What inexpensive antiviral drugs for children. Antiviral drugs for children: classification, application features and review of the best. Additional treatments for influenza

During the cold season, when the number of acute respiratory viral infections and colds increases, everyone thinks about means of preventing and treating viral infections. Antiviral drugs are inexpensive but effective treatments that help prevent the disease or reduce its severity.

The peculiarity of viruses is that when they enter the human body, they penetrate into the cells of the tropic organ.

For respiratory infections it is respiratory system. During their life processes, viruses destroy cells, thereby causing characteristic symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose).

Therefore, antiviral drugs for colds and flu must be effective and not damage the cells of the affected organ.

All antiviral drugs can be divided into four groups:
antiviral chemotherapy drugs;
exogenous (coming from outside) interferons;
inducers (promoting the production) of endogenous (formed in the body itself) interferon;
immunomodulators (regulate the body's immune defense).

Antiviral chemotherapy drugs

Modern medicine has in its arsenal a sufficient number of medications capable of destroying viruses. It's chemical medicines, which destroy the DNA or RNA of a microorganism without damaging the cells of the organ.

Antiviral drugs are inexpensive but effective for adults and children and are often used during epidemics of acute respiratory infections.
Antiviral drugs are effective, but have serious drawbacks.

At frequent use Viruses develop resistance to chemotherapy drugs. However, taking them correctly helps in short terms get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of ARVI, prevent and reduce the spread of the disease.

An antiviral drug that is aimed against influenza and coronaviruses.
Available in tablet form.
Prescribed for the treatment and prevention of ARVI. Having moderate immunomodulatory activity, Arbidol is prescribed for immunodeficiency conditions, pneumonia (), and herpes virus infection.

Its effectiveness lies in reducing the severity of clinical phenomena, intoxication ( high temperature, lethargy, loss of appetite, drowsiness), risk of complications, shortening the duration of the disease.
Arbidol is considered a relatively safe medicine if taken according to the instructions. Side effects may occur in the form of allergies. Prescribed for adults and children over 3 years of age. Not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women.


It is produced in the form of capsules, powder, and for the preparation of suspension. It is effective against influenza. The active substance Tamiflu blocks the viral enzyme neurominidase, which is responsible for its spread through the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
It is advisable to start therapy with this drug at the first signs of the disease. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children should use Tamiflu with caution, only as prescribed by a doctor.

Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, headaches, weakness, insomnia, cough, dizziness, and sore throat.

To one degree or another, it enhances the body’s overall resistance. This happens due to an increase in the content of our natural “defender” from foreign microorganisms - interferon. Some drugs contain this substance, some stimulate its production in the body.

Many people expect instant recovery from these remedies. However, due to the nonspecificity of their action, this does not happen. However, in many cases of their use, a reduction in the duration of colds and a decrease in their severity are noted.

Important Patient Information:

  • It is advisable to start taking medications that affect the interferon system as early as possible, at the first symptoms of the disease.
  • For bacterial infections accompanied by purulent nasal discharge, white or yellowish plaques on the tonsils, etc., these drugs are ineffective as monotherapy. Antibiotics are needed to kill bacteria.
  • In cases of severe influenza, the listed medications should not be used instead of special anti-influenza drugs (Tamiflu, Relenza, etc.).
Trade name of the drug Price range (Russia, rub.) Features of the drug that are important for the patient to know about
Active ingredient: Tiloron They stimulate the production of their own interferons, which protect against viruses. Therefore, drugs are recommended for all viral infections, including influenza, ARVI and herpes. Tilorone and meglumine acridone acetate have very convenient scheme reception - at first once a day, then - even less often. Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Tiloron is allowed for children from 7 years old, meglumine acridone acetate - from 4 years old, Kagocel - from 3 years old.





(Moskhimfarmpreparaty named after N.A. Semashko)
Active ingredient: Meglumine acridone acetate
Cycloferon(Polisan) 639-783,5
Active ingredient: Kagocel

(Nearmedic plus)
Active ingredient: Methylphenylthiomethyl-dimethylaminomethyl-hydroxybromindole carboxylic acid ethyl ester

(Pharmstandard, Dalkhimfarm)
110-148,8 Has immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. Increases the body's resistance to influenza and other viral infections. Reduces the severity of intoxication, shortens the duration of the disease. Contraindicated for children

up to 3 years.
Active ingredient: Interferon alpha-2b
Grippferon (Firn M) 199-509,7 Nasal drops that contain human interferon. It acts not only on influenza viruses, but also on other cold pathogens. Particularly effective in the first three days of the disease. Can be used to prevent influenza. Approved for use during the entire period of pregnancy.
Viferon (Feron) 119-164 The drug is available in the form of ointment, gel and suppositories. It has a double effect: it destroys viruses and increases the body's defenses. Has few contraindications

and rarely causes side effects. Sometimes it is possible to develop allergic reactions to excipients in the form of skin rashes and itching. Suppositories can be used to treat viral infections and herpes in adults, children from birth, nursing mothers and pregnant women

from the 14th week. Ointment and gel are allowed throughout pregnancy; they can be used both for medicinal and

and for preventive purposes. Suppositories are available in 4 dosages; the choice of a specific dose depends on the situation and age of the patient. If necessary, the drug can be combined with antibiotics.
Active ingredient: Affinity purified antibodies to human interferon gamma
Anaferon(Materia Medica) 134-279 A drug with antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. Eat special forms for children and adults, differing in composition and not interchangeable. Can be used for both prevention and treatment of influenza

and ARVI. At the beginning of the disease, tablets should be taken every half hour, then according to a special regimen.
Active ingredient: Affinity purified antibodies to human interferon y + affinity purified antibodies to histamine + affinity purified antibodies to CD4
Ergoferon (Materia Medica) 199,4-429 It has antiviral, immunomodulatory, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects. Used for the prevention and treatment of viral and bacterial infections. In cases where the cause of the disease is bacteria, it is used in conjunction with antibiotics. Treatment according to the regimen must begin as early as possible, when the first signs of acute infection appear. For prevention viral diseases 1-2 tablets per day are recommended.
Active ingredient: Pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide
Ingavirin (Valenta Pharmaceuticals) 353-514 An antiviral drug with activity against influenza viruses type A and B, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, and respiratory syncytial infection. Causes an increase in the level of interferon in the blood to the physiological norm. Effectiveness against influenza and ARVI is manifested in shortening the period of fever, reducing runny nose, cough, headache, and weakness. In case of severe influenza, it can be used in conjunction with specific anti-influenza drugs. Reduces the number of complications and duration of the disease of ARVI and influenza. For use only in adults (over 18 years of age). Contraindicated during pregnancy.
Active ingredient: Inosine pranobex
Isoprinosine (Teva)


(Gedeon Richter)
Immunostimulating drug with antiviral effect. Used in many countries. It is used to treat influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, severe measles, as well as infections caused by herpes viruses, cytomegalovirus and papillomavirus. Contraindicated in pregnancy, breastfeeding, urolithiasis, gout, arrhythmias, chronic renal failure. Can be used in children from 3 years of age.

Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, seek advice regarding the use of any medicines consult a doctor.

Caring parents always try to stock a home or travel first aid kit with remedies for influenza, ARVI and colds for their child. And indeed, sometimes the disease takes you by surprise - on weekends, but at night, away from home. And I want to have the most necessary medications at hand that will not harm the baby and will alleviate his condition until the doctor arrives. In this article we will look at what products should be included in a first aid kit and in what cases they should be given.

Flu, colds and acute respiratory viral infections - what do they have in common?

A cold is popularly called nothing more than a variety of viral diseases. ARVI and influenza are also viral infections. The difference between them is that they are caused by different pathogen viruses. It can be not only the influenza virus, but also adenoviral infection, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial infection, parainfluenza virus. In total, there are more than 300 viruses that can “visit” your child, and it is not possible to determine which virus exactly caused the unpleasant symptoms at home.

Various disease viruses have many common symptoms. As a rule, the disease in a child always occurs exclusively in an acute form. It begins with a rise in high temperature, the appearance of respiratory catarrhal symptoms - a dry and unproductive cough, runny nose, and sometimes rhinorrhea (nasal runny), headache, muscle aches, chills.

The virus “rages” in the child’s body for 3-5 to 7 days, depending on the type of virus, and then immunity, by producing specific antibodies to the pathogen, takes over and the disease recedes.

Surprisingly, with or without medications, the virus will live in a child’s body exactly as long as it is capable of surviving. The immune system will deal with it anyway. However, some medications will help the child’s body cope with the disease more easily, as well as prevent severe complications that are fraught with all viral infections, especially influenza.

General principles of treatment

Before you go to the pharmacy to choose medications, you should clearly understand what and why they are treating influenza or ARVI. There is no universal cure for viral diseases. The exception is some very few antiviral drugs that have a destructive effect exclusively on the influenza virus.

Since there is no cure for the virus, drugs for ARVI are prescribed for symptomatic treatment in order to ease the course of the disease while waiting for a completely natural recovery to occur on its own. If a child suddenly falls ill, parents should take the right steps from the first minutes for his recovery - provide him with bed rest in a cool and well-ventilated room, plenty of warm drinks, light clothing so that the baby does not sweat.

You should call a doctor, and if the child is under one year old, then an ambulance.

Only the doctor should decide what medications to treat the child with, but parents can simplify the doctor’s task by having home medicine cabinet medications for any “cold” case. The called specialist will certainly appreciate the efforts and prescribe a treatment regimen from what is already available. In addition, many drugs can be useful at the pre-medical stage.

There are two big dangers in viral infections - high fever and dehydration. Fever above 38.5 degrees for children under 3 years of age and above 40 degrees for older children can lead to the development of febrile seizures in babies, hyperthermia, the development of kidney failure, as well as heart problems and disruption of the integrity of blood vessels.

Intoxication in a child’s body is caused by the penetration of the virus into the bloodstream. This can manifest itself in different ways. More often - severe pain in the muscles and joints, often also with vomiting and diarrhea due to high fever. And here lies the second danger - dehydration. How younger child, the faster he loses fluid reserves, the count can go on for hours.

The main treatment for influenza, ARVI and all types of viral infections, which are commonly called “colds”, will be aimed at preventing dehydration and overheating.

Preparations for symptomatic treatment and first aid

Depending on certain symptoms and their severity, all drugs should be divided into several large groups. This will make it easier for parents to navigate what and when their child may need it.

From temperature

A child needs a fever during a viral illness so that the immune system can quickly develop antibodies to the virus. But if the thermometer rises to 39 degrees, and in children under 3 years old - 38 degrees, you need to start taking antipyretic drugs. This group of cold and flu medications should always be on hand. Most often, children’s temperature rises at night, and not everyone will be able to go to the on-duty pharmacy.

When choosing among a great variety of antipyretics, you should focus on drugs that contain paracetamol. This substance is considered the safest and most effective for children. Starting from the age of 16, you can also take drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid (for example, one of the forms of Aspirin).

But acetylsalicylic acid is strictly contraindicated for children. It can cause the death of a child due to severe liver damage (Reye's or Reye's syndrome).

So, paracetamol-based drugs should be purchased at the pharmacy for a child under 16 years of age. For a child from -3 years old, a product in syrup is suitable - “Panadol”, “Nurofen”.

Newborns and children up to one year old can be given rectal suppositories (suppositories) - “Paracetamol”, “Cefekon D”. Children from -8 years old can be offered Paracetamol in tablets. An effective cure for fever during colds and flu is Ibuprofen. This drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The medicine costs mere pennies, so buy it and keep it in your medicine cabinet just in case.

The medicine in an age-specific dosage (indicated in the instructions for use) can be given to a child if the temperature is difficult to reduce with drugs containing paracetamol.

For a runny nose

If the baby's disease is accompanied by a runny nose (running snot), there is no need to drip or smear anything into the nose. Rhinorrhea is a protective mechanism that allows the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract to partially get rid of the virus that has penetrated them. On the contrary, you should rinse your nose, irrigate it generously with saline solution or preparations based on sea ​​water, for example, "Aquamaris".

If the snot has become thicker, nasal breathing is very difficult, vasoconstrictor drugs - “Nazivin”, “Nazol” will come to the aid of parents; children’s forms of these drugs are suitable for babies - “Nazivin Sensitive” and “Nazol Baby”. 1 drop in each nostril is enough to restore nasal breathing for several hours.

In no case should these drops be abused, because vasoconstrictor drugs contribute to the development of persistent drug addiction. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops should not be used for more than 4-5 days in a row.

If the snot has become not only thick, but also rich yellow, green with a foul odor, you should immediately call a doctor, since such nasal discharge is a sign of an additional bacterial infection. The child needs antibiotic drops, which the doctor will prescribe. They can be purchased at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription.

For cough

The onset of viral diseases is characterized by a dry cough. The task of parents is to quickly and effectively help thin the mucus so that the cough becomes wet and productive. Therefore, in addition to plenty of warm drinks, the child is given mucolytic drugs - “Mukaltin”, “Kodelac Broncho”, “Lazolvan”. Most of these drugs are produced in convenient forms - in the form of syrups with a pleasant fruity smell and taste.

As soon as sputum begins to form and the cough becomes wet, the child should absolutely not be given antitussives that suppress the functioning of the cough center in the brain. He needs to cough so that phlegm does not stagnate in the bronchi, so that inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract does not occur.

From vomiting and diarrhea, from intoxication

If a viral illness in a child occurs with symptoms of intoxication, it is important to give him as much fluid as possible room temperature. This will help avoid dehydration. True, the water-salt balance lost through vomiting or diarrhea cannot be restored with water alone. Therefore, the first aid kit should contain products for oral rehydration - “Smecta”, “Humana Electrolyte”, “Regidron”.

These dry mixtures are packaged in bags; they can be easily dissolved in the amount of water required according to the instructions and given to the child in large quantities. If you can’t get something to drink, you should call an ambulance. Doctors will hospitalize the baby and give him intravenous rehydration agents.

This means that, at best, they contain only a few molecules of the active substance, which are clearly not enough to defeat the virus. Only a few flu drugs have proven effectiveness - Tamiflu (not to be confused with Theraflu), Oseltamivir. These drugs should be used strictly according to doctor's indications, since they have a lot of side effects, which may be more dangerous than the influenza virus itself. Such anti-influenza drugs are most often used to treat children in an infectious diseases hospital, where the child is under 24-hour medical supervision.

Doctors will prescribe antiviral remedies, even homeopathic ones, not because they will necessarily help the child, but because the parents demand that they be prescribed something. And 99% of antiviral drugs will not harm at least. The rest will be done by your own immunity. And after five days of taking Anaferon, not a single parent will say that the child has recovered on his own. He will have a persistent illusion that it was Anaferon that helped the baby recover.

Therefore, you may not have antiviral agents in your home medicine cabinet. Considering that they are not cheap, but have no effectiveness at all. Folk remedies(if they are reasonable and correct) and with symptomatic treatment, parents will be able to achieve exactly the same result, in exactly the same time frame, as by taking expensive, “good” antiviral drugs.

Preparations for prevention

There are no drugs to prevent viral diseases. Vaccination against influenza is carried out; it should not be neglected. Taking antiviral medications to prevent colds is a waste of money. The likelihood of getting sick does not depend on how much Anaferon the mother “fed” the child since the beginning of autumn.

Of course, any mother dreams of her child always being healthy. But, unfortunately, even the strongest and strongest children’s immunity is not able to resist all diseases. Pediatricians reassure mothers, saying that any disease is only beneficial - the body begins to fight it, thereby strengthening protective functions body. Fortunately, now on the medical market you can find many drugs whose action is aimed at combating the virus. How to choose an antiviral agent for children - we will talk in our article.

How does an antiviral drug work for children?

The first and most important thing is that the children's antiviral drug is aimed at fighting colds, as well as reducing the time of illness. Taking medications is also necessary when complications of the disease should be avoided.

Often the drug is prescribed by a doctor to prevent illness, especially during epidemic season.

Synthetic antiviral drugs can be divided into two groups, depending on the direction of action:

  1. Drugs aimed at destroying the virus in the body;
  2. Drugs aimed at destroying the enzyme responsible for the reproduction of the virus.

The first ones should be taken when the virus has not yet begun to act - and this is the biggest difficulty. It is not always possible to establish its true cause at the first symptoms of a disease.

The second group of drugs is prescribed already during the illness; they must be used throughout the illness.

It is still better to entrust the choice of drug to your doctor, especially if it concerns the health of children. The doctor examines the child, studies the symptoms of the disease and, according to age, prescribes medicine.

Antiviral agents for infants

There are many children's antiviral drugs with proven effectiveness, including inexpensive drugs. Among them are the following:

  1. Viferon - available in the form of candles, which is very convenient to use for the little ones;
  2. Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic remedy of French origin, used for influenza and ARVI;
  3. Imupret is a natural remedy with herbal ingredients that effectively fights complications after illness;
  4. Immunoflazid - used to strengthen children's immunity.

Immunomodulators produced in drops are no less effective:

  1. Aflubin;
  2. Anaferon;
  3. Grippferon;
  4. Kipferon.

These drugs are good at treating the symptoms of colds and acute respiratory viral infections. Before taking, be sure to read the instructions and follow them exactly. Children under one year of age are very sensitive to medications, so the prescribed dosage should be followed.

Antiviral agents: Viferon candles

Antiviral agents for children from one year of age

Children over a year old They already have stronger immunity compared to their younger brothers, which is why they are already starting to be prescribed stronger medications. So, at 2 years old, children can already take:

  1. Groprinosin is an antiviral drug for children that has an immunostimulating effect on the body;
  2. Anaferon - helps cure the disease from the very first symptoms, provided that the instructions are followed;
  3. Aflubin - children can consume it up to 3 times a day, available in tablets and drops;
  4. Viburkol - available in suppositories, the product belongs to homeopathy;
  5. Laferobion - the drug is based on interferon, works well against ARVI;
  6. Flavozid, Proteflazid - syrups for internal use.

Often, a doctor prescribes certain medications in combination with other medications. This measure is necessary for a speedy recovery of the child if he has several symptoms of the disease. For example, cough, runny nose, sore throat.

Antiviral agents for children over 3 years old

Children over 3 years of age can use all antiviral drugs, but be sure to follow a certain dosage.

At the age of 3 years, children can already use Arbidol and Kagocel, which help cure the flu.

Older children, from 6 years of age, use antiviral drugs less often, since by this time their immunity is able to overcome the virus itself. Many doctors do not recommend lowering a child’s temperature below 38.5 degrees, since at this time the body is fighting the virus. During illness, to alleviate the condition, you should drink as much fluid as possible and maintain bed rest. Dr. Komarovsky advises to ventilate the room with a sick child as often as possible and maintain an optimal level of air humidity in it.

The following drugs are very effective in the fight against viruses and ARVI:

  1. Amiksin;
  2. Ridostin;
  3. Cycloferon;
  4. Ergoferon.

For the flu, children are often prescribed Remantadine, Zanamavir, and Tamiflu. These drugs block the proliferation of viruses and prevent them from entering healthy cells in the body.

An important condition for using medications is that you cannot combine anti-ARVI and anti-influenza medications at the same time, otherwise there may be complications. For this reason, lack of knowledge of all the nuances, doctors do not recommend self-medicating the child.

When are preventative measures necessary?

Prevention is only necessary if:

  1. Someone in the family is sick;
  2. The first visit to kindergarten is coming;
  3. The child communicated with the patient;
  4. There is an epidemic of influenza or ARVI in the region.

There are no special drugs to prevent the disease. Pediatricians recommend giving your child the same medications that are appropriate for his age. For prevention, the dose should be reduced by 2 times.

Prices for antiviral drugs for children

Below we will present to you a classification of Russian-made antiviral drugs for children against influenza and ARVI, including inexpensive drugs available to everyone. They can also be used to prevent viral diseases:

  1. Interferon and influenza - price around 250 rubles;
  2. Anferon for children - the price of tablets is about 180 rubles per pack (a cheap analogue is interferon in ampoules);
  3. Oxolinic ointment - price 40 rubles, allowed from 2 years old, can be used for herpes;
  4. Kagocel - price around 200 rubles;
  5. Remantadine - price no more than 100 rubles;
  6. Tincture of Echinacea purpurea - price around 55 rubles, a cheap analogue of Immunal.

Summarizing the above, we note that any disease in each child occurs individually. What works for one will not cure another. It is best if your doctor prescribes an antiviral drug for children. Only an experienced specialist can tell you which antiviral agent is best for your child.

Doctors call viruses microscopic organisms that can invade human cells and cause their death. Special antiviral drugs help protect against many diseases caused by these pathogens. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers consumers many drugs of different price categories, so choosing an effective product is not easy.

Contrary to popular belief, antiviral drugs can be inexpensive, effective and help quickly cope with unpleasant symptoms (see list of drugs below).

Types of antiviral drugs

Doctors divide medications into several groups according to their principle of action. Thus, vaccines are used for preventive purposes; they produce antibodies in the blood and prevent a person from becoming infected with a viral infection. Drugs that act on the virus suppress the development of the pathogen and speed up the healing process.

But immunostimulants for a while, thereby provoking the production of interferon by the body.

When you go to the pharmacy, you will notice that the best antiviral drugs differ in their intended purpose. Medicines are most often used against the following ailments:

  • flu;
  • ARVI.

They also produce the latest generation of drugs that act on most types of viruses and specialized medications - antiretrovirals. Choose best medicine If you know the symptoms of the disease and its name, this information will help you buy an effective and inexpensive remedy.

Correctly selected medications will help you eliminate unpleasant symptoms and return to your favorite activities.

Inexpensive but effective remedies for influenza and ARVI for adults

A wide range of antiviral tablets are available in many pharmacies, but it is not easy for a sick person to understand the names of medications and buy the most effective ones. This category includes the following drugs that have proven themselves in the treatment of influenza:


The antiviral drug Ribavirin for influenza and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract is prescribed to adults in the form of tablets of 200 mg 3 to 4 times a day. The doctor may adjust the treatment regimen by prescribing large doses of medication at the beginning of the course in order to eliminate symptoms.

The price of this medicine is considered low and starts from 131 rubles in pharmacies across the country.

Ribavirin may cause side effects such as insomnia, headache, loss of appetite and other phenomena. It cannot be used:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people who have suffered a myocardial infarction, severe anemia;
  • patients who have hypersensitivity to the drug.

If you use Ribavirin together with other medications, be sure to consult your doctor.


The antiviral drug Amiksin is successfully used not only for the treatment of influenza and ARVI, but also as a prophylactic against these ailments. Doctors recommend taking this medicine in a course of 6 tablets, but before using it you should consult a specialist.

The effectiveness of Amiksin is high, and its cost in pharmacies depends on the dosage of the active substance. The average price of the drug is 500 rubles.

The drug Amiksin combines well with other medications for the treatment of bacterial and viral infections, including antibiotics. On the part of the digestive system, side effects in the form of dispersion are possible, and experts also note such phenomena as chills and an allergic reaction.

The medicine gives a good effect in the treatment of a viral infection characterized by an acute course.


Oseltamivir is an inexpensive analogue of the well-known drug Tamiflu. The latter is no different from the indicated medicine, since both drugs contain the same active substance(oseltamivir phosphate). The medication should be taken no later than 2 days after the onset of symptoms of influenza and other viral infections.

The drug in tablets should be taken based on a dosage of 75 mg - 1 capsule 2 times a day, the duration of treatment is 5 days. The cost of the medicine in pharmacies across the country starts from 700 rubles.


Ergoferon helps improve immunity and reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa. It can be used not only in the treatment of the disease, but also as a prophylactic agent. Taking this medicine should be started when the first signs of influenza and ARVI are detected.

Ergoferon is taken on the first day of treatment, 1 tablet every 2 hours, then the same amount of medication is taken 3 times a day.


The drug Ingavirin has a wide spectrum of action. It is effective in the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory diseases; the medicine stimulates the production of interferon in humans. If signs of illness are detected, Ingavirin should be taken immediately, the dosage is 1 tablet per day.

The course of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and varies from 5 to 7 days. The drug is non-toxic and will be well tolerated by the body, however, it is not prescribed to children.


Remantadine is a cheap and at the same time effective drug. It is recommended for use during influenza epidemics; this medicine helps speedy recovery and improves human well-being. It is advisable to take the tablets in the first 48 hours after detecting signs of the disease.

The acute stage of the disease involves taking 300 mg of the drug once, then you need to drink it at the rate of 50 mg of the drug twice a day. The duration of treatment does not exceed 5 days, so if there is no improvement, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Antiviral drugs fight the infectious agent, thereby causing unpleasant symptoms of the disease, such as sore throat and muscle pain, to disappear. They should be prescribed by a doctor, however, many people self-medicate and buy medications without prior consultation.

This approach can be successful, but it is best to find out the correct dosage from a specialist.

Immunomodulators for colds

Cheap antiviral drugs, the cost of which does not exceed 250 rubles when purchasing 10 tablets, have proven themselves well as immunomodulators. This category of drugs includes the following medications:


The most affordable drug in winter to combat influenza and ARVI is Arbidol. A good antiviral agent stimulates cellular immunity, shortens the course of the disease and prevents the development of complications. The dosage of the medicine depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the severity of the disease; most often, an adult patient is prescribed 4 tablets per day.

The duration of treatment is on average 2 weeks; as directed by a specialist, it can be shortened or increased.

The drug Arbidol has proven itself well in the complex treatment of diseases such as and other respiratory viral infections. This medication should be used with caution during pregnancy, but if you have heart, kidney or liver diseases, you should not take the pills without a doctor’s instructions.

Inexpensive cold tablets are offered by the manufacturer of the drug Kagocel. It acts directly on the causative agent of influenza and ARVI; even using the medicine 4 days after the onset of symptoms of the disease has a positive effect.

The drug for adults is able to provoke the production of interferon, thereby the body during illness and shortening the period of its course.

For ARVI and other ailments, Kagocel is taken 3 times a day, 2 tablets, this treatment regimen is used for about 2 days. Further, the number of tablets is reduced to 1 piece. The final dosage of the medicine depends on the severity of the disease and the condition of the human body, so you should consult your doctor.

Correct use of Kagocel rarely causes allergic reaction, most often the medication is well tolerated by patients.


Cycloferon is also considered an effective drug for the treatment of influenza, sore throat and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The drug has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect, due to which the course of the disease is significantly reduced and the symptoms disappear.

The dosage is from 2 to 4 tablets, take the medicine once a day. Treatment with Cycloferon can be combined with antipyretics and expectorants.

Properly selected antiviral drugs help to defeat the disease and get back to normal activities in the near future. Their advantage is not only low price, but also the possibility of purchasing such a medicine at a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription.

However, uncontrolled use of medications can be harmful.

Inexpensive drugs for the treatment of influenza and ARVI in infants

Treatment of a small child with influenza or ARVI is difficult task. Parents are often interested in which antiviral drugs are most effective and how to take right choice, because most medications cannot be given to children.

But you shouldn’t get hung up on expensive pills; it would be much better to understand the purpose of the drugs and purchase effective medicines at competitive prices.

Help will be provided quickly infant the following drugs are available at any pharmacy:

  • Viferon (150 thousand IU);
  • Oscillococcinum.

Viferon suppositories, costing from 225 rubles for 10 pieces, are successfully used in children with a runny nose, bronchitis, and, however, before using the medication, you should consult a pediatrician. The drug helps the body produce interferon, thereby slowing down the process of pathogen reproduction, the symptoms of the disease gradually disappear.

Suppositories are always prescribed by a specialist as part of complex therapy, and the duration of treatment depends on the doctor’s recommendation.

The homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum is often used to treat influenza in infants. Granules white They are odorless, so children take this medicine without any hassle. The drug should be dissolved in large quantities water and give to the child from a spoon, 1 dose of medication is enough to relieve flu symptoms.

If there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor and continue treatment. The cost of 6 granules of Oscilloccinum in pharmacies across the country starts from 310 rubles.

Effective and affordable medicines for children from 1 year of age

If the symptoms of the disease do not subside, a runny nose and other signs of the flu appear, it is necessary to resort to more effective medications. Antiviral agents in the form of drops help children over 1 year of age cope with the disease; the following names have proven themselves well:

  • Anaferon;
  • Tsitovir for children;
  • Aflubin.

Anaferon is rightfully considered a cheap and effective drug for influenza and ARVI.. This antiviral medication reduces the concentration of the pathogen in the body, improves immunity and brings relief, relieving symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, and high fever. So, on the first day of treatment, children are prescribed 10 drops of the medicine every half hour, then the same dosage is applied 3 times a day.

The product is convenient because it can be taken outside of meals, it is well absorbed by the body and acts quickly. The cost of Anaferon is small and starts from 220 rubles in pharmacies across the country.

An inexpensive and effective antiviral drug, Tsitovir, in the form of a syrup for children, has an immunomodulatory effect, destroying influenza pathogens. It is easily dosed using a measuring spoon; it is taken in concentrated form shortly before meals.

For a child over 1 year old, the medicine is prescribed by a doctor; depending on the weight and age of the patient, the dosage can range from 2 to 8 ml of syrup per day. The average price of such a medicine is 310 rubles.

The homeopathic drug Aflubin in the form of drops has also proven itself well; it is prescribed to children over the age of 1 year. It's cheap and effective remedy has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and immunomodulatory effects, reduces signs of intoxication and reduces the manifestations of a runny nose.

Thus, for influenza and ARVI, when acute symptoms of the disease are detected, children under 1 year of age are prescribed 1 drop of the drug no more than 3 times a day. For older children, doctors recommend taking 5 drops per day; the duration of the course of treatment varies from 5 to 10 days. In general, Aflubin is considered an effective and affordable medicine; its price varies from 200 to 450 rubles, depending on the volume of the bottle.

Inexpensive antiviral drugs help cope with the disease without extra costs, and you can buy them at your nearest pharmacy. However, parents are advised to listen to the advice of their doctor and avoid independent treatment, especially if the disease progresses.

Drugs for the treatment of influenza and ARVI in pregnant women

During this crucial period, women often suffer from viral infections, especially in autumn and winter. Sore throat, flu and other ailments take the expectant mother by surprise, and the use of known and effective medications is prohibited. However, the disease can be cured with the help of approved medications.

Antiviral agents - safe and cheap include the following names:

  • Genferon (suppositories);
  • Oscillococcinum;
  • Anaferon for children.

Effective antiviral drugs are not toxic, so you don’t have to worry about the health of the unborn child. However, consultation with a doctor is mandatory, especially in the later months of pregnancy. The flu weakens a woman’s body, negatively affecting the developing fetus and can even cause complications.

Auxiliary antiviral medications against influenza and ARVI

Respiratory diseases always disrupt the usual way of life, so a person cannot cope without auxiliary means. Antiviral agents for topical use complement treatment and help fight signs of the disease such as runny nose, sore throat, and hoarseness.

The following medications can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  • Grippferon (drops and spray);
  • Genferon (nasal spray).

An antiviral drug for influenza and ARVI, Grippferon has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to use it for other diseases as well. The medication is safe and can be prescribed to children and pregnant women, and its price ranges from 229 to 300 rubles.

The product is highly effective and economical.

Genferon spray is used for influenza and other respiratory diseases. A single injection of the medicine relieves inflammation and alleviates symptoms; this remedy can even be used to treat pregnant women and children. A contraindication to the use of Genferon is individual intolerance to the drug.

These drugs act on influenza viruses and prevent them from merging with healthy cells, thereby stopping the further formation of infection. Thus, signs of the disease are minimized within a few hours after using local medications, which helps a person return to their normal life.

Rules for choosing an antiviral drug

An acute viral infection almost always takes a person by surprise, thereby forcing him to mask the symptoms of the disease with the help of antipyretics. However, you should not drink them in large quantities; if signs of illness are detected, competent treatment should be started immediately.

Go to a doctor's appointment and to a pharmacy that sells affordable and effective medications.

When choosing medications, consider the following features:

  • release form;
  • presence of contraindications;
  • patient's age;
  • price of medicine.

For example, it is more convenient for children to use drops or suppositories, and a neutral or pleasant taste of the drug is preferable. Do not forget about the patient’s age - the dosage of the drug may depend on this. Antiviral medications do not have to be expensive; you can buy good tablets or syrup without hurting your wallet.

For quick victory regarding the disease, consult a doctor; only a specialist will prescribe a competent treatment regimen that takes into account the characteristics of your body.