Landscape design in the English style of a summer cottage. Garden design in English style. Decorative qualities of an English style garden

All over the world, England is considered the birthplace of the landscape style, so when visiting a garden plot English gardens odov, it seems that nature itself created such a landscape design, and the hard work of the designer goes unnoticed.

English gardens are attractive because the entire decor of the composition consists of skillfully decorated elements. If it is a fence, then it is painted in pleasant bright colors. Shrubs and trees are planted in such a way that they appear as if they were naturally found in this place. There is no need to level the flower bed “to a line”; on the contrary, natural, relaxed groups of plants are created. The lawn testifies to the care the owners take towards the garden, so it is always trimmed evenly and clean. It is customary to make the paths winding in order to enjoy a walk through the picturesque English garden longer. Do you want your garden to be peaceful for relaxation and at the same time delight you with its incredible landscape? An option for creating an English garden combines both with its design of garden paths, flower beds and flower beds, lawns, shrubs and fences.

The English garden is a reflection of the village life of the English

The entire composition of the English garden is built in such a way as to show the simplicity and at the same time richness of life of English citizens. Let's consider the “highlights” of the decor of this garden style.

Features of English garden fencing

Pictured is for an English garden.

Unlike our population, who are accustomed to hiding their homes behind high, powerful walls, the British build low, neat fences. Picket fences and openwork grilles are considered popular, which are often supplemented with small brick columns or masonry natural stone.

To make the fence even more beautiful, gardeners decorate fences, which completely cover the fence for several years. Among such plants, maiden grapes, ivy, and climbing roses are especially popular.

Shrubs in an English garden

It is customary to plant ornamental shrubs immediately after the fence. These decorative elements include:

  • Garden jasmine
  • Lilac
  • Flowers are perennials

Lawn in an English garden

As for the green cover of an English garden, it is, of course, a lawn. English gardeners spend a lot of time caring for their lawn. The edges of the lawn are often decorated with a mixborder, and in the center of the lawn they are planted ornamental shrubs, such as daphne, rhododendron and dwarf sakura.

Creating the natural beauty of an English garden

In order for the English garden to seem like a natural creation of nature, it is decorated with special design techniques, which we will now consider.

Mixborders for the English garden

The photo shows a good example of using mixborders - flower beds, from combinations of different colors.

From a combination various types plants. The difficulty of caring for such flower beds is justified by the beauty that gives in return. It should be noted that mixborders are a classic of the English garden. Various ornamental shrubs act as the background, and in front there is a wide ribbon of flowers, which is separated from the lawn by a small border. As for, it should not be strictly even; on the contrary, it is better to use a curly border. Decoration with mixborders is carried out along the contours, which leads from the gate to entrance doors to the house.

Climbing and climbing plants

It is customary to decorate the facade of the house and fence with such plants. Also, the arch above the gate is often decorated with climbing plants. Best to use blooming vines and climbing rose.

English garden paths

The photo shows an example of a garden path in an English garden, paved with natural stone and concrete.

TO garden paths should be given special attention, because They are the ones who give us the pleasure of comfortable movement garden area. very simple, because The material for English garden paths is wild stone, gravel and, in rare cases, . As for the shape of the paths, there is no need to make them smooth and wide, everything is just the opposite. For comfortable movement around the garden, small winding paths should be made. Watch us, the noise of which will clearly relax you.

Video example of an English garden for all times

These, in fact, are all the components of an English garden, which you can implement in your dacha, with your own strength and hands. If you like it, then try to do it yourself, especially since you can do without the help of specialists. And do not forget that the English garden does not have strict criteria, so it can easily be supplemented with your own national features.

I'm taking my first steps in creating a garden. And what happened is not very satisfying. I wanted to make something similar to an English romantic garden. As a result, the free central part of the garden, given over to the lawn, turned out to be too large, in my opinion, relative to the plantings located along its perimeter. It turned out that all these plantings exist on their own: there is nowhere to put a bench for privacy. Is it worth somehow filling the middle of the lawn (it turned out to be about 10x10) in order to break it into smaller areas? Or make the plantings around the perimeter wider. They are not located on the same line, but look wavy. In the photo there is a part of the garden, on the right it is the same size.

You did exactly the right thing by determining, first of all, what style you would like to see in the garden. When you have a vision of the finished result, it is much easier to turn your dream into reality. Now is the time to begin the practical development of the site.

The photo shows that you have already taken several steps to achieve your goal: a lawn has been laid out, trees and flowers have been planted along its edge. And now you are thinking about where to place a place to relax. At the same time, you are not very happy with what happened. Don't worry! From the moment of its establishment to its full bloom, the garden goes through several stages of growing up, like a child. And what you see at the moment can be compared to the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Wait three or four years and you won't recognize your garden. Therefore, do not criticize yourself too much, do not let what you have done be demolished.

We recommend that you take as a basis what you have already done. Leave an open space of the lawn, giving it a beautiful, smoothly curving shape of a drop or a circle, and occupy the rest of the garden with plantings. Slightly expand the area of ​​your mixborders around the perimeter. Incorporate walking paths into them in such a way that when moving around the garden, the eye opens up new mesmerizing views of the flower beds, one picture follows another.

Since you have not provided additional information about your site and we do not have a detailed plan, we can give you a couple of general useful tips, related to the creation of the image of the English romantic garden as a whole. What techniques can you resort to in the process of making your dreams come true?

The basis of the English garden

As the basis for the garden, take a model of idealized nature with a forest, a lawn, and, if desired, a pond. It’s good if your site gives the impression of naturalness, becomes part of nature, but at the same time has a thoughtful structure and attracts picturesque views that you want to endlessly admire. A walk along it will be a delight for the soul, a touch of beauty and harmony.

Close to naturalness - distinguishing feature style

Zoning of a site in landscape design

First of all, decide on functional zoning plot - where you want to place the entrance, recreation area, maybe a vegetable garden, orchard or children's playground. Distribute these zones over the area of ​​the future garden, including the main walking paths there. If you have a large enough area (we, unfortunately, cannot determine its true size from the photo), you can divide part of it into functional zones according to the principle green rooms, while slightly reducing the area of ​​the lawn - this option does not conflict with the basic concept of the English romantic style. In one of these green rooms you can create a place to relax.

Note: The green room method appeared in England a very long time ago; its ancestor was the classical Chinese garden, based on the creation of secluded, confined spaces. In the green rooms, certain areas of the garden are organized, reserved for relaxation and contemplation, for children's games or outbuildings, for planting fruit trees or a vegetable garden. The boundaries between such rooms can be groups of trees and shrubs, pergolas entwined with climbing plants, trimmed hedges, mixborders, and low walls made of natural stone.

If you are not a fan of privacy, then leave an open space of lawn at the base of the garden with smooth bends of walking paths around it. Expand the planting area around your green lawn by including a couple of tall trees in their structure deciduous trees, several conifers (pine, spruce, larch), beautiful flowering shrubs (tree and paniculata hydrangea, viburnum, varieties of spring- and summer-flowering spirea). Conifers will add year-round decorativeness to your garden, and shrubs will create a smooth transition to the flower beds located against their background. Maintain tiered plantings, this is especially true for the British landscape style in landscape design. Due to this, you will achieve the splendor of your mixborders, which will look advantageous against the background of the calm greenery of the lawn.

Don't overdo it with bright accents in the garden

In the center of the lawn, you can optionally place a sculpture or a flowerpot with flowers, whatever you like best. Or maybe it will be a small fountain on a round base, surrounded by a trimmed border of brilliant cotoneaster or Japanese spirea Little princess.

Material on how to lay out a bluegrass lawn will also be useful:

If your plot or cottage is small, then a lawn in the shape of a circle or a drop, as well as an oval approaching the circle, will be an ideal shape that will provide the effect of a larger space. The integrity and completeness of the garden will be given by the repetition of the boundaries of the lawn in the paving figures near the house, in the form of a pond or flower beds, in the repetition of the materials of the house in decorative elements and small architectural forms.

Would you like to integrate a relaxation area into the surrounding garden space? To do this, we recommend that you place it in a secluded corner of the site and block it from prying eyes so that the bends of the paths and lawn form protrusions from the plantings. In such ledges, mixborders or groups of shrubs form a visual barrier. There, behind a green screen, you can place a beautiful bench surrounded by an arch of roses, or a gazebo-canopy, entwined. Small architectural forms the garden can be painted, for example, white. This will give special charm Your garden.

Functional design in English style

Focusing on the English style of the garden, paving the paths and local area material close to natural: flagstone in gray tones, or tiles simple shapes imitating natural stone. You can fill the entrance area with a layer decorative gravel, framing it with a stone border. Gravel paths can also be used in those areas of the garden where it is not planned to clear them of snow in winter. Walking paths can be made with your own hands in the form of sections of lawn, smoothly flowing from one functional area to another, or framing colorful lush flower beds.

Garden boundaries

The boundaries of your site are marked by row plantings of thuja. You can begin to form them into a trimmed hedge, which will not spoil the appearance and appearance of the garden, as do blind fences made of corrugated sheets left uncovered. Where you have left open areas hedges, we recommend decorating it with climbing plants. In our climate zone, virgin grapes are well suited for this; they grow in three to four years and can completely cover up an unsightly view of the fence. Add elements of pergolas, screens or screens, with specimens of honeysuckle honeysuckle, actinidia kolomikta or alpine princeling planted at their base. By planting along the border of the plot those plants that are available in the immediate vicinity - on a neighbor’s territory, an adjacent clearing, in the forest that probably surrounds you, you can create the illusion of a garden without borders. This technique is very typical of the English landscape style.

Thanks to proper zoning, the garden can seem endless

In the future, when you improve your garden, introduce something new into its structure, or finish plantings that have already begun, do not forget about the principles of constructing garden compositions. They will help you achieve harmony and perfection in your landscape endeavors. Along with tall trees planted along the border, in the middle tier of plantings, use more low-growing species, as well as decorative foliage and flowering shrubs. Take species plants or their varieties as a basis. It is thanks to varieties that the garden can be made more colorful. You can use formed plants for off-season and winter picture the garden was more attractive.

Colors and selection of plants

Don't forget about the color scheme of the garden. The main color scheme of the English romantic garden is green. It dominates everywhere, especially in the lawn. The greenery of the lawn balances the colorful romantic landings perennials, providing an excellent background for them. You can plant plants with dark greens: horse chestnut, red oak, common spruce, Serbian spruce, Korean fir. Linden, maple, tree hydrangea, viburnum leaf, varieties of spirea, dogwood and mock orange will bring light greenery to the garden. The calm greenery of the main tree and shrub groups will be an excellent background for flower beds made in soft pink, white, light blue, blue and violet tones. British mixborders are characterized by the merging of shades and tints of color into one picturesque picture.

Red horse chestnut pavia - great solution for the English style garden

Note: Blue tones lengthen the perspective of the garden, and last but not least white, disappear at dusk. Cream and white tones look good in the shade, provide an excellent buffer and make even small flowers stand out. Soft pink tones soften and soothe. The range of plants for the English romantic garden in this range is very diverse. Magenta and bright pink tones shorten the perspective (bring the plants visually closer) and attract attention. When away from home, use natural species and their varieties. Closer to the house it would be appropriate to plant garden forms of plants and formed specimens. Here you can create flower beds in yellow-orange colors. Yellow tones create a cheerful spring mood, enliven colors and dimly lit corners; the range of plants of this color is huge.

Pay attention to decorative foliage plants, such as hosts, astilbes, ferns, Volzhanka, irises, Rogers, black cohosh, tiarella. From ever green herbaceous plants We can recommend pachysandra, lungwort, and mountain weed.

Tiarella of the Happy Trail variety is perfect for decoration.

Where would an English landscape garden be without aristocratic roses! Roses of Canadian selection are resistant to freezing in our climate and are unpretentious. Add to their neighbors peonies, geraniums, bluebells, fassena catnip, foxgloves, delphiniums, speedwell, mantle and, of course, sage. Roses will look good next to coniferous trees and bushes. You can choose varieties of mountain pine, western thuja, common juniper and Cossack juniper. Often in landscape gardens in England you can see various cereal plants, such as turf pike, fescue, molinia, miscanthus. Maybe there is a place for them in your oasis.

Material on planting and caring for garden roses will also be useful:

Choose calm colors of roses for planting, taking into account the principles of color

If there are fruit trees, then at a distance it is good to plant a curtain of mock orange, viburnum, and honeysuckle to create a smooth transition to the flower garden.

Taking into account the characteristics of the region

Trying to follow English romantic style, we do not recommend that you purchase and plant plants that are completely unsuitable for our harsh winters, but which British gardeners love to use in their homeland. Boxwoods, yews, catalpas, beeches are extremely unstable in conditions middle zone Russia and almost always freeze out. You can, of course, build additional shelters, but they will visually disrupt the landscape aesthetics. This circumstance will not add decorativeness to the garden, much less classic English nobility.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the British landscape style is never boring or monotonous. Landscape paintings change each other depending on the season, are always decorative and pleasing to the eye. This effect can be achieved by skillfully combining plant species and varieties, selecting them according to color scheme and flowering time, using only stable, healthy and well-proven specimens in our climate. Don't be afraid to experiment with shaped plants: they will decorate your garden and give it clarity and expressiveness. Coniferous plants will contribute to making the plantings all-season decorative.

An English-style garden is distinguished by its elegant simplicity and ease of use.

Look at the photo of an English-style garden - this is beauty that is distributed evenly throughout the entire area:

Photo gallery

The design of a garden in the English style is distinguished by respectability, which lies behind the apparent simplicity and grace. Forming such a landscape will require not only time and patience, but also a refined artistic taste.

English landscape style

English landscape style originated in England in the 30s of the 18th century, when regular gardens in french style Landscape layout arrived. The garden was planned in such a way that it seemed as if it had been created without human intervention, by nature itself - these compositions began to be called “English”. In the English garden, much attention is paid to the combination of open and closed spaces (“glades” and “groves”) - the emerald green of the lawn is replaced by tree and shrub compositions. In such a garden there is a well-thought-out walking route. Walking along the beautifully curving, flowing paths, you can’t help but admire the successive picturesque views.

An English garden is a carefully planned garden, with well-groomed vegetation and evenly trimmed, sleek trees. Such a garden is simple and natural, but this simplicity is apparent; it is carefully thought out and well organized. There are many decorative deciduous and flowering shrubs that are combined with coniferous trees. Graceful mixborders are pleasing to the eye continuous flowering, in which, along with varietal varieties, often rare plants natural and species are necessarily present. Winding paths combine individual elements of the garden; they are made of natural materials: natural stone, tree trunk cuts, lawn, often gravel.

English style in landscape design

The English style in landscape design implies the use of certain combinations of tree species and lawns, complemented by sculpture and decorative elements.

Signs of an English garden:

1. Landscape layout, no straight lines in the garden.

3. Gravel paths.

4. Monochrome flower beds.

5. Combination of species and cultivated plants.

6. Well-groomed large lawn.

Embodiment option - garden elements:

2. rose garden.

3. vines and shrubs around the terrace.

5. yellow mixborder.

8. blue mixborder.

10. secluded bench.

11. red astilbes with heucheras.

12. Cotoneaster brilliant.

14. shrub mixborder.

DIY English garden: video and description

You can make an English garden with your own hands if you strictly follow the canons of laying out such a landscape object. The distance from the fence to the main entrance to the house is small; on both sides of the steps, the entrance is decorated with two luxurious containers with plants. We go around the house on the left and find ourselves in beautiful garden, which is almost entirely located behind the house. Adjacent to the house along its entire width is a large open terrace with an elegant wrought-iron fence; it is made at the level of the height of the base of the house, with steps leading to it on both sides. The back door opens onto the terrace from the house. The terrace floor is paved natural stone. Along the fence there are decorative containers with plants. Containers with colorful surfinias, fuchsias and pelargoniums decorate the windows and balcony, complementing the picturesque picture of an English house. Under the terrace, vines are planted, twining around the trellis: these are clematis, climbing roses and honeysuckle honeysuckle. The last two vines also smell delicious. If you walk along the terrace along the house and go down the steps, you will go straight to the rose garden.

Along the border of a large English lawn spreads gravel path- this is exactly the kind of path that is typical of the English garden, where this natural material is often used. She looks elegantly simple. Lawns are not only pleasant to walk on, they serve as an excellent backdrop for mixborders.

There are also secluded corners in the garden. The first of them is very tiny - between two evergreen rhododendrons there is a bench hiding on which you can retire and sit quietly, dream or reflect. The second corner is larger - the entire roof of which is “filled up”. This one is woven with shade-tolerant vines - virgin grapes and petiole hydrangea.

After passing the rose garden and going around the house, we find ourselves in a tiny decorative vegetable garden, which, of course, does not produce serious harvests, but even a few and a bunch of our own are pleasing, and the leaves of our own lettuce are, by definition, tastier than store-bought ones.

Plants for the English garden

Properly selected plants for an English garden help enhance the impression of restraint and simplicity. A hazel tree was planted along the entire fence; it grew and completely hid the three-meter fence from the inside. From here they used, including mountain ones. Thuja is one of the best coniferous plants, exists .

Monochrome mixborders replace each other along the walking path. The first mixborder in yellow tones. Before the yellow elderberry - yellow marigolds, gazania, low snapdragon and small bidens. The yellow flower bed turns into silvery pink - in front of silver willow and angustifolia with silver leaves pink roses and wormwood. Next is a white mixborder - white roses and lilies, alyssum, phalaris, white physiostegia and tuberous begonia, "Hakura Nishiki". Next, under the willow and hydrangeas, garden small-fruited strawberries and blue mixborders, then arrays of astilbes - first pink, then - in front of a trimmed hedge of brilliant cotoneaster - red, alternating with purple-leaved heucheras.

The good thing about an English garden is that you can admire it every day, it is always different and never gets boring. Such a garden is suitable only for those owners who can provide regular qualified care for the plants and lawn, but all the expenses and troubles are paid off by the opportunity to enjoy communication with beautiful plants and life in a wonderful garden.

The English garden is designed to look natural and be a place for reflection and relaxation. This style values ​​naturalness and invites you to stroll through the garden. The English landscape involves maintaining a balance between the traditional formality, even stiffness, of the English, and wildlife, adding elements of mystery and romanticism to the landscape.

Getting the perfect landscape design in the English style is quite possible, even if you have never been to England and are thousands of kilometers away. The correct use of color, decorative elements, materials, plants and accessories will turn any garden into a stylish, well-groomed and impeccable place. It is these characteristics that are associated with everything that is associated with the country of Foggy Albion.

Nature was perceived by our ancestors as a dangerous, unfriendly place. The merit of England is that it was this country that completely changed this attitude towards environment. They began to appreciate the world beyond the threshold of the house and realized its importance not only practically, but also aesthetically.

On appearance English gardens were influenced by such areas of science and art as history, philosophy and geometry. Innovative and integrated approach Englishmen's approach to landscape design completely changed gardening. Under its influence, the line between the internal and external space of the house is blurred.

The English style in landscape design has introduced many details that seem already familiar and banal.

So, the classic English manor included:

  • There was always a pond in every garden, at least small, but with natural, winding outlines.
  • Hedges - This type of fencing was used to prevent animals from getting too close to the house, while at the same time not completely blocking the view of the area.
  • Rolling lawns - English landscapes are characterized by alternating mounds and plains. Hills reflect the natural landscape better than flat field, looking sad.
  • Groves of trees - they liked to plant them near the house. The group of trees looked good with the lawns on the hills.
  • Public, open parks - many people came to the English garden to relax, admire the flower beds, chat and just sit on a bench in the shade of the trees.
  • Grottoes were romantic hiding places. They were built to resemble natural dark caves, but were shallow and safe.

Style Features

Design in English is old-fashioned, natural materials and colors, romanticism and a craving for antiquity. And skillfully selected contrasts give the feeling of the absence of a clear structure and plan. The secret is that there is a plan after all. The English garden blurs the line between wildlife and modern progress. This accounts for the success of the style, as well as its continued popularity.

Neatly trimmed boxwood hedges coexist with lush, bright flower beds. Natural materials, such as limestone or straw, are combined with brick to combine fluidity with a clear structure.

First of all, the English park is based on geometry, which is not striking. If viewed from above, the paths converge to one center, and the circles and rectangular shapes are combined to give the landscape a sense of order and completeness.

Mandatory elements that will make the garden truly English:

1. Low hedges and flower walls.

Visually, this distinction different zones in the landscape will give the effect of a labyrinth and mystery as you move forward. Avoid wild, overly bushy borders.

English landscapes represent the main geometric shapes, like an oval, circle, rectangle and square. Each part of the space should be clearly organized.

2. Several main types of plants.

The monoconcept when choosing flowers for a flower bed is one of key features English style. Don’t try to plant everything; it’s better to focus on two or three species, but use their different shades. There should be a contrast between the variety of colors and the refined calm of the environment.

3. Identical elements in the decoration of the house and the surrounding space.

Reusing materials such as stone or brick in garden walls, columns, pools and fountains will help to combine the house and garden into one whole. Focus on a skillfully selected combination of different textures so that the garden becomes an inseparable part of the living space, and the house itself becomes an extension of the external space.

4. Abundant flowering annuals.

They can bloom for five months, which not every perennial or shrub can boast of. Use annual plants in symmetrical plantings, paths, in the center of the flower bed or along the edges. An English style garden is characterized by several bright elements against a neutral background.

Design and decor

There is an English park near the house and the exterior itself has several characteristic featuresforged gates and gratings, a tall chimney, dark wood panels on the walls. Let's take a closer look at what else can be introduced and adapted to our conditions.

English style in landscape design and its details:

  • Materials: brick, straw, limestone, cobblestone.
  • Decor – wicker fence, round baskets in the shape of a swarm of bees, garden benches, vintage cars.
  • Colors – delicate gray, moderate pink, pale cream, olive, all shades of green.

The traditional English landscape is, first of all, a skillful imitation of nature. For decoration use simple natural materials. If this is a hedge, then it should be low (about 1 meter), woven from willow or turf branches. Beehive-style straw baskets with an opening lid add a rustic touch to the garden and are also handy and spacious.

The British do not like to throw away old things; instead, after a little restoration, they find interesting design solutions for them. For example, an English garden, in which it easily fits into general view grandma's car or large tin cans, especially if they are antique-style. By the way, the flowers will look original if you plant them in a tin like this instead of a regular pot.


England, having become the center of garden fashion, proposed combining seemingly incompatible things in gardens and parks - greenery and stones. Huge antique vases on a pedestal, standing in the middle of a perfectly trimmed lawn, statues of beautiful young men and women, brick arches above the gate - all this is a tribute to the past.

The entrance to the house is a special place, like a calling card of the owners. Branched roses, under which it is almost invisible brick arch above the entrance, they provide not only aesthetic pleasure. They claim that a garden in the English style begins from the threshold, with powerful supports of the arched vault, entwined with delicate and fragrant flowers.

The British know how to honor their traditions and ancestors, so symbolic ruins of columns, castles and fortresses are often found in their gardens. English landscapes provide such historical flavor in abundance. And on our soil it will be replaced by large blocks of rough stone, cobblestones and bricks as part of an unfinished wall. The main thing is to compare the area of ​​the site with the size and number of design elements on it.

The grotto, as an imitation of a natural cave, is undeservedly considered a relic of the era of romanticism. It was the gardens of England that became an example in the creation of artificial grottoes on a limited plot of land. Internal voids, small in area and equipped, are perfect for secluded relaxation, pleasant memories and contemplation of the landscape. Especially in hot weather summer days when you really want something cool! However, remember that English landscape design requires a thoughtful approach, so it is better to entrust the process of constructing a grotto to construction professionals to think through all the technical details and guarantee safety.

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It is difficult to imagine an English garden without paths that run through the entire garden and, intricately meandering, return to the house. The materials for them are simple and available in every household: gravel, tiles, cobblestones, bricks. The paths can be single or parallel to each other, then the lawns and ridges planted between them will be harmonious. Important rule– narrow the path if it leads to a cozy and secluded place, and make it wider if it leads to an open space where people gather.

Gravel path

Design in English is a gravel path, it does not require large expenses and is the easiest to make. Although it looks casual, a border of stone or limestone will give it a finished and correct view and will fit perfectly into an English garden. Another practical fencing option is metal and aluminum.

Use a shovel to clear the area, choosing the appropriate width and spacing. Going 10-15 cm deeper, install a fence along the edges. Then fill in the gravel, distributing it evenly so that the border protrudes at least 3-4 cm above the surface. It is advisable to choose a light and calm color.

The main task is to keep the gravel inside and prevent it from spilling. An English garden requires constant care, and for this you need to periodically level the path with a rake and pull out the weeds. Renew the mix every few years with a few shovels of new gravel. The smaller the pebbles, the more pleasant it is to walk on them. But larger fractions will not be washed away even by heavy rain.

However, gravel also has disadvantages:

  • such paths are not suitable if the territory has hills and slopes from which pebbles will constantly crumble from top to bottom;
  • small pebbles can get stuck on the sole and spread throughout the house;
  • sharp stones can cause injury if you step on them with bare feet, so be careful with gravel if there are children in the house;
  • When removing snow in winter, you can accidentally take over part of the path.

English landscape design also prefers paths made of stone or paving slabs. These materials are more durable than gravel and do not require additional maintenance. The shape should preferably be square or rectangular. Stones can be laid either end to end or at some distance to plant grass or grass in the gaps. ground cover plants. The installation technology itself is simple - heavy stones are laid one by one on a layer of sand, selecting the desired size. The result will be a road put together like a puzzle that will serve several generations of the family.

Paving slabs very decorative and will become an organic addition to an English park. Its service life is several decades, and it can withstand heavy loads. Sand or fine gravel is compacted on the marked area, then a curb is placed and the tiles are nailed with a hammer.

Remember, the artificial material you put under your feet (for example, embossed concrete, large tiles or glass), there should be a lot of greenery on the sides. Bushes, arches of climbing roses and vines, mixborders along the length of the paths are features of the English style.


It is difficult to imagine English-style landscape design without water. The gardens of England organically include this element. Here you can see a small pond in the depths of the garden, with natural contours of the banks and benches around. The pond should not be deep, and it is advisable to put a hedge near it or plant a row of tall shrubs and perennials that will hide the corner from prying eyes.

A classic English park is a place for quiet relaxation, so it is not characterized by noisy waterfalls and rushing streams of water. The blue sky is reflected in the mirror surface of a pond or pool, creating a feeling of peace and quiet. You can adapt a vase or statue into a small fountain, as in the photo, and place it in the center of the green lawn. Lay out the pedestal with slabs, bring one path to it, and break a mixborder around the edges. All that remains is to sit comfortably on a bench and enjoy the murmur of water while contemplating the English landscapes.

You can dig a channel around the perimeter of the flowerbed and fill it with water, leaving one side connected to the main part of the garden by a small bridge or passage.

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Garden flowers, shrubs and trees

To create the effect of a relaxed English-style landscape, you need to plant plants in layers. That is, the tallest ones should be at the back, the lower ones should occupy a place in the middle, and the smallest ones should be placed at the edge. Stick to it color range. Choose primary colors either only in cold shades (blue, purple, white, cold pink) or warm shades (red, orange, yellow). This way, create a unified concept for the garden.

David Austin roses

The British prefer romantic, old-fashioned flowers. If you live in a dry climate, provide them with enough water. It is impossible to imagine the gardens of England without such plants as: roses (the varieties of the English breeder David Austin are especially popular), mallow (Malva sylvestris), daylily (Hemerocallis), delphinium (Delphinium consolida), peonies (Paeonia), charming (Cosmos), foxglove ( Digitalis), snapdragon (Antirrhinum).

Lavender (Lavandula), catnip (Nepeta cataria) and hosta (Hosta) will occupy the middle level. Thanks to the soft shades, they will create an ideal contrast with the richness of annual and perennial flowers.

An English park is also full of trees. Suitable for hedges are yew (Taxus), hornbeam (Carpinus), oriental thuja or flat branch (Platycladus orientalis), boxwood (Buxus), magnolia (Magnolia). They tolerate cutting and shaping well and are suitable for creating topiary figures. Evergreen spruce trees (Picea abies, Picea orientalis), junipers (Juniperus communis, Juniperus virginiana), and pine trees (Pinus sylvestris) will hide the fence.

Create a stylish garden with your own hands

With 6 simple steps you can bring English style in landscape design to any garden plot.

1. Plant 2-3 types of flowers, only in large quantities.

For example, varieties of roses William Baffin and New Dawn, which, due to their volume, can decorate quite large areas of the garden.

Rose "New Dawn"
Rose "William Baffin"

2.Use combinations of contrasting shades.

A real English garden requires correct use colors. Yellow and lemon daylilies harmonize well with violet and purple alliums. And red peonies with pink foxgloves.

3. Set a boundary.

This may not only be hedge or a path, but also a house for pigeons, a bird feeder. They will organically fit into the space, creating the integrity of the composition. Forged trellises and fences will separate one area of ​​the garden from another without completely blocking the view.

4. Select patio furniture.

The English style in design suggests instead of the usual colors - gray, green, brown - painting furniture in bright, bold shades that attract attention. A red table and an orange bench will not let the eye get bored, even when nothing is blooming in the garden. And don’t forget about antiquity - the older things look, the better.

Forged or ordered from a craftsman, they will add personality and romantic notes to the garden. It is better to place them in a shady corner of the garden.

5. Pay attention to the inside view.

Secure around pillars and columns climbing plants. This will create the effect as if they are floating in the air on their own. It would also be appropriate to place statues and stylized ruins in your English garden.

6. Sun and shadow go well together.

An English-style garden perfectly combines shade-loving hydrangea, planted near the northern wall, and succulents that prefer bright colors. sunlight. Thus, a cozy area for relaxing and eating is ready.

A walk through a garden in England.

Seed propagation in the garden strawberries we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries, alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth allocating a place for it in the berry garden.

Often at the sight beautiful flower we instinctively lean in to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the florist and designer, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners when evening comes. We are never overwhelmed by the scent of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Many gardeners consider pumpkin to be the queen of garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, healthy qualities and rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the opportunity long-term storage this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your plot, you will be interested in learning how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to prepare this dish at home, there is nothing complicated in preparation. Scotch eggs are a hard-boiled egg wrapped in minced meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fried. For frying, you will need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then that’s just great - even less hassle. You will also need oil for frying so as not to smoke in the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs of Dominican Cubanola fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Warm-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. It requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, a better (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea curry with meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, prepared based on Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires some prep. The chickpeas must first be soaked in large quantities cold water for several hours, preferably overnight, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat overnight in the marinade so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then prepare the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb can not be found on everyone garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! A large green or red rosette of plant leaves, reminiscent of burdock, protrudes beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and for them it is important to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to an assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground, is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late dates- at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious “background” plants of sansevieria do not seem boring to those who value minimalism. They are better suited than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme hardiness in only one species of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - rosette sansevieria Hana. The squat rosettes of their tough leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months of the garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balanced distribution of days favorable and unfavorable for working with plants. lunar calendar. Vegetable gardening in June can be done throughout the entire month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do it useful work. There will be optimal days for sowing and planting, for pruning, for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a holiday menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this is the preferred meat for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, are the most good choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus, boletus and other delicacies are best prepared for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious ones and with interesting, non-trivial foliage colors. I have various Japanese spirea, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry... And there is one special shrub, which I will tell you about in this article - viburnum leaf. To realize my dream of a garden that does not require great care, he probably fits perfectly. At the same time, it is capable of greatly diversifying the picture in the garden, from spring to autumn.