The orchid has dropped its flowers, what should I do next? What to do if the buds of an orchid fall off Why do the unopened buds of an orchid wither

They fall into a stupor when the created conditions are suitable for one species, but not for another, which can be expressed in the form of falling leaves. Today we will figure out what to do if all the leaves have fallen off, what could be causing the problem, and how to solve it. Let's discuss the possibility of restoring the plant.

Problem or period of rest

Let's start the discussion by considering a reason such as a “rest period,” which may occur in some. We'll tell you why it sheds its leaves during this period. Exists large number various types orchids, which is why not only the conditions of detention, appearance and the color of the buds, but also life cycle. The presence or absence of a dormant period is determined by the homeland of a particular plant, as well as climate and annual temperature changes.

It turns out that your plant can shed all its leaves for the reason that in its homeland at this moment the conditions become unfavorable, which is why it has a choice: go into hibernation or die. In this case, your efforts will not give any result; accordingly, increasing the temperature, the amount of watering, and also applying fertilizer will not bring the flower out of hibernation.

Important! To know for sure whether your species has a hibernation period or not, find out the exact name of the species, and then read all the available information about it.

An orchid is a rather demanding plant, so if an orchid has dropped all its leaves, which was preceded by a gradual deterioration in its condition, then something needs to be done to prevent final death. However, to solve the problem, we need to identify the cause, which we will do next.

Due to improper watering, the plant may lose its leaves, since oversaturation of the soil with moisture can lead to rotting of the greenery. On the other hand, a lack of water also leads to leaf fall, since the flower tries with all its might to retain liquid, and the leaves have a function such as evaporation, accordingly, the problem with moisture may worsen. This problem most often arises among beginners who are accustomed to the fact that plants are not particularly capricious, which is why they water the orchid when they remember it. Experienced housewives also make mistakes when they buy new look, but don't bother reading additional information about him.

To prevent improper watering from causing all the leaves to fall off, you need to add water rarely, but in large quantities. That is, watering is carried out when the soil is slightly damp, at a depth of several centimeters. In this case, water should be watered with settled water. room temperature, especially in the cold season, since tap water has low temperature, which can cause the roots to freeze. If you have a demanding type of orchid, then it would be a good idea to arrange a warm shower. You need to take the flowerpot to the bathroom, and then pour warm (not hot) water under low pressure over the above-ground part of the plant. The procedure should be limited in time to 20 minutes, after which it is better to leave the flowerpot in the bathroom, where the temperature will be higher than in the room.

Did you know? Species of orchids that are pollinated only by insects form a copy of the female fly or on the peduncle, and also emit an attractive smell. Thus, with the help of deception, plants will not be left without pollinators.


Another reason why an orchid’s leaves fall is improper lighting, which we will talk about later. Flower requires good lighting all year round. And if in summer and spring this is not a problem, since daylight hours are almost maximum, then in winter the flower will definitely suffer from a lack of light if you do not use artificial supplementary lighting.

Let's figure out what additional illumination is. This is not just turning on the light in the room where the flowerpot is, but installing an additional source in close proximity to the flower. This light source should replace sun rays, so it must be powerful enough, and, of course, it must transmit white or yellowish light, and not colored light (red, blue, green).

Important! If you are in warm time If you take the flowerpots outside every year, they must be covered with a mosquito net or similar material to avoid burns.

Separately, it is worth mentioning direct sunlight, which most often causes foliage to fall. The point is that in natural conditions The orchid grows in the tropics or subtropics, where it receives an exceptionally diffuse color, since tropical trees with a dense crown rise above the flower. If direct rays hit the leaves, they instantly cause burns, as if you brought a hot match to them. For this reason, the flowerpot should be placed in a well-lit place, but the light should be diffused, for which you can use tulle or blinds.


Let's move on to problems with, which can also cause leaf fall. Let's start with the fact that some sellers, trying to sell products, oversaturate the soil with growth stimulants, as a result of which a thick “crown” is formed and the plant quickly stretches. The downside is that after some time the orchid will begin to wither from such a “menu”, since it will exhaust all its reserves to form a large above-ground part, which requires regular feeding.

To cure the “sick”, you should move the flowerpot closer to the light and temporarily abandon any fertilizers. After half a month, you can feed with liquid fertilizers, which are diluted 1 to 1 with water. Next you should enter exactly nitrogen fertilizers, as they will stimulate the formation and development of new leaves and shoots.

Important! Do not oversaturate the soil with nitrogen, especially at the end of the warm season.

The second problem associated with fertilizer is the lack of certain substances. If the leaves of an orchid turn yellow, then the problem is not that you bought a flower on “steroids”, but that it lacks it, so you shouldn’t go on a mineral “hunger strike”, it’s enough to buy a fertilizer that will have a high concentration of iron . In this case, you need to take care of replacing the soil, since the substrate must be rich in the appropriate elements.


Let's consider the effect of temperature on a flower, and also talk about “temperature” groups. There are 3 groups temperature regime, which divide all types of orchids into warm-mode, moderate-mode and cold-mode orchids. Accordingly, if the requirements are not met, then the plant may well shed its leaves in order to wait out unfavorable conditions. “Warm” orchids. For species of this group, it is important that the temperature does not fall below 15-18°C throughout the year, otherwise they will begin to get sick. In this case, daily temperature fluctuations (the difference between maximum and minimum) should not exceed 5°C. That is, if during the day it was +25°C, and at night the temperature dropped to +18°C, then the plant, despite the permissibility of such temperatures, may get sick due to strong fluctuations. "Moderate" orchids.

Did you know? Vanilla is produced from the fruits of the vine-shaped orchid, so the plant is used not only for landscaping, but also for the production of a popular product - vanillin.

This group prefers average temperatures. The minimum acceptable temperature is 12 °C, and the maximum is 22 °C. "Cold" orchids. This group is distinguished by the fact that the minimum permissible temperature drops to 7°C, and the maximum is at 22°C. Based on the above, we can conclude that the temperature of the content is an important factor that affects the condition of the flower. More demanding plants cannot withstand strong decreases or increases in temperatures, since this does not happen in their homeland. Accordingly, the orchid falls into a kind of “coma”, which helps to wait out unfavorable conditions in a state of hibernation.

Dry air

In the cold season, many housewives place the flowerpot near radiators or heating devices to increase the air temperature near the plant, but not many people think about the fact that heating elements They dry out the air greatly, reducing the percentage of moisture in it, which greatly affects tropical plants. The problem is that moisture evaporates not only from the soil, but also from the surface of the leaf plates, which is why the orchid begins to quickly lose moisture, and if you add poor watering, it turns out that you are giving the plant an artificial drought, which it is trying to survive.

To prevent a decrease in humidity, you need to regularly spray the plant with warm water from a spray bottle if you cannot increase the overall humidity in the room. You can also place wet moss near the flowerpot, which will also increase air humidity. Remember that too dry air negatively affects not only plants, but also humans, so take care of optimal humidity.

Compatibility with other plants

A capricious orchid withers also because there are plants next to it that negatively affect the flower in question, so it’s worth figuring out what to do about it and what plants the orchid cannot tolerate.
So, a flower can shed its leaves only because the following plants grow near it:

It is not known why the orchid cannot tolerate these flowers, but their proximity will not lead to anything good, so under no circumstances place them in close proximity.

Is there any hope for recovery?

The leaves started to fall

Above we talked about why leaves may fall, but it’s worth talking about what to do when plates begin to fall en masse. First, it’s worth finding out what the root cause is, and then starting treatment or eliminating the factors. If leaves fall off closer to the base of the plant, which is preceded by their wilting, then this may be a completely normal process of aging. There is nothing terrible about this, and no treatment is required. If the fallen leaves have a rotten base with which they were attached to the stem, then you need to urgently check the soil moisture and roots, since the cause is waterlogging.
If the leaves are massively covered with tubercles or plaque, then the plant has been attacked by a fungus, which also appears due to increased humidity in the air or soil. For treatment you need to use. The orchid may become covered with spots of various colors, and only after this the foliage will begin to fall. This indicates a virus infection that needs to be treated, otherwise the plant will die. It is possible to restore a plant that is losing its leaves, the only question is how serious the damage to the rhizome and stem is. If the damage is extensive, then it is useless to treat the flower; it is easier to buy a new one, or propagate an old one, if possible.

Flower growers are ready to do anything to get a beautiful orchid. Many doubt that the plant will bloom constantly, but this only depends on proper care. Everyone knows that orchids are capricious plants, therefore, only if everything is done correctly, the flowers will delight the owner for a long time.

You can achieve flowering if you are aware of the factors that can negatively affect this action. In this case, flowering can last up to six months. It is imperative to monitor the age of the plant, the condition of the roots, leaves and buds. Also take time for proper watering, replanting, temperature and lighting.

Risk factors

Orchids are real sissies, so an unusual proximity can harm them. They do not tolerate close proximity to nuts, bananas, apples and tomatoes. The fact is that they contain a large amount of ethylene, which negatively affects the growth of the orchid. It is worth noting that fading flowers located nearby can also negatively affect the condition of the plant (you can find out why an orchid withers and how to save a flower).

Neighborhood with a variety of fruits and flowers can cause rapid aging of the plant and buds. Flower growers carefully monitor what is close to the orchid, so they avoid possible proximity to destructive representatives of the flora.

Of course, such plants can get rid of buds on their own, but this will only happen when the flower has already faded. There is no need to worry, because this is a natural process. It happens all the time, so you need to monitor it and under no circumstances remove the buds. You can simply damage the plant in this way and lead to its death. It is worth noting that if the flowers have not yet bloomed, but have begun to fall off, this indicates the presence of pests or.

Flower growers are afraid of the problems that may arise when caring for orchids. Only patience and hard work can solve everything and give the plant beautiful flowering. In fact, there may be several reasons why flowers fall off. At the first signs of dropping flowers and buds, it is important to understand why this happened, and for this you should quickly examine the plant and then decide what to do.

  1. Orchid age. When buying a plant in a store, you should definitely ask how old the flower is. You also need to know whether the orchid bloomed and when exactly it happened. If the buds have already fallen off, this may indicate the end of the flower’s life period. Many orchids can bloom for several weeks, but still do not forget that the plant is subject to natural aging.
  2. Lack of lighting. At proper care You can achieve gorgeous flowering and plant growth. If there is not enough in the house natural light, this leads to the falling of not only flowers, but also leaves. When buying an orchid in a store, you need to take into account the fact that the lighting there is properly adjusted and it differs from home light.
    Owners of orchids need to take into account all the characteristics of the plant and do everything possible to ensure that its permanent place is illuminated. This way the flower will feel good and will not drop its buds. Since orchids most often bloom in October, and the weather is then more cloudy, it is worth creating artificial lighting conditions.
  3. Overheating of the plant. In summer, you need to protect the flower from sunlight, so you should put it in the shade or close the window with a curtain. If the plant has bloomed, it must be removed from the window so that bright rays do not directly hit the orchid. Due to such overheating, the roots may suffer, which will receive less nutrients(read about why the orchid’s roots turned white and what needs to be done, and from there you will learn about why the leaves and roots turn black and how to help the plant). Orchids can also be damaged by too hot air, so the room should be ventilated. In this case, it is necessary to place the plant closer to the glass, and cover all heating devices with a damp cloth.
  4. Lack of moisture. If the plant is placed in a room with dry air, this can cause the flowers to quickly fall off. It is not recommended to allow too low a moisture level in the room. You can place a tray with wet sand, peat or expanded clay near the potter. As soon as the sun's rays hit them, the moisture will begin to evaporate, which will have a positive effect on the growth of the orchid. It is worth noting that to increase air humidity, you need to use exclusively filtered water.
  5. Hypothermia of the plant- another reason why flowers and even unopened buds may die. If you do not take into account the temperature in the room, you can cause the plant to lose its flowers or completely die (read about how to revive an orchid). This can also happen if a flower is bought in winter and brought home in the cold. Inadequately keeping the plant in a cool room also leads to loss of buds. Hypothermia also causes drafts, so you need to choose the right place where the plant will stand.
  6. Stress. A sudden change in environment can cause stress in the plant. This can cause flowers to fall off. You just need to immediately choose the place where the orchid will stand and not move it for some time.
  7. Incorrect watering. The soil in the potter may dry out, causing the buds to drop. It is necessary to water the plant and monitor the soil moisture level. Also, therefore, in this case, you should replant the plant in new soil.
  8. Mechanical damage. Injury to the plant can occur during its transportation or transplantation. Because of this, flowers and leaves begin to turn yellow and generally fall off (read about why orchids turn yellow and what to do). It is worth protecting the plant from such damage and carefully caring for it.
  9. Fungal diseases and pests(you can learn more about the characteristics of orchid diseases, and also see photos of the affected parts of the plant). The plant may be susceptible to infection or the presence of mealybugs (about why it appears on an orchid white coating and we told you how to fight it with home remedies). It is necessary to check the orchid as often as possible and if such a pest is detected, get rid of it immediately.

Chemical and folk remedies can help with the problem of flower falling. You should consult with specialists to find the right way out of the current situation. It is necessary to wash the plant as often as possible warm water and monitor all nutrients received from outside. Beginning gardeners should not panic if the flowers begin to fall off. You just need to carefully monitor the plant and take action if necessary. More specifically, a specialist will be able to answer the question of what to do next if all the flowers have fallen off after examining the plant.

Watch a video about why flowers and buds on an orchid dry out and fall off:

The tropical orchid can increasingly be seen in modern interiors. Its popularity is associated with the beauty of the inflorescences, brightness, unusualness and ease of care.

Indeed, the flowering plant pleases the eye for a long time. But many owners have a question: if the orchid has faded, what to do next? In order for the plant to continue to delight with its beauty, it is worth knowing about the basic techniques for care and maintenance.

Orchid flowers: care and maintenance after flowering

In its natural habitat - in the tropics and subtropics - the orchid alternates periods of dormancy and flowering depending on the time of year. If you pay attention to the flowering period, you will notice that flower stalks appear with increasing daylight hours. The flowering period for phallenopsis orchids ranges from 1 to 4 months. Then comes a period of rest. As a rule, it occurs in autumn and winter, so if the orchid has bloomed, this means that the plant has entered the dormant phase. During this period, there is no need to wait for re-blooming; all care consists of proper watering and maintaining temperature conditions.

First you need to make sure that the orchid has bloomed and has not shed its flowers due to neglect. favorable conditions. Such conditions include sharp decline or fever environment, the appearance of drafts, dry hot air is especially dangerous for flowers. Besides, experienced flower growers know that concentration essential oils in the air provokes the shedding of flowers in an orchid. For example, the aroma of ripe apples, oranges or pine needles can destroy flower stalks in one day. If a falling orchid is returned to normal conditions, it will continue to bloom. Re-growth of new flower stalks is also possible. Well, if the orchid has faded, what to do next? In this case, you need to cut off the completely dried peduncle. It is better to leave the green stem as it contains nutrients for the plant. As soon as it turns from green to yellow or brown, it is removed.

If there is a baby left on the peduncle, it is also not cut off, but is waited until the time comes to replant the offspring. Some gardeners leave part of the peduncle on which unopened buds remain, in order to ensure re-blooming of the plant. It has been noticed that flowering from these buds is sparse and greatly depletes vitality at the flower.

Watering and fertilizing after flowering

You need to reduce watering immediately after the last flowers have flown off. Fertilizing is done a month later with a special mineral fertilizer for orchids. Further feeding is done no more than once a month. If the room is too dry, it is recommended to spray the leaves about once a week. You can bathe your beauty in a warm shower. To do this, the soil is covered with polyethylene to avoid the ingress of chlorinated water, and the leaves are placed under warm shower. This procedure cleanses the leaves well of accumulated microorganisms, dust and fungus. If your orchid has faded, the condition of the plant will tell you what to do next. A weakened orchid should be transplanted into new soil; this should be done strictly after flowering. However, it is not recommended to replace the pot with a wider and more spacious one. You just need to update the substrate, which must contain sphagnum moss, peat, tree bark and charcoal.

Orchid is one of the most beautiful flowering plants and the appearance of each bud is a whole event for a true flower lover. But what to do if after a few days the orchid’s buds fall off? Of course, you should never despair, but rather look into the root causes of this problem.

Under normal conditions, the plant can bloom for 3 to 4 months, then there is a break of about 2-2.5 months and buds appear again. There can be many reasons for an orchid’s buds to fall off, but we will look at the most common ones.

Natural aging

In its natural environment, an orchid lives up to 70 years and is considered a long-liver, but indoor plant live from 7 to 15 years. After 5 years, there is a high probability that your indoor orchid will no longer bloom. The flower stalks will still grow, then buds will appear, which will only fall off and in this case nothing can be done.

Improper watering

Beginning gardeners very often simply overwater an orchid (on topic: video on how to water an orchid). Excessive amounts of water cause root rot and, as a result, the plant begins to shed flowers and even leaves. The soil in which the flower is located must dry out, and there must be a break between waterings.

Hypothermia or overheating

Buying an orchid in winter period requires special preparation from you. Cold can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the plant and cause the buds to fall off. To protect the orchid from frosty air, it needs to be packed in a box and covered with several layers of paper. Too much high temperature is also detrimental to the plant, as is hypothermia. During the summer heat, the temperature on the windowsill can reach above 30 0 C. If the orchid is even on a shaded windowsill, but at this temperature, the buds will gradually begin to crumble. The oldest will fall first, and then it will be the turn of the youngest.

Insufficient light

In autumn and winter, the length of daylight hours is significantly reduced. During this period, the question of why unopened buds of an orchid fall off is very relevant? The answer is very simple - lack of light. To prevent falling, you need to install a source of additional light for the plant. You need to provide additional lighting for at least 12 hours a day. A plant with blossomed buds is not affected in any way by a lack of light.

Cold draft

A cold draft can shorten the length of time an orchid blooms and cause buds to drop. By draft we should not mean ventilation, which is so necessary for the plant. The main thing is that it is not in the path of cold air movement. In winter, the orchid will still have to be removed from the windowsill, but only for the period of ventilation.

We hope we have answered your question why orchid buds turn yellow and fall off.

Kira Stoletova

Orchids are considered fastidious plants to care for. home flower Reacts sensitively to temperature conditions, humidity and even planned transplantation or reproduction. For flower growers, it is a problem when the buds of an orchid fall off. There are many reasons for this, and all require solutions.

Common Causes

The most common type of flower is considered to be phalaenopsis.

All the reasons why buds fall off (sometimes even unopened ones) are the same for all types of flowers.

The main reasons why phalaenopsis buds fall off:

  • proximity to unwanted fruits or plants;
  • change of temperature, humidity, lighting;
  • incorrect watering;
  • fertilizing with fertilizers during flowering;
  • stressful situation(transfer, relocation);
  • natural old age.

Some reasons why an orchid bud withers cannot be solved. Some require analysis and adjustment.

Watering mode

The reason why orchid buds fall off is due to improper watering.

From overwatering or underwatering, the flower drops its buds prematurely. This is due to rotting or dryness of the root system. The flower gradually dies, it does not have the strength to bloom.

To avoid this, follow a flower irrigation schedule. Determining when a crop needs water is simple: touch the soil with your finger. Wet soil does not require watering; dry soil is moistened.

Temperature, humidity, lighting

These 3 factors are key to keeping a plant at home. At the slightest violation of conditions, the flower sheds its leaves and flowers. In poor conditions, the orchid's buds do not bloom, and those that appear eventually dry out and fall off.

Optimal indicators for the plant:

  • Temperature - from 20°C to 27°C will be best for the plant. In winter, the flower is dormant, and in spring and summer it blooms. Both a decrease and an increase cause the orchid buds to fall off.
  • Humidity should not exceed 75%. High level moisture leads to a change in plant behavior and accelerated decay. Insufficient results in drought.
  • Lighting - important point flower care. If leaves or flowers fell when the orchid was standing on the windowsill under direct rays, this means that they were burnt. Also, with a lack of light, the plant decides not to bloom, and the buds fall off without blooming. Once a bud withers, it can no longer be revived.

To avoid buds falling off, care is taken to create favorable conditions (especially in summer and winter):

  • In summer, put the flower in a cool room, but do not place it under air conditioning: drafts also cause the ovary to fall off. Avoid the scorching sun; place the pot in a bright but slightly darkened place.
  • In winter, the flower is not placed near heating devices. Heaters and radiators heat the air and lower humidity levels. Avoid keeping the plant in low temperature conditions, especially at sub-zero temperatures.

When moving, be sure to prepare in advance conditions similar to the previous ones. A change of environment adversely affects the flower, and the orchid’s buds fall off.

Other factors

Additional reasons that an orchid’s buds fall off are old age, untimely feeding, replanting, and improper proximity:

  • The buds of an orchid that was fed during the flowering period fall off. This is fundamentally wrong: during this period the flower is full of strength and does not accept fertilizers.
  • Transfer - common reason why an orchid drops its buds prematurely. If the ovary withers or the flowers do not bloom, the plant is not suitable for the new soil, conditions, or has an adaptation period.
  • An orchid sheds its buds prematurely if it has already passed the age of active flowering. Signs of old age: it has dropped its lower leaves, flower ovaries appear and fall without blooming; the leaves turn yellow and fall off.
  • Neighborhood with other plants. There is an opinion that the flower does not tolerate proximity to ripening apples, bananas and tomatoes. Tobacco smoke definitely has a negative effect on the plant.

The aging age of phalaenopsis is considered to be 4-5 years. A plant may refuse to bloom due to illness. To identify signs in time, preventive measures are taken.

How to help a plant bloom

Some orchids need to be placed in a stressful situation in order for them to bloom. It is created only for flowers that have stopped blooming, although the conditions have remained unchanged. IN summer period try the following:

  • On a warm night (about 16°C), the flowerpot is taken out onto the balcony. He is left there until the morning. Then they are returned to previous conditions.
  • If the plant is resistant to weather conditions, in good weather they keep him on the balcony for 2 weeks. The watering and spraying regime remains the same.
  • In the period before the expected flowering, reduce the amount of water in irrigation. This dries the roots a little and stimulates them to flower.

All these methods are tried when objective reasons are excluded.

If the plant is old, weak or in unfavorable conditions, a stressful situation aggravates the situation, leading to death or illness of the flower.