Yoga in a warm room. Bikram yoga (hot yoga). fundamental differences between Bikram and hot yoga

Yoga is a lifestyle for active people. As one sage from India said: “Each of us has a whole life to practice yoga.” For strong in spirit HOT YOGA experimenters best way be healthy and stay young.

Bikram yoga - what is it?

Sweat, sweat and sweat some more!

Bikram yoga, or hot yoga as it is otherwise called, is a set of certain asanas that are performed in a heated, warm room. This type of yoga got its name thanks to its founder Bikram Chowdhury.

This type of yoga was originally used by Bikram as a means of recovery from injury. He did exercises in a heated room. After complete recovery, the master improved the exercises by suggesting that they practice in rooms with a hot climate.

Beginner hot yoga class includes:

They are performed indoors at a temperature of 38-40C and a humidity of 40-50%. The duration of the lesson is 1.5 hours.

Thanks to a set of such “hot” exercises, the whole body is strengthened. Each asana pose smoothly flows into the next asana, while the flow of oxygen increases, due to which toxins are removed from the body.

The Internet is filled with video lessons on Bikram yoga:

What will you get by doing hot yoga?

When practicing hot yoga, the body temperature rises, which activates immune system to fight infections and viruses. The poses on which hot yoga classes are built lead to active sweating, which helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

Strength develops, the body becomes flexible and acquires agility. Cardio training - vascular system. Constantly doing the class helps cure a variety of diseases, including chronic ones.

Such activities relieve mental stress, reduce the level of cortisol (stress hormone), and relieve senseless worry. They help to relax and tidy up the nervous system.

You are losing weight. Load and warm room help speed up metabolism and, accordingly, loss of calories. Fat is burned and rapid weight loss is visible in a short period of time. The end result is a slim, athletic figure.

HOT YOGA - 10 basic rules

Before you start, stop and concentrate

  1. The last meal should be at least 3 hours before class. Well, if it’s completely unbearable, then you are allowed to snack on something light - an apple or a saltine cracker;
  2. Drink less water. A full belly will make it difficult to do abdominal exercises;
  3. Wear minimal clothing for training. Sports swimsuits and cropped T-shirts paired with shorts or short leggings are ideal;
  4. If you are just starting to practice this type of yoga, stand at the back of the room so that you can clearly see those in front. Since the teacher conducts the class using the method of dialogue, and does not show poses, at first you will have to do the exercises, looking at those who are in the front rows;
  5. Before you start, stop and concentrate. When meditating, excessive fussiness is not necessary, as it can disrupt the meditative state;
  6. Keep quiet. Immersion in a meditative state is part of the lesson. When concentrating on the poses, chaotic thoughts disappear, and the process of immersion in a trance begins;
  7. Breathe through your nose. If you breathe through your mouth, the brain, overflowing with oxygen, will begin vigorous activity, bringing the entire body into an excited state. Breathe slowly, quietly - this will activate part nervous system responsible for relaxation;
  8. Sweat for your health. In hot yoga, sweating is inevitable, let the drops of sweat drain on their own. By wiping it, you encourage the body to release even more moisture;
  9. Listen to your body's capabilities. Do not try to stretch and strain to the maximum; in a humid, heated room, the body is softer, and excessive overexertion can lead to injury. As you go within, listen to what your body is saying;
  10. Be sure to devote 5 minutes to the final pose. Shavasana (corpse pose) is the final pose that calms, allows you to cool down, and evens out your breathing.

Who shouldn't do it

  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • if you have problems with the heart valves;
  • heart defect.

You should also refrain from the following activities:

  • with varicose veins;
  • with difficult outflow of venous blood from the brain;
  • for gynecological diseases;
  • at elevated temperatures;
  • with sinusitis;
  • for colds;
  • during menstruation.

When deciding to do hot yoga, you should remember that humid air contributes to the onset of asthma. In addition, during asana it is common to drink and sweat a lot, this process increases the load on the kidneys. Warming also increases swelling.

Now you know what HOT YOGA is. Only you can make a choice in favor of such activities. Being healthy, slim and calm is not so hard.

In this article we will look at the features and nuances of the practice of a fairly popular type of yoga - hot or Bikram yoga. Looking ahead, we will say that many identify these concepts, but in fact, there are differences.

Features and Definitions

Hot yoga is a branch of yoga that covers any practice carried out in an artificially heated room, i.e. it is a general term for all practices that take place in specified settings.

Bikram yoga is a type of yoga that is a 90-minute practice of a sequence of strictly defined asanas, accompanied by breathing exercises. This is an original technique with its own characteristics.

This trend, as an independent style, was founded and popularized in the West by the Indian Bikram Chowdhury.

The persona of the author of the technique and the “features” of his classes raise contradictory thoughts (you can find stories of his behavior online), but Bikram yoga itself as a technique has gained great popularity and is actively practiced in the most different countries peace.

So, any hot yoga is practiced in a room with air and/or floor heated to 35-42 degrees and humidity maintained at about 40%. Such conditions, in the form of hot and humid air, mimic the climate conditions of India.

2 fundamental differences between Bikram and hot yoga

The differences between freestyle hot yoga and Bikram yoga become apparent when you try to practice both:

Asanas and breathing

    Bikram yoga exercises consist of 26 strictly defined poses, practiced in a specific sequence. 2 types of breathing exercises are used. Moreover, the asanas are performed at a fast pace (from 10 to 60 seconds for each pose). From lesson to lesson in class, the same sequence is practiced.

    In general hot yoga classes, the teacher can use any hatha yoga asanas, sequence vinyasa yoga and so on - that is, there are no restrictions, and there is a variety of practices.

Duration of practice

    Bikram yoga lasts strictly 90 minutes.

    General classes may have different durations (usually from 45 minutes). Taking into account the fact that each person’s body reacts to heat differently, you can easily choose the duration of the class in accordance with your physical capabilities.

    In conditions of hot and very humid air, 60 minutes is the ideal duration of practice to achieve the effect of warming up the muscles and ligaments, as well as starting the mechanism of cleansing the body of unnecessary substances. In this case, the body will not be dehydrated.

Who is suitable for hot yoga exercises?

    For those who like heavy loads or loads in unusual conditions.

    Those wishing to strengthen the tone of not only muscles, but also skin.

    Useful advice: After practicing hot yoga, take a contrast shower, finishing it cold water. After a shower, give yourself a self-massage with anti-cellulite creams - this way you can easily get rid of the orange peel! (The diet with restrictions on sweets and salty foods, of course, has not been canceled).

    For those who want to stretch their muscles and ligaments more than usual, a hot environment will help achieve their goal.

Benefits and harms

At the same time, from a physiological point of view, the practice of any hot yoga allows you to simultaneously:

    get rid of toxins in an accelerated manner - with increased sweating during exercise, substances that the body does not need come out through the skin (and in order not to lose the moisture the body needs, be sure to take small sips of water during practice).

    So, you sweat, drink more water, go to the toilet more often - thereby increasing your body's metabolism, so toxins are eliminated faster. This effect is enhanced by specially selected exercises, which seem to “squeeze” substances unnecessary for the body from the body, as a result you can see the effect “obviously” - clean skin;

    In conditions of hot air and humidity, muscles warm up faster and become more pliable and flexible - this allows you to more comfortably enter and hold complex poses, reducing the risk of injury.

    despite the fact that hot yoga allows you to stretch the muscles deeper, however, the tendons and ligaments may not be prepared for such intense stretches + the heat weakens the muscles, so in some cases you can observe the opposite effect - overstrain and even injury to the muscles, ligaments, tendons ;

    intense practice in a hot room can also lower the body's core temperature, which can lead to dehydration and, in extreme cases, even heat stroke.

Symptoms of heat stroke include weakness, dizziness and nausea. If you feel these symptoms, immediately lie down in Savasana (take horizontal position) and lie down for a few minutes, breathing evenly.

If you are not feeling better, leave the practice room and, if necessary, seek medical help. medical care.


Bikram yoga, like all hot yoga in general, has its contraindications and also requires compliance with certain safety rules.

The following are considered absolute contraindications:

    the presence of heart disease, brain disease (stroke) and other serious diseases. In this case, we are talking about diseases not only at the acute stage, but in the presence of similar diseases in the past, coordination with the attending physician and therapist is required;


We remind you that in the literature, as well as among practitioners, there is an almost unanimous opinion that pregnant women, as well as women during menstruation, are strictly prohibited from attending even regular yoga classes (the opinion of the editors coincides with this position). But some studios, at their own peril and risk, are ready to allow such students to practice.

    beginners at an advanced age, especially if they have not previously had experience in practicing any type of yoga;

    complete absence physical training;

    if you have high/low blood pressure;

    in the presence of varicose veins.

When practicing any form of hot yoga (free sequences or Bikram yoga) there is always an individual risk of dehydration, dizziness, nausea, decreased blood pressure and even loss of consciousness.

Remember that hot yoga can harm your body just as much as it can heal it.

Helps you lose weight: truth or myth?

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and start doing hot yoga (as well as any other yoga), then naturally you will begin to lose a little overweight. But is this the merit of hot yoga?

A couple of years ago, an experiment was conducted in the USA to determine the real effects of hot yoga (including Bikram yoga).

One experimental group consisted of young people who led a sedentary lifestyle and had not previously practiced yoga, but physical indicators were healthy. The other group consisted of experienced yogis who also practiced hot yoga.

After eight weeks (24 sessions) of practice, it was noted that study participants from group No. 1 noted a slight increase in muscle strength, a significant improvement in balance, and a slight decrease in body weight.

Using measurements of medical and physiological indicators of group No. 2 directly during exercise, it was noted that although during practice the heart rate and heart rate increase significantly, the metabolic rate, as well as the number of calories burned, approximately corresponds to the load of a person who is simply walking quickly.

This experiment suggests that, despite the seemingly enormous physical activity During hot yoga, the body does not burn enough calories to lose weight.

The most working rule for losing weight is maintaining a balance between calories in and calories out; if you want to lose weight, spend more calories than you consume!

The severity of the exercise is caused by a strong increase in heart rate (which itself is quite high for the amount of body work that is done during hot yoga).

The heart pumps large volumes of blood into the vessels, and sweat evaporates, which is designed to cool the body.

As a result of active sweating, the body loses minerals such as potassium and sodium. Therefore, hot yoga practitioners should pay close attention to how they feel: the appearance of “white circles” before the eyes, nausea, confusion or muscle spasms during or after yoga practice are all signs that you need to rest and reconsider the load.

It is important to pay attention to hydration and replenishment nutrients. Dangerously low levels of potassium, sodium and other electrolytes pose serious health risks.

If you decide to attend the class

    Be sure to choose clothing suitable for this practice: tight-fitting, lightweight clothing that absorbs sweat (short shorts + T-shirt).

    Take 2 towels: to wipe off sweat and to place on the mat (to prevent slipping on a wet mat).

    Be sure to bring at least 500 ml of clean drinking water without gas.

    Do not eat 1.5-2 hours before practice ( but you can’t attend this class on an empty stomach either - you’ll get dizzy!).

    After practice, eat according to how you feel. If you feel dizzy and have other symptoms of overheating, drink water with added electrolytes (solution sachets are sold at the pharmacy).

    Choose the evening time to practice hot yoga - after practice, the body will need a long time to recover.

    Find out in advance whether there is a hairdryer in the center - your hair will definitely be wet, and going outside even in warm time years with wet hair and a hot body is fraught with consequences in the form of, at a minimum, a cold.

Follow safety precautions!

Bikram yoga, or hot yoga, as it is also called, is one of the branches of hatha yoga, which received its name in honor of Bikram Choudhury. Bikram Chowdhury, when he was only 13 years old, received the title of National Yoga Champion of India; this was in 1957. However, 4 years later, at the age of 17, Bikram Chowdhury severely injured his knee; The doctors' forecasts sounded very dire: Bikram would never be able to move independently again.

But the young champion did not despair and, under the strict guidance of Bishnu Ghosh, his mentor, began to perform asanas in a certain sequence aimed at full recovery injured part of the body. Distinctive feature The problem with performing such a complex of asanas was that the room where the classes took place was very heated. This was necessary in order to work out the injured knee as effectively as possible, and also to avoid further damage. The result of hard work was a completely restored Bikram knee.

Bikram Chowdhury rightly believes that hatha yoga brings the most positive results in combination with the hot climate of India. Naturally, not everyone has the opportunity to practice Bikram yoga in a hot country, so the appropriate temperature regime is artificially created in the premises of any country, even the northern ones.

As a result of refinement and improvement of the sequence of exercises, Bikram Choudhury created his own unique direction of hatha yoga, which today we know as Bikram yoga.

Bikram yoga: exercises and asanas

During classes, a complex consisting of 26 asanas is performed in a strictly defined sequence. It is very important to complete these exercises to the end and repeat each of them twice, despite your fatigue or reluctance. As a result of each such practice, the human body circulates vital energy- prana, - and the organs are exposed to beneficial effects. So these are the following exercises:

  1. Pranayama, or breathing practice, is aimed at relieving fatigue, relaxing and at the same time concentrating on the upcoming lesson.
  2. Asana of the month- Ardha Chandrasana. Relaxes and gradually stretches the muscles of the entire body, as a result of which the Bikram yoga practitioner is now completely ready to perform basic exercises.
  3. Bend to the feet asana- Padahastasana. Stretches the leg muscles and gluteal muscles, blood circulation in the brain area becomes noticeably better, and blood pressure returns to normal.
  4. Chair asana- Utkatasana - increases muscle tension in the legs and diaphragm. This asana is aimed at toning the abdominal organs, massaging the heart and expanding the lungs.
  5. Eagle asana- Garudasana. This exercise is aimed at developing coordination; This happens due to the fact that some muscles of the body tense, while others relax. As a result of performing this asana, back and joint pain goes away, leg muscles become toned, and blood flow improves.
  6. Dandayaman Janushirasana exercise. This asana is aimed at developing a sense of stability, discipline and gaining emotional inner harmony and balance. Physically, the back relaxes and the leg muscles strengthen.
  7. Bow asana- Dandayamana Dhanurasana. This exercise is aimed at stimulating blood circulation in the chest area, thus saturating the heart with oxygen. The abs and buttock muscles become toned.
  8. Swallow asana- Tuladandasana. It puts a moderate load on the heart, stimulates its intensive work and the release of blood, thereby cleansing the blood vessels and enhancing the activity of the brain. Swallow asana is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  9. Exercise Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Pashchmottanasana. This asana is aimed at stretching the back muscles and increasing blood flow to the joints. Since the work of the small intestine is also stimulated, the body is cleansed of toxins.
  10. Triangle asana- Trikanasana. This exercise is aimed at simultaneously working all the muscles of the body and increasing metabolism. This asana is extremely useful for representatives of the fair sex with irregular menstrual cycles.
  11. Body compression asana- Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Janushirasana - stimulates the work of all glands of our body, especially the thyroid; it also helps in the fight against reproductive system disorders and frequent chronic migraines.
  12. Tree asana- Tadasana - aimed at stretching the spine and strengthening the back muscles, improving posture, toning the abs, and reducing tension in the abdominal area.
  13. Exercise Padangushtasana is aimed at developing balance and strengthening willpower, as well as stretching the leg muscles.
  14. Relaxation asana- Shavasana. This exercise relaxes every single muscle of our body, as a result of which the movement of both blood and lymph returns to normal, and all organs are enriched.
  15. Pavanamuktasana exercise, the result of which is a natural massage of the organs inside the body; This is especially beneficial for the digestive system.
  16. Asana Sit-up cleanses the lungs of air that has stagnated in them.
  17. Cobra asana, Bhujangasana. While performing this exercise, your arms become stronger and your back muscles become flexible. In this way, diseases in the lumbar region, such as arthritis, are prevented. The performance of the liver and spleen increases, and blood pressure returns to normal.
  18. Locust asana, Shalabhasana. Excellent for those who have a pinched sciatic nerve or displaced vertebrae, and in addition, it is an excellent prevention of varicose veins. This exercise tightens the gluteal muscles well and helps to remove all the “extra” from the sides.
  19. Asana Purna Shalabhasana perfectly develops and tightens the abs.
  20. Boat asana, Dhanurasana. This exercise helps the spine and the muscles around it become more flexible. All internal organs become toned; if there were any disturbances in their work, the exercise helps to normalize it.
  21. Hero Asana, Supta Vajrasana. During this exercise, the back and ankle muscles are stretched, resulting in a noticeable tightening of the hips and abdomen. In addition, the hero’s asana is the prevention of diseases such as gout and varicose veins veins
  22. Turtle asana - Ardha Kurmasana- improves sleep, helps get rid of frequent migraines, improve memory and normalize blood circulation in the brain, as well as prolong our life.
  23. Camel asana - Ushtrasana- helps stretch the back muscles, and also relieves internal worries and disharmony with oneself.
  24. Rabbit asana - Sasangasana- helps reduce tension in the shoulders and neck, as well as prevent colds.
  25. Exercises Janushirasana and Paschimottanasana restore metabolism and appetite.
  26. An asana during which the spine is twisted - Ardha Matsyendrasana- this is the final exercise of the entire complex, promoting the healing of all systems of our body.

Bikram yoga: contraindications

Since Bikram yoga is practiced in very hot rooms, there are some contraindications. They can be temporary or permanent.

Permanent contraindications include:

  • chronic forms of cardiovascular diseases;
  • severe forms of asthma;
  • diabetes in acute form.

To temporary contraindications include:

  • pregnancy;
  • period of gynecological inflammation and menstrual periods in women;
  • colds.

Bikram yoga: description

As noted above, the practice of Bikram yoga takes place in rooms with a certain temperature conditions, namely: the room should be up to +40°, and air humidity - up to 80%. Achieving the effect of a sauna where a yoga class is taking place helps the muscles to warm up, and their stretching occurs gradually and evenly; In addition, profuse sweating occurs. This is how the human body and body are fully prepared for constant movement and heavy load; Such exercises are especially effective for people with musculoskeletal injuries. If your health allows it and there are no serious contraindications, then Bikram yoga is suitable for everyone, no matter what age category they belong to. Such classes also do not require any special physical training.

If you are serious about practicing Bikram yoga, choose either early in the morning or at the end of the working day, before going to bed.

It is very important to pay attention to how much water you consume. Since the body loses a lot of fluid during Bikram yoga, drink at least two liters of water per day. You can eat food two hours before the start of class and two hours after it ends. Maintain proper drinking and eating habits even on days when there are no classes. Drink purified water, fruits and low-fat dairy products, healthy image life and give up all bad habits.

Bikram yoga: benefits

First of all, it is worth noting that the successful outcome of practicing Bikram yoga depends entirely on you. Regular classes, during which you fully devote yourself to practice, will very soon bring success:

  • metabolism is restored;
  • all muscles become toned;
  • flexibility comes;
  • the skin becomes elastic;
  • complexion will improve;
  • Reduces susceptibility to stress and depression.

It brings a person not only physical health, but also discipline, balance within oneself and harmony with the outside world, and in addition, it is an excellent and effective tool for self-development.

Note from the editor

It is worth remembering that those who choose this direction for themselves will practice the same sequence, despite their personal characteristics and health status. This sequence helped Bikram, but will it help you? Experienced yoga teachers of other styles question the balance of the proposed complex, especially considering its constant repetitions without changes.

There are no detailed recommendations regarding the arrangement of studios in which Bikram yoga classes are held. They can be decorated with plastic, laminate and other artificial materials (most often this is the case). The question of what the practitioners ultimately breathe, given high humidity and the temperature in the hall remains open.

People who exercise often choose this direction because they want to lose weight. During the exercise, taking into account the load, humidity and temperature, a lot of fluid is lost and weight decreases. But if you drink water, the weight will come back. We talked with one of the participants in the challenge, which was held in one of the Moscow Bikram yoga studios, in which it was necessary to attend 30 hot yoga classes in 30 days. According to her, there was no change in weight. In order to bring your weight back to normal, it is best to first normalize your diet, you can learn more about proper nutrition Here.

As additional contraindications to such activities, it should be noted:

  1. Varicose veins, since under such conditions the load on the vessels increases.
  2. Arthrosis. If you have such a disease, it is better to practice in “dry” conditions. If the joint is inflamed, avoid adding heat to it.
  3. Gallstone disease.
  4. Serious kidney problems.
  5. Thyroid diseases, problems with lymph nodes.

You also need to be more careful during the cold season, since the temperature difference between classes and outside is quite strong. It is advisable to cool down before going outside.

The positive effects that are attributed to Bikram yoga can be obtained in yoga classes of other directions without the additional risk associated with the peculiarities of the hot yoga method.

It is also important to mention that Bikram yoga is far from spiritual, focusing only on the physical aspect. Teachers speak in memorized phrases, encouraging students to sweat on the mat for the sake of losing weight at risk to health, taking into account all the listed contraindications.

Currently, the Bikram Chowdhury method is being distributed as a franchise. He tried to patent his sequence of 26 exercises, but was refused, recognizing the asanas as a global heritage. Bikram has sued his own people more than once former students who copied his methods, as well as with former students on charges of sexual harassment.

Bikram yoga is the most popular type of hot yoga, about which there are many rumors and speculations. Why are classes held in a hot room? What effect does this have on the body? Can you lose weight by doing Bikram yoga? Today we will try to answer the most popular questions about the hottest yoga.

What is Bikram yoga?

The founder of the direction is Bikram Chowdhury. At the age of 3, Bikram began practicing hatha yoga under the mentorship of guru Bishnu Ghosh and at the age of 13 he became the youngest winner of the National Yoga Competition. At the age of 17, Bikram suffered a dangerous knee injury and, according to doctors, he would no longer be able to walk. Instead of accepting the doctors' orders, Bikram turned to his guru and returned to yoga. After six months of practice, his knee was completely restored.

At the behest of Bishnu Ghosh, Bikram opened yoga schools in Japan and India to help people recover from injuries and illnesses. These schools quickly achieved great success, but their education was individual and not accessible to the majority of the audience. That is why Bikram decided to create a new method of practice, based on the teachings of his guru and suitable for people of any age, health status and level of training. He selected 26 hatha yoga asanas - the most effective for treating common diseases.

This is how the Bikram yoga method appeared: 26 hatha yoga asanas, 2 breathing exercises. In 90 minutes of exercise, they allow you to work out muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, and internal organs in a balanced and consistent manner. Each asana prepares the body for the next. Of course, Bikram does not deny that his system is built on the well-known asanas of hatha yoga. The uniqueness of the method lies in the sequence of these asanas.

Why are the temperatures so high in Bikram yoga classes?

Bikram Chowdhury wanted to recreate the temperature conditions under which yogis practice in India. 40+ degrees solve several important health problems at once:

At high temperature and humidity, the body quickly prepares for practice: clogged muscles relax, joint mobility increases, stretching occurs effectively and painlessly. It is possible to perform asanas deeper without the risk of injury.

When working out in a hot gym, we sweat a lot, which means the body is cleansed, removing toxins and waste through sweat. Constant practice of Bikram promotes weight loss, eliminates puffiness and tightens the body, speeds up metabolism.

Special temperature conditions during class allow practitioners to concentrate only on performing asanas, proper breathing and the words of the teacher. This means no extraneous thoughts and a break from the hustle and bustle for 90 minutes of class.

Who can do Bikram yoga and are there any restrictions?

People of any age and any level of training can practice Bikram! This is why Bikram yoga is wonderful - everyone is equal on the mat in the gym. There are no strict contraindications to the exercises, but the practice should be used with caution for people with heart disease, asthma and pregnant women. Before class, warn the teacher about possible problems with health.

Drink plenty of water before and after class, and follow your instructor's instructions during class.

What will you get from constantly practicing Bikram?

Developed flexibility, strengthened joints, muscles and spine. Focused mind, restful sleep and good mood. Just try Bikram to appreciate all the effects of this practice for yourself. Perhaps this yoga will be truly yours!
