Design of a room for a teenager - stylish solutions for a modern interior. Interior design of a room for a teenage boy (50 photos) The best rooms for a teenager

In adolescence, a boy already has certain tastes, hobbies and preferences, which must be taken into account when choosing the design of his room. The child’s parents should pay attention mainly to the quality of building materials, the convenience and functionality of furniture and other similar factors, but appearance The nursery’s premises should be left to the discretion of the teenager, because he is the one to live in the room, and he should like it and be as comfortable as possible.

A teenage boy's room must meet the requirements

  • Functionality;
  • Practicality (nothing superfluous, only everything that is most convenient);
  • Originality (the nursery should convey the child’s individuality);
  • Attractiveness.

How to decorate a teenager's room

Boys like minimalism in the interior of the room. There should be nothing superfluous or cluttering up the space - only the most necessary furniture. The thematic design of the room should be chosen in accordance with the teenager’s hobbies. It could be sports, marine themes, cars, movie, game or cartoon characters.

The color scheme for the design of a teenage boy's room can be very different. No matter how commonplace shades of blue may be, they remain popular. Green and yellow will help create a cozy and warm atmosphere. Cool colors, like blue and purple contribute to better concentration of a teenager. Boys often love steel gray and black colors in clothing and interior design. But a room decorated entirely in these colors will be gloomy and uncomfortable.

Rarely will a boy willingly devote time to cleaning and putting things in order in the nursery. Therefore, it is recommended to use materials that will minimally get dirty or absorb dust in order to save the teenager from unnecessary chores.

Choosing the design of a nursery

The main thing in interior design for a teenager’s room is to decide on the main idea. Then the approximate color scheme of the room, specific interior items and their appearance. For example, if a teenager is passionate about the sea, travel and adventure, then a modern or antique map will look great on the wall of his room, a bedside table for things can be made in the form of a pirate chest, and round windows resembling portholes can be installed.

In what style can you decorate a teenager’s bedroom?

  1. Ethnic - for a child who is a fan of Eastern culture and philosophy;
  2. Sea or safari - for a boy who loves adventure and travel;
  3. Avant-garde, high-tech - for teenage techies or computer scientists;
  4. Kitsch or loft - for creative people (artists, musicians).

Avant-garde emphasizes the functionality of a teenager’s room, and the design focuses on large geometric shapes. The design welcomes pure bright colors - white, red, black, yellow, green, etc. contrasting combinations. Furniture in a nursery can be very original, strange in shape or design, but at the same time remains comfortable and practical for a teenager.

In the loft style, it is important to have large quantity free space in the room with the minimum furniture necessary for a teenager. The design of the surface of the walls and floors is deliberately rough and looks like, for example, brickwork or bare concrete. Communications such as heating or ventilation pipes are not hidden, but rather emphasized. All this contrasts with soft, bright furniture and trinkets. The main materials used in the interior of a children's room for a teenage boy in the loft style are plastic, glass, metal.

High tech - technological and modern style. The latest ones are used Construction Materials, the teenager's room is equipped with last word technology. The main materials are plastic, glass or metal, as well as fake diamond. The typical color scheme of the design is all kinds of metallic shades of gray and silver, black, white, blue, bright colors like green, red, yellow. There are no smooth transitions or different shades of the same color - only contrasts. All details of the room’s interior should be extremely comfortable and functional; built-in appliances are welcome. The lighting of the room is bright, mainly in the form of lamps, usually built into the ceiling, less often suspended, but extremely simple in design and shape. Any sports equipment will fit perfectly into a teenager's high-tech room. A room of this design may look empty or impersonal due to the minimal amount decorative elements, but on the other hand, nothing in it will distract the boy from his work.

Teenager's room nautical design can be converted into a small ship or its own cabin. If there are two boys in a family, then a children’s room zoned into two cabins will look very organic. This interior of a room for a teenager uses dark wood, metal elements, including anchors and chains, ropes, maps, compasses, telescopes and other marine paraphernalia. But it’s important not to overdo it, because a teenager is no longer Small child, and there should be no excessive theatrical stylization of the room.

If a teenager is a rebel in spirit and way of life, then perfect design for his room it will be kitsch. The main idea of ​​the style is bad taste, elevated to the absolute. A combination of completely incompatible elements of furniture, decoration, and accessories. Bright flashy colors, catchy decor, chaotic and asymmetrical geometric shapes are welcome. However, in this version of the interior of a room for a teenage boy, a sense of proportion will also not hurt, so that the atmosphere in the room does not become completely uncomfortable and annoying for both the parents and the child himself.

Of course, this list is not exhaustive, but you can use it as a basis for your own ideas in the design of a room for a teenager.

Room zoning

The main areas of a teenage boy's room

  • Work/study;
  • Relaxation and entertainment.

The sleeping area in a teenage boy's nursery should be as simple and functional as possible. No unnecessary decor, curtains, exquisite designer lamps, bedside tables for small items, as is done for girls. If the room area is small, a good idea would be beds in the second tier - above the teenager’s desk or closet; folding beds, which during the day are hidden in a wall, closet or turned into a chair.

Even if a teenage boy plays sports and generally loves active image life, he will still spend some time at the computer. Therefore, the boy’s desk should be well lit. It can be placed by the window, combining the tabletop with the window sill. But if the room faces sunny side, then to prevent the bright sun in the morning or afternoon from blinding the child, it is better to hang thick curtains or compact blinds. Even if during the daytime natural light This will be enough for a teenager to study and read; in the evening, they will still need additional illumination of the workplace. The light from the table lamp should fall from the left. The best solution For lighting, there will be several compact lamps on the ceiling of the room, which will create uniform diffused light in the room.

The height of the table is selected in accordance with the height of the boy, and the size of the table top should allow the teenager to place equipment, books, notebooks and other office supplies there. If a child has a desktop computer, then the system unit should be placed under the table, and the keyboard on a special pull-out shelf. Buying a laptop for a boy will significantly save desk space.

To avoid having to change the chair too often as a teenager grows, it is worth taking an adjustable chair. The soft back and seat, which are usually equipped with such computer chairs, will reduce the load on the child’s spine when working at the desk.

What else should be in a nursery?

A teenager's room should have plenty of space for books, magazines, etc. interesting to a child printed products. If a teenager often takes part in sports competitions, educational olympiads or some other competitions, then it is worth making several shelves on the wall or in the closet for his awards. Seeing them every day, the child will feel more self-confidence, which is important in adolescence, will be more motivated to new achievements, and will be able to show off to friends who come to visit, increasing his authority in the company.

So that a teenage boy can pay attention to his physical fitness, you can install 1-2 exercise machines in the room. But not all parents can afford to buy expensive equipment, and there is not always enough space for it in the nursery. In this case, you can limit yourself to installing a horizontal bar.

If a teenager is interested in collecting, for example, car models, figurines of fantasy heroes or anything else, then in the children's room you need to provide shelving to accommodate this collection.

Plush toys, soldiers and cars in adolescence are usually replaced by a game console and TV. And it should be convenient for a teenager to use them. The playing part of the room should be located opposite the bed, or equipped with several soft chairs or armchairs so that the child can comfortably spend time with friends. If there is not enough space in the room for large armchairs, then it is worth installing compact ottomans, comfortable bean bags, or simply laying a thick and soft carpet on which the teenager will sit warmly even in the winter cold.

Of course, it is not at all necessary that a teenager will be interested in games and watching movies; it can also be music, drawing, modeling, woodworking and much more. But there must be a place for doing what you love in the child’s room.

Boys usually do not have such a rich wardrobe as girls, so a small closet will suffice in the room. A wardrobe built into the wall will be excellent, convenient and practical solution for storing teenagers' clothes and shoes. For other things, you can purchase several chests of drawers with drawers.

Important ! At this age, as teenagers grow older, their tastes change frequently and quickly.

Therefore, all paraphernalia in the room related to children’s hobbies should be made removable so that you don’t have to renovate it. That is, for example, it is better to hang posters with a teenager’s favorite musical artists, rather than make wallpaper with them.

How to arrange a room for two teenage boys

If two children live in the room adolescence, then the children’s area should be divided very carefully so that none of them feels discriminated against. If teenagers have similar hobbies, then you can make a common recreation area in their room.

A long work table will help optimize the work area space.

You can buy a bunk bed only if the children can peacefully agree on who will sleep where. But no matter how friendly the brothers are, when designing a room for two teenage boys, it is necessary to take into account that each of them should have their own personal space.

Has your child grown up? Is he 13? 14? 15? Congratulations! It's time to think about the new personality that is being formed before your eyes! In your own apartment! Find out all the secrets of successful and beautiful interiors. Everything will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

Welcome home

Now look where your child lives. In the nursery? And what's there? A bunch of toys, a cute blanket and airplanes - bears on the wallpaper?

It's time to decide how to make a teenager's stay in his home comfortable. And the shortest road to bringing fathers and children closer may be arranging a personal space for their son or daughter.

To begin with, put away children's toys, small chairs, “cute” pillows and curtains. It would be a shame to throw it away - give it to relatives, friends or neighbors. Some people have small children. Next, it would be a good idea to consult with your child, find out what he wants, how he or she sees the new room.

At this stage, you should not dictate your terms and impose your own preferences. It is unlikely that you will be able to realize your childhood dreams.

A teenager's room should not look like a bedroom in kindergarten. But at the same time, this is not yet an adult room. Can be combined here different styles, colors, decorative elements. It all depends on the individuality of your child. It is necessary to take into account the interests, preferences, and hobbies of a growing person.

The most important criterion when choosing a design should be the feeling of being “at ease.” When entering his room, the child should find himself in his own world, and the key word here is own .

TOP 8 popular ideas and styles for children's rooms

Now take a closer look - what does your offspring like? What are you interested in, what do you strive for, what do you dream about? Music lessons, sports or a desire to travel can be reflected in the interior and created for your child interesting design, putting all the warmth of his parents’ home into it.

Hobby even on the wall - a combination of creativity and beauty

There are many styles and trends that meet the needs of the most extraordinary person.

High tech

A direction characterized by a cold palette. Plain walls and furniture, chrome parts, gray or steel accessories. This design does not imply any floral patterns or ornaments. However, it leaves the opportunity to diversify your space with posters, posters, and photographs.

Strict geometric shapes of furniture predominate. Using all kinds of shelving and wall shelves, will give such an interior airiness. Bright details, such as pillows, curtains, ottomans, will add vital energy into the overall strict surroundings.

Such a room may well appeal to a person who knows exactly what he wants and is relentlessly moving towards his goal. This is a place where everything is always in its place and there is almost never any clutter.


This style is characterized by conciseness and comfort. It is distinguished by several parameters:

  • Calm main background for the decoration of walls and ceilings.
  • Furniture of simple shapes.
  • Convenience of organized space.
  • Finishing using high-tech materials.

Just like High-Tech, it allows bright accents in moderation. The versatility of this solution is emphasized by the fact that both girls and boys can like it equally.

Classic style

Characterized by wooden furniture, traditional shades, light wallpaper (with dim patterns or monochrome), the usual window design with curtains with companions (tulle, organza).

The most practical of all:

  • Does not require trendy finishing materials.
  • Textured wallpaper on the walls fits perfectly into the overall picture (at the same time, possible unevenness in the walls is hidden).
  • As the child grows, the room can undergo only minor changes without requiring a drastic change in style.

Marine theme

A very popular destination at all times. Ideal for dreamers, lovers of travel and adventure novels.

For the most part, boys prefer this environment. But let's not exclude girls from this category.

This design is dominated by Blue colour in all its variations - from sky blue to rich indigo. White, brown, red and green shades combine favorably here. Photo wallpapers fit perfectly into the context marine theme, details of ship equipment, frescoes on the walls depicting sea ​​wave, sand on the beach.

The furniture in such a room is usually stylized into the overall design concept. For example, bunk bed, will become a real ship for the brothers.

Musical direction

Young music fans will appreciate it. There is no limit to imagination here. From classical to rock, any direction can serve as a basis for the embodiment of creative ideas.

Portraits of your favorite performers on the walls, musical instruments, sheet music, CDs and records are just a small list of what can decorate the room of your young talent.

In such an interior there cannot be clear color restrictions. Everything will depend on the owner’s preferences. Turn the nursery into a music studio or rock cafe and, believe me, you yourself will be happy to visit your musician.

When decorating a room for a teenager in this style, take care of additional sound insulation. Thick linoleum with a sound-absorbing effect or a thick, long-pile carpet that imitates grass can be a salvation. By the way, most teenagers love to sit on the floor with a laptop or favorite book.

Girl's studio

Apartments for a teenage girl are distinguished by an abundance of accessories, decorative elements, and a delicate palette of colors. Young ladies are dreamy and romantic. They strive to surround themselves with beautiful things, which must certainly be reflected in the interior.

Pink country


A room with a French theme will make your dream of beautiful distant cities and countries come true.

The main elements for such a room are:

  • warm powdery shades in wall decoration (beige, peach, creme brulee);
  • soft flowing curtains on the windows;
  • images of the Eiffel Tower in various variations (this could be a photo wallpaper or a mural on the wall, a poster or a photograph in stylish frame, figurines, pendants or postcards);
  • grace and aristocracy in everything - from furniture to decorations.

Designer or not

When the decision to remodel the room has been made and the style has been decided, another question arises: invite a professional designer or develop the project yourself?

Let's consider both options in detail.


1 Has extensive experience, knows what goes with what, how to choose furniture, wallpaper, paint. It will do its job quickly enough.

2 The entire interior will be thought out to the smallest detail, the room will turn out perfect, even in a picture. BUT! This project will not preserve the warmth of the soul; the design will be beautiful, but alien.

3 Designer services are not cheap.

Mother father me

1 Creating a design project on your own is not easy! BUT! You have a great opportunity to engage in joint creativity with the whole family. The main owner of the new housing will directly participate in its creation, thereby bringing his ideas to life.

2 Don't forget that teenagers grow up and new interior Your child can get bored very quickly. Hence the question: is it really necessary to spend money on an expensive designer if in a couple of years all this will become irrelevant.

3 The money saved on a designer can be spent on more expensive furniture, which, unlike walls, will last for many years.

Marine theme up - unusual, but original

Which color to choose

If you decide to do everything yourself and not get hung up on expensive design, I suggest you first choose the color of the new room.

The psychophysical state of the individual living in it depends on which tones predominate in a living space.

Thus, an abundance of rich red shades can lead to aggression or, conversely, cause depression. The dominance of too dark and gloomy colors provokes a breakdown. Incompatible shades give rise to absent-mindedness and disharmony in thoughts.

Here are some examples of successful color combinations in the interior.

There is absolutely no need to overload the interior with an abundance of colors. It is enough to add a bright accessory to enliven the space. Conversely, details of a calm color can dilute an overly saturated color.

The issue of decorating a child’s room worries all caring parents. As the baby or toddler grows up, every mom and dad need to be prepared for the fact that their beloved son or daughter will have a desire to express themselves. For teenagers, this trend has a special specification, and when decorating a room for a child at this age, you will need to take many nuances into account. So that the end result can please both the parents themselves and the teenager himself. Design of a room for a teenager in modern style 50 photos:

Design of a room for a teenager 12 sq m

It is important to understand that the design of a room for a teenager in a modern style should be such that it corresponds to the worldview of a person who is not yet an adult, but at the same time, no longer a child. He already has his own tastes, interests, and views. Therefore, in a teenager’s room there must be a place for both traditional attributes - furniture, accessories, and special elements - a sports corner (if the child likes to play sports), a poster board, an easel or other accessories that will allow him to improve the talent inherent in the owner of the room.

Watch the video: Design of a room for a teenager in a modern style

Room design for a teenage boy 14, also using the right choice color palette and decorative elements, you can create a truly beautiful and unique, modern and fashionable room. But for the end result to be successful, you should preparatory stage There are a few key points to take into account:

  • who will live in the room - a girl or a boy;
  • teenager's age;
  • Will this be a room for one person or perhaps sisters, brothers or sister and brother will cohabitate in the same room.

You should definitely involve the child directly in the discussion of the design style, this will allow him to feel responsible. Design of a room for a teenager in a modern style, see photos:

Not all parents may like the walls in the room covered with posters of music, sports, cinema or idols from other branches of human activity. Of course, such decorations do not add order. But in this case there is no need to resort to drastic measures. After all, you can always find a compromise way out of the situation and even try to benefit from such a child’s addiction to decorating the walls in the room with posters. We will talk below about solving this and many other tasks when designing a room for a teenager in a modern style.

Mutual understanding and respect for personal opinions are the key to success

Modern room design for a teenage boy, so that the relationship between parents and children who have entered adolescence develops well, dad and mom should understand that a teenager is a child who already has his own opinion. He is looking for ways to express himself - in his hair, the way he dresses, and covering the walls with posters. Parents can solve the last problem very simply - just by hanging cork board or a processed piece of plywood for the wall.

Afterwards, it is enough to give the material a background color and such a practical accessory will not only directly perform its function - serve as a basis for pasting posters, but will also be able to decorate the interior. This decision will minimize chaos in the room, and will also serve as confirmation that parents respect and value the wishes of their son or daughter. Moreover, such a move with positive side will be reflected in the relationship between children and adults. Design of a teenager's room 9 sq m photo:

Looking for the perfect solution

When choosing a room design style, it is important to constantly consult with your child. If you don’t have your own ideas about what room design for a teenager in a modern style to choose, you can always look for hints on the Internet or specialized magazines.

For example, girls may well like one of these design options - a room in the style of a “princess”, “ballerina”, on a “Disney” theme or another theme; whereas young men may be interested in design methods in such areas as “sports”, “ racing cars", "space". If representatives of different sexes cohabit in a room, then it will be rational to choose a universal theme - beach, music, retro. Room design for a teenage girl 14 – see photos below:

The choice of color palette will largely depend on the owner of the room. For girls, most gentle and soft tones- pink, purple, but boys often like truly “masculine” tones - blue, green, brown.

Design of a room for a teenager 12 sq m - when painting, you can also use stencil graffiti or hand drawings, which will look very appropriate. But without the owner of the room, decisions on the relevance of their use should in no case be made independently. In general, it should be noted that paint drawings can add variety and mood to the atmosphere, moreover, they are not burdensome in terms of finances.

What about furniture?

Design of a room for a teenager in a modern style, what is a room for a teenager without furniture? But in order for the child to live comfortably, he will need to take a responsible approach to the issue of its selection and location.

  1. First of all, parents should take care of the organization sleeping place child, because this is the key to sound sleep and health of a teenager. You can choose (depending on the preferences of the young gentleman or lady) a bed, a folding chair or a sofa, but be sure to have an orthopedic mattress. Room design for a teenage boy interior style - examples of photo ideas:
  2. The child will need somewhere to put his personal belongings, so it is advisable to find a place in the room to place a closet. It’s better to choose roomy models, because as you grow older, your wardrobe will only increase.
  3. It is very difficult to imagine the design of a room for a teenager in a modern style without a mirror. This is the age when children already have their own preferences in the way they dress, so this accessory will come in handy for them to take care of themselves.
  4. A place for a change of bed linen should also be allocated directly in the child’s room. It can be highlighted in a closet, sofa or bed drawers, bedside tables. Adolescence is a time when natural changes and reactions will occur in the bodies of boys and girls. On the topic of physiological maturation, parents should have conversations with their children, explain why various incomprehensible “incidents” can occur and what to do in such situations. It is during such communication that you need to show where spare bed linen will be stored and what to do with it in each specific case of an “incident”. Modern room design for a teenage boy:
  5. The workplace must also be properly equipped. In particular, it will be easier and more convenient to complete homework at a spacious table with space for stationery. At the same time, if possible, it is better to choose an ergonomic chair in which you can adjust the backrest and height.
  6. Room design for a 14-year-old teenage boy, ideally if notebooks, a computer and textbooks can be placed on the table at the same time. In this case, the performance efficiency homework can be increased.
  7. When designing a room for a teenager in a modern style, it is also important to ensure that the child can pursue his hobbies. If he likes to read or sing, you should provide him with a comfortable corner; for classes at musical instrument it is important to find a place for its convenient location; if the child is inclined towards sports, then the room should have space for a wall bars and other sports devices.

A harmonious combination of furniture, accessories and hobby equipment will allow parents to create the most in their child’s room. comfortable conditions for study, recreation and everyday life. Remember that this result can only be achieved through direct contact with the young owner or mistress of the premises, because as a result, he or she will have to live here, and therefore listen to their opinion - an obligatory task of loving parents. Design of a room for a teenager in a modern style – photo of interior ideas:

Quick navigation through the article

From about the age of 13, when a boy begins to grow up rapidly, the time comes for a complete or partial renewal of his personal space. From this article you will learn how to arrange a room for a teenage boy of 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 years old, where he can relax, study, read, chat with friends, play video games and even play sports. The material will be useful for those who are arranging an interior from scratch and for those who want to update their existing furnishings.

13 tips for decorating a room for a teenage boy

Tip 1. Do you want the owner of the room to take care of things and keep it in order?

It is not common for young people to be passionate about creating comfort and beauty in their home, but they can and should participate in repair and some decorative processes. So, for example, a boy can independently choose a mattress, a work chair, a sports complex, select, frame and hang posters on the wall. You can choose the color of the walls and the style of the room together by arranging a joint viewing of photos of modern teenage interiors.

  • The more the owner of the room contributes to its arrangement, the more thrifty and tidy he will be.

Tip 2. The most universal colors for walls in a boy’s room aged 13-17 are white, light gray and beige.

These shades can be safely used in large quantities in almost any room - classic or modern, in the room of a 13-year-old schoolchild or a 17-year-old graduate. They can be easily combined with any other colors.

  • If the room is too small or there is not enough light in it, then it is best to decorate the walls in white. And so that the interior does not seem hospital-like, complement it with bright accents.

Design of a small room for a 15 year old teenage boy with white walls

If the room has enough light and free space, then more complex shades are also suitable as the main shade: gray-blue, blue, gray-green, khaki, graphite, brown, orange and even black.

  • Remember that if there is a problem of lack of light in the room, then you should give preference to warm or neutral shades: beige, orange, green, brown.

For more information about color in the interior of a children's room, see the section:.

Tip 3. You can choose accent colors according to the boy’s character

In large quantities, saturated and bright colors begin to irritate and overwhelm, but as accents they are good both from an aesthetic and psychological point of view.

  • If your son lacks activity and perseverance, he is shy and gets tired quickly, does not like to sit through his lessons, then yellow, orange and red colors will help him develop communication skills, they will charge him with cheerfulness, energy every day, good mood, optimism, desire to learn new things. The ideal background for such bright colors is neutral (shades of white, gray, beige). Ideal companions are shades of blue and green.

  • If a young man lacks perseverance, patience, and the ability to calmly deal with problems and difficulties, then it is better to choose discreet shades as accents: green, blue, blue, brown or black.

Tip 4. Loft, industrial and Scandinavian style are the most suitable interior styles for teenage boys

In a boy's room, it is not so much decorativeness that is important, but rather practicality, functionality and comfort. Therefore, it is loft, industrial and scandinavian styles so suitable for teenage interior. It is easy to maintain order in such a room, and numerous posters and banners will fit well into the decor.

  • To create a teenage or industrial interior, decorate the walls brickwork or “concrete”, finish the floor with textured wood, furnish the room with wooden/metal furniture, select simple natural textiles, leather accessories and retro-style lamps.

  • To design, use primarily natural materials, neutral colors, furniture modern design or in the style of the 60s. Geometric and abstract prints will look good in the decor.

Other suitable styles:

  • Sport style;
  • Strict and simplified classics (American classics);

Three teenage boys can live in such a room of different ages eg 13, 15 and 17 years old

Tip 5. Suitable height and an orthopedic mattress are the main requirements for a teenage bed

A teenage boy should buy a bed that is “adult” in width and length. Perfect option— an ordinary single bed made of wood/metal with additional “bonuses”: drawers, a soft headboard or a headboard with built-in shelves. The mattress must be hard and orthopedic.

  • A good choice would be a couch, which often has not only drawers, but also a soft backrest and a mechanism for transforming into a double bed. Plus, it can be used as a sofa when friends come to visit. True, couches are often not very big sizes and for tall guys 16 and 17 years old can be cramped.

  • If the room is small, then instead of a regular bed it is worth buying. So, on the ground floor it will be possible to arrange work area or a sofa for relaxing.

A room for a 16-year-old teenage boy with a double loft bed and a workspace on the ground floor

Tip 6. The work area should be as functional and comfortable as possible

After 13-14 years, when the boy’s height exceeds 150 cm, a desk and chair can be purchased standard sizes in an adult store. However, ideally, it is better to purchase furniture for study that is transformable and adjust the sizes individually to suit the child’s growth. Read more about the principles of selecting work furniture for a schoolchild, creating proper lighting and storage systems for school things, read our article:. In the meantime, let's take a look at a few successful examples arrangement of offices in the rooms of teenage boys.

Workplace for computer studies and lessons

Two jobs for two teenage boys aged 13 and 15

Tip 7. Choose practical and not too expensive pieces of furniture, textiles and wall decorations

Frequent snacks in bed and at the desk or, say, fun get-togethers with friends are fraught with rapid damage to walls, curtains, carpets and upholstery. Therefore, you should not decorate a teenager’s bedroom with too high-quality wallpaper, furnish it with expensive furniture and decorate it with curtains made of expensive fabric. Ideally, the walls should simply be painted, and furniture should be purchased without carvings or unnecessary parts that complicate cleaning. The ideal curtains for a teenager's room are thick or (they are easy to wash and adjust in length), as well as blackout curtains.

Here are some useful tips to help a young man learn to keep order:

  • Buy a shallow closet and/or chest of drawers. Narrow furniture (30-45 cm deep) will not only save space, but also allow you to store things more intelligently. The fact is that in shallow closets it is very convenient to put things not in stacks, according to the principle of vertical storage, when things are first folded into rectangles or rolls, and then stacked one after another (and not on top of each other). This way, the house of cards effect on the clothing shelves will be eliminated! However, in standard cabinets 60 cm deep you can store things in the same way.

It’s more convenient to store things in a chest of drawers than on the shelves of a closet, but still, you can’t do without a closet, or rather without hangers, in a teenage boy’s room, because they allow you to store school uniforms, shirts and T-shirts so that they don’t wrinkle.

  • Hang a trouser hanger and a couple of hooks for belts, caps and sweatshirts in the closet.
  • Place a basket for collecting laundry in the dressing room area so that mom doesn’t have to look for scattered socks and T-shirts throughout the room.

It is highly desirable in a boy's room. It's so great when young man there is a place where he can warm up, let off steam, work on muscle tone and health. You should choose a sports complex based on the room's capabilities. So, in a small room, the ideal choice for a teenager would be a horizontal bar on which you can hang a punching bag or gymnastic rings.

  • If there is at least 1 free person in the room square meter, then you can install a sports complex consisting of a wall bars, a horizontal bar, parallel bars and an abdominal bench.

In addition to the sports complex, a basketball hoop, weights and dumbbells will be useful in the boy’s room (up to the age of 16, these should be light weights; before this age, it is more correct to train with your own weight).

The photo below shows examples of how a sports complex can fit into the interior of a teenage boy’s room.

Room of a 13 year old teenage boy

Tip 10. Let there be a little decor in the room, but it should be super stylish and reflect the interests of the owner

There is no need for decorations in a teenage boy's room, because they only clutter the space and complicate cleaning. But this does not mean that there should be no decor at all. Here is a small list of things that every boy aged 13-17 will want to have in his bedroom:

  • Original wall/table clock;
  • Pillows are plain or printed;
  • Stickers and plates, posters, playbills and placards of your favorite musical artists, video games;
  • Living plant (to purify the air);
  • Stylish lamps;
  • Globes and wall maps (can even be in the form);
  • Musical records;
  • Framed conceptual photos;
  • An organizer board on which you can pin lesson schedules, memorable concert tickets, photos with family and friends, etc.

The main thing is that all decorative items not only please the eye, but also reflect the interests and character of the boy, mean something to him, amuse him and even motivate him. Below in the selection of photos are examples of room decor for teenage boys.

Uniform lighting creates a cozy atmosphere and visually enlarges the room, and most importantly, does not strain the eyesight of its occupant. Ideally, the chandelier should be supplemented/replaced with spotlights. There must be some on the desk and by the bed. desk lamp or sconce, and in the play/sofa area you can put a floor lamp.

Tip 12. If possible, arrange a place to relax and receive guests

In their room, boys not only sleep and study, but also, of course, relax, read, watch movies, play video games and chat with friends. Therefore, a recreation area here will be very useful.

  • A TV in a teenager’s room is not the most useful thing, but it is very desirable, especially if the boy is the proud owner of a game console. The most compact option for placing equipment is wall-mounted; the console is placed on a narrow wall shelf. An example of such a solution is shown in the photo below.

Another good option is placement in a rack/bedroom set.

  • It’s good if there is space in the room for a couple of armchairs or for one that can accommodate 2-3 friends at once and where a guest who has stayed too long can spend the night.

If there is not much space in the bedroom, place a cozy chair or ottoman.

Well, if there isn’t even enough space for ottomans, then just lay a carpet on the floor and have guest pillows, which, if necessary, can simply be scattered on the floor for Turkish-style gatherings.

  • In addition to the console and TV, in a teenage boy’s room you can put a table for chess and board games, synthesizer, drum set, table football.

According to sports superstition, you should not count your trophies, so as not to scare away your luck. But we are sure that it is possible and necessary to store them on shelves and in plain sight. After all, diplomas, certificates, cups and medals not only decorate the interior, but also inspire new achievements.