Basil - planting and care in open ground. Basil: growing and caring for a herb. How to grow basil, on a personal plot in a greenhouse and open ground Basil cultivation and care in open ground

For a plant such as basil, planting and caring for open ground are not difficult. This plant is not only a popular spice, but also a source of vitamins and microelements. Basil requires careful soil selection and daily care, but is resistant to many plant diseases and pests.

Rules for planting basil

Growing and caring in open ground is only possible if the soil composition suits its requirements. He prefers well-warmed areas that are protected from wind and cold. In terms of composition, sandy loam soil will be the most optimal, to which organic fertilizers must be added.

Basil takes root well in beds where legumes, cucumbers, or tomatoes were previously grown. After these crops, there remains in the soil a large number of fertilizers that basil also uses.

Planting seedlings

Growing basil by seedlings is the most common method; it allows you to predict the amount of harvest in advance and save maximum amount plants. The survival rate with this planting method is much higher than with seed planting.

Preparation of seedlings begins in advance, in March or early April. The soil for its cultivation is made at home. The soil should be loose and contain nutrients. The following composition is considered optimal:

  • 2 parts - compost or humus;
  • 4 parts of peat or soil, which can be purchased at the store;
  • 1 part river sand.

The resulting composition is sifted, loosened and moistened. The seeds are placed on the surface of the soil and sprinkled with a 1 cm layer of soil on top. The container must be covered with film, left in the sun and wait for the sprouts to appear.

The next stage is picking the seedlings, that is, transplanting them into larger containers. You need to know how to pick basil so that it tolerates the procedure well and continues to grow. The best moment for replanting is when the first two leaves appear. Prepare new soil of the same composition, you can additionally add wood ash to it. Each pot is filled with soil and compacted, leaving a hole in the middle for planting the plant.

There is no exact time when to plant basil seedlings in open ground, it depends on the air temperature and weather conditions.

It is recommended to take the pots with seedlings outside during 2-3 weeks in the warmest and sunny time of the day, so that the plants get used to it and then quickly adapt to the beds. It is worth planting basil only when the soil warms up to 15 ᴼC and the temperature does not drop at night. The distance between neighboring plants is at least 25 cm so that the bushes grow wide and large.

Planting by seeds

Before planting basil seeds, first prepare the soil, loosen it, fertilize it and moisten it. You need to know when to plant basil in open ground with seeds so that it takes root well. Typically, planting occurs in May, when the earth has warmed up enough and does not cool down at night. If spring is late, it is better to wait until June and be sure that the young plants will germinate and not freeze.

The seeds are placed on the surface at a distance of 10 cm from each other and sprinkled with earth. Usually not all plants sprout, so a large number of seeds are sown. When the first shoots become stronger, the beds are thinned out, leaving 25-30 cm between adjacent bushes. There should be at least 30 cm between the rows.

Young shoots are sensitive to temperature conditions and soil moisture. If the air becomes cold when the plants are not yet strong, it is worth covering them with film until it warms up.

Caring for Basil

Anyone can handle planting basil and caring for it in open ground. Watering is necessary during periods of drought because without moisture, plants will not grow and may die. Also, the soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged, otherwise the bushes will suffer from gray mold.

Starting from the moment the first leaves appear, you need to prune so that wide bushes form. The upper growing point is removed, and the flower stalks are also cut off. In this mode, you can achieve maximum branching of basil.

It is important to regularly loosen the soil and weed out all weeds, especially in beds with young, immature plants. The procedure can be carried out up to 7-10 times during the growing season, after which the soil should be watered. The first harvest can be harvested when individual leaves reach 10-12 cm in length.

Planting and caring for basil outdoors is a time-consuming task. The condition of the bushes must be monitored regularly, otherwise the plants may die due to frost or drying out. If there are insufficient nutrients in the soil, the flavor profile and leaf size may be affected.

Planting basil seedlings in open ground - video

Among the piquant greenery, which our housewives have recently begun to use more and more often, Basil especially stands out. Fortunately, there is no need to buy it in the store, since basil grass can grow well in our gardens, and we will now share the secrets of its cultivation with you.

Introduction to basil: description of the plant

Few people know where exactly basil grows, so it is often attributed to the hot Italian coasts. But this plant feels great in our latitudes. Basil is a small annual plant that can grow 20-60 cm in height. One stem often produces a large number of leaves, which are valuable to culinary experts.

Basil or regan (also known as "rayon plant") has quite a lot of varieties that differ from each other in leaf color. They can be light green, dark green or purple.

This plant is very useful for human body, because it contains carotene(high sulfur protein) essential oils and the most important thing - large amount of vitamin C. All these substances contribute to the formation of the very spicy aroma of the leaves, which made basil popular among chefs.

Basil seed sowing

To the question, “How to plant basil in the garden?”, there are two answers at once: the seeds can be sown in pots for seedlings, or directly in open ground. The first method allows you not only to get fragrant greens, but also to have time to collect seeds from the bushes by autumn, which can be sown again next year. If you sow seeds directly in a garden bed or flower bed, then although such a plant will bring you a lot of greenery, you are unlikely to have time to collect its seeds before the onset of cold weather. For this reason It is more rational to consider seed sowing for seedlings.

When to sow basil: the process of planting the plant

Regan grass is sown approximately two months before planting seedlings in open ground, that is, at the end of March - beginning of April. This time will be enough for plants to fully develop. For sowing seeds, boxes are prepared into which the following is poured in equal parts:

  • humus;
  • peat soil;
  • garden soil.

In addition, it is important to fertilize the soil mixture for sowing basil, Why is fertilizing prepared from potassium sulfate, urea, potassium chloride and superphosphate, of which half a teaspoon is needed per 5 liters of pre-settled water. The soil only needs to be sprinkled with this solution. After this, wait until the soil warms up to room temperature, and sow the seeds, sprinkling them with another layer of soil on top. The germination box is covered with film or glass and placed in a warm and well-lit place.

Important! Excessive moisture of the soil with basil seedlings can lead to the development of blackleg disease. To get rid of it, the plant should be treated with a solution made from half a teaspoon copper sulfate and 1 liter of settled water.

How to care for seedlings?

Rayhon plant loves moisture and sunlight, therefore, as soon as the first shoots begin to appear from the ground, the container with them should be placed on a well-lit windowsill. Descents usually appear within a week. In this case, the box with them should always be in a room with the same temperature, and as the soil dries out, it will also need watering. Make sure that the plants are not over-watered. In addition, the box will need to be constantly rotated to prevent the plants from growing lopsided.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Many housewives grow basil in pots, so when the seedlings grow, they simply plant them in separate pots and put them on the windowsill. However, if the street becomes warmer every day and summer is approaching, it is more rational to plant it in the garden, thanks to which the plant will grow more lush and fragrant. We will look at how to properly plant basil in open ground below.

Did you know? Basil is an excellent medicine that not only promotes good immune development, but also strengthens the heart, lungs and kidneys. For medicinal purposesenoughadd dailybasil for your favorite dishes.

What should the soil be like to plant basil?

Basil is a lover of nutritious soil. If you plant it on sand, the stems of the plant will be thin and it will not be able to grow upward normally. Therefore, before planting basil seedlings, the bed is generously fertilized with compost and peat (compost can be replaced with humus). Please note: basil loves warm soil, so there’s no point in delaying transplanting it to the garden bed.

How to plant seedlings correctly?

First of all, it is worth addressing the question, “When to plant basil?” The time for planting seedlings may vary depending on your region of residence, but in general this should be done from the beginning of June until the end of the month. You shouldn’t wait any longer, as the plant may not tolerate the July heat and early pre-autumn cold snaps well.

Plants are planted in shallow holes, into which there is no longer a need to apply additional fertilizers. It is important to place them at a distance of 17-20 cm from each other in one row. But between the rows you should leave about 30 cm. Thanks to this scheme, all plants will have enough space to grow, they will be well ventilated, and will not experience shortages. sunlight.

After planting and compaction, the soil should also be watered a little. During the first two weeks of growth, it is important to cover the seedlings with film at night so that the basil can take root well and not be damaged by changes in average daily temperatures.

Important! When sowing basil seeds directly into open ground, this procedure should be done only at the beginning of summer, having first removed all weeds from the garden bed. Until the plants break through the soil, it should be watered well, and if the basil is too thick, it should be weeded.

Caring for basil: features of growing an aromatic plant

This spicy plant loves attention to itself, but is ready to thank for it good growth and generous leaf development. In addition to periodically removing weeds and loosening the soil, Basil also needs regular watering and several feedings.

Watering and soil care

The frequency of watering beds with basil depends on weather conditions, Therefore, if you come to the garden and notice that the soil is dry, it is better to water the plants. However, you should not do this so often that the soil does not have time to dry out. This can lead to rotting of the roots.

Before each watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil a little, so that more air flows to the roots and moisture leaks out faster. Be sure to remove weeds, since they will not only steal nutrients from the soil, but also, having a larger root system, can greatly interfere with the growth of basil bushes.

Important! Since basil loves heat very much, it should be watered with warm, pre-settled water. The same water must be used for diluting fertilizers.

When does a plant need to be fertilized and how to do it?

You can only find out what real aromatic regan is from your own garden if you provide the plant necessary care. In particular, It is worth feeding monthly: if you planted seedlings at the beginning of June, then two feedings will be required - one at the beginning of July, and the second at the beginning of August.

For a good increase in green mass on the plant, it is important to feed it nitrogen fertilizers. For this purpose, use ordinary nitrophoska, from which a solution is prepared in the following proportions - 2 tablespoons of the substance are given for 12 liters of water. It is necessary to add this fertilizer to all basil bushes, spending approximately 3-4 liters of liquid per 1 m² of bed.

Harvesting: how to collect greens?

It is important to stock up on basil for the whole year, as this spice goes well with both vegetables and meat dishes. It is ideal to store it only in a dried state, since after freezing, basil loses some of its beneficial properties.

Among the many herbs and plants, basil is popular among gardeners, the cultivation of which requires compliance with a number of nuances. When planting basil in the garden, it is necessary to ensure suitable climatic conditions, choose the right soil for sowing and adhere to basic agricultural practices. You can grow greens in open soil or at home.

The spread of basil in Russia began in the 18th century, when cosmetics were made based on the greenery. Over time, herbs and herbs began to be used in cooking and other areas. Basil is one of the annual plants with oblong and short-petioled leaves. Average length stems reach 60 centimeters. The herb has a pronounced lemon aroma, thanks to which it becomes an ingredient in many dishes.

The branching roots of the plant are located close to the surface of the ground when growing basil in open ground. The ground part of the basil is covered with hairs. The inflorescences are white or pale pink. Some spice varieties produce dark fruits that look like small nuts, which ripen in groups of 3-4 and remain viable for 5 years.

Basil seed sowing

There are two ways to plant spices in the garden: sow the seeds in advance in separate containers to obtain seedlings, or directly into open ground. Sowing basil in pots allows you to get aromatic greens, and with the onset autumn period collect seeds for use next season. By sowing basil in the soil, you will be able to get a large amount of greenery, but the seeds will not have time to ripen before the first frost.

When basil is sown, the process of planting the plant

Planting basil requires compliance with a number of rules to obtain a large harvest. It is necessary to sow the spice a couple of months before planting seedlings in open ground. As a rule, sowing occurs at the end of March or beginning of April. During this period, the plants will have time to fully develop.

When wondering how to sow basil, you need to follow these steps sequentially:

  1. Prepare containers for seedlings and fill them with humus, soil and peat soil in equal proportions.
  2. Fertilize the soil mixture with a solution of 5 liters of liquid and one spoon each of potassium sulfate, superphosphate, urea and potassium chloride.
  3. Wait until the soil warms to a temperature of about 20 degrees and sow the seeds, covering the top with a thin layer of soil.
  4. Cover the container with seedlings with film or special covering material, and then leave in a warm and constantly lit room.

It is important to consider that excessive moisture in the soil with seedlings can cause infections. To prevent infection, treat the soil with a mixture of copper sulfate and water.

How to care for seedlings

Regardless of the variety chosen, the sprouts of cultivated basil require saturation of the soil with moisture and constant sunlight. Having discovered the growth of the first shoots, the pot with seedlings should be placed on the windowsill, provided that the sun's rays fall on it.

If the land has been properly fertilized, seedlings will appear 7-10 days after sowing.

When growing basil from seeds, it is recommended to keep the container with seedlings in a place with a constant temperature. When the soil dries out, systematic watering is required, but it is important to avoid waterlogging. To ensure uniform maturation of all seedlings, it is necessary to periodically turn the container with seedlings in different directions.

Planting seedlings in the ground

When the spice seedlings grow up, the basil needs to be transplanted into open ground for further ripening. The seedlings can be distributed into separate pots and kept on the windowsill, but in hot climates outside it is more rational to transfer the seedlings to open soil.

To obtain good harvest and lush greenery, seedlings should be planted before the onset of summer, when the ambient temperature rises every day.

7-10 days before transferring seedlings to open soil, the amount of moisture should be reduced and ventilation should be performed. This will help the seedlings more easily adapt to a new place. Seedlings should be removed from the pot and replanted into the soil after the soil has warmed to 15 degrees. The process of transplanting seedlings is carried out according to a standard plan - the bushes are located at a distance of 25-30 centimeters, which allows the root system to develop freely. The optimal depth into the soil is about 30 centimeters.

Before planting plants, you should water the dug holes. The bushes must be positioned so that all leaves are above the soil. A cloudy day, when ultraviolet rays will minimally interact with the seedlings, is more suitable for transplanting.

What should be the soil for planting basil?

Proper growth and ripening of a quality crop is facilitated by soil suitable for basil. When choosing a location on a site, you should consider beds with fertile and well-kept soil. Basil requires well-warmed areas, protected from through blowing. You can protect seedlings from the wind by growing them near trees and shrubs with lush vegetation.

Any variety of basil grows best in light sandy loam with a high content of organic matter. As predecessor crops for planting spices the best options are considered leguminous plants, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes, which require a stable application of organic fertilizers.

How to plant seedlings correctly

The timing of when to plant basil in the soil depends on the climate. The right time The end of May and the whole of June are considered for landing. Late transplantation may lead to the fact that the sprouts will not be able to withstand the hot period and early frosts. Before planting seedlings, fertilizers should be added to the soil to speed up subsequent growth and prevent the development of diseases.

After planting the plant and compacting the soil, watering should be done. During the first two weeks after transplantation, the seedlings should be covered with film material at night so that the basil continues to develop roots and does not wither due to sudden changes in temperature.

Caring for basil, features of growing an aromatic plant

The spicy plant requires regular care, and to obtain a high-quality harvest, it is enough to carry out only basic agricultural techniques. To grow basil with dense vegetation and a pleasant aroma, you need:

  1. Periodically inspect the beds to detect and remove weeds that prevent the germination of seedlings.
  2. Loosen the soil so that there are no lumps left in it and the plants can freely grow in height.
  3. Constantly water the soil, avoiding drought or excess moisture.

If you want to grow a spice with a pronounced aroma, you must take this factor into account when choosing a plant variety. A striking example of an aromatic variety is the Russian Violet Giant.

Watering and soil care

The regularity of watering the soil where basil grows directly depends on climatic conditions. Caring for plants involves constantly checking the condition of the soil. If the soil begins to dry out, the seedlings need to be watered. When watering the ridges, it is important to avoid overmoistening, as this can cause rotting of the root system.

Before each watering, the soil should be loosened so that more oxygen penetrates to the lower part of the roots and moisture flows more actively. It is better to water basil bushes with warm and settled water.

Also, for the spice to grow properly, it is necessary to cultivate and eliminate weeds that can consume beneficial nutrients from the soil. Weeds with large roots interfere with the growth of basil bushes and reduce the yield. After weeding it is required abundant watering plants.

When does a plant need to be fertilized and how to do it?

One of the mandatory conditions for caring for basil bushes is the application of fertilizing and fertilizers. Saturating the soil with organic elements will provide plants with a pronounced aroma and dense vegetation. The first fertilizing should be applied at the stage of transplanting seedlings into open ground. It is recommended to use the next portion after a month. During the entire ripening period, 1-2 feedings may be required, provided that there are no basil pests in the beds.

To ensure growth lush green mass, nitrogen-based fertilizers should be used. Nitrophoska is suitable as such a fertilizer, from which a solution is prepared in the ratio of 2 tablespoons of the substance per 12 liters of warm clean water. It is necessary to water the beds at the root, using 3-4 liters of solution per square of land. Fertilizing not only has a positive effect on the growth of bushes, but also prevents basil diseases.

Harvesting, how to collect greens

When the ground part of the plant reaches a height of 10-12 centimeters, you can begin harvesting. The plucked leaves of the plant are tied into compact bunches and thoroughly dried. If you plan to use greens as a seasoning for various dishes, it is enough to finely grind or crumble the dry leaves.

Stock up spicy herb possible for a long period. If you want to leave the spice for storage, harvesting the basil should be carried out with a mandatory review of the plants. If you leave diseased basil in storage, you can lose a significant part of your supplies. Greens should only be stored in a dry state, since freezing leads to the loss of beneficial properties.

When and how to cut

It is recommended to cut off the shoots and leaves of the plant starting from the second half of summer until the first autumn frosts. If you regularly cut off large grass, new shoots and some of the inflorescences, the basil bushes will continue to develop and begin to grow stronger. This method allows you to increase the amount of harvest, since new leaves will grow several times during one season.

When harvesting basil, you need to take into account that the seeds only have time to fully ripen by the beginning of autumn. For this reason, you should not rush to remove bushes from the ground, even if they gradually dry out. If the seeds do not have time to fully ripen, they will not be able to produce further shoots.

How to prepare basil

Most varieties of basil have the ability to retain their pleasant aroma for a long time, even when dry. To prevent the greens from losing their aromatic characteristics, the harvested crop must be tied into bunches and hung in a dark and regularly ventilated place (in the attic, in the cellar). The storage room must maintain a temperature of at least 10 degrees.

If the collection was carried out by tearing off the leaves, then they should be laid out on a smooth surface and allowed to dry naturally.

There are many options for using healthy greens. The easiest way is to use dried basil as a seasoning, storing the plant in glass containers or paper bags. It is also possible to pickle the spice by following these steps:

  • wash and dry the leaves;
  • place the greens tightly in sterilized jars so that the plant produces juice;
  • add salt between layers of plant;
  • Screw the lid on the jar and leave for storage at a temperature of no more than 2 degrees.

The salting method allows you to preserve beneficial features plants. By analogy, canning greens is carried out. The leaves are also laid in several layers, each of which is sprinkled with salt, but last stage additionally poured into the container olive oil. Using salted or preserved spice leaves, you should reduce the addition of salt to your dishes.

The high popularity of basil grown in summer cottages, is largely due not only to its excellent qualities as an aromatic spice, but also to its decorative properties. By the way, this wonderful-smelling herb is also planted to repel pests in the garden. So don’t delay planting it, because you can grow early basil only by first sowing the seeds for seedlings. Read on to learn how to do this correctly.

Planting basil seeds for seedlings: varieties, timing, required containers and soil

The most popular varieties Basil depending on the ripening period are:

  • Early (40-50 days): Dwarf, Green Fragrant, Pearl of the Moscow Region, Lemon and Clove;
  • Average (60-70 days): Caramel, Enchanter, Moskvoretsky, Orion and Vanilla Aroma;
  • Late (80-90 days): Moorish, Table, Marquis, Charm and Dreamer.

Depending on the color, basil can also be green or purple.

Video: how to grow basil - overview of varieties

When to plant seedlings: depending on the region, variety, according to the lunar calendar

Basil is a fairly heat-loving crop; planting it in open ground should not be rushed. Therefore, if you want to get early and high-quality greens, and also extend the time of its “fruiting” (of course, if you regularly pinch it), it is better to first plant basil seeds for seedlings.

As a rule, you need to plant basil seedlings approximately 9-11 weeks before the expected time of transplanting the plant into the garden bed. Why exactly so much time? Firstly, 1-2 weeks, as a rule, are spent waiting for the first shoots to appear, secondly, the seedlings must grow to an acceptable size - this is another 7-8 weeks, thirdly, if you dive, then feel free to add more 1 week for the seedlings to take root in the new location. Therefore, if you live in Middle lane(for example, the Moscow region), then the optimal time to start planting for you will be the second half of March - the beginning of April, just by the end of May the seedlings can be planted in well-warmed soil. If you have a warmer climate, then the timing shifts - you can start sowing as early as February, and by May the seedlings will be completely ready.

The timing of sowing basil seedlings is also significantly influenced by the crop variety. So, it is better to plant middle and late varieties earlier, but there is no point in rushing with early ones, because... overgrown seedlings do not take root well in a new place, and if you plant them ahead of time, they will simply freeze and not be accepted.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

It can help you choose the optimal date for sowing crops Moon calendar.

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar for planting basil in 2019 are:

  • in February - 6-8, 15-17, 23-25;
  • in March - 8-12, 15-17, 27-29;
  • in April - 6-13, 15-18, 24-26, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 8-10, 12-14, 17, 18, 21-23, 26-31;
  • in June - 5, 6, 9-15, 22-25;
  • in July - 10-12, 20-22, 29-31;
  • in August - 2-8, 11-13, 17, 18, 26-28;
  • in September - 1-5, 7-10;
  • in October - favorable dates No;
  • in November - 1-3, 6-8, 15-18, 24, 25.

But you should also take into account the periods of the new moon and full moon, since when sowing at this time the seedlings will turn out weak and elongated. Therefore, there are days when planting basil should be done absolutely not possible:

  • in February - 4, 5, 19;
  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17;
  • in August - 15, 16, 30, 31;
  • in September - 14, 15, 28, 29;
  • in October - 14, 28;
  • in November - 12, 13, 26,27.

Therefore, it is necessary to pre-plan the days for sowing and prepare for them in advance.

According to lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Containers and soil

When choosing a container for sowing basil, first of all, think about how much you will need and where you will place it. If you have a lot of space and want to grow big harvest, then plant in large wooden or plastic boxes, special cassettes for seedlings. Also suitable peat tablets and the most common disposable cups, used containers for sour cream, yogurt or carton boxes from milk.

To successfully grow basil seedlings, you will need loose and light soil, in other words, it must be nutritious and breathable.

As always, soil for seedlings can be purchased at garden store or get a little fussed and cook it yourself.

The optimal composition of the soil mixture should consist of the following components:

  • 2 parts humus or well-rotted compost;
  • 4 parts peat;
  • 1 part sand.

You can also use the following soil mixture:

  • 1 part of garden land;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part humus.

The resulting substrate must first be sifted (so that there are no lumps in it), and then steamed in a water bath or heated in the oven for 60 minutes. This heat treatment will rid the soil of fungal diseases and weed seeds contained in the soil.

When using ready-made store-bought soil, it is enough to simply spill it with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate or a special disinfectant, for example the most famous brands- “Maxim” or .

Planting methods

A step-by-step classic method of sowing basil seeds for seedlings:

  1. The planting container is filled with soil mixture to a depth of 5-6 cm, then compacted.
  2. The seeds are spread evenly over the surface of the soil.
  3. Lightly sprinkle with 5-10 mm of soil.
  4. Water generously but carefully from a spray bottle. Do not allow the seeds to be accidentally washed away.
  5. All that remains is to cover the future seedlings. To do this, you can use glass, shoe covers or transparent plastic film or bag. And place it in a warm (temperature should be in the range of 20-25 degrees) and bright place (south window sill).

More in an original way planting can be sowing basil seeds in snails. To learn how to do this correctly, watch the following video:

An even newer and more effective (according to some summer residents) way of sowing basil is to plant it in shoe covers, all the information about which you will get from the video below:

Caring for basil seedlings after planting

Growing basil seedlings can hardly be called a very simple and banal task. After all, you constantly need to control the temperature and properly water the crops, because... it is very demanding on heat and soil moisture.

Friendly shoots, as a rule, appear after a week or a week and a half. As soon as the basil sprouts, the cover can be removed. Now you need to support a little more low temperature- somewhere around +16-20 degrees. This way the seedlings will not stretch. You can also prevent stretching by taking care of additional lighting of seedlings (phytolamps or economical LED lamps), thereby extending daylight hours to the recommended 12 hours.

About a week after emergence, for better growth, young seedlings can be fertilized with wood ash by preparing a solution at the rate of 10 grams of ash per 1 liter of warm water.

Note! Excessive moisture can cause damage to basil. black leg, so it is important to ensure that after watering, excess water does not stagnate in the pan.

Video: caring for basil seedlings, watering


You can start picking basil seedlings after the plant has 2 true leaves.

You can use the same soil mixture for picking, except add a couple of spoons of wood ash and one spoon of complex soil mixture (per 5 liters of soil). mineral fertilizer and then mix thoroughly.

By the way! To ensure that seedlings are easily removed from the soil, the seedlings should be moistened abundantly before picking.

The basil picking goes through standard scheme: containers are filled with earth, then compacted, depressions are made in which the young seedling will be placed, soil is added and the soil is slightly compacted again. Now all that remains is to perform the final watering.

Important! After picking, it is recommended to put the seedlings in a cooler place!

Video: picking basil

Care after picking

Further care caring for basil seedlings after picking consists of regular watering, several feedings and mandatory pinching of shoots.

Top dressing

If basil develops normally, the seedlings are usually fed for the first time immediately after picking. For this, a complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is used at the rate of 10 grams of product per 1 liter of water. Subsequently, basil is fertilized once every 2 weeks.

Reminder! Nitrogen stimulates the growth of leaves, and phosphorus and potassium have a positive effect on the content essential oil in green mass.

It is worth remembering that basil develops quite moderately at the beginning of its growth, so you should not rush it too much and constantly fertilize it. An overabundance can be much worse than mineral starvation of a seedling.


When the basil has the 5-6th true leaf, it is recommended to pinch the shoots. This way the greens will not stretch out, but will begin to branch better and produce more fragrant leaves. Actually, this is the main purpose of growing basil, isn’t it?

You will need to pinch the basil again when it begins to bloom. In addition to the flowers, you should also pinch a few leaves underneath them.

When and how to plant basil seedlings in open ground

10-14 days before planting in open ground, basil seedlings should begin to be taken out Fresh air or a balcony for hardening purposes.

As a rule, the time for planting basil in open ground occurs when the ground warms up to 15 degrees, that is, this occurs in May-early June, depending on the climatic zone of the region.

Choose a place for growing basil that is maximally illuminated and protected from cold winds.

However, in the middle zone of the aromatic spice there is often not enough heat, which is why it grows slowly. Therefore, you can plant it in a greenhouse or in a temporary mini-greenhouse made of covering material stretched over small arcs. Even more simple solution there will be night shelter for newly planted seedlings.

It will be useful to plant basil next to peppers, tomatoes or cucumbers. So the neighboring plant, thanks to its phytoncidal properties, will be under reliable protection from various kinds of insects and pests (for example, from the same aphids).

Basil will grow well only on light, airy and nutritious soils: clay and infertile soils will not suit it. Therefore, before planting, add a little humus or compost to the soil, as well as sand and peat if it is excessively clayey.

Basil seedlings are planted directly with a ball of earth.

The distance between neighboring bushes should be 25-30 cm for tall varieties, 15-20 cm for more compact varieties. Leave 20-30 cm between rows.

Immediately after transplanting into the garden, the bushes should be watered generously.

By the way! You can grow basil on a windowsill, read more about this

Video: planting basil seedlings in the garden

Caring for basil after planting in the ground

Further care and cultivation of basil in open ground in the garden includes regular watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil.

In order for basil to quickly grow fragrant green leaves, it needs a large amount of life-giving moisture, which means watering must be regular and plentiful.

Factors contributing to the active growth of green mass are also timely pinching flower stalks and fertilizing nitrogen fertilizers, which should be carried out at least once every 4-5 weeks.

Reminder! Nitrogen fertilizers stimulate the growth of green mass of all plants.

If you follow these recommendations exactly, the basil will develop well and produce a lot of useful greens until the first frost.

Advice! The more often and more you pick off leaves, the sooner new ones will appear.

Thus, growing excellent basil spice through seedlings until the first harvest requires attention, accuracy and patience.

Video: growing basil from seeds - from seedlings to planting in open ground

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