Wooden fences. DIY unedged board fence. The thread may be

The fence not only encloses the area, but is also an important part of the design. Manufacturers offer various types fences made of various materials: stone, marble, iron. But wood is considered almost universal. The main advantage of a fence made of boards is its ease of construction and relative cheapness compared to other materials.

Create a fence yourself

Types of fences

There are two ways to get your own wooden fence: purchase it in a store finished product or build it yourself. It is usually sold in standard sections. But having purchased the required number of sections, you will have to install them yourself or hire workers. Considering the individuality of each site and the not so wide variety of products offered, it makes sense to build the fence entirely on your own. There are two types of fences:

Depending on the location of the boards or beams, they can be horizontal or vertical.

Advantages of wooden fences: ease of manufacture and installation, attractive appearance, accessibility, good maintainability and environmental friendliness. Of course, in the city, a fence made of wood will most often look ridiculous, but in the private sector or holiday village such a fence fits perfectly into the interior design and landscape. It goes well with various decorative ornaments, for example, carvings, balusters, sculptures. It can be decorated with drawings or simply painted in any shade.

In this video we will look at a ventilated wooden fence:

One of the disadvantages of the design is its fragility. This is due to the fact that the tree is susceptible to rotting and the harmful effects of insects. The material absorbs moisture, causing fungus and mold to grow on it. Wooden fence easy to damage mechanically, it is flammable and supports combustion.

Types of structures

Although a fence made of wooden boards can be of any type, most often it uses the same type of structure. This is due to the requirements for fencing areas. The fence should not obscure the area or let in the wind. Wooden type fences are rarely made blank. In this case, the thickness of the material is selected in such a way that there is no windage. There are the following types designs:

  1. Palisade This is a classic type of fencing. It is assembled from a set of vertical stakes or boards fastened together with horizontal logs. The height of the vertical slats can be either the same or different. Such a fence well hides the internal area from prying eyes.
  2. Lattice. In appearance it is a product assembled from sections. The frame of the structure can be rectangular or square shape. The slats are attached to it at an angle, after which perpendicular posts are installed to form a lattice. This type ventilates well and looks quite attractive.
  3. Ranch. This is the simplest type, which is intended to mark the boundaries of a site. It is made of wooden vertical pillars spaced from one to several meters from each other. They are connected using transverse poles, the number of which does not exceed three per span.

However, due to its density, which increases after drying, larch creates some inconvenience in processing. For example, it is difficult to hammer a nail into it, and if it is hammered, it is impossible to pull it out. In addition, the board is made of resinous larch. Pine is a little worse in strength, but it is also cheaper, but it is stiffer than spruce.

The choice of material depends on the style of the planned fence. If you plan to install a fence, which will subsequently be painted and treated with special means, then the type of wood is no longer significant. And if the wood is varnished to preserve its structure, then best choice there will be cedar.

Almond willow and vine are used for wicker fences. A good option would be to buy pre-treated wood.

Calculation of the number of boards

There are edged and unedged boards. The first type of material is processed from four sides, the second - only from the ends. Unedged boards are cheaper and sold wet, so it should be taken into account that they may become deformed when drying. Edged has a better look. It is smooth, which makes it easier to process.

On sale you can find boards specially prepared for fence construction. It is already pre-processed and sold pre-cut.

Quantity the required material depends on the length of the fenced area, the type of fence and its height. In one case, a fence is built with wide gaps between the boards, in the other - closely or overlapping. All this affects the final number of boards needed.

To roughly calculate them, use a tape measure to measure the length of the future fence, and then determine the height. The optimal height is two meters, which is why two-meter and four-meter boards are popular.

Once the dimensions are known, further calculations are quite simple. For example, the length was 50 meters or 5000 centimeters, and the width of the purchased board was 10 centimeters. Dividing 5000 by 10, we get 500. That is, for 50 meters of fence you will need 500 two-meter boards. If there is a gap between them, then its width is added to the width of the board, and when they are installed overlapping, it is subtracted.

This calculation is correct for vertically standing boards, but if you plan to have a horizontal fence made of boards, the calculations are done differently. You will need the same initial data - the length and height of the fence. Then, taking into account the length of the purchased board, the required quantity for one section is calculated. To do this, use the expression K1 = H1/h2, where:

  • K1 - number of boards, pcs.;
  • H1 - fence height, cm;
  • h2 - board width, cm.

For example, for a fence 2 meters or 200 centimeters high, you will need 5 boards 40 cm wide. To calculate the number of sections, divide the length of the fence by the length of the board. If the board size is 4 meters and the fence is 50, then 50/4 = 12.5 sections. The result is rounded up, after which the final quantity is calculated using the formula K = K1 x K2, where:

  • K1 - number of boards per section, pcs.;
  • K2 - number of sections, pcs.

For the example under consideration, K = 13 x 5 = 65 pieces. Corrections for overlaps or gaps are made in the same way as for vertical boards.

Materials and tools

When building a fence, you must adhere to a certain sequence. But before that you will need to purchase wood and process it. In addition, you need to prepare the surface and buy a number of materials used to strengthen the fence. Thus, To install the fence you will need to prepare:

  • wooden poles (supports);
  • boards;
  • marking stakes and cord;
  • screws or nails;
  • crushed stone, sand, cement grade M400;
  • antiseptic and bitumen mastic.

Concrete is made from crushed stone, sand and cement. It will be needed to strengthen wooden posts in the ground. When mixing the solution, the following proportion is used: one part cement, two parts sand, three parts crushed stone. About 125 liters of water are taken per cubic meter of concrete.

The tools you will need are a hole drill, a container for mixing concrete or a concrete mixer, buckets, shovels, a tamper, a screwdriver, a hammer, a jigsaw or a saw.

Sequence of actions

It is convenient to consider the sequence of work on a certain type of fence, for example, a picket fence. At the same time, for another type of product, the construction principle will remain the same, only the location of the supports will change. Picket fencing is permanent and is popular. Before you make a fence from boards with your own hands, you need to clean the perimeter along which the product will be installed, fill in the holes, and clean off the bumps. Fencing construction work are carried out in the following order:

  1. The location of the future structure is marked, then the places of future supports are marked with the help of stakes. Usually the distance between them is about two to three meters.
  2. The supports are treated with an antiseptic and coated bitumen mastic. All processing operations are performed twice with a holding interval of at least 24 hours between them. You can replace mastic with roofing felt or roofing felt, but this option is extremely undesirable.
  3. Holes are dug according to the markings. Their depth is determined the following rule: the wooden support must go into the ground to a depth of at least a quarter of its entire length. Usually it is about one and a half meters.

A ventilated fence will be an excellent addition to the decor on your site
  1. Concrete at least ten centimeters thick is poured into the bottom of the pit.
  2. Once the concrete has set, a pole is lowered into the hole. It is leveled, then the cavity is filled with solution. After this, work stops for seven days until the concrete gains strength.
  3. In a week by installed poles the beam is fixed. It can be nailed, screwed and inserted into grooves specially designed for it.
  4. Pickets are installed on the timber. They are fastened with nails. In this case, the pickets should not touch the ground - minimum distance it should be 5 cm from it.

The fence is ready. All that remains is to paint or varnish it if necessary. If the fence is made horizontal, then instead of the last two points, boards are immediately attached to the supports, and they also should not touch the ground.

Wicker fence

Wicker fences are made in a completely different way. In their manufacture, instead of boards, rods are used. Before starting work, the rods are soaked in order to increase their flexibility. Once the level of flexibility is sufficient, proceed to the following actions:

  1. The stakes are driven into the ground at intervals of 30 and a depth of at least 35 cm.
  2. A thin strip is nailed to the stakes on top. It is designed to maintain the shape of the fence and prevent its curvature.
  3. Then the first rod is laid. One end of it is fixed on the front part of the first stake, and the other end is wound behind the second stake. With such a snake it is passed through all the stakes.
  4. The second and subsequent rods are laid in the same way.
  5. The rail is removed and the fence is varnished.

Building a wooden fence yourself is a good option to save money and get an attractive fence. At proper care it can last more than ten years.

The territory of a private house or cottage is always transformed when decorative vegetation spreads out on it in green waves. Abundance of flowers, fruit trees, or neat beds with all your favorite vegetables, herbs and berries, it is always pleasing to the eye. Using bio-soil, https://bio-grunt.ru/torf-kupit.html, it will not be difficult to grow and maintain all this in more variety and in the best condition. But it is also important to protect and preserve the site from uninvited guests and unwanted weeds. In this article we will look at how to make a fence with your own hands that will protect the fragrant, green diversity of your personal plot.

It is not surprising that for people who have the opportunity to buy land plot and it will not be difficult to build a residential building on it and fence it off. The only question is what material to use to do this?

Unlike cottages for several families, where taking care of this lies on the shoulders of construction organization, in a particular case, it all depends on the personal desire of the homeowner.

Quite a high percentage of owners country dachas Today, corrugated sheeting is chosen as the most economical option. This is done quickly and does not require large financial costs. However, in the end, the appearance of such a structure creates some kind of fence from the outside world. Trying to avoid the factor of peculiar isolation and monotony, they prefer to install wooden fences.

Main functions and design solutions

Wood is a special material. Working with him gives rise to many design ideas. Sometimes it is very difficult to decide which design is most suitable. To make the task easier, you need to decide what functions should be performed.

Most often, the main ones are: determining the boundaries of the site; protection from the entry of strangers into the territory, as well as persons located within the personal territory; protection from noise and wind; restricting access to travel roads; creating a decorative background.

Constructive solutions are presented in three definitions of external forms: solid closed, lattice type with gaps and combined (for example, paired with brick).

Selecting the type of fencing

An additional component is the choice of design option. If you don’t get carried away with listing all the types and focus on one specific one, then, perhaps, most often they prefer “classics”. Solid or with gaps, covered with edged boards.

Initial stage of construction

If at the same time there are concerns that you can accidentally seize part of someone else’s territory, then for insurance it is better to get a cadastral plan. You should definitely indicate on the diagram the height, size and location where the gate will be located.

Can be applied symbols all large structures, houses, outbuildings, and planting areas located on the site (garden, vegetable garden). This will help you visualize the future picture and possibly make some adjustments.

Material selection

For corner support posts, a profile pipe with a square section of 60x60 mm is most often suitable. For the remaining racks, which are located between the corner ones at an equal distance from each other, a profile pipe with a cross section of 50x50 mm is suitable.

For “classics”, coniferous species such as spruce, cedar or pine are more suitable. Fine, strong wood is without a doubt better for protective purposes. Usually they are in the lead due to their protection from dampness and rotting. An additional advantage is their low price.

The main stages of fence construction

The actual construction itself includes three stages, which have already been mentioned above: installation of support pillars, fastening of transverse joists and cladding of the frame.

Each of them contains a certain range of work. In general, the workflow involves the following actions:

  • Wooden or metal pegs are hammered into the markings. Twine is stretched between them;
  • Holes 0.8 meters deep are pre-dug. At the bottom of each of them there is a sand bed 10-15 centimeters thick. Next, the profile pipe is installed and secured. The pit is filled with crushed stone to a height of twenty-five centimeters. Carry out thorough compaction. The supports are fixed and filled with concrete;
  • Transverse joists are being installed. Fastening is done using metal corners(35x35). There are two corners for each support;
  • They make either continuous cladding of the frame, or with alternating boards. The top can be either a straight line or with protrusions of the supports above the skin by 10-15 centimeters;
  • Since the material is wood, it is necessary to treat it with fire-prevention agents;

For painting, it is best to purchase special paint compositions recommended for such surfaces and designed for any atmospheric influence (sun, rain, wind).

Coloring is considered economical option. Dark colors are always more popular. In the end, this is a street structure and is not immune from dust and dirt, and accordingly, light colors create the risk of repainting it again.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wooden fence

In the process of installing and operating such a fence, you can come to a logical conclusion about the main advantages and evaluate them no longer unfoundedly, but taking into account your direct participation in its construction.

The list of advantages includes the following components: environmental friendliness, diversity tree species, relatively low installation complexity, easy solution to the replacement problem.

In addition to the positive aspects, the design also has its disadvantages. These include the following: fire hazard (special treatment is required), susceptibility to rotting (small pests can settle in the pores), short service life.

Photo of a wooden fence with your own hands

Natural raw materials never go out of fashion, but on the contrary, they become more and more in demand every year. There are many options for using wood as the main material for fencing construction. Craftsmen can even make a unique fence from wood left over from construction work, thereby reducing expenses to a minimum.

In addition to naturalness and environmental friendliness, it is worth mentioning other advantages:

  1. Easy installation. You can do all the work yourself.
  2. Availability of materials. You can buy wood in all regions of the country.
  3. Simple repair. Old elements can be easily replaced with new ones without harm to the entire structure.
  4. The light weight of a wooden fence allows you to avoid making a massive foundation. Excavation work is simplified.
  5. Convenient transportation.
  6. There is no need to use special equipment or rent equipment.
  7. Reliability and long service life. Treated wood will last 10–20 years without requiring repairs.
  8. Choice of shapes, types of lumber, sizes.
  9. The tree looks beautiful even without additional decoration.

Among the disadvantages of a wooden fence:

  1. Exposure to moisture. When there is an excess of it, the tree begins to rot.
  2. Damage by insects.
  3. Flammability of raw materials.
  4. The need for periodic care. If this is not done, the service life of the fence will be reduced significantly.

But all these disadvantages are eliminated with the help of protective equipment.

Wood is impregnated with antiseptics to remove moisture, and fire resistance can be increased using fire retardants.

Suitable material for construction

For the fence, not only new elements are taken, but also any available wooden parts.

Board (edged, unedged)

The most popular and affordable type of lumber. An unedged board costs less and is not cleared of bark on the sides. To make the structure last longer, it is recommended to remove the bark and sand it thoroughly before fastening it.

Edged boards are sold cleaned, with a smooth surface, sometimes already treated with protective agents.

The designs are more accurate. It’s easy to make a fence from these boards yourself.

Ready-made fences are placed around country houses, in villages, in the country.

Construction costs are minimal; there is no need to build a massive foundation.

Users often search for:


This name was given to polished planks of the same width and height. They are nailed to the joists vertically or horizontally. The top of the picket can be different (regular cut, carved). Depends on the preferences of the owners and their budget. This type of fence is inexpensive.

The distance between the pickets is selected individually. To fence private houses and summer cottages, the fence is often made solid. If you need to make zoning of the estate, then create low fence chik up to 0.5 m.

The design of planks painted in... white, along the perimeter of which flowers, shrubs or flower beds are planted.

An unusual version of a fence with elements artistic forging shown in the photo above.


Timber is a durable raw material. Receive from hard rocks. Under such sectional material you need strong racks made of logs, bricks, and metal.

The beam happens:

  • profiled;
  • whole;
  • glued;
  • double;
  • spliced.


Cleaned and sanded tree trunk. The material is durable and lasts a long time. It weighs a lot, which complicates installation and transportation.

The logs are laid horizontally or dug in vertically.

The finished fence looks original and performs its protective function well.


Budget-friendly raw materials for fencing at the dacha. They are bought new or used used. They can be mounted assembled or disassembled into planks.

The procedure must be repeated every 2-3 years in dry, sunny weather. Drying time is a day.

Types and methods of installation

There are many options. It all depends on the capabilities, imagination of the owners, and the chosen design direction.


Boards and a picket fence are attached to the horizontal joists with self-tapping screws or nails in a vertical position. The fence can be solid or with gaps.

To give the design unusual look, the upper part of the material is made round, beveled on the sides or carved.


To strengthen the fence, a vertical log made of timber is installed between the posts. After that, the boards are fixed in a horizontal position with self-tapping screws.

One of the varieties of such fasteners is a ladder fence.


TO cross beams alternately with the outside and inside nailed into the slats. The structure turns out to be voluminous.

From the street, what is happening in the yard is not visible, but ventilation of the area is maintained.

If desired, you can create a modern fence of varying degrees of transparency. It all depends on the size of the overlap of one plank over another.

The disadvantage is the high consumption of raw materials, but the fences are elegant and neat. The composition is perfectly complemented by pillars made of stone, brick, and carved figured tops of the planks.

Herringbone (American)

Horizontal method of installing boards. But unlike standard fasteners, the boards are fixed tightly here with an overlap over each other. It resembles a Christmas tree when you look at the structure in profile.

The fence is erected in combination with metal, brick supports, and a concrete base. For gates and wickets, metal is chosen.


Refers to horizontal method installations.

The planks are not adjacent to each other, but are fixed at an angle with a small gap. They look like blinds.

The estate is well ventilated. The degree of transparency of the fence depends on the angle of inclination of the slats. A lot of material is wasted.

Wicker from boards

An interesting fence made of boards bent between posts. Similar to a fence made of branches.

It is performed in a horizontal position to make bending easier and result in fewer joints.

Vertical braiding is less common. It is complemented by horizontal strips nailed to the top and bottom of the section.

The photo above is an example of horizontal weaving of boards.


Fence of American origin. Not used for street fencing.

They are erected for zoning a garden, vegetable garden, and as a barrier for farm animals.

The ranch is made low, up to 1 m. Several boards are nailed to pillars made of timber, logs, or stone at a distance from each other.

For security, they nail it onto the fence from the inside of the yard to prevent small animals from entering the estate.


The fence is of ancient origin. Territories were fenced off like this back in Ancient Rus'.

The logs are made pointed on one side so that they look like stakes, and they are dug or driven into the ground close to each other with the sharp edge up.

Such a fence will not be cheap, but it will be reliable and will last a long time.

It is recommended to pre-treat the lower part of the logs, which will be in the ground, with bitumen mastic to protect them from moisture.


Wood carving happens:

  1. Contour. Performed manually. A drawing is drawn on the board with a pencil. The outline is knocked out with a chisel. To add volume, the recesses are painted in one color, the rest of the planks in another.
  2. Lace. The easiest way. It is carried out manually. A floral or other pattern is applied to the workpiece with a pencil. Drill an opening so that the jigsaw knife can fit into it. Use a jigsaw to cut out the design.
  3. Geometric. Used by craftsmen. You need to work with a chisel and a special knife.

At home, without experience, it will be easiest to cope with contour carving. First create a thread diagram on paper. Having a wooden template will speed up the process.

If you do not want to waste time learning carving, then it is better to order ready-made sections or individual carved strips from craftsmen.


This is the name of a fence where wood is combined with other materials.

Look great concrete pillars with spans made of boards. Metal supports with forging, which gradually transitions to spans, are also suitable.

In new design projects A combination (of a metal mesh filled with stones) and sections of boards in the form of a checkerboard pattern or wicker is increasingly common. This design is suitable for street fencing and estate zoning.


Acts as a decoration of the territory, an element of landscape design composition. The fence is created low, light, with gaps. It is assembled independently from picket fences, boards, slats or purchased in ready-made sections.

Such fences will complement a chalet-style estate well.

The wood is aged, painted in the color you like or varnished.


This method of installing planks serves as decoration and not as protection of the area. For construction, you need to stock up on picket fences or slats of the same width.

The planks cross each other at right angles or diagonally from the outside and inside of the fence. The construction is light but durable.

Lattice spans are sold in finished form. The most popular colors are white, brown (natural).


Good for street fencing. Solid wooden wall will protect from excess noise, dust, and prying eyes.

It is created from edged boards or picket fence. The planks are fixed to the joists close to each other, leaving no gaps.

The average height of such a fence is 1.5-2 m. It is recommended to place the boards 3-5 cm above the ground to reduce the risk of the raw material absorbing excess moisture.

Decorating the fence

Lovers of natural shades prefer to leave the wood in its original form, emphasizing the beauty with varnishing and brushing.

To make the fence a bright element of the site, it is painted in the color you like. Elements of artistic forging are used as auxiliary decor. Climbing plants are planted around the perimeter.

Building a wooden fence with your own hands

It involves the development of a project for a future structure, indicating all dimensions, material consumption, and estimates.

Already at this stage it is important to determine the type of foundation.

If wooden sections will be combined with brick, stone pillars and a plinth, then it is better to go with a strip base.

If the sections will not bear a large load, and the racks will be made of profile pipes or logs, it is enough to equip a columnar base.

When purchasing material for poles, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the raw materials.

Associated material:

Logs are mounted to the fixed racks, to which boards or a picket fence are fixed with self-tapping screws.

It is considered the most durable and durable.

Photo gallery: fencing ideas

Even on a limited budget you can do interesting fence, and if you have money, a modern, beautiful and durable protective structure.

Options wooden fencing a lot, so from any source material you can make a unique composition that will effectively decorate the estate and become reliable protection from unwanted guests.

The cheapest fence for a summer house is one that is made from materials left over from construction, or simply lying around. In this case, their initial cost is no longer important, and the labor costs will pay off in any case. For example, if there is a rocky outcrop in the vicinity, and after the construction of the house there is cement and sand left, then you can build the most expensive type of fence - from natural stone. Or the second option - a fence made from scraps of logs cut down on a tree plot

The fence of the site can be built like this in an unusual way Source 990.md

But these are more special cases - usually you have to buy materials or order a “turnkey fence”.

Features of a country fence

There are certain restrictions on the height and nature of the fence between adjacent areas. The fence should not cast a continuous shadow and be higher than 1.5 meters. Although in practice this is not always done. But it is precisely these requirements that make this part of the fence inexpensive in terms of materials. Anyone can build a relatively affordable fence for their dacha, options for materials used for these purposes:

  • chain-link mesh;
  • wooden fence (picket fence);
  • welded sections made of rolled metal.

For the part that protects summer cottage plot from the “street”, there is a greater choice of materials, including those listed above. But such a “transparent” fence has rather bad protective functions, especially from prying eyes, wind and dust. Therefore, such a fence for a dacha is used in combination with hedges - shrubs or climbing plants.

Translucent mesh fence and climbing plants Source plodogorod.com

If a “blind” and cheap fence is needed along the front border of the site, then boards or corrugated sheets are chosen as materials. This way you can build a fence with your own hands cheaply and beautifully.

Wooden fences

You can build the cheapest fence out of wood. At making the right choice And timely care wooden fences will last at least 10 years. Moreover, this statement mainly applies to poles, and if they are made from a steel pipe with an anti-corrosion coating, then we can talk about at least twenty years of service. And, importantly, there is different types fences for dachas made of this material.

Usually fence, or fence board, is the simplest option wooden fence made from edged lumber. But the protective functions of the picket fence are low, as is its cost. Fence from Not edged boards only marks the boundary of the site, and its decorative qualities depend solely on the method of cutting the top of the slats and the color of the paint.

Although, if desired, a fence made from an ordinary picket fence can also be made attractive Source rozetka.com.ua

There are also “full-fledged” fences made of wooden picket fences, which are distinguished by higher reliability and degree of protection against penetration into the site. Moreover, such a fence can even be “deaf” if used double padding of fence boards– from the front and inside.

Blind fence made of slats Source yandex.com

Traditional type of decorative fence made of thin slats Source: seattlehelpers.org

A slatted fence also allows you to make section decoration in the form decorative panel. And at first glance, a cheap fence will no longer look very cheap.

It is possible to assemble this type of fencing, but this is clearly not budget option Source vekzabora.ru

And they look very original "wicker" fences from wooden slats.

And this is what it looks like modern interpretation fence Source yandex.kz

Edged board fence can be either deaf or “holey”. In the first case, the boards on the veins are stuffed end-to-end or on both sides (alternately on the front and inside).

In the second case, the scheme for laying boards on the crossbars of the spans is similar to a picket fence. To some extent they are even similar, but this option is more “solid”.

A fence made from edged boards - reliability and solidity Source imagesait.ru

If horizontal direction wooden slats for a picket fence this is rare, but for an edged board this solution is more common. Perhaps this is the cheapest fence for a summer house, but it looks quite nice.

This covering of the span makes it look like the wall of a house Source navesi-vorota.kiev.ua

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building fences and enclosures. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

And you can put it in a separate category wooden fence shutters. This type of fence resembles a wall lined with plank. The principle of placing the board (or slats) is the same - at an angle to the vertical plane with an overhang on the front side of the top panel over the bottom.

This type of fence appeared recently, but is already popular Source domvpavlino.ru

Fence blinds combine positive aspects solid and “holey” spans:

  • the territory is protected from prying eyes;
  • direct exposure to wind and penetration of dust and dirt from the street are reduced;
  • the area is ventilated, so excess moisture from the soil will evaporate more quickly;
  • the shadow from the fence is not so “dense” and “short” plants can be planted nearby.

Video description

Example of fences made from other materials in the video:

Another type of wooden horizontal fence is fencing using a block house. This type of cladding panel is thick enough to withstand severe mechanical loads. And the decorative properties of the panels fit perfectly into the rural landscape, especially if the house is built from rounded logs, lined with a block house or siding with a similar profile.

Block house, one of the most unusual finishing materials, looks great as a fence Source svoidomstroim.ru

Of course, this is not the cheapest fence - according to this characteristic, a block house does not lag behind most types of fencing made from planed lumber.

Budget fencing made from scrap materials

First of all, you need to understand that not all available materials can be “legal”. An example that can often be found as a cheap fence is a fence or picket fence made from branches or poles cut from a planting or nearby forest. Nowadays, fences made from pallets left over after construction are often chosen. In short, if you need an affordable fence for your dacha, there are many options.

Such a purely rustic fence can serve as a reason for administrative punishment Source jtcase.ru

But in this case, you can wait for the police to visit, since illegal cutting of trees and bushes (even vines) is punishable by both administrative and criminal codes. For individuals the fine is small - 4-5 thousand rubles. But this is if they find no signs of a criminal act. If found, the fine starts from 100 thousand rubles. Moreover, if such a fence is purchased, and its wood is obtained illegally, then the buyer will also face a fine.

And if purchasing a ready-made wicker fence can be considered an affordable option, then log palisade no longer falls into the category of budget fence.

A log palisade turns a home into a fortress, but it comes with a significant price tag. Source stroykauglich.ru

The most inexpensive material is slab. It belongs to lumber production waste, but this does not mean that any kind is suitable for a fence. It is divided into two classes: wood and business. And for the construction of a fence, you need to choose only the second option, as it is thicker and more uniform in cross-section geometry. Moreover, selection must be carried out both by the quality of the wood (lack of rot) and by the uniformity of size - it is advisable to select plates of approximately the same width and thickness. If there is a suspicion of infestation with a bark beetle, then the croaker must be sanded and treated with an appropriate solution so as not to infect the trees on the site.

Such a fence will be the cheapest among all, and in a rural landscape it is quite appropriate Source pinterest.ru

The second most expensive material is considered unedged board. It makes affordable yet attractive wooden fences for your dacha. And here there are nuances of choice - it is better to use a wide format.

A vertical fence made from such a board is mounted overlapping, with the “front” and “wrong” sides alternating

And this site fence looks natural in the countryside Source: seattlehelpers.org

For horizontal fences, the arrangement of the plates is more varied. For example, it could be “volumetric” installation of boards around timber in the center of the span.

If you show your imagination, you can make an original fence for your site from an ordinary unedged board. Source music4good.ru

Attaching a herringbone board carried out by analogy with the installation of siding.

Another design of a blind fence made from unedged boards Source stroyholl.ru

There is also such an inexpensive option for fencing materials - pallets. More precisely, Euro pallets. For their production, fairly high-quality edged boards are used, from which enterprising people even make furniture. And not only for the garden, but also for residential premises with an interior in a loft or rustic style.

The europallet can be used as a source of “raw materials”. That is, disassemble it into boards and make a regular vertical fence out of them. Or build a horizontal fence, borrowing not only boards from the pallet, but also the very idea of ​​a “two-row” volumetric structure.

Both the fence and the flowerbed Source www.sazhaemsad.ru

There are options when pallet practically unchanged goes into the manufacture of spans low fences.

This type of fence is perfect for a palisade in front of the house Source pinterest.es

Inexpensive metal fences

In this category, the cheapest garden fences are made from chain link mesh. Their apparent unreliability is deceptive - it is impossible to climb over them, and in order to gain unauthorized access to the site, you must use at least metal scissors. When choosing what to make a fence from, you should not discard this option.

Chain-link mesh is the leader among metal fences for dachas Source ethanvizitei.com

This also includes fences with spans made of welded construction mesh, which is even stronger due to the greater thickness of the wire.

Fences from welded mesh- one of the easiest to make Source zabornik.ru

There are quite a lot of manufacturers of turnkey sectional fences using welded mesh as a basis. And in the most simple options it is not even attached to the frame from the corner. For fastening, use special clamps selected for the cross-section profile pipe, from which fence posts are made.

And this is the most affordable option metal sectional fence Source: seattlehelpers.org

And the next stage in the evolution of welded mesh as a material for fencing a site is gabions. IN landscape design wire baskets filled natural stone, usually used in the form of retaining walls. They also found application for the construction of fences with “blind” spans. This design is more affordable than a stone fence, especially since the gabion does not need a foundation, and if necessary, it can be disassembled and moved to another place.

Gabion fence - a union of metal and stone Source ru.pinterest.com

Another inexpensive option is welded fences. made of smooth reinforcement or square rod.

Welded fence made of smooth reinforcement - simple and elegant Source remex-tver.ru

And if you need to close off an area from the street with a solid fence with high resistance to burglary, then wall profiled sheet in category inexpensive materials there are no competitors.

Profiled sheet - reliability and safety of the site for little money Source zabory.dp.ua

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And a few more options beautiful fences on video:


The final cost of the fence is influenced not only by the materials of the span, but also by its nature. Solid fences are strongly influenced by wind loads, so the supports for them must be more reliable than for through spans. And the calculation of their number and the size of the underground part has the same algorithm as that of a pile or monolithic foundation. Therefore, a cheap, but solid fence may ultimately cost more than its competitor made of more expensive materials that are freely blown by the wind.

When it comes to fencing the estate, the board is most often relegated to the background. This material is considered by many to be a temporary and uncreative option.

However, in recent years The designs of plank fences have changed significantly. From primitive “ladders” they turned into masterpieces of wooden architecture. Excellent appearance, ease of installation and minimal cost attract the attention of many country home owners.

In this article we bring to your attention an overview of modern fences made of boards and practical recommendations for their production. We hope that after getting acquainted with the presented options, you will change your mind and build a beautiful and practical wooden fence at your dacha with your own hands.

Options for plank fences

In order to install a wooden fence, you don’t need to strain your imagination and test your design talents. Dozens of interesting varieties of fencing have already been built and captured in photographs.

The simplest option is a horizontal slab fence. Its cost is minimal, and its aesthetic qualities are high. Before installation, the slab must be refined by grinding, tinted by firing and varnished. Otherwise, its appearance will be associated with a pasture for livestock.

One more tip. A wooden fence made from unedged boards looks ideal with wooden buildings. In the photo below, the walls of the mansion and the columns are white. entrance group do not fit well with a wooden fence.

A fence made of slabs is simple, inexpensive and aesthetically pleasing

In the design under consideration, the purlins made of boards are fixed between two wooden posts. The ends of the racks are protected from rain by an inclined bar. The most vulnerable point - the contact between wood and concrete - requires high-quality insulation. Here you need to use modern antiseptic impregnations or coating with hot bitumen.

A croaker, cleared of bark and installed with an overlap, looks very beautiful in a fence. It is nailed to wooden posts. The front joint is covered with an edged board. An easy-to-make plank canopy tops the structure.

Another interesting option- “artificial” croaker. In this case, the edges of the boards are cut so that they form a symmetrical pattern.

To create color contrast wooden overlays the pillars are treated with dark stain.

The “decorative turn” method is equally suitable for both slabs and edged boards. In the latter case, we get an aesthetic shutter fence. When viewed directly, he appears deaf. However, due to the spaces between the slats, this design is not only well ventilated, but also partially transmits the sun's rays.

Climbing plants love such fences and quickly turn them into flowering trellises.

Fragment of a fence-blind design made from edged boards

In passing, we note that the best basis for attaching fence boards is metal posts. A compromise option is to embed steel cages in concrete from scraps of profile pipe. Wooden posts are inserted into them and secured with self-tapping screws.

A little imagination and a nondescript croaker-obapole turns into a designer picket fence guarding the “kingdom of Berendey.”

The posts for such a fence can be cut from cheap round timber. The natural shape of this material will fit perfectly into the “country design” chosen for this fence.

The classic picket fence (planed board with a rounded edge) remains a relevant element of the fence structure. The only condition is not to paint it with dull green or brown paint. It’s better to treat the planks with an antiseptic and open them a couple of times with a good varnish. After such finishing, the wood will sparkle with golden hues and last 10 years longer.

If you prefer tinted wood, then use dark brown paint for this purpose. It will reliably protect the picket fence from dampness and give it a noble appearance.

A blank fence made from edged boards looks better when the vertical slats are installed not on one, but on both sides, overlapping. This installation scheme creates a rhythmic stepped structure. The ends of the boards are covered from above with a planed plank. A decorative framing belt is also installed at the bottom of the fence.

A blank fence will not look boring if arched grilles made of thin strips are introduced into its design.

Arched lattice inserts eliminate the monotony of a blank fence

When choosing a material for a fence, pay attention to the decking board. It is strong, expressive and durable. It is attached to metal posts installed in the concrete foundation.

The photo below shows an option for double-sided horizontal installation of a terrace board (American fence). To increase rigidity, vertical bars are placed in the middle part of the spans.

Fence made from decking boards - 50 year guarantee

This kind of fence cannot be called cheap, but it is very durable and beautiful. Terrace board It is made of colored wood-polymer composite and does not require painting.

In a fence structure, the board can be combined with timber. Below we see a fencing option in which the timber is installed on the outside and the board is nailed on the inside. Its joints are not visible, since they are covered by timber. The brown tinting of the wood in contrast with the white base gives the structure a solid and solid appearance.

From the facade this fence is made solid. There is no guard on the side at the bottom of the board. This decision was made to improve ventilation of the area.

Russia is far from America, but the romance of cowboy ranches has reached us. On a spacious area, remote from other buildings, a low country-style fence looks great. Its base is thick wooden pillars, to which three belts of boards are nailed horizontally on one side. In the upper part, a wooden plank is placed crosswise, closing the open “windows” of the sections.

Wicker fences from boards

If someone tells you that you can weave fences from boards, don’t hesitate. This is the most fashionable topic today. A wicker fence made from boards looks great, and there are many options for its installation.

The board for wicker fencing should not be very thick. Therefore, having bought an edged “thirty” in a warehouse, you can safely plan it on both sides to a thickness of 25 mm. The optimal width of the strip is from 8 to 10 cm.

The simplest version of such a fence resembles the wall of a summer gazebo. Having made openwork panels from wooden slats, they are attached to the pillars. You can nail a dark board frame along the contour for contrast.

A board fence with a diamond pattern is elegant and light

The wooden fence post is antiseptic and concreted in the ground

And here is another, no less interesting plank wickerwork.

Here is a thin planed board 25 mm thick and 2.5 meters long checkerboard pattern attached to poles. Gives it a bend original way installation: the ends of the boards are alternately fastened on one and the other side of the wooden stand. In the middle part of the span there is a vertical rail that fixes the bend. The places where the boards are attached to the racks are covered with slats.

Vertical weaving from boards looks no worse. In this case, the answer to the question of which board is best to use for a fence is obvious: a plank with a thickness of no more than 16 mm and a width of 8 cm is easiest to bend at a length of 2 meters.

A wicker fence is good for everyone, but it can also be improved by combining it with a picket fence.

This design is quite difficult to install, but its picturesque appearance justifies all the effort.

An original version of the fence, combining weaving from boards with double-sided installation of a picket fence

Those wishing to build an exclusive fence from boards should contact an experienced craftsman. Only he will be able to assemble the structure depicted in this photograph.

Each board for such a fence is cut separately, based on the section template. At its ends and side edges, connecting tenons are cut, with which the boards, like puzzles, are connected to each other, attached to the pillars and to the lower belt.

The advice that we gave throughout the article should be supplemented with the parameters of the main elements of the board fencing:

  • Size cross section wooden poles– 10x10 cm.
  • When used for racks steel profile its cross-section must be no less than 40x40 mm (wall 2 mm).
  • Horizontal crossbars (purlins) must have a cross-section of at least 30x50 mm with a strut spacing of 2 meters.
  • For ease of installation of wooden purlins, to steel racks you need to weld the mounting plates “ears” with holes drilled in them for self-tapping screws.

At the stage of purchasing materials, the question arises of how to calculate how many boards are needed for the fence. The solution is simple. If the fence is solid, then its total length must be multiplied by the height and thickness of the purchased board.

For a lattice picket fence, the calculation is done differently. Taking into account the selected pitch of the slats, their number is determined per 1 linear meter fencing. The resulting pieces are multiplied by the total length of the fence, and, if necessary, converted to cubic meters, multiplying the total area by the thickness of one plank.

Another important point– How to paint a fence made of boards? If you save on the quality of paint, the fence will have to be updated more often. Therefore, we recommend buying expensive paint for exterior use. Before applying it, treat the board with hot drying oil or antiseptic impregnation. The consumption of paint and impregnation will be minimal when applied to a planed board. Consider this nuance when choosing a material.

Given the large area of ​​the board fencing, it needs to be painted with a roller or spray gun. Omissions and errors made during work are corrected with a paint brush.