How to make good heating in a greenhouse. In winter, I especially crave fresh vegetables! How to build a heating system in a greenhouse with your own hands. Option #2 - air heating

The motivation for building a heated greenhouse varies. It is needed for year-round cultivation of vegetables. And also to extend the cutting period garden plants and successful wintering of young seedlings. The purpose for which a winter greenhouse is built directly affects the method of its heating, the degree of illumination and a whole range of other things. technical characteristics. In this article we will look at how to build a winter greenhouse with your own hands using the example of a polycarbonate structure. We will also consider in detail the methods of heating it.

Types of winter greenhouse heating

Before you build a winter greenhouse with heating, you need to calculate how long a certain temperature should remain there. If the greenhouse is used for growing mother plants and their further cuttings in January-February, then it is enough to bring the temperature in the greenhouse to +10 ºС. To grow vegetables, you will need at least +20 ºС. Based on this, it is worth choosing the most cost-effective heating method. Let's look at a few basic options.

  • Tip: if you only need to increase the temperature early spring, when there is no severe frost, the “old-fashioned” method is suitable. Fresh manure, pure or mixed with sawdust, is placed under a 20 cm layer of soil. The soil is spilling from above warm water and covered with film. When rotting, the temperature of the manure rises to 60 ºС. This process lasts 4-6 months. and warms the ground and the air above it quite well.

Electric method of heating a winter greenhouse

Since electricity is one of the most expensive heating methods, it is only suitable for small greenhouses that have high tightness and, preferably, thermal insulation of the foundation.

Most Popular electrical systems heating

  • Heat gun. It consists of a heating element and a fan. Efficiency depends on the power of the device. The greenhouse heats up very quickly, and thanks to the fan, warm air spreads evenly. But it is worth considering that the air coming out is very hot and it must be placed away from the plants.
  • Electric convector. The air in the greenhouse will heat up more slowly, but oxygen will be retained. It will be more comfortable to work in such a room. Air enters it from below and, when heated, exits from the upper section. Therefore, when growing plants, it is recommended not to set it very high. The disadvantage is high energy consumption. Pays for itself only in commercial greenhouses.

  • Fan heater. These are inexpensive household heaters Perfect for small greenhouses. It is approximately enough to heat one greenhouse measuring 3x6 m. The flow of warm air is more narrowly directed, unlike a convector. But thanks to its mobility, it can be placed in any place and rearranged if necessary.

Advice: when using these electrical appliances, you must remember that if there is insufficient power or a small number of them, the heating of all the air in the greenhouse may be uneven, which will greatly affect plant growth. In addition, by warming the air, they have virtually no effect on the ground temperature.

Warm floor system in a winter greenhouse

  • Uniform heating from below is best way maintaining uniform soil and air temperatures in the greenhouse. In addition, such a system can be equipped with an air temperature sensor. Which will help automatically maintain the set temperature. It is not difficult to organize a warm floor in a greenhouse.
  • First, a layer of soil is removed to a depth of 30-40 cm. Non-woven geotextile material (lutrasil, spunbond, etc.) is laid on the bottom and a layer of sand of 10 cm is poured. Leveled and compacted.

Advice: if there is a risk that moles can damage the floor, then lay a protective mesh as the first layer, even before the geotextile.

  • Then the insulation is placed. It is best to use moisture-resistant boards. For example, penoplex (it is better not to use polystyrene foam, mice spoil it).
  • Next is a layer of waterproofing. The cheapest is plastic film. And there is a chain-link mesh on it.
  • On top there is again a layer of sand of 5 cm. It must be carefully leveled and compacted. A waterproof cable is laid out on it. It is positioned serpentinely with a distance of 15 cm.
  • 5 cm of sand is poured on top and a chain-link mesh is placed. All that remains is to pour in fertile soil.

Stove method of heating a winter greenhouse

  • Almost all summer residents have the incomparable stove “potbelly stove”. This inexpensive way heating the room is very often used for greenhouses. With relatively inexpensive fuel, it warms up and maintains the temperature in the greenhouse for a long time, even in winter, up to 20 ° C.

Advice: old and modern stoves They heat with firewood, scrap wood from pallets, and even shavings. The last 2 types of fuel are offered in abundance free of charge in any city. And in addition to heat, the output is wood ash - a storehouse of microelements for plants.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • heating will always be uneven. The stove will be much hotter. In this case, no air exchange will occur. Therefore, either it is placed at a distance from the plants, or a fan is installed next to it;
  • open fire is used - and this is a fire hazard. It is required to follow safety precautions and not place fire-hazardous objects nearby;
  • you have to constantly add fuel, which means you have to constantly be near the greenhouse.

Tip: stove heating is also suitable for heating the soil. To do this, pipes from the stove are laid underground. Passing through them, warm air heats the soil and, rising upward, heats the air.

Water heating for a winter greenhouse

Water heating greenhouses can be made natural or forced:

  • natural- when water is heated in the boiler, its volume expands. And it independently flows through the pipes to the radiators. The pipes are installed at an angle;
  • forced- the system contains a pump that circulates heated water cyclically;
  • but the greatest effect when heating a greenhouse in winter can be achieved by installing dual circuit system. In this case, one circuit is the pipes of a warm water floor, which are placed under the soil, and the second circuit is radiators for heating the air. This significantly accelerates the growth of plants, creating a favorable microclimate for them, when it is warm both at the roots and under the roof of the greenhouse. In addition, by equipping the system with a thermostat, the temperature will be maintained automatically.

Infrared heating of a winter greenhouse

This heating method has a number of advantages:

  • heating of the air begins very quickly, almost immediately, at the moment of switching on;
  • you can purposefully warm up a certain area with plants;
  • works silently;
  • has large selection fastening methods;
  • No oxygen is burned during operation. And the absence of a fan eliminates the formation of dust, which has a detrimental effect on the plant, when settling on the leaves;
  • the air does not dry out and is stored in the greenhouse high humidity. Which, in turn, creates a favorable microclimate for planting;
  • The presence of thermostats will make it easy to select the desired temperature;
  • due to the fact that IR heaters do not have mechanical moving elements, the service life without repair is very long, even with round-the-clock use;
  • their compactness makes them convenient for use even in small greenhouses or greenhouses;
  • IR heaters belong to the fireproof class of equipment.

What difficulties will you encounter when choosing this method of heating a winter greenhouse:

  • the initial installation of IR heaters will be quite expensive;
  • a large number of counterfeits of well-known brands of equipment, so being tempted by more low price, there is a risk of rapid breakdown of the device;
  • it is important to accurately calculate the required amount heating elements, based on their power, room volume and possible heat loss.

Where is the best place to place an IR heater in a greenhouse? To a large extent, this depends on individual conditions: the size of the greenhouse, the power of the equipment and the range of heating with infrared rays. But there are a number of universal requirements:

  • the most successful placement is above the plantings;
  • The minimum distance from the lamp to the plantings is 1 m. In order to maintain this distance as it grows, it is recommended to mount it on hangers;
  • or use weaker heaters permanently mounted under the roof of the greenhouse. The temperature near the ground will be slightly lower, but a larger planting area will be heated;
  • for a standard country greenhouse, it is recommended to install these heaters with a minimum pitch of 50 cm. For a 6x3 m greenhouse, 2-3 devices are enough;
  • if you need to heat a large area, then it is more rational to place them in checkerboard pattern to exclude cold areas.

What to look for when choosing an IR heater for a winter greenhouse:

  • In pursuit of large harvests, summer residents sometimes use industrial IR heaters in their small greenhouses. They emit short waves that guarantee accelerated plant growth. But you should know that they will negatively affect your health. Therefore, before purchasing a heater, you need to pay attention to the scope of its use;
  • Even for commercial heating of a greenhouse, you should not choose electric IR emitters. Electricity consumption will be extremely costly and economically unprofitable;
  • Ceiling-mounted IR heaters are typically designed for tall production greenhouses. For household purposes, they sell devices on tripods or with wall mounting;
  • on average, one industrial heater is capable of heating a greenhouse with an area of ​​up to 80-100 m², and a household heater up to 15-20 m².

Do-it-yourself winter greenhouse with heating

Let's look at how to build a winter greenhouse from modern material- polycarbonate

DIY foundation for a winter greenhouse

  • An important aspect of construction is the creation of an energy-efficient space, without cracks and cold bridges. Therefore, it is recommended to build a foundation. But before you fill it, you should lay all the necessary communications (electricity, water supply, etc.)
  • It can be columnar or on stilts. But in this case it will be necessary to sheathe it and additionally insulate it. It's better to do strip foundation. A trench 15-20 cm wide and 50 cm deep is dug for it. A 5 cm sand cushion is poured onto the bottom and formwork is installed.

  • Waterproofing material is placed in the formwork and a reinforcement cage is placed. All that remains is to fill it with concrete.
  • It is advisable to pour concrete only up to ground level, and then lay it out with moisture-resistant red brick. If you pour the solution higher, you must remember that the concrete will have to be waterproofed and covered from the outside and inside. If this is not done, the moisture that gets into its pores freezes and expands in winter, which leads to microcracks and further destruction.
  • If the base is made of brick, then to reduce the cost of construction you can use used brick, the main thing is to choose red - it is more moisture resistant.

DIY frame for a winter greenhouse

  • The frame can be ordered ready-made from metal arches. Or cook it yourself, then the greenhouse will be with gable roof. If you don’t have welding skills, but want to build it as cheaply as possible, then the frame is made of wood.
  • Since there will be high humidity in the greenhouse all year round, boards for the frame need to be prepared. They are cleaned with a grinder or sandpaper. After this, they are coated with special antiseptic impregnations. Additionally, you can process liquid waterproofing, for example, a primer.
  • They begin to assemble the frame with bottom trim. To do this, a beam with a section of 10x10 cm is placed along the perimeter of the foundation.
  • The pitch between the vertical beams depends on the snow cover in the region. If there is a lot of snow, then the step between the posts should not exceed 60 cm. Placing them more often is also not rational, the light transmittance will decrease, and the price of the building will increase.
  • A frame is also made of a bar with a cross-section of 5x5 cm on top of the wall studs. The rafters are attached to it using metal corners. Every 2 m, it is advisable to strengthen the roof with a horizontal beam, which is attached to the top trim between the roof slopes.

Tip: to make the winter greenhouse as energy efficient as possible, place a small vestibule with an additional polycarbonate door at the entrance.

  • Polycarbonate is attached externally, the thickness is chosen 8 or 10 mm. Fix it with self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket.

How to build a winter greenhouse with heating video

Do-it-yourself greenhouse heating system installation

Let's look at the example of water heating.

Helpful Tips:

  • the stove is placed in the greenhouse itself, since it will also radiate heat;
  • For fire safety, the stove should be installed on a non-combustible base. If heating will be provided by a portable stove-stove, then a flat metal sheet is sufficient. If the stove is built as a stationary brick stove, then a concrete base is poured under it;
  • in a winter greenhouse, ventilation in the form of a window must be provided;
  • all pipes that will lead directly from the stove to the heating system must be made of metal. The use of PVC pipes is allowed only at a distance of 1 m from the heater;

  • For water circulation, install an expansion barrel as high as possible.

Stages of work

  • For proper heating In a winter greenhouse, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is warmed up. For this purpose, high-strength water heating pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene are used.

Advice: it is better to invest at the initial stage and equip the heating system with a block automatic control. This will allow you to change the temperature depending on the degree of plant development.

  • For efficiency, heating pipes in the ground should be insulated from below so that all the heat goes only upward. In place of future beds, a layer is removed fertile soil. A protective mesh against moles is placed on the bottom, and a film is placed on top of it to retain sand.
  • A 5-10 cm layer of sand is poured onto the film and the heating pipes are laid in a serpentine pattern with a pitch of at least 30 cm.
  • In order for the soil to warm up evenly, the pipes are covered with a 5-10 cm layer of sand. A fertile layer of soil is poured on top.

Heating a winter greenhouse with warm smoke

  • A standard potbelly stove can heat a greenhouse area of ​​10-15 m2. It should be located away from the walls of the greenhouse. So, if they are made of metal and glass, then they retreat 30 cm, if they are made of polycarbonate, then at least 60-70 cm.
  • Both old and modern stove models consist of the same structural elements: firebox, chimney and pipe. The fuel is thrown into the firebox, where, when burned, it releases heat, or rather warm smoke. It, passing through a pipe inside the greenhouse, heats the room and exits into the chimney outside.
  • They start with the foundation for the stove. This will protect it from sinking into the ground and possibly falling. A pit with a depth of 40-50 cm is dug under it. Its dimensions depend on the stove and on whether it will be lined with bricks in the future.

  • Then a sand cushion and a drainage layer are poured at the same time. A mixture of crushed stone and sand is placed on the bottom, in a layer of 20 cm. You can also add fragments of bricks there.
  • From wooden planks construct a blind area. To prevent it from warping when pouring, the gap between the foundation pit and the boards is filled with sand. Fiberglass reinforcement is placed inside and filled with concrete. A film or roofing felt is placed on top and left to harden for 2-4 days.
  • If it is necessary to raise the foundation, then they build directly on top of the foundation brickwork onto a clay-sand mortar (cement mortar may crack). During work, you must constantly use a plumb line and level so that the site is in an absolutely flat horizontal plane.
  • If it is possible to make fire-resistant walls around the stove, then it is better to take the combustion hole outside so that it can be heated from the street. This will reduce energy costs (no need to constantly open and close the greenhouse doors) and will avoid smoke inside the room.
  • To reduce the cost of construction, you can make a simple potbelly stove with your own hands. To do this, choose the most simple form- rectangular. To heat a winter greenhouse measuring 15 m2, it is enough to make a stove measuring 50/30/40 cm (l/w/h).

  • First, a drawing of the future stove is made and transferred to heat-resistant sheet metal. The elements are cut out with a grinder. First of all, the bottom of the firebox and 3 walls are welded. Having retreated 10 cm from the bottom, metal corners are welded, the grating will be placed on them (you need to buy it in advance in the store or make it yourself). Cell size 2-3 cm2. In the future, the fuel will be placed on the grate and during combustion the ash will fall down, where it is convenient to clean it out.
  • Traditionally, the chimney is made from above, so before welding the lid, a 12-15 cm hole is made in it. But if the ground is supposed to be heated, then the chimney is placed on the side or below.
  • On the front wall of the future stove, make 2 holes with doors (the doors can be bought ready-made or made from a sheet of metal and attached to heat-resistant hinges). Fuel is loaded through one, and ash is cleaned through the second.
  • A small piece of pipe is welded to the hole on top. In the future, the chimney will be attached to it.
  • The stove for heating a winter greenhouse can be lined with brick, which will reduce the risk of fire and also increase the period of heat transfer. Which is especially true for winter nights. If this is not done, supports are welded to the structure.
  • If the greenhouse is small, then, as a rule, they make one chimney pipe that runs through the entire greenhouse and goes outside under the ridge. If you need to heat a large room and heat it from below, then the chimney is assembled from pipes of equal diameter using welding or special coupling adapters. Welding allows for absolute tightness. And when using couplings, clay is applied to all joints underneath them. The chimney is connected to the stove using any of these two methods.

Tip: when using a stove in a winter greenhouse, you need to properly lay out the chimney pipe system. For them, trenches of 30-40 cm are dug in the beds, in increments of 50-100 cm. They are laid down non-woven material, then the pipes are placed and covered with expanded clay. A fertile layer is poured on top.

  • When heating air, supports are made for the chimney so that it rises smoothly and at the outlet is higher than the level of the stove. This will ensure even heating and traction at the same time.

  • A chimney is welded to the end of the chimney, through which the smoke will escape from the greenhouse to the street. The pipe is wrapped with foil-coated thermal insulation material so that it does not heat up the roof elements. The end of the pipe is protected with a spark arrestor.
  • Stove heating dries out the air greatly. This is bad for plants in a greenhouse. Therefore, a metal container for water is often placed next to the stove. It will provide irrigation with warm water and, by evaporating, increase air humidity.

If the question arises of how to build a greenhouse for winter growing, then you need to start from the average temperature. If any of the above methods are suitable for the southern regions, then for the middle zone and northern regions you will need to install a gas or electric system.

A greenhouse with high-quality heating allows you to grow various plants at any time of the year. Heating a greenhouse can be implemented using several methods using various coolants. When choosing an option, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the greenhouse, size and available energy resources.

One of the best options to warm up a greenhouse is to lay a heating line under a layer of soil Source

It is imperative to calculate which coolant will be economically beneficial for the installed greenhouse or structure to be erected. Consider the availability of energy resources and their cost, during what periods the greenhouse will be used - only in spring and summer or all year round. When choosing a stove, you need to remember the functionality of the design and thermal power. Having made the correct calculations and using quality materials you can get excellent and long-lasting results. Thanks to even a small greenhouse, you can provide yourself with fresh herbs and vegetables all year round. When installing large greenhouses, it becomes possible to start your own business.

Heating options

Most heating systems are quite powerful and it is advisable to use them only in those structures that are used not only in early spring, but throughout the year.

Common Heating Methods:

  • heating cable;

    gas gun;

  • electric heaters.

A water heating system is often used for large greenhouses Source

A good way of heating is considered gas guns who have small sizes, quickly warm up the room with minimal fuel consumption, are safe to use and very effective. Using electricity, it is recommended to use infrared heaters as the main heating element, which do not dry out the air. For year-round and large greenhouses it is preferable to use brick kilns, since they take longer to heat up, but retain heat well and then cool down for a long time, maintaining a stable temperature. The air will not dry out, the humidity remains at the required level. The metal heats up quickly, but as long as there is fire, such a furnace has a small heat capacity and dries out the air; it is additionally recommended to use a water circuit.

Metal furnaces

    mobility and the ability to be used for several months, and then it can be removed;

    no foundation required, take up minimal space;

    favorable price material;

    connectivity water circuit;

    simple and quick installation.

Mobile metal furnace for air heating Source

However, it is impossible to automate the processes and must be heated manually; installation of a container with water is required. The furnace is installed inside the structure or in a separate room with a circuit outlet. The chimney can be located in a greenhouse with a slope of at least 15 degrees. For this, an uninsulated metal pipe is used, and thermally insulated boxes are installed in the roof for the exit.

The furnace is installed in several stages:

    preparation of the base;

    installation of the stove on the base;

    connecting the chimney using heat-resistant sealant; the chimney should not be allowed to narrow;

    circuit connection, if required.

Furnaces equipped with a water heat exchanger must not be operated without a filled system.

Brick kilns

Heating for a greenhouse using brick stove mainly used for year-round use. This heating model is effective even in very cold weather due to its high heat capacity. Any stove can be used, but its thermal output is fully consistent with the heated area.

A brick kiln is a permanent structure designed for many years of operation Source

Brick laying occurs according to the following scheme:

    creation of high-strength foundation with reinforcement, for this, part of the soil is removed, the bottom is filled with sand, formwork is made, drying takes at least three weeks, the surface must be constantly moistened;

    masonry firebox, ash pit, smoke ducts.

The masonry stage has its own difficulties and characteristics, so the work must be entrusted to a qualified specialist who has relevant experience. During the work process, it is necessary to install doors and dampers.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer installation services for stoves and fireplaces

Water heating

This option can be implemented in several ways - installing a separate boiler or connecting to a house system. In the second case, a separate circuit is made to turn it off and drain the water. If a separate system is being installed, then you will need to install the boiler taking into account the available and profitable fuel.

Gas models are the most convenient and economical; they can maintain the desired temperature. Combustion products are removed through a coaxial chimney. Solid fuel models can have different modifications. Also an economical option, but there is practically no possibility of automation and constant monitoring is required. Electric models that maintain temperature around the clock have greater automation rates. They are small in size, safe and absolutely silent. However, there is a disadvantage - the cost of electricity.

Whatever the stove is used, the principle of operation of water heating remains unchanged Source

Such heating in a greenhouse occurs according to one scheme, regardless of the boiler. Availability required the following elements:

    filters, safety group, pump;

    radiators, pipes, expansion tank;

    balancing valve;

    heat accumulator.

The connection is made according to the following scheme:

    Chimney. Only for gas and solid fuel models.

    Radiators. Heating elements.

    Tank. Used for a forced system, installed in front of the pump or boiler outlet.

    Security group. Includes air vents, valves, gauges, manifolds and couplings. It is installed behind the boiler, where the highest pressure and temperature are observed.

    Pump. Maintains pressure in the entire system and is mounted in front of the boiler on the return line.

    Crimping air.

If the system has passed the test, then coolant is poured into it and the boiler and a test run is carried out, the air is bled off, and balancing is carried out.

Video description

About water heated floors in a winter greenhouse, watch the video:

Choosing the optimal boiler

It is necessary to select a boiler model taking into account the size of the installed greenhouse, as well as the crops being grown. If there is gas, then it is better to use gas models. For year-round models good option will solid fuel boilers. For small greenhouses with periodic use, installing a solid fuel boiler is not suitable. It is much more profitable to install a low-power electric one. It does not require space or the construction of a chimney, and electricity costs are minimal.

When using radiators, a number of calculations are required. To achieve a good result and maintain a constant microclimate, you should contact a specialist. In this case taken into account:

    dimensions buildings;

    thermal power;

    quantity radiators.

The sections must be distributed throughout the greenhouse in several rows. It is better to opt for low radiators for good soil heating.


Electric heating

Special heaters are mainly used infrared type, they warm the soil, maintain temperature and differ minimal costs. Sometimes other options may be used. The calculation must be carried out by a specialist, taking into account all the features of the greenhouse and plant varieties. The elements are evenly distributed throughout the room. Selected models are suspended from the ceiling and connected to the network. When using temperature sensors, you can fully automate the heating process and save additional money.


Solar batteries and biological heating

If you are interested in the simplest heating of a greenhouse, then you should choose solar batteries. This is the cheapest option and uses only solar energy. The greenhouse is located on open area where there is no shadow from other buildings or trees. The greenhouse itself is built from polycarbonate with a cellular structure, creating greenhouse effect. All cells are insulated and contain air. Glass can also be used. The greenhouse must be built in an arched manner, and it must be located on an east-west line.

When used correctly, greenhouse bioheating shows excellent results Source

The following work is being carried out around the greenhouse:

    digging a hole WxD 30x40 cm;

    insulation is installed, for example, polystyrene foam;

    sand is poured, film and earth are placed on top.

The design accumulates heat, but this method can only be used on sunny days.

The second option is biological materials and the principle of their decomposition. It is often used horse manure, it heats up to 70 °C and maintains this temperature for at least 4 months. Straw is added to reduce the temperature.


Cable heating

It does not take up space inside the structure, the cable is laid as for a warm floor, warms the soil well, allows you to maintain different temperature conditions, which increases productivity. It is characterized by easy installation and easy adjustment of temperature conditions with minimal consumption electricity. Mainly used in industrial greenhouses.

Electric underfloor heating - a fully automated heating system Source

Heat guns

It is considered a simple option without the need to develop and implement complex structures. Suspended from the ceiling and connected to the network, after which it can be used immediately. The air does not harm the plants and is distributed by a fan. There are different types of guns that are powered by gas, diesel or electricity.

More often heat guns are still used as a temporary solution, because the earth warms up poorly with such heating Source

Air heating

A primitive option involves installing a pipe that leads into the greenhouse, and on the other side a fire is lit. The length of the pipe should be at least 3 m, and the diameter should be 30 cm. The pipe can be made longer and additionally perforated, carried further inside for greater effect. The big disadvantage is the need to constantly maintain the fire, so the option is mainly used as an emergency option. Such a heating system does not warm the ground, since the pipes are mounted under the ceiling to protect plants from hot air.

This heating method differs from heat guns only in its more uniform heat distribution Source

Heat fans

A fan can be installed to distribute air, eliminating the need to install a piping system. The air warms up quickly enough; the fan can be moved throughout the greenhouse or installed several times. However, streams of very hot air can burn plants, and the fan itself is capable of heating small areas, so the installation of several fans is required, which consume a lot of electricity.

Another “emergency” heating method that must be used with caution Source

A good greenhouse with the right calculations will allow anyone to not only grow herbs and vegetables for their table, but also run their own business. Materials and technologies will allow the greenhouse to be used all year round, even in severe frosts. But the main requirements remain good system heating and lighting, this is the only way to get a good result.

Modern advances and industry offer a large selection of methods for heating greenhouses. Some options are only suitable for warm regions, others can be used all year round. They differ in installation features, costs, and fuel used. When choosing a heating option, it is necessary to carry out certain calculations, take into account the area of ​​the greenhouse and the crops grown. A greenhouse can be used not only for producing seedlings or early harvest, but also for growing flowers and seedlings.

Additionally, the greenhouse can be equipped with automatic watering and a temperature control system.

Video description

An option for combining stove heating and fans in the following video:

On our website you can also find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of arranging winter gardens. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


When building a greenhouse, choosing a heating system, plants and heating elements, it is very important to consult with specialists on all issues. Remember that the slightest mistake can lead to negative results - a poor harvest and slow plant development. It is also important to choose the right materials from which the structure will be built. Consider absolutely all factors that may affect the operation of the greenhouse. Consider which heating option is best for you, available resources and types of fuel.

Many gardeners are interested in ensuring that the greenhouse does not stand idle during the cold season. But to grow plants in winter you need temperature regime not less than +18°С. Farmers are faced with the difficult task of thinking about heating a greenhouse in order to harvest several crops and have fresh fruits and vegetables on the table all year round.

To get excellent result, it is necessary to take care of heating in the greenhouse

Arrangement of a year-round greenhouse

Ready-made greenhouse structures with high-quality heating have been on sale for a long time. This is necessary in harsh climatic conditions for both farmers and private owners. If desired, you can prepare a regular greenhouse for use in winter time.

Heating in a greenhouse will help grow crops in winter

It is advisable to insulate the base so that overcooling of the soil does not lead to a decrease in yield:

  1. The foundation can be a wooden platform. It is treated with an antiseptic and covered with waterproofing material.
  2. The second option is pouring concrete with further insulation with foam plastic.

A high-quality foundation will significantly reduce heat loss in winter. But covering material for greenhouses also plays an equally important role. Most often it is glass or polycarbonate. Despite their external similarity, they have great differences in characteristics.

Glass transmits light perfectly, but its weight and inability to bend complicates installation, and high thermal conductivity does not allow maintaining a stable temperature throughout the day. Polycarbonate greenhouses are the highest quality structures for year-round use. By making heating in a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands, you can be sure of good early harvests.

In this video you will learn how to insulate a greenhouse:

Heating options

When choosing a heating method, you need to take into account the specific use of your greenhouse, its area, climate, varieties of seedlings, types of heating in a residential building and financial capabilities. It is impractical to install an expensive heating system in a small greenhouse.

It is also necessary to understand the main sources of heating:

  • solar;
  • biological;
  • stove;
  • electric;
  • gas;
  • air.

Having chosen the appropriate method, you can install the greenhouse heating yourself.

Natural ways

Simple and economical natural heating methods are classified as auxiliary. This is energy sun rays and biofuel.

The sun is the most economical form of energy

Solar heating is suitable for regions where the climate is mild and the average winter temperature does not fall below zero. For colder regions, this method is used from March-April. In order for the plants to receive sufficient light and heat, the greenhouse must be placed in a well-lit place without drafts.

A transparent rounded roof is better heated by the sun's rays. This arched shape of greenhouse structures is most resistant to winds and various loads.

Warming organics

The use of biological fuel has been proven for centuries. Old folk way based on the ability of organic matter to release large amounts of heat during decomposition. Experienced gardeners use this to equip warm beds, mixing pet manure with compost from rotted straw, bark, grass, leaves or unusable fruits. Horse manure heats up especially quickly.

Manure will fertilize and at the same time insulate the soil.

Instead of manure, you can use special dry briquettes, which do not have a specific odor, but are just as effective. To start, biofuel is dropped a little into well-loosened soil. When steam starts coming from the beds after a week, they can be covered with fertile soil and seedlings can be planted. High warm beds are convenient and practical in terms of caring for them.

Natural cheap methods are auxiliary, because solar energy there is not always enough to heat the greenhouse, and biofuel begins to decompose only at a certain temperature.

In frosty conditions, such heating will not save the plants, so it is impossible to do without capital heat sources in winter. Having studied the basic systems, you can make homemade heating in a greenhouse.

More information about winter heating:

Basic heating systems

To maintain the optimal temperature in the greenhouse there is different ways. The simplest one is to install a greenhouse over a heating main laid in the ground. The main rule for all heating systems is the uniform distribution of warm air flows along the entire perimeter of the room.

It will not be difficult to make air heating for a greenhouse with your own hands. To do this, a piece of steel pipe is inserted into the greenhouse at one end, and the other is left outside. A fire is lit under it, warming the air in the pipe, which will spread throughout the greenhouse. This easy way, but not very convenient, since you need to constantly monitor the fire.

Gas heating has its advantages in terms of constant supply and affordable price. It will be more economical for owners of private greenhouses to purchase bottled gas than to carry it from home to the greenhouse. The main disadvantage of this method is the selection large quantity carbon dioxide, which will inhibit plant growth. In this case, it is necessary to consider an exhaust hood for combustion products. Small gas guns are effective and safe to use. They can quickly heat a greenhouse with minimal gas consumption.

You can make warm beds with your own hands

For heating using electricity, a variety of devices are used: radiators, infrared lamps, air heaters, heat guns, cable equipment. The most economical way is to lay a special electrical cable along the beds. It is buried 10 cm into the soil, after which it will heat the plants, consuming electricity depending on the power. Sometimes the cable is laid in the walls, which prevents the entry of cold. The heating cable is often installed as an additional heating source.

The “old-fashioned” heating option - stove - is very common among gardeners in rural areas. It does not depend on the supply of gas and electricity sources. The fuel for the stove can be wood or coal. It is not recommended to install a metal stove-stove near walls due to strong heating, because Because of this, the material of the greenhouse structure may be damaged. Such a stove must be installed in the center of the room on a solid foundation. Metal furnaces equipped with a water or air circuit can be located anywhere.

A brick oven is preferable, as it retains heat well and does not dry out the air. A special pipe with access to the street is designed to remove smoke and gases. A brick stove is great for heating a greenhouse on frosty days. The disadvantages of this method are constant monitoring of the stove and the quality of the fuel.

This type of heating will heat both the air and the soil.

Water heating is considered the most efficient and economically profitable. This requires a solid fuel or gas boiler for heating water and several pipes. An alternative is to heat the water with a boiler and then pump it into the pipes using a pump. In this way, both air and soil can be heated. It is quite possible for gardeners and farmers to install water heating for a greenhouse with their own hands. You can also connect to common system heating with a separate circuit for autonomy.

All heating methods have their pros and cons. Every gardener can find the least expensive option in terms of finances and effort. It is possible that this will be an entire heating system designed for many years of operation. Knowing the installation features of popular heating methods and calculating the size of the investment, it is quite possible to do heating in a greenhouse with your own hands.

How to make heating in a greenhouse with your own hands:

A greenhouse is an excellent option for growing a variety of vegetables, as it creates unique climatic conditions that promote growth rates. In addition, the greenhouse allows you to get an early harvest, when it is not yet warm enough outside to properly grow vegetables. However, to create optimal conditions in the spring, the greenhouse needs heating, which will provide a temperature of at least 18 degrees Celsius.

Insulated greenhouse

  • Solar heating and batteries;
  • Air heating;
  • Heating by gas;
  • Heating with solid fuel boiler;
  • Stove heating;
  • Water heating;

So, now a little more about the organization of each type of heating.

Solar heating

Solar heating

Main components:

  • Photovoltaic generator;
  • Control unit;
  • Conversion block;
  • Rechargeable battery;
  • The heat-emitting element is the consumer.

The operating principle is as follows.Solar radiation affects the photovoltaic generator, which, when exposed to sunlight, begins to emit electric current, entering through the control unit into the battery, where it is accumulated and transmitted through the conversion unit to the heating element in the greenhouse.

The optimal greenhouse design for organizing this type of heating is a transparent arched one.

It is important to ensure the greenhouse structure is airtight to eliminate drafts.

The photovoltaic generator is placed in a place that has been illuminated since early morning, and it immediately begins to work to heat the greenhouse. The heating element is placed under a layer of soil. The battery is designed to store energy to heat the greenhouse at night. This heating option will allow you to maintain the required temperature in the greenhouse, even if it drops to 5 degrees outside at night..

The main disadvantage of such a system is the high cost of components.

Air heating of greenhouses

To implement it, you will need an ordinary steel pipe with an internal diameter of about 60 millimeters and 3 meters long. One of the ends of the pipe is placed into the greenhouse space through a hole in the wall, and the other end is led out into the street. A small fire is lit under it, the warm air from which heats the pipe and the air in it.

This method is simple, but completely inconvenient to implement, since it is not possible to constantly maintain the fire.

Gas heating

Gas heating of the greenhouse

This heating method involves installing a gas-powered heating device. You also need to purchase 2 gas cylinders. When gas burns, the air in the greenhouse will heat up and provide optimal conditions for vegetable growth.

The main problem with this heating method is the accumulation of excessive amounts of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse, which negatively affects the growth of vegetables.. Therefore, when implementing this heating system ventilation installation is also required, providing additional air flow to support combustion.

Installation of a solid fuel heating boiler

Alternatively, you can install a solid fuel boiler in the greenhouse or next to it.

solid fuel boiler for greenhouse

In this case, for installation heating system you will need the following components:

  • Boiler;
  • Pipe system;
  • Several radiators.

The advantage of this option is that it does not require constant loading of firewood. Modern solid fuel boilers allow you to maintain combustion with just 2 loads of fuel per day. The disadvantage is the need for additional installation of pipelines and heating radiators.

Stove heating of a greenhouse

Stove heating is implemented if the area of ​​the greenhouse is more than 15 square meters.

There are two arrangement options.

Option 1

This is a simple option, you will need:

  • An ordinary small heating stove of the “potbelly stove” type;
  • Chimney pipe;
  • Chimney;
  • Chalk or lime.

The stove is installed on one side of the greenhouse, and the chimney pipe runs through the greenhouse and ends with a chimney that carries combustion products outside the greenhouse. As a result, the chimney pipe heats up and releases heat to the air in the greenhouse.

In this case, it is important to monitor the tightness of the chimney pipe, since smoke entering the greenhouse room is unacceptable. To detect a smoke leak as quickly as possible, it is necessary to paint the pipe with chalk or lime - the places where smoke is passing through will be clearly visible on the white surface.

To ensure good draft, it is necessary to install a chimney pipe with an elevation to the chimney- approximately 1.5-2 centimeters per linear meter pipes.

For the purpose fire safety it is necessary to ensure a minimum distance from the chimney to the shelves with vegetables 15 cm distance. It is also necessary to place the stove, chimney and chimney pipe at a distance of at least 25-30 centimeters from the walls of the greenhouse.

Option 2

The second option for stove heating is to lay a pipeline system.

To install it you will need:

  • Large barrel;
  • Stove;
  • Expansion tank;
  • Drain tap;
  • Rectangular pipes (40x20 mm) or round section(up to 30 mm);
  • Chimney pipe;
  • Circulation pump.

A large barrel acts as a housing for the heating system. The stove and expansion tank are placed in it. The chimney from the stove extends outside the greenhouse in the form of a vertical 5-meter pipe.

installation of ventilation is desirable

The expansion tank is welded to the walls of a large barrel-casing above the stove, so that the heat from burning wood is used to heat the water. Pipes are welded to the expansion tank and laid around the perimeter of the greenhouse at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Since the pipes are horizontal, it is not possible to realize natural circulation of the coolant, so a small circulation pump is connected to the pipeline system.

With water heating, an almost constant air temperature in the greenhouse is obtained

To implement this method you will need the following components:

  • Old large fire extinguisher;
  • Heating element;
  • Temperature sensor;
  • Pipe system.

3 holes are cut in the fire extinguisher body: for the hot pipe, for the return line and for installing the heating element.. A pipe runs from the top hole, which is laid in the upper part of the greenhouse, and a pipe runs from the bottom hole along the bottom of the greenhouse. It is important to weld the heating element and pipes tightly to eliminate water leaks.

The heating element is connected to the electrical network, the water is heated, and natural circulation it through the pipes. Important element heating system - a temperature sensor that is installed in the greenhouse and measures the air temperature. When a certain value is reached, it turns off the heating element. When the temperature drops, the heating element starts working again. The result is an almost constant air temperature in the greenhouse.

Bottom line

As you can see, there are a lot of options for heating a greenhouse. However, you should not get lost in this variety - you need to determine the optimal and most profitable one for yourself, and then begin installation work.

Video on how to make energy-saving heating for a greenhouse with your own hands

In this video you will learn how to heat a greenhouse in winter by installing infrared panels

IN middle lane Russia get good harvest It is simply impossible to grow heat-loving crops without greenhouses. If they are also heated, then from the beginning of March you can plant seedlings of any plants in it, and also get early greens for the table. Moreover, installing most greenhouse heating systems with your own hands is quite simple and does not require special skills.

Which method should you choose?

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It all depends on the goals, type of greenhouse, type of crops, as well as financial capabilities. If you plan to grow vegetables or flowers in it throughout the year, you will need a fully insulated building, which can be heated using infrared electric ceiling heaters, underfloor heating or a water circuit. To heat the greenhouse only in spring and autumn, it is enough to install a stove-stove, a gas gun or put biofuel (manure or plant residues) in the soil.

When calculating the required amount of heat, it is necessary to take into account that its consumption depends on the degree of insulation of the room and the ratio of the wall area to the soil area.

It makes no sense to heat a room that is blown from all sides. Therefore, before proceeding with the installation of heating a greenhouse in winter, it should be thoroughly insulated. For this you will need:

This heating method ensures uniform heating of both soil and air. Another advantage is the creation of an optimal microclimate in the room - the air with such a heating system does not dry out. Heating in this way is possible using firewood, peat, gas, coal or even waste automobile fuel. Therefore, you can choose the most best option, taking into account the cost of energy in a particular region.

How to make water heating of a greenhouse? This heating system consists of:

  • boiler or furnace
  • expansion tank, serving to store water
  • radiators
  • pipeline
  • pump: since lowering the heating boiler in a greenhouse below ground level is quite problematic, water circulation through the pipes is forced
  • chimney

Even if there is a circular pump, the pipeline in such a system is best positioned at a slight inclination. In this case, even if the pumping system temporarily fails, the heating will continue to function.

To calculate the thermal power of radiators, the formula is used:

P = S * 120 ,

S– area of ​​the greenhouse (at standard height walls of 3 m, calculation of the volume of the room is not required).

For example, to heat a greenhouse measuring 3x8 m, its area will be 3 * 8 = 24 square meters. m. Find the required thermal power: 24 * 120 = 2880 W. You can clarify this parameter for one radiator section in the data sheet.

Stove heating

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Stove heating of a greenhouse

To ensure that heating costs do not “eat up” the lion’s share of the profit from the sale of grown products, when choosing the type of boiler or stove, you should take into account the cost of fuel in a particular region of residence. Also take care of effective system insulation of the room.

Brick structures are more complex in execution. Without experience, it is difficult to build them yourself. Plus, to build brick ovens that are heavy, you will need a strong foundation. The cost of a brick structure will be considerable. However, such stoves are capable of storing heat for a long time, saving fuel. If you attach a horizontal chimney (“hog”) made of metal to such a stove, you can get an additional source of heating.

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Metal oven If you have basic skills in working with metal, you can weld it yourself from scrap metal or even old iron barrel. Therefore, the price of such structures is minimal.

However, if there is no radiator system in the greenhouse, the oven will heat mostly air. Therefore, it is advisable to install it in the center of the room and slightly deeper into the ground. You can also raise the beds or place them on shelves, where the air temperature is always higher.

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Convection and pyrolysis ovens have high efficiency. Such designs are quite complex to implement, so it is better to buy them ready-made. In convection boilers, air passes inside the casing. The operating principle of pyrolysis structures is based on the complete combustion of gases that are formed during fuel combustion.

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Stove "Buleryan", surrounded on the sides by open pipes, takes in cold air from below. The rapidly circulating air in the room warms up faster even after adding fuel once. If you put “sleeves” on the lower pipes, you can distribute the heat evenly throughout the greenhouse.

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Feature of the Butakov boiler is increased heat transfer, which occurs due to the special design of convective pipes. However, it is quite difficult to clean it from combustion products. Plus, a single bookmark will not be enough to ensure a comfortable temperature. And it heats the air unevenly. The absence of a secondary combustion chamber significantly reduces the efficiency of the design.

Read also:

Works only with used machine oil. Essentially, this is a modified version of a potbelly stove with two chambers, a lowering and rising piston and a valve for adjusting the air supply. Such a unit can operate without refilling for up to 61 hours! Therefore, if you have the opportunity to regularly refill it with spent fuel, this is the option for you.

To improve Furnace efficiency or boiler, install a fan next to the loading door. The efficiency of their work will increase significantly.

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The latest developments in greenhouse heating include ceiling-mounted infrared heaters. They consume a minimal amount of electricity, plus the effect of their action far exceeds any other types of heating devices, including water radiators and even heated floors.

The heat from them does not rise upward, but spreads evenly throughout the room. Moreover, it is the soil that warms up most intensively, and not the air, which is very important for plants.

It should be noted that to heat greenhouses it is necessary to use only long-wave devices(preferably ceramic) with heating of the working fluid to 270-300°C. Unlike medium-wave emitters, which heat up to 1700-1900°C, they are not capable of burning plants.

To significant advantages infrared heating may also include:

  • environmental friendliness and harmlessness: such heaters do not emit carbon dioxide and other combustion products into the air that are harmful to plant health
  • infrared devices do not dry the air at all, since they do not heat it, but any objects and surfaces; no humidification of the room is required during their installation
  • no heat loss - the efficiency of such heaters is 95%
  • efficiency: since they heat the soil rather than the air, the required volume of thermal resources is reduced by 35%; Plus, such devices consume a minimum of electricity
  • installation of systems is simple
  • the risk of fire when using infrared devices is minimized

Underfloor heating system

An ideal option for heating the soil in a greenhouse is also a heated floor system. After all, for successful plant growth, it is the roots that need to be warmed up.

Since heating a greenhouse with electric heating elements will cost a lot of money, it is better to install a stove or boiler in it. The heating system can be combined by installing radiators around the perimeter.

  1. It is better to use polyethylene pipes to heat the greenhouse. They are buried to a depth of about 40-50 cm in the drainage - a layer of crushed stone and sand
  2. It is not advisable to use metal-plastic for laying in the ground. After all, its fittings (connecting elements) require regular tightening. If you still decide to use such hard plastic, use compensation loops when laying the pipeline
  3. Polyethylene film is laid first, serving as waterproofing
  4. Next, a layer of thermal insulation is laid made of polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam
  5. You can also reduce the thermal conductivity of the soil using compacted sand., which is poured over the heat-insulating layer to a height of 10-15 cm
  6. The distance between pipelines should be 0.36 m. To ensure uniform heating, 2 collectors are placed along the edges of the greenhouse. Pipes are connected to them alternately
  7. To protect the pipeline from damage when digging the soil with a shovel or pitchfork, slate or metal mesh is laid on top of it
  8. The next 35-40 cm layer– fertile soil

Heating with gas

The disadvantages of such heating include the need for mandatory coordination with special services. Moreover, you will not be able to provide gas heating for the greenhouse - the design and installation of such systems is carried out only by specialists. Due to the high risk of ignition during operation, the operation of gas boilers will need to be constantly monitored. Due to the excess carbon monoxide generated during fuel combustion, in order to avoid poisoning and the threat of explosion, it is imperative to install ventilation.

But still, such devices have much more advantages. The cost of gas is not that high. You will only have to spend money on purchasing a boiler and equipment for it. Such designs ensure uniformity and fast speed heating greenhouses plus are extremely easy to maintain. But in order for it to heat up evenly, it is better to install heaters or connect several burners at once.

We list the main types of gas equipment used for heating greenhouses:

  • convectors: industry produces special devices of this type specifically for heating greenhouses; built-in heat exchanger distributes heat evenly throughout the room; ventilation in it is provided using a coaxial (pipe in pipe) chimney
  • heater with two open burners(the second of them serves as a spare) and a vertical chimney; ventilation system installed separately
  • burners with infrared radiation: they are located in separate zones for local heating of certain types of crops or accelerating seed germination; equipped with a smoke exhauster that throws combustion products into the chimney; their operation does not require the installation of forced ventilation systems - natural is sufficient

In most cases, gas heating of a greenhouse is combined with water. The principle of its arrangement is similar to that described above.

Thermal gas guns, used for spot heating, can be easily connected to both gas main, and the cylinder. Such structures are light in weight and quite mobile; they can easily be moved to any other place. The fuel in them burns completely, so the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning during their operation is minimal. Modern gas-fired heat guns are equipped with a temperature and even humidity control system.

Solar batteries

Collecting and accumulating the heat given off by the sun's rays will help get an early harvest in the spring. Heating a greenhouse using solar batteries can also be used as an additional one. For winter period the heat received only from them will not be enough.

To accumulate solar energy, the greenhouse must be installed at the very open place and place it from east to west. It has been proven that arched structures made of polycarbonate are able to “collect” maximum quantity rays. Plus, the air in the cells of this material will serve as a natural heat insulator.

Solar batteries are divided into:

  • aquatic: the heat storage in this case is water containers (barrels or pools); Moreover, several small containers have a higher efficiency than one large one, because water always warms up better closer to the surface; they are distributed evenly throughout the room
  • stone: this material is capable of retaining heat for a long time, so it makes sense to line the walls of the greenhouse with stone or cover it with a sufficiently large layer around the perimeter of the structure
  • air: are among the most efficient battery devices (see photo); for efficient heating, heat exchangers are positioned perpendicular to the direction of the sun's rays; heated air enters the greenhouse through pipes; cold air is taken in through the second air duct

During installation air system heating in