When can you travel with a newborn? Traveling with an infant. Traveling with a baby by car: perhaps the easiest option

Summer is ahead - a time of long-awaited relaxation, but the family has recently welcomed a baby. What to do? Go to the sea with infant? Wait? Some say that before a baby is one year old, a sudden change of environment is contraindicated. Others argue that traveling to Bulgaria, Turkey or Crimea is feasible even with a newborn. Let's try to figure out when and where you can go with a baby under one year old. Let's find out what to take with us and how to organize a vacation that will only benefit you.

Advantages and disadvantages of holidaying at sea with a baby

Benefits of traveling to the sea with a baby:

  1. the baby will be able to breathe air saturated not with exhaust gases, but with iodine and oxygen
  2. thanks to the sun, his body will begin to actively synthesize vitamin D
  3. swimming in sea ​​water– an excellent way to harden and improve the protective properties of the skin

A holiday at sea with a baby is fraught with certain difficulties. Main arguments against:

  1. significant material costs associated with choosing a suitable location and creating normal conditions
  2. the need to think through all the details of the trip, especially those related to the health of the baby
  3. parents do not have the opportunity to fully relax (have an intense time), because the child requires attention and has to adapt to his schedule (a trip with a nanny or the provision of such a service by a hotel solves the problem)
  4. the need to take a huge amount of things: you will need food, a first aid kit, water, clothes, swimwear, a supply of diapers

You can go to the coast (Crimea, Sochi, Spain) with a baby under one year old, but you need to take many points into account.

Optimal age for a trip to the sea

It is not advisable to go on a trip with a newborn: the baby adapts to the conditions of the outside world and does not need drastic changes. Pediatricians advise waiting until the child is six months old. But this is debatable: a breastfed baby is protected by the mother’s antibodies and does not need provisions, which is very convenient.

A trip to the sea for a toddler aged 9-12 months will be an exciting adventure. He is interested in the world and will be delighted with sand, water, and shells. But he needs supervision, it’s better to go with a nanny, otherwise his parents won’t be able to get distracted and see Crimea, Sochi and others interesting places.

Before planning a vacation, you should consult your pediatrician. The doctor will take into account all the nuances physical development child and tell you if you can go to the sea with him.

Time, duration, place of rest

When to go to the sea with a baby? There are two points to consider:

  1. sudden changes in weather conditions are undesirable;
  2. Extreme temperatures are harmful to the baby - it is better to go south in May - June, August - September.

The optimal duration of rest is three weeks. During the first 14 days, the child gets used to the environment, acclimatizes, then rest begins.

September is a velvet season, an ideal time to travel with your baby south to the sea. The bulk of the vacationers have left, the sun is not so dangerous, gentle, the sea is warm and clean.

Where can you go with a baby under one year old? Everything is determined by the capabilities of a particular family and the age of the baby. Dr. E.O. Komarovsky believes: the best places are country house near the river and a well-maintained, sparsely populated sea coast.

Where to spend your holiday?

  1. Black Sea (Crimea, Krasnodar region) – a minimum of problems with acclimatization, medical care, and food. You can travel even with a newborn or a month-old baby.
  2. Egypt - fast flight, good infrastructure, warm but overly salty sea.
  3. Cyprus – 3 hours by plane, warm weather.
  4. The UAE is a long road, an opportunity to relax in the fall.
  5. Greece is a place for a relaxing family holiday.
  6. The Red and Dead Seas are an excellent option for recovery.
  7. Tunisia - beaches with clean sand and sea, but cool nights.
  8. Europe, Türkiye, Egypt – high level service, mild climate.
  9. Exotic countries - long flights, high risks of catching an infection, getting poisoned by local food, the need to get appropriate vaccinations for the whole family.

Crimea and nearby resorts are convenient:

  1. close location
  2. "native" climate
  3. no need to prepare foreign documents

Residence requirements:

  1. lack of noisy entertainment venues
  2. proximity to the beach with a gentle slope to the sea
  3. availability medical care– your own first aid kit and a doctor nearby are required
  4. compliance with hygiene and safety rules
  5. ability to prepare (store) food
  6. availability in the room sleeping place and various devices for the child
  7. social infrastructure - shops, playgrounds, pharmacies


Choosing vehicle, you should focus on the child’s comfort:

  1. The plane is expensive, but fast. Experienced travelers advise buying tickets in the first row (more space). During takeoff, you can give the baby a breast (bottle) so that he does not feel a pressure difference.
  2. The train is an economical option, but takes a long time. It is advisable to buy tickets in a compartment, avoid traveling in the heat and carefully monitor hygiene.
  3. A car is convenient, but tiring. On the way to Crimea, Anapa or another resort, it is recommended to make regular stops, walk, and ventilate the car. A child car seat is required.

Regardless of the type of transport, the mother should have at hand:

  1. food, water for baby
  2. wet wipes
  3. diaper
  4. toys, books (for baby after 4 months)
  5. first aid kit

List of things

Having decided on where and when to go, you should figure out what to take with you on vacation. Here is an indicative list of luggage for traveling with a child under one year old.

  • artificial feeding - it is worth taking a supply of formula for the entire period, it may not be available in stores the desired type food, especially if you are planning a trip to Thailand and not to Crimea.
  • natural feeding - the main concern is a complete, safe diet for the mother, options for solving the problem - provisions from home, clarification of the hotel menu in advance, finding out the list of shops and markets in the area.
  • complementary feeding - it is most convenient to use canned puree and “instant” baby cereals; if you are cooking on your own, you will need a set of products and kitchen utensils. If you are planning a holiday at a hotel that provides meals, you should check the availability of a children's menu.
  • Drink. It is not recommended to drink local running water. It is better to purchase bottled in advance.
  1. Cloth. You need a summer wardrobe and a few warm clothes.
  2. Diapers, blanket.
  3. Regular brand diapers, soap, shampoo, wet wipes, baby cream, oil.
  4. Sunscreen and after-sun products suitable for babies up to one year old.
  5. A basin in which you can bathe the baby, a pot.
  6. Sling, stroller-cane.
  7. Favorite toys, accessories for sand and water.
  8. Beach umbrella.

A mandatory item on the list of things you need to take with you is a first aid kit:

  1. antipyretics, painkillers
  2. sorbents
  3. rehydration products
  4. antihistamine gel
  5. spray (gel) for burns
  6. alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green
  7. vasoconstrictor nasal drops
  8. cotton wool, bandage, plaster
  9. thermometer

The first aid kit can be supplemented with other medications if the child has specific diseases. It wouldn't hurt to take his medical card.


Holidays with a baby under one year old are accompanied by acclimatization. Its symptoms are restless sleep, tearfulness, loss of appetite, hyperthermia, and digestive disorders. Their severity depends on the characteristics of the baby’s body and the contrast of weather conditions. A trip to Crimea with its mild climate is well tolerated.

The task of parents is to facilitate adaptation as much as possible by creating a comfortable environment: pick up the child in their arms, put them to the chest on demand, take “household” things with them, postpone swimming in the sea for a few days. You can use the medications contained in the prepared first aid kit or consult a doctor. It is worth finding out the phone number of the nearest doctor and taxi in advance.

When you find yourself in a new place with a baby who can move independently, you need to secure the room - close it sharp corners, sockets, remove tablecloths, raise breakable objects higher.


It is recommended to go to the beach before 11:00 and after 17:00. But even during “auspicious” hours, a child up to one year old must be protected from direct rays: let him be under a canopy, a tree with dense foliage, or an umbrella. Before going outside and after bathing is completed, the baby’s skin should be lubricated with cream. His head should be in a Panama hat; it is better to wear a thin cotton blouse on his body.

For the first sea swim, the baby should simply be dipped into the water. The duration of the procedure can be gradually increased to 10-15 minutes. Bathing should be done together with a person close to the child - mom, dad, nanny. There is no need to force a naughty baby to go into the water. You can just frolic on the edge of the surf. After being in sea water, the baby should be rinsed with running water.

You should practice swimming in the sea with a one-month-old baby if:

  1. the water is clean, warm, without waves
  2. he doesn't show concern

Some doctors advise waiting up to 3 months for sea procedures.

Vacationing with a child under one year old, with careful preparation, is not a gamble. Staying in the fresh air, warm rays of the sun, swimming in water saturated with minerals - the benefits of traveling to Crimea, Sochi, Greece or another resort for a child are undeniable.

But there are arguments against: material costs, scrupulous preparation, an impressive list of things that need to be taken. The main thing is to put the safety of the baby first: a first aid kit cannot save you from everything, so medical care in the place where you are vacationing should be accessible. Equally important are food hygiene issues.

I am writing this post specifically for crazy travel lovers like me. Useful articles have already been written on the topics of budget travel, booking hotels and flights, and solving all sorts of problems while traveling. So I decided to leave a little useful legacy for future travelers. Over the past few years, my wife and I have traveled a lot different countries and interesting places, and in April of this year our daughter was born. Of course, after the birth of a child, one’s views on life and worldview change, but nevertheless, after a month and a half, when we got used to our new role as parents, I began to think about further travel, because life does not end there, but is just beginning: ) In this review, I will tell you about my experience of traveling to Europe with a baby, which may be useful to young parents like us. I’ll immediately make a reservation that everything said below will be subjective, since everyone’s children are different, as well as their parents’ reactions to certain events.

Geographical choice and moral preparation
So, first, I was able to communicate with those who already had experience traveling with infants. Special thanks to Sasha alexcheban for moral support. In fact, even on the Internet you can’t find much information about traveling with infants. Mostly people limit themselves to trips to the beach, where they have the opportunity not to go far from the hotel. We wanted to go to some interesting city.
The main conditions should have been:
1) Not too long a flight, non-stop if possible
2) A civilized country, in order to minimize the risk of catching some exotic disease, and also to have the opportunity to receive qualified help if necessary.
3) Relatively small volumes of attractions with a compact location. So that you can leisurely see everything without running around the whole city, as happens in Paris. And of course, I wanted to discover a new place for myself, where I had never been before.

And so, in June, everything comes together into a single picture. At the beginning of September we take tickets to Latvia to visit my wife’s parents, and from there, according to tradition, we decide to fly somewhere. The choice fell on Copenhagen, and besides, three tickets (yes, now there are three of us) came at a ridiculous price of 200 euros in both directions. Now the training camp is coming!

Preparing for the trip, packing your suitcases

Here, first of all, you need to collect the child. If you are used to traveling together with one suitcase, you can safely take out another one, or even better, pack a separate small suitcase or bag for your child. As it turned out, the volume of our baby’s things took more than each of us individually. The situation was complicated by the fact that we were traveling to the rather deceptive climate of Northern Europe, where in September it is alternately cold and warm. So I had to take more different things

It is advisable to take with you some diapers just in case, disposable diapers and extra clothes. A few of your child’s favorite toys and, of course, a first aid kit, about which you should consult a doctor.
If your child is still very small and does not sit on his own, then you need a stroller with a recumbent position. In principle, I heard that you can rent a stroller, but we preferred to buy our own. For this reason, I bought the Maclaren XT, the main advantage of which is the recumbent position (from 0 according to age), as well as excellent wheel shock absorption and a weight of only 7 kg.

All that remains is to pack your bag for the plane. You may find it useful there:
- two replacement diapers
- wet and dry wipes
- disposable diaper
- a bottle of water
- rattle
- blanket

Don't forget to get insurance before your trip!
Well, we seem to be ready, it’s time to go to the airport.

Airports and flights

At Odessa airport, oddly enough, we were treated even better than in Europe. We were let in at the front of the line and weren’t particularly inspected.
By the way, our daughter did not have a passport, so we received such a return certificate from the embassy

Since we’re on the topic of airports, I’ll say right away that in Europe you have to fold the stroller everywhere and pass it through a metal detector, while simultaneously taking off your shoes and all that. So it is advisable to keep carry-on luggage to a minimum.
The stroller goes as hand luggage, but is checked in at the boarding ramp. It is picked up there upon arrival
Photos at Copenhagen airport

By the way, usually, in addition to the stroller, the child’s ticket includes another 10 kg. free luggage. At airBaltic, not everyone knew about this at check-in, so we had to explain it clearly.
The most unpleasant thing will come next. First you need to board a crowded bus with a stroller, and then settle into a cramped plane. So, if possible, book VIP boarding. They say that for long distances on large planes there are special bassinets for children, but we had to hold the child in our arms or something like that. A separate seat belt for the child is attached to mom or dad's belt, depending on who will be holding the child.
Meet our Limochka

Our flight from Odessa to Riga lasted 2 hours 40 minutes, and during this time, even taking turns, we got tired of holding the child in our arms limited space. The flight from Riga to Copenhagen is shorter - an hour and a half, which is undoubtedly better. All flights were non-stop; for a small child, the less time on the road, the better.
Our Lyma endured all the flights with honor, although I was worried that my ears would get blocked during landing. It is for this case, if the child does not sleep, that you should give him a bottle of water or a breast. Changing a diaper during a flight is generally not difficult. Besides us, there were other passengers on the plane with children, and some of their children were crying, so this is also subjective.

On the scene

There is no point in talking about our stay in Latvia, so I will move on to our trip to Denmark and Sweden. So, after the flight, everyone quickly wants to go to the hotel. The rain and the awakened child did not give us the opportunity to get from the airport to the center by metro, so we had to take a taxi. Surprisingly, although in Europe there are large fines for transporting children without child seat, none of the taxi drivers had it, and no problems or questions arose.

It is best to choose a hotel in the center. Perhaps exactly right choice hotel became the key to a successful trip. It is very important that if something happens, you can quickly return to your room, and all attractions are as close as possible, within walking distance. So it’s better not to save money here. Our hotel, which I will tell you about later, was located in the very heart of Copenhagen - on Nyhavn.

Usually, all children do not like to wear warm clothes, especially when the room is hot. We wore warm overalls in the hotel lobby, very comfortable

If you want to calmly walk around the city, see something and even take photos, then it is best for the child to sleep during the walk. When our daughter fell asleep for 2-3 hours, we could see quite a lot and have a nice walk. Ideal position for baby while walking :)

Nyhavn not only charmed me with its atmosphere and beauty, it became our home for four whole days, because our hotel was located just behind the main events, as a result we often walked here together

It turned out to be very difficult to take a family photo. I don't really want to wake up the baby

Copenhagen has many pleasant places to walk with children. There are not so many cars here, the environment is good and the paths are clean.
This is a park near Rosenborg Castle. Silence, fresh air and birdsong, what else do you need for walking with a stroller?

But going shopping or going to a cafe, this can be a problem. Firstly, if there is fresh air outside and the stroller is constantly in motion, then the child sleeps well, but the room is always quite hot and noisy, which is why the child wakes up and no longer wants to sleep, but begins to be capricious. That's how we sat in the restaurant

Once again I remember our wonderful hotel, where we were fed not only for breakfast, but also for dinner. This helped not only to save money in a rather expensive city, where a meal for two would cost around 50-60 euros, but also to avoid difficulties with the whims of a child. By the way, about restaurants, next to our hotel there was an excellent restaurant with a Michelin guide mark, but infants are not allowed there. It’s understandable, it’s quite cramped, leave the stroller only outside, silence and idyll, which will be disturbed by children’s crying. We were not offended.

One day we even managed to go to Sweden. The nearest city of Malmo, which I will definitely write about separately, is only 25 minutes away by train. We quickly reached the central station on foot, and then we were once again convinced that developed country everything is done for the people. There are elevators everywhere for people with wheelchairs and disabilities. So getting down to the platform is not difficult. The trains also have separate carriages for people with bicycles, strollers and suitcases.
There are clean changing rooms everywhere. It’s very convenient, you can close yourself and do all the necessary procedures. This helped us a lot on our way to Malmo.

It is worth noting that there are a lot of paving stones - this is of course not so convenient when moving with a stroller, although it certainly looks beautiful

Malmo is a very beautiful city, small and cozy, where you can go for a walk for a few hours

More from practical advice, try to avoid large crowds like Strøget, which is the shopping mecca of Copenhagen. Although we met a lot of people there with strollers and children.

Results and conclusions

Here I would like to separately note the merits of my beloved wife, who showed maximum courage and attention to the child, which certainly had a positive impact on the entire trip.
You can travel with a child, it is quite possible, you just need to take into account your own characteristics and be prepared for all the ensuing difficulties.
The central object of attention will, of course, be your baby, and not the architectural beauty of the city, which will make the experience different from usual trips without children.
You will see as much of the city as your child will allow you to.
To make the walks go better, it is still worth returning to the room every few hours for an hour and a half so that the child can rest. Our baby just needed to lie on her stomach without warm clothes.
Unfortunately, we were not able to see everything we had planned in Denmark. But Copenhagen turned out to be much more extensive and interesting than I thought. Therefore, it is better to budget more time for accommodation. For traveling with a child to the city, small cities such as Riga, Tallinn or Lubeck, for example, are more suitable.
Traveling by plane probably has its advantages, but there are also many disadvantages. Next time we’ll try to travel in a car and tell you separately.
I hope that my experience will be useful to someone. Let me emphasize once again that experience in such matters is a subjective thing, just as it is different opinions on this score. If anyone has questions on the topic, I will be happy to help and share my experience.

Holidays with an infant at sea are such a common occurrence these days that such a trip would not surprise anyone. If previously children were taken to the south when they reached at least three years of age, now all the beaches are filled with mothers with babies who, let alone sit, can barely hold their heads up. Is it possible to go to the sea with a baby, and if so, how can you make sure that your vacation is not overshadowed by anything?

Best time for hardening - summer. But in our latitudes there is no hope that the summer months will definitely arrive according to the calendar. Nature can present surprises in the form of tedious lingering rains, puddles that don’t dry out all summer, and timid sunrays breaking through the clouds.

“Summer is gone,” the young mother says sadly, “and I really want the baby to sunbathe, swim, and run barefoot on the grass. Why not go to the sea with your baby, at least for a week? I wonder at what age you can take children to the south?”

Previously, young mothers envied those who, just a few weeks after giving birth, with the whole family, including the newborn, could go on vacation to the ocean coast. Now this won’t surprise anyone here either. At any world resort, from Turkey, which has become almost homely, to the still exotic Dominican Republic, Russian speech is heard, and beautiful Russian mothers with babies and preschoolers are mastering and conquering the world space.

And no matter how menacing the doctors’ warnings about the harmful effects of long-distance travel on a child’s health may sound, no matter how pediatricians prohibit the flight of children under 5 years of age to other climatic zones, parents prefer not to hear these arguments.

And since the passion for wanderlust is ineradicable, and such an opportunity exists, it is useless to prohibit taking a child to warm countries. But it is necessary to explain the rules for spending a holiday at sea with a newborn in order to avoid the negative consequences that await risky travelers.

On a long journey, the main thing is not the age of the child, but the readiness of his parents to travel to the sea with an infant and their calm, without irritation, attitude towards the inevitable inconveniences that accompany travelers on the road. If parents treat a vacation at sea as a happy opportunity to spend a vacation with their family, and do not fulfill obligations “to improve the child’s health,” then the children will feel at ease and at ease, as if at home, under any circumstances.

For children with skin problems (exudative diathesis, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, childhood eczema) and respiratory allergies, a trip to the sea is not only relaxation, but also treatment. Under the influence of sunlight, salt water and sea air filled with microelements, the disease recedes, and significant improvement and sometimes even recovery are noted. Salt water contains a rich supply of macro- and microelements that normalize metabolic processes and the functioning of the endocrine system. During a trip to the sea with a baby, hormonal levels improve, and with it the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, skin diseases recede, bronchial asthma, chronic respiratory diseases. Massaging action sea ​​waves improves blood supply to the skin and muscle tissue, stimulates metabolism, has a beneficial effect on biologically active points, reflexively associated with internal organs. Negative air ions, present in abundance in sea air, have a tonic effect and increase immunity. No wonder in modern methods Thalassotherapy - treatment by the sea - takes pride of place in health improvement.

How long does acclimatization take for children at sea and after?

When planning a trip to the south, think through every detail in advance, first of all, the period and duration of your vacation. How long to go to the seaside with a child and what season is best to choose? The best times for holidays with kids are the end of May - June and August - early September.

The duration is a special conversation: there can be no talk of a week. How long you should travel depends on how long acclimatization at sea lasts for children - that is, at least three weeks. The child’s body must adapt to the new climate, that is, undergo acclimatization. Even physically strong and trained athletes, preparing for competitions in other climatic conditions, arrive at the competition site two weeks before the start, so that the body has time to get used to the new conditions and adjust to its normal operating mode.

To acclimatize a child to the sea, it takes 7-10 days for him to adapt to a new climate, a new regime (if there has been a change in time zones), to new impressions and a new diet.

The body adapts most difficultly when moving from winter to summer and vice versa. Abrupt change of seasons short term places increased demands on the functioning of all organs and systems, primarily the immune system. Remember this when going to sultry Thailand or Australia in the middle of a frosty winter. And don’t be surprised if, upon returning home after an exotic trip, your baby immediately gets sick. So it's immune system could not cope with the load and crashed.

“So they made the child healthy,” the parents lament, “they spent so much money, but it was all to no avail.” And all because acclimatization in children after the sea also lasts at least a week.

Before you go on vacation with a small child at sea, remember that, strange as it may seem, infants tolerate acclimatization better than older children. And the reason for this is mother’s milk, which provides support to the baby for all occasions.

A trip to the sea with a baby: sunbathing and swimming on vacation

How to relax at sea with a child so that your vacation is not overshadowed by anything? During the first days at sea, you must be careful with sunbathing and with swimming. The best time to visit the beach is from seven to ten o'clock in the morning and from five to eight o'clock in the evening. During a beach holiday with an infant, the baby's head must be covered with a light-colored Panama hat or scarf. Apply to baby's delicate skin sunscreen with a protection level of 20 or higher, and after 10-15 minutes of exposure to the sun, put on a light, spacious shirt made of natural cotton with long sleeves. Do not stop your child from burying himself in the sand or making Easter cakes. Beach sand will warm up every cell of the body, give the child’s body ions of useful microelements, and massage active points.

On the beach, create a shady corner for your baby using an awning or a beach umbrella, where he should spend most of his time and even sleep sweetly to the sound of the sea wave.

Even if you know how to relax with a child at sea, no one is immune from minor troubles. If, despite protective measures, the baby’s skin is still burned, know how to provide first aid to the sufferer. Wash the reddened areas of the skin with cool fresh water and apply any anti-burn agent to them: panthenol, olazol, legrazol - they all have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

If there are no medications, use traditional methods: Lubricate the burn surface with kefir, curdled milk, yogurt.

To protect your baby's eyes at sea from the bright sun and blinding glare on the surface of the water, offer your child dark glasses, selected in size, so that they do not slip off the small nose and do not irritate the baby. Protective function They will also make wide brims of a panama hat or a long visor of a hat.

How to relax with a baby at sea: food on vacation

During hot daytime hours of relaxation at sea, infants are required to sleep in a cool room or in the dense shade of trees. The child's appetite may decrease. This is a natural reaction of the body to being in a hot climate. Don’t persuade him to “eat a spoonful for mom, and another spoonful for daddy,” especially don’t force-feed him.

The activity of digestive enzymes decreases in the heat, and overload of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to disruption of its activity. Let the baby eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and let him eat porridge at home. And under no circumstances limit your baby’s fluid intake: heat and increased sweating require restoration of water reserves.

Feeding a baby on the road or on vacation is not a problem. He always has his mother with ready-made milk on hand. For the “artificial” one, take the usual adapted mixture from home and drinking water for its dilution, so that on the road you don’t have to look for simple drinking water among bottles of Fanta, Pepsi and multi-colored fruit drinks. The problem of feeding a baby who is already six months old can be solved by jars of baby food, the range of which is extremely wide.

How to relax with a small child at sea: what to take

Any mother, before relaxing with her baby at sea, must take care of the things necessary for the trip.

When traveling, it is very important to maintain good hygiene. What do you need to take for a seaside holiday with a child from the essentials? Make sure that you always have wet wipes in your purse, and don’t be lazy to wipe your and your baby’s hands with them while in a waiting room or in a train carriage where congestion accumulates. large number people.

What about the fulfillment of physiological needs? If your baby has not yet grown out of disposable diapers, there is no problem. Just don’t save them on the road and change them on time. Older potty trained child has difficulty using public toilet due to far from ideal sanitary condition the last one. The best way out out of this situation, there will be his own pot, grabbed by a prudent mother from home.

Little travelers often get sick on the road, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. To prevent these phenomena, give your child horizontal position, ask him to close his eyes and breathe deeply through his mouth. You can take special tablets for “seasickness” (Dramine, Avia-More, ginger in capsules, in lollipops, in the form of tea). If you are driving a car, stop for 10-15 minutes if symptoms of motion sickness appear. Always have a plastic bag on hand in case of vomiting and a wet wipe. By the way, babies practically do not suffer from motion sickness, but sleep soundly the entire trip.

What else should you take for a trip to the sea with a child of any age? Take the essentials with you medicines(antipyretics, antihistamines, adsorbents, iodine, hydrogen peroxide) and dressings (bandage, adhesive plaster, cotton wool).

A couple of decades ago, pediatricians advised traveling with a child only after he turned 3 years old. Nowadays, experts recommend waiting until the age of two. However, many modern mothers have long been successfully traveling abroad with their infants. In our article we will tell you how to plan the perfect trip with a small child.

Planning a trip with an infant: what you need to know when traveling with children, life hacks

Naturally, traveling with a one-month-old baby is different from traveling with a grown-up toddler. As a rule, trips with infants are comfortable, since babies sleep most of the time. A one-year-old toddler is already more difficult to keep in place; he persistently studies the world and shows his curiosity.

Why travel with small children? Firstly, parents take a break from everyday life. A positive emotional climate in the family is important for the child. Secondly, the baby benefits from sea air and walking on the sand. Pebbles and shells will help develop fine motor skills, and swimming in salt water is an excellent hardening procedure.

However, you should remember that traveling with a child under one year old always carries various risks and inconveniences. Changing climate and time zone is a big stress for a child. In addition, children often get tired from traveling; on vacation, there is a danger of heat stroke and sunburn. During their travel, children come into contact with a large number of people who can be sources of viruses.

IMPORTANT! Do not choose exotic countries for traveling with a baby. Before going on vacation, study the epidemiological situation of the country you are going to visit.

Which transport should you choose for your trip? When choosing a country for a holiday, it is important to remember that they are harmful to infants long flights with transfers and long car trips. In addition, the child will not yet be able to appreciate the sights. Therefore, it is better to choose the nearest beach resorts with a mild climate for holidays with babies.

When traveling with a child, it is important to avoid significant climate changes and sudden changes in time zones. Sandy or sand and pebble beaches with a smooth entrance to the sea are preferable. The most popular places to relax with babies­:

  • Bulgaria;
  • Greece;
  • Türkiye;
  • Spain;
  • Montenegro;
  • Italy and others.

Traveling by plane or car is ideal for babies. Each the family chooses transport based on the capabilities of the family budget and personal wishes. Services railway will cost less, but the trip will be long. Airlines will help you get to your destination quickly and comfortably, but you will have to fork out for the speed.

When traveling by car, you yourself plan the route and departure time, but traveling on such transport is tiring, especially for the driver, who has no one to replace him. Children often get carsick; they get tired from being in the car for a long time. confined space and wheel vibrations. Older children find it difficult to sit still, but frequent stops and fun games during the trip smooth out the situation.

IMPORTANT! When traveling on an airplane with a baby, choose window seats. If turbulence occurs, luggage from shelves may fall onto people sitting in the aisle.

What to take on a trip with a baby: tips

It is better to pack your suitcases in advance so as not to forget anything in a hurry. When going on a trip with a child, you should minimize possible risks and prepare to collect the necessary things carefully and carefully. What to take for your baby on vacation?

  • : antihistamines; medicines for fever, gastrointestinal tract disorders, sore throat, cough; nasal drops; dressings; antiseptics; drugs for intestinal colic; antibiotics; painkillers; preparations for burns and insect bites; ear and eye drops, thermometer, etc.

, containers, thermos with hot water, bottles, etc.

  • For a nursing mother: breast pump, feeding cape, etc.
  • Rattles.
  • Necessary little things: pacifier, pacifier holder, nimbler, pool diaper, nasal aspirator, sling or ergo backpack, thermos, garbage bags, etc.
  • And : mosquito net, raincoat, etc.
  • Warm clothes and a blanket.
  • Documents and their copies, etc.
  • IMPORTANT! When going on a trip, be sure to take out medical insurance!

    Often, even with a strong desire, it is difficult for parents to decide to go on vacation with an infant. When weighing the pros and cons, it's important to remember that not only are there risks and some inconveniences when traveling with babies, but there are also many features that can help ensure a comfortable experience. A proper preparation for a trip with a baby is the key to a successful vacation.

    A baby has appeared in your family, and you, of course, are incredibly happy! Life has changed significantly: new worries, worries, habits... You have to give up something. But is this justified when it comes to travel? What to do if you really want to go on vacation, but there is a baby in the family? Let's try to figure it out.

    Is it possible to travel with a baby?

    “Life does not end with the birth of a child! Parents must lead active image life, and not shake over the baby like over a crystal vase! Traveling with a small child is very easy and pleasant, even better than later when he grows up!” – only one is sure. Others answer no less convincingly: “What about acclimatization, the possibility of catching an infection, the difficulty of providing medical care? And then, travel will inevitably lead to a change in regime and comfortable conditions for the baby. Is it really impossible to wait at least a couple of years? Traveling with a baby - clean water selfishness."

    Which of the disputants is right? Probably both. If the baby is breastfed (and therefore protected from many dangers), and mom and dad love and want to travel, and moreover, do not doubt for a second that such a vacation will be wonderful for the whole family - most likely it will be so! But it’s still not worth denying the existing risks. The parents themselves will have to decide whether to travel with an infant. If you are sure that there will be a trip, your main task will be to thoroughly prepare for this event, taking into account the needs of the recently born family member.

    Traveling with a baby by car: perhaps the easiest option

    The first car journey with a baby usually occurs a few days after its birth - this is the road from the maternity hospital. For the little ones, traveling by car is not too tiring: they usually just sleep in it.

    A child older than 1-2 months becomes more demanding of external conditions. Of course, all children are different, and they all perceive trips differently, the new sounds, smells, and fluctuations in daily routine associated with them. Some people continue to fall asleep immediately after the car starts moving, while others are capricious and anxious in unusual conditions. In any case, if you go on a trip with a child, try to match the time on the road and his sleep. This will make it easier for everyone.

    To make traveling by car with a baby easy, take care, first of all, to have a car seat in which the baby should sleep comfortably, and to follow the usual daily routine. Don't start right away with long trips– it’s better for kids to first go to a dacha or to a village to visit relatives, located 1-2 hours away from their parents’ house. Later you can take longer trips. The advantage of traveling by car with a child is that you can stop at any time to feed or change him, just take a walk in a place you like, or return home if necessary. If you are traveling far, take breaks for at least 1 hour every 3 hours.

    In addition to the main luggage loaded into the trunk, take wet wipes, several diapers (depending on the travel time), spare clothes, dishes, water and complementary foods, if it has already been introduced, and toys. Do not wrap a child in a car.

    Is it worth traveling with a baby on an intercity bus?

    Traveling with a baby by bus is much more problematic than by car. Firstly, it won’t be very comfortable for mom to sit on the seat with the baby. Secondly, the child may get motion sickness. Thirdly, if your child bursts into tears, some passengers will perceive it negatively. And finally, the bus will not be stopped just at your request.

    However, from about 3 months of age, a child can try to master this type of transport. If you decide to travel with a baby on an intercity bus, be careful when purchasing tickets. Choose travel times that coincide with your baby's nap time and select seats in the front of the cabin.

    Traveling with a baby by train

    Choosing a transport such as a train for traveling with a baby has significant advantages: babies are quite comfortable in it, there are no problems with motion sickness (as in a car, ship or plane), and, in addition, train tickets are relatively inexpensive.

    But this type of transport also has serious disadvantages. A long road can be tiring, temperature conditions - summer heat or cold air air conditioning, drafts - often annoying, neighbors make noise and show dissatisfaction with the scream of a small passenger...

    The solution is to travel as a group of three, or even better, as a group of four, purchasing a separate compartment for your family. When the train stops for long periods, you can take a walk with your baby along the platform.

    With a baby - on a boat

    A boat cruise with a small child can be a wonderful time of relaxation. But - provided that the baby’s vestibular system is all right. It is not advisable to immediately go on a long voyage; a short boat trip is enough to get started. Fortunately, problems with motion sickness in infants are rare, since they have not yet gotten used to “swimming” in their mother’s belly. According to academician Eduard Mantsev, the problem of seasickness becomes relevant after the child’s 2nd birthday. But you should start water travel at least after the baby is 6 months old.

    If you want to go on a river or sea cruise, first of all check with the tour operator whether the presence of children on the selected ship is allowed.

    Traveling abroad with a baby

    The desire to change the environment for young parents is quite common and normal. If you decide to fly to relax at the seaside or visit some interesting European city with a baby, know: there are many difficulties ahead, but they can be overcome.

    When can you take your child on their first plane trip?

    First of all, adequately assess the baby’s age, the characteristics of his health and possible difficulties during flights. Pediatricians do not recommend airplane travel for children under 6 months of age. Until this age, it is better to get by by ground transport.

    Disadvantages of travel infant on an airplane - this means dry air in the cabin and a large crowd of people, whose health status can only be guessed at. The baby’s immunity is just developing, and an attack by microbes on his fragile body is extremely undesirable. The first flights abroad should not be long (more than 4.5 hours). And, of course, ideally you need to fly non-stop.

    Choosing a place to relax with your baby

    Where to go on vacation with a baby? You shouldn’t suddenly change the climate zone - for example, go to a hot tropical summer in winter. It is better if you choose a country with similar weather conditions for your trip. The notorious acclimatization takes an average of three weeks, and can proceed in completely different ways. Therefore, it is recommended to leave for just such a period - approximately 21 days, so that the body gradually adapts to the new conditions. Upon returning to the usual climate, the reverse restructuring will begin. Another reason to refuse to travel to a hot country is that in a calm, civilized place there is less risk of catching some exotic disease, and it is easier to get qualified medical care.

    For comfortable rest with a baby by the sea, choose a hotel next to a good sandy beach with a gentle slope to the water. It’s better to go to quiet, “family” places where the loud music of a youth disco will not disturb you.

    If the purpose of your trip is not relaxing on the beach, but sightseeing, choose a city where interesting places are concentrated in one place, so as not to run out of breath with your baby from morning to evening. And the hotel should be located within walking distance from your walking areas.

    The nuances of traveling by plane with a baby

    Choose seats in the front of the cabin for more space and comfort. Some planes have special bassinets for infants - check to see if your airline provides these.

    During takeoff and landing, the pressure in the aircraft cabin changes sharply, which causes discomfort for passengers. To help your breastfed baby, give him the breast. As an option - some water or a pacifier. The child will swallow saliva and get rid of unpleasant stuffy ears.

    You can change the diaper in the toilet on a special folding table.

    Be careful with baby food - glass jars can explode in flight.

    If you are flying to a much warmer country, take lighter clothes and shoes with you in your hand luggage so that you can change your baby immediately after arrival.

    What else do you need when traveling with a baby?

    1. Sling or ergo backpack will make your travel life much easier. The child next to his mother will feel calm, and you will have your hands free.
    2. A cane stroller is a great option instead of or in addition to a sling. The main selection criteria should be lightness, good shock absorption and the presence of a lying position (180 degrees for the smallest).
    3. Clothes for children to different weather conditions. Consider whether you will have the ability to do laundry.
    4. Baby food and dishes if you are already feeding your baby. If you take perishable foods with you, a cooler bag is essential.
    5. Care items (dry and wet wipes, diapers, bibs, etc.).
    6. First aid kit: products that help with indigestion, antipyretics, antihistamines, cotton wool, bandages, adhesive plaster, antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide), insect bite repellent.
    7. Toys (favorite ones and a few new ones) will keep your child entertained and happy on the go.

    We wish your family a great holiday! We hope that your first trip with a baby will be a positive experience for you that you will definitely want to repeat!