How to open a financial company. MFI business plan (MCC) for a small firm

How to open a microloan company and earn huge money at crazy interest rates? Most people think that it is very easy to do this, but this is an erroneous idea that has nothing to do with reality. Starting your own microloan business from scratch is a very expensive and dubious “pleasure”.

How to open a microloan business? What is the money being made here? Where to begin? What do you need to open? Where and how to register? Or maybe it is better to open a franchise business? Answers to the most popular questions of readers in this article.

Business - microloans up to the salary of the population

The essence of this business model is to lend own or borrowed funds at interest. The principal income consists of the interest for the use of borrowed funds, which is charged on the principal amount of the debt and is paid by the borrower on the maturity date.

It is most advantageous to issue short-term payday loans. According to them, the average interest rate is 2% per day, and for long-term microloans - 0.5-1% per day. Issuing microcredit for short term, the money can be returned faster and sent to issue a new loan to another client. Thus, increasing the yield compared to the provision of long-term loans.

If we imagine that the average MFI in a small town issues 15 microloans per day in the amount of 5,000 rubles for 10 days, then the net income of the organization per day will be 1,500 rubles, for 10 days - 15,000 rubles, for 30 days - 45,000 rubles. And these are the most modest estimates. In fact, even in small towns, potential borrowers regularly turn to MFIs in order to get payday loans.

How to open microloans? What do you need to open?

To open a microcredit organization from scratch, an impressive investment will be required, and the procedure for registering an MFI will take about 1-2 months. If you count the most a budget option offline MFI in a small town on the periphery, then approximate estimate will look like this:

  • Registration, state fees, specialist assistance (about 10 thousand rubles)
  • Office rent, small redecorating- about 25-35 thousand rubles, subsequent rental of premises with a monthly payment. More cheap option— place a sales counter in a large mall.
  • The purchase of equipment (tables, chairs, PCs and accessories, printer, scanner, etc.) is about 50 thousand rubles, if you save money and take everything in good condition.
  • Recruitment/Salary. In order to reduce the cost of the enterprise as much as possible, you can get by with some consultant managers who will play the role of a cashier, security guard, security guard, and cleaner. Most often this is the case in local local MFIs. The salary in a small peripheral town will be about 12-20 thousand rubles. for everyone.
  • Accounting costs. You can save money here by hiring a part-time accountant and giving papers to fill out immediately before sending reports to higher authorized bodies, tax authorities, the Central Bank, etc. Such a one-time work of an accountant will cost about 4-8 thousand monthly.
  • Everyday expenses. In addition to the main costs, the business owner is waiting for small, but very important monthly payments. This is the payment of bills for the Internet and telephone communications (cellular and landline). This will take an average of 1000-1500 rubles per month. Buying office supplies, refilling printer cartridges, etc. Depending on the conditions of the lease of the premises, there may be costs for electricity and water. Do not forget about the services of a printing house (business cards, various letterheads, etc.). In general, another 3-5 thousand rubles will be spent on monthly needs.
  • A very important factor is the verification of the borrower. Depending on the budget, the owner can use different methods checks:
  1. Scoring is the most expensive option. You need to buy a licensed program and pay a lot of money for it.
  2. Requests to BKI and calls to contact persons. You can connect batch (wholesale) requests, or single ones. In the first case, the cost of the request varies from 150-200 rubles. and higher. In the second, the minimum is 250-300 rubles.
  3. Free inquiry to the FSSP database and calls to contact persons. A free and most dangerous verification method for MFIs, which increases the percentage of loans issued to fraudsters and large debtors.

As a result, it turns out that the opening of the most budgetary microfinance organization in a small town on the periphery will cost the owner 125-135 thousand rubles. The amount is small, but it is formed without taking into account the creation and support of the site, without advertising, operators hotline, scoring systems for checking a client or paid requests to the CBI, security services, cashiers, etc. With these components, the creation of an MFI would cost at least 3-4 times more than the minimum estimate.

Where and how to register?

The process of registration and obtaining the status of an MCC (microcredit organization) is a painstaking and lengthy task that requires money, time and effort. First of all, the owner of the future business needs to draw up everything regulations(statutes, rules for granting, General terms services, etc.) Documents should be developed in accordance with current legislation RF and special federal laws (No. 151, 152, 230, 115, etc.)

Then you need to decide on legal form: LLC, JSC, etc. and register entity in the tax office, having paid the state duty (4000 rubles) List required documents can be clarified at any branch of the IFTS. The registration procedure is standard, it takes 5 days, after which you can go for a certificate and other documents.

Next, you need to order a print and open a bank account. To do this, you need to choose a suitable credit institution, familiarize yourself with the list of all necessary documents for opening a current account by legal entities. In about 2-5 days, the account will be opened.

After that, you need to send a state duty to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the amount of 1000 rubles from this organization’s current account. The state duty is paid for entering information about the legal entity in the state register of microcredit organizations. In the purpose of payment, you need to write exactly that.

When the state duty is paid, you need to send a package of documents along with a receipt for payment of the fee to the Central Bank in order to obtain the status of an MCC and be included in the list of financial market participants (register of MFIs). Within a 14-day period, the Financial Markets Service of the Central Bank must make a decision on entering the organization into the register or on refusal.
As soon as information about the organization is added to the registry, it will be able to provide microloans in cash at offices and points of sale.

Microloan franchises: which are there, which one to choose?

If own forces is not enough to create an MFI from scratch, and the idea of ​​​​earning your first million precisely on the provision of microloans does not leave you, it is better to turn your attention to microloan franchises.

An alternative option for opening a point of microloans would be a franchise of a microfinance organization. This is a great option for beginner businessmen with a lack of experience and a great desire to do this particular business.

A microloan franchise is the right to use the intellectual property (brand, logo, details, documents, conditions, etc.) of a large microfinance organization as a “little brother”. A start-up entrepreneur pays money to the owner of a large MFI for the right to open a microloan center that will operate under the brand name of the "parent" organization. At the same time, the deal provides that the franchisee will comply with the charter and all regulatory documents of the franchisor.

Among the microfinance organizations that offer a franchise are: Money for You, Money to Payday, Momento Money, Miladenezhka, FastFinance, Convenient Money, Master Money, Migom Money and others.

Based on the franchise conditions and customer reviews, the FastMoney and Moneyman MFI franchises get very decent ratings. Money before payday and Momento Money were in the anti-TOP.

5 reasons to franchise

If you do not have enough experience and money, you do not know how to open a microloan business from scratch, then it is better to use a franchise. And that's why:

  1. Opening your own MFI has become very difficult and costly, and maintaining it is even more difficult (document flow, reporting, Central Bank audits, etc.)
  2. The assessment of the borrower will be carried out by the head office of the organization. No need to spend extra money on requests to BKI, calls to contacts, etc. It is possible that the franchisor has its own software or scoring program that additional franchised offices can use.
  3. The parent organization undertakes accounting and legal services. The franchisee saves on an accountant, security service, lawyer, etc.
  4. Recognizable and promoted brand, assistance in advertising. The owner of a new business needs to promote everything from scratch, here you can use everything ready (layouts, training videos, a call center with free customer support, instructions for promoting on the Internet, via SMS, a guide on how to open a microloan center, etc. )
  5. Not a single collection organization, after the law “On Collectors” (FZ-No. 230) comes into force, will work with a small MFI that issues loans in only one locality on the periphery. If you work with the franchisor, then access to the KA with which the "big brother" cooperates will be opened.

It would seem, who would ever think to take such expensive loans - well, idiocy? But meanwhile, the business of MFIs, and in the common people of express loans, is flourishing and prospering: microloans are now in shopping centers, and at bus stops near the house, and on TV, and on the Internet. The people are coming.

You might think that it is already late, the market is saturated, everyone is busy - but no. The outlook for the microfinance business is quite optimistic. Some say that its volumes in some regions are still growing up to almost 50% per year.

In general, while the people are coming, it’s a sin not to take advantage of this. Fortunately, the process of organizing such a business is quite simple - it is fast and practically no different from creating an average company. The main thing is that after the creation of the company, it is necessary to apply for inclusion in the State Register of Microfinance Organizations - without being included in this register, your activities will not be completely legal.

Before we start

Good news: MFIs are regulated federal law"On Microfinance Organizations", or more simply - mainly by the Civil Code. The process of obtaining a loan is simplified to the point of impossibility, so if you think that money goes to money, a microfinance business is exactly what you need.

The main part of the initial investment should be immediately used for issuing loans. For these needs, you should have at least 500 thousand - 1 million rubles. Usually, only a passport is required to issue a loan, the age of the borrower is 22-60 years, the interest rate is 2% per day, the maximum loan amount is 20 thousand rubles, the term is up to 15 days. If desired, the loan can be extended, but this is a different percentage or commission. Of course, when flirting with the deadline, pennies are awarded. The average company issues loans for about 1.5 million rubles a month.

When planning a financial model, it is worth considering up to 50% default. Of course, usually the level of non-return is much lower, but you are used to proceeding from the most negative scenario? If you do everything right, you can reach self-sufficiency from the first month. Oh yes, and remember - by law, MFIs cannot attract deposits, issue loans in foreign currency, operate in the market valuable papers, charge interest on early repayment and demand more than one million from their borrowers.

The main risks are: a high percentage of non-repayment, judicial contestation of interest for granting a loan, if the accrual is found to be unlawful, great competition.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open an MFI”


Before you open an MFI, you need to determine the location. It can play decisive role for your business. The most tasty places are shopping centers, small supermarkets near the house, large office centers and public transport stops. To begin with, even a small corner of about 30 square meters is enough. m - we are not opening a bank branch.


Here, too, everything is much simpler than at banks and beauty salons. The main equipment is computers, office equipment, telephones. To make your customers feel good and comfortable, put a sofa, flowers and a coffee machine with sweets. Compared to competitors who only have iron chairs... in general, a trusting atmosphere is important. Little things decide.


Following the economy scenario, we will need about 3 people - in addition to the director, this is a security officer and 2 managers a la "loan officer". The security guard is simply a must have and you should not save on it: it will check borrowers for presence in various blacklists, so good connections are welcome. The working day of managers is 12 hours, 2/2, adequacy, customer focus and a radiant smile are welcome.

Documents and licenses

As we said above, in order to start an express loan business, you need to knock on the State Register of Microfinance Organizations. To do this, you will need: an application, notarized copies of the registration certificate, copies of constituent documents, a copy of the decision of the founders, a copy of the decision to appoint the general director, information about the founders, information about the location, well, and a certificate confirming the payment of the state fee. Information about the company is entered within 14 working days.


Competition in the field of MFIs is growing by leaps and bounds, so it makes sense to invest heavily in the marketing component of your business. Do not skimp on beautiful promotions: the first loan without interest, record low rates in the first months of work or an increased ceiling on the issued amount can give more than you think. Pay attention to classic flyers, and advertising in the local newspaper, and the Internet - a banner on a well-known city portal is not a luxury, but a clear touch to the audience. A good move: over time, conclude an agreement with electronic service providers so that your customers can return money by bank transfer, via Qiwi or Eleksnet. Well, of course, you need to remember that nothing will become a better advertisement / anti-advertising of your microloans than word of mouth. At some point, new clients will start to come on the recommendations of acquaintances: rumors spread oh so fast.


Microfinance business is simple, promising and very, very profitable. Opening a company is not so difficult, and the activity itself requires a minimum of permits and is regulated by the Civil Code. The only thing that bothers you is quite strong competition, so you should analyze the market and the degree of openness of the entrance in your city, and then invest heavily in marketing and promotion of your brand. Special attention pay attention to the location of your point and the search for a good security guard.

  • Investments 1 735 000 rub.
  • Monthly revenue 540,000 rubles.
  • Net profit 240,000 rubles.
  • Payback 7.2 months

According to the business portal the potential of the domestic micro-lending market is very significant. Thus, in 2011 its volume increased by 34%, according to analysts' forecasts, in 2012 the market may grow by another 50%. At the beginning of 2012, the micro-lending market was estimated at 35-37 billion rubles, and by its end it could reach 55.5 billion rubles.

The competition in this market segment is significant, but the market is still far from being filled. If you are planning to open your own business for issuing microloans, then you can, or do everything yourself (develop regulatory documents, software for issuance control, training of experts) or use a franchise to open a point for issuing microloans.

The time and money costs when starting a franchise business are much less than an independent path of trial and error. However, there is a minus - you are for life (for life to your business) you will pay royalties.

In this business plan, we will consider opening a microfinance organization on a franchise " Convenient loans».

Franchise Terms

LLC "Udobnye Loans" offers two main retail formats of points for issuing loans:

  • The "Island" format is a kiosk or a small pavilion for one operating place, does not have an internal client area and is located inside premises with heavy pedestrian traffic.
  • The format of "Additional Office" (DO) differs, as a rule, in the number of operating places more than 1, the presence of an internal client area and a separate entrance from the street.

Franchise options and costs

The cost of the "Convenient Loans" franchise consists of:

  • one-time (lump-sum) contribution - according to the selected franchise option.
  • monthly installment (royalties) - 10% of income ( total amount interest and penalties received within a month) by the franchisee, but not less than 12,000 rubles. for one operating room.

1. Package "Start": The one-time (lump-sum) contribution is 50,000 rubles. The monthly fee (royalty) is 10% of income, but not less than 12,000 rubles. from each operating site. Under this program, the right to open no more than one point of issue of loans is granted. To obtain the right to further develop the network, the partner needs to purchase the "Business" package by simply paying a lump-sum fee of 150,000 rubles.

2. Package "Business": The one-time (lump-sum) contribution is 200,000 rubles. The monthly fee (royalty) is 10% of income, but not less than 12,000 rubles. from each operating site. The purchase of this package provides the right to open an unlimited number of points for issuing loans

The company "Convenient Loans" offers its partners - franchisees the following conditions:

  • The right to work under the trademark "Convenient Loans". A single brand contributes to the growth of recognition, which grows along with the development of the entire network, which increases customer loyalty and increases the profitability of all partners - franchisees.
  • "Business guide for partners - franchisees". This manual is written by the company's specialists and consists of a total of about 200 pages. It contains all the regulatory materials and instructions necessary to start and run a business, and describes all business processes step by step: from opening a legal entity to making a profit.
  • Access to the franchisor's server space and the ability to work with the "Convenient Loans" software at the partner's workplaces. The server is located in a technically and physically protected specialized storage in Moscow. This equipment meets all legal requirements (including 152 FZ) and has all the necessary licenses (FSB, FSTEC, etc.).
  • Assistance in software administration, its technical support and updates, as well as assistance from other company specialists.
  • Assistance in preparing a new enterprise for opening and starting operations, staff training;
  • Constant Information support from the side of the curator assigned to the partner - the franchisee;
  • Providing standards for printing materials and outdoor advertising;
  • Assistance in purchasing necessary equipment in accordance with the standards of the operator's workplace and the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Additionally, partners are provided with access to special software that allows:

  • increase the speed of customer service;
  • drastically reduce the number of errors and possible abuses;
  • keep records of issued and repaid loans, as well as interest and penalties on them;
  • form and take into account the internal credit history borrowers;
  • control movement Money;
  • simplify and partially automate internal document flow;
  • to carry out automatic SMS distribution;
  • generate various reports;
  • automatically generate documents for the court and the bailiff service.

Capital Costs of Starting a Micro Loan Firm

We choose the following option for the franchise "Convenient Loans":
Package "Business", format "Island", the initial number of points is 3 pieces.

According to the terms of the franchise, the point for issuing microloans of the "Island" format must be designed as a separate room:

Typical box for issuing microloans

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe point of issue of microloans of the Ostrov format is about 5 square meters.

The cost of equipping a point for issuing loans with an area of ​​​​5 square meters is 50,000 rubles.

Each point must be equipped with a computer, a multi-functional device (printer, scanner, copier), Internet access, furniture for an expert and a safe. On average, the cost of equipping one point is 45,000 rubles.

It will also be necessary to rent an office where the director and debt collector will be located. The cost of office equipment (2 jobs) will amount to 50,000 rubles.

In addition to the above expenses, funds are needed for issuing loans. On average, per month, a point located in a well-traveled place can issue loans for 400,000 rubles. (The average loan amount is 4,500 rubles, the loan term is 25 days, the number of disbursements per day is 4-5), therefore, about 1 million rubles are needed for three points.

Capital investment


To service 3 points for issuing micro-loans (Working hours 10.00 to 19.00) the following number of staff is required:

3 experts who are engaged in the issuance of loans.
1 specialist in debt collection, deals with the repayment of overdue debts.
1 director, general leadership and control of the activities of experts.
Total headcount 5 people


Points for issuing loans in the "Island" format must be located in large shopping centers, in places with good human traffic.

For one point, you need a place with an area of ​​​​about 7-10 sq.m. (5 sq.m. modular block, + 2 meters area for visitors)

The area of ​​the office where the director and the debt collector are located should be 15 square meters (to be able to arrange 2 tables and computer equipment and office equipment)

General expenses:

Article "Salary"
Salary of 3 experts: 18,000 * 3 = 54,000 rubles
Salary of the 1st debt collector 25,000 rubles
Director's salary 30,000 rubles
Income tax individuals included in salary
Total: 109,000 rubles

Article "ESN"(unified social tax)
The UST article includes deductions from the fund wages workers.

Article "Rent"
Rent of 3 points for issuing microloans 6,500 rubles per point, as well as office rent 20,000 rubles

Franchise article
Franchise deductions of 12,000 rubles from one point.

Article "Administrative expenses"
Includes Internet, communications, office supplies.

Article "Taxes"
Includes tax expenses under the simplified taxation system.


On average, a point located in a passable place can issue loans for 400,000 rubles per month, 3 points can issue loans for 1,200,000 rubles per month, taking into account the rate of 2% per day, as well as taking into account the reserve for losses of 25% income per month can be 540,000 rubles


The optimal form of taxation for a microfinance organization is a simplified taxation system (income - expenses, 15%)

Feasibility study

Calculation of profitability of a micro-finance organization:

Payback calculation:

Payback discovery 3 outlets is 7.2 months, on the site "Convenient Money" the payback period of the point is 4-5 months. The difference is explained by the fact that in the business plan all calculations are made in a conservative way (income at the minimum values, expenses at the maximum). You can calculate the break-even point yourself online thanks to our free service.

In order to register a microfinance organization, a legal entity is required. It can be practically any fund or institution, except for budgetary, economic or non-trading companies or their associations. No license is required for this activity enough to get a certificate Federal Service(FFMS) that you are included in the register.

Registration faces

As regards the choice of form of organization, most simple and profitable solution will become a limited liability company (). You will need:

  • Draw up the articles of association of the company;
  • Make a decision to establish an LLC;
  • Fill out and submit form 11001 to the Federal Tax Service (FTS), as well as pay the state duty - 4 thousand rubles;
  • Appoint a General Director;
  • Choose a taxation system and prepare an appropriate application;
  • You will also need a receipt confirming the payment of the state duty, and a copy of the charter.

Documents for registration of MFIs

You can independently, from scratch, prepare the entire package of documents. A relatively simple registration procedure is a significant advantage of this business.

So, you need:

  1. A copy of the certificate of registration of a legal entity;
  2. Photocopies of constituent documents, as well as a copy of the decision regarding the creation of a legal entity;
  3. A photocopy of the decision on the appointment of executive bodies of legal entities. faces. It is also necessary to indicate in detail their composition at the time of submission of documents to the relevant authorized body;
  4. Application for entering data on legal entities. person in the state register of MFIs. It must be signed by the head of the company or an authorized representative;
  5. Information about the founders;
  6. Data about the actual address;
  7. List of submitted documents.

Unified Register of MFIs

After you submit all the documents to the Federal Tax Service, copies of them must also be sent to the nearest branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. They are accompanied by a letter of demand to include you in the unified register of MFIs.

Legislation provides that you must also publicly post on the Internet the terms under which the company grants the loan. For the first time, not even your own site is suitable, but a third-party resource.

Your application will be considered within two weeks. Approximately ten days after you have submitted all the documents to the FFMS, you can check the registration.


A big plus in organizing the activities of MFIs is that you do not need a lot of space. At least for starters. Some manage to rent three square meters in the shopping center for the equipment of their "corner". But we will calculate everything subject to the presence of at least a minimal office. A room of 10-12 square meters will be enough to equip two jobs. Rent will cost you about 7-9 thousand rubles a month.

Two tables, chairs, a filing cabinet, a computer and a printer are the main office interior items. They need about 50 thousand rubles, provided that all the equipment is new. The salary of employees is at the level of 15-20 thousand rubles per month for each. Advertising expenses are about 5-10 thousand rubles more.

So, yours subject to self-registration, as well as payments to employees and rent for the first month.


The most important thing is your loan limit, which is the amount of money you can actually lend out. At a minimum, this requires 200 thousand rubles, if you deal with very small loans. For example, 5-10 thousand rubles for 20-30 days. For larger loans, the capital must be at least 500 thousand.

The average rate of microfinance organizations is 2% per day. But remember that you should not count on a 100% refund. The issuance of microloans leaves fewer "manoeuvres" for working with unscrupulous borrowers. You will not sue every time you are detained or not paid 5-10 thousand. The average level of non-return is 25-30%, these are the funds that are “lost” in any case.

We calculate profit, based on 300 thousand rubles as capital, as well as 25-35 clients per month. For the first time, this is a good indicator. Thus, the monthly income is within 200 thousand rubles, taking into account non-return - 150 thousand. Net profit - in the region of 100,000 rubles.

A microfinance company is a modern and demanded enterprise. The main thing in his organization is to cope with numerous competitors and foresee all possible risks.