How to properly treat onions before planting against diseases and pests. Treating onions before planting - increase your yield and forget about the onion fly! Preparing winter garlic for planting in the fall

To receive good harvest Many gardeners use onion sets grown from seeds as planting material. Simple preparation and processing before planting will help to obtain vigorous shoots and protect the crop from pests or diseases. Measures taken will also affect the growing season and head formation.

Before planting and sowing in open ground, seeds onions need to be prepared in a special way - disinfected or pickled, trimmed at the top, treated with phytosporin against fungus or to reduce bolting.

Experienced gardeners remember the times when there was no talk of preparing onions for planting. It was believed that onions were a plant sufficiently unpretentious, not demanding special attention . They only made do with a bulkhead to remove damaged bulbs.

Given the current ecology and vagaries of climate in different regions There is no point in dreaming that a crop will grow on its own.

Moreover, each stage preparatory process endows planting material advantageous qualities:

  • stimulating growth;
  • destruction of harmful bacteria through disinfection;
  • strengthening immunity (resistance to a number of diseases and pests);
  • prevention of turnip rotting;
  • increasing resistance to weather disasters.

Removal bountiful harvest Onions depend not only on proper care. The lion's share of success depends on the quality of preparation of the seedlings for planting.

How to do pre-sowing treatment of seedlings in spring

You can strengthen the immunity of sowing plants to resist pests and diseases by soaking. There are quite a lot of recipes for solutions for the pre-sowing procedure; you can easily make them and choose a convenient option.

Among the popular components:

  • table salt;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • copper sulfate;
  • baking soda;
  • ammonia;
  • birch tar.

The main enemy of onions is onion fly. Treating the seedlings with a saline solution will help prevent its invasion of the beds. The same method will protect culture against thrips and ticks.

And it has proven itself well in the fight against fungal spores. potassium permanganate. Soaking in a weak solution will help destroy microorganisms on the planting material; the main thing is to drain the solution in time.

To obtain rapid seedlings, various growth stimulants are used. Preplanting treatment accelerates shoot germination by 3-6 days. Among the effective means are solutions of zircon and humate, "Energen".

Proper processing

Planting material begins to prepare for the planting season in the fall.

During storage, you should follow temperature regime and prevent an increase in air humidity in the room. Good ventilation or regular ventilation will prevent spoilage of the sets. In the spring, immediately before planting, onions undergo complex processing.

From pests and diseases

You can buy or use your own sets for planting, grown from nigella seeds. It is impossible to visually determine the presence or absence of fungal spores and other harmful bacteria in it, so it is recommended to disinfection procedure.

There are many drugs and various means that can cope with this task. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into account before use.

Many gardeners use the old proven method of processing planting material - soaking it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20-25 minutes. Another method involves the use of saltpeter (2-3 grams), which is diluted in a bucket of warm water.

The usual diet will help boost your immunity and get rid of harmful bacteria. table salt. 5-6 tablespoons of salt are diluted in a bucket of water, after which the set is immersed for 4-5 hours. A little less concentrated salt water is used to water the soil under the beds for the purpose of disinfection.

Do not overuse salt or frequent use. This will help protect plants from diseases, but will spoil the soil for a long time. It is recommended to carry out one-time procedures.

Treatment with the drug will protect onions from fungal infections Fitosporin. 35 grams are diluted in a bucket of water. Fitosporin and immerse the prepared heads in the liquid for 20-30 minutes.

To stimulate growth

In order for the seed to grow quickly and produce a good harvest, it is recommended to treat it with growth stimulants before planting. The most accessible and popular way is to use wood ash, rich in potassium and natural antiseptics.

The procedure in addition to accelerating growth prevents rotting material in the ground. You will need to dilute 250 g in 5 liters of water. ash, then immerse the bulbs in the solution for 10 minutes. Next, you need to dry them for 2-3 hours.

The drug effectively copes with the task Epin-Extra. Add 1 capsule to heated water up to 50 degrees. The soaking time for the heads is 10-15 minutes. You can also use other means: Biostim, Silk. The solution is prepared in the proportions specified in the instructions.

Epin Extra - to stimulate growth

When planting onions before winter, the material is not treated with growth stimulants.

To reduce bolting

Warming up necessary to prevent early formation of arrows. Some gardeners carry out the procedure under sun rays(at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees).

Others send sets (to cardboard box) to the battery, where under the influence of heat no more than 40 degrees, the planting material is kept for about 10 hours. It is important not to overcook the onion or overheat it.

If there is no time to warm up, and the time for planting has already come, you can fill the senchik bulbs hot water(approximately 50 degrees) for 15 minutes, after which be sure to pour cold. Such express treatment will not completely eliminate the release of arrows, but will significantly delay the time of their formation.

When soaking, it is recommended to immerse the onion in the solution in the grid. You need to put a small weighting material on top of it so that the seed does not float up. It is impossible to use objects that are too heavy, as they will damage the integrity of the heads, which will ruin the planting material.

Preparation before processing

The preparatory process consists of the following stages:

  • sorting planting material;
  • drying;
  • warming up;
  • soaking and disinfection;
  • drying.

When performing sorting, it is important not only to remove damaged bulbs, but also to sort material suitable for planting by size.

Large turnips are planted first in the beds, after them the medium ones go into the soil, and the smallest ones germinate the fastest, so their turn is last.

By planting seedlings of approximately the same diameter on the beds, it is ensured uniform development of seedlings and feather forcing. In turn, the root crops will form approximately the same size, which is convenient for subsequent storage.

After soaking procedures, it is important to rinse the sets in clean water, changing it 2-3 times. Few people mention this fact, and inexperienced gardeners miss this stage.

Do I need to trim the top of onion sets before planting?

If the landing is planned on small area, then it is rational to complement the process by pruning the bulbs.

For large plantations, this pruning is difficult due to the large volumes. Removing the top of the head accelerates shoot germination and creates favorable conditions for a good growing season.

Besides correct pruning makes the soaking procedure more effective; it is much easier for the solution to penetrate between the scales of the head. Careful preparation virtually eliminates unpleasant surprises when growing bulbous crops.

When pruning, do not remove too large a fragment of the top. This will cause the planting material to rot or prevent the onion from releasing greens.

Methods for pre-planting pruning of onions

When growing onions from large heads 1/3 of the top is cut off. This makes it easy to remove the greens when they reach the desired height. If the goal of agricultural technology is to obtain a root crop, then only the tail should be cut off without damaging the white skin.

Some varieties (for example, Msergey) are cut on both sides: both the top and the bottom. This is done to accelerate growth and rapid formation of the root system. This manipulation gives results literally the next day, when the process of shoot growth begins. On a dry bottom, roots form much later.

According to reviews experienced gardeners in any case, there is a reason to remove the woven part of the top. It is quite difficult for feathers to break through a dense barrier, and this is a factor inhibiting the growing season.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of preparing seedlings for planting, we can confidently state the fact that these procedures are necessary. The costs of time and money will be minimal, and the quality of the bulbs and the entire harvest will increase significantly.

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​Peel the second from the first layer of husk. Third, dig a hole and moisten it a little. Then lay the onions, bury them with soil and lightly moisten the soil.​

​To successfully grow onion sets you need to know a few things:​

​Having followed all the above recommendations, you can safely count on the fact that the tulips in your area will grow well and give you an unforgettable experience of the beautiful abundant flowering! In addition, caring for tulips will bring you much less hassle than if you planted unsorted and untreated bulbs.​

​For some, the annual sorting and processing of tulip bulbs will seem too troublesome. In this case, you can purchase in the store already prepared planting material that has undergone temperature treatment. But when purchasing, you must definitely pay attention to the quality of the bulbs, as well as the reputation and reliability of the supplier. It is advisable that the purchased tulip varieties be tested in your area and have a high germination rate.​

​Processing tulip bulbs before planting includes several simple techniques:

​Water. Immediately after planting, in May-June, the seedlings are watered once every 7 days. Volume of liquid per 1 sq. a meter averages 7-8 liters. In July, the amount of watering should be reduced.​

Growing onion sets: planting, care

​Desirables include:​

​wood ash.​

Boarding time

​dry a little.​

​Step 2. Soak the onion for 8-10 hours at a temperature from +30°C to +40°C. It’s important not to overdo it.​

Preparation of planting material

​What would seem so difficult about growing onions? Yes, actually, nothing, if you know some subtleties. For example, how to treat onions before planting.​

Of course, onion sets need to be processed before planting. It is better to free the bulbs from the top husk. When you dig holes, moisten warm water their. Next, accordingly, we plant onion sets in the holes and cover them directly with the soil itself.​

​The bulbs must be dry and look healthy, rotting, etc. is unacceptable;​

Before planting, onion sets need to be warmed up in the sun, you can put them on a sunny window, or near a radiator. Treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate does not give much effect; you will need to save the plants from onion flies by spilling salt water or adding kerosene or ammonia when watering. The bulbs should be planted in well-warmed soil, bottom down, to a depth equal to the size of the bulb.

In addition to processing the bulbs, you need to take care of the soil in which the butu tulips are planted. If the soil on your site is not entirely suitable for growing beautiful tulips, you can make an effort to improve its properties.​

  • ​cleaning the onions from the peel;
  • ​Feeding. Onions are a crop that, in principle, does not need fertilizing, but it can be done.​
  • ​cucumbers;​

​An important point is that simultaneously fertilizing the soil with manure and adding lime is contraindicated; as a result of such actions, the level of nitrogen in the fertilizer decreases. It is acceptable to reduce acidity by other means.​

​This concludes the work on preparing the seedlings for planting.​

  • Before planting, heated seedlings are treated with a growth stimulant.
  • ​You can take care of its safety long before harvest by treating the bulbs with special antiseptic agents that will help prevent rotting. A well-known fact is the ability of antiseptics to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases.​
  • ​Good afternoon!​
  • ​Plant not very deep so that the plant can quickly break through, periodically lightly loosen the soil in the planting areas;​
  • ​My recommendations for those who have little free time and cannot devote enough time to processing and preparing onion sets for planting.​

​careful inspection;​

Soil preparation

​For the first time, you can apply fertilizer in the form of a manure solution (0.5 kg per 5 liters of water) no earlier than 20 days after planting. The second feeding option is a solution of bird droppings (0.5 kg per 7 liters of water).​


​In the spring, soil preparation consists of digging and applying mineral fertilizers. 7 days before planting onion sets, it is imperative to water the soil well with the following solution:

  • ​Before preparing the soil, you need to choose a site for planting. It is important to know that onions are a light-loving plant, so the area where they will grow should be open and well lit.​
  • ​If step-by-step preparation is not possible, it is necessary to carry out the following procedure immediately before planting the crop:​
​Secure future harvest from other diseases you can if you soak the seed for several minutes in a warm, weak aqueous solution of copper sulfate.​

It is better to soak it in a solution of a root formation stimulator. I would recommend heteroauxin. Dilute 1-2 tablets according to the instructions. If there are no instructions. then 1 tablet per 1-1.5 liters of water. But you can use root too. I'll have to bottom part Dip the cloves into the powder. This is not very convenient and the consumption of the stimulant will be large. I'm not even talking about onion sets. Still, it’s better to soak in liquid solutions

  • ​Try to prevent the soil from drying out by watering it periodically.​
  • ​If the onion set has not yet produced hatching feathers, then you need to remove the top husk a little, thereby you will help the onion germinate faster.​
  • ​You need to take into account that tulips need soil:
  • ​sorting of planting material;​
  • ​Re-fertilization can be done a month after the previous one.​


​water – 10 l;​

  • ​This crop is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate excessive amounts of water, so you should avoid areas where groundwater flows.​
  • ​soak the sets in water at a temperature of +45°C - +50°C for no more than 10-15 minutes;​

Planting and care

​To prevent the bolting process, it is recommended to pour onion seeds with water heated to 60°C for one minute. There is a more modern method, according to which onion seeds should be placed in a cloth, and then in a glass container and heated all this in microwave oven about one and a half minutes. The seeds are then placed in a growth stimulator solution. In this case, any drug that stimulates plant growth is suitable.​

  • ​Why? Onions and garlic already have excellent root growth! Moreover, in the instructions for “Kornevin” (and who better than the manufacturer knows about the effect of the drug?) it is recommended only to treat bulbs and corms of ornamental crops - gladioli, tulips, crocuses, hyacinths. "Kornevin" easily brings them out of dormancy, which makes it possible to carry out forcing in the winter.​
  • ​I keep it in water for about two to three hours, and after planting I compact the soil to retain moisture. Then I water it thoroughly every two days. We have a large plot, I water half of the garden, loosen the second half, and the next day, on the contrary, I loosen the first part, water the second. Some people keep it in water for a day, I don’t know, it seems unnecessary to me.​
  • ​Immediately before planting, pour plenty of warm water into the groove in the garden bed in which the onion sets will be planted (it is advisable to add liquid fertilizer for vegetables to the water), plant the onions in it and cover the top with dry soil. There is no need to water from above on this day. Water the beds with planted onions after 1-2 days, preferably from a watering can, so that the soil does not form a crust, so it will be more difficult for the onions to hatch through it.

​water permeable;​


​They can act as feeding mineral fertilizers in dry form, which can be used to sprinkle the beds before watering.​


​copper sulfate - 1 tablespoon.​

  • ​The soil for this crop begins to be prepared in the fall. Onions are lovers of loose, nutritious soil, so it is imperative:
  • ​after the above time has passed, immediately immerse the planting material in cold water for 10-15 minutes;​
  • ​It is important to properly till the soil. So that the onion does not become infected with stem nematode, the place intended for its planting is watered with water and table salt. And the onion fly does not like tobacco dust, so it is recommended to water the beds with a tobacco solution.​
  • There is not a word about the use of vegetable bulbs! In addition, it is alarming that manufacturers evaluate Kornevin as a drug, albeit moderately, but still dangerous for humans and animals. So why do we need extra chemistry?​
  • Usually, before planting onion sets, they take them out and keep them in the light for several days in a warm place, and right before planting they soak them in a solution of potassium permanganate (weak) for two or three hours.

​First remove all the bad bulbs - they won’t be of much use anyway. Before planting onions (about 2-3 days before), the bulbs need to be warmed up. Place them somewhere warm, for example, near a hot radiator. If such preparation of onion sets for planting is difficult, then it is necessary to immerse them in hot water for a couple of minutes. Just don’t pour boiling water on it, otherwise it will cook. And then immediately immerse it in cold water for a minute. This activates the vital forces of the bulbs.

  • ​loose;​
  • ​processing of bulbs with minor damage.​

​As statistics show, onions are a popular crop not only in the CIS countries, but it is in this territory that the conditions for its cultivation are most favorable. Often (for commercial purposes) entire fields are sown and it is clear that this is not done by people. In our technological times, quite a lot of cultivators have been invented, one of which is the planter for onion sets. One of these is the same simple machine can replace the work of fifty people.​

​those crops for which large doses of organic fertilizers are applied.​

​Before planting, the seedlings must be sorted, since the distance between the bulbs in the garden depends on the size:

​dig the ground to a depth of 15 to 20 cm;​

​Place the seedlings for 5-6 hours in a solution of complex mineral fertilizer.​

Onions love a slightly alkaline environment; for this purpose, you can add a little lime or ash to the soil.

I don’t process healthy planting material at all, but when preparing problematic ones, I make do with an ash solution (essentially ash liquor). I pour 2 cups of ash into 2 liters of hot water. As soon as the water has cooled and the solution has separated, I drain the light part and soak the planting material for 1 hour. Ash contains a set of microelements and is a natural mild stimulant.​

Water the ground only before planting the bulbs. Many people use Fitosporin-m, reviews about it are quite good.​

​Then you need to prepare a nutrient solution from fertilizers (and even better, add growth activators to them). The onion sets are kept in this solution for approximately 10 hours. To make it more convenient to remove the onion later, it is best to lower it into the solution in a mesh through which water easily flows, but does not allow it to crumble.​


So, having laid out all the tulip bulbs that you intend to plant in front of you, inspect each specimen from all sides for damage, rotting or signs of disease. Remove the hard outer skin from the bulbs, because it is under it that there may be pockets of infection that are not visible at first glance. In addition, peeled tulip bulbs will be better absorbed nutrients from the soil. Just peel the delicate bulbs very carefully so as not to inadvertently damage them.​

Video “Selecting and preparing onion sets for planting”

​Planters for onion sets are both huge machines working in the fields and hand-held devices, intended for ordinary vegetable gardens. A planter for onion sets is a real godsend for older people who find it difficult to kneel in the beds. In addition, this device processes the soil. Therefore, we can say that growing a crop can be a pleasure.​

Preparing tulips for planting, or how to properly process the bulbs before planting

​Unwanted predecessors:​

What is pre-planting treatment of tulip bulbs?

Bulbs up to 1 cm are placed at a distance of 5 cm;

​apply fertilizer from rotted manure (you can fertilize it with peat manure compost).​

A mandatory procedure that must be carried out before planting onion sets is disinfection. Both a weak solution of potassium permanganate and a solution of copper sulfate (35 grams per 10 liters of water) are suitable for processing. ​You can ask experienced vegetable growers or consultants in specialized stores how to treat onions before planting. You can turn to the literature for help, where you can find complete and reliable information.​

​You may find a recommendation for multi-stage processing of garlic before planting. To do this, the teeth are first soaked in slightly warm water with the addition of nitroammophosphate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). A day later, the same garlic is dipped in a saline solution (1 tablespoon per 1 liter) for 20 minutes. And then it is placed for another 20 minutes in a solution of copper sulfate (1 tablespoon per 8-10 l). I am categorically against the latter!!! You can get by with potassium permanganate. In addition, such treatment is more suitable when growing garlic in a spring crop.​

  • ​That's all the preparation.​
  • ​The next stage of preparing onion sets for planting is treating them against fungal diseases. To do this, prepare a solution of copper sulfate (10 g of vitriol is needed per bucket of water (10-liter). The bulbs are bathed in it for 10 minutes. After this, the bulbs are washed and the preparation of the onion set for planting can be considered complete.
  • ​neutral acidity;​
  • ​In this video you will find tips on choosing onion sets, preparing them for planting and choosing soil.​


​one and a half centimeters - at a distance of 8 cm;

​An important point - it is necessary to fertilize the soil precisely at this stage of soil preparation; it is strictly forbidden to add it to the soil. organic fertilizer before planting to avoid growth of the upper part of the plant and dormancy of the lower part, as well as the appearance of weeds. Before planting, it is contraindicated to add humus and chicken manure.​

​There is a method, the so-called grandmother’s secret of planting onion sets, which is as follows:​

​Onions are an integral ingredient in dishes in different countries. It has been cultivated for many millennia; it was almost the first agricultural crop. The experience of planting onion sets has been passed down from generation to generation, which allows one to grow a rich harvest. Detailed agricultural technology with all the nuances has survived to this day.​

​When planting before winter, for disinfection, it is enough to immerse the teeth for 2-3 minutes in a salt solution (6 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) and plant them without rinsing.​

​Processing onion sets right before planting is as follows:​

​Before planting onion sets, you must go through and sort all the onions that are damaged or unhealthy.​

Preparing the soil for planting tulips

​with level groundwater up to 75 cm

Sort the peeled and carefully inspected bulbs according to their diameter. It is best to use large specimens for planting, but there is no need to throw away small ones either - you can plant them in flower beds. The main thing is not to plant large bulbs together with small ones, so that later it will be easier to select large planting material from the garden bed for storage.

​Just one bulb, infected with any fungal or infectious disease, when planted in a common flowerbed, can lead to the death of other flowers. Just imagine what sad consequences there could be due to a single small mistake! While correct processing bulbs will protect tulips from diseases and pests, help them grow faster and bloom better.​

  • ​carrots.​
  • Bulbs with a diameter of up to 2 cm - at a distance of 10 cm.
  • ​You need to take into account the acidity level of the soil. If the soil is acidic, then it is necessary to liming with one of the following components:
  • ​planting material is dried for 7 days, the temperature should be from +20°C to +25°C;​
  • ​In this article we will tell you how to plant onion sets and how to care for them.​

​Garlic often gets sick not from the consequences of wintering, but from excessive organic matter “between the roots.” A smart way to help avoid fungal diseases: when the height of the plants reaches about 10 cm, carefully rake the soil from the plants down to the roots. Sprinkle a handful of ash and return the earth to its place. When the arrows appear, repeat everything. Don’t be alarmed, this is very easy and quick to do, but it seems like it will take a long time to “bend your back.” But the result... By the way, if the garlic begins to turn catastrophically yellow (it is easy to pull it out of the ground), sprinkle it with ash in the same way. Helps! And one more thing: early spring feed the garlic with mullein solution, it will not turn yellow.​

​cleaning, drying and removing the first layer of husk from the onion itself

​Usually I then grow the seedlings on the floor near the radiator for drying and airing during the day, and then put them in nets weighing 200-300 grams.​

​If the groundwater level is higher, artificial drainage from a layer of sand can be provided for the tulips, otherwise the bulbs will quickly rot. IN clay soil add peat and sand. To increase the permeability of the soil when digging, it will also be useful to add coarse washed sand and humus.​

​Set tulip bulbs suitable for planting in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour to protect the flowers from fungal diseases.​

How to properly process onion sets before planting?

​Regardless of what time of year you decide to plant tulips - in autumn or spring, such an important process as preparing tulips for planting deserves special attention. Of course, you can simply put the bulbs in the ground and cover them with soil, and then hope that “if they want to live, they will grow.” However experienced flower growers it is well known what role it can play pre-processing tulips before planting.​


​Onion sets can be planted in place of these crops no earlier than after 3-5 years.​

​As for the beds, they should be at a distance of at least 20 cm - 25 cm from each other. Planting depth is approximately 3-4 cm.​



Before planting, the bulbs are soaked for 3 hours in a saline solution (2 tablespoons of salt per 2 liters of water);

There is no need to talk about specific planting numbers for onions. Sevok is planted when the ground warms up to a depth of 6-10 centimeters. If you focus on the weather, then in early and warm spring planting can be done at the end of April.​

​Thank you very much for the wonderful answer. I would give it three pluses. Good luck in the garden and in BV! - more than a year ago


Moisten the onion hole a little, but not too much - you can use a sprayer and put the onion there, then bury it and spray the surface of the former hole again.

​This is more convenient for further processing, since my practice shows that the harvest will be better if these nets are kept in a solution of complex fertilizers for several hours, and before planting they are dipped in a solution with copper sulfate. My onions always grow very well.​

​You should not plant bulbs in sandy soil, because such soil dries out quickly, and the tulips will lack moisture.​

​After etching with potassium permanganate, the bulbs must be immediately planted in the ground, since they quickly become saturated with moisture, and young roots can easily break off as a result, and new ones are no longer formed in their place.​



Caring for onions involves timely weeding, loosening and watering.

  • ​After the planting material is immersed in the ground, the latter must be pressed tightly around the bulb and covered with a layer of mulch (mulch - any available material, for example, sawdust, straw, film, paper, peat, pebbles, etc.) 2-3 cm thick.​
  • ​dolomite flour;​
  • The bulbs are washed;


Onions should not be planted in cold soil, but planting should not be delayed either. The main guideline is the soil temperature, which should not be lower than +12°C.​


Onion sets are planted in the spring from April 25 to May 5, the distance between lines should be 15-25 cm, and in a row 10-12 cm. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the bulbs are covered with a layer of soil no more than 1-1.5 cm. When planting, the bulbs must be heated at a temperature of 40* C for about 8 hours or around a steam heating radiator for 2-3 days. There is no need to trim the neck of the sets either just a little, or not at all. Then soak in a solution of 1% copper sulfate for 15-20 minutes, and immediately plant it on the site without washing. Sometimes they practice scalding with boiling water, or rather with water at a temperature of 55-65*C, for 1-2 minutes, and then immediately in cold water for 1 minute. (disease prevention) but this must be used very carefully so as not to harm the bulbs.​

​If you are going to plant onion sets, then you need to process them before planting.​

​But I am also very careful when choosing the set itself, I never buy the first one I come across.​

Maryushka Dushka

​Video about planting tulips in autumn​

  • ​If you find a diseased or damaged bulb, but you are sorry to throw it away, then cut off the damaged area from the bulb, being careful not to damage the inner layer of scales. Such bulbs should also be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, dried and planted in a flower bed. However, although after such treatment, infection of the remaining tulips and garden soil is very unlikely, it is still worth planting the treated damaged bulbs separately from healthy ones.
  • ​Many gardeners, even when storing bulbs, pay attention to sorting them, dividing them into large and small ones. Accordingly, tulips are then planted also, focusing on the diameter of the bulbs. This will make it much easier in the future summer care for tulips and digging up bulbs after flowering. If you did not sort the planting material before storing the planting material or you just recently bought the bulbs different varieties, it’s not too late to sort them just before planting.​


​Loosening. It is correct to begin the process of soil aeration before germination. The frequency of this procedure is once every two weeks to avoid the formation of a dense earthen crust. Secondly, such frequency of loosening will not allow weeds to appear.​

The bow is different fast germination and rapid growth. But on the soil, the crop can be damaged, even completely destroyed, by various pests and diseases. In order to grow a high-quality, rich harvest, it is important to carry out the disinfection procedure for onion sets before planting. Preparation not only allows you to grow healthy bulbs, but also ensures that they are stored unchanged until the next harvest.

Planting onions

Onions are planted in May in warm, moist soil. For planting, prepare a bed in a well-lit and ventilated place. The crop requires soil with a high content of organic matter. A bed after zucchini, pumpkin and cucumbers is well suited. Onions are not planted after the onions and garlic themselves. Before planting, the soil is loosened well, a furrow is marked and it is poured from the spout of a watering can without a sprayer.

It is convenient to plant onions in a furrow in checkerboard pattern, so during the season it will be possible to select a product for greens from the bed, because it is not recommended to pick feathers separately from a common bed. If the green part breaks, it will not form good onion. An unprotected bulbous cut can cause fungal infection.

Planting process

Why process onions before sowing?

To get the best results from growing a crop, you need good seed material and know how to disinfect onion sets before planting. The set must be dense, clean, and without damage. Dry, sprouted or with signs of rotting specimens are not suitable for planting.

To grow bulbs, take small sets, up to 3 cm in diameter. Empty damaged bulbs should be thrown away, and sprouted or large ones can be used to plant separately on greens. Before starting various treatments against pests and diseases, the seedlings are sorted and heated.

For whatprocessing needed:

  • increase germination;
  • increase the quality and size of the crop;
  • reduce the formation of flower shoots;
  • protect against pests and diseases.

Onions are often stored incorrectly, especially in warehouses, when low temperatures. For sevka, the required storage mode is at a temperature of +18°C. Well-dried seedlings do not germinate before planting time. Purchased seed should not be planted immediately after purchase. Seeds stored at low temperatures will go away when planted and will not form a large bulb. Therefore, purchased planting material should be dried and heated for several weeks at home. To do this, the seedlings are kept for 14-20 days at a temperature of +20°C.

You can warm it up by laying out the seeds near radiators and other heating devices. Before planting, for 8-10 hours, the seed is heated at elevated temperature+30…+40°С, without overexposing or exceeding the temperature. A warmed onion shows better survival rate and will shoot less. The method also helps against infection with neck rot and powdery mildew. Sometimes, to prevent onion arrows from forming, soaking in a soda solution is used. But soda is less effective than pre-sowing heating.

Please note. There is also quick way warming up the sowing if the time for prolonged warming is missed for some reason. The seed is soaked in water at a temperature of +45...+50 °C - this hot water, which the hand endures. Soaking time is 10-15 minutes, then immediately immerse the set in cold water for the same time.

For rapid germination, it is important to remove dry husks from the seeds. Unhulled scales release substances into the soil that inhibit the germination of the head. All dry husks are removed before the first juicy scales appear. You should carefully strip the onions so as not to damage the roots.

Dry onion tops are trimmed to speed up the exit of the feather. But due to inexperience, you can confuse the parts of the onion and cut off the root or cut the neck too much. Therefore, you can wait a while with this technique; with subsequent soaking, the dry neck will soften on its own, and pruning will not be required.

Treatment with salt and potassium permanganate

Treating onions with salt and potassium permanganate before planting is necessary in order to disinfect and disinfect the onions. These processing methods are suitable for various terms planting, whether in spring or autumn.

Onions lose a lot of moisture during storage, so before soaking in a saline solution, they must be properly moistened; to do this, place the planting material in ordinary water for 2 hours. Further, using a saline solution for onions before planting will become more effective. The salt solution is prepared at the rate of 3 tbsp. l. salt per 5 l warm water. Soak for 3-4 hours, then rinse the onion from salt, changing several waters.

Salting onions

If it was not possible to treat the seedlings with a saline solution before planting, use saline water composition Can be used for watering garden beds. 300 g of salt is dissolved in a bucket of water and the ridge is watered. After this procedure, it is important to wash off the salt from the onion feathers by spraying them with plain water. This watering method should be used once a season. Watering onions with salt can get rid of onion flies, but if this method is used in large quantities, the soil will become too salty. If the soil is frequently salted, the plants on it will develop poorly or not grow at all. Salt is difficult to wash out of the soil and remains there for a long time.

If a saline solution for onions helps reduce pest damage to the crop, then the manganese solution can be used to treat the seed to remove fungal spores that may be present in the set. This applies not only to purchased materials, but also to homemade ones. It is impossible to determine the presence of infections in the seed material by visual inspection.

Manganese solution is prepared in dark purple. No more than 30 minutes. – how long to keep onions in potassium permanganate before planting. After this treatment, the seedlings should be quickly rinsed with warm water.

Interesting. To make it easier to process onions in different disinfectant solutions, they are placed in a net.

After treatments, the planting material can be dried for planting or left covered under film for 6-8 hours so that it produces roots. Landing seed material with emerging roots requires caution - if damaged, they will slow down the survival of the bulb.

The result of treatment with salt and potassium permanganate

After soaking in a saline solution and then treating the onions in potassium permanganate before planting, the seed is completely ready for transfer to open ground. Salt becomes a preventive measure against pests that cause damage to the crop: onion fly, onion thrips and onion mite. Potassium permanganate prevents fungal diseases.

There is a method for watering onions planted in beds with salt to prevent the appearance of onion flies. For this purpose, in addition to salt, ammonia is used. A solution is prepared with the following ratio of elements: 1 glass of salt, 10 ml ammonia, 10 liters of water. The beds should be watered with this mixture in the evening and between the rows, and not along the leaves or under the bulbs. After the procedure, water the bed with water for better penetration of substances. The pest disappears. It is important to use such substances sparingly when growing plants. Application large quantity ammonia, like salt, is harmful to the crop.

Interesting. To prevent the appearance of onion flies, it is recommended to plant carrots, marigolds, and calendula in the rows or next to the crop.

Components such as salt and potassium permanganate must be used in combination, because individually they only affect one unfavorable factor: pests or diseases.

Treating onions with phytosporin before planting

Treatment with phytosporin has the same effect as disinfection with potassium permanganate. Fitosporin is an organic microbiological preparation that is effectively used to treat planting material against fungal and bacterial diseases. Available in powder, paste and liquid form. The drug spreads throughout the plant’s vascular system and begins to have a positive effect on crops from the moment of treatment. It is based on a spore culture - a bacterium, which, by producing its metabolic products, suppresses the reproduction of pathogens. When using treatment with sevka, the drug has a detrimental effect on the development of diseases such as bacteriosis, peronosporosis or downy mildew, various types rotten.

Phytosprin packaging

Phytosporin should be used in cloudy weather. The active bacterium of the drug dies when exposed to sunlight. It is important not to combine phytosporin with solutions that have an alkaline reaction. Fitosporin, which is available in the form of a paste, contains humic acids; if used, it is not required additional use growth stimulants.

The paste and powder are pre-soaked for 2 hours in water, required proportion which is indicated in the instructions. It is ineffective to simply sprinkle phytosporin. To activate bacteria it is required preliminary preparation in water, otherwise the drug will be useless. To dilute forms of phytosporin, chlorinated tap water should not be used. Such water is harmful to living bacteria. You can use melt, rain or boiled water.

Important! Planting of sets is carried out immediately after treatment with the drug, without subsequent rinsing.

Fitosporin paste is prepared in two steps. First, prepare a concentrated solution at the rate of: 100 g of paste per 200 ml of water or any other amount, but maintaining a 1:2 ratio. The concentrated solution can be stored. Before use, it is diluted at the rate of: 3 tbsp. l for 1 glass of water. The prepared solution is sprayed onto the seedlings before planting.

The powder is suitable for soaking and spraying planting material. Prepared at the rate of: 10 g of powder per 500 ml of water. Seeds should be soaked for 2 hours before planting.

Fitosporin only prevents the spread of certain diseases, but the drug does not help against harmful insects, such as treating onions with salt.

You can water the onions on the ridge with phytosporin. The drug is safe for humans, and the feather can be eaten on the day of treatment. Treatment is carried out no more than once a month; spraying should be done at intervals of 2 weeks.

Bulbs can be treated with a disinfectant before storing.

How to disinfect onions before planting

Potassium permanganate and phytosporin have a good preventive effect, but there are other ways to disinfect onion heads before planting. It is important to choose one treatment for pests and one for diseases. Otherwise, the drugs may enter into a reaction that is unnecessary for the plant. For example, manganese and phytosporin are not used together with each other and with copper sulfate. Each gardener empirically selects an onion treatment that is suitable for its growing conditions. Disinfection is also used using such means as:

  • Copper sulfate;

Treatment with copper sulfate is carried out in order to prevent infection with fungal diseases of the crop. Treatment is carried out after all other procedures, before planting. An effective remedy at the same time, it is not completely safe and is classified as a toxic substance. Treatment with such a substance is carried out in protective clothing.

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate in an amount of 30 g is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water, mixed thoroughly until the solution acquires a copper tint. The bulbs are placed in the solution for 2 hours. Afterwards, they are removed, the seed is dried, and it is ready for planting.

  • Wood ash

Wood ash is used to treat seedlings from rotting and is also used as a growth stimulant. For processing, you will need to dilute 250 g of ash in 5 liters of water. Soak the planting material in the solution for 10 minutes. Before planting, the seedlings are dried in the sun for 2-3 hours. After such treatment, additional fertilizing may not be necessary, because the ash contains all the microelements necessary for the crop.

Wood ash

In addition to ash, growth stimulants produced by industrially, they will also make the culture more resistant to unfavorable factors growth, and seedlings will appear quickly and amicably.

Growing onions may seem like a simple matter at first glance - you bought a set and planted it. But often, without proper pre-sowing treatment, the harvest does not differ high quality, does not perform well during storage, especially in winter. To prevent the crop from wasting the garden bed and wasting labor in caring for it, you should pay attention to a simple pre-sowing preparation.

Onions are a capricious crop. In dry weather the arrows are thrown away, in damp weather they begin to rot. But gardeners have invented a new, more productive way of growing onions - planting before winter. To get a good harvest, you need to know when and what kind of onions to plant before winter.

Planting onions in autumn

To plant onions in the fall, you need to choose a sunny and dry place on the site. It is very good to plant onions after cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and legumes. The soil for planting onions must first be dug up or well loosened. Add humus or mixed with wood ash to the ground.

First make beds up to 100 cm wide and up to 20 cm high. Clear the soil of weeds and disinfect it with a solution of copper sulfate at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per 10 liters of water. Before planting, the soil in the beds should settle well and become compacted. If a stem nematode has been noticed on the site, then the onion beds should be watered with a solution of table salt before planting. Watering with tobacco infusion works well against onion flies.

For planting before winter, it is better to choose onions spicy varieties, for example Centurion or Stuttgarter. Depending on the size of the bulb, it is divided into the following categories:

  • the first is a bulb up to one and a half centimeters in diameter;
  • the second - up to three centimeters in diameter;
  • third - the diameter of the bulb is more than three centimeters;
  • wild oatmeal - these bulbs are non-standard, up to one centimeter in diameter.

From the first category and wild oatmeal most often grows the most best bow. Such sets are planted in furrows to a depth of 2-3 cm. When planting onions before winter deeper than 4 cm, in the spring they may not germinate at all and rot.

To get green feathers early, it is better to use onion sets of the second category for planting for the winter. It will not be possible to get a turnip from it: most likely in the summer it will go to waste. Such sets need to be planted more densely, to a depth of up to six centimeters.

After planting, the beds must be mulched with any organic material: , hay, dry leaves. Even bean and bean flaps are suitable for this. But you can’t use plastic film. To prevent the mulch from being blown away by the wind, the top of the plantings is covered with spruce branches or dry branches. For mulching, it is better not to use peat and sawdust, since in the spring it will be very difficult to remove them without damaging the young shoots.

Timing for planting onions for the winter

In order for onions planted in the fall to take root well, they must be planted before the soil freezes. Then it will take well and overwinter successfully. Best timing for planting onions before winter - from October 5 to October 20. If in winter the air temperature drops below -10-12°C, the onion plantings must be additionally covered with snow. And in the spring, this snow must be scattered to prevent water from stagnating in the beds.

Processing onions before planting

Every gardener wants his efforts not to be in vain. Let's find out how you can treat onions before planting to get a good harvest. Everyone knows that antiseptics prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases. Therefore, in the fall, long before harvesting, you need to take care of its safety: before planting, treat the bulbs with a warm, weak solution of copper sulfate. But if you place the onions in water at a temperature of 60°C for one minute, this method will help prevent onions from bolting in the summer. To prevent the bow from hitting the arrow, you can use more in a modern way. To do this, before planting, the bulbs must be wrapped in cloth and placed in a glass vessel, placed in the microwave and warmed up for about a minute and a half. After this, the heated seeds must be treated with a growth stimulant. And you can safely plant it in the soil - a good onion harvest is guaranteed.

Onions are the main vegetable, without which it is impossible to prepare tasty and healthy dishes. But in order to grow a crop, it is not always enough to follow the rules of agricultural technology, since, like any other crop, onions have their own pests and diseases that can nullify all the gardener’s efforts. Therefore, experts recommend protecting the seedlings before planting, which will save you from many problems in the future.

The need for pre-sowing treatment of onions lies in the fact that for each pest and disease there is a specific medicine, which is better to use in advance as a preventive measure than to subsequently treat an already affected plant.

This procedure is especially important if the planting material was purchased on the market and there is no 100% confidence in its quality. Then processing the sets before planting is mandatory and not a recommended procedure.

Pre-sowing treatment of onions allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • the percentage of germination increases;
  • the growth of feathers and bulbs is accelerated;
  • development is prevented powdery mildew and decay;
  • protects from pests;
  • the percentage of bolting is reduced to a minimum;
  • productivity increases.

High-quality and timely processing in the spring will allow not only an experienced gardener to achieve a good onion harvest, but will also help a beginner avoid many problems, and will also strengthen the immunity and resistance of the crop to negative factors.

Diseases and pests of onions

To achieve a good onion harvest, you need to know that the plant is susceptible to various diseases and pests. Moreover, some lie in wait for it throughout the entire storage period, while others - throughout the growing season, which reduces not only the quantity and quality of the harvest, but can also completely destroy it.

To understand who you have to fight with and what poses a danger to the crop, you should study the common diseases and pests of onion sets. This will help you further understand how important spring processing of onions is before planting.

  1. Downy mildew or downy mildew. A gardener can recognize this disease by its characteristic light spots, which, as they develop further, acquire a dark purple hue. As a result, the affected onion feathers begin to dry out prematurely. The causative agent of the disease overwinters in the bulb, without giving away its vital activity. When planting, the seedlings develop normally within 3-4 months, after which the plant is suppressed.
  2. Cervical rot. This disease is the most common, which is associated with improper storage of sevka in winter period. In this case, the pathogen enters the thick neck of the bulb.
  3. Cercospora blight. The disease can be recognized by characteristic spots irregular shape brown in color with a light edging, located on the feathers of the onion. The disease progresses during the growing season, thereby causing premature drying of the leaves. The infection persists in the seedlings for a long period of time.
  4. Rust. It appears as light, slightly convex pads. Then they increase and acquire dark shade. The disease leads to premature drying of feathers, which negatively affects the future harvest.
  5. Onion moth. Damage to plantings is caused by the caterpillar larvae of this pest. They settle in the middle of the onion feathers and develop and feed there. As a result, the leaves dry out, starting from the apical part.
  6. The peak of mass destruction of onions occurs at the end of May - beginning of June. Damage to plantings is caused by onion fly larvae, which gnaw tunnels in the bulbs of the set. This leads to their rotting, which causes the death of the entire plant.
  7. Stem nematode. Represents a cylindrical worm light color. The pest affects all parts of the plant, which leads to deformation of feathers and bulbs. As a result, the plant acquires a dwarf form.
  8. Scoop. The revival of caterpillars after winter occurs at the end of May. They eventually burrow into the onion leaves or eat large cavities directly into the bulb.
  9. Secretive beetle. The appearance of a pest can be recognized by the characteristic small cavities on the feathers, which is a sign of its vital activity. Its larvae feed on the inner pulp, eating it out in longitudinal strips without violating the integrity of the upper shell. This leads to drying of the leaves and a decrease in vitality plants.

Important! One of the most important problems when growing onions is their shooting, but it should be understood that this is not a disease, but a natural phase of plant development.

How to treat onions before planting from diseases and pests

There are many ways to process seedlings before planting, but there is no single method that can simultaneously provide protection from diseases, pests and bolting. From viral diseases and white rot, in general, there is no way to protect it. The only thing that can be done in this case is to prepare onion sets in advance and disinfect the soil, which will increase the plants’ resistance to pathogens.

Before pre-sowing onion preparation, it is necessary to sort through the seedlings and sort them by size. Separate planting of large and large bulbs small size will make caring for them much easier in the future.

Important! Without regret, it is necessary to throw away deformed, dry, rotten specimens, as well as those that do not inspire confidence.

Another procedure that should be carried out is cutting the dry top down to living tissue. But it should be borne in mind that when growing onions for feathers, it is necessary to cut them off more radically, as this will speed up the germination of greenery, and when planting on turnips, it is recommended to remove only the upper dry tip without damaging the bulb itself. If there is unwillingness or lack of time, this stage you can skip it.

Important! You cannot cut the bottom from which the roots form, otherwise you can forget about the future harvest.

Video: preparing onion sets for planting

How to treat onions before planting to prevent bolting

To prevent the appearance of arrows on a bow earlier, it is necessary to apply warming up bulbs This can be done on a radiator by scattering the seeds on corrugated cardboard or on a window in the sun.

The first 2 weeks of heating should be carried out at a temperature of 20 degrees, and then 10 hours at a temperature of 40 degrees, but at the same time carefully monitor the time so as not to overexpose the planting material.

Then you should carry out hardening, which will help the sevka develop resistance to temperature changes in open ground. To do this, it is recommended to heat the water to a temperature of 45 degrees and immerse the onion in it for 15 minutes. After the time has passed, you need to soak the sets in cold water for 10 minutes. Then dry the seed and then plant it in open ground.

Video: why bow sets shoot and what to do

Important! This method cannot completely rid the bow of bolting, but its percentage will be minimal.

Video: how to prevent your bow from shooting

How to treat onions before sowing against fungal diseases

To treat seedlings against rot and other diseases, there are different ways. Their choice depends on the capabilities and preferences of the gardener.

The easiest thing is to process the onions before planting. food soda. This will require 1 tsp. dissolve soda in 1 liter of warm water, then lower the soda into the solution for 2 hours. After the time has passed, the seed must be spread out to dry.

Video: using soda when planting onions

Another method is processing copper sulfate. This method is especially relevant if there are doubts about the quality of the seed. To prepare the working solution you need 1.5 tbsp. l. Dissolve the drug in 1 bucket of warm water. Stir the mixture until a characteristic copper shade appears. Immerse the sets in the solution for 2-3 hours, depending on the size of the bulbs. At the end of the procedure, dry the seed and plant it.

Important! Treating onions with copper sulfate cannot be combined with soaking in potassium permanganate or.

Another common way to treat onions for diseases is to soak the sets in a solution potassium permanganate. To do this, you need to prepare the product in a ratio of 3 g per 10 liters of water, that is, the solution should be a rich purple color. Soak the seedlings for 2 hours, then rinse them with clean water and dry them before planting.

It is effective to treat with a biological product that is sold in the store. In order for the product to produce results, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of its preparation. To do this, you need to dilute the drug in a ratio of 10 g per 6 liters of water 2 hours before treatment to activate active substance biological product. Then soak the sets for 2 hours.

How to treat onions before planting against pests

To protect seed from pests, you can use a simple method of protection. It is necessary to treat onions before planting salt. To do this, you will need to prepare a saline solution in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. Soaking is carried out for 6 hours. Then the sets should be dried. This method is especially effective against stem nematodes, thrips and mites.

Treating onions against onion flies

Can be used against onion fly birch tar, which is sold at the pharmacy. For processing, dilute 1 tbsp. l. products in 1 liter of water room temperature. The duration of soaking is 2-3 hours. Then dry the seedlings and plant them.

Video: treating onion sets against onion flies with birch tar

By the way, when the feather grows 10-15 centimeters, you can also water the onion from the onion fly salt. You will need 1 glass of salt per 10 liters of water. Watering rate is 1 glass of salt water for each bulb. The next day, it is recommended to water the plantings with water and feed them with ash.

Video: treating onions for onion flies with saline solution

Treatment of onion sets before planting in the spring against pests and diseases, according to experts, is mandatory procedure. But the gardener must decide for himself whether to treat the seed before planting or not. However, in its absence, one should not be surprised at the lack of a proper harvest.

Video: processing onion sets before planting