Indoor flowers clean the air. Houseplants that purify the air. Houseplants - indoor air purifiers

IN modern world The problem of air purification in the apartment is becoming more and more urgent. Many unfavorable substances surround us both inside and outside the home. Therefore, people are increasingly trying to surround themselves with indoor flowers that can purify the air, because everyone remembers from school that plants absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

Apart from this, there are some types of indoor houseplants that neutralize and chemicals hazardous to humans.

  1. Formaldehyde. Hazard class 2. Sources are varnishes, plastic dishes, fibreboard, chipboard, carpets, tobacco smoke, etc. They can cause cancer, decreased vision, asthma, and allergies.
  2. Trichlorethylene. It contains various cleaning products, paints, stain removers, and cartridges. It is a strong carcinogen, has a damaging effect on the liver, central nervous system, kidneys.
  3. Toluene. Hazard class 3. Sources are varnishes and paints, printers and copiers, wallpaper, solvents. Promotes vision impairment, headaches, causes poisoning of the body and, as a result, nausea and vomiting.
  4. Acetone. Hazard class 3. Contained in paint and varnish materials, solvents. Affects the central nervous system.
  5. Benzene. Hazard class 2. Also included in paints and varnishes, surfactants, and tobacco smoke. Its action leads to dermatitis, oncology, in particular leukemia, affects internal organs, causes mental disorders.
  6. Ammonia. Sources include tobacco smoke and electronic equipment. Is a neurotoxin. Causes chest pain, swelling of the lungs and respiratory tract. With intense exposure, it can lead to respiratory arrest.

Choosing indoor plants for air purification

Houseplants have not only decorative value, but also have irreplaceable properties. They are capable of not only saturating the air with oxygen, but also cleanse from harmful impurities.

It is recommended to keep only healthy flowers in apartments. If a flower is sick and withers, it will not be able to absorb hazardous substances in sufficient quantities. For these purposes, preference is given to plants With large leaves and thick crown.

It is worth remembering that plants absorb oxygen at night. Therefore there is no need to put a large number of flowers in the bedroom. 4-5 pots on the windowsill are enough.

It is also important to place indoor flowers in the kitchen. There is often smoke and soot in this room. Flowers neutralize their effects and purify the air.

The most popular air purifying plants

Purification factor 6.5.
Our grandmothers also kept aloe in the house. Its juice has medicinal properties, it is widely used in folk medicine. But these are not all the beneficial properties of this flower.

Aloe very effectively purifies the air in the apartment. It absorbs up to 90% of formaldehyde released indoors.

Aloe leaves secrete a large amount of phytoncides that affect the human body. Under their influence, human immunity is strengthened and the thought processes of the brain are improved.

Prefers to be placed on a sunny windowsill with shade from direct rays. Since it is a succulen, watering it once a week is enough.

Cleaning factor 8.0.
Thanks to its wide, large leaves, ficus is indispensable for air purification. It absorbs benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia. In addition, it effectively cleans the air of dust.

Can grow in partial shade. It needs to be watered 2-3 times a week in summer, once a week in winter. Periodically you need to wipe the leaves from dust.

Purification coefficient 6.8.
This plant is popularly called “mother-in-law’s tongue.” In terms of its ability to produce oxygen, Sansevieria deservedly occupies one of the first places. But this is not only its value.

The phytoncides of this plant successfully fight streptococci. The latter can cause various inflammatory processes in the body, including the causative agents of sore throat, pneumonia, scarlet fever and other serious diseases.

Sansevieria also reduces the content of microbes in the surrounding air. In addition, it absorbs all types of hazardous impurities, with the exception of ammonia.

won't be difficult even the laziest owner. Like all succulents, it does not require frequent watering, it is enough to water it once a week warm water. In this regard, “mother-in-law’s tongue” can often be seen in offices.

Cleaning factor 7.5
This flower is also known as “women’s happiness.” Thanks to its wide, dense foliage, the plant is able to cope with many toxins, including ammonia. Spathiphyllum also has the ability to increase air humidity.

Flower enough shade-tolerant, does not require placement on the windowsill. It will grow well in the depths of the room, without losing its beneficial qualities. Loves abundant watering, once every 2-3 days.

Purification coefficient 6.9.
Works well against vapors of various chemical compounds. With regular use household chemicals you just need to have it on the windowsill.

prefers partial shade. In summer, watering should be done once every 3-4 days, in winter once a week.

Purification coefficient 7.8.
Effectively neutralizes formaldehyde vapors indoors. The plant absorbs particles of trichlorethylene and benzene that enter the room from the street, as well as from cleaning products and household chemicals.

Purification factor 7.3.
The plant fights such dangerous substances as xylene and toluene. They are mainly distinguished by such material as parquet.

If you have parquet floors in your room, Dieffenbachia will be a useful addition to the interior. The plant also effectively absorbs formaldehyde.

This flower is easy to care for. Adapts to any type of lighting. You need to water no more than once a week.

Cleaning factor 8.0.
If smokers live in the apartment, it is recommended to pay attention to this plant. It absorbs tobacco smoke tar and nicotine.

Schefflera also neutralizes benzene, formaldehyde and toluene.

Flower any lighting is suitable. Watering is moderate, once a week.

Perfectly purifies the air in the house and... In addition to the obvious advantages, the plant fights various harmful microorganisms, “sterilizing” the surrounding air. It kills staphylococci and streptococci.

Also a flower contains useful essential oils , calming the nervous system and normalizing sleep.
Caring for geraniums is not difficult. Provide good lighting and abundant watering.

Purification coefficient 7.8.
This plant is necessary primarily for residents of megacities. It absorbs exhaust gases. Also copes with gas combustion products. Therefore, it is recommended to place the flower on the kitchen windowsill, near the gas stove.

It has been noticed that chlorophytum grows better in polluted air conditions.

Caring for the plant is simple. It does not require lighting. It needs to be watered once a week.

When choosing indoor flowers for your home, be sure to check out beneficial properties everyone. Remember that plants must be healthy to effectively purify the air.

Don’t be lazy to take care of your pets, and they will not fail to repay you with benefits.

Houseplants aren't the only reason to keep plants in your home. The right houseplants will improve the air quality and help your health.

People spend most of their lives indoors, be it at home or office. In this case, it is important to know what kind of air is in these rooms, whether it meets the standards necessary to maintain our health. Some indoor plants can purify the air and improve its quality.
NASA organization (center space research), concerned about the problem of air pollution caused by the growing industrialization of society, decided to conduct research and find out how great the possibilities of indoor plants for purifying the air are.

What harmful substances are in the air?

The impact of these substances on the human body depends on many factors, for example, the duration of contact, the amount of the harmful substance, its form, etc.
Trichlorethylene is found in printer inks, paintings, drying oils, varnishes, glossy coatings, and glue. Symptoms that occur with short-term exposure: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness.
Formaldehyde has been found in paper bags, paper napkins and towels, wax paper, facial tissues, synthetic tablecloths, chipboard, plywood panels and other synthetic room furnishings. Symptoms with short-term exposure: irritation of the nose, mouth and larynx, and in severe cases, swelling of the larynx and lungs.
Gasoline is produced by plastic, rubber, synthetic fiber, rubber lubricants, dyes, detergents, medicines, pesticides. It can also be found in varnishes, glues, paints and furniture polishes, tobacco smoke, and car exhausts. Symptoms with short-term exposure: eye irritation, drowsiness, dizziness, increased heart rate, confusion in the head and even loss of consciousness.
Xylene is found in printed materials, rubber, leather and painted products, tobacco smoke and car exhaust. Symptoms after short-term exposure: irritation of the mouth, nasopharynx, larynx, headache, dizziness.
Ammonia has been found in window cleaning fluids, floor varnish, aromatic salts and fertilizers. Symptoms with short-term exposure: eye irritation, cough, sore throat.

List of houseplants that purify the air well

NASA researchers tested how well houseplants can absorb chemicals such as formaldehyde (found in chipboard and many other synthetic elements in the home) and benzene (found in cigarette smoke and some paints and glues). The list of plants below will help you make the air in your home safer and feel better.
By the way, some of these useful plants, such as Chinese evergreens, are very easy to care for.

Dwarf date palm(phoenix roebelinii)

Boston fern (nephrolepis exaltata)

Royal fern (nephrolepis obliterata)

Chlorophytum (chrolophytum comosum)

Aglaonema or Chinese evergreen tree (aglaonema modestum)

Bamboo palm (Camaeldoria seifrizii)

Ficus benjamina

Devil's ivy (epipremnum aureum)

Anthurium (anthurium andraeanum)

Liriope spicata

Broadleaf palm (rhapis excels)

Gerbera (gerbera jamesonii)

Fragrant dracaena (dracaena fragrans massangeana)

English ivy (hedera helix)

Sansevieria (sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii)

Red leaf dracaena (dracaena marginata)

Spathiphyllum Mauna loa

Decorative chrysanthemum (chrysanthemum morifolium)

Almost every housewife can see flowers purifying the air in her apartment. They create comfort and lift your spirits. Few people know that, in addition to aesthetic harmony, flower arrangements improve the indoor microclimate and also help purify the air. In order for indoor plants to bring maximum benefits, it is important to carry out timely care taking into account their beneficial properties.

Numerous studies have found that houseplants have a number of beneficial properties. They bring benefits not only from the aesthetic side, but also from medical point vision. At the same time, it is not necessary to create a whole greenhouse in the apartment. Only a few plants will do to purify the air. It is important to know which representatives of the flora have these properties.

What benefits do home flowers bring?

They have a number of useful qualities:

  1. They purify the air and also prevent the proliferation of viral, bacterial and fungal microorganisms in the apartment.
  2. Participate in the process of photosynthesis throughout the day. As a result, plants actively absorb carbon dioxide.
  3. Essential oils are isolated. They help improve well-being, reduce irritability and normalize heart function. One of the brightest representatives of this group is the well-known geranium.
  4. Increases indoor air humidity.
  5. Absorb electromagnetic waves passing through them.

The ability to purify air is achieved through the release of volatile substances (phytoncides). They are capable of spreading over a radius of several meters. This makes it possible to improve the microclimate in the apartment with just a few plants.

A flowering, healthy plant that is properly cared for has the greatest activity in producing phytoncides. Fragrant flowers with dense foliage are a great option. Sick, wilting specimens provide minimal benefit. Sometimes they have the opposite effect.

When exposed sun rays The vast majority of indoor flora produce oxygen. However, not all have the ability to purify the air from harmful compounds.

The leaders among flower plants that are air purifiers are:

  • ficus;
  • begonia;
  • geranium;
  • chlorophytum;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • gerbera;
  • ivy;
  • citrus;
  • aloe;
  • dieffenbachia;
  • dracaena;
  • mother-in-law's tongue (sansevieria);
  • spathiphyllum, etc.

Some of the above plants grow better in polluted areas.


Unique plant, which has high air-purifying properties, as well as bactericidal activity. Being a leader among other representatives of indoor flora, chlorophytum purifies the air from almost all harmful microorganisms. Studies have shown that within a day the plant absorbs harmful compounds by almost 100% and purifies the air by more than 75%. It is not at all difficult to care for. When the foliage is regularly cleaned of dirt and dust, the beneficial properties of the plant are fully manifested.

Chlorophytum does not like direct sunlight. Perfect option– scattered light penetration.

A widespread indoor plant perfectly purifies the air in the apartment. Phytoncides absorb harmful impurities released by furniture, wallpaper or household chemicals. Aloe effectively absorbs the substance formaldehyde. Together with other components it forms hazardous chemical compounds.

Aloe also has anti-cold and anti-stress properties that help relieve fatigue and prevent the development of colds.

Plant care is minimal. The main thing is not to overdo it with soil moisture. Otherwise, the plant withers.


This flower crop is known for its air purifying properties. They help neutralize harmful microorganisms, as well as dangerous compounds. When repairs are carried out or manufacturing enterprises are located near the home, Dieffenbachia will become an indispensable assistant.

Dieffenbachia is a rather whimsical flower. When purchasing it, it is important to consider temperature regime in the apartment, as well as the type of lighting. Favorable places in the summer are shaded areas with diffused light. In winter, it is better to move the pot to a brightly lit place.

One of the few plants that has several beneficial properties at once.

These include:
  • ease of care;
  • high percentage of absorption of hazardous compounds (formaldehyde, benzene, xylene);
  • indoor air humidification;
  • air ionization;
  • shade tolerance;
  • bactericidal activity.

Ivy is able to signal the state of air in the apartment. If there is insufficient moisture, brown spots appear on the leaves of the plant. Thanks to its properties and natural composition made from ivy medicines(for example, syrups).


This representative of indoor flora is shade-loving plant, which has a number of useful qualities. It moisturizes, cleanses, absorbs dangerous volatile substances, and also protects against electromagnetic radiation. The antimicrobial properties of begonia also make it possible to fight harmful microorganisms.

Flower care consists of moistening the soil several times a week. It is recommended to place the pot not on sunny side, and in partial shade. It also requires high humidity air. Such conditions are considered the most favorable for growth and flowering.

Before purchasing air-purifying flora, it is important to consider some expert advice:

  1. For maximum air purification and oxygen release, carefully care for your plants. Flowering specimens cope best with the task. Wilting plants cannot boast of bactericidal activity compared to their healthy counterparts.
  2. To prevent insomnia, plant 1-2 indoor plants in your bedroom that are capable of releasing essential oils (for example, pelargonium). However, people with a predisposition to allergies and individual intolerance should avoid such representatives of the home flora.
  3. Decorate your kitchen with cleansing plants. This will contribute to the active absorption of smoke, odors, and soot.
  4. Carefully care for the flowers (water them in a timely manner and wipe the leaves from dirt and dust particles).

Keep in mind that at night flowers can reduce the oxygen content in the apartment. So try not to breed too much flower arrangements in a room intended for sleeping.

Plants that clean the air are a godsend for people prone to respiratory diseases. By choosing the right “green filter”, you can also significantly improve the microclimate in your apartment.

The rapid development of the non-natural market building materials sometimes it turns into problems of air pollution for citizens making repairs in an apartment or house. Enjoying the new laminate flooring, fashionable wallpaper, bright decor, we unbeknownst to ourselves inhale substances hazardous to health released by all this “beauty”. Therefore, do not be surprised if you often feel dizzy, have problems breathing, or develop allergies. Living green filters - indoor plants - will help to avoid harmful influences. Among them there are specimens that are especially effective at purifying the air in the home.

Green helpers in the fight against air pollution

NASA specialists dealt with the problem of air purification in confined spaces in space. It turned out that this problem is closely related to our everyday life: while in a residential area, an ordinary person is exposed to harmful substances released into the air by surrounding objects.

During the experiments, it turned out that it was possible to help get rid of these substances, which equally threaten the inhabitants modern apartments and astronauts in orbit, they help not powerful cleaners air, but ordinary indoor plants. Let's look at the most famous ones, which may already live in your home.

Our apartment and closed space The spacecraft is united by one problem - polluted air

Flowering plants

Flowering indoor plants not only decorate rooms, but also do an excellent job of purifying the air:

  • - evergreen With glossy leathery leaves on long petioles and amazingly beautiful bright flowers - it fits perfectly into any space. The flower not only actively moisturizes the air, but also cleanses it of ammonia, toluene and formaldehyde. However, cat owners need to place the plant in a place inaccessible to animals, since bad habit chewing the leaves can cause swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth;

    Anthurium not only cleans, but also humidifies the air thanks to its wide leaves that evaporate moisture well

  • Spathiphyllum - this delicate plant with white flowers is a real record holder for air purification, as it can effectively clean rooms of formaldehyde, toluene, benzene, trichlorethylene and ammonia. Besides,the flower actively fights mold fungi in the air and reduces the number of microorganisms. Not dangerous for animals;

    Spathiphyllum, gentle at first glance, is nevertheless a powerful filter that cleanses the air of harmful impurities.

  • - herbaceous perennial with elongated pinnately dissected leaves. Its flowers look like large daisies, but are painted in bright colors - pink, orange, red, yellow, white. In indoor floriculture, Gerbera Jameson (Jamson) is represented, which purifies the air from formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. Non-toxic.

    Next to gerberas you not only recharge yourself with positivity, but also breathe clean air

Decorative foliage plants

Unpretentious decorative foliage plants are perfect for both living and working spaces:

  • - a plant that is a bunch of soft narrow leaves bright green color - well known in our country since the times of the USSR. At that time, few people thought about its benefits, and it was popular due to its unpretentiousness. But scientists have proven that this green “spider” helps you breathe freely, as it cleans the air of xylene, toluene and formaldehyde. Not dangerous for pets;

    The bright optimist Chlorophytum, it turns out, was not for nothing that it was so popular since Soviet times

  • (in our country this plant is well known under the name " mother-in-law's tongue"). Long, sometimes meter-long, leaves are directed upward and often end with a point. The coloring cannot be called boring - green leaves decorated with yellow, white and even silver stripes and spots. The plant removes xylene, toluene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and benzene from the air. When replanting, you need to be careful - the flower is toxic;

    Sansevieria will be useful in any corner of the living space

  • Aglaonema has a very representative appearance. Its dense, sometimes leathery leaves on long petioles have beautiful shape- from broadly ovate to elongated-lanceolate. Color depends on the variety and can be represented by a calm combination green shades or explode into bright pink-red stripes across a green background. Aglaonema filters the air, removing benzene and formaldehyde. In people with hypersensitivity, contact with juice may cause skin irritation;

    It turns out that aglaonema is not only bright and elegant, it also serves good filter for air purification

  • - a very popular indoor and office plant that resembles a palm tree. This resemblance is given by the leafless woody trunk, decorated on top with a bunch of long thin leaves. Helps clear the air of trichlorethylene, benzene and formaldehyde. The plant juice, although low-toxic, can cause skin irritation or digestive upset (if ingested);

    Dracaena gives beauty and harmony, simultaneously filtering the air in the apartment

  • ivy. There are many prejudices and superstitions about this plant. But for those who do not believe in them, the flower can be useful. It will decorate the apartment and purify the air in it from harmful impurities - benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, toluene and xylene. A well-groomed plant looks quite elegant thanks to its glossy leathery leaves, and its long shoots can twine around various supports, creating a vibrant decorative element. May be toxic to animals.

    Phalaenopsis passed the test of specialists and took an honorable place among pets

    When surrounding yourself with living green filters, you should remember: in order for them to effectively cope with their task, they need to be properly cared for. Before you bring a plant into your home, study information about it and find out its features. And, of course, do not forget to clean the leaves from dust in a timely manner.

According to statistics, modern man spends about 90% of its life indoors. It is not surprising that many people develop illnesses caused by inhaling stale, excessively warm and dry air, saturated with substances harmful to health and pathogenic microorganisms. Meanwhile, to significantly correct the situation, great efforts will not be required. You just need to place plants in your apartment and workplace that can have a beneficial effect on the microclimate.

There are green “pets” that are unpretentious and require virtually no attention from their owners. At the same time, together with carbon dioxide, they absorb toxins from the air that come from the street or are released from finishing materials, household chemicals and everyday items. In addition, indoor plants saturate the air with oxygen and produce phytoncides. If you provide regular watering, you can ensure an optimal level of humidity in the room.

We will introduce you to the most common of these plants.

Garden chrysanthemum

This popular potted plant can be purchased at any flower shop. Chrysanthemums are beautiful and useful: they are able to absorb formaldehyde, ammonia, xylene, and benzene vapors from the air. A chrysanthemum bush living on a windowsill does not require special growing conditions or labor-intensive care. With regular watering, it will bloom all winter, and in the spring it will be able to move to a balcony or garden bed.



Chlorophytum is an elegant indoor plant that easily tolerates dry soil, poor lighting and other manifestations of forgetfulness of the owners. It can be placed on a window sill or on a suspended wall structure. Chlorophytum purifies indoor air from formaldehyde, xylene vapors and various resins. It multiplies quickly, producing long shoots, at the ends of which bushes are formed, ready for rooting.



At proper watering and ensuring good lighting indoor ficus can grow into a strong tree 130–150 cm high. Large size is perhaps the only “disadvantage” of this plant. But the wide, leathery leaves of the ficus are unusually impressive and are capable of absorbing from the air in large quantities substances dangerous to humans such as formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and benzene vapors. For owners who do not forget to periodically replant the plant in a pot large sizes, ficus can live for decades.



Externally, dracaena looks like a miniature palm tree, the trunk of which is topped with a lush bunch of long and wide leaves. This is an unpretentious plant that purifies indoor air well. About 40 varieties of dracaena are known, differing in color and size of leaves, all of them are extremely decorative.

Dracaena leaves contain substances that are dangerous to dogs and cats, so it should not be grown in a home with four-legged friends.



Spathiphyllum is well suited for growing in rooms with low natural light. It is very beautiful: from a shock of wide bright green leaves rise spectacular white flowers with centers in the form of yellow arrows, similar to tiny ears of corn. Spathiphyllum is a low-growing plant that takes up little space. In offices, compositions are often made of it, placing several copies in a shallow pot. The resulting art objects perfectly refresh a large volume of air, removing toxic substances and mold spores.

Blooming spathiphyllum releases pollen into the air, so it is not recommended to keep it in a room if there are people prone to allergies.



Nephrolepis is an indoor fern with wide double leaves. It purifies the air from xylene and formaldehyde, is quite unpretentious and undemanding to light, but loves frequent watering.



This plant is also known as "mother-in-law's tongue." There are several types of Sansevieria, differing in the shape and color of the leaves. It is ideal for those owners who do not have time to care for green “pets”. Sansevieria lives well in dark corners of rooms or on poorly lit window sills, can withstand long breaks in watering, and does not require frequent replanting. At good care it grows luxuriantly and has a beneficial effect on the composition of indoor air, actively absorbing formaldehyde and toxic nitrogen compounds.