Original and inexpensive fences. Choosing fences for your dacha: photos of interesting and practical options. Metal fence for a summer residence

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Prices for chain-link fences, gates and wickets
Chainlink fence(h=1.5 m/h=1.8 m)
(70 or more meters)
Chain-link fence in sections(h=1.5 m/h=1.8 m)900/1 200
including painting and broaching in 1 row
Standard gates
(w. 3 m, h. 1.5 m.)
4 000
Standard gate
(w. 1 m., h. 1.5 m.)
2 500
Prices for a corrugated fence for a summer residence
Fence made of corrugated sheets on 2 metal logs
(pillars 60x60, logs 40x20, colored corrugated sheet with polymer coating, h=2 m.) including installation
1 190
Fence made of corrugated sheets on 3 metal logs
1 310
Standard gates
(frame for corrugated sheeting, w. 3 m, h. 2 m, posts 80x80 mm, pins in the ground, locking lugs)
5 400
Standard gate
(frame for corrugated sheeting, w. 1 m., h. 2 m., latch, locking lugs on 2 sides)
2 700
Set of gates plus wicket
7 600
Primer of gate frame with wicket 400
Installation of a gate
1 200
Gate installation
1 800
Colored screws for 2 joists 20
Additional payment for double-sided corrugated sheeting 150
Price of a metal picket fence
Euro picket fence h1.5 m with a gap of 3 cm
(poles 60x60, logs 40x20, metal picket fence STRONG (shaped top, rolled edges, several stiffening ribs, U or M shaped), self-tapping screws in color) including installation
1 300
Euro picket fence h1.8 m with a gap of 3 cm 1 400
Euro picket fence h2.0 m with a gap of 3 cm 1 500
Price of a polycarbonate fence h 2.1m. from 1,850 per linear meter
Price wooden fence- 1,600 per p.m.
Prices are valid for installation of fences over 30 linear meters. (chain-link mesh from 50 linear meters). Preparing the site for the construction of a fence at the dacha, including dismantling the old fence, is not included in the cost of materials and installation, paid separately

The price of fences for a summer residence depends on the type of materials, production and construction technology. If you need an inexpensive fencing solution that satisfies the purpose and basic quality criteria, you should choose between corrugated sheets, metal pickets, polycarbonate or chain-link mesh.

Modern metal fences made of corrugated sheets are very practical. The cost of a fence made from corrugated sheets is most favorable, since this fencing is durable and reliable in operation, and the prices for corrugated sheets are affordable for a wide range of consumers. Corrugated sheeting is the most popular fencing among summer residents at present.

Metal picket fences for summer cottages are also in demand. They are chosen for their excellent appearance.

Currently, for those who have decided to acquire a fence for their summer cottage, a huge selection of modern building materials. These are brick blocks forged products, wood, metal profile and even plastic. Whatever material the fence is made of, it is designed to protect the area from the entry of strangers, and simply does not allow curious glances to penetrate inside. Many developers want to build an inexpensive fence, and at the same time get a reliable and beautiful structure.

An example of an inexpensive wooden picket fence

First of all, you need to decide for what purposes the fence will be built, because for a cottage it is better to choose a high reliable design, which can protect the house from intruders, and for a dacha would be suitable and a primitive fence that only marks the boundaries of the site. At this stage, you can determine the approximate cost of all materials necessary for construction; the main thing is not to forget to add to it the price of installation. This is very important, because materials of the same cost can have different installation complexity, which accordingly affects the final price.

Let's give a small example. The materials from which a standard wooden fence and chain-link mesh are made cost approximately the same, however, the labor intensity of construction using them differs significantly. Installation of a chain-link mesh is done quite quickly, but installation of a wooden structure requires professional skills and more time.

This is what a cheap chain link fence looks like

Therefore, before approving any type of fence, it is necessary to consider all the nuances.

Finding out which fence is the cheapest

Wicker fence

This type of fence can be made without the cost of materials, because it is based on available materials. In order to do this, just walk through the forest and collect rods. As a rule, the material is prepared early spring or in late autumn, when the plants have not yet awakened.

The thickness of the rods is selected based on the requirements for the future fencing. If the design is intended to decorate an area, then the thickness of the material can be up to two centimeters. For more serious fences, choose rods from two to three centimeters. Willow branches must be laid immediately after harvesting so that they do not have time to dry out and have the necessary flexibility.
In cases where the material was not in demand, but its use is planned in the future, it should be allowed to dry and set aside. To better remove the bark from the twigs and make the material more pliable, it is recommended to soak them in water.

It begins with the installation of supporting stakes, which should be located at a distance of up to 40 centimeters. To construct the base of the fence, you can take thick rods, five centimeters or more thick. To ensure greater reliability, metal rods can be provided. It is best to start weaving a fence from the bottom. The rods are wound alternately from different sides of the section and wrap around the entire structure.

It is best to choose branches of the same length, and if after installation there are irregularities along the edges, you should cut off the excess with pruning shears.

The structure will be stronger if there are intermediate stakes between the main stakes. A longer service life of such fences can be achieved with the help of special antiseptic impregnations.

Option for an inexpensive wicker fence

The depth of the support posts is selected based on the height of the fence; however, stakes less than 30 centimeters are usually not buried. When weaving, it may happen that the stakes deviate from the vertical. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to fasten the stakes in the upper parts with a temporary strip. Because load-bearing elements fences are in contact with the ground, they should be treated with an antiseptic or placed in pieces of plastic or metal pipes. These precautions will allow the fence to last as long as possible.

Wicker fences are decorated using stains or coloring compounds for wooden products. If you plan to build a fence with your own hands, and there is a need to save money, then you can process the structure household products. Using available potassium permanganate, for example, to give the fence a rich brown, and by covering the rods with iron sulfate, you can artificially age them, giving the structure a gray-brown color.

An example of a decorative wicker fence


To build a fence of this type, you need to stock up on two-meter spruce stakes, support posts and stakes. You can use round, semicircular or rectangular stakes. Such a fence made of pointed logs will fit perfectly into the old Russian appearance of a dacha or antique design.
, compared to braided wire, is more reliable option fencing, however, installation work is more labor-intensive, and much more material will be needed. Construction begins with the installation of pillars and slabs. The stakes are placed under the legs: first under the lower one, then under the upper one so that they are securely fastened.

Special protective compounds will protect the stakes from moisture and allow them to retain their original appearance for as long as possible. In those places where the stakes will contact the ground, it is necessary to treat with resin.

An example of a log fence

If the work is done with your own hands, you can use regular mining instead of resin. It should be noted that there is another way to extend the life of such a garden fence. At the stage of marking the area for the future fence, it is necessary to make a trench around the perimeter. A crushed stone cushion laid on the bottom will create a drainage layer under the fence, which will allow water not to accumulate under the structure, causing harm to it, but to go deep into the ground.

Sandy soil, which suggests good drainage, allows you to lay out a layer of crushed stone 150 millimeters thick. And soil with a predominance of clay rocks or wet soil requires making the cushion thicker, at least 300 millimeters. Wooden picket fence stakes are usually not driven into the ground because they are likely to be damaged, which can result in greater ability of the material to absorb moisture.

Classic palisade fence made of logs

If the fence is erected on a slope, then usually the gap formed between the stakes and the ground is laid with a moisture-proofing layer. Before the trench with stakes is buried, water should be poured bottom part stakes, after which they are buried and fastened together.

Chain-link fencing

It is possible not only inexpensively, but also very quickly in time. Such fences became popular back in Soviet era, which does not prevent them from being in demand today.

The only thing that will require effort and time is, which can be or fittings. To begin with, the area is marked out, for which pegs are installed, between which the thread is stretched. Along the resulting contour, pillars are dug in at a distance of about three meters. , at the bottom of which a gravel-sand cushion is laid.
After installing the pillars, you need to use a building level to check their vertical position and fill them with concrete. When the concrete has set, you can begin installing the mesh itself, which will not take much time.

It is recommended to pull a steel guide cable tightly between the supports, passed between the mesh cells. To prevent corrosion. If a chain-link mesh in a plastic shell is used for construction, then only the pillars need to be processed, both the part located above the surface of the earth and the underground part.

Slab fencing

This version of a garden fence is the most durable and massive of all the low-budget ones. Despite this, you can build such a fence no more expensive than the above options, and all because the croaker is the most practical and available material. Essentially, slab is waste from the production of wooden building materials. There is a distinction between construction slab and material that can only be used as fuel.

They choose the first type, from which they are also made, temporary buildings are erected, etc. Cheap fences from slab, with correct processing can last a very long time. The material is environmentally friendly and natural, and is also very cheap. It is worth noting that cubic meter it will cost about a thousand rubles.

This is what a classic slab fence looks like

For those who have decided to build such a fence for their dacha with their own hands, the following instructions will be useful. First you need to prepare the croaker, namely remove the bark. This procedure is necessary to extend the life of the fence because the presence of bark on the tree will attract bark-eating beetles. Experts remove the bark using a carpenter's scraper, however, the average summer resident may not have this tool at hand. A sharp ax can easily correct this situation.

When carrying out such a procedure, you should not rush, because a poor-quality result can cause rapid destruction of the fence.

Both metal and . Most good option wooden supports are deciduous or oak pillars that have the necessary strength characteristics.

Option for a slab fence using wooden posts

If metal supports are provided, then pipes with a wall thickness of at least 3.5 millimeters are best suited. Purlins for fastening fence elements can also be made from slabs.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to provide eyelets for purlins. Parts of the pillars that will be buried must be covered protective compounds. For those who install poles with their own hands, we can advise economical option impregnation - used machine oil. A very important step in the construction of a slab fence is marking the site.

Slab fence with metal posts

Thanks to it, you can avoid waste of material and more clearly imagine what future borders will look like. The pillars are installed at a distance of up to two and a half meters. If you make this distance larger, the strength of the future fence may decrease. Cheap slab fences do not necessarily require the construction of a foundation, just enough.

You can dig holes for supports with your own hands using an ordinary shovel with an elongated handle, however, it is much easier to do this with a garden auger. Before pouring concrete, it is necessary to check its vertical position using a building level and spread it out with broken bricks.

Inexpensive fence made of slabs and brick pillars

The slab itself can be mounted vertically or, more commonly, horizontally. For the vertical arrangement of the dies, purlins will not be needed, because the slab will be attached directly to the posts. It is best to lay the material at intervals or overlaps, because the slab laid joint-to-joint looks unimportant due to uneven edges.

The final stage for those who decide to build a fence with their own hands is. The use of protective compounds will protect the structure from influences environment, and will also embellish its appearance. In general, such structures, with the right approach, can become a decoration of the site, despite their simple appearance. It all depends on the imagination of the developer. You can often see such structures next to luxury mansions.

Whichever budget fencing option you choose, you need to understand what functions the fence should perform. If you plan to decorate beds or flower beds, then it is best to choose a wicker fence. A chain-link fence is perfect for keeping pets out. A fence that is erected primarily for security should be more massive, for example, from a palisade or slab.

Every year, more and more Russians prefer to move to areas remote from the bustle of the city, ordering construction for this purpose. beautiful dachas. But, of course, not a single construction can be completed without protecting suburban property, and we have to choose country fences from numerous development companies, analyzing many indicators.

Now there is a huge variety of similar designs that differ from analogues in shape, structure of the material used in production and, of course, cost. Among the most popular country fences are the following types of designs:

  • Fence for a summer residence made of wooden picket fence;
  • inexpensive fences for the dacha made of chain-link mesh;
  • Products from corrugated sheets.

The first option is classic and has long won the love of domestic buyers thanks to its attractive appearance. Inexpensive fences for the dacha made of noble wood species are created in a wide variety of designs and shapes; the structures promote good ventilation and do not shade the area, which allows you to easily grow any crops.

True, the owners of the site will have to periodically engage in additional painting work, since wood tends to lose its attractive appearance over time.

Chain-link mesh is the most affordable solution for fences for dachas, which can reliably protect your dacha property from misappropriation. Such inexpensive fences for the dacha do not take much free space and do not block the sun's rays, but the mesh design will not allow you to isolate yourself from prying eyes.

Fences modern dachas from corrugated sheets are the most modern solution, allowing you to get at your disposal an attractive solid structure that can serve its owners for many years! Corrugated sheeting is a material that does not need to be maintained - the specific structure of the building component cannot be affected sun rays and is not damaged by stable precipitation.

By the way, the modern construction industry can offer fences to buyers country dachas, combining several different materials or the products themselves. Imagine how beautiful a fence for dachas made of corrugated board will look, with which the site itself is enclosed, together with clubs behind the fence, surrounded by a designer wooden fence.

The specifics of installing structures for suburban dacha plots were established many years ago; the system is the same for all categories of goods, regardless of which company is engaged in its production and subsequent installation. The method for installing fences at a dacha is as follows:

  • The terrain is analyzed, the area is measured, and the quantity and specificity of materials required for the production of fence structures are determined;
  • A detailed design of the future fence is being developed, indicating the presence of all passages and the shape of the product;
  • The design documentation is approved and everything necessary for the work is purchased;
  • Fence sections are installed, after which a certificate of completed activities is drawn up.

Competent specialists construction organizations can tell you which material is best to use to implement your individual project. Such work should be entrusted to professionals, since employees of small companies very rarely have all the necessary knowledge and professional qualities to guarantee the long service life of the erected country fence.

Production and installation of fences from the company "Moskomplekt"

Still can’t decide on the right fence for your dacha? Don't worry, our masters will provide you with everything necessary information to buy the most optimal option. Employees of the Moskomplekt company will install fences for your personal summer cottages in as soon as possible and at the most favorable prices on the domestic market!

Approximate prices for products and organizational work you can find in the following table:

Galvanized corrugated fence (posts 60x60 2mm / 80x80 3mm, joists 40x20)
1.8 m2.0 m2.5 m3.0 m
Hammering the pillars900 rub.1000 rub.1400 rub.1,700 rub.
Forgetting pillars with rubble1,000 rub.1,200 rub.1,600 rub.1,900 rub.
Concreting pillars1,100 rub.1,300 rub.1,600 rub.2,000 rub.
One-sided corrugated fence (posts 60x60 2mm / 80x80 3mm, joists 40x20)
1.8 m2.0 m2.5 m3.0 m
Hammering the pillars1,000 rub.1,100 rub.1,500 rub.1,800 rub.
Forgetting pillars with rubbleRUB 1,3501,300 rub.1,600 rub.2000 rub.
Concreting pillars1,400 rub.1,450 rub.1,700 rub.2,100 rub.
Double-sided corrugated fence (posts 60x60 2mm / 80x80 3mm, joists 40x20)
1.8 m2.0 m2.5 m3.0 m
Hammering the pillars1,300 rub.RUB 1,3501,900 rub.2,100 rub.
Forgetting pillars with rubble1,400 rub.1,450 rub.2000 rub.RUB 2,250
Concreting pillars1,600 rub.1,650 rub.2100 rub.2,300 rub.
A fence made of metal picket fence with a gap of 2 cm (posts 60x60, logs 40x20)
Fence color:unilateraldouble-sided
Fence height:1.8 m2.0 m1.8 m2.0 m
Hammering the pillars1,400 rub.1,450 rub.1,700 rub.RUB 1,750
Forgetting pillars with rubble1,700 rub.RUB 1,7501,800 rub.1,900 rub.
Concreting pillars1,800 rub.1,850 rub.1,900 rub.2000 rub.
A fence made of metal picket fence with a gap of 4 cm (posts 60x60, logs 40x20)
Fence color:unilateraldouble-sided
Fence height:1.8 m2.0 m1.8 m2.0 m
Hammering the pillars1,400 rub.1,400 rub.1,600 rub.1,700 rub.
Forgetting pillars with rubble1,500 rub.1,600 rub.1,800 rub.1,850 rub.
Concreting pillars1,800 rub.1,850 rub.1,900 rub.1,950 rub.
Gates and wicket
Swing gates made of corrugated sheets - height 1.8m - 2.0m, posts 80x80 3mm, driven into the ground 1.2m. Included: ears for a padlock.8,000 rub.
Wicket made of corrugated sheets - height 1.8m -2.0m, posts 80x80 3mm, driven into the ground. Included: ears for a padlock.4,000 rub.
Swing gates (reinforced) made of corrugated sheets in a frame frame - height 1.8m - 2.0m, posts 80x80 3mm, concreted. Included: locking jibs and padlock lugs.11,000 rub.
Wicket (reinforced) made of corrugated sheets in a frame frame - height 1.8m -2.0m, posts 80x80 3mm, concreted. Included: Latch, mortise lock, handle and post tie.6,000 rub.
Sliding gates
Mechanical sliding gates – 1.8m -2m. Length from 3m to 4m. Support pillars 80x80 Frame: prof. pipe 60x40, 40x20, 20x20. Set of rollers.from 66,000 rub.
Automatic sliding gates – 1.8m -2m. Length from 3m to 4m. Support pillars 80x80 Frame: prof. Pipe 60x40, 40x20, 20x20. Set of rollers, electric drive, 2 remote controls, warning light.from 92,000 rub.
Brick fence and foundation
Brick pillar – height 1.8 -2.0m, from facing bricks, 400x400 mm, with cap.11,000 rub. behind the post
Brickwork in 3 rows on both sides.2,000 rub. p.m.
Strip foundation 250x500mm, reinforcement 10, sand base 200mm, concrete M-300.2,500 rub. p.m.
Strip foundation 300x500mm, reinforcement 10, sand base 200mm, concrete M-300.3,000 rub. p.m.
Strip foundation 400x600mm, reinforcement 10, sand base 200mm, concrete M-300.3,200 rub. p.m.
Chain-link fence
Height:1.5 m1.8 m1.5 m1.8 m
Chain-link mesh - 50x50 posts without reinforcement / 60x60 posts with broach on reinforcement.400 rub.450 rub.650 rub.700 rub.
Fence made of sectional mesh (frame: 40x20)
Chain-link mesh in a frame frame 40x20, posts 60x60.1,300 rub. p.m.
Installation of a fence from customer's material500 rub. p.m.
Installation of a frame for a fence 60x60 and 40x20900 rub. p.m.
Decorative fence strip100 rub. p.m.
Low ebb on strip foundation400 rub. p.m.
Removable gate tie1,600 rub.
Moving the fence600 rub. p.m.
Dismantling the fence200 rub. p.m.
Clearing the area200 rub. p.m.
Generator700 rub.

Complex but cheap fence

Building your own home has always been quite an expensive undertaking. That is why a large number of jokes arose about how spouses finish building their house. Most of the money is usually spent on capital construction, therefore, many people prefer to save on finishing and beautifying the site. That is why many people choose an inexpensive fence at the first stage, which can perform its direct functions and will not cost an exorbitant amount of money. The easiest way to save money is to make your own fencing. With today's abundance of materials on the market, this will not be a particular problem.

Why should there be a fence on the site?

The opinion that your plot can stand for a year or two without a fence is wrong. performs not only a decorative function, but also hides what is happening on the site from prying eyes, and also protects the area around the house from thieves and ill-wishers. Once the fence is installed, you won't have to bring chairs or hoses into the house every night to prevent them from being stolen.

There are several requirements for fences. Such a design should be moderately strong and reliable - to a large extent this depends on the quality of installation of the pillars and the attachment of the main finishing material to them. In addition, the issue of aesthetics of the fence is important - you are unlikely to want to see on your site a gray self-leveling concrete fence, which was used to fence industrial enterprises. In case self-installation the fence is worth considering and ease of installation, since without certain technical skills complex designs it will not be possible to collect.

What material should I use to build the fence?

You can make a cheap fence with your own hands using the following materials: wood, corrugated sheets, PVC profiles and chain-link mesh. If we take the cost of the structure as the main criterion, then we should focus on latest version. However, all other materials ensure secrecy of what is happening on local area, but the chain-link mesh serves more as a decorative fence - through it you can safely monitor what is happening on the other side of the fence.

First you need to decide which of these materials will be used during construction, and only then consider technological nuances erection of fencing. An estimate for the fence is prepared after selecting materials, calculating the required number of posts, partitions, fastening materials and everything else that will be required during construction.

Wooden fence: ease of processing and structural strength

Example of a wooden fence

Stores today offer a huge selection of wood for building fences. This material has competitive advantages over others, which is why it is the most popular on the market. Among these advantages:

  • low final cost, since such fences in most cases are made entirely of wood;
  • the ability to choose any color and shade due to the use of conventional paints for final finishing;
  • the ability to create both small decorative structures and high and impenetrable fences.

Wood also has obvious disadvantages, which is why many choose fences made of corrugated sheets or PVC sheets. Due to the characteristics of the material, which begins to dry out when exposed to sunlight and become wet when exposed to moisture (this problem is relevant even for painted fences, since the paint begins to flake off over time), the service life of such a fence will greatly depend on its care. It is recommended to repaint wooden fences every couple of years to maximize their lifespan.

What is needed to build a wooden fence?

In order to build a cheap wooden fence with your own hands, you will need finishing material(fence various sizes), transverse partitions and support pillars (to save money, many use wooden structures, which must be carefully treated before immersion in the ground with an anti-rotting agent), pegs for marking, tension ropes. Depending on the method of installing the pillars, you will need cement and sand (if the pillar is filled with concrete, this option will be the strongest and most reliable) or ordinary stones (the hole under the pillar is filled with large cobblestones that reliably hold the pillar in one position).

To prepare holes for installing poles, you will need a drill and a shovel. The easiest way to fasten cross boards to posts is with screws; they can also be used to screw a picket fence. A more economical option is nails, but they hold the boards worse (they can become loose over time), and if it is necessary to replace part of the fence, they create a lot of problems.

Wood fence construction process

Because in the question “Which fence will be the cheapest?” Wood as a material is confidently in the lead, then we will consider the issue of construction in more detail. They begin to build such fences by marking the area and determining the location of the entrance gate and gate. To do this, you will need pegs and tension ropes, which we wrote about above. Accurate marking is the key to the stability of the future structure.

Afterwards, a hole is prepared under each peg for support pillars. Its depth and dimensions will depend on the method of installing these pillars, but a separate article can be written about this. In most cases, it is recommended to bury the post 25% of its length in the ground. To ensure that the structure is reliable and the pillars do not move, you need to immediately install spacers, and only then fill the hole with concrete or fill it with stones. When the composition has hardened (ideally, this requires a day - during this time the concrete will set and the post can no longer be loosened), transverse boards are installed, on which the picket fence is vertically fixed.

The last stage of construction is impregnation of the fence with special mixtures that give it moisture resistance and painting.

Video instructions

Chain-link fence: simple and durable

It is the cheapest option for a fence, which can be installed even cheaper and faster than a wooden one. Such a fence will be completely resistant to the “delights” of the weather, moderately strong and reliable (meaning its stability after several years of operation), and also extremely easy to install.

To build such a fence, you will need the same support posts (usually metal), cement and sand for pouring them, a shovel and auger for preparing holes, a mesh of the required length and fasteners for its installation (wooden slings or a metal corner), twine and stakes for marking . It is recommended to opt for galvanized mesh, which costs a little more than the most common one, but does not require painting and is not afraid of corrosion. There is also a more expensive option - a mesh with a vinyl coating that completely protects the metal from moisture.

At the initial stage, everything is done in exactly the same way as for a wooden fence: posts are marked, holes are made, posts are installed and filled with concrete or covered with stones. Then fasteners for the mesh are mounted between the posts: these can be steel angles, boards or a rigid cable. Only after this the mesh is attached on one side to the first pillar and stretched around the remaining pillars. It is extremely important to avoid sagging of the mesh at this stage. There is another option - a sectional fence. In this case, the mesh is cut into pieces, which are fastened between adjacent two pillars using metal corners(in a kind of frame). This is simpler and more reliable, but it also costs homeowners more.

Video instructions

Corrugated sheeting: more reliable and faster than wood

Corrugated fence

They have gained enormous popularity in the 21st century. Today you can find dozens of varieties of this material in markets and hardware stores. This is why corrugated sheeting is in demand: prices for the cheapest types make it a direct competitor to wood, but the most expensive varieties can easily replace full-fledged brick fences.

The set of things necessary for installation here is exactly the same as in the case of a chain-link mesh. You will need poles, a drill, a shovel and cement mortar, jumpers (logs made of wood or metal) on which the corrugated sheet will be attached, screws for fastening and the corrugated sheet itself. The construction mechanism is exactly the same up to the stage. Afterwards it is recommended to paint everything metal elements to protect them from corrosion.

Video instructions

Plastic fence - a compromise between corrugated sheeting and chain-link mesh

Many consider such fences as a compromise between a cheap and “transparent” chain-link mesh and a more expensive and reliable corrugated sheet. A polycarbonate fence is also considered a budget solution, although it is the most expensive of the economical fences. Such structures have several advantages: they do not darken the area, since they partially transmit light, they are no more difficult to install than fences made from corrugated sheets, and they look simply wonderful. The only drawback of this design is the plastic itself, which can easily burst with a slight blow or accidentally hit by a rake, for example.

Set of tools and consumables, and the installation procedure here is exactly the same as for a fence made of corrugated sheets. The only difference is in the number of lags, which will directly depend on the width of the plastic sheet used in construction. Usually at least three of them are required: two are attached at the top and bottom of the fence, one in the middle. If narrow polycarbonate is used to build a fence, then it may be necessary to install a fourth log - such a fence will look especially beautiful, since it will be divided into 3 blocks in height.

Summing up

Progress does not stand still, and if previously you had to choose cheap option fence only between a wooden one and a chain-link mesh, then today such wonderful materials as corrugated sheeting and polycarbonate have appeared. They are easier to install than a wooden fence, and because large sizes fragments of such a fence, the entire procedure takes much less time.

Fencing the site is the primary task of the summer resident. Gardeners are trying to make it inexpensive and reliable. It is not difficult to build a good fence yourself. A cheap fence for a summer house will not cost much if you choose materials with a low price. Sometimes you can get them for free with some time and intelligence. Examples of this include wattle fence, ranch style fencing, plastic bottles, other used items.

What are the requirements for fencing of summer cottages?

Each summer resident has his own requirements, but all land owners expect that country fence will:

  • strong, durable;
  • cheap;
  • providing reliable protection from those who like to profit from someone else’s harvest, lost animals, curious glances;
  • indicating the boundaries of the site.

Types of country fences

Cheap fences for summer cottages are divided into groups according to the materials used. After analyzing this classification, it is easier to decide what to make an inexpensive fence from.

Those who consider cheapness the main thing can save in two ways: choose the most cheap material and install a fence at the dacha with your own hands, that is, profit on installation. The most affordable material should be chosen. It will be different for everyone. Saving resources on the foundation is achieved by choosing lightweight fencing elements.

Wooden fencing

The tree is popular because low price, accessibility. No processing required highly qualified workers, special equipment. Most budget option– a low picket fence made of wooden planks.

To build a wicker fence, you need support posts and soft branches of bushes. Intermediate stakes are driven between the posts. Parallel to the surface of the earth, stakes and support poles are entwined with flexible thin branches of bushes and trees. There is also vertical weaving, when crossbars are nailed to the supports and the rods are laid vertically. The fence does not require painting. Having spent time on weaving, you get an almost free fence. It is easy to repair by replacing damaged rods.

A ranch-style fence, where several crossbars are attached to the support posts, does not require large quantity materials. An excellent option for those who wield an ax and hammer. The time required for installation is small. Such a fence limits the territory and protects against the invasion of large animals.

Metal fences

Metal fences are more expensive than wooden ones, but they pay off in greater durability and strength. Such a fence can be bought cheaply for your dacha due to high competition among manufacturers.

Metal mesh fences

Mesh fences perfectly perform the function of marking the territory, protecting from uninvited guests, but not from the curiosity of neighbors. Therefore, it is combined with camouflage netting and hedges. As a result, the fence does not shade the area, allowing sunlight to pass through.

Several types are used for fencing metal mesh. The most popular:

  • chain link;
  • welded;
  • channeled.

When installing chain-link mesh, two techniques are used:

  • pulling;
  • installation of sections.
Along the upper and lower edges of the chain-link, reinforcement is passed into the cells, which is welded to the support posts.

Other techniques involve the construction sectional fence. The frame is made from profile pipe or corner. The inner fabric made of chain-link is attached to it. The structures are stronger than tension structures, but they are more expensive and more difficult to manufacture. For self-made necessary welding machine, inexpensive metal profile for fence, frame and support posts. Therefore, buying a turnkey fence for a dacha is often cheaper than building it yourself.

Fences made of corrugated sheets

The inexpensive category includes fencing made of metal profile. It is durable, solid, and creates reliable protection. The corrugated profile has additional rigidity and resistance to wind. It is better to choose sheets with a polymer coating; they do not require maintenance and will last up to 15-20 years. The fence will look harmonious with any landscape design plot, the architecture of the house thanks to the ability to choose the desired tone from a variety of color palette. The material allows you to build a fence of any height. She has modern look. Combining with stone, brick, metal, and other materials increases the cost of the structure, but increases its durability, sound insulation, and allows you to create a design that harmoniously fits into any landscape of the site.

Metal picket fence

Fences for dachas made of metal picket fences do not have a long history, but are popular among summer residents. They are neat and easy to install. The planks are produced with upper ends various shapes. Large selection The colors of the planks allow you to emphasize the individuality of the design. The barrier is visible and does not obscure the area. The fence looks beautiful with metal support posts or with brick supports and a parapet. For those who cannot make a fence themselves, there is always the opportunity to order a fence for a summer house with a turnkey gate and wicket. Photos are available in special booklets.

Plastic picket fence

A plastic picket fence looks aesthetically pleasing and is inexpensive, which is used for fencing areas, flower beds, and zoning space within a site. It is easy to install with your own hands and does not require maintenance. The service life often exceeds the service life of wooden and metal fences. The only negative is that it provides little protection from outside intrusions.

How to build it yourself

The principles for installing fencing are the same, regardless of the material used:

  1. Along the perimeter of the site, support pillars are buried in the ground. Depending on the material and design of the fence, they are hammered, buried or concreted.
  2. Cross members are attached to the support posts.
  3. Mesh, boards, profile sheets or finished fence sections are nailed or welded onto the veins.
  4. Wooden fences are protected with special impregnations from moisture and the destructive effects of bacteria and insects; metal fences are coated with an anti-corrosion compound.
  5. After this apply decorative coating, if necessary.

Easiest to build. It will cost less if you buy not prepared boards and beams at a building materials store, but unprocessed boards at a warehouse or sawmill. Clearing the bark, leveling and planing is not that difficult if you want to make the fence cheaper.

Action plan

The construction of such a fence begins with planning:

  1. Measure the perimeter of the area to be fenced.
  2. Determine the total length of the fence.
  3. On the plan, and then, using pegs and a cord, the location of the supports is marked on the ground. The distance between them should be from 2 m to 3 m. The height of the fence, ease of calculation should be taken into account, as well as the fact that this is exactly the length that will need to be prepared for the crossbars - the beams to which the pickets are nailed. Determine the number of supports.

How to prepare support pillars

For supporting posts of a wooden fence, logs with a diameter of 6 cm or more, square or rectangular beams of approximately the same size are most often taken. The length of the support is determined by the height of the fence and the depth of its location in the ground. The support pillars are buried 1-1.5 m. The higher the fence, the thicker the support should be, the deeper it goes into the ground.

Having decided on the length and number of support posts, we begin to prepare them. Bottom ends are burning blowtorch, impregnated with used machine oil, coated with bitumen or special mastic to protect against moisture and prevent wood rotting. The part of the support located above the ground surface is treated with antiseptics, insecticides, and protective compounds. These substances protect the tree from the activity of bacteria and insects and moisture.

For supports, profiled metal and asbestos pipes filled with sand or concrete are also used.

Preparation of boards and crossbars

The boards are cleared of bark, then the defects are sorted out: cracked, with through knots, infected with mold. Material with such defects cannot be used for a fence; it will not last long and may break even during the construction process.

For crossbars choose strong bars rectangular section long enough to securely attach them to the supports.

The veins and pickets, similar to the supports, are treated with protective compounds containing antiseptics and insecticides.

Construction of a picket fence

After preparing all the elements of the fence, they begin to build the fence:

  1. In the places designated for supports, dig a hole with a shovel or earth drill. To better remove moisture, sand and crushed stone are added to the bottom in a layer of up to 5 cm. A support is lowered strictly vertically into the hole, covered with broken bricks, stones, soil, compacting tightly.
  2. On the pillars, places for attaching crossbars are marked, which are located strictly horizontally. They are nailed or self-tapping screws using a screwdriver.
  3. Vertical strips are attached to the veins in the same way.
  4. It is recommended to coat the finished fence with a primer, then varnish and paint. If left uncoated, the service life will be reduced.

Decorating fences

To make a home-made fence more attractive, many methods are used:

  1. Fences made of wood, stone, and metal are decorated with climbing plants. This method is especially relevant for visible fences. In addition to its decorative function, it protects the area from prying eyes. Ivy, hops, wild grapes, and climbing roses are planted along the fence. Prickly thickets of rosehip, barberry, and hawthorn will help protect against invasion.
  2. A mesh fence is decorated with artificial plant material, passing tape into the mesh cells. The material does not require maintenance, but it will have to be replaced periodically.
  3. A fence made of corrugated sheets will be decorated with applied ornaments or forging elements.

On a site where summer residents visit once a week and on holidays, it is not economically feasible to erect a massive, expensive fence. But a cheap fence can also be beautiful, reliable and durable, and meet all the requirements for fencing. This requires a creative approach, time, and basic skills. The reward for your efforts will be an attractive fence - a source of pride for the owners.