Increasing the efficiency of energy saving on the scale of microdistricts. V.I. Livchak, How to increase the energy efficiency of thermal energy consumption with an independent commercial metering operator Increased energy efficiency

More than 80% of the housing stock in Russia was built according to outdated building regulations and do not meet modern energy efficiency requirements. Thus, a standard high-rise building built before 1999 consumes 70% more thermal energy than a similar building completed after 2000, and taking into account its service life, it has long been in need of overhaul.

By combining both tasks - major repairs and increasing the energy efficiency of apartment buildings - the management organization will be able to not only restore the design characteristics of the house, but also bring them into line with modern standards for the rational consumption of utility resources. This will not only improve the quality of life of apartment owners, but also increase the market value of residential and commercial premises in apartment buildings.

Increasing the energy efficiency of residential buildings is one of the most asked questions when homeowners discuss major renovations. People don’t just want to renovate their homes: it’s important for them to improve their quality in order to save on utility bills.

Why is it necessary to improve the energy efficiency of apartment buildings?

Increasing the energy efficiency of apartment buildings during major repairs is not a business project of the management organization: the measures are prescribed Federal law“On energy saving...” dated November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ. Parts 6-10 of Article 11 of the Law prohibit the commissioning of an apartment building if it does not meet energy efficiency requirements or is not equipped with meters for energy consumption.

Energy saving and energy efficiency measures in MKD prescribed current legislation, are aimed at maintaining or increasing the level of comfort of apartment owners and built-in non-residential premises. The end users of utility resources benefit from reduced energy consumption. It is they who are primarily interested in reducing the costs of paying for housing and communal services, which in the foreseeable future will be charged taking into account the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings.

The implementation of energy-saving measures during major renovations potentially increases the cost of residential and commercial premises in the secondary real estate market.

Energy efficiency class MKD

The procedure for assigning and confirming the energy efficiency class of MKD is determined by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated August 6, 2016 No. 399/pr. It is calculated based on the deviation of actual or calculated indicators of specific annual energy consumption from the base value and is marked in Latin letters from A++ to G. At the same time, the actual indicators are determined based on the indicators of collective (common house) energy metering devices.

The energy efficiency class of an apartment building put into operation after construction, reconstruction or major repairs is established by Gosstroynadzor on the basis of the energy efficiency passport of the apartment building, compiled based on the results of an energy survey.

The energy efficiency of an apartment building put into operation before the requirements of the Federal Law “On Energy Saving...” came into force is determined by Goszhilnadzor. The basis for the decision is the energy efficiency declaration of the apartment building, which is submitted by the owners of residential and commercial premises, or by the person who carries out the operational management of the house.

Each house will contain data on actual and standard energy consumption. Guided by this information, residents will be able to change the energy efficiency class of their home and even reduce the cost of maintaining common property. When carrying out major repairs, the energy efficiency class deserves special attention. If it is lower than B, energy efficiency measures must be included in the overhaul.

Andrey Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia

Measures to improve the energy efficiency of an apartment building

Analysis of data on energy surveys of apartment buildings allowed Ministry of Construction officials to identify a list of the most effective energy-saving measures and recommend them for implementation during major repairs (Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2017 No. 98/pr).

The document will help homeowners choose the right measures and evaluate their effectiveness. We included a list of the most effective works in the Order. Apartment buildings included in short-term programs will already in 2017 take advantage of the “energy efficient menu” - the most effective measures indicating the forecast for savings.

Elena Solntseva, Director of the Housing and Communal Services Department of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation

The list proposed for implementation contains measures aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of both common property and individual premises located in apartment buildings owned by individuals or legal entities as private property. Sources of funding for these activities may be:

  • payment for the maintenance of residential or non-residential built-in premises;
  • payment under a civil contract.

Measures to improve the energy efficiency of heat consumption in apartment buildings

Thermal energy is the most financially expensive energy resource. Therefore, heat conservation measures are a priority when carrying out major repairs. They are aimed at the rational use of thermal energy, reducing heat leaks, increasing the service life of heat supply systems, hot water supply (DHW), as well as structural elements MKD. These include:

Priority measures

  1. Sealing, sealing and insulation of door blocks at the entrance to the entrances.
  2. Ensuring automatic closing of entrance doors to premises public use.
  3. Installation of doors and dampers in basement and attic openings.
  4. Sealing and sealing of window blocks in entrances.
  5. Installation of linear balancing valves.
  6. Balancing the heating system using shut-off valves and vent valves.
  7. Flushing of pipelines and risers of heating and hot water systems.
  8. Installation of communal heat metering devices and hot water included in the state register of measuring instruments.

Additional events

  1. Sealing of interpanel and expansion joints with sealant, heat-insulating gaskets, and mastic.
  2. Glazing of balconies and loggias using modern plastic and aluminum structures and double-glazed windows with increased thermal resistance.
  3. Increasing the thermal protection of external walls, floors and walls of the basement, attic, roof, window and balcony blocks to current standards using heat, water and steam insulating materials.
  4. Installation of low-e glass and heat-reflecting films on windows in common areas.
  5. Installation or modernization of individual heating points with the installation of heat exchangers and heating and hot water control equipment.
  6. Modernization of pipelines and fittings of heating and hot water systems.
  7. Thermal insulation of intra-house utility networks using modern thermal insulation materials in the form of shells and cylinders.
  8. Equipment heat-consuming installations thermostats, ball shut-off valves.
  9. Ensuring automated water recirculation in the hot water supply system.

Measures to improve the energy efficiency of electricity consumption in apartment buildings

These measures are aimed at saving energy while improving the quality of lighting, more precise regulation of parameters in heating systems, hot water supply and hot water supply, increasing the accuracy and reliability of metering of electricity consumed in apartment buildings. These include:

Main events

  1. Replacement of incandescent lamps in public areas with gas-discharge or LED lamps.
  2. Installation of collective and individual metering devices that allow measuring the volume of electricity consumption by zone of the day and included in the state register of measuring instruments.

Additional events

  1. Modernization of electric motors or replacement with more energy efficient ones - three-speed, with variable rotation speed.
  2. Installation of variable frequency drives in elevator facilities.
  3. Automation of lighting control in public areas using motion and light sensors.

Measures to improve the energy efficiency of water consumption in apartment buildings

This set of energy-saving measures is aimed at rationalizing water consumption, increasing the service life of pipelines, reducing leaks and the number of accidents:

  1. Modernization of pipelines and fittings.
  2. Installation of pressure stabilizers.
  3. Installation of individual and collective metering devices.

Measures to improve the energy efficiency of gas consumption in apartment buildings

Rational consumption natural gas owners of premises in apartment buildings are achieved by implementing the following measures:

  1. Equipment of furnace devices of block boiler houses with energy efficiency gas burners and climate control systems to manage them.
  2. Automation of control of gas burners in individual (apartment) heating systems.
  3. Using energy efficient cookers gas stoves with ceramic IR emitters and program control.
  4. Installation of individual and collective gas meters.

Introduction of automated accounting

An accurate calculation of the energy efficiency of an apartment building is impossible without reliable accounting of the energy resources consumed for each room and the house as a whole. That is why the measures recommended by the Russian Ministry of Construction to improve the energy efficiency of apartment buildings include the installation of electricity, gas, water and heat meters. But in order to quickly receive and process large amounts of data (actual indicators of specific annual energy consumption), it is necessary to automate the process with the ability to export data to the GIS housing and communal services.

We intend to prohibit the installation of metering devices without the ability to transmit data. Corresponding systems and devices have already been developed by a number of enterprises.

Mikhail Men, Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia

We help implement automated accounting of housing and communal services resources for management companies / HOAs / RSOs. The wireless dispatch system allows you to solve a number of related problems:

  • control the balance of energy consumption in real time;
  • identify areas of technological loss and theft of energy resources;
  • in case of violation of energy consumption regimes, promptly limit the supply of resources without incurring costs for the work of the mobile team;
  • predict the volume of future energy consumption based on automated analysis of transmitted data;
  • automate the issuance of bills for consumed utilities.

Data from devices and components included in the automated system for commercial accounting of energy resources is received via telemetry channels to personal account user or related service providers. This allows you to significantly reduce the costs of line personnel monitoring meter readings, and also easily export the received data to the GIS housing and communal services, avoiding errors that occur when entering information manually.

We help combat theft using automated resource accounting for sales and management companies. The system is built on the basis of wireless LPWAN technology without hubs and repeaters.

Automated accounting of resources for management companies/homeowners' associations/distributors in apartment buildings

In continuation of the article.

The procedure for managing the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, structures is highlighted in a separate article. The requirements include: energy efficiency indicators for the facility as a whole; energy efficiency indicators for architectural and planning solutions; energy efficiency indicators for object elements and structures, as well as materials and technologies used for major repairs.

The State Construction Supervision Authority determines the energy efficiency class of an apartment building, and the developer and owner of the house are required to place an energy efficiency class indicator on the facade of the house.
Owners of buildings, structures, structures are obliged throughout the entire period of their operation not only to ensure established energy efficiency indicators, but also to take measures to improve them. This is also the responsibility of the person responsible for maintaining the residential building. Once every five years, energy efficiency indicators must be reviewed in the direction of improvement.

The person responsible for the maintenance of a residential building is obliged to bring energy saving proposals to the attention of the owners, develop appropriate plans and measures, and regulate the heat supply during the heating season in order to save it.

Summary of measures to improve energy efficiency

Increasing the thermal resistance of enclosing structures:

  • Cladding of external walls, technical floor, roof, ceilings above the basement with heat-insulating boards (foam for plaster, mineral wool slabs, slabs made of foam glass and basalt fiber) reduction of heat loss up to 40%;
  • Elimination of cold bridges in walls and at the junctions of window sashes. Effect 2-3%;
  • Installation of layers in fences/facades that are ventilated by air exhausted from the premises;
  • Application of heat-protective plasters;
  • Reducing the glazing area to standard values;
  • Glazing of balconies and loggias. Effect 10-12%;
  • Replacement/use of modern windows with multi-chamber double-glazed windows and sashes with increased thermal resistance;
  • The use of windows with air exhaust from the room through the interglazed space. Effect 4-5%;
  • Installation of ventilators and use of microventilation;
  • The use of heat-reflecting/sun-protective glass in windows and glazing of loggias and balconies;
  • Glazing of facades to accumulate solar radiation. Effect from 7 to 40%;
  • The use of external glazing having various characteristics heat accumulation in summer and winter;
  • Installation of additional vestibules when entrance doors entrances and in apartments;
  • regularly informing residents about the state of the building’s thermal protection and heat saving measures.

Improving the energy efficiency of your heating system

  • replacing cast iron radiators with more efficient aluminum ones;
  • installation of thermostats and temperature controllers on radiators;
  • use of apartment-by-apartment heat metering systems (heat meters, heat and temperature indicators);
  • implementation of measures to pay for heat based on the number of installed sections and location of heaters;
  • Installation of heat-reflecting screens behind heating radiators. Effect 1-3%;
  • use of controlled heat supply (by time of day, by weather conditions, by room temperature);
  • the use of controllers in managing the operation of a heating station;
  • use of apartment heat supply controllers;
  • seasonal flushing of the heating system;
  • installation of network water filters at the inlet and outlet of the heating system;
  • additional heating through heat extraction from warm waste water;
  • additional heating when extracting heat from the ground in the basement;
  • additional heating due to the extraction of excess heat from the air in the basement and in exhaust ventilation(possible use for heating inflow and air heating places general use and entrance vestibules);
  • additional heating and water heating when used solar collectors and thermal accumulators;
  • use of non-metallic pipelines;
  • thermal insulation of pipes in the basement of the house;
  • transition during renovation to an individual apartment heating scheme
  • regularly informing residents about the condition of the heating system, losses and waste of heat, and measures to improve the efficiency of the heating system.

Improving the quality of ventilation. Reducing ventilation and air conditioning costs.

  • Application of automatic gravity ventilation systems;
  • Installation of ventilators in rooms and on windows;
  • The use of microventilation systems with heating of incoming air and valve control of the supply;
  • Elimination of drafts in the premises;
  • Application in active ventilation systems for engines with smooth or step frequency control;
  • Application of controllers in the management of ventilation systems.
  • The use of water-filled coolers in building envelopes to remove excess heat;
  • Heating of incoming air by cooling the exhaust air;
  • Using heat pumps to cool exhaust air;
  • Use of reversible heat pumps in basements to cool the air supplied to the supply ventilation;
  • regular informing of residents about the condition of the ventilation system, about the elimination of drafts and unproductive ventilation of the premises of the house, about the mode of comfortable ventilation of the premises.

Saving water (hot and cold)

  • Installation of communal hot and cold meters cold water;
  • Installation of residential water meters;
  • installation of water consumption meters in premises with separate consumption;
  • installation of pressure stabilizers (pressure reduction and pressure equalization across floors);
  • thermal insulation of hot water supply pipelines (supply and circulation);
  • heating of supplied cold water (from a heat pump, from return network water, etc.);
  • installation of economical shower nets;
  • Installation of push-button taps and mixers in apartments;
  • installation of ball valves at collective water collection points;
  • installation of two-section sinks;
  • installation of dual-mode flush cisterns;
  • use of faucets with automatic water temperature control;
  • regularly informing residents about the state of water consumption and measures to reduce it.

Saving electrical energy

  • Replacement of incandescent lamps in entrances with fluorescent energy-saving lamps;
  • Application of microprocessor control systems for privately controlled drives of electric motors of elevators;
  • Replacement of existing fluorescent street lamps with LED lamps;
  • Application of photoacoustic relays for controlled switching on of light sources in basements, technical floors and entrances of houses;
  • installation of reactive power compensators;
  • use of energy-efficient circulation pumps, variable-frequency drives;
  • promoting the use of energy efficient household appliances class A+, A++.
  • use of solar panels to illuminate the building;
  • regularly informing residents about the state of electricity consumption and ways to save electrical energy, measures to reduce electrical energy consumption for servicing common property.

Gas saving

  • The use of energy-efficient gas burners in combustion devices of boiler house blocks;
  • Application of climate control systems to control gas burners in a boiler block;
  • Application of climate control systems to control gas burners in apartment heating systems;
  • The use of programmable heating in apartments;
  • Use in everyday life of energy-efficient gas stoves with ceramic IR emitters and program control;
  • Promotion of the use of gas burners with an open flame in an economical mode.

Along with all this, it should be noted that there is no one magic solution that can dramatically increase energy efficiency and comfort. apartment building. There are two main principles at work here: “a little bit of everything” and expediency associated with payback. In general, it is quite possible to reduce the costs of energy supply for the entire building and the corresponding costs of all residents living in the building by 4 times.

If the house is strong and will stand for decades, then this work undoubtedly makes sense. The costs will more than pay off, and comfort is worth a lot. If the house is in a pre-emergency condition and has ten years left to live, then, as they say, it is better to look for options and get by with low costs for maintaining comfort and ensuring energy accounting. In any case, accounting quickly pays for itself, and the resulting savings can be spent on “plugging holes.”

The engineering company INTERBLOK has been successfully implementing projects for the creation and reconstruction of energy facilities for enterprises in the construction industry, fuel and energy complex, metallurgy, chemical, food and other industries for almost 20 years.

The General Director of the Engineering Company "INTERBLOCK", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the International engineering academy, Professor Oleg Vladimirovich BOGOMOLOV.

– Russia is a country rich in energy resources and, nevertheless, the Government of the Russian Federation is constantly developing regulatory documents that stimulate the saving of electrical and thermal energy. Why is this problem relevant for industrial enterprises?

– According to the World Bank, we occupy one of the last places in the world in terms of energy consumption per unit of GDP. The energy efficiency of EU enterprises is 3 times higher than Russian enterprises, enterprises North America– 2 times. The technological backwardness of the domestic power engineering industry after its destruction in 1991 has not yet been overcome. Industrial enterprises currently continue to use extremely inefficient steam boilers produced back in the 60-70s of the last century. In the context of a constant rise in energy prices, the task of reducing the cost of producing thermal energy is of particular importance in order to reduce the cost of production and, as a result, increase its competitiveness in the domestic and global markets.

– What factors, in addition to outdated energy equipment, negatively affect the energy efficiency of enterprises?

– Over the past years, the engineering company INTERBLOK has carried out research work at several dozen enterprises of the construction complex of Russia and neighboring countries to study the structure of energy costs, develop approaches and methods of energy saving. It has been established that the consumption of thermal energy at these enterprises is significantly overestimated. The main reasons are: morally and physically outdated steam boilers and other thermal power equipment, as I said earlier; centralized supply of expensive thermal energy from thermal power plants or no less expensive purchased heat from third-party suppliers; the distance of the heat consumer from the heat producer and, as a consequence, heat losses on heating mains up to 15-20%; outdated schemes for organizing the thermal management of an enterprise; the absence at some enterprises of proper accounting of primary energy resources, the amount of thermal energy produced and its consumption by end consumers. It has been revealed that typical for most enterprises in the construction complex is the discrepancy between the costly outdated steam power system and modern technological production. As a result, the economic effect of using modern technologies production of concrete and reinforced concrete products is absorbed by costly heat and power generation.

– How, in your opinion, can the energy efficiency of enterprises be improved? What experience does the INTERBLOK engineering company have in the field of energy saving?

– As an example of energy inefficiency, consider a typical heat supply technological processes concrete products plant using steam boilers. Due to their design and operational features, traditional steam boilers cannot effectively regulate the steam supply depending on production needs. Even if there is no need for thermal energy, the precast concrete manufacturer is forced to either accept steam into its production site or transfer it to an inefficient minimum production mode. All this is tantamount to simply releasing steam into the atmosphere. As a result, just one reinforced concrete plant of average productivity can uselessly burn up to a million rubles a year, and annual losses nationwide can amount to tens of billions of rubles.

One of the main directions for solving the problem of increasing the energy efficiency of enterprises is the creation of autonomous, decentralized heat and power systems and complexes based on the use of highly efficient industrial steam generators InterBlock ST series. In order to modernize the steam power facilities of reinforced concrete, KPD, DSK plants and other enterprises of the country's construction complex, the INTERBLOK engineering company performed work at more than 50 similar plants to replace traditional boiler technologies with industrial steam generators InterBlock ST series. A unique result was achieved - the consumption of natural gas for heat treatment of reinforced concrete products was reduced by 3 times. Increasing the energy efficiency of enterprises by transforming the centralized heat supply system into a decentralized one ensures a reduction in the share of energy costs in the cost of production by 2.5-3 times, which can save tens of billions of rubles annually on a national scale. Government Decree Russian Federation dated June 17, 2015 No. 600 “On approval of the list of objects and technologies that relate to objects and technologies of high energy efficiency”, industrial steam generators InterBlock ST series are included in the class of high energy efficiency technologies, as having an efficiency of more than 94% (efficiency of gas steam generators Inter-Block ST series is 99%, diesel - 97%), which provides enterprises with the opportunity to receive tax benefits: exemption from property tax, application of accelerated depreciation, tax credit for income tax.

– Oleg Vladimirovich, please tell us in more detail about the production of domestic highly efficient industrial steam generators InterBlock ST series.

– The production of industrial steam generators InterBlock ST series, which have no analogues in Russia and the European Union, is the main activity of the INTERBLOK Engineering Company, registered in Moscow in 1997. The assembly production of steam generators was launched at the InterBlok-Techno LLC enterprise in the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod region. The production capacity of the enterprise is 50-80 steam generators per year with the possibility of increasing their number to 100-160 units of equipment. Installation and commissioning work, warranty and post-warranty service are carried out by the specialized division “Inter-Blok-Techno” and guarantee the quality of this work and reliable operation of the equipment.

Taking into account the unfavorable situation in the banking sector, limited access of industrial enterprises to credit resources, a specialized leasing company InterBlock-Leasing was created within the structure of the INTERBLOK group, the main activity of which is to create comfortable financial conditions for enterprises to purchase industrial steam generators InterBlock ST series on lease for a period of 12 to 36 months at 8-10% per annum with a simplified procedure for processing documents.

Thus, to create effective systems heat supply to construction enterprises The INTERBLOK engineering company has the opportunity to offer not only highly efficient industrial steam generators InterBlock ST series, but also unprecedentedly favorable financial conditions for their purchase.

– The company’s age is approaching 20 years, it is clear that maintaining and developing production requires certain efforts and costs. What measures were taken in 2015?

– Currently, the production of industrial steam generators InterBlock ST series is deployed on rented premises. The growing demand for steam generators requires a corresponding expansion of production. It would seem that credit institutions are intended to provide financial support for these purposes. However, bank credit resources are not available to small and medium-sized businesses due to high interest rates. We hoped for support from the Skolkovo Foundation. But, despite the full compliance of the production activities of the Engineering Company “INTERBLOK” with the requirements of the “Commercialization” and “Development” programs, and the presence of a recommendation from the governor of the Belgorod region, we were denied financial support. At the same time, proposals immediately appeared to “solve” our problems and receive cash from the Skolkovo Foundation for a 20 percent “kickback.” We are disappointed, but we are determined to develop our own production, relying only on our own strength.

– In one conversation, of course, it is impossible to cover all aspects of the company’s activities, the implementation of projects of which extends far beyond the borders of our country. What development prospects and plans do you see in the future? Where will you move both in Russia and abroad?

– The engineering company “INTERBLOK” has built about 200 energy facilities for various purposes in industrial enterprises Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus and Poland. Domestic industrial steam generators InterBlock ST series are a unique high-tech tool for effective import substitution, guaranteeing the sustainable functioning of industrial enterprises building materials in conditions of economic instability.

The main activity of the company continues to be the modernization of the steam power facilities of reinforced concrete factories, KPD plants and other enterprises of the Russian construction complex. In addition, we plan to introduce our steam generators into other industries and agriculture. Plans for 2016 include the modernization of the heat and power systems of agricultural enterprises.

Taking part in various meetings and conferences with the participation of condominium owners and simply meeting with them, one very often hears the question: where to start working to improve the energy efficiency of our home?

It would seem that the answer to this question can be found in abundance today in the media and on the Internet. At the same time, the fact that such a question is asked indicates that many managers of condominiums cannot formulate a clear and consistent program of action for themselves in the direction of reducing the energy consumption of the residential building they manage. Yes, this is understandable, since each building is unique in its own way - and design features, and according to the engineering equipment used, and according to service life. Taking this into account, create a universal program for thermal modernization of buildings that would be suitable for everyone existing buildings, it's just not realistic. Such a program for each specific building should be developed individually, but approaches to development can be general. Let's try to figure this out.

The realities of our time are such that no one doubts the need to save energy resources. Moreover, the constant increase in tariffs for energy resources and utilities forces every resident of the country to actually save them. In fact, the tariff policy pursued by the state has become a powerful incentive to improve the energy efficiency of the existing housing stock. At the same time, it also gave rise to the intensification of amateur “creativity” of the population in thermal modernization of their apartments. External insulation is carried out en masse separate apartments, many refuse centralized heating and switch to autonomous heating, some increase the number of sections in heating devices in their apartment, some refuse hot water supply and switch to autonomous boilers... the list of such events goes on and on. However, creating an oasis for your apartment in an energy-inefficient building is a futile task. In addition to deterioration technical condition building, unbalancing the work of its engineering systems, it will not bring anything! Only through the joint efforts of all residents of the house can we solve the problem of increasing the energy efficiency of the building, ensuring comfortable conditions accommodation for all apartment owners and at the same time significantly reduce the cost of paying for energy consumption. Today, perhaps, the most important task of the management of condominium associations is to unite the efforts of all co-owners of each house around the idea of ​​​​increasing the energy efficiency of their joint property, creating a team of like-minded people who are ready to take on the responsibility and costs of its implementation.

Energy Audit

The actual work to improve the energy efficiency of a building should begin with a thorough and comprehensive check of the technical condition of the building and its engineering systems. It must be carried out with the involvement of qualified energy auditing companies. At this stage, the main task is to identify all factors that negatively affect the stability of the building and the uninterrupted operation of its engineering systems, as well as to determine the specific reasons for excess energy consumption. Such an analysis should form the basis for a future program to improve the energy efficiency of a building, including a list of repair work related to increasing the sustainability of the building and thermal modernization measures with estimated time frames for their implementation and implementation costs.

The program must be reviewed and approved at the general meeting of condominiums, after which it becomes practical guide to action to improve the energy efficiency of the building. Moreover, if a building has problems related to its stability (for example, uneven settlement of foundations, roof leaks, collapse of façade cladding, etc.), then work to eliminate such violations should be a priority. If there are no such problems, or they have been eliminated, you can begin to implement thermal modernization measures.

Modern practice has a significant number of energy-efficient technologies, the use of which can significantly reduce the energy consumption of any building. Let's try to rank them by cost and effectiveness.

Consumption accounting

As a rule, thermal modernization activities should begin with improving the operation of the building's engineering systems. And first of all, it is necessary to organize accounting of the consumption of all energy resources. This mainly concerns the consumed thermal energy, since accounting for the consumption of cold and hot water, electricity and even gas is practically decided by every homeowner. With thermal energy the situation is much more complicated. Technically, it is possible to organize apartment-by-apartment metering of thermal energy, but this is a very expensive undertaking and beyond the means of most of the population. It is much easier to organize house-to-house metering of heat consumption. Moreover, the installation of house-to-house heat meters today is the responsibility of heat supply organizations. As practice shows, the transition from paying for heating square meters to pay for consumed calories of thermal energy allows residents to reduce the payment for heating their apartments by 20-30%, without investing in it additional funds. It is clear that the installation of a house-to-house heat meter has absolutely no effect on improving the energy efficiency of the building, but only allows us to restore order in the amount of payment for actually consumed energy. thermal energy.

Replacement of outdated heating points

The first most effective measure to truly improve the energy efficiency of a building is replacement of outdated heating points elevator type, which most existing residential buildings are equipped with, to modern individual heating points (IHP) with weather regulation. This is a compact and not very complex equipment consisting of several pumps, various valves, motorized valves, sensors and measuring instruments, plate heat exchanger, heat meter and automation system with programmer. The main advantage of this equipment is that the circulation of coolant in intra-house networks is carried out in a forced manner, while the pressure in the system is automatically regulated, which avoids emergency situations in networks due to pressure drops and promptly respond to changes in the hydraulic resistance of the network associated with apartment-by-apartment regulation.

Thanks to ITP, the operation of the hot water supply system is significantly improved. The main device providing this function is a plate heat exchanger, where the primary coolant is used to heat conventional tap water to the required parameters. The circulation of hot water in the system is carried out by a special circulation pump. Automation equipment keeps the hot water supply system in working order depending on the hot water dispensed and the time of day. It is also very important that modern IHPs have such a function as regulating the heat consumption of a building depending on weather conditions. Thanks to the appropriate control automated system, which, based on the readings of the outside air temperature sensor, reduces or increases the supply of coolant to the intra-house heating network, it is possible to optimize the energy consumption of the building and significantly save energy resources. In addition to the above, the ITP includes a metering unit for consumed thermal energy, and the presence of automation equipment and an appropriate programmer allows residents not only to control the consumption of thermal energy, but also to manage it. It becomes possible to regulate the temperature of the coolant in intra-house heating networks and hot water in the hot water supply system, increase or decrease the consumption of thermal energy by hour of the day, set the necessary parameters for pressure in the system, eliminating the possibility of emergency situations. As practice shows, replacing outdated IHP with more modern ones allows you to save 30% or more of thermal energy, and the funds invested in such a replacement pay off in one or two heating periods.

Balancing valves

Very often in existing residential buildings There is such a phenomenon as overheating in some apartments and underheating in others. Today's technical means make it possible to get rid of this, but only if the building is equipped with modern ITP. For this purpose, special balancing valves are used, installed on the risers of heating networks. They provide automatic balancing of the heating system and supply of coolant with the same parameters to all heating devices in the house. The implementation of this measure in itself does not provide tangible savings in energy resources. However, thanks to it, the same comfortable living conditions are created for all residents of the house.

Radiator thermostats

The next energy-efficient measure could be to equip heating appliances in all apartments of the house with radiator thermostats. Thanks to your design features this device reacts to the slightest changes in room temperature and increases or decreases the supply of coolant to the heating device. Using a radiator thermostat, you can set the desired room temperature in the range from 5 to 26 degrees. In other words, the consumer has the opportunity to regulate the thermal comfort in his apartment, set the desired temperature in each room, lower it at night or to the minimum acceptable temperature when there are no residents in the apartment. Again, installation of radiator thermostats is possible only if the building is equipped with modern ITP. At the same time, in order for this event to bring economic benefits in addition to living comfort, a number of conditions must be met. The first, as already noted, is the presence of a modern ITP with general house metering of thermal energy. Second, radiator thermostats must be installed on all heating devices in the building. And thirdly, all residents of the house actively use thermostats to save heat. The last condition is perhaps the most difficult. It will take a lot of explanatory work on the part of the management of condominiums so that all co-owners understand the importance and profitability of saving heat using radiator thermostats. And when all this can be done, the real savings in thermal energy will be about 20% at relatively low costs for installing radiator thermostats.

After implementing the above thermal modernization measures, you can be sure that the heating and hot water supply systems in our house meet modern energy efficiency requirements and you can proceed to the next steps related to the insulation of building envelopes. It should be emphasized that following exactly this order - first we modernize utility networks, and then insulate the building - has great value. If you simply insulate a building, this expensive measure will not lead to the desired reduction in heating costs, since the amount of thermal energy supplied to heat the building will be the same as before insulation. The apartments will certainly become warmer, and the lack of modern means of automation and regulation of heat consumption will only lead to the need to get rid of excess heat through the so-called “vent” ventilation. Conversely, insulating buildings where the heating system has been previously modernized brings a significant economic effect and allows one to reduce energy consumption by half or more.


Insulation of building envelopes requires the implementation of a whole range of measures related to the replacement of outdated windows and entrance doors with energy-efficient ones, insulation of external walls, roofs, ceilings over basements and internal driveways. In this case, window replacement is usually carried out by each apartment owner independently. It is important here that new windows meet regulatory requirements for heat transfer resistance for the climate zone in which your building is located. The process of insulating the remaining enclosing structures is clear. It is only important to comply with the requirements for the quality of the insulating materials used and the selection of a qualified contractor who will deal with insulation.

Having completed all the above thermal modernization measures, you can be sure that our building is energy efficient in terms of today's requirements. Only one problem remains unresolved - ensuring fair payment for thermal energy by each specific consumer, depending on its actual consumption. This can only be achieved through the organization of apartment-by-apartment metering of consumed thermal energy.

Installing metering devices in an apartment is not technically difficult. So, if the apartment has a single thermal input, which is quite rare in existing housing, then the metering device is placed at this input. If there is no such input, then you can install a meter on each heating device. This option is quite expensive for the consumer, since each heat meter has a significant cost. It is no coincidence that in most countries where heat conservation has been involved for a long time, a different accounting system is used using inexpensive devices, the so-called heating cost allocators, installed on each heating device (radiator). Distributing devices are not inherently heat energy meters. However, with their help, knowing the total consumption of thermal energy at home, determined by a common house meter, it is possible to calculate the share of thermal energy consumption by each heating device apartments and houses in general. Readings of distribution devices are carried out remotely, or monthly directly by apartment owners. Special software systems have been developed that make it possible, based on general building heat consumption and readings from distribution devices, to determine the volume of heat consumption by each apartment and, accordingly, the amount of payment for its use. It would seem that everything is very complicated, but as the practice of our Polish neighbors shows, where such systems are widespread, they work quite simply and effectively.

In this article, we focused on reducing energy consumption in heating and hot water supply systems. And this is no coincidence, since today tariffs in this area are the most significant and there remains a tendency for their future increase. With other resources the situation is somewhat simpler. Almost every apartment owner has means of metering (or can install) and means of regulating consumption in the form of taps and switches. Although there is great opportunities to improve energy efficiency. But this is a topic for another article.

Despite the many changes that have occurred over the years recent years in energy saving, increasing its efficiency in the housing and communal services sector has still not moved forward.

Issues discussed in the article:

  • Why did the energy saving efficiency improvement program arise?
  • Is there a reserve for increasing energy efficiency in the housing and communal services sector?
  • What is the task of the management company in increasing the energy efficiency of apartment buildings?
  • What methods can be used to improve energy saving efficiency?
  • How to choose methods suitable for a particular MKD.
  • Are there government programs to help improve the energy efficiency of apartment buildings?

Firstly, there is still no reliable accounting of consumed energy resources; secondly, energy saving measures should be carried out everywhere, but they are carried out exclusively in narrow areas; and third, the energy efficiency capital improvement program is not actually working. This approach, which excludes complexity and coherence, does not provide any savings.

Since Federal Law No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” came into force, about 7 years have passed, but there have been positive changes, in particular, increasing the efficiency of energy saving generally not observed. There are still not as many activities under the energy saving and energy efficiency improvement program as government agencies would like within our huge country.

  • Energy-saving technologies for apartment buildings: from the state to the individual apartment

Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement Program until 2022

Domestic consumption of tons of standard fuel in Russia is quite large, it amounts to about 64% of the total annual production of fuel and energy resources (fuel and energy resources).

Having analyzed the consumption of generated energy, we see the following distribution by industry:

  • 25% falls on the structures of the fuel and energy complex;
  • 20% - for construction, industry;
  • 20% – for housing and communal services;
  • About 10% goes to transport and agriculture.

We must remember that one of the guarantees of a state’s energy security is increasing energy efficiency within it. And today the problem of energy saving concerns not only our country, but the whole world.

The energy saving potential of our country is estimated at 360-430 million tons; when converted to oil equivalent, this is about 230-250 million tons, which can be compared with the total volume of oil and oil products exported from Russia. Based on the analysis, we see that a third of the energy potential is concentrated in the fuel and energy complex, a quarter in housing and communal services, another third in construction and industry, and a very small part is accounted for by transport and agriculture.

In order to increase energy efficiency, in particular, to kick-start the economic, legal and organizational framework for incentives in Russia, November 11, 2009 State Duma and Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 261-FZ 7 “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency” was adopted.

To accelerate the country's economic growth, governing bodies should think about implementing various energy saving measures, the key one being the energy saving and energy efficiency improvement program.

The tasks of the management authority in managing apartment buildings in accordance with the program of energy saving and increasing efficiency in housing and communal services

Not all citizens in our country are equipped with utility meters; as you know, installing meters in your apartment/house is not a cheap pleasure. Even the fact that this is a one-time event does not force everyone to host them in their apartments. Engineering communications have a fairly high wear and tear, and this results in high losses of resources, for example, water, heat. Residents often complain that information about energy saving and improving energy efficiency is practically unavailable.

All these factors together influence resource conservation. In our country, as mentioned above, it is at a fairly low level.

To ensure high resource conservation, it is first necessary to solve important strategic tasks: determine which houses to start with (by priority), i.e. clearly build a plan for the events themselves; determine the sources of financing for the energy saving and efficiency improvement program in housing and communal services.

In various legal documents we can already see answers to the above questions.

The main duties and responsibilities for the implementation of measures are assigned to the HOA and management companies, i.e., the persons primarily responsible for the maintenance of the apartment building. If there is no management company in an apartment building, the owners of the premises will bear responsibility.

So, according to Federal Law No. 261-FZ, “the person responsible for the maintenance of an apartment building is regularly (at least once a year) obliged to develop and bring to the attention of the owners of premises in an apartment building proposals for measures to save energy and improve energy efficiency, which can be carried out in an apartment building, indicating the costs of their implementation, the amount of expected reduction in energy resources used and the payback period of the proposed measures.”

But at present, the low level of organization of residents and the lack of legal norms aimed at increasing the efficient use of resources will not give us a solution to the problem.

The consumption of resources in apartment buildings and residential buildings must be correctly distributed at various stages of operation of these buildings. For example, at the stage of construction and reconstruction there are one spending standards, at the stage of design, major repairs and operation they are completely different.

Based on the above, at each stage life cycle buildings have their own standards for resource consumption, such as: specific costs for water consumption, electricity consumption, ventilation, etc. But only with the support of budget sources will it be possible to fully implement all the necessary measures to account for these resources.

Now let's move on to monitoring compliance necessary measures. On the ground, this is a manager appointed by the residents themselves, who will ensure timely payment for the expenditure of resources within a certain period of time. Also, the responsibilities of this person will include competent calculation of the cost of all necessary measures.

Each citizen must fully understand what he is paying for, and therefore the management company or management person will have to provide all the information on the specific event being carried out. All information and calculations on energy efficiency must be standardized and clearly defined, and most importantly, economically justified. It is important to present a complete picture of the conditions that are beneficial and unfavorable for citizens, and based on the holistic picture, make final decisions that do not cause disputes or doubts.

Not all activities will be able to be financed by the budget; some of them related to the direct benefit of citizens, for example, additional comfort of living, activities that ultimately increase the market value of apartments, will be financed directly by the citizens themselves. The relevance of the events is also an important aspect. We should not forget about such factors as the participation of the house in various regional and municipal programs. But everything depends on the serious approach of the people living in a particular house, largely on their solvency and the cost of the programs themselves.

In addition to all the advantages, the main one, of course, is the savings in monetary terms, which, with proper distribution and consumption of resources, citizens will feel from month to month.

Compliance with its main interest, namely the establishment of energy saving programs in homes, allows management organizations, firstly, to expand their capabilities and profits. This is achieved by increasing the list of works and services that the management company is able to offer to interested parties (premises owners) under a management agreement.

Secondly, a competent management company will always be in demand, people will turn to it, provided that it can establish itself quite positively. In the current conditions of high competition and the creation of unscrupulous companies, a management company with a good reputation will have undoubted advantages.

By collecting funds through homeowner agreements to upgrade energy systems to ensure energy efficiency, property management companies will be able to make a profit by implementing these programs.

Without the effective work of local management companies, it is actually impossible to implement those comprehensive tasks to improve energy efficiency in apartment buildings. The scale of the housing stock forces us to look for solutions aimed at clear, competent distribution of resources and increasing effective control everywhere.

Expert opinion

Responsibilities of management organizations and premises owners

D.V. Ponomarev,

Chief Specialist of the Yurenergo Group of Companies

Firstly, all necessary information on the contents of the apartment building must be conveyed to apartment owners in full by posting it in the entrances or other premises that belong to the common property in this apartment building. Information can be conveyed in other ways, but the most important thing is the result.

All measures to save energy and improve the energy efficiency of a particular house must be discussed by the participants, and based on the general opinion, a decision on the proposed measures must be made.

The costs of energy-saving measures are borne by the owners of apartment buildings.

In turn, energy saving organizations must also notify owners of apartment buildings that the measures are optional, all work is carried out solely by the decision of the owners of the apartment building.

Energy saving and energy efficiency measures in apartment buildings

The list of measures to improve energy efficiency includes the following:

1. Promotion thermal resistance enclosing structures:

  • the use of external glazing that has different heat accumulation characteristics in summer and winter;
  • the use of plasters with heat-shielding properties;
  • glazing of balconies and loggias;
  • the use of heat-reflecting or sun-protective glass for glazing windows, balconies and loggias;
  • installation of windows with air exhaust function through the inter-glass space;
  • elimination of cold bridges in walls and in the junctions of window sashes;
  • vestibules at the entrance doors of entrances and apartments;
  • installation of modern double-glazed windows increased level thermal resistance;
  • the use of thermal insulation boards for cladding external walls, technical floors, roofs, ceilings above the basement. Can be applied mineral wool, foam glass, basalt fiber;
  • reducing the glazing area to standard values;
  • use of a microventilation ventilation system;
  • regularly informing residents about the state of the building’s thermal protection and heat saving measures.

2. Increasing the energy efficiency of the heating system:

  • replacing cast iron radiators with aluminum ones;
  • installation of radiators with shut-off valves based on thermoregulation technology;
  • use of apartment-by-apartment heat metering systems (heat meters, heat and temperature indicators);
  • implementation of measures to pay for heat based on the number of installed sections and location of heaters;
  • installation of heat-reflecting screens behind heating radiators. Effect 1-3%;
  • use of controlled heat supply (based on time of day, weather conditions, room temperature);
  • the use of controllers in managing the operation of a heating station;
  • use of apartment heat supply controllers;
  • timely implementation maintenance heating system;
  • installation of network water filters in the heating system;
  • additional heating through heat extraction from the sewer system;
  • additional heating using heat pumps in the basement;
  • additional heating and water heating using solar energy and thermal batteries;
  • the use of pipelines made of polymer materials with low thermal conductivity;
  • energy saving by thermal insulation of pipes;
  • transition during renovation to an individual heating system in each apartment;
  • creation and development of administrative regulations on energy saving.

3. Improving the quality of ventilation. Reducing ventilation and air conditioning costs:

  • use of automatic gravity ventilation systems;
  • installation of ventilators in rooms and on windows;
  • the use of microventilation systems with heating of incoming air and valve control of the supply;
  • eliminating drafts in rooms;
  • application in active ventilation systems for engines with smooth or step frequency control;
  • use of controllers in the management of ventilation systems;
  • the use of water-filled coolers in building envelopes to remove excess heat;
  • heating the incoming air by cooling the exhaust air;
  • use of heat pumps to cool exhaust air;
  • the use of reversible heat pumps in basements to cool the air supplied to the supply ventilation;
  • regular informing of residents about the condition of the ventilation system, about the elimination of drafts and unproductive ventilation of the premises of the house, about the mode of comfortable ventilation of the premises.

4. Saving water (hot and cold):

  • installation of communal hot and cold water meters;
  • installation of residential water meters;
  • installation of water consumption meters in premises with separate consumption;
  • thermal insulation of hot water supply pipelines (supply and circulation);
  • heating of supplied cold water (from a heat pump, from return network water, etc.);
  • installation of economical shower nets;
  • installation of push-button taps and mixers in apartments;
  • installation of ball valves at collective water collection points;
  • installation of two-section sinks;
  • installation of dual-mode flush cisterns;
  • use of faucets with automatic water temperature control;
  • regularly informing residents about the state of water consumption and measures to reduce it.

5. Electrical energy saving:

  • replacing incandescent lamps in hallways with energy-saving fluorescent lamps;
  • use of microprocessor control systems for variable frequency drives of elevator electric motors;
  • replacing existing fluorescent street lamps with LED lamps;
  • the use of photoacoustic relays for controlled switching on of light sources in basements, technical floors and entrances of houses;
  • installation of reactive power compensators;
  • use of energy-efficient circulation pumps, variable-frequency drives;
  • promoting the use of energy-efficient household appliances of class A+, A++.
  • use of solar panels to illuminate the building;
  • Regularly informing residents about the state of electricity consumption, ways to save electricity, and measures to reduce electricity consumption for the maintenance of common property.

6. Gas saving:

  • transition of residents to programmable heating in apartments;
  • use of climate control systems to control gas burners in a boiler block;
  • persistent recommendations for the use of open-flame gas burners in economical mode;
  • the use of energy-efficient gas burners in combustion devices of boiler houses;
  • application of climate control systems to control gas burners in apartment heating systems;
  • use in everyday life of energy-efficient gas stoves with ceramic IR emitters and program control.

Based on average economic calculations, it is quite possible to reduce the cost of energy supply for one apartment building by about 4 times, and in general for districts and regions these are huge numbers that make you think.

It makes sense, of course, to carry out work only in those houses that will stand for more than one year. In this case, comfort and payback go hand in hand; residents will definitely appreciate all the positive aspects that open up for them with rational accounting of energy resources.

You won't be able to improve energy efficiency quickly, but it's worth starting, and the results will exceed all expectations.

  • About the program “Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency for the period until 2020”

Expert opinion

The approach to energy saving must be comprehensive

I.O. Ivanov,

If we are talking about new houses, then they must clearly adhere to energy-saving technologies and nothing else.

As for old houses, you cannot expect the same return, but the energy saving program must continue to be implemented consistently and systematically.

Homes included in capital improvement programs must adhere to an energy efficient program with maximum control and consideration of future resource consumption. Metering devices must be installed everywhere; this is the only way to begin to instill a culture of consumption of public services.

In general, the task of bringing all apartment buildings to efficient consumption of resources now seems very difficult; a single standard for increasing energy efficiency can practically not be applied. But there is no way to stop working, otherwise in the future an element that cannot be controlled will appear in the energy saving system.

How to create an energy saving and energy efficiency plan

To understand what specific energy-saving measures need to be carried out in an apartment building, there is no great need for an expensive energy audit (on average, the approximate cost of an energy audit is 100 thousand rubles)

Many years of practical experience allow us to use reliable indicators (target indicators for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency), calculated over more than one year, which help in assessing consumption and losses of the housing stock. And besides, an energy audit is not a mandatory procedure, which is carried out by energy service companies mainly in order to assess the future financial income from their projects.

And yet, if there is a need for an accurate assessment of energy consumption, loss locations, engineering equipment There are still houses, then an energy audit will, of course, help you here.

It is important to optimize energy consumption based on the real need for specific measures to improve energy efficiency. The management company, in general, should deal with these issues; information on energy saving and increasing energy efficiency is fully available to it, and optimization assessment will be carried out based on a number of indicators:

Criterion 1. The relevance of the event is the degree of necessity and urgency of the event.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2011 N 18 (as amended on May 20, 2017) established standard values ​​for various categories of apartment buildings and residential buildings.

In accordance with the level of consumption of certain resources, the manager must make decisions about installing meters for residents. Federal Law No. 261-FZ establishes the obligation to equip houses with metering devices for water, natural gas, heat and electricity, as well as to put installed metering devices into operation. Further maintenance of the meters falls on the shoulders of the resident, because it is in his own interests to timely submit indicators for them. Thus, the management company must compare all available indicators for a particular house and, based on them, draw conclusions about further measures to reduce energy costs.

Today the housing stock is not in the best condition. Therefore, the modernization of individual elements and communications, spot repairs and other measures (not excluding, but implying the use of modern materials and technologies) to improve it will lead to positive results.

Criterion 2. Cost of the event.

Usually, when calculating the cost of any work, certain standards and estimate norms are used. As a rule, the calculations are carried out by a contractor, but you can do the same work yourself. This is a calculation method.

The second method we’ll talk about involves using data from similar events. This is all possible information on manufacturers, equipment, placement of government orders, etc. This is a method of analogues.

Criterion 3. Efficiency of the event implementation.

The effectiveness of ongoing activities is best assessed over a certain period of time on a cumulative basis. How accurately the effectiveness of a particular event is assessed determines its further development, or, conversely, the reduction of costs for it to zero. Apartment owners, of course, are more interested in the effectiveness of the measures being taken.

It is better to plan the effect of the event taking into account inflation, because everywhere from year to year there is only an increase in prices and tariffs for housing and communal services.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of an event, the following methods are used:

  • normative method;
  • direct counting method.

The first involves the use of a reasonable number of resource indicators. To all indicators for this method you can apply a certain norm according to which consumption is calculated.

The second determines the planned efficiency in the coming period using regulatory and technical documents (for example, various SNIPs).

When calculating the effect, it is also necessary to take into account the proportionality of the indicator values ​​used and the obtained values. For example, manufacturers of LED products declare a significant effect from their implementation, despite its significant cost. In reality, shortcomings “pop up”: uncomfortable light spectrum, rapid burnout of clusters. In addition, if low-wattage fluorescent light bulbs (20–40 W) were installed in the house and burned intermittently, quick effect Replacing them with progressive analogues will not work.

Criterion 4. Availability of the event for citizens.

Availability of services in the housing and communal services sector is the most pressing topic for residents apartment buildings. First of all, because management companies cannot always evaluate the services offered in proportion to the capabilities of the population.

Here you need to intelligently approach the issue of price and payment period.

Also, the management company should assess changes in payments for a certain service before and after certain events: their increase or, conversely, decrease.

When we see line by line how the tariff for each of the services provided to us by housing and communal services changes, it is easier to imagine what is paid for and where the money is spent. Therefore, we recommend that the MA conduct such a visual analysis of all indicators and the measures they take in advance.

Modernization and energy efficiency measures, depending on their degree of complexity, are low-cost and expensive. If the first of them can still be carried out at the expense of the residents’ own funds or special funds, then the expensive ones require outside help, in particular, credits and borrowings, and this is not always convenient and effective, because it requires repayment with interest.

Everything unknown is always scary to put into practice, and therefore the management company will have to try to prove to residents the full need for certain activities. The conditions must certainly be profitable and effective, in addition, their final availability and relevance should not raise any doubts.

Criterion 5. Sources of financing.

Based on the data provided, in most municipalities those funds and payments that are received for the maintenance and repair of residential premises are so small that they barely cover the work that goes into maintaining common property. Basically, the sizes of such boards are not economically justified.

Thus, there is no hope for these funds; energy saving programs must be implemented using other sources.

Nevertheless, as mentioned above, you can count on targeted, quick-paying measures, such as: the use of energy-saving lamps and motion sensors, thermal insulation, etc.

If we turn to other sources of financing, then in theory we can consider:

  • financing from ESCOs (energy service companies);
  • borrowed funds;
  • funds allocated for capital repairs within the framework of regional and municipal programs.

Let's discuss some points right away. The management company, of course, can use borrowed funds, but the HOA has a better chance, since the management organization, from a legal point of view, is just a third-party commercial entity. The homeowners association is legal entity, a non-profit organization created on the basis of an association of premises owners (based on the definition) for the joint management of those premises of this house and lands that are jointly owned and used (and further in the text).

In our country, financial assistance is provided in such a way as to have the most beneficial results for the participants helping and financing a particular event. Unfortunately, providing assistance to HOAs is not an attractive investment; there are no incentives or guarantees.

Apartment buildings are also unlikely to be able to count on assistance from ESCOs now. Perhaps the only source of finance remains banks. Some of them are actually ready to provide managers with loans for different conditions, which you need to familiarize yourself with in advance.

  • Energy-efficient major renovation – new life for dilapidated housing

Increasing the energy saving efficiency of apartment buildings and economic support for major repairs

Financial support from the state can still be obtained. In 2009, Law No. 261-FZ was adopted, which provides for the inclusion of measures to ensure the energy efficiency of buildings as part of major repairs.

The Russian Ministry of Construction has also developed useful project for energy-efficient capital repairs.

The Russian Ministry of Construction has developed a draft government resolution (RF Government Decree No. 18 dated January 17, 2017) on providing financial support for energy-efficient major repairs. The project says that financing will come from the Housing and Communal Services Fund. Quite large amounts of funds are planned to be allocated for its implementation (about 200 million rubles); the money will be used to cover some part of the costs of carrying out major repairs or to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans.

Important aspects to obtain financial assistance are the following conditions:

  • houses should not be subject to reconstruction, demolition, or be in disrepair;
  • Households must have communal resource meters installed;
  • As a result of major repairs in the house, energy consumption should decrease by at least 10%.

All of the above conditions will have to increase the energy efficiency of houses to be renovated, and in the future will significantly affect the reduction of residents' utility bills.

The money will be provided by the Fund for the term of the loan agreement, but not more than 5 years.

5 million rubles– the maximum amount of payments, it should be no more than half the total cost of major repairs of the house.

Let's look at the situation using the example of repaying a loan taken out by residents for major repairs: residents submit an application in order to subsequently repay this loan for preferential terms. Let us remind you that residents of all regions of Russia without exception can receive the same support for major repairs of their homes. The municipal energy saving and energy efficiency improvement program is already in place.

Step-by-step description of the application procedure followed by obtaining funding:

  • Residents submit an application to municipal authorities.
  • Municipal authorities send the application to regional authorities.
  • Regional authorities send it further to the Housing and Communal Services Fund. The Housing and Communal Services Fund directly makes the final decision on the allocation of funds.
  • If the decision is positive, cash sent to a subject of the Russian Federation.
  • The subject transfers money to the local budget.

At the local level, funds are distributed so that the house awaiting assistance is sure to receive these funds. It will be necessary to confirm their intended use and demonstrate the energy efficiency of the work being carried out based on the results of the activities carried out.

Based on the results of the overhaul, each house will be assigned an appropriate energy efficiency class.

  • Energy efficiency scale classes begin with the Latin letter G (the lowest class) if the consumption of energy resources exceeds the norm by 1.5 times or more.

The most high class houses are those with energy consumption less than 40% of the basic standards.

Energy consumption is calculated based on the number of floors of buildings, street temperatures and days in the heating season.

  • High classes, such as B, A, A+, A++, are assigned only to those houses that are equipped with individual energy consumption meters (meters), lighting of stairwells, elevators, basements and attics with energy-efficient lamps (LEDs), as well as automatic regulation of air temperature in the building.

To assign an energy efficiency class to a house, you must contact the housing inspection authorities with a declaration, which will reflect the indicators of metering devices at the beginning and end of the year.

It is also planned to post information on the actual and standard consumption of resources for each specific home. Residents, in order to reduce the cost of its maintenance, will be able to independently decide on changing the energy efficiency class of the house.

According to average estimates, to renovate a 12-story residential building, funds in the amount of 8.5 million rubles will be required.

The energy-efficient overhaul program is yielding first results: in the Rostov region, more than two hundred houses were renovated using it. Housing and communal services costs in such houses were reduced by approximately 30%.

To participate in the capital repair program, the house must be no more than 60 years old and no less than 5. Applications for energy-efficient major repairs, as well as for reimbursement of part of the funds spent on these repairs, can be submitted now. In order not to make a mistake anywhere and correctly calculate all the steps, you can use the methodology developed by the Housing and Communal Services Reform Assistance Fund. It can be seen on the website http://fondsite/ in the section “How to obtain financing / Financial support for major repairs in 2017.”

To help citizens, a special program “EKR Assistant” was developed, which can be found on the website of the Housing and Communal Services Reform Assistance Fund. “ECR Assistant” and its components can be used free of charge, without license fees, for an unlimited time.

When you log into the Assistant, you will need to enter information about the house in which renovations are planned, and the ECR Assistant, in turn, will provide information on the optimal cost-effective measures.

As a result, all the data shown by the ECR Assistant can be used by residents to further fill out an application for inclusion in a major overhaul.

  • Energy efficiency classes of buildings: assignment procedure

Expert opinion

Energy saving is a matter not only of funds, but also of the culture of residents

Ivanov I.O.,

senior lecturer at the Moscow City University of Management (MGUU) of the Moscow Government

The main reason that owners are reluctant to support energy saving programs and new energy-saving technologies is the lack of a culture of saving and rational use of resources.

Services are fully provided to the owners in the form of the same heat and water, but how much of what the residents of the apartment complex consumed was actually used, and did not “fly out the window” in the literal sense of the word - no one cares.

Also, the reason lies in the inconsistencies between the payment for the actual service provided and the actual volume of consumption. Yes, indeed, in our country not so long ago a system of instrumentation of consumed services appeared; not everyone is accustomed to saving. Therefore, until we can improve the existing system, we are unlikely to be able to “leap” to a system of new technologies, which undoubtedly lie in our future.

Many countries have been successfully using energy-saving appliances, solar panels and other technical innovations for a long time. The conscious approach of the authorities and residents together has been producing positive results for many years. Let's hope that in our country, awareness will prevail over the cult of waste.

Information about the experts

D.V. Ponomarev, Chief Specialist of the Yurenergo Group of Companies. LLC "ZAO "Yurenergo" is management company Group of companies "Yurenergo" and one of the leaders Russian market legal, consulting, expert and energy audit services. The history of the company began in 1995. In 20 years successful work More than 5,000 enterprises, state and municipal institutions and organizations have become Yurenergo's clients, in whose interests more than 20,000 projects have been successfully completed.

I.O. Ivanov, senior lecturer at the Moscow City University of Management (MGUU) of the Moscow government.