USP: how you differ from others. Strengths of the Zodiac signs: how you differ from others

I am confident that I can handle anything and I am not afraid of hard work. Now, for example, I am working on an agreement with a French bank to create a trading company. I really can’t wait for this business to start working - so that I can quickly start classes, teaching the kids trading skills. I don’t know exactly how much this bank is going to give me, but I can work with hundreds of millions. This kind of challenge is just right for me.

It is important to understand that many of the outstanding traders interviewed in this book did not achieve success right away. Saliba's first trading experience was so disastrous that it even made him think about suicide. However, none of these traders lost faith in themselves and fortitude. Despite the unsuccessful start, these qualities were enough to ultimately lead to success. Saliba's resilience not only allowed him to return to the stock exchange after a disastrous start, but also played an important role in other moments of his trading career. For example, many, faced with the kind of constant attacks that Saliba endured while trading stocks "Teledyne" would probably abandon their strategy.

The same example illustrates another important quality outstanding trader: ability even in difficult situations maintain tight control over risk. Saliba, ironically referred to as a "single lot", certainly did not escape the painful temptation to trade larger positions at Teledyne. Resisting this temptation, he disciplinedly continued to trade small amounts until his capital grew enough to allow him to increase the size of his position.

Meticulous analysis of many different scenarios, which prepares Saliba for any eventuality, is a critical component of his success. By assessing all possible "what-ifs," Saliba can benefit from situations such as the October 19 stock drop.

414 Tony Saliba

and not fall into a stupor because of them. For many, the image of an outstanding trader is associated with a kind of “firing from the hip” - fast and semi-intuitive cruising in and out of markets. In reality, everything looks much less impressive. Most great traders owe their success to hard work and preparation. In fact, many very successful traders, like Saliba, pore over their “lessons” every night, not allowing entertainment and other matters to interfere with their market analysis routine. And if they deviate from it, it usually ends in monetary losses. As Saliba himself put it, talking about a recent missed deal when he was on a business trip and was unable to give an order: “It cost me ten grand, and fortunes are made from those pieces.”

Part V

Psychology of trading

Dr. Van C. Tharp

Psychology of trading

Research psychologist Dr. Van C. Tharp received his PhD from the Oklahoma State University Medical Research Center in 1975. Its main area professional activities- the influence of stress on human behavior. Most of all, he is interested in the psychological aspects of success, especially in relation to the stock exchange game. In 1982, Dr. Tharp developed his “Investing Psychology Test,” a special test that diagnoses the severity of personality traits that contribute to winning or losing. Thousands of investors and traders (including the author of these lines) have passed this test, which consists of a written questionnaire and a ten-minute telephone consultation. Dr. Tharp has written five books on successful investing, which have become the basis of his training course on this subject. He is one of the editors and authors of the magazine "Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities", Many of his articles have been published in other publications on financial issues. Dr. Tharp is a frequent guest on financial television and radio programs and a participant in many investment conferences.

Dr. Tharp now devotes himself entirely to consulting traders from his office in Glendale, California, and continuing his research into trading success. Now he is focusing on testing

research of the best traders to create a model of success on this basis. Dr. Tharp believes that by developing the traits of the best traders (not to be confused with specific trading techniques) in less successful traders and investors, their performance can be significantly improved. In his latest project, moving from a regular program of two two-day courses to a six-month continuous training program, he intends to transform his most successful clients into “super traders.”

After my conversation with Dr. Tarn, he expressed a desire to include me in his research and do a video interview with me. I readily agreed, hoping that it would help improve my performance as a trader. The interview lasted more than four hours. Dr. Tharp, like a corrosive investigator, having received the first answer to a question, always asked: “Anything else?”, repeating this question over and over again. When I had nothing left to add, he would ask me to look the other way, after which I could actually add something else that I had previously overlooked (he later explained that this technique helps to turn on new parts of the brain). I felt that this interview helped me understand myself more deeply. (One instance of such self-awareness is discussed briefly in the next chapter.)

If you feel like you are fundamentally different from others? Don't worry or be afraid - you're in in perfect order! 12 Unique Characteristics of People You think you are different...

If you feel like you are fundamentally different from others? Don't worry or be afraid - you're completely fine! 12 unique properties of people

Do you feel like you're different from everyone else? Don't worry - you're fine!

According to Curious Mind Magazine, according to the Myers-Briggs typology, people are divided into 16 personality types. All personality types are rated on one of four scales: extraversion/introversion, intuition/sensing, thinking/feeling, perceiving/judging.

According to this typology, people with the INFJ type (introversion, intuition, feeling and judgment) are extremely rare, making up only 1% of the population!

They have a unique set of qualities. Check: what if this is about you?

So here are 12 unique characteristics of INFJs:

1. They are aware of the future.

These people do not get hung up on trifles and concentrate on more important issues in life.

They face difficulties head-on and do not become disheartened when things don’t go as they planned. This does not upset them, but motivates them even more.

2. They are hardworking.

You won't meet a lazy INFJ. When it comes to work, these people constantly strive to achieve their goals.

They learn quite early that nothing in this life is given for nothing. They give 100% to their work.

3. They trust their intuition.

INFJs can easily sense when something is wrong. This is one of their main features. Not only do they have strong intuition, but they also listen to it.

While other people may ignore these feelings, they are acutely aware of what is happening in their lives. Intuition almost never fails them.

4. They are seekers of truth.

They are not indifferent to the secrets of the world. They can spend the whole night watching the starry sky. They are not interested in everyday things like sports matches.

They prefer to delve into the true nature of things and are capable of deep conversations.

5. They choose their friends carefully.

INFJs prefer the comfort of their own home and protect their personal space. They would rather be alone than surrounded by bad company. They are very selective about who they allow into their circle of friends.

They want to associate with people who share the same values ​​and respect their desire to be alone.

6. They are responsive and sensitive.

Have you heard the word "empath"? This term fully describes the INFJ type.

These are incredibly caring and generous people. They will do everything they can to help those in need.

They imagine themselves in other people's shoes. This is why they are incredibly sensitive to others. They will never intentionally hurt anyone.

Thanks to their developed emotional intelligence, they are able to read the thoughts and actions of other people. They easily identify manipulators.

They use this skill to get rid of unkind people in their lives.

8. They are loners.

They can often be found walking alone in the park or drinking a cup of coffee in a cafe. However, they should not be considered lonely.

They themselves move away from the world in order to better understand themselves and put their thoughts in order.

    How are you different from other people?


    Well, I differ from one half of the planet in that I am a man, and from the other in that I am smart and modest))

    intelligence, beauty, determination, let's all go..., I'M THE BEST

    I’m different, I’m different, but there’s no benefit for me from it yet

    There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand the binary number system and those who do not.

    I'm fat but I'm handsome

  • Latvia is the best country in the world! And it is an honor to be a patriot!
    Because America has Superman, Batman and the Good Fairy, and we have Zukman and Kalvitis.
    Because foreigners coming to Latvia think that Maxima XXX is shopping mall porn goods.
    Because we think about the homeless when building the most expensive bridge in the world. The structure will consist of non-ferrous metal, and according to our calculations, there will be enough space under the bridge for 1500 cardboard boxes.
    Because parents, before planning a child, need to get in line at kindergarten.
    Because here, the only thing that has reached the European level is prices.
    Because tourists who come to Riga by train think that they are in a city called Origo.
    Because in our supermarkets during rush hour there is only one cash register, manned by 45 people!
    Because in our country, in order to be admitted to the intensive care unit, you need a referral from your family doctor.
    Because apartment prices in the center of Riga are equivalent to prices in Paris or New York.
    Because in Latvia, even a first-grader is tired of everything.
    Because it is more profitable for us to park a car in the wrong place than in a paid parking lot.
    Because no one swears in Latvian. That's what Russian is for.
    Because schoolchildren's bags weigh more than the schoolchildren themselves.
    Because we have a legal mafia - and its name is Seimas.
    Because in Latvia, when you approach a policeman after an attack that has just been carried out, you can hear a calm answer: “I am a traffic policeman. It's out of my jurisdiction."
    Because in our country there are 100 people who own a quarter of what belongs to the other two million.
    Because soon residents over 175 years of age will be able to ride our public transport for free.
    Because if we have a picnic in the park on the grass, we face criminal liability.
    Because foreigners think that toilets are guarded by armed soldiers in full dress uniform.

    And how can one not be a patriot of this country after this?

    Go to the psychiatric hospital, everyone there is like "not like everyone else"
    Develop your posing abilities, otherwise you, like many who shout about their individuality, will turn into an asshole

    Damn you! I don’t even know what to answer you.

All Zodiac Signs are different from each other. There is no doubt about it. Astrologers decided to rank the Zodiac Signs and see which of them is strong in what.

The most powerful Zodiac Sign

Astrologers believe that the strongest Zodiac Signs are Fish. This is quite strange, because the representatives of this constellation are very impressionable and sentimental. Where does their strength come from? Pisces has a lot of internal resources that other constellations do not have. And when, for example, stubborn and ambitious Aries and Capricorns are defeated, Pisces takes quite strong positions. We can say that Pisces bends, but does not break.

Sexiest Zodiac Sign

The most sexy sign Zodiac is considered Aries. Representatives of this constellation are energetic, attractive, passionate and active. They have no equal in love pleasures. Aries attract attention thanks to charisma and inner charm.

The most insidious Zodiac Sign

The most insidious sign of the Zodiac is Scorpion. If representatives of this constellation begin to take revenge, then you can’t stop them. They act using the most sophisticated methods; it is difficult to catch or suspect them of anything. Scorpios are the worst and most dangerous enemies.

The most faithful Zodiac Sign

Astrologers consider the most faithful sign of the Zodiac Virgo. People of this constellation strive to find a partner for life and are very careful in choosing their soulmate. And if they choose someone, then we can say with complete confidence that representatives of this Zodiac Sign will definitely not change.

The most beautiful Zodiac Sign

The most attractive Zodiac Sign is Sagittarius. People of this constellation are naturally very harmoniously built in appearance, which gives them every right to be called the most attractive. In addition, they always keep an eye on their appearance, which once again emphasizes their beauty and attractiveness.

The kindest Zodiac Sign

The kindest sign of the Zodiac is Taurus. He does not like to conflict, he is always soft and tactful in communication, which, of course, in itself is a sign of his goodwill. Taurus can provide free help, thereby once again proving that they have the biggest heart.

Luckiest Zodiac Sign

The luckiest zodiac sign is Twins. Often they find themselves in right time V in the right place, which makes them more successful compared to other constellations. Geminis are naturally optimistic, and this already accounts for 90% of their luck. Thanks to their luck, they can rightfully be called the happiest Zodiac Sign.

The most family-friendly Zodiac Sign

The most family-friendly Zodiac sign is considered Cancer. Representatives of this constellation family values come first. They strive to find a worthy partner, get a cozy house and give birth to a bunch of children. This is the most ideal Zodiac Sign for marriage and serious relationships.

The Most Selfish Zodiac Sign

The most selfish Zodiac Sign - Lion. Despite their generosity and friendliness, representatives of this constellation do almost everything to please their desires. They love to be the center of attention, which replenishes their energy. In addition, Leos are very fond of praise and flattery, as they feel at their best at such moments.

The most sociable sign of the Zodiac

The most sociable sign of the Zodiac is considered Scales. Don’t put your finger in their mouth - just let them chat for an hour or two. Representatives of this constellation find pleasure in meeting new people. When they are in society, they feel confident and at ease. It is difficult for them to withstand even one day of loneliness.

The most private Zodiac Sign

The most closed sign of the Zodiac is Capricorn. It is very difficult to imagine what is on the minds of the people of this constellation! They rarely trust anyone with their feelings and experiences, and, most often, they behave indifferently and coldly in public.

The most brilliant Zodiac Sign

The most brilliant Zodiac Sign is Aquarius. Representatives of this constellation always generate new ideas. They have a very developed imagination and creative thinking. But sometimes they lack the strength to bring their ideas to fruition, and therefore, all their ingenious inventions and projects remain unrecognized.