Standard air temperature in the apartment in winter. What are the norms for temperature in an apartment during the heating season according to SanPin? Temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season

Real temperature measurement

A comfortable microclimate in an apartment depends on several parameters, including air temperature. According to scientific calculations, it should be from +20 to +25 degrees Celsius. But for each person there are their own values ​​that are optimal for comfortable living. Of course temperature regime depends on many nuances. In winter, this question becomes more relevant than ever, and residents of high-rise buildings immediately ask themselves: what should be the temperature of the radiators and air in the rooms?

Factors affecting temperature

First of all, you should consider external factors, which affect the temperature in the apartment. It may differ:

  • Due to the general climatic characteristics of the area.
  • Due to the change of season.
  • Due to the characteristics of each room.

Climatic subtleties

The normal temperature regime in a building varies depending on the specific area. For example, it will differ in the southern and northern regions, as well as in the eastern and western regions. The combination of factors such as atmospheric pressure and air humidity outside also influences the determination of indoor temperature standards.

Depending on the change of season, the microclimate in the apartment may also differ. For example, in winter the temperature will not be very high, but in the summer it will increase significantly. For the European climate, the most acceptable temperature in the cold season is considered to be on average +22 degrees, and in the hot season - +25 degrees Celsius. This difference may seem small, but with consistent exposure it makes a difference.

Human factor

The main purpose of regulating the temperature in an apartment is to create the greatest comfort for the people living there. Some people feel fine in the heat without even thinking about purchasing an air conditioner. And some people constantly open the windows even in severe frost. But we must not forget that human needs do not always correspond to established temperature standards. Hypothermia, as well as excessive overheating of the room, can have an extremely adverse effect on the well-being of people living in the apartment.

It is also worth considering the difference in temperature standards for males and females. It may differ by several degrees, since women are more thermophilic than men. Special attention must be given to the apartment in which one lives small child. His body's thermoregulation has not yet developed, and he quickly overheats and freezes. Therefore, the temperature in the room for children should be stable, averaging +22 degrees.

Room temperature

Table of acceptable standards

Depending on the purpose of the room, the established temperature norm also changes:

  • Rooms for rest and sleep. The optimal temperature is +18 degrees. It is she who will relieve insomnia and poor health.
  • Kitchen. This room involves the use of equipment that emits heat - microwave oven, electric kettle, oven etc. Therefore too high temperature air is inappropriate here.
  • Bathroom. Here the temperature should be within +25 degrees, since the humidity in this room is much higher than in other rooms, and people in it are usually undressed. At low temperatures, dampness and discomfort will immediately be felt.
  • Children's room. The temperature in this room can fluctuate and depends on the age of the child. For a newborn it should be +24 degrees, and for an older baby - +21–22.
  • Living rooms and other rooms for maximum comfort should have a temperature within 19–21 degrees.

Do not forget that too large a temperature difference should not be observed between different rooms one apartment. Ideally, 2 degrees is acceptable so that when moving within the house a person does not feel this difference.

About well-being

Temperature regulator

Regardless of personal preferences, you should adhere to the temperature norm. This is especially true for hot summers and winters, when the temperature outside and in the apartment differs significantly. Otherwise, this can lead to overheating or severe hypothermia, and also cause cardiac problems.

Overheating of the body

The atmosphere in the room is too hot favorable conditions for the spread of various bacteria. As a result, residents become infected with infectious diseases.

Important! In extreme heat, a person loses moisture, the blood thickens, and the heart works harder, which can have bad consequences for people with cardiovascular problems.

In addition, dehydration due to too high heat levels leads to excessive sweating and the person loses moisture. And this leads to serious disturbances in water and electrolyte balance.


Children shouldn't be cold

A similar process is possible in winter, when the temperature in the apartment sharply drops below +17 degrees due to poor-quality heating. In this case, the heat transfer from the body increases in the residents, and hypothermia occurs, which entails the occurrence of acute respiratory diseases and problems with the nervous system.

This is especially dangerous for young children. Therefore, you need to be careful to maintain the established temperature standards in the room.

Temperature regulation

According to current sanitary standards, the temperature in an apartment or house should not be more than +22 degrees, and any deviation can negatively affect well-being. What to do if your home has different indicators, and how to create an optimal microclimate for residents?

In the past, air temperature was regulated only by heating radiators. For additional heating, heating devices were used - as a rule, electric fireplaces, convectors with open incandescent coils, and others. In order to make the air in the room cooler, the windows were opened, and the problem was solved.

Modern technologies have provided man with large selection air conditioners and other devices that have functionality and provide comfort in the room. For example, the main function of split systems is not only cooling the air in the apartment, but also heating, dehumidification mode when too high humidity, ventilation, air purification and removal of foreign odors.

Regulator mount

If we talk about established sanitary standards, then the battery temperature is not standardized. The main thing is that the apartments have the required air temperature, which differs slightly across the country depending on the climatic conditions of each area. As a rule, in winter period it must be at least +20 degrees Celsius. If this indicator is lower, it means that the home heating service is of poor quality.

The owner only has:

  • Demand that deficiencies in the provision of heating services be eliminated.
  • Apply for a recalculation of heating payments.
  • Quality insulation of your apartment.
  • Purchase additional heating devices.
  • Install autonomous heating for your apartment.


The organization providing services, that is, the housing office, management company, etc., must ensure the standard temperature in the apartment. Therefore, if poor-quality heating is detected, it is necessary to notify these organizations and, if necessary, draw up a report.

If we are talking about a private residential building, then we need to consider the efficiency of the installed heating equipment, taking measures to increase the efficiency of the heating device or changing the heating system.

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With the arrival of cold weather, people's complaints that the rooms where they live and work are not warm enough become more frequent. But utility companies always claim that on their part everything is supplied as it should be - the coolant indicators when leaving the boiler houses correspond sanitary requirements. To figure out who is right in such a situation, you need to know what the standard temperature in the apartment during the heating season is established by technical standards by law.

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    Established indicators

    Every person has his own concept home comfort in the cold season: one feels great in shorts and a T-shirt at 17 °C, the other will feel chilly in a warm jumper and socks at 26 °C. That is, everything depends on individual perception. Factors influencing the feeling of temperature in the apartment:

    Therefore, when developing temperature standards in apartments (SANPIN), not only the wishes of people, but also the opinions of doctors were taken into account.

    Temperature standards in the apartment. Morning with Gubernia. Gubernia TV

    Medical rationale

    The opinion of doctors regarding what temperature should be in an apartment in winter is quite unanimous: 22 °C. It is this indicator that provides optimal comfort for human health. A higher value will make the air dry, and this will lead to the fact that it will become more difficult to breathe: a feeling of “stuffy” nose will appear. The only exception is the bathroom: it may be noticeably warmer than other rooms in the apartment, but this will be compensated by high humidity.

    However, if there is a newborn baby in the house, then a temperature of 23 °C will be more comfortable for him. And in the room where he is bathed, it can even reach a value of 28 °C. Regarding bedrooms, the situation is different: adults find it much more pleasant to sleep in rooms where it is cool. Therefore, 18-20 degrees is quite enough for these rooms. It is this indicator that will guarantee deeper and more sound sleep, which means that a person will wake up well rested.

    Standard values

    These indicators are based on GOST 51617 −2000, according to which the temperature in apartments must correspond to the range of 18−26 °C depending on the time of year: in winter it is 18−22 °C, in summer it is not higher than 26 degrees. Within the boundaries of this area were established optimal and permissible deviation values ​​for each type of residential premises:

    Deviations towards a decrease in value during the heating season are allowed only at night (from midnight to 5 am). The maximum decrease cannot be more than 2−3 °C. The basis is the order of SANPIN on the standard temperature in the apartment.

    Heating standards and hot water

    Taking measurements

    In order to monitor compliance with temperature standards in the apartment, you need to periodically take measurements. And to get true results , you must follow a few simple rules:

    Measurements should be taken not in one room, but at least in two (for example, in the living room and bedroom, or kitchen and room). This will make the results more informative.

    How warm the home will be during the cold season will depend on the temperature to which the coolant entering the heating radiators is heated. You can measure the level of water heating in batteries using conventional thermometers. How to do it:

    Another option for determination is using a common building heating meter. On this meter you can see at what temperature the coolant enters the pipes, and how much the value of this indicator decreases when leaving the system. The standards for these values ​​must comply with the following:

    • If the outside air temperature is not lower than +6 °C, then the coolant should enter at a temperature of about 60 °C and leave at 40 °C.
    • The outside atmospheric temperature is about zero degrees - at the entrance to the system the required temperature is 66 °C, at the exit - 49 °C.
    • If it is -5° C or lower outside, then the water for heating the room must enter at a temperature of at least 77 ° C, and leave at 55 ° C.

    If the result obtained deviates from the standard temperature in residential premises set by law, the tenant may demand a recalculation for the service. To do this, the fluctuation threshold must be as follows: 4 °C during the day and 5 °C at night.

    Comfortable air temperature for the child.

    Research result

    If, when carrying out independent measurements, it turns out that the temperature readings are below the established standards, then this must be reported to the service dealing with heat supply issues. From there, a specialist will be sent to carry out a control measurement and draw up a corresponding report. What should be contained in the document:

    • Date of preparation of the paper.
    • Information about technical specifications apartments.
    • Full names of utility service employees included in the inspection commission.
    • Meter readings.
    • Signatures of those present.

    The document must be drawn up in two copies, one of which will remain with the owner of the property, and the other will be sent to the utility service.

    Penalties for non-compliance with standards

    According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, heating must be supplied to houses without interruption and be of the required quality. Otherwise, residents may request a recalculation for this service: 0.15% of the established tariff for each hour when the standards were not met.

    However, the same document also indicates the permissible standards for the absence of heat. They directly relate to force majeure situations (accidents on the heating main, repairs) and cannot exceed the established time:

    • Maximum of one day per calendar month.
    • No longer than 16 hours, provided that room temperature will not drop to 12 °C.
    • Up to 8 hours - if the temperature in the living room has dropped to 12−10 °C.
    • If the living space has cooled down to 8-10 °C, then the heat supply must be resumed no later than after 4 hours.

    In order to find out what exactly caused the lack of heat in the apartment, it is enough to call the emergency dispatch service: if the culprit is a force majeure situation, then an employee of the organization will certainly tell you about it, as well as approximately how much time it will take to eliminate the problem problems. It is necessary to indicate the following information:

    This petition can also be sent by mail - by registered mail with notification. Then the HOA employees will not have any opportunity to “dismiss” the complaint: all letters received by the organization are necessarily recorded as incoming correspondence and are subject to mandatory review.

    Duration of the trial

    The application will be accepted for consideration only within 30 days after the fact of poor-quality provision of the service has been established. The resolution on recalculation is issued for a period of six months. And it will begin to be calculated from the next calendar month.

    But there is a nuance: the payment amount can be reduced only if the overall temperature in the room is significantly lower than the established norm. And how hot or cold the radiators are in each room is not taken into account.

    Another feature is the fact that any repairs carried out on heating system in an apartment on their own, may become the basis for a refusal to request a reduction in the amount of payment for heat. But, on the other hand, no one can force a person to pay for a non-existent or low-quality service - you also need to remember this and not be afraid to defend your case.

Heat / Radiators

Problems with heating during the heating season and cold in the apartment can be a reason for going to court. By law, batteries must warm the room no lower than the temperature established by special standards.

What should be the temperature in the apartment? Legal requirements

The temperature in the residential premises of an apartment building is determined by the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, as well as “GOST R 51617-2000. State standard Russian Federation. Housing and communal services. General technical specifications

The “Rules for the Provision of Utilities” states that in residential premises the temperature should not be lower than +18 °C (in corner rooms - +20 °C). And in areas with the coldest five-day temperature of -31 °C and below, the air temperature in residential premises should not be lower than +20 °C (in corner rooms - +22 °C).

At night (from 00.00 to 5.00 hours) the air temperature in the apartment can drop by no more than 4 °C. During the daytime, a decrease in temperature below the standard level is not allowed.

At the same time, GOST R 51617-2000 (State Russian Federation standard. Housing and communal services. General technical conditions. approved Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated June 19, 2000 N 158-st) establishes the minimum level of air temperature for certain types of premises in an apartment.

Room Indoor air temperature during the cold season, °C
Living room of an apartment or dormitory 18 (20 )
The same, in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period (security 0.92) minus 31 °C and below 20 (22 )
Apartment and dormitory kitchen, vat: 18
Drying cabinet for clothes and shoes in the apartment -
Bathroom 25
Individual restroom 18
Combined toilet and bathroom area 25
The same, with individual heating 18
Common washroom 18
Shared shower 25
Shared restroom 16
Dressing room for cleaning and ironing clothes, washroom in the dormitory 18
Lobby, common corridor, hallway in an apartment building, staircase 16
Lobby, common corridor, staircase in the dormitory 18
Laundry room 15
Ironing and drying rooms in dormitories 15
Storage rooms for storing personal belongings and sports equipment; household and linen in the hostel 12
Isolation room in a dormitory 20
Elevator machine room 5
Garbage collection chamber 5

Notes: In the corner rooms of apartments and dormitories, the air temperature should be 2 °C higher than specified

How to correctly measure the air temperature in your apartment?

The current “Rules for the Provision of Public Utilities” explain the situation as follows:

... Measurement of air temperature in residential premises is carried out in a room (if there are several rooms - in the largest living room), in the center of planes spaced from the inner surface outer wall and heating element at 0.5 m and in the center of the room (the point of intersection of the diagonal lines of the room) at a height of 1 m. In this case measuring instruments must meet the requirements of standards (GOST 30494-96)…

What to do if the temperature in your apartment drops below normal?

If you find that your apartment is colder than required by law, you must notify your emergency dispatch service. The application can be made either in writing or orally (by telephone call).

The duty officer is required to register your application and set a time for the inspection.

The time for the inspection is set no later than 2 hours from the moment of receiving a message from the consumer about a violation of the quality of the utility service, unless a different time is agreed upon with the consumer.

Upon completion of the inspection, an inspection report is drawn up. If during its course a violation of the quality of a utility service is established, then the inspection report indicates the date and time of the inspection, the identified violations of the quality parameters of the utility service, the methods (tools) used during the inspection to identify such violations, conclusions about the date and time of the beginning of the violation of the quality of the utility service. services.

It’s cold in the apartment: what compensation can you expect?

If no one comes to you, or comes and signs documents, but nothing changes, then you have a natural desire to influence the situation in more radical ways.

Before we look at possible methods impact on utility workers, let's clarify what responsibilities current legislation is assigned to the heat supplier to the residential building.

The requirements for an acceptable interruption in the heat supply are formulated as follows (for more details, see the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, Appendix 1, Section VI):

  • no more than 24 hours (in total) within 1 month;
  • no more than 16 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +12°C to the standard temperature indicated in the table above;
  • no more than 8 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +10°C to +12°C;
  • no more than 4 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +8°С to +10°С

The liability of utility companies for violations of these requirements is established as follows:

  • for each hour of exceeding the permissible duration of a heating interruption, calculated in total for billing period, in which the specified excess occurred, the amount of payment for utility services for such a billing period is reduced by 0.15% of the fee determined for such a billing period.

Well, what if heat is supplied to the apartment, but the radiators do not warm the room? In this case, the following requirements are established:

  • permissible decrease in standard temperature at night (from 0.00 to 5.00 hours) - no more than 3°C from the above level;
  • a decrease in air temperature in a living room during the daytime (from 5.00 to 0.00 hours) is not allowed

Responsibility for violation of these norms is established as follows:

  • for each hour of deviation in air temperature in a residential area in total during the billing period in which the specified deviation occurred, the amount of payment for utility services for such billing period is reduced by 0.15% of the fee determined for such billing period for each degree of temperature deviation.

Thus, the current legislation makes it possible:

  • In the event of your batteries being disconnected, for every hour in excess of the permitted duration of battery disconnection (the terms are indicated above), you will be charged 0.15% of the monthly (this is how we set the billing period) payment for heat
  • If the apartment is cold, but the radiators still heat, then you can demand a reduction in the monthly heating fee by 0.15% for each hour when the temperature was below the standard.

The recalculation may be for a significant amount. Let's do the math.

Suppose you pay about 3,000 rubles a month in winter for heating your apartment. You are tired of constantly freezing and, say, on December 3, you drew up an act stating that the temperature in your apartment does not exceed 15 degrees Celsius (determined based on the temperature in the largest room by area).

However, within a month there was no reaction from the utility workers. It's still cold in the house. What will the recalculation be like?

We take 27 days following the drawing up of the act. This will be 648 hours. We multiply this number of hours by 0.15%, we get a figure of 97.2%. You should be recalculated for this amount. It turns out that you are actually not obligated to pay for heating if this service is not provided efficiently.

Naturally, no one will return this money to you voluntarily. We need to go to court.

What are the chances of winning a lawsuit regarding cold radiators in an apartment?

There are precedents for residents being able to get their heating bills recalculated due to the cold in their apartment.

In particular, in 2014, in several courts, a resident Perm region managed to achieve a recovery of 136 thousand rubles in favor of low temperature in a living room.

As Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports, Gubakha resident Natalya Alekseeva (surname changed) filed a lawsuit against the local management company in the spring of 2014, demanding 350 thousand rubles from utility workers. She justified her statement by the fact that during the heating season of 2012-2013, as well as in the winter of the following year, the temperature in her apartment did not rise above 15 degrees. Meanwhile, according to the rules for the provision of public utilities, the air in residential premises must be heated to 18 degrees, and in corner rooms - to 20.

Alekseeva invited employees of the Criminal Code to take her temperature. In total, such measurements were made ten times. And not once did they meet the norm. The plaintiff even noted in her statement to the court that due to the cold in the apartment she became ill, and listed several diseases that brought her to the hospital.

Alekseeva did not stop complaining to all sorts of authorities, district and regional, trying to achieve a recalculation of utility bills. And in 2013, she even refused to pay for heating, believing that they were taking money from her unreasonably. The case then reached the magistrate’s court, which issued an order to collect 31 thousand rubles in debt from Alekseeva. But this decision was overturned, since she was able to prove the improper provision of a service such as heating.

As a result, all attempts to solve the problem peacefully failed. Claims asking for a recalculation of heat payments were rejected. The woman was not offered any compensation. And then she went to court.

During the trial, representatives of the management company completely denied their involvement in the low temperatures in Alekseeva’s apartment. They stated that there was no agreement between them for the provision of such a service as heating, and money for it did not arrive at their cash desk. Therefore, they did not recognize the demands presented.

However, the Gubakhinsky City Court decided otherwise. The fact is that, according to the management agreement for the apartment building where Alekseeva lives, the management company is obliged to provide water supply, sanitation and heating services. According to the same document, payment for them must be made directly to resource supply organizations.

The management company, in addition, has an agreement with the local housing and communal services department on the supply of thermal energy. It states that this resource is intended for heating residential buildings, and the air temperature in them must meet the standards.

Therefore, the court recognized Alekseeva’s demands as legal, and all the objections of the Criminal Code as unfounded. The absence of a heating agreement between them does not play any role, since this obligation of the utility organization is specified in the agreement for the management of an apartment building.

Taking into account that the management company could no longer argue the fact of poor-quality heat supply, the court satisfied the plaintiff’s demands for recovery of money. At the same time, Alekseeva is required to return 77 thousand rubles as a recalculation, in addition, a fine of half this amount and 20 thousand rubles as compensation for moral damage. Total 136 thousand.

After all, hypothermia, like overheating, has a negative effect on human health. Among other things, norms also depend on gender. Women require higher temperatures than men. You need to be extremely careful about the temperature conditions in the apartment where children live. They cannot yet regulate their temperature, so they are susceptible to overheating and freezing faster than adults. As a result thermal norm for them it should be stable and be about 22 degrees. In accordance with current sanitary standards, central temperature control systems must maintain values ​​of no less than and no more than 22 degrees, and all deviations from this value have a bad effect on well-being. To maintain normal temperature, certain conditions must be observed.

What temperature should the apartment be in winter?

Therefore, you should defend your rights and contact regulatory authorities. Conclusion The management company at the place of residence is obliged to provide temperature in accordance with current standards and regulations.

As a result, if cases of non-compliance with the quality of heating services are identified, this organization must be reported and, if required, a report must be drawn up. If it comes to a private residential building, then it is necessary to check the supplied heating devices, increasing the efficiency of the batteries or replacing the radiators with modern, efficient devices.

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Normal temperature in the apartment

The temperature cannot be checked close to the floor or ceiling, or close to walls or windows. Test standard: 1 meter from external wall, 1.5 m from the floor.


In cases where there are deviations from these requirements, payment for this service should be reduced by 0.15% per hour of non-compliance with these standards. If there are deviations from the norm If the temperature readings should not be below the permissible level, then they can exceed the norm, but no more than 4 degrees.

If the batteries do not warm up well, then you need to write a complaint to the DEZ asking for an inspection. The specialist who will carry out the inspection draws up 2 copies of the inspection report, one of which will remain with the owner.
The utility company responsible for the situation must then take steps to correct it. The measures are quite urgent and must be taken within 1-7 days from the date of signing the act.

What are the norms for temperature in an apartment during the heating season according to Sanpin?

Minimum temperature in corner apartment is an indicator of 20 °C. For staircase in the entrance of a residential building the standard temperature is set in the range of 14-20 °C, and in the inter-apartment corridor - 16-22 °C.


Since heating in an apartment or other premises is a service that the relevant services are required to provide, you will find the article on consumer protection, which you can read here, useful. More detailed standards for all types of premises are set out in Sanitary regulations and SanPiN standards.

Yes, in the workplace production premises a temperature of 16 °C to 24 °C is required, depending on the energy consumption of the work. In attics and basements apartment buildings the temperature should not fall below 4 °C.

What temperature should the apartment be during the heating season?

Place furniture and equipment on minimum distance– 1 meter from the radiators. It is recommended to regulate the temperature schedule of the heating system in individual rooms using manual or electronic thermostats.

When installed even on an old heater, the electronic head can be adjusted to a temperature of up to 0.5 degrees, and program the heating output for a whole week, taking into account the time of day and the habits of local residents. Modern thermostats they will also regulate the thermal power in accordance with external conditions - warming or cooling outside, sunlight etc.

d. You do not need to completely turn off the heat, all you need to do is lower the temperature, for example, by setting the economy mode to 15° C. Reducing the temperature by even 1° C increases heat savings by 5-7.5%.

Optimal temperature in an apartment in winter: the legal norm

To correct the situation you can:

  • turn on the tap in front of the radiator;
  • install an air recuperator.

When you close the ball valve in front of the battery, you will reduce the amount of hot water supplied. The recuperator will allow air flows to circulate correctly, and the air flow will enter the home already warmed up. The optimal temperature during the heating season of Kaya is clear from the above; the comfortable value in the apartment is set by SNIP at 20-22 degrees. Possible indicators are defined within the range of 18-26 degrees, in accordance with the purpose of the housing.

Kitchen, living rooms and the bathroom have different standards. The errors correspond to 3 degrees of decrease and 4 degrees of increase in indicators.

Unfortunately, according to current legislation, when it is 15 degrees above zero in an apartment, claims cannot be made against management companies.

Winter temperature in the apartment: normal

In the event that the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season are not met, it is necessary to request a recalculation of the payment for the corresponding service. Her payment should be reduced by 0.15% for each hour of non-compliance.

Normal winter temperature in an apartment All temperature standards in a residential area are determined and regulated by GOST 30494-2011 “Indoor microclimate parameters”. First of all, the temperature should be comfortable for those living in the apartment.

Inside a living space, these standards are different, although there is an average temperature for an apartment. In general, normal temperature is 20-22 degrees. Naturally, the beginning of the heating season should begin long before the onset of frost, that is, a stable minus.

“Heating” in apartments begins before the onset of winter. This happens after the thermometer is not constantly below +8 degrees.

What is the optimal temperature in an apartment in winter: the norm by law

  • 1 Temperature standards
    • 1.1 Medical standards for temperature conditions in residential premises
  • 2 Heat control
  • 3 Factors affecting temperature
  • 4 Climate control in the room
    • 4.1 How to increase or decrease the temperature
  • 5 Optimal temperature during the heating season
  • 6 Responsibility of public utilities for violations of standards
  • 7 Conclusion

The amount in payment receipts increases quarterly, especially during a crisis period for the country. But at the same time, the quality of public services leaves much to be desired.

Difficult times come for tenants when the heating is turned off. In such a situation, management companies responsible for providing hot water supply in apartment buildings, often work dishonestly and strive to evade responsibility.

The measuring distance must exceed half a meter from the outer wall and heating devices, and its height must exceed 60 centimeters. A sample Temperature Check Report can be downloaded here.

If, during self-measurement, you determine that the temperature norm is lowered, you should inform the Emergency Dispatch Service about this. If the disruption of the heat supply is not caused by natural factors (for example, an accident on the heating main), the dispatcher calls an emergency team to the house, drawing up an official measurement report.

The measurement must be carried out by a registered device that has all the necessary technical documents.

Climate is understood not only as temperature conditions, since this is only one of many components. The concept also includes the humidity of the air itself, both indoors and outdoors, as well as the amount of atmospheric pressure.

It is these factors in their totality that can directly affect changes in the temperature norm in residential premises. Hot countries with high humidity air, have higher temperature standards for residential premises. Northern countries, in comparison, have significantly lower temperature norms due to the cold climate type. Change of season Taking into account the change of season, the temperature in the room may also differ significantly. For example, in winter time, the temperature will not be as high as in the summer. If we take the European climate, then the acceptable temperature in the cold season here will be from 19 to 22 degrees.

During the period of correction of violations, standards change and charges for an apartment are recalculated taking into account the area of ​​housing. The heating service must be provided uninterruptedly.

Allowable breaks should not exceed 24 hours per month (this is in total). If the reduced temperature persists for a long time, then you need to call the control room. If a blockage is detected during the inspection, it must be removed. In case the reasons are not found, you need to write to management company or housing and communal services application. Where else can you go:

  • prosecutor's office;
  • Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights;
  • housing inspection.

During the proceedings, you must present acts, applications with appeals, as well as copies of title documents. In the video about heating standards. If you approach the process competently, you can defend your rights.

If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please contact the online consultant form on the right or call the free consultation numbers: back to content Temperature standards in premises The standard establishing permissible temperature values ​​for residential premises during the cold season is “GOST R 51617 -2000. Housing and communal services. General technical conditions".

It requires compliance with a temperature range of 18-25 degrees Celsius. Within this range, a standard is established for each type of room in the room. So, in the living room the temperature should not be below 18 °C, and in the bathroom - below 25 °C. Deviations to the bottom are permissible only at night (0.00 - 5.00) by no more than 3 °C. SanPiN, in turn, also declares the upper temperature limit. For example, for a living room it is 24 °C.

We pay utilities monthly, including heating. Sometimes the amounts are impressive, but the quality of services leaves much to be desired. When the temperature is below the permissible level, it means that the management organization is not doing its job properly. You have the right to file a complaint and seek compensation. First you need to figure out what the normal temperature in the apartment is during the heating season, make sure that it is lower or higher than required.

When the heating is turned on

Important! Please keep in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to choose any of the options offered:

When in multi-storey building Whether there is a gas or electric boiler, the residents decide for themselves when to start heating. At centralized system- Management companies, homeowners associations, but not when they want, but under certain conditions.

Heating is provided when the average temperature is less than -8 °C for five days. The heat is turned off if it is above -8 °C for the same number of days.

Acceptable indicators

Values ​​for rooms established by SanPiN and SNIP:

  • corner - minimum +20 °C, maximum +24 °C;
  • central - +18…+24 °C;
  • kitchen, combined bathroom and bath, toilet - +18…+26 °C;
  • pantry - 12-22 °C;
  • entrance - +16…+22 °C;
  • lobby - +14…+20 °C;

A nighttime decrease of 3° is acceptable. When it is below -31 °C outside, the temperature on any floor increases by 2 scales. However, this rule does not apply to the restroom and bathroom.

Acceptable values ​​differ slightly according to medical indications. The optimal figure is +22 °C (with a humidity of 30 percent). If it is higher, this can lead to pathologies of the respiratory system and accumulation of sputum. Favorable conditions for the life of pathogenic microorganisms will be created in the nasopharynx. The exception is the bathroom, where high levels are not dangerous due to water vapor.

If you have a small child, then the temperature in his room in winter is +23 °C. In the bathroom when bathing - +28 °C. In the adults' bedroom optimal value+20 °C. This promotes more restful and deep sleep.

How to measure heat

When measuring, you need to adhere to certain rules so that the indicators are as accurate as possible:

  1. Do not produce in sunny weather.
  2. Outdoors in autumn and winter no higher than -5 °C.
  3. Take the measurement several times.
  4. Check the tightness: close all doors, vents, and windows tightly.

Measurements are taken in at least 2 rooms. The exception is one-room housing with a window occupying 30% of the surface.

The measurement is carried out with a device with a technical passport. It is called a digital contact thermometer. The device has an electronic unit and a submersible probe. It is usually used by specialists.

The thermometer is kept at a distance of 50 cm from the wall facing the outside of the heating devices. The measurement height does not exceed 60 cm. You can also invite specialists to take measurements. To do this, you need to contact the managing organization or independent control laboratory. The latter company is in every city, its number can be found on the Internet.

Air exchange

An important role in comfortable living There is air exchange in the apartment. This parameter shows how many times per hour a complete air change occurs.

Air exchange standards are in SanpiN: multiplicity for an area of ​​18 sq.m. 3 m³/h. In the kitchen the indicator is 9 m³/h.


This is hot water coming from the tap. This parameter can be measured in a variety of ways. The most accessible of them is to place the thermometer in a glass of tap water.

You can also measure the heat in the pipes: tape an alcohol thermometer to the radiator and cover it with heat-insulating material. The value should be +50…+70 °C.

What affects temperature

The following factors influence:

  • heating off;
  • climatic features;
  • change of seasons;
  • features (panel, brick structure, etc.).

The following will help keep you warm:

  1. Volumetric battery: the larger it is, the better the room is heated. It is prohibited to install additional radiators yourself. If done incorrectly, the pressure in the heating system may drop. As a result, the battery will heat up slightly or only partially. Even worse, if the heat supply in the entire apartment building is interrupted, you will have to call the emergency service.
  2. New energy-saving double-glazed windows add several degrees. If it is not possible to install them, the old ones are insulated window frames cotton wool, masking tape, thick cloth, etc.
  3. Thermal insulation of walls, especially in corner room. It can be done from the inside or outside.
  4. A heat reflective shield installed next to the battery will guide warm air to the room.
  5. Heated floors. If it is not possible to install them, insulated linoleum and carpet are installed.
  6. Additional heating sources (heater, heat gun and so on).
  7. Autonomous heat supply system.

If it is too hot, you can close the ball valve in front of the radiator: you will reduce the flow of hot water supplied. It is recommended to install a recuperator; it normalizes air circulation.

What to do when the temperature is lower

If a lack of compliance with standards is detected, it is necessary to report this to the emergency dispatch service by telephone or in writing. Contact details are indicated on the housing and communal services receipt.

When a complaint is made orally by telephone, the operator is obliged to introduce himself, give the number and time of registration of the complaint. If the claim is submitted in writing, you must make a copy of it. On the duplicate, an employee of the organization puts a note of acceptance, full name, signature.

The application is written in free form, but in compliance with certain rules. In the header of the sheet you need to indicate the following information:

In the middle of the sheet the name of the document is indicated: claim, complaint, application. In the text of the appeal:

  • links to standards in residential premises;
  • metering indicators in your apartment;
  • consequences of violations;
  • list of attached materials (certificate, certificates from a medical institution, if staying in a cool room led to health problems, etc.);
  • your requirements (normalize the operation of heating networks, recalculate heating fees, make monetary compensation, etc.);
  • an indication of what will happen if your complaint is not responded to or the answer does not suit you (application to Rospotrebnadzor, Regional Housing Inspectorate, Prosecutor's Office, court);
  • date and signature.

You can download the sample as follows.

When low temperature is not related to repair and maintenance work at the boiler room; after registration of the request, an inspection is carried out. The time of the specialist’s visit is agreed upon with the applicant. If the owner has not indicated arrival hours, the inspection is carried out within 2 hours from the moment the application is submitted.
If the inspection reveals violations, a report is filled out in 2 copies, one remains with the owner. The document states:

  • measurement date;
  • characteristics of the premises;
  • composition of the commission;
  • methods and instruments used for testing;
  • data from devices;
  • signatures of all those present.

When the owner has doubts about the reliability of the study, it is carried out again with the participation of the State Housing Inspectorate or OZPP.

If the inspection was not carried out within the time limits established by law, the owner can draw up an act independently, in the presence of the chairman of the house and 2 neighbors. The document is sent to the management company.

Utility Liability

According to Decree of the Russian Federation No. 354, suppliers can suspend heat supply for the following periods:

  • up to 24 hours within a month;
  • at a time up to 16 hours (at +12…+18 °C);
  • up to 8 hours (+10…+12 °C);
  • up to 4 hours (+8…+10 °C).

When the temperature is below the permissible level, a citizen has the right to demand a reduction in heating fees by 0.15% for each hour of discrepancy. It turns out that in a week the amount should be reduced by more than 90%.

To recalculate, you need to contact the Criminal Code with an application. You can download its sample from the following. If the responsible person refuses to reduce the fee, you can go to court.

There are cases when citizens were able to achieve not only a recalculation, but also receive moral compensation. For example, one resident of our country sued the Criminal Code for 135,500 rubles. In the woman’s apartment it was +15 °C, this was confirmed by repeated measurements. However, the responsible organization did not take any measures, forcing the owner to go to court.

After the proceedings, the judge ruled that the responsible authority must recalculate the amount of 77,000 rubles and pay a fine of 38,500 rubles. In addition, the plaintiff fell ill due to prolonged exposure to a cold room and was admitted to the hospital. In this regard, she was paid compensation in the amount of 20,000 rubles.

Do not be afraid to stand up for your rights if you are sure that the law is on your side. In proceedings with the Criminal Code, in most cases the judge takes the side of the plaintiff. Even if the case is lost, you will not lose anything.

Lawyer at the Legal Defense Board. He specializes in administrative and civil cases, compensation for damages from insurance companies, consumer protection, as well as cases related to the illegal demolition of shells and garages.