What does mumiyo treat: healing properties, how it is useful for prevention and how it helps in treatment. Mumiyo: what it helps with and what it treats, how to use it for medicinal and cosmetic purposes Mumiyo instructions for use

We are pleased to welcome you to the website dedicated to mumiyo.

Here you can find detailed information about the properties, composition, and method of use of this product, given to us by nature.

Mumiyo is a very complex substance in its chemical composition and structure, which is mined only in some mountainous regions of the earth.

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What is Mumiyo?

Many books and articles have already been written about the unique healing properties of mumiyo, but still, what is it?

Mumiyo is a rich organo-mineral complex natural origin. It consists of more than 85 necessary for a person minerals and trace elements.

Mumiyo as a medicine has been known to mankind for more than three thousand years. Many doctors tell us how to use it in their works. different periods, this is Rhazes and Biruni and Avicenna. Aristotle in his works describes in detail its production and, most importantly, how to use it. All this was known back in the 4th century BC. Traditional medicine of Tibet, Central Asia and India successfully used it medicinal properties in those distant times and continues to be used no less successfully today.

These days, mumiyo is experiencing its rebirth. Modern medicine has already paid attention to its healing properties. One of the most popular works is the book by Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences I.P. Neumyvakina “Mummy. Myths and reality".

Resin deposits are found only in some mountainous areas of the earth. They are most common in Russia, Tibet and India. The reserves of high-quality raw materials are very small, and therefore mumiyo is often faked.

This product is a black-brown elastic homogeneous mass with a specific odor and bitter taste. It should completely dissolve in water giving it a brown color.

Rock resin changes its physical properties depending on environment. For example, with high humidity, mumiyo becomes very sticky and shiny (enough for it to rain outside the window); in dry weather, it quickly loses moisture, so it must be stored closed.

Today, it has been scientifically proven that mountain balsam has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, increases the resistance of the immune system to various diseases, stimulates the regeneration process, which reduces the period of bone tissue fusion, promotes wound healing, and has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Many cosmetic products contain mumijo in their composition, such as stretch mark creams, shampoos, various scrubs and masks.

If you still don’t fully understand what mumiyo is, you will be captivated by its healing power!

Useful properties of mumiyo

Mumiyo is widely used in medicine and cosmetology:

  • It has a beneficial effect on facial skin. Its antiseptic properties help relieve redness, reduce and dry inflammation. A succinic acid and the antioxidants that make up mumiyo help the skin regenerate faster, make it more youthful and toned, and reduce wrinkles.
  • With its help, you can successfully get rid of scars, stretch marks and cellulite, which is why the resin is often used for cosmetic masks.
  • It has a positive effect on the condition of the hair, protecting it from harmful environmental factors, and also strengthens the hair follicles, stimulates improved blood flow in the scalp, thereby fighting hair loss.
  • Its benefits are irreplaceable for colds and viral diseases, inflammatory processes. Preparations that contain mumiyo are effective against influenza, sinusitis, sore throat, and inflammation in the genitourinary system.
  • Helps fight digestive disorders. Pain, discomfort in the components of the gastrointestinal tract, heartburn, gastritis, ulcers, flatulence - all these problems and ailments can be successfully treated with the help of healing resin.
  • Consumption of mumiyo helps to stabilize metabolic processes in the body. Including, it stimulates the production of sufficient amounts of hormones by the adrenal glands, thyroid gland and ovaries. And this, in turn, helps to fight many ailments, the appearance of which is caused by disruptions in metabolism (including diabetes).
  • Healing resin has exceptional benefits for nervous system person. It helps fight the effects of stress and overexertion, get rid of sleep problems, and relieve migraines.
  • Accelerates tissue regeneration, including muscle and bone. Therefore, any problems with bones or muscles, including fractures of varying degrees of complexity, are resolved faster if they are treated using preparations based on mumiyo.
  • Effectively relieves painful sensations in joints. This, coupled with its anti-inflammatory effect, helps treat arthritis.
  • Improves blood flow, makes the walls of blood vessels stronger, helps them become more elastic, helps fight varicose veins veins
  • Useful for respiratory system. Its use speeds up the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, and allows you to get rid of the annoying suffocating cough that accompanies these and many other ailments.
  • Helps stabilize weight as it helps normalize metabolism. This aspect of the effect of mumiyo will appeal to people who want to get rid of extra pounds, but have not yet succeeded in achieving their goal.

Use of mumiyo

There are universal recipes for using mumiyo, which are suitable for any kind of disease and recipes, specially compiled, selected and optimized for the fastest and most effective solution specific problem. You need to understand that cleansing the body and treating stomach ulcers involve different methods of application.

There are practically no diseases in the presence of which it is contraindicated. This is a unique and one-of-a-kind remedy that allows you to get rid of many diseases. In addition, with regular use, there is a significant increase in immunity.

Recipes for using mumiyo

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Mumiyo treatment. Mumiyo application recipes.

Use of mumiyo in home cosmetics

The cream for stretch marks with mumiyo demonstrates simply amazing results, which allows you to practically “exterminate” them. Shilajit is also effective for weight loss.

Shilajit in the treatment of diseases

What is the reason for the active use of mumiyo in the treatment of the disease? Of course, the unique properties of this substance, which has an anti-inflammatory, regenerative-stimulating and general tonic effect. Shilajit promotes the healing of wounds and burns, as well as fractures and dislocations, allows you to minimize and even eliminate any manifestations of allergies, and relieves a myriad of health problems.

One thing can be said with confidence: the use of mumiyo for the treatment of diseases has practically no restrictions, because this remedy has a truly wide spectrum of action.

Use of mumiyo for joints and bones

Shilajit has a highly effective stimulating effect on bone fractures. The time for bone fusion is significantly reduced. The content of a complex of microelements in the resin of natural origin helps to stimulate oxidative-inflammatory processes, which promotes active regeneration and ensures success in the treatment of joints and rheumatism. It is especially useful to use mumiyo for arthritis. It will also help with a dislocated shoulder.

Use of Mumiyo for gastrointestinal diseases

Indications for the use of mumiyo in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers in any instructions for this drug are second on the list after fractures, dislocations, injuries and sprains. This indicates the high effectiveness of the remedy for eliminating problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

If mumiyo can cure an ulcer, then it can also treat gastritis, as well as colitis. The first improvements will be noticeable after two weeks of proper use of the product. Can't resist the unique properties of mumiyo and cholelithiasis. With its help, hemorrhoids will also leave you, regardless of the stage of the disease.

Treatment of liver and kidney diseases with mumiyo

Eye diseases

The development of glaucoma leads to inevitable processes that are fraught with partial and even complete loss of vision. This disease is also treated by taking mumiyo orally.

Schemes and methods of using mumiyo

Proper and regular use of mumiyo has a beneficial effect on the immune system, increases the rate of regeneration of damaged tissue, and normalizes metabolism. The product is practically harmless, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components. Even pregnancy or breastfeeding are not contraindications for use.

Today, many folk recipes for using mountain balsam and scientific schemes have been developed, with the help of which effective courses of treatment are carried out.

Method of using mumiyo A. Shakirova

Among the many works devoted to the use of mumiyo, the most widespread and famous are the works of A. Shakirov, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Back in 1976, he published the book “Mummy in complex treatment bone fractures”, which contains recipes for the internal and external use of this remedy, the effectiveness of which has been proven during clinical testing.

According to Shakirov, mumiyo should be used in the following dosage: children - 0.05 g, adults - 0.2-0.5 g. The dose is taken on an empty stomach, an hour or two before meals. As you know, mumiyo has a bitter taste and a specific smell, so it is recommended to drink it with milk, sweet tea or honey water. One course of treatment lasts 7-10 days, after which it is necessary to take a ten-day break, repeat the course, again take a break of 10 days and take the final course. The treatment program according to the above scheme assumes the need to purchase six grams of the drug.

According to the general therapeutic dosage norm, mumiyo in the amount of 0.15-0.2 g is taken in the morning on an empty stomach once a day. The use of such a scheme is provided for a period of 10 days, which should be followed by a break of 5-10 days. According to doctors, a break of 5 days is preferable. At the end of the break, you should resume taking the drug and drink it according to the schedule for 10 days. It is possible to calculate the amount of the drug not according to the above norm, but depending on body weight:

  • – people whose weight does not exceed 70 kg can take 0.2 mummy and this will be quite enough;
  • – a weight of 70-80 kg already requires 0.25 g;
  • – 80-90 kg – 0.3 g;
  • – if the patient’s weight exceeds 90 kg, you need to take 0.5 g of mountain resin.

The drug is so useful and has no contraindications that it can be administered from the first months of a child’s life. Daily dosage for children:

  • – 3-12 months is 0.01-0.02 g mummy;
  • – 1-9 years – 0.05 g;
  • – 9-14 years – 0.1 g.

Folk recipes, backed by centuries of experience, say that you should take a dose of wheat grain. Take the drug 1-2 times a day. This dosage has no contraindications, no side effects have been observed. To achieve optimal results in a short time, it is advisable to combine internal and external use of the drug.

Ways to take mumiyo

Internal administration of the drug. When using mountain balsam, a pronounced positive effect, especially clearly manifested in the improvement of the condition of the stomach and esophagus. The drug is also used as an immunostimulating and general strengthening agent. Despite the presence of a number of unique properties, it is necessary to take into account those side effects, which are rare but may appear in some patients:

  • – yellowing of tooth enamel is observed when the drug is absorbed in the mouth;
  • – skin pigmentation, manifested in the form of light brown spots on the face and hands with prolonged use of the drug. Pigment spots disappear quickly after completing the course of treatment.

External use. Mumiyo will cope well with minor skin damage. To do this, you need to prepare a 10 percent aqueous solution of mountain balsam, which you need to lubricate the damaged areas 2-4 times a day. If the wounds do not heal for a long time or fester, it is necessary to increase the dosage and prepare a 30 percent solution, which should be applied twice a day. It is advisable to cover the damaged area with a bandage or bandage. To treat deep-lying abscesses that have a superficial outflow, a piece of dry mummy weighing 2 g is applied to the place where the pus emerges, after which it is rolled out to the size of the wound. It is best to roll out a slightly warmed preparation. Polyethylene and an elastic bandage are applied over the mummy. Such thorough sealing leads to dilution of the product, which facilitates its deep penetration into the tissue. This is very important, since mumiyo has antimicrobial properties and the ability to accelerate regeneration.

Mumiyo cakes, compresses

The simplest and completely safe way to use mumiyo externally is to apply a compress. Indications for this use may include abscesses, radiculitis, joint pain, mastitis, osteochondrosis and other conditions and injuries. With this use, there is no need to worry about the possibility of an overdose of the drug, since only the required dose can be absorbed into the skin.

Studies have shown that on healthy areas of the skin there is almost complete absence absorbency of the mummy, while at the same time in damaged areas this process is completed amazingly quickly. The dosage for external use is determined depending on the size of the damaged area. To ensure that the mummy, which is liquefied by body temperature, is not absorbed by the bandage, the preparation must be covered with polyethylene.

It is best to apply the compress before bed and leave it on until the morning. In the morning, carefully remove the plastic and rinse the skin. If there is a need for a second course of treatment, the compress can be applied only after 2-3 days to avoid irritation on the skin. If, after removing the compress, a large amount of the drug remains on the polyethylene, in order to save valuable substances, you can reuse it, adding, if necessary, the missing amount of the product.

Shilajit for rinsing

In the presence of a number of inflammatory diseases, it is possible to use mumiyo solution for rinsing the mouth as prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment of teeth and gums

You can apply the mummy to a sore tooth or gum. Although this method is completely safe, it should not be abused or used for too long. If the desired analgesic effect is not achieved within 5-10 minutes, it is better to stop further use drug. A special dosage regimen has been developed for the treatment of periodontal disease.

Shilajit and ear treatment

A 15 percent solution of mumiyo, preheated to a warm state, is taken into a pipette and instilled into the ear for purulent and acute otitis media. In this case, the patient should lie on the side opposite to the diseased organ. To ensure that the medicine gets inside the damaged organ, after instillation you should make a couple of swallowing movements and remain calm for the next 15 minutes. Next, you need to place a cotton swab in your ear and do not remove it for a day. After 24 hours, the tampon is removed and the ear is washed and cleaned. Ideally, it is possible to instill the solution overnight and then warm the ear through a woolen pad with a heating pad. As a rule, 3-7 instillations per course of treatment are sufficient.

Instilling mumiyo into the nose

This method is actively and successfully used when it is necessary to cure inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. The method is also effective for the treatment of sinusitis. Achieving the desired result may require both a moderate concentration of the solution, at which it has a transparent brownish color, and quite intense, when the solution turns out to be opaque. It should be borne in mind that a strong solution can cause severe burning in the sinuses affected by the disease.

After the solution enters the nose, thinning of the mucus is observed. The effect of using mumiyo in this case manifests itself almost instantly. Immediately after instillation, the nose is freed from accumulated mucus. You can repeat the procedure several times until the nasal passages are completely cleansed.

Eye drops

For mild inflammatory diseases, for example, the formation of barley, the method of instilling a mummy solution into the eyes is used. In this case, the concentration should be very weak. If the desired effect is not achieved, it is not recommended to re-instill the solution. The dosage is 1-2 drops of a very light solution in each eye. After instillation, you should blink vigorously so that the solution is evenly distributed over the surface of the eye. You can repeat the procedure several times, waiting 5 minutes after the previous one.

Microclysters from mumiyo

This method is indicated for hemorrhoids, poisoning, intoxication, duodenal ulcers, and colitis. To carry out the procedure, you need to take 50-150 ml of a four percent solution of the drug, slightly warmed beforehand. The position of the patient during the procedure depends on the location of the affected area. For hemorrhoids, just lie on your stomach. To treat high-lying areas of the intestine, the patient needs to raise his legs as high as possible and not change position for 5-15 minutes, which will allow the solution to reach the desired area. After finishing the procedure, it is advisable not to go to the toilet for 2 hours.

Shilajit and alcohol

Please note that you should not combine taking mumiyo with any alcoholic drinks. If you strictly follow the recipes, proportions and regularity of taking mumiyo, then this mountain resin can provide the body with a complex of essential vitamins and a large number of microelements. This will help significantly reduce the risk of weakened immunity and will promote vigor, longevity and good health.

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How do Shilajit tablets differ from whole Shilajit tablets?

Shilajit tablets are not mumiyo! These are tablets based on mumiyo extract. When tableting, the resin undergoes chemical and thermal changes, after which the substance loses its main medicinal properties.

Also, during the tableting process, various components are added to it, thanks to which the raw material acquires the necessary physical and mechanical properties. And these substances are not only not useful, but sometimes even harmful to health.

Real mumiyo– whole, is a resin-like viscous black mass with a bitter taste and a specific aroma, in which the smells of chocolate, bitumen, etc. are mixed.


As you know, any substance in a certain concentration can be a medicine, and in a certain concentration it can be a poison. And even the most useful drugs, such as mumiyo, must be used correctly, without exceeding the required dosage and duration of use. When using drugs based on this substance for allergy sufferers, it is worth starting with reduced doses to make sure that there are no negative reactions from the body. In addition, it is not recommended to be treated with it if there are the following contraindications:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Drinking alcohol and unwillingness to give it up during treatment.

In all other cases, even children can use the drug, but it is highly advisable to do this only after consulting a doctor. And, of course, women can turn to products based on this substance soon after the birth of a child and the end of breastfeeding, and patients who drink alcohol - if they are ready to give it up at least temporarily for the benefit of their health.

What is mumiyo made from?

What is raw material? It is a mummy-containing substance that contains the mummy itself and impurities such as sand, rock and other debris, so it is impossible to consume it without cleaning.

We will tell you in detail about four types of raw material: High-mountain raw material, Mid-mountain raw material, Foothill raw material, Mumiyo containing mud.

High-quality mumiyo cannot be cheap, because extraction of high-mountain and mid-mountain raw materials difficult task. Plus the amount of this raw material is very small.

In 95 percent, you are offered mummy extracted from mummy-containing mud. The therapeutic effect of this remedy is correspondingly small.

You yourself make the choice to save money or get a truly high-quality Mumiyo.

High mountain raw material.

Rarely seen. This raw material will produce the highest quality mumiyo; it is the most difficult to obtain, because... It is found on mountain slopes 3500 meters and higher from sea level. The pollution level is very low.


Amino acids: Aspartic acid, Alanine, Arginine, Histidine, Lysine, Leucine, Urea, Methionine, Proline, Serine, Thyronine, Threonine, Cystine.

Microelements: Manganese, Cobalt, Sodium, Sulfur, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, Vanadium, Nickel, Zinc, Chromium, Silver, Silicon, Aluminum, Barium, Bismuth, Titanium, Potassium, Copper, Molybdenum, Boron.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E, P.

Mid-mountain raw material.

It is mined at an altitude of 2500 meters. Rarely seen. Slightly polluted. In the photo you see how it differs from high-mountain raw mumiyo, there are more impurities here. The quality of the mumiyo is good.


Amino acids: Alanine, Aspartic acid, Histidine, Leucine, Methionine, Urea, Proline, Threonine.

Microelements: Manganese, Cobalt, Sodium, Sulfur, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Nickel, Zinc, Chromium, Silver, Aluminum, Barium, Bismuth, Titanium, Potassium, Copper, Boron.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3,B12, C, E, P.

Foothill raw material.

Found in foothill areas and up to 2000 meters. Quite a heavily contaminated form of raw material. The quality of the mumiyo is below average.


Amino acids: Alanine, Aspartic acid, Histidine, Leucine, Urea, Proline, Threonine.

Microelements: Manganese, Cobalt, Sulfur, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, Chromium, Potassium, Copper, Barium.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B12, P.

This raw material is found in large quantities in the foothills. Temperature changes, precipitation and wind make this raw material very polluted. The content of mumiyo here is less than 30 percent. The most common method of extraction. The quality of the mumiyo is very low, because... the composition is very poor.


Amino acids: Leucine, Urea, Proline, Threonine.

Microelements: Manganese, Zinc, Potassium, Copper, Sulfur.

Vitamins: B1, B2, B12.

Stages of cleansing mumiyo from rock.

Buying a real mumiyo

Characteristics that will help you make sure that you are buying a natural substance:

  • Saturated dark color and glossy surface.
  • An unobtrusive, but very characteristic smell (somewhat reminiscent of the smell of oil).
  • Bitter taste.
  • Rapid softening upon contact with skin.

Mumiyo, a substance of mysterious origin, can be called a panacea for many ailments. Scientific debates around it have continued for many years, but the healing qualities of mountain resin have healed people all over the world.

What is mumiyo?

Until the 60s of the 20th century, mumiyo was used in alternative healing in eastern countries. In our countries it is used for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes. No one has been able to create such an artificial substance. The hype around the product contributed to the emergence of surrogates, but its naturalness is genuine.

Basic definitions of mumiyo:

  • a natural substance found only in mountain ranges;
  • has a peculiar smell and bitter taste;
  • symbiosis of inorganic and organic substances, highly soluble in water;
  • a storehouse of useful elements with healing properties;
  • a medicinal product with regenerative, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying properties, etc.

The biological activity of mountain resin is to increase the endurance of the human body from environmental influences. It:

  • noticeably improves metabolic processes;
  • strengthens the immune and hematopoietic systems;
  • has a choleretic effect.

Properties and composition

The healing qualities of mountain resin are determined by its complex composition, which includes biological stimulants, fungi such as penicillin, and trace elements. This substance does not affect the offspring and does not have a toxic effect.

Its properties are multifaceted and unique, for example:

  • The product has a beneficial effect on the skin, renewing the lack of essential microelements. It smooths out wrinkles, tightens skin, heals scars and reduces stretch marks.
  • Increases mineral metabolism in the body, promotes rapid healing of bone fractures and wound healing.
  • In case of deficiencies in hematopoiesis and immune resistance, it helps in the scarring of stomach ulcers. In case of hepatitis and cirrhosis, it improves liver function and promotes stable functioning of the intestines and adrenal cortex.
  • In cases of damage to body tissues: burns, trophic ulcers, it promotes rapid recovery.
  • Normalizes general condition and sleep, improves appetite.

The drug consists of the main 60 chemical elements, including:

  • 6 amino acids;
  • about 10 metal oxides;
  • 30 micro- and macroelements;
  • a wide range of vitamins;
  • various resins.

This list is updated as other components are discovered, for example, humic acids and bee venom. The exact composition cannot be confirmed due to its varying quality. The substance is formed in different places and has different ages.

Mumiyo in tablets

Origin and production

The origin of mumiyo has two main directions:

  • geological;
  • biological.

But if we take a closer look at where the tar-like mystery of nature comes from, we can identify the following hypotheses of formation:

  • due to the interaction of minerals with microorganisms;
  • waste product of lichens;
  • frozen excrement of wild rodents and bats;
  • mummified remains of animal corpses;
  • the product of wild bees, in the form of fossilized wax and honey after thousands of years;
  • resins coniferous plants, mixed with water and settled in the crevices of the mountains.

The product is collected in mountainous areas inaccessible to people, at an altitude of up to 4 km above sea level. It can be found on rocks and in caves in the form of formations of sagging and icicles. The main places of dislocation of the substance are in Central Asia, but it is also mined in the south of Siberia, the Caucasus and Kazakhstan.

Why is the healing drug only available there? Because for its formation it is necessary:

  • low oxygen concentration;
  • sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • high percentage of ultraviolet radiation.

This set of factors can be observed directly in mountainous areas.

Using mumiyo for hair

Varieties of mumiyo

The places of origin determine the varieties of mumiyo and, according to the above, there are:

  • A mineral variety discovered in the recesses of high mountains, where animals do not penetrate and where plants do not take root. It is compared to natural carbon of the petroleum group – ozokerite.
  • Lichen, in the form of a hard and thick mass.
  • Excremental, widely used in medicinal purposes thanks to the essential oils contained in mountain plants. They are obtained due to fermentation that occurs in the digestive system of bats and other rodents living in the mountain range.
  • A cadaverous, waxy, dark-colored paste formed during the decomposition of living organisms.
  • Honey-waxy, yellow-brown substance.
  • Juniperus, a mass with a fragrant, resinous odor, dark brown in color.

There is also a bituminous variety that resembles oil, but does not contain volatile hydrocarbons, in the form of a dark, waxy paste.

Mumiyos are also distinguished by the names of the countries where they live:

  • Indian;
  • Burmese;
  • Japanese;
  • Mongolian, etc.


Natural mumiyo has a wide range of applications. Developed medicines based on this healing substance that cures:

  • allergic diseases;
  • ailments of the bronchial and nervous system;
  • infertility in both sexes;
  • chronic radiculitis and colds;
  • skin problems;
  • diseases of the intestinal tract, etc.

Due to its phenomenal properties, mountain resin is used everywhere in modern medicine:

  • cosmetology;
  • traumatology;
  • gynecology;
  • manual therapy;
  • cardiology, neuralgia;
  • urology, etc.

In some cases, the use of the substance is more effective than antibiotics, since it does not cause dysbacteriosis.

Therapeutic and prophylactic effect

Shilajit is a natural adaptogen that produces protection for humans from changes in temperature, humidity, and air pressure. It protects against negative environmental and climatic influences, infections, toxins and other harmful substances. The use of this drug improves mineral metabolism, which helps maintain the level of phosphorus, calcium, salts and manganese in the body.

It should be used for therapeutic prophylaxis:

  • With a decline in mental and physical ability, chronic fatigue, depressive states, and a weak psycho-emotional background.
  • For those who work under hazardous working conditions: toxins, vibrations, radiation, harsh climates, underground or underwater work.
  • People living in environmentally polluted areas.
  • With impaired fat metabolism and the insulin hormone.
  • During postoperative rehabilitation.
  • preventive measures against influenza, ARVI;
  • cleansing from all kinds of salts, impurities, toxins;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • protection from radiation radiation.

Altai mumiyo, peeled, whole

Cosmetic properties of mumiyo

Sometimes mumiyo is called the “elixir” of youth. Possessing properties that provide rich nutrition to the skin and hair, it is a universal cosmetic product.

The use of this product stimulates:

  • Minerals, which stop cell aging, prevent the formation of age spots and stretch marks.
  • Antioxidant components– saturate with vitamins and chemical elements, also slow down wilting.
  • Carotenoids– remove dead cells from the skin.
  • Organic acids– can whiten and exfoliate the skin.
  • Collagen– makes even middle-aged epidermis firm and elastic.

Lymphatic drainage and active blood circulation are the main factors in the fight against cellulite. Drugs based on the substance serve as generators in this treatment. Its anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties, resulting from a high concentration of zinc, help heal seborrhea and acne at home.

Hair masks made from mountain resin promote growth, strengthen hair, and give it a silky and soft finish.

Indications and contraindications

When discussing the indications for the use of healing resin, it is better to talk about in what situations it is powerless. For minor health issues, for example, during preventive procedures, the drug can be used without auxiliary means.

In severe cases, consultation with specialist doctors is inevitable. In these situations, the substance is used as an additional accompaniment to the main method of treatment. Shilajit activates and stimulates the process of rehabilitation after serious illnesses, dangerous injuries, burns, and operations.

Those who tried it felt excellent well-being and good spirits. In addition to the positive impacts on immune system, the product can also normalize metabolism.

The use of all possible means and methods of treatment must be systematic, within the framework of rationing of use and taking into account contraindications.

Organo-mineral product is contraindicated:

  • people with hypersensitivity to the component;
  • for the treatment of diseases for which it is not intended;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding mothers;
  • for oncology;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • in old age;
  • when drinking alcohol;
  • with alcohol-based medications.

You need to resort to a “panacea” when necessary. For example, before treating insomnia with this substance, it is easier to try to normalize your lifestyle and diet.

Using mumijo against stretch marks - before and after the procedure

Methods of application

Depending on its purpose, mumiyo is consumed internally and used externally:

  1. Orally, as a rule, drink 0.15 - 0.20 grams in a solution of milk or warm water on an empty stomach for 10 days, then stop for 5 - 10 days, and resume if necessary. The temperature of the “solvent” should not exceed 37 degrees. Use internally for:
    • improving the functioning of the stomach and digestive tract in general;
    • improving performance;
    • strengthening the immune system;
    • for injuries, bruises, muscle strains with parallel rubbing.
  2. For ear diseases, dissolve mumiyo in rose oil and add juice young grapes, instilled into the auricle. Also for these purposes, you can prepare a mass from the healing substance and unsalted lard.
  3. A side effect of drinking may be yellowing of tooth enamel if resorption occurs in oral cavity. There are also therapy methods for treating teeth, gums, throat and eyes.
  4. A popular external method is a compress. For example, to treat damaged skin, you should prepare a 10% solution. It is applied to painful areas at least several times a day. For more complex wounds, prepare a 30% balm. Compresses with mumiyo are applied:
    • for pain in the joints, rheumatism, dislocations, fractures;
    • for radiculitis, osteochondrosis;
    • neurodermatitis, etc.

Review of preparations based on mumiyo

Pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations, the main component of which is a healing substance, are widely sold in pharmacies and retail outlets. Recently, funds have been actively sold through Internet resources.

Particularly famous:

  • Altai mumiyo, cleaned, whole. The range of applications is wide: periodontal disease, gastritis, migraines, ulcers, joint ailments, etc. The cost of the medicine is about 600 rubles.
  • Medicines in tablets. For infertility, joint pain, to improve vitality. They contain a full range of organic and mineral substances. Average price– 80 rub.
  • Shilajit capsules. Shilajit is able to overcome sexual weakness, deep-rooted chronic illnesses, mental and emotional decline. Like numerous products from mumiyo, it has a rejuvenating and tonic effect. Capsules are sold at prices starting from 360 rubles.
  • "Biolit". A massage cream designed to reduce skin tears costs over 400 rubles.
  • Mumiyo Kyrgyz. The list of effects is similar to the “Altai mumiyo” remedy. Price from 5 grams – 60 rub.
  • Toothpastes, focused on the prevention and treatment of oral disorders, the cost varies, around 100 rubles.
  • Mumiyo live, a preparation that will serve as the basis for the preparation of home remedies both for cosmetic purposes and for compresses. Depending on the dosage, an average of up to 400 rubles is estimated.

An organo-mineral product can be included in various hygiene products, cosmetics, medicines, and dietary supplements. The main thing is to understand the expectations from the action of the drug, to comply with the conditions of its storage and dosage.

Some buyers purchase the substance only in specialized pharmacies, while others are more suitable for home-prepared creams, masks, and compresses. Reviews about the use of tablets and capsules are also mixed. Of course, doctors' recommendations will be useful. Self-medication often causes damage to health. The healing properties of mumiyo will only be beneficial with a correct and balanced approach to treatment.

It should be remembered that you should not use raw mumiyo as a medicine, because it contains sand and clay, which clog the urinary and digestive systems. Preparations must be disinfected and sterilized, without impurities.

Altai mumiyo, the use of which is very widespread these days, has a healing and healing effect on the human body.

Mumiyo is found high in the Altai Mountains, where it was formed over many millions of years.

Shilajit contains many vitamins and minerals, metabolic stimulants. It is used to strengthen the immune system, restore strength after illness, heal fractures, and increase the overall defenses of the body.

Today it can be bought in tablets at every pharmacy. You can order Altai mumiyo via the Internet from companies that independently mine this mineral, purify it from impurities, certify it with government consumer protection agencies and sell it on their websites.

Shilajit is by its nature a resin, which includes a variety of organic residues. Insect shells, animal excrement, plant remains, bee venom, microorganisms and their metabolic products.

Shilajit: composition, therapeutic and prophylactic properties

Shilajit contains valuable organic components: proteins and amino acids, many different fatty acids, resins, gums, essential oils, benzoic and other organic acids, phenolic compounds, waxes, vitamins P, group “B” (B1, B6, B12).

  • Improves metabolic processes and which is very important for those who are interested in losing weight;
  • Dilates arterial vessels and enhances microcirculation;
  • Reduces blood pressure in people with hypertension;
  • Enriches the human body with minerals: calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron, potassium, manganese and others;
  • Improves digestion, helps restore normal microflora, heals intestinal mucous membranes;
  • Regenerates bone tissue during fractures, helps in the treatment of osteoporosis, caries;
  • Restores the integrity of the skin in case of stretch marks (stretch marks), scars, acne, boils, eczema, psoriasis;
  • Fights dandruff, prevents hair loss, improves hair growth;
  • has an adaptogenic effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system;

In principle, it is even difficult to say under what conditions mumiyo will not help you. It always helps! If the health problem is not so complex, it can be taken without any additional funds and it will definitely show its beneficial properties.

If a person has a serious illness, severe injury, burns or surgery, then mumiyo is used as an additional adaptogenic agent to the main method of treatment, which increases the body's resistance, improves the recovery process, and accelerates recovery. This is beyond any doubt!

Unpeeled shilajit appears as dull, crumbly pieces of rocky density. The cleaned mummy has a smooth, glossy surface. Color from dark brown to almost black, elastic consistency. On the hand, the heat of the palm begins to melt. It has a specific smell, you can’t confuse it with anything else. Genuine mumiyo is soluble in water without sediment or turbidity.

Strengthening the immune system. Friends! We always want our treatment to be difficult, but to be treated deliciously. So prepare a delicious recipe to strengthen your immune system. Take 5 grams of mumiyo and dilute it in a small amount of water. After this, mix the solution with 300 g of honey and take 15 g or just a tablespoon shortly before the start of the meal, up to 3 times a day. A month's course will reliably protect your body from colds.

Children after two years of age can also strengthen their immunity with the help of mumiyo. After all, in kindergarten they often become infected with infectious diseases. But unfortunately, children are often allergic to honey. Therefore, it will be better if you mix 2 grams of the substance and water (200 ml). Give your child a teaspoon, mixing with your favorite juice, morning and evening.

For bone fractures for accelerated repair and healing, it is recommended to take mumiyo at the rate of 200 mg for three weeks, dissolving this amount in water (100 ml). The drug is taken on an empty stomach, in the morning. In this dosage, mumiyo will work if your weight does not exceed 50 kg. If more, then increase the single dose of mumiyo to 500 mg. After two weeks of taking it, take a break for a week. After this, repeat two more similar courses.

Bone cracks, bruises, and sprains are treated in the same way. In addition to internal use, it is recommended to apply mumiyo externally in the form of rubbing with vegetable oil and honey.

Mumiyo in gynecology: for erosion (inflammation) of the cervix, vulvovaginitis, it is used in the form of douching or by inserting cotton swabs into the vagina at night. For the procedure, take 2 grams of the substance and boiled water(100 ml). The course consists of 10 sessions, but already on the 5-6th day there is a noticeable improvement.

Altai mumiyo: reviews

Irina Pak (Korsakov). I really like the product. My husband and I have been drinking it for two months now. At first I didn’t notice any signs of improvement. Then I analyzed my condition: my intestines work regularly, the blues almost never occur, my joints have stopped hurting. My husband stopped snoring; sometimes I couldn’t sleep because of his snoring. During gout attacks, I used lotions at night. In three days the sharp pain went away and the swelling in the joints went away. When the mumiyo ran out, we ordered a larger quantity again. The interesting thing is that while we were resting from the mumiyo, there were no attacks at all. Here's how to explain it, I'm just at a loss.

Olga. Thank you very much, I received the mummy quickly. I only had to wait 4 days. I had a knee injury and the joint was swollen and inflamed. I used different ointments, but they did not help. Now I make compresses with mumiyo and honey at night. I only did it 4 times and the swelling began to subside. It's just a miracle!

Alla Bobrova (Chelyabinsk). You asked me to write a review about the mummy that I ordered from you. I treat arthrosis with mummy baths. I liked the advertisement at the time: one grandfather gave up crutches after three months of using mumiyo. Compared to my grandfather, I'm OH-HO-HO! I figured that I would ESCAPE in two months. I have arthrosis of the hip joints and lumbar osteochondrosis. But alas, the result is ZERO! A friend lent me a jar of mumiyo because I had bronchitis. I sucked the mummy under my tongue before bed and washed it down with milk and honey. This helped a lot. And with baths – things didn’t work out! Still, thank you for your attention. I will definitely take your discount offers into account. Best regards, A.M.

The description is valid on 13.11.2014
  • Latin name: Mumijo
  • ATX code: A16AX
  • Active ingredient: Mumijo
  • Manufacturer: PJSC Monfarm, Ukraine; LLC “Sashera-Med”, Pharmaceutical company “Evalar”, JSC Fionda, Russia; KRKA, Slovenia


Both the properties and composition of mumiyo are quite complex. Shilajit is a unique substance consisting of more than 80 different components.

The composition of mumiyo is variable and depends on the natural conditions it is being born. So, what are all kinds of tablets, ointments and medicinal tinctures made from?

The natural substance, purified from impurities, is an elastic, shiny biomass that looks like resin. Its color is uniform, ranging from brown to black.

The product has a specific balsamic smell, in which impurities of oil and dark chocolate are felt, as well as notes of wormwood and juniper. Its taste is bitter.

What does mumiyo consist of?

Chemical and spectral analysis of the natural mixture made it possible to identify in its composition such elements as cobalt, silicon, aluminum, manganese, lead, iron, magnesium, calcium, nickel, lead, titanium, and phosphorus.

It also contains essential oils (including zoomelanoidic acid ), fatty acids , , vitamin P And Group B , resins, humic bases, as well as a number of substances, the properties of which to this day remain incompletely studied.

Release form

As an active component, the substance is included in tablets, oil tinctures, pills, creams, ointments, aqueous extracts, and applications. It is also available in capsules, in the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories, and aqueous-alcoholic tinctures.

Pharmacological action

Mumiyo belongs to the group medicines, influencing the condition digestive tract and current metabolic processes .

The drug has regenerating, immunomodulatory, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, moderate bactericidal, mucolytic And secretomotor action.

It regulates the processes occurring in the body metabolic processes , renders reparative and adaptogenic effect . Normalizes link condition indicators humoral, , level, and in, and also increases production endogenous interferon and NK cells . Accelerates fusion bone tissue after injuries and liver cells after suffering hepatitis (both viral and toxic), has a pronounced antioxidant effect and protects cell membranes from damage.

In the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories, mumiyo helps reduce the number of relapses in frequent inflammatory gynecological diseases, restores the mucous membrane, has a positive effect on, eliminates the causes that provoke pathological changes in rectum , and also prevents the development of their negative consequences.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The beneficial properties of Altai mumiyo are determined by the presence in its composition of a large number of micro- and macroelements, which are balanced in terms of the physiological effect they have on the human body.

The substance has an effect on protein , lipid , water-salt , carbohydrate And mineral exchanges , as well as for the current redox processes .

It is assumed that the stimulating effect of the substance manifests itself even at the cellular level and that its components accelerate the processes of division and increase in the number of cells, activate exchange of nucleic acids and proteins , which is extremely necessary for a number of serious diseases.

Shilajit has the ability to accumulate in the body: the process of its elimination proceeds quite slowly, due to which Shilajit has a prolonged effect.

Indications for use: what treats mumiyo in various dosage forms

The use of mumiyo is advisable for a wide variety of diseases. It is used both as a therapeutic and as a prophylactic agent. For prevention, it is prescribed for disorders lipid metabolism , psycho-emotional and physical overload, stress.

For weakened patients, the elderly and children, taking the substance for preventive purposes can increase the body's resistance to adverse factors.

What does mummy in the form of candles help with?

In the form of suppositories, the drug is prescribed for treatment anal fissures , inflammation of hemorrhoids , necrotic-ulcerative processes in the wall of the rectum.

The use of purified mumiyo in gynecology is indicated for inflammatory diseases that are accompanied erosive lesions of the cervix .

Indications for the use of tablets and other dosage forms

The use of mumiyo in tablets and other dosage forms is indicated for the treatment of:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, wounds (including purulent and infected);
  • fractures, sprains, dislocations, bruises ;
  • neuralgia related to injuries and illnesses musculoskeletal system ;
  • dermatological diseases ;
  • diseases digestive system And biliary tract ;
  • bone tuberculosis processes ;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diseases peripheral nerve trunks ;
  • deep vein thrombophlebitis ;
  • gastritis ;
  • breast inflammation ;
  • inflammation of the middle ear ;
  • purulent otitis ;
  • conditions accompanied symptoms of dyspepsia ;
  • diseases affecting oral mucosa, teeth, gums ;
  • brain stroke ;
  • decrease in vitality;
  • burns, boils, acne ;
  • oncological diseases ;
  • post-infarction conditions etc..

It is also used to treat infertility in men and women, as well as to restore weakened sexual function and hyperaspermia in men.

Contraindications for mumiyo

In addition to the beneficial properties, there are also contraindications for mumiyo. Thus, the drug should not be taken by people with hypersensitivity to him, children under two years of age, as well as pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.

Before taking shilajit orally or using it in suppository form, you should consult your doctor to assess the potential benefits and contraindications for use.

Side effects

Side effects and toxic effects from the use of golden mummy in tablets or suppositories develop extremely rarely. As a rule, they are associated with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and are expressed in the form of signs.

Instructions for use of mumiyo

Use of the product in the form of suppositories

Candles with mumiyo have an intense restorative effect. They are intended for both rectal and vaginal use. Depending on the diagnosis, they are inserted deep into the vagina or rectum.

In the acute phase of the disease, adult patients are recommended to take one suppository twice a day, at regular intervals. Treatment is carried out in two ten-day courses, with an interval of seven days between them.

Children over two years of age are administered one suppository per day. The course of treatment lasts ten days. It is repeated if necessary.

For adult patients, for preventive purposes, as well as if the disease is mild, it is recommended to administer suppositories one at a time for one month. Preventive courses can be repeated at intervals of 3-6 months.

How to take mummy in tablets?

There are many recommendations on how to drink mumiyo. Most often it is prescribed to take one tablet two or three times a day for 10-12 days with a repeat course after a 10-day break. It is optimal to take the tablets 20-30 minutes before meals.

The instructions for golden mummy in tablets note that treatment involves a continuous course of taking the drug for 18-28 days. Depending on the severity of the disease, it is recommended to prescribe from 0.2 to 0.5 g of pure substance per day.

During treatment ulcerative colitis patients are prescribed to take 0.2-0.3 g daily, supplementing therapy with enemas with a 1% solution of mumiyo. They are given every other day, the dose of the substance is the same as for oral administration.

When treating patients suffering from skin diseases , apply bandages with a 1-2% aqueous solution or 2-3% ointment.

Burns and boils treated using 1-3% ointments or solutions. Affected areas should be treated as often as possible.

Therapy is often supplemented with the prescription of mummy tablets for oral use. The daily dose of the pure substance is 0.5 g. Treatment is carried out in ten-day courses, maintaining five-day intervals between them.

Many people are interested in how to breed mumiyo. It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously, since for different diseases, the methods of diluting this substance, as well as the dosages of ingredients for preparing a medicinal mixture, differ significantly.

Inflammatory ear diseases treated using a mixture of 0.35 g of pure substance, unripe grape juice and pure rose oil. The consistency of the mixture should be such that the proportion of the active substance in it is from 1 to 3% (depending on the clinical situation).

For treatment joint diseases (for example, ) 4 g of pure substance is mixed with 60 ml of water. Take the resulting mixture one teaspoon once a day (on an empty stomach). It is recommended to conduct four courses, with four-month breaks between them.

The use of mumiyo in combination with aloe is considered effective against all types of cancer. It is important that the plant is more than three years old. To prepare the medicinal mixture, 0.4 kg of aloe leaves are crushed through a meat grinder and mixed with a bottle (0.7 l) of strong red grape wine preheated to a temperature of 37 ° C and 0.5 l of honey. 2 grams of pure substance are dissolved in the mixture and left to infuse for a week in a dark, cool place. The finished medicine is taken for a month, one teaspoon three times a day, about an hour before meals, after which the dose is increased to one tablespoon. The frequency of receptions remains the same.

This dosage is taken for two months. In cases where this is necessary, the course of treatment is repeated. A prerequisite is that the wine must be natural. Red grape wine is harmful to cancer cells .

How to drink mumiyo for fractures

For fractures, mumiyo is taken for three weeks. Treatment requires approximately 40 g of pure substance. To prepare a solution, 2 g of the substance is dissolved in 100 ml of water.

For ten days, the solution is taken orally, a tablespoon three times a day before meals. In the following days, the dose is increased to 1.5 tablespoons.

The instructions for use of Altai mumiyo also recommend another dosage regimen. Following it, for 7 days the remedy is drunk one teaspoon three times a day before meals, in the next 7 days the dose is increased to a tablespoon, in the remaining 7 days - to two tablespoons.

It is also allowed to use mumiyo internally in its pure form for fractures. Take it for six days with a glass of milk. The daily dose is 5 g, the frequency of doses is 3.

Taking the drug for fractures in older people significantly accelerates scarring of bone tissue , restores the composition blood , normalizes calcium levels and effectively relieves inflammation .

It is recommended to supplement oral administration with the use of ointment or cream with mumiyo. It is also advisable for older people to take the drug from the company “Evalar” Mountain calcium D3 with mumiyo " It allows you to replenish calcium deficiency, which is observed in most elderly people.

Shilajit for allergies

For allergies, 1 g of the substance is dissolved in one liter of warm water. The product is taken once a day. The dose depends on the age of the patient: for children from one to three years old it is 50 ml, for children from 4 to 7 years old the solution is given 70 ml, after 8 years - 100 ml.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Store the drug in a cool, protected from moisture place. The optimal temperature is no more than +25 degrees Celsius. Keep away from children.

Best before date

In the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories - 3 years. In pure form and in tablet form - 5 years. In ointment form - 1 year.

Special instructions

All about mumiyo: mumiyo - what it is, how mumiyo is useful, medicinal properties and contraindications

As an answer to the question “What is mumiyo?” Wikipedia provides the following description: Shilajit is a product created by nature with a complex chemical structure, which is used to increase the body’s nonspecific resistance to various types of harmful influences (biological, physical or chemical in nature).

Shilajit is wonderful biostimulant . It has practically no contraindications, but on the contrary, thanks to its protective and adaptogenic properties relieves fatigue and restores lost energy.

In folk medicine, it has long been used to speed up fusion bone tissue at fractures . Clinical studies have established that this remedy is simply irreplaceable for bones - in patients taking the drug callus during healing fracture forms approximately two weeks earlier than in patients who were not prescribed mumiyo.

Benefits and harms of mumiyo

The benefits of mumiyo cannot be overestimated. Thanks to its composition, this natural balm allows you to treat a wide variety of diseases. However, this does not mean that the drug can be taken uncontrollably and without any regard for doses, because mumiyo has both beneficial properties and contraindications.

The substance has the ability to accumulate in the body (cumulate), and with prolonged use it can provoke undesirable, although quickly passing, effects.

In addition, the presence of any substance in the body provokes an enhanced reaction, which is associated with its processing and elimination.

Some people believe that shilajit should not be taken because it is radioactive.

However, the radioactivity of the substance is very insignificant, and, in addition, a small dose of it accelerates restoration of bone tissue in case of fractures , stimulates redox processes in the body , the process of interaction with oxygen and hydrolytic reactions ; increases the physical and chemical activity of the substances that make up a living organism; normalizes the patient's condition when hypertension , flaccid granulating wounds , wound sepsis ; and also contribute to the activation of self-renewal processes of the body and its vital activity as a whole.

There is also an opinion that elderly people should not use the drug, since the biologically active substances it contains are potentially capable of developing cells of the suspected tumor, if it is present in the body of an elderly person.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Stone oil (white mummy).


Purified golden mumiyo Evalar, Kyrgyz mumiyo, Altai mumiyo “Balm of the Mountains”, Mumiyo Shilajit, Arakul dshibal, Brogshun, Kao-tun, Miema, Mommia, Mumeea, Mumeiz, Momie, Mumlaj, Mummy, Saljit.

Shilajit for weight loss: reviews and method of application

Mumiyo for weight loss is taken twice a day: once in the morning, the second - an hour before bedtime. A single dose is determined depending on the initial weight:

  • up to 70 kg - 0.2 g (one tablet);
  • up to 80 kg - 0.3 g;
  • up to 90 kg - 0.3-0.4 g;
  • over 90 kg - 0.4-0.5 g.

The course of admission is 20 days. For best results, 2 or 3 courses are required at five-day intervals.

Use during pregnancy

The drug is contraindicated in . You should not take it during .

In the article we discuss mumiyo tablets - instructions for use, chemical composition, the main indications for taking the drug. You will learn how to take mumiyo tablets, what they are, what they treat, and whether they can be used for weight loss.

Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

The chemical composition of mumiyo includes more than 80 components:

  • nonessential and essential amino acids;
  • phospholipids;
  • monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • organic acids;
  • resins and resin-like substances;
  • essential oils;
  • steroids, enzymes, alkaloids;
  • tannins, chlorophyll;
  • carotenoids and flavonoids;
  • vitamins C, E, group B;
  • calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, other micro- and macroelements.

Appearance (photo) of mumiyo in tablets Mumiyo is sold in pharmacies in the form of resin, powder, ointment and tablets. The tablet form of release is the most affordable in terms of price and overall prevalence.

What are the benefits of mumiyo in tablets?:

  1. increases the body's resistance to negative influence environment - sudden changes in temperature and humidity, exposure to ionizing radiation, toxins, infectious agents and carcinogens;
  2. improves the regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue, mucous membrane, promotes the restoration of damaged skin and wound healing;
  3. effectively fights E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, dysentery, typhus and other pathogenic microorganisms.

Before drinking mumiyo tablets, keep in mind that according to your medicinal properties they are inferior to the drug in its pure form. When the resin is processed into tablet form, other components are mixed in and the concentration of the shilajit is reduced. However, the overall positive effect still remains.

What does mumiyo treat in tablets?

Shilajit has intense regenerative, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects on the body.

Why do they drink mumiyo in tablets?:

  • for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system - accelerates the fusion of bones in fractures, improves blood supply to muscles and joints, relieves pain, shortens the recovery period;
  • for skin injuries and dermatological diseases - has wound healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • for diseases of the digestive system, pancreas - improves their functional state, restores the structure and regenerates affected cells, stops putrefactive and inflammatory processes;
  • for diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system - improves cerebral circulation, reduces the excitability of the nervous system, has an antidepressant and sedative effect;
  • for diseases cardiovascular system- reduces blood pressure, prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, improves microcirculatory, central and peripheral circulation;
  • for diseases of the genitourinary system - increases libido, restores hormonal balance, relieves pain;
  • for diseases of the respiratory and ENT organs - improves the drainage function of the bronchi and the secretion of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, reduces swelling, improves immunity;
  • for cancer - prevents the development of negative effects after chemotherapy procedures.

To obtain the fastest possible results, it is better to use mumiyo not separately, but as part of a complex treatment.

Indications for use

Shilajit in tablets is taken for fractures. Thanks to the universal pharmacological action of Shilajit in tablets, the use of the drug is effective for medicinal purposes, cosmetology, and for weight loss.

For medicinal purposes

Shilajit is used to treat a large list of diseases:

  • osteoporosis, arthritis, osteomyelitis;
  • gout, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis;
  • dislocations, fractures, bruises and sprains;
  • cuts, burns, bedsores;
  • eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea;
  • cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, cirrhosis;
  • duodenal and gastric ulcers, chronic anacid gastritis;
  • colitis, dysbacteriosis, constipation;
  • neuritis, neuralgia, poliomyelitis;
  • paralysis, epilepsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
  • heart attack, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease;
  • varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids;
  • cystitis, nephritis, urolithiasis;
  • prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction, prostatitis;
  • cervical erosion, mastitis, mastopathy;
  • endometriosis, colpitis, female infertility;
  • diseases of the teeth and oral cavity;
  • pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
  • otitis, ARVI, rhinitis;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis, sore throat, etc.

Regular use of mummy tablets helps in the treatment of depressive, asthenic and immunodeficiency conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome.

In cosmetology

Shilajit is often used to treat the scalp and hair when it falls out or noticeably splits. The drug is added to shampoos, rinses and balms. After 2 months of use, the hair becomes strong, thick and smooth.

Many cosmetologists recommend mumiyo to eliminate uneven skin, such as cellulite and stretch marks. The first effect will appear after 2 months of daily use. Start preventing stretch marks during pregnancy.

Mumiyo successfully fights acne and acne on the skin. Add the drug to your daily cream, apply to the problem area and leave overnight. By morning, the inflammation will subside and the pimples will dry out. With regular use, mumiyo not only removes rashes, but also stimulates collagen production, restores skin elasticity, improves its tone and color, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

For weight loss

Shilajit in the form of tablets reduces appetite, accelerates and normalizes metabolism.

  • 0.2 g - with a weight less than 70 kg;
  • 0.3 g - with a weight of 70−80 kg;
  • 0.4 g - with a weight of 80−90 kg;
  • 0.5 g - with a weight of more than 90 kg.

The daily norm should not exceed the permissible values. Consult your doctor for the optimal dosage. The course of treatment lasts 10 days. Take a break for 30 days and, if necessary, start a new course.

Other uses

The range of applications of mumiyo is much wider. They drink it when they feel tired and urgently need to restore strength. Mumiyo helps in cases of poisoning from plant and animal poisons. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of allergies. Regular use of mummy tablets neutralizes skin itching, reduces rashes and normalizes breathing.

Mumiyo in tablets - instructions for use

  1. Do not use the drug without interruption for longer than 1 month. Take breaks between courses for 5-10 days.
  2. Take the first tablet in the morning half an hour before breakfast. Drink the second one in the evening. Remember that before taking mummy tablets orally, 2 hours must pass after your last meal.
  3. Be careful when using mummy tablets - instructions for use and dosages are designed exclusively for adults. Treatment of children with mumiyo should be supervised by a pediatrician.

The standard regimen for taking tablets for fractures, ENT diseases, neuralgia and gastrointestinal problems is 2 times a day, 1 piece half an hour before meals. Take the drug with milk or water.

Duration of treatment:

  • 3-4 courses for 10 days with a break of 5 days;
  • 2 courses for 30 days with a break of 10 days.

The dosage of the drug is calculated individually, taking into account the patient’s diagnosis, age and weight. Before taking mummy tablets, be sure to consult a specialist and create your own dosage regimen.

Cream with mumiyo for stretch marks


  1. Mumiyo - 4 tablets.
  2. Boiled water - 1 tbsp.
  3. Children's cream - 6 tbsp.

How to cook: Crush the tablets into powder, dissolve them in warm water and wait for the mixture to cool. Mix with cream until smooth.

How to use: Rub the mixture into the skin of the thighs, chest, abdomen and buttocks once a day after showering. The course lasts from 2 to 4 months.

Result: Shilajit improves metabolism, promotes skin regeneration, resolves scars. Stretch marks become thinner, paler and almost invisible.

For more information about mumiyo for stretch marks, watch the video:


The contraindications for taking mumiyo tablets are as follows:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • age under 14 years and over 70 years;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • oncological diseases.

Be careful with the drug if you have been diagnosed with arterial hypertension. Consult your doctor about dosage.

During treatment, mumiyo is prohibited from drinking alcohol in any form. Also, doctors do not recommend exceeding the dosage of mumiyo in tablets - both drinking and using externally in the form of creams and ointments. If you take a high-dose drug for more than 30 days, you may experience vomiting, diarrhea, nervous twitching of the arms and legs, increased blood pressure, and excitability.