How to make a blowtorch with your own hands: step-by-step instructions. Making a gas gun based on a blowtorch Babington burner - an alternative to a blowtorch

With the arrival of cold weather, the issue of heating rooms became acute again. What to do when you need to heat a garage, warehouse, basement or any other room quickly and without hassle? One author developed for these purposes interesting device, allowing you to quickly solve problems. A conventional blowtorch will be used as the basis for generating heat. Take a closer look at how you can assemble such a device with your own hands and forget about the cold.

Materials and tools for making a cannon:
- blowtorch (preferably like the author’s);
- drill with drills;
- Bulgarian;
- metal plates(thickness 2 mm, length 15-20 mm, and width depending on the size of the lid body);
- welding;
- refilling freon cylinders (to create a housing);
- folding fan;
- marker, ruler and other small things;
- piece iron pipe(according to the diameter of the lamp ejector).

Gun manufacturing process:

Step one. Disassembling the lamp
First you need to take a blowtorch and disassemble it. For homemade work, you only need an ejector, that is, a device that emits a flame. You will also need an adjustment valve. Next, in order to connect a hose to the ejector, you need to attach an adapter to it. The author makes it from a piece copper tube. It is important to understand that during operation of the lamp the ejector will heat up to 1200 C, so it will not be possible to place the tube on the glue. At a minimum, you need to use a soldering iron for these purposes, but it is best to use gas or electric welding.

Step two. Refinement of the ejector
Now you will need to do a little work with the drill. The fact is that to start the burner, the diameter of the nozzle hole needs to be made larger. For these purposes, the jet must be drilled out with a 1.5 mm drill. To do this, it is turned out and clamped in a vice. The main thing is to make the hole clearly in the center, otherwise the burner will not work correctly.

Step three. Making a burner extension
Next, you need to find a piece of iron pipe; its diameter should be such that it fits the outlet of the blowtorch. Next, take a grinder and use it to make longitudinal slits in the pipe, then metal plates are inserted into these niches. The author has four of them. Welding is used to fix the plates. The thickness of the plates should be about 2 mm, the length about 20 mm, and the width depends on the diameter of the gun body cover.

Step four: assembly and testing of the gun

On final stage The extension for the burner is welded to the lamp. Next, you can begin assembling the body of the gas gun.
To mount the fan, the author used a housing from a freon filling cylinder; it was the one that perfectly matched the diameter of the structure. As a result, the system will consist of two parts. One will have a fan, and the other will have a burner with an extension cord and three outlets warm air.

If you need to remove heat to a specific place, then you can weld a piece of pipe to the structure and put a corrugation on it. After manufacturing the housing, an extension cord is inserted into it and secured with a clamp.

A blowtorch is a heating device that is used to produce high temperature when carrying out flammable combustion of some initial flammable substances. Such substances used during operation of the device are:

  • petrol;
  • alcohol;
  • kerosene and some others.

A blowtorch will help you cope with a large number of tasks: heat a nut that cannot be unscrewed, heat up tar, etc.

The combustion products obtained during the operation of the device form an elongated torch, and the temperature of the torch is very high.

The most common type is the gasoline blowtorch. In addition to this modification, blowtorches have become widespread, in which the flame source is natural gas. This type of blowtorch differs from gasoline ones not only in the type of fuel burned during their operation, but also in design. The volume of tanks used for fuel in blowtorches can vary depending on the model of the device from 0.1 to 2 liters. The thermal power of these devices can vary in the range from 0.5 to 3 kW depending on the fuel supply. The lamp power is regulated using a special tap that opens the supply of the combustible substance.

Design of a gasoline blowtorch

In the design of a gasoline blowtorch, there are two main structural parts - a tank for storing fuel reserves and a burner.

An ejector is a device in which kinetic energy is transferred from one medium moving at a higher speed to another.

The burner is called an ejector. The ejector has a design that promotes the flow of air and decaying combustion products during the combustion process. The operating principle of this device is based on creating thrust due to fuel combustion.

A supply of fuel is poured into the tank, after which it is closed with a tight lid with a seal. The lid with a seal prevents fuel leakage during storage of the device, as well as during its operation. The tank for storing a supply of gasoline is equipped with a pumping device that allows air to be pumped into the tank to create excess pressure in it. Excess pressure contributes to the transportation of gasoline from the tank to the burner during operation of the device.

A typical device contains the following structural elements:

  • fuel tank;
  • handle for holding the device during operation;
  • hermetically sealed fuel filler neck;
  • pump with valve - to create excess pressure in the tank;
  • siphon tube providing fuel supply to the evaporator;
  • a needle valve used to regulate the fuel supply;
  • evaporator;
  • nozzle;
  • ejector;
  • nozzle cleaning device.

The fuel filled into the device tank is consumables. The smokiness of the flame and the clogging of the nozzle depend on the quality of the fuel used; in addition, the degree of explosion hazard that occurs during the use of the device depends on the quality of the fuel. For normal operation of gasoline devices, it is necessary to use special gasoline or gasoline with an octane rating of at least 80. If low-quality fuel is used, the device may require repairs.

Technical characteristics of a gasoline-powered blowtorch

The design, configuration and weight of the blowtorch depends on the model.

A blow torch is useful in household tool. Tool models produced in Russia have different technical parameters and fuel consumption. There are several parameters that characterize these devices. In order to choose correctly suitable model tool, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical parameters of the products. The common parameters for all devices are the following:

  • fuel tank capacity;
  • established indicator of maximum filling of the fuel tank;
  • maximum permissible pressure during operation;
  • fuel consumption;
  • tank diameter;
  • weight of the device without fuel;
  • availability of manufacturer's warranties;
  • device service life.

The technical characteristics of the device determine the popularity of blowtorch models. The most popular devices are those with a tank volume of about 2 liters. These models have an established maximum filling rate of around 1.5-1.8 liters, the maximum permissible pressure during operation is 0.3 MPa. The fuel consumption of most of the most common models is 1.2 liters per hour. The mass of such blowtorches in dry, unfilled form is about 2 kilograms. Most manufacturers of these products provide a one-year warranty on their products. The service life of most manufactured products Russian manufacturers is 5 years.

The principle of operation of a blowtorch

The blowtorch can run on kerosene and gasoline.

After refueling the device, air is pumped into the tank using a pump, which creates increased pressure inside the fuel cylinder. Excessive air pressure forces fuel into the burner, where it burns and forms a flame. To ignite the burner and ensure stable operation, it must be preheated to a certain level. To carry out heating, a fuel cup is used, which is mounted under the burner. The capacity of one cup is usually enough to heat the burner to the desired temperature.

When a certain burner heating temperature is reached, the fuel supplied from the reservoir to the burner evaporates in the evaporator. Gaseous fuel enters the combustion area and forms a flame through a special nozzle. During the combustion of evaporated fuel, oxygen is sucked into the combustion area and the process is maintained.

During the process of heating the burner, air is not pumped into the tank for safety reasons, and the shut-off valve must be closed at this moment. The shut-off valve opens only after the burner and evaporator have warmed up. After opening the shut-off valve, the flame strength is adjusted. After finishing work with the device, turn it off by screwing in the shut-off valve.

Product Application Areas

About ten years ago, this device was used in every case where it was necessary to heat surfaces or metal. This product was very often used in production, since most often there was no replacement for it. A blowtorch is used in cases where heating is required in the absence of alternative sources thermal energy or in the absence of the possibility of using modern technology.

The blowtorch is used for: heating the soldering iron tip, welding metal parts up to 1000 degrees, melting metal up to 900 degrees, for removing varnish coating, when heating frozen pipes.

Most often this device is used in the following situations:

  • if it is not possible to use during work electric soldering iron, the device allows you to perfectly heat up both the solder and the soldering iron tip;
  • if it is necessary to weld metal workpieces made of metals whose melting point is below 1000 degrees;
  • If necessary, carry out the melting of metal having a melting point below 900 degrees;
  • the tool is used when it becomes necessary to remove the varnish coating on the surface of objects made of metal;
  • when heating and thawing frozen water in water supply and sewerage pipes;
  • if it is necessary to carry out the operation of heating a car engine.

In some cases, a blowtorch is used to loosen bolts and other connections when disassembling them, if these connections are rusty. In addition, this device is used in agriculture when slaughtering livestock to resin animal skins.

Blowtorch Operating Instructions

Before using the device, you must read the instructions on how to use a blowtorch. You can use this device only after you have read the instructions.

The device can only be used outdoors. If there is an urgent need to use the device in a closed space, it can be used for a short time, followed by high-quality ventilation.

When using the device, you must strictly follow the operating instructions.

Failure to follow safety precautions when working with a blowtorch can lead to its explosion and other dire consequences.

  • Before starting work, the device is refueled if necessary. The tank should be filled to three-quarters of its volume. An empty volume is required to create pressure during operation.
  • Excessive pressure must be created in the tank using a pressure pump built into the device. To create pressure, you will need to perform up to 10 gentle pumping motions.
  • After obtaining increased pressure, you need to pour fuel into the burner bath. It is best to use alcohol for this purpose, since this fuel does not give large quantity soot. The fuel poured into the bath is ignited to ensure initial heating of the burner evaporator. During the combustion of fuel in the bath, it is necessary to protect the device from drafts.
  • After combustion of the fuel poured into the bath stops, the needle valve is opened. The fuel coming from the evaporator must be gaseous - if droplets are detected in the fuel flow, the procedure for heating the burner evaporator should be repeated.
  • After receiving a jet of gaseous fuel, it is ignited. If necessary, the volume of incoming fuel can be adjusted using a needle valve. To speed up the process of completely warming up the burner, you can place the lamp near metal sheet, and the distance from the sheet to the burner nozzle should be 2-3 cm.
  • When carrying out work, monitor the state of the torch - you can increase or decrease it using a needle shut-off valve.
  • If there is instability in the operation of the burner or combustion damping occurs, it is necessary to clean the nozzle with a needle specially designed for this purpose.
  • After completion of work, the device torch is extinguished. Extinguishing the torch of the device is carried out by screwing the valve and lowering the needle. After the lamp has cooled, the air is bled from the tank.

When working with the tool, precautions should be taken.

Precautions required when working with a blowtorch

When working with a lamp, strict adherence to safety regulations is required. The fact is that violations of the rules for working with this device can provoke an explosion of the device. A blowtorch is a fire hazard. The fuel storage tank is located very close to the open flame of the torch.

When operating the device, the following rules must be observed:

  • It is prohibited to operate the tool if fuel leaks or fuel vapors are detected in the structure;
  • It is prohibited to use fuel during operation of a blowtorch that does not comply with the manufacturer’s recommendations;
  • It is prohibited to operate the device for a long time, since the close location of the burner provokes heating of the fuel cylinder above 50 degrees Celsius;
  • It is prohibited to use the device if a malfunction of the safety valve is detected;
  • Do not fill the tank with fuel while the burner is burning;
  • It is not recommended to use the device in enclosed spaces.

In addition, it should be said that failure to comply with almost any of the safety rules when working with a blowtorch can provoke an explosion and unpleasant consequences.

Following simple safety rules allows you to achieve maximum efficient work devices during operation.

Furnaces and boilers running on waste oil have long taken their rightful place among heating devices. Exhaust is a cheap and sometimes free type of fuel; it is often used for this purpose in car repair shops and garages. Many craftsmen, when choosing a design, ask the question: is it possible to convert a gasoline blowtorch into a burner for mining?

The principle of operation of a conventional blowtorch is to ignite gasoline vapors expelled by compressed air out. This effect is achieved by forcing air into the burner fuel tank.

What happens if you pour used oil into a blowtorch?

Oil itself, even under pressure, does not evaporate well - it needs to be heated. Due to poor atomization, the flame will be uneven and it will be difficult to ignite the burner. The oil burns with the formation of a large amount of soot and soot, so the jet will quickly coke, its cross-section will decrease, and the lamp will fail. Increasing the cross-section of the nozzle will also not give the expected effect - the oil will be sprayed in large drops, which will not allow obtaining a uniform flame of the torch.

In addition, used oil often contains impurities: diesel fuel, gasoline, antifreeze and even water, which can lead to flashes inside the lamp. To use waste as fuel for a blowtorch, you will have to install a filtration system, which will further complicate the task.

Considering all the difficulties, using a gasoline blowtorch as a burner during mining is difficult and unsafe. Therefore, it is necessary to modify or completely change its design.

How to make a burner for mining yourself

For successful combustion of oil, you must either preheat it to the evaporation temperature - approximately 300 degrees Celsius, or finely spray and enrich the oil vapor with air. You can heat the oil to such temperatures using powerful heating elements, but this will increase energy costs.
An oil aerosol can be created by applying a stream of compressed air through a layer of oil. This effect is realized in the Babington burner - a device, an analogue of which you can assemble with your own hands from available components.

Babington burner - an alternative to a blowtorch

The Babington burner was originally patented to run on diesel fuel. Later, having made minor changes to the design, the craftsmen changed the design with their own hands and adapted the burner for burning waste machine and edible oils. The degree of oil contamination is not particularly important, since the fuel channels of the unit are free of bottlenecks prone to blockages.

Unlike a blowtorch, where the fuel-air mixture is sprayed under pressure through nozzles, in a Babington burner oil is pumped from a reservoir using a low-power pump and flows in a thin film along an inclined or spherical surface, and the oil-air mixture is formed by blowing a thin jet of compressed air air through this film.

The spraying effect is clearly presented in the video:

    The Babington burner consists of several functional blocks:
  • Fuel - tank, pump and pipes for supplying fuel.
  • Air, it consists of a compressor and an air tube.
  • A hemisphere with a small diameter hole where the air stream mixes with oil.
  • A nozzle that directs the flame in the desired direction.

The standard design can be modified with your own hands, increasing its efficiency. To do this, the fuel tank is equipped with a heater that heats the oil before the burner starts operating, which makes it possible to increase its fluidity. Besides, fuel channel, made of a metal tube, can be wound around the nozzle - this way the oil will heat up while the burner is operating.

The burner nozzle is directed into the boiler, where the fuel chamber and water jacket are heated. You can also use the device to melt and heat metals.

Advantages of a DIY Babington burner:

  • a wide selection of fuel - used machine oils, lubricants of any viscosity, diesel fuel, fuel oil, any vegetable oils, including food waste;
  • the presence of impurities in the fuel;
  • simplicity of design - you can do it yourself.


  • difficulty setting up the burner, especially often when changing the type of fuel;
  • smell and dirt - the burner cannot be installed in residential premises, a boiler room is required;
  • The use of the burner involves an open flame, so fire safety precautions must be observed.
There must be a powder or salt chemical fire extinguisher in the boiler room!

DIY Babington burner

You can assemble the burner yourself from simple components; for this you will need:

    • A hollow ball or hemisphere with such a wall thickness that you can drill a hole with a diameter of no more than 0.3 mm. You can use any metal objects of a similar configuration, for example, a spherical brass door handle, nuts with plugs. The main condition is the possibility of reliable fastening of the air duct.

  • Metal tube for supplying compressed air from the compressor, diameter - 10-15 mm.
  • A compressor, for example, from a refrigerator, with an operating pressure of 2 atm, a maximum pressure of 4 atm.
  • Fuel tank with a built-in heating element of 0.5-1 kW made of non-corrosion metal.
  • Fuel sump and pipe to drain excess oil back into the tank.
  • Copper tube, diameter - 10 mm, wall thickness - 1-1.5 mm for the fuel channel.
  • Oil pump from a car or motorcycle with an electric motor to drive the pump. It is advisable to equip the pump with a filter with a large mesh at the inlet.
  • The nozzle is a 200-400 mm long nozzle with an external thread of 2 inches.
  • Crosspiece for two-inch metal pipe with internal thread.
  • A 1" threaded drain and a 2/1" adapter to drain excess fuel into the sump.
  • Adapters and fittings for connecting the fuel line, air duct and nozzle.

Preparing burner components for assembly

    1. The main and most important task is to make a hole of a given diameter in a spherical nozzle. The power of the burner depends on its size. For example, a boiler with a thermal power of 10-15 kW requires a burning torch obtained by operating a burner with one hole with a diameter of 0.2-0.25 mm. To obtain more power, there is no need to expand the hole - this will lead to larger droplets. It is better to make 2-4 holes with a diameter of 0.1-0.3 mm with a distance between them of 8-10 mm, otherwise the torches will be mutually extinguished. Fuel consumption can be calculated as follows: through one hole of 0.25 mm, 2 liters of waste are sprayed per hour.

Video about how you can make small diameter holes in a metal hemisphere:

    1. The tank is made of corrosion-resistant metal. A heating element is built into it with a thermostat set to turn off the heating element at a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius.
    2. It is necessary to make a fuel sump from the same material, equipped with a pipe with an overflow. Through this pipe, oil from the sump will flow back into the tank. To drain dirt from the sump, you can provide a plug in its bottom.

  • Assemble the burner body: connect the nozzle from the squeegee to the 2-inch cross in the front part, then adapters: from the top for oil supply, from the rear side for air. From below, a 2/1-inch adapter and a squeegee are connected to the crosspiece, through which excess oil will drain into the sump. Adapters are made from plugs with drilled holes, into which the fuel and air channel tubes are inserted.

The housing can also be made from a tee, in which the air duct is inserted into the upper part, having previously drilled a hole of the required diameter.

  • The fuel path is made of a copper tube, one end of which is wound around the nozzle three times, and then led through a plug adapter into the housing at the top. The fuel pipe is connected to the pump, a coarse strainer is installed and the other end of the pipe is inserted into the tank. The fuel path can be equipped with a valve. The pump is connected to an electric motor operating from a 220 V network.

  • An air duct made of a metal tube is attached at one end to a hemisphere with a hole, having previously installed a plug adapter on required distance. The hemisphere should be positioned so that the oil from the fuel tube evenly flows onto the rounded part of the nozzle, and then into bottom part housing and into the sump. The other part of the air duct is connected to a compressor, which is also connected to a 220 V network.
  • Since the installation will have as many as three consumers of electricity, which are not turned on simultaneously, it is advisable to equip the burner with a control panel: install a separate toggle switch or button to turn on the heating element and a separate toggle switch to turn on the compressor and pump. If desired, you can equip the remote control with a light signaling system made of diode lamps.
  • You can equip the burner with a controller that automatically turns on the units in accordance with the selected mode. Electric ignition is realized using spark plugs, and to extinguish the burner it is enough to turn off the oil supply.

Video - burner assembly diagram:

Preparing fuel for the burner

Almost any waste oil can be used in a Babington burner. Automotive waste with a large number of foreign inclusions is filtered before being poured into the tank through a mesh and mixed with cleaner oil. Oils with a small amount of impurities can be poured without preparation.

When using food vegetable oils, for example, deep-frying, it is recommended to let it sit for several hours and carefully drain off the residue. These oils are sufficiently fluid at normal temperatures, so they can be heated in the tank only when the burner is started. When using fuel oil and other thick materials, they must be heated to a temperature of 70 to 90 degrees, otherwise the pump will work with overload.

Security measures

    A burner using oils and other GSPs can be dangerous if installed and operated incorrectly. To avoid a fire, a number of measures must be observed:
  • floors and walls made of flammable materials are sheathed with metal or asbestos sheets;
  • fuel reserves are stored at a safe distance;
  • oil leaks must be removed in a timely manner;
  • electrical elements of the installation must be carefully insulated to avoid sparking in the oil spray area;
  • The burner must be placed out of reach of air currents and drafts.
A burner with an open nozzle must not be left running unattended!

The Babington burner, unlike a blowtorch converted for working in mining, is a reliable and durable unit that does not require complex maintenance. It is enough to periodically clean the fuel system, tank and sump, blow out the air duct in idle mode, and also monitor the serviceability of the compressor and oil pump. A working burner is a reliable and economical unit with a long service life.

Hi all!
I came up with a mini blowtorch. To do this you need: 2 compasses, 1 tube from a dropper, a glue gun, a needle from a syringe, a stand (I have the back cover from a broken multimeter), a candle and that’s it. Let's get started: you need to glue one compass onto the stand with hot glue.

We insert the tube from the dropper into the needle from the syringe and attach the compasses to each other as in the photo

Now you can light a candle, alcohol lamp, or lighter. With the mouth of the head we blow into the tube from the dropper and bring the needle to the flame (in my case, a candle) to get what is in the photo. The flame should be blue. The flame in the photo is yellow, because the camera does not see blue flame, but it sees this one. The yellow flame smokes a little on the object you are working on, the blue flame does not smoke at all. If you blow weakly, you get a yellow flame; if you blow harder, you get a blue flame. The candle flame must be smoky, the candle wick should be about 1 cm.

In this photo, the wire is heated red hot in 2-3 seconds.

This can also be used to solder small objects, boards, and SMD components.
Okay, back to the microscope, I made a burner to melt the glass and make a lens for it. I used glass from the center of an incandescent lamp as glass, this piece of glass holds the filament. The candle needle should be placed near the wick. The glass melts (well, it melts like plasticine) in about a minute and a half. Be careful, the glass is very hot. Here is a photo of that lens.

The microscope didn't work. Well, if it didn’t work, it partially earned. The magnification is greater than a regular magnifying glass, but the onion cells are not visible, the pixels of the tablet screen are visible. It was written there that you need to bring it close to your eye, but this way it merges into one spot and in order to see something you need to move it away by 10-25 cm.
In principle, it is possible without compasses and a stand, but then you have to hold the needle with your hand, your hand gets tired very quickly. And to work, you often need 2 hands.
Well, in general, the microscope did not work for me personally. But I got a mini blowtorch and learned how to bend glass. This blowtorch can also melt thin wires; I personally melted wires up to 0.2 mm.

Well, that's all. Thanks everyone for watching.

A vessel with liquid, a rubber bulb, a nozzle... But if you bring a lit match to it, a bright blue flame will flare up, like gas burner. Gasoline is poured into the vessel, it evaporates, and its vapors mixed with air produce a flame with a temperature of about 1100°C. Therefore, the spray burner can melt not only tin, but also hard brass and silver solders. Similar devices Widely used by jewelers, dental technicians, watchmakers, fine mechanics and, of course, home craftsmen.
A vessel with a capacity of about 250 cm3 is machined from plexiglass or metal.

The body of the blowtorch is made of brass, the shut-off valve (faucet) is rubbed in with GOI paste. The quality of the grinding is checked by lowering the body with the tap into a vessel with water: plugging the hole for the burner with your finger, pump up the air with a rubber bulb and see if any air bubbles come out from under the tap. The connection between the body and the vessel must also be airtight. A gasket is installed for this purpose.

The burner of the blowtorch is machined from brass and screwed into the body. When drilling holes, you must adhere to the specified dimensions very accurately - otherwise the burner will not work satisfactorily.

After assembling the burner, you need to check whether it holds pressure, and only after that add gasoline. (If possible, use premium grade gasoline, such as aviation, pharmaceutical, or industrial gasoline, known as galosh). After filling the vessel 3/4 full with gasoline, open the tap and pump in air. At the same time, bring a lit match to the burner spout. By adjusting the gas supply with a tap, you can get flames of varying intensity and different temperatures.
When soldering, it is necessary to take into account that it is difficult (and sometimes simply impossible) to heat thick and massive parts to the required temperature with a small gasoline burner. In this case, you should first hold the parts over gas stove or a blowtorch, and perform the soldering itself with a gasoline torch, as described above.

In terms of fire gasoline burner is safe, but as a precaution, it is advisable to have a piece of thick rag or felt at the workplace, which can easily extinguish the flame in the event of any unexpected outbreak.

A gasoline torch for a blowtorch may be inconvenient if you need to perform soldering in any hard to reach place: the vessel is interfering. We suggest making a remote burner on a long rubber hose, which can be used at a great distance from a container with gasoline. It is advisable to attach a small handle holder to the burner so as not to burn your fingers during prolonged use.