How to heat water at the dacha. How to make water supply at your dacha with your own hands - from finding a source of moisture to heating it. Summer and winter water pipes

On at the moment there is enough large number ways to organize hot water supply at the dacha.

Summer shower

The simplest and affordable way arrange warm shower at the dacha - this is to organize a shower stall, in which water is heated by the sun in a tank located above the cabin, and when the tap is opened, it flows from the shower head. You can build the entire structure yourself, but this is not necessary: ​​domestic manufacturers have taken care of this, and now you can buy ready-made metal or plastic barrels or tanks for summer showers, as well as cabins equipped with such tanks. Moreover, you can purchase a shower container that already has an electric heating element(they are called heating elements), as well as a temperature sensor and thermostat. For example, there is a shower tank on sale with a capacity of 100 liters and a power of 1.25 kW, which can heat water by 30 degrees in three hours. The cost of such a container is about 4,000 rubles, together with a shower cabin it will cost about twice as much.

It is necessary to make sure that the water container is not damaged anywhere, check the tightness of the lids and the reliability of the taps, and if there is a built-in heater, check the functionality of it, as well as the thermostat.

Installation. It is necessary to securely secure the water container so that a 100- or 200-liter tank full of water, didn't fall on your head. Water should always cover the heating element, if there is one, to avoid at a minimum its burnout, and in the worst case, injury to a person. electric shock or fire.

Subtleties of choice.

Advantages. Simplicity of installation, relatively low cost, and in the case of heating the tank by the sun - also complete independence from any energy sources, well, of course, except the sun itself.

Flaws. The water temperature is usually low, it takes a long time to heat up, and in cloudy weather and in the absence of electricity, it is impossible to heat the water at all. In addition, the contents of the tank quickly cool down (the result of the lack of thermal insulation).

Large "thermos"

Devices called storage electric water heaters retain heat well. They are also called boilers. The essence of the idea is that the heated water tank is covered in good thermal insulation, which allows, when the heating element is turned off, to keep the water in a heated state for up to several days (cooling speed for different models is approximately 0.5-1 degrees per hour).

These devices require not only electricity, but also pressurized water supply. True, it should be noted that their installation is also allowed where there is no running water, but then you need to imitate it yourself - install a capacity of 200 liters or more above the water heater by at least half a meter in order to create the water pressure necessary for the heater to operate.

Storage water heaters are designed like this: a capacity from ten to several hundred liters, made of stainless steel and coated on the inside with an anti-corrosion coating. A heating element, a thermostat and a special magnesium rod are inserted into the tank on the flange from below, which gradually dissolves in water when the heater is operating, further protecting the walls of the tank from corrosion (filling microcracks in the enamel). There are also two tubes installed into the tank from below - a short one for supply cold water and long to drain heated water. Cold water is supplied to the water heater for a reason, but through a special reducer, which contains several valves to protect the water heater from excess pressure in the water supply, from water hammer, etc. As a rule, storage heaters have water heating regulators that allow you to accurately set the desired temperature .

The service life of a storage heater is up to 7 years or more, and the cost of these devices starts from several thousand rubles.

Subtleties of choice. When choosing a model, pay attention to whether it is possible to replace the magnesium anode separately, without removing the flange with the heating element, which significantly simplifies this periodic procedure (replacement takes approximately 6 months to 4 years, depending on the heater model).

Installation. General rules:

  • place the water heater strictly according to the manufacturer’s recommendations: horizontally or vertically;
  • install it as close as possible to the place where hot water is used to reduce heat loss in the pipes;
  • It is prohibited to install at the water heater inlet check valve without safety bleed valve;
  • leave room for servicing the electric water heater - the distance from the protective cover to the nearest surface in the direction of the axis of the removable flange must be at least: 30 cm - for models of 5-80 liters, and 50 cm - for 100-200 liters;
  • try to find out whether the water supplied to the heater meets the standard tap water, and if not, then a filter must be installed at the inlet of the water heater, the type and parameters of which can be selected by the service technician.
  • When installing, do not apply excessive force to the pipes to avoid damaging them and damaging the porcelain coating of the internal tank;
  • It is imperative to ensure that the water heater is disconnected from the electrical network for maintenance and during long breaks in its use; It is necessary to use wires and connectors designed for the power consumption parameters of the device. Connect the power supply wires in accordance with the phasing specified in the instructions for the heater.

Safety precautions. It is strictly not recommended to use the services of an unqualified installer who has no idea of ​​the generally accepted rules for installing water heating equipment. If the water heater is hung on a wall, be sure to balance its strength with the full weight of the water heater so as not to collapse the wall. Before turning on the power, make sure that electric water heater filled with water.

Advantages. You can make sure that hot water flows to several points at once (to the kitchen and to the shower). They do not require large amounts of electricity, consuming an average of 1.2-2.5 kW per hour. Capable of keeping water heated for a relatively long time.

Flaws. Water does not heat up immediately - for example, even a ten-liter device with a power of 1.6 kW heats water from 15 to 77 °C in 30 minutes. And models with a volume of 100 or 150 liters require 5 to 8 hours to bring the water to this temperature.

Electric washbasin

Where there is electricity but no running water, a tankless electric water heater is quite suitable. It is a container, usually made of stainless steel (but there are also small models made of plastic), with a capacity of 10 to 120 liters, in which a heating element (power 1.25-1.5 kW) is mounted, equipped with a thermostat, a thermostat (allowing maintain the set water temperature) and the outlet tap. The water in it is heated to the temperature set on the thermostat (within 20-70 degrees), and this temperature is maintained using a thermostat. The time for heating water in such heaters, for example to a temperature of 65 degrees, is about one hour. The cost of bulk water heaters ranges from 1,500 to 6,000 rubles, depending on their capacity, material and manufacturer.

Advantages. Works without running water.

Flaws. We are dependent on the electrical network. Thermal insulation of the tank, as a rule, is absent, which leads to rapid cooling of the water after turning off the power supply.


What if you don’t have time to wait for the water to heat up? Then another type of water heater is suitable - instantaneous. Its operating principle is based on almost “instant” heating of water by a powerful heating element. This is its advantage, but this is also its disadvantage - the power required to warm up running water several times higher than that needed for its gradual heating in a storage “thermos”. This means that your electrical network must be able to withstand such power. The temperature of the outlet water of instantaneous water heaters is regulated either by a power switch or by the water flow itself: the stronger the flow, the lower the temperature. Water heaters of this type have different degrees of protection: from air jams, from hard water, from overheating, from water getting on the body and even from jets of water. The latter can be placed inside the shower stall. The cost of flow-through heaters varies significantly less than storage heaters and starts from 1,200 rubles for a 3.5 kW heater.

Subtleties of choice. The most simple models flow heaters have a power of 3.5 kW. But, as practice shows, in our climatic conditions, models with a power of 5-7 kW are most suitable for use.

Before you start choosing a flow-through heater model, it is advisable to decide what the water consumption will be. In a kitchen with a flow rate of 2-3 l/min, a low-power heater is sufficient. If, in addition to the kitchen, water is also needed for the shower, then add another 6-9 l/min. Then you can’t do without a sufficiently powerful heater (8-12 kW), and this will definitely require a special electrical cable. This means that before deciding to purchase an instantaneous electric water heater, you need to find out whether your network is even designed for such a load.

Installation. The flow-through heater is mounted near the water intake point. When connecting from the panel, separate wiring is laid so that the power for which the wiring is designed is twice the maximum power of the heater.

It is important to remember that it is prohibited to install any taps at the outlet of the flow-through heater.

Advantages. Compact, economical (when the tap is closed, the heater turns off), low maintenance. They quickly heat only the amount of water that is currently needed.

Flaws. High power consumption.

Gas water heater

If gas is supplied to the site, it can be used to produce hot water. Gas storage and flow heaters are produced in a fairly wide range by well-known manufacturers. In principle, the operation of gas water heaters is the same as that of electric ones, the only difference is in the design of the heating unit itself. All modern gas heaters have the ability to accurately set the required water temperature, which will be automatically maintained regardless of the flow rate, which in different cases ranges from 5 to 17 liters of hot water per minute.

In order to bring a gas heater into working condition, matches are no longer needed - all modern devices have piezoelectric ignition. And of course, they are all equipped with a variety of sensors and security systems, for example:

  • a draft sensor, which is triggered in the absence of draft or when reverse draft appears, turning off the gas supply to the burner;
  • a thermocouple that monitors the pilot burner flame and, when it goes out, automatically stops the gas supply;
  • hydraulic safety valve, which turns off the gas if water stops circulating in the heat exchanger, etc.

The cost of gas water heaters is slightly higher than electric ones, but over many years of operation this pays off due to the lower price of gas.

Installation. Connecting a gas water heater is a responsible matter. It should be trusted only to specialists who have a certificate for such work, and you should check their work:

  • are the gas supply pipes firmly connected and secured;
  • is a major supply of cold water necessary?
  • how securely the heater is mounted on the wall;
  • how well the gas exhaust system is constructed and whether it meets the requirements specified in the instructions for the dispenser.

With a technician, carefully check the operation of the column - switching on, heating, switching off (including emergency).

Advantages. Heats water faster compared to electric heaters. If your electrical network is weak and it is not possible to install a powerful instantaneous electric heater, then if you have gas, the problem can easily be solved by its gas counterpart, which can provide the needs for hot water in the kitchen, bathroom, and shower.

Flaws. The main problem is the gas itself, the leak of which can at least threaten a fire.

With the onset of the dacha season, many families (or rather part of the families, consisting of grandparents and children - grandchildren) move to dachas, villages, etc.

Fresh air, nature, fresh vegetables“from the garden” and all the other advantages of dacha-village life - it’s just lovely. But separation from urban comfort is also perceived as an inevitable price to pay for all these pleasures. And among these losses is the lack of “constant” hot water. Sometimes it's just depressing! It’s not normal for you to wash your face in the morning, or to wash yourself in the evening, or to wash the dishes, or... In short, hot water is not a luxury, but a norm of life! Let's look at ways in which we can "get" hot water in the countryside (village), and preferably without special effort. Methods like “heat in a kettle” or “heat with a boiler in a bucket” are immediately rejected as “emergency”. We will consider only those that solve the problem once and for all, and the result of the solution is a faucet from which hot water flows. Anytime you want. Like in a city apartment. So:

Electric water heaters

There are two types - flow and storage. Flow-through heaters heat water directly as it flows through the heater. Since heating must occur quickly (albeit of a small volume of water), the heater power is rarely less than 1.5-2 kW. Moreover, hot water does not flow in a stream, but flows in a trickle. So high power heater is a serious obstacle to their use in dacha conditions. Here the transformers are not very good, and the wiring... And in the event of a power outage (which is not uncommon in rural areas), everything turns into a useless toy. It is also difficult to use, for example, in the evening, when there is a peak increase in the load on the network. In general, it is not known what such a heater has more advantages or disadvantages.

A storage type heater is nothing more than a container of 20-30-50-100 liters, with a built-in electric heater with a power of up to 0.5-1 kW and placed in a thermal insulating casing, which allows you to retain heat for a long time, for example, several days. A one-time consumption of high-temperature hot water (75-85 degrees) is unlikely to exceed several tens of liters (even if we are talking about a bathhouse), so there is no point in installing a heater with a capacity of more than 50-100 liters.

The small relative power of the heater (usually combined with a thermal relay) allows you not to “force” electrical network. And in 10-20 hours the heater calmly heats the water to a high temperature and enters standby mode. As the water is consumed, a new portion of cold water enters the container, which slightly dilutes the hot water and the heater turns on again. Storage heaters require a permanent connection to a water source in the form of a water supply or storage tank, from which it feeds the heater. Otherwise, the heater may fail. This also introduces some inconvenience. Even if you have your own well or well, at a minimum you need to install a mini-water tower or install an automatic pump with a receiver that maintains pressure in the water supply. On the other hand, installing your own water tower for 1-2 tons of water (plastic tanks for 800-1000 liters is not a problem at all now) solves many water supply problems at once. There is no need to constantly run the pump; it is enough to pump fresh water into the tank once a week.

You can make a storage-type water heater yourself by ordering a 50-100 liter stainless steel tank from a metal workshop, embedding a heater with a thermostat into it and placing the tank in a box with a heat insulator (sawdust, mineral wool, polystyrene foam).

Solar water heaters

As is known, in middle lane Russia for every square meter surface, perpendicular sun rays, 750-1000 Watts of energy drops in 1 hour. That is, approximately 1 kW/hour. If you learn how to “collect” it and make it heat water, then you will be provided with warm water from April to October. You just need to install the “right” solar water heater.

The vast majority of summer residents have progressed as far as they can to a black-painted barrel placed on the roof of a summer shower. At this point, work on the “exploitation” of the Sun is considered completed. And such barrels stick out next to the houses, like monuments to stupidity. The water in them is heated to a hot state at most 10-15 times per season. Meanwhile, by carrying out the simplest modifications to even such a heater, you can significantly (manifold!) increase its efficiency and be hot water almost constantly. And these works will not require large amounts of labor or expenses. What needs to be done?

Please note that the barrel is on the roof “as is”. That is, completely “naked” and almost always open at the top, that is, without a lid. Now pay attention to how much of the surface is illuminated by the sun - at most 20% of the surface of the barrel can be considered “approximately perpendicular” to the rays. What about the rest? 50% of the surface is simply in the shade, i.e. it does not absorb solar energy, but, on the contrary, radiates heat! Because as soon as it warms up above the ambient temperature, the barrel immediately turns into a heat emitter - you can’t fool nature. The same radiation occurs at the ends of the barrel. Now add almost constant wind blowing over the barrel. Complete calm is a rare occurrence. And every 10 meters per second is guaranteed to reduce the surface temperature by 10 degrees! So what do we end up with? Those pitiful crumbs of heat that the water in the barrel receives from a narrow strip of the surface of the barrel, located perpendicular to the sun, are immediately dissipated by back side barrels are carried away by the wind.

Therefore, if you want to really make the Sun work for you, you need to do this kind of work. The barrel must be placed in a box. The side of the box that will be facing the sun has walls either made of glass or made of durable polyethylene film. And the half of the barrel that is in the shade should be covered with a heat insulator. For example, you can put sawdust in a box, wrap the barrel with a soft heat insulator such as polyurethane foam, etc. In other words, the barrel must be placed in a special greenhouse and additionally insulated so as not to radiate heat. And of course it is necessary to exclude the wind blowing the barrel. Do this, and on the second day you will take care of the supply of cold water, because the water in a thermally insulated barrel will heat up not to a measly 30-40 degrees sometimes, but to 60-70 and almost always. And such water will need to be diluted with cold water for use.

An even more advanced solar water heater can be made by installing a real solar collector. Since we cannot increase the power of the Sun, we can increase the amount of heat received only by increasing the surface area. To do this, two pipes are connected to the barrel. One as close to the bottom as possible, the other higher. The collector itself is connected to the nozzles using thermally insulated hoses. The collector may be, for example, a flat metal container. The simplest collector is a black hose, carefully rolled into a spiral and placed in a flat box, covered with glass or film. The inside of the box is lined with household foil.

The main requirement for the operation of such a collector is the absence of air locks in the system and the possibility of constant circulation of water. That is, as water is consumed, its supply in the barrel must either be replenished, or the upper pipe must be arranged in such a way that the flow of water is not interrupted and water plugs do not form. The barrel itself, of course, must also be thermally insulated.

The operation of such a collector is based on the simple law of nature that cold water is denser than warm water and tends to sink down. The water in the collector is heated and displaced by colder water from the barrel, supplied through a hose from the lower pipe.

But the Sun is the Sun, but this is still the mercy of nature. And sometimes the weather is cloudy for a week or two. So what then? And then it is better to supplement the system with other types of heaters.

Catalytic heaters

Those who are seriously involved in work at their summer cottage and prepare compost are probably aware of this phenomenon. If you take about half a cubic meter (or more) of grass, straw, and other small plant debris, pour it thoroughly with water, and compact it, then this debris begins to “burn.” Not with an open flame, of course, but to rot, releasing a large amount of heat. Moreover, the temperature at the “epicenter” exceeds 100 degrees or more. There are numerous cases of spontaneous combustion of stacks of raw hay and stacks of straw. And the operation of such a reactor lasts for several weeks, regardless of the weather and external temperature. And you can always replenish the supply of “fuel” by mowing a bag of other weeds. Why not use this heat to heat water? Yes, easily.

Of course, you will need a thermally insulated barrel, again with two pipes and hoses. But here you will need a more complex collector than a solar one. Firstly, only metal, and secondly, with flexible hoses. For example, a pipe - a heated towel rail - is suitable as such. You can buy several meters copper tube and connect adapters to standard 3/4″ or 1/2″ threads to its ends. The tube can be bent in the form of a “snake” or a spiral.

The "reactor" itself is wooden box approximately 1?1 meter (it can be arranged in the shade of the most summer shower, bathhouse or kitchen). After placing approximately 1/3 of the existing grass in the box, place the collector and the remaining grass. Water it generously and trample it down. After which the box is covered with plastic wrap. After 1-2 days, the process of rotting begins in the box and it begins to “give out” almost boiling water.

After 2-4 weeks, when a significant part of the raw material burns out, this can be seen by the settling of a pile of grass and a decrease in temperature, the reactor is dismantled and the fuel supply is replenished.

What is especially valuable about such a heater is that it does not require any maintenance, works on its own and, in addition to heat, also produces compost - the most valuable organic fertilizer. Moreover, without weed seeds - they are simply digested there, unlike, for example, manure. In addition, in combination with a solar collector operating on the same capacity, it is possible to build an “indestructible” water heating system. I don't know what would have to happen for you to be left without hot water.

This heater is good if you always have the opportunity to mow 2-3 bags of grass. If this is not possible, then you can arrange a “samovar” in the rear of the shower.

Wood heater

At one time, water heaters were very common. They looked like a potbelly stove, only small in size, with an oblong container mounted on its pipe. They fulfilled their task, although the small size of the stove firebox caused a lot of trouble when preparing firewood.

Meanwhile, such a design as a samovar has long been known. The firebox, as you know, is located inside the water tank itself, which makes the efficiency of such a water heater quite high. And most importantly, such a firebox is absolutely indiscriminate in fuel. Anything can serve them. From cones to fairly long sticks - as long as it fits into the pipe (fuel is loaded into the samovar through a pipe).

If there is a welder in the area, a workshop, or you “know how to do it yourself” - make such a collector - a samovar, repeating its standard design one to one, only making a container of 20-30 liters and connecting it to a storage barrel with heat-insulated pipes. A few logs of firewood will be enough to provide hot water for the whole family to take a shower. The shower is a light structure. It will be enough to turn on hot water in it for a minute, and it will warm up all over, so there is no need to heat it itself. It will be heated by falling hot water. During the period from May to September inclusive, this is quite enough.

Like this in simple ways You can easily get hot water at the dacha and constantly.

While something is always at hand, few people think about its value. This rule manifests itself especially strongly when we are deprived of something very important. Water, for example. In city apartments, running water is always at hand, so they don’t pay much attention to it.

However, outside the city, getting water can turn into a whole journey full of difficulties. Fortunately, this situation can be easily corrected if you install water supply at your dacha yourself.

Installation of water supply at the dacha

The entire water supply system at a summer cottage consists of the following elements:

  • Pipeline, as well as fittings and taps for it.
  • Equipment with a pump.
  • Equipment that will monitor pressure.
  • Filters.
  • Water heater.

The complexity of the water supply system depends primarily on the landscape of the site itself, the location of the water source and the needs of the owner.


The issue of installing a water source is the most important in the entire process. Fortunately, there are only three main options, which means you don’t have to worry that the choice of system will turn out to be wrong.


In order to build and use it, no documents are needed. Water from it can be pumped manually, which will be a big plus if problems with electricity are common.

This advantage increases safety because in the event of a fire, water can be quickly collected. When building a water supply from a well, you can even do without special equipment if you do not use ready-made blocks.

Well on sand

If the aquifer does not lie deep, then drilling a well can be done without large equipment. For such a well, a strong filtration system will be useful. Such wells will provide water for about 8 years.

Artesian well

It will take water where pollution from the surface does not reach. The productivity is so high that one well can be used for several areas.

Pumping equipment

The pumping part is considered one of the most complex in the entire water supply system, so it is important to treat it with great care. It is worth paying attention to such details as:

  • Artesian wells require a deep pump.
  • For sand wells you need submersible pumps, although superficial ones are sometimes used.
  • Both deep and surface pumps are suitable for wells.

In addition to these design characteristics, you need to pay attention to others. Because besides everything there is also technical specifications, taking into account productivity and pressure. Attention is also paid to elevation changes, the distance of the water source from the house, and the depth of the source.

In addition, it is worth noting that pumping stations sometimes more convenient than pumping machines. However, they create more noise and therefore require installation in basements. In addition, there is a distance limit. There should be no more than 8 meters to the water from the pump.

Materials for plumbing

The most popular materials for creating water supply country house now are:

Polyethylene. The material itself is not expensive, but you will have to invest in purchasing accessories for assembly. With sudden changes in temperature, joints may begin to leak.

Polypropylene. The cost is much more expensive than polyethylene. For assembly you will need additional equipment - a special soldering iron. Thanks to it, the joints will be strong and will not leak, so you can save on fittings.

Metal pipelines are now almost never used due to the instability of metals to corrosion, which means they will have to be replaced much earlier than pipes made of polypropylene or polyethylene.

When laying pipes for water supply, it is important to take care of insulation for the winter, because freezing can render the entire system unusable. And changing it every year is definitely not the best idea best idea. Therefore, pipes are insulated, most often with foamed polyethylene. The water source is also insulated.

Plumbing system diagram

The installation of a water pipeline begins with the creation of a project. To do this, all the necessary measurements are taken, the passage of pipes in the future is marked and drawings are made. Only after this do they purchase all the necessary materials.

To look at the basic diagrams, you can always refer to photos of the water supply at the dacha, as well as real diagrams that will help you navigate when creating your own project.

Wiring in the house

Plumbing schemes at the dacha can be of two types:

Consistent. Requires less materials and easier from an installation point of view. However, the further the water entry point into the house, the less pressure there will be. The difference in pressure can be noticeable.

Collector. A collector-pipe diagram with bends is formed. Excess outlets can be closed with plugs and later used to expand the system.

The collector circuit itself is very complex and cumbersome, since each of the outlets is connected to a point of water consumption. However, thanks to this, the pressure will be stable.


Depending on the complexity of the project, installation can be simplified or complicated. But the basic steps still remain the same:

  • Creating a trench from the water source to the pipe entering the house. The depth depends on the season.
  • Communications on the site are installed and insulated.
  • Installation of a shut-off valve at the entry point into the house.
  • Pump connection.
  • Checking the correct operation of the system section outside the house.
  • Wiring is carried out indoors. At the same time, filters are installed.
  • The area inside the house and outside the house are connected to each other.
  • The last check of the system as a whole.

It is important to remember that installing a water supply with your own hands in winter and summer systems vary. In winter, it will be especially necessary to take into account the depth of laying pipes and thermal insulation (both for pipes and pumping equipment).

There are several ways to insulate pipes. For example, you can use materials such as:

  • Expanded clay.
  • Foam chips.
  • Foamed polyethylene and others.

If there are no problems with electricity, then winter water supply can be installed together with a heating cable. This is the most effective way protection.

Internal additions

Now I don’t want to imagine using running water without hot water. Therefore, after the water supply system at the dacha is built, you can take care of heating the water. Usually electric or gas are installed for this purpose. heating boilers. It is more effective to use the first option, because you can choose the tank capacity based on the needs of the family.

The second option is cheaper, although it requires installation only by specialists. In this case, it is good if the pipes turn out to be polypropylene. They are more resistant to high temperatures, which means they will not soon require replacement from such loads.

If you plan to live at the dacha for a long time, then the best option There will be a double-circuit gas boiler, which will provide both heating and water.

Installing a water supply for a country house is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. With a competent approach, following all instructions and experience, this will not cause any difficulties.

Photo of water supply at the dacha with your own hands

Nowadays there is a great opportunity to provide country house everyone comfortable conditions, including the availability of hot water. To do this you just need to purchase good water heaters for the dacha.

Hot water in a summer cottage is a basic necessity. Because despite weather conditions, there is always a lot of work here. And in cold water it is impossible not only to take a shower, wash clothes, wash dishes, but also to wash your hands well. You can, of course, wash in a bathhouse, but heating it around the clock is very unprofitable. You can install a container to heat water in the sun, but in cloudy weather and on cold days this will also not work. Therefore, purchasing a suitable water heater is the best option.

Device requirements

A water heater for a country house is somewhat different from a device for a city apartment. A device intended for a summer residence must meet several basic requirements:

  1. Economical consumption of fuel or energy. You need to decide what is more practical and profitable for you - a wood-burning, gas or electric appliance.
  2. Suitable tank volume for family needs. For country house It is better to purchase devices with a small tank because they are light and compact. But at the same time, it is necessary to calculate the daily consumption of hot water at the dacha.
  3. Correspondence of power to technical capabilities. It is worth consulting with an electrician regarding the capabilities of your electrical wiring.
  4. Practicality and ease of use.

First you need to decide what energy the device will use to heat the water. At the dacha you can use titanium on firewood, geyser or electrical appliance.

If you have autonomous heating, you can connect the water heater to the heating boiler.

In addition, you need to accurately determine the required volume of hot water and the heating time. The following main parameters are geometric and technical properties device - its size and shape, efficiency and power. These criteria will affect the duration of water heating and energy consumption.

For example, for a large family, a storage water heater with a volume of about 200 liters will be convenient. For a small family, a small flow-through device will be suitable, which will heat the water very quickly.

Device characteristics

When choosing a water heater for a summer residence, it is necessary to take into account its defining parameters:

  • type of device – storage, liquid, flow;
  • principle of water supply – pressure, non-pressure;
  • type of energy used – gas, solid fuel, solar, electric;
  • highest heating temperature – 40 – 100°C;
  • water tank volume – 5 – 200 liters;
  • device power – 1.25 – 8 kW;
  • installation method – floor, wall, universal.

Types of water heaters

Choosing a suitable heating tank for water at the dacha is quite easy difficult task. Because stores offer a huge number of different models. To decide which one is best for your needs, you must first understand how they differ.

Wall and floor

Regarding the installation method, water heaters are divided into wall-mounted and floor-mounted. Which one to choose depends on the parameters of the house and the purpose of the device.

A wall-mounted water heater for a summer residence is considered more convenient, based on space-saving considerations. Due to its size, the device is suitable even for small buildings. It usually has a small tank, so it is good for people who use little water.

Floor standing water heater is different large size, so it’s not for small houses best option. However, the tank volume of these models is much larger than that of wall-mounted models. It can hold from 80 to 200 liters of water. Therefore, when staying at the dacha for a long time with the whole family, it is advisable to choose a floor-standing device.

Bulk, flow-through and storage

Based on the method of water supply, water heaters are divided into three types - bulk, instantaneous and storage. In this case, the choice depends on the water supply mechanism - it comes through a water supply or is brought from a well.

A bulk water heater is suitable for dachas that are not connected to water supply (most of us have them). The device is equipped with a tank that is filled with water manually - with a ladle, watering can, or scoop. These devices are often combined with a sink or shower.

A instantaneous water heater for a summer residence is installed if there is a connection to the water supply. Heating occurs when water flows through the heat exchanger of the device. For its normal operation, medium water pressure is required. Otherwise, it will either be barely warm or flow in a thin stream. Such devices are usually equipped with a temperature regulator and an electronic control panel.

The storage water heater has a large capacity, which can be heated using a heating element or gas burner. The main advantage of this device is the ability to stock up on the required amount of hot water.

The water heater tank is protected from the outside by thermal insulation and a durable casing. The device is equipped with a control panel, which necessarily contains a temperature regulator. If the temperature sensor detects a temperature in the tank below the set one, the device automatically turns on.

Pressure and non-pressure

A large assortment is divided into pressure and non-pressure devices. Both types are plugged into the mains and are powered by electricity. The main differences between pressure and non-pressure instantaneous water heaters are as follows.

Pressure devices crash into water pipes and are under constant water pressure. As a rule, their installation is carried out by experienced craftsmen. Such devices provide multiple points of consumption. Allows one person to wash dishes and another to shower at the same time.

Pressure water heaters operate automatically, responding to the opening of the tap. Their models are presented with different capacities. Therefore, choosing a suitable country water heater will not be very difficult.

A non-pressure device is installed only at one point of consumption and requires the installation of special water fittings. Therefore, when choosing this type, you will need to install on each tap similar device. The power of non-pressure water heaters is up to 8 kW. Cold water is supplied using a pump or manually. Most often, they come immediately complete with a shower or kitchen nozzle.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to replace one attachment with another. All components are assembled at the factory. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to check special attention to device components.

Classification of water heaters by heating method

The most important criterion for choosing water heaters for a summer residence is the type of energy used. Based on this feature, there are 4 types of devices:

  • wood or solid fuel;
  • solar;
  • gas;
  • electric.

Solid fuel, gas and electric water heaters are popular in our country. Solar devices are used very rarely.

Wood and solid fuel water heaters

The device consists of a fuel compartment and a water container. A pipe is installed for the chimney. The water is heated by the combustion of wood, coal and hot smoke coming out of the firebox through the chimney.

This device has many disadvantages, and often they outweigh all the advantages. The main disadvantages are: high fire hazard and the need to constantly add fuel to the compartment.

Solar water heaters

The devices are powered by solar panels– long glass tubes filled with a special composition. They absorb solar energy and produce direct electric current from it.

On the one hand, solar water heaters are very economical. But on the other hand, on cold and cloudy days they cannot absorb enough solar energy to fully provide the family with warm water.

Gas water heaters

These devices have simple design and can work with low pressure. In addition, fuel for them is much cheaper than for other options. But such devices also have some disadvantages: the need for systematic preventive examinations and maintenance, noise during operation and unstable water temperature.

Gas instantaneous water heater has a simple operating mechanism. Cold water enters it, moves through special heat exchange channels, as a result of which it gradually heats up. The water temperature depends on several reasons: pressure, automatic mode settings and frequency of use of the device.

Gas storage water heater - water is heated in a tank by burning gas. This type of garden water heater is very efficient and can guarantee an uninterrupted supply of large volumes of hot water. Disadvantages - high costs, however, with built-in automation, its efficiency and cost-effectiveness significantly increases.

Electric water heaters

Such devices are purchased not only for a city apartment, but also for a country house. Especially if gas is not supplied to the dacha. Electric water heaters for summer cottages are very convenient to use, but for their normal operation they need good water pressure and no power outages.

The water is heated by means of a heating element installed inside the device. Cold water moves in a spiral and heats up. Its advantages are good efficiency, and its disadvantages are low efficiency. The greater the water pressure, the cooler it is; the less, the warmer it is.

They have a similar operating mechanism as flow-through ones. Only the water does not flow, but is in a tank, which is heated by a heating element. The advantages are an uninterrupted flow of hot water. The downside is that it takes extra time to heat up.

Electric storage water heaters

Simple and modern devices-, which consist of a water storage tank for the dacha and a heating element heating element. The capacity of the tank is usually 10 - 200 liters, and the power of the heating element is 1.2 - 8 kW. The duration of heating depends on the volume of the container, the power of the heating element and the temperature of the incoming cold water. For a 10-liter tank, half an hour will be enough, for a 200-liter tank – about 7 hours.

In addition, electric storage water heaters for summer cottages include: a magnesium anode (protects the internal tank from corrosion), a thermal insulation layer (allows you to retain heat), a thermostat (temperature control), an outer casing, and a safety valve.

A storage water heater has several advantages:

  • retains hot water in its container for a long time;
  • in the event of a temporary lack of power supply, supplies previously heated water;
  • it is possible to program operation at night, heating water for a morning shower or in order to save electricity;
  • when positioned high, it is an element that forms pressure in the system.

Electric instantaneous water heaters

In instantaneous water heaters for summer cottages, water does not accumulate; it is heated as it flows through the heat exchanger. And electricity is only consumed when using hot water.

Flow devices are equipped with a special heating coil or heating element. The spiral heating element heats the water up to 45 degrees and needs to be warmed up. But it works well in hard water and doesn't require cleaning. New heating elements heat water very quickly up to 60 degrees, which saves electricity.

Some instantaneous water heaters are equipped electronic regulator power, thanks to this a stable temperature of warm water is maintained.

Instantaneous water heaters for summer cottages have the following positive qualities:

  • provide unlimited hot water consumption;
  • compact, they are easy to remove and take away for the winter;
  • do not dry the air;
  • do not require special maintenance.

Electric tankless water heaters

Many dachas have problems with water distribution or there is no plumbing system at all. Therefore, a bulk water heater for a summer cottage with a heater is still in great demand. Water is simply poured into the tank, and after a while it heats up to the desired temperature. Then it is fed through the tap, which is located at the bottom of the tank.

Advantages of tankless water heaters:

  • durable water heating container made of stainless metal that will last a long time;
  • simple design of the device, which does not require special preparation for installation and subsequent use;
  • models with heating elements of different power;
  • the presence of a thermostat, which eliminates the possibility of water evaporation and, as a result, breakdown of the device.

Bulk water heater "Moidodyr"

Like electrical appliances, a bulk water heater for a summer residence can be installed in the kitchen (with a small capacity) or in the shower. The most affordable and practical option This heater is the Moidodyr system. The device is located directly above the sink. The reservoir for used water is located in the cabinet below.

Modern “” models heat water to the required temperature automatically; they are equipped with protection against “dry” heating and overheating. The tankless water heater is compact and very convenient to use; in addition, you do not need to buy an additional sink for washing dishes. However, when choosing this option, you need to take into account that it has a small tank. Therefore, its functionality is very limited.

Tankless water heater for shower

This device is a tank with a volume of 50 - 150 liters with a built-in heating element. It is equipped with a thermostat, which makes it possible to regulate the heating temperature. The bulk water heater for shower is equipped with protection against “dry” start-up. Water is poured into this apparatus in buckets or using a pump. The most cost-effective device is “Sadko”. It can be mounted above summer shower or above the bathtub.

When installing a tankless water heater above the shower, on sunny days you can use solar energy for heating. This will save energy. And on cloudy days it is better to use a heating element.

Tank water heater with shower cabin

For convenience, you can purchase a country water heater with a shower cabin. This device consists of a heater, a cabin, a shower head, a tray and a curtain. Such structures are made with or without electrical heating. In the latter case, water is heated only from sunlight.

In a summer cottage, such a device can make life much easier, especially in the absence of running water. You just need to pour water into the tank, heat it and use it for your own needs.

Which water heater to choose for your cottage?

When choosing a country water heater, you first need to clarify the initial electrical wiring parameters. This will allow you to determine the maximum power of the device that can be connected. If necessary, you can change the wiring or proceed from what you have.

The power of the device depends on the water consumption for each task:

  • for washing dishes, a power of 4 - 6 kW is suitable;
  • using a shower requires power from 8 kW;
  • to fill a bath you need 13-15 kW, in this case you will need a three-phase water heater.

For a summer residence, with a network voltage of 220 volts, it is best to buy small devices with a power of 3 - 8 kW.

In addition, when buying an electric water heater, you need to take into account its size and weight. These parameters play decisive role to perform installation.

Popular water heater models

Now let's move on to brief overview popular models of well-known water heater manufacturers. Full specifications, the advantages and disadvantages of each device can be found on sellers’ websites and from customer reviews.

Electric instantaneous water heater Atmor BASIC:

  • type – unsystematic;
  • power – 3.5 kW;
  • heating speed – 2.5 l/min., when turned on, the water heats up in 5 seconds;
  • thermostat – 2 mode switching keys;
  • average cost - 4500 rubles.

Electric water heater Delimano:

  • type – flow-through non-pressure;
  • power – 3 kW;
  • heating speed – 5 seconds to 60 degrees;
  • thermostat – yes, with indicator;
  • the average cost is 6,000 rubles.

Electric bulk water heater for shower Sadko:

  • type – liquid;
  • power – 2 kW;
  • volume – 110 l;
  • heating speed – 60 minutes to a temperature of 40°C;
  • average price - 3000 rubles.

Electric tankless water heater Alvin Antik:

  • type – pour-in shower;
  • power – 1.25 kW;
  • volume – 20 liters;
  • heating speed – 1 hour up to 40 degrees;
  • thermostat – from 30 to 80 degrees;
  • equipped with a thermostat;
  • average price - 6000 rubles.

Electric water heater with washbasin THERMMIX:

  • type – liquid;
  • power – 1.25 kW;
  • tank volume – 17 liters;
  • after heating the water to 60°C it automatically turns off;
  • average price - 2500 rubles.

Electric water heater Zanussi Symphony S-30:

  • type – cumulative;
  • power – 1.5 kW;
  • volume – 30 liters;
  • heating speed - in 1 hour the water heats up to 75 degrees;
  • thermostat - on the body;
  • average price - 8,000 rubles.

Electric water heater Thermex IF 50 V:

  • type – cumulative;
  • power – 2 kW;
  • tank volume – 50 liters;
  • heating speed – 1.5 hours to 75 degrees;
  • safety valve;
  • average price - 12,500 rubles.

We are all accustomed to buying equipment from well-known brands, without considering the products of Chinese and Korean companies. Today this is already the wrong approach. Most large concerns have moved their production to China. And the quality of some Chinese manufacturers deserves approval.

Therefore, today, when buying a device from a well-known brand, there is a possibility of overpaying not for the quality of the product, but for its popularity. A water heater for a dacha with an unfamiliar name may turn out to be much better, more functional and much cheaper. To avoid getting into trouble, when choosing a manufacturer, we recommend that you carefully study the device documentation.

Choosing a water heater for a summer house - video

When going to a dacha outside the city, few people are ready to completely give up the benefits of civilization, especially when it comes to running water. Agree, the importance of water supply summer cottage difficult to overestimate.

Water is needed to water the garden and vegetable beds, as well as solving everyday problems. What can we say about using household appliances, requiring connection to water supply network. To arrange the water supply, you can hire specialists or do it yourself.

To make water supply in your dacha with your own hands, you must first decide on the source of water, select necessary equipment and materials, study the sequence of work. These are the questions we will help you solve.

For a better understanding of the water supply process, we illustrated the material with visual diagrams and photographs, and supplemented the information with video clips.

The installation of any water supply system begins with the selection of a water supply source. Although the choice is usually not great. It could be centralized system water supply, .

Not only its quality, but also the methods of constructing the entire water supply system, its technical complexity and cost depend on where the water will come from.

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Winter plumbing is a much more complex system. Everything must be taken into account - from the natural slope of the terrain to the depth of soil freezing. A pump is required to provide water pressure. In a word, country water supply winter type is no different from the water supply system of residential private houses.

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