Interesting options for franchises of microfinance organizations (MFOs). Microfinance organization franchise

* The calculations use average data for Russia

The specifics of the microfinance business are becoming more complicated - recently the industry has been controlled by the Central Bank, which has established its own rules of the game. The microfinance boom has passed, and the “civilization” of the market has begun. Non-professionals are actively leaving the field of activity, making way for competitive companies. In order to overcome the difficulties of starting a business, minimize costs and not go into a difficult voyage with the hope of payback in 3-5 years, industry experts advise joining experienced franchise microfinance organizations.

The huge number of “express loans in 15 minutes” offices located within a few tens of meters from each other makes many people wonder what the reasons for the success of such organizations are. IN recent years The country was swept by a real microfinance boom, which brought Russia to first place in the world in terms of the number of microfinance organizations. A business that promises to pay for itself within a few months and bring a gross profit of 300-1000% has been replicated exponentially throughout the year. The service has found its client. The majority of the population has a low income, is heavily indebted, and is unable to cope with rising prices and take out new loans from the bank, especially if we are talking about small amounts that can be returned from the next salary. For a huge segment of Russians, MFO services turned out to be necessary, thanks to which the business received an enviable percentage of repeat clients, reaching 70-80%. From 2006 to 2013, the number of consumers of microfinance services increased sixfold. Successful experience of companies that have barely started their business began to sell as a franchise, which are also in great demand.

However, in 2014, the entire industry underwent changes, coming under the control of the Bank of Russia. Amendments to the law “On microfinance activities and MFOs” and “On credit histories” came into force and federal law“On consumer credit (loan).” MFOs have actually been put on a par with credit institutions with adequate financial statements. In particular, measures were taken to ensure reserves and the possibility of accounting for reserves in tax accounting, the taxation and reporting system changed, and regulation of maximum permissible rates began.

All companies without exception felt the attention of the Central Bank to their organizations. The number of inspections and requests from the regulator increased, and the number of organizations began to decline sharply. Over the 10 months of 2015, the number of microfinance organizations decreased by 17% from 4.2 to 3.5 thousand. Mainly those companies that are on the register but do not actually operate and do not submit reports to the Bank of Russia are leaving the market. That is, “they are constantly deleted from the register.” dead souls" Compared to 2014, the growth rate of the microloan portfolio slowed down, and the number of borrowers also decreased – from 3.1 million to 2.7 million. At the same time, in the field of microfinance, there are trends in improving the quality of loan portfolios, increasing loan amounts and terms.

Market participants approach the current situation differently. On the one hand, microfinance is becoming a more civilized business, and the sector is being cleansed of gray schemes, the dominance of non-professionals who work on their knees and scammers. On the other hand, conscientious players are afraid that the proposed mechanism of the Central Bank will not be “overdone.” On at the moment MFOs report to tax authorities and the Central Bank, and then will soon send reports to self-regulatory organizations. Excessively strict control will undoubtedly lead to further reduction of MFOs. However, the number of people wishing to be included in the MFO register is not decreasing. Despite all the upheaval, some companies remain optimistic. The population's need for money has not gone away, especially since during the crisis banks reduced the issuance of loans. Today, in total terms, the volume of the MFO market is about 65 billion rubles, which is about 1% of retail banking. Small and remote settlements where there are no banks and the population is not financially literate are considered to be growth points for MFOs.

Ready ideas for your business

The main segments can be identified in the microfinance market. These are companies that provide small payday loans for up to 30 days, the most popular loan in which is from 3 to 15 thousand rubles. Companies that provide loans for up to 12 months with equal repayment in amounts from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. As well as microloans for businesses. Loans can be issued without collateral, with a guarantee or against collateral (cars, industrial goods). It is worth noting that loan amounts tend to increase to 3 million rubles.

Franchise benefits

If earlier it was easier to open an MFO on your own, then after the mentioned changes in legislation, many nuances and pitfalls appeared, which only those who have already encountered them will help to overcome. The company can take on all complex and costly processes, from registering an LLC, registering in the register of microfinance organizations and maintaining document flow, right up to constant support in current work. The contract may also stipulate the conditions for the repurchase of the business if for some reason it does not live up to expectations.

The company can become a source of practical knowledge that will help an entrepreneur at the start. For example, in order to decide whether or not to issue a loan, a company can apply a whole range of client assessments, receiving information about the borrower from the National Bureau of Credit History (NBKI), to which large networks are connected. To minimize the risk of non-returns, transaction operators send client data to the head office. The underwriting department, or, more simply, the risk assessment department, based on NBKI data, makes a conclusion about whether to issue a loan or not. Secondly, all “good” MFOs have their own software package, which allows them to automate and connect several business processes together, thereby minimizing costs. Credit scoring methods make it possible to reduce the share of default overdue payments to 2-3% of the total portfolio of loans issued per year. In case of exceeding normal, according to the network, indicators, some companies offer services for the redemption of “dirty portfolios”.

When opening an entrepreneur on his own, in addition to transaction officers, he will need a lawyer and an accountant. You will also need to find an employee who will collect overdue loans. As a result, in addition to all ongoing expenses, including rent, taxes and operating expenses, you will have to pay salaries to all listed employees. Moreover, it is not a fact, for example, that collectors will want to deal with a small microfinance organization. In this case, the company will be forced to sue and wait, suffering losses. The advantage of franchising is that the company takes care of accounting and legal services. There are also options when the company makes its own collection service and legal collection specialists available to its partners. As the experience of MFOs shows, the absence of any leverage on debtors makes the entire loan portfolio problematic.

Advertising assistance is also important. Large companies do not need promotion and have established advertising channels. Franchisees can be provided with printed layouts, videos, a call center, and instructions for promotion on the Internet and via SMS mailing.

What suggestions are there?

There are many federal players in the microloan market, and their development schemes are not limited to franchising. The largest player, according to the Expert RA rating agency, is the Home Money company, occupying 24% of the market. Its business model was borrowed from the British company Provident Financial, which has been operating in the UK for 130 years. Its essence is that Home Money does not have sales offices or cash desks. Instead, the company has a network of 5 thousand agents who work in 55 regions of Russia. Basically, agents are the most ordinary people: workers, salesmen and taxi drivers. Loans do not take place in the office, but at the borrower’s home, where agents deliver the money free of charge for the client.

The WMR-money company is also working towards developing an agent network. Here agents are any retail outlets whose owners are interested in additional business. The absence of the need to open a point eliminates the constant costs of rent and salaries. The company's franchisee is interested in opening as many agency outlets as possible in order to increase turnover and net profit. Depending on the ambitions of the franchisee, investments in opening a representative office can range from 300 thousand to 10 million rubles. If the partner is successful, the company agrees to invest its funds in opening new outlets. The investment amount can be 1 million rubles for every 150 thousand population, provided that the franchisee has been working for more than 6 months and during the last three months his net profit is more than 200 thousand rubles.

Another example of non-standard cooperation is offered by Russia’s first service for issuing online loans, Money Man. A scheme without direct contact with MFO employees with the transfer of money to a salary card or, for example, Yandex.Money, turned out to be a convenient and attractive option for a large number of people who feel uncomfortable with the role of petitioners. The program partners are offered the opportunity to earn up to 10% of the volume of loans issued by attracting new users, which only requires an understanding of loan products and a desire to sell them.

Ready ideas for your business

Other companies, for example Fast Finance, offer a franchise for opening MFO offices in a small stationary premises or in a pavilion or counter format. This option can be called the most common.

What investments will be required to open a franchise microfinance organization? Franchisors designate investments ranging from amounts up to 500 thousand rubles and ending with figures of several million rubles. Here it should be borne in mind that in MFOs the volume of the loan portfolio plays a huge role. Franchisors may not include it in start-up costs, which makes their offers seem more attractive compared to competitors. However, depending on the territory of opening, the franchisee will have to put into circulation at least 1 million rubles. Considering this fact, one should also sensibly evaluate payback rates, which can range from several months to 1.5 years. You should find out in advance what kind of payback you mean – direct (opening an office, renovation, etc.) or working capital.

The cost of the lump sum fee will depend on the package of services offered, the uniqueness of the business technology and the availability of privileges for the franchisee. The average amounts here are about 150 thousand rubles. A franchise will cost more for those who want to acquire the exclusive right to develop a business in a certain territory and open several offices. Royalty companies set either a fixed amount or set a flexible scheme depending on income, that is, returned interest, fines and penalties. As the office operates, monthly payments may decrease. For example, in the Fast Finance company, royalties are reduced from 15 to 10% depending on financial performance. The higher the franchisee's turnover, the lower the payments.

Indicators of franchises of some microfinance organizations*


Year the company was founded


million rubles

Lump sum payment

thousand rubles






WMR money

Fast Finance

Master Money

Convenient loans


Instant money

Money for you

10% but not less than 15 thousand rubles.


15 thousand rubles.

Franchisors, as a rule, recommend opening on the “red lines” of the city, that is, on central and busy streets, in shopping centers, near bus stops and transport interchanges. The building must be able to accommodate external signage. The interior is usually decorated in the company's style using corporate colors. To work in an office, you must have high-speed Internet.


In addition to the mentioned difficulties in the work of MFOs related to the regulator (inspections, submission of reports to the Central Bank, paperwork), there are many more difficulties that await franchisees.

Taking advantage of the inexperience of potential “partners” and their desire to make quick money, franchise owners can easily show off attractive starting investments of 300-500 thousand rubles, a payback period of 2-3 months and forecasts of “guaranteed” excess profits. However, in most cases, amounts up to 1 million rubles are unlikely to be enough for a successful business. Such proposals, as a rule, completely ignore the loan portfolio, the size of which determines future income and directly depends on the city in which the franchisee operates. If we are talking about small cities with a population of 30 thousand rubles or more, then the portfolio will require at least 1 million rubles; if more than 300 thousand people live in the city, then 2 million rubles may not be enough. Based on the experience of companies, it turns out that in the first six months of work you also need a solid cash cushion, so opening a business with a credit portfolio “back to back” is extremely unwise.

Ready ideas for your business

The number of unscrupulous franchisors and non-professionals in the field of microfinance is large. Often, all the promised advertising support turns into a fiction, the “business book” turns out to be a Word document of 2-3 pages, a personal curator only picks up the phone when it’s time to collect royalties, and there is no talk of providing marketing and legal support at all. In addition to this, there may be “modern” software that constantly fails. All these problems can be seen even at the stage of getting to know the organization. Firstly, the company must have a registered trademark and be listed in the register of microfinance organizations of the Central Bank. It is necessary to thoroughly study the company’s experience in the market, find out the number of operating offices and communicate live with existing network partners. The uselessness of technology, for example, may be indicated by a too low lump sum payment. Feedback from franchisees often indicates that promises of support in working with debtors and the repurchase of the so-called “dirty package,” that is, a portfolio of overdue loans, often turn out to be empty. The main goal of franchisors who ignore franchisees and do not fulfill obligations is commercial gain from the sale of franchises, which promises buyers nothing but costs and wasted nerves.

Secondly, no matter how companies promise to minimize risks thanks to their assessment technologies, overdue debt cannot be avoided, and losses due to default will occur in any case. It is impossible to predict what the non-return percentage will be - too many variable factors and features of each specific region can influence this. The business of MFOs is precisely based on issuing loans to those categories of the population who do not have access to lending services. That is why such a high interest rate arises. You need to be prepared for all risks from the very beginning. It should be borne in mind that microfinance is one of the favorite areas for scammers. Newly opened MFOs are especially at risk. Sometimes significant sums are taken out of them. After the launch, one or more individuals appear who take out loans and do not pay them back, so loans to the first client are approved by franchisors with extreme caution.

204 people are studying this business today.

In 30 days, this business was viewed 10,197 times.

Recognizable brand. More than 330 partners in the Russian Federation and the CIS. Own production according to European standards.

Let's say you want to open your own business, but are afraid to start from scratch. Then franchises can come to the rescue. However, well-known and popular brands ask for a lot of money, and all this will not pay off right away. In this case, it is better to use franchises offered by microfinance organizations. The payback here is the highest, and the conditions are quite acceptable. A microloan franchise can be an excellent start for beginning businessmen with little capital of their own.

But how to choose from such a variety the company and its offer that will be most profitable, how not to make a mistake and what to pay attention to? Let's find out all the nuances and details of the franchise of the most popular MFOs lending offline and online.

What is a microloan franchise?

A microloan franchise is the right for a start-up financial firm to use the intellectual property of a large microfinance organization. If we talk in simple language, then you enter into an agreement with a large microfinance organization to use its brand, logo, scoring and other functions when opening own office for distribution to the public. According to the transaction agreement, the aspiring businessman must provide loans to borrowers on behalf of the franchisor and unquestioningly adhere to the policies of his senior partner.

The interaction of both parties begins with an agreement and a down payment from a beginning businessman. Depending on the microfinance organization, this may be a fee for purchasing a franchise or just a contribution, but the essence does not change, you still have to invest your money first. At the same time, the “big brother” constantly monitors the newcomer’s business. And for the right to make a profit and use the brand and technological ideas of the senior partner, the junior must pay monthly special deductions - royalties from his profits. You also need to have equity.

WITH general concepts We seem to have sorted it out, now let’s move on to specific franchise offers from microfinance organizations. Many newcomers complain about the incompetence of some microfinance organizations that sell their franchises. We studied in detail the reviews of novice businessmen and compiled our top four best and worst microloan franchises.


  1. "Pyaterochka". About 90% of the reviews from real franchisees are positive, and this is putting it mildly, but without 3-4 million of actual capital there is nothing to do there.
  2. "Fast money." A major player in the microfinance market, it has proven itself well.

Positive ones include a franchise from the popular online lending service Moneyman.


  1. LLC MFK "Money before salary". In the microfinance market since the end of 2012. They promise mountains of gold, but in reality all franchisees suffer big losses and even sue their “big brother.”
  • The company claims almost 250 franchises sold, but in reality there are many times less.
  • The solvency assessment, in their opinion, gives only 4.2%, all franchisees are screaming about 40-60% of non-repayment. This is due to poor screening of borrowers.
  • They promise to train staff and help as they run the business. In fact, they give you a special course to read and “goodbye.”
  • The software is provided through Archicredit. To put it mildly, it’s an unfinished thing, it’s constantly slow and buggy.

In general, almost all the information that the company presents at the beginning turns out to be unreliable.

  1. “Momento Money” speaks very nicely, they are ready to provide many bonuses and all services. However, for 5 years the company did not have a single franchisee. I think that says a lot

What to look for when buying a franchise?

  • Availability of borrower verification. These can be special scoring programs or regular requests to the BKI. Of course, it is better to choose franchises of those microfinance organizations that provide such a service. Otherwise, more than 50% of borrowers simply will not repay the loan, because there are too many scammers in this area.

Also, some automatic programs do not carefully check the borrower and approve the loan if there are several additional contacts. You should ask in advance what verification methods this MFO uses. You also need to pay attention to software with whom this organization works. If this is a unique 1C or Archicredit, then remember that you can buy them yourself, without a franchise.

  • Collection service. Be sure to find out if the MFO has its own security or collection service for overdue debts. If they can provide the services of not only SMS mailings and phone calls, but also a visiting team, that’s absolutely great.
  • Office location. Some companies, when operating under franchises, provide the opportunity for their own manager to come out to find several office options for a newcomer. This is a good service that can save time and money, increasing the flow of customers in a positive scenario.
  • Training or selection of personnel. You should check whether the company offers at least one of these services. Qualified personnel are the key to the success of any microfinance organization, especially a start-up one.
  • Lump sum payment. Today, not a single microfinance company operates without a lump sum contribution. Here you need to pay attention to what additional services the MFO will provide for your money (equipment, etc.). It is likely that the cost of these services will be cheaper if you purchase it yourself.

Also pay attention to the royalty rate. The higher it is, the more money you will have to give.

Today many people want to open their own business economic activity. Beginning businessmen are increasingly practicing the use of franchises. The word “franchise” began to appear in the ears of the average citizen quite recently.

You can choose a brand of a large company as a franchise. This will allow the entrepreneur to quickly develop a client base. After all, people most often turn to trusted companies and organizations.

When choosing, you need to understand that all negative feedback about the brand will automatically transfer to a new enterprise opened using this trademark.

The microloan franchise is in great demand, since the payback is greater than the payback of other similar projects. Microloans are issued by a huge number of citizens. The interest rates in MFOs are not small, which means that the return on investment for the franchise will be, if not immediate, then at least quick.

What is it

The franchise itself means intellectual property, that is, the brand itself, the name of the enterprise, which are also associated with positive and negative customer reviews, etc. It gives the opportunity to use the brand and trademark of a well-known company for a newly created enterprise. In this case, a corresponding agreement is concluded between the entrepreneur and a large microfinance organization.

However, an entrepreneur will not be able to simply get the desired brand and run the MFO as he wants. The contract will describe the points that must be adhered to. The main condition for a beginning entrepreneur will be identical entrepreneurial activity and a similar policy in doing business.

In order to enter into an agreement with a large microfinance organization, an entrepreneur must find out which organizations provide a franchise and select the most suitable one from this list. suitable option. The main thing you should pay attention to in any interaction with an MFI is the significance of the brand (trade mark), name, positive characteristic and duration of work.

You should also pay attention to the requirements of the franchisor, which a new businessman must comply with.

Features of work

When a large microfinance organization providing a franchise has been selected, the parties proceed to familiarize themselves with the terms of the agreement and sign the contract. In addition, a franchise implies paid use of the brand, and when signing the agreement, the aspiring manager will need to make an initial payment. Without the investment of funds from the opening company, the contract will not be concluded.

You need to understand that in addition to various government agencies (tax office, etc.), the start-up organization is constantly monitored by the company that provided the service. If an entrepreneur wants to acquire the brand of a large company and does not adhere to certain conditions and policies of this MFO, then he should immediately abandon this idea.

In addition, the entrepreneur pays monthly rent for using the franchise. These costs are specified in the contract and agreed upon by the parties. An entrepreneur using the brand of a large MFO must have his own capital.

The advantages of purchasing a ready-made MFO franchise are:

  • software that will make it easier for an entrepreneur to carry out his activities (accounting work, working with clients, reporting, etc.);
  • support and provision of information from the franchisor (the company that provided the franchise);
  • directly working with a large microfinance organization;
  • The franchise fee is an initial payment plus interest on income. You don't have to pay a huge amount to buy a brand.

Companies where you can apply for a microloan franchise

There are many organizations in the MFO market that provide franchises for use.

For example, MFC Viva Money will provide a franchise to an entrepreneur who can pay an initial payment of 100 thousand rubles. The interest charged on income averages 8%. Own capital to provide microloans must be at least 2 million rubles.

The franchise price includes analysis and verification of a potential borrower, an information network and support in working with negligent clients. It is possible to purchase documents and collect information about complicated loans from a given MFO.

AMFC Master-Dengi requires an initial payment of 150 thousand rubles (300 thousand rubles for entrepreneurs opening more than one MFO outlet). Interest rate of monthly income is 7%, and the capital required for issuing microloans must be at least 470 thousand rubles.

In addition to an identical package of services as in the Viva Dengi company, partners of the Master Dengi MFO receive the opportunity to train employees of the organization and various consultations.

Conditions and cost

Below are the requirements put forward by franchisors to new businesses:

  • carrying out business activities as an LLC (some large MFCs help their future partners in the process of passing state registration legal entity);
  • the presence of a certain number of MFO offices when carrying out activities on the basis of a franchise agreement;
  • a certain amount of investment (capital for issuing loans, renting offices, etc.);
  • location of offices in specific regions of the country (requirement for the number of residents of the locality);
  • availability of an uninterrupted communication channel at retail outlets.

The cost of a franchise may vary among different microfinance organizations. It depends both on the conditions of the franchisor and on how many MFO outlets the aspiring entrepreneur wants to open.

At the first stages of considering an application for cooperation, the franchisor gives an answer about the possibility of signing an agreement with a potential client, after which you can proceed to signing the contract.

How to open?

At the moment, the demand for a franchise is constantly growing and far exceeds the supply in the microloan market. Due to the great demand of the population, various branches and distribution points are opening in various parts of the Russian Federation, which significantly expands the networks of MFOs.

To purchase a franchise, an entrepreneur must have LLC status. Without official registration of a legal entity, it is impossible to purchase a franchise.

And if the company has a different legal form, it can be changed. After submitting the application, it usually takes an average of 2 weeks for the relevant changes to be made. This organizational and legal framework gives the right to issue a loan in an amount of no more than 1 million rubles.

What difficulties might there be?

Previously, when microcredit was just gaining momentum, almost every entrepreneur with his own capital could purchase a franchise. But over time, the MFO market was filled with unscrupulous partners, and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation had to take control of the MFO business. Today, the reporting procedure for microfinance organizations has become more complicated, and numerous audits are also carried out.

Difficulties can be expected already at the beginning of working under a well-known brand. The franchisee, relying on the experience of the franchisor, can predict the receipt of huge profits and instant payback, having an amount of about 1 million rubles. This amount is in fact considered a minimum for small towns, and in large settlements this money will be extremely insufficient to generate income.

Many unscrupulous franchisors have appeared on the market of microfinance organizations. The promised support is not provided to the entrepreneur, promotions are not carried out, and the information program is just a text document. But these are not all the problems that can be encountered in practice.

When choosing a franchise company, you should pay attention to the brand itself. The organization must be registered in the register of microfinance organizations of the Central Bank of Russia. It is advisable to make inquiries about its activities and only after that make a decision on cooperation.

You also need to remember that it is impossible to predict the amount and percentage of non-repaid loans. An entrepreneur must be prepared for this and respond adequately to every problematic situation that arises.

Fraudsters most often like to use the services of recently opened microfinance organizations. Accordingly, you should carefully analyze each client, and only after that make a positive decision on granting a loan. If these rules are followed, the microloan franchise will generate a lot of income.

In the conditions that have developed in modern Russia many people need creditor loans. But at the same time, they do not want to contact banking institutions. They may have their own reason for this. However, now an alternative has appeared in the country, namely microfinance organizations that are ready to provide loans, subject to the presence of only one document - a passport.

Advantages of opening a franchise

This concept of the unexpected has worked well. Since people are more willing to turn to such organizations than to a bank. And accordingly, their percentage of income due to this is quite high.
From such conditions, an excellent business idea for a startup arises, namely the opening of a microfinance organization as a franchise.

It is not for nothing that lately you can see advertisements everywhere about providing loans for small amounts before payday; for this, according to the instructions, only a passport is required. After all, everyone has seen the queues at such financial institutions.

These observations indicate the popularity of such MFOs, despite the fact that they appeared relatively recently. And the biggest trump card was the simplified registration system and a limited range of services. And from this we can conclude that they are financially justified and provide their owners with a good income.

In order to open your own business without making many mistakes, you will need experience. And as we know, experience cannot be gained without losses. Therefore, now there is a tendency to open MFS through franchising.

By deciding on this option of doing business, you get a number of the following advantages:

  • Opening under famous name that people trust. This means that you are already guaranteed to have a client base;
  • The franchisor will lead you by the hand through all authorities to register your organization. After which he will provide an already developed and time-tested business plan. In addition, the necessary instructions and recommendations;
  • You will receive software developed by the franchise. In addition, it will provide you with technical support;
  • It will always be possible to consult with the “big brother” on issues related to the organization of activities;
  • Under the terms of the agreement, the franchisor will train your employees using its own methodology;
  • In addition, you will receive strong advertising support. Since you will be representing a fairly large network;
  • When opening a business, all risks associated with this process will be minimized.

The biggest risk in this area is non-repayment of funds by borrowers. Moreover, if you use franchising, such omissions will be minimized due to well-trained personnel capable of correctly assessing the borrower.

MFO franchise

On the territory of Russia today there is large number micro financial organizations. Moreover, quite a few of them achieved significant results, after which they began to expand and develop their network by resorting to franchising.

Let's look at the three most famous organizations - "Bystrodengi", "Cabbage" and "Master Money".


This organization is well known in the country. Over the past few years, it has established itself as a good lender. She gained a solid client base, which ensured her further network growth.
Since it is developing its network and resorting to franchising, here you can get pretty good starting conditions for business. Thus, the company provides the following benefits to franchisees:

One of the main disadvantages of this MFO is the high royalty rate (30%). However, due to the specifics of the business, you can receive almost two hundred percent annual profit.

To start cooperation, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Pay for the franchise (cost 300 thousand rubles);
  2. Find a room in the central area of ​​the city;
  3. To launch an MFO, you will need to have an amount of at least 500 thousand rubles;
  4. According to the terms of cooperation, you will need to conduct an advertising campaign.

The payback for such a project, according to the company, will be no more than four months.


This organization has been operating in the country for several years. For which he is rightfully considered an old-timer. During this time, it grew to such a size that it began to develop its own franchise methodology. According to them, it is the simplest of those presented in the country.

In order to open a franchise, you will need to fulfill the required company conditions:

  1. It is necessary to rent a room with an area of ​​15 to 30 square meters. m.;
  2. The office must be decorated in accordance with the franchising interior requirements. It is advisable that the rented office be located in a large shopping center, or close to major city markets. The location near public transport and metro stops is also considered good;
  3. To open a franchise organization you need locality, which is home to more than twenty thousand inhabitants;
  4. An entrepreneur can engage in his own business in addition to MFOs;
  5. The franchise fee will be 150 thousand rubles, royalties - 10%. In addition, you must have an amount of at least 600 thousand rubles for starting capital.

For its franchisees the company guarantees:

  • Support at the initial stage of launching an organization;
  • Providing all necessary documentation;
  • Providing legal assistance;
  • Providing a full-time accountant and maintenance equipment;
  • Providing a call center with trained and professional employees.

The negative side of this company is the reviews of former franchisees about it. They mainly talk about its poor leadership and performance.

"Master Money"

This company is one of the very first microfinance organizations opened in Russia. In addition, it was the first to start providing its own franchise. Its opening occurred in 2010. This company provides two types of loans, namely:

  • Short-term, loans up to 15,000 rubles;
  • Long-term, issued against real estate and can reach up to 1,000,000 rubles.

In order to open an organization under this franchise, you need to have an amount of half a million rubles and pay a monthly royalty of seven percent.

The cost of a franchise depends on its type and can reach 300 thousand rubles.

The company, in turn, provides all the necessary documentation to open an organization. After which it provides legal and technical support.

Its negative side is the repeated accusations from former franchisees about the lack of support.

How to open an MFO?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, only a legal entity has the right to open a microfinance organization.

You will need to go through a registration process with a number of funds. In addition, you will need to obtain a certificate from federal service the right to conduct such activities.

The first thing you need to do is register a legal entity. After which the second step will be to obtain the status of a microfinance organization. There are many pitfalls here. It is best at this stage to contact an experienced lawyer for advice.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a business

Of course, this business has its advantages, thanks to which it becomes attractive for investment.

The most striking positive aspects:

  • Further development of the organization and its transformation into a network;
  • High interest rates on loans, guaranteeing huge profits in a short period of time;
  • High demand in the current economic situation in the country.

The negative side of such a business is:

  • Getting into the organization's circulation of finances from individuals. persons;
  • There is no right to become a full participant in the stock exchange;
  • Loans are allowed only in rubles;
  • No possibility of unilateral termination of the contract;
  • High percentage of loan defaults;
  • Royalty percentage.

Despite all its disadvantages, this business captivates with its short payback period and the receipt of excess profits.