Bathhouse projects with a separate steam room. Bathhouse plan: washing and steam room separately, together, layout projects for bathhouses with different areas. Advantages of a bathhouse with separate sink and steam room

Today you can see the most different baths, ranging from simple buildings resembling a small barn, to two-story buildings that perform the function country house. When choosing the optimal bathhouse option for themselves, people are guided by the size of the site, budget, the number of people who will go to the bathhouse and their own preferences.

But no matter what project you choose, it will probably have a steam room and a washing room. Both rooms are required. The steam room is called the “heart of the bathhouse,” because without it, going to the bathhouse is impossible. The washing room is no less important, because in the steam room a person sweats a lot and, of course, he wants to rinse with cool water after such procedures.

The steam room and washing room can be made in the same room or separated. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of these options.

Bathhouse with steam room and sink in one room: advantages and disadvantages

A bathhouse with a combined sink is not so common at the moment. This option is chosen mainly if the area of ​​the site does not allow for two separate rooms.

A compact bathhouse with combined rooms makes it possible to save not only space, but also money. The cost of such a building will be significantly cheaper than the price of a similar-sized bathhouse with a separate steam room and washing room.

Another advantage is that the bathhouse, where the steam room and washing room are combined, winter time visiting is much more pleasant: it heats up quickly and is quickly ventilated. In summer, on the contrary, it is quite difficult to cool the washing room.

A bathhouse with a combined sink and steam room has significant disadvantages. The first of them is due to the fact that with such a design it is much more difficult to maintain necessary conditions. In particular, if someone washes in the washing room, the humidity level in the room will increase, and the steam room will be less comfortable. And the smell of soap or shower gel also interferes with creating the desired atmosphere.

For this reason, everyone will have to steam first and only then wash, otherwise you will be forced to endure high humidity.

In addition, it is impossible to wash in a heated steam room, so you will have to wait until the room cools down.

Obviously, a bathhouse with a combined washing room and steam room is an option for a small company (up to 4 people). If you are going to relax in a larger group, then you definitely need to separate these rooms.

As already mentioned, a bathhouse with a steam room and a washing room in one room is less comfortable, since everyone has to either steam or wash, but in separate rooms there is no need to adapt to others.

Below are photos of a bathhouse with a steam room and a sink combined in one room:

Project of a 3x3 bathhouse with a combined steam room and washing room

It’s quite small, so it’s difficult to create separate steam rooms and washrooms here.

Below is a project of a small bathhouse, consisting of only two rooms: a steam room and a washing room, and a relaxation room.

This budget option suitable for small area. This bathhouse can accommodate 2-3 people, but no more.

Project of a 3x4 bathhouse with a combined steam room and washing room

This bathhouse is a little larger, but it also has only two rooms. Capacity is 2-3 people.

This project provides for a more spacious steam room and washing room, but the dressing room has a small area - only 6 square meters. m.

Bathhouse with steam room and separate sink: advantages and disadvantages

This option is considered more traditional and convenient. You can relax in the bathhouse, where the steam room and washing area are separate, even with a large group. There is no need to adapt to each other, everyone can go to the steam room and washroom whenever they want.

It is also convenient that each room creates its own microclimate: if the steam room is hot and dry, then the washing room is fresh and cool.

But keep in mind that building such a bathhouse with a steam room and a sink yourself will cost more, since you will have to make an additional internal partition.

In addition, a bathhouse with separate steam room and washing room has no disadvantages compared to a bathhouse where the rooms are combined.

The choice of one option or another is most influenced by the size of the bath. For example, if you are building a 3 by 3, then you will probably have to combine rooms. But if you are building 6 by 8, etc., then, of course, there is no point in saving and it is better to separate the steam room and washing room.

Photo of the bathhouse with separate steam room and sink:

Project of a 3x5 bath with separated steam room and sink

The 3 by 5 project is quite budget-friendly and compact, while it provides for the separation of a steam room and a washing room. The layout implies a spacious lounge room that can accommodate a group of 3-4 people.

The capacity of the bathhouse is also increased by the fact that according to the plan, the steam room has shelves installed in several tiers. The washing room is small, designed for one shower stall.

4x4 sauna plan (sink and steam room separately)

Despite the fact that it has Not large sizes, you can not only separate the steam room and washing room, but also add a small terrace. The result is a complete recreation complex for 2-3 people.

All rooms in this project have the same dimensions - 2x2 m or 3.24 square meters. m.

Project of a 5x5 bathhouse with separate steam room and sink

It already has a decent area, so in this case there is no point in combining a steam room and a washing room. The layout provides for a steam room 2x3 m, a small shower room - 2x2 m, a spacious relaxation room, a small vestibule and even a porch.

In the project, the location of the stove is well thought out - it is adjacent to the rest room, thanks to which the room will be quite warm.

Project of a 6x7 bath with separate steam room and sink

This is an option for a large company. There are spacious room rest (15.35 sq. m.), small steam room, shower room, vestibule and terrace.

While the rest room can easily accommodate a group, the steam room is quite small, so you will have to go to it in groups of 2-3 people.

Obviously, combining two rooms leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of bath procedures, since each of them has its own functional purpose. If you want to enjoy your holiday and get the maximum, then best option- separate the steam room and washing room. If you have a very small area, then in this case you can opt for a combined steam room and washing room.

A dacha without a bathhouse is unthinkable. Every self-respecting owner land plot And country house strives to build at least a small, but working bathhouse. And this is understandable: the bathhouse is an original Russian tradition, it is about relaxation and health, after all, speaking modern language- this is relaxation. But you can’t just build a bathhouse - you need a project and an optimally suitable layout of the bathhouse. This is the primary task, and what types of projects are there and which one is better to choose will be discussed below.

For plots of 3 or 6 acres, a bathhouse with an area of ​​3 x 4 meters, the design of which you see in the figure above, is perfect. The principle of the bathhouse is the presence of a steam room, and in our particular case, the steam room has a fairly large area - 8 m2. You can place 2-3 shelves (beds) in it, and there will be room for a heater. The remaining rooms can be included in the project as needed. For example, you can wash yourself in a bathhouse without a billiard room, but you can’t wash in a billiard room without a steam room.

After a portion of hot steam, you need to wash off the dirt and fatigue, and here you need a shower room - it is also called a wash room. Two square meters for washing one person is quite enough, as can be seen from the project. There is even a relaxation room where you can just sit, drink kvass, and relax before your next steam session. The relaxation room in our standard project has an area of ​​4.5 m2, and, of course, there is also a vestibule in which you can organize a small dressing room.

About the required premises

But even the smallest bathhouse cannot consist of one steam room - it’s simply inconvenient. Therefore, in small projects, the main room is divided by partitions into several rooms, which are assigned one or another role. Don't have to do it load-bearing partitions and lay the foundation for them - just divide the area with light wooden partitions, as shown in the project below. The layout of the bathhouse itself is quite spacious - 4 x 6 meters.

Dividing the main building into several rooms will allow (and this is the main thing) to quickly, efficiently and efficiently warm up the steam room, without overheating the remaining rooms, especially the relaxation room. In addition, the plan of the bathhouse needs to be carefully thought out regarding free access to all rooms.

Waiting room

The purpose of the dressing room is to enter the bathhouse, store firewood or other fuel, locker room (dressing room), separate the cold room from the room heated by the stove. The dressing room is a kind of terminator, on one side of which warm air, on the other - cold. From the dressing room, the doors should lead to the shower room, the steam room, and the relaxation room.

This plan for a bathhouse measuring 3 x 5 meters provides for a large and spacious (as far as the construction plans and construction area allow) dressing room, in which all other rooms can be equipped with the help of partitions - a firewood warehouse, a locker room, etc. In such a dressing room you can make a fairly large window, the main thing is that there is no window in the steam room. There should be only one door in the steam room, and they should exit into the same dressing room. From the dressing room itself you can get to all other rooms.

Washroom or shower room

The shower room should be separated from the others, since, first of all, the temperature in it should be lower than in the steam room, and the very functional purpose of this room implies the secrecy of the process. In order not to waste the already small amount of energy on heating the washing room, it is made small - within 2-3 square meters. Such an area for a shower can be allocated in any, even the smallest, project. And if the bathhouse is intended exclusively for men’s visits, then the shower room can generally be made miniature - about 0.5 m2. But at its expense you can expand the rest room.

If the layout of a 6 by 4 meter bathhouse suits you, then the shower room can be organized as shown in the figure above - it is a small but quite comfortable and functional room.

For a family bath, especially those with children, the shower room should be large, comfortable and multifunctional, which implies the inclusion of a compartment (or separate room) for washing and other needs. Due to the large area, such a washing room can even be the main room in the bathhouse, so good forced and natural ventilation, natural and artificial premises, correctly calculate the heating scheme and room area according to maximum number visitors. If just such a plan for the bathhouse is drawn up, then the rest room can be completely excluded from the project and moved into the house.

Steam room

The paired room must be moved as far as possible in the project from front door. The steam room is located as far as possible from the entrance doors. There are no windows in the steam room, there is only one door. The main dimensions (length, width, ceiling height) can be any, but internal dimensions are calculated according to existing standards, which include the following standards:

  1. Construction and finishing materials;
  2. Ventilation system parameters;
  3. Number of visitors to the steam room;
  4. Power and heat transfer of a heater or other stove model;
  5. Fire safety;
  6. Ergonomic and design parameters of the steam room.

The standards for the height of the steam room are quite strict - 210-240 cm, while both the width and length of the steam room can vary between 84 -115 cm -190-235 cm for the smallest projects for one person. It is clear that larger bathhouse sizes will entail an increase in the size of the steam room. In addition, if planning features are aimed at minimizing the area of ​​all premises, then the places in the steam room can be provided with seating.

From the above steam room design it is clear that the shelves can be both seated and for a lying position. With a cascade arrangement of shelves, the free space in the steam room can be significantly expanded.

Bathhouse projects

When starting the construction of a bathhouse, any projects can be developed, but they must be tied to the area of ​​the site and the location of the residential building on it.

The first example is a bathhouse with a relaxation room as a separate room. Precisely because separate location this room can be loaded additional functions– locker rooms, dressing room, shower.

In this project, despite the fact that the recreation room is quite large, there is also a second floor, which can be intended for active recreation - playing billiards, for example, or just for watching TV. Judging by the project, the rest room occupies half of the entire area, excluding the vestibule. Because high temperature It doesn’t get here from the steam room; you can put a soft corner and household electronics in the room. Even with inconsistent heating of the bathhouse, there is no risk of hypothermia for the interior. You can make the room more comfortable and cozy by installing a special sauna stove with a fireplace module, which will be located both in the steam room and in the relaxation room.

Bathhouse with swimming pool

Yes, in classic version a swimming pool is not provided for in the bathhouse, but nothing prevents its construction, and the project plan given below clearly proves this. And this is not the limit: in the bathhouse you can organize winter garden, and a training room, and even a bedroom.

The project of a one-story bathhouse measuring 7 x 11 meters is spacious room for relaxation, and a separate steam room, and a shower room, and a swimming pool. The entrance to the pool is from the corridor, and this is more convenient, since you may first need to undress without visiting the steam room. carried out through the rest room. In this project, all rooms of the bathhouse are separate, and only the corridor is a passage. This multifunctional bathhouse even has a bathroom, despite the fact that only one floor quite severely limits the architect’s space options.

Bathhouse on two floors

A two-story bathhouse is more of a residential building than a health building, since the second floor and most of the first floor are almost always allocated to vital premises that are needed even without a bathhouse on the premises. Very rarely, both floors are given over to the premises of the bathhouse and everything that may be connected with it.

The second floor can be built as a separate full floor, as an attic or as a residential attic space. In this project, this is an attic in which guests will relax. That is, the second floor of the bathhouse serves as a guest house. Quantity internal partitions determines which rooms you will plan. This could be one or two bedrooms with a lounge, or maybe just a large living room with a sofa for sleeping and relaxing after the bath. But it is not at all necessary to host guests for several days, and in this case, you can simply make a games room with billiards from the second floor or equip a chill-out with a home theater.

The first floor is a standard set of premises necessary for the full functioning of the bathhouse: a steam room, a washing room, a relaxation room with a dining area, and a bathroom. Naturally, there is also a large vestibule, which houses a storage room for firewood and a locker room.

Bathhouse with extensions

With a large area of ​​land, there is an excellent opportunity to expand the bathhouse, building it not as a separate functional object, but as a household complex - with extensions that provide separate use of premises on a large area of ​​one floor. Here you can add separately to the bathhouse: a relaxation room, bedrooms, a bathroom and a bathroom, a kitchen, a storage room for firewood or coal, a swimming pool, and even a children's room. In general, you can turn a bathhouse into a full-fledged residential building.

The solution will be ideal for living only in spring, summer and autumn, since in warm time there is no need to equip capital heating, insulate the building, purchase a lot of furniture, etc. This is an economical option for a prefabricated bath structure.

The advantage is the “buoyancy” of the project - you can add any premises and in any quantity, it would be free space on the ground. In addition, the technology of separate construction allows you to reduce the cost of building materials - not all premises require the same, often expensive, materials, especially for foundations. If the extension is unloaded, then it can be placed on piles or on columnar supports, and the walls can be built from wood rather than brick.

If any premises are operated in normal conditions, and not at high humidity, then it will be more economical not to include the use of vapor and waterproofing materials in the estimate.

When drawing up a project for objects intended to receive water and air procedures with increased temperature conditions, it is necessary to take into account many technological subtleties. First of all, the space inside must be correctly demarcated. Special attention the layout of a 4x4 bathhouse deserves, since similar buildings have square shape, which causes some difficulty in preparing documentation.


Most often, such a design includes three or four compartments: a washing area, a steam room, a relaxation area and a dressing room, which acts as a thermal boundary between the street and the interior space. The listed premises are capable of forming comfortable conditions for bathing events. In each of them, it is recommended to have a low ceiling and a high threshold so that the heat does not escape quickly.

Pair room

The most interesting thing is that the layout of a 4 by 4 bath allows you to make this compartment quite spacious, but its area should not exceed 4-5 square meters, otherwise the efficiency of the facility will be significantly reduced. Exceeding the above dimensions will also result in loss of comfort.

  • The side planes of the room and the ceiling are usually finished wooden clapboard , since it is environmentally friendly and has good aesthetic characteristics. Most often, tongue and groove boards are laid on the floor.
  • Benches and shelves are recommended to be placed on different levels , thanks to this it will be possible not only to improve appearance, but also increase functionality. After all, depending on the altitude, you can select the desired temperature regime.
  • It is quite possible to stylize the interior by placing elegant hangers for brooms and towels. Beautiful door handles with original frames will help add a certain chic.
  • As a rule, such rooms have very small windows or no windows at all., so availability is welcome. It is best to use small lamps with a soft glow.

Any 4x4 bath plan should include a separate steam room, since the dimensions of the building allow this.
Combining compartments is appropriate if the area of ​​the object does not exceed 15 square meters.

Washing department

This room is intended for reception water procedures, therefore different high humidity, which means it requires good ventilation. In many cases, this part of the bathhouse connects the steam room and the relaxation area.

This layout option is quite convenient during operation.

  • As finishing material most often acts tiles , because it lasts a very long time and washes well. The floor is usually covered with wood grating, the price of which is relatively low.
  • It is impossible to do without water in a washing room, so at the design stage the location of the main pipelines is determined. It is advisable to locate the room exactly on the side of the main sources.
  • There should be various benches and shelves inside, on which you can place hygiene items and containers for taking water procedures (scoops, basins and bowls).

When planning 4 by 4 m baths, very often the washing compartment coincides with the dimensions of the steam room, since the dividing wall is installed strictly in the center of the main partition, located perpendicularly.

Recreation area

It is unlikely that it will be possible to create a full-fledged room for relaxation in such a small building, because a locker room is also needed. However, it is quite possible to combine it with this zone.

In most cases, a room is formed by constructing a solid wall on the side of the door.

  • You can decorate your relaxation room in any style., however, a pleasant atmosphere should always reign in it. It is better to make the lighting soft and diffused so as not to strain your eyesight.
  • In such a room there are benches and hangers for things., since this same department serves as a locker room. Additionally, a table with comfortable chairs is installed here.
  • Pine or spruce lumber is used as cladding, which under normal temperature conditions have a positive effect on the human body.

If you are drawing up a plan for a 4 by 4 bathhouse without outside help, then you need to take into account the square shape of the object.
In some cases, the resulting spaces are very narrow and inconvenient to use.

Compartment in front of the entrance

It is always advisable to arrange one that does not take up much space, but performs the most important function of reducing heat losses. This type of room is always located at the entrance door to the building. Depending on the square footage of the object, its dimensions may vary.

Furnace location

Any instructions for designing a bathhouse must contain information about the location of the heating structure. Specific information is reflected in SNiP 41-01-2003, which clearly states that such structures should be protected thermally resistant materials, especially when it comes to wood. Regarding efficiency issues, the stove must be installed so that it heats several rooms at once.

More information

When you plan to build a bathhouse with your own hands, first of all the common space must be correctly divided, then there will be no discomfort during operation. You need to evaluate all factors that can affect the final result. You can learn more about the preparation by watching the video in this article.

Today, many owners of private houses dream of having personal plot own bathhouse, where you can take a steam bath, relax, and improve your body. But at the same time, they have a lot of questions regarding its construction. First of all, you will need to plan the bathhouse on the site and from the inside of the building.

If several centuries ago such buildings had only one common room, now solid Russian bathhouses are in demand, in which several rooms are equipped: a dressing room, a washing area, a recreation area, a billiard room, and even a swimming pool.

To avoid the need for alteration or reconstruction of the structure in the future, at the design stage an optimal layout of the bathhouse is needed and then the electrical wiring, water supply system and wastewater disposal will be arranged correctly. In addition, purchasing building materials and furniture is much easier and more economical if you have a plan or diagram.

Layout of a sauna building on the site

To be lined up proper sauna– the layout of the site should take into account a number of nuances:

  1. The construction site should be located on low lying soils groundwater. It is immediately necessary to exclude areas where they come close to the surface.
  2. The distance from the bathhouse building to the well should be from 5 meters or more, to a residential building - at least 8 meters and to the toilet and compost pit– maximum.
  3. The entrance to the bathhouse should be on the south side, where fewer snowdrifts form in winter.
  4. Windows should be located on the west side, since in this case more sunlight will penetrate into the room.
  5. If there is a reservoir on the site, it is better to erect the building 15-20 meters from it on the shore and then there will be no need to build a pool. You can also organize a water supply to the bathhouse from a lake or river.

Main premises in the bathhouse building

Regardless of which bathhouse layout options are chosen, the main rooms in them will be:

  • steam room;
  • washing department (more details: " ");
  • dressing room

First of all, when thinking about setting up a steam room, its layout depends on the number of people who will steam in it at the same time. According to the standards, 6 “squares” of area should be allocated per person.

Nowadays, a bathhouse with a rest room and a sink is popular among owners of country real estate. Sometimes a toilet is added to them, but it will require the installation of a sewer system.

Bathhouse project with a swimming pool

Layout of a Russian bathhouse with a swimming pool, as in the photo, great solution. You can even implement it yourself, quickly and without problems. The fact is that now ready-made designs in the form of bowls of various configurations and sizes are available for sale. If desired they do mosaic finishing pool, install internal lighting, creating a stunningly beautiful effect. The main thing is to competently create a project for a bathhouse with a swimming pool in advance, where all the details will be taken into account.

The structure can be placed in the most different places: in the extension to the bathhouse, under a polycarbonate canopy, in the steam room (the room should have a large area). Regardless of where the pool is located, it is always nice to plunge into cool water after visiting the steam room. It is better to enter it from the locker room or washing department.

Design of bath buildings with rest rooms

Bathhouse plans with a relaxation room come in two options. In the first project, the largest possible area is allocated for it, leaving a minimum square footage for the steam room and washing area. Space is required when people visiting the bathhouse plan to have gatherings there. A well-thought-out relaxation room in the bathhouse will allow you to have a good time there.

There are people who prefer to enjoy the procedures in a steam room, then the layout of the bathhouse with a relaxation room changes - a minimum area is allocated for it, and the largest room in this case will be the steam room. In general, the design of a bathhouse with a relaxation room is a standard solution.

Drawing up a project for small baths

If you have limited financial resources or a small area of ​​land, optimal solution is the layout of a small bathhouse. For its full functioning, it is enough to have 2-3 rooms, including a dressing room, a washing department and a steam room.

The last two rooms are often combined into a common area in order to save space, since the walls of the bathhouse building take up a lot of space. The most budget option is baths measuring 4x4 meters.

Original layouts of Russian baths

On suburban areas some of their owners make them from such bath buildings residential buildings. Thanks to this, the area of ​​the dacha and the cost of building materials will be saved, since it will be necessary to erect one multifunctional building, and not two separate buildings, each of which requires a foundation.

In such bathhouses, the staircase leading to the upper floor is installed in a recreation room. To wooden structure did not hang over their heads with its mass and did not block the light source, they install a modern staircase made of durable architectural glass. In the evening, it can be illuminated by colored spot lighting. Some projects involve the use of attic space for a gym.

Thus, the bathhouse planning process consists of two stages: first, the location of the bathhouse on the site is determined, and then a plan of the premises located in the building itself is drawn up.

A visit to the bathhouse is good way get healthier. Bath strengthens cardiovascular system, relaxes muscles, relieves mental fatigue, and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

For those who have decided for their own use in their yard or country house, we will tell you about general principles, which need to be taken into account when And we will also give an example of a project in which 4x6 is presented, the sink and steam room are separate, and also separated from the rest room.

Why exactly a 4x6 sauna, and why are the sink and steam room separated? This is because this option is optimal, as it allows you to arrange steam rooms with dry and wet steam; the bathhouse can be visited by several people at once; the company can split, as they say, according to interests. Someone is warming up in the steam room, and someone is drinking tea in the relaxation room. Also, the dimensions allow you to add a terrace to the plan, which makes it possible to relax on fresh air. A separate sink can accommodate a shower stall.

From the above, it is clear that the layout of a 4x6 bathhouse with a separate sink and steam room should take into account many of the nuances and needs of future owners.

Where to place the bathhouse

The construction of any building involves first of all determining the location for construction. Experts recommend locating the bathhouse as a separate structure (for safety reasons). Some projects involve a bathhouse as an extension to the main building, but then the common wall will require additional insulation.

The ideal option is to be located on the banks of a pond or river. After all, how great it is to plunge into cool water after a hot steam room! This will increase your health and give you thrills. But, unfortunately, not everyone has this opportunity.

What to consider when developing a project

4x6 (washing and steam room separately) requires taking into account the following indicators:

  • Type of soil. The design of the foundation will depend on this. For example, for sandy soil suitable shallow strip foundation. Therefore, when choosing a foundation, it is better to consult a specialist. He will evaluate the soil characteristics and recommend the most suitable look foundation and building materials.
  • Determination of the bath area, number and location of rooms. We have proposed a 4x6 bathhouse layout. The sink and steam room are located separately from each other. This allows you to create a hot atmosphere directly in the steam room, and a comfortable, warm atmosphere in the wash room. There is also a relaxation room, which has a pleasant coolness, where you can spend time with friends.
  • Determining the area of ​​each room. The layout of a 4x6 bath (sink and steam room separately) should include several rooms. The rest room together with the vestibule (can be combined) and in some cases with the porch (veranda) should occupy on average half to a third of the entire area, depending on what is located in them. The washroom and steam room occupy approximately equal area from the rest.
  • Furnace location. The stove must be placed so that the door is located towards the dressing room. The heater should be in the steam room itself, and the container with water should be in the sink. This option is convenient to use, and it turns out that the stove is located in the center of the bathhouse. This will allow all rooms to be heated sufficiently.
  • Washing equipment. If desired, it can be equipped with a shower stall. It is also necessary to provide space in the room for benches for washing.
  • Door design features. For safety, all doors must open outward. It is recommended to do with a low box and a high threshold (about 30 cm). This design will reduce heat loss.
  • The need and location of ventilation, sewerage and water supply systems. You also need to think about the power supply for your

Selection of material for construction

The material, of course, must be environmentally friendly, resistant to various atmospheric conditions, and corresponding to all the functions of the bathhouse. Wood is one of these materials. For the construction of bathhouses, both deciduous and coniferous trees are used. When purchasing material, be sure to ask what region and area it was imported from.

The bathhouse can be made of logs (as our ancestors did), frame or made of timber. Each of them has its own nuances and advantages of use.

Which oven to choose

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of stoves that can be used for baths. You can make the stove yourself, or you can install a factory one. They have various advantages and features of use. To choose, you will need additional consultation with specialists who will help you choose the best option.

But I would still like to note that, depending on the type of fuel, stoves are divided into electric stoves and wood stoves (you can also fire with coal, fuel oil, or gas). Electric furnaces are easier to install and use, but consume large number electricity. Wood-burning ones require a lot of effort both in installation and in caring for them. True, they are more economical, captivating with their authenticity and ability to evoke warmth not only in the body, but also in the soul.

Arrangement of the steam room

The internal structure of the steam room should also include a 4x6 bath layout. The steam room, located separately from the washing room, allows you to create the necessary atmosphere of warmth and privacy. It should be practical and convenient.

The layout of a 4x6 bath with a separate steam room provides for a ceiling height of no higher than 2.2 meters. This is due to the characteristics of air circulation. It is recommended to use wood as a material for the ceiling and walls. For example, lining made of alder, linden or aspen. For the floor, it is preferable to choose porcelain stoneware or natural stone. Only fits on top of it wood flooring. You can also make the floor wooden, but it is believed that this type of flooring is short-lived.

The shelves in the steam room are installed along the wall. You can arrange them in the letter “G” - this saves space and allows you to accommodate more people.

Ventilation system

The layout of a 4x6 bath with a separate sink should include an exhaust opening in the steam room, closer to the ceiling. This is necessary in order to achieve natural circulation air, oxygen supply, as well as for the removal of contaminated air.