or a real method to solve the housing problem? The program of financial assistance from the state in the form of military mortgages is designed to provide housing for those in need. This measure of state support has been implemented since 2005, and during this time there have been not only positive reviews from military personnel about the work of Rosvoenipoteka and the features of the program itself. Let us examine in more detail possible negative situations when applying for a military mortgage and fraud in this area.

    Who can count on a military mortgage?

    The following categories of military personnel who have the right to receive a mortgage loan on preferential terms are established by law:

    • officers with a contract for service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces, concluded before 2005;
    • foremen, sergeants, sailors, soldiers who entered into the 2nd contract;
    • midshipmen and warrant officers with more than three years of service.

    Military personnel discharged from military service but who are registered with the federal authorities will also be able to count on receiving financial assistance when purchasing housing. At the same time, the main criteria for applying for a mortgage are the presence of a long-term contract for service and participation in the NIS for more than 3 years. If the above conditions are met, the potential borrower will be able to apply to the bank for a loan.

    Legal pitfalls

    Before deciding to participate in the military mortgage program, a soldier should be aware of all the legal subtleties on this issue. Let's take a closer look at them.

    1. Age limit of participants
    1. Strict adherence to deadlines for participating in the NIS for obtaining a mortgage

    After a military man has become a participant in the savings-mortgage system and received a confirming certificate, Rosvoenipoteka opens a personal account in his name, which is replenished from the federal budget within the limit of the allocated amount. During the first three years, no debits can be made from the account. This is prohibited by law.

    1. Additional costs during the mortgage loan process

    As you know, issuing a mortgage is associated with some additional costs: providing a professional assessment of the property, costs for home insurance, health and life of the borrower, payment of state fees, etc. All of them are the responsibility of the military personnel, and not the state represented by Rosvoeipoteka, and they should be planned in advance. This should not come as a surprise to the client.

    1. Consequences in case of dismissal

    Dismissing a military member from service before the end of the mortgage term is fraught with consequences. It all depends on length of service. If a person has served for more than 20 years, then the money received from the state cannot be reimbursed. If the length of service is more than 10 years and the reason for dismissal is valid by law, then further repayment of the debt to the bank by the borrower will be made at the expense of the serviceman. If the reason is not valid, then in addition to paying the debt independently, the borrower will have to return the allocated funds to Rosvoenipoteka.

    1. Possible additional payment according to the approved payment schedule

    The state annually allocates a fixed amount, which is transferred to the military personnel’s personal account in the NIS. Previously concluded mortgage agreements provided for a floating interest rate, which could change in the event of rising inflation and other unfavorable economic factors. Now all banks offer only fixed interest rates, without the possibility of change throughout the entire loan term. However, military personnel with loans with a variable interest rate, in the event of an increase in the rate, will be forced to make additional payments for current payments according to the changed schedule. Naturally, there is a lot of dissatisfaction and objective negative feedback on this matter.

    1. Independence of the amount of savings in the NIS account from the composition of the military family

    The account accumulates funds from the budget per serviceman, regardless of the number of family members. For large families, this can become a significant problem, since living conditions, for example, in a one-room apartment will be far from comfortable. Therefore, for a larger apartment, the serviceman will have to invest his own funds.

    1. Maximum loan amount limit

    The maximum value of borrowed funds for a military mortgage cannot exceed 2.8 million rubles. In regions and small towns, this money can buy fairly high-quality and spacious housing, but in Moscow or St. Petersburg, this is unlikely to be possible. The price level there is completely different.

    1. Limited choice of specific housing

    If previously housing for military personnel was built and provided free of charge without the right to choose, now they can choose their area of ​​residence, house, apartment area, its layout, etc. But again, you will have to choose from a list of objects accredited by the bank and Rosvoenipoteka, which are not always distinguished by quality and increased comfort. As a rule, these are economy housing with standard layouts and a small area.

    Fraud facts

    Military personnel, despite the seemingly maximum transparency of the program and mortgage registration scheme, can easily become victims of scammers. The most common cases of fraud are:

    1. Selling housing using fake documents

    Even a thorough check of the purchased property by the lender and the state regulatory authority cannot be a 100% guarantee of a legal transaction. If the fact of forgery is revealed after the mortgage has been issued and money has been transferred to the seller, then the situation will be resolved through the court.

    1. Registration of a transaction by a pseudonotary

    Such cases also occur, and they are fraught with the loss of an apartment and the fulfillment of obligations to the bank.

    1. Purchasing an apartment different from that shown to the buyer

    It happens that a buyer looks at one apartment and decides to purchase it, but the transaction is documented for a completely different property. And, as a rule, not in favor of the potential borrower (smaller area, etc.).

    1. Selling a “problem” apartment

    An example would be a situation where a serviceman purchases housing that is clean according to the documents, and after some time a citizen released from prison, who previously lived in it and was illegally discharged, begins to demand his rights.

    1. Selling a home whose owner is actually dead

    This situation is quite rare, but there have been cases of such transactions (especially in the early 2000s).

    Of course, it is important to clarify that the considered cases of fraud are carried out by criminals without the participation of the state. And no one is safe from the hands of such scammers, including military personnel.

    Disadvantages of the military mortgage program

    Like any other state program, “Military Mortgage” has certain disadvantages. These include:

    • lengthy loan processing times, bureaucracy when preparing documents (the total duration of all approvals and receipt of the required amount can reach more than one month);
    • lack of indexation of savings allocated by the budget (since 2016, such an amount has not been indexed, and there are no plans to do this in the near future due to the instability of the economy);
    • the possibility of losing the purchased housing (if a serviceman was dismissed from the ranks of the RF Armed Forces for an unexcused reason or before reaching a service period of 10 years, then in case of violations of the fulfillment of loan obligations, the bank has the right to foreclose on the collateral property);
    • low loan amount (in a large city, 2.8 million rubles can only buy a small apartment, which is completely unprofitable for large families);
    • the impossibility of dividing an apartment between spouses in the event of a divorce (a military spouse who is not a member of the RF Armed Forces cannot count on receiving a share of the purchased apartment, as the law establishes that earmarked payments do not apply to property acquired during marriage).

    In addition, the rate on military mortgages today is practically no different from the interest rate offered by banks for borrowers of all other categories. The thing is that savings from the NIS account can be used to pay the down payment and pay off current debt.

    1. Despite the transparency of the scheme, it is better, if possible, to control the entire process as much as possible

    It is better to check every document and clause of the contract, since no one is immune from the human factor. Mistakes in such a serious matter are unacceptable and can result in financial loss and unnecessary liability.

    1. Trust transactions only to professionals

    If among the banks only an approved list has the right to issue mortgages to the military, then the lawyer or notary who undertook to support the transaction must be thoroughly checked. As a rule, all the necessary information is freely available and can be found in open sources.

    1. Use the mortgage calculator in advance

    Each potential borrower is recommended to make preliminary calculations for the loan being issued in advance, calculate the amount of the current monthly payment, and the amount of overpayment. Naturally, it is important to take into account the amount of funds allocated by Rosvoenipoteka. But since it can change or be indexed, the calculations will of course be quite approximate. But even they will help to paint a picture of each client’s credit burden and assess their capabilities in the event of force majeure.

    1. Before signing a loan agreement, you need to include in the family budget additional costs and expenses for obtaining a mortgage.

    As I said earlier, such costs include the cost of preparing a report on the assessment of the property being purchased, paying for the services of realtors, lawyers, paying for insurance, etc. No one will pay such costs for the borrower, neither the bank nor the state.

    1. Get acquainted with all offers among banks implementing the military mortgage program

    Currently, 13 Russian banks are processing such loans. Each of them offers its own program with unique conditions. Despite the general similarity of the loan parameters, it is important to study all the products available on the market and choose the most suitable one. It is better to carefully calculate everything and read the reviews among borrowers, since mortgage lending involves long-term cooperation with the selected banks for many years. Comfort, benefits, and a wide range of third-party services and products will be the primary characteristics in the selection process.

    All of the above allows us to draw the main conclusion - military mortgages are an effective program to help military personnel and their families improve their living conditions. Over the years of the program’s existence, many families have actually been able to buy comfortable housing and solve the main problem of many Russians.

    Of course, there are disadvantages, facts of fraud and illegal actions on the part of government bodies are revealed, but all this does not give the right to call the support provided by the state a fraud. Despite the transparency of all procedures and the real estate purchase transaction itself, the borrower is required to pay utmost attention to details and documents in order to avoid negative consequences in the future. Trusting only professionals, constant monitoring and interaction with all participants will allow you to obtain a mortgage quickly and without any losses.

    You will also be interested to know what will happen to the military mortgage upon dismissal and how it will be divided.

    Our mortgage lawyer is always available. Sign up for a free consultation in the corner of the screen.

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    The category of expensive purchases is always of interest to scammers. The greatest deception has been recorded in the real estate market. The resourcefulness of scammers has allowed them to penetrate into the sphere of government programs such as.

    Military mortgage is a set of measures aimed at purchasing housing for military personnel. Being, in fact, one of the new programs for the acquisition of residential real estate, the regulatory and legal framework created for military mortgages is far from perfect and has not been processed in practice. The latter is the reason why people have to face a lot of difficulties and obstacles when preparing documents.

    The attitude of the military personnel themselves to this program is also ambiguous. Some people find it too complicated, while others, due to lack of time and knowledge, have difficulty resolving legal issues. This is exactly what scammers take advantage of.

    To ensure the housing program for military personnel, a special body has been created - Rosvoenipoteka. The process of interaction of individual subjects with this body occurs in accordance with the methodological recommendations created by the instructions. Sometimes attempts to circumvent these instructions create fertile conditions for scammers.

    The essence of the program is that the previously used service housing provision is replaced by a monetary scheme, within which a savings and credit component is formed. The last condition is to obtain a loan on preferential terms, since the funds accumulated within the NIS may not be enough.

    The scheme for obtaining a mortgage for military personnel is based on the following conditions:

    • The age of the borrower, taking into account the loan term, must be no more than 45 years.
    • Part of the funds accumulated over the years of service is issued in the form of a certificate.
    • The missing amount is issued in the form of a loan.
    • During the term of the contract, the serviceman does not have the right to change his status.

    Thus, the benefits of military mortgage lending are very mediocre, and a number of disadvantages include the limited maximum amount and choice of housing. Many experts note that the military mortgage itself is a deception of military personnel.

    Loopholes for scammers, or where you need to be vigilant?

    Military personnel are, as a rule, people who have little knowledge of the issues and intricacies of relationships in the real estate market. Not wanting to bother studying the legislation, they tend to delegate these powers to realtors and real estate experts. The latter, for the purpose of profit, seek to use workaround and not always legal schemes. To avoid fraud, it is recommended to use the services of notaries or specialized lawyers; their cost is slightly higher, but it is fixed.

    When working with a notary, it is also worth checking the legality of his activities, since cases of deception through “black” notaries are also not uncommon.

    The greatest number of deceptions with military mortgages lies in the fact that the legal purity of the object and its seller is not subjected to proper verification. In such a situation, there is a risk of purchasing housing with encumbrances or using forged documents. The latter is that false sellers sell property that does not belong to them.

    The encumbrance may consist of the following points:

    • Housing is pledged.
    • Not all residents have been discharged from the apartment; they often leave their children behind.
    • The property was sold without obtaining the consent of all interested parties.

    Rollback as a way to earn money

    Modern businessmen in the real estate market have developed a scheme for receiving kickbacks not from buyers, but from sellers. Thus, illiquid housing is sold at an inflated price. For owners wishing to sell in as soon as possible, is a profitable offer, and also saves on paying for the services of a realtor. Such situations are actively used in the secondary market.

    Selling “crucian carp” instead of “salmon”

    Another scheme is to confuse the buyer. He is shown several residential premises in good condition, and after the transaction is completed, it turns out that he purchased a completely different apartment. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to write down the addresses of residential premises, marking the apartments you like, and then check the address in the contract.

    "Exclusive agreement" as a form of deception

    Realtors impose the conclusion of an exclusive agreement under the pretext that the housing can be sold; this measure allows you to retain the right to purchase this property. Essentially, an opportunity to hold onto the apartment. But in practice, this is a banal siphoning of funds from the buyer, since the latter undertakes to pay from 50 to 100 thousand rubles for this service. If we analyze in detail the terms of such an agreement, we can clearly see that it is beneficial only for the realtor. You can negotiate directly with the buyer without additional costs or simply pay a small deposit.

    How to avoid being scammed and who to contact?

    To avoid situations of deception, you should not revel in the thought of the future. separate apartment, but carefully observe the entire process of completing the transaction. Even before receiving the certificate, it makes sense to start looking for a reliable partner or a trusted property, for example, from familiar and trusted sellers. The same should be done with notaries, realtors and other specialists involved in the transaction.

    These issues can be discussed at a personal meeting and with Rosvoenipoteka specialists, who can provide consulting and legal assistance in completing the transaction, as well as recommend trusted specialists and partners.

    At the same time, trusted operators are working on the market today, providing support services for military mortgage transactions. Among such operators is the Military Relocation company, which operates throughout the country and works closely with Rosvoenipoteka.

    Military mortgage: deception of military personnel or not? Understanding the issue, it is immediately worth noting that this is an officially existing state program that has been operating for several years. It allows the military to buy real estate using government funds. This is not a scam, and such opportunities are actually provided. However, it is worth understanding that weak points systems sometimes make it vulnerable and allow fraud.

    It is necessary to show attention and vigilance in order to avoid these problematic moments and not get into a difficult situation. After all, there are fraudulent schemes such that a person simply cannot prove that he is right in the future.

    The complexities of a military mortgage

    – this is a specific field, and it has its own difficult places and obstacles that need to be kept in mind in advance. Certain aspects can make the process of obtaining housing significantly more difficult when using this government assistance. And sometimes using this solution is not possible at all.

    Situations related to fraud in the use of mortgage funds do occur. And you can actually encounter deception. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the main fraud schemes in this area. Remain vigilant during the transaction process.

    Situations are different. And if in some cases we are talking about outright fraud, then in other cases, obstacles to military personnel in their right to use the possibilities of a military mortgage are caused by the difficulties and shortcomings of this system itself. After all, mortgage rules can be quite difficult to understand. Sometimes they are downright confusing, and not everyone has a legal education.

    Therefore, it makes sense to consider the main problems that people face in the process of designing and implementing a program, as well as critical points from the point of view of fraud. What you should pay attention to when buying a home in this way.

    Military mortgage: deception of military personnel - legal issues

    First of all, it is necessary to note the fact that upon dismissal, the state will no longer be obliged to repay the housing loan. A military mortgage can be a burden on a family. If we are talking about dismissal for a good reason, then the account simply will not be replenished with funds from Rosvoenipoteka. In other cases, a situation may arise where the former military personnel will be required to return government funds that have already been paid for housing. Even in the case when a military man retires after the required 20 years of service, the funds stop being transferred. If the mortgage was paid off before this period, the housing remains with the military family, and nothing needs to be paid. But if the apartment is still under mortgage at this time, you will then have to pay it off with your own funds.

    It is also worth noting that in the first three years of participation in the NIS system, a serviceman cannot yet count on receiving a loan for housing.

    There are controversial situations when a person has been serving for several years, but only recently joined the system. In this case, length of service will not play a role. What is important is the term of participation in the NIS, which should be more than 3 years. The mentioned conditions must be kept in mind so as not to end up in difficult situation associated with the impossibility of obtaining a mortgage, or the need to pay it with one’s own funds.

    Costs and processing times

    Modern legislation provides for a limited period of validity of the received certificate for the purchase of housing. Having written the appropriate application and received it, the serviceman must complete all documents, including the purchase and sale itself, within six months. It is also necessary to remember another point. Funds are provided specifically for the purchase of housing, but they do not include payment for obtaining papers and government services. The serviceman must pay the costs associated with obtaining various papers independently, from his own income. You will also need to pay for your own insurance. You will have to pay for it annually.

    You just need to be prepared for these additional expenses. The state is not obliged to compensate them.

    Another pitfall that can promise failure and unfounded accusations that a military mortgage is a fraud is that all the documents required from the authorities to complete the transaction are not prepared instantly. Their preparation may take a long time. And if you start acting during the last period of the certificate’s validity, the deal will almost certainly fall through. In any case, it is better to act in advance so that there is time to compensate for bureaucracy and delays. And they are quite commonplace.

    Military mortgage: deception of military personnel - do you need a realtor?

    These issues, as well as aspects of indexing military mortgages, create many problems. After all, the above list of pitfalls is far from complete. In this situation, many military personnel decide to hire specialists who will help carry out the procedure properly. This also requires investment. You have to pay the agency or realtor out of your own pocket. But this approach is much simpler. However, some people, on the contrary, avoid connecting third parties, fearing not errors, but fraud. And such cases also occur.

    Military mortgage fraud: what forms does it come in?

    IN recent years The problem of fraud is getting worse, egregious cases have become more common. AND ordinary people, and military personnel may be harmed by criminals when purchasing real estate. Statistics say that in large cities up to 5 percent of real estate transactions turn out to be illegal. And at the same time, it is mainly the citizens themselves who suffer, not the state.

    Buying a second home can pose serious problems. In the process of making an illegal transaction, a person may be left without his own savings and without housing, even if he uses a military mortgage.

    The primary market is considered safer, but incidents occur there too. In order to promptly notice the danger and refuse a risky transaction, you need to know the main points on which scammers use their strength. And it won’t be difficult to list them at all.

    Main types of deception

    The purchased property must be checked in all aspects. The identities of the sellers and participants in the transaction, too. And the service member may not have the time or ability to do this. But there are still opportunities to protect yourself. And with due diligence, everyone can take advantage of them.

    So, in particular, a smart move would be to contact a trusted real estate company that has been on the market for several years and has a positive reputation. To check its reputation, you can look at reviews of its activities on the Internet, talk with other people who also used third-party services when decorating an apartment.

    In the modern market there are companies with ten years or more of experience. They protect their reputation and do not deceive clients. On the contrary, they work with due care and independently check the property and people, providing the client with protection. In addition, many agencies provide a guarantee. They take responsibility for the transaction and its results.

    If a transaction that failed due to fraud was carried out by a company, then the court will allow it to be held accountable and compensated for the damage.

    However, it is necessary to know and fulfill all its conditions. Understand the consequences of certain actions, so as not to end up in a difficult situation later and not pay the mortgage on your own. You should also avoid fraud at the transaction stage. Check the purchased housing and sellers, as well as intermediaries, notaries, using all available opportunities for this. Entrusting this task to competent and responsible performers will allow you to avoid pitfalls and spend a minimum of time resolving the issue.

    By the end of 2017, more than 200 thousand NIS participants had already received them, but, unfortunately, the fate of further payments is not officially monitored. On social networks you can find diametrically opposed opinions about this format of mortgage loans, and military personnel often turn to lawyers with a request to stop the snowball of debt, which falls entirely on the shoulders of the borrower. Below we present a selection of the most typical situations.

    How to pay your mortgage if you're laid off

    Ruben Sh., combat veteran, 10 years of service.

    In 2011, he was forced to resign due to a conflict with his superiors. Within 12 months after dismissal, I paid off the mortgage on my own. But Rosipoteka, since he was no longer in service, demanded the return of 536,000 (the down payment), and the bank had to pay about another 2 million plus interest. I thought that the solution would be to return to service, so I was reinstated under the contract and again became a member of the NIS. However, payments began to go not to the bank, but back to NIS, they said, until the down payment was paid off. Now I have a huge debt to the bank and I’m facing a trial where they will either extend the debt repayment period and reduce the amount of monthly payments (this best option), or the apartment will be transferred to the bank as collateral, and the paid part of the debt will be returned to me without taking into account interest.

    Refund of the down payment to Rosvoenipoteka

    Galina D., wife of a serviceman, husband’s service for 11 years.

    Our initial contribution was 683,000 rubles from Rosipoteka, plus 2 million 200 thousand bank loan. We bought a secondary one for 2,883,000. We thought that after we were fired we’d pay it off on our own and there wouldn’t be any problems. We went to the AHML, they gave us payment receipts, we paid the assigned amounts for 10 months without delay - and an unexpected summons to court. Rosvoenipoteka filed a claim for the return of the down payment, and the amount almost doubled, and the bank loan remained with us. But nothing can be done; our inattention when drawing up the contract, where all the conditions of the Military Mortgage are clearly stated, led to a deplorable situation, and we need to calculate the risks ourselves.

    Calculate percentages carefully

    Tatyana I., Vyborg, wife of a serviceman.

    I always understood that there was no such thing as a freebie, even in the form of a military mortgage, but I didn’t have my own money to buy a home and had to get involved in this adventure. I'll show you where the catch is. Mortgage from Sberbank, rate – 9.92%, below note – “until December 31, 2017 – 9.5%; after – 10.9%; average – 9.92%.” Everything seems to be correct, we agree. And only after 3 years did the deception dawn on me: the mortgage was concluded in September 2014, that is, 41 months passed until the end of 2017 (this is at a rate of 9.5%). From January 2018 to September 2025 – 92 months (this is at a rate of 10.9%). That is, the mortgage is not 9.92, but 10.46%. And remember that the apartment is in double collateral - both from the bank and from Rosvoenipotek, and the serviceman is in serfdom until the end of payments.

    Changing the loan repayment period

    Evgeniy S. Officer, 18 years of service.

    The apartment was purchased with a military mortgage in 2012 through Gazprombank. A couple of years ago I hotly argued that a military mortgage is a paradise for a serviceman, I didn’t have any delays in payments, I bought a good apartment. At the conclusion of the contract, the last payment was due in December 2025 and amounted to 20,660.8 rubles. After that, I could calmly remove the encumbrance from the apartment and quit. But the schedule unexpectedly changed and the bank notified me that the last payment would be in January 2018, and the amount would be 268,300 rubles. When I called the bank, they told me not to worry, because Rosvoenipoteka was paying. But you will definitely have to serve at least 2 years longer. And the amount of the last payment is confusing.

    Important: write about your experience in the comments and share this article on social networks so that people know!