A house made of containers in the “jazz style” or a modular house with your own hands. How to make a house from containers: technology features and reviews from owners Building a house from shipping containers ready-made projects

If you want to quickly and cost-effectively solve your housing problem, we recommend that you think about building a house from shipping containers. A few decades ago, no one could have imagined that a sea container could be used as temporary or even permanent housing, but technology does not stand still, and today, in light of the lightning-fast rise in housing prices, using a sea container for a house no longer seems unnatural . Despite the fact that in Russia, due to the insufficient distribution of container construction, you are unlikely to be able to find ready-made projects for houses made of containers, the demand for such houses abroad is beyond doubt and is due to the reliability and practicality of the buildings. According to experts, the low popularity of container construction in Russia is due to insufficient awareness of the population about the advantages of buildings built using this technology, as well as insufficient coverage of this issue on the Internet. To correct this, in this article we will, in a sense, try to promote the popularity of houses made from sea containers in Russia and consider the issues of their construction and arrangement.

Residential buildings made from containers: a new era in construction

Despite the fact that the popularity of container construction in Russia has not yet reached its peak, experts rightfully consider it a technology of the future, which will soon gain its loyal fans. This is confirmed by the demand for container construction in European countries, where this technology has contributed to the emergence of a new independent and profitable business sector, the basis of which is the design and production of container “semi-finished houses”. A semi-finished product means a base model made in a factory, the structure of which consists of walls and subfloors. It already has a heating system and electrical wiring installed, windows and doors are installed. Having purchased the required number of blanks provided for by the project, they are delivered to the construction site, where they are combined into a single building. The production of such blanks can significantly reduce the construction time of container houses, which is their most important advantage.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses made from shipping containers

Advantages of houses made from shipping containers:

  • Houses made from shipping containers are recognized as one of the most seismically resistant buildings, and therefore they are often built in areas where natural disasters are common - earthquakes, hurricanes and others;
  • Container buildings are not much different from permanent houses: the outside can be finished with clapboard, the inside with plasterboard;
  • If you live in a home built using shipping containers, you may not be afraid of rodents and insects;
  • Houses made from shipping containers can be built in any climatic conditions, but despite this versatility, it is important to remember the need for high-quality thermal insulation;
  • The total cost of construction from sea containers is several times lower than the cost of permanent houses;
  • If you decide to build a house from shipping containers, remember that they are advantageously combined with various building modules, including brick, reinforced concrete, etc.;

  • The construction of a residential building from sea containers takes no more than two to three months, and if you minimize finishing activities and limit yourself to simple finishing, two to three weeks will be enough to complete construction activities;
  • Due to the small load that container buildings carry, they do not require the installation of a solid foundation and can even be installed on carefully compacted ground;
  • Sea containers can be used not only for the construction of residential buildings, but also commercial facilities. In addition, they can be used to build an outbuilding to an existing building;

  • The installation of container buildings on frozen ground is in widespread demand, and therefore, it is often practiced from sea containers, mainly those intended for sea transportation, to build entire housing bases in the far north and Antarctica;
  • If your construction project does not involve creating stained glass windows on the entire wall, it will protect you as much as possible from outside intrusion;
  • Buildings made from shipping containers can be successfully erected in areas with a large slope.

Disadvantages of houses made from shipping containers:

  • Often, special paints and highly toxic compounds are used to treat the walls and floors of shipping containers to protect them from atmospheric influences. In this regard, before using such containers for building a house, take care to remove these compounds;
  • In the summer, a shipping container home gets very hot, while in the winter it cools down. Taking this into account, take care of organizing an effective thermal insulation layer;
  • To avoid the appearance of rust on the surface of the building, it is necessary to organize careful observation and care of it;
  • One of the disadvantages characteristic of container buildings is low ceilings (if the floor and ceiling are insulated, the height of the latter will be about 2.35 m).

Houses made from sea containers: projects, drawings, construction basics

A house made from shipping containers is a design solution that has become popular in Europe and America thanks to the famous architect Adam Culkin. It was he who became the author of the first container house in history, which became his creative experiment. Three shipping containers were used for its construction. As it turned out, purchasing sea containers did not cause any difficulties, and the financial side of the issue only pleased the author of this know-how. Over time, buildings made from sea containers began to be used not only as residential buildings, but also hotel complexes, restaurants and retail premises, and their high seismic resistance and mobility made them especially in demand in areas with frequent natural disasters.

For the construction of a residential building, mainly standard 40-foot cargo containers are used, which are characterized by the following internal dimensions:

  • height - about 2.4 m;
  • length - 12 m;
  • width - 2.35 m.

If from one 40-foot container you can build a spacious extension or utility room, as well as equip a storage room or workshop, then from two or three building blocks you can build a house with an area of ​​60-120 square meters. meters. For example, two 40-foot containers installed opposite each other can be connected with stained glass windows and subsequently covered with a common roof.

Important! A distinctive feature of sea containers is their high strength. Initially, sea containers are manufactured in such a way that they can subsequently be installed on the sea deck on top of each other in the amount of 8-10 pieces. Considering this feature, it can be assumed that sea containers can be used for the construction of two- and three-story buildings. However, to increase the reliability of the container structure, they must be secured by welding.

Important! For the construction of residential buildings, you can use two, three or more shipping containers. If more than two containers were used to make the house, the space between the separated containers, which remains free, must be equipped as an additional room, using maximum glazing.

The construction of houses from sea containers, the price of which is on average 30% lower than capital buildings, begins with the development of a project and the acquisition of building blocks - cargo containers. You can find a large number of designs for houses made from shipping containers freely available online, amazing in their diversity. The most common designs involve the use of two containers that are placed side by side or at an angle to each other in an "L" or "T" shape. It is also possible to install containers on top of each other.

By moving the containers relative to each other, you will complicate the façade of your home, while at the same time making it more original. On the contrary, by moving the containers apart, you will create additional free space that can be used as a spacious living room with maximum glazing.

The next project is a container house, consisting of two blocks, which are united by a pitched roof. In one of the blocks there are two bedrooms, in the other - a bathroom and a kitchen. A living room is set up in the free space between the blocks, in the area of ​​which the ceiling height will be greater due to the roof slopes.

Craftsmen with experience in building container houses recommend entrusting specialists with the creation of house projects from sea containers; in this case, there will be no problems with the drawing, since they will work out everything down to the smallest detail.

Residential building made from sea containers: stages of construction

If you decide to build a house from shipping containers yourself, without involving a contractor, keep in mind that construction will take longer and will also require the use of special equipment and welding skills. Before you begin construction, you need to purchase containers. To build a full-fledged residential building, experts recommend purchasing at least two containers, which on average (including delivery) will cost about 100 thousand rubles.

Important! Once the containers are delivered to the construction site, they must be tested for radiation. No matter how strange it may sound, it is in such containers that residual radiation often accumulates. As for the norm for background radiation, for our latitudes, it is 35 microroentgens per hour.

Foundation arrangement

The first and one of the most important stages of construction from containers is laying out the foundation. If you place the house directly on the ground, without a foundation, then the soil under the building will sag, and the building itself will freeze. The choice of foundation design for a container house is made taking into account its size and terrain characteristics. If you are planning to build an ordinary shed for spending time in the warm season, you can use several foundation blocks as the foundation. However, if we are talking about a two-story residential building created according to the author’s design, it requires preliminary preparation of the foundation. In most cases, it is recommended to give preference to a reinforced strip foundation.

To do this, a pit is dug, the dimensions and depth of which correspond to the requirements of the project. This will require calling specialized equipment - an excavator and trucks for removing soil. As for the most preferable foundation designs, in most cases experts recommend giving preference to a strip foundation, but sometimes you cannot do without piles. The latter is relevant for regions with weak, marshy soil.

Considering the large weight of a container building (especially if we are talking about a two-story house made of shipping containers), there is often a need to prepare a reliable foundation, the function of which can only be performed by a monolithic foundation. To fill it you will need grade 400 cement, sand and water. To increase its service life, special hardeners and other additives are often added to the solution.

Concrete work, which is an integral stage of foundation construction, can be simplified by ordering ready-mixed concrete. In this case, preparation of the foundation will consist of installing a reinforcement frame in accordance with the drawings, installing formwork and pouring mortar. Be sure to compact the concrete using special deep-well vibrating tools.

Constructive stage - installation of containers

You can start it only after the final maturation of the concrete, which will take at least 22 days from the moment the foundation is poured.

Important! While the concrete is maturing, treat the containers with anti-corrosion treatment. To do this, paint them with iron and then lead. Only then cover them with paint that is resistant to high temperatures.

After the final ripening of the concrete and anti-corrosion treatment of the containers, proceed to the next stage - installing the containers on the foundation. If we are talking about building a house from a 40-foot sea container, you cannot do without using special equipment, namely a truck crane. After you have installed the modules, they need to be tied and welded, fastened to the foundation and to each other. Next, install internal interior partitions. The easiest way to install partitions is from plasterboard sheets, which can be easily installed by yourself. However, in practice, a different technique is more often used. It involves removing and cutting the corrugated sheet from which the walls of the container are made, which will end up inside the building and are not provided for by the project. This is done immediately before their installation on the foundation. At this stage it is also necessary to cut through the doors and windows.

Important! If 20-foot containers are used in addition to 40-foot containers for the construction of a residential building, it is necessary to take into account the difference in their sizes. Combining containers of different sizes allows you to create a building with an unusual, original design.

Roof installation: main stages

Stage 1. To make the attic frame, a beam with a section of 10x10 cm can be used. To attach the beams to the container, use self-tapping screws, and to fasten them together, use plumbing bolts.

Stage 2. Having prepared the attic frame, install the rafters for the roof. The dimensions of the rafter boards are selected in accordance with the project, so that later they do not have to be spliced ​​together. The rafters are connected using self-tapping screws.

Stage 3. Having installed the rafters, proceed with the installation of the sheathing, on top of which you need to lay sheets of galvanized steel. At the same time, it is important not to forget about arranging a vapor barrier, which can be done using two options:

  • You can lay a vapor barrier film between the steel sheets and the sheathing;
  • On the two sides of the house, under the roof itself, three 40-centimeter pipes with a diameter of 10 cm can be installed, which will ensure effective ventilation of the under-roof space. Holes for installing pipes must be made in advance. Considering the fact that the attic is used mainly in the summer, these pipes will not be closed for the winter.

Obviously, the first method is the simplest.

Important! When giving preference to a steel roof, remember that during strong winds and rain it will make a lot of noise. In this regard, despite the fact that steel roofing is an economical option, experts recommend abandoning it and choosing soft materials, for example, ondulin.

Insulating a house from shipping containers

Thermal insulation is an integral stage in the construction of any residential premises. When building a house from shipping containers, this is especially important, and since the metal from which the containers are made is a good conductor of sounds, it is important to provide not only heat but also sound insulation. The following materials can be used to insulate a house made from sea containers:

  • Mineral wool;
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Foam plastic.

The service life of mineral wool does not exceed 10 years, after which it loses its original characteristics. Polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam, unlike the previous material, due to their dense structure, are installed very quickly, and their service life is an order of magnitude longer and is about 20 years. They have not only heat but also sound insulation functions, which is not typical for mineral wool. Fastening of any of the listed materials is carried out using special glue or plastic pins. If you prefer pins, they must be screwed into the walls of the container in advance. A plastic film is laid on top of the materials.

Interior and exterior decoration of a house made from shipping containers

After you have completed the insulation, install a sheathing made of wood or metal on the surface of the building, onto which plywood or OSB sheets will subsequently be mounted for subsequent finishing.

The following materials can be used for the exterior decoration of the building:

  • Siding;
  • Block House;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Natural or artificial stone;
  • Plastic.

Plastic, block house and siding are attached to a wooden sheathing, previously protected with varnish. Decorative and natural stone - on a primed surface using concrete or special adhesives. The plaster is applied to a flat surface using spatulas of various sizes.

The interior decoration is practically no different from the exterior - insulation is mounted on the sheathing beams, which is covered with sheets of plywood or OSB. In this case, the space between the sheets of plywood should be at least 1.5 cm. Subsequently, they are filled with polyurethane foam, which will prevent dust from entering the house.

When producing interior decoration, plywood and OSB can be replaced with plasterboard, which can subsequently be lined with paint, plaster, wallpaper and other available materials.

When finishing the ceiling, you must remember that its height does not exceed 2.4 meters, and, as a result, abandon multi-level ceiling structures. Experts recommend choosing a regular ceiling, finished with plasterboard, or installing suspended ceilings.

A container block is a rectangular metal or wooden box with a flat roof. It has a door and windows and can be welded or transformable (dismountable). From collapsible blocks, by combining them, buildings of various sizes and complexity are created. More recently, modular buildings were considered exclusively temporary structures that could serve as cabins, warehouses or non-residential buildings - shops, offices, etc. But recently, country houses from block containers are increasingly being built, intended for seasonal recreation or year-round living. What modular houses can be like: photos and descriptions of examples in our article.

Source pinterest.com

Application options for block containers

The container is a metal or wooden frame with a lathing for thermal insulation made of wooden beams around the entire perimeter. Structures made from containers are characterized by a high level of thermal insulation, strength and reliability. Of these they build:

    shopping pavilions;

  • houses at tourist bases;

    cottages for year-round use;

    country houses;

    industrial buildings;


    modular offices;


    security posts.

This is not a complete list. In fact, modular technology is suitable for the construction of any low-rise structures. Containers are sold reinforced and insulated, with communications initially installed in them. All this allows you to obtain buildings for any purpose with minimal investment of money and time.

Source centermira.ru

Construction Features

Modular houses are assembled like a children's construction set. Each container block is an element of the overall building structure, which is fully equipped by the manufacturer. At the construction site, the modules prepared according to the project are connected to each other. The process of constructing a modular structure consists of several stages:

    foundation construction;

    delivery of containers to the site;

    installation of containers on the foundation;

    connecting containers according to the diagram;

    connection of communications.

The building is assembled using proven technology and does not take much time. If you use modules with exterior and interior decoration, after assembling the cottage you can move into it. But developers often use containers without decorative finishing. This allows you to choose facing materials to suit your taste.

Source bazar.bg

A year-round cottage or summer cottage can consist of a different number of modules. There are many options for combining containers. In addition, a building made of modules can be supplemented with a frame extension, or, for example, a traditional attic roof. With the help of cladding, you can “disguise” the structure as a building made of any building material. From the modules you can build a very stylish and respectable cottage, looking at which no one would think that this is a prefabricated transportable building made from containers. The variety of options for modular cottages is ensured by the variability of combining containers.

Source mobil-house.com

Pros and cons

Modular construction represents a new direction in modern low-rise construction. Like any other technology for the construction of architectural structures, it has its advantages and disadvantages.


The main advantage of modular cottages is the speed of assembly. In just a few days, the house can be installed and ready for occupancy. The blocks are made airtight, so they can be installed at any time of the year and in any weather. Since containers are delivered immediately with windows and doors and communication lines, the process of preparing for move-in is as short and simplified as possible.

Another important advantage is the ability to complete the house by adding new modules. You can attach it both horizontally and vertically - installing the container on top, on the second level.

Video description

In this video we will look in detail at the cost of each stage of building a small house:

The most attractive plus for private developers is the low cost of modular buildings. Containers can be delivered and installed using simple and inexpensive rental equipment. These processes are often undertaken by container manufacturers.

Source auto-perevozki.com
On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of modular houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Despite the simple shape of the containers, with their proper combination, architects design very impressive modern cottages. The most original and attractive are modular houses in a modern style. But if the future homeowner loves classical architecture more, he can choose a container home project with a traditional gable roof. In this case, the building takes on the appearance of an ordinary country house, which will harmoniously fit into any environment.


The main disadvantage is that factory units do not retain heat well enough. For construction in the southern regions this does not matter much. But when building a modular house in the Moscow region, attention should be paid to additional insulation of containers. The thing is that modular buildings are mostly still temporary or summer. However, some manufacturers are already producing warmer containers that are quite suitable for the construction of permanent housing. How much will such a warm house made from containers cost? Projects and prices for them can be found on the manufacturers’ websites. But on average it will cost 2 million rubles.

Source www.rabotniki.ua

Containers made by unscrupulous manufacturers have many disadvantages. They are unreliable, poorly insulated, and the materials used for insulation and interior decoration may be unsafe for human health. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing the company from which you will purchase modules for your cottage. It is better to do this together with an experienced specialist; he will at least start by showing and telling what a house made of containers can look like, photos and projects; the specialist’s prices for them always correspond to the present time.

The cost of construction consists of two components - the price of the modules themselves and the cost of their delivery. If the container manufacturing facility is located too far from where the house needs to be built, the total cost will be too high. This is not a minus, but rather a feature of modular construction. If there is no enterprise nearby for the production of high-quality containers, it becomes economically unprofitable.

Loading the module with a manipulator Source alliance-catalog.ru

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building modular houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


Quite high demands are placed on the appearance and interior of a cottage for permanent residence. Unlike country houses and temporary buildings, it should look solid and attractive. Containers are usually lined with galvanized metal sheets on the outside and clapboard or plywood on the inside. These coatings are covered with more aesthetic decorative materials.

The facades of modular houses can be decorated using conventional painting. But in order to give the building a respectable appearance, panel facing materials are used. If desired, you can even line a modular house with brick or decorative stone, but such a decision must be calculated at the foundation design stage, since facing brick or stone will make the house much heavier.

Decorative panels are also often used for interior decoration. If you need to get smooth surfaces, you can decorate the interior with plaster, paint or wallpaper.

Source pinterest.com

Types of modules

The following can be used as modules for building a house:

    module with iron frame;

    module with wooden frame;

    sea ​​container.

The last option with a sea container is relevant only in regions where you can inexpensively buy and deliver used containers for transporting goods by sea. Such a container has only a frame, and all the filling, including insulating materials and lining, must be installed independently, and this requires qualified specialists.

When choosing between a container with a wooden or a metal frame, you need to take into account the features of their use. Metal modules retain heat well. They make real thermos houses. But in order to create a comfortable microclimate in such a house, it is necessary to think over a good and expensive ventilation system. Houses made of wooden containers do not require extremely effective ventilation, but during their construction more attention needs to be paid to insulation.

Based on size, block containers are divided into standard sizes. Their length can be 3000, 6000, 9000 or 12000 mm. They come in widths of 2500 mm or 3000 mm. The height may vary among different manufacturers, but in any case it should be at least 2400 mm. It is worth noting that not all container production companies strictly adhere to the standards, but the proportions of the modules are approximately the same for all.

Video description

For a clear overview of block containers, watch the video:

Containers 9 and 12 meters long have a fairly high cost, and they are also inconvenient to transport. Therefore, modules with a length of 3 or 6 meters are most often used.

Modular construction in Moscow

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region have very wide opportunities in the construction of container cottages. There are various companies operating in the capital for the design, manufacture, assembly and installation of modular houses.

In the Moscow suburbs, the number of modular houses made from block containers is increasing every year. More often these are summer cottages that do not require additional insulation. But large cottages are also actively being built. With proper design and high-quality construction, very stylish and comfortable buildings are obtained.

Currently, Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region can purchase modern, beautiful cottages at prices starting from 1,000,000 rubles. For this amount, the customer receives a fully finished cottage with a high-quality layout and stylish design. Houses made from block containers, ready for move-in, the designs and prices of which are immediately indicated by the construction company, are an ideal way to quickly and inexpensively build comfortable housing.

Video description

More about modular houses for permanent residence in the following video:

Project options

The design of a modular house is tied to the parameters of the containers. This makes the architect's task more difficult. However, if an experienced professional gets down to business, he can create such a modular cottage, the layout of which will not have any flaws.

House from one block container

A dwelling consisting of one container block can accommodate everything necessary for living. It cannot be called spacious, but if you need to get a compact and economical house, this is the most acceptable option.

A standard medium-sized container can accommodate a full bathroom, kitchen area and bedroom. This type of housing is ideal for the construction of budget hotels and hostels.

Source rsastroy.ru

House made of two block containers

By combining two containers, more spacious houses are built, which are quite comparable in size to city apartments. In addition to a bathroom and a bedroom, such housing has a comfortable kitchen-living room. If you install 2 containers parallel to each other at a distance of 3-4 meters, and build up the resulting void as a frame structure, you can get a fairly solid cottage.

Modern architects are designing quite unusual modular houses from two block containers. 2 containers can be combined in an original way. For example, they can be placed one on top of the other. But in this case you need to use large modules. Another option is to combine the modules with a slight vertical offset.

Source tip-top.com.ua

Source domik.ua

Source pinterest.com

House made of three block containers

Three containers are enough to build a standard-sized cottage. If you make a frame living room in the center, you will get a cottage with a convenient layout and an expressive exterior.

Source archilovers.com

House made of four block containers

The four-block cottage can already be called a solid dwelling of increased comfort. It can be one-story or two-story. You can combine blocks in a variety of ways. Most often they are lined up in one row, resulting in a square building in plan.

Video description

Watch the video to see what a house made from four blocks of containers looks like:


Modular construction technology has recently begun to be used in the construction of low-rise housing. Therefore, many private developers treat it with some caution. However, the most daring experimenters around the world have been building modular houses from containers for many years and proving their reliability, durability and practicality.

I decided to write a post about modular housing made from containers.

So let's begin:

Everything started as usual. My family and I wanted to build a house.

Google is here to help us.
We looked at different options. Even for this purpose, a workshop for the production of foam concrete blocks was previously purchased.
But due to the move, the workshop remained in the old location (3000 km) and we began to look at other options.

We looked at many solutions. Stone, wood, frame, sandwich panels, modules.
Due to possible relocations, I decided to focus on modular construction.

4 walls, roof, floor - yes;
+ There is no need to make a foundation;
+ Costs only for insulation and cosmetics;
+ Low cost of the project;
+ Possibility of modernization and expansion of space without major alterations;
+ The ability to transport the module to any point on the planet is the main plus for my choice;
+ main task MOBILITY

cons (which I have already “felt”):

Narrow space (width);
- High-quality insulation of the interior “squeezes out” the usable area;
- The inability to “drive a nail anywhere” (tighten a screw) both from the inside and from the outside;
- Complexity of design (taking into account partitions, windows, through holes);

Designed using Google Sketch-up

The initial project consisted of 3 containers on the first floor and two modules on the 2nd floor (future reserve) with a total area of ​​125 sq.m.

Let's take a closer look:
1st floor: entrance from the vestibule end;
wide hall 5x6 meters;
kitchen 2.2x3 m.;
bathroom (toilet);
staircase to the 2nd floor, underneath there is an office;
boiler room (separate entrance);
workshop, garage.

During the design process, there was a “slyamzin” mock-up of the container in size (I took it apart and tried to build everything into it).

But I moved away from this (many adjustments)

top view.

There were many different options during the creation process.

Arriving in a new city, he purchased a plot of land.

After carrying out terra formation, I realized that this project was not suitable for this area, and it was necessary to change the format of the modules.

Today is January 7, 2016. Krasnoyarsk region. Yesterday I hung 2 thermometers, outside (outside the window) and inside (in the large hall)
Outside -20 in module +6. Dubak. The heating hasn't been done yet. The only heating option is a Chinese wind blower at 1800 watts. which blows under your feet. There is a blanket on the shoulders).
Well, let's remember summer. It even becomes warmer when viewing photos.

I bought and brought a container. For now I installed it at a friends place (they have electricity and are close to work)

40 foot High Cube, internal dimensions 12039x2350x2693

Account opened:
container 80 t.r.
delivery 7 t.r.
faucet 1.2 t.r.

Now let's get down to business.
1. Marking what and where to cut and saw.

Windows, doors.

2. Cutting openings.
One little man advised cutting with a gas welding (petrol cutter), supposedly faster and with better quality. The grinder won’t take it and you’ll waste a lot of disks.
I hired a welder for 5 thousand rubles. for cutting.

Cut it out in 2 days (the oxygen ran out on the first day)

I cut it to size, but the edges are all covered in metal “snot.” The Bulgarian takes this iron very well. Cleaner and better quality. It doesn't take that many disks.
5 t.r. to the wind (((

Couldn't do it without helpers))

They brought 5x5 bars for mounting the frame.
30 pcs. - 3480 rub.

According to the markings, I drilled holes in the iron for attaching the bars.

3. Installation of the frame.

It was not easy to mount on the wall (I had to constantly rearrange the spacers)

The bars were secured inside the profile bend with 40mm self-tapping screws with a wide head. I used sealant in the holes.
I immediately calculated where the windows and doors would be so that I could then attach them to the same bars.

I wanted to make a door from the same sheet, but it didn’t work out, the metal of the container is concave in some places and is deformed after cutting.

I thought that the side bars were “hemorrhoids”, huh!!! no, the bars on the ceiling are actually “Siberian fur-bearing animals”

Climbing onto the roof two or three times to fasten the block, this is still “physical education”

It looks like all the bars are screwed on.

4 days just for the bars (. I just howled at this pace. Two people would have done it in one day at most. And so... 4 days!!!

We approved the preliminary version of the first module (I decided to do a couple more)

4. Partitions from the same bars and profiles

5. Doors
retractable interior door

Entrance tin (cold damn) door.
The cheapest Chinese one.

Porch) from...

6. Partition lining

I sewed up the fiberboard in pieces, it will still be inside and not visible.
General view:

7. Welding work

I ordered a 50x50 corner to strengthen the metal under the windows
Somehow I put it out (heavy damn)

8. Welded the base for the boiler room module

from the sample corner.

9. I laid the profile for attaching drywall.

10. Insulation

I purchased a unit for applying polyurethane foam. I had to modernize it.
I welded a gurney on wheels for liquid cylinders.

Insulation was difficult. You need a "wagon" of nerves. The first time it didn’t work, I poured about 50 liters to try.

"soft" room)

11. Electrical wiring
Sockets, lighting.

12. Appearance.

While the days are warm, the exterior needs to be painted.
Cleaning up the most problematic places.

White spray

Let's add some blue.

I’ll add here another 12 volt power supply to the module
Forced exhaust in every room.

LED lighting.

13. Cosmetics
Insulation layer. Why is it needed?... but I put it under plaster.

There wasn't enough drywall to reach the ceiling, so I decided to make a border.

14. Installation of windows.

I immediately felt comfortable.

We continue to hang the gypsum plaster.

15. Putty

My beloved took the instruments in her hands

and at this time I’m cooking a couple more modules

17. Power supply

I decided to place electricity and other electrical things in the partition. There's a lot of space there.
Light panel, sockets for each room separately. Fire alarm system. There will also be a 12 V power supply.
Receiver for the Internet, satellite TV and smart home systems (I think it’s strong enough).

18. Insulate the floor. Thermex material 2 cm.

I soaked the floor and plywood with liquid glass. Thermite - insulation with foil - plywood. The edges were foamed with polyurethane foam. Fastened it with screws.

The last of the sketches of the future house project.

this version will have 6 modules.
2-40 feet container.
2-20ft container
2 small-sized non-standard modules.

first module: 2 rooms (bedrooms) and half a hall;
second module: 1 room (bedroom), kitchen and second half of the hall;
third module: steam room, bathhouse, washbasin, toilet.
fourth module: hallway, workshop (office)
fifth (small): vestibule, warehouse;
sixth (small): boiler room.

19 Painting.

Well, as expected - housewarming!

Many thanks to my friends (who are in the photo) for their help.

Let's summarize today:
in Krasnoyarsk from March 12, 2015
for 10 months:
- great job;
- good friends;
- land plot;
- within 6 months the first module has been rebuilt;

196 thousand rubles spent on the module. (together with the container).

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Homes made from shipping containers are gaining popularity. The average cost of a 40-foot container (12m x 2.5m x 2.9m) is $2000-3000 anywhere in the world. They are extremely durable and can withstand a lot of weight. In seaports, such containers are stacked several on top of each other, and even this does not lead to their deformation. It is precisely because of their strength and durability, as well as their relative cheapness, that cargo containers have gained popularity among those who want to acquire housing in a short time.

The author tells in detail how he built a house from containers in California. His “house” consists of 3 container rooms. Each container serves its purpose and replaces a full-fledged home and even an office. In addition, the territory includes a guest house with a bathroom, into which a 20-foot container, 6 m long, will be converted.

In the first part of this article, you will learn how to prepare a site for building a house from containers, build a strip foundation and equip the house with window and door openings.

- two 40-foot and one 20-foot cargo container;
- square profile metal pipe for the manufacture of window frames;
- metal corner for making door frames;
- metal plate with a width of 100 and 150 mm;
- ready-made concrete for pouring the foundation or cement, sand and filler;
- reinforcement for foundation reinforcement;
- doors, windows;
- pipes and fittings for water supply and sewerage.

- Bulgarian;
- welding machine;
- solar battery and generator to ensure the operation of power tools in the absence of central power supply;
- drill;
- screwdriver;
- grinder, wheels and attachments for working with metal;
- vices, clamps;
- concrete mixer, if the concrete is made independently.

Step one: preparing the construction site
In this project, the site on which the yard will be located must be perfectly flat. To do this, a bulldozer was used, after which the site was leveled manually, using water to compact the soil and hand tools.

The engineers involved in the project strongly recommended the construction of a continuous monolithic foundation. However, in order to save money and time, we settled on the option with a strip foundation with a low fill in the center.


Step two: pouring the foundation and installing containers
After digging a trench under the foundation, formwork was installed above ground level. For strength, we used reinforcement from which a reinforced belt was made without welding.

The central part was covered with plastic film and sprinkled with sand to fix it. This area was also reinforced with a reinforcement cage, installed on small cement blocks.

Before we started pouring the foundation, we installed a sewer and water supply through the foundation.
The trench and the center of the foundation were filled with ready-made concrete, and the surface was carefully leveled with trowels.






Step Three: Installing Containers
A couple of days after the foundation was poured, the formwork was removed. It took time for the concrete to gain the necessary strength. After this, the containers were installed in a permanent place.


Step four: first stage of floor insulation
The bottom of the cargo container is usually lined with treated plywood. It can be used instead of a subfloor, but first you need to install all water and sewer lines. Therefore, the plywood was temporarily dismantled. In addition, a ventilation pipe was installed in the ceiling.

The space under the plywood was covered with heat-insulating mats and the plywood was returned to its place, having previously filled all the cracks with polyurethane foam. This is the first stage of floor insulation work.


Step Five: Window Boxes and Window Installation
Openings for windows and doors were cut with a grinder. The markings were made with a cardboard pattern so that the marking line would not be interrupted.
The window frames were made from a square metal pipe. A wooden frame and clamps were used for fixation during welding. The paint on the outside of the container was cleaned off at the weld seam.



Step Six: Doorways for Modular Doors
Door frames are also made of metal pipe. To provide temporary rigidity to the frame, a corner is welded at the bottom, which will be removed after installation.

The doorways are deliberately designed to be wide and set opposite each other for the illusion of spaciousness. Modular doors will be installed here that can be opened fully if necessary.

In the USA and Europe, container housing is one of the key design trends in architecture. People choose such decisions not always in order to save money, but to show their inner creativity and their own view of the philosophy of life. Construction upcycling is fashionable, as it solves environmental problems and recycling of recyclable materials.

Sea container as a building block module: types, dimensions, cost

Structurally, a standard container is a durable welded frame made of metal beams, covered with anti-corrosion sheets with a corrugated profile. Steel – high-quality alloy with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. The floor is sheathed with pressed plywood 30-40 mm thick. It is treated with protective impregnation against fungi and mold. At the ends there are swing-type doors that open to the entire opening with reliable and durable locking mechanisms.

In modular construction, the most popular standard shipping containers are 20 and 40 feet long. Their sizes:

  • 20 – length ~5.9 meters, width 2.35 meters, height ~2.4 meters;
  • 40 – length ~12 meters, width 2.35 meters, height ~2.4 meters.

20- and 40-foot HC models are also used with the same length and width, but a height of 2.7 meters. Prices for “twenties” start from 70 thousand rubles, for “forty” ones – from 115. You can choose either a new container or a high-quality used one. The cost of delivery services is individual and depends on the seller and the region of delivery.

Advantages of container houses:

  • high speed of construction - in just a few months you will have a habitable house;
  • technological ability to build at any time of the year;
  • the ability to order turnkey installation or build it yourself without special professional skills;
  • the ability to connect containers with each other or with classic residential buildings;
  • aesthetic extravagance and nonconformism of the exterior and interior;
  • low cost - up to 30% cheaper compared to the cost of building a regular house.

The design is distinguished by increased resistance to all types of external aggressive influences: weather factors, natural disasters, and the actions of vandals.

Myths about container houses and their refutation

There are common misconceptions about container buildings in everyday life. It is generally accepted that they are not suitable for the cold domestic climate, the internal space in them can only be long and narrow, they are short-lived due to corrosion and cannot have an aesthetic appearance. All of the above is not true.

Thanks to proper insulation, the container house is warm even in severe frosts

For external hydro- and thermal insulation, foamed polystyrene foam or mineral wool is used. Expanded polystyrene sheets are mounted externally on walls and roofs. When using mineral wool, first a wooden sheathing is attached, in the cells of which sheets of insulation are placed. After this, the surfaces are sheathed with reinforcing glass, plastered and painted. Drywall is used for interior cladding.

The space inside a container house can be wide

To do this, two or more containers are connected to each other in width and the internal partitions are removed.

To visually expand the space inside the block, special decorative techniques are used - light shades of interior surfaces, horizontal prints, etc. One of the walls can be folded down to transform the house into a terrace for the summer.

Service life is virtually unlimited

Without any maintenance, in conditions of an aggressive external environment - salty sea water, storms and rainfall - the service life of sea containers guaranteed by the manufacturer is 20 years. Provided proper maintenance of the container - at least timely painting - it increases significantly.

When converted into residential modules - after external and internal thermal and waterproofing - the service life of sea containers becomes almost unlimited.

Projects and photos of houses from modular containers 20 and 40 feet long

An active popularizer of container houses is New Jersey architect Adam Culkin. He prefers to create large, multi-level buildings with separate block rooms: bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms. The design is mainly in loft style. The housing meets high standards for comfort and aesthetics.

One of the most famous container housing structures is the insulated house in Farum, Denmark. It has a large bathroom, wide doorways, and two lines of front windows. External finishing is made of corrugated board. The design is made in an industrial style. The project was developed and implemented by the Stock35 bureau.

No less famous is the 4-container house of Claudie Dubreuil from Canada. Its total area is 180 square meters. The building is 2-storey, with two bonded blocks on each floor. The floors are compared crosswise. In place of the doorways there are panoramic windows. The finishing concept is a contrast of metal and wood textures.

You can be inspired to build a house from containers by:

  • the houses of Benjamin Garcia in Costa Rica, Marcio Kogan in Brazil and Patrick Patrouche in France;
  • joint creation of James&Mau Arquitectura and Infiniski – Casa El Tiemblo in Spain;
  • energy-efficient eco-style patio cottage by Ecotech Design in Mojave;
  • cross-shaped eco-house from CG Architectes;
  • the largest residential project of house kits – the 8-room Winghouse;
  • Shipping Container private residence by Ziegler Build;
  • a container house in Redondo Beach, California;
  • designer Debbie Glasberg's mansion in Kansas City;
  • guest house by Poteet Architects;
  • minimalist country house by designer Jure Kotonik.

Creative businessmen can get ideas for container construction from iconic objects:

  • London's Boxpark Shoreditch shopping centre;
  • the eclectic 25 Hours Hafen City Hotel in Hamburg;
  • office building by designer Stephen Shoup;
  • resort bungalows for tourists from Alterra Beach Resort;
  • 3-storey showroom of the fashion house Tommy Hilfigir.

How to build a house from containers?

  1. The first stage of construction is design and development of drawings. You can use one of the many projects posted on the Internet. Experts recommend choosing house designs from 20- and 40-foot shipping containers with 1-2 floors: with more floors, a solid foundation will be required.
  2. Afterwards, the required number of modular blocks is purchased, cleaned by sandblasting and coated with a primer.
  3. A light foundation is being erected. Its configuration depends on the characteristics of the soil and the topography of the soil.
  4. The blocks are mounted in accordance with the design into a single structure. For this purpose, metal corners and profile pipes are used. When constructing multi-story buildings, you will need a truck crane. When arranging, internal partitions are cut to width. If necessary, strengthen the load-bearing structures.
  5. They mark communications, cut out window and door openings.
  6. They carry out roofing work, insulation, hydro- and vapor barrier, ventilation.
  7. Install plumbing systems and electrical. They can be individual or connected to centralized systems. The optimal type of individual sewerage is using a septic tank. The optimal individual water supply is a well.
  8. Perform interior and exterior finishing work. Decorate (optional).

If initially living in container buildings was a necessary measure or an adventure, today it is a global architectural and construction trend. To order an unusual project for a country house made from shipping containers in Russia, contact the professionals.