Production instructions for the installer of facade structures. Job descriptions for a construction company installer. Labor protection requirements before starting work

This labor safety instruction for an installer for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures is available for free viewing and downloading.

This labor safety instruction for an installer for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures has been prepared on the basis of SP 12-135-2003 “Labor safety in construction. Industry standard instructions on labor protection", containing industry standard instructions on labor protection - TI RO 041-2003, taking into account the requirements of current legislative and regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements labor protection specified in Appendix 1 and is intended for the installer for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures (hereinafter referred to as the installer) when he performs work according to his profession and qualifications.


1.1. Workers at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate training, have professional skills to work as installers and have no gender contraindications for the work performed, before being allowed to work independent work must pass:
— mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations) for recognition as fit to perform work in the manner established by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia;
— training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, instruction on labor protection, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
1.2. Installers are required to comply with safety requirements to ensure protection from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors associated with the nature of the work:
— location of workplaces at a significant height;
— moving structures;
— collapse of loose structural elements of buildings and structures;
— fall of overlying materials and tools.
1.3. To protect against mechanical influences, installers are required to use the following provided free of charge by employers:
— signal suits of the 3rd protection class;
- mittens with palms made of vinyl artificial leather-T intermittent or gloves with polymer coating;
— leather ankle boots with non-slip soles or rubber boots;
— safety glasses;
— signal vests;
- safety belts.
When performing work on driving fasteners (dowels) with a construction and installation gun:
— combined mittens instead of mittens with palms;
— anti-noise headphones with fastening to the helmet;
— protective shields.
For outdoor work in winter, you should use the additional provided:
— signal suits with insulating lining of the 3rd protection class;
— felt boots with rubber bottoms or insulated leather boots with a hard toe box;
— gloves with a protective coating, frost-resistant, with woolen liners.
Installers must wear safety helmets while on the construction site.
1.4. While on the territory of a construction (production) site, in production and utility premises, work areas and workplaces, installers are required to comply with the internal labor regulations adopted in this organization.
Admission of unauthorized persons, as well as workers in a state of intoxication, to the specified places is prohibited.
1.5. In the course of their daily activities, installers must:
— use small-scale mechanization tools during work, for their intended purpose, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
— maintain order in workplaces, clear them of debris, snow, ice, and prevent violations of the rules for storing materials and structures;
- perform only the work assigned by the work manager;
— be careful while working and avoid violating labor safety requirements.
1.6. Installers are obliged to immediately notify their immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in their health, including the appearance of an acute occupational disease(poisoning).


2.1. Before starting work, installers must:
- present to the manager a certificate of knowledge testing safe methods work and undergo on-the-job training taking into account the specifics of the work performed;
— put on a helmet, overalls, and safety shoes of the established standard;
- receive an assignment to perform work from a foreman or manager.
2.2. After receiving the task, installers are required to:
— prepare necessary funds personal protection, including: safety belt and safety rope - when performing steeplejack work; safety glasses - when punching holes in reinforced concrete structures;
- check workplace and approaches to it for compliance with security requirements;
— select the technological equipment and tools necessary to perform the work, check them for compliance with safety requirements;
- inspect the elements building structures intended for installation and ensure that they are free of defects.
2.3. Installers should not begin work when:
- malfunctions of technological equipment, protective equipment for workers, specified in the manufacturer’s instructions, in which their use is not allowed;
— untimely carrying out of regular tests of technological equipment, tools and devices;
— untimely carrying out of regular tests or expiration of the service life of protective equipment for workers, established by the manufacturer;
— insufficient lighting of workplaces and approaches to them.
Detected faults must be corrected on our own, and if it is impossible to do this, installers are required to inform the foreman or work manager about them.


3.1. During the installation of structures, installers must be on previously installed and securely fastened structures or scaffolding means.
3.2. To enter the workplace, installers must use equipped access systems (stairs, ladders, bridges).
The presence of installers on elements of building structures held by a crane is not allowed.
3.3. Overhead mounting platforms, ladders and other devices necessary for installers to work at height should be installed and secured to the structures being mounted before they are lifted.
3.4. Workplaces and passages to them, located on floors, coverings at a height of more than 1.3 m and at a distance of less than 2 m from the height difference, must be fenced with protective or safety fences, and at a distance of more than 2 m - with signal fences, appropriate requirements of state standards.
3.5. In the absence of fencing for workplaces at height, installers are required to use safety belts complete with a safety device. At the same time, installers must comply with the requirements of the Standard Labor Safety Instructions for workers performing steeplejack work - TI RO 055-2001.
3.6. The elements of building structures to be installed must be cleaned of dirt and ice before they are lifted.
3.7. When installing structures, signals to the crane operator must be given by only one person: when slinging products - by the slinger, when installing them in the design position - by the foreman or team leader, except for the “Stop” signal, which can be given by any employee who notices an obvious danger.
3.8. In the process of moving structures to the installation site using a crane, installers are required to observe the following dimensions for their proximity to previously installed structures and existing buildings and structures:
- permissible approach of the crane boom - no more than 1 m;
— the minimum gap when moving structures over previously installed ones is 0.5 m;
— the permissible approach to the rotating part of the load-lifting crane is at least 1 m.
3.9. Preliminary guidance of the structure to the installation site must be carried out using guy ropes of hemp or nylon rope. During the process of lifting and delivering and guiding the structure to the installation site, installers are prohibited from wrapping the end of the rope around their hand.
3.10. Before installing the structure in the designed position, installers are required to:
- inspect the installation site of the structure and check the presence of alignment and geometric axes on supporting surface;
— prepare the necessary equipment for its design or temporary fastening;
— check that there are no people below, directly below the installation site of the structure. It is prohibited for people to be under the mounted elements until they are installed in the design position and finally secured.
3.11. When installing elements of building structures in the design position, installers are obliged to:
— guide the structure to the installation site without using significant physical effort;
— carry out the final alignment of the alignment and geometric axes using a mounting crowbar or a special tool (conical mandrels, assembly plugs, etc.). It is not allowed to check the alignment of the holes with your fingers.
3.12. After installing the structure in the design position, it is necessary to secure it (permanent or temporary) in accordance with the requirements of the project. At the same time, the stability and immobility of the mounted structure must be ensured when exposed to installation and wind loads. Fastening should be done to previously fixed structures, ensuring the geometric immutability of the assembled building (structure).
3.13. Unslinging of structural elements installed in the design position should be carried out after their permanent or temporary fastening in accordance with the design, subject to the following safety requirements:
— unfastening of structural elements connected by rivets or bolts of increased strength, in the absence of special instructions in the design, should be done after installing at least 30% of the design rivets or bolts in the connecting unit, if there are more than five of them, in other cases - at least two;
— unfastening of structural elements secured by electric welding and bearing the installation load should be done after welding with design seams or tacks according to the project. Structures that cannot withstand installation loads may be straightened after tack welding with a length of at least 60 mm.
3.14. Temporary fastening of mounted structures is permitted to be removed only after they have been permanently fixed in accordance with the requirements of the project.
3.15. When constructing buildings using the method of raising floors (floors), installers are obliged to:
— before lifting the floors, remove all protruding parts on the columns that impede the lifting of structures, and also remove the wedges between the floor slab and the stiffening core;
— prevent distortions of the lifted floors due to asynchronous operation of the lifting equipment;
— at the end of the shift, ensure that the lifted ceiling is supported by the building frame or fixed traction supports;
— in the event of a malfunction of the lifting equipment, ensure that the floor being lifted is supported by the columns of the building frame to which the failed lifts are attached.
3.16. When lifting structures with two cranes, installers are required to carry out slinging, lifting-feeding and installation of the structure in the design position under the direct supervision of the person responsible for the safe performance of work on moving cargo by crane.
3.17. When installing structures by helicopter, installers are required to:
- use forced guidance of mounted structures to the installation site using special catchers or remote control guidance process;
— do not allow flexible guy wires to be attached to previously installed structures.


4.1. In cases where a malfunction is detected in a load-lifting crane, rail track, lifting devices or technological equipment, installers are required to give the crane driver the “Stop” command and notify the work manager about this.
4.2. If an unstable position of mounted structures, technological equipment or protective equipment is detected, installers must notify the work manager or foreman about this.
4.3. When it changes weather conditions(increasing wind speed to 15 m/s or more, during snowfall, thunderstorm or fog), impairing visibility, work must be suspended and reported to the supervisor.


5.1. Upon completion of work, installers are required to:
— put technological equipment and protective equipment for workers in the designated storage area;
- clear of waste building materials and mounted structures, workplace and put it in order;
- inform the manager or foreman about all problems that arise during the work process.

Thanks to Sergei for this occupational safety instruction 😉


1. To work as an installer of building structures (hereinafter referred to as an installer), persons are allowed to be at least 18 years old, trained in the profession of an installer of building structures, who have undergone instruction, knowledge testing, who have an electrical safety group of at least 2, who have passed medical checkup and have no medical contraindications to work as a builder of building structures or to work at height. Work on dismantling window and door frames and openings can be performed by at least two installers of building structures, one of whom has a 3rd category, the other a 2nd category. Work on installing doors and window frames and openings from PVC profile can be performed by at least two erectors of building structures, one of whom has a 4th category, the other - a 3rd category.

2. An employee who has not undergone timely re-instruction on labor protection (at least once every 3 months) and an annual test of knowledge on labor safety should not start work.

3. When starting a job, an employee must undergo a preliminary medical examination and undergo periodic medical examinations during work.

4. When dismantling and installing window and door frames and openings, workers may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:

4.1 work at height near unguarded openings and height differences;

4.2 falling objects;

4.3 electric current;

4.4 moving mechanisms of equipment;

4.5 pairs of polyurethane foam;

4.6 silicone, polyurethane foam;

4.7 dust, shavings;

4.8 sharp edges of parts and materials.

5.According to collective agreement The erector of building structures is issued the following special clothing (Appendix 1 to these instructions).

6. The installer is obliged:

6.1. comply with the requirements of these Instructions;

6.2. perform only the work that is assigned to him, safe ways the implementation of which he is aware of. If necessary, contact the work manager for clarification;

6.3. do not allow unauthorized persons into the workplace;

6.4. correctly use the necessary special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the conditions and nature of the work performed, and in case of their absence or malfunction, immediately notify the work manager;

6.5. comply with the rules of behavior on the territory of the organization, in production, auxiliary and household premises, work and rest hours, labor discipline (resting and smoking is allowed only in specially equipped places for this purpose). It is not allowed to carry out work while intoxicated or in a state caused by the use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances, as well as to drink alcoholic beverages or consume narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances in the workplace or during working hours;

6.6. comply with labor protection requirements and fire safety, know fire warning signals, procedures in case of fire, locations of fire extinguishing equipment and be able to use them;

6.7. know the techniques of providing first aid to victims of accidents at work;

6.8. know the location of the first aid kit medical care and be able to apply the content contained in it medicines and medical products;

6.9. notify your work manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, every accident that occurred at work, noticed malfunctions of equipment, tools and protective equipment or their absence and do not start work until they are eliminated, about a deterioration in your health, including number of manifestations of signs of acute disease;

6.10. know and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

6.11. workplaces and passages to them, located at a height of more than 1.3 m and a distance of less than 2 m from the height difference, should be fenced with temporary inventory fences.

If it is impossible to use protective barriers or in the case of a short-term stay of workers, it is allowed to carry out work using safety belts. The attachment points for the safety belt are indicated in the PPR.

6.12 Work sites must be cleared of debris and excess construction materials. Storage of materials, tools, and production waste must comply with labor protection requirements.

7. When performing loading and unloading operations, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the instructions on OT No.__ “For workers performing loading, unloading and warehouse work.”

8. Plumbing and assembly tools must be used and maintained in accordance with the “Instructions on labor protection when performing work with manual plumbing assembly tools” No.___


9. Before starting work, workers involved in installing blocks must undergo appropriate safety training and familiarize themselves with the technological documentation.

10. Receive instructions from the work foreman, foreman or foreman about the procedure for performing the work and safe methods for performing it.

11. Check the serviceability of overalls and personal protective equipment, the presence of tags indicating the test date.

12. Put on overalls and other personal protective equipment, fasten the helmet to the chin strap.

13. Prepare the workplace: remove unnecessary objects, correctly arrange materials, products, tools, remove unauthorized persons, make sure there is sufficient lighting in the workplace.

14. Check the serviceability of tools, scaffolds, stepladders and other means of scaffolding, and eliminate any deficiencies noted.

15. It is not allowed to carry out work on dismantling old window and door units using plumbing tools without the use of personal protective equipment that directly ensures labor safety (safety glasses, mittens, gloves, helmets, safety belts).

16. When working at height:

16.1 provide protective measures to prevent tools and materials from falling on people who may be below, fence off the area of ​​possible falling of materials, tools, parts, etc., post warning posters.

16.2 Persons who are recognized as fit by a medical commission, trained, certified by a qualification commission, have a certificate for the right to work at height, and have passed an annual test of knowledge of safe methods and techniques for performing work are allowed to work at height. All work at height must be carried out in compliance with the “Instructions on labor protection and work at height, scaffolding and scaffolding” No.____

16.3 Processing of parts on scaffolding and scaffolding is not allowed.

16.4 safety belts must comply with the requirements of TNLA (technical regulatory legal acts).


17. For dismantling:

17.1 when working at a height of 1.3 m or more, it is necessary to secure yourself with a safety belt to reliable designs buildings (structures) specified in the PPR. If it is impossible to use protective barriers or in the event of a short period of workers being at height, it is allowed to carry out work using a safety belt.

For carrying and storing tools and other small parts tool boxes should be used. Perform work using manual electric machines is permitted to a worker who has the II qualification group for electrical safety, who has studied the instructions on labor protection when operating hand-held electrical machines (power tools) No. _______ Before using hand-held electric machines, you should check their number and the date of the last test (at least once every 6 months), as well as condition of hose wires, mechanical parts (gearbox) and suitability of protective and dielectric means.

17.2 in places where work is being carried out, store window blocks in one row in height in the working position on pads.

17.3 when dismantling old window and door units and installing double-glazed windows and sashes in window frames, it is necessary to ensure safety measures against them falling out.

17.4 When working at heights, it is necessary to carry assembly tools in bags or pouches attached to a safety belt.

17.5 dismantling of old window and door units is carried out using personal protective equipment (safety glasses, construction helmet).

18. For installation:

18.1 lift and carry double-glazed windows, sashes or blocks using safe devices or in special containers. The maximum rate of carrying heavy loads by hand per person when alternating with other work should not exceed: 7-10 kg - for women over 18 years of age, 50 kg - for men over 18 years of age.

18.2 Spraying work polyurethane foam carry out wearing cotton gloves, a respirator and safety glasses; strictly follow the manufacturers' instructions for safe use specific product. The contents of the cylinder are under pressure and should not be pierced or burned after use; Do not spray onto open flames or hot objects. Keep away from sources of heat and ignition.

18.3 Smoking is not allowed when working with polyurethane foam.

18.4 after each short stop while working with polyurethane foam, it is necessary to close the nozzle of the can with a special plug attachment.

18.5, window units should be installed from mounting tables; standing on the window sill is not allowed. After reconciliation, the block is secured according to the design; leave it in window opening loose ones are not allowed.

18.6 The hanging of window sashes should be done with a safety belt. Install window and door blocks It takes two.

18.7 carrying out work from ladders and random scaffolding is not allowed.

18.8 To avoid injury, do not handle parts on scaffolding, scaffolding, assembly tables and stepladders.

18.9 When installing double-glazed windows and sashes in window frames, it is necessary to take measures to prevent them from falling out.

18.10 when used silicone sealants The following safety requirements must be observed: sealing work must be carried out wearing cotton gloves, a respirator and safety glasses; strictly follow the manufacturers' instructions for the safe use of a particular product; Do not squeeze onto open flames or hot objects. Keep away from sources of heat and ignition.

18.11 When working with hand-held power tools, you must strictly comply with the requirements of the operating instructions and labor safety instructions No._____. Do not connect the instrument to switchgear independently, if there is no safe plug connection, the connection must be carried out by a specialist electrical technician.

18.12 When drilling, you should check the reliability of the drill in the chuck;

18.13 replace the cutting part of the tool after the electric motor is completely stopped and disconnected from the network;

18.14 during interruptions in work or power outage, disconnect the tool from the network;

18.15 do not transfer the tool to other persons who do not have the right to use it;

18.16 Do not remove shavings or sawdust until the tool has completely stopped. When working with power tools, you must use personal protective equipment (safety glasses, respirator).


25. Upon completion of work, the power tool should be unplugged and cleaned.

26. Clean up the workplace, put the tools in the tool box.

27. Rinse the gun or foam nozzle with solvent. Close the nozzle of the polyurethane foam and silicone gun with a plug.

28. Unplug and clean the power tool, put it in a container and store it.

29. Remove garbage and waste to a specially designated place.

30. It is not allowed to burn polyurethane foam waste.

31. Clean personal protective equipment (workwear, respirator, goggles, safety belt) from dust and put it in a storage place.

32. Wash your hands and face with soap, and if possible, take a shower.


19. Do not work at heights in open places at a wind speed of more than 10 m/s or more, as well as during ice, thunderstorms or fog that excludes visibility within the work front. When working with structures with a large windage, work on their installation (dismantling) stops when the wind speed is 10 m/s or more.

20. In case of accidents and incidents, immediately take measures to provide the victims with pre-medical and then medical care and notify the immediate supervisor, as well as take measures to preserve the situation, if this does not pose a danger to the life and health of people.

21. To provide first aid, a worker must know the main signs of a violation of the vital functions of the human body, general principles first aid and methods of carrying and evacuating victims. Actions of a worker to provide first aid:

21.1 if foam or silicone gets into your eyes, rinse with plenty of water and consult a doctor;

21.2 if polyurethane foam or silicone gets on your skin, immediately remove it using a cleaner or acetone, and then wash with soap and water;

21.3 in case of an electrical or thermal burn, apply a dry sterile bandage to the burned area and take the victim to a medical center;

21.4 in case of respiratory or cardiac arrest, apply artificial respiration, external cardiac massage - respectively;

21.5 in case of fractures, provide the injured person with rest and immobility, apply a bandage with a splint;

21.6 in case of bruise, lubricate the bruised area with tincture of iodine, apply a pressure bandage;

21.7 in case of injuries with bleeding, it is necessary to leave the bleeding; if the bleeding does not stop, apply a tourniquet or twist;

21.8 In case of any injuries, you must immediately call a doctor or take the injured person to a medical facility.

22. If malfunctions are noticed in the operation of the equipment, tools used or an emergency situation is created during the performance of work, the installer of building structures is obliged to:

22.1 stop work;

22.2 turn off the equipment used;

22.3 warn workers about the danger;

22.4 notify the immediate supervisor.

23. In case of poisoning by polyurethane foam vapors, the victim must be taken out into the air and given medical assistance.

24. If a malfunction is detected or suspected, you should immediately stop work and return the tool for inspection and repair.


(name of company)


city, year
Subsequent pages

Head of the organization
______________/ FULL NAME.
"__"___________ 20__



1. General labor protection requirements

1.1. This Instruction provides basic labor protection requirements for installers.
1.2. The installer must perform his duties in accordance with the requirements of these Instructions.
1.3. In the process of performing work, the Installer may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:
- moving machines and mechanisms;

- sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of workpieces, tools and equipment;
- increased air pollution working area(wells, chambers, collectors, etc.);
- increased or low temperature surfaces of equipment, materials;
- increased or decreased air temperature in the working area;
- high humidity air;
- increased voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
- increased tension electric field;
- increased tension magnetic field;
- fall from a height (into wells, chambers, collectors, etc.);
- falling objects from a height (when working in wells, chambers, collectors, etc.);
- the danger of exposure to water flows for workers working in wells, chambers and sewers;
- danger of soil collapse;
- danger of collision Vehicle when working on the roadway;
- insufficient illumination of the working area;
- physical overload;
- fire hazard;
- explosion hazard.
Sources of harmful and dangerous production factors:
- moving mechanisms and machines;
- moving parts production equipment;
- sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of workpieces, tools and fixtures;
- faulty equipment or improper operation;
- faulty electrical equipment or improper operation;
- absence, malfunction, improper use of personal protective equipment;
- absence, malfunction, improper operation of lighting devices;
- non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of job descriptions, labor protection instructions, internal labor regulations, local regulations regulating the procedure for organizing labor protection work, and working conditions at the site.
1.4. The installer notifies his immediate supervisor about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, about a deterioration in his health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute illness.
1.5. Persons who are at least 18 years old, have professional skills, have no medical contraindications and have passed:
- training in labor protection, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;
- training in electrical safety rules, testing knowledge of electrical safety rules within the scope of job responsibilities. The installer must have an electrical safety group of at least III;
- training in the rules of working at height, testing knowledge of the rules of working at height in the scope of job responsibilities;
- training in fire safety rules, testing knowledge of fire safety rules within the scope of job responsibilities;
- training in methods of providing first aid to victims of accidents at work;
- theoretical and practical training in safe work practices;
- testing knowledge of safe techniques and methods of performing work;
- introductory and initial briefing on labor protection in the workplace;
- internship at the workplace (for 3–14 shifts depending on length of service, experience and nature of the work);
- preliminary and periodic medical examinations.
1.6. The installer must undergo training in labor protection in the form of: introductory briefing, initial briefing at the workplace in the scope of the training program for the profession, including labor protection issues and the requirements of job responsibilities in the profession.
Introductory briefing is carried out by an employee of the labor protection service or an employee replacing him with everyone hired under a program approved by the employer.
Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out by an official determined by order individually before the start of the employee’s production activities under the occupational safety program for the profession.
During the work process, the Installer must undergo repeated, at least once every six months, and unscheduled briefings, as well as periodic medical examinations.
An installer who has not completed the appropriate occupational safety training and an annual occupational safety knowledge test in a timely manner will not be allowed to work.
1.7. The installer is provided with special clothing and safety footwear in accordance with current standards.
Issued special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment must correspond to the nature and conditions of work, ensure labor safety, and have a certificate of conformity.
Personal protective equipment for which there is no technical documentation is not allowed for use.
1.8. Personal clothing and workwear must be stored separately in lockers and a dressing room. It is prohibited to take protective clothing outside the enterprise.
1.9. The installer must know:
- basics of telecommunications;
- organization and technology of performing work on laying cables in the ground, cable ducts, through water barriers;
- scheme cable lines communications;
- types and purpose of communication cables;
- rules for laying and fastening cables using power tools;
- methods of laying cables, wires and ropes using machines and mechanisms;
- rules for using machines and mechanisms for laying cables;
- types of materials and structures used for fastening cables and wires;
- methods of fastening and protecting cables from mechanical damage;
- types of cable damage and methods for identifying them;
- methods for checking cables for leaks, breaks, ground and sound;
- ways to turn on telephone sets and batteries;
- methods of protecting cables from lightning strikes and corrosion;
- requirements for the quality of work performed, for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;
- production alarm;
- measures to prevent accidents and eliminate problems that arise;
- procedure for eliminating emergency situations;
- the effect on humans of dangerous and harmful production factors that arise during work;
- assignment of personal protective equipment, ability to use them;
- rules and regulations on labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation;
- internal labor regulations established at the enterprise;
- the requirements of this instruction, instructions on fire safety measures, instructions on electrical safety, be guided by them in your activities;
- be able to provide first aid victims, use fire extinguishing equipment, and if a fire occurs, call the fire department.
1.10. While on the territory of the organization, in production and service premises, at work sites and workplaces, the Installer is obliged to:
- timely and accurately comply with internal labor regulations and administration orders, provided that he is trained in the rules for the safe performance of this work;
- comply with the requirements of local regulations on labor protection, fire safety, industrial sanitation, regulating the procedure for organizing work at the facility;
- observe labor discipline, work and rest regime;
- treat the employer’s property with care;
- perform only those included in it job responsibilities work, work on the instructions of the immediate supervisor.
1.11. Smoking and eating are permitted only in areas specially designated for this purpose. Before eating, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Check the availability and serviceability of personal protective equipment, put on them and the required protective clothing and safety shoes, and put everything in order.
2.2. Fasten the overalls with all buttons, tuck the hanging ends into the belt. Do not keep sharp, breakable objects in your clothing pockets.
2.3. Receive an assignment from the manager to complete the work.
2.4. Check local work exhaust ventilation. When working in wells, chambers, and collectors, check for gas contamination using a gas analyzer.
Do not approach wells, chambers, or sewers with open fire until it is determined that there is no gas in them.
2.5. Open the well hatch using a non-sparking tool (crowbar with a copper tip), avoiding hitting the hatch neck. IN winter time, if you need to remove a frozen manhole cover, you can use boiling water or hot sand. If using a tool made of ferrous metal, lubricate its working part generously with grease or other lubricant.
2.6. Check the availability and serviceability of tools, fixtures, measuring instruments and other equipment, and place them conveniently.
2.7. Check availability, serviceability and sufficiency Supplies(cable, etc.).
2.8. Prepare the workplace for safe work:
- inspect it, remove all unnecessary objects without blocking the passages;
- check approaches to the workplace and evacuation routes for compliance with labor protection requirements;
- establish the sequence of operations;
- check the presence of fences and safety devices;
- check the availability of fire-fighting equipment and first aid kits;
- check the serviceability of stairs, stepladders, scaffolding, and ensure their reliable installation.
2.9. Check by external inspection:
- no hanging exposed wires;
- sufficient lighting of the workplace. When working in wells, underground structures, and other places where explosive gases may accumulate, portable explosion-proof lamps should be used for lighting;
- reliability of closing of all current-carrying and starting devices of the equipment;
- presence and reliability of grounding connections (no breaks, strength of contact between metal non-current-carrying parts of the equipment and the grounding wire);
- absence of foreign objects in and around the equipment;
- condition of the floors (no potholes, unevenness, etc.).
2.10. Report all detected malfunctions of equipment, inventory, electrical wiring and other problems to your immediate supervisor and begin work only after they have been eliminated.
2.11. When carrying out work related to descending into wells, chambers, collectors without forced ventilation, as well as other types of work associated with increased danger, undergo targeted training and receive a work permit.
2.12. The installer should not start work if the following violations of labor protection requirements are present:
- in the presence of a malfunction specified in the operating instructions of the equipment manufacturer, in which its use is not allowed;
- in case of untimely carrying out of regular tests (technical examination) of equipment;
- in the absence or malfunction of tools, devices, equipment, measuring instruments;
- in the absence or malfunction of stairs, stepladders, scaffolding means;
- in the absence or malfunction of personal protective equipment;
- in the absence or malfunction of ventilation;
- in the absence of fences, safety devices, fire fighting equipment, and first aid kits;
- if there is a smell of gas in the workplace;
- in case of insufficient illumination of the workplace and approaches to it;
- in case of failure to comply with the instructions of state supervisory authorities;
- in the absence of constant control by responsible persons for the safe performance of work;
- without undergoing targeted training to perform one-time work not related to his job responsibilities, as well as work associated with increased danger;
- without undergoing a periodic medical examination.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. Perform only the work for which you have been trained, instructed on labor protection and approved by the employee responsible for the safe performance of work.
3.2. Do not allow untrained or unauthorized persons to perform your work.
3.3. Use serviceable equipment, tools, and devices necessary for safe work; use them only for the work for which they are intended.
Technological process must be performed only on the equipment specified in the technological documentation and according to technological modes within acceptable parameters without overloading it.
3.4. Monitor the operation of equipment, equipment and instrument readings.
3.5. Perform periodic visual inspections of equipment.
3.6. If faulty equipment, devices, accessories, tools, or other violations of labor protection requirements are detected that cannot be eliminated on their own, and a threat to health, personal or collective safety arises, the Installer should inform management about this. Do not begin work until identified violations are eliminated.
3.7. When working with hand tools, power tools, blowtorch, gas burner etc., as well as measuring instruments follow the rules of their operation in accordance with labor protection instructions.
3.8. Correctly perform work techniques when laying cables, performing installation work, work in underground inspection devices, etc.
3.9. These types of work must be organized in accordance with the requirements of current technological documents (norms, instructions, regulations) approved in the prescribed manner.
3.10. When laying the cable manually Each Installer must have a section of cable weighing no more than 30 kg. When carrying the cable to the trench on their shoulders or in their hands, all workers should be on one side of the cable. You should work in canvas gloves.
3.11. When rolling a cable drum, it is necessary to take measures to prevent parts of clothing from being caught by its protrusions.
Before starting work on re-rolling the drum, you should secure the ends of the cable and remove any nails protruding from the drum.
The cable drum may only be rolled over horizontal surface on hard ground or flooring in accordance with the arrow (marked on the cheek of the drum) indicating the direction of rolling of the drum.
3.12. Unwinding of cables from moving conveyors (cable trolleys) should be carried out as close to the trench as possible. The cable must unwind without tension so that it can be picked up, carried and laid in the trench.
3.13. When turning, it is prohibited to pull or straighten the cable with your hands, or to stand inside the angle formed by the cable.
3.14. The inner end of the cable, brought out to the cheek of the drum, must be secured. The conveyor must have a device for braking the rotating drum.
3.15. When laying the cable in a trench you should:
- avoid landslides or ground collapses;
- know and remember that excavation of soil in excavations with vertical walls without fastening is allowed to a depth of no more than:
- 1 m - in bulk sandy and coarse soils;
- 1.25 m - in sandy loam;
- 1.5 m - in loams and clays.
3.16. IN populated areas Leaving unfilled trenches at night is permitted only if there is a fence and light signals.
3.17. When doing work related to laying cables along the walls of buildings, it is necessary to use serviceable wooden or metal ladders, stepladders, scaffolding and aerial platforms (for outdoor work).
3.18. Stairs must be strong and reliable. The wood used to make stairs must be seasoned and dry; knots are not allowed.
3.19. steps wooden stairs must be cut into the string and fastened every 2 m with coupling bolts with a diameter of at least 8 mm. It is prohibited to use ladders nailed down without fastening the strings with bolts and cutting steps into the strings.
3.20. To ensure stability, the strings of ladders and stepladders must diverge downward. The width of the ladder and stepladder at the top must be at least 300 mm, at the bottom - at least 400 mm.
3.21. The lower ends of ladders must have stops in the form of sharp steel tips when installed on the ground or rubber shoes when installed on the floor, asphalt, etc.
3.22. The total length (height) of the extension ladder must provide the worker with the opportunity to work while standing on a step located at a distance of at least 1 m from the upper end of the ladder. The length of the stairs should not exceed 5 m.
3.23. Gating of walls and ceilings in which hidden radio and electrical wiring may be located should be done after disconnecting these wires from the power sources. In this case, measures must be taken to prevent the erroneous appearance of voltage.
3.24. When gating and punching holes in concrete or brick walls You should use gloves and safety glasses with safety glasses.
3.25. Sliding stepladders must have a locking device that prevents spontaneous opening while working on them.
3.26. Before starting work in underground structures, the air in them must be checked for the presence of dangerous gases (methane, carbon dioxide). The presence of gas must be checked using a gas analyzer in the well where the work will be carried out and in nearby adjacent wells.
3.27. If the analysis shows the presence of dangerous gas, then work in underground structures should be stopped until the cause of the hazardous gas is eliminated. The team leader must immediately notify the head of the organization and the emergency gas service about the presence of explosive gas in an underground structure.
Monitoring devices in which methane and carbon dioxide are periodically detected must be registered.
All work to eliminate gas contamination of inspection devices with explosive gases must be carried out only by gas service workers.
3.28. Before starting work, the well where the work is to be carried out, as well as the wells adjacent to it, must be provided with natural or forced ventilation.
Duration natural ventilation must be at least 20 minutes before starting work.
Forced ventilation provided by a fan or compressor for 10–15 minutes to completely exchange air in an underground structure through a hose lowered down and not reaching the bottom by 0.25 m.
It is not permitted to use compressed gas cylinders for ventilation.
The well must be ventilated during scalding and soldering of cables.
3.29. Barriers must be installed on both sides of the wells in which work is being done. If the well is located on the roadway, fences are installed facing traffic at a distance of at least 2 m from the well hatch. In addition, warning signs must be installed at a distance of 10–15 m from the fence facing traffic. In case of poor visibility, additional light signals must be installed.
3.30. Before starting work in wells located on the roadway, it is necessary to notify the local authorities of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia about the place and time of the work.
3.31. Work in underground cable structures, as well as inspection and descent into them, must be carried out by a team of at least three workers, two of whom are insurers. Communication must be established between the workers performing the work and the insurers. The work contractor must have group IV electrical safety.
3.32.The responsibilities of team members should be distributed as follows:
a) one of the team members performs work in a well (chamber, tank, etc.);
b) the second - with the help of safety equipment, insures the worker and monitors him;
c) the third, working on the surface, feeds necessary tools and materials to the worker, helps the insurer, monitors the movement of vehicles and monitors gas contamination in the well (chamber, tank, etc.).
It is prohibited to distract these workers to perform other work until the person working in the well (chamber, tank, etc.) comes to the surface.
3.33. One employee with electrical safety group III is allowed to stay and work in the well, using a safety belt with a safety rope and a helmet. The safety belt must have shoulder straps intersecting at the back, with a ring at the intersection for securing the rope. The other end of the rope should be held by one of the belay workers.
A worker in the well must have a gas detector operating in automatic mode.
You can go down into the well only using a securely installed and tested ladder. Using metal stairs stairs must be made of non-ferrous metal.
3.34. At the first sign feeling unwell When a worker descends into a well, the belayers must immediately help him get out of the well or remove him from the well using a rescue belt and rope and provide him with first aid. Work should be stopped until the causes of violation of safe work conditions are eliminated.
3.35. When performing any type of installation work, it is necessary to ensure that the work area is fenced to prevent unauthorized persons from entering. Removal of the fence should be done only after completion of work.
3.36. When performing work functions, it is necessary to correctly use workwear, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment.
3.37. Be attentive, do not be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations.
3.38. When working together, coordinate your actions with the actions of other workers.
3.39. Having noticed a violation of labor safety requirements by another employee, the Installer should warn him of the need to comply with them.
3.40. Throughout the working day, keep the workplace tidy and clean, avoid blocking the passages to the workplace, use only designated passages.
3.41. Be careful when walking around the premises of the enterprise and production premises, when performing work in traffic conditions.
3.42. Fulfill sanitary standards and observe work and rest schedules.
3.43. Observe the established working hours and regulated breaks;
3.44. Comply with fire safety rules, the requirements of these instructions, and other local regulations regulating the procedure for organizing labor protection work and working conditions at the site.
3.45. Strictly comply with the orders and instructions of the enterprise management in a timely manner, officials responsible for implementation production control, as well as instructions from representatives of state supervisory authorities.
3.46. Perform only the work for which he has been assigned and for which he has been instructed.
3.47. When performing work, the Installer is PROHIBITED from:
- independently open and repair equipment, instrumentation and equipment: repairs must be carried out by a specialist;
- continue to work if there is a smell of gas in the workplace;
- use faulty tools, devices, measuring instruments, equipment, as well as instruments and equipment that he is not trained to use;
- carry out work without using the necessary PPE;
- stand on a wet floor when turning measuring electrical equipment on and off;
- begin performing one-time work not related to his direct responsibilities in the specialty without receiving targeted instructions;
- allow unauthorized untrained persons to use the equipment;
- drink alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, drugs;
- store and consume food and drinks at work places.

4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Upon liquidation emergency situation it is necessary to act in accordance with the approved emergency response plan.
4.2. If a smell of gas is detected in the workplace, malfunctions of equipment, tools and devices, instrumentation and equipment, as well as other conditions that threaten the life and health of workers arise (danger of collapse of building structures, trench walls, wells, danger of flooding, etc.) ) The installer should stop work and inform the immediate supervisor of the work and the employee responsible for production control.
4.3. The installer must immediately stop the operation of the equipment if any malfunctions occur that are specified in the manufacturer's operating instructions and for which its use is not permitted.
4.4. If a fire appears, you must:
- turn off electrical equipment;
- stop work;
- organize the evacuation of people;
- immediately begin to extinguish the fire;
When electrical equipment catches fire, only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers should be used.
When flammable liquids catch fire, it is necessary to use powder fire extinguishers, as well as available means: sand, earth, etc.
4.5. If it is impossible to extinguish the fire on its own, the Installer should call the fire brigade in accordance with the established procedure and report this to the immediate supervisor or management of the enterprise.
4.6. In case of injury or deterioration of health, the Installer must stop work, notify management and go to the first aid station (call a city ambulance).
4.7. If an accident occurs and the Installer is an eyewitness, he should:
- stop work;
- immediately inform your immediate supervisor;
- immediately remove or carry the victim out of the danger zone;
- provide first aid to the victim,
- help organize the delivery of the victim to the nearest medical facility.
4.8. When assisting a victim with broken bones, bruises, or sprains, it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the damaged part of the body by applying a tight bandage (splint) and applying cold. At open fractures You must first apply a bandage and only then a splint.
If there are wounds, apply a bandage; if there is arterial bleeding, apply a tourniquet.
4.9. In case of electric shock, you must:
- stop exposure electric current on the victim. This can be achieved by disconnecting the current source, breaking the supply wires, the switch, or diverting the source of influence from the victim. This must be done with a dry rope, stick, etc.
Do not touch a victim who is under the influence of current with your hands.
- call a doctor or city ambulance;
- examine the victim. External damage must be treated and covered with a bandage;
- in the absence of a pulse, perform an indirect cardiac massage and perform artificial respiration.
Measures must be taken until body functions are restored or signs of death appear.
4.10. If you are poisoned by harmful vapors and gases, you must leave the workplace and go into fresh air.
4.11. When investigating the circumstances and causes of an accident, the employee should provide the commission with information known to him about the accident that occurred.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Inspect the work area and ensure that all tools, equipment, cleaning material and other foreign objects have been removed.
5.2. When returning to the organization after completing the task, put the devices, tools, materials, fixtures, equipment and protective equipment in the place designated for their storage.
5.3. Take off your overalls. Contaminated workwear must be washed.
5.4. Wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap or take a shower.
5.5. Report to the management of the organization about all violations of the production process, labor protection requirements, and cases of injuries at work.

6. Final provisions

6.1. For failure to comply with the safety requirements set out in these instructions, the Installer is liable in accordance with current legislation.
6.2. Monitoring the implementation of this instruction is assigned to the person responsible for labor protection in the organization.


Director of Romashka LLC
_________________ Ivanov V.V.
"___" _____ 200____g.

assembler for installation of steel and
reinforced concrete structures


1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the installer for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures at Romashka LLC.
1.2. An assembler for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the Company.
1.3. The erector for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures reports directly to the site foreman.
1.4. An erector for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures must know:
- basic properties and grades of construction steels;
- grades of concrete and types of prefabricated concrete, reinforced concrete and steel structures;
- methods of assembly and installation of structures from individual elements;
- methods for installing pipes up to 30 m high from heat-resistant reinforced concrete blocks;
- methods and techniques for installing reinforcing and armored mesh in reactors;
- methods and techniques for assembling and installing rigging and lifting equipment and devices when installing medium-weight structures;
- methods of slinging mounted structures;
- methods of connections and fastenings of structural elements;
- methods of scaffolding during installation of structures;
- basic requirements for the quality of mounted structures;
- design of construction and assembly guns and rules of their operation;
- design of pneumatic tools and rules for working with them;
- methods and techniques for applying epoxy glue to reinforced concrete structures;
- types of sealing gaskets for sealing joints and methods of gluing them;
- basic safety precautions when working in a Daewoo.
1.5. In his activities, the installer for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures is guided by:
- internal labor regulations;
- orders and instructions of the Company’s managers, immediate supervisor;
- this job description;
- rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.


An assembler for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures carries out installation work of medium complexity in assembling building structures and structures from individual elements and enlarged blocks.
Approximate types of work:
Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete and concrete foundation blocks weighing up to 8 tons, caps and pile grillage blocks.
Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete beams span up to 12 m (except for crane ones).
Installation of prefabricated suspended ceilings made of gypsum panels on a metal frame.
Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete panels and floor slabs and coverings.
Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete passenger platforms.
Installation flights of stairs and platforms, ordinary large blocks of walls and balcony blocks.
Installation of pins for hanging armored mesh.
Installation of reinforcing and armored mesh in reactors.
Sealing the joints of beams, purlins and crossbars with columns.
Installation of filling of openings and partitions made of fiberglass.
Caulking, filling and jointing of seams and joints in prefabricated reinforced concrete structures.
Installation of simple steel structures: stairs, platforms, fences, support posts, brackets, scaffolding, scaffolding, etc., as well as structures of medium complexity weighing up to 5 tons: beams, purlins, half-timbering elements, braces, etc.
Laying steel decking on platforms, brake trusses, etc.
Sheet steel cladding of steel and concrete structures.
Installation of steel roof decking.
Fastening permanent bolted connections.
Installation of high strength bolts.
Anti-corrosion painting of embedded parts.
Integrated assembly of blocks of embedded parts.
Concreting of groove blocks of embedded parts.
Pre-installation of embedded parts.
Thermal insulation of external joints of prefabricated buildings using mineral and synthetic materials.
Sealing joints with special sealants using pneumatic tools, as well as sealing gaskets (gernite, poroizol, etc.).
Fastening parts on concrete and reinforced concrete surfaces using a construction gun.
Applying epoxy adhesive to reinforced concrete structures.
Installation and dismantling of panel metal and wood-metal formwork from panels up to 3 square meters. m.

The erector for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures has the right:
3.1. Require the Company's management to provide assistance in the performance of their duties.
3.2. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the Company's management relating to its activities.
3.3. Make proposals to the director of the Company and the immediate supervisor on issues of their activities.
3.4. Receive official information necessary to perform your duties.


The erector for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties provided for by this job description in accordance with current labor legislation.
4.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities in accordance with current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.
4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with current legislation.


5.1. The work schedule of an installer for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Company.
5.2. Due to production needs, an assembler installing steel and reinforced concrete structures is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

I APPROVED Head "____________" ____________ (____________) (signature) (Full name) "___"________ ___ Mr. M.P.

"___"________ ___ city N ____

___________________________ (name of company)

JOB DESCRIPTION for a 6th category communications equipment installer


1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a communications equipment installer of the 6th category "________________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").

1.2. An installer of communication equipment of the 6th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the Head of the Organization.

1.3. The 6th category communications equipment installer reports directly to _________________ Organization.

1.4. A person with secondary vocational education is appointed to the position of communications equipment installer of the 6th category.

1.5. An installer of 6th category communication equipment must know:

Arrangement of mounted equipment and equipment;

Communication equipment wiring diagrams;

Methods for adjusting mechanisms and moving systems;

Methods for marking installation sites for mounted equipment;

Methods for making mounting templates;

Methods for laying and installing oil-filled and chamber cables.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of an installer of communication equipment of the 6th category, his duties are assigned to ____________________.


The 6th category communications equipment installer performs the following functions:

Installation of cabinets, racks, cabinets, frames of intermediate switchboards and distribution boards, relay panels of consoles, special tables, switches, etc.

Marking installation sites for equipment and metal structures.

Installation of complex frames for equipment.

Assembly and installation of antenna equivalents, disconnecting mechanical interlocks, switches.

Assembly and installation of loop coils, cooling tanks for generator lamps, resonators, baluns.

Assembly and mechanical adjustment of complex switches.

Installation and installation of separating filters and power addition bridges.

Installation of concentric feeders and waveguides in fitting and measuring areas.

Busbars of equipment with tubes with a diameter of over 20 mm and flat busbars with an edge or helical bend.

Drawing up sketches before laying cable packages.

Manufacturing of prefabricated cables (except for firmware and winding of the trunk and branches).

Laying and installation of oil-filled and chamber cables.

Laying and installation of high-frequency cables of the main antenna feeders.

Making templates for cable installation.


An installer of communication equipment of the 6th category has the right:

3.1. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the activities of a 6th category communications equipment installer.

3.2. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within the competence of a 6th category communications equipment installer.


The installer of 6th category communication equipment is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to fulfill one's functional duties.

4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Head of the Organization.

4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.5. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.


5.1. The work schedule of a 6th category communications equipment installer is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the Organization.

5.2. Due to production needs, a 6th category communications equipment installer is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. Job evaluation:

Regular - carried out by the immediate supervisor during the performance of the 6th category communication equipment installer’s labor functions;

- _____________________________________________________________________. (indicate the procedure and grounds for other types of performance evaluation) __________________________ _____________ _______________________ (position of the person (signature) (full name) who compiled the instructions) "___"________ ___ city __________________________ _____________ _______________________ (position (signature) (Full name) Acting supervisor) "___"________ ___ AGREED BY: Legal Adviser ____________ ___________________ (signature) (Full name) "___"________ ___ I have read the instructions: ____________ ____________________ (signature) (Full name) I.O.) "___"________ ___ g.