Technology for building combined houses with your own hands. Combined private house: construction technology

Among the completed housing construction work: different types a significant place is occupied by combined houses, projects using a combination of building materials with different characteristics, for example, a house made of stone and wood. Why are such structures so popular?

Advantages of combined type projects

The correct combination of various building materials used in the construction of building structures allows you to optimally combine the advantages of each of them, minimizing their disadvantages.

For example, a stone is immune to any external influences, including fire. But it is too heavy and large, and a structure built entirely from stone will not support any foundation and in some cases it will require reinforcement. But using wood to construct the top of a building will not only reduce it specific gravity, but will also provide excellent appearance. In addition, wood will significantly reduce the cost of construction.

Therefore, design and construction combined houses turnkey is one of the priorities of the Krovmarket company.

Projects of combined houses in the Chalet style

Among the house-building projects that combine various building materials, there are the following:

The architects of the Krovmarket company have developed various design solutions, including housing that combines brick and wood or stone and wood, that is, you can already see finished projects combined houses. By using any of the proposals, you can reduce the cost of building combined houses without losing the quality and aesthetic properties of the structure.

If a potential homeowner has his own idea of ​​what a future home should look like, Krovmarket architects will create individual project combined house. Any construction solutions developed by highly qualified specialists and using combinations of different building materials, be it small cozy houses or huge mansions, are distinguished by functionality and special charm.

If, while studying the project catalog, you have questions, our specialists will be happy to answer them and give all the necessary advice on construction and making possible changes to standard projects.

Construction of combined houses

The construction and design of combined houses is one of the company's priorities. Working with us, you will get the maximum useful information, tips and recommendations that will help you understand many things and make the right decision for yourself.

    Availability of our own production base;
    We work without intermediaries! Own production site in the north of the Kirov region (logging, production of lumber and wooden house kits from logs and timber) - a guarantee of fair prices and prompt solutions to all production issues;

    Specialized design bureau
    At the request of the customer, we will make any redevelopment and changes to the basic projects or develop an individual one. Our project will take into account all the wishes for the construction of an individual combined house, using modern and efficient construction and finishing materials. Drawings and realistic pictures will be created that will allow you to see your future cottage as it will turn out after construction is completed;

    Large selection finished projects
    Projects of combined houses are developed taking into account the requirements and standards current legislation RF on low-rise construction and guarantees the absence of problems when obtaining a construction permit and commissioning. All processes and material consumption have been optimized, which will allow you not to overpay, and builders to complete all stages efficiently and in a short time construction work;

    Fully equipped house
    We offer various configurations of combined houses. Construction can be divided into stages for the convenience of planning financial costs and the possibility of building a turnkey cottage by one organization. As a result, you will receive a house completely ready to move in;

    Construction in many regions of the country
    We carry out the construction of combined houses throughout almost the entire territory of the central (European) part of Russia: Moscow, Leningrad, Tver, Ryazan, Vladimir, Novgorod, Pskov, Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk and other regions;

    Transaction security
    We guarantee the security of the transaction: The customer pays payments under the contract, in stages, upon delivery building material and the implementation of the next stage of work, monitoring each stage of construction;

    Moderate construction prices
    We do not build the cheapest combined houses in Russia, we build them honestly! Transparent estimate: The customer always sees what the price for the cottage is formed from, which is indicated in several options to be able to choose the optimal economic solution;

    No hidden fees
    We fix the price and cost of construction in the contract, and it remains unchanged, even if the contract was concluded several months before the start of work. All unexpected expenses are at our expense!

    Experienced builders
    Only experienced and permanent construction teams. Each stage of work is carried out by highly specialized teams. Technical and design (author's) supervision of each stage of construction;

    Extensive work experience
    Combined houses have a number fundamental differences from entirely wooden or stone buildings. We know everything possible problems at all stages: design, construction, finishing, commissioning, and we do not allow their occurrence. We have already built large number combined houses and we are always ready to show you our existing facilities or cottages that we have already built.

Combining materials is a favorite pastime of designers, in capital construction used to solve important practical problems. Proper combination of the physical qualities of stone and wood in the load-bearing walls of a building gives the developer a tangible benefit in cost and comfort.

It was these two factors that made houses from combined materials popular and widespread in modern suburban construction.

What combinations are reasonable and permissible when constructing such a structure?

Most often, stone (brick, monolithic concrete, aerated concrete or expanded clay blocks). The second floor is built from rounded logs or laminated veneer lumber.

It should be noted that combinations of different wall materials may also affect external finishing. A combined house allows you to use any options for facade decor: the brick walls of the first floor can be finished with a blockhouse, insulating them using the “ventilated facade” technology.

Second frame floor can be improved with decorative plaster or stone tiles. As an example, we invite you to look at the photo below.

Looking at such a house, you will not be able to unambiguously answer the question of what it is built from. load-bearing walls. Although a combined technology of wall construction is also used here. The first floor of this building is brick, lined with siding. Second - wooden frame, finished with ceramic tiles.

Constructive options for combined houses

Despite the variety of facade decor, the construction of combined houses must comply with the main principle: 1st floor is stone, 2nd floor is wood. It provides the building with the necessary strength and creates conditions for comfortable stay on the second floor. Another problem solved by the combination of materials is reducing the labor intensity and cost of construction.

Anyone who does not want to spend extra money on exterior decoration is doing the right thing. The combination of stone and wood is optimal not only for structural reasons, but also from an aesthetic standpoint. Therefore, do not hide behind the finishing what looks perfect in itself.

An example would be a mansion built in a deliberately rough combination natural stone and logs. It fully complies with the canons of country style.

It originates from the harsh mountainous terrain, invented by Alpine shepherds. It also used the idea of ​​combining durable stone and warm wood.

Life in the mountains requires maximum reliability and functionality. Therefore, the first level of the chalet is always built from durable rock that is not afraid of snow debris, rockfalls and water. The second floor is designed to create comfort and coziness. Can't find one for these purposes best material than natural wood.

The “ancestral sign” of all buildings built in the chalet style is wide roof overhangs that protect the walls from heavy rains and melting snowdrifts.

Modern combined houses made of stone and wood are extremely diverse, since the choice of wall materials is very wide. If you are not satisfied with torn stone or flat limestone “flagstone”, then build the first floor from. They are quite durable and at the same time as warm as natural wood.

When preparing for construction, do not forget that houses made of foam blocks and wood require a reliable connection between the first and second floors. Cellular concrete is a rather fragile material. Therefore, it will not hold the steel anchors securing the second level support beam.

A competent solution for such a design is pouring on foam block walls monolithic belt made of reinforced concrete. It increases the spatial rigidity of the building and allows you to securely fix the anchor bolts.

The appearance of a foam block wall is not very expressive. Therefore, it is better to cover it with blockhouse or siding, laying a vapor barrier and a layer of mineral wool insulation behind the façade cladding.

For the combined construction of a cottage you can use. They stronger than foam concrete, not so fragile and very warm. Finishing arbolite walls is not labor-intensive, since any decorative plaster.

The second floor can be built from planed timber. This material retains heat well in a residential floor and does not require finishing cladding.

If you need a three-level combined house made of brick and timber, then build it according to this scheme: the ground technical floor is monolithic reinforced concrete, the first level is brick, the second is a frame or log house.

Talking about frame version walls of the second floor, we note that it will not only save your money, but will also allow you to flexibly change the internal layout, adapting it to family needs.

You can hide the frame of the second floor behind the finishing. Another interesting option- specially highlight it, turning it into an element of facade decor. For this purpose, half-timbering is best suited - an ancient frame system in which posts, beams and cross braces face the facade.

A serious problem with all cottages is dampness on the ground floor. A combined house solves it simply and functionally. The lower floor is reserved for utility rooms. Here you can equip a boiler room, a bathhouse, a workshop and a garage. Bedrooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms, playrooms and a kitchen are located on the second, drier floor.

A combined house and a combined facade are not the same thing!

As we have already said, the combination of different wall materials is the main feature of a combined building. Unlike him combined facade at home can be used on any residential structure.

For example, by building a cottage from insulated sandwich panels, you can easily “disguise” it as a stone one. For this you can use ceramic tiles, sandstone, porcelain stoneware or rustic plaster. If ordinary, rather than facing, brick is used for laying walls, then a “combi-facade” will also be appropriate.

The photo shows a house being built from brick and timber. Obviously nondescript brickwork additional finishing will be required. It doesn’t have to be decorated like a stone. It is enough to fill the blockhouse along the guides and your house will be completely “wooden”. Another option is a combination of semicircular false logs on the first floor and laminated veneer lumber on the second.

Pros and cons of the combination idea

Having noted the main advantages of combined buildings: efficiency, planning flexibility, aesthetics and functionality, we will point out the disadvantages of such buildings.

The main one is different times“life” of stone and wood. In rocks it reaches 150 years. At best, the tree will last half a century. For light frames and panel walls this period will be even shorter. Therefore, a moment will inevitably come when the first stone floor is still quite strong and reliable, and the walls of the second floor already require repair.

Since combined country houses in Russia are still quite young, there is no negative experience of different rates of aging of wall materials. Therefore, reviews from their owners are mostly positive.

To summarize, we advise everyone who has decided to build a combined cottage not to forget about different periods operation of the first and second floors. To extend the life of the walls, buy well-dried and antiseptic wood, and trust the assembly of the frame to experienced professionals, not hackers.

A wooden frame requires a properly assembled drainage system to prevent moisture from entering the wood. In addition, during the construction stage, constant quality control of the sealing of all cross sections of wooden posts and beams is required.

Combined houses made of stone and wood, the designs of which usually include a brick (stone, concrete) first (ground) floor and wooden second (attic ) is an attempt to level out the disadvantages of some materials at the expense of the advantages of others. Stone (brick) is very strong, durable and reliable material, but at the same time it takes a very long time to warm up and requires both internal and often external finishing work.

Wood is an environmentally friendly and healthy material with excellent thermal insulation, but it is also very fire hazardous and relatively short-lived. Combining these materials allows you to minimize costs, ensuring maximum energy savings and high construction speed.

Features of designing combined houses

House designs using stone and wood have a fairly long architectural history. These include half-timbered houses, in which the wooden frame was filled with stones, or alpine chalets, which were originally the dwellings of shepherds.

However, the construction of a combined house made of wood and stone was quite common in Russian architecture - in the 19th century, enterprising middle-class merchants, minimizing costs, built two-story houses, in which the first floor made of stone was “business” - it housed a store (shop) or office. But the second floor was allocated for living space.

A combined stone-wood house will allow you to make the most of strengths each material:

  • use of brick (stone, concrete blocks) – non-flammable material- on the ground floor it is quite justified, because there is a living room with fireplace, kitchen, possibly a garage and other rooms with an increased risk of fire. In addition, in this case it will be easier to obtain permission and install the boiler on the ground floor
  • durability - to the greatest negative impact(moisture, fungus, mold, insects) are exposed to lower crowns wooden house, close to the ground. The first floor, built of brick, will last for decades without reducing reliability, because brick is practically not affected by negative natural factors, and wood will be protected from moisture and influence groundwater

Advice! When designing combined houses, you can abandon the high foundation characteristic of wooden houses– brick withstands moisture well.

  • profitability - in financially a combined brick + wood house will cost less than a complete house brick house, and this is only if we take into account the cost of the material. It is worth considering additional costs: insulation brick walls, finishing work, heating the residential floor - the financial benefits will be especially noticeable
  • energy efficiency - wood retains heat much better than brick, which will save on heating the living area, but you should not neglect the insulation of the basement
  • combining materials will significantly reduce total weight buildings, so you can further save on laying the foundation

Advice! To further reduce weight, the second floor can be constructed using non-material timber or rounded logs, but use frame technology

  • speed of construction - both the brick and wooden parts of the house are built quite quickly, but while the wooden part is shrinking (this can take up to a year for rounded logs, for laminated veneer lumber this is not very significant), you can finish the first floor and even move into it
  • aesthetics - combining materials allows you to get a very unusual and attractive exterior; such designs make it possible to implement interesting and non-standard design solutions and approaches.

The first floor, built of brick, is distinguished by its excellent practical advantages - it is stable, strong, ideal for equipment bathrooms, laundry room, boiler room, mini-swimming pool, heated garage, as well as a kitchen, dining room and living room. The second floor, built of wood, is distinguished by an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, thanks to its natural qualities, wood provides natural air exchange and humidity regulation, so it is optimal to equip rooms here with a minimum engineering communications and installations - bedrooms, children's rooms, office.

IN modern construction There is a gradual abandonment of brick in favor of aerated concrete or other types of cellular concrete. First of all, they are lighter, which allows for additional savings on laying the foundation. Important point– with the same strength, aerated concrete has significantly best performance thermal insulation than brick. But the second floor can be built from rounded logs, profiled or laminated timber, or frame method.

There are two approaches to designing the facade of combined houses:

  • unified style - in this case, the entire house is decorated in the same style, the difference between floors is completely eliminated, for which both decorative plaster and siding can be used. Brick floor can be finished imitation timber, block house, clapboard, etc., so that visually the house is completely wooden
  • different designs - the second floor in this case remains untouched (the wood can only be additionally painted or varnished), the first floor is finished decorative bricks or plaster, tiles, stone (natural or artificial).

During the construction of combined houses special attention will require a transition from a brick part to a wooden one. Between floors, reinforcing metal pins are used as a connecting element - placing them in the upper rows of brick (stone) masonry, they are used to secure the first crowns of the second floor. A prerequisite is the creation of a waterproofing layer, for which you can use roofing felt, polyurethane foam and other materials that will provide protection wooden structures from moisture.

The construction of combined houses meets modern trends. People are trying to make their homes reliable, durable and environmentally friendly. Structures made of stone and wood fully meet these requirements. They are very practical and are becoming increasingly popular among private developers. Experts tell us what you need to know before drawing up a project, what are the pros and cons of houses of this type.

Combined houses: what is it?

This type of building is not know-how. Even in the times of Kievan Rus, it was noticed that such houses are strong, light, more resistant to fire and better conserve heat. With the development of technology, there are more variations in the combination of materials for combined houses. However, stone and timber remain closest to the ideal.

Two-part houses, as a rule, have 2 floors. The basement level is built from durable stone, which is not afraid of fire, strong wind, precipitation, groundwater and abundant sun. In addition, the stone base of the house becomes an excellent support for the second floor, which is assembled from wood. The timber helps to increase the energy efficiency of the structure, adds coziness, beauty and convenience. It can be of several types, depending on the purpose:

Houses made of stone and wood are warm and reliable

  1. Glued. One element consists of many thin glued lamellas made of softwood.
  2. Unprofiled. An ordinary beam obtained after processing a log at a sawmill. The cheapest option for construction.
  3. Profiled. It has grooves and bulges for reliable fixation and improved thermal insulation at the joints. Has clearly defined parameters.

Among the projects of composite private dwellings, the chalet style is in demand - Swiss shepherd's houses with characteristic strongly protruding eaves overhangs. The cottage got its shape for a reason. It allows maximum transformation sun rays V thermal energy. Second wooden floor such a house is an attic.

Attention! Other options for combination with wood: concrete, foam blocks, expanded clay blocks or reinforced concrete.

Pros and cons of combined houses

The popularity of such cottages is explained by the large advantage positive characteristics over negative ones. This type of building is actually quite practical. Its advantages:

  • lightweight construction, reduced pressure on the foundation (compared to a conventional stone or brick house);
  • the possibility of construction in a place with close groundwater;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of construction using modern eco-materials that are safe for the environment;
  • wide choice design solutions along with high aesthetics;

  • efficiency;
  • higher fire safety (compared to buildings made only of wood or modern combustible materials);
  • increased protection against moisture;
  • The function of the second floor is a thermos: in hot weather it will be cool there, in cold weather it will be warmer.

Attention! Environmental friendliness of materials is not a fiction. It has been proven that living in a wooden environment improves sleep and normalizes nervous system and prevents the development of respiratory tract diseases (if the timber is made of coniferous trees).

There are not many disadvantages of two-part houses:

  • wood lasts less than stone;
  • Stone and wood have extremely different physical and technological properties, because of this, after use during severe frost or difficulties may arise in the heat;
  • even in combination with a non-flammable neighbor, the timber remains a flammable material.

Stone is not as light as foam blocks or expanded clay building materials. Such a house should be additionally strengthened against subsidence with a high foundation. Nevertheless, combined housing is a solution for those who cannot afford a two-story cottage. Architects also recommend this type of structure when, due to heavy load, the foundation of a 2-story brick or stone house may burst or cause distortion. In fact, an ordinary foundation for a 1-story house is sufficient for the construction.

The design approach to the arrangement of rooms can be anything, but usually fits into the natural concept. The facade of the house is also usually not additionally covered - the more natural the texture looks, the better. The stone part can be additionally decorated in a rural or other direction, and the timber can be decorated with carvings.

There are exceptions when, with the help of modern facing materials both floors result in a uniform design style. But in this case, do not forget about different characteristics materials. On one, after a few years, the cladding will still look good, on the other it will no longer hold up.

When drawing up a project, the size of the home does not matter. In the photo you can see cottages that are completely different in size and design. The condition of the soil is also unimportant. The main thing is that the ground is not swampy and can support a one-story stone house.

The construction of such a building takes relatively little time. The main period will be spent pouring, drying the foundation and raising the stone walls. A lightweight wooden level develops much faster: it does not require finishing. At least at first you can live with naked people wooden walls while you decorate the lower floor. Even before picking up a spatula or facing panels, carry out communications. They are advised to be located only on the 1st floor.

Attention! The combination in a 2-story building is quite in demand combined house premises for business and life. Downstairs the owners are setting up a commercial area, and upstairs they live themselves, making a separate exit and communications.

The combination of materials in housing construction opens up ample opportunities for its styling. You can make a home to suit every taste. To avoid disappointment with the result, work only with experienced builders.