DIY greenhouses from old window frames. How to build a greenhouse with your own hands from window frames? Photo and video How to build a greenhouse from frames

The owner’s skill lies not in the use of expensive materials and tools to improve his summer cottage, but in the ability to use maximum benefit all available, and, most importantly, free items for the same purposes. A striking example of such a profitable investment of effort and time is the construction of a greenhouse of old unnecessary window frames. There shouldn’t be any problems with the availability of this material - almost everyone’s windows in their house were replaced, and prudent summer residents were sure to keep the old window frames.

Where to start building a greenhouse

First of all, you need to estimate the amount of building material, in our case, glass frames. Sketch a rough drawing of the greenhouse to determine its design. Having found out the area of ​​the future greenhouse, it is necessary to decide on its location on the summer cottage. The installation location should be chosen so that the greenhouse walls are at least 2 m away from the nearest structures.

Important: be sure to take care of direct sunlight entering the greenhouse, this means it should not be with sunny side no tall buildings, no trees or other vegetation.

Next preparatory stage there will be a fee for the construction of the greenhouse necessary tools and materials. In addition to the glass frames themselves, you will need:

  1. Polyethylene film
  2. Cement, sand, water
  3. Self-tapping screws, nails
  4. Sealant
  5. Wood planks

From the tool:

  1. Hammer, pliers, wire cutters
  2. Shovel, shuffle, trowel
  3. Drill, screwdriver
  4. Jigsaw or hacksaw

Additional tools and building materials can be used, it all depends on the material used to make the frames, the type of foundation, roof construction technology and other conditions.

Pouring the foundation

Naturally, the foundation for a greenhouse has much lower requirements than the foundation for a house or garage. Here the load on the base comes only from the frames’ own weight, which is very small. Another thing is that the composition of the soil in the garden may be too porous and soft, in which case the foundation will have to be strengthened a little.

The foundation pouring process includes the following steps:

  1. Digging a trench around the perimeter of the greenhouse. The width and depth are selected depending on the characteristics of the soil, but a depth of more than half a meter is rarely required
  2. Production of formwork. The ground part of the future foundation is covered with boards, possibly unedged ones, the main thing is that there is a flat plane on both sides
  3. To save cement mortar, add stones, bricks, unnecessary scrap metal and other hard materials to the bottom of the trench
  4. Prepare standard cement mortar and pour the foundation to the top of the formwork
  5. After the cement has completely dried (1 - 2 weeks), remove the formwork and insulate the foundation surface using roofing felt or other waterproofing materials

Advice: using reinforcement or piles in the production of a foundation for a greenhouse is not rational, so do not waste money and time on excessively strengthening the foundation

Construction of the frame

The next stage of building a greenhouse from old window frames will be the construction of a frame to which the frames will subsequently be attached. Depending on the availability of free or easily accessible material, you can make the frame either from wooden beams or from metal angles or pipes.

Wood frame

The wooden frame is made of beams measuring 40x60 mm for pillars and 30x30 for lintels. In the 4 corners, bars are installed and connected to each other with the same bars; for greater structural strength, the joints can be reinforced with metal corners. The height of the pillars is selected depending on the size of the window frames used.

Through a gap equal to the width of the frame, jumpers are mounted between the lower and upper bars. Windows will then be attached to them. At this stage of construction, it is worth taking care of the future roof. After the walls are covered with window frames, it will be extremely inconvenient to install rafter system. Therefore, it is necessary to build a frame for the roof covering, which can be the same frames, polyethylene film or polycarbonate sheets.

Important: use only dry timber. If they do not dry out enough, then during operation of the greenhouse, the tree will begin to warp, which will lead to cracking of the glass windows.

Metal carcass

A frame made from a metal corner or profile pipes is much more effective than wooden beams. It will last much longer, because it does not rot under the influence of moisture, will not be deformed, and can withstand heavy loads.

To produce a greenhouse frame, you can use corners measuring 32x32 mm or profile pipes 40x20 or 60x40 mm. They are connected to each other according to the same principle as wooden beams, i.e. with a jumper spacing equal to the width of the frame. The connection can be made by welding or self-tapping screws.

Preparing to install frames

Old window frames should be inspected for rotten or cracked areas. If necessary, replace low-quality elements or not use this frame at all.

Each old greenhouse window frame must undergo the following preliminary preparation procedure:

  1. All unnecessary elements are removed: latches, hooks, handles, loops, etc.
  2. If the condition of the old coating is unsatisfactory, it is completely torn off
  3. Carefully remove the glass
  4. Treat wood with antiseptic substances
  5. Coat the frames with varnish or paint so that they do not rot when exposed to moisture

Construction of walls

The method of constructing greenhouse walls from old window frames depends on the frame material. Common to wooden and metal version The following requirements for frame installation work remain:

  • Avoiding gaps between adjacent frames and frame
  • Strong connection using nails or self-tapping screws
  • For added strength, attach frames to each other
  • Sealing holes and cracks

If the frame is made of wooden blocks, fastening the old window frames can be done using nails or wood screws. The size of the hardware is selected depending on the thickness of the frame itself, but their length should be at least twice as long.

If the frames are thick enough, you can pre-drill holes in the mounting points. After this, the frame is applied to the frame and secured with a screwdriver or hammer.

Important: make sure that the edge of each frame extends exactly to the middle of the vertical beam.

When installing a greenhouse from old window frames to metal base it will take more skill and effort than installing them on wooden beams. Self-tapping screws or bolts are used as fastening hardware. The length is selected depending on the thickness of the frame.

Important: pre-drill holes in the corners at the fastening points.

Greenhouse roof installation

The roof of the greenhouse can also be made from old window frames or covered with plastic film; a greenhouse option with the installation of polycarbonate panels is also possible. When stretching the film, it is necessary to construct a sufficiently thick sheathing so that the film does not sag and does not accumulate rainwater. In this case, it is better to do it in a greenhouse gable roof with an inclination angle greater than 30 degrees. The roof frame of the greenhouse is covered with film on top so that the junction of the strips is not along the greenhouse, but across it. An overlap of about 20-40 cm is required to prevent water from flowing in. For greater sealing, you can use glue or tape. After covering the greenhouse with film, it is secured using thin strips nailed to the roof frame, thereby pressing the film.

September 17, 2016
Specialization: professional approach to architecture, design and construction of private houses and cottages, new products on the market of building materials and finishing. Hobby: growing fruit trees and roses Breeding rabbits for meat and decorative breeds.

Everyone is familiar with the problem with used building materials. What to do with old wooden window frames if metal-plastic has been installed throughout the entire house or apartment? If there country cottage area, then a mini greenhouse made from windows is an excellent use of this material.

On average, a new polycarbonate greenhouse has an area of ​​20 square meters will cost from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. A greenhouse made from old windows will cost a maximum of five thousand, taking into account the cost of building a foundation and purchasing new boards for the frame.

It is not necessary to build a monumental structure, you can limit yourself to a mini greenhouse. How to build such a greenhouse with your own hands? I offer two alternative methods.

Choosing a place to build a greenhouse

In the photo - a mini greenhouse, we attach the frames from above along the ridge, the slope is at least 40 degrees

We build a greenhouse in a well-lit open place so that trees and buildings do not provide shade. If the area is small, then we orient ourselves in such a way that the morning and afternoon sun illuminates the greenhouse, and the evening sun’s rays can be sacrificed.

We arrange the greenhouse lengthwise from east to west. In this case, the sun will reach the plants evenly throughout the day, and the sprouts will not bend.

If we are building a small greenhouse without installing a strip foundation, then it is not necessary to take into account soil moisture. But when arranging a greenhouse of 20 square meters or more, when there are many frames, the foundation must be placed on a dry place.

Greenhouse dimensions and foundation structure

Even a shallow strip foundation for a greenhouse must be built in a place where there is no nearby groundwater. On my site, in two places at a depth of one and a half meters, the soil is already wet, and there the house used to be. So in this old house it was constantly damp. When wet, the foundation gradually collapses.

We choose a dry area, preferably with chernozem soil, under which there is a layer of sand. It is clear that not all of us are happy owners of fertile lands. Therefore, if the soil is clayey, then the soil for the greenhouse will need to be prepared before building the foundation.

A certain soil composition is required for a greenhouse:

  1. The bottom layer - gravel or crushed stone - is a drainage that will allow excess water to pass through and allow plant roots to breathe and prevent rotting.
  2. Next, a layer of sand is needed - all plants love light soils at the root lobes, which allow the thin growing root to form and grow unhindered.
  3. Only the last, top layer should be fertile. This is a layer of chernozem enriched with humus, pre-prepared leaf compost or a complex mineral fertilizers(nitroammophoska).

Greenhouse size

A small do-it-yourself greenhouse made from old window frames does not need a foundation. A frame made of boards or timber can be laid directly on the ground.

To prevent the boards from rotting, the lower frame must be treated with a protective wood primer or tarred. Roofing felt, which is used to wrap the lower square of the frame and rack, is also suitable, at a height of about 50 centimeters above the ground level.

  • the most comfortable beds— one meter wide, they can be easily processed on both sides;
  • We make the path between the beds so wide that it is convenient to move around. If you do not plan to use a garden wheelbarrow, then optimal width paths - half a meter;
  • The optimal width of the greenhouse is four meters. Three beds and two paths fit here. The length is arbitrary.

You can plan your future greenhouse in advance on paper. It takes a couple of minutes to make a drawing, but it will help you navigate the required number of frames and boards, and optimally lay out the required number of beds and paths.

Foundation structure

A foundation is necessary for a large greenhouse, since the mass of frames with glass is rather large. A greenhouse made from window frames is installed with your own hands on a shallow (50 - 60 centimeters) strip foundation, since the frame can shrink under the weight of the frames and the structure is deformed.

  • For a footage of 10 square meters, a foundation on pillars is also suitable. The number of pillars is calculated based on the number of window frames. Ideally, each frame should be supported by two posts;
  • you can make a foundation of concrete, brick, or use a ready-made welded metal frame;
    It is important to remember that brickwork without a foundation “moves” over time, and it cannot be buried in the ground. Therefore, under the brick columns it is still necessary to pour a concrete base.
  • in regions with severe frosts It is worth taking advantage of the natural warmth of the soil. Therefore, the greenhouse is buried into the ground by about half a meter or a meter, depending on the depth of freezing of the ground in winter;
  • We fill a simple strip foundation according to the usual scheme: trench, formwork from boards, pouring concrete, hardening, removing the formwork.

The foundation must be covered with roofing felt before installing the frame. This will help further protect wooden parts frame from dampness.

A welded frame is much more convenient. Why? For the reason that, if desired, the greenhouse can be moved to another location. If we fill the foundation, then it is already a permanent building.

I think you will be interested, there is information regarding the assessment suburban area. So - when assessing real estate on a site, all covered buildings on the foundation are included in the total economic area for which tax must be paid. Therefore it is cheaper to cook frame foundation under a greenhouse, which is easy to disassemble before the assessment commission arrives.

Installation of frame for frames

Before making a greenhouse from window frames, all wooden parts must be treated with a deep penetration primer, and the wood must also be painted. This will keep it from rotting. Carefully remove paint from all old frames and adjust the parts so that there are no gaps.

There is no need to remove the vents and hinges; they will be useful for installation and subsequent ventilation of the greenhouse in the summer. If the frames are different in size, then we group them in such a way that the shorter ones fall on the ends of the greenhouse, and the taller ones cover its long part.

Doors will be installed on the sides and the missing height can be hemmed with boards, but along the length it is better to be continuous.

For the base of the frame, a 50x50 or unedged board, thickness 40 - 50 mm, no longer needed, as the weight of the entire structure increases. A board for the frame is preferable, since its width allows the frames to be securely fastened with self-tapping screws and will give our base additional rigidity.

Frame elements:

  1. Bottom trim - dimensions along the perimeter of the foundation. The beams can be fastened together with metal corners on self-tapping screws, rather than nails, this is more reliable. If the strapping is made of boards, then to give rigidity along the length, you can install one or two more boards.
  2. The racks are attached vertically to bottom harness. They are mounted in the corners, along the length and on the sides in increments equal to the width of the window frames selected for the greenhouse. The racks in one row should be lower than in the other - for a slope of 40 degrees. The difference in height of the racks is 30 centimeters.
  3. The top trim is the basis for the roof. A window frame greenhouse must have a slope angle of at least 40 degrees so that water can easily drain and accumulate in the film.
  4. It is not practical to install a gable roof on such a structure. A single-slope roof would also work.. In order for the film to be securely fastened, the pitch between the roof slats should be no more than 60 cm. For the roof, you can use plasterboard guides. They are lightweight and very easy to attach to wood with self-tapping screws.

All fasteners are made using wood screws only. Fastening with nails during operation does not stand up to criticism; in a year the entire structure will be swaying in the wind.

Fastening the frames to the frame

There are a few important nuances, which must be taken into account when attaching frames to the finished frame:

  1. The fastening step with self-tapping screws is 25 - 30 centimeters, no less.
  2. The joints between the frames must be sealed. Polyurethane foam or regular window putty will do. Additionally, you can lay insulating tape or a rubber seal.
  3. For reliability, the outside of the frame must also be attached with self-tapping screws; here the step can be more than 40 - 50 cm.
  4. For reliability, the frame can be secured from the inside with a board at the bottom. We also attach it to wood screws.

If there are few old frames, then the northern side of the greenhouse can be covered with a board or thick one. But it is necessary to paint the plywood, as it very quickly becomes unusable from rain and snow.

Roof installation

The roofing material is thick polyethylene film for greenhouses or polycarbonate. Glazing a roof is a thankless task. Hail, heavy rain or squall and you have to change the glazing, and the price of glass is now quite high.

  • The downside of the film is that this canopy will have to be removed for the winter, and the reliability leaves much to be desired. Advantage - suitable pitched roof, less work and consumption of building materials. The pitch of the lathing under the film is no more than 40 m, since it sags and rainwater accumulates in it.
  • Polycarbonate is more expensive than film, but it is more reliable option, also allows you to install an arched roof.

Homemade greenhouse small sizes It’s better to cover it with film; it’s easy to remove it for the winter.

Installation of a gable roof frame

The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. We install two load-bearing beams along the length, and we will attach the roof rafters to them.
  2. We attach rafters to the top frame, depending on the length of the greenhouse from three to six pieces.
  3. It is important to determine the angle of inclination of the rafters; it should be the same.
  4. We mount the rafters to the supporting beam using vertical posts (trusses).
  5. Next, along the rafters we apply lathing from slats to secure the roof covering. For polycarbonate, the pitch of the slats is 60 - 80 centimeters, for film 40 - 50 cm.
  6. We fasten the roof along the sheathing. It is advisable to secure the film to the rafters with thin slats for reliability.

That's all, our greenhouse is ready, we can supply water and install electricity and lighting.


In the video presented in this article you can see the entire process of constructing a greenhouse from old window frames. If readers have any interesting suggestions and innovations, I invite you to discuss them in the comments.

September 17, 2016

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Even in a temperate climate it will cost the owner a lot. However, enterprising summer residents have learned to save and use all available means to achieve their goal. It is for this reason that you should not throw away old window frames. After all, a DIY greenhouse made from old window frames is an excellent and inexpensive alternative.

By the way, even “empty” frames, i.e. without glass, are quite suitable for use - they can subsequently be covered with plastic film or scraps of glass, polycarbonate, etc. can be inserted into them.

But here it is worth understanding that wood is a very capricious material and without appropriate preparation it will simply rot in the ground in a couple of years.

In order for a future greenhouse made from old window frames to last for more than one year, it is important to “prepare” the wooden frames, that is, treat them with special compounds to increase their service life. This does not require spending a lot of time, and Money Same. You just need to do a few simple manipulations.

1. First of all, the future construction material it is worth cleaning - freeing the frames from fittings: all small and large nails, hooks, loops, latches and the like are removed from the wood. In addition, if there is glass left in the frames, they must also be removed for a while - for better processing of the material.
When choosing frames, it is important to remember that the design of a greenhouse made from old window frames implies the presence of several (at least two) windows for ventilation.

2. Cleaning wood from old paint and other things facing material(self-adhesive paper, wallpaper, etc.) - this is the most important stage in preparing frames. After this event, the resulting bare tree should be covered mainly in several layers with antiseptic compounds, and then with paint or varnish - whatever is at hand.

By the way, to achieve the maximum service life of a greenhouse made from window frames, it is best to use light colors of paint ( the best option will White color) – this will reduce the heating of the structure.

What size window frame greenhouse should I choose?

First of all, the owner must determine what size he wants to build a greenhouse from window frames with his own hands. Maybe it will be enough for him to organize a small portable greenhouse for growing seedlings, or he needs a permanent structure. A lot will depend on this choice: choosing the location for future construction, preparing and compacting the soil, organizing the foundation, and everything in the same spirit. But here it is worth understanding that the dimensions of such a structure will directly depend on the number of available ready-made frames.

Advice: with a limited amount of material, but the desire to have a fairly large greenhouse, it can easily be made in the form of an extension to a building - a barn, a house, etc.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse from old window frames: preparation

Choosing a location.

Before you start building a greenhouse from window frames or other available raw materials, you should carefully select a location - it should be located on an illuminated plot of land for as long as possible. That is, a garden with trees, an area near relatively tall buildings, and other shady areas should not be considered.

The density and homogeneity of the soil must also be taken into account. For example, if the soil is bulk, then it should first be thoroughly compacted, otherwise the greenhouse made from window frames may subsequently tilt or sag.

Preparing the construction site.

To build a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands, designed for several years of service, you need to thoroughly clear the site - remove bushes, trees and their roots, clear the soil of other debris.

It is also important to take into account that the place for future work should not be at too low a level - this way moisture will constantly enter the greenhouse from the window frames and flow into the greenhouse. storm water, thereby flooding, albeit a light, simple foundation, spoiling already enough old wood ram.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse from old window frames: step by step

So, if the owner has the desire and opportunity (availability of the necessary building materials) to make a greenhouse from window frames, it is worth remembering that a height of 2.45-2.60 meters (the most acceptable height) will require the organization of a foundation.


When organizing a reliable foundation, you will get a very durable structure that can last about 7-11 years - it all depends on literacy preparatory work, wood processing, etc.

To increase the service life of the entire structure, as well as compact the lower layers of the soil, it is better to think about additional insulation of the soil. For these purposes, dense polyethylene is used, laid along the perimeter of the greenhouse from window frames below the freezing level of the soil.

As for the foundation itself, both the strip version made of concrete or a similar mixture, and the columnar version “work” well here.

Concrete strip option.

The tape variation involves advance marking followed by digging small trenches, the height of which should be at least 75 cm, and the width, in turn, 16, preferably 20 centimeters.

The sealing “cushion” (16-22 cm) is made of successively laid layers sand mixture and small crushed stone - crushed stones.

Wooden formwork is installed by strengthening it with a concrete mass above ground level (reinforcement with reinforcement is preferable).

It should be understood that the thoroughness of concrete drying depends directly on the environmental conditions - from 2-4 days in hot, stable weather and up to 20 days in changeable humid weather.

The base is made of dense timber.

However, a wooden base made of solid timber or thick boards will do too. However, it will last a little less - up to 6 years with reasonable preparation of the timber (wood deteriorates and rots in the soil very quickly).

The timber must be selected with a size of at least 10:10 cm. It is coated with antiseptic agents and painted with paint-varnish in several layers.

The finished wood is laid in a pre-dug trench - shallow and about 16 cm wide. Moreover, it is preferable to place the wood on the same “cushion” of sand and crushed stone.

If you want to achieve maximum service life, the timber should be wrapped in polyethylene, roofing felt and other similar fabrics that do not allow moisture to pass through.

Each individual bar is connected to the next one through the use of corners.

Columnar option.

The simplest and most cost-effective is the columnar base: it will require little time to organize, plus everything - minimum costs building material.

Initially, you need to dig narrow holes with a minimum depth of half a meter - in the corners and in increments of 3 meters.

Wood formwork is installed in each resulting cell, sand is poured, crushed stone or crushed stone is laid on top, compacted, periodically watering with water (a small amount) - to achieve the tightest possible fastening.

When the formwork is centered and securely fixed, it is filled with concrete mixture.

Organization of the frame.

To simplify the construction process, as well as to minimize the amount of construction waste, you should draw a plan in advance, guided by the available number of frames and the size of the foundation. On this drawing you need to indicate the fixation points for intermediate and main (corner) beams, the location of doors, vents/windows, as well as the fixation height of the upper part of the frames for the greenhouse.

If we take into account the fact that the greenhouse will be built from old unnecessary frames - wood, then a wooden frame should be preferred. However, and metal corners in this case they “work” quite well.

Need to know: The binding of the lower part of such a structure is carried out at the stage of laying the upper sections of the foundation, it is filled with concrete or a similar mixture - for maximum effective adhesion to the base. As for the upper and central horizontal frames, they are fixed to the “skeleton” of the structure using self-tapping bolts of appropriate sizes (galvanized steel elements are most preferable).


The most ergonomic roof configurations are considered to be triangular “houses” and, of course, arched hemispherical analogues. Both of these types tolerate winter drifts well - the snow simply rolls off the sloping slopes.

Arched covering.

Those who want to have an arched type of roof on a personal greenhouse made from window frames will have to fork out a little and order arched hollow pipes from the appropriate manufacturer. If the owner has a special pipe bending machine for personal use, then it is still worth using it - if you have experience working on this tool, Certainly.
In this situation, curved rods are fixed to transverse straight lines perpendicularly in increments of approximately 45-55 centimeters using self-tapping bolts.

Triangle roofs.

As for the triangular variation of the roof, it is assembled, like the previous one - on the ground and from separate durable boards, better - strong laminated timber of the same diameter as the frames. The tops of the “triangles” are fixed to ridge boards or metal plates.

In order for the roof to be quite light, it should be covered either with a very dense film or with honeycomb (cellular) polycarbonate sheets.

Installation of frames directly.

The frames, prepared in advance - painted and impregnated with antiseptic compounds, are fixed to the racks to the frame using angles, self-tapping bolts and plates made of high-quality metal. Special hinges should be used to secure vents, windows and doors.

Advice: It is better to install moving parts on opposite sides of the greenhouse from window frames, for better ventilation of the interior of the greenhouse.

All leaks formed during the installation process must first be treated with sealant - blow out polyurethane foam and wooden strips are hammered on top. The glass is inserted into frames and then sealed with special compounds of gels, silicon gels, etc.

If the owner wants to use film covering materials such as thick film, it is worth thinking about an assistant - it will be difficult to carry out such activities on your own. Here you need to understand that you should use not just nails or screws as fastening elements - this way the film at the fastening points will allow cold air currents to pass through, but pre-prepared wood slats.

In conclusion, it must be added that the service life of a greenhouse built from old window frames with your own hands will directly depend on the quality of the preparatory and construction work, as well as proper ergonomic care - washing, antiseptic measures, etc.

DIY window frame greenhouse video

What material is best for a greenhouse? Each owner will answer this question differently. First of all, the choice depends on financial capabilities.

Greenhouse made from old window frames – a budget option, which does not require major capital investments. This design is easy to make with your own hands. The construction process does not take much time.

How to choose the right material for a homemade greenhouse

How to build:

  • dig posts treated with fungicidal preparations into the ground;
  • attach flexible branches to them;
  • the distance between the posts is no more than 1.4 m;
  • connect the ends of the opposite branches;
  • the frame is ready;
  • cover .

Option No. 2. Greenhouse made of metal mesh

To make this fairly durable structure, take welded mesh or chain link:

  • secure the posts in the ground at a sufficient depth;
  • make the strapping from timber or boards, attach the mesh to it;
  • Stretch a transparent film over the frame.

Greenhouses from old window frames

Many owners make shelters for plants from unnecessary frames, which, after repair, some people simply throw in a landfill. Of all types of structures made from scrap materials, this is the most durable and strong. The cost of work is minimal.

Second life of old windows

The design deserves closer attention. Learn all the nuances of building an inexpensive and reliable greenhouse.

Design Features

  1. This design allows enough light to pass through and protects plants well from the effects of precipitation. Regular ventilation will help prevent high humidity.
  2. The structure will last for more than one year. In such a building you can install a system
  3. An ordinary one can build an inexpensive greenhouse House master. Patience and accuracy are required. An assistant wouldn't hurt.

The more accurately the frames are selected and adjusted, the better the design looks.

Where to install the greenhouse?

There are several requirements for the place:

  • flat, well-lit area protected from the wind;
  • absence of tall trees or high-rise buildings nearby that create shade;
  • The longer side of the greenhouse should be positioned from north to south.

Nuances you need to know:

  • choose window frames of the same size;
  • make sure that the glass is intact and the wood is not rotten;
  • calculate required amount ram, take a couple in reserve;
  • Before installation, remove all accessories, remove old paint, treat the wood with an anti-fungal compound;
  • After the fungicide has dried, paint the frames.

Pros and cons of a greenhouse made from old windows

There are more advantages than disadvantages. Judge for yourself.

Positive sides:

  1. glass transmits ultraviolet light well. The plants grow quickly and bear fruit well;
  2. a properly assembled greenhouse retains a sufficient amount of heat;
  3. glass is easier to clean than film;
  4. Broken glass is easy to replace.

Disadvantages of the structure:

  1. heavy glass requires a foundation;
  2. large hail can damage the coating;
  3. Without ventilation on sunny days, the interior may become too hot.

These shortcomings are not so serious as to spoil the overall impression of a window frame greenhouse. Many of them are easy to fix.

How to build a greenhouse from old windows

Before you start building, prepare a sufficient amount of material

Pay attention to the nuances:

  1. First, find a sufficient number of old windows. You may need more than one day.
  2. Secondly, study the material on the topic and watch the video. You must have a clear idea of ​​how to act.
  3. And finally, deal with time. from unnecessary frames it takes about three weeks to harden. In this period of time you will probably have time to find suitable frames.

Contact a company that installs plastic windows. Perhaps the staff will tell you the address where free material for your greenhouse will appear in the near future. Try it, most likely they will help you.

If you are building a greenhouse with your own hands

The owner will be helped by diagrams with printed dimensions that can be taken as a basis. If you plan to build a structure of a different size, be sure to make a drawing of the future structure.

Don't build by eye. Measure each frame. You will understand what size it will be.

Select old windows of the same size. This will make it easier to attach them.

Pay special attention to the location of the frames. Install them strictly level. A skewed frame will lead to various problems.

On the drawing, indicate the location of the beds and passages. The width of the beds is about a meter. It is advisable to leave free space for walking.

If the building is large, make a passage the width of a small cart. Carrying fertilizer in buckets is a bad idea.

Greenhouse frame made from window frames

For the strength and reliability of a homemade shelter for plants, make a wooden frame. You will need a timber measuring 50 x 50 cm or a high-quality dry board suitable in size to the width of the window frames (4 cm).

Attach the long elements of the window frame to the racks. This will reliably isolate the gap between adjacent frames.

Frame details:

  • rack;
  • bottom trim;
  • top harness.

For fastening use:

  • nails;
  • screws.

What's better? Of course, screws. They are more expensive, but the connection is stronger. Secure frames not only from the outside. Inside, attach the fastening to a support board of medium thickness.

After connecting the frames, fill all the cracks with foam. Don’t skimp, a high-quality design will keep you warm even in cold weather.

Do you need a foundation?

Most owners who have set up a homemade greenhouse from window frames do not regret that they made the basis for their greenhouse. The foundation will not only be a good support for the frame. Pouring the base helps maintain the desired temperature in the greenhouse and reduces heat loss.
Types of foundation:

  • tape;
  • point;
  • metal.

The most durable and reliable is tape. The filling depth depends on the region. Check the depth of soil freezing in your area.

The foundation is poured around the perimeter. The width of the base is at least 100 m. For a winter greenhouse, insulate the foundation from the outside. Slabs made of lightweight, highly water-repellent polystyrene foam are suitable.

A common version of a strip foundation is concrete or masonry. Check the quality of the base filling by level. Distortions are unacceptable.

Making a greenhouse from window frames

Detailed video instructions will be a good help. After viewing this material, any owner will easily understand all the intricacies of making and installing a homemade shelter for plants.

Useful tips
There are little things that can affect the operation of a homemade greenhouse. Pay attention to them:

  • Frames should not be rotten. Without regret, throw away frames even with small rotten areas.
  • Check if the windows open.
  • Do not forget to treat the wood with fungicidal compounds, otherwise the frames will begin to rot;
  • Do not make paths less than 50 cm wide - it will be inconvenient to walk between grown plants;
  • Don't forget to ventilate the greenhouse. Excessive moisture and heat impair plant development.
  • The best material for the roof is polycarbonate or, in extreme cases, film. The window frames are too heavy and there is too much going through them. sunlight, and the plants overheat.

Greenhouse made from window frames photo

There are plenty of options for homemade greenhouses.

Build a homemade greenhouse following the recommendations and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

50+ photos of greenhouses with an opening top

Below you can view a gallery of greenhouses with an opening lid that you can make with your own hands. We collected photos from all over the Internet, below we indicated the sources from which we were able to determine the authorship.

Mounting methods

How to attach an opening greenhouse lid

How to attach greenhouse arcs or PVC pipes under film


We insert it into the ground
(Shockingly simple way!!!)

The method is that we plant PVC pipes on reinforcement driven into the ground. Wooden rods can be used instead of reinforcement (enough for a season)

Click on photo to enlarge

How to attach film to a greenhouse

The simplest version of a greenhouse made of PVC pipes

Very simple design greenhouse Easy to assemble and just as easy to disassemble. It can be moved, enlarged, reduced.

It's cheap and easy to make .

Step by step photos. Click on them

How to make a greenhouse from willow or cedar branches.

This greenhouse is suitable for those who did not expect sudden frosts.

This mini greenhouse can be done in 45 minutes, according to the author of the photo.

To make the arcs, we used not PVC pipes, but cedar branches, but I think that in our conditions, willow branches will also work. The branches are tied together with nylon thread (it doesn’t matter what) to give it an arched shape. When the arches of branches are stuck into the ground, a block is attached on top of them to give one level, which is also attached to each arch.
To move such a greenhouse to another place, the author advises placing two long bars along the bases of the arcs, then tying each arc to these bars. As a result, we will get something like a stretcher. Taking such a stretcher from both ends, you can quite easily pull our greenhouse out of the ground and move it to another place.
Below you can see step by step photos, to enlarge, just click on them.

Telescopic greenhouse or greenhouse

Here is a very interesting version of a telescopic greenhouse or greenhouse. I moved the arches and nothing gets in the way, below you can see the fastening mechanism, click on it to enlarge.

DIY greenhouse with convertible top

Look at the step-by-step photos of making such a greenhouse. First we make a tray for the soil, then we make a frame on which we will attach the arcs, and which will recline. Then we attach this frame to the pallet on hinges and cover it with film.

Step-by-step photos of production.

Click on the gallery to enlarge

A greenhouse made of straw or hay.

As you can see, the photo shows a greenhouse, the walls of which are made of briquettes (or bales) of straw (hay). A frame with an opening top is simply piled on the straw walls. The film rolls onto the block. Such greenhouses are usually directed to the south. This design helps well when the slope of the soil on your site is directed to the north; in such cases, the sun slightly heats the earth. This kind of greenhouse will help you out in this situation..

(Dew Collector greenhouse system from Roots Up)

The greenhouse condenses up to 80 liters of water per day!!!

Soon, thanks to such greenhouses, Ethiopia will flood the world with food. The greenhouse was created for arid countries to solve the problem of drought.
During the day, steam accumulates in the upper part of the greenhouse. When night falls, special valves are opened to draw in cold air, which cools and condenses the water vapor, after which the liquid enters a special storage tank.
Excess water left after irrigation can be used for drinking.

Portable greenhouse (greenhouse) from a barrel

Easy and simple to make (45 minutes)

This portable greenhouse is suitable for growing seedlings, or plants such as parsley, cilantro, etc.

  • 2 photos - we cut out square holes with a jigsaw in 1 quarter of the circumference of the barrel.
  • 3rd photo - a hole with a drill so that you can insert a jigsaw.
  • 4 photos - holes in the bottom to drain water from the drainage.
  • 5-6 photos - attach handles on the sides for carrying.
  • 7-12 photos we attach the film.
  • 14 photos - drainage.

The greenhouse can be painted in green color so that it blends in with the landscape of the dacha

Portable greenhouse made of film

As you can see from the photo, the greenhouse has a lightweight version. It does not have a massive base; it is attached to the ground with reinforcement fixed to the base. It is carried as if on a stretcher using two long boards nailed to the base. It will be useful to the gardener when there is a need to close some weak plants during a cold snap.

How to automatically open windows in a greenhouse?

A very interesting and simple design for automatically opening the window depending on the weather conditions. The principle is as follows. Between the large (3L) and small (0.5L) jars there is a tube in the form of a communicating vessel. A large jar is suspended from the base of the greenhouse, and a small one from the window. Moreover, the small one should be balanced with the window in such a way that with a minimum amount of water in it, the window should be closed. In a hermetically sealed large jar when the temperature in the greenhouse rises. Due to atmospheric pressure, water moves into a small jar, opening the window

A simple greenhouse option opening from the side .

As you can see, the design of a greenhouse made of film is very simple. Such a greenhouse can be easily moved and placed in a new location.

Dome greenhouse made from pipe scraps

it's ugly, but it works

The authors of the blog moved to new house, and they had to install their own sewer system. As a result, they were left with a lot of pipe scraps, which the enterprising young family used to create this greenhouse. The advantages of these pipes are that they are easy to bend and at the same time stable and easy to nail down.

Look at step-by-step photos of creating a greenhouse.

As I understand from the translation of the article from English, the pipes are attached to wooden crossbars using tape. I didn’t really understand about the film, the film scraps were somehow fastened together, most likely a cord was threaded through the holes, and there is also a hint in the 6th photo.

The film at the bottom is pressed to the ground with bricks, this makes it possible to lift the film up on hot days.

I could not translate the purpose of the star (in the 4th photo), but I assumed that it was attached to the dome to give stability to the structure.

Write your options for assigning a star in the comments.

Recumbent greenhouse made of double-glazed windows or frames

The author of the blog made such a recumbent greenhouse on his site from glass door(a double-glazed window), which was accidentally hit by a stone from under a lawn mower.
According to the author, such a greenhouse allows him to collect greens for salads in January, well, America, I can’t say exactly what state it is.

Look at the drawing of this greenhouse. Everything is very simple. As we can see from the photo, the double-glazed window is not attached to any hinges; it simply lies, resting against the side board to prevent it from slipping.
The double-glazed window can be replaced with any large glass or window frame.

In summer, in hot weather, when there is no need for such a greenhouse, it can be thrown over the strawberries to protect the berries from birds.

Photo source:

Attention!!! Important point about greenhouses made from window frames

Whatever frames you have at your disposal, the transparent roof must be made folding (lifting upward), and not swinging or folding, as on the right in Fig. Through any vertical crack the entire warm air will instantly evaporate and the plants will be hit with cold, and the horizontal one can be adjusted with supports according to the weather and local conditions.

What should be the slope of the greenhouse lid???

Note: the optimal slope of the roof slope of a lean-to greenhouse from the vertical (90 degrees) is φ, where φ is the geographic latitude of the location; and (90 degrees)–φ is the angular altitude of the Sun at noon of the spring/autumn equinox. See below about a greenhouse with a heat accumulator.

Source of the last two paragraphs and photos:

Cold greenhouse. (diagram-drawing)

With your own hands

Auto photo of this cold greenhouse Vince Babak, while growing vegetables for the school cafeteria, wondered if it was possible to grow fresh vegetables early winter. After studying the literature on this topic, he created this winter cold greenhouse.

The greenhouse consists of wooden frame and glass lid. The glass of the lid should always be tilted to catch as many rays of the weak winter sun as possible.

The author claims that even in winter, in sunny weather, this greenhouse can heat up to very high temperatures, so the lid must be able to open upward. In order to regulate the temperature, a thermometer must be placed in the greenhouse (see photo 5), and there must also be made a fixing mechanism open lid at different angles (see photo 4).

Vegetables that can be grown in early winter in a cold greenhouse

BUT still, the main secret of such a greenhouse is not in its design, but in the plants grown in it . These should be plants that can easily tolerate cold. According to the author's research, there are five crops: spinach, green onions, mache, claytonia, and carrots can be grown successfully in the northern states of the United States. And also arugula, Escarole, Mizuna, parsley, sorrel, European lettuce, mustard, spinach and turnips.

My advice: Make a cardboard sheet covered on one side with foil. At night, you can cover the greenhouse with this foil, which will reflect the heat coming from the ground back into the greenhouse.

Greenhouse made of window frame and hay

Greenhouse (greenhouse) In a plastic bottle

or "How to grow seedlings if the apartment is cold"

It often happens in our domestic apartments that for growing seedlings the room is not warm enough. A way out of this situation could be a greenhouse like this in a plastic bottle.

When sunlight enters such a greenhouse, the air in the greenhouse begins to heat up. and remains warm for a very long time, even after sunset .

An important advantage will be high humidity inside the bottles and, which will be created due to the heating of pre-moistened soil. This humidity significantly speeds up the process of seedling ripening.

The manufacturing process is simple : cut the bottle, wash it, place the soil with the seeds inside and seal it tightly with tape.

How to make a quick greenhouse with your own hands

Greenhouse made of wooden gratings

The advantages of such a greenhouse:

  • - quickly erected
  • - stable
  • - easy to manufacture


Not suitable for tall plants, can be used for growing early greens and seedlings.

Russian in-depth greenhouse on biofuel

About Russian pits

The simplest greenhouse is a lean-to greenhouse, sunk into the ground, with biological heating. For its construction, choose a dry, well-lit and sheltered place from the winds. It is desirable that it be a low slope facing south. To protect the greenhouse from the wind, green spaces, fences or special reflective screens, which are installed on the north side, can be used. Particularly convenient are the rotating flat screens, painted white, which allow you to get the most out of your solar energy. Illumination with reflected light increases the temperature in the beds by 2-3°, which is equivalent to moving your site, for example, from the Moscow region to the black earth regions of the country: Lipetsk or Voronezh.

Note: You can use any flat panels covered with aluminum foil for baking.

Construction begins with the installation of a frame around the perimeter of the greenhouse made of four sanded logs with a diameter of 10-14 cm. The northern side of the frame should be slightly higher than the south. On the south side, a groove (quarter) is selected in the trim to support the frames.

At one time, the Russian greenhouse was a revelation for European farmers. It was from the “Russian pits” that the nobility of that time received green onions, lettuce, dill, parsley, radishes, and strawberries for the table in winter.

The pit is dug to a depth of 70 cm. In diameter it has the shape of a trapezoid. In dense soils, the walls do not need to be fastened, but in loose and slumping soils, fastening with horizontal boards is used. To prevent the greenhouse from being washed away by rain, a drainage ditch is installed around it, which can be covered with wooden shields, making approaches easier.

The most convenient frames for a greenhouse are 160x105 cm in size. They are made from 6x6cm bars, connected for strength with wooden pins, and then properly painted with weather-resistant varnish PF-166 (“6 = c”). Glass is strengthened with putty or glazing bead. To drain rainwater, grooves are cut into the lower sashes.

Biofuel in greenhouses is horse or cow manure.. Horse fiber is considered the best; it gives more heat. It is harvested in the fall. Manure is collected in piles and carefully insulated on all sides with straw, sawdust, peat and covered so that the manure does not freeze. In the spring, before filling the greenhouse, it is transferred to another, looser pile and heated. To do this, make several holes in it and pour a bucket into each hot water, after which the stack is covered with burlap or matting. After two to four days, when the manure warms up to a temperature of 50-60°, the greenhouse is filled with it. The colder one is placed on the bottom, and the hotter one is placed on top and on the sides. After precipitation, a new portion is added in two to three days. The manure should lie loosely, and only at the walls it should be slightly compacted so that voids do not form.

Greenhouses - pits were usually made of 3-4, which ensured year-round use: while 1 pit was warming up after refilling, the rest were producing products. An indispensable condition successful operation Russian greenhouse - lining the entire complex of pits clay castle with a drainage ditch, otherwise the biofuel will sour.

To enlarge the photo click on it

After filling, the greenhouse is covered with frames and mats made of matting, straw or burlap. Soil is poured on top of the heated manure - garden or turf soil, compost or fertilized peat. On average, one frame requires 0.2 cubic meters. m of land. It is not recommended to exceed this amount, since under the weight of the earth the manure becomes compacted, the flow of air to it becomes difficult, and it stops burning. For the same reason, you should not over-moisten the soil.

A greenhouse of even such a simple design will make it possible to grow vegetables much ahead of schedule.

Greenhouse layout diagram

where is the best place to put a greenhouse on the site?