Care and conditions. How to care for begonias: root, tuberous, hybrid flowers Indoor flowering begonia

An unpretentious plant, indoor begonia, enjoys particular beauty and fame. Few people can be indifferent to this flower. You can learn how to properly grow and care for indoor begonia, what popular types of indoor begonia exist, how to prepare the soil and properly replant begonia by reading this text.

The Begonieceae family includes more than 800 plant species native to Southeast Asia, Brazil, Africa and the island of Madagascar. In nature, the size of a begonia plant varies from 5 cm to 3 meters.

The many forms and varieties of this flower are striking in their diversity. Flower growers know that this flower is known not only for its variety of varieties and species, but also for its growing conditions. grown both outdoors and at home. Indoors, as a rule, a hybrid type of indoor begonia is planted.

Types of indoor begonia are:

  1. decorative blooming, attracting the eye with the irresistible beauty of flowers;
  2. decorative deciduous, having a variety of leaf shapes and colors.

Popular types of flowers for indoor decorative-blooming begonias

Bushy begonias:

  • Begonia coral – large plant with decorative leaves 10-15 cm long, with white spots and bright pink flowers;
  • Indoor bright red begonia is a fairly large plant with shiny, smooth, egg-shaped leaves. Inflorescences of juicy red flowers have the shape of a panicle.
  • Indoor ever-blooming begonia – not tall plant with round light green leaves, 5-6 cm long. Blooming almost all year round, flowers of white, red and pink color.

Tuberous begonias:

  • Begonia Elatior is a tall plant, bush-shaped up to 35 cm high, with decorative jagged green leaves and flowers of various colors reaching 4-5 cm in diameter. It blooms very luxuriantly and for a long time.
  • Begonia Lorrain - plant height reaches 50 cm. Exotic round, dark green leaves, up to 8 cm long. Flowers pink, red and white.

Popular types of indoor decorative foliage begonia plants

  • royal begonia - has an unusually decorative coloring of leaves smoothly transitioning from red to dark brown. The length of the leaves reaches 30 cm. One of the most popular decorative deciduous begonias;
  • tiger begonia – up to 25 cm high, bush-like. The leaves are quite small, dark green, with spots of a light shade.

How to care for indoor begonia?

Caring for indoor begonia is not difficult. This plant is not a capricious plant, but still it also needs some care.

Begonia is a light-loving plant, but direct exposure to sunlight is contraindicated for it, as it leads to leaf burn.

The begonia should be placed close to the window, and if this is not possible, then provide it with shading.

The maximum comfortable temperature for begonia in the summer should not exceed 22-25 o C, and in winter time– 15-18 o C.

Watering is of great importance for indoor begonias. This plant is not suitable for either dry soil or too wet soil. For example, in spring and summer, home begonia needs to be watered as often as possible, but without flooding it to prevent water stagnation. Determining the watering time is not difficult. It occurs when the soil dries to a depth of 1-2 cm. In addition, watering should be done with settled water.

Air humidity is of no small importance for home begonias. Since this plant is native to the tropics and subtropics, it loves high humidity. While other plants can be provided with such a climate by spraying, this is contraindicated for begonias.

If begonia is sprayed, its leaves will become stained. But there is a way out. It is enough to place the flower pot on moss, damp peat, or place it in a shallow container with water.

Don't forget about feeding the plants. Begonia needs feeding 1-2 times a month. Fertilizers containing nitrogen are used only for decorative foliage species, since nitrogen promotes leaf growth but slows down flowering. But for decorative flowering plants, fertilizers containing phosphorus are suitable.

It should be added that indoor begonia gives preference fresh air, so the room in which it grows is periodically ventilated. It should not be forgotten that begonia is afraid of drafts, which can lead to its death.

You can’t take your eyes off the blooming begonia. She thanks him for taking care of her. Indoor begonia blooms for a long time, but not forever. Time passes, the flowers wither and fall off, the leaves fade and dry. It's time for peace and sleep. Now the begonia should be watered less frequently, and the air temperature should be cooler - up to 14-16 o C. We cut off all the dried parts of the plant and prepare for replanting.

How to properly replant indoor begonia?

You can prepare the soil for begonia yourself. This plant prefers a light substrate. It is prepared from a mixture of leaf and turf soil, rotted humus, sand and peat. It is important to note that leaf soil there should be a little more than half the total volume of the pot.

Indoor begonia does not require frequent replanting, but if the roots are already crowded, then replanting is necessary. Usually, begonia transplantation begins in March.

Carefully remove the flower from the pot, clean the roots from the old soil and place them for a while in a solution of potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate helps protect roots from fungal diseases, to which indoor begonia is predisposed. Next, cut off all damaged roots and place them in a new container with soil.

When replanting a plant, do not fill the pot to the top. Soil is added later as the roots grow. After transplantation, indoor begonia requires increased attention and worries. In the first month, you need to water more frequently and carefully protect from direct sunlight.

Diseases and pests of indoor begonia

The indoor begonia plant is not resistant to fungal diseases. If you notice that the plant is starting to get sick, you should remove the affected areas. Begonia can also be affected by pests. Her enemies are aphids and spider mite. At an early stage of the disease, it is recommended to rinse the plant in a soapy solution. And for serious treatment, it will be enough to treat it with a fungicidal preparation, in the manner indicated in the instructions for use.

Video: secrets of caring for begonia

An unpretentious flower that came to our homes and gardens from the distant tropics has attracted the attention of millions of gardeners. Caring for begonia at home is not difficult and is accessible to everyone. The original shape of the leaves, various types of inflorescences, tall and low-lying versions - all this is a majestic begonia. With her beauty she charmed more than one generation of men and women.

Today, about 1000 of its species and ornamental varieties are known, as well as 2000 bred hybrids.

Pleasant meeting the queen of the tropics

Among the huge number of species and classifications of begonia, the main ones can be noted:

  • deciduous varieties;
  • flowering species;
  • deciduous;
  • evergreen;
  • tall;
  • creeping begonias on the ground;
  • with tuberous roots;
  • with strong rhizomes;
  • perennial varieties;
  • annual species;
  • street options;
  • indoor begonias.

Each plant has beautiful unusual leaves. Large and small, green and red, glossy and velvet, plain and patterned. Most of them resemble maple or palm leaves, which makes the flower original.

The shapes of the leaf plates are no less attractive. Some of them large sizes, like mugs or the ears of an African elephant. Others are round, resembling glossy plates. There are varieties whose leaves are dissected at the edges, which creates the appearance of asymmetry.

The main vein of the leaf divides it in half into two different parts. That's why they always have a weird shape. The leaves sit on the stem in the form of a mosaic. This allows them not to obscure each other from the main light source.

The upper part of the leaf blade is most often green. Depending on the variety, gradation of shades is allowed. Back side The leaves are colored red, purple or brown.

The delicate hairs on the stem and leaves of the plant look royal. They are painted scarlet or green, white or bronze. Thanks to this, begonia has a delicate and velvety appearance that you want to touch.

Intricate patterns, various spots or strokes give the leaves their originality. Sometimes it seems that the leaves are the flowers of the decorative begonia.

To prevent the leaves from losing their pristine beauty, you should not spray them. When water drops get on them, stains appear. Subsequently, the leaf dies.

In fact, when the plant blooms, you understand that the leaves are just a prelude to the lush decoration. Begonia inflorescences delight the eye with such colors:

  • scarlet and deep red;
  • snow-white and milky;
  • pink and soft lilac;
  • dazzling yellow and orange.

In addition, these cute bouquets exude a pleasant aroma. When the plant fades, miniature boxes appear on the stems, containing seeds. Ripe “containers” crack and fly apart. Thanks to this, the earth is filled with new flowers.

As practice shows, begonia has spread throughout the entire earth and has taken root well in mid-latitudes. Since its main place of residence is living space, it is important to properly care for it.

Simple rules for caring for begonia

The houses in which tropical beauties find their refuge resemble a haven of pleasure. They constantly delight the eyes of household members with lush greenery or the charm of flowers. Without proper attention to the plant, this cannot be achieved. Sticking to simple rules By caring for begonias at home, you can create a piece of paradise in your own home.

A guest from the tropics does not demand special attention, but the main principles must be followed.

Sufficient light

Since the homeland of the queen of indoor plants is the tropics, she constantly needs lighting. If there is not enough of it, the plant will lose its decorative effect. At the same time, it is important that it be of an absent-minded nature. Bright rays of light often cause burn marks on the leaves. To create comfortable light conditions, it is recommended to place begonias in shaded areas of the house.

To create beautiful crown, the pot can be periodically placed facing the light.

Optimal air humidity

When the question arises: how to care for begonias, adjusting the humidity in the room is not the last thing. This plant needs high humidity air, but not by spraying.

To solve the problem, you can make the following design. Place the pot with the plant on a small stand. Then it is placed on a wide pallet, which is lined with expanded clay around the edges (moss can also be used). After this, it must be regularly moistened for evaporation to occur. As a result, begonia receives its dose of moisture.

Proper watering

To ensure proper care of begonias, you should take into account the weather and watering. Although it originally grew in the tropics, where there is a lot of rainfall, it should not be overwatered.

To avoid overflowing, drainage is poured into the bottom of the container in which the begonia is planted. Thus, excess liquid comes out freely. It is important to ensure that water does not stagnate in the pan.

It is better to water begonia with clean, settled liquid. It is recommended to repeat the operation as the top layer of soil dries.

It is wise to adhere to the following watering scheme for begonias:

  1. During the summer months, water the plant deeply twice a week.
  2. When there is intense heat outside, moisten the soil every day.
  3. In autumn (starting from October) - as the upper part of the soil dries out.
  4. In winter, the plant does not need abundant moisture. Only as needed.
  5. With the beginning of spring, the volume of watering should be gradually increased to stimulate plant growth.

It is advisable to act in accordance with the needs of begonia, taking into account its type and flowering period.

Regular feeding

To ensure that begonia flowers are always juicy, you need to feed them regularly. There are special fertilizers for this.

As soon as begonia begins to bloom, it requires feeding. Therefore, once every 14 days the soil is enriched with useful minerals.

If the composition of the chemical fertilizer includes, it is used for deciduous species of begonia.

Creating lush bushes

An exotic guest from the tropics almost always looks flawless. However, in some cases it loses its decorative effect. To correct this flaw, it is recommended to prune the plant. Cuts are made at a height of about 5 cm from the edge of the vase. Thanks to this, the lateral buds come to life and begin to actively develop.

It is advisable to trim branches sharp knife so as not to damage the begonia inflorescences.

Tender care for flowers

Most often, you can enjoy blooming begonia in the summer, on bright sunny days. Only some varieties bloom all year round. Therefore, caring gardeners, during this period, try to take gentle care of the flowers. To prevent the plant from becoming depleted, some of the buds are torn off. As a result, the plant gets sick less. Having looked at the begonia flowers in the photo, you can imagine what a pleasure it is to take care of such a plant.

By applying these simple rules for caring for begonias, you involuntarily receive a lot of positive emotions. But what will help you grow such a queen of the tropics at home? Reasonable advice from flower growers.

Growing begonias at home

Before planting begonia at home, you need to choose a suitable container. The best option is ceramic pots. They should be a little more root system plants by 4 cm. If the container is too spacious, the plant may suffer from excess moisture. As a result, the flowering period is disrupted.

You can buy ready-made soil or prepare it yourself. Take some leaf soil, add sand and humus. IN ready mixture plant a plant.

In order for growing and caring for begonia at home to bring worthy results, it is important, first, to plant it correctly.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the prepared container. The next layer (3 cm) is charcoal, which serves as a means of protection against rot. Then the plant is placed here with a small amount of soil. The resulting voids are filled with prepared soil. After this, the begonia is watered abundantly.

It is advisable to plant the plant in mid-March. Just at this time there is enough light for young begonias.

Queens of the tropics are first germinated in trays without being buried in the soil. They are placed in well-lit rooms at a temperature of at least 16 degrees and high humidity. When the plant takes root, it is planted in a permanent place in early spring.

It is also important to know how to replant correctly. As it grows and takes root, it becomes necessary to move it to another pot. To do this, first, the soil is generously filled with water so that the plant can be freely removed from there. It is better to replant it the next day so that the soil is not wet, but slightly damp.

When the plant is already in a new pot, it is important to fill it with soil to the brim and immediately fill it with water. After a week, the soil will shrink and the top layer will dry out. If necessary, add the missing volume of soil. During the first week, begonia does not need to be watered, but only sprayed periodically. Also carefully protect it from drafts and bright lighting.

If the begonia is not flowering, home care involves periodically pruning the branches of the plant. Especially after the transplant. This approach helps create beautiful bushes and decorative forms.

Reproduction of an overseas beauty

This unique tropical flower reproduces in several ways:

  • seed sowing method;
  • tuber division;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing bushes;
  • cutting the rhizome.

The most suitable period for breeding begonias is spring or the first month of summer.

Sowing seeds

It is recommended to sow seeds at the end of winter or in the first week of March. They are scattered on the ground in a special container. Without covering the top with earth, cover it with glass and take it to a warm, bright place. You can water the surface with a sprayer.

When the third leaf appears, the begonia is picked for the first time. 2 months later the second one. The begonias are then transplanted into separate pots where they take root. If there is a lack of light, additional lighting is used.

The sooner you sow the seeds, the faster the begonia will bloom.

Tuber division

This propagation method is performed by cutting the begonia tuber into pieces. The cut areas are sprinkled with charcoal to dry them. After this, they are germinated in flower vases or boxes.


Cuttings for propagation must have at least 3 leaves. Be sure to sprinkle the sections with powdered activated carbon. The plant takes root in 1 month at a temperature of 21 degrees and high humidity.

Dividing bushes

This method is used for bush species of begonia. The whole bush along with the root is cut into pieces. Then they are planted in separate flower vases.

Cutting the rhizome

This method is important to use in the spring, when replanting a plant. It is advisable to cut the rhizome so that you get a shoot with a root and a bud. Each part is planted in a separate pot.

The sad reality is illness

How sad it is to watch when begonia loses unopened buds flowers or leaves. Sometimes this is due to dry air, lack of water or light. Such problems are easily solved.

But when the plant is infested with spider mites or aphids, more effort is required. The insects settle on the back side of the leaf and, like a cancer cell, feed on the sap of the plant. To rid begonia of pests, it is recommended to spray diseased leaves with special substances.

Begonia, of course, will not be able to thank its owner for his attention and care. But it will thoroughly clean the air in the room. Will give positive emotions during flowering. Will decorate in an original way home interior or personal plot. It will also remind you of the beauty of the earthly paradise that once existed on earth.

Rules for caring for tuberous begonia - video

And considering that the popular plant can be grown not only in the garden, but also in an indoor pot, you can admire the beauty of the flower all year round. It would seem that such splendor requires special care and constant attention from the gardener. By no means, begonia is a relatively unpretentious crop. Basic knowledge of planting and caring for a plant will ensure a 100% positive result. To learn how to properly plant and grow begonia at home, read the article.

Home begonia, plant description

Begonia - known and loved by many cultivated plant from the extensive Begoniev family. The plant is rightfully recognized as one of the most popular decorative deciduous and decorative flowering crops.

  • The genus of begonias is represented by various species and varieties, differing in both external and morphological characteristics. Thus, begonias are annual and perennial, herbaceous plants and shrubs, with creeping and tuberous rhizomes. External signs are also striking.
  • The habitat of begonia is widespread throughout the world. In natural natural environment, the plant is found in South America, India, Africa and Asia. Spectacular flowering begonia can most often be found in tropical rainforests, mountains and regions with a subtropical climate.
  • One of the main advantages of cultural begonia is its bright and lush inflorescences. A single-sex crop, begonias have male and female flowers growing side by side on the same plant. The color of the inflorescences is varied: there are yellow, pink, red, white flowers.

  • The stem of the plant is thick and fleshy. The rhizome is massive, tuberous or creeping.
  • Begonia flower - very heat-loving plant, preferring moderate diffused lighting and light fertile soil. These factors are important to consider when planting begonias.

Use of begonia for home

  • Begonia grown at home is a fascinating sight, and the pleasant aroma only enhances the effect of the overall impression.
  • Begonia can be grown at home, both in open ground and protected (in pots). Tuberous begonias grow outdoors, on garden plots and flower beds. Home rhizomatous begonia is more suitable as indoor plants decorating window sills and balcony areas.

  • Indoor begonia blooms all year round, regardless of the time of year. Decorative deciduous species are distinguished by unusually beautiful foliage, various shapes and shades of green. At the same time, a certain pattern can be traced: the “richer” the begonia foliage, the smaller and more inconspicuous its flowers, and vice versa.
  • Garden forms of begonia have also become widespread. The highly decorative appearance allowed the plant to quickly win the love of flower growers and landscape designers around the world.

  • Landscaping indoors, creating unusually bright garden compositions, planting in flowerpots or hanging pots, using plants as ground cover or for decorating walls, gazebos, windows - this is not the whole list decorative use begonias.

Classification of indoor begonias

Given the huge number of species (about 1600) and varietal diversity begonias, there are several classification options for this plant.

  • By external morphological features There are 2 types of begonias: deciduous - ornamental and beautifully flowering plants.
  • According to the structure of the root system, begonias are divided into 3 types: rhizomatous, tuberous and crops with a superficial root system.
  • Begonia is often classified depending on the characteristics of the shoot and the growth of the crop. In such a system, 4 groups are distinguished: bushy begonias with an erect stem, begonias with rhizomatous lodging shoots, begonias with creeping thin shoots, beautifully flowering begonias.
  • In indoor floriculture, begonias are divided into 3 groups: decorative flowering indoor begonias, decorative deciduous indoor begonias, decorative flowering potted begonias.

Currently, there are thousands of varieties and hybrid forms of begonia.

Types and varieties of indoor begonias

Let's consider the most famous and popular types and varieties of begonias grown at home.

Group of decorative deciduous begonias

Begonia royal- one of the most beautiful begonias, on the basis of which many decorative and deciduous hybrid varieties have been bred. It is distinguished by large, heart-shaped, asymmetrical foliage with jagged edges. The color of the leaf blade can be brown, crimson, purple shades with contrasting splashes or spots. Pink flowers are small and inconspicuous.

The best varieties of the species are considered:

  • Cartagena - has round leaves, wrapped as if “in a shell”. The color of the leaf blade is unusual: the dark green general background is dotted with pink-silver spots, and the middle of the leaf changes during growth from brown to purple.
  • Hallelujah - distinguished by lilac leaves twisted into a spiral, with a bluish tint. The edges and core of the leaf are cherry-colored, the rest is covered with silver inclusions and a bright wide green stripe.
  • Silver Greenheart is a variety with silvery, beveled, heart-shaped leaves. A green border frames the leaf blade along the entire edge.
  • Evening Glow is a variety with a predominance of bright crimson shades on the leaves.

  • Mikado is a tall variety with large leaves painted in contrasting tones: a dark purple patterned center gives way to light green tones. There is a clear border along the edge of the sheet.

Begonia tiger - a low plant with a creeping stem and green leaves mottled with dark spots. Small, soft pink flowers are collected in loose inflorescences.

The most beautiful varieties:

  • Tiger is a low-growing (up to 10 cm) variety, with velvety patterned leaves.
  • Cleopatra is a variety characterized by changes in leaf color depending on the lighting. Bottom part the sheet is painted in red or burgundy tones.

Begonia coral – subshrub reaching up to room conditions height up to 1 meter. Stems are bare and erect. The foliage is oblong, with jagged edges. The leaf blade is a rich dark green color on top, with silver inclusions, and light green underneath. The flowers are collected in a raceme inflorescence.

Popular varieties:

  • President Carnot has shield-shaped leaves, dissected at the base. The foliage color is green with light spots.
  • Alfalfa has large, toothed leaves that are red on the underside of the leaf.

Group of decorative flowering begonias

Begonia everblooming- a bush reaching a height of about 60 cm. The erect stem takes on an ampelous shape with age. The leaves are small, slightly pubescent, round in shape. Flowers can be simple or double, white, red or pink. The inflorescences quickly fade and are replaced by new flowers.

The best varieties:

  • Gustav Knaake is a beautiful spreading bush with green foliage and red edges. Small bright red flowers are collected in inflorescences.
  • Bikola is a low-growing (up to 20 cm) bush that blooms with white-pink inflorescences.
  • Carmen is a medium-growing variety with brown foliage and many bright crimson flowers.

  • Orania is a neat low bush with green foliage edged with a red stripe and bright orange-carmine flowers.

Begonia elatior - a favorite of indoor begonias, characterized by its bright and abundant flowering. The bushes are compact, no more than 40-45 cm high, with a thick, strong stem and small oblong (8-10 cm) leaves. The upper part of the sheet is glossy, the lower part is matte and light.

Known varieties:

  • Schwabenland is a tall variety with profusely blooming bright scarlet flowers.
  • Rose is a variety distinguished by double flowers of deep purple shades.
  • Renaissance is a tall variety with double, carmine-colored flowers. It is distinguished by lush flowers with corrugated wavy petals.

Begonia ampelous- predominantly a garden form of begonias. The species is characterized by drooping shoots with many flowers different sizes, depending on the variety. Flowers of different colors (red, yellow, white) and texture (double, simple, semi-double).

The most popular varieties:

  • Gale - forms a large spreading bush with small gently pink flowers.
  • Christie - distinguished by double white flowers and hanging shoots.
  • Roxana – compact bush with double orange flowers.

Begonia tuberous- a universal group of begonias grown in the garden, on the balcony or in indoor pots. Main feature plants of this species have a tuberous rhizome. The inflorescences of different shades resemble a small rose in shape, the flowering is lush and abundant.

Popular varieties:

  • Crispa white-red - has flowers of red-white tones with a yellow core.
  • Dark Red - distinguished by matte, dark cherry inflorescences.

Separately, it is worth noting the modern decorative flowering hybrid varieties of begonias, which have gained wide popularity among flower growers. These include the following varieties: “Harlequin”, “Gold Dress”, “Crispa Marginata”, “Camellia Flora”, “Marmorata”, “Diana Vinyard”, “Ami Jean Bard”.

Reproduction of begonia at home

Depending on the species, begonias reproduce by seed and vegetative methods (leaf, stem, rhizome cuttings or by dividing the bush).

Propagation of domestic begonia by seeds

This method of propagating begonias is considered not labor-intensive and quite simple.

  • Sowing of seeds is carried out at the end of winter - beginning of spring.
  • Begonia seeds are very small, so they are sown on the surface of a light soil substrate without being planted deep. The soil mixture, as a rule, consists of peat, sand and leaf soil in a ratio of 1:1:2.
  • Place the container with the seeds in a warm, bright place, covering it with film or glass. After the first shoots appear, this coating is removed.
  • Moisten the soil with a spray bottle or by pouring water into a special bottom tray of the container.
  • In the phase of 3-4 leaves, the seedlings dive. Grown up 1.5-2 month old begonias are transplanted into separate pots.
  • Begonia from seeds blooms already in the first year of development. To do this, it is important to provide the plant with maximum favorable conditions: watering, loosening, lighting.

Propagation of begonia by tubers at home

The tuberous form of begonia is easily propagated by part of its rhizome - a tuber.

  • In the fall, when the leaves are cut and the begonia tubers are dug out, the latter are cleared of soil and dried for storage.
  • In early spring, the tubers are cut into several parts so that each of them has roots and sprouts. You can stimulate the rapid formation of roots by placing the tubers on a constantly moistened cloth.

  • The cut is sprinkled charcoal(or sand) and planted in peat (or loose soil substrate), not completely deepening, but so that a small part (1-2 cm) of the tuber still remains on the surface.
  • It is important to ensure a moderately warm room temperature and constant soil moisture.
  • In stable warm weather, sprouted tubers can be planted in open ground.
  • Propagating tuberous begonia at home is not difficult if you follow all the steps correctly. A whole, intact begonia tuber can be stored for about 5 years.

Propagation of begonias by cuttings at home

Many gardeners practice breeding begonias using cuttings - shoots with several leaves.

  • First, cuttings of the required length are prepared, with 3-4 leaves on the shoot.
  • To prevent the cut areas from rotting, they are treated with charcoal.
  • The cuttings are planted in a light substrate and the container is placed in a warm, bright place without direct sunlight. Provide moderate watering.
  • You can root cuttings in water, but with this method there is a higher risk of shoots rotting.
  • After 3-4 weeks, young roots begin to form on the cuttings.

Propagation of begonia by leaves at home

This method is carried out in the spring and is used only for begonias with large, massive leaves.

  • For propagation, the whole leaf blade or part thereof is used. The leaf is cut at the very base of the shoot, 5 cm long and above.

  • Large veins are cut on the underside of the leaf blade and the leaf is placed (cuts down) on wet sand or soil mixture. Lightly press and fix the sheet (for example, with a pin) in one position. To create greenhouse effect, you can cover the container with film.
  • Moisten the sand (soil mixture) from below, through the pan. After 1.5-2 months, the first roots appear at the incision sites.
  • Grown seedlings are separated and planted separately in a soil mixture of peat, sand and soil.

Planting begonias at home

Planting begonias at home does not require much effort or special knowledge. It is enough to choose the right soil for the flower and plant the seedling in a pot or in a flower garden, depending on the type and purpose of the begonia.

  • Begonias prefer light, fertile soil with good drainage. Soil acidity should be neutral or slightly acidic.
  • Soil mixture for planting can be purchased at the store (choose a peat-based substrate) or you can make it yourself. To do this, it is enough to mix leaf soil with peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.

  • The pot for begonia is not very large, only 3-4 cm larger than the root system of the plant. Moreover, rhizomatous species of begonia need more spacious containers for planting than tuberous representatives of the genus.
  • Drainage (expanded clay, small crushed stone) is poured onto the bottom of the pot, and a small (2-3 cm) layer of charcoal is placed on top. This “technique” will allow you to avoid rot. A seedling with a lump of earth is placed in a pot and covered with prepared soil mixture, slightly compacting the soil to avoid the formation of voids.
  • A humid microclimate has a beneficial effect on flower development, the growth of green mass and the duration of flowering. The main thing is not to allow moisture to stagnate at the roots to prevent them from rotting.
  • Tuberous begonia can be planted in open ground or a container. For successful survival, the tubers are germinated in advance on a constantly moist substrate (you can take damp gauze or cloth) and planted with the rounded side down.

Transplanting indoor begonia

Begonia is replanted as needed: if the flower has grown too much and requires a new, more spacious pot; if begonia needs to be propagated; if the begonia loses its decorative effect (for example, the leaves turn yellow).

  • It is better to replant begonia early spring, before the start of the active growing season.
  • Carefully remove the plant from the pot and clean the roots from the soil. Then you should inspect all the roots and, if necessary, remove rotten or damaged areas. Treat the cut areas with charcoal powder.
  • A good way to prevent diseases is to treat the roots in a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, the entire root system is placed in a container with a solution for 20-30 minutes.
  • After replanting, the plant needs regular watering and careful care until the begonia is completely established. You should not immediately place the begonia pot in the open sun after transplanting. For the first few days it is better to place the plant in partial shade.
  • When replanting a plant that is more than 3 years old, it is better to rejuvenate it by dividing it into parts and planting it in separate pots.

Indoor begonia, features of plant care at home

Growing begonia requires knowledge of the peculiarities of its care. If all conditions are met to the maximum, begonia will delight others with lush, healthy foliage and abundant, long-lasting flowering.

Lighting, humidity, temperature of home begonia

Caring for indoor begonia begins with choosing the right place for the flower.

  • It should be a well-lit, warm (about 18-20 0 C) place with a high level of humidity.
  • In summer, it is better to avoid direct sunlight to prevent the formation of burns on begonia leaves. The best option– diffused light from the east or west side.
  • Native to the tropics, begonia prefers high humidity air. But it is not recommended to spray it, as after this brown spots appear on the foliage. It is better to place the pot with the plant on an inverted tray, which, in turn, is placed in another, slightly larger tray. Expanded clay is poured into it, which must always be wet.
  • Begonia “loves” space, so you can’t place flower pots too close to each other. Regular ventilation (without drafts) in warm time years will only improve the condition of the flower.

Watering home begonias

Caring for begonias at home requires mandatory and regular watering of the plant. The flowering process of begonia directly depends on soil moisture.

  • Water the begonia abundantly, at the root, as the soil dries 1-2 cm, with settled soft water. Do not allow water to stagnate in the pan.
  • After flowering, watering is reduced. In winter, even less water will be needed. Tuberous begonias that go into dormancy are stopped being watered altogether in the fall, and the tubers are placed in storage.

Feeding indoor begonia

The application of fertilizers ensures the active development of the plant, increasing the flowering phase, the size of flowers and leaves.

  • Begonia begins to be fed during the flowering period, once every 2 weeks.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers are applied to stimulate the growth of decorative deciduous begonia species. For flowering varieties, nitrogen is not desirable, as it will inhibit the flowering process.
  • For decorative flowering species They use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which are applied from the moment the ovary forms and the formation of buds.
  • Before applying fertilizer, the plant is first watered. Fertilizers are applied in liquid form.
  • In addition to mineral complexes, it is also practiced to add organic matter to the soil, for example diluted (1:5) manure.

Pest and disease control at home

The appearance of pests or signs of disease is often associated with improper care of begonias.

  • Excessive watering can cause a fungal disease - powdery mildew - to appear on the plant. To combat the problem ( white coating on the leaves), watering rates are reduced, damaged leaves are removed, and the plant is treated with a fungicide. The same control measures are also used when infected with gray rot, when characteristic light mold appears on the leaves.
  • When a begonia is attacked by aphids, the leaves are wiped with alcohol or a special preparation (for example, “Homa”).
  • If the humidity is too low, spider mites may appear on begonia bushes. In this case, the leaves are treated soap solution or insectoacaricidal drugs such as Karbofos, Intavir, Decis.

Preparing home begonia for winter

Care measures related to preparation for the winter period are relevant for growing tuberous begonia species at home.

  • Tuberous begonia experiences a dormant period in winter. Therefore, in the fall, you should trim off any fallen leaves on the plant and put the pot in a cool, dark place.
  • You need to dig up tubers for storage 1.5-2 weeks after the ground part of the begonia has completely died off.
  • Store the tubers in a dark, dry and cool place (not lower than 10 0 C). You can use a box of sand for this.

Problems when growing begonias at home

  • Begonia does not bloom.

The reason may be insufficient lighting, low humidity, draft, unstable temperature regime, excess fertilizer.

  • The buds are falling.

Perhaps the watering or light regime is disrupted (either a lack or an excess), or there is a shortage of fertilizers.

  • The leaves are turning yellow.

The reason may be soil depletion, low humidity, or the appearance of pests in the root part of the plant.

  • The leaves turn black.

The problem arises due to spraying of begonias, water getting on the leaves during watering, and at elevated room temperatures.

  • The leaves are turning pale.

Insufficient lighting causes the plant to stretch and the foliage to turn pale.

  • Leaves curl.

Most likely, the room temperature is too high.

Thus, knowing the peculiarities of growing and preferences of begonia, anyone, even a novice gardener, can easily grow this beautiful, spectacular flower at home.

Begonia, photo

Begonia, video: “Basics of successfully growing begonia”

Begonia is houseplant, blooming not only in summer, but also in winter. She represents both completely herbaceous plant(up to 3 cm high), and a tall, dense shrub. Decorative deciduous species have very beautiful, developed foliage, various sizes and shades of green. A plant can have one large or many small leaves. At the same time, their flowers are not expressive and small.

A characteristic feature is the asymmetry of the sheet; one side is always smaller than the other. Flowering begonia species, on the other hand, have large, bright flowers with a range of different shades of warm color. They can be regular or terry in shape, resembling roses. Thanks to various crossings, a huge number of species of this beauty are known today.

Types and varieties of begonia

- has no stem, and the leaves grow directly from the rhizome on long stalks. Propagated by leaf division and cuttings. This type is used to decorate window sills and balconies (loggias). Among the most popular types are the following:

The leaves reach 30 cm in height (mature shoots), are heart-shaped, asymmetrical, have an unusual, heterogeneous color, red, brown and green. The flowers are removed from this plant; they are small and their presence slows down the growth of leaves, but it is the leaves that are the main accent of this species.

Masoniana or Mason's begonia on a light green heart-shaped sheet, a dark green pattern in the form of a five-fingered cross is drawn. It looks very unusual. The leaves are about 15-20 cm long.

Metallica or metallic begonia branching bushes of this species reach one and a half meters in height. The stems are reddish, and the leaves (10-15 cm) are dark green with reddish veins and a metallic sheen. It grows all year round, but is more active in summer and spring.

– a low-growing plant with bright pink flowers, blooms late.

It has a pink stem and large, sharp, finger-like, green leaves with light veins. Reminds me of hogweed leaves.

– has a thick stem covered with red hairs. The leaves are large with serrated edges. The plant reaches a meter in height.

small plant in the form of a bush (20-25 cm). The leaves are small, dark green with light spots.

Leaves unusual shape with velvet surface. They are dark green almost black in color.

– has a cranked stem, somewhat reminiscent of a bamboo trunk. Reproduction occurs by cuttings, seeds and shoots (from the top). These flowers are more suitable for home grown, as they take root better in enclosed spaces. Some of the types:

It has a long flowering period, which is why it gained its popularity. It has a glossy leaf surface, green or reddish in color. The flowers are small: white, red and pink. It can be propagated from seeds and grown both in the garden and at home. Indoor begonia can delight its owners with flowering almost all year round. It is periodically replanted by cuttings (every three years), as over time it loses its attractiveness.

- a large plant with rich red inflorescences that grow in dense bunches. The leaves are smooth, glossy, and oval in shape.

- enough close-up view, leaves are 10-15 cm long, have white spots. The flowers are bright pink.

Differs from others in small, decorative leaves and small flowers, hanging in the form of milk mushrooms. The flowers are bright red. Blooms from December to March.

– an ideal decoration for personal plots, gardens and parks. It blooms from June to October, and in closed greenhouses ( winter gardens, greenhouses) and until the first frost. Does not like drafts and strong winds, and is also afraid of direct sunlight.

It differs from other members of the family in the presence of a large tuberous rhizome, from which large translucent stems grow with heart-shaped leaves with a slightly fleecy surface. Inflorescences of various colors. The following types can be found:

It has curly flowers and well-branched, slightly bent shoots. They are used in landscape design for decorating various hanging structures.

Ampelous begonia has an advantage over others in continuous flowering. It is hung in flowerpots from which they hang large number inflorescences tightly fitting a stem 20-40 cm long. It can be white, crimson, orange, yellow, and sometimes two-colored.

The diameter of the flowers reaches 25 cm.

Among garden and home begonias, there are species that are used only in indoor floriculture, for example, Begonia Elatior . The tuberous hybrid has rather fragile shoots with a reddish tint that require additional support. White, pink, orange, yellow, red and their various shades (usually two-color), inflorescences (6-7 cm in diameter) bloom at any time of the year. Leaves with a glossy surface, rounded in shape. The bush reaches 30-35 cm.

The height of the bush is about half a meter. Dark green leaves with wavy edges (7-10 cm). Flowers: white, pink and red.

A characteristic feature of this continuously flowering plant is delicate flower, having a wavy petal shape, white with a pink border and a bright yellow core.

Begonia care at home

The plant is quite light-loving; flowering species especially need light. But direct sunlight must be avoided, otherwise burns will appear on the leaves.

Therefore, they should be shaded on the street, and displayed in the apartment on east or west windows, and in hot weather summer days hide deeper into the room, or protect the windows with special paper or film. Turn the pot from time to time, changing the sides of the flower lighting. A temperature of 20-24°C in summer and not lower than 15°C can be called comfortable.

Watering begonias

Since begonia is a tropical plant by origin, it loves high humidity. You cannot spray the leaves, otherwise they will begin to deteriorate (they become covered brown spots). Therefore, if the plant does not have enough moisture (for example, in hot weather), place it in a large tray on a stand and pour water (so that it does not touch the bottom of the pot) and pour some expanded clay there. By evaporating, the water will provide the necessary humidity around the flower.

Watering is necessary with plenty of settled water, but do not allow water to linger in the pan. The watering regime is adjusted depending on the season; as soon as the top layer of soil (1.5-2 cm) dries out, it is watered. In winter, watering is sharply reduced, and tuberous species that hibernate are not watered at all, but placed in peat.

Fertilizers for begonias

Fertilizing is carried out 1-2 times a week during the period of active flowering. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers are used for deciduous begonias, as they improve leaf growth but slow down flowering.

Transplanting begonias at home

Replanting is carried out as needed, for example, if a flower becomes cramped in a pot, it can be moved to a more spacious one. A favorable time for transplantation is the beginning of spring.

The plant is taken out of the pot, carefully freed from the old soil ( huge mistake move a flower to new pot with old soil and sprinkle with new). You need to act carefully so as not to damage the roots and stems. To remove sand, you can use a light solution of potassium permanganate by dipping the roots there for a couple of minutes.

After this, they will become noticeable weak points(if there is rotting, then they should be cut off). The cleaned plant is placed in a new substrate. Watering after transplantation is frequent. The soil is not poured to the top; you need to wait until the roots dry out and then add more.

You should not expose just the transplanted begonia directly to the sun (the flower needs time to adapt, about a month). In addition, the begonia is trimmed a little to form a new, fresh crown.

Soil for begonia

The soil has no special requirements. You can buy it at a flower shop or prepare it yourself. A little sand is laid out at the bottom, then the pot is filled halfway with leaf soil and a mixture of peat and black soil (1:1) is added.

If you prepare the soil correctly, the begonia will delight the eye with abundant, bright growth and flowering, the colors will be rich, the leaves will be juicy and healthy, and the trunk will be thick and strong.

Tuberous begonia winter storage

As soon as the first frosts arrive, the cleaning begins tuberous begonia for storage. To do this, the upper part is cut off, leaving only 3-4 cm. It is dug up without clearing the roots from the ground, and folded into storage boxes.

When the tubers are dry, remove the remaining shoots and spread soil with peat around them. Store in a dry, dark place, at a temperature not lower than 10°C. As for ever-flowering species, there is no wintering period as such.

Begonia leaf propagation

When propagating by leaf cuttings, the strongest and healthiest leaf is selected and cut into several parts along the veins, so that each specimen has 2-3 veins. After which they are laid out on the surface of wet sand and covered with film or a plastic bag. It is necessary to spray the sand periodically.

When young leaves appear, gradually accustom the plant to room air, open for 10-15 minutes and close again, increasing the interval every day.

Propagation of begonias by stem cuttings

This method is suitable for any type of begonia with a stem. To do this, cut the best cutting of 7-8 cm with 2-3 leaves, the lower ones must be removed, and the large upper ones must be cut in half. Treat the cut area with charcoal.

In a prepared pot with a mixture of sand and soil for begonias (1:1), insert the cutting into the previously made hole with a stick, deepening it to the leaves. Cover with cut plastic bottle. Within a month, new leaves will appear. Gradually accustom the plant to air. It will start blooming in a couple of months.

Begonia propagation by dividing the bush

Begonias that grow as bushes can be propagated using rhizomes. To do this, remove the plant from the soil, soak the roots a little in water, then carefully divide the rhizome into parts so that each has a bud or sprout.

Excess, dried leaves and inflorescences are removed, and the cut points are treated with charcoal. Plant in pots and water.

Begonia from seeds

Not the most popular method, since not all seeds germinate or are viable, but it is still used.

Seeds are sown in a pre-prepared substrate, without covering them with soil, sprayed and covered with film or glass (opening occasionally to prevent waterlogging).

After thinning, wait until the sprouts get stronger and transplant them into separate pots.

Propagation of tuberous begonia

In autumn, the leaves on the begonia are cut off, the tubers are taken out of the ground, cleaned from the ground and dried. In February-May, the tubers are cut into several parts (two, three), but so that roots and sprouts remain on each.

The cut side is sprinkled with charcoal and placed in peat (not deepening it too much, a small part should be on the surface), making sure that it does not dry out. The temperature should not drop (10-12°C). The germination process is very slow, you need to be patient.

During times of great travel and discovery, it was customary to create entire expeditions to search for unknown species of animals and plants. In the 17th century, during such an expedition to the Antilles, the monk Charles Plumier discovered six species of incredible beautiful flowers. He named them begonias - after his friend Mission Begon (the governor of Haiti). This flower, amazing in its beauty and diversity, is known even to a novice gardener. Begonias are found both in garden and indoor floriculture.

This article is devoted to breeding and caring for begonia at home. We will focus on issues of reproduction, care features, begonia varieties and methods of protection against diseases and their prevention.

Begonia forms the most significant genus of the Begoniaceae family. It unites at least a thousand plant species. They can be found in the highlands (3–4 km above sea level), in the subtropics and in tropical rainforests. There is an opinion that the birthplace of begonias is Africa, and then they spread to Asia, America, India, and Sri Lanka. The basis for this judgment is that more than 30% of all begonia species still grow on the “dark” continent.

How to describe begonia - it has so many faces...

Begonia ever-blooming Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum photo

The source of more than 2000 newly created begonia hybrids is from natural 1000 varieties. They differ in shape, color of leaves and flowers. This greatly complicates the task of describing the genus as a whole. Begonias are classified according to different characteristics, for example, there are annual and perennial, rhizomatous and tuberous, decorative deciduous and decorative flowering, deciduous and evergreen, tall and creeping. Therefore, read the description of begonia by type below, in the section on varieties and types of begonias.

Home begonia - choosing a place

Begonia's motto is consistency; it hates changing location. Choose a well-lit place for her, not directly sun rays, it is best to have eastern or western windows (window sills). The desired temperature is around 18˚C in winter and summer. Of course, in summer the temperature will be higher, but begonia can withstand it, the main thing is air humidity.

Begonia is a tropical plant, in its natural environment it is found in a humid climate, so you will have to regularly humidify the air. It is not recommended to spray directly on the plant - brown spots appear on the leaves; you need to place the flowerpots on a tray with wet expanded clay: the water will evaporate, creating constant humidity. All you have to do is water the expanded clay: it’s good for the begonias and the rockery on the windowsill.

Begonia is picky about little things:

  • does not tolerate crowding, place plants taking into account the widest part of the plant;
  • does not tolerate drafts, but requires regular ventilation;
  • again, constancy - it reacts to sudden changes in temperature by shedding flowers and leaves.

How to plant begonia correctly

Before planting begonias, you need to choose a pot and stock up on soil mixture, drainage, and charcoal. Preferable, of course, is a ceramic, breathable container. We choose a pot so that there is no more than three centimeters of free space around the rhizome. A lot of loose soil around the root creates regular waterlogging, and our beauty doesn’t like this, it will be capricious and bloom poorly.

Video of planting tuberous begonia:

It is advisable to buy special soil at a flower shop (the ideal acidity for begonias is pH 5.5 - 6.5), if this is not possible, then you will have to mix:

  • high peat – 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 2 parts;
  • sand, humus or turf soil - 1 part.

Let's start landing. This should be done in early spring, when the day has lengthened and there is sufficient light for begonias. So:

  • Fill the container one-third with drainage material;
  • charcoal – layer up to 3 cm (to prevent rot);
  • planting material – begonia with an earthen clod;
  • fill the empty space with substrate and compact it;
  • water and place it in a permanent place.

It should be noted that tuberous begonia must first be germinated at high humidity, without dripping, observing the temperature regime (16-18˚C), and then planted in a pot. Carefully examine the tuber: the rounded side sinks into the soil, roots will grow from it, and the concave, flattened side is the top. We immerse the tuber in the soil to the middle, leaving the top open, so it will be easier for young shoots to germinate. It happens that a tuber does not germinate, so maybe it is planted upside down? When the sprouts rise by 5 cm, the plant is transplanted to a permanent place, or it is better to simply sprinkle the tuber with soil.

Caring for indoor begonia

You already understand that begonia needs to be looked after, it is moisture-loving, so the most important thing is to maintain optimal humidity. One way to increase air humidity near a plant is described above. It is also recommended to spray the air near the plants with a very fine spray bottle. It is also necessary to maintain soil moisture, but overwatering is also undesirable.

The soil in the pot needs to be moistened if the earthen ball has already dried out on top by 1 - 1.5 cm. On hot days in the summer, water more abundantly. Make sure that water does not stagnate in the roots. In winter, watering is significantly reduced, and for tuberous begonias it is completely stopped. Water for irrigation must be left for 24 hours. It is very important not to water the plants in hot weather. cold water, since temperature changes are detrimental to the roots.
Different varieties begonias require different types fertilizing

If we fell in love flowering varieties, then it is necessary to fertilize as follows:

  • at the time of budding - complex fertilizer for flowering plants(in liquid form) – 2 times a month;
  • during the formation of the ovary - phosphorus-potassium (Bud, Ovary, Pollen).

We feed decorative deciduous begonias nitrogen fertilizers. If you start pouring nitrogen into flowering begonias, they may not bloom at all.
The disadvantage of begonia is that the branches can stretch, giving the bush a sloppy appearance. To eliminate this, the plant must be pinched, forming a beautiful, decorative shape.

Wintering begonias

Different types of begonias overwinter in different ways.
First, let's talk about evergreen begonias. Their transition to winter mode is practically unnoticeable. We give it a little rest: reduce watering, maintain high humidity and a temperature of 15-22˚ C.

As for the tuberous begonia, it needs hibernation. We reduce watering to a minimum, then stop; the above-ground part of the plant dies. This should happen in mid-autumn. Even if it seems that the flower is feeling great and is not going to go into a dormant state, still force the begonia to have a winter rest - stop watering and remove the above-ground part of the plant. Pots with tubers should be kept in a dark place, temperature 10-15˚ C.

Begonia care in spring

Before active vegetative development of begonias begins, pay attention to the bottom of the pot. If roots are sticking out of the holes, it’s time to transplant the flower into a larger pot. The principle of choosing a pot is the same: from the edges of the rhizome to the wall - no more than 2 cm. Carefully remove the plant with a lump of earth, shake off the substrate, soak the rhizome in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about half an hour, remove rotten, dry areas of the root. Before planting, you need to rinse the root in settled water, let the root dry and plant the plant. At first, water the transplanted begonia frequently.
Young bushes survive planting with ease; more mature plants are more difficult to transplant due to overgrown, fragile foliage.

In this case, there is only one recommendation - we divide already three-year-old begonias into several parts - we rejuvenate them.
We begin to water the tuberous plants slowly, gradually increasing the amount of moisture as the shoots grow. If the tubers were not stored in a pot, then they need to be planted again.

Reproduction of begonia at home

Begonia can be propagated:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the rhizome or tuber;
  • leaf cuttings;
  • stems.

Growing begonia from seeds at home

Practice has shown that the vegetative method of propagation is simpler and more reliable. But begonia can also be grown from seeds. You don't need to know any special techniques.

  • In early spring (possibly early March), we will prepare a box with a light substrate, rarely sow seeds on top, you can moisten them with a spray bottle, there is no need to dig in the seeds: just press them lightly with your palm, as if pressing them into the ground.
  • Cover with glass or film and place in a warm place. Once a day, the glass must be removed, wiped from condensation, allowed to breathe, and kept the soil moist.

  • After the shoots appear, we remove the shelter, and when 3-4 true leaves appear, we dive the seedlings into pots. Picking is the same as for any seedling: you should carefully pick up the plant with a lump of earth (it’s convenient to do this with a dessert fork or toothpick) and move it to a hole in a separate cup, sprinkle it on it and lightly press the substrate. Sprinkle with warm water.
  • After a couple of months, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. It is advisable to deepen the seedlings a little to obtain additional roots. Again, it's worth keeping lighting in mind. If the seedlings stood on one window, and the transplanted plants were placed on another, then the flower may become capricious, or even lose its leaves.

How to sow begonia seeds, watch the video:

Begonia can be propagated by dividing the rhizome or tuber:

  • At the beginning of March, we carefully remove the plant from the pot, cut it into several parts, so that each part has roots, and always one or more buds.
  • As usual, we treat the cuts with ground charcoal and let them dry a little, leaving them in the shade for 3-4 hours.
  • The divisions are planted in such a way that they are not buried more than half their height. And only when rooting occurs (intensive growth of shoots will be visible), the tuber is completely covered with earth to the base of the sprouts.

To propagate begonia, simply cut the tubers with a knife, leaving one sprout for each cut.

Dividing begonia tubers is useful not only for obtaining new planting material. This is very useful for renewal and rejuvenation of plants. If the begonia is already about four to five years old and it has become less pleasing with flowering, do not be lazy and divide the tuber. Get new plants and stunning beauty on the windowsill: there will be much more color, it will become not only abundant, but also more elegant.

By the way, usually there are only two divisions: it’s easier not to injure the sprouts, and the plants get enough nutrients in the tuber, plus the area of ​​damage is smaller and the risk that the tuber will rot is lower.

Propagation of begonias by cuttings

The most popular vegetative method is propagation by cuttings.

  • We cut the cuttings for propagation with a sharp knife from an adult begonia so that each has 3-4 leaves.
  • We treat the cuts with charcoal to prevent rotting.
  • Such cuttings can be rooted in water or planted in a soil mixture of sand, peat and leaf soil in equal parts.
  • Moisten moderately and regularly (the soil should have time to dry 1-2 cm between waterings), protect from direct sunlight.
  • Usually the cutting takes root within a month.

Begonia propagation by leaf

An interesting way is to use begonia leaves. Used for begonias with large, thick leaves. Let's calcinate clean sand in advance. A good, healthy begonia leaf is planted in the prepared soil mixture. Some gardeners recommend completely cutting off the stem of the leaf and its lower part. Sometimes a circle is cut out in the center and buried in the ground with the cuts down. After planting, water regularly through a tray. You will have to wait about two months before the roots appear, then young plants will sprout, which over time must be replanted like ordinary seedlings.

It’s hard to believe, but even by cutting one leaf into several parts, in two months you can get full-fledged seedlings; you just need to plant these pieces in the ground!

Diseases and pests of domestic begonia

At home, begonia can be affected by the following diseases:

As you know, powdery mildew appears as a white coating on the leaves. If the disease is not recognized in time, it will develop very quickly and the plant will die. The reason for this problem is excess humidity in the air and soil at high temperatures.

Treatment methods:

  • remove affected areas;
  • reduce watering;
  • try to reduce the temperature;
  • treat with fungicide ( Bordeaux mixture, Topaz...)

Rot also appears with high humidity, as well as with insufficient ventilation. The methods of control are similar, plus regular ventilation.

To prevent such diseases, in addition to proper care, you can spray healthy plants with protective fungicides.
As for pests, begonia is most often damaged by:

  • red spider mite;
  • nematode.

You can get rid of mites and aphids in 2-3 weeks by treating them with Karbofos or Aktelik once a week.
A plant affected by nematodes will have to be thrown out; this disease cannot be treated.

Why do begonia leaves dry and other care problems?

  • The leaves dry out (starting from the tips). This occurs at low air humidity. It can be eliminated using already known methods: place containers of water nearby, build an expanded clay humidifier tray, and regularly spray the air around the plant. Let us remind you that the plants themselves are not sprayed to avoid the appearance of brown spots on leaves, rotting.
  • The leaves are falling off. There may be several reasons: first they dry out and curl up - elevated temperature, wither and rot - excess moisture, thin stems and few leaves - lack of lighting.
  • Pale, rotting leaves occur with excess moisture;
  • Yellowing leaves - little light, unregulated humidity, low temperature for the plant.
  • Brown spots on the leaves, and then a gray coating - this is gray rot.
  • A powdery, unpleasant coating and unhealthy appearance is powdery mildew.
  • The plant sheds buds and flowers in response to drafts, sudden changes in temperature, dry air or excessive watering.
  • Yellow spots and rings appear quite rarely - this is cucumber mosaic or tomato spotting. You will have to say goodbye to such plants.

Types and varieties of begonias with photos and names

Due to the huge number and varieties of begonias, there are several classifications based on different criteria:

  • according to the characteristics of the underground part - rhizomatous, tuberous and superficial rhizomatous;
  • according to the presence of flowering - into decorative deciduous and decorative flowering;
  • or according to several characteristics - decorative deciduous, bushy, tuberous.

Another popular classification:

  • bushy begonia with erect bamboo-like shoots;
  • begonia with thick rhizomatous lodging or recumbent shoots;
  • begonia with flexible drooping or creeping shoots;
  • ancestors of beautiful flowering begonias.

For indoor floriculture, a different classification of begonias is used:

  • decorative flowering indoor begonias;
  • decorative deciduous indoor begonias;
  • decorative flowering potted begonias.

Consider deciduous begonia and its types

Begonia rex Begonia rex ‘China Curl’ photo

Royal Begonia or Rex Begonia (Begonia rex)

One of the most interesting begonias that came to us from East India. It is distinguished by large (30 cm long, 20 cm wide), leaves, bare or with a slight edge, asymmetrical. The shape of the leaf resembles a heart, the edges are wavy and uneven. The color of the leaf can be brown with a bronze tint, red, purple, with spots of silver. On its basis, many decorative-deciduous hybrids have been bred.

Silver Greenheart– irregular heart-shaped leaves. The main tone is silver, along the edges it is bright green with silver streaks.

Cartagena– the leaf is wrapped like a shell, round in shape, dark green. In young plants, the middle of the leaf and the edges are brown, and later become dark plum. From the middle to the edge of the leaf: silvery spots with a pink tint are scattered on a green background.

Chocolit Cream– the leaves are silvery with a pink tint, the center is a dark purple spot, the shape is spiral.

Hallelujah– a soft purple sheet with multi-colored inserts: the center and edge are dark wine color, the middle is green with small silver splashes. At the base the leaves are twisted into a spiral.

Evening Glow- bright, medium-sized leaves with a crimson center and the same edges. From the center to the edge they are decorated with a greenish-brown mesh.

Charm– large green leaves curl in a spiral, starting from the cuttings. The leaf surface is painted with dark brown veins and small whitish spots.

November cold– is of interest to beginning flower growers, as it is one of the most unpretentious begonias. The main tone of the leaf is silver, and the center, edges, and veins are dark burgundy.

Royal begonia Silver Corkscrev silver korkscrev photo

Silver Corscrew– solid leaves of a silvery tone are characteristically twisted into a spiral. The veins are raised, green. The plant is neat, reaches a height of 40-45 cm.

Black Fang- a star of stars. It is striking in its original coloring: a red-black leaf with lemon-yellow veins is twisted into a double spiral at the base. It delights with its unsurpassed quality, especially if kept in a well-lit place.

Mason's Begonia Iron Cross Begonia Iron Cross (Begonia masoniana) photo

Iron crossdistinguishing feature– the window in the form of a Maltese cross is dark brown, the leaf plate itself is a deep pink shade.

Royal begonia African jungle photo Begonia rex ‘African Jungle’

African jungle- dark green leaf with burgundy veins. The window (center) and edges are pale pink, and there are also droplets of the same color.

Vesuvius- the dark red leaf of the leaf is bordered by a stripe of bright red splashes.

Royal Begonia Mary Christmas Begonia rex ‘Curly Merry Christmas’ (=Begonia ‘Merry Christmas Corkscrew’)

Mary Christmas– the massive leaf is three-colored: the central window is pink, then silver, and along the edge is bright light green.

Demon– bright begonia in green tones. The olive center is shaded with a silver outline, followed by a narrow emerald stripe. There is a green frill along the edge. Plant height – up to 50 cm.

Begonia bowerae ‘Tiger’

Tiger begonia, or Bauer's begonia (Begonia bowerae)- homeland Mexico. The creeping plant does not exceed 25 cm in height. The leaves are light green, spotted. The back side of the leaf is pubescent. It produces light pink, faded, drooping inflorescences. It is rare in the natural environment, but thanks to the work of breeders, interesting hybrids have been developed.

Cleopatra– the color of the leaves is brownish-green (depending on the lighting), the edges of the leaves are jagged, the leaves are reddish below. Easily propagated by rooted shoots.

Tiger– low begonia (10 cm), creeping stems, velor, bronze leaves, brown streaks along the veins, reddish petioles.

Coral begonia (Begonia corallina)

A subshrub, originally from Brazil, at home grows up to 1 m. The stems are without leaves, straight, like bamboo. Impressive leaves measuring 20x7 cm. The leaves are dark green on top with white speckles, light green below (in summer they can acquire a red tint). Racemose inflorescences of coral shades look impressive against the background of greenery. Coral begonia looks most interesting not on, but on low stands. In general, this is a luxurious decoration for the home.

The best varieties:

President Carnot– on a dark green leaf there are white inclusions, the leaf blade at the base has cuts. Giant leaves - length up to 30 cm, width - 15 cm;

Alfalfa– large green leaves with jagged edges and a red back.

Caroline begonia (Begonia carolineifolia)- originally from Mexico, but has long been used for home floriculture. It has a thick (up to 4 cm) creeping stem, leaves are palmately dissected in diameter - 35 cm. The flowers are greenish-pink, collected in loose racemes. Begonia usually blooms in February.

Begonias everblooming

Ever-flowering begonia (Begonia semperflorens) is a medium-sized bush, no higher than 60 cm. When young, it has erect shoots; when mature, the stems take on an ampelous shape. The leaves are round, green and sometimes red, with a pubescent edge. The flowers are simple and double, about 2 cm in size, painted in white, pink and red tones.

The inflorescences are short-lived, wither quickly, but the next ones bloom immediately. To maintain constant flowering, it is recommended to immediately remove faded ones. At good care Begonia can bloom in winter. It is necessary to extend daylight hours (there are special biolamps). With age, it loses its attractiveness, so it is necessary to renew it from cuttings every 2-3 years.

Here are examples of well-known varieties of ever-flowering begonia:

Carmen, Ambra– begonias of medium height with many pink flowers, brown leaves.

Orange- a low bush, green leaves edged with red, orange flowers.

Bicola– reaches a height of 14 cm, decorated with white flowers with a pink edge against a background of green foliage.

Fuchsiform– inflorescences resemble fuchsia;

Gustav Knaake– plant height up to 30 cm, green leaves with red edges, bright red inflorescences, flowers up to 3 cm in diameter.

Begonia x elatior

The leader among domestic begonias. The hybrid reaches 40 cm in height, blooms elegantly and profusely against the backdrop of bright, glossy foliage. Common varieties:

Louise– light beige flowers have a pink tint;

Begonia Renaissance Begonia elatior ‘Renaissance Eden’ photo

Renaissance– terry variety – red flower petals are ruffled, tall plant;

Rose– speaks for itself, double flowers of a classic deep pink color, reminiscent of roses;

Piccoralow-growing variety, double flowers, deep pink;

Schwaberland- a tall bush with small red flowers.

Begonia x tuberhybrida pendula

So far we have talked about begonias that decorate window sills, flower stands, shelving, in general, our house, the apartment inside. However, in the spring-summer period, you really want to decorate it outside too. The ampelous begonia with its drooping shoots, which cascade down and are decorated with many flowers, is perfect for this. The colors will also please you. This is white, yellow, pink, red, orange in its pure form, and more often a combination of them. There are simple and terry, small, medium or large.

Let's consider several varieties of this species:

Christie– a fairly branched bush with large white flowers, hanging shoots, up to 40 cm;

Gail– spreading begonia with large (up to 3 cm) semi-double flowers of a pale pink tone, stem length about 30 cm, green foliage;

Kati– spreading begonia, insufficiently strong shoots grow up to 30 cm, blooms with large yellow flowers;

Roxana– a neat, dense bush with hanging shoots reaching 40 cm in length, orange flowers up to 4 cm in diameter;

Chanson– excellent begonia with double flowers. Flowers up to 8 cm in diameter come in white, pink, red, and carmine shades.

We will also present several varieties of decorative flowering begonias:

Gold Dress- a branched bush, not very wide, with huge flowers up to 20 cm in diameter against a background of bright light foliage. The flowers are also yellow, double, pink-shaped;

Harlequin- a sprawling bush with magnificent twelve-centimeter flowers. The yellow ruffled petals end in a red edge. Plant height 25 cm;

Camellia Flora– a compact upright plant with pink camellia-shaped flowers;

Dark Red– dark red, this is exactly the color of double flowers, shaped like peony flowers, size – no more than 10 cm. A small (about 15 cm) semi-spreading bush has light green foliage;

Admi Jean Bard– minimalistic begonia with bright orange flowers, collected in inflorescences of 5 pieces, its leaves are small, green;

Crispa Marghinata– a low bush (up to 15 cm) has large white or yellow flowers 12 cm in size with a pink border, the sheets are folded, green with purple edges;

Marmorata– the spreading bush has double flowers of bright red color with white streaks;

Diana Vinyard– terry begonia 20 cm high. Large white flowers 20 cm in diameter have folded wavy petals;

Feuerflamme– crimson veins are visible on the green foliage, semi-double, orange flowers.

Benefits of growing begonias at home:

  • air humidity increases, which has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • begonia absorbs harmful substances from the air, due to which the air is purified. Used as an “antimicrobial” agent, it reduces the content of staphylococci in the air by 80%;
  • the plant contains organic acids and tannins, which have antiallergic and antiseptic properties;
  • It is useful to have begonia at home for smokers and people suffering from chronic bronchitis;
  • the immunity of people living in the apartment increases;
  • begonia eliminates the feeling of fatigue and restores performance;
  • reduces nervous tension.

In folk medicine, begonia infusion is used to treat alcoholism.. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves into a tablespoon olive oil, leave for 2 hours and take orally. Do this three times a day for a month.

For treating wounds and burns: wash and dry leaves through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice, dilute with water 1:1 and make compresses. The juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Plant energy

Begonia is a kind of energy filter: it absorbs all the energy in a row and releases only positive energy. Royal begonia will help speed up the pace of your life and give you determination. In general, begonia is a plant for businessmen and promotes successful trade deals.

Begonia is also useful for sentimental people; it makes them more balanced and not prone to depression.
Begonia also helps to “gather thoughts together” and make the right decision.
Grow it beautiful plant, Good luck!