Sunbathing and solar hardening. Sunbathing is best done in moderation. The benefits and harms of the sun

Probably everyone associates summer with the sea, warmth and, of course, the sun. Since childhood, we are taught that sunbathing is harmful to the body. Of course, it is impossible to dispute this fact - too large doses of ultraviolet radiation can really do a lot of harm. But in moderation, the sun not only does not harm, but can also provide invaluable benefits to the body!

In fact useful properties there are a lot of sun rays:

  1. Under the influence of the sun, many pathogenic viruses and bacteria are destroyed. In addition, after a competent course of solar procedures, a person develops.
  2. An even, moderate tan is also useful. Under the layer of pigment, internal energy accumulates in the body, which helps to resist various diseases.
  3. Sunbathing – main source extremely useful vitamin D, which is responsible for most metabolic processes and takes part in the formation of healthy bone tissue.
  4. The sun promotes the production of serotonin - the so-called.
  5. Even after a short stay in the sun, a person experiences a kind of enlightenment - the brain begins to work more actively, performance increases noticeably, and memory improves.
  6. Experts also note that the adoption sunbathing promotes weight loss. Under the influence of sunlight, the gastrointestinal tract begins to function normally, and accordingly, fats are broken down faster than usual and proteins are absorbed.

How and when is the best time to sunbathe?

Scientists have conducted many experiments studying how the sun affects the body and how to get the maximum benefit from contact with it. Thus, one of the experiments showed that in people, Those who sunbathed in the morning (from 8.00 to 12.00) had a significantly lower body mass index than those who indulged in the pleasure of soaking up the sun at any time of the day. True, these data are relevant for the summer. In autumn and spring, the sun is less active and aggressive, so you can safely sunbathe even at lunchtime.

The very first sunbathing procedure should last no longer than a quarter of an hour, after which you should spend a few minutes in the shade. Increase the duration of procedures gradually - by five minutes a day. Sunbathe alternately on your stomach and on your back. It is advisable to cover your head during procedures.

The sun's rays are vital for us. We all know that under their influence the body produces vitamin D, which is so necessary for strengthening bones and increasing immunity. But, in addition, the sun gives us the hormone of happiness - serotonin, for its formation the sun is also necessary. The sun also helps lower blood pressure and prevents the formation of blood clots.

And at the same time the sun can become ours worst enemy: Dry skin, premature wrinkles, sunburn, sunstroke and even skin cancer are all also caused by sun exposure.

In order to get the maximum benefit from the sun and not harm your health, you need to know how to sunbathe correctly.

How to sunbathe

When sunbathing, you must adhere to some rules.

  1. Before going out into the sun, sit in the shade for about 10 minutes.
  2. You should start with 5 minutes: 2.5 minutes on the back and chest. Increase your time in the sun by 5 minutes every day. The maximum time spent in the sun is 1 hour.
  3. Lie with your feet facing the sun and remember to turn over periodically.
  4. Don't sleep or read in the sun. You may not notice how long you've been tanning and get sunburned.
  5. It is not necessary to sunbathe while lying down. If you move: walking, boating or biking, the sun's rays also affect you. At the same time, they fall at a smaller angle and their effect is softer, which reduces the risk of sunburn.
  6. The best time for sunbathing is morning, before 11 o'clock, and evening - after 16 o'clock. During the hottest days, try not to go out into the sun.
  7. Do not sunbathe immediately after eating, but being in the sun on an empty stomach is harmful.
  8. If you have fair skin, it is better to sunbathe under a canopy or umbrella rather than in direct sunlight.
  9. Use a protective cream that matches your skin phototype. If you swim, apply cream every time you get out of the water.
  10. Don't forget about your headdress.
  11. Be especially careful when sunbathing near water and in windy weather. You can easily and unnoticed get burned.
  12. After being in the sun, do not go straight into the water, sit for a few minutes in the shade.

Sunbathing for the elderly

For some reason, there is an opinion that it is harmful for older people to be in the sun. In fact, it's the other way around. Scientists have found that the more time older people spend outside in sunny weather, the lower their risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus.

Only when staying in the sun should the elderly be careful, especially if they have high blood pressure or suffer from coronary heart disease.

It is better for older people to take sunbathing not in the open sun, but in its diffuse rays: under an umbrella, in the shade of trees.

Sunbathing for children

It is necessary to understand that a child’s skin is very sensitive to solar radiation, and the younger the baby, the stronger the effect of ultraviolet rays on it.

Pediatricians do not recommend sunbathing in direct sunlight for infants under one year of age. Suitable for them air baths outdoors, but in the shade in calm weather. The temperature should be above 22 degrees. The duration of the first baths should be 1–2 minutes, then the sessions are gradually lengthened and increased to 30 minutes.

Sunbathing should begin in diffused sunlight: under a light canopy or in the lacy shade of trees, then you can go out into the open sun. Remember that the baby's head should be in the shade. Be sure to protect the child’s head with a panama hat, a scarf with a visor, and a hat with a brim so that the sun does not get into the eyes.

How long are the baths? First, take the child out into the sun for 1-2 minutes, after 2 days add a minute. The maximum time spent under the sun is 10 minutes. After this, the baby can be doused warm water. If you notice that the child is overheated: the skin is red, he is capricious, or, conversely, has become lethargic, take him into the shade and give him something to drink.

Sunbathing is best done in the morning, before 11 o'clock. Sunbathing should not be done at temperatures above 30 degrees.

Who especially benefits from sunbathing?

Due to the fact that the sun promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, sunbathing is useful for diseases and conditions such as:

  • osteoporosis – vitamin D is necessary for strong bone tissue;
  • caries - the sun is the prevention of caries. Scientists have found that children living in southern countries, are less likely to suffer from this disease;
  • age-related vision loss – vitamin D slows down age-related macular degeneration of the retina;
  • menopause - studies have shown that women who rarely spend time in the sun (less than 1 hour per week) experience menopause 5 years earlier than those who constantly tan. In addition, during menopause, the development of osteoporosis begins, so sunbathing is recommended for women during this period.

The sun increases metabolism, and due to this it is useful for people suffering from obesity.

Under the influence of sunlight, the production of testosterone increases, so doctors recommend childless couples to spend their holidays in warm regions.

The sun's rays dry and disinfect the skin, so sunbathing has a beneficial effect on skin diseases - neurodermatitis, psoriasis, acne.

Increased production of serotonin in the sun reduces the symptoms of depression. This is confirmed by the fact that in southern countries people suffer from depressive disorders less often than in the north, where the sun is a rare guest.

For whom the sun is contraindicated

Contraindications to sunbathing are:

  • cardiovascular diseases with impaired blood circulation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  • significant sclerotic changes in blood vessels;
  • increased sensitivity to solar radiation;
  • active pulmonary tuberculosis.

22-10-2012, 13:25


There are attempts in many circles to convince everyone that sunbath- This is a complex and extremely risky procedure that can only be performed by a technically trained person in the laboratory or by a doctor. When reading an ordinary book about sunbathing, one definitely gets the impression that sunbathing is difficult and also very dangerous. There are so many warnings and so many procedural details to follow, listing so many times and conditions when sunbathing should be avoided, that it is very easy to dismiss it all in disgust and forget about sunbathing altogether. But there are many commercially motivated claims here. Anyone with enough common sense to sleep, exercise, and breathe fresh air, can also take a sunbath. This bath is as natural as the named procedures. The ritual used by Dr. Rollier and other doctors makes no sense. They start by exposing one leg for a few days, then the other, then both legs, then the thighs, then the abdomen, chest and finally the back. All this ceremony is unnecessary. In my opinion, Rollier is overly cautious at the beginning of sunbathing and delays the process after the patient has acquired a good tan.

There are a few simple precautions to be taken when sunbathing, which anyone of average intelligence can understand and apply. For those who have never sunbathed, the following are especially necessary: precautions.

Sunbathing is completely different from the common practice of enjoying fresh air. Take a sunbath completely without clothes. Care must be taken not to burn the body. The rule should be: “better too little than too much.” Blondes and redheads should be more careful than brunettes and representatives of dark-skinned races.

You should start sunbathing by exposing your entire body for six to ten minutes daily and gradually increase the time of exposure from half an hour to an hour or more, even up to three to four hours. But time increases slowly. Expose the exposed front part of your body to the sun for three to five minutes, then expose the exposed back side of your body to the sun for three to five minutes. Every day, increase the time each side spends in the sun by one minute and up to half an hour for each side of the body. Although I often find even this pace too fast and have to slow it down significantly, I do not believe that it should be scrupulously followed by healthy and active people.

A person lying in a solarium can more easily abuse a sunbath than someone who is fiddling around on the beach. I also believe that there are more benefits from exposing your back to the sun than your stomach, I cannot prove this now, this is my personal theory.

All you need is natural protection

Usually there is a strong insistence on protecting the head and eyes from the sun. But this is bad advice. People don't need glasses and caps any more than animals do. Sunlight is very beneficial for hair and eyes. It always amuses me to hear how sunbathers advise covering their heads, and then to hear from them about the magnificent results - hair growth thanks to ultraviolet radiation. It is well known that sunlight enhances hair growth, and more frequent exposure of the head can easily reduce the number of bald people through similar baldness prevention. I've been bareheaded for over fifty years in most of Texas under the tropical sun and it doesn't hurt me today. My patients do not cover their heads when sunbathing without causing harm. The eyes also benefit from light, but too much darkness is harmful. It has been found that if you have poor vision, looking directly into the sun is of great benefit. Fish found in dark water caves are always blind. Mules working in underground mines have a great visual impairment, which is not the case with mules working on the surface of the earth. Men who work underground and children who live in dark basements are always very sensitive to light. Both need sunlight, and prescribing them dark glasses and protective glasses can only worsen their condition. But this is exactly what doctors and ophthalmologists constantly do, who are constant only in one consistency - to approach everything incorrectly. Dr. R. A. Richardson wrote in Psychology (1929): “During my recent trip to Africa, I took the opportunity to find out whether the cataracts and blindness frequently observed there were actually caused by intense sunlight and heat, as I they said before. To my surprise, I discovered that the people who were blinded by cataracts were those who worked not in the open air, but in the small shops and bazaars of Tunisia. Upon questioning, I concluded that the cause of their eye disorder was an overindulgence in proteins, sugars, starches, nicotine and coffee.”

The eyes themselves are not sensitive to light; the eyelashes are sensitive to light, which causes them to close when strong sunlight falls on them. Of course, they close to protect the eyes, and we must fully appreciate the significance of this fact by opening the eyes to the light. This is the only cover required for the eyes in the sun. Sunglasses for “eye protection” are absurd. In fact, they make the eyes more sensitive to light and harm vision. Squinting is not necessary and safety glasses are not needed to prevent it. You can look directly at the sun during the day without squinting. The development of wrinkles around the eyes is an indicator of thoughtlessness. Any need for glasses and creams will disappear if you just stop squinting. Squinting doesn't do any good.

There is an objection to sunbathing due to the so-called “drying damage” it allegedly causes to the skin. But this is a consequence of overheating in the sun, and not a sunbath, if it is taken reasonably. This is where you can expect manufacturers of lotions and "natural ointments" to emphasize the evils of "overdoing it" without distinguishing between the abuse of sunlight and its proper use for the purpose of selling their products.

But doctors should know this better. Creams for lubricating the face, lotions and ointments are completely unnecessary for those who have enough understanding to behave correctly. There is no need to lubricate the skin to prevent dry skin. Dry skin indicates sun exposure. Body Lubrication olive oil before a sunbath prevents some of the ultraviolet rays from reaching the skin and is therefore not recommended. This is apparently very old practice, because in ancient times they took baths with ointments. If sunbathing is done correctly, then there is no need to lubricate the skin with ointment after it. Excessive sun exposure makes the skin dry and flaky. If you do not indulge in sunbathing excessively, it will leave your skin soft and properly lubricated with its own oily secretions. If “protective” doses were really as effective as they say, then they would interfere with the benefits of tanning. There is no excuse for spending so much time in the sun that your skin becomes dry and rough. Why abuse what we do? A reasonable person does not need any ointment to replace natural lubrication, for he has no guilt for the abuse of excessive exposure of his skin to the sun. The purpose of sunbathing is not to see how much you can burn yourself, much less turn black from tanning, but to supply your body with the right amount of sunlight. It is also objected that tanning destroys the delicate structure of the skin. But what does this objection have to do with sensible sunbathing? It's stupid to get a sunburn. There is no reason to allow yourself to get burned while sunbathing. Proper precaution regarding the duration of sunbathing will always prevent sunburn. A reasonable person will tan gradually and will always avoid getting burned by all means possible. Only stupid girls stay in the sun so long that they destroy their skin. Others will exchange the ointment offered for tanning for reason. People who are unable to sunbathe without getting burned belong to the same category of people who are unable to eat without overeating. They are uncontrollable and without self-discipline. They tend to abuse everything.



Where the sun often shines, there is nothing for the doctor to do
THEM. Sarkizov-Serazini

Summer is almost coming to an end, gray and rainy days await us soon, so while there is time, we advise everyone to take sunbathing as often as possible. Even in Ancient Hellas, the rays of the sun were used as a tonic. And the largest sports competitions of antiquity - the Olympic Games - were held, as a rule, in the hottest summer months. Exactly at noon, when the sun was unbearably hot, tanned athletes went to the start. They performed naked and did not have the right to cover their heads to protect them from the scorching rays of the sun. More greater distribution Sun hardening was introduced in Ancient Rome. As excavations of Roman cities have shown, solariums were installed literally everywhere: on the roofs of houses, in baths, in gladiator schools - places for sunbathing. In the Roman Empire, special climate stations were created for sun treatment. Patients were sent here to receive the necessary healing procedures.

Who needs sunbathing?

Sunbathing is used as prescribed by a doctor for a number of diseases of the skin, joints, radiculitis, neuritis, tuberculosis of bones and joints, etc. They are used as hardening procedures to prevent diseases of influenza, sore throat, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, etc.
Under the influence of UV rays, the formation of vitamin D is activated, which is necessary for the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are “responsible” for strengthening muscles and bones and for healing wounds. To maintain the required level of vitamin D in the body, it is enough to expose your hands and face to the sun 2-3 times a week for 5-15 minutes during the summer months. UV rays activate most of the processes occurring in the body - respiration, metabolism, blood circulation and the activity of the endocrine system.
UV rays affect mood peace of mind and deal with stress.

Sunbathing is contraindicated in acute diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the lungs, gall-intestinal tract, etc.

What is sunbathing

Sunbathing can be general (irradiation of the whole body) and local (irradiation of a part of the body). When irradiating, the total radiation of the Sun is used, which consists of direct exposure to sunlight, diffuse radiation (in the shade, without exposure to direct sunlight), reflected from the walls of a building, the surface of the earth, water, etc. Scattered radiation (from the blue sky) contains less ultraviolet rays than direct, and is more gentle. Sun exposure (direct radiation) of healthy adults begins with 5 minutes. and, gradually adding 5 minutes at a time, bring it to 40 minutes, taking into account general condition, training and degree of hardening. For diffuse radiation, baths are taken initially for 10 minutes, increasing the duration of the procedure to 1-2 hours. in warm weather.

How to sunbathe correctly

Sunbathing should be done while lying on a couch or sitting in a chaise lounge, exposing different sides of the body to the sun. It is advisable to take an air bath before sunbathing. In case of direct radiation, it is necessary to cover your head with an umbrella or shield. To protect your eyes, you should use dark glasses (the mucous membrane of the eyes - the conjunctiva, which does not have a protective stratum corneum, is more sensitive to radiation than the skin, and inflammation may occur). It is not recommended to sunbathe on an empty stomach, immediately before or after meals. Finish your sunbathing with a rest in the shade, after which you can swim or take a shower. Sunbathing immediately after swimming is not recommended. In people weakened after necrosis diseases, skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays is increased. Often such increased sensitivity is observed in northerners, people forced to spend most of the day indoors, in adolescents, the elderly, pregnant women and especially in young children.

It is best to sunbathe in the summer - from 8 to 11 o'clock, in spring and autumn - from 11 to 15 o'clock. In winter, it is best to take sun mini-baths starting from February, on fine midday hours, in places protected from the wind, starting from two to three minutes. The best way to sunbathe is on the move. It is advisable to take sunbathing only 1.5-2 hours after eating. It is also not recommended to carry out irradiation on an empty stomach and immediately before meals. You should not take procedures if you are very tired, before strenuous physical work, sports training or immediately after them.

It is a mistaken belief that sunbathing can only be done in summer. In the fall, when it seems there is no time to tan, it is useful to use the generous gift of the sun. At the end of summer, in August, at the height of Indian summer, do not miss the slightest opportunity for hardening. And during this period, the sun, although the incidence of its rays is less steep than in July, contains in its spectrum the power of ultraviolet rays quite sufficient for health purposes. In addition, in August and September the sun is not too hot, so there is no danger of radiation overdose. So now is the most fertile time for sunbathing.

Photo: Syda_Productions

Thanks to the sun's rays, life is possible for all creatures on the planet, including humans. As special studies show, with the correct dosage of the life-giving energy contained in them, we can strengthen our body, harden it and even cure some diseases. People who neglect the sun's rays look pale and unhealthy. However, we are designed in such a way that it is quite natural for us to be covered with a light tan; our skin is adapted for exposure to the sun and should be slightly dark. The cause of many diseases lies precisely in the fact that a person spends little time in the sun.

How to sunbathe

It must be remembered that sunbathing is beneficial only in reasonable quantities. Prolonged exposure to the sun can not only cause burns to the face and body, but also seriously harm your health. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation on human skin causes the breakdown of elastin and collagen - substances that are responsible for its firmness and elasticity. To prevent the effect of photoaging of the skin, it is necessary to take proper sunbathing.

In summer best time For sunbathing, mornings are considered from 7:00 to 10:00-10:30 and evenings after 16:00, and on especially hot days after 17:00. In spring and autumn you can pamper yourself with sun and midday hours from 12:00 to 16:00. Scientific research shows that morning rays rising sun have a tonic and invigorating effect, while the sun's rays at sunset have a calming effect on the body and relieve tension. Accordingly, to recharge yourself with positive energy, take sunbathing at dawn, and to relax and calm down nervous system, soak up the rays of the setting sun.

The duration of sunbathing should be increased gradually. The first tanning procedures should not exceed 20-30 minutes, especially for people with fair skin. Every day it is recommended to increase the “sun load” by 10-15 minutes, bringing the time spent in the sun to 3-4 hours a day. While sunbathing, it is very pleasant to take a dip in cool water. But it is important to remember that ultraviolet rays penetrate into water to a depth of 2-3 m, so being in water will not prevent negative impact ultraviolet. After bathing, it is advisable to remove drops of water from your body, so you can protect yourself from burns. It is also necessary to remember protective equipment. For people with fair skin, products with a higher SPF factor (30-40) are best, while for dark-skinned people, a product with a lower SPF factor (10-20) is best. However, in the first days of exposure to the sun, it is advisable to use products with a high protection factor. It is imperative to protect your eyes with sunglasses, and your head with an umbrella or Panama hat made of breathable material. It is also necessary to remember that you should not sunbathe immediately after eating. It is best to eat food 1-2 hours before going out into the sun.

People with malignant and benign neoplasms, as well as cardiovascular diseases, should never be in the sun. Also, prolonged sunbathing is contraindicated for thyroid diseases, liver diseases, anemia, leukemia, and skin diseases. In addition, prolonged procedures can lead to overheating, skin burns and heat stroke.

The benefits and harms of sunbathing

The sun's rays themselves destroy most pathogens. The more our skin absorbs sun rays, the more protective forces accumulate in the body, and the more energy it stores that resists disease. In addition, the sun's rays kill microbes and neutralize their poisons, and also increase the body's defenses. Thanks to the subcutaneous pigment, the golden-brown color of the skin appears; this is a special biological product that should protect the body.

So, the sun's rays are a must to the human body. The sun has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and metabolic processes, which improves performance internal organs, muscles and immunity increases. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract also improves, food is processed much better, fats break down faster, and protein is easier to digest. Has a stimulating effect solar energy and on the brain. Even after a short stay in the sun, memory improves, performance increases and creative activity increases. To improve visual acuity, it is very useful to look at the sun; this is an excellent training for the eyes. As you know, the sun promotes the production of vitamin D in the body, which is the main building material for teeth and bones. Experts say that with a lack of sunlight, children can develop rickets. A lack of this vitamin can also cause osteoporosis, which is the main cause of brittle nails in old age. The sun also stabilizes blood circulation in our body and dilates blood vessels, resulting in increased blood flow to the skin, it looks much better, and muscles become more elastic.

Under the influence of sunlight, the hormone melanin is produced in our body. It intercepts free radicals, which cause enormous harm to the entire body, contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, make blood vessels more fragile, and also destroy genetic information in the nuclei of cells.

But, as you know, any pleasures should be in moderation, otherwise they can harm our entire body. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause not only burns, but also other health problems. Fans of sunbathing quite often get sunstroke, which manifests itself in the form of an increase in body temperature to 41 degrees, the presence of a headache and weakness, up to loss of consciousness. It is worth noting that frequent sunburn may lead to the development of melanoma, which is a malignant tumor of the skin. And like any oncology, it can be fatal.

Prolonged sunbathing without sunglasses is also very harmful; it can lead to a burn to the retina, after which it will be quite difficult to restore vision. The sun's rays are especially dangerous when reflected from the surface of the water. It must be remembered that when people with certain heart diseases are on vacation, they must be under the supervision of a doctor, since the influence of the sun can result in serious complications. People with such diseases should not stay in the open sun for a long time, especially during the hottest time of the day - from 11:00 to 16:00.

It should be remembered that only proper sunbathing improves emotional and physical well-being, increases performance, and also improves perception and concentration. Tanning is very fashionable these days, and you can get it even in winter in a solarium, but you must follow the safety rules.