How will the chord pass? A section of the north-eastern expressway from the Enthusiasts Highway to the Moscow Ring Road has been opened

The North-Eastern Expressway, 26.6 km long, will connect the south-east and north of Moscow along the periphery. It began to be built as a continuation of the only already constructed section of the Fourth Transport Ring in the area of ​​Entuziastov Highway.

The chord will pass from toll road Moscow - St. Petersburg from the western side of Oktyabrskaya railway, along the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway to the new interchange on the Moscow Ring Road at the intersection with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway. The route will connect major highways in the north-eastern part of Moscow: Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye and Otkrytoye highways.

I’ve somehow gotten used to the fact that in the area of ​​Enthusiastov Highway there is endless construction going on. Overpasses are erected on top, something is opened or closed there. But I only realized that such construction was taking place there when I saw it from above. Let's look at the section under construction (and partially operational) from Entuziastov Highway to Shchelkovskoye Highway.

1. General scheme chord tracing.

2. Interchange with Entuziastov Highway under construction.

3. And its diagram.

4. But you understand the scale of this only from above.

5. "Oh." This is what I said when I saw these shots on the screen.

6. A new interchange is being built between an oil refinery, a fuel oil storage facility, and a bunch of railway tracks.

7. General view.


8. And what about the two railway tracks on the left that go up the embankment?

9. Fantastic denouement.

10. Partial traffic along it was opened in September 2012.

11. On the website of the construction complex there is a huge PDF with a diagram of this site. Be careful, the file is very heavy and complex.

12. Surprisingly, the Moscow Electrode Plant was not touched. By the way, if you believe the map, there is still a separate railway section on it. It is clear that it is not used, but it is clearly visible in the satellite image.

13. That section that opened in 2012 runs into such a funny exit to Second Street of the Izmailovsky Menagerie.

14. Very nice new bridges of the circular railway.

15. Ahead is Shchelkovskoye Highway.

16. And there is the Enthusiasts Highway.

17. The re-arrangement of communications is in full swing here. Where it is free or has already been shifted, construction of the overpass begins.

18. Pay attention to how many pits have been dug for communications.

19. The construction of the overpass has just begun.

20. It costs a hell of a lot of money to move all these communications:(

21. The ring railway bridge and the station on it.

22. And finally, the future interchange with Shchelkovskoye Highway.

23. I remember there was an industrial zone and garages here...

24. General view.


25. Here the Shchelkovskoye Highway chord will cross in a tunnel.

26. I wonder if the designers of the stall took into account that there would be a tunnel here or now they had to rack their brains on how to untie this knot?

27. Letter Zyu.

28. It’s sad here at rush hour. :(

30. We are patient. They'll finish it soon.

31. Former Cherkizon.

33. Former Central Stadium of the USSR named after. I.V. Stalin. Construction began in 1932 according to the design of the architect N. Ya. Kolli. The project was partially implemented. The stadium was supposed to accommodate 100 thousand spectators and was designed in such a way that military parades could take place there. It was assumed that tanks would be able to freely enter and leave the stadium in columns. In connection with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War construction was frozen. According to legend, there is a tunnel from the stadium to the Partizanskaya metro station. As the degree of drinking increases, the tunnel turns from a pedestrian one into a tank one, which goes all the way to the Kremlin. To the question “why?” the narrators were never able to answer.

I recently published a report on construction. Finally got around to looking at what was happening in my native area. Today detailed story on the construction of the North-East Expressway (NSH) - a new highway that will connect three districts of the capital: north, east and south-east.

01. This is what this place looked like in 2016. Due to the construction of a tunnel under the Shchelkovskoe highway, big traffic jam for several kilometers.

02. Construction for a while, metro tunnel forever. The work is completed, there is no more traffic jam in this place. Now everyone is standing at the intersection with Khalturinskaya Street.

04. Exit from the temporary storage warehouse to Shchelkovskoe highway towards the Moscow Ring Road.

05. From top to bottom in the photo there is Shchelkovskoye Highway, from left to right - temporary storage warehouse. To the left is the Partizanskaya metro station, to the right is Cherkizovskaya.

06. 2016. Narrowing due to the construction of overpasses and a tunnel.

07. 2018 From Shchelkovskoe Highway, exits to the temporary storage warehouse are open in both directions, to the south and to the north.

08. View towards Podbelka. On the left in the photo is the Lokomotiv MCC station.

10. Next, the chord collapses into a compact version. Most likely this is due to the difficulty of clearing land for construction, as well as due to the passage of the Losiny Ostrov park. If you look closely at the photograph, you can clearly see the temporary organization of movement, which is transferred to one side.

11. This is the same place on the other side.

12. The compact version of the route looks like this: traffic from the north will be organized along an overpass, which has not yet been opened, and traffic from the south will pass under the overpass. Thus, the route will take up almost half the area.

13. For now, traffic is open to the Mytishchi overpass (to the Open Highway). Next comes construction. Here you can clearly see two tracks located one below the other.

14. Open highway, view towards Metrogorodok. Eh, Metrotown, my homeland)

15. Construction of a highway towards the Yaroslavl highway. Everything is still in full swing here. On the right you can see the MCC station "Rokossovsky Boulevard".

16. Future branches. On the left are the industrial zones of Metrogorodok.

18. Closer to Losinoostrovskaya Street. Construction of communications is currently underway here. As far as I know, the section up to the Yaroslavskoye Highway is still undergoing design and approval of the chord project.

19. Let's look at the chord from the other side. View towards Partizanskaya. Everything here has been open for a long time, the only thing missing is an intercepting parking lot at the MCC station.

20. Intersection of the chord with Entuziastov Highway. Here, almost all overpasses are already open, except for direct travel to the south along the expressway and the exit from Entuziastov Highway.

21. Set it up!

22. View from Entuziastov Highway to the south. On the right you can see the interchange with Budyonny Avenue.

23. In this place on all diagrams a “knot” is tied on the chord. The main route will go further south parallel to the MCC, and the chord itself will sharply go southeast to Vykhino.

24. At first glance, you can’t figure it out without a hundred grams. But it's simple. On the left comes the chord from Vykhino. If you follow it straight, you will end up on Budyonny Avenue (it goes to the right in the frame), if you turn right, you will end up on the continuation of the chord that goes north (at the bottom of the frame). On top is the Andronovka MCC station and the groundwork for the future construction of the highway at the top of the frame.

27. A unique time, while the road is not yet open. You can freely walk along the highway.

29. View of the same junction from Perovo.

30. Large freight station "Perovo".

33. View towards Kuskovo park. At this section the chord is almost ready.

35. View towards Vykhino. The first overpass is Papernik and Yunost streets, the second, in the distance, is the Moscow Ring Road.

36. It turns out that in the near future we will have the opening of a highway from the Moscow Ring Road to the Open Highway. For me personally, a person living in Izmailovo, this will be a long-awaited event.

Dmitry Chistoprudov,

The next and most difficult section of the North-East Expressway is planned to be completed in 2018. It will connect the M11 Moscow-St. Petersburg toll highway and Dmitrovskoye Highway. Today, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin inspected the progress of road construction and was pleased with the pace of work.

“We have begun the most difficult section street and road network Moscow. One plot to the street. We have already completed the festival section, and now we have started the second section, which almost entirely consists of overpasses, overpasses, tunnels and a bridge. We hope that we will finish it in 2018,” the Moscow agency quotes the mayor.

In Moscow, it is not the first or even the second year that three major roads have been built - the North-Eastern Expressway, the North-Western and Southern Roads. However, as it turned out, not all townspeople know what it is and why it is needed. So MOSLENTA decided to remind and start with the North-East.

From where and where

The North-Eastern Expressway (another name is “Northern Road”) will connect the south-east and north of Moscow along the periphery, i.e. the most densely populated areas of the city. It began to be built as a continuation of the only already constructed section of the Fourth Transport Ring (ChTK, it was abandoned). The route will also connect major highways in the northeast: Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye and Otkrytoye highways, which will reduce road congestion.

The total length of the road will be 29 km. The highway will run from the M11 Moscow-Petersburg toll highway on the western side of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, along the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway to a new interchange on the Moscow Ring Road at the intersection with the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway.

Section of the North-Eastern Expressway under construction from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Highway

Conventionally, it is divided into several sections, which are now located in different stages readiness:

From Businovskaya interchange to Festivalnaya street (opened in 2014);

From Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoe Highway (under construction, inspected today);

From Dmitrovskoye to Yaroslavskoye highway (projected);

From Yaroslavskoye to Otkrytoye Shosse (route not determined);

From Otkrytoye to Shchelkovskoe highway (projected);

From Shchelkovskoye to Izmailovskoye highway (under construction);

From Izmailovskoye Highway to Entuziastov Highway (under construction);

From the Entuziastov highway to the interchange at 8 km of the MKAD "Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy" (projected).

Related infrastructure

The North-East Expressway is being built at a rapid pace. In September, a year earlier than planned, several facilities were commissioned at once on the section from Shchelkovskoye to Izmailovskoye Highway: two overpasses of the main route and one as part of a three-level interchange at the intersection of the highway with Shchelkovskoye Highway. This section will be completed by the end of the year.

Also, a lot of additional road infrastructure will be built on the road:

Overpass of the main route No. 1, 333 meters long with four lanes;

The left overpass of the main route No. 2 is 1.5 kilometers long with four lanes;

The right overpass of the main route No. 2 is 1.56 kilometers long with four lanes;

Overpass of the main route No. 4, 600 meters long with three lanes in each direction;

Three overpass ramps with a total length of 977 meters;

A railway overpass 189 meters long on the connecting branch of the Oktyabrskaya Railway;

The bridge over the Likhoborka River is 169 meters long with six lanes in one direction and five in the opposite direction. This bridge width is needed to connect next section chords - from Dmitrovskoe highway to Yaroslavskoe.

Khovrinskaya pumping station, serving the areas of Khovrino, Koptevo, Savelovsky, Timiryazevsky;

Underground pedestrian crossing near the Oktyabrskaya Railway platform;

Two wastewater treatment plants;

Five thousand window blocks will be replaced with noise-proof ones.


The highway, together with all these structures, should significantly make life easier for four million citizens, the authorities are confident. For example, end-to-end communication will be established between the regions of the South-Eastern Administrative District, the Northern Administrative District and the Eastern Administrative District, bypassing the center, and new public transport routes will appear. It will be especially convenient for residents of the Golovinsky, Koptevo and Timiryazevsky districts.

An undoubted advantage for drivers is that there will be no traffic lights. The average travel time will be reduced by more than 15 percent, the Moscow Ring Road will be decongested by 20–25 percent, and traffic flows on the Third Ring Road, Shchelkovskoye Highway, Entuziastov Highway, as well as Ryazansky and Volgogradsky Avenues will be intelligently redistributed. Well, those traveling along the M11 Moscow-St. Petersburg highway will not need to look for ways to the center.

History of the concept

The idea of ​​​​creating chords in Moscow was proposed back in the first half of the 20th century. In the 1930s, the famous planner and urbanist Anatoly Yakshin spoke about them. Later, already in the 1970s, his students, including the leading Russian expert in the field of transport planning, Alexander Strelnikov, again returned to discussing this topic.

Construction of a section of the North-East Expressway

Photo: Vitaly Belousov / RIA Novosti

Although in those days there were few cars on the streets of the capital, they already thought that their number would grow. Therefore, the concept of chords was included in the city general plan of 1971. In addition to the Moscow Ring Road and the Garden Ring, two new ring roads and four high-speed chord highways were designed. However, then the projects remained on paper. Gradually, the areas where roads were going to be built were built up, and the money was eventually invested in the Third Transport Ring, and then in the Fourth.

The idea to build chords was resurrected only in 2011. Then the authorities abandoned the construction of the Fourth Transport Ring, which was previously part of the general plan. The main reason is the prohibitively high cost, which exceeded a trillion rubles.

Instead of the ChTK, they decided to build three new highways: the North-Western Expressway, the North-East Expressway (another name is the Northern Road) and the Southern Road. These roads should ultimately form an open ring system. The result will be the same ring, but more efficient in terms of distribution of traffic flows, because each element will connect to the Moscow Ring Road. According to experts, this principle of traffic management is 20 percent more efficient than a closed ring road. In addition, the three new expressways will not pass through the congested city center.

Data provided by the official portal of the Moscow Construction Complex

Road construction in the Russian capital does not stop for a day. And, despite the fact that sometimes it seems that all reserves for improving the transport situation are close to exhaustion, city authorities, designers and builders manage to find new solutions to make life easier for motorists and public transport passengers. The commissioning of a system of chord roads and roads will further relieve congestion in the city center and main ring roads.

Initially, Moscow found itself hostage to the radial-ring transport system. And at a time when motorization was proceeding at a relatively low pace, this state of affairs suited everyone. However, the capital was not ready for a sharp increase in the city’s population and the number of cars at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Analysts of the construction company Monarch and B, part of the Monarch Group of Companies, came to this conclusion.

The actions taken by the city authorities at that time did not keep up with the pace of its development - new and reconstructed streets instantly turned into places where traffic accumulated.

It became clear that building more and more new rings is a solution that does not have a serious effect and improves the road situation only for a short period of time. But it was obviously impossible to abandon the existing radial-ring system. Under these conditions, the city authorities, together with the best engineering and design minds, had to figure out how to make sure that the city did not end up in gigantic traffic jams in the near future.

The main idea was the redistribution of flows. In order to get from one residential area to another, located at the opposite end of the city, there were two travel options: through the Moscow Ring Road and through the center. Alternative routes were either inconvenient or too time consuming. New route options were needed. This is how the project for constructing a system of chords and rockades came into being.


This highway will pass the North-Eastern Expressway, 35 kilometers long, running from the new M11 Moscow - St. Petersburg highway to the Kosinskaya overpass - an interchange at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway. The chord will connect the Moscow Ring Road, Entuziastov Highway, Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Otkrytoye, Yaroslavskoye, Altufevskoye and Dmitrovskoye Highways. It will reduce the traffic load on the center, the Third Ring Road, the Moscow Ring Road and outbound highways.

The other day, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened traffic on the overpasses at the interchange of the North-Eastern Expressway with Entuziastov Highway and Budyonny Avenue. In August, an overpass was opened at the intersection of the new highway and Shchelkovskoye Highway. The main work on the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway is planned to be completed in 2019, said the head of the city’s construction complex, Marat Khusnullin.

In addition to the section from Entuziastov Highway to Izmailovskoye Highway, two more have already been built - from the Businovskaya interchange to Festivalnaya Street and from Izmailovskoye to Shchelkovskoye Highway. Currently, work is being carried out in sections from Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road and from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Shosse.


The purpose of this city highway is to provide a diagonal connection between the northeastern and southwestern districts of the capital, bypassing the city center, to relieve congestion on the Third Transport Ring, MKAD, Garden Ring, Leningradskoye, Volokolamskoye Highways and other highways. The new route will run from Skolkovskoye to Yaroslavskoye highway.

The reconstructed Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street together with the Alabyano-Baltiysky Tunnel formed the main part of the highway, which in the area of ​​​​Dmitrovskoye Highway adjoined the North-Eastern Expressway and through the Businovskaya interchange gained access to a new highway in the direction of Sheremetyevo Airport.

Thanks to the Mikhalkovsky Tunnel, it became possible to remove traffic light objects. Traffic has already been launched along the overpass at the intersection of Skolkovskoye Highway with Vyazemskaya and Vitebskaya streets, along the turnaround overpass with Ryabinova and the bridge over the Setun River.

Finish everything construction work on the North-Western Expressway and the entire highway is planned to be launched in 2018.


The road will connect the Moscow Ring Road through Rublevskoye Shosse, Balaklavsky Prospekt, Varshavskoye Shosse, Kantemirovskaya Street, Kashirskoye Shosse and Borisovskie Prudy Street. Rokada will serve as a backup for the Moscow Ring Road and the southern section of the Third Ring Road. Its task is to redistribute traffic flows and relieve congestion on the Kashirskoye and Varshavskoye highways, as well as Proletarsky Avenue. The new highway will already include existing roads which will be reconstructed and expanded.

According to the plans of city authorities, South the rockade will take place from Balaklavsky Avenue through a tunnel under Varshavskoye Highway, then through an overpass it will cross the railway tracks, cross the Chertanovka River over the bridge and connect with Kantemirovskaya Street in the area of ​​Proletarsky Prospekt. Then, through the tunnel, drivers will be able to get to Borisovskie Prudy Street in the direction of Maryino. Then the road will go along Verkhnie Polya Street, from where the transport will head towards the Moscow Ring Road through Kapotnya.

To date, the section from Rublevskoye Highway to Balaklavsky Prospekt has already been put into operation. Overpasses and pedestrian crossings were built here. The capital’s authorities plan to build an interchange at the intersection Warsaw highway and Balaklava Avenue. A tunnel, overpass, turning ramps and side passages will appear at this location. In addition, an overpass will be built under the Paveletsky direction, a bridge over the Chertanovka River and an underground pedestrian crossing. And the section from the intersection with Proletarsky Prospekt to the Moscow Ring Road will be formed using existing streets.

Total length of chord roads will be about 243 kilometers. Over a hundred transport structures - tunnels, overpasses, bridges and overpasses - will be built on them. The launch of traffic on new high-speed routes will make it possible to create virtually a new ring, but with exits to the Moscow Ring Road, which will relieve congestion on the last and Third Transport Rings. The plans are to connect the North-Western and North-East Expressways in the area of ​​Festivalnaya Street with access to the road to the Businovskaya interchange and then to the Moscow-St. Petersburg toll highway. The Southern Road will intersect with the North-Western Expressway in the Krylatskoye area.

The North-Eastern Expressway is a first-class citywide main street under construction with continuous traffic. It will run from the Businovskaya interchange along Zelenogradskaya Street. It will cross 4th Likhachevsky Lane and further to the transport interchange with the Northern Road. After which the highway, crossing the tracks of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, will turn east and go along the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway to the Ryazan direction of the Moscow Railway. Further along the railway tracks to the junction of the Moscow Ring Road with the built section of the new toll federal highway "Moscow - Noginsk - Kazan", which within the borders of Moscow will be a first-class main street of citywide significance. Kosinskoye Highway will become part of the new federal road.

The north-eastern highway will connect major highways in the north-eastern part of Moscow: Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye and Otkrytoye highways.

Northern Rokada is a first-class city-wide main street under construction with continuous traffic. The Rokada has a joint section with the North-Eastern Expressway, 4 lanes wide for both directions - from the Businovskaya interchange to the interchange proper with the temporary storage warehouse at the intersection of the Rokada connecting railway branch No. 2 of the Likhobory station - Khovrino station. Further, the highway, still passing from the western side of the ORR, will have 3 lanes in each direction. After the junction with the temporary storage warehouse, an exit to Likhoborskaya embankment will be built. Then, crossing Cherepanov Passage, the street will extend to the transport interchange with the North-Western Expressway at the intersection with Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street. After which it will exit onto Dmitrovskoye Highway using the existing highway junction with Valaamskaya Street. The exit point will have 2 lanes in each direction.

On the section of the Northern Road from Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Shosse there will be a dividing strip and retaining walls taking into account the future extension of the highway to Academician Korolev Street.

According to the project, the North-Eastern Expressway consists of the following sections (from east to north):
Section of the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway in the Kozhukhovo microdistrict (Kosinskoe highway)
The section at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway (Kosinskaya overpass).
Plot from the Moscow Ring Road on the street. Krasny Kazanets to the Veshnyakovsky overpass.
The section from the Veshnyakovsky overpass to the former 4th transport ring along the 1st Mayovka alley and st. Anosova.
A section of the former 4th transport ring to the Oktyabrskaya railway line.
Zelenogradskaya street to the Businovskaya interchange of the Moscow Ring Road.

History of construction
In December 2008, construction of the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway began.
On October 26, 2009, a 4-kilometer section of the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway was opened from Projected Proezd 300 to the street. Bolshaya Kosinskaya.
On September 3, 2011, a kilometer section of the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway from Bolshaya Kosinskaya to the Moscow Ring Road and an interchange with outside MKAD.
On November 24, 2011, the construction of the interchange between Veshnyaki and Lyubertsy was completed. inside MKAD and exit to Krasny Kazanets street.
On March 27, 2013, construction of an 8-lane highway began along Zelenogradskaya Street.
On January 30, 2014, traffic was opened on two overpasses of the North-Eastern Expressway section from the highway. Enthusiasts to Izmailovskoye Highway.
On December 24, 2014, traffic was opened along the highway from the Businovskaya interchange to the interchange with Festivalnaya Street.
On March 18, 2015, construction began on the section from Izmailovskoye Highway. to Shchelkovsky highway (construction is scheduled to be completed in 2017).
On December 29, 2015, construction began on the section from Festivalnaya Street. to Dmitrovskoe highway (construction is planned to be completed at the end of 2018)