Installation of gas pipes in the apartment. Gas riser - an area of ​​increased attention

The question of whether it is possible to move a gas pipe in an apartment is considered debatable. But it depends on what is meant by a gas pipe. What does it usually consist of? This:

  • the riser pipe itself, running along all floors;
  • squeegee extending to the slab;
  • a discharge going to the gas water heater (if one is installed);
  • connection to the AOGV (if the house does not have central heating);
  • flexible connections going directly to the devices.

Usually big problems arise when you want to move a riser pipe. But work with squeegees is possible, but it must be carried out by qualified gas workers. On the one hand, the tenant himself can screw a flexible liner to the finished drain pipe, but he needs to know the subtleties. For example, a specialist will definitely place a linen or synthetic gasket into the threaded connection, just as plumbers do when they connect pipes. The gasket in the threaded connection guarantees the absence of gas leaks.

On the other hand, a specialist will do such work better and faster, and will also give an official guarantee for the eyeliner, and if something happens to it, then you will have somewhere to turn for a free replacement.

Bandwidth table gas pipes:

When you can’t install a flexible gas connection

IMPORTANT! If you need to move the stove over a long distance, you cannot use a flexible hose. As a rule, the longest length that is possible in a particular case is indicated in the passport of each gas appliance. For some it cannot exceed 2 m, for others this size can be larger.

But at the same time, you also need to make sure that the hose does not bend excessively. If it is not possible to install the stove otherwise, then you will need to relocate the gas pipe. In other words, it will have to be increased. Such a pipe must be welded so that there are as few joints as possible through which gas can leak. And this is where the difficulties begin.

Gas is not only a flammable substance, but also an explosive one. Therefore, a specialist will never weld directly to the exhaust pipe. Even if he closes the valve and turns off the supply to the apartment, this does not guarantee that local overheating of blue fuel will not occur in the exhaust during welding work. Therefore, the pipe is initially measured, a sketch of the drawing is drawn up, according to which the part will be welded, which will then be screwed to the bend. This part, no matter how complex its configuration, will be manufactured either in the workshop of the housing office or in any safe place. For example, on the staircase. Now all that remains is to connect it using a coupling.

Branched gas pipe for two gas appliances.

A more complex case is when the tenant wants to demolish different places kitchen oven and hob. Then it will be necessary to branch the gas network inside the apartment. And in this case, it is also better to use a welded structure. It is only desirable that each device have its own valve in order to block the access of gas.

Is it possible to move a riser gas pipe?

It is not allowed to move a riser pipe in a multi-story building. You can bypass all the authorities, from the operational office and gas management to the local architectural department, and not get permission from them. Most likely, one of the authorities, if not all, will not allow this to be done. And they will be right: it is too dangerous to carry out such movements from the point of view of the integrity of the building. Gas is explosive, and many houses were designed in such a way that if the gas riser was damaged, the kitchen would be ventilated as much as possible, and if a gas explosion occurred, it would be so that the blast wave itself would extinguish the flame.

It’s another matter when the riser pipe needs to be moved in a private house. Here it is easier to obtain permission, and there will be less work and approvals. But in this situation, it is much easier to install gas pipes after the input, that is, already behind the inlet valve.

If you need to move a heating boiler, then it is better to coordinate such work with the house designers, since we are talking not only about gas communications, but also about water circuits and ventilation.

Alas, such work may also be needed. But for the most part - as emergency ones. If you have depressurized the pipe coming from the riser, then there is nothing you can do about it: you will have to weld it to the riser. How to do this:

  • such work is performed only by specialists from the local gas industry;
  • before welding work, all residents of the entrance are notified of the gas shutdown upon receipt;
  • disconnect the riser;
  • weld a new squeegee;
  • turn on the riser and carry out tests.

Why do you need to notify residents against receipt? Because at the end of the work, the gas will turn on unexpectedly for them. But if they were cooking something on the stove, then even turning off the gas for a short time will cause the flame to go out. But the valve on the stove will not be closed.

Not every stove is equipped with a gas control function, so it may turn out that gas will simply come out of the burner - poisonous and explosive. If the resident of the house is warned, he will monitor the stove and avoid a dangerous situation.

In the same way, you can insert another pipe into the riser, if it is so convenient to separate gas pipes for different devices.

Why is welding on a riser pipe possible? Because the gas, locked by the valve, will be far from the welding site and will not be able to heat up too much. The gas that remains in the riser can be released or burned off by the master before carrying out welding work.

Any additional insertion into the riser must be documented by the gas industry. It requires permission from management company and gas industry. If the tie-in is not approved, you may be fined for it and required to bring the gas distribution to its original state.

Any work with gas is a very responsible and serious action. This is important to remember.

The gas riser is laid vertically through all floors. It is designed to supply gas to apartment wiring. The riser is mounted from steel pipe on welding and threading. This material is the most durable. It is resistant to high blood pressure, temperature, experiences virtually no dynamic loads. Being painted oil paint, the gas pipeline riser is less likely to corrode.

Gas extraction riser: installation features

1. A vertical gas pipe is laid along staircases and kitchens. It should not take place in living areas, bathrooms, sanitary facilities. Perhaps the gas riser in the kitchen is optimal solution for apartments and houses. After all, the bulk gas installations be here (stove, column).

2. The vertical pipe passing through the ceilings is hidden in sleeves made from pipe trimmings of a larger diameter. The lower end of the sleeve is placed at the same level as the ceiling. Above level flooring the sleeve should protrude by five centimeters. This is necessary so that water does not get in there when washing the floors.

3. The distance between the pipe and the sleeve is filled halfway with the resin strand. The remaining space is filled with bitumen. This case must not contain welded or rubber joints.

4. The gas riser is laid openly. It is allowed to hide it in a groove in the wall and cover it with an easily removable shield with a hole for ventilation. The size of the ditch should be such that it is convenient to install the pipe and subsequently maintain it.

5. Hidden installation is allowed only in factory-made wall panels.

6. B multi-storey buildings They install a common gas riser with their neighbors. There is a shut-off valve on each floor.

7. In an apartment, the gas riser can be located behind the stove or in the corner of the kitchen.

When installing a gas riser in a private house, you need to hold general requirements and rules. A gas pipeline is a high-risk area. Hiding it in warehouses, sheds, or elevators is prohibited. In addition, access to the gas supply riser must be free.

Moving a gas riser in an apartment

Replacing the gas riser yourself is prohibited and dangerous. There is gas under pressure inside. It is difficult to cut off the old section of pipe under such conditions. Moreover, such unauthorized actions are punishable by serious fines.

How to move a gas riser?

Firstly, contact the gas service with this question. They will have to be convinced that moving the gas riser is really necessary. After all, your pipe is “tied” with your neighbors’. You may even need to create a new project.

Secondly, invite gas service specialists to the apartment and allow them to move the riser.

Today, a number of private companies offer services for moving and replacing gas pipelines (risers and inlets/outlets). Before you contact them, make sure that the work they do will be official. That is, all changes must be approved by the gas service. Your safety and your money are at stake.

What does the work of moving a gas pipe look like?

1. The master shuts off the gas supply to a specific apartment or to the entire riser. Warn your neighbors in advance to avoid any complaints later. Most often, gas workers come and turn it off. They are not obligated to warn anyone. And they won't do it.

3. Cuts off unnecessary connections. The hole is plugged by welding.

4. B in the right place the riser is connected to a hole for drainage. A piece of metal pipe is inserted.

5. At the opposite end of the outlet, install a tap (on the thread). The connection is sealed with a special tape or tow soaked in paint.

6. The pipeline is routed from the tap to the required points.

Let the gas flow and check the tightness of all connections.

A blue flame can bring comfort and coziness to every home. Not a single housewife who prepares food can do without it. However, the use of gas is often associated with risk and depends on how competently the installation is carried out gas system in the house, the safety of all its inhabitants depends. That's why transfer of gas pipes and all other installation work of the gas supply system is best left to professionals.

When is it necessary to replace gas pipes?

Relocating gas pipes in a house is a very important task that is directly related to safety. Therefore, it is important to remember that this cannot be done without certain skills and special training. Of course, the work of hired specialists in a house or apartment can lead to some costs in financially, but if we consider the work from the security perspective, then its payment will not be so great.

As a rule, the transfer of gas pipes is carried out during the implementation overhaul in an apartment or house. But the need to move pipes may also arise in cases where technical faults are identified. According to the rules and instructions, the entire gas supply system must undergo reconstruction every 20 years of operation. And in each individual case, whether it is installation, whether it is necessary to move, cut a pipe or carry out other work related to the gas supply system, it is necessary to strictly follow all safety rules.

Instructions for moving a gas pipe

A professional who carries out the transfer of gas pipes always adheres to certain rules and algorithm:

  1. The apartment always has a special gas access valve, which should be turned off before starting work;
  2. The gas pipeline must be thoroughly purged to remove remaining gases from it;
  3. At the junction with the gas pipeline, you need to cut off the pipe that is in the way, and weld the resulting hole;
  4. A special hole is made in the wall and a gas pipe is installed.

It's important to remember that gas distribution must contain specially designed holes for a flexible bellows hose through which household appliances are connected. The length of such a hose should not be more than two meters.

Basic requirements for specialists when moving gas system pipes

In the apartment, the gas pipe is mainly located in the kitchen. Every person uses a gas pipeline and household appliances connected to it every day. But sometimes it happens that the gas supply pipe gets in the way. In such cases, gas pipes are transferred.

Before cutting a pipe in the kitchen, you must:

  • Write an application to the gas service and indicate the need to move the pipe;
  • A technical specialist will have to go to the place where it is planned to move the pipe carrying gas;
  • After this, the conditions of the upcoming work are assessed;
  • The specialist must make his decision regarding the possibility of moving or cutting the pipe and, if necessary, carry out necessary calculations, and also draw up an approximate estimate.

Sometimes, when the layout of the gas supply system in the kitchen does not suit the owner of the house or apartment, it is necessary to resort to drawing up a new technical plan of the premises, taking into account what the new wiring should look like, whether it will be attached to the wall, where the box for the gas pipe will be located, and so on further.

When entrusting the transfer of a gas pipe in the kitchen or any other room to specialists, you should make sure of their qualifications. To do this, it is worth checking the availability of certificates, dates of re-certification and confirmation of professionalism.

After the wiring of the gas supply system in the kitchen is changed, gas service workers are required to provide a certificate of completion of the work and make an appropriate note about changes in the system in the gas passport of the room.

Sanitary standards and rules for the location of the gas supply system

Regardless of whether the gas pipeline is fixed on the wall, in the floor or openly in the room, in any case, the distance from it to building structures, technological equipment or other pipelines in the apartment or house must be taken into account, taking into account the possibility of inspection, control and installation. . In this case, the gas pipeline system in the kitchen or any other place should not cross ventilation grilles, as well as openings for doors or windows.

The distance between the gas pipe running in the wall and wired broadcasting and communication equipment must be determined in accordance with all existing safety regulations.

IN residential buildings the height of the gas pipeline and its distribution must be at least 2.2 meters from the floor level to the bottom of the pipe through which the gas flows. If the pipe is equipped with insulation, then in such cases the distance to the bottom of the insulation is taken.

You can secure a gas pipeline that is laid openly to the wall using:

  • brackets;
  • hooks;
  • clamps;
  • pendants and so on.

The same means are used in cases where it is necessary to secure the pipe to ceilings or columns.

All requirements that regulate the distances between gas pipeline fasteners are set out in Sanitary standards and SNiP rules No. 2.04.12-86.

Safety first

Basically, the layout of the gas pipeline system in an apartment, kitchen, house or other room is provided for in the planning documents of this room. Often gas pipes are mounted on the wall. But if you still decide to make some changes, move or cut the gas pipe, then in any case it is worth remembering the safety rules. And this is understandable - during work that involves the wiring of the gas supply system in a room, there is always a risk of an accident. Therefore, if you decide to move the pipe or change its position on the wall only to improve the attractiveness of the room, it is better to abandon such an idea.

If the decision to make changes to the gas supply system is finally made, then make sure that at this moment there are as few people in the room as possible.

It is important to remember that when organizing the transfer of gas pipes and entrusting the work to special organizations, the organization must have the appropriate certificate allowing it to carry out work of this kind.

All work related to cutting, moving or fastening pipes must be accompanied by certificates of work performed. And only in such cases can you be sure that your life and the lives of your loved ones are not in danger.

Attention, TODAY only!

To move a gas pipe in an apartment/house, you need to invite specialists - this process requires specific knowledge. But if a person is familiar with the construction business, understands the principle of gas flow into a living space and knows how to work with his hands, then moving the gas pipe can be done on his own. True, for this you will need to familiarize yourself with the rules for performing the work in question.

How to move a gas pipe while following the rules?

The reasons why a gas pipe needs to be moved can be very different - rearranging the stove and furniture in the kitchen, technical malfunctions of the gas pipeline, inconvenient placement of pipes, and so on. Regardless of what specifically prompted the process in question, you need to read the instructions for its implementation and strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists.

Step-by-step instructions for moving a gas pipe:

  1. Turn off the tap that supplies gas to the apartment/house.
  2. Blow out the pipe to remove any remaining gas from it.
  3. The part of the pipe that is not needed is cut off. The resulting hole is carefully welded.
  4. In the place where the new pipe is supposed to be placed, a hole is made using a drill.
  5. A pipe of the required length is welded to the resulting hole.
  6. The faucet is mounted using a special tape or ordinary tow and paint - this will provide the necessary seal.
  7. An outlet is installed to the stove and other household appliances, but using threaded connections - welding work are over.
  8. The gas pipe (both the old section and the newly welded one) must be securely fastened to the wall.

Please note:
Having released gas into an already transferred pipe, you need to make sure that there is no leakage. This is done with an ordinary soap solution - it is applied with a brush to all connections on the gas pipe, and if a bubble appears in at least one place, then it is necessary to immediately stop the flow of gas into the pipe and do all the work again according to the step-by-step instructions written above.

If a specialist is invited for the type of work in question, then do not forget to check that he has special permission to carry out the transfer of a gas pipe.

Many people try to transfer a gas pipe with a flexible bellows hose - this is prohibited. This type of hose can only be used to connect gas household appliances and its length should not exceed 2 meters.

How to arrange and approve the transfer of a gas pipe

This work involves a risk to life and therefore the transfer of the gas pipe must be documented. What you need to do for this:

  1. Find a gas service organization at your place of residence - you need to submit an application to relocate the gas pipe. Based on this application, a master comes to the house, who inspects the place, determines the possibility of the transfer, makes calculations and draws up an estimate.
  2. After the work is paid for, a day is set for moving the gas pipe. Just remember to check in advance whether the organization has certificates/permits to carry out such work.
  3. Specialists who arrive on the appointed day must present their documents, and the customer must check the dates of their last recertification.
  4. After completion of the work, all changes must be made to the gas passport.

How should the gas system be positioned correctly?

The gas pipeline in the apartment/house must be located so that there is easy access to it - the system must be periodically inspected and repaired. There should be no sewer or water supply lines around the gas pipeline in the apartment/house. In addition, the distances that are permissible between the gas pipeline and telecommunication lines must be fully observed.

To attach gas pipes to the wall, you can use brackets, hooks, hangers and clamps. And according to the standards, all gas pipes are painted, for which only waterproof paints are used.

Any work related to the gas pipeline, including pipe relocation, should be carried out only as a last resort when it is really necessary - there is no point in “disturbing” the gas pipeline system again. But even if such a need arises, it is advisable to invite a qualified specialist to carry out the work - the risk of accidents during work and during subsequent operation will be reduced to zero.

Quite often a situation arises when it is necessary to move gas equipment. And if moving a gas appliance from one place to another does not present any particular difficulties, then moving a gas pipe in an apartment is a much more serious problem. The thing is that working with such equipment in itself is quite difficult. simple task, requiring certain skills and abilities.

Moreover, wrong actions can lead to very sad consequences, so we can say that such work without special training is not only difficult, but also quite dangerous.

So, it must be said right away that moving a gas pipe in an apartment can be divided into two large stages:

  • Coordination of the transfer with the relevant services;
  • Direct action.

Approval stage

Before considering this issue, it should immediately be noted that approval must be taken not only in the case of an apartment, but also when it is planned to move a gas pipe on the site - in general, for any such work, the approval process is mandatory.

So, it all starts with the need for transfer, or the need to simply trim off the extra centimeters, or the need for any other actions with the gas pipe. If there is such a need, then you should submit an official written application to the service serving the relevant area.

The application indicates the address and some other data, as well as the request for transfer itself.

After writing the application, after some time, a representative of the gas service serving the area must arrive at the address indicated. As a result of his work, a conclusion should appear about the possibility or impossibility of carrying out the transfer work. He will also tell you whether the pipe can be cut or not, where it can be moved and where it cannot be, and so on.

In the case when this issue is resolved positively, the specialists (the same or another person) make appropriate calculations, which include the cost of future procedures. It should be noted that it will be representatives of the gas service who will carry out the transfer of the gas pipe in the kitchen, so you will have to pay in any case, but it is difficult to say how much this procedure costs, since prices are different everywhere.

In addition, the final cost will depend on what related work will have to be performed, for example, it may be necessary to weld the pipe or shorten it, or even draw up a new technical plan for placing equipment in the house, and so on.

Direct transfer

As already mentioned, the entire procedure will be performed by a qualified specialist, but you still need to know the order of its implementation. And so, the stages of the transfer are as follows:

  • The first step in the house is to shut off the main fuel line through which fuel enters the room;
  • The so-called purging of the section of the pipeline that is located in the house is carried out. This procedure is necessary in order to completely remove all remaining fuel;
  • Next you need to trim the area that you plan to change. The formed hole is welded;
  • Further in the supply pipeline, in the place from where it is planned to release new branch, drill a hole using a drill and regular drill for metal;
  • A piece of pipe is then welded to this hole;

  • At the second end of this section, a shut-off valve is mounted, that is, a tap, which, if necessary, can completely shut off the fuel supply;

Advice! To make the connection between the tap and the pipe airtight, use tow and a special sealant, or a special tape.

  • After the tap is installed, the connection to the consumer is made. This is done using one of three types of flexible gas hoses;
  • The pipe is additionally attached to the wall, which is done using special brackets;
  • The last step is just to open the fuel supply valve and that’s it.

It must be said that flexible hoses must be selected in advance by size, since they have certain lengths, so if necessary, they cannot be shortened, unless we are talking about a regular rubber hose, which does not have fittings at its ends.


Upon completion of all installation work The entire system is checked for leaks and overall performance.

In general, you need to check the following questions:

  • The system is ready to function, that is, everything must be tightened, everything connected, and so on;
  • No fuel leakage in all components and connections.

The check is carried out the old way - using the usual soap solution. It is applied with a brush to all connections. If bubbles appear after application, then we can say that there is a leak. This connection is made poorly and requires reworking.

Important! After completing all the work, the specialist who carried out it is obliged to leave behind a report in which he indicates all the features of the work done.

It should also be noted that all changes are made to the premises passport. Contributions can be made only on the basis of the act, which was discussed a little higher.