What does blood mean according to Miller’s dream book: comparison with modern interpretation. Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse. Excreting your own blood in a dream

Blood in a dream is a symbol of life, health, prosperity, kinship, surprise.

If you see in a dream that you are bleeding, it is a sign of loss and poor health.

A dream in which you saw blood coming from your nose means loss of money or position in society.

Blood pouring from a wound is a sign of an unsuccessful deal, which will cause you a lot of trouble and losses.

Seeing blood on your hands is a sign of danger that threatens you due to carelessness.

Incest in a dream foreshadows illness or painful pride, which will cause you a lot of problems.

Blood vessels with blood flowing through them portend well-being.

Blood on the head means you will soon get a condition.

Spitting blood in a dream means illness or humiliation.

A dream in which you saw blood pouring out of you onto the floor predicts winning a case or receiving benefits.

Dark blood flowing out of you portends liberation from sorrows and worries.

Blood flowing from the throat portends significant events in your life, strengthening your position in society, wealth and prosperity in the house. Especially if the blood is bright red and not clotted.

For childless people, such a dream predicts the imminent birth of children. Such a dream also promises you a meeting with a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time.

It’s bad to dream that you are spitting blood on the bare ground. Such a dream predicts death loved one or a relative.

Choking on blood in a dream or swimming in it is a sign of danger or a great misfortune that will happen to loved ones.

Dark blood clots in a dream are a sign of a serious illness that is creeping up on you. The brighter the blood that you see in a dream, the more dangerous and painful your illness will be.

Seeing blood flow in a dream means a serious illness with a fatal outcome over a long period of time.

Someone else's blood in a dream foreshadows the illness of loved ones or acquaintances.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dreaming of bloody clothes speaks of possible enemies who seek to interfere with the successful career that is opening up before you. Anyone who sees this dream should be wary of strange new friendships. Seeing blood pouring from a wound is a sign of physical ill health or impending anxiety, failure in business caused by unsuccessful transactions with foreign syndicates, cartels and other associations. Seeing blood on your hands is a sign of failure, fatal bad luck if you do not immediately take care of yourself and your affairs.

Interpretation in other dream books

Loff's Dream Book


This symbol in dreams is rarely of a positive nature, perhaps with the exception of cases associated with the manifestation of anger towards someone. In this case, the enemy's blood is a sign of your complete victory. But most often, blood symbolizes exhaustion, decline, DAMAGE or DEATH. Exhaustion can be both physical and emotional, financial, i.e. assume the loss of significant resources.

Blood has another direct meaning - it is the source of life. In this sense, it is seen as a symbol of unity with another person - an image inspired by the Indian cult of “blood brotherhood”.

Blood can also symbolize sacrifice - for example, a lamb given to the slaughter. In addition, blood has a deep meaning for people interested in the occult. In dreams of this kind, blood is often drunk, drawn or written with. You will find frequent mentions and references to such phenomena in many iconic works of literature.

Whose blood do you see in your dream?

Can you determine who caused it to appear?

Did you experience a feeling of fear while doing this?

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation


Blood - seeing red - gaiety; thickened - disease; to shed in battle - trouble due to unreasonable haste; drink - good hopes; pouring onto the ground - happiness; swim - big shocks; blood of animals - your deeds can be accomplished; to see on others is a disease in the family.

Vanga's Dream Book


Blood in a dream is associated with family ties, retribution, conflicts.

A dream in which you are trying to stop the blood flowing from a wound symbolizes your longing for a deceased loved one.

If in a dream you saw blood on your clothes, this is a sign that the action of a loved one will jeopardize your reputation.

In a dream, you defended yourself and hit your enemy so hard that blood splashed from his wound on you - this dream predicts that any intervention in a quarrel between loved ones can result in serious consequences for you.

You dream that you are drinking cold and tasty water from a river. But suddenly the water in the river begins to darken and before your eyes turns into thick blood. You notice with horror that your hands, mouth and clothes are stained with this blood. This dream is a warning. There is a long-standing curse on your family that will not hesitate to destroy your life and the lives of your loved ones. Evil fate will haunt you until you ask forgiveness from the Creator for the sins of which your ancestors are guilty.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus


If in a dream you saw blood on yourself, you will soon receive news from your relatives.

A dream in which you are bleeding means temporary loneliness and sadness.

To see in a dream how you shed someone's blood is to show carelessness when solving a problem that is very important to you. You should take the initiative into your own hands.

Seeing a loved one bleeding in a dream means that your relationship with your loved one will deteriorate due to your selfishness.

A dream in which you saw the ground drenched in blood foreshadows difficult trials, conflicts and human sacrifices.

Most dream books interpret seeing blood in a dream as the emergence of problems or misunderstandings associated with ancestors. An unexpected visit from distant relatives for advice or with a request is possible. More detailed transcript possible in case of consideration of remembered details. Some moments from a dream that seem insignificant at first glance may have crucial in an attempt to find out what exactly the appearance of blood in the night vision meant.

Excreting your own blood in a dream

This type of dream foreshadows the unexpected appearance of blood relatives in your home. The visit can have both positive and negative connotations. This moment can be determined based on the overwhelming emotions in the vision. Most likely, minor disagreements will arise between you and the guests, which will require time and effort to resolve.

Why do you dream that you are bleeding; expect intriguing secrets related to your own family to emerge. The process of solving the questions that have arisen will be very entertaining and will lead to unexpected results. It is likely that close family members will hide from you the presence of a sibling or half-sister (brother). In any case, the work done will not lead to anything bad, but will give you a new loved one.

If you notice your blood on your clothes, expect a hasty action or decision from a loved one. Personally, this threatens you with great moral or material losses. To prevent this, pay more attention to those closest to you so that they will want to discuss important issues with you.

Blood on a girl's underwear does not bode well. The dream book interprets the vision as a warning that the current young man does not take the dreamer seriously as a life partner. You need to be mentally prepared to break up the relationship on the initiative of the guy or as a result of his betrayal.

Dreaming of blood appearing from different parts of the body

Draining blood from your mouth in a dream foretells that you will encounter acute condemnation of your positions and views by employees or family members. You should stock up on arguments to convince others that your decisions are correct. Control your emotions, neglecting this advice, you risk breaking off your relationship with a loved one for a long time.

Spitting blood portends a serious illness to the dreamer. The dream book advises you to undergo a full examination at a clinic in the near future. Missing the moment threatens a great loss of strength and financial resources in the future.

If the dreamer’s loved one coughs up blood in a dream, she will soon meet his family. The meeting promises to be enjoyable for all its participants; there is no need to try to postpone the event. Such a step on the part of the guy symbolizes the seriousness of his intentions.

If a woman dreamed that her husband was coughing up bloody discharge, she should take a closer look at his behavior. There is a high probability that the faithful is hiding something. Most likely, it’s a matter of a love affair that has arisen on the side. Under no circumstances should you create scandals empty space, it is necessary to seriously pay attention to the emotional state of the husband and eliminate the problem quietly, through self-improvement.

If a stranger notices bloody discharge with a cough, the dream book warns against random encounters in the near future. You should not talk to anyone on the street, avoid crowded places. A person found in this way risks ruining your life for a long time.

Blood flowing from the throat in a dream is a warning against loud quarrels with others. The Dream Interpretation strongly recommends that in the coming week you control your emotions and be as polite as possible with people. Ignoring advice will lead to damage to your reputation and severance of relationships with loved ones. Problems acquired in a week will not find solutions for a long time.

The feeling of blood in the mouth portends conflicts with close relatives. There will be disagreements on material grounds. Expect infringement of inheritance rights, disagreement in the division of financial resources or land plots. Remember that as a result of quarrels over money, you can lose loved ones forever; if you do not want to allow such an outcome, be as tolerant as possible.

The dream book interprets bloody discharge from the lip as regret about a recent action. This is an almost painful repentance for words spoken without thinking, or actions committed in the heat of the moment. Drops of blood from the gums are a terrible sign. They talk about the possibility of serious health problems for a loved one. Be as attentive as possible to your loved ones, warn them and protect them from traveling and visiting places where their lives may be in danger.

Why do you dream of blood on the face? , depends on its quantity. The dream also speaks of a sharp increase in finances in the near future. If a lot of extravasate was released, you can expect big win into the lottery, an unexpectedly successful deal. A few drops of blood foreshadow a discovery in the form of a small amount of money.

Bloody discharge from the head symbolizes the presence of difficult mental experiences associated with coercion from persons occupying high positions. Most likely, you are under strong moral pressure, and inner excitement finds a way out in night visions. Don't overload yourself with circumstances that you can't change. Sometimes it is better to accept the situation so that the next time problems arise, you will have an advantage over others.

Heavy bleeding from the eyes indicates the imminent loss of a loved one. When we talk about loss, we mean his disappearance from your life. The most likely reason for such disappointment is betrayal on his part.

Good news is foreshadowed by a dream - blood from the ear. Receiving this information will instill new strength in you, raise your overall vitality and give you strength for further achievements. New things will be accomplished with ease and inevitable success. In the near future, it will be possible to find answers to a lot of unresolved questions. However, for an unmarried young lady, such a night vision does not portend anything other than deception on the part of her current lover. You should not completely trust the fiery speeches that he systematically voices. These promises do not have any logical basis, so they can hardly be expected to be fulfilled. It is also advisable to protect yourself from meeting new people for a while.

Dreaming of blood from the navel is a bad omen. The most likely interpretation of this phenomenon by the dream book is that one of the closest people will soon develop problems. Troubles can concern both the material side and health. For married man who doubts the sincerity of his companion, such a dream foreshadows the imminent appearance of irrefutable evidence of his wife’s betrayal.

Bleeding from the chest in a dream suggests expecting psychological shock with the risk of developing prolonged depression. If the stream did not flow from your own chest, a shock awaits the person who experienced it. You will be directly involved in the moral rehabilitation of the victim. Try to take the mission seriously, there is a chance that a human life is in your hands.

Big problems threaten a person who in a dream has blood flowing from his stomach. There is a risk of serious loss of effort, time and money. It is necessary to make every effort to survive the impending shock with dignity. Taking care of your health comes first. You should not take financial difficulties to heart, because money is a gainful thing.

Another interpretation of such a dream is a warning about existing health problems. You should pay attention to yourself, stop overexerting yourself. Spend time with your loved ones in pleasant company, take a vacation and relax outside the city.

The dream book explains blood on the legs by the presence large quantity unresolved cases and issues. However, it is necessary to approach their systematic exclusion wisely. Do not make hasty decisions under any circumstances; all orders you give must have good reasons. If you are not careful, the number of unresolved issues will grow exponentially.

I dreamed about menstrual blood

There is no clear interpretation of such a dream. On the one hand, observing this phenomenon symbolizes rebirth, cleansing and renewal of the body and habitat. There may be big changes in life, a change of workplace or relocation to new apartment, house. For older people, menstrual flow in a dream promises them a long, problem-free and successful life in the future.

For a young lady, bleeding in night visions indicates the excellent state of her health. , can mean the young lady’s readiness to conceive and bear a child if desired. However, if there is no child in your plans, you can simply rejoice in the absence of problems.

If a man dreams of menstrual flow, it means that his mind and reason are truly driven by animal passion and lust. This indicates the presence in real life a woman who can evoke this kind of emotion. It is necessary to determine for yourself the object of desire and try to unite soul and body together. This will bring happiness to both if the woman is also predisposed.

Observation of blood from the vagina unmarried girl promises her a quick meeting with a gallant young man. I promise to build a serious relationship with him. You should pay attention to the happiness that comes, not show selfishness and show concern. The Universe sends a sign as a warning against recklessness, frivolity and frivolity.

Dream pregnancy and bleeding

What a pregnant girl dreams of about blood does not mean anything bad. The dream symbolizes the excellent health of the expectant mother, a painless birth without any special complications. The child promises to be born strong and healthy. Postpartum rehabilitation will take a critically short time. The Universe sends a sign in connection with the pregnant woman’s experiences to calm her down. Nerves must be protected. Not every young lady is able to independently cope with the psychological stress that has arisen; night vision is intended to calm her down and reassure her of the well-being of the birth.

Most often, this red liquid is dreamed of by ladies expecting a baby. The body is gradually preparing for the birth of a new life, and the process is reflected in night visions. The dream means a hidden or obvious fear of future birth. There is nothing wrong with such an omen. A girl should also carefully take care of herself and prepare for the birth of a healthy and strong child.

according to Miller's dream book

Dreaming of bloody clothes speaks of possible enemies who seek to interfere with the successful career that is opening up before you. Anyone who sees this dream should be wary of strange new friendships. Seeing blood pouring from a wound is a sign of physical ill health or impending anxiety, failure in business caused by unsuccessful transactions with foreign syndicates, cartels and other associations. Seeing blood on your hands is a sign of failure, fatal bad luck if you do not immediately take care of yourself and your affairs.

Why do you dream about blood?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to see a lot - to money; accident; from the nose - monetary loss, distress, relatives; from the mouth - property disputes with loved ones; from a member - divorce with loss of children or reputation; on others - illness in the family; someone else's soiled - benefit through the one whose blood; liberation through loss; unexpected happiness; spilled on the ground - to money; unexpected help; soiled clothes - someone’s anger; dried up - old enmity or envy.

Blood in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If in a dream you saw blood on yourself, you will soon receive news from your relatives. A dream in which you are bleeding means temporary loneliness and sadness. To see in a dream how you shed someone's blood is to show carelessness when solving a problem that is very important to you. You should take the initiative into your own hands. Seeing a loved one bleeding in a dream means that your relationship with your loved one will deteriorate due to your selfishness. A dream in which you saw the ground drenched in blood foreshadows difficult trials, conflicts and human sacrifices.

Why do you dream about blood?

according to Vanga's dream book

Blood in a dream is associated with family ties, retribution, and conflicts. A dream in which you are trying to stop the blood flowing from a wound symbolizes your longing for a deceased loved one. If in a dream you saw blood on your clothes, this is a sign that the action of a loved one will jeopardize your reputation. In a dream, you defended yourself and hit your enemy so hard that blood splashed from his wound on you - this dream predicts that any intervention in a quarrel between loved ones can result in serious consequences for you. You dream that you are drinking cold and tasty water from a river. But suddenly the water in the river begins to darken and before your eyes turns into thick blood. You notice with horror that your hands, mouth and clothes are stained with this blood. This dream is a warning. There is a long-standing curse on your family that will not hesitate to destroy your life and the lives of your loved ones. Evil fate will haunt you until you ask forgiveness from the Creator for the sins of which your ancestors are guilty.

Seeing blood in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

This symbol in dreams is rarely of a positive nature, perhaps with the exception of cases associated with the manifestation of anger towards someone. In this case, the enemy’s blood is a sign of your complete victory. But most often, blood symbolizes exhaustion, decline, damage or death. Exhaustion can be both physical and emotional, financial, that is, it can involve the loss of significant resources. Blood has another direct meaning - it is the source of life. In this sense, it is seen as a symbol of unity with another person - an image inspired by the Indian cult of “blood brotherhood”. Blood can also symbolize sacrifice - for example, a lamb given to the slaughter. In addition, blood has a deep meaning for people interested in the occult. In dreams of this kind, blood is often drunk, drawn or written with. You will find frequent mentions and references to such phenomena in many iconic works of literature. Whose blood do you see in your dream? Can you determine who caused it to appear? Did you experience a feeling of fear while doing this?

Why do you have a dream about a vampire?

according to Vanga's dream book

In a dream, a vampire is a symbol of terrible changes, fatal events that will bring a lot of suffering and blood. If a vampire attacks you in a dream, it means that in reality a cruel blow of fate will fall on you, and perhaps you will lose someone close and dear to you. A dream in which you turn into a vampire foretells that you yourself, through carelessness or excessive self-confidence, will expose your life to danger, which can only be avoided by a miracle, if at all. Seeing a vampire drinking blood means a long and painful illness for a loved one. In a dream, killing a vampire means in reality you will happily avoid events that could cripple your life.

Why do you dream about a vampire?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

terrible anxiety, nasty ambition, pretension; if you are sick - recovery.

Why do you dream about wounds?

according to Vanga's dream book

A dream in which you saw wounds on your body is a bad omen. In reality, you do not recognize the existence of the spiritual world and divine forces, so you are deprived of help and support. If someone hurt you in a dream, this means changes in your personal life. In a dream, you are helping a wounded person, trying to heal his wounds - in reality you are serving goodness and justice. Therefore, your whole life is filled with mercy and love for your neighbors. You dreamed that your old wounds were bleeding again - in reality you will be reminded of old grievances and you will relive heartache and suffering. A dream in which you saw that one of your loved ones was wounded foreshadows illness and loss.

Expert answers


I dreamed that I was walking with my ex-girlfriend along a rock, and then I fell into the water and began to choke on blood. And then it poured out of my mouth, I think, onto the ground.. What does this mean? (Anna)

This popular book interprets bleeding, bloody clothing as a sign of fatal misfortune, death and tragedy. In general, seeing this biological fluid in a dream is always a bad sign, but Miller’s dream book interprets the appearance of blood as a sign of danger, accident, or tragedy.

Modern books also take this meaning into account, but in general a detailed interpretation gives several different meanings. Therefore, you need to decipher the dream using different books, one of which was Miller’s dream book. Here are the main meanings of such a dream, as indicated in various sources.

Meaning in Miller's book

He interprets blood as a sign of fatal failure, misfortune, accident and tragedy. Bloody clothes, according to the author of the book, mean that your enemies will win. Miller's dream book interprets nosebleeds as financial failures and loss of wealth.

If you are losing blood from a wound, for example in the heart area, expect great experiences, disasters or illness. Menstrual bleeding is good only for a pregnant person; for everyone else, it portends losses, sacrifices and troubles.

What do modern books write?

Usually blood is interpreted as the departure of vitality and energy. However, the place from where it flowed shows exactly what you will lose and for what reason. Modern dream book the interpretation of such dreams is very detailed, revealing the topic much more accurately.

Thus, blood from the mouth or nose predicts great material losses, accompanied by humiliation. Quite often, such a dream predicts illness, health hazards and injury, as a result of which the dreamer may lose one or more teeth. If Miller’s dream book is limited to the usual losses of material well-being and position in society, then modern books write that blood on the face, from the mouth or nose predicts deep experiences, unfavorable circumstances, due to which you can become very ill or do something that is extremely unpleasant for the dreamer .

Bleeding from the nose usually predicts unbearable mental pain, fear, very disturbing premonitions and a lack of understanding of others. Sometimes a book on dream interpretation predicts great emotional losses, fears, blows from other people, trauma.

Often, through a dream, there is a warning that there will still be retribution for one’s actions and it cannot be avoided. For men, blood from the nose or mouth often predicts a fight due to jealousy, revenge or a showdown. For a woman to see such a dream means disgust, pain due to her own fears, concerns and premonitions. Quite often, blood on the face in a dream predicts worries, allergies to cosmetics, and damage to reputation.

Why do you dream of blood in the area of ​​the heart or head? In the first case, the interpretation of dreams according to Miller’s book indicates a fatal coincidence of circumstances, a blow, injury or revenge. However, other books on deciphering dreams write that a wound to the head portends a loss of reason due to alcohol addiction or a blow that will be difficult to bear. The dream book writes that such a dream can represent both physical trauma to this part of the body and moral experiences.

A striking example of such dreams could be that a girl, reasonable and correct, falls in love. At first everything goes smoothly, until the guy leaves for a bright, beautiful and sexy person, with completely different life guidelines and principles. The first girl's thinking changes radically. She receives a blow, after which her mind becomes powerless. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that she sees herself with blood on her head. And there can be many such dreams. The dream book writes that for older people, blood on the head can predict a disease in this area, a stroke.

Dream interpreters describe a wound to the heart as fatal love, falling in love and passion. For old people, such a dream predicts the risk of a heart attack and long adaptation. In some situations, the dream book writes that the dream foretells troubles, very big experiences that will gradually deprive you of vital energy and strength.

How does a dream interpreter interpret blood on the stomach or menstrual bleeding? Miller's dream book does not share these concepts. In the first case, a book on deciphering dreams from modern authors writes that a person’s life is in great danger. Very often a dream predicts extinction vitality, operation, often fatal, danger, death. Pay attention to your state of health, try to cure the disease in time so as not to start the disease and then resort to surgery.

Menstrual bleeding for a woman predicts loss of mental and vitality.

At the physical level, such a dream predicts severe anemia, illness, the danger of real blood loss, accidents, catastrophes. Psychologically, such a dream predicts great experiences in love, shocks, the death of a child, mother or lover, husband.

Often a dream also foreshadows betrayal. Therefore, in order to understand such a dream, you need to be careful and try to get your health in order. By the way, menstrual bleeding can predict female diseases or maternal illness. But more often - deep emotions and tears that will weaken you.

Blood from an arm or leg means loss of support or difficulty in financial situation. The money will go to waste. This dream foretells you losses, as well as illnesses of loved ones and deprivation of their support. Sometimes the dream book predicts illness in the family of parents or children.

Clothes covered in blood dream of guilt, troubles, surgery, illness and the machinations of enemies. Often the vision is a dream of bloody revenge. Getting dirty with someone else's blood in a dream or injuring another person means blaming you for someone else's troubles. Sometimes such a dream means that you will become related to someone (plots with donation). Giving blood for analysis in a dream means small sacrifices and losses.