How to germinate an avocado seed at home. How to grow an avocado from a seed at home so that there are fruits: a step-by-step algorithm for growing an exotic tree Avocado tree how to care

Those who like to grow exotic plants can add avocados to their collection. You can grow avocados from seeds at home. To do this, let’s first carefully examine its fruits and see that they are half made of seeds.

The main thing in growing an avocado according to all the rules is to germinate the seed. Otherwise, the plant does not suffer from particular whimsicality, so there won’t be much trouble with it, and if you follow all the recommendations and properly organized care, the plant will even bear fruit (of course, not so soon, but still, it will).

Choosing a seed

First of all, you need to choose the right seed. Ripe fruits are suitable for this. Unripe or overripe fruits are not suitable, since they living conditions working is problematic. If, when you press on an avocado, small dents remain on its side, it means that the seed in it is ready for planting and germination. We buy a very ripe avocado at the store and remove the brown crust.

We do this with sharp knife, with which we cut the fruit, trying not to harm the seed. If everything is done correctly, the bone will easily separate from the pulp. We wash the bone and let it dry.

Germination methods

Avocado seeds are sprouted in two ways: planted in the ground or sprouted in water. The first method does not give quick results, and the process drags on for several months. But the other method gives faster results and is much simpler than the first, which means it is more acceptable even for novice gardeners.

Place the removed bone into the water with the blunt tip so that the water covers half of the bone.

In the water

Most often, avocado seeds are sprouted by inserting toothpicks into three 5 mm holes and hanging the seed above water. Holes should be made with a thick needle immediately in in the right place so as not to disturb the bone again. We carefully pierce the shell of the seed with a needle, trying to protect its insides. Insert toothpicks into the holes. Take a vessel with water and place the bone in it, thick side down. The toothpicks will rest on the edges of the container, keeping the pit suspended.

The water must be boiled and cooled to room temperature. There is no need to immerse the bone in water; it should barely touch the water. As the water evaporates, it must be added in a timely manner. If the seed is constantly in humid conditions, then after 2-3 weeks you can see the result: timid roots will appear. When the roots grow to 3 cm, we plant the seed in the ground.

But you don’t have to resort to using toothpicks. Simply place the seed on the bottom of the glass and lightly fill it with water. All that remains is to monitor the water level and replenish it daily. We place the vessel with the seed on the windowsill and wait for the first sprouts to begin to hatch. This usually happens within three months. When you see a crack between the cotyledons, know that the seed has begun to grow, and a new phase of your exciting activity is beginning.

In the ground

Avocado seeds are also sprouted in the ground. This will require a soil mixture of soil, humus, sand and peat. We take all components in equal parts and add 14 parts of lime. To prevent the water from stagnating, we make small holes in the bottom of the plastic container. The container will need to be small - only about 10 cm in depth and the same in diameter. At the bottom we make drainage from expanded clay or polystyrene foam. Now let's start planting the seed.

It cannot be completely immersed in the ground; it may rot.

Only its half is immersed in the ground with the blunt tip down. The soil should always be moist, and then after a certain time avocado sprouts will appear.


Now you can proceed directly to growing avocados. We plant the broken seed in the ground. Any land intended for growing home flowers is suitable for this. Take the container small size and place the seed in the ground with the blunt tip down. Now the seed needs moderate watering (so that the soil does not dry out), good lighting and good drainage. A week after the seed is in the ground, a reddish sprout may appear, which (if healthy) will rapidly begin to grow, and will grow by 1 cm every day.


Once hatched from the seed, an avocado grows very quickly. The most productive time for avocado growth is from the time the first leaves appear - the first hundred days of life. During these days, the avocado grows up to half a meter. As they say, “it grows by leaps and bounds.” The plant develops at such a speed that it cannot make anyone remain indifferent. But then its growth slows down. During this time, it grows beautiful large leaves (up to 35 cm). The plant tirelessly strives upward, and in order to provoke the growth of side shoots (which may not be forthcoming without outside intervention), its top needs to be pinched. This is done at personal discretion, depending on what type and height your tree should be.

If this is not done, the tree will hit the ceiling and soon die.

To prevent this and give the plant the shape of a bush, it needs to be pinched regularly. By pinching the crown of the plant you can improve its branching. To give it a low-growing shape and stimulate further germination of shoots from dormant buds, the stem is pinched. This is done 15 cm from the ground or slightly higher. Leave 3 to 4 shoots directed in different directions. When the stem grows to 20 cm, you can pinch the top to form further branches. The first pinch is made above the 8th leaf. After this, the plant will begin to branch; the branches should be pinched above the 5th leaf.

Correctly done pinching and good managed care allow the tree to form beautiful crown. In addition, it is very important for fruiting.


Growing an avocado is not as difficult as getting it to bloom, much less bear fruit. Although the plant can theoretically self-pollinate, positive results can only be achieved by cross-pollination.

IN wildlife Not every avocado flower bears fruit. Twenty meters, abundantly flowering tree, produces on average only 170-180 fruits. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. At home, artificial cross-pollination is done with a soft brush when the flowers bloom and the pollen ripens. This procedure is carried out early in the morning on a sunny day. Cross-pollination is done three times a month, and then fertilizing is done.

If the avocado growing conditions have been violated, then you may not expect fruit from the plant.

Humidification and spraying

Avocados love a humid environment. And there is nothing surprising in this, because this is a tropical plant, so you need to regularly spray its leaves. This procedure will help create comfortable indoor conditions for him. If the leaves begin to dry out, it means that the air around the plant is very dry and measures need to be taken to correct the situation. To do this, you need to place a container of water next to it. Its evaporation will create the required level of humidity for the plant.


In spring and summer the plant needs generous watering, but without waterlogging. But in autumn and winter you need to water moderately, only if necessary (when the soil dries out). In addition, the room where the avocado is located should have high humidity, especially in winter and late autumn. Spraying can be of great help here.


Avocados should grow in a bright place, but at the same time away from direct sunlight, as long-term exposure can cause burns to the plant, but first the leaves turn red. Avocado heat-loving plant, the most acceptable temperature for it is 18 degrees C. It develops well if the room temperature does not fall below 12 degrees C. At a lower temperature, the plant will lose its leaves. Leaves will fall and acquire a brownish tint even if the air in the room is very dry. Spraying with room water will help avoid this.

Avocado leaves can change color for the worse when there is insufficient light, so lighting needs to be monitored and adjusted. And if the plant had to stay in a dark place for a long time, then it cannot be brought into the light right away. This needs to be done gradually.

Additional lighting

In addition, in late autumn and winter the plant needs additional illumination with special phytolamps. In cloudy and prolonged cool weather during avocado flowering, it is necessary to extend its daylight hours to 15 hours a day.


When the tree is one year old, you can start feeding it: during the year, mineral fertilizers are applied to it 4 times. In general, all feeding occurs in spring and summer, and is done once or twice a month. When feeding mature trees, the amount of nitrogen needed by the plant is increased and applied twice - at the beginning of summer and at the end of winter.

Sometimes it happens that on an adult plant the leaves begin to turn yellow. This is a sign that it lacks iron and zinc. To prevent this, the plant should be sprayed with iron chelate and fertilized with mixtures that contain a lot of zinc and iron.


So that the avocado looks like a decent-sized tree, and not an ordinary one indoor flower, it needs to be replanted annually in another pot and fresh soil. Each time you need to take a pot a little larger than before. Sometimes an avocado is not averse to shedding its beautiful leaves, but this is not scary and does not mean at all that its life is over and the plant has died.

Properly organized care will soon return the leaves to their original place, and the tree will again turn green and delight others with its beauty.

An avocado grown at home can be quite impressive in size, but, of course, not the same size as in nature. In the tropical forest, the height of the plant can be more than 17 meters. And, naturally, at home there is no such area for avocados.

Young plants benefit from regular replanting. It is better to do it after winter, when everything awakens and begins to grow. For replanting, you need to take fertile and permeable soil. If it is not possible to do a full transplant, then at least remove the top layer of soil, and conscientiously spill the rest of the soil with boiled water. This will relieve the plant from soil salinity.

In the summer, the container with avocados should be set to fresh air, if possible. At the same time, you should always remember that the young leaves of the plant are very tender and do not tolerate the harmful effects of direct sunlight. In view of this, the container with the plant is first placed in the shade, and then the plant is gradually introduced to the light. To prevent the avocado stem from getting sunburned, it should be whitened.

Many, especially novice gardeners, are interested in the question: “How to grow an avocado from a seed so that there are also fruits?” In principle, this is possible. But only an avocado grown from a seed will delight everyone with its fruits if it grows to 2 meters. Vaccination will help speed up the fruiting process. For this, some people buy special grafted plants.

But even after vaccination and if there is required height An avocado grown from a seed blooms and bears fruit in negligibly rare cases, one might say exceptional. Even in these exceptional cases, fruits can only be expected in the fifth year of life.

To stimulate fruiting of avocados, pinch the top of the plant.

From all that has been said about how to grow an avocado from a seed, it is clear that it is not difficult. It is much more difficult to achieve its fruiting. Neither proper care, nor grafting, nor pinching may help, the plant simply does not want to bear fruit. Don't despair. In any case, you will have a nice tree with huge unusual leaves and tall decorative qualities. Believe me, this tropical exotic grown by you will be the pride of your winter garden and will always bring pleasure. Good luck to you!

To grow an avocado tree, you don't need any special skills. This exotic plant requires only compliance with basic care rules. This applies to watering, fertilizing, air humidity.

Avocado is a tree with unusual fruits

Avocado or American Persia, as it is also called, belongs to the group of evergreen plants.

To get flowering, the avocado must rest for 5 months. If you do not do this, then buds will not appear on your home tree.

What does an avocado tree look like and its features:

  1. In the wild, the tree reaches 20 m in height, room conditions the plant does not exceed 3 m.
  2. Even with the right conditions growing, it is almost impossible to get a harvest. Fruiting at home occurs extremely rarely. But if the avocado blooms, it will happen only 5 years after planting.
  3. The leaves of the tree have a rich green tint. All of them are lanceolate-shaped. The length of each does not exceed 35 cm.
  4. The flowers are small, light green in color. They are all gathered into a false umbrella.
  5. As for the taste of the fruits, they are much inferior to imported ones. But despite this, they can be eaten.

According to studies, avocados have been proven to be one of the few trees that can purify the air. That is why it is placed in bedrooms, children's rooms, and also in the kitchen.

Where does the avocado tree grow?

In many countries of the world, avocado is considered a plant close to laurel. It was cultivated by the ancient Greeks. The tree is native to North America.

Large-scale cultivation began in Israel, so this country can be considered a second homeland.

In nature, there are avocados with fruits of the following shades:

  • yellowish-green;
  • dark green;
  • violet-reddish;
  • deep purple.

The avocado tree grows well on different types soil. But most of all it prefers to grow in areas with red clay or sand. The plant also responds well to limestone substrates.

The fruit is most cultivated in the Philippines, America, Asia, Australia, and Peru. In our country, only varieties of the Mexican group can be grown in open ground.

Growing conditions in the wild

Since avocados grow in both tropical and subtropical climates, there are certain differences between these plants.

Groups and their features:

  1. Mexican varieties. Such species have good resistance to unfavorable weather conditions. Mexican avocado varieties can tolerate slight drops in air temperature.
  2. West Indian varieties. It will not be possible to grow such plants in the northern regions. Trees die even with minor frosts. In our country, West Indian varieties can only be grown in winter gardens and greenhouses.

In the wild, avocados grow in both sun and shade. On open areas the tree bears fruit better.

Avocados do not like drafts. Strong winds negatively affect its development. Dry air disrupts the pollination process of flowers, resulting in a several-fold reduction in yield.

What care does an avocado tree require at home?

Before planting an avocado tree at home, you need to remember that it loves a lot of light. Therefore, it is recommended to place a flowerpot with a plant on a window that faces west. If this is not possible, then the tree will need to be shaded during the hot period of the day. This will prevent burns from occurring.

Room temperature

This is an important indicator when growing avocados at home. For the plant to develop well, the room must be at least +25 °C. At sharp fluctuations temperature, the tree will immediately make itself known.


It is necessary to water a tropical plant at home often, but you should take into account the air temperature and the season. Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to check the condition of the soil each time. If the top layer has dried well, you can start watering.

Excessive moisture will negatively affect the development of avocados.


So that the avocado tree does not lose its attractive appearance, you need to spray it systematically. This procedure should be carried out extremely carefully so that even a small amount of water does not get on the leaves. Only the air needs to be humidified. This is best done with a spray bottle.

Knowing what an avocado tree looks like in a photo, you can grow a beautiful and healthy plant that will become a real decoration for any room. To do this, you will need to follow the rules described above.

All about avocados - video

If you are not a great gardening expert and have never held a gardening tools, try to start by growing avocados from seed at home. If you enjoy this fruit, which is no longer exotic for our latitudes, do not throw away the seed: it will be useful for the experiment.

Avocado is a member of the laurel family. Under natural conditions, it can reach eighteen meters in height. So it can be called a tree very conditionally. But in any case, it won’t grow at home, but it will be a very nice and effective mini-garden.

The main condition for germinating a seed is a ripe avocado.

The first condition for the successful development of an avocado is to choose the right fruit. It must be ripe, as the fruit seed runs the risk of not germinating and may sag slightly when pressed.

The next point is that you need to be able to get the bone. Again, this determines whether the plant will hatch.

How to do this?

  1. Make a neat cut lengthwise.
  2. Take the halves with your hands and twist them in opposite directions.

After which the bone is very easily removed.

Avocado demands increased attention.

You need to be prepared for some nuances:

  • A very young tree is not particularly attractive. It looks like a thin bare stem with a bunch of leaves on the crown itself;
  • Direct rays of the sun are vital for the sprout, otherwise normal development should not be expected;
  • In winter, you will have to make a lot of effort to protect your green pet and prevent it from shedding its leaves: ensure the air temperature is not less than +16 C and do not water it often;
  • does not tolerate either overdried or too wet soil, but it requires high humidity air.

How to grow an avocado from a seed at home

There are only two effective ways germinate the seed.

Once you decide to try, you can choose one of two ways to grow an avocado from a seed:

  • immediately place it in the ground;
  • try to germinate the seed in water.

The first one is more suitable for an experienced flower gardener. The second one is more reliable for beginners, although somewhat more difficult to implement.

Closed growing method

For this option, take a flowerpot filled with damp soil. A depression is made in the middle into which the bone must be lowered.

This method is not difficult to implement.

But do not bury it completely (there is a risk of rotting), but:

  • lower it halfway into the hole;
  • make sure that the blunt end is hidden in the ground, and the sharp end rises above the surface.

After two to four weeks, the avocado sprout should emerge from the tip. And for this to happen, the seed must be watered all the time, keeping the soil moist. When the sprout stretches 15-20 centimeters and acquires wide, laurel-like leaves, it can be moved to a larger container.

We grow in an open way

This method is more exciting, especially for a novice gardener, and more visual: the initial germination of the seed in water allows you to see the millimeter-sized roots that stubbornly get out.

Exotic germination method.

The bone needs to be specially prepared.

  1. Make three or four holes on the blunt side.
  2. Insert toothpicks into them. They will serve as a support, which must be placed in a glass of water so that only the lower zone of the bone gets wet.

There is another way: make a hole in the pit several times in the middle and insert toothpicks at a right angle. They will lie on the edge of the glass, holding the structure. Again, pour enough water to cover the bottom.

The main thing is to constantly monitor the amount of water in the container.

If you do not forget to monitor the liquid level in the glass, then after two to four weeks you will be able to rejoice at the roots that have appeared from below, and the delicate green sprout that has made its way from sharp end. Gradually getting out of the “house”, he spends nutrients, stored in a pit. This means it’s time to take a small flowerpot (necessarily with drainage holes in the bottom) and plant the avocado seed along with the “newborn”, deepening it three centimeters into the soil.

Conditions for active tree growth

When choosing a place in the house where the avocado will always be, you need to remember the conditions that contribute to its healthy development and active growth. Since it is very light-loving, it is better to place the pot in a well-lit place. But take care of temporary shading so that at noon direct sunlight does not burn the leaves. Avocado also tolerates partial shade quite well, so it will feel quite comfortable in a north-facing window.

West-facing windows will be a great place for avocados.

To prevent your exotic pet from shedding its leaves in autumn and winter, it is illuminated with fluorescent or special phytolamps.

You need to water with warm, settled water. In spring and summer, generously, as soon as the crust dries out, but not until a “swamp” forms in the container. In winter, the surface of the substrate should remain dry for 1-2 days.

Avocados need to be watered regularly, but taking into account the temperature and time of year.

Avocados struggle in dry air. Therefore, regular spraying, not of the leaves themselves, but of the air around them, is an indispensable condition for good health and growth.

There is no need to plant the tree in any soil. It is best to mix humus, coarse sand, garden soil and peat in equal parts. And add ¼ part of lime.

Will a tree grown from a seed bear fruit?

At proper care the tree may bear fruit.

Opinions on this matter vary, based, apparently, on personal experience different gardeners.

  1. According to some, there is a theoretical possibility that an avocado grown at home will bear fruit. But for this, the tree must reach a height of at least two meters, and, in addition, it must be grafted. And yet it is not a fact that even if such conditions are met, something will work out.
  2. Others say that in the vast majority of cases (which is 95-99%), indoor avocados do not bloom, much less bear fruit. Such examples are the rare exception and great pride owner.

Home care

After the sprout appears, growing an avocado will not take much time and will not require any special tricks. The most important condition is generous watering. If the leaves begin to dry out, the tree does not have enough water.

In the case when the plant drinks regularly, but the foliage still has not gained sufficient succulence, the pet “protests” against the too dry air. You need to spray cool water from a spray bottle around the plant, being careful not to wet the leaves themselves.

Although the homeland of avocados is the tropics, the sweltering heat does not suit it. It feels best at a temperature of no lower than 16 and no higher than 20 C.

In spring and summer the tree is fed. To do this, buy special liquid fertilizers for tropical representatives of the flora world.

Like any living creature, avocados can get sick and suffer from pests. In most cases, diseases are caused by errors in care.

  1. The foliage dries up and falls off - look for the reason. It may be due to too low or high temperature in the room, excessive or insufficient watering, drafts. Once you figure out what's going on, correct the situation.
  2. The tips of the leaves or even their entire surface turn brown, the leaves fall off - most likely, too dry air in the room led to this result. And it urgently needs to be moistened using a spray bottle.
  3. The same situation is the result of water shortage. Will save him from him proper watering, in which the plant does not dry out, but does not “get drunk”. You need to especially carefully monitor the condition of the avocado in winter, when it is turned on central heating. During this period, it is best to place the tree on a tray with sphagnum or wet expanded clay.
  4. When the leaves turn pale, this is a signal that the avocado is asking for more light. Move it closer to the window and provide lighting in the autumn-winter season. But if a green pet has lived in a shaded place for a long time, it must be gradually accustomed to a larger “dose” of light.

Indoor avocados can be attacked by mites or scale insects. Manual removal of insects using soap solutions. If the branches are too affected, it is better to remove them. Insecticides are used as a last resort.

At least once every person has thought about growing some fruit or vegetable themselves. To do this it is not at all necessary to have personal plot. You can get by with a home windowsill. But the question is what to grow. Everyone has long been accustomed to green onions and even tomatoes standing on balconies. What about exotic plants?

For example, there are several ways to grow an avocado from a seed and get a real tree. Moreover, if you follow all the recommendations, it will even soon bear fruit. A self-grown avocado will not only useful product, but it will also be a fun activity.

What is avocado

Avocados have been on store shelves for quite some time. Finding it in the supermarket is not a problem. At the same time, it remains an exotic product, the origin of which not everyone knows.

Avocado is a fruit, no matter how strange it may sound. It grows on a tree of the same name. The tree originates in the laurel family. Its height can reach 20 meters, but there are almost 400 varieties of fruit. Some of them are edible, but others are best not eaten.

Avocado looks like a regular pear. It differs in the color of the peel. It comes in green, red and purple flowers. Taste qualities The fruit is similar to pumpkin with a nutty flavor. During the ripening process it has a different taste. The fruits themselves, eaten as food, weigh no more than 300 grams. Half of the weight falls on the bone located in the very center. You shouldn't try it, it contains toxic substances. But the pulp of the fruit has useful properties. The consistency of a ripe avocado is similar to butter, with a rather oily pulp.

How to grow an avocado from a seed

Although the seed of this unusual fruit is not recommended for use as food, you should not throw it away. It is quite possible to grow a full-fledged tree from it. To do this, you just need to learn about some subtleties and secrets.

For these purposes, we need a seed from a ripe, healthy fruit. It is important that it is not damaged. Next, choose the method of its germination. There are few such methods; you can germinate an avocado seed in water or soil.

How to germinate an avocado seed in water

To do this, place the avocado pit halfway in water. Please note that it should be positioned with the sharp side facing up. Exactly stupid bottom part subsequently produces the roots of the plant. You can place it in a container and fill it with water until the required level or use this method.

Take several toothpicks and use them to very carefully pierce the bone. The depth of the punctures should be small, half a centimeter is enough. After this, it must be immersed in a container filled with water. So, the bone will be covered with water at the required level - exactly to the middle. It is best to store the seed on a windowsill in a warm, sunny place.

Photo: Growing avocados from seeds at home

It is necessary to add water daily to the same level as at the beginning. The water must first be settled and its temperature monitored; it should be 25-27 degrees.

If the seed is immersed in water using toothpicks, it is important that water does not get into the punctured areas.

Tip: To speed up the process of seed germination, you can first peel the skin in the part that is immersed in water.

After several weeks, a sprout forms at the seed. The time of its appearance will depend on the season in which germination occurs. Avocados, like other plants, are affected by the sun's rays. positive influence. The more sun the plant receives, the better for it.

After the roots grow to a length of 3-4 cm, you can transplant the avocado into the soil.

Photo: Growing avocados from seeds at home

What soil should you choose for germinating avocados?

This issue must be approached with full responsibility. You can’t plant avocados in absolutely any soil. This plant does not take root well in an acidic environment. Best choice will be soil for flowers, which is available for sale at any gardening store or large supermarket. This land has already been prepared in a special way, fertilized, and for better growth future avocado tree, it would be ideal to mix it with peat and sand.

You also need to make sure that the seed has the opportunity to breathe in the soil. Therefore, you need to make sure that the soil is loose enough, and also do not forget to add drainage to it.

Choosing a pot for growing avocados from seed

In addition to the soil, due attention should be paid to the pot in which our tree will grow. For initial planting, select a small pot. 10 cm deep is quite suitable.

There must be several holes at the bottom of the pot. They allow unnecessary moisture to pass through. If this condition is neglected, the roots of the plant may begin to rot. This may cause the death of your future tree. For the same reason, drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, a couple of centimeters high. For this purpose, you can use expanded clay or special drainage granules. Drainage will relieve the plant's roots of excess water and serve as an excellent means of aerating the soil.

As for the material of the pot, we recommend choosing plastic. Clay or ceramic should not be chosen for this fruit tree. If all the above conditions are met, the avocado seed will be very comfortable and very soon it will definitely sprout.

Growing avocado seeds in soil

Growing a seed in water is a very entertaining and visual activity. Here the whole process happens before our eyes. But you can use another method to grow an avocado from a seed. Plant it immediately in the ground. This option is less troublesome, but it will take much longer before the first shoots appear.

It is better to plant avocados in the spring. This is especially true for this method of germination (in the ground). This is due to the fact that at this time of year the sun's rays are the most favorable, which help the sprout to break out from the seed.

A large seed is best for planting avocados in the ground. It is more capable of rapid plant germination. When immersing a seed in the soil, its upper part must be left above the ground. This should be the side of the bone that has a pointed shape. Accordingly, the wide part will be in the ground.

The planted seed should be moved to a bright place. Watering should be done weekly in large quantities. It is worth checking the soil and not allowing it to become dry. Watering the avocado better water filtered, with the addition of large quantity salt (2-3 pinches).

A seed planted in this way will sprout no earlier than 3-3.5 months from the date of planting.

Photo: Growing avocados from seeds at home

Tree care

Avocados come from the tropics. This means that you need to create warm and wet conditions. The temperature in the room is maintained at least 22-25 degrees Celsius. It must be very light. However, direct rays of the sun should not be allowed to reach the leaves of the plant. This may cause burns on them.

If the avocado experiences a cold snap or, conversely, overheats, the leaves from the plant may fall off. This is not a reason to throw it away. Restore comfortable conditions and foliage will soon appear on the tree again.

It will be good to maintain the life of the tree by spraying the leaves with water from a spray bottle. It's better to do this as often as possible. You also need to place a tray under the pot with the tree, which needs to be filled with water.

If the tree is oversaturated with water, the avocado leaves will turn yellow. If it is deficient, they will turn brown.

Avocados are fertilized on average once a month. For feeding, you can use any complex mineral fertilizers. If this procedure is carried out in a timely manner, the tree will develop quite actively.

The most active time of growth is considered to be 3 months after the formation of leaves. By the end of the third month, the tree will already be 50-55 cm high. After this, its growth slows down a little. Once the avocado reaches the height you want, you need to pinch the top.

Every year you need to select a pot for your avocado. larger size and replant it. This is done in mid-spring using the transshipment method. It will be good to add clay and compost to the soil. But an adult avocado (over 5 years old) does not need to be replanted more often than once every 2 years. It is better not to put unnecessary stress on him due to the transplant.

Avocado fruit

Many who are interested in the question of how to grow an avocado from a seed are pursuing the goal of obtaining fruits. This is possible at home. In the third year, avocados begin to produce flowers.

Photo: Growing avocados from seeds at home

They look like a yellow-green bunch. For pollination to occur, another tree needs to be grown. Then they can cross pollinate. This procedure is carried out with a soft brush three times a month. Mature pollen is picked from the blooming flowers and transferred to the flowers of another avocado tree. It is better to perform these actions in the early sunny morning.

By growing several avocado trees at home, you can achieve another goal. If you sprout 2 or 3 seeds in one pot, their stems can be intertwined. This weaving is done carefully, without damaging or breaking the stems of the plants. It looks very impressive.

Photo: Growing avocados from seeds at home

  • View the full image i="">Growing avocados from seeds

    How does an avocado grow?

    Germination in the ground

    Features of caring for avocados

    The beautiful exotic word “avocado” is used to describe an evergreen tree of the Laurel family. The avocado tree can reach 18 meters in height. Its wood is used to make furniture, and its beneficial fruits are used in the food and cosmetics industries. Avocado fruits, which the British call “alligator pears,” are good for health; their pulp contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

    How does an avocado grow?

    The peculiarity of avocado is its very fast growth. Young trees literally grow before our eyes. In 3 months, seedlings can grow 50 cm. In mature trees, growth slows down.

    Avocado has a straight trunk, quite branched.

    The leaves are large, elongated, and can reach a length of 35 cm. At home, avocados do not bear fruit. You can try to refute this fact if you know how to properly plant an avocado seed, grow a tree and care for it. In its natural habitat, avocados bloom with small greenish flowers and then produce large fruits similar to green pears. Avocado fruits can weigh 1.5-1.8 kg. Their green skin turns black as they ripen. The pulp is green or yellowish, quite oily. The seed is large and occupies almost half of the fruit.

    Avocado has been known since ancient times. Even the Aztecs in the 3rd millennium BC used avocado fruits in medicinal purposes. They were used to make ointments and rubs, but were not given to pregnant and lactating women so as not to cause intestinal upset. IN modern times Avocados are grown in countries with subtropical and tropical climates.

    Avocado fruits are very popular, but you need to remember that its leaves are toxic.

    This is especially important for those who grow this tree at home. Avocado leaves contain a toxin that may adversely affect performance. digestive system and cause severe allergies. If you have pets or small children, make sure none of them chew the leaves.

    Germinating seeds at home in water

    To plant an avocado seed at home, you need to go through the preparatory stage, that is, germinate the seed. To do this, select a seed from a ripe, undamaged fruit and remove it. Be careful not to damage the seed when cutting the flesh. Do not make an incision deeper than 1 cm.

    The seed is covered with a brown peel, which can be removed, but it is better to leave it, it will fall off on its own over time. Gently rinse the pit under warm running water to remove any remaining pulp.

    There are 2 options for seed germination. You can just put the bone on the bottom plastic cup with a small amount of water so that half is above the water. But more often they still recommend the method using toothpicks. Insert 4 toothpicks into the bone no deeper than 5 mm and place on the surface of a glass of water. Only half of the bone should be under water, the blunt part should be in the water, and the sharp part should be above the water. Place the glass in a well-lit place and get ready to wait. Water needs to be added and changed periodically, as it becomes contaminated with dust and microorganisms.

    Approximately once every 2 days, pour fresh water, so your seed will germinate faster.

    Most likely you will have to wait a long time, from 3 weeks to 2 months. First, the brown peel will crack, and then a crack will appear on the seed itself, a root will appear, and then a sprout will appear in the upper part.

    After the sprout appears, the seed can be planted in the ground, very carefully so as not to damage the root. The pot should immediately be medium in size. Soil can be purchased at any gardening store. Don't forget about drainage. Avocados do not tolerate drought, excess moisture or standing water. You need to plant with the blunt side down, so that the top of the seed with the sprout is not covered with soil. If the entire seed is covered, the sprout will begin to rot and you won’t get a tree. While the tree is small, it needs to be watered daily, but in small portions. It will give you a sign that you are overwatering: the leaves will turn brown.

    Germination in the ground

    There is an opinion that a seed planted in the ground will grow stronger and branchier and may even bear fruit, which cannot be said about germinating a seed in water.

    The growing process is as follows:

    1. The seed must be carefully removed from the fruit. To do this, cut it lengthwise, deepening the knife by about 1 cm, in a circle. Then gently rotate the fruit halves until they come away from the pit.
    2. Rinse the pit under running water.
    3. Choose a place to land. If you are planting in a pot that will grow at home, then the location does not matter. You will simply move the potty around depending on its needs. Plant in open ground You can have avocados if the temperature in your region does not drop below +10 degrees. Finding such a climate in Russia is not easy, so they often plant it at home.
    4. Deepen the pit completely into the ground and moisten the soil a little, but not to such an extent that the soil turns into mud.
    5. Sometimes it is recommended to cover the sprout with a glass or film to create a greenhouse effect.
    6. Plant avocados in pairs whenever possible. This way they grow better.
    7. The soil should be fresh, with good drainage at the bottom of a hole or pot.
    8. Do not fertilize the soil until you see the first shoots. This can disrupt the proper development of the root system. Therefore, there is no need to rush into feeding. At first, watering is sufficient.
    9. Immediately take a pot of large or medium diameter; avocados do not like cramped spaces. The diameter of the pot should be approximately 25 cm. It is best to choose clay rather than plastic.
    10. Pour the soil into the pot almost to the edge, leaving only 2 cm of empty space. Level the soil and make a small hole, but large enough to accommodate the entire seed.

    Don't expect to see results right away. At correct landing and proper care, fruits can appear only in 3-4 years. They are usually picked green, not ripe, placed in a paper bag and allowed to ripen there.

    Features of caring for avocados

    Avocado is an unusual plant for our climate and soil. Therefore, you need to know some of the features of caring for it in order to surprise your friends and loved ones with useful fruits in a few years:

    • Avocado is a tropical tree, but this does not mean that dryness and heat are good for it. Most often, tropical countries have a humid climate. You need to create the same humidity for your homemade avocado. If the leaves turn yellow, it means the air humidity is too low. In order to achieve the desired result, you can spray the leaves or use humidifiers that will regularly maintain the required level of humidity.
    • Try to place the pot where there is enough light. But beware of direct sunlight, it leaves burns on the leaves. In winter, when there is little light, you can use special phyto-lamps, but you should not use fluorescent lamps.
    • The tree grows very quickly. At home, the foliage is not too dense. To stimulate growth more lush foliage, prune the crown when the tree reaches the length you want. If this is not done, it will grow further and, having reached the ceiling, will die.
    • If you want to grow your avocado tall, change the pot and soil in it every year. At the same time, the diameter of the pot should increase every year.
    • Sometimes avocados drop their leaves. This may happen due to a sharp drop in temperature or for other reasons. There is no need to worry that the plant has died. Continue to care for it and the leaves will appear again.
    • Do not use acidic soil for planting avocados. You can add sand, lime, moss, and peat to the soil.
    • If you want to grow avocados in the garden, but the temperature does not allow it, plant the trees in containers. In warm weather, you can take them outside, and when it gets cold, put them indoors or in a greenhouse.

    Avocados can be grown at home, and tropical exotica will appear on your windowsill. Over time, you may even reap the benefits.

    More information can be found in the video.

    If you are not a great gardening expert and have never held gardening tools in your hands before, try starting with growing avocados from seed at home. If you enjoy this fruit, which is no longer exotic for our latitudes, do not throw away the seed: it will be useful for the experiment.

    Nuances of cultivation

    Avocado is a member of the laurel family. Under natural conditions, it can reach eighteen meters in height. So it can be called a tree very conditionally. But in any case, it won’t grow at home, but it will be a very nice and effective mini-garden.

    The main condition for germinating a seed is a ripe avocado.

    The first condition for the successful development of an avocado is to choose the right fruit. It must be ripe, as the fruit seed runs the risk of not germinating and may sag slightly when pressed.

    The next point is that you need to be able to get the bone. Again, this determines whether the plant will hatch.

    How to do this?

    1. Make a neat cut lengthwise.
    2. Take the halves with your hands and twist them in opposite directions.

    After which the bone is very easily removed.

    Avocado requires special attention.

    You need to be prepared for some nuances:

    • A very young tree is not particularly attractive. It looks like a thin bare stem with a bunch of leaves on the crown itself;
    • Direct rays of the sun are vital for the sprout, otherwise normal development should not be expected;
    • In winter, you will have to make a lot of effort to protect your green pet and prevent it from shedding its leaves: ensure the air temperature is not less than +16 C and do not water it often;
    • does not tolerate either overdried or too wet soil, but requires high air humidity.

    How to grow an avocado from a seed at home

    Once you decide to try, you can choose one of two ways to grow an avocado from a seed:

    • immediately place it in the ground;
    • try to germinate the seed in water.

    The first one is more suitable for an experienced flower gardener. The second one is more reliable for beginners, although somewhat more difficult to implement.

    Closed growing method

    For this option, take a flowerpot filled with damp soil. A depression is made in the middle into which the bone must be lowered.

    This method is not difficult to implement.

    But do not bury it completely (there is a risk of rotting), but:

    • lower it halfway into the hole;
    • make sure that the blunt end is hidden in the ground, and the sharp end rises above the surface.

    After two to four weeks, the avocado sprout should emerge from the tip. And for this to happen, the seed must be watered all the time, keeping the soil moist. When the sprout stretches 15-20 centimeters and acquires wide, laurel-like leaves, it can be moved to a larger container.

    We grow in an open way

    This method is more exciting, especially for a novice gardener, and more visual: the initial germination of the seed in water allows you to see the millimeter-sized roots that stubbornly get out.

    Exotic germination method.

    The bone needs to be specially prepared.

    1. Make three or four holes on the blunt side.
    2. Insert toothpicks into them. They will serve as a support, which must be placed in a glass of water so that only the lower zone of the bone gets wet.

    There is another way: make a hole in the pit several times in the middle and insert toothpicks at a right angle. They will lie on the edge of the glass, holding the structure. Again, pour enough water to cover the bottom.

    The main thing is to constantly monitor the amount of water in the container.

    If you don’t forget to monitor the liquid level in the glass, then after two to four weeks you will be able to rejoice at the roots that have appeared from the bottom and the soft green sprout that has emerged from the sharp end. Gradually getting out of the “house”, it consumes the nutrients stored in the bone. This means it’s time to take a small flowerpot (necessarily with drainage holes in the bottom) and plant the avocado seed along with the “newborn”, deepening it three centimeters into the soil.

    Conditions for active tree growth

    When choosing a place in the house where the avocado will always be, you need to remember the conditions that contribute to its healthy development and active growth. Since it is very light-loving, it is better to place the pot in a well-lit place. But take care of temporary shading so that at noon direct sunlight does not burn the leaves. Avocado also tolerates partial shade quite well, so it will feel quite comfortable in a north-facing window.

    West-facing windows will be a great place for avocados.

    To prevent your exotic pet from shedding its leaves in autumn and winter, it is illuminated with fluorescent or special phytolamps.

    You need to water with warm, settled water. In spring and summer, generously, as soon as the crust dries out, but not until a “swamp” forms in the container. In winter, the surface of the substrate should remain dry for 1-2 days.

    Avocados need to be watered regularly, but taking into account the temperature and time of year.

    Avocados struggle in dry air. Therefore, regular spraying, not of the leaves themselves, but of the air around them, is an indispensable condition for good health and growth.

    There is no need to plant the tree in any soil. It is best to mix humus, coarse sand, garden soil and peat in equal parts. And add ¼ part of lime.

    Opinions on this matter vary, apparently based on the personal experience of different gardeners.

    1. According to some, there is a theoretical possibility that an avocado grown at home will bear fruit. But for this, the tree must reach a height of at least two meters, and, in addition, it must be grafted. And yet it is not a fact that even if such conditions are met, something will work out.
    2. Others say that in the vast majority of cases (which is 95-99%), indoor avocados do not bloom, much less bear fruit. Such examples are the rarest exception and the owner’s great pride.

    Home care

    After the sprout appears, growing an avocado will not take much time and will not require any special tricks. The most important condition is generous watering. If the leaves begin to dry out, the tree does not have enough water.

    In the case when the plant drinks regularly, but the foliage still has not gained sufficient succulence, the pet “protests” against the too dry air. You need to spray cool water from a spray bottle around the plant, being careful not to wet the leaves themselves.

    Although the homeland of avocados is the tropics, the sweltering heat does not suit it. It feels best at a temperature of no lower than 16 and no higher than 20 C.

    In spring and summer the tree is fed. To do this, buy special liquid fertilizers for tropical representatives of the flora world.

    The plant grows upward quite quickly. And if you have no intention of admiring the two-meter pole, you will have to pinch it.

    Once a year, a young avocado is “relocated” to a larger container, moving it along with a lump of earth around the root. An adult tree can be replanted no more often than once every three years.

    Perhaps, in gratitude for your care and love, after six to eight years, your pet will delight you with flowering.

    Disease and pest control

    Like any living creature, avocados can get sick and suffer from pests. In most cases, diseases are caused by errors in care.

    1. The foliage dries up and falls off - look for the reason. It may be due to too low or high temperature in the room, excessive or insufficient watering, or drafts. Once you figure out what's going on, correct the situation.
    2. The tips of the leaves or even their entire surface turn brown, the leaves fall off - most likely, too dry air in the room led to this result. And it urgently needs to be moistened using a spray bottle.
    3. The same situation is the result of water shortage. Proper watering will save you from it, so that the plant does not dry out, but also does not get drunk. You need to especially carefully monitor the condition of avocados in winter, when the central heating is on. It is best to place the tree on a tray with sphagnum or wet expanded clay during this period.
    4. When the leaves turn pale, this is a signal that the avocado is asking for more light. Move it closer to the window and provide lighting in the autumn-winter season. But if a green pet has lived in a shaded place for a long time, it must be gradually accustomed to a larger “dose” of light.

    Indoor avocados can be attacked by mites or scale insects. Removing insects manually using soap solutions will help get rid of pests. If the branches are too affected, it is better to remove them. Insecticides are used as a last resort.

    Avocado is an unpretentious tropical fruit crop: cases of its germination are known even from a dry, lifeless seed, long removed from the pulp. The article will tell you how to grow an avocado from a seed at home in several ways and ensure that the tree bears fruit. If planting rules are followed and proper care is taken, the germination rate of each seed is almost 100%.

    How does avocado grow in nature?

    Avocado is fruit tree genus "Perseus" of the laurel family. It has a branched trunk (grows up to 20 meters in height) and a dense evergreen crown. The leaves fall and are renewed all year round. Avocado leaves reach 30 cm in length and have an elongated, rounded shape. The flowers are bisexual, greenish-yellow. They are hidden in the axils of the leaves and are almost invisible against the background of the tree.

    Due to the rich dark green hue of the peel and elongated ellipsoidal shape, this plant was called the “alligator pear.” This color is characteristic only of green fruits. As it matures, the color becomes more saturated, almost black.

    Under the tough skin there is an oily, fatty pulp of a light light green color. A ripe avocado fruit tastes like pumpkin or cucumber with butter. In the center of the fruit, closer to the blunt side, there is a large elongated bone.

    There are varieties whose ripe fruits can reach 1 kg in weight. On average, one fruit weighs about 100 g. Over 200 kg of crops are harvested from one tall tree per season.

    To understand where avocados grow in which countries are the most suitable conditions for their cultivation, you need to give general idea about the soil on which they take root. The trees bear fruit well on sandy and limestone soils, volcanic loam and red clay. The main requirement is moderate humidity and no flooding.

    Avocados are grown in warm tropical and subtropical climates with plenty of light. Fruits are exported to Europe all year round from Africa, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, and Israel.

    Stages of sprouting an avocado seed

    The first task is to purchase ripe fruits, find a container for sprouting the seeds and a secluded place where to leave the sprout. The pot and soil can be purchased later, after 2-3 weeks.

    The avocado fruit is cut in half so that the pit remains in one of the halves. The pulp is used for its intended purpose. You can remove the bone by pressing it with a towel and turning it left and right until you hear a characteristic crunch.

    The avocado seed has a very slippery surface. To comfortably hold it in your hand when cleaning, you need to rinse the stone warm water and dry thoroughly with a fluffy towel. There should be no pulp left on the surface: it will cause the pit to become moldy.

    The protective shell can be easily removed by prying stationery knife or a blade. You can also germinate unpeeled seeds, but after cutting off the shell, the seed will sprout much faster.

    How to choose a seed for planting

    The seed for planting must be ripe. To determine whether the fruit is ripe, you need to shake it: if the stone dangles freely in the cavity, it is ready to eat. After pressing on the surface of a ripe fruit, small dents remain: in an overripe avocado, even with light pressure, the surface is deformed.

    In Russia, exotic fruits usually arrive in supermarkets in unripe form. Is it possible to grow such an avocado at home? Yes, but the fruit must be left to ripen.

    To speed up the process, the fruit is wrapped in a two-layer newspaper, secured with a plastic bag and sent to a warm, dark place. You can also add bananas or apples to the avocados: they release ethylene gas, which promotes ripening.

    When ripe, the avocado fruit releases moisture: to avoid rotting, the bag must be periodically untied and the condition of the fruit checked. The putrefactive process begins in the area of ​​the sepals.

    How to properly germinate an avocado from a seed

    There are several methods for germinating avocados from the pit:

    • closed method: the unpeeled stone is immersed in moist soil with the blunt side two-thirds, compacted and watered 1-2 times a week;
    • open method: the seed (with or without peel) must be pierced in three or four places with toothpicks, deepening them by 4 mm, and immersed in water with the blunt end so that the puncture sites remain dry.

    To control the germination process, it is most convenient to keep the seed in a transparent container. As the avocado sprouts wake up, the surface part of the seed will dry out and peel off, while the lower part, on the contrary, will swell and crack, releasing roots.

    To germinate the seed, use settled water at room temperature. Can also be added to liquid charcoal or several crushed tablets of activated carbon. Every 4-5 days you need to change the water and rinse the tank. How long it takes for an avocado seed to grow depends on the seasons.

    Depending on the season, the seed can lie in water without sprouting for a week to two months. In spring, the probability that a sprout will appear within 1-2 weeks is twice as high as in winter.

    How to grow an avocado

    As soon as the seed produces a sprout 3-4 cm long, you can plant the avocado in the ground. Don’t hesitate: if the roots dry out, the plant will die before it can be replanted.

    In order for air to flow to the roots, the soil for avocados must be loose and non-clayey. The plant does not like the root system to get wet, so you need to lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. You can buy it at a gardening store or prepare it at home from expanded clay and small sea pebbles. You can also use foam instead of drainage.

    The drainage layer is laid 2 cm thick. After this, soil is poured into the pot. There should be a couple of centimeters of free space left to the edges of the container.

    The seed is buried in the ground with its blunt side (the roots are on this side) two-thirds of the way and watered. Best place for germinating avocado seeds - this is a windowsill. There he will have enough light and enough heat to hatch.

    Features of caring for an avocado tree

    The plant does not tolerate excessive dryness or, conversely, soil moisture. When studying the question of how to water an avocado at home, you need to remember that it needs to be watered no more than 1-2 times a week, and once a month the plant can be fertilized with any mineral supplements. Avocados are demanding on the temperature and humidity conditions in the apartment. For full development, the plant must be kept at minimum temperature 16°C, and high humidity room air, 45-70%.

    It is necessary to water the tree with settled or filtered water with a low salt content. To determine whether the soil needs to be moistened, you should probe it a couple of centimeters deep with your finger: if it is wet, then there is enough moisture.

    How to determine if the pot is too crowded and the avocado needs to be replanted. This must be done before the roots emerge to the surface of the soil. Best time for this manipulation, end of February - beginning of March (the most active months of growth). By replanting your avocado during this time period, you increase the likelihood that it will begin to bear fruit.

    Location and lighting

    The first year you can grow avocados at home in a small pot. After root system If it grows enough, the small pot will have to be replaced. The long rhizome of the plant requires a lot of space, so you need to select a deep pot for it.

    The pot is placed in the brightest place. So that the plant has enough sunlight, you can place the floor pot on a low stool. In summer, you can place a pot with a plant right outside, under the canopy of trees. In such conditions it will grow a spreading, lush crown. In addition, if you keep avocados in the garden for several years in the summer under open air, the likelihood that it will begin to bear fruit in the third year is approximately twice as high as when kept in an apartment.

    How to pinch an avocado

    To prevent the avocado from looking like a bare stick topped with a couple of leaves, its top needs to be pinched. Pruning is done in the spring. If a tree doesn't get enough sunlight, it stretches upward. Its leaves fall all year round. In order for young foliage to begin to grow from the lower axils, the top of the tree must be carefully cut off. The distance from the ground to the cutting site must be at least 15 cm. There must be 3-4 shoots left on the trunk.

    The size and symmetry of the avocado tree depends on how many times and how carefully the avocado crown is pinched.

    Avocado tree decoration

    An avocado tree with smooth, glossy leaves is a decoration for any apartment. Thanks to its flexibility and elasticity, woody stems can be intertwined, twisted into a spiral onto a peg driven nearby, etc.

    For decorative design trunk, you can plant three young trees in one pot and braid them. The younger and thinner the stems, the easier they are to bend. Weaving should be done gradually, loosely fixing the result with wire as the stems grow.

    The braid should not be too tight. To make the weaving textured and beautiful, gaps must be left between the stems. If this is not provided for, the overgrown trunks will “fuse” onto each other, distorting the picture.

    Will a tree grown from a seed bear fruit?

    There is no guarantee that a tree grown from a seed will bear fruit. Probably, its functions will be limited to home decoration and air purification.

    The minimum age of the plant for the appearance of the first fruits is 3 years. During this period, panicles of pale green flowers may bloom on the tree. Waiting for an avocado to bloom at home can be difficult even with the most careful attitude and meticulous care.

    To increase the possibility of fertilization, it is usually recommended to grow 2-3 trees at once.

    Avocado flowers are bisexual, however, situations where both stamens and pistils are active are very rare. If two trees are placed close together, cross-pollination is more likely to occur.

    Diseases and pests

    You can get rid of pests in different ways:

    • wiping leaves cotton pad, soaked in 96% alcohol (does not get rid of eggs spider mite);
    • washing the leaves and stems with a solution of laundry soap: the easiest way to perform this manipulation is in the bath (to prevent the root system from rotting from excess moisture, the soil only needs to be lightly sprinkled with a soap solution);
    • the use of insecticides-acaricides (for example, Fitoverm, Aktellik, Vermitek, Neoron, Sunmite, etc.): such preparations successfully fight pests and insects on indoor flowers.

    If the watering rules are violated, for some reason the leaves of the avocado turn black, and “ powdery mildew» - mold that grows in high humidity conditions.

    To get rid of mold, you need to remove and dispose of the top layer of soil, cut off the infected areas and treat the tree with a weak manganese or soap solution.

    What to do if avocado leaves begin to dry out - this can happen either due to extreme heat and lack of moisture, or due to the fault of pests. If, after normalizing the temperature in the house, the plant continues to wither, you should carefully look for spider mites on it.

    Caring for the plant, just like planting an avocado, does not present any difficulties. Most diseases can be prevented by doing simple rules watering and lighting the plant. To prevent the development of scale insects and spider mites, it is enough to occasionally inspect the plant and spray it with a weak manganese solution for preventive purposes.