How to apply liquid wallpaper to a wall. Liquid wallpaper - advantages and features of application Apartment renovation liquid wallpaper

To be honest, such a decorative coating bears little resemblance to ordinary wallpaper; from a distance it resembles stone, but up close it looks like thick felt. On the other hand, the material is not so liquid - it is sold dry, but is applied like plaster. And only here they call it “liquid wallpaper”! But, despite such double-digit moments, liquid wallpaper is an ideal finishing material. And they can be applied horizontally and vertical surface, as well as slanting-crooked walls and ceiling.

Features of liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper on Russian market appeared when not only vinyl silk-screen printing was new, but any alternative to paper finishing was new. Many of our citizens clearly associate such a word as “wallpaper” with paper rolls, which are not at all easy to glue onto uneven surface. And in the case of liquid wallpaper, paper is the main component in the raw material mixture, that is, the composition contains natural cellulose fibers.

In the classic version, “liquid wallpaper” consists of natural fibers (cellulose, silk and cotton), an environmentally safe dye on water based and a binder (CMC glue, acrylic dispersion). Marble and quartz chips and colored flocks may be present to give a special effect. Frequent attribute liquid wallpaper- these are mica glosses, they are usually sold in a separate bag and can, if desired, be added to the mass during mixing.

Liquid wallpaper is intended exclusively for interior decoration housing. They are great for a variety of living spaces and are of course environmentally friendly. From a design point of view, liquid wallpaper is best suited for children's rooms and bedrooms, where comfort and warmth are most desired. And from the point of view of physical properties - for a living room or large room, which will house a home theater. These are fibrous coatings that have excellent sound insulation properties, and they can also increase the acoustic characteristics of the room.

You can count on one hand the manufacturers of original finishes. A dozen and a half types of liquid wallpaper are offered by the Russian company Silk Plaster. Similar quality and range is offered by the Turkish manufacturer Bayramyx. But the price is a little higher. And materials from French manufacturers are recommended for decorating VIP interiors, for example, the companies Fibres de cotex and Senideco.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid wallpaper

“Liquid wallpaper” has a number of advantages over both decorative plasters and conventional wallpaper. The very first advantage is that they do not require much space to use and prepare them. Like regular ones, they do not need to be coated with glue and cut, which leads to residue on the floor. There is also no need to carefully level the ceiling before finishing the ceiling with liquid wallpaper.

The second advantage of liquid wallpaper is comfortable work with the material: no smell, no drinking. Easy to apply without joints, and also fills gaps where the ceiling meets the wall, window frame, ceiling plinth. Liquid wallpaper is convenient due to its plasticity for finishing columns, arches, bay windows and other architectural delights. Even after drying, a certain elasticity remains; after the house shrinks, this finish does not crack.

The third advantage of liquid wallpaper is its microporous structure, which provides high sound and thermal insulation, but at the same time the surface remains “breathable”, it does not form greenhouse effect and dampness, as happens when using vinyl wallpaper.

The coating does not absorb all kinds of odors and does not attract dust. In case of fire, it does not emit toxic gases during combustion. If you stained the wallpaper for any reason or damaged an area in some way, then you need to cut out this area, and then dilute the remaining liquid wallpaper in water and use the same technology to cover the ceiling.

The main disadvantage of liquid wallpaper is its high cost when compared with traditional wallpaper or stretch fabric. And although liquid wallpaper is becoming more and more accessible every year, the price of liquid wallpaper on the ceiling does not remain the same high level, which is an important factor for many people.

Another disadvantage is that, compared to traditional wallpaper, there is not such a variety of colors. Although this shortage will not exist in the near future thanks to companies that produce liquid wallpaper and are coming up with more and more extraordinary solutions in order to expand the variety of liquid wallpaper. And the last drawback is that liquid wallpaper is not intended for washing, although they write that they are moisture resistant, so traces will be noticeable if flooded by neighbors.

Surface preparation

Liquid wallpaper can be applied to any type of surface - OSB, brickwork, cement strainer, plasterboard, metal, clay, wood. Liquid wallpaper has excellent adhesion to all materials and does not peel off during use.

The main requirements for the surface on which liquid wallpaper is going to be applied are the following postulates:

  1. The base must be strong (there should be no areas on the ceiling that fall off);
  2. Color fastness, that is, the base should not lose color when exposed to moisture. This is relevant for metal surfaces, since they corrode when exposed to moisture;
  3. Quite low moisture absorption, that is, the application surface should not actively absorb moisture.

First, the surface on which liquid wallpaper will be applied is cleaned of fallen plaster, putty and old paper wallpaper. It is also advisable to putty large cracks, and this can be done by applying liquid wallpaper itself, however, the consumption of material increases, and the price of such repairs increases.

To give the ceiling strength, it is necessary to prime it with a colorless or white high-quality deep-penetrating primer. The primer prevents moisture from penetrating deep into the surface and also strengthens the surface.

Based on many years of experience, we recommend using a primer concentrate diluted in a ratio of 1:3 under liquid wallpaper. You should absolutely not use Ceresit CT17 primer (such a primer can cause yellow spots to appear on the wallpaper).

If your surface may contain elements that can be painted by liquid wallpaper (metal objects that are susceptible to corrosion, corners, nails, fittings), then such places need to be covered with a layer of water-based paint that does not dissolve (oil-based, latex paint or PF enamel).

The final step preparatory stage acts to give the ceiling roughness. Liquid wallpaper can be applied immediately to a fairly rough surface, for example, on unsanded plaster or after puttying. If you have a smooth surface (concrete, sanded putty or smooth wood), then you need to apply a primer layer containing quartz dust to it.

You can make your own quartz primer by adding quartz (marble) dust or fairly fine sand to a regular primer. For economical and convenient application of the material, a rough surface is necessary; a mass of liquid wallpaper is placed on it in an even layer without breaks, and on a smooth surface, when applied, liquid wallpaper can drag behind the spatula.

Preparing a mixture of liquid wallpaper

If you have already bought liquid wallpaper, you need to start this task by first preparing it! Shake the bag of filler several times, this will help you stir the mixture more easily in the future. And also you will avoid quite large quantity lumps. It is necessary to prepare a container for stirring liquid wallpaper: baths, basins and buckets, as shown in the photo of liquid wallpaper on the ceiling.

You should choose dishes based on volume - approximately 7-8 liters per 1 package of liquid wallpaper. For ease of work, it is desirable that the vessel be of moderate depth (20-30 centimeters) and round in diameter (40-60 centimeters). The container can be easily washed after use, and therefore it is quite possible to use kitchen utensils to prepare liquid wallpaper.

The water must be clean to prepare liquid wallpaper, and the water temperature must be comfortable to stir the mass with your hands (20-30 degrees). Temperature does not affect the quality of liquid wallpaper, but still warm water the material is easier and more pleasant to stir.

You can mix liquid wallpaper one package at a time, or several packages at once, but you need to take into account that as you increase the amount of prepared wallpaper, the process of mixing it becomes more complicated. It is recommended to mix several packages of liquid wallpaper at the same time when you are using packages from different batches (so that there is no difference in shades).

Instructions on how to prepare liquid wallpaper at home:

  1. Pour the contents of the bag into a mixing container.
  2. You need to put 5 liters of water in a bowl, which has a comfortable temperature.
  3. Fill the dry material with water.
  4. Mix the material with water thoroughly with your hands until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. The mixture is prepared exclusively by hand; it is not advisable to use mixers for these purposes; mechanical mixers are not advisable.
  5. To achieve a convenient consistency of the mixture, you need to add water in small portions of 100 milliliters each.

Liquid wallpaper is then ready for application. The mixture of liquid wallpaper should have the consistency of thick cream: a mixture that is too liquid flows from the ceiling onto the floor, and a mixture that is too thick is difficult to apply. The optimal consistency of liquid wallpaper on the ceiling for work is usually achieved with a water volume of about 5.5-6 liters per package of material.

Application of liquid wallpaper

It is advisable to manually apply this material to the ceiling using a spatula, which is made of plexiglass or stainless steel and has a smooth surface. The movements of the spatula should be natural for the hands and comfortable. We recommend that the level of wallpaper application correspond to the level of view (it is better not to stand on your tiptoes on a table or stepladder, but to stand comfortably on a ladder or chair without bending over). Hold the spatula at a slight angle to the plane so that the wallpaper mixture is forced out from under the spatula in the direction of movement.

The applied coating should immediately be loose and not compressed. Liquid wallpaper is neither putty nor plaster, so there is no need to press on the spatula, otherwise the mass of liquid wallpaper will be compressed, and therefore the coating will not receive a relief surface, and, of course, the consumption of material will increase.

You can compare the process of applying liquid wallpaper to the ceiling with spreading fish caviar on a piece of bread: if you press hard on a knife, the caviar will flatten, if you don’t press the knife at all, the layer of caviar will become thick, so its consumption increases greatly.

One package of liquid wallpaper is enough to cover a flat surface of 4 square meters with a thickness of 1-2 millimeters. If there are corners and irregularities on the surface, then, of course, the consumption of wallpaper will increase slightly. If you do receive an overconsumption of material, then carefully read and analyze the application instructions and find out where the mistake was made.

After you have applied the wallpaper to a certain area, look again at the resulting coating, check that it does not have any bumps, tears, sagging or show through. All the features of the coating, thanks to the texture of the material, are quite clearly visible even at the application stage, and this means that, if necessary, defects can be easily corrected.

To avoid the formation of visible seams and joints on the ceiling coating, you need to apply the entire material to the plane, without stopping at part of the work done from corner to corner. Under natural conditions, the coating is dried at a temperature environment. Depending on the level of humidity and air temperature, after 24-48 hours the coating will be ready for use (it is recommended to open the windows for free air access).

Using acrylic varnish

Liquid wallpaper has one of the features - low moisture resistance. Therefore, to the previously mentioned Decoration Materials you need to apply acrylic varnish. It is designed specifically to increase the moisture resistance of this type of coating; it can also be selected for application to ordinary paper wallpaper.

Acrylic varnish is a composition made on the basis of an acrylic binder, which does not contain organic solvents and is environmentally friendly. It is important that after drying, acrylic varnish strengthens the finishing materials, while forming vapor-permeable, hard, water-resistant coatings that can withstand mechanical cleaning and loads, as well as cleaning using detergents and flooding by neighbors above.

You can use acrylic varnish in several stages, as shown in the video about liquid wallpaper on the ceiling. The first stage is adding a certain amount of varnish to the mixture of mixed liquid wallpaper. This method of using acrylic varnish makes the coating resistant to mechanical damage and strengthens it.

The second stage is applying a thin layer of acrylic varnish to the dried surface of the liquid wallpaper. Remember that this step is not mandatory and is mainly recommended when working with surfaces that are often exposed to moisture. The consumption of acrylic varnish is as follows: for one-stage application - 1 liter per 20 square meters ceiling and two-stage application - 1 liter per 4 square meters of surface.

Repair of liquid wallpaper

If it is necessary to partially remove a certain area of ​​liquid wallpaper, for example, when repairing electrical wiring or damaging the surface, it is necessary to use a spray bottle (a humidifier for ironing clothes is suitable for this purpose) with a clean tap water moisten the area of ​​the ceiling that requires repair. Next, use a spatula or similar wide flat tool to remove the soaked liquid wallpaper from the ceiling and collect it in a clean plastic or glass container.

After you have carried out the necessary repair work (you should fill the potholes and seams and plaster the grooves), you need to prime the ceiling section with two layers of PF enamel or primer, with intermediate (at least 6 hours) drying of the layers. Next, using a spray bottle after the primer has dried, you need to soak the edges of the coating that are adjacent to the area to be repaired.

Previously from repair area the removed liquid wallpaper must be diluted with clean water to obtain a mass similar to dough, and applied to the ceiling using a spatula, while trying to rub the adjacent edges of the coating with the newly applied ones. After complete drying, the repair area again becomes uniform, monochromatic and completely invisible.

Modern high-quality liquid wallpaper, based on its characteristics, can be classified as textile, since it is made on the basis of natural silk as well as natural cotton fibers. The composition contains components such as cellulose, fire-resistant additives, high-quality innovative adhesives and acrylic substances. This covering looks like ordinary textiles; walls and partitions seem modern, draped with aesthetic silk materials.

This material differs from ordinary roll wallpaper appearance, but also by an application method, which in many respects is similar to decorative plaster. Another advantageous difference is the ability to prepare liquid wallpaper with your own hands. You can learn how to make such liquid wallpaper and how to install it with your own hands in this article.

Features of do-it-yourself coating

Before describing the process self-made liquid wallpaper, it is worth studying the features of the composition. The following components are present here:

  1. Paint, and a dye made on water.
  2. The main materials are cellulose and plain paper.
  3. A special composition for fastening the base, for example, glue.
  4. Accessories, which may include sparkles, as well as stone chips.

The material is used in the design of walls, various partitions, and all categories of buildings and structures. Liquid wallpaper is ideal for decorating a bedroom, living room, and children's room.

Making liquid wallpaper does not take a lot of time, and all the work can be done in living conditions, that is, it is not very complicated as it might initially seem.

Important! Liquid wallpaper is characterized by a huge number of advantages, among which is the possibility of effectively finishing such parts of the room as bay windows, various projections, decorative columns, as well as angles.

Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper - manufacturing instructions

Before making wallpaper yourself, it is recommended to carefully prepare for this process. One of the most important criteria is the preparation of a special container where the mixture will be mixed. It is advisable to prepare a simple plastic basin with a diameter of at least 50 cm and a depth of 40 cm. In such a container it will be quite convenient to mix all the necessary components.

Required pure water room temperature or even warmer. This parameter is important only for the reason that it will be more comfortable and convenient to mix the resulting composition; this does not have any effect on installation and technical qualities.

Important! If you have decided to make your own liquid wallpaper from material purchased at a hardware store, you should make sure that all the components used are from the same batch.

Along with the prepared container and water, it is worth finding and preparing paper, adhesive, plaster, and color. It is better to use paper that is not very thick; leftover office paper is perfect; it is better than newspaper because it is white. At the same time, it is important to ensure the absence of various foreign objects. This could be a metal bracket, glue residue, or rope.

To prepare the mixture, you should follow specific instructions, follow a certain sequence of actions. You will have to carry out correctly selected and consistent actions:

Important! If for some reason the composition turns out to be dense and dry, you can add a small amount of water to it and stir everything.

Once the entire mass is completely saturated with water, you should leave the resulting composition to infuse. This time can range from 6 to 12 hours, and this is required for the glue to effectively soften and thoroughly bind all the fibers.

There is no need to prepare a large volume of material at once. It is enough to prepare it in parts, that is, for one element of a building or structure and with small reserves. This is very important rule, since it is impossible to make the same composition twice in a row, that is, when applied to the wall, visible transitions may form. In inter-wall transitions such transitions will not be so visible. If after mixing the composition there is a small amount of wallpaper left, you can safely add it to the next batch.

As for the quantity, if liquid ones are bought at a hardware store, then the package will be enough to treat 3 meters of walls. It is worth knowing that the solution can easily stand for several hours and remain completely usable; if closed, it can be stored for several weeks.

Preliminary measures before application

Self-made liquid wallpaper can be applied to surfaces made of concrete or surfaces finished with putty without any problems. The material will also ideally fit on brick and professionally plastered surfaces. The material can be used for finishing suburban surfaces, as it fits perfectly on structures made of wood. it can be fiberboard, regular plywood and MDF.

Wallpaper of this type can be used to decorate plasterboard surfaces and painted walls. Liquid wallpaper can be applied to all such surfaces without any problems. To obtain an ideal result in all respects, simply follow the instructions and recommendations listed below, most of which relate to the preparation of wall surfaces.

It is worth understanding that all subsequent work is characterized by certain features that must be taken into account. The surface is being prepared. It is important to comply with the following requirements:

  1. Uniformity;
  2. Complete uniformity and minimal moisture absorption;
  3. Its shade should be white or, in extreme cases, should match the shade of the future wallpaper;
  4. Important complete absence different drops, potholes, different depressions. If they are, then more than 3 mm;
  5. High strength values ​​are required.

Before application, it is very important to completely remove all old wall coverings. This is necessary for the reason that the old coating can quickly peel off after applying liquid wallpaper to it. At the same time, old fasteners are completely removed - self-tapping screws, screws, nails, plastic and metal parts that stick out from the wall. If these are elements of reinforcement that cannot be removed, they will need to be bent and sealed very carefully. This can be done using ordinary 2 mm putty.

When preparing the walls, there is absolutely no need to bring them to a perfectly level level and make them completely smooth on your own. The advantage of liquid wallpaper is that the application is not emphasized by depressions, as well as serious protrusions; moreover, you may not even notice a serious slope of the surface.

Do-it-yourself application of liquid wallpaper on the wall

To work, you need to prepare tools such as a plastic grater, a construction trowel, convenient size spatula, spray gun. For wallpaper, it is worth purchasing a grater, which has a narrower blade. They are made of completely transparent plastic, then smoothing can be visually controlled. This helps a lot in the process of creating a variety of applications made from the most different categories material.

As for the application process, it is quite simple. In many ways it is similar to working with ordinary decorative putty, just a little simpler and easier. Application consists of the following simple and clear steps:

Important! If the composition does not adhere very well to the wall, or if it is very thick in structure, it is worth adding a small amount of water.

There are several rules for applying the material. If you follow them, you can get a surface that is ideal in all respects. Among the basic rules are:

  • The grater must be held not flat, but with the edge slightly raised by 5-9 degrees relative to the wall;
  • The efforts should not be very pronounced; it is enough to simply distribute the solution to the desired level;
  • After filling one meter of wall, you can move on to the next one, but before using a grater, you should slightly level the previously decorated area to prevent the appearance of grooves and lumps. Then you can start applying the next section;
  • The type of wallpaper applied directly depends on the direction in which the grater moves. It is in the direction where the tool is directed that the fibers will be laid;
  • To obtain the most aesthetically pleasing and even wall, each applied portion should be separately leveled with small multidirectional movements. Many people make small twisting movements to add some originality.

On wall joints It is recommended to level liquid wallpaper strictly in the direction from a certain angle to the side. If you apply wallpaper on a certain area strictly in one previously chosen direction, and change it by about 45 degrees in adjacent areas, you can get quite interesting designs.

Partial restoration and repair of liquid wallpaper

Quite often situations arise when it is necessary to carry out small additional repairs, during which it is necessary to remove a small section of the wall. This may be necessary when replacing wires or when cosmetic repairs. What should you do in such a situation?

You just need to prepare a spray bottle and a spatula. Using these tools, you need to carry out the following activities:

This technology is ideal for replacing coatings with small areas. If after finishing works A small amount of solution remains; they can be dried by spreading them out on an open surface.

After applying the composition, many decide to give them strength. To do this, apply a colorless varnish, preferably on water. After the work has been completed, you can get regular washable wallpaper.

Important! This method does not make liquid wallpaper resistant to moisture. For this reason, wallpaper should not be applied in the kitchen and bathroom. For this purpose, moisture-resistant high-quality wallpaper is provided.

Average prices for liquid wallpaper

Features of using liquid wallpaper in various interiors

Modern manufacturers produce a decent variety of liquid wallpaper, made in the most unique color solutions and different in structure. This allows you to quickly decorate rooms in a variety of styles. In order to get the perfect result during the finishing process, you should wisely select the type of wallpaper based on the purpose of the room.

There are the following preferred interior design options:

The method of decorating a room in the English style is popular. In this case, the entire wall is divided into separate sections using borders. Each element located inside is decorated with wallpaper that differs in color.

Liquid wallpaper can make any room truly exclusive. You can make your interior stylish and attractive with your own hands.

Liquid wallpaper in the interior photo

Several photos of ideas for using liquid wallpaper in interiors:

Positive qualities of liquid wallpaper

Described modern covering complies with GOST. The advantages provide an optimal opportunity to use the material in the interior decoration of residential buildings and structures, but also for office decoration. Moreover, this perfect option for finishing buildings outside the city that are not heated in cold weather. Covering walls with liquid wallpaper perfectly tolerates different temperature changes and high humidity. Other, no less significant advantages include:

  • Fire safety;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Ideal antistatic;
  • Vapor permeability;
  • Excellent covering qualities, that is, a complete absence of seams and cracks;
  • Possibility of interior design in a variety of styles;
  • Ease of design and application;
  • Affordable price;
  • The coating can be quickly restored;
  • Liquid wallpaper is durable, it can last up to 10 years.

Working with the material is very simple, the process of finishing the room is even easier than using regular wallpaper. In the latter case, it is necessary to more carefully prepare the walls and work area. The composition is mixed in a small container, and the application process is carried out from a specific local area.

The ease of application means that in just half an hour you can finish approximately 6-8 square meters of walls and partitions of varying complexity. There are compounds that are applied using standard construction sprayers. This ensures the most economical consumption of material, which is very convenient when finishing the ceiling.

Summing up

Covering with liquid wallpaper makes it possible to avoid long-term preparatory work. This is a fairly thick mass of solution that can effectively hide minor defects such as cracks, crevices and other surface defects. Liquid wallpaper can be used as a putty in the process of sealing cracks that often form between walls and baseboards, as well as in areas of frames, switches, trim, sockets and various decorative elements. With this coating you can even out corners. The coating is ideal for finishing walls in new buildings. The material does not crack during possible deformation of walls and ceilings during their shrinkage.

Liquid wallpaper is relatively easy to maintain. It is enough to clean them with a vacuum cleaner from time to time; wet cleaning, wiping the walls with a damp soft sponge or napkin. If slight dirt appears on the walls, it is enough to use stain removers. If mechanical damage occurs on the surface, the problem can be easily eliminated by replacing the damaged area with new material.

Modern coatings are completely unaffected by pets, the antics of small children, and problems of a communal nature, such as flooding. All problems are very easily and simply eliminated, and the apartment becomes clean, cozy and warm. A wide variety of choices allows you to get an ideal and stylish interior after renovation.

The main points of the rules for applying liquid wallpaper to the surface can be found in any instructions for their use. It is for this reason that we will tell you about those points that professionals primarily pay attention to.

The application of any finishing materials begins with research and...

When examining a surface, it is necessary to correctly assess:

  1. uniformity of the previous coating and wall structure;
  2. the ability of a surface to absorb moisture. Assess absorption rate and uniformity;
  3. estimate color scheme coating on which the wallpaper will be applied. Determine whether additional painting is necessary or whether the color of the liquid wallpaper needs to be changed;
  4. surface texture: evenness, presence small potholes or serious defects, to eliminate which will require additional work to level the surface;
  5. degree of retention strength of the previous coating.

After analyzing the condition of the working area, you can begin preparing it. First of all, we remove, if possible, all old finishing materials. These include: all types paint and varnish materials, damaged plaster and all types of wallpaper. Simply put, you need to get rid of everything that could spoil the final result or shorten the service life of the new coating.

Next, do not forget to check the presence of fasteners in the surface: screws, nails and other metal profile elements. They should be removed, with the exception of the elements holding the base together work surface. In this case, they must be masked using a special primer or plaster. Larger objects: elements of the heating or water supply system, wires, pipes or fittings - must be sealed. The structures that hide them are also masked with a 2 mm layer of putty or by applying a layer of oil paint on them.

The next stage of preparatory work is the primer. The best option- this is the use of materials with a high penetration coefficient. Remember, the primer is applied in 2-3 layers with breaks in application of no more than 3 hours. Now you can apply the base, on which the wallpaper itself will then lie. Thick putty is used as a base. white. If you cannot find the desired putty option, you can use as an alternative: façade water-based paint or its classic version. We choose white as the color, so it won’t distort the color of your chosen wallpaper.

The process of preparing working material (wallpaper)

It is better to start preparing the working material at the stage of priming the walls. In any instructions for using liquid wallpaper, you will find information that their preparation time ranges from 6 to 12 hours.

Let's look at what is included in the material:

  1. main fibers of silk or cellulose;
  2. color and decorative components;
  3. KMS glue in powder form.

Various manufacturers have various ways packaging of all components. Some package them in separate bags, while others prepare and mix the dry mixture in advance. If you come across the first option, do not despair, all the components are already measured in the appropriate proportions and you just need to mix them. At the same time, they are mixed dry in a large container. You can try the mixing option on the floor. In this case, it is necessary to lay in advance a piece of dense polyethylene film measuring at least one meter by one and a half. The most important thing when mixing is not to crumple the material, but to shake it, giving it airiness and volume.

Prepare ready mixture easier, in this case you just need to add required amount water and “beat” the mixture. With the first and second variants of mixtures, your main task is to avoid the formation of lumps when dissolving. If you wish, you can, it is not as difficult as it seems.

A trick from the professionals: if you use plaster with the addition decorative elements, then it is better to pour them into the water first, before adding the main mixture. If you pour them together with the main components, the likelihood of lumps increasing significantly.

Several important nuances when soaking the wallpaper base

  1. add water strictly in the volumes specified in the instructions for the materials you have chosen.
  2. remember, the following sequence must be strictly observed: first water, and then the mixture is poured into it with constant stirring;
  3. Do not mix the entire volume of material in one container at once. Remember, the material is mixed in batches, one package in one container.
  4. During the kneading process, the entire volume of the bag is used; when mixing in parts, you can miscalculate the amount of water, which will have a detrimental effect on the result.

These simple rules, will help you achieve the best results from your work and protect you from additional expenses on new materials.

Another important point, for best mixing, it is better to mix all components by hand. The mixture is easily washed off your hands and does not contain substances harmful or dangerous to humans. The fact is that the wallpaper contains fibers, the length of which may be affected by the use of special drills and mixers. Construction attachments will easily tear the fibers, which means they will damage the quality of the prepared mixture. True, manufacturers sometimes recommend just this method of kneading.

After soaking the mixture, it must be left alone for a while. Most often this is a period of time from 6 to 12 hours, but a more precise time is always indicated on the packaging of the material used. This time is required to soften the glue particles and begin the process of interaction with the fibers.

After the first kneading, you can dilute the entire volume required material. It is best to take the mixture with a small reserve, this will avoid unforeseen situations. In any case, the volume of one batch must correspond to the required volume for processing one wall. When using materials from different batches, differences in the colors and structure of the applied material may appear. Connecting corner joints between different batches will help hide possible color contrasts and make them less noticeable. By the way, you can add the mixture to the remnants of already kneaded material for the next batch. The quality of the entire mass will not suffer from this.

How to calculate the required volume of mixture

Manufacturers claim that one kilogram of dry mixture prepared by them is enough for 5-6 square meters of surface. However, experienced craftsmen know that this is not entirely true. On average, one kilogram of the mixture is enough for an area of ​​no more than 4 square meters. If you are afraid of miscalculating your calculations, take 2-3 kilograms more of the mixture and use it if necessary. Currently, there are a number of hardware stores that accept back unused materials, but it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the packaging and comply with storage requirements for returned materials.

The prepared solution can be used for almost a day, and when stored closed without access to oxygen, it can be used after a couple of weeks. However, we do not recommend delaying repair work so much.

After preparing the working surface and completing the preparation of the liquid wallpaper solution, you can begin the final stage of work - applying the solution to the walls.

Wallpaper application process

Required working tools:

  • construction plastic or metal grater;
  • a spatula with a width of at least 18 cm and no more than 80 cm;
  • spray;
  • trowel.

In construction stores, when purchasing a mixture, you may also be offered to purchase special graters. It’s up to you to decide whether to buy them or not, but they are not much different from classic construction floats. The only difference is transparent material and a slightly narrower canvas. According to the manufacturer, it makes it easier to control the application of the mixture to the surface. You can control the process of applying wallpaper without this, the only exception is choosing a material with a complex application, for example, imitation of animal coat color.

The process of applying liquid wallpaper is not much different from the process of applying conventional plaster or putty. Take a small amount of solution and apply it to the wall. This can be done simply by hand or with a spatula. Then, using the tool you are using (grater, spatula), rub the mixture onto the wall. As a result, you should get an even layer no more than 3 mm thick. The exception is those types of wallpaper that need to be applied in a thicker or thinner layer. This information can be easily found in the instructions for use. Next, continue to apply the wallpaper in small portions, evenly distributing it over the surface.

A little trick: the wallpaper structure is too dense or thick and may have a low degree of adhesiveness. It is easy to increase the stickiness; add no more than a liter of water.

When applying wallpaper, the grater is held at a slight angle towards the wall. In other words, almost flat, raising the leading edge only 5-10 degrees. At the same time, there is practically no need to put pressure on her. The solution is easily distributed over the surface; you only need to control the thickness of the layer applied.

Let's reveal a few more subtleties of working with liquid wallpaper. When applying them, much of the success of the job depends on the direction of movement of the spatula and trowel. In which direction your tool moves, this is where the wallpaper fibers will ultimately lie. Simply put, the smaller portion of the mixture you use, the less you spend on it in different directions. Circular twisting movements will also help to avoid uneven directions.

By the way, using circular movements, the result can be a very interesting fiber pattern. The main thing to remember is that once you have chosen a direction on one wall, it must be continued on the others. If you want to experiment, try connecting patterns at a 45-degree angle.

The most difficult area of ​​work is the corner. When applying the mixture, you must choose the direction from the corner. After applying the wallpaper to the entire wall, you can apply the finishing touches to level the surface using a grater generously soaked in water.

Finishing touches

After finishing painting. You may have a small amount of mixture left. Don't throw it away right away. Check the surface after a couple of days, when it has dried, and, if necessary, correct any flaws found. If necessary, a damaged, fresh layer of wallpaper can be easily removed by moistening it with water. Next, apply a new layer of mixture to this area, carefully leveling the joints. Store the finished mixture or soaked wallpaper in a wet state in a plastic bag. The storage time for all properties is no more than 2 weeks. If you want to store the material for a longer time, it must be dried. Then for reuse, it will be enough to add water.

If it is necessary to provide additional strength to the coating, it can be strengthened by applying a colorless water-based varnish. In terms of their properties, they can be compared with washable wallpaper. True, acrylic varnish will not provide you with 100% moisture resistance, so do not use them near sinks or other sources of moisture. and kitchens, you can purchase special moisture-resistant wallpaper. They contain additional components that provide strength. Otherwise, they do not differ from conventional liquid wallpaper options.

Very popular todaydecorative plaster , sometimes it is also called liquid wallpaper. Even without any construction skills, using liquid wallpaper it’s easy to repair the walls in your apartment. Decorative plaster(wallpaper) is a dry mass packaged in bags - this is how it is usually sold.

Preparing the mixture

Pour the dry mass into a basin and fill it with water at room temperature in the volume specified in the instructions on the package. If there are additives in the package, you should first add them to the water, and only then the dry mass. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly and let it sit for at least three hours (preferably 8-10 hours). After the specified time, the mass will take the form of thick oatmeal.

Wall treatment

Using a roller, the surface of the walls is treated with an acrylic primer. The best option is to process in two layers. The primer will dry quite quickly - in about 1.5 hours. If the walls have a noticeable curvature, then it is not necessary to level them at all - you can use large structural wallpaper that will hide imperfections.

Application of liquid wallpaper

To apply the mixture, it is better to use a plastic grater - a metal one is inconvenient as it does not bend. When applying the mixture, hold the grater correctly - the angle with respect to the wall should be approximately 10-15 degrees. When determining the thickness of the applied layer, you should follow the recommendations indicated on the packaging. If the mixture is prepared correctly, it sticks well to the wall, does not slide off it or fall off. Smooth out any unevenness using a grater or structural cushion. The tool must be periodically wetted in water. The result of the work performed should be a smooth surface without visible seams.
It is recommended to think through wall decoration options in advance. Using different liquid wallpapers color palette you can create the most bizarre images - patterns, ornaments, arches, reliefs, etc.

Drying and curing

The walls will finally dry out no earlier than in two days. Liquid wallpaper can be accidentally easily damaged (scuffs and scratches may appear), so it is advisable to cover the dried walls with acrylic varnish. This will give them protection from mechanical damage. If during work or later you notice small scratches or dents on the wallpaper, wet the area with water, smooth it with a grater and let it dry. If you find a dirty spot, soak the problem area well, scrape off the wallpaper layer with a spatula and apply a new layer to this area.
You can form a ball from the remaining mixture and dry it. It will come in handy if there is a need to repair damage (the process is described above).

Approximate need for materials and tools for self-repair

For a room measuring 3 by 5 meters you will need:
Dry material - 10-11 bags, and when purchasing large textured material - up to 14 bags (it is used to apply a thicker and more durable layer);
Acrylic primer – about 10 kg;
Tools: plastic grater, structural roller, spatula.

Good luck with the renovation!

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