Autonomous heater Webasto. Features of air and liquid systems. Equipment and installation features. Remote pump control Pressure support unit

The owner himself is on personal plot and he needs to organize watering. You can control it using the key fob submersible pump, turn on the watering, fill the bath with water, turn on the fountain.

Using wireless control in the country.

The convenience of wireless light control is obvious. Now you don’t need to look for the switch, rummaging around the walls in the dark, illuminating them with your cell phone.

You can turn on the lighting from anywhere in the house or area, and even on the approaches to the dacha. There are several options for using wireless control of a country house.

The main ones.

Wireless control of the pump (on and off) using the remote control.

The owner himself is at this time in his personal plot and he needs to organize watering. This mode is especially convenient if the nearest well with a submersible pump is located at a certain distance from the house and plot (100-150 m or a little more in the line of sight). Having this system, you can work on the site without leaving it, and you can get as much water as required. The pump operation is controlled via a radio channel. The stated range is 200-250 m, but obstacles in the form of bricks and concrete walls, as well as interference from power lines and cellular antennas can reduce it.

Example of use from the company Zamel (Poland).

Remote control + wireless relay.

A waterproof box is provided for outdoor installation.

Additionally, you can program automatic shutdown of irrigation; the relay has a timer. For example, set the value to 30 minutes, after half an hour watering will stop.

Irrigation and pump control kits.

Wireless control of electrical appliances can be carried out at various frequencies - 433 MHz, 866 MHz and 2400 MHz. Relatively recently, the standard signal transmission frequency was 433 MHz, but recently, remote controls operating at 868 MHz have increasingly been given preference.

We list the main advantages of working in this range:

  • It is less used, so there is less interference and "false positives" that often occur at 433 MHz;
  • Up to 32 transmitters can be connected to one receiver, so remote controls can be distributed to all family members;
  • Increased range (200 m in line of sight);
  • No permission required for use;
  • Transmitters operating at 868 MHz consume much less power than their higher frequency counterparts.

A country house should ideally have a level of furnishings no worse than in a city ordinary apartment. And in order to equip a country estate with your own hands without involving specialists, you need to carefully plan everything and work hard.

The big challenge is creating a decentralized one. But even when the necessary water supply system is ready, the problem remains of creating automatic mechanism its operation, in particular at the level of operation of the pumping system. Let's look at an example of how automation for a submersible pump is created.

1 Types of modern submersible units

Before proceeding directly to the consideration of automation, you need to understand the popular types of pumps. There are two types of submersible pumps:

  • Centrifugal.

It must be understood that any of the automatic submersible pumps listed above are installed exclusively in the liquid that it pumps. Although the name “submersible” suggests this, this simple truth is not clear to everyone.

Among other things, many buyers mistakenly believe that they are better than surface models, but this is by no means the case. The specifics of operation of these two types of pumps are the same, but the operating mechanism is different, as are the conditions in which they are used.

Submersible pumps, for example, are used in deep wells, where it is necessary to increase the water pressure in the pump to be able to pump it upward.

But you need to remember that submersible pumps are capable of operating at well depths of up to ten meters, while for deeper immersion values ​​more highly specialized pumping systems are needed. Surface models are not capable of pumping water from such relatively large depths.

As for exclusively submersible pumps, the most popular and popular vibration pumps are used to work on water wells, while centrifugal pumps are used extremely rarely for such purposes or to create water supply in the agricultural sector.

In vibration devices, the main structural element is the membrane. Under the influence of the vibration mechanism, it is deformed, which subsequently leads to a pressure difference, the resulting effect of which is pumping water in the desired direction. Pumps operating on this principle have the three most popular brands in the CIS countries:

2 What automation is applicable for submersible pumps?

There are three main types of automation for submersible pumps. They are presented like this:

  • Automation unit in the form of a control panel;
  • Press control;
  • A control unit with a mechanism for maintaining stable water pressure throughout the entire system.

The first option is the simplest automation unit that can protect the pump from possible voltage surges and short circuits that are so frequent during operation of the pumping device. To ensure fully automatic operation, an automation unit of this type must be connected to either a pressure switch or a level switch.

In some cases it is possible to connect to a float switch. The average price for such an automation unit does not exceed 4,000 rubles. But there is a nuance here. The fact is that without a pressure switch and special additional protection of the pump from possible dry running, the automation unit is practically useless.

And this is an additional cost of money, which obviously won’t cost 4,000 rubles. There is, however, a unit with built-in listed systems, such as “Aquarius 4000”, but its cost is more than 4,000 rubles and reaches 10 thousand rubles. This unit is easy to install with your own hands, even without consultation with specialists.

The second option, the so-called “press control”, has built-in systems for automation of pump operation and passive protection against dry running. Control in such a device is based on several parameters, among which the level of water pressure and water flow is taken into account.

For example, if the water flow in the device exceeds 50 l/min, then the device in the current mode, naturally under the correction of press control, operates continuously. If the water flow decreases or the pressure increases, after a period of time specified by the parameters (up to 10 seconds), the press control turns off the pump, which is a dry-running protection system.

In cases of increase or fluid flow in the system, which does not exceed 50 l/min, the device is started when the pressure in the entire system decreases to 1.5 atmospheres.

This function is most important for conditions of sudden pressure increase, where it is necessary to reduce the number of pump stops and starts during minimum costs water flow.

This, moreover, has a positive effect on the operation of the accumulator. For conditions of a sharp and powerful increase in water pressure in the device, up to 10 atmospheres, it is provided automatic shutdown devices.

Most successful examples press control devices can be called the “BRIO-2000M” model, the price of which is no more than 4,000 rubles, and the “Aquarius” brand devices, the price of which is from 4,000 rubles to 10 thousand.

The price of a backup hydraulic accumulator for Aquarius and BRIO devices of this type does not exceed 4,000 rubles. When purchasing this type of automation (both the Aquarius and BRIO brands), you should take into account that installing it yourself is somewhat more difficult than the previous option.

The third option, and also the last, is a control unit with a mechanism for maintaining stable water pressure throughout the system. This mechanism is primarily needed where a sharp increase in pressure cannot be allowed. And this is necessary because in cases of constant increase in pressure, electricity consumption increases and the efficiency of the pump itself decreases.

The absence of a sharp increase in pressure and the constancy of the liquid pumping system is achieved by rotating the rotor of the device’s electric motor, while the rotation speed is controlled automatically. Control units of this type are represented by the brands “Aquarius” and “”.

The relatively low cost of automation for pumps and the ease of installing them with their own hands attracts buyers, and they immediately begin to install everything themselves. But few people know that automation installed on equipment for deep diving requires an electronic kit.

2.2 How to set up a pressure switch for a pump? (video)

Regardless of the depth, flow rate, or intensity of water intake, the well and installed water supply equipment require additional protection. There is no way to visually monitor the level, cleanliness, water pressure, or compliance of the electrical network indicators with the reference ones. Correctly selected, installed and configured automation for a well pump protects electrical equipment, significantly increasing the service life of water supply devices.

  • Optimization of energy consumption: the pump is turned on for the time required to draw a certain amount of water into the tank.
  • Ensuring sufficient constant pressure in the water supply system.
  • Protection of well walls from crumbling as a result of pump motor operation at low flow rates.
  • Protection of equipment from breakdowns due to dry running or ingress of mechanical particles.
  • Engine condition monitoring: shutdown when maximum temperature, voltage, pressure are exceeded.

Pumping equipment with automatic protection

Automatic well protection: types of systems

Automation in well equipment is selected depending on the type and power of the pumps used: submersible devices require the selection of special compact sealed elements, for external systems they use relays and sensors for installation indoors.

The installation schemes for sensors and relays for systems using hydraulic accumulator tanks and water pipelines connected directly to the well are radically different.

Layout of the well protection system and hydraulic accumulator

The well installation with pumping equipment and automation is carried out simultaneously. Take into account:

  1. Type of pumping devices, power.
  2. Source performance and usage intensity.
  3. Required level of protection: it is possible to use complex multi-level automated systems.

Protection with float elements: level control

The most simple system automation for a home or country well, which you can install yourself - float with level control. The principle of operation of the protection: the pump motor is forcibly disconnected from the network after exceeding the maximum permissible level in the tank: expansion or storage tank. The motor automatically turns on when the level drops below the minimum permissible level.

Simple float system

Use 2 different types sensors:

  1. Plastic containers for external tanks.
  2. Sealed, small-diameter float elements for immersion into the well - when used in conjunction with a submersible pump outside the storage tank.

The main advantage of float protection is low cost and ease of installation. Another argument in favor of using level control: the engine operates in a precise mode. The system is protected from frequent switching on and short periods of operation, which adversely affect the service life of the pump. Water is drawn into the tank to a certain level, and the engine is turned on again only after most of the tank has been used.

As additional protection for a water intake with a small-volume tank, a simple float circuit is supplemented with operating pressure control by installing sensors and relays.

Added protection relay, float sensors built into the tank

Pressure control system: pump protection

Automatic pressure control units use:

  • To protect home water intake systems using submersible equipment: the relay is mounted on the pipeline.
  • When arranging an individual water supply using a membrane container (tank) with an external or downhole pump.

Ready-made automatic modules with relay and pressure gauge

The operating principle of automation for a well pump with pressure control and regulation is simple. Minimum and maximum pressure values ​​are set. When the indicator drops to the lower parameter, the motor automatically turns on. The engine switches off after reaching the upper preset permissible limit. In fact, the engine only operates within a certain operating pressure range.

Use a relay with spring adjustment. The minimum and maximum operating pressure is adjusted manually. The degree of compression of the metal spring determines the upper value; an additional nut is used to regulate the minimum permissible level.

Main disadvantage budget devices - complexity of setup. You have to use a pressure gauge, but fine adjustments are impossible. In addition, household relays do not have sufficient reliability, quickly fail and do not protect the pump from idle operation.

Special industrial relays are produced with built-in pressure gauges, surface-mounted regulators that allow precise setting of parameters, and additional sensors for protection against dry operation.

Automatic press control unit

Flow devices: maximum control and fine tuning

Manufacturers of equipment and automation for wells produce multifunctional electronic units that comprehensively protect pumping stations.

Based on the complexity of the circuits and the principle of operation, industrial automatic units can be divided into 3 categories:

Do-it-yourself automatic well equipment: instructions

The complexity of equipping a well with a pump and automation lies in the need for accurate calculations of the power of electric pumps, compatibility of materials, compliance with technology and installation rules. The durability of the equipment, the uninterrupted supply of water, and the service life of the well depend on how accurate the calculations are when planning a water supply scheme. Self-installation allowed only when selecting elements of equal power from the same manufacturer, designed for installation in a single system.

Classic scheme installation of automation for an individual well pump in country house which you can do yourself

Preparation of materials and selection of installation location

The location for installing the equipment is chosen based on the type of pump: for external pumps, additional sound insulation is required. In any case, electrical equipment must be placed in a room protected from water and frost. Basements, basements, caissons, isolated from atmospheric influences are suitable.

To create a simple automatic system you will need:

  • Pressure switch, dry running sensor, pressure gauge.
  • Shut-off valves: taps (valves).
  • Pipes of suitable diameter.
  • Connecting elements, adapters, tees, splitters.
  • Insulating tape for sealing connections.

Automation elements and related materials

Installation diagram and configuration of the protective system

The relay is installed directly on the pipe before entering the battery tank. A dry operation protection sensor is installed in front of the pressure regulator. The connection of the elements on the tee is carefully insulated, and the tightness must be checked. There are relay units that are installed on the tank body.

Procedure for connecting the relay unit

After the initial installation, it is necessary to check the contact group and connect the power cord. Be sure to install a grounding cable. The assembled unit is connected to the pump and plugged into the network.

Relay ready for connection

Configuration and adjustment must be carried out after checking the functionality of the connected devices.

Set acceptable operating pressure values

Video: assembly and connection of pumping equipment

It is ideal if all work, from choosing a location for a well to starting the water supply system, is carried out by professionals. Experts take into account the characteristics of the well and its productivity. Taking into account all the parameters, the optimal filtration scheme and type of pumping device are selected. Comprehensively plan the use of a suitable automatic protection system. In this case, the possibility of error during selection or installation is excluded.

It is also impossible to save on automation: the price of a damaged pump, the cost of dismantling and installing new equipment significantly exceeds the cost of a reliable unit. Modern systems can be equipped with remote monitoring and control devices.