How to choose a heat gun. Comparative analysis. How to choose a diesel heat gun Which gun is more profitable, electric or oil-based?

If you need to quickly warm up an unheated garage or any other room, you can use the appropriate equipment. An excellent example is an electric heat gun (220V). You can find out how to choose such a device if you read the article. Such units are a lifesaver when construction or finishing work has been extended for an indefinite period, and the cold is already approaching.

If from time to time you are faced with the need to warm up a frozen car, then you can’t do without a heat gun, because quite often the car refuses to start in the cold. Considering that the range of such devices is truly huge, you must understand how to choose a gun. This task can be quite difficult. But if you follow certain rules and take into account important factors, you can make a profitable purchase.

The gun can be used not only for the garage and construction needs, but also for, and also, if necessary, drying the room after finishing works. Experts advise deciding on the power of the device, design features and the manufacturer.

How to make a choice based on technical characteristics?

The first thing you should pay attention to is what parameters will be optimal for the gun to operate. The selection must be based on suitable voltage and power. As for the last characteristic, when choosing it, you can use one of two calculation options. The simplest method that will allow you to determine what power to choose is as follows: for every 10 m 2 of room you will need 1 kW of power.

If you have to heat a room 4 x 6 m, then the simplest calculations will show that the power of the gun should be equal to 3 kW. This value can be determined as follows: 4 multiplied by 6, which is equal to 24 m 2. Taking into account the recommendations, we can conclude that the power reserve is approximately 20%. The calculation will look like this: 2.4 multiplied by 1.2, which will give 2.88 kW. The closest value is 3 kW, and it is with this in mind that you need to select a device for heating a garage.

Alternative power calculation option

If you are faced with the question of how to choose an electric heat gun (220V), then you can use another calculation option. The value will ultimately be more accurate. This approach is relevant when choosing a heat gun for your home. The formula takes into account not the area, but the volume of the room, as well as the thermal conductivity coefficient of the walls.

The formula is as follows: P=(V*dT*Kt)/860. Here, the volume of the room is denoted by the letter V and is defined as the area, which is multiplied by the height of the ceiling. The difference in temperature between indoors and outdoors is dT. Thermal conductivity coefficient - Kt. If the room has walls with good thermal insulation, then this value will vary from 0.6 to 1. When equipment is selected for a room with average thermal insulation or brick walls in two rows, then the coefficient will be equal to the limit from 1 to 2.

Pick up heat gun also necessary for rooms whose walls are made of single-row brickwork. Thermal insulation in this case is usually poor, and the thermal conductivity coefficient will reach 3, while its minimum value is 2.

When choosing a heat gun for a dilapidated hangar made of corrugated sheets or boards, you must take into account a coefficient of 3 to 4. The number 860 is the number of kcal in one kilowatt. Before deciding how to choose an electric heat gun (220V), you must understand the essence of the calculation, which can be considered using a specific example.

If we are talking about choosing equipment for the garage and heating the car, then you can take into account the same volume of the room 4 x 6 m. And the ceiling height can be taken equal to 3 m. Inside the building the air temperature should be +15 °C, whereas outside -20 °C. The difference is 35 °C.

When the garage is well insulated, the coefficient will be equal to 1. The calculation formula in this case is as follows: 72 x 35 x 1 = 2520 kcal/h. In order to convert this value into kilowatts, you should divide it by 860, which will give you 2.93 kW. It is important to take equipment with a power reserve; in the end, the required parameter will be equal to 3.5 kW, which is quite enough.

For reference

When deciding how to choose an electric heat gun (220V), you should pay attention to the fact that there is a conditional classification of equipment by power. Fan heaters are those units whose power reaches 5 kW; everything above is guns.

How to make a choice based on operating time and noise level: reviews

Experts also advise paying attention to the duration of the gun’s operation. When heating the room similar devices must work without interruption for quite a long period of time. An electric heat gun (220V), reviews of which you can read below, can have a value that looks like this: 24/1 or 24/2. In these cases, the work duration is around the clock with a break of one or two hours.

In order to do right choice According to the characteristics, consumers are advised to also pay attention to the noise level during operation, as well as the range of operating temperatures. Having familiarized yourself with the assortment modern devices, you will be able to understand that they are capable of operating at temperatures ranging from +5 to +40 °C.

Selection by room type

Another quite important criterion for choosing a heat gun is the type of room. If you want to purchase a device for your home, it must work on the principle of indirect heating. But before buying a device for a greenhouse or heating a car, it is better to pay attention to simple options, which will eliminate the need to overpay.

When choosing a gun for temporary heating, you should take into account the fact that a portable case is better suited for these purposes. If the heater will have to be in one place for a long time, then you should choose stationary device, which allows you to fix it in a certain place in the room.

Select by additional parameters

An electric heat gun (220V) is also selected taking into account additional factors, for example, the presence of a temperature controller. Modern technology necessarily has such functionality, but if you want to save money, it is better to select a device with at least a step regulator. It will allow you to manage the efficiency and performance of the device.

It should also have an automatic shutdown function if overheating occurs. When the housing accidentally falls and the heating element overheats, a fire hazard situation arises in which the thermostat must operate. When choosing an electric heat gun (220V), you must also take into account the material at the base of the body. It is better to choose metal than composite or plastic.

The first option is more durable; in addition, in the event of an accidental power outage, the hot heating element will not be able to damage the metal casing. As for plastic, it can melt if overheated and cause a fire.

If one of your goals is to quickly warm up the room, then it is better to choose a cylindrical type device, because their heating element is a spiral. This option is great for heating a garage, which is especially important if you need to warm up your car in cold weather.

What else is important to consider?

When choosing an electric heat gun (220V) for the garage, you should also take into account the presence of a service center in your city, because if the equipment breaks down, repairs can be very expensive. But if the gun is selected for a dacha or private home, then it is better to purchase a design rectangular shape, which seems more rational, because there is a mesh heating element inside, which does not dry out the air as much and is not so dangerous in terms of spontaneous combustion. The most powerful air flow can be achieved if you use equipment with an all-stamped impeller. When choosing a heater for a construction site, for example, for installation stretch ceiling, you should prefer a device with such a fan.

Popular rating participant: “Interskol TPE-2”. Reviews

The popularity rating would not be complete without including one of the models from the Interskol company. This device is purchased somewhat less frequently than those described above, so it occupies only third place. When considering equipment for heating rooms, according to consumers, you should definitely pay attention to the electric gun, the brand of which is mentioned in the subtitle above. Its cost is 2119 rubles, and the equipment itself, according to users, can be used for rooms up to 20 m2.

The body has a cylindrical shape and is made of steel. Its surface has an anti-corrosion coating. made of fechral spirals. Air consumption reaches 240 m 3 per hour. The equipment weighs 4.5 kg. Its dimensions are 240x240x310 mm.

This electric heat gun (2 kW, 220V) has many positive features, namely:

  • protective grille;
  • stable support;
  • bimetallic safety thermostat;
  • ease of control.

During operation, the device can increase the room temperature by 25 °C.

Making a gun with your own hands

You can make a gun from thin sheet metal, which will go to the body. During operation, you will need a heating element and an electric motor. To fix the spiral, make sure there is an insulating block. It is important to include switches, terminals and wires in the design.

Work methodology

Homemade electric heat guns (220V) do not have the same level of safety as factory models, so you must be nearby when operating them. The spiral is secured inside the housing using insulating blocks. Having prepared the bent metal halves, you can make a body out of them, which is fixed into a single whole with self-tapping screws. At the end of the resulting pipe is installed axial fan. It and the heating element must be connected to the network via switches, after which we can assume that the electric gun is ready for operation.


Before you choose one or another model of electric heat gun, you need to evaluate all its characteristics. Among the durable ones, but the most important is the power, which is selected taking into account several factors. Before making a purchase, you should take into account the insulation of the room, as well as its area.

The efficiency of space heating is a concern for many people.

This can equally concern both the manager of an enterprise who is puzzled by the problem of heating large production premises, and the owner of an ordinary private household.

And each of them is looking best option heating the room. This problem can arise especially acutely when a specific room needs to be heated very quickly. (By the way, you can read about the features of choosing a heat gun for a garage in).

And such moments can arise, for example, in the following situations:

  • sharp frosts came, and the current heating system does not fully heat a private house;
  • products that require special heat were delivered to the company's warehouse temperature regime, and storage conditions do not meet standards;
  • It is urgent to maintain the temperature in the greenhouse, since the main heat sources have failed.

It would seem that insoluble situations are described? But there is still a way out of them, and it is quite logical and simple - it is recommended to use it to quickly heat rooms.

This type of heating units appeared relatively recently on modern market heating equipment, and at the same time, has already managed to win a lot of feedback from users of these unique devices.

Therefore, in this article we will try to describe this type of equipment as heat guns in as much detail as possible, as well as tell you by what criteria you should choose heat guns.

Operating principle and device

What kind of miracle of technology is this? In order to answer this question, it is worth understanding that a heat gun is a device that can heat a room of any size in a fairly short period.

In other words, a heat gun is a unit that is designed for rapid heating, as well as for high-quality drying of various technological operations.

Many ordinary people involuntarily ask a reasonable question: what kind of heat gun is this? And the whole point is that appearance This unique heating device involuntarily resembles the design of an ordinary artillery cannon, and at the same time, is an excellent heating device.

As a rule, the design of a heat gun consists of the following important components:

  • a heating element;
  • powerful fan;
  • fairly durable metal case;
  • a thermostat that prevents the device from overheating;
  • a thermostat that allows the unit to operate in autonomous mode, in other words, the device operates from a preset temperature in the room;
  • Some types of these units are equipped with a filter for air purification.

The operation of a heat gun consists of the following sequential actions:

  • the heating element produces thermal energy;
  • cold air fed into the unit through a special hole on the body;
  • With the help of a fan, the forced air directs the heat flow into Right place premises.


An important fact is that thermal energy generated by converting various energy carriers into heat.

As for thermal devices of this type, they are usually divided into types depending on what type of energy carrier is chosen for their processing into heat air flow.

On the modern heating equipment market, heat guns are represented the following types.

. In units of this line, the heating element can be presented in the form of a spiral made of refractory metals or a sealed tube called a heating element.

On the modern heating equipment market, electric heat guns are represented by a wide range of models, the power of which varies from 1.5 kW to 50 kW, and models up to 5 kW can operate from a regular household electrical network.

In other words, electric heat guns have found application in almost all spheres of human activity, from heating small private houses to drying large warehouses and industrial premises.

. The operating principle of units of this type is that diesel fuel energy is used to produce warm air flow.

Diesel heat guns are divided into two main types:

  • a direct heating heat gun emits exhaust gases, so it is recommended to use it only in open spaces;
  • indirect heating heat gun operates without contamination environment, as a result, it can be used for heating and drying rooms for various purposes.

. Used to heat rooms natural gas, which burns out completely in the unit without polluting the environment.

A distinctive feature of units of this type is that the efficiency of gas heat guns is almost 100%.

Gas heat guns can be used quite effectively in crowded places (metro, passages, train stations, etc.), and they are also a great option heating in greenhouses.

Water heat guns. Main feature units of this type is that the heating element is presented in the form of a heat exchanger through which hot water passes.

Water heat guns can also be connected to an existing heating system, which in turn will significantly increase the efficiency of heating the room.

Infrared heat guns. The unique design of heat guns of this type is that they do not have a forcing fan heater. In other words, education heat flow promotes infrared radiation.

When using infrared heat guns, it is worth considering the fact that they specifically heat individual areas of the room, so they can be used effectively when drying plaster or when installing a stretch ceiling.

Multi-fuel heat guns. In such units, air heat flow occurs due to the efficient combustion of waste oil.

The operating principle of multi-fuel heat guns is that using special system pumps transfer waste oil to a special combustion chamber.

It is worth noting the fact that the efficiency of these units is close to 100%.

How to choose the right one

To choose the right heat gun for your specific purposes, you must always pay attention to a number of the following important criteria:

If the equipment fails, you can take it to a specialized workshop, or you can fix the breakdown yourself. Instructions:

How to calculate power

The simplest and convenient way Calculating the power of a heat gun is as follows: to heat 10 m2 of space, 1 - 1.3 kW of heat gun power is required.

For example, if you need to heat a room measuring 80 m2, then, accordingly, you need to select a unit that should be 80–104 kW.

We hope that the information presented in the article will be quite useful to you when choosing such a unique device as a heat gun.

Watch the video, which explains in detail how to choose the heat gun you need:

What do you need to know to choose the right heat gun model? Our article will tell you about this.


Fact 1: the energy source for a heat gun can be electricity, gas, diesel fuel - and more. Which one suits you best?

There are also multi-fuel guns that can use any liquid fuel(including waste oils, kerosene) and infrared (separated into a separate type due to a special heating method). Household ones include certain models of electric and gas guns, all others are used in industrial settings.

When choosing a device, think about what type of gun will be most beneficial for you - what heat source is available to you. Electric heat guns are connected to the electrical network. Gas guns are powered either from the main gas pipeline or from cylinders. A cannon connected to a gas pipeline is much more economical, but the connection itself will require collecting documents and obtaining permission. In production where large quantities of used oil remain, it is more profitable to install a multi-fuel gun.

Fact 2: sometimes it is more profitable to buy two small (in terms of power) guns than one large one.

Obviously, in a large room, the air temperature closest to the desired one will be maintained near the heat gun. If the room (for example, where renovations are being done and concrete or plaster needs to be dried) also has a complex configuration, the heat may not reach where you want it to go. Therefore, compare the prices for a gun of the same power that you received as a result of calculations, and for several (2-3) smaller ones, which in total will give the same amount of power (they can be placed at different ends of the room, and it will warm up evenly).

Fact 3: the required network voltage for the operation of heat guns can be 220 or 380 V.

For example, a Frico P303 floor-standing heat gun with step power control (10, 20, 30 kW) requires a mains voltage of 380 V. The popular model Master B 15 EPB (power 15 kW) has the same requirements. It is equipped with a thermostat, protection against overheating, has two heating modes, can work without heating (ventilation mode), is suitable for indoor conditions, used when laying parquet, finishing and plumbing work.

Is it possible to connect this model at your facility? Will your network hold up? Remember also about other electrical appliances that will work simultaneously with the heat gun (compressors, generators, etc.).


Fact 4: for safe use most heat guns need forced ventilation premises.

Guns burn oxygen during operation. This is especially true for gas guns. Therefore, the room must constantly receive Fresh air. In rooms without ventilation, it is prohibited to use devices that do not have a combustion product removal system (for example, gas guns direct heating). To increase safety, many models are equipped with sensors that monitor oxygen levels. If it decreases too much, the burner turns off. Electric guns burn almost no oxygen.

Fact 5: Heat guns vary in the duration of continuous operation.

If you need a heat gun to constantly heat a room, choose a device with a long operating period. However, even for devices that can operate for 24 hours, you need to take breaks of 1-2 hours. The markings on the device indicate the operating conditions (for example, 24/1 on the body).

Fact 6: Electric heat guns have two types of heating elements, which differ in their degree of safety.

These are heating elements and spirals. The coil heats up much faster, its maximum temperature is higher. Guns with heating elements are safer; dust does not accumulate or burn on them in such quantities as on open spirals. At the same time, the heating element is capable of producing a lower outlet temperature and heats up more slowly. An example of a heat gun with a heating element is Ballu BHP-5.000 C (power 5 kW). The heating element material is stainless steel, the element is protected metal mesh. Operates from 220 V.

Fact 7: Heat guns can be stationary or mobile.

Stationary ones are more productive and economical. They are larger in size - the Master BG 100 PD stationary diesel gun (power 6300 W) weighs 214 kg. To install them, you may need to draw up a project and obtain permission (as, for example, for gas ones). Used for continuous heating.

Mobile ones weigh less, have comfortable handles, and are easy to operate. Can be instantly put into working condition. A mobile diesel gun from the same manufacturer - Master B 150 CED (power 44 kW) - weighs 25 kg, almost 10 times less. It is easy to move, since the design of the gun includes a trolley with a high 2-sided handle. The tank of this model can hold 43 liters of fuel, so it does not require refueling for a long time. Output temperature 300 °C.

Fact 8: good heat guns have built-in automatic protection against overheating and tipping over.

Pay attention to this. The device should turn itself off when it overheats, and the gas gun mechanism should stop supplying fuel when it tips over.

Resanta TGP-30000 (power 33 kW, gas) is equipped with overheating protection (maximum - 85 ° C, gives an air flow of 430 ° C), has a temperature sensor for flame control. Recommended for use in spacious rooms with good ventilation.

The BALLU BHG-10 gun (power 9.2 kW) has multi-level protection; it turns off when fuel is used up, when it overheats, when the flame goes out, or when there is no power supply. The anti-corrosion coating of the housing allows operation in rooms with high humidity.


Fact 9: for heat guns that are planned to be used indoors in the presence of people, the noise level must be within acceptable limits.

The indoor norm for heat guns is 40 dB. Ballu electric guns, for example, BPH 6.000 C Prorab, boast low noise levels.

Fact 10: Many heat guns create an unpleasant odor in the room when operating.

Ceramic electric guns practically do not have this drawback. Example - Ballu KX-2. It has a ceramic heating element (temperature range 70°), stepwise power control (1-2 kW), differs from other household guns in its compactness, weighs only a little over 2 kilograms, and can be used both in domestic conditions and in production.

Fact 11: the body of a good heat gun is metal.

The device must be durable, then it will be safe and will work for a long time. Pay attention to the material of the scattering grating (it should also be made of metal). If the electricity suddenly goes out, causing the fan to stop working, the heated heating elements will not damage the metal case. The already mentioned Master B 15 EPB and Ballu BPH 6000 C Prorab guns have steel heating elements and do not distribute unpleasant odors.

Fact 12: for a heat gun to work effectively, you need to calculate the required power as accurately as possible.

Have you decided on the type of heat gun? It's too early to rush to the store. Heat guns have significant differences in power (from 1-2 to 220 kW). If you buy a device with less power, you will not be able to get the desired room temperature. If the power is too high, the device will still not be used 100% - you will simply overpay for it.

To calculate the required power level, you need to know the room parameters. If you will transport the device to different objects, use the most spacious and coldest one for calculations.

The power of the gun is calculated using the formula: Q=V*T*K, where
Q — device power, kcal/hour,
V is the volume of the heated room (multiply the area by the height),
T is the difference between the initial and final (the one that is required to be obtained as a result) air temperatures,
K is the coefficient. It is called differently, but the main thing is that it describes the heat loss of the room. There are tables to determine it. The value of K depends on the presence and characteristics of thermal insulation, on the material of the walls, and is in the range of 0.6-3 (the warmer the walls, the lower K), for open construction sites K is even higher.


Fact 13: if there is no branded service center in the city, then even an inexpensive heat gun can become “golden”.

The choice has been made. Before purchasing, ask how easy it is to repair this model. For normal operation of any device, it is recommended to use only original spare parts. If you have to transport them from the manufacturing country and wait several months for repairs, the gun can cost you a lot.

Brief conclusions

For living conditions electric or gas guns of low and medium power are suitable. The safest among them are electric ones with a heating element or ceramic heater. At construction sites and in industry, heat guns of all types are used. Availability is taken into account when choosing different types fuel at sites and safety requirements, availability of ventilation. In enclosed spaces, it is permissible to use only indirect heating guns with exhaust combustion products.

From this article you can find out what features a diesel heat gun used for quickly heating rooms has: the structure and types of structures, the scope of their application and the specificity of the operating process, average prices for popular models. The text contains an overview of the advantages and disadvantages inherent in these devices, descriptions of common types of breakdowns and ways to eliminate them.

With the arrival of the cold season, the problem of space heating arises. Moreover, this applies not only to living rooms, but also to industrial, warehouse and retail spaces. If the building does not have centralized system heating, the lack of heat is compensated with the help of alternative heating devices. As such a replacement, you can buy an indirectly heated diesel heat gun with suitable characteristics.

Design and principle of operation of a diesel heat gun

A heat gun is a universal device for heating rooms. The principle of operation of such structures is quite simple: diesel burns inside the heater, resulting in the formation of heat, which is supplied to the room by a powerful fan.

Diesel is used as fuel. Some models are capable of running on used and filtered oil or kerosene. Thanks to progressive internal structure these designs have high power and efficiency, which reaches almost 100%. All diesel heat guns are dependent on electricity. Some low-power modifications can operate on 12 V or 24 V, but most models require 220 V for normal operation.

Electricity is used to start the burner. In addition, it is necessary for transporting heat due to the rotational movements of the fan. The burner not only atomizes fuel, but also promotes air supply. This process results in a mixture that is highly flammable. Thanks to this, the flame is stable.

Affordable price of diesel guns and possibility efficient heating rooms without a central heating system made these designs so popular. This type equipment is capable of generating a large number of heat, due to which the scope of its application has expanded.

Important! Guns powered by diesel fuel cannot be used to heat residential premises.

Scope of application of diesel structures:

  • heating of warehouse-type premises;
  • backup heating in poorly insulated facilities in cases where frosts uncharacteristic for the area occur;
  • heating construction sites where heating has not yet been installed;
  • organization of heating in hangars used for storing equipment;
  • installation of suspended ceilings;
  • heating of greenhouse structures used for growing crops.

In addition, you can buy an indirect heating diesel gun to organize heating in the garage.

Why is it profitable to buy a diesel gun: design advantages

Guns that heat rooms by burning diesel fuel have many undeniable advantages. They are compact in size and light in weight, while having excellent technical characteristics. These designs are easy to use. The mechanism is started with just one press of a button.
The user has the ability to control the temperature in the room.

Many diesel designs have a built-in system for connecting a rheostat. The operating principle of this mechanism is very simple. Before launching the gun, you just need to set the required parameter. When the air temperature in the room reaches this indicator, automatic shutdown equipment. If the temperature drops below the specified level, the structure will start on its own.

Diesel guns are economical; fuel consumption depends on the technical parameters of the device. Equipment with a power of 20 kW and a productivity of 550 m³/h will require about 1.5 liters of diesel fuel to heat this volume. Using such a gun, you can achieve quick results. According to the information stated by the manufacturers, diesel devices instantly warm up the room. The gun can raise the air temperature of +10°C in a room with a volume of 120 m³ to a level of +180°C in 15 minutes. Moreover, this speed is not the limit.

Diesel devices are safe to use. If the room is well ventilated, inhaling burnt-out air does not cause such unpleasant consequences as headaches and dizziness. High-quality designs are able to operate for a long time without additional refueling. The guns are equipped with large-volume tanks, thanks to which they are able to operate continuously throughout the day.

Note! The body of the structure is heated to a temperature of +30-35°C maximum. Therefore, accidental touching the gun will not cause burns.

Disadvantages of using diesel heat guns for garages

The customer reviews left about diesel heat guns for garages not only reflect the advantages of these designs. Sometimes they also contain shortcomings that were identified by users during operation of the device.

Often mentioned high level noise as a serious irritant to hearing. Although the presence of sounds is considered normal for heating equipment. Guns are not classified as silent devices. Some manufacturers offer models with reduced operating noise levels. For example, the Master BLP 15M diesel heat gun produces no more than 20 dB. This figure is considered very low.

Many users find the devices dependent on electrical network uncomfortable. The gun really needs power for the fan and pump, and there is no way around these requirements. However, most often such structures are used in facilities where there is electrical wiring.

Among the disadvantages is also mentioned high price diesel heat guns. However, it should be noted that the cost of such devices is fully justified by their reliability and comfortable operating system. Many are concerned about the cost of diesel fuel, the purchase of which is more expensive than the purchase of liquefied gas in cylinders. Although the fuel consumption of these devices is low.

How to choose a heat gun based on technical parameters

One of the most important technical parameters of any heat gun is its performance level. In the specifications, manufacturers indicate the number of kilowatts that the gun is capable of producing in intensive operation. You can also calculate the performance level yourself.

On average, a power of 1 kW is enough to heat an area of ​​10 m², provided that the ceiling height does not exceed 3 m. This figure is conditional, since it depends on the operating conditions of the room that needs heating.

Factors that affect heating efficiency:

  • wall thickness;
  • availability and quality of insulation;
  • condition of the ventilation system;
  • heat leakage (frequency of opening gates or doors);
  • number of windows and doorways, their size;
  • outside air temperature;
  • condition of the floors;
  • wind force, etc.

The price of a diesel indirect heating heat gun is not an indicator of quality. When choosing a device, it is advisable to pay attention to powerful modifications. The higher this indicator, the better. If there is a lot of heat, you can always reduce the intensity of work. And if there is a lack of heating, you will have to buy another device, which will significantly affect the budget. The efficiency of a diesel heater is also influenced by its installation location.

Helpful advice! In large rooms it is advisable to use several heaters. Arranging appliances diagonally will be more effective than placing them along the wall.

Cold air is always heavier than warm air, so it always accumulates in the lower part of the room. Based on this, it becomes clear that installing the gun on a hill or turning its working edge upward does not increase the heating efficiency. The most optimal position of the equipment is horizontal.

The performance of heating and ventilation equipment is another parameter that you should pay attention to. For the Ballu BHDN-20 indirect heating diesel gun, this figure is 500 m³/h. This means that the device is able to effectively heat the specified volume of air within 1 hour.

Not last value have dimensions and weight of structures. The mass of heat guns can vary between 3-30 kg. Most of them have a mobile design, so they are easy to use. The smaller the device, the easier it is to move.

Features of direct heating diesel heat guns

Direct heating guns are the simplest devices that can serve as heat sources. Such designs have an open combustion chamber. A pump equipped with a nozzle is installed inside, which ensures a torch effect. A fan is located behind these elements. All the heat that is generated during fuel processing is supplied to the room along with the products of its combustion.

  1. Diesel fuel from the tank is fed into the heating filter.
  2. The compressor transports fuel to the injector.
  3. Diesel fuel is ignited by a glow plug.
  4. A fan installed behind the burner draws cool air from the room into the combustion chamber, where it is heated.
  5. The protective mesh located in the front part of the device traps the flame, preventing it from penetrating beyond the combustion chamber body.
  6. After heating, the air is supplied back into the room.

Related article:

Design and principle of operation. Types of thermal curtains. Installation and repair of the device. Well-known manufacturers.

The operating principle of a direct heating gun is quite simple. It is efficient and clear. However, such guns have one significant drawback. All combustion products enter the room, so it is not recommended to use the devices in living rooms. Direct heating guns are suitable for open areas and spaces with a good ventilation system.

Average prices of diesel guns for space heating (direct heating designs):

Brand Model Power level, kW price, rub.
Resanta TDP-20000 20 11890
TDP-30000 30 13090
Ballu BHDP-10 10 13590
BHDP-20 20 14430
BHDP-30 30 17759
Master B 35 CEL DIY 10 21590
B 35 CED 10 21790
B 70 CED 20 31260

Note! Using fuel with impurities will lead to contamination of the injectors and other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is very important to use high-quality raw materials to avoid expensive repairs and the purchase of spare parts for a diesel gun.

Consumer opinion about diesel heat guns: reviews of direct heating designs

Heating equipment users often share their own opinions on forums. Some reviews can be found below:

“I have long heard about the advantages of Master diesel heat guns, so when the need arose to purchase a heater, I did not think twice and relied on this manufacturer. The gun works great and is completely worth the money spent on its purchase. With its help, I not only heat the garage, but also take this device with me to the dacha for the workshop.

Of course, it’s a pity that you can’t work in a room where the gun is on, but I don’t really need that. It takes no more than 20 minutes to warm up the room. Otherwise, I am completely satisfied with my purchase."

Sergey Kostyuk, Ekaterinburg

“I bought myself a BALLU BHDP-20 diesel heat gun. A wonderful unit. For a month of operation, there were no failures in the automation, as was the case with my previous gun. I like that the design allows for adjusting the pressure on the compressor that supplies the diesel. There is only one drawback - with a full tank the device is slightly heavy.”

Igor Samoilov, Moscow

“To heat the garage, a neighbor advised us to buy a heat gun. I spent a long time looking through manufacturers and models. In the end, I settled on the Master B 35 CED diesel gun. Excellent device, very simple. It is economical and completely easy to maintain. I've been using it for more than a year now. One refill is enough to keep the gun working all day. A 5x8 m garage warms up in 15 minutes.”

Georgy Miroshnichenko, St. Petersburg

Features of diesel indirect heating heat guns for the garage, prices and reviews

This type of gun functions in much the same way as direct fired designs. The only difference is that the combustion products that are formed during the process of fuel exhaustion are removed outside the room. A chimney is used for this. Thanks to this, indirect heating guns can be used in almost any room with a sufficient level of ventilation.

A nozzle is installed in the design of the closed combustion chamber. In addition, the gun has a system designed to remove combustion products. The air pumped by the fan does not come into contact with the torch. Its heating is provided by blowing into the combustion chamber.

Average prices of indirectly heated diesel heat guns:

Brand Model Power level, kW price, rub.
Profteplo DK-21N 21 29930
DK-21R 21 32250
DK-21N-R 21 44920
Kroll MAK 15 15 34350
MAK 25 26 41180
MAK 40 38,5 44500
Aurora TK-55 ID 17,5 37400
TK-80K ID 25 43400
TK-240K ID 70 70200

Helpful advice! The thermal power of a device for heating a room can be determined using this formula: Q (in kcal/h) = K × V × ΔT, where Q is the required level of thermal power, K is a coefficient reflecting the degree of heat dissipation, V is the total volume of the room, and ΔT is the difference between the outside temperature and the one required to create a comfortable indoor microclimate.

A diesel fuel heat gun is used to quickly heat large rooms. It can also be deployed outdoors in cold weather to maintain acceptable temperatures in a certain area (for example, during construction in a building under construction in winter period). The main advantage of a heat gun over standard electric or oil heaters can be considered its high thermal power, which allows you to quickly heat large rooms or create acceptable conditions in small spaces. open area in the cold. Operation requires diesel fuel and a power connection (for fans to operate).

More about application

The use of a heat gun directly depends on the classification of models, of which today there are two:

When operating the gun, it is advisable to protect it from children and try not to get close to the exit point warm air, because This may result in minor burns.

Design and general characteristics

A diesel heat gun runs on combustible fuel - gasoline, diesel, diesel fuel, kerosene, etc., which makes its use on a regular basis costly. Some models consume less fuel without significant losses in performance, but they are also more expensive (for example, the Master diesel heat gun). Heat guns are divided into two types depending on the presence of a smoke exhaust system. Some models may require a power connection to operate, as... this is necessary for the operation of the fan and chimney (if the latter is present). Main components of a diesel gun:

  • Burner. Releases a jet of flame that heats the air.
  • The combustion chamber. Here the air is heated to high temperatures, heating the walls of the chamber.
  • Motor. Required for the operation of some mechanisms. It runs either on fuel or on mains power.
  • Nozzle for hot air outlet.
  • Fan. Needed to create air circulation near the combustion chamber.
  • Fuel pump (all liquid fuel devices have it in their design).
  • Fuel tank.
  • Fuel valve. Often works from the network.

Features to look for when purchasing:

  • Heating power. Recommended value in kW - from 3 for home use, from 20 for large premises.
  • Heating method.
  • Air flow speed.
  • Recommended fuel for use.
  • Maximum heating area.
  • Fuel consumption coefficient (kilogram of fuel per hour).
  • Type of food. In most cases, it is recommended to choose 220 V.

Diesel heating guns have several significant differences from similar heat guns, the two most important of which are that they require combustible fuel to operate and there are strong differences in design, which can make repairs more or less expensive. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of a diesel heat gun for the average consumer.


  • Combustible heat guns are very productive. Warming up occurs quickly, after which the device releases warm air.
  • Electricity consumption is kept to a minimum (in some models it is not required at all).
  • Most models are compact, which allows them to be quickly folded and unfolded and transported.
  • Easy to use. You just need to fill in the fuel and select the operating mode.
  • Some models are equipped with a rheostat, which allows you to automatically stop the heat gun when the desired temperature is reached.
  • Medium-sized rooms warm up almost instantly, larger ones within a few minutes.
  • The gun can operate for a long time without refueling.
  • During operation, the device does not heat above 35 degrees, which prevents overheating and undesirable fire.
  • A heat gun is not dangerous to people when correct use and the presence of ventilation or chimney.


  • Diesel heat guns make too much noise when operating. However, in some places the operating noise is not so noticeable.
  • Most modern heat gun models do not have a backup battery to power the motor and fan, so for normal and safe work you need to connect the device to the mains.
  • It is necessary to control the amount of fuel in the tank and refuel on time.
  • It is not recommended to come close to the hot air outlet, because Some models are unsafe and you can get a slight burn.
  • High cost of maintenance, because it is necessary to regularly purchase fuel and lubricate some parts.
  • Purchasing and repairing diesel heat guns is expensive.

Popular models

List of heat guns at an acceptable price-quality ratio.


The Ballu BHDP-20 heat gun is suitable for quickly heating large rooms. It is distinguished by its mobility (can be carried with one hand) and the ability to adjust the temperature of the outlet air, convenient repair if necessary. The price ranges from 12 to 18 thousand rubles. Main characteristics of the model:

  • It has a direct heating type, so it is not recommended for use in poorly ventilated areas.
  • Power 20 kW.
  • The maximum heating area is 200 m2.
  • Fuel consumption 1.6 kg/h.


A more compact and cheaper analogue of “Ballu BHDP-20”. Its characteristics have been significantly reduced, and the price has been reduced by 2-5 thousand rubles and fluctuates around 9-15 thousand. Characteristics:

  • Direct heating type.
  • Power 10 kW.
  • Air flow speed 590 m 3 /h.
  • The maximum area is greatly reduced and is only 83 m2.
  • Suitable fuel is diesel, gasoline.
  • Fuel consumption has become lower - 0.95 kg/h.


"BALLU BHDN-20" is a more massive version of the "BHDP-20" heat gun. The model is equipped with a larger fuel tank. The device can be moved using wheels. The price varies around 25-30 thousand rubles. Characteristics:

  • It has an indirect heating type, with smoke removal, which makes possible work in unventilated areas and long-term presence of people during operation of the device. However, you will have to think about creating a chimney so that the escaping smoke goes outside.
  • Operating power 20 kW.
  • Air flow speed 590 m 3 /h.
  • Maximum heating area 166 m2.
  • It is recommended to refuel with diesel or gasoline.
  • Fuel consumption 1.6 kg/h.


When choosing a diesel heat gun, you need to take into account the characteristics of the room it will heat. If you need to heat a large, well-ventilated room or a certain area outside, it is better to use a direct heating gun. If the room is poorly ventilated and/or there will be people in it during heating, then it is better to use models with an indirect type.