Insects on the site are an average group. Summary of GCD in the middle group "Insects" lesson plan on the surrounding world (middle group) on the topic. Project activity product

Project in middle group"Journey into the World of Insects"

Project duration: short-term, weekly

Project participants: children, teachers, parents

Problem: Many children are disgusted by insects.
Some insects are feared and destroyed because they know little about the benefits of insects.

Relevance: environmental education is the formation in preschool children of environmental consciousness, ecological culture, the ability to understand and love the world around us, treat it with care. When children are introduced to nature, opportunities open up for aesthetic, patriotic
moral education. Communication with nature enriches the child’s spiritual sphere and contributes to the formation of positive moral qualities.

Target: formation of ideas about the life of insects.
Tasks: clarify the features of the appearance of insects, get acquainted with the development cycle, feeding methods, lifestyle, protection from enemies.
To lay the foundations of environmental education, to evoke pleasure from communicating with nature.
Preparatory stage.

I. Planning

Day 1 - meeting a bee
Day 2 - meeting a butterfly
Day 3 - meeting the ant
Day 4 - getting to know the mosquito
Day 5 - meeting the ladybug

Selection of masks, emblems
selection of encyclopedias, magazines about insects
registration of GCD, development schemes
selection of literary words
selection of educational games (lotto, puzzles)
selection of CDs with insect sounds

II. Practical stage

Meet the bee.
1) Literary word, riddles, reading Pavlov’s fairy tale “Nakhodka”
Goal: to introduce children to literary works about the bee

3) Conversation: “What do children know about insects?”
Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about insects, their diversity, distinctive features, nutrition and movement, develop phrasal speech, activate vocabulary on the topic
4) GCD “Comparison of a bee with a bumblebee and a wasp”
Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about the appearance of a bee, lifestyle, benefits, to develop the ability to compare and generalize, to consolidate the concepts of “insects”
5) Watching bees on a walk
Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about what flowers bees choose to collect nectar
6) Outdoor game “Bear and Bees”
Goal: develop the ability to run in different directions
7) Round dance of insects
Goal: to develop an ear for music, plasticity, to consolidate knowledge about the methods of movement of a bee
8) Learning the poem “Hardworking Bee”
Goal: develop memory and sense of rhythm, speech
9) Drawing honeycomb cells using templates
Goal: develop precision of movement and fine motor skills

Meet the butterfly
1) Word of fiction, riddles about a butterfly
Goal: to introduce children to literary works about the butterfly
2) Review of encyclopedias, magazines
Goal: to introduce children to appearance insects
3) Talk with children about the butterfly
Purpose: to introduce the varieties of butterflies, the butterfly development cycle
4) Visual activity (“Butterflies on flowers”)
Goal: to teach children to cut out a butterfly stencil and paste it, to consolidate knowledge about the coloring features of a butterfly (limongrass, cabbage grass, napoleon)
5) Observing butterflies in the flowerbed
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the appearance, mode of movement, nutrition of butterflies, to bring joy from admiring the beauty of flowers and butterflies
6) Outdoor game “Day and Night” (day and night butterflies)
Goal: develop the ability to act on a signal, follow the rules of the game
7) Game “Connect the dots and find out what the caterpillar will turn into”
Goal: to develop accuracy of hand movement, imagination
8) Decoration with butterflies on a thread of the veranda
Goal: to create a desire to decorate the area for everyone

Meet the Ant
1) Literary word, riddles about the ant, reading the fairy tale by V. Bianchi “How the ant hurried home”
Goal: to introduce children to literary works about the ant
2) Search for an anthill
Goal: consolidate knowledge about the ant’s home, how to protect anthills
3) GCD “From the life of ants”
Goal: consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about the lifestyle of ants, habits, benefits, activate children’s vocabulary
4) Logorhythmic exercise “Friends helped”
Goal: developing a sense of rhythm
5) Excursion to the forest. Anthill observation
Purpose: to clarify children’s knowledge about the behavior of ants and their habitat
6) Experiment “Isolation of formic acid”
Goal: development of cognitive activity
7) Game dramatization based on the fairy tale by V. Bianchi “Like an ant hurried home”
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the content of the fairy tale, to develop children’s artistic abilities, speech
8) Art activity “Who helped the ant get home”
Goal: to strengthen children’s visual skills, to depict different insects

Meet the mosquito
1) Literary word, riddles about a mosquito, reading A. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”
Goal: to introduce children to literary works about the mosquito
2) A mosquito’s story about where it came from (book by Yu. Dmitriev “Calendar of Green Numbers”)
Goal: getting to know the appearance of a mosquito
3) GCD “Insect-mosquito”
Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the life of mosquitoes, protecting humans from them, the benefits and harms of insects
4) Listening to music “Komarinskaya”
Goal: developing interest in musical works
5) Monitoring mosquitoes in different places plot
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the life of mosquitoes and their habitats in different times days and different weather, develop observation and curiosity
6) Outdoor game “Catch a mosquito”
Purpose: to train children in jumping, to develop accuracy of movement and dexterity
7) Logorhythmic exercise “Insect over the meadow”
Goal: develop a sense of rhythm, phonemic hearing
8) Handmade “Mosquito from natural material”
Goal: to develop constructive skills, fine motor skills of fingers

Meet the ladybug
1) Literary word, riddles and poems about the ladybug
Goal: to introduce children to literary works about the ladybug
2) Reviewing encyclopedias and magazines “What are the different ladybugs?”
Goal: to introduce children to the types of ladybugs
3) GCD “Our beloved ladybug»
Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about the appearance, habitats, and benefits of the ladybug, to develop active speech
4) Game “Connect the dots and see what happens”
Goal: development of fine motor skills
5)Applique “Ladybug”
Goal: to teach children to cut out a ladybug stencil and decorate it, to cultivate accuracy in work
6) Watching a ladybug while walking
Goal: develop observation skills
7) Listening to songs about ladybug
Goal: development of musical ear
8) Quiz “What do we know about insects”
Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about insects

III. Productive stage

Children have a desire to communicate with nature, to reflect their impressions through different types activities
children learned to understand the need to respect nature
there was a desire to get more information about insects

Working with parents on the project “Journey to the World of Insects”
memo for parents wishing to participate in the project
providing assistance in selecting encyclopedias, fiction, educational games
design of masks for outdoor games
observing insects with parents in different places and at different times
making a photo album about insects
Material for the project:
Poem “Hardworking Bee” (according to the method, recite poems with your hands)

The bee works all day
(Children draw a circle in front of them with their hands.)
And she is not too lazy to work.
(Wag the index finger as a sign of denial.)
Flies from flower to flower,
(They rhythmically flap their winged arms.)
Glues pollen to the abdomen,
(Make circular movements with your palm over your stomach.)
The proboscis sucks nectar -
(One arm is extended forward, then down and bent.)
He will collect a lot in a day.
(Open all fingers in front of you.)
Will carry nectar to that hive
(Draw a triangle in the air.)
And he’ll come back like a bullet.
(They sharply throw their hand forward with their index finger extended.)
Honey compacts in the honeycombs,
(They stomp their feet.)
Winter will come soon.
(They shudder.)
The bees will have something to eat
(Imitate movements with a spoon.)
In the summer they need to try.
(Imitate putting honey into honeycombs.)

Logorhythmic exercise “Friends helped”

The ant fell behind his friends. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.
He broke his thin leg.
Ay-ay-ay-ay, ay-ay-ay.
He quickly wrapped it in grass,
He quickly ran into the anthill.
Well, the sun has already set behind the forest.
It immediately became so scary and dark.
Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah!
It's good that friends helped
They brought the ant home.
Well done! Children press their palms to their cheeks and shake their heads rhythmically.
Legs are rhythmically bent and unbent.
They run in place.

They make a rhythmic spring.
Rhythmically cover your eyes with your palms.

They clap their hands rhythmically.

Logorhythmic exercise “Insects over the meadow”
“Ju-zhu-zhu,” the bee buzzes:
- I'm flying from afar.
“Zu-zu-zu,” the mosquito squeaks.
- Phew-phew, - like a steam locomotive
The bumblebee puffs, bringing pollen.
The beetle buzzes: “Buzz, buzz, buzz.”
I’ll wake anyone up.”
Children raise their arms to the sides and flap them rhythmically, like wings.
Rhythmically “throwing away” index fingers forward. They tap their feet rhythmically.
They clap their hands rhythmically.

E.A. Alyabyev “Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten", Moscow 2008
V.A. Alekseev “300 questions and answers on ecology”, Yaroslavl - 1998.
Yu. Dmitriev “About nature for big and small”, Moscow - 1982.
E.I. Zolotova “Introducing preschoolers to the natural world”, Moscow - 1992.
"A Reader for Older Children" preschool age"Moscow - 1993

(in the middle group)


Educational: Clarify children's knowledge about insects, their characteristic features, adaptability to living conditions; learn to express their movements with facial expressions, gestures and plasticity.

Developmental: development of attention.

Educational : bring up careful attitude to insects, love of nature.

Equipment : magnetic board, insect figures, object pictures depicting insects.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Stand next to each other and smile at each other. Guys, let's stand in a circle and share good mood with each other. I will smile and pass on my smile... (I say the name of the child standing on the right), he will pass on his smile to the next one. The smile should come back to me. (Children take turns passing smiles to each other ) . OK, thank you. Take a seat on your chairs.

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

Educator: Today we will go to a magical land, and to find out what this country is called, I invite you to solve riddles.

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off.

He took off and flew away.


small helicopter

Flies back and forth.

Big eyes

Her name is….(dragonfly)

She eats aphids from the branches

And he helps us in the garden

Sitting deftly on the sheets

This is God's... (bug)

(children independently display insects on a magnetic board).

Guys, how can you call a butterfly, dragonfly, ladybug in one word?

Children: these are insects.

Educator:Absolutely right. And today we will go to the land of “Insects”.

3. Conversation about insects.

( Luntik enters , he has a jar with a bug in his hands).

Luntik:Hello! You recognized me. I'm Luntik. I live on the moon. You know, such an interesting creature landed on the moon. We don't have those on the moon. Who is this? When I was on earth, I saw something like this. Maybe he lives somewhere with you?

Children: This….

Educator:Luntik, how good it is that you came to us. The children and I are just heading to the land of “Insects”. If you are interested, stay with us and give me the bug, it will sit in our garden for now, and then we will release it. Well, Luntik, will you stay?

Luntik:Of course I'll stay.

Educator:Well then, have a seat.

Guys, list the insects you know?


Educator:Now let's look at the insects in the pictures.

(The pictures are displayed in front of the children.)

Educator:guys, look, most insects have wings. Tell me, please, why do insects have wings?

Children:to fly from one place to another.

Educator:Yes, they move more with their wings, but they also have legs.

Guys, please tell me what insects need to live?

Children:they need air, water, sun, grass, flowers….

Educator:Luntik, tell me, are there conditions for insects to live on the moon?

Luntik: nooooo, that's why I came to you.

Educator:Guys, can you see insects on the water?

Children:Can. A dragonfly flies near bodies of water. Mosquitoes, midges...

Educator:how amazing and diverse insects are.

Tell me, what harmful insects do you know?

Children:for example a fly, a mosquito.

Educator:Why are flies harmful?

Children:flies carry infections. Mosquitoes bite people.

Educator:at the same time, birds feed on flies. Who eats mosquitoes?

Children: frogs.

Educator:Why can a butterfly be confused with a flower?

Children:she is just as beautiful, colorful.

Educator:Guys, tell me, is it possible to touch insects and bring them home?

Children: nooo

Educator: Why?

Children:can bite or sting. They can't live at home.

Educator:insects need to be protected. We can hurt them, you and I are so big, and they are small.

Educator:and now I invite everyone to stand up and do the “Dragonfly” exercise

4. Physical exercise. "Dragonfly"

Here is a dragonfly flying (children imitate the flight of a dragonfly)

Like pea eyes (representing the large eyes of a dragonfly)

And she’s like a helicopter (rotation)

Left, right, back, forward (tilts).

(after Luntik begins to itch, an ant crawls towards him)

Educator: oh Luntik, it’s an ant that crawled up to you.

Guys, look.

Luntik: yes, yes, yes, he probably crawled towards me when I accidentally landed next to his house.

Educator: Guys, what is the name of the ants' house?

Children: anthill.

Educator: Luntik, you came to us from the Moon. And listen, who flew to us yesterday.

5. Finger gymnastics.

Flew to us yesterday (Waving palms.)

Striped bee. (For each insect name, bend one finger.)

And behind her is a bumblebee - a bumblebee

And a cheerful butterfly,

Two beetles and a dragonfly, (Make circles with their fingers and bring them to their eyes.)

Like lantern eyes.

They buzzed, flew, (Waving their palms.)

They fell from fatigue. (They drop their palms on the table.)

Luntik: Ouch! And when I was with you last time. I liked the game of how ants store supplies for the winter. Play with me.

Educator: Yes Luntik, we have such a game.

6. Game "Thrifty Ant"

Luntik: Can I play with the children myself?

(There are two hoops at the edges in which there are balls, in the middle there is a basket - “Anthill”. Children are divided into two teams and pass balls from hand to hand from the hoop to the basket)

Educator: Thank you Luntik. And now we will show you real living insects. In our kindergarten there is an ecological point “Meadow”. There are a lot of insects there. Let's take the bug with us and release it there.

Stand up one by one

And follow me, everyone.


O.A. Solomennikova “Classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas”

"Attention! Dangerous insects!

Senior group

Teachers: Golushko O.S.

Yatsenko D.A


Target: Give children an idea of ​​a variety of dangerous and beneficial insects.


  • To form an idea about different insects and their necessity for humans.
  • To consolidate children's knowledge about insects that are dangerous to life and health,

Which they occur in nature. To provide knowledge about the rules of behavior when encountering different insects.

  • Form the idea that one’s life must be protected and not endangered.
  • Develop an interest in understanding the surrounding nature, observing caution and prudence.

Vocabulary work:Replenish and activate children's vocabulary: wasp, bee, mosquito, ant, bumblebee, fly, midge, tick.

Material for the lesson: subject pictures of various insects and their habitat. Doll, insect toys.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations about insects.
  • Introduction to literary works: G. H. Andersen “Thumbelina”, A. Bianchi “How an Ant Hurried Home”, “Spider - Pilot”, G. Glushnev “Grasshopper and Grasshoppers”, S. Mikhalkov “Academy of Sciences”, G. Skrebitsky “Happy Bug”, V. Zotov from the book “Forest Mosaic” (“Ladybug”, “Grasshopper”, “Chaferbug”), K. Ushinsky “Bees on reconnaissance”, K. Chukovsky “Fly-Tsokotuha”;
  • Outdoor games.
  • Looking at illustrations of insects.

Methods and techniques:

  • Conversation with children, questions for children.
  • Teacher's story, asking riddles.
  • Looking at illustrations.
  • Games.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Wherever we are - in the forest, in the meadow, near the river - we always encounter insects.

When in a fragrant draft

You will sit down in the pine forest in the summer,

Take a good look around

You'll notice a lot, friend.

An ant drags the larva

Hurries somewhere between the roots

Big pine. On a fat bitch

The golden beetle settled down.

A light moth flutters,

Drinks fragrant juice with its proboscis.

And the bee collects honey.

Everyone is busy, everyone has things to do.

My friend, take a close look,

You will see a magical life.

Children are invited to look at the illustrations on display.

Guys, which insect do you recognize? (Wasp, bee, mosquito, ant, bumblebee, fly, midge).

How are all insects similar to each other, what do they have in common?

The teacher summarizes the children’s answers:

Ant, ladybug, grasshopper, butterfly, mosquito, fly, bee, wasp - these are all insects. Insects are animals that have six legs, and the body consists of three parts - the head, on which there are two ears, the middle part and the abdomen.

But insects are different from each other. Tell me, by what signs were you able to recognize a mosquito? ( At the mosquito......)

How did you determine that it was a wasp? ( The wasp…………).

How did you recognize the ant? (In an ant…..).

But all the insects are so small, they are difficult to see. And not everyone will be noticed. Try hiding a piece of colored paper on the table. Each child takes a small square of green, yellow or brown(different shades). They are on the table large sheets the same colors and shades.

Why do insects hide easily? Because their coloring is the same as the places where they like to be.

Why do they have this coloring? For protection from enemies. (Show the children a picture of a grasshopper on green grass, a bark beetle on a tree trunk.).

Look who it is? The back is red, there are black circles on it, and there are three legs on each side. This ladybug.

She approached the blade of grass and began to eat small round creatures, which with appetite stuck their proboscis into the leaves and sucked the juice from them. This aphid.

Which of them do you think is useful to humans and which is harmful? The ladybug destroys various pests of the garden and fields.

Why is the ladybug so bright? After all, it is clearly visible on a green leaf; any bird will notice it. It turns out that this little girl knows how to defend herself well. In a moment of danger, she secretes liquid white, similar to milk, which smells bad. It is she who scares away enemies. Therefore, the ladybug is inedible for birds

You won't find a saw here,

We didn't cut down the trunks,

They didn't knock with an axe,

And a house grew under the spruce tree.

What house is the riddle talking about? (Anthill.)

Yes, this is an anthill, and ants live in it, they are man’s friends, as they save the forest by destroying many harmful insects. But if you touch it, in defense, it burns painfully, releasing formic acid. At the very beginning of spring, the anthill looks more like a pile of rubbish and old pine needles than an anthill: not a single ant is visible nearby.

Showing a picture of a bee:

Who is this? This bee flies to collect sweet juice from the first flowers. So that later we can have a delicious, very healthy honey. The bee is also brightly colored. Why do you think? The bee seems to say: “Don’t come closer! I’ll sting!”

Showing pictures of various butterflies:

Look at the wings of butterflies. They are always covered with small scales, which are very important for the butterfly. Even if some scales are erased, the butterfly will not be able to fly and will die. If you take the butterfly in your hands, you will see pollen that will remain on your fingers.

The butterfly has a long, thin, curved proboscis, which it lowers into the flower and drinks the sweet juice. Butterfly loves open flowers to sit on them and see what's going on around them.

Where is the butterfly's home?

The ant has a house - ...( anthill)

The bee has ...( hive)

Didactic game “Who lives where?”

Children are divided into two groups. Some hold pictures of insect habitats, others hold pictures of insects. At the signal “Go home!” each insect must “fly” into its “home”.

Dynamic pause “Caterpillar”

(coordination of speech with movement)

This strange house without windows (turn around slowly)

People call it “cocoon”.

Twist this house on a branch (rotate with hands)

The caterpillar sleeps in it. (palms under right cheek)

He sleeps without waking up all winter. (palms under left cheek)

But winter passes by - (waves hands up)

March, April, drops, spring... (clap hands on each word)

Wake up, sleepyhead! (stretch)

Under the bright spring sun (draw the sun with your hands)

The caterpillar has no time to sleep. (they shake a finger)

She became a butterfly! (run in a circle, flapping their arms like wings)

The caterpillar is a nasty pest. She has many enemies. It is a special treat for birds, but with the help of various tricks they manage to escape death. Time will pass, and the caterpillar will turn into a chrysalis, completely motionless in appearance. And a butterfly will emerge from the pupa. The motionless chrysalis will suddenly move, the skin on its back will burst, first wings will appear, and then the whole butterfly will appear. Her wings hang like wet rags. But an hour or two will pass, and the wings will dry out. The butterfly will move them, straighten them and

This insect has a striped abdomen and a pair of transparent wings. Wasp - predatory insect. She feeds her larvae with protein foods - flies, bees, reptiles and mammals. She herself feeds on the nectar of flowers and ripe juicy fruits. It is not uncommon that we have to drive away these intrusive insects from jam, compotes, fruits, as well as melons, watermelons and berries.

Name insects that are classified as predatory ( dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug).

Why are they called predators? ( Because they hunt other insects.)

Name the beneficial insects.( butterfly, bee, ant.)

What benefits do bees, butterflies, and ants bring? ( Bees pollinate flowers and give us honey and wax. Ants carry seeds of many plants throughout the forest. Butterflies pollinate flowers.)

Name the harmful insects.( Fly - spreads germs, caterpillar - eats plant leaves, coma p, tick is a dangerous insect for humans.)

Showing a picture of a tick

Dangerous insect - tick. Be sure to check your body, as the tick burrows under the skin and is a carrier infectious disease. Ticks are small arachnids. They are very small in size and are usually difficult to notice until they are pumped with blood. But then it’s already too late. When a tick lands on a person’s body, it does not immediately dig into his skin, but crawls for a long time, looking for the most delicate places (where the skin is thin). Most often it digs into the groin area, armpits, neck, collarbone area, stomach and back. Its bite is completely insensitive, because the tick's saliva contains an anesthetic substance.

But we can protect ourselves from tick bites (teacher's story-memo)

Unlike mosquitoes, which immediately fly away after sucking blood, ticks stick for three to four days. From drinking blood, the ticks swell greatly, increasing in size three to four times, and only then fall off.

When you see insects in nature, observe them, their appearance and habits. Often children pick up insects, not knowing that they can kill them, but at the same time they themselves can suffer from their bites. Insects are beneficial, and therefore must be treated with care. All insects are useful in their own way.

You saw these insects and identified their external differences. Now listen carefully to the riddles. Who are they about?

Flies, squeaks,

His long legs are dragging,

The opportunity will not be missed:

He will sit down and bite.

Flying all day long

Everyone gets bored.

The night will come-

Then it will stop.

Winged fashionista,

The dress is striped.

Although small in stature,

If it bites, it will be bad.

Not a bird, but with wings.

Flying over the flowers

The honey is collected.

I work in an artel at the roots of a shaggy spruce.

I’m dragging a log over the hills - it’s bigger than a carpenter.


She has four wings

The body is thin, like an arrow.

And big, big eyes

They call her...


She is bright, beautiful,

Graceful, light-winged.

She looks like a flower

And loves to drink flower juice.


She is dearer than all the bugs,

The back is scarlet.

And there are circles on it

Little black dots.


A story about the rules of conduct when meeting insects.

Insects are very beneficial, but sometimes they can cause harm, so you need to know how to protect yourself from insects.

Exposed parts of the body should be lubricated with insect repellents.

When going into the forest, you need to wear long trousers, a long-sleeve shirt, and a hat.

If you saw wasp's nest, watch its inhabitants from afar, do not touch it under any circumstances, otherwise the wasps will fly out and sting.

If a bee is flying near you, try to be calm, do not wave your arms, move to another place.

If a bee sting remains after a sting, it must be removed and the stung area should be wiped with a soda solution.

If you meet an ant on the way, do not touch it, observe what it drags along the path to the anthill, what is the size and color of this ant. By watching ants, you can understand what amazing creatures these little ants are. If you don't bother them, they won't bite you.

You need to protect yourself from mosquitoes using ointments that repel insects. Largest quantity mosquitoes fly in the evening, after sunset, or in the morning, after sunrise. During the day, mosquitoes sit in dense vegetation, tree hollows, cracks and other shelters. But in the forest, mosquitoes attack throughout the day.

To get rid of flies, you should not leave rotting food and sewage, which are suitable for the development of fly larvae. It is necessary to follow the rules of maintaining cleanliness at home and outside.

A dangerous insect is a tick: it digs under the skin and a person can get sick.

Be sure to examine your body after returning from a walk in the forest or meadow.

When you see insects in nature, observe them, but do not pick them up: you can harm the insect and suffer from its bites yourself.

Summary of the lesson.

Please tell us what insects you know?

Where do insects live?

How are insects different from birds?

What happens if there are no insects?

How to protect yourself from insects?

(Children's answers.)

- In nature, everything is interconnected. Every insect, even if it is dangerous to us, can be beneficial environment. Let's be attentive and careful when meeting the inhabitants of nature. And in order not to make a mistake, we will study the children's encyclopedia of living inhabitants of the flora and fauna.

Theme "Insects"

Software tasks:

  1. Expand children's understanding of the life of insects;
  2. Develop naming skills characteristic features appearance;
  3. Intensify the use in speech of the names of insect body parts (head, abdomen, legs, antennae);
  4. Develop cognitive interest in the living environment;
  5. Continue to cultivate a love for nature and respect for it;

Materials: green fabric, flowers, models of insects, a letter with riddles, a diagram of the development of a butterfly, a module of the structure of insects, gifts.

Progress of the lesson


Hello guys!

Let's start our meeting with the game “Train Engine with a Name” and go on a journey on this little train.

Now everyone will turn into a “locomotive” and move in a circle, and at the same time clap their hands, calling their name.

I'll start. Nadezhda Leonidovna. I drove a whole circle, and now I will choose one of you and he will become a train instead of me. Here I am choosing...Katya. Now she will say her name and clap her hands, and I will become her trailer, put my hands on her shoulders and repeat her name with her. Let's go!

So we have driven a whole circle, now Katya will choose the one who will become the “engine” and the three of us will repeat his name.

(and so on until all the children have taken part in the game)

Guys, look where we arrived on our little train? We are in a forest clearing.(the teacher with the children approaches the table covered with a green cloth and decorated with flowers)

Look how many flowers there are, how beautiful they are, but for some reason there is no one else in the clearing.

Oh, what is this lying in the clearing?

This is an envelope with a letter.

Someone left us a letter, let's read it.


Help! Help!

An evil fairy has bewitched us and we are now in danger.

To save us, we must solve riddles.

(signature) Insects.

Well, guys, are we going to save insects from trouble? (Yes)

1. We have four wings.

The body is thin, like an arrow,

And big, big eyes

They call her……(Dragonfly)

(the teacher lays out models of the guessed insects on the table)

2. Look at the fellows,

Cheerful and lively.

Dragging from all sides

Material for construction,

One suddenly stumbled

Under a heavy burden

And a friend rushes to the rescue

The people here are good!

Without a job, for the life of me

Can’t live….(ant)

3. This little violinist,

Emerald wears a cloak.

He is also a champion in sports,

He can jump deftly. (grasshopper)

4. She is dearer than all the beetles,

Her back is scarlet,

There are circles on the back,

Little black dots. (ladybug)

5. She is bright, beautiful,

Graceful, light-winged,

She looks like a flower herself

Drinks fragrant juice with a claw. (butterfly)

That's how many little inhabitants of the clearing you have disenchanted.

What a great fellow you are!

How can you call them all in one word? (insects)

Guys, what are insects for? (serve as food for birds, pollinate plants)

Let's sit on the chairs.

But you know that miracles happen to some insects. And miracles are manifested in the fact that flies, butterflies, and beetles are never babies. They are born immediately as adults.

Here, for example, is a butterfly.

(showing a diagram of the development of a butterfly)

She laid eggs, some of the eggs will be eaten by birds or carried away by ants, but some will remain. The remaining eggs hatch into caterpillars. Time will pass and the caterpillars will turn into pupae.

And a butterfly will emerge from the pupa. The pupa will move, the skin on its back will burst, wings will appear, and then the whole butterfly will appear.

That's how a butterfly appears, guys!

Now let's rest a little.

Physical exercise.

In the morning the butterfly woke up

She stretched, smiled,

Once she washed herself with dew,

Two - she spun gracefully.

Three - bent down and sat down,

At four, it flew away.

(the teacher shows the first time, and performs the remaining two times together with the children)

Well done!

Guys, look what a beautiful butterfly has come to visit us. Let's come closer to her, just quietly, so as not to frighten her, and take a closer look at her.

Look how beautiful the butterfly’s wings are – multi-colored. The butterfly also has antennae, a head, an abdomen, and legs.

Look at the picture, this is general signs insects

All insects have a head, abdomen, antennae, and 6 legs.

(one of the children takes a model of an insect and tells it, showing parts of the insect’s body)

Well done!

Now we will play the game “Who’s missing?”

Here are our insects, you close your eyes, and I remove one of them. And you have to tell me who I removed, who is gone?

Guys, who can tell me what kind of inhabitants of this small clearing live here? (list)

How can you call them in one word? (insects)

But you know that if insects disappear from our planet, then plants, animals, and birds will disappear. They cannot exist without each other. Insects are part of nature. Therefore, you cannot kill insects, but only take care of them, love and protect them.

Our journey has come to an end.

But I have prepared a surprise for you, these are such beautiful butterflies.


Conversation on the topic: “Insects”

Goal: To provide knowledge about the rules of behavior when meeting with different
insects, form ideas about a variety of insects.

Material: Pictures with images of different insects, pictures with
depicting the habitat of these insects, workbook.

Key words: insects live next to other living inhabitants,
distributing insects.

The lesson can be carried out in the form of a game - a trip to the meadow: “Let's get to know each other
with our neighbors", work with tasks in the workbook.
Questions for children
What insects do you know?
When do insects appear?
Where do insects live?
How are insects different from birds?
What happens if there are no insects?

Game “Who. where he lives"
Children are divided into two groups. Some hold pictures with the image
insect habitats, others are dwarfs depicting insects.
At the signal “Go home!” each insect must “fly” into its “home”.

Game “Guess what kind of insect this is” (describe the characteristic features
intended insect).

Not a bird, but with wings.
Flies over the flowers.
The honey is collected.

You can't see yourself, but you can hear the song.

I work in an artel at the roots of a shaggy spruce.
I’m dragging a log over the hillocks - it’s a big carpenter’s one.


In a clearing, near the fir trees.
The house is built from needles.
He is not visible behind the grass.
There are a million residents there.

Winged fashionista, striped dress,
Even though he is small in size, if he bites, it will be bad.

Not an animal, not a bird - the nose is like a knitting needle.

Who's upside down above us?

(Flies on the ceiling.)


One bee does not produce much honey.


An ant in a meadow drags logs by weight,
I run to him quickly: “Let me help you!”
The ant answers: “It’s hard, but I can carry it myself!”

I. Andenko
Ants can't be lazy
The ant lives by labor:
It drags both the bug and the caterpillar
To your underground home.

Folk signs

Before the rain, ants hide in the anthill and clog all the entrances to

There are no mosquitoes - there will be no oats or herbs.

When mosquitoes appear, it’s time to sow rye.

How can you see that he is in a hurry
He's on his way,
Don't hurt him
Don't touch him!
Ali Bobajan

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