What Your Birth Date Reveals About Your Weaknesses

The most important number for a person is his date of birth. It not only influences fate, but also determines a person’s character. For example, if you were born on the 1st, then you have creative inclinations, a strong will and a sense of independence.

It is worth mentioning separately that your birthday number is a specific day of the month and if it is two digits, it can be converted to single digit number. For example, your birth number is 24. It can be considered numerically, that is, remember that this number contains energies of both 2 and 4. The totality of the qualities of numbers will be a characteristic of the number 24. However, for the picture to be complete, it is still necessary to add up between are numbers: 2 + 4 = 6. This adds a third number.


By the same principle, two-digit birthdays are combined into groups.

BIRTHDAY NUMBERS 1: 1, 10, 19, 28.
BIRTHDAY NUMBERS 2: 2, 11, 20, 29.
BIRTHDAYS NUMBERS 3: 3, 12, 21, 30.

BIRTHDAYS NUMBERS 4: 4, 13, 22, 31.




People with number 1, like the corresponding group, have an independent character, a desire to lead in a team, originality and almost legendary courage. These are pioneers, literally and figuratively. However, there are still slight discrepancies in each number included in the group, so a few words about each.

These people are individual, strong in spirit, full of ideas. It just so happens that they are good at the role of giving orders and are completely unsuitable for the role of executor. Life credo- an innovator, both in social and personal life.


The traits of the unit are fully present, but an additional element of enterprise appears. In addition, in the life of a ten, as a rule, there are many difficulties that will have to be overcome before the goal is achieved. Usually people born on the 10th live on earth to finally work off their karmic debt (10 is a karmic number. Look at the corresponding section in the “Numerology” category). The main desire of the ten is to gain independence; she cannot stand pressure on herself.


The qualities of a unit are expressed in character. However, those born on this day have a lot of dreaminess and impressionability. Ambitions and optimism are very high. True, one should not remain silent about the presence of excessive self-confidence. These people like to be encouraged and supported. The potential for achieving a goal and receiving financial compensation for the efforts expended is enormous. You should be careful about where you direct the blow of your power (19 is a karmic number. What is your “duty”, see the topic “Governing and karmic numbers.”)


Like all others, you are decisive, independent, and just as ready to persistently overcome all obstacles that may stand in your way. True, in addition to everyday problems, you often have to fight with yourself, especially when you are forced to act according to established rules, and your independent nature rebels about this. Alas, you have to come to terms with the fact that life dictates its own conditions, and does not develop according to yours.


People born on the 2nd, as well as the corresponding group, love to work in teams and join all kinds of communities. They are inclined towards cooperation and friendly relations. Despite the general qualities, there are minor differences. A little more about them.

This birthday makes you look for harmony and balance in life. Those born on this day are mediators in any situation. They are always peacemakers and do not pretend to be leaders, taking on the role of a follower without any problems.

This is one of the control numbers (see the corresponding topic in the “Numerology” category). Separately, it is only worth saying that the main gifts of this day are idealism and intuition.


Like all deuces born on this day, they have the ability to adapt, as well as sympathize and empathize. In addition, such people are tactful, have intuition, and are attentive to others.


People born on this day have a bright personality and a penchant for freedom. These are dreamers with good developed intuition. The disadvantage is self-indulgence, which often jeopardizes the whole business. Those born on this day guard their inner world, rarely anyone is allowed into it.


People born on this day, as well as the corresponding group, have creative inclinations, enthusiasm, and a sense of humor. They have an undeniable ability to spread joy around them. They are characterized by effervescence, self-confidence, and self-expression.


Creative abilities are clearly expressed; such people simply cannot help but be creators. They are so friendly and full of enthusiasm that they energize those around them. Three is considered one of the luckiest numbers.


Friendly and energetic, like all threes. However, they will never sacrifice their individuality for anything (the influence of one on their birthday). Otherwise, they are similar in character qualities to the troika: warm-hearted, emotional, favorites of others.


Friendly enthusiasts, like all three. However, unlike them, they are exclusively motor. Sociability is second nature, so there are many friends. Diverse interests. But the main gift of this day is the ability to communicate, as well as to make people happy. Extraordinary creativity, natural charm and the ability to inspire others distinguish these people.


They have everything character traits threes. Obligatory, charming creative people. Very sociable and attractive to others. Such people have a command of their words and need to realize that they are needed by others. They also really need the confidence that they are valued. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting laziness and self-justification. But, despite this, they are the darlings of fate, they have an artistic flair, a sense of harmony. The words of such people are listened to, since 0 after three enhances the quality of the number, which especially affects the weight of the word. The main task in life is to lead others.


Those born on the 4th of any month, as well as the corresponding group, have a desire for order and stability. These people are self-confident, practical, reliable, honest and fair. Self-discipline is their main advantage.


Such people value appearance and order. In addition, they strive to ensure that everything around them is truly high level. They set and achieve the highest goals. A solid foundation is laid for all the cases they undertake, and then they are methodically and meticulously built up to the required polish. These people are reliable and strong; security in any area of ​​life is extremely important to them.


The main value of life, like all fours, is everyday conscientious work. They differ in sensitivity (influence 3 in number). If these people decide on something, then they may well achieve it (1 - gives the will to win). However, do not forget that 13 is a karmic number (see the corresponding topic), so health problems may arise, and the main difficulties in life lie in wait on the path to finding the use of one’s powers. In addition, no matter how much you would like to, you should not avoid physical work.
People born on this day are great supporters of family and traditions, natural organizers and managers.


This is a control number (see related topic.) People born on this day have leadership qualities, as well as charm. They are practical, honest, and responsive to the needs of others. Such people are often successful and have many friends in all areas of life. These are master planners and strategists of their lives.


They are distinguished by strong will, determination, and luck. Besides everything - the ability to original ideas. There is clearly artistic talent. True, such people are often too focused on a specific goal. To prevent life from presenting unpleasant surprises, you should fight your own stubbornness and selfishness.


People born on the 5th, as well as the corresponding group, have a penchant for adventure, a thirst for change and impressions. Variability for a five is a way of thinking and living. Such people are naturally curious and love freedom. Risk-taking is another integral character trait of A's. They are constantly ready to get involved in adventures, take advantage of dubious opportunities, play on the stock exchange, and so on. Here, A's should be reminded that “curiosity killed the cat,” so an unrestrained search for new thrills can end very badly. In general, the dream of fives is to get rich quickly, but since they are very inattentive to details, they often fail due to annoying trifles or haste.


They adapt easily to change, are risk-takers, progressive, resourceful and versatile.
They do not like to stay in one place or in the same position for a long time. Such people lead an active lifestyle, which provides them with a huge field for change. Patience is not their thing strong point, but love of freedom is the main condition in any relationship, including personal ones. And yet, it’s difficult for A’s to be obligatory.


Such people have both determination (influence 1) and pragmatism (influence 4). Such people cannot be intimidated by the need to work hard, including physically, they boldly move towards the goal, without hiding from problems. It’s true that they sometimes develop the influence of the A in the form of a desire for risk, and they also have a passion for gambling. They love travel and change. Don’t forget, this is a karmic number (see the corresponding topic) so it is necessary to get rid of karmic debts.


Those born on the 23rd come across as emotional, sensitive, creative, and intuitive. They think very quickly, learn easily, love adventures and new experiences. People of this day are so restless that they can test themselves in anything, and in any situation they will be the best. In addition, they make many friends.


People born on the 6th, as well as the corresponding group, are responsive and caring natures who devote themselves to creating harmony for those they love. They are artistic idealists who strive for balance, responsible, family-oriented, romantic people.


Such people never tire of working for those they love. Creative and artistic people who love to make things with their own hands. In their home, a lot of things are lovingly decorated and created by them. They constantly come up with different creative projects: they embroider, weave carpets, weave macrame, sculpt from clay, paint, and so on. They love to grow flowers and take care of the garden. In fact, they are romantics, and at the same time very homely and caring.


People born on this day are instinctive, generous, and always strive for cooperation and dedication. They are fast and charming; they tend to put any theory into practice to get a concrete result. They learn the necessary skills very quickly, are universally talented, have an ability for languages, behave smoothly in the family, and are non-conflict in relationships. But even such wonderful people have drawbacks: fulfilling duties for them is an eternal struggle with themselves, responsibility is a test. In addition, they often tend to be in a state of anxiety.


Hardworking (influence 4) and honest (influence 2) people. They have a pragmatic approach to everything. Success in life is possible through hard work and determination, as well as a desire for order and honesty. Being sometimes stubborn, such people spoil their lives, but nevertheless, they are idealistic and, like all sixes, they love home.


People born on this day, as well as the corresponding group, have the ability to analyze. Such people are very thoughtful and often strive for solitude. In addition, by nature, such people are at the same time nervous and reasonable, as well as insightful and inquisitive.


Such people strive for perfection in everything and often, striving for the ideal, lose their essence. Of all types of learning, self-paced learning is best suited for such people. These are great self-taught people. By nature, they are inquisitive and secretive, and it is not easy for others to understand them; moreover, they themselves sometimes cannot trust themselves, let alone others. They really need their own private space and are sensitive to intrusion into it.


People with this date of birth are much more sociable than those born on the 7th. They like to get to the heart of the matter on their own, they are ambitious, independent in their judgment and family-oriented. To achieve success in life, it is necessary to deal with frequent mood swings, as well as keep under control the constant tossing between arrogance and doubt. These people are extremely straightforward.


Such people have many ways to express themselves. They strive for perfection, but constant impatience prevents them from finishing the job. Their minds are strong, they know how to analyze facts and draw conclusions. Such people are also receptive and work well with people.


People born on this day, as well as the corresponding group, have a strong character, prudence, authority, and the ability to accomplish great things in this life. Among other things, they are hardworking and thorough, and can be leaders of large businesses.


Such people are reasonable and have a strong value system. Ambitious, aimed at success, including material success, as well as security. Such people always guard their interests.


People born on this day often become specialists high class in their chosen industry. Especially if this is the field of scientific research. These people are often self-absorbed and look somewhat aloof, so they seem too serious to others. People of this day have an exceptional “business sense”; in addition, they do not take anything for granted without thorough verification.


Those born on this day are practical, responsible, have magnificent business qualities. At the same time, they love home very much (influence 6) and need cooperation (influence 2). Such people need to learn to be a source of strength for others, but at the same time not take control and not put pressure on them with their authority.


People born on this day, as well as the corresponding group, are endowed by nature with idealism and universal compassion. They are generous and sensitive, focused on giving. In addition, they are humanists.


Such people are compassionate and sensitive. They have a feeling that their life is predetermined. They need to learn patience and tolerance, develop independence of thought and instinct.


Such people are assertive (influence 1) and dynamic (influence 8), but also compassionate (influence 9). Of course, this is not an easy combination, but it is with it that such people have a chance to become excellent leaders. The task of such people is to learn not to be biased and to be able to forgive. Those born on this day attract money through service-related work.


Such people are equally intuitive and logical. Therefore, they seem original to others: creative and at the same time serious and thorough. By nature, however, such people are secretive and do not like to share their innermost feelings. Through learning about

What does his birthday say about a person?

“Number one” - and that says it all. This is a sign of creative, creative, original and extremely independent people. Their self-sufficiency has two opposite sides: on the one hand, they are self-confident people who often serve as an example for others; on the other hand, there are individualists and egoists who are not ready to take other people’s opinions into account. They often act as leaders and initiators - they have a strong innovative spirit and determination. They are quite ambitious and are willing to take risks in order to achieve their cherished goal. Negative traits include impulsiveness, arrogance and stubbornness. Due to natural restraint, it can be very difficult for them to demonstrate the fullness and depth of their feelings even to the closest people.

On the second, people are born who are hypersensitive. They will never ignore any request from even unfamiliar people. “Two” is a symbol of balance and a strong union. These are excellent business partners, colleagues, friends and life partners. A love story similar to a fairy tale - it's about their relationship. Often “twos” act as mediators and arbitrators - they are excellent diplomats: sincere, well-mannered, receptive. This is also the sacred number of artists and romantics. Such people work well in a team, but at the same time, they are not inclined to take initiative and do not like to be the center of attention. Their excessive shyness often becomes the main stumbling block to solving important tasks. The other extreme of a sensitive nature is the tendency to become depressed.

“Treshka” is a sign of artistic imagination, creative intelligence, sociability and empathy. It is a symbol of interaction and neutrality. On the third day, tireless optimists are born who know how to be happy and enjoy life. They are characterized by a state of eternal love. Possesses an excellent sense of humor. Endowed with excellent intuition, thanks to which they perfectly identify the most important thoughts and ideas. The opinion of the “three rubles” should be listened to especially carefully. Like twos, their sensitivity sometimes goes to the other extreme - in moments of sadness they are prone to depression, exaggeration of minor problems...

Responsible, conscientious, serious, reliable people who are not afraid of difficult tasks and do everything to solve them successfully. Those around them quickly read this; it is no coincidence that requests for help are often made to the “fours”, and they do not go unheard. People born on this day have a brilliant business reputation. Through their own labor they are able to earn a substantial fortune. It seems that there is no task that they cannot do. Many “fours” gravitate towards the exact sciences. These people take any setbacks soberly, perceiving failure as an inevitable part of life experience. They know how to draw the right conclusions from their own mistakes and, subsequently, benefit. Moreover, any difficulties and obstacles along the way only ignite passion in them and force them, sparing no effort, to achieve what they want at any cost.

“Five” is a symbol of freedom in numerology. And people born under this number know very well how to use it and use it for its intended purpose. “5” is a sign of avid travelers and adventurers. Very sociable, curious and universal people. This is often the digital mark of geniuses. Those born on the fifth are prone to mysticism. They are attracted to everything mysterious, strange, unknown... Top tip, which you want to give “fives” - slow down! Don't draw hasty conclusions from situations and don't rush things. Your impatient nature and desire to make quick decisions can play a cruel joke on you and make you unhappy.

This is a sign of love and mutual understanding, honesty and loyalty, family and friendship. People born on the sixth day have a very strongly developed sense of responsibility, artistic talents, and a thirst for the humanities. They are generous, homely, help others: good advice and, often, money. “Sixes” are wonderful friends who can be trusted with the most intimate secrets. At the same time, this number is associated with both blinding jealousy and the position of a zealous owner. They are quite stubborn, obsessive and susceptible to flattery.

A sign of wisdom and reason, which often prevails over feelings. It is no coincidence that people born on the “lucky” seventh (and, indeed, they are always lucky!) love to read, are always ready to learn something new and connect their lives with intellectual activity. They have a strong potential in science and invention. Lover of solitude, perfectionists. On the negative side of the “seven”: secrecy, passion for argument, sarcasm, tendency to isolate, stubbornness, irritability.

In numerology, it is a symbol of power, patronage, executive abilities and management. People born on the eighth of any month often find their calling in politics, become experts in corporate management, and feel extremely comfortable in a position of power (by the way, this is also reflected in sex). They are self-centered, greedy for praise, and dream of achieving universal recognition. “8” is a number that represents high income and material success. Do not try to put pressure on the pity of the “eights” and appeal to their hearts - remorse is alien to them. Traits with a minus sign include excessive ambition, rigidity (not to say cruelty) towards subordinates and impatience with people in general. Big money and dizzying earnings can ruin the G8.

One of the most controversial numbers. It is a combination of two sacred numbers, the meaning of which boils down to the expression: “Either everything or nothing.” People born under “10” are accustomed to acting simply and directly; they avoid intrigue, complex turns and cunning plans, and have always chosen the most obvious and sure path. They have a pure soul and a big heart, are very popular among their friends and always attract the attention of others. Advice to the “tens” - visualize your goals and dreams: you must imagine and consider them in all details for them to come true.

No other number has such a strong spiritual component as the number eleven. From childhood, they choose for themselves the path of internal development and mercy. Material values ​​are the last thing they care about; they, first of all, care about their soul. Such people are aware of the power of words, so they carefully weigh everything they say and never give idle advice and recommendations. Indeed, it is worth listening to their opinion carefully - you can be sure that they have already assessed all the possible consequences of making such a decision. Their inner sense borders on the extrasensory.

One of the most sentimental representatives of the calendar month. Selfless friends, romantic life partners, interested business partners. The "nines" have a well-developed talent for writing - don't let it go to waste. One of the striking traits is generosity. It is celebrated by everyone who knows these representatives. They easily forgive insults and are lenient towards the shortcomings of others. Responsible employees who will never let you down when starting a new project. The only thing absent-minded “nines” lack is more attention to their own finances. Any amount of money disappears from their hands in the blink of an eye.

The most controversial number in numerology, indicating the stage of transformation. People born on the thirteenth cannot leave anyone indifferent. Carriers of this digital code strive for perfection all their lives; some changes are constantly taking place in their lives: both in their personal lives and at work. The word “stability” is clearly not in their vocabulary. One of the main shortcomings of its representatives is intolerance towards others. After a big fight, they rarely give a second chance, even if the other person clearly deserves it. In addition, they are quite lazy, which often prevents them from achieving their goals.

This number belongs to those people who believe in absolute freedom without any restrictions. Don’t even try to limit them in anything, they will disappear from your life forever. Quite hot-tempered - it’s better not to get caught by them hot hand, you can get it. In a fit of rage they have absolutely no control over themselves, which they later regret. Feature- strong sexual arousal bordering on lust. It is very difficult to find more passionate lovers. They are very amorous, even when in a stable relationship they always keep another person in their sight. Carriers of this digital code often fail in business - this number is associated with the loss of material wealth. They should treat their finances especially thriftily and, best of all, entrust their management to a reliable partner whose aura can extinguish unfavorable events.

Inventors and dreamers are born under this number. By nature, they have a lot of talents: from technical to poetic, many of which can be successfully implemented in the profession. However, they often lack patience and internal discipline to solve the most complex problems. They take any difficulties and problems too seriously. However, they are not used to expressing their dissatisfaction openly, preferring to remain silent. They are extremely sensitive and react very painfully to the slightest criticism. Representatives of this digital code have highly developed empathy and compassion - they feel the pain of another person much more sensitively than most, and it is difficult for them to come to terms with the situation of oppression of the weak or helpless.

Personal number 16 indicates that its owner is deeply thinking person analytical mind, nothing betrays his true feelings. Responsible, educated, receptive, generous, mysterious and independent in his own way. Has excellent intuition. Responsible and 200% committed. In his youth, he is not afraid to express his opinion on any matter - openly and with self-esteem, but, alas, later he is often considered a know-it-all and an upstart. Over the years, he withdraws more deeply into himself and becomes more reserved, closed, uncommunicative, and cautious. He hates superficiality: if “16” decided to start a relationship, this means that his feelings are strong and serious. This is a very sensual and loyal partner.

How resilient they are! It’s simply amazing how such strong physical attributes coexist with a vulnerable soul. Do you want to win their heart? Sincerely show your love and affection - “17” do not tolerate falsehood and hypocrisy. Since childhood, their delicate nature does not stand up to criticism. It is very difficult for them to accept rejection. Saying “no” to them instantly makes them angry and even aggressive. If they believe in something, it will be simply impossible to convince them otherwise. They love increased attention to one's own person. They often act as a muse and source of inspiration for creative people.

Digital sign of fighters for justice. Such people are ready to the last to defend not only their own interests, but also the rights of their friends and colleagues. At the same time, they are quite conservative - in any matter they rely exclusively on personal experience and knowledge, rarely listening to the opinions of others. “18” is the number of born aristocrats. They will suffer greatly and may even fall into depression if for some reason they tarnish their reputation and will do everything possible to restore it. These people are very concerned about their own appearance, and how attractive others see them. They rarely find themselves in funny situations, as they are accustomed to acting extremely carefully. IN love relationships They place mutual respect above all else. Often such people have a deep emotional connection with their mothers, whose moral support and approval are extremely important to them.

"What goes around comes around". A saying that perfectly symbolizes the path of people born on the 19th. Their life scenario resembles a kingdom of mirrors. They should be extremely careful about what they say and do. Any perfect deed (noble or vile) never passes without a trace for them - fate constantly reflects everything and returns it a hundredfold. They often pay for the mistakes of the past. Energetic, pragmatic and determined people. They prefer stability: in the family and in the profession and extremely rarely break away from their homes. Materialists to the core and bones - for them only what they can touch with their hands is valuable. They evaluate success in any business exclusively in monetary terms.

They absolutely cannot stand loneliness - the more people around them, the better. Excellent speakers and loyal friends, they work well in a team, they gladly receive Active participation in public events. They love noisy feasts, concerts... They are hospitable, cordial, and enterprising. Romantics. They love music and dancing and have great creative potential. They say about such people “darlings of fate” - many of their desires are fulfilled as if by magic magic wand. Surprisingly, they often complain about their lives and are dissatisfied with their achievements. They easily fall under the influence of others.

Those whose birthday falls on the 21st are lovers of life, just look for them. They are ready to thank fate every day for every day of their existence. They often come from a wealthy family. The fact that the solstice falls on the 21st twice a year symbolizes their prosaic nature. They are obsessed with money, which clearly loves them. They make excellent economists, bankers, and financiers. They should be entrusted with the full management of the family budget. They attach great importance to their own status in society and the position of their partner. They are cynical and ironic. Another weakness of theirs is sex, which they are literally obsessed with. They know how to separate feelings from animal attraction, so if they cheat on their loved ones, they do it solely at the behest of instincts, excessive excitement and simply to relieve tension.

Twenty-two is a sign of enlightenment. Those born under this number love to teach others and do an excellent job at this task. Teaching and lecture work is created for them. “22” are real scholars whose broad outlook can only be envied. Nature has entrusted them with the mission to discover and explain to others the most complex processes occurring both on earth and outside it. Hence, for example, their attraction to space. They are not afraid to take responsibility - both for the words spoken and for the actions committed. Such people definitely need to be praised and given compliments, which will make them blossom. The person destined for this number is a triumphant person. However, he achieves success in life not by chance, but through hard work. Among those born on the 22nd there are many philanthropists and benefactors.

The mysterious number 23 encodes a passion for adventure and constant movement forward. People born under this number are courageous, impetuous, decisive, impulsive, sociable and fickle. They have great potential in business, work in the financial sector and the field of innovation. However, their talents are multifaceted, and they can succeed in almost any profession, thanks to high intelligence, creativity and progressive ideas. They are full of optimism, enthusiasm and curiosity. The most important thing in life for them is freedom; they do not like to answer to anyone. They have a colossal force of attraction for the opposite sex, sensual sexual partners. They are like a magnet that attracts difficult situations and problems. Therefore, their life cannot be called simple.

It is a symbol of security and loyalty. There is no more attentive and cautious representative of the calendar month. Before deciding to take a minimal step or action, they will carefully weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the possible consequences, and only after that make a decision. Going all out is clearly not about them. Food occupies a special place in their lives. Moreover, this manifests itself in different aspects: they can open their own restaurant or become famous as culinary geniuses. Legends can be made about their exemplary discipline.

The lives of these people are controlled by intuition, bordering on paranormal abilities and prophecies. They contain a certain mysticism. These are incredibly sensitive people whose opinions should never be neglected. If such a person decides at the last moment to change his mind because he “felt something bad”, you should not write it off, but rather listen without explanation. The matter is not limited to intuitive abilities alone. Two and five add up to seven, which is a symbol of intelligence. It is not in their rules to do reckless things.

The sum of two and six gives a figure eight, the two closed spheres of which form an infinity sign. This is a symbol of the inextricability of connections. These are the most faithful friends and spouses. People who have the number 26 “hardwired” into their life code take on the role of patrons - for this they have all the initial data: strong-willed character, powerful energy, leadership talent, sensitivity. Among negative aspects: vanity, the desire for unlimited power and the desire to “crush” those around you. Such people adore order; their home is clean and beautiful.

In numerology, this number is associated with the power of healing. Its representatives find their calling in the field of medicine and healthcare. They are excellent healers, often proponents of alternative therapy. Owners of “27” are intuitive, emotional, capable of deep sympathy, they do not need to be taught compassion - they feel care for their neighbors with every cell of their soul. They never despair, learn from life experiences and can easily start over after failure. Subject to strong mood swings, impatient, self-confident.

A number that symbolizes the law. Those people whose birthday falls on the 28th have a high degree of responsibility. They always call on everyone to order and follow the prescribed rules. Being an excellent judge or working in the field of law is written in their family. The other extreme is that they never admit guilt and are prone to constant accusations against others. Such an imperious character is softened by the “two”, which endows them with creative imagination and rich imagination.

A number with enormous emotional potential. They often go to extremes (today I love, tomorrow I hate). The thing is that the numbers in their composition are at opposite ends. The first makes them peacemakers and diplomats, the second makes them charismatic adventurers. They are lucky with money in life - they come to it quite easily: they earn good money, win lotteries. But above personal life they have to work hard, constantly fall in love with the “wrong people,” and often suffer from a feeling of insecurity when around their partner.

“Thirty” is a sign of business, independent and strong-willed people. They have a fantastic memory and are able to concentrate perfectly, “disconnecting” from their surroundings. The capabilities of their intellect are enormous, and their insight and quickness of mind help them cope with the most difficult situations. Their life is eventful, you won’t get bored being around them. If you want an impartial assessment of what is happening, ask the advice of a person born on the thirtieth. They will not hesitate to tell you the whole truth and help you with practical advice.

A sign of purposeful and independent people. They do not miss a single opportunity that life gives them. A special individual style and creative approach can be seen in everything they do. Any business they undertake will be brought to perfection. This property helps them gain a high position in society. Excellent organizers of the most daring projects. They do not like to follow beaten paths, but are always looking for new paths and directions. They value stability and loyalty. Don't try to deceive them - you will lose their trust forever.

Date of Birth – the most unchanging symbol of our life. Even the first and last name can be changed, but we will always celebrate our birthday at the same time. On the day we were born, comets were flying somewhere far or close, planets were in a special position, and stars were burning out and being born. They try to reveal the meaning of such deep events with the help of zodiac signs, Tarot cards or other magical things. But if we take away all the aids, what can the numbers themselves in the date of birth tell us?

Numerologists have found that a birthday can tell us a lot about our life and destiny. Having determined your birth number, you can successfully choose a partner, find out which day is best to go on vacation or determine your place of work. In this article we will focus on the issue of material well-being, and more specifically, how to achieve maximum success in financial matters. This is reasonable, because if you do not resolve all your financial and worldly issues, it is impossible to even think about love or spiritual development!

First of all, we need to determine which number was dominant on the day of our birth. To do this, you need to carry out numerological addition. To do this, take the day of our birth and add the number of units with the number of tens (if any). Example: if you were born on June 29, then your birthday number will be 2 (2+9=11; 1+1=2). If you were born on October 3 or 4, then your numbers will be 3 or 4, respectively.

We will not present the methodology for further analysis here, but will do better: we will provide you with a summary of information about material wealth for all numbers from 1 to 9. So, let's begin:


If you were born under this number, congratulations - you are a master at making money! “Ones” are almost never left without finances and are able to get out of even the most hopeless situations.

But there's bad news - you're also a master at spending. Of course, money is needed to spend, but you need to spend it no less wisely than you earn it. Try creating a spending chart to help you organize your purchases. This will help identify the holes in your life where all the money goes.


People born under the number “2” are creatures with a broad soul and the most faithful friends! It's good in family relation, but in matters of money it creates a problem: very often “twos” cannot refuse their comrades and therefore lend money to even the most hopeless defaulters. Also, number two people really like to pamper their loved ones with gifts and surprises, which can’t help but hit the wallet.

The best places to work for “twos” are those that involve live communication. In this sense, they make successful psychologists, consultants or salesmen. If the “two” is engaged in business, then she does it best together with a partner.


A person with the number “3” almost always needs something! Often, with a solid income, he feels the same lack of funds as with a small income. On the one hand, such “gluttony” stimulates “threes” to conquer financial heights. On the other hand, who likes to be constantly dissatisfied?

The first step to correcting the situation will be to review all things and draw up financial plan. If the “troika” can get along well with a thousand rubles, then why can’t it also get along with 10 thousand? And the freed up money can be successfully invested or spent on developing your own business.


Four is the most hardworking number. Who, if not them, understands how hard it is to get every ruble earned? That is why “fours” are characterized not only by complete dedication to their work, but also by thrift in spending.

Often people in this category earn money not only from their main job, but also through hobbies and part-time jobs. If you have free time, hurry up to occupy it with an enjoyable and possibly profitable activity.


“Fives” are great adventurers and fun-loving people. They also like to joke with money: their pocket is always either full or empty.

For people with this number, it is important to choose an activity to their liking. If you notice long-term bouts of laziness, try to pay attention to another way of earning money. Of course, changing your main job can be scary, but who else likes taking risks if not “A” students?


The most valuable thing about the number six is ​​harmony. In matters of finance, this principle does not change: people of number “6” correlate their income well with their expenses. “Sixes,” as opposed to “threes,” almost always have enough of everything. However, if loved ones need something, the “six” is recommended to take up a small business, such as breeding animals or making souvenirs.


Sevens have a very unusual relationship with money. On the one hand, they rarely know where exactly to spend their money and often simply lose it. On the other hand, they also rarely have to be in need. It seems that the Universe itself favors people with this number. And in order to help the Universe a little, “sevens” should at least sometimes give money to trusted people for safekeeping, preferably with the number “4”.


Born entrepreneurs. It is the “eights” who best study the mechanism of money, which helps them tame it. If you received the number 8 in your date of birth, but have not yet tried yourself in the field of business, then it’s time to do it!


“Nines” undergo interesting metamorphoses: when there is a lot of money, they do not need it. When they are not there, creditors appear on the doorstep. If you're on a wave financial success, try to set aside at least a little money for a rainy day. Believe me, you will thank yourself for this decision.

As you can see, despite the fact that we cannot change the date of our own birth, we can still make the necessary changes to our destiny. In addition, it is easy to notice that some numbers, like “3” or “7,” indicate some disdain for money. This isn't always a bad thing, especially if you're creative. But remember - careless handling of money harms not only you, but also your loved ones, for whom financial well-being can be much more significant.


Since time immemorial, people have felt the mysterious influence of numbers. Unraveling the mystery of the number meant unraveling the mystery of universal harmony, perhaps the mystery of life itself. Pythagoras also said that “everything is a number.” Let's find out what the birth number can tell about a person.


No. 1 – and that says it all. These are creative, independent and original people. Self-sufficient and not always consistent. On the one hand, those born on the 1st are confident people, they are an example for others. On the other hand, there are egoists who do not take into account the opinions of others. They often act as leaders and initiators - they have a strong innovative spirit and determination. They are quite ambitious and willing to take risks to achieve their cherished goal.

Negative traits include harshness, impulsiveness, arrogance and stubbornness. Natural restraint does not always allow them to demonstrate the fullness and depth of their feelings even to the closest people.


These are hypersensitive and very responsive people. They will fulfill requests even from strangers. “Two” is a symbol of balance and a strong union. Those born on the 2nd are not only excellent business partners, but also amazing colleagues, friends and life partners. Also, many artists, poets and romantics were born on the 2nd. Excellent diplomats, they will resolve any dispute. These people know how to work in a team, but are not inclined to take initiative. They don't like to be the center of attention.

Negative traits: excessive shyness, which often becomes a stumbling block to solving important problems. Another extreme of a sensitive nature is the tendency to become depressed.


“Troika” is a sign of creative intelligence, artistic imagination, indefatigable sociability and empathy. It is a symbol of interaction and neutrality. Tireless optimists are born on the 3rd. They enjoy life 24 hours a day. They are characterized by a state of eternal love. Those born on the 3rd have an amazing sense of humor and excellent intuition, thanks to which they identify the most important thoughts and ideas. The opinion of the “threes” should be listened to especially carefully.

Like twos, their sensitivity sometimes goes to the other extreme - in moments of sadness they are prone to depression and exaggeration of small problems.


These are responsible, conscientious, serious, reliable people who are not afraid of difficult tasks and do everything possible to solve them. Those around you quickly understand this. And the “fours” constantly hear requests for help, which, naturally, they cannot refuse. Those born on the 4th have a brilliant business reputation. On their own, they are able to earn a considerable fortune. Many people think that there is no task that they cannot do. “Fours” mainly gravitate towards the exact sciences. They take any setbacks soberly and perceive failures as an inevitable part of life experience. They know how to draw the right conclusions from their own mistakes. In addition, any difficulties and obstacles along the way only fuel their passion and force them to achieve what they want at any cost.


“Five” is a symbol of freedom in numerology. People born on the 5th know very well how to use it and use it for its intended purpose. “Five” is the number of avid travelers and adventurers. Very sociable, inquisitive and versatile people. This is often the digital mark of geniuses. Those born on the fifth are prone to mysticism. They are attracted by everything mysterious, unknown, strange, unknown.

The main advice I would like to give to “A” students is to stop! Don’t rush your horses, don’t make hasty conclusions and don’t rush things. Your impatient nature and desire to make quick decisions can play a cruel joke on you and make you unhappy.


It is a symbol of love and mutual understanding, honesty and loyalty, family and friendship. People born on the 6th have a highly developed sense of responsibility, artistic talents and a thirst for the humanities. They have a big heart, they are homely, they help others, no matter with advice or money. Those born on the 6th are wonderful friends who you can trust with your deepest secrets.

At the same time, this number is associated with blinding jealousy and the position of a zealous owner. They are very stubborn, obsessive and susceptible to flattery.


This is a symbol of wisdom and reason, which often takes precedence over feelings. It is no coincidence that people born on the seventh love to read, are ready to learn something new all the time and connect their lives with intellectual activity. They have a strong potential in science and invention. They love to be alone. Impossible perfectionists.

Negative traits of the “seven”: secrecy, passion for argument, sarcasm, tendency to excessive isolation, stubbornness, irritability.


8 is a symbol of power, patronage and control. People born on the 8th of any month often find their calling in politics, become experts in managing companies, and feel extremely comfortable in leadership positions (by the way, this is also reflected in sex). They are self-centered, love praise, and dream of achieving universal recognition. “8” is a number that represents high income and material success. Pressing on the pity of the “eights” and appealing to their hearts will not work; remorse is alien to them.

Traits with a minus sign include excessive ambition, harshness towards subordinates and impatience with people. Big money and dizzying earnings can spoil those born on the 8th.


Perhaps this is one of the most sentimental representatives of the calendar month. Selfless friends, romantic life partners, interested business partners. Those born on the 9th have a developed talent for writing. One of the most striking traits is generosity. She is noticed by everyone who meets the “nines”. They quickly forgive insults and are lenient towards the shortcomings of others. Very responsible employees who will never let you down when starting a new project.

The only thing absent-minded “nines” lack is more attention to their own finances. Any amount of money disappears from their hands in the blink of an eye.


One of the most controversial numbers. A combination of two sacred numbers, the meaning of which boils down to the expression: “Either everything or nothing.” People born under “10” are accustomed to acting simply and directly; they avoid intrigue, complex turns and cunning plans, and have always chosen the most obvious and sure path. They have a pure soul and a big heart, are very popular among their friends and always attract the attention of others. Advice to the “tens” - visualize your goals and dreams: you must imagine and consider them in all details for them to come true.


11 is the number that has the strongest spiritual component. From childhood, people born under this number choose for themselves the path of internal development and mercy. Material values ​​are the last thing they care about; they, first of all, care about their spiritual component. Such people are aware of the power of words, so they carefully weigh everything they say and never give idle advice and recommendations. It’s really worth listening to their opinion - you can be sure that they have already assessed all the possible consequences of making such a decision. Their inner sense borders on the extrasensory.


A unique combination of two numbers. From number one, people born on the 12th took positive attitude to life, strong will and undying energy. But from the number 2 - internal harmony, balance of power, brilliant organizing talent and communication skills. Twelve is a sacred number for all humanity, and this circumstance cannot be written off. More than a thousand years ago, it was chosen to determine the time of day, divide the year into months, and measure length (foot = 12 inches). And this is no coincidence. It is these representatives who most often have a special mission - they, like no one else, are able to change the world for the better.


This is the same number that causes a lot of controversy in numerology. It denotes a stage of transformation. People born on the 13th leave no one indifferent. Throughout their lives, carriers of this digital code strive for perfection; some changes are constantly taking place in their destinies. This applies to both work and personal life. The word “stability” is clearly not about them.

One of the main disadvantages of representatives of the number 13 is intolerance towards others. After a serious fight, they rarely give a second chance, even if the other person clearly deserves it. In addition, they are quite lazy, which often prevents them from achieving their goals and dreams.


This characterizes those born on the 14th as people who are too freedom-loving. You shouldn’t even try to limit them in anything, otherwise they will disappear from your life forever. They are very hot-tempered - it’s better not to fall under the hot hand of them, you can get into trouble. In a fit of rage, they do not know how to control themselves, which they later regret. A characteristic feature is strong sexual arousal, bordering on lust. It is very difficult to find more passionate lovers. They are very amorous, even when in a stable relationship they always keep another person in their sight.

Those born on the 14th often fail in business - this number is associated with the loss of material wealth. It is better for them to treat their finances especially thriftily and, best of all, entrust their management to a reliable partner whose aura can extinguish unfavorable events.


Inventors and irrepressible dreamers are born under this number. Nature has endowed them with a lot of talents: from technical to poetic, many of which can be successfully implemented in the profession. However, they often lack patience and internal discipline to solve the most complex problems. They take any difficulties and problems too seriously. However, they are not used to expressing their dissatisfaction openly, preferring to remain silent. They are extremely sensitive and react very painfully to the slightest criticism. Representatives of this digital code have highly developed empathy and compassion - they feel the pain of another person much more sensitively than most, and it is difficult for them to come to terms with the situation of oppression of the weak or helpless.


Those born on the 16th are a deeply thinking and analytical person. He rarely exposes his feelings even to close people. Responsible, educated, receptive, generous, mysterious and independent in his own way. He has developed excellent intuition. Responsible and 100% committed. In his youth, he is not afraid to express his opinion on any matter - openly and with self-esteem, but, alas, later he is often considered a know-it-all and an upstart. Over the years, he withdraws more deeply into himself and becomes more reserved, closed, uncommunicative, and cautious.

He hates superficiality: if “16” decided to start a relationship, this means that his feelings are strong and serious. This is a very sensual and loyal partner.


Those born on the 17th are very resilient. It’s amazing how such strong physical attributes coexist with a vulnerable soul. Do you want to win their heart? Sincerely show your love and affection - “17” hate falsehood and hypocrisy. They are vulnerable and do not tolerate criticism from childhood. It is very difficult for them to accept rejection. The word “no” addressed to them instantly makes them aggressive. If they believe in something, it will be simply impossible to convince them otherwise. They love increased attention to their own person. They often act as a muse and source of inspiration for creative people.


These are fighters for justice. They are ready to the last to defend not only their own interests, but also the rights of complete strangers, not to mention their loved ones. At the same time, they are quite conservative - in any matter they rely exclusively on personal experience and knowledge, rarely listening to the opinions of others. “18” is the number of born aristocrats. They will suffer greatly and may even fall into depression if for some reason they tarnish their reputation and will do everything possible to restore it. These people are very concerned about their own appearance and how attractive others see them. In a love relationship, the most important thing for them is mutual respect. Often such people have a deep emotional connection with their mothers, whose moral support and approval are extremely important to them.


Those born on the 19th live by the motto “What goes around comes around.” Their life scenario resembles an endless series of boomerangs. They should be extremely attentive to what they say and do. Any perfect deed (noble or vile) never passes without a trace for them - life constantly reflects everything and returns it a hundredfold. Often they have to pay for the mistakes of the past. Energetic, pragmatic and determined people. They value stability: in the family and in the profession, and they rarely leave their homes.

Materialists to the core and bones - for them only what they can touch with their hands is valuable. The rest seems to not exist. They evaluate success in any business exclusively in material terms.


They absolutely do not tolerate loneliness - the more people around them, the better. Excellent speakers and loyal friends, they work well in a team, and enjoy taking an active part in public events. They love noisy feasts, concerts... They are hospitable, cordial, and enterprising. Romantics. They love music and dancing and have great creative potential. They say about such people “darlings of fate” - many of their wishes come true as if by magic. Surprisingly, they often complain about their lives and are dissatisfied with their achievements. They easily fall under the influence of others.


Those whose birthday falls on the 21st are lovers of life, just look for them. They are ready to thank fate every day for every day of their existence. They often come from a wealthy family. The fact that the solstice falls on the 21st twice a year symbolizes their prosaic nature. They are obsessed with money, which clearly loves them. They make excellent economists, bankers, and financiers. They should be entrusted with the full management of the family budget. They attach great importance to their own status in society and the position of their partner. They are cynical and ironic. Another weakness of theirs is sex, which they are literally obsessed with. They know how to separate feelings from animal attraction, so if they cheat on their loved ones, they do it solely at the behest of instincts, excessive excitement and simply to relieve tension.


Twenty-two is a sign of enlightenment. Those born under this number love to teach others and do an excellent job at this task. Teaching and lecture work is created for them. “22” are real scholars whose broad outlook can only be envied. Nature has entrusted them with the mission to discover and explain to others the most complex processes occurring both on earth and outside it. Hence, for example, their attraction to space. They are not afraid to take responsibility - both for the words spoken and for the actions committed. Such people definitely need to be praised and given compliments, which will make them blossom. The person destined for this number is a triumphant person. However, he achieves success in life not by chance, but through hard work. Among those born on the 22nd there are many philanthropists and benefactors.


The mysterious number 23 encodes a passion for adventure and constant movement forward. People born under this number are courageous, impetuous, decisive, impulsive, sociable and fickle. They have great potential in business, work in the financial sector and the field of innovation. However, their talents are multifaceted, and they can succeed in almost any profession, thanks to their high intelligence, creativity and progressive ideas. They are full of optimism, enthusiasm and curiosity. The most important thing in life for them is freedom; they do not like to answer to anyone. They have a colossal force of attraction for the opposite sex, sensual sexual partners. They are like a magnet that attracts difficult situations and problems. Therefore, their life cannot be called simple.


It is a symbol of security and loyalty. There is no more attentive and cautious representative of the calendar month. Before deciding to take a minimal step or action, they will carefully weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the possible consequences, and only after that make a decision. Going all out is clearly not about them. Food occupies a special place in their lives. Moreover, this manifests itself in different aspects: they can open their own restaurant or become famous as culinary geniuses. Legends can be made about their exemplary discipline.


The lives of these people are controlled by intuition, bordering on paranormal abilities and prophecies. They contain a certain mysticism. These are incredibly sensitive people whose opinions should never be neglected. If such a person decides at the last moment to change his mind because he “felt something bad”, you should not write it off, but rather listen without explanation. The matter is not limited to intuitive abilities alone. Two and five add up to seven, which is a symbol of intelligence. It is not in their rules to do reckless things.


The sum of two and six gives a figure eight, the two closed spheres of which form an infinity sign. This is a symbol of the inextricability of connections. These are the most faithful friends and spouses. People who have the number 26 “hardwired” into their life code take on the role of patrons - for this they have all the initial data: strong-willed character, powerful energy, leadership talent, sensitivity. Among the negative aspects: vanity, the desire for unlimited power and the desire to “crush” those around you. Such people adore order; purity and beauty reign in them.


In numerology, this number is associated with the power of healing. Its representatives find their calling in the field of medicine and healthcare. They are excellent healers, often proponents of alternative therapy. Owners of “27” are intuitive, emotional, capable of deep sympathy, they do not need to be taught compassion - they feel care for their neighbors with every cell of their soul. They never despair, learn from life experiences and can easily start over after failure. Subject to strong mood swings, impatient, self-confident.


The number that symbolizes the law. Those people whose birthday falls on the 28th are very responsible. They always call everyone to order and to comply with the prescribed rules and laws. They are destined to be an excellent judge or work in the field of law.

The other extreme is that they never admit guilt and are prone to constant accusations against others. But the imperious character is slightly softened by the “two”, which endows them with creative imagination and irrepressible imagination.


Very emotional people. They often go to extremes (today I love, tomorrow I hate). The thing is that the numbers in their composition are at opposite ends. The first makes them diplomats, the second makes them charismatic adventurers. They are lucky in life with finances - money comes to them quite easily: they earn good money, win lotteries.

But they have to work seriously on their personal lives, they constantly fall in love with the “wrong people”, and next to their partner they often suffer from a feeling of insecurity and uselessness.


Those born on the 30th are business-minded, independent and strong-willed people. They have a phenomenal memory, they know how to concentrate, “disconnecting” from their surroundings. The possibilities of their intellect are enormous, and their insight and quickness of mind help them cope with the most complex tasks. Their lives are full of different events; you won’t get bored being around them. If you want an independent assessment of what is happening, ask the advice of a person born on the 30th. They will not be shy to tell you the whole truth and will help you with practical advice.


The number of purposeful and independent people. They will not miss a single opportunity that life provides them. A special individual style and creative approach can be seen in everything they do. Any business they undertake will be brought to perfection. This property helps them gain a high position in society. Excellent organizers of the most daring projects. They do not like to follow beaten paths, but are always looking for new paths and directions. They value stability and loyalty. Don't try to deceive them - you will lose their trust forever. Very sociable.

Numerology by date of birth makes it possible to get Additional information about a human. Numerology as a science involves calculations to obtain meanings and their further interpretation.

There are two types of key numbers that tell about the character and purpose of a person:

  • birth number;
  • number of fate.

The birth number gives information about a person such as disadvantages and advantages. To calculate the date of birth, we need to find out the day of the month when the person was born. For example, February 6, 1990. In this case, the birth number is 6. If a person was born on a two-digit day of the month, then it must be reduced to a single-digit number. For example, September 13, 1991, where 13=1+3=4. The birth number is 4.

Numerology predetermines the birth number as a key characteristic of a person’s wishes and aspirations. To simplify human awareness, numerology has divided numbers into even and odd. According to birthday numerology, odd numbers can be described as lively and energetic.

Even numbers can be described as the most balanced and serene, who love comfort and tranquility. There is not a single number in numerology that is bad or meaningless: each of them has its own mission. Let's consider the meaning of character by birthday number:

birthday number character and abilities
1 Units are leaders. Moreover, leaders are of a purely personal nature: no matter what they do, they do not want to fall behind, they do the maximum possible. When they enter a room, they are noticeable and visible to everyone. They can be quite irritable, like all odd numbers.
2 Two is an ideal partner. They are tactful, don’t allow hairpins to approach them, and are absolutely uncritical. They do not want to command, they like to work and do household chores together with someone. They are not very active, but this makes up for their goodwill. We are ready to stand up for all those who are unjustly offended and will help those in need. Their disadvantage is their compliance, which harms themselves.
3 Threes are activists and positive companions who are governed by their own spiritual impulses. Most often, people of this birthday are driven by the idea of ​​society: they want to improve the world and do something serious, big. They love to help people, but are often quite strict in their principles and criteria. They have a good sense of humor. Their disadvantage is causticity and criticism.
4 People of this birthday are of a reliable type, very loyal. They love comfort, are hardworking, but somewhat insecure. Their negative quality is pessimism, which needs to be eradicated with support and kind words. They need someone optimistic by their side who will clear the clouds from their thoughts.
5 The main quality of such people is a craving for freedom and change of place. Very sociable, versatile, they easily get carried away by new things, and love to travel. They often choose the field of journalists, managers, all professions where communication and frequent changes of environment are necessary. Their disadvantage is inconstancy - the love of freedom does not give them discipline.
6 Aesthetes. People of this type are very friendly and sincere, they find access everywhere thanks to their demeanor and desire for beauty. It is easy and pleasant to be around them, but they are very sensitive: they do not tolerate injustice and criticism, an ill-mannered person will never become their comrade. They do not tolerate rudeness, although they can get angry and respond in kind.
7 They have great willpower and independence. But they are distinguished not only by their strong character, but also by their special thinking: they are good analysts, unusual ideas and thoughts come into their heads, which makes them good philosophers and writers. They can achieve success in professions that require fortitude and determination - sports, business.
8 Practical, with a sharp mind and firmness, people of this day can combine all possible traits: kind, aggressive, cunning and open. They just have little trust in people and prefer to pay them with the coin they receive. Eights are overly critical and harsh, which prevents them from building relationships with those who are worthy of friendship.
9 Numerology characterizes them as perfectionists. These are people who strive to improve themselves and others. They are very dreamy and intuitive, sensitive to other people's troubles, great intellectuals and very inquisitive. One drawback: their desire for perfection is unattainable, as is the desire to make others perfect. This often prevents them from being happy.

Destiny in numbers

In addition to this meaning, there is also the number of fate. Numerology does not use the destiny number as an indicator of a person’s character - it is rather his purpose; the main life priorities and meanings are reflected in the destiny number. Numerology for beginners describes quite clearly how to calculate it: you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. In general, the science of numerology does not provide complex calculations. For example, the numbers of day, month and year need to be reduced to a simple value:

02/5/1991 = 5+2+1+9+9+1= 27=2+7=9. Destiny number is 9.

By the full date of birth, you can determine not only the character of a person - the number of fate gives much more.

fate number mission
1 Numerology characterizes their life path - to win, to be first everywhere. Whatever they do, they are driven by ambition, their goals are to reach the top. Basic principle: professionalism.
2 Life path such people are peacemakers. Whatever their character, they will always help people. Their activities will spread peace and attract goodness.
3 Artistry and breaking stereotypes is their mission. Belief in a better future and perspective is something that they spread in their lives, regardless of what they do.
4 Reliability and dedication. Their mission is to follow justice and strive for peace.
5 Numerology determines the life path of these people - to sow information, to give freedom. These are revolutionaries, they can carry out revolutions: both at the level of the state and at the level of thinking of an individual.
6 The peacemaking energy of these people gives them a mission to bring beauty and harmony. It is with this life path number that famous designers and musicians thrive.
7 They break stereotypes and create new trends, they are reformers, no matter what they do: if they are doctors, they will come up with a new device, if they are writers, they will discover a new style. These are science fiction writers.
8 Their life path is to set themselves high goals and objectives. They go with the principle: no sooner said than done. Quite strict principles that must be followed. Accumulate material wealth.
9 Making the world cleaner and more perfect. Whatever they do, they will bring the principle of cleanliness and order, perfection into everything - this is the life path of these people.
11 Numerology for beginners does not define this number: it is a high order number. 11 is a derivative of 2, so they also sow peace and quiet. However, their mission is somewhat more serious - they are called upon to do something great through their peacefulness.
22 Similar to the number 11, numerology defines the number 22 as a derivative of 4. The life path of such people is thorny and complicated, and much depends on their birthday. In any case, they will have to work hard to achieve success.

A little about Pythagoras

Numerology, in addition to the characteristics described above, has another way of analyzing personality - the Pythagorean matrix. Key numbers are determined by the full date of birth, from which the matrix itself of 9 cells is then compiled.

Everything is done in several stages:

1. the number of fate is determined - we calculated it above by addition.

5.2.1991 = 5+2+1+9+9+1 = 27 – first value;

2. bring it to a prime number.

3. From the first number we subtract the double amount of the birthday.

27 – 5*2 = 27 – 10 = 17.

4. bring it to a prime number.

For a matrix, numerology gives two rows of numbers: birthday numbers and the values ​​obtained in calculations. We write them down: 521991279178 and enter them into the following table:

111 - 77
22 5 8
- - 999

Pythagorean numerology gives information from this table:

1 - fortitude, 2 - energy, 3 - mental activity, 4 - health, 5 - thinking and intuition, 6 - earthiness, 7 - luck, 8 - responsibility, 9 - ability to learn. By date of birth you can determine how lucky a person will be, how talented, his strengths and weak sides. Birthday numerology shows the character and traits of a person, his shortcomings and advantages, and the number of fate determines the person’s mission, how he will go through life.