What are the characteristics of infrared heaters? The best infrared heaters according to user reviews. Gas analogues with a ceramic heating element

Scientists say that cold helps preserve and prolong youth, but in everything you need to know when to stop. Anyone who has ever been shiveringly frozen while in their own apartment is probably not very happy about this method of rejuvenation. Today it is almost impossible to survive the harsh domestic winters without a heater - centralized heating does not always cope with its tasks. Fortunately, manufacturers delight us with a huge selection of all kinds of mobile electric heaters. Infrared heaters have recently joined the usual convectors and fan heaters. We will try to figure out what kind of “beast” this is and how it works, and at the same time we will determine the best infrared heaters for home and garden.

How do conventional convectors, oil heaters and fan heaters work? They heat the air, which then heats us, but warm air tends to rise, and only when all the air masses in the room warm up will comfort reign. Not exactly economical or convenient. Infrared heaters heat objects, incl. and a person, and the surfaces then warm up the air. This is actually a small indoor sun. At the same time, we do not heat those areas of the room that we are not in, and after turning on the heater we immediately feel its effect.

IR heaters lead in terms of efficiency, but their spot heating also has a downside - as soon as you leave the “comfort zone,” you will plunge into coolness. True, after a couple of hours of operation of the heater, the temperature in the entire room will become pleasant, and after turning off, the heated walls and other surfaces will still radiate heat for some time.

Around IR heaters a lot of myths. They say you can get burned from it. We won’t argue, you can really get a burn, just like from the sun, but this won’t happen if you choose the power and wavelength correctly. Actually, any technology can have negative consequences if it is chosen and used incorrectly, and since infrared heaters are still a relatively new phenomenon in our market, they raise some concerns. We have already experienced something similar with mobile phones, computers and microwaves.

When choosing infrared heating It is important to consider:

Now let's move on to the fun part.

The best infrared heaters

Polaris PMH 2007RCD

An excellent option for floor mounting, suitable for heating a room of a decent size. The model can boast electronic control, remote control and timer. The heater promises to be as safe as possible to use, as it has received the function overheat and tip-over shutdowns. The only thing users complain about is the large timer step - 30 minutes. Otherwise, an excellent model that fully lives up to expectations and copes with the tasks assigned to it.

Vitesse VS-870

A stylish floor heater, the trick of which is possibility of rotating the body. In addition, the manufacturer equipped the model with electronic control, remote control, timer, thermostat, shutdown functions for overheating and overturning. Of course, the device costs accordingly, but in terms of the set of characteristics it is one of the best infrared heaters. Please note that the power of the model is low, so it is not suitable for large rooms.

Ballu BIH-AP2-1.0

Great ceiling infrared heater, the most popular model among analogues. The device must be installed at a height of no more than 3 m above the floor; universal brackets are supplied. The manufacturer talks about the possibility of connecting to a thermostat. Small room The device warms up well, but during operation it crackles quite a bit.

Polaris PKSH 0508H

A good infrared heater for floor mounting, the kit comes with a special, comfortable handle. Among the additional functions there are timer, tip-over shut-off and overheat protection. For some reason the manufacturer refused to use a thermostat. This is a significant drawback, but judging by user reviews, the model is still quite convenient and functional to use.

Timberk TCH A5 800

This ceiling heater Perfect for installation above a bed or in an office above a workstation, i.e. for zone heating, because the power here is small. The manufacturer equipped the model with a thermostat and provided the ability to combine several such heaters into a group that would be connected to the remote control unit and thermostat.

NeoClima NC-CH-3000

One of the most powerful heaters on the market. The power of the device allows it to be used on outdoors. Otherwise, this is a fairly simple heater with no frills. The disadvantages are simple design, gluttony and short wire.

Polaris PMH 2095

A powerful and durable floor heater that is equipped with overheat protection function and turns off when tipped over. The device is very simple to operate, the power is adjustable, the device heats efficiently, there are practically no shortcomings in it.

Ballu BHH/M-09

This device can be called an infrared heater in the body of a fan heater, and its price is about the same as that of simple “blowers”. The device is suitable for zone heating or heating a small area. There are no additional functions here - everything is to the point. I'm glad that the manufacturer provided the model overheating and tip-over protection. Of the minuses, there are only two stages of power adjustment and not the most high quality assembly, which is not even surprising at this price. It is better to use such a heater in a room with high ceilings.

Finally, we note that the infrared heating function is also implemented in film heaters, which are hung on the wall and can resemble paintings. The same principle is implemented in film infrared warm floors. This film is also used for installation on the ceiling.

Until recently, little was required from an electric heater - the device must comply with the declared power and be highly reliable in operation. In conditions when a lot of devices have appeared on the market for every taste and budget, choosing a heater has become much more difficult. A modern device must not only be powerful and durable, but also meet the requirements of ergonomics, efficiency and safety. In addition, you always want to try out some high-tech new product that has a lot of additional functions. All these requirements are met by infrared heaters, which have captured a huge share of the heating device market in just a few years.

Design and principle of operation

Infrared heaters meet the requirements not only of functionality, but also of design

The operating principle of infrared heaters is completely different from traditional oil or convection devices - it does not heat the air in the room, but the surfaces it is directed at. This is how our Sun heats the Earth. Thanks to the electromagnetic waves of the infrared range emanating from the device, the walls, ceiling, floor and objects in the room are heated, and the air is heated from them. Our body reacts to such warmth with pleasant relaxation, a feeling of coziness and comfort.

Radiation in the IR spectrum is characterized by high penetrating ability. Such rays are able to penetrate subcutaneous tissues to a depth of 3-4 cm, producing local heating, so a pleasant warmth is felt immediately after turning on the device. Despite the many conjectures and rumors that surround these comfortable devices, if the operating rules are followed, they are absolutely safe. The rules for using infrared devices are very simple - do not look at the emitting elements, stay away from the IR heater safe distance, comply with electrical safety standards.

Design of ceiling infrared heater

IR fireplaces are designed simply - inside a metal or plastic casing The emitter is installed in the form of halogen, carbon or quartz lamp and a reflector for distributing and focusing IR rays. Depending on the design, the device may be equipped with a control unit, which increases the comfort of its use.

Types of infrared heaters

Infrared heaters are available in stationary and mobile versions. The choice of device for your needs depends on the characteristics of the room and operating conditions. If you plan to move the heater from room to room, choose a low-power portable device. For permanent installation, preference is given to the device that is most suitable in terms of power and type of placement. Based on the last criterion, they choose among wall, baseboard and ceiling heaters.

Portable type IR heater

If you take into account the peculiarities of the operation of IR devices, then preference should be given to last option. When placing the heater on the ceiling, the spread of rays will not be hindered by furniture and interior items, which is very difficult when placed on the floor. The only requirement is that the ceiling height must be at least 2.5 m or the device must be located away from armchairs, sofas, etc.

A properly selected wall-mounted infrared heater will highlight the overall style of the room

IR baseboard heaters have low power, and the radiation from such devices spreads much worse. However, it is difficult to find a better option when installing the device under a window. When choosing a floor heater, preference should be given to models operating in the long-wavelength ranges of the infrared spectrum. These requirements are fully met by devices with carbon or tubular heaters.

Wall-mounted heater models should be installed at a distance from the floor, taking into account the location of the furniture. In addition, if there are children in the house, the device is installed at a height inaccessible to them.

Selecting a device: power, emitter type, functions

When choosing the “right” infrared heater, everything is important - compliance of its rated power with the design parameters, design and type of emitter, additional capabilities.

Calculation of thermal power

When designing heating based on IR heaters, the thermal power density parameter is taken into account. Recommended parameters depending on the thermal insulation of the room are summarized in the table.

Dependence of the required thermal density on the thermal insulation of the room

When calculating the thermal power of IR heaters, it is necessary to take into account the fact that when the device is operating, it creates a feeling of a higher temperature in the room (by 4-5ºC) than it is in reality. Therefore, the power of the device is taken 10-20% higher than the calculated value. For example, for a well-insulated room 8 m long and 5 m wide, you will need IR heating with a power of 8×5×100+20%=4800W. For this case, you can install 5 infrared devices wall placement power 1kW each.

Sales consultants often use a very simple method for determining thermal power (in kW) - divide the volume of the room by 30. For our case, with a ceiling height of 3 m, the calculation will look like this: 8 × 5 × 3/30 = 4 kW. Taking into account the power reserve of 20%, we get the same 4.8 kW as in the first case. However, both of these calculation methods are valid for well-insulated rooms. In other cases, it is necessary to take into account the thermal insulation coefficient and the temperature difference between the outside and inside the room. The formula for calculations looks like this:

Q=V×T×K, where:

Q – calculated thermal power of IR heaters, kW;

V – volume of the room, m2;

T – temperature difference, ºС;

K – thermal insulation coefficient (for wooden walls K=3.0-4.0, brickwork K=2.0-2.9, standard walls K=1.0-1.9, improved construction K=0.6-0.9).

When performing the calculation using the formula, you should also make an increase of 10-20% “in reserve.”

Selecting a device by emitter type

Depending on the type of emitter, the IR heater operates in different ranges of the infrared spectrum. The safest are devices that produce infrared rays with a wavelength of 9.6 microns and higher. These are the parameters provided by heaters with a ceramic emitter. This element has excellent protection, a service life of at least 3 years and a power of 50 W to 2 kW. In addition, the ceramic shell of the heater does not emit waves in the optical range. The only drawback of this type of heaters is their high cost.

Devices with micathermic (tubular) metal emitters are even more expensive, but have increased reliability and durability. Their only drawback is a slight crackling during operation, associated with different coefficients of thermal expansion of the materials that make up their parts.

Portable micathermic heater

The halogen heating element is a high power halogen lamp operating in the infrared range. During operation, the device has a bright golden glow that irritates the eyes. In addition, the spectral composition of the waves of a halogen device includes short-wave radiation, which is not the most useful for humans. Therefore, it is not recommended to use an infrared halogen heater for residential premises.

When choosing a device for your home, be sure to ask in which region of the infrared spectrum its emitter operates. Devices emitting waves in the IR-C range are considered the safest.

Experts also advise against long-term use of fireplaces with carbon IR heaters. Despite the high efficiency and rapid heating of the coil, such an emitter has a significant drawback - high energy consumption and a service life limited to 2 years.

Emitters running on natural gas, on the contrary, are very economical, and given their high power, they are simply irreplaceable for owners of country houses and cottages. The only thing is that you should choose a device with indirect heating, otherwise combustion products will go inside the room, which will require additional costs for an effective ventilation system. The disadvantage of these devices is that for their installation you will need to contact gas specialists.

Gas IR heaters have high power and efficiency


Manufacturers of electrical appliances are trying to build into them functions that significantly increase the comfort and safety of their use. IR heaters were no exception. Among the service functions of the devices you can find:

  • thermostat to maintain the set temperature;
  • overheat protection;
  • rollover protection (for floor-standing models);
  • timer with wide possibilities for setting on and off times;
  • remote control.

Of course, you will have to pay for additional features. The only thing you shouldn't skimp on is safety features. The device may not be controlled remotely and will not have automatic switching on, but mobile devices must have rollover protection.

Manufacturers and prices

Almost all global manufacturers of heating equipment are engaged in the production of infrared heaters. Let's talk about the products of the most famous companies in our country.

AEG (Electrolux)

The products of the famous German concern are the standard of quality in many areas of industrial and household appliances. The produced IR heaters have a power from 0.6 to 2 kW, operate in the IR-A (1200) range and meet all electrical safety standards. In the AEG model range you can find both simple devices and those with a lot of additional functions. The price of IR heaters starts from 2,000 rubles for a device with a power of 0.6 kW and reaches 15,000 rubles for powerful high-tech new products.


IR heater UFO Star 2300

Perhaps the most famous company, which specializes in the production of infrared heating equipment. Model range the company is so wide that choosing the right model is sometimes very difficult. Among UFO products, you can choose a device for both domestic and industrial use. In addition, the manufacturer produces heaters with various types of emitters, so everyone can find a device to their liking. The popularity of UFO products is explained by both affordable prices and high reliability of the equipment. For example, the cost of a 2-kilowatt UFO IR heater is only 3,600 rubles.

Not everyone and does not always want to spend money on a water heating device. In this case, another type of heat source is needed. They are often used, but they have quite significant drawbacks (the most important one is that heating is too expensive) and are not suitable for everyone. Another option is to use infrared heaters for your home. They are more economical, so it’s a good option, but also not ideal.

Difference from conventional heating

The main difference between infrared heating and conventional heating is that it is not the air that is heated, but objects. The clearest analogy would be with sunlight. Some of the solar radiation is in the infrared range. And it is precisely this that warms the earth, plants, water, your body - if you stand under its rays. Infrared heaters for the home work on the same principle. Objects that are in the heater's area of ​​effect become heated. After they heat up, the air begins to heat up from them.

Is this good or bad? It depends on what purposes. To quickly warm up a room and keep yourself warm, this is great. Moreover, you can warm up not only indoors, but also outdoors, in a cold veranda, in a workshop, etc. Quickly warm up a cooled room at the dacha. For all these purposes, infrared heaters - best choice. No other heating device can cope with these tasks faster (we can only argue heat gun, but even then very powerful).

But this type of heater also has disadvantages. Quite serious.

  • Only those objects that are within the range of the device are heated. If, for example, your feet are out of range, they will “stay cold.” Moreover, if the heater hangs directly above you, it’s also not very good - it’s too hot. Moreover, the head is hot, and the legs may also be cold. In general, you need to think carefully about how to hang/install infrared heaters indoors.
  • To heat an entire room evenly, you almost always need several heaters.
  • Some infrared heaters for the home do not have the most attractive appearance. And those that look good are expensive.

In general, infrared heating of a house, cottage, or garage is a good option, but not ideal. Paired with, say, convectors, heating will not be too expensive, but at the same time comfortable. The main thing is to choose the right type of heater and characteristics.

Types, device and principle of operation

Any IR heater has a heat source and a surface emitting infrared waves. The operating principle is to heat the radiating element. Once heated, it begins to emit radiation in the infrared range. The degree of heating and range of radiation depend on the material used. Models intended for indoor use may have built-in temperature sensors and control panels. But these are “bells and whistles” that increase comfort, but complicate the design and increase the price. Regardless of this, all infrared heaters operate according to the principle described above.

Heating elements in infrared heaters can be electric, gas, or liquid fuel. Can also be used various types materials that emit infrared waves. It can be carbon, anodized aluminum, special ceramics. The heat source and emitter change, but the method of “producing” infrared waves remains the same: from a heated radiating material.

Electric infrared heaters are most often used to heat houses and cottages. They are the safest, operate almost silently, do not emit any odors during operation, have a high degree of automation, and can be controlled via the Internet from a computer or phone. For heating garages, production premises, gas or diesel heating devices are more economical. They help out where there is no electricity or low power. But they have a high fire hazard, so they cannot be used in homes. But in an open area, in a gazebo, on a terrace, they are very comfortable.

Types of radiation and which is better

Infrared heater emitters can be of three types:

  • Long wave. They emit waves in the range from 50 to 10000 microns (micrometers), the emitter heats up to 250-300°C. Our eyes cannot distinguish this part of the spectrum, which is why these IR heaters are also called “black”, since there are no visible signs of operation. This is the type that most household models for home use.
  • Medium wave. The radiation ranges from 2.5 to 50 microns, the heating temperature of the emitters is up to 500°C. During the start, you can observe some glow, a slight halo can be seen during operation. Medium-wave infrared heaters can be used both for home and industrial premises with not too high ceilings. But dust and other organic matter in the air can burn on a heated surface.
  • Shortwave. The wavelength emitted by IR devices of this type is from 0.75 to 2.5 microns, the heating temperature of the emitter is from 600 to several thousand degrees Celsius. These are powerful heaters for industrial premises. They are not used for home use, as the hot emitter burns out oxygen.

So, two types of IR emitters are suitable for the home - long and medium wave. If the ceilings are low, you can take long-wavelength ones. They emit the softest radiation and do not burn oxygen. But you can’t hang them at a great height—the floor will be cold. Medium wavelengths are suitable for rooms with high ceilings - they will warm the floor well even from a height of 3 meters or more. If you are selecting infrared heaters for a home with a second light, you should consider mid-wave ones. The radiation of less powerful ones will simply not reach the floor and it will remain cold.

Electric IR heaters

This is a large group in which new items often appear. Electric infrared heaters for the home can be divided according to the installation method. There are ceiling, wall, table and floor models. Not so long ago, IR heaters appeared that are installed on windows. Let's look a little more closely at the main types.

Ceiling, wall, table, floor - the choice is wide

With heating element and plates

Some of the most widespread are ceiling ones. Outwardly, they are very reminiscent of old-style lamps with fluorescent lamps. And this is their most main drawback: They are not very attractive in appearance. You can find square models. They are easier to fit in and easier to decorate, but their cost is much higher.

As you can see in the picture above, the radiating element is a plate or a set of plates. Modern electric IR heaters are designed this way. The plates are made of anodized aluminum; they are compressed around a heating element - a regular heating element. The heating element heats up to no more than 300°C, which does not lead to oxygen burning. Emitters of this type are long-wave. Such models do not create a feeling of stuffiness; the room is comfortable.

The main drawback of these models is that their effectiveness is highly dependent on the build quality. If there is poor contact between the heating element and the plates, a lot of heat is lost, and the efficiency drops significantly. Another drawback: the small “depth” of heating. If the emitters are too high, the rays may not reach the floor and the floor will be cold. So Please check recommended installation height before purchasing, and also try to find reviews about products from this particular manufacturer.

With carbon tubes

There are also carbon emitters. They also work from the mains. They can be distinguished by the presence of carbon tubes. This is a carbon spiral (carbon is a material that emits waves in the IR range when heated), enclosed in a glass flask. The surface of the spiral heats up to 700°C, which certainly leads to oxygen burnout. Also appears bad smell burnt dust. To reduce these phenomena, the spiral is closed in a flask, but it is not possible to completely get rid of odors - the tube also heats up to a very high temperature.

These models are also called directional infrared heaters - they have a screen installed that reflects rays directed inside the device, thereby forming a fairly narrow radiation flux.

Infrared carbon heaters are distinguished by the “visible spectrum”

Such an emitter has short term operation - designed for 460 hours of operation or so. In addition, glass is a fragile material, so you should be very careful when transporting such a heater. With carbon infrared heaters, the tube still gets very hot, which can cause a feeling of “overheating”. The comfortable zone is not in the area of ​​direct radiation, but slightly to the side. What can we say: if you need to choose an infrared heater for an open area, for a balcony or gazebo, terrace, or for quickly heating a garage, you can consider these models. They are not suitable for constant heating.

Ceramic infrared panels

Another type of electric infrared heaters is ceramic panels. They also have a thermoelement, but usually it is laid out in the form of a “snake” over the entire area of ​​the heater. It can be sealed inside a ceramic plate, or it can fit tightly to it.

Which type is better? If you look at efficiency, ceramic panels with heaters sealed inside convert electricity more efficiently into heat - they have a larger contact area with the ceramics and less heat loss during transfer. But they can’t be repaired: the heater has burned out - that’s it, it’s in the landfill. At a considerable price, this is not the most promising prospect. But electricity consumption will be lower due to high efficiency. If you decide to install such infrared heaters for your home, choose one with the longest warranty period, and also read the reviews.

Now about another type of ceramic panels - in which the heating element is only adjacent to the plate. They have a smaller contact area between the heating element and the ceramic or glass surface. But the efficiency and speed of heating the room can be comparable to those described above. This happens due to air convection. In the gap between the front panel and back wall air passes through the heater. It heats up, spreading heat throughout the room. That is, such ceramic heaters heat the room not only due to IR radiation, but also due to normal heat transfer. On the one hand, this is good - the air and the room itself are heated more evenly. But convection “carries” dust and allergens with it, which is not acceptable for everyone.

The advantage of ceramic infrared heaters for the home with a separate heating element is that, theoretically, they can be repaired by replacing the thermoelement. But the cost of this part is often comparable to the cost of a new copy. So it doesn’t always make sense to bother with repairs. If you are nevertheless inclined towards such models, first inquire whether thermoelements for your model are on sale. They are not always sold.

In general, ceramic panels are a good choice for both permanent and auxiliary heating. Today there are also models with photo printing on the surface. So they can be used as a decorative element.

Infrared heated floor

Heaters of the types described above can be ceiling, wall, or floor. In any case, they heat not only the floor, but also all objects that fall under the IR rays. Carbon films are available for heating only the floor. They can not only be laid on the floor, but also hung on walls and ceilings, but were originally developed specifically for floor heating. This is the so-called infrared heated floor.

Infrared film can be attached to walls, floors, ceilings... even to columns

Represents two polymer films, between which strips of carbon paste are sealed, connected by copper busbars. Voltage is supplied to these buses. Current flowing through the carbon paste causes it to heat up and it begins to emit waves in the IR range. The difference from the emitters described above is that the heating temperature of the paste is no more than 45-50°C.

The film is available in different widths - from 30 cm to a meter or more. One meter consumes very little electricity (there are different powers). But to compensate for heat loss in a house or apartment, the floor must be literally “covered,” which is what is usually done. The cost, accordingly, increases several times (multiply by the footage of the laid film).

Unlike other types of heated floors, this one does not require pouring into a screed. Or rather, it is contraindicated for it, since the film simply decomposes in concrete. This film can be laid under special types of laminate, linoleum, or even just under carpet and flooring. Flooring and carpets, of course, reduce the efficiency of heating, but the floor underfoot is a pleasant temperature. As the main source of heat, it is in this form (with carpets and flooring) cannot be used, but to increase comfort - good option. Read more about the construction of carbon heated floors.

Gas IR heaters

In the case of using gas, the design of the infrared heater is slightly different. In such installations there is a regular gas heater with control of flame, gas, and temperature. Special ceramics are used as a radiating element. Usually it is a panel that heats up to +900°C. Gas appliances operate on natural or liquefied gas.

The operating principle of gas infrared heaters is simple. The burning fuel heats the air in a small chamber, the air heats the plate, emitting heat in the IR range. Radiation occurs in the medium or long wave spectrum; the power of such heaters is usually high, so they are more often used to heat industrial premises and garages with high ceilings.

The use of gas infrared heaters for heating a house or apartment is, to put it mildly, questionable. Few people have gas installed in their rooms. Even if you use a liquefied cylinder, you will have to hide the cylinder somewhere or arrange storage for it outside. And in general, most models have a clearly “production” look. They can look organic in a garage, gazebo, or terrace. Thanks to their efficiency, they keep you warm even in cold weather, allowing you to enjoy barbecue in winter.

They are also good at utility rooms: in a chicken coop, barn or other premises where it is necessary to raise the temperature. Since they heat not the air, but the walls and floor, they dry out the condensation that often forms on the walls in winter time. They will also save lives in houses under construction - they can raise the temperature to quite comfortable for working in winter.

Liquid fuel

Infrared heaters operating on liquid fuel have a device similar to those described above gas installations. They also have a burner, only there is one more stage: liquid fuel is sprayed and burned in this form. But the structure itself is different in that the fuel tank is part of the device. There is a burner at the top. This type of infrared heaters is positioned more as a mobile travel option. With this installation you can warm up a tent or caravan. They are also good for small dachas. In addition, some models have a burner on which you can cook food.

So they are convenient for heating and cooking while camping, fishing, or hunting. For a residential building and, especially for an apartment, they are inconvenient. But they can be very useful in the country. Mobile, lightweight, small sizes a device that runs on widely used types of fuel - diesel fuel or kerosene.

How to choose the right power

If you decide to make heating based on infrared heaters, you will need to calculate the required power of the devices, their number and correctly position them. In general, this should be done by a heating engineer who determines the heat loss of the building and carries out calculations using formulas. But ordering this service is expensive, fiddling with formulas takes a long time. There are more quick ways determine the required heater power.

The first way is to pay attention to the description and technical specifications devices. Usually it indicates the area for which a particular model is designed to be heated. But keep in mind that it is indicated for a medium degree of insulation. If your house/apartment is cold, you should take more powerful models. The colder it is, the larger the “reserve” should be. In addition, you need to take into account the height of the ceilings. Again, it is taken as “average” - 2.5 m. If you have higher ceilings, take a higher power, lower – less.

Also, pay attention to the manufacturer. If ours or Chinese, the numbers are most likely inflated. By subtracting 20-25%, you can hope that the room will be warm. If the manufacturer is European, you can trust them. They rather tend to underestimate the numbers (just in case).

The second way to select the power of infrared heaters is based on the existing heat loss (you may have a heat loss calculation). We subtract 30% from the found figure and obtain the required total power of the IR heaters. Why 30%? On average, this is how much more efficient radiant heating is compared to conventional convection heating.

Having decided on the power, you need to think about the number of heaters and develop a scheme for their installation. If heating with infrared heaters is the main method, they must be positioned so that there are no “cold” places. Each of the devices has a specific zone in which its rays propagate. Heating devices must be positioned so that there are no unheated areas, but there are also no places where the heating is too strong. To solve the problem easier, it is better to take several less powerful models. Arrange them so that the heating zones touch. Special attention Focus on outside walls and corners. “Underheating” of these zones threatens the appearance of condensation or clearly cold sections of the walls, from which “the cold comes out.” We position the lamps so that the rays fall on these walls.

In principle, errors in calculations or an incorrectly chosen position are not critical - everything can be corrected. Buying one or two more heaters is not a problem at all, nor is changing their position. It's not very pleasant to tinker with wiring, but it's not fatal either.

And another tip: connect infrared heaters for your home via a temperature sensor. It will turn on the heating when the room temperature drops below the value you set. With this approach, unnecessary energy will not be wasted, and the house will be warm and comfortable.

Many owners of apartments and country houses consider it useful to have additional heating devices at their disposal. Situations when you have to resort to their help may be different. For example, everyone knows the vagaries of the weather in spring or autumn, respectively, when cold weather sets in after turning off the heating or before heating season. But what about spring or autumn - no, no, and summer sometimes brings such surprises that it’s time to take out winter clothes.

Such devices become useful during the peak of winter cold, when heating does not fully cope with its task for several days. No one is immune from emergency situations. Autonomous heaters become useful when traveling to the country, for those who like to raise poultry or rabbits. And some models allow you to do without stationary systems heating, that is, they take on the entire function of heating the premises.

The modern range of heating devices is very wide. They differ both in the principle of generating thermal energy and in the methods of its transmission. Infrared heating devices, which are also available in a wide variety of models, are considered one of the most effective. To help the consumer choose the optimal model, consider the topic “The best infrared heaters.”

What is the basis for the operation of infrared heaters?

General concepts about the infrared principle of heat transfer

Understanding the operating principle of infrared heaters is not difficult at all. It is enough to remember that all life on earth owes its existence to the energy transmitted by the Sun.

Solar energy, produced due to thermonuclear reactions constantly occurring on this luminary, spreads with rays in all directions. The spectrum of emitted electromagnetic waves is quite wide. This includes gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, and the visible light range. And between the red limit of the visible spectrum (with wavelength λ ≈ 0.74 µm) and the region of microwave radio emission (λ ≈ 1000 ÷ 2000 μm) is located the area infrared radiation.

So, we owe that feeling of warmth from the sun’s rays precisely to the infrared portion of the solar spectrum. These rays, without encountering any obstacles (including air, which is not a significant obstacle for them), are absorbed by optically opaque bodies, which leads to their heating. The sun is located at a great distance from the Earth, but the energy of infrared radiation reaching the earth’s surface is quite enough to support all forms of life (and in some places on the planet, let’s be honest, there is even an abundance of it).

It is important that infrared rays themselves do not warm the air. But opaque surfaces heat up, which then “share” heat with ambient air by direct heat transfer.

By the way, the feeling of comfort depends not only on the temperature of the surrounding air - it also depends on the sensation of radiant heat. Confirmation of this is the feeling of pleasant solar heating on the skin even on a frosty day. Or, very clear example- “Alpine tan”. In clear, sunny, windless weather, many lovers of holidays in the mountains take “ sunbathing", and this is all against the backdrop of lying snow, that is, with negative temperature air.

Exactly the same principle is used in the circuits of any infrared heaters. A source of infrared radiation is created that converts either the energy released during the combustion of liquid or gaseous fuel, or the resistive heating of an electrical conductor, into a heat flow. The flow direction is usually served by a special reflector. In essence, an infrared heater becomes a very simplified analogue of a “local luminary” that distributes “warm” radiation in a given sector.

Prices for infrared heaters

infrared heaters

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared heating devices

Infrared heating has the following positive features:

  • After turning on the device, a noticeable effect in the sector where it is directed is noted very quickly.
  • The heating of all surfaces encountered along the path of the rays involuntarily involves very large areas in the subsequent process of direct heat exchange with air. As a result, the desired room temperature can be reached very quickly.
  • Infrared devices are usually very energy efficient– their efficiency tends to 100%.
  • Temperature gradation in height, if the emitters are directed towards the floor, becomes optimal, most comfortable for human perception. Below, near the floor surface, it reaches maximum values, and then, as the height increases, it gradually decreases.

  • In addition to the above, it is precisely this kind of heating that least contributes to horizontal air movements in the room, which are unpleasant for many, when it seems that there is a “chill in the air” to the feet.
  • When infrared electric heaters operate, the normal balance of humidity in the room is not disturbed, the air is not dried, and oxygen is not burned. This advantage, however, does not apply to devices in which the energy source is gas or diesel fuel.
  • The operation of such heaters is not accompanied by noise, which, for example, affects heat fans.
  • The advantages include the compactness of most devices, which makes them unnoticeable in the overall interior. Moreover, many models are given original shapes that allow the heater to fit into any part of the room. Along with, for example, lighting fixtures, it becomes a discreet and almost invisible part of the interior.

  • Well, if the device is not permanently installed, then it most likely has good mobility. That is, it is easy to rearrange it into right place, for example, to create a temporary zone of increased comfort. It will not take up much space in the trunk of a car when traveling to the country.
  • Infrared radiation in the correctly selected wavelength range is harmless to humans, and even becomes very useful, to some extent compensating for the deficiency of sunlight during the winter months.
  • Modern infrared heating devices are very easy to use. As a rule, they are equipped multi-level systems protection, which makes their use as safe as possible.

There are, of course, certain disadvantages. But, interestingly, they are rather " reverse side medals” of some advantages of infrared heating.

  • For example, the zonality of action, which makes it possible to organize separate areas where heating occurs most intensely, to a certain extent can be attributed to the “disadvantages” of such devices. If you leave the area of ​​the heater, you will immediately feel a drop in temperature. Or, when the room is completely heated to the desired temperature, excess heat may be felt in the directional sector of the infrared heater.
  • Infrared radiation is useful if the wavelength is within a certain range. This, by the way, is often one of the criteria for choosing a heater:

Radiation with a wavelength of 0.74÷2.5 microns is considered “hard”, producing the most intense heating. Devices with such characteristics cannot be used in a residential building, and in general they are tried not to be used in limited space. They are more suitable for very large premises, such as train stations, shopping centers, workshops of industrial enterprises. They cope well with the function of local heating in open areas - they can be seen in outdoor cafes or restaurants, in recreational areas and etc.. Even in very cool weather they are able to maintain quite comfortable conditions in a certain sector.

Middle section infrared range – radiation with a wavelength of 2.5÷50 microns. Devices with such characteristics have a wider scope of use and can be used in residential premises.

But the optimal ones for an apartment or house are heaters that produce radiation with the longest waves - from 50 to 1000 microns. Such devices are the safest to use. As a rule, their emitters do not heat themselves up to critically high temperatures, and a red, visually noticeable glow may be completely absent. It is these rays that are most beneficial for the human body.

Many devices of this class are officially approved for use in medical, preschool and educational institutions. It is clear that they are quite suitable for living rooms with constant presence of people in them.

Heater prices


But even in this case, there remains the possibility of individual intolerance in some people, which can manifest itself, say, in feelings of irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes or involuntary lacrimation.

Therefore, they always try to place infrared heating in such a way that they are not located directly above the beds, their sector of action wasn't aimed at people's faces. And if signs of irritation appear, you should consult a doctor. And it is possible that you will have to abandon this method of additional heating.

Types of infrared heaters

First of all, such devices differ in the type of energy carrier used. In domestic use, heaters and electric ones are used. It must be said that there are also infrared emitters that run on diesel fuel. But consider them as heating device for a house or apartment, of course, it’s not worth it - these are both safety reasons and the not very pleasant aroma of diesel fuel, which is difficult to get rid of.

Gas infrared heaters.

As is clear from the name, the source infrared heat becomes a special emitter that receives energy from the combustion of gas. This determines both the advantages of such devices and their pronounced disadvantages.

TO positive aspects This heating method includes the following:

  • The simplicity of the design of most devices - as a rule, there are no complex components that become an “Achilles heel”.
  • High efficiency in operation - heating occurs very quickly, and a high intensity of infrared radiation is immediately achieved.
  • Durability – many heaters can last at least ten years.
  • Cost-effective – still, today gas is the most affordable energy carrier.
  • Independence of the presence of power lines or gas lines - such devices work perfectly from cylinders. This predetermines their high mobility - many compact models are designed for use in traveling conditions. This makes them extremely in demand among tourists, hunters, fishermen, and lovers of “wild” outdoor recreation.

By the way, many of these “camping” infrared heaters have special stands that turn the device into something like a small gas stove. That is, it becomes possible to warm water or cook food.

At the same time, gas heaters also have quite serious disadvantages. Thus, the operation of gas heaters cannot be considered safe. Moreover, this problem is very multifaceted.

The gas itself is toxic, and the slightest leakage should not be allowed. Gas combustion products are also unsafe, especially since combustion actively consumes oxygen from the air. That is, the issues of mandatory supply and exhaust ventilation premises where such equipment is used.

The operation of such heaters is associated with increased risks. fire danger. Gas is a flammable product, and at a certain concentration in the air it can create an explosive mixture. And gas combustion is inevitably accompanied by high temperatures, which can lead to the ignition of objects accidentally falling into the emitter area, for example, paper or fabric. That is, the device should not be left unattended, especially in those conditions when young children live in the house.

The instruction manual for gas infrared heaters always details strict safety precautions. And ignoring them or carrying them out with arbitrary simplification is unacceptable.

Prices for gas infrared heaters

gas infrared heater

At home, only appliances that do not have noticeably large flames on the burners are usually used. Based on the type of emitter, they are divided into ceramic and catalytic.

  • Ceramic gas infrared heaters are among the most affordable. Their main element is a special gas burner, in which very small flames actively heat a ceramic honeycomb element, which, in turn, becomes a source of infrared radiation.

The ceramic emitter heats up to very high temperatures - about 600 degrees or more, and ensures rapid and intense propagation of the infrared flux.

The principle is the same, but heaters can differ significantly in design.

Depending on the purpose and size, they may provide for connection to a gas main or to a cylinder. Many models have a special compartment inside the case to accommodate such a cylinder of a certain capacity.

The spread in size and power ratings is very large. Ceramic gas heaters can be outdoor, in the form of columns, lanterns or pyramids. And on the other side there are very miniature devices that will easily fit in the backpack of an outdoor enthusiast. Models can be stationary (wall-mounted, floor-mounted, ceiling-mounted) or portable.

  • Catalytic gas infrared heaters are more modern and safer to use.

In them, the emitter is made of special fiberglass coated with platinum, which plays the role of a catalyst. The oxidation process of the incoming gas occurs without the formation of a flame at all, but is still accompanied by a large release of heat. So, depending on the selected operating mode and the model of the device, heating can vary in the range from 200 to 500 degrees. This flameless combustion dramatically increases the safety of the heater and leads to minimal formation of toxic by-products. It is precisely these gas-powered devices that become optimal for home use. Naturally, their cost is significantly higher than that of conventional ceramic ones.

The advantages of catalytic heaters include the following:

Their negative impact on the indoor microclimate – not much.

By degree fire safety and the release of toxic products - they are much ahead of ceramic ones.

Such devices are simpler and more manageable, allowing you to set and maintain the required temperature in the room.

However, they also have their drawbacks.

High cost compared to ceramic gas “counterparts”.

Increased demands of devices on fuel quality. They are not designed for mains gas, and cylinders should only be purchased or refilled from a trusted supplier who guarantees the proper quality of the gas mixture.

The devices are not very durable. Catalytic platinum coating burns out over time, and this immediately affects the performance of the heater. And replacing the emitter most often looks unprofitable, since its cost is ⅔ or even more of the price of a new device. That is, it seems optimal to replace a heater that has exhausted its potential with a new one.

Brief overview of popular models of gas infrared heaters

Model nameIllustrationBrief description of the modelApproximate price
"Enders Polo 2.0" Reliable, powerful outdoor heater.
Power – from 3 to 6 kW, radius of radiation for comfortable perception of heat – up to 2.5 meters.
Compartment for a cylinder with a capacity of 11 liters. Stainless steel housing.
Provided with adjustable wind protection, which simultaneously plays the role of a reflector.
Gas consumption is from 218 to 437 g/hour, that is, on a fully charged standard cylinder, the device can operate from 25 to 50 hours.
Piezo ignition, automatic shutdown when tilted more than 45 degrees or tipped over.
Convenient wheels for transportation within the site.
Dimensions – height 1200 mm, diameter of the “column” - 500 mm. Weight – 14 kg.
Color design – chrome.
27300 rub.
"AESTO A02" An outdoor gas heater, characterized by high reliability and absolute unpretentiousness to the quality of the gas mixture.
Power – smooth adjustment from 5 to 13 kW.
Aluminum reflector reflector.
The diameter of the noticeable action zone at an outside temperature of about 10 degrees is up to 5 meters.
Gas consumption – from 450 to 870 g/hour. The kit includes a standard 27 liter cylinder, installed inside a stainless steel body. The duration of continuous operation on a full charge is from 15 to 31 hours.
Device height – 2210 mm, weight – 30 kg.
The disadvantage is the lack of a position sensor, that is, protection against rollover.
12500 rub.
"BALLU BOGH-15" An outdoor heater, considered one of the most reliable and easy to use.
The characteristic pyramidal shape of the stainless steel body and glass bulb of the flashlight emitter.
Power – smoothly adjustable in the range from 4 to 13 kW. The diameter of the created comfortable zone is up to 2.5 meters.
Gas consumption – from 300 to 970 g/hour. Standard cylinder installed in the housing - up to 27 liters.
Wheeled trolley for ease of movement.
Electric ignition, and in the “BALLU BOGH-15E” model - automatic ignition, carried out from the remote control remote control.
A well-thought-out safety system, including large tilts and rollovers.
Heater weight – 40 kg, dimensions – 847×2410×770 mm.
One of the disadvantages is the absence of a wheel locking system - the device on a level surface is easy to move from its place with a careless movement
31900 rub.
"BARTOLINI PULLOVER K" One of best models for use in residential premises.
The austere vertical body will fit well into any interior.
Gas burner - catalytic operating principle.
Three power modes – 1.2; 2.4; 2.9 kW. Heated area – up to 35 square meters.
Economical gas consumption - an average of 201 g/hour.
Piezo ignition. The security system includes gas control sensors, measuring oxygen concentration in the room, shutting down when overturning or critical tilt angles.
Heater dimensions - 780x430x420 mm, weight - 15.3 kg.
There is a wheel drive for moving around the room.
11500 rub.
"Timberk TGH 4200 M1" A popular gas infrared heater, primarily thanks to its affordable price with good characteristics.
Ceramic type gas burner.
Thermal power of the device is three fixed levels: 1.2; 2.8 and 4.2 kW. Gas consumption averages 300 g/hour. The heating area of ​​the room is up to 60 square meters.
Safety system: gas control, control of oxygen content in the air, automatic shutdown when capsizing.
Compartment for installing a standard gas cylinder with clamps.
Heater dimensions - 730x430x370 mm, weight - 9.3 kg.
A wheeled trolley is provided for moving.
Among the shortcomings, there are isolated cases of poor quality assembly and understaffing.
5000 rub.
"TOURIST MINI AFRICA TH-808" A product of joint production between Russia and South Korea. A convenient and reliable compact heater, well suited for any hiking conditions or for quickly heating a small room in the country.
Thermal power – 1.2 kW. Ceramic gas burner.
The maximum consumption of liquefied gas is 100 g/hour.
Simple and convenient system for installing or replacing standard ones gas cylinders with collet adapter, capacity 220 g.
Piezo ignition. Well-thought-out operating safety system.
The dimensions of the heater are 260×300×120 mm, with a weight of only 1.5 kg. That is, the device will not be a burdensome burden on a hike.
Among the disadvantages, some users note a slightly perceptible smell of gas when working indoors.
Cylinders should only be used as standard ones, and they cannot be refilled.
The capacity of the cylinders is small, and at the most economical consumption, the operating time is limited to four to five hours.
2800 rub.
"KOVEA TKN-2006" Compact gas infrared heater with a catalytic burner and a heat-resistant tungsten emitter. Production - South Korea.
Thermal power is 1.04 kW, which is enough to effectively heat rooms up to 10 square meters. Well suited for hiking conditions.
Gas consumption is minimal, only 75 g/hour.
Piezo ignition. Gas cylinder preheating system. Sophisticated security system.
Dimensions - 254x226x242 mm, weight - 1.4 kg.
The disadvantage is that it only works with standard gas cylinders with a collet valve.
4800 rub.

Electric infrared heaters

Gas infrared heaters are attractive, first of all, for their autonomy, as they can be powered by a liquefied gas cylinder propane-butane mixture. But still, in terms of safety and ease of use, in terms of saturation useful features they can't compete with

By the way, infrared electric heaters cannot be classified as some kind of new product. Their prototypes can be considered “antediluvian” reflectors, familiar to many, into which a heating ceramic element was screwed, wrapped in an open nichrome spiral and having a base, like an ordinary incandescent light bulb.

Now, of course, technology has gone far ahead, and you probably won’t see devices with an open spiral anymore. But the principle is still the same: a heating element that converts electrical energy into resistive heating (due to the high resistance of the conductor), and a reflector of one design or another, thanks to which the infrared flow is directed in the desired direction in a certain sector.

However, some modern heaters do not have any kind of reflector at all. A classic example of this is panel-type infrared devices. Heating from the electrical conductor (heating element) is transferred to the plate or panel, and the material for its manufacture is selected in such a way that it becomes both a heat accumulator and a source of long-wave, invisible infrared radiation. By the way, such devices do not heat up to high temperatures (usually no higher than 90 degrees), which determines their increased safety in operation.

Metal spirals can be used as heating elements “the old fashioned way”. True, they are already necessarily enclosed in quartz tubes or completely covered with a dielectric material that becomes a heat emitter (usually some kind of ceramic composition). Instead of metal conductors, carbon conductors are now widely used, characterized by durability and optimal wavelength of the resulting radiation.

And some infrared heating systems even involve the use of a paste-like carbon conductor, hermetically enclosed in a certain volume. A classic example of this is electric film heating systems. But they are discussed in detail in another publication.

The film infrared heating system is a new direction in the field of residential heating

This may seem incredible, but thin films with carbon conductors inside can provide complete heating of rooms. Read about the advantages and disadvantages in a special publication on our portal. And in another article you can familiarize yourself with the experience of installation work.

Electric infrared heaters vary greatly in power range and design.

Prices for electric infrared heaters

electric infrared heater

  • These can be very compact models, literally tabletop. It’s easy to move them to the right place, creating a local heating zone, and take them with you when going to the dacha. The only disadvantages of such devices include the pronounced limitation of the direct heating area, but this, on the other hand, under certain conditions may well be regarded as an advantage.
  • Larger floor-standing units are widely used to fully heat rooms. They can be placed on height-adjustable stands or simply have a characteristic shape that ensures the spread of infrared radiation over a wide sector. Often such heaters are installed on a rotating platform, and the direction of radiation can be controlled remotely using a remote control.

  • Heaters for stationary, wall or ceiling installation have also gained considerable popularity. They can be similar to floor models, but only equipped with brackets for hanging on walls. Powerful devices of this type are often used for local heating of outdoor recreation areas, similar to gas ones.

These may be panel devices, which have already been mentioned above. And ceiling models are often given a shape characteristic of lamps - and then the heaters fit perfectly into the interior of the room, without standing out from the general background and without “eating up” useful space.

Some panel ceiling fixtures given dimensions that allow their use in hanging systems cassette ceilings(For example, ). Since their work is not accompanied by strong heating and visible glow, they become completely invisible against the general background of the ceiling.

All modern electrical appliances are equipped with reliable protection systems against overheating or short circuit. Floor-standing models usually have position sensors that will turn off the device if it tips over. Most heaters are equipped with a thermostat that allows you to accurately set the heating level in the room. This also achieves considerable energy savings, since the device in a heated room will only turn on to maintain the set temperature level.

True, ceiling models may not have a built-in thermostat. They are usually combined into common system with a control unit that has its own temperature sensor and is located on the wall in a convenient place for the user.

Modern control units (both built into heaters and remote) often allow you to program the operation of devices by hour and by day of the week, setting optimal mode work. With the expectation that the most comfortable conditions are created exactly when they are really required.

Brief overview of popular models of electric infrared heaters

Model nameIllustrationBrief description of the modelApproximate cost
"ZENET QH-1200 black" Inexpensive and easy to use infrared heater.
Heating elements – carbon in a quartz transparent shell.
Two power levels – 600 and 1200 W.
Floor-standing column-shaped design on a platform that allows you to rotate the device around its axis, setting the heating sector.
Built-in electromechanical thermostat.
Overheat protection, position sensor, providing shutdown when tipping over.
Dimensions of the device - 265×185×790 mm, weight 4 kg.
3700 rub.
"NeoClima NC-IRHLS-3.0" An electric infrared heater that can be placed on a telescopic stand or hung on a wall bracket.
The heating element is carbon in a quartz flask.
Maximum power is 3000 W, but a half power mode is provided.
Built-in electromechanical thermostat. Overheat protection.
The dimensions of the device are 1065×145×236 mm, with a weight of 15 kg.
Disadvantage - there is no protective shutdown when tipping over.
2400 rub.
"VITESSE VS-870" Easy-to-use infrared heater of low power - up to 800 W.
The heating element is carbon.
The device is installed on a rotating platform with the ability to remotely control the direction of the infrared radiation sector.
Built-in electronic thermostat. There is a shutdown timer with a maximum setting of 7.5 hours.
Overheating and tip-over protection.
Control panel with digital displays, remote control.
The manufacturer claims complete absence in the emitted spectrum of ultraviolet and infrared short-wave components that can cause negative reactions in the body.
Dimensions of the device - 1000x150x150 mm, weight - 4.1 kg.
5200 rub.
"Timberk TRR.A EL 2400" A powerful household infrared heater designed to heat a large room at a very affordable price.
Quartz heaters with carbon conductors. Maximum power - up to 2400 W. There are three operating modes – “economical”, “comfort” and “express heating”.
Electronic thermostat with high accuracy of maintaining the set temperature.
A special body shape will come additional function– creation of convection flows of heated air, which helps to quickly achieve the set temperature.
Informative digital display, touch control. All necessary protection systems, including switching off in case of rollover. Timer with a maximum setting period of 24 hours (in 30-minute increments).
Heater dimensions - 630×240×520 mm, weight 7.6 kg.
There is a wheeled cart for easy movement within the room.

Infrared heaters are popular heating equipment that is produced in Europe, as well as in Russia and China. For such devices to be durable and provide efficient heating home, it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of functioning and the subtleties of choice.

Design and principle of operation of infrared heaters

The main difference between such equipment and traditional convectors is that It is not the air that heats up, but all objects located in the home. In particular, this applies to walls and floors. Only after this will all things begin to give off heat to the air.

It is worth noting that infrared waves that form heat are perceived by humans in the same way as heat from the sun's rays. Accordingly, such heaters are not afraid of drafts.

It is important to remember that any the convector is unable to quickly heat the room, since during operation there is an upward movement warm air, which means that the space closest to the ceiling heats up first. It takes some time for it to become warm near the floor. Infrared heaters work differently. It is enough to turn on the device to feel the warmth.

Separately, it is worth understanding the equipment design. So, in a steel case coated with powder paint, aluminum reflector located. There is a heating element here. In addition, there is a thermostat that provides regulation temperature regime, and a sensor, thanks to which the device will automatically turn off if it overheats. If the heater is a floor-standing type, then a tilt sensor is provided.

Types of heaters

There are many types of infrared heaters on sale. In addition, there are several classifications of such equipment.

Heaters by mounting method

Heating devices can be stationary and mobile. The latter variety is characterized by its compact size and minimal power. Stationary equipment will provide more efficient heating. Such models are divided into 3 groups.

  1. Ceiling infrared heaters found to be the most convenient. They do not take up extra space and have a wide radiation range. Some models can be mounted directly to suspended ceiling, while others are secured with brackets. In this case, a gap of 5 cm is maintained between the device body and the ceiling.
  2. Floor-standing infrared devices are considered less powerful and effective because there are many obstacles in the way of learning. When purchasing, you should give preference to a product with a tubular or carbon fiber heating element. This is due to the fragility of the ceramic variety, as well as negative influence on the health of the halogen element.
  3. Wall heaters fixed directly to the wall. In this case, it is important to maintain a certain gap from the floor surface to the body. If desired, the device can be mounted directly under the window.

Types of devices by wavelength

Inside any infrared heater there are special heating elements. They all have different wavelengths.

Heating element type

When purchasing an infrared heater, you should always pay attention to the type of heating element.

  • Halogen product – This is a halogen lamp that emits in the infrared range. Inside it there is a filament, for the manufacture of which carbon fiber or tungsten is used. During the heating process, infrared energy is released and transferred to the tube. In this case, radiation occurs golden color. To prevent it from irritating the eyes, the lamp can be treated with a special compound. It is important to remember that such heating elements produce short waves, and this can negatively affect human health. Accordingly, this option is not preferable.
  • Carbon variety is a quartz tube with a vacuum inside. This is where the carbon helix is ​​located. The advantage of this element is considered to be quick heating and higher efficiency, however, the product will last only 2 years and will consume a lot of electricity. This option is not suitable for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.
  • Ceramic heating elements are protected, which means they will not glow during operation. Their service life is at least 3 years. Also, these products are more economical, and their price is relatively high. As a rule, such elements are used in saunas and various medical institutions.
  • Tubular elements reminiscent in design ceramic variety. Their price is higher, which is explained by reliability, ease of use and efficiency. The disadvantage is considered to be slight cracking caused by the difference in the temperature resolution coefficients of the spiral and the body itself.

Optimal power

It is believed that a 10 m² room will require a power of 1 kW, however, it is better to purchase infrared heaters with a power reserve, because heat loss through walls and windows is possible.

Today on sale are often found models with a power of about 300 W. Such infrared devices become really effective if you need to warm up a room for several hours. Most often this basements or garages.

If you want to buy equipment for your dacha, then when calculating the power, remember that about 80 W will be enough per 1 m².

What to look for when purchasing equipment?

To do right choice, it is not enough to take into account only the type of heating element or the power of the device. There are several other important factors to consider.

Features of using infrared heaters

The most convenient to use are ceiling devices, because it is enough to periodically brush off the dust. It is strictly forbidden to cover wall and floor models with anything.. It is important that the front panel of any unit is located at a distance of at least 1 m from any sockets and objects.

It should be remembered that IR examination is not harmful to humans, however, it is not recommended to be exposed to direct rays for a long time. To ensure that your health does not suffer, it is important to choose a power based on 60–100 W per 1 m².

Heaters that emit short waves are not suitable for home use, and products that provide long waves need to be correctly adjusted in height.

Modern infrared heaters are the optimal source of heat for apartments, private houses and other premises. The use of such equipment is more profitable in contrast to conventional radiators and convectors, which is possible due to the operating principle of the device.