How to prepare chicken manure for feeding strawberries. How to feed strawberries in the spring. Video: fertilizing strawberries with chicken droppings in spring

Strawberries are one of the most common berry crops, and its cultivation has certain characteristics. Every gardener should know how and what to fertilize strawberries in the spring, because the yield of the crop will depend on this. Fertilizing for strawberries is required not only in spring, but also in summer to increase yield, and also in autumn, so that the plants are properly prepared for wintering.

From this article you will learn how to fertilize strawberries in the spring, what mineral and organic fertilizers can be used, and how to properly apply them to the soil depending on the season and growing season.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring

In order to enjoy sweet and fragrant strawberries during the season, it is sometimes necessary to resort to fertilizing. In this article we will tell you when and what to feed it for good growth and production. high yield(Figure 1).

First of all, you need to decide how to feed strawberries in the spring. better harvest. Traditionally, both organic and mineral products are used for this, but they must be applied in accordance with certain rules.

The first fertilizing is carried out as soon as the snow melts and warm weather sets in. It is necessary to stimulate the growth of young shoots and leaves, so substances containing nitrogen should be used.

Note: First of all, you need to loosen the soil and cut off dry leaves, then feed it.

The bushes of the first year of life are not fed, since fertilizers are applied under them when planting. But a two-year crop especially needs feeding. The first begins when the first leaves appear around mid-April. During this procedure, mullein is added to the plant or replaced. chicken droppings.

During the second feeding, during flowering, the bushes are fed with mineral preparations. The final feeding can be done with an infusion of weeds. To do this, the weeds are removed from the beds, crushed, filled with water and left in a warm place for a week.

Figure 1. Methods for feeding strawberries

You can also carry out foliar feeding in the spring. It is carried out by spraying plants with a solution of nitrogen or organic matter. Thus, all beneficial substances are absorbed immediately and have a positive effect on the growth of the bush and the number of ovaries. This procedure is carried out on a dry, windless day and preferably in the evening.

You need to fertilize your plantings in the spring based on your location; the further south your region is, the earlier you begin the procedure. In areas with a warm climate and mild winters, this is done in mid-April. For northern areas - mid-May.

In order for the fertilizer to benefit the plants, it is important to know the flowering time of the varieties that grow in your area. This is necessary, since if applied early, the beneficial substances will go into the soil, and during flowering the bushes will not get anything valuable. Conversely, if fertilizing is done later than necessary, we risk getting a meager harvest. It is also important not to overdo it with nutrients, as this can negatively affect the plants.

Use chicken manure better in spring and only once a year. When watering plants, liquid should not fall on the bush itself.

You will find useful tips on how to fertilize strawberries for the first time in spring in the video.

Strawberry fertilizer table in spring

There is a special table, using which you can determine exactly what to fertilize strawberries in the spring for a better harvest, and when it is best to do it (Table 1). For example, after the first leaves appear, an infusion of chicken manure, mullein, yeast or nitroammophoska is added to the soil.

Table 1. Fertilizing strawberries by month

During flowering, plants are fed with wood ash with potassium permanganate, iodine or boric acid. When the ovaries begin to form, an infusion of nettle or mullein is used as fertilizer.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring for a better harvest

Spring feeding is carried out early, before the leaves bloom. It is recommended to combine fertilizing with pruning of bushes.

Note: The first feeding should “wake up” the plants after winter and give leaves and shoots growth, so it should contain nitrogen. To do this, you can mix water, mullein and ammonium sulfate or dilute nitroammophoska with water and apply under each bush. You can also use organic matter: infusion of nettle, mullein or chicken droppings (Figure 2).

Yeast starter is very popular among gardeners. It is applied in early spring to form good green mass and increase yield.

Figure 2. Main types of fertilizers: yeast, wood ash and complex fertilizers

When the first flower stalks appear, the plant needs potassium. It improves taste qualities berries, increases their shelf life and improves appearance plants. During flowering, it is good to use this fertilizer: wood ash is poured with boiling water, then potassium permanganate, boric acid and iodine are added. This mixture can be sprayed on leaves, flowers and fruits. Complex products containing a complex of useful substances are also known. Such fertilizers are used according to the instructions on the packaging: diammophos, nitrophoska, nitroammophoska, ammophos.

When preparing fertilizers, you need to use rainwater or settled water, but in no case chlorinated. Do not forget that they need to be applied after rain or heavy watering.

How to fertilize strawberries with yeast in spring

Gardeners began using yeast as a fertilizer relatively recently. But the result was not long in coming. Yeast not only helps the plant grow green mass, but also contributes to increased yield.

In addition, yeast is an accessible and inexpensive raw material, and you can prepare a good fertilizer based on it yourself at home (Figure 3).


Yeast is very popular among gardeners. The prepared solution can be fed to strawberries, vegetables, and house plants. This fertilizer contains proteins, minerals, amino acids and acidifies the soil well. After yeast feeding nutrients stay in plants for up to two months. The roots of the plants become stronger and the fruits grow larger.

Figure 3. Fertilizing strawberries with yeast

The first feeding is carried out in early spring, when the bushes begin to appear. To do this, you need to loosen the soil, clear it of weeds and add yeast starter. This will help the plant quickly grow green mass and prepare for flowering.

The second feeding occurs during the fruiting period, when green berries appear. This will make the fruits larger and begin to ripen faster.

After harvesting, a third feeding is carried out. Do not forget to loosen the soil after each subcortex and remove unnecessary sockets. The bed can be fed more often, but then the concentration of the solution should be reduced.


There are many ways to prepare yeast dressings. All of them have been tested more than once and are easy to prepare.

To prepare a solution according to classic recipe take sugar, yeast and water. Dissolve yeast and sugar in small quantities warm water. After a couple of hours, the fermented mixture is poured into a bucket of water and left for several days. Half a liter of starter is diluted with ten liters of water. Half a liter of working solution is added to one bush.

Another method is also used. A large packet of yeast is diluted in five liters of warm water and left to ferment for several days. Half a liter of the mixture is diluted in a bucket of water. You can also make sourdough at home. Pieces of bread are placed in a container and filled with water. The container is placed in a warm, dark place for a week. To prevent the bread from floating, the leaven is placed under pressure. After the expiration date, the solution is diluted with water and poured under the root. Do not use moldy bread or chlorinated water.

Fertilizers for strawberries in summer

Towards the end of July, a second feeding is carried out. This is done so that the plants receive additional potassium and microelements, which they need to lay flower buds for the next year, as well as form new roots (Figure 4).

In summer, liquid fertilizing with manure is used. To do this, fill a quarter of the bucket with manure, add water and leave for three days. The finished slurry is diluted with water. They also use yeast fertilizer containing macro- and microelements, as well as complex fertilizers.

Figure 4. Methods of applying fertilizers in summer

Ash and nitroammophos can be used as fertilizer and diluted with water. Urea can be used to set the buds of the future harvest. Sometimes the ash can not be diluted with water, but poured around the bushes. After two weeks, the fertilizing procedure can be repeated.

After adding nutrients, on dry days the plantings are watered abundantly to better set flower buds.

If you notice that your plantings are not developing well, then while loosening the soil, you should simultaneously fertilize with mineral preparations. To do this, you can use manure or compost, berry mixtures, potassium salt and superphosphate.

Bushes with lush foliage and powerful tendrils do not need to be fertilized. Such plants can only be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Fattening strawberries do not need watering.

Do not forget to constantly remove weeds, inspect plants for diseases and pests, and also remove damaged parts of plants in a timely manner.

Expert tips for fertilizing strawberries are given in the video.

Fertilizers for strawberries in autumn

Autumn feeding is carried out around September. This procedure helps the bushes to overwinter better, especially young plants.

As in the case of fertilizer in spring and summer, autumn fertilizing has certain characteristics, and to carry it out, the basic rules and recommendations of experienced gardeners should be taken into account.

During autumn feeding gardeners advise using both organic and mineral fertilizers.

The main purpose of fertilizing in the fall is to maintain the good condition of the bushes and roots and provide them nutrients before the onset of cold weather. Therefore, you should increase the amount of potassium and reduce the intake of nitrogen.

Note: In September it is better to carry out liquid fertilizing, and in October use solid additives. Mineral and organic substances must be mixed only before use. You can't insist on them together.

By carefully examining the bushes, you can determine which fertilizers need more and which ones should be excluded. For example, small fruits and leaves with dried spots indicate a lack of nutrients. And limp leaves with white spots indicate an overdose.

Before applying fertilizer, you should determine the characteristics of the soil and the presence of humus for plants, and also take into account the characteristics of a particular variety.

At the end of August, the first fertilizing with urea is carried out. Then, in early September, fermented mullein is introduced into the rows or under the bushes. The second stage of feeding occurs at the end of the month, when the crop is fed with a solution that increases the formation and preservation of fruit buds.

After the second feeding, the plantings need to be mulched. For this they use straw, peat, hay, sawdust. Ash pollination is also useful at this stage. Wood ash is sprayed onto the leaves and the surface of the soil. It is important to cover only after the first frost. This will give the plants a chance to harden off.

Fertilizing strawberries in spring with mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are used to prevent the development of diseases when plaque, white edges appear on leaves, or young shoots dry out. The use of such fertilizers improves the taste of the berries and gives them additional volume (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Types of mineral supplements

Today in special garden stores there are many mineral fertilizers for strawberries. Complex fertilizers containing potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium are best suited. Such drugs have a greater effect on bushes than on the soil. They help plants survive the winter and promote the formation of buds for the next year. They are used strictly according to the instructions written on the packaging. Mineral fertilizers should be applied between rows so as not to damage the bushes. The culture cannot be fed with urea, since the urobacteria have not yet begun to function, so this fertilizer is not absorbed. Mineral fertilizing must be accompanied by abundant watering.

Organic strawberry nutrition

Using organic fertilizers, you will get a wonderful harvest of berries without harm to the plant and soil, as they are natural and safe. Besides, this cheap way enrich the soil.

Below we will describe the main organic fertilizers that can be used to feed strawberries.

How to fertilize strawberries with chicken droppings in spring

To get good harvest Watering and pest control alone is not enough. An important element there is food. Chicken manure contains large number nitrogen, so the feeding mixture is diluted with water. The prepared solution is applied three hours after watering the area, and you need to be very careful so that the solution does not burn the leaves and roots of the plant. To do this, the infusion is poured not under the bush, but between the rows (Figure 6).

You need to start feeding this way at the beginning of plant development, otherwise you risk getting a lot of leaves and tendrils, and oversaturating the berries with nitrates. From this fertilizer the plants will receive the nutrition they need to grow and form large fruits.

Figure 6. Chicken manure as fertilizer for crops

How to prepare the solution? The main thing is to maintain the proportion of water and litter: 20 parts of water to one part of dry litter. When using fresh litter, dilute a liter of fresh litter in 20 liters of water and leave for ten days, do not cover the container. IN fresh droppings cannot be used. However, it should be borne in mind that such fertilizing cannot be used during flowering and fruiting.

Wood ash as fertilizer for strawberries

Ash contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Wood ash can be used both in pure form and in the form of a ready-made solution. For strawberries, wood ash is considered the best fertilizer (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Features of feeding strawberries with wood ash

Ashes can be added by the handful twice per season - in the spring and after fruiting. Dry ash is applied before watering or rain. Some gardeners prefer to work with a solution. To do this, pour a liter of ash into a glass hot water and insist for a day. Then dilute it in another nine liters of water and mix thoroughly. When watering, the prepared solution should be stirred constantly so that the ash does not settle to the bottom. You cannot add urea, saltpeter or manure to the prepared solution.

Ashes as fertilizer for strawberries

Ash is a substance natural origin. The elements it contains are easily absorbed by plants. Ash contains phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, boron, manganese, molybdenum, etc. Timely application of such fertilizer increases the resistance of plantings to diseases and pests, improves the taste of berries and changes the composition of the soil.

Root feeding is carried out twice a year: before flowering and after fruiting. At the stage of fruit set, foliar feeding is carried out. To do this, boric acid, iodine, potassium permanganate and sifted ash are dissolved in ten liters of hot water. All components must dissolve. Spraying is carried out in the evening or early in the morning, until the dew has subsided.

Under no circumstances should ashes be used as fertilizer after burning. household waste, synthetic materials, colored paper and bright magazines, rubber.

At the beginning of the dacha season, in the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the strawberry bushes are fed for the first time. In this case, feeding should stimulate the growth of young leaves and shoots, and therefore contain nitrogen. We will tell you in the article why fertilizing strawberries in the spring is important and how to do it in different ways.

Features of spring fertilizing of strawberries

In the first year of growing strawberries, you don’t need to feed them - the fertilizers that were applied during planting will be enough for them. In subsequent seasons, the crop must be fed in a timely manner. What and when? It depends on the age of the strawberry. In the second and fourth years it should be mineral and organic fertilizers; on the third - only mineral ones.

Tip #1. Fertilizers should be applied directly under the bushes, adding two centimeters of soil, and between rows to a depth of 8-10 centimeters. Then water the bushes thoroughly.

You can also carry out three foliar feedings:

  1. On young leaves.
  2. During flowering.
  3. According to the ovaries.

What are the benefits of yeast feeding of strawberries?

Spring feeding should not be neglected

Relatively recently it became known that yeast perfectly fertilizes all types of plants. They contain ¾ water and ¼ dry matter. In addition, they contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, nitrogen, potassium and phosphoric acid. Proteins contain amino acids, fats contain saturated and polyunsaturated acids.

Strawberries fed with yeast receive much needed cytokinin, auxin, thiamine, and B vitamins. In addition, this berry is enriched with all macro- and microelements - copper, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, so it develops and bears fruit well.

You can feed strawberries with yeast twice a season. One 5-liter bucket is enough for 10 bushes. A pack of yeast weighing 1 kilogram is diluted with 5 liters of water. 0.5 liters of the mixture is poured under the bush. Fertilizing with dry yeast is done as follows: 1 packet and 2 tablespoons of sugar are diluted in a small amount of warm water and the mixture is added to a bucket of water. Leave for 2 hours.

Iodine as a spring fertilizer for strawberries

Regular iodine can prevent some strawberry diseases if just a few drops are added to the fertilizing solution. Iodine is an antiseptic, and therefore can prevent the occurrence of various bacterial diseases and rot in plants. For watering and spraying, use a 10% alcohol solution of iodine.

Strawberries are fed with iodine in early spring to stimulate growth and to prevent gray rot and powdery mildew. The crop is also sprayed over the leaves with iodine solution. The iodine concentration for foliar feeding should be less, otherwise the plant can be burned.

Fertilizing strawberries in spring with saltpeter

Strawberries need nitrogen fertilizers for good growth and flowering, as well as for bright red flowers. large berries with excellent taste. If there is not enough nitrogen, the leaves will become pale and the berries will turn out small and tasteless. Nitrogen is found in ammonium nitrate and urea (urea). Nitrate here acts as a fertilizer together with ammonium sulfate and calcium nitrate.

Tip #2. If you don’t have time to add the necessary minerals one by one, you can use nitroammophoska.

Strawberries are fertilized for the first time in early spring. A solution consisting of ammonium nitrate and urea (1 tablespoon), diluted in 10 liters of water, is poured under each strawberry bush (0.5 liters). We must remember that an excess of this fertilizer leads to a loss of sugar in the berry.

Potassium fertilizers are also important for strawberries. They increase its shelf life, improve its taste, and increase its sugar content. In spring, strawberries need to be fed with potassium nitrate, wood ash, potassium chloride, and potassium sulfate. Suitable for this are so-called fertilizers - mineral substances that need to be mixed into the soil to saturate the soil with nutrients. Inorganic fats are:

  • nitrogen: with ammonium nitrate, urea;
  • potassium: with potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate.

During the second spring feeding, strawberries can be fed with the following fertilizer: 1 tablespoon of potassium nitrate per 10 liters of water. You can feed strawberries at the roots, or directly on the plant using liquid fertilizers.

Urea for proper strawberry fertilization

This fertilizer is suitable for all types of soil. Urea (urea) ensures a healthy harvest due to its high nitrogen content. When using it, the main thing is to follow the dosage. If you add more than necessary, the berries may become tasteless and watery.

If the dosage is exceeded, strawberry leaves curl and turn dark brown. In this case, the plants need to be provided abundant watering and limit exposure to sunlight.

What are the benefits of nettle as a fertilizer?

Nettle contains potassium (34%), magnesium (6%), calcium (37%), vitamins A, B, E, K, phytoncides, tannins, and organic substances. All of them are useful for the full development and growth of strawberries. They are easily digestible. Vitamin K is involved in photosynthesis and improves plant immunity.

Nettle is used in the form of an infusion - fermented plant mass. How to cook it? Young nettle leaves and stems should be placed in a (non-metallic) barrel, filled with water and left to ferment for a week or two, stirring daily without fail. The resulting mixture is diluted with water: half a liter of infusion per 10 liters of water. This mixture is poured over strawberries.

Foliar feeding of strawberries in spring

You can prepare the following solution: for 10 liters of water, take 3 grams of potassium manganese and 2 grams of boric acid and add the fertilizers used during planting. It is good to feed strawberries with this mixture before flowering. When the first flowers appear, the amount of ingredients should be halved by adding 2 grams of potassium sulfate to the mixture.

When to feed strawberries

In three years, strawberries completely deplete the soil in which they grow. Therefore, to ensure a good harvest, you need to either feed the plants or transplant them to a new location. Read also the article: → "". The first option is preferable, as it takes less effort and time. The approximate portions of fertilization on sod-podzolic soils for strawberries are shown in the table:

Soil supply Compost (manure), t/ha Nitrogen (N), kg in/ha Phosphorus (P2O5), kg d./ha Potassium (K2O) kg d./ha
Low 60-80 50-60 100 80-120
Average 40-50 30-40 80-60 50-80
High 30 10-20 40 25-40

If your strawberries are more than 3 years old, then they need to be fed three times to ensure a good harvest:

  • when the first leaves appear;
  • when the buds appear;
  • when the ovaries appear.

The most the right time for the first feeding - depending on the climatic region - mid-late April. First of all, remove debris from the beds - branches, leaves, etc. Spread manure, chicken droppings or mullein in a very thin layer around the roots of the seedlings (the soil should be visible through the top dressing), and sprinkle fertilizer on top with soil 2 centimeters high.

The second feeding is carried out in the middle - end of May, when the first flowers appear. It is good to use iodine and ash: pour boiling water over a glass of ash, strain and pour the resulting liquid into a bucket filled with 10 liters of warm water. Add 30 drops of iodine and pour 500-700 milliliters of the resulting mixture onto each bush.

The third feeding is carried out before the berries set. During this period the most the best feeding- infusion of weeds. It is done like this: weed the beds, chop up the weeds and fill a bucket with them; fill them with water and let them brew for a week in a warm room; Strain the mixture, dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio and water the strawberry bushes at the root (1 liter per bush). Some gardeners add yeast to this feeding (200 grams per 10 liters of mixture). But you should not do this, since this will not particularly affect the growth of the berries, but the soil will become rocky.

How to feed strawberries with folk remedies

Fertilizing the soil is the most necessary for the plant, both before planting and during growth, and is a mandatory care item

In addition to ready-made industrial fertilizers, summer residents use folk remedies to fertilize strawberries. Everyone knows how important it is for plants organic material- manure humus, chicken droppings, peat, herbal infusions and even food waste. All these fertilizers contain a large amount of nitrogen, which is needed to make strawberries large, sweet and juicy.

Tip #3. Chicken manure is used in liquid form: 1 liter of manure per 10 liters of water. This solution must be infused for three days, otherwise the plants can be burned.

Strawberries can be fertilized with fermented milk products - for example, whey. Milk contains more than 19 beneficial amino acids, as well as minerals, calcium, sulfur, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The most beneficial environment for the development and fruiting of strawberries is slightly acidic soil. And it is in this sense that fermented milk products are the most correct solution, since they create such soil. They are recommended to be used together with manure, humus and ash. It is good to spray strawberries with milk - this will repel pests from them - aphids, mites.

Fertilizers from bread have a very good effect on the growth and development of strawberries. They are prepared simply: dried bread is soaked until fermentation in water - ripening will occur after about 6-10 days. This solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Yeast will create for the growth of strawberries favorable conditions. In addition, the yeast fungus acidifies the soil, and the berries receive the necessary nutrition and become large.

It is advisable to feed strawberries with herbal infusions several times a season. In addition to nettle, burdock, mint, wormwood, and various garden weeds are suitable for this. It’s good to add onion peels to them. All this is put in a net and lowered into a barrel of water. Cover with a lid and leave for one to two weeks. The resulting infusion is poured under the roots of the strawberries. This fertilizer provides the strawberry bushes with the substances necessary for full growth and fruiting.

Experienced gardeners advise periodically spraying strawberry bushes with warm dandelion infusion (500 grams per 10 liters of water). This helps to destroy pathogens and insect pests. As an alternative - garlic infusion (200 grams of garlic per bucket of water).

Benefits of mulch for strawberries

This is a very effective and economical way to feed strawberries. Its advantages:

  • firstly, there is no need to remove weeds from the beds;
  • secondly, the berries remain healthy and clean;
  • thirdly, the soil remains moist for a long time, so you can water the plants less often.
  • Fourthly, after rain a crust does not form on the soil, which means its looseness remains.

Rubric “Question-answer”

There are many different fertilizers that you can either buy in a special store or use folk, time-tested methods.

Question No. 1. How to increase strawberry harvest?

Feed the strawberries with live yeast: 2 packs per 10 liters of water. Or humates. If they do not contain iodine, then add 10 drops per 10 liters of water. Today, bags of iodized humates are sold, the contents of which must be diluted according to the instructions. Iodine protects plants from insects. You can also mulch strawberry beds with well-rotted manure.

Question No. 2. What to do to prevent berries from lying on the ground?

To prevent strawberries from getting dirty, the soil around the bushes after flowering should be covered with fresh sawdust, then watered with a solution of ammonium nitrate or urea at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water, and then watered with clean water.

Question No. 3. Why did the strawberries dry out?

First, when making beds, put drip irrigation under the film, and only then plant the strawberries. Be sure to pay attention to ensure that the heart does not die, but also does not protrude too much. After planting, treat the beds with Epin. If the heart has dried out, new bushes can be planted in this place. It is advisable to trim the foliage after planting for better rooting without damaging the heart. Do not cover the top with film!


It's hard to meet a person who doesn't like strawberries! But in order to collect large harvests from one bush, you need to properly care for your garden, paying special attention to fertilizing.

Required Tools


Why fertilize strawberries in spring?

Applying fertilizers in the spring is necessary to obtain a high-quality harvest with excellent taste.

Another purpose of fertilizing is to make the plant itself stronger, less susceptible to various diseases and pests that can simply destroy the entire crop. At the same time, you definitely need to remember that you cannot plant the bushes too densely - it is better to leave space between them, and also do not forget to weed the beds and water the strawberries carefully so as not to make the soil too wet.

After all, the lack of air and wet soil can lead to diseases, weakening of the plant and, as a result, a decrease in yield.

Before you start work, be sure to familiarize yourself with what periods of the growing season to fertilize, because this also affects the growth of the plant, its productivity and health.

Root and foliar feeding of plants

In crop production, two forms of fertilizing are used - root and foliar. The first of them is widely known and is actively used in both industrial and amateur gardening. IN recent years The second form has become popular - foliar feeding, when fertilizers are applied by spraying directly onto the leaves of the plant. It is used in various cases:

  • when due to high level soil acidity or alkalinity necessary for the plant the elements end up in a bound form and cannot be absorbed by the roots;
  • when on external organs plants have visible signs of a deficiency of one or another chemical element;
  • when a plant has problems with the root system due to mechanical injury them during transplantation, damage by pests, overheating or waterlogging of the soil, low soil aeration.

With foliar feeding, the concentration of applied fertilizers is much lower, since they are absorbed into the plant directly by the surface of the leaf. When root feeding, an increased amount of fertilizer in the solution is simply necessary, if only because a significant part of it is washed away by rain and watering.

Most recommendations for spring feeding strawberries focus on the root form of fertilization, although it is increasingly noted that foliar fertilizing is possible and even necessary, since it gives an excellent effect.

More details about the procedures in the video

Differences between spring work with young and adult plants

Previously, it was said about the great importance of applying spring fertilizing to strawberries. However, this agronomic operation is carried out differently for young last year’s plantings and for mature plants.

If, when preparing a site for planting strawberries, sufficient quantities of organic and mineral fertilizers were added to the soil, then spring fertilizing of plants in such a site may not be carried out at all. If the soil has not been so thoroughly prepared, then young plants are fed once after cleaning the beds and loosening the soil. To do this, prepare a solution at the rate of 1 tablespoon of sodium sulfate and half a liter of cow manure or chicken droppings per bucket of water. 1 liter of fertilizer is poured under each plant.

Mature plants that are more than two years old are fed in the spring to increase yield in three stages:

  1. after the berry garden has been cleared of last year’s foliage, the soil has been loosened and warm weather has settled;
  2. just before the strawberries begin to bloom, when the buds have not yet opened;
  3. after harvest.

The first feeding, which usually occurs in mid-April - early May depending on the region, stimulates the growth and development of the plant, the second - increases the yield of strawberries, the third - stimulates the active formation of flower buds for the next year.

The next section of the article talks about what adult strawberries are fed with in the spring.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring: traditional and folk remedies

Strawberry bushes that have been growing for two years or more must be fed with mineral fertilizers. Immediately after the snow melted and the leaves began to bloom, use the following mixture: 1 spoon of ammonium sulfate and half a liter of mullein are diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water. 1 liter of fertilizer is poured under each strawberry bush.

In the practice of growing strawberries, amateur gardeners use them for the first and sometimes other feedings. various compositions based on yeast, bread, fermented milk products.

Yeast feeding

You can use yeast to fertilize strawberries during this period. Their proteins, amino acids, minerals contribute good growth plants and strengthening its roots. To feed in half a liter of water, the temperature of which is below 50ºC, dissolve 200 grams of yeast, leave for 20 minutes and pour into 9 liters of water room temperature. Water each strawberry bush generously with this solution.

By the way, yeast will perfectly protect strawberries from gray rot. Even if you haven’t fed your strawberries with yeast, it’s enough to dissolve just 100 grams of it in 10 liters of water and water the plants at the root.

Beer as fertilizer

There are mentions that a similar effect is obtained from watering strawberries with beer, but, apparently, due to the high cost of this method, more detailed information could not be found on the Internet. But there are reports that beer is an excellent bait for strawberry slug pests. Having placed saucers with a drink around the berry garden in the evening, it will be easy to gather these intoxicating drinkers in the morning.

Iodine and boric acid for feeding

Ingredients: iodine – 30 drops, boric acid – teaspoon, ash – glass per 10 liters of water.

Apply from 0.5 liters to 1 liter depending on the size of the bush.

Fertilize with potassium permanganate and boric acid

Feeding composition: potassium permanganate - 3 g, boric acid - 0.5 teaspoon, urea - tablespoon, ash - 0.5 cup per 10 liters of water.

Add up to a liter of solution to each plant.

Boric acid for productivity: video

Strawberry bread

The stale remains of bread collected over the winter (in some recommendations only rye) are placed in a vessel so that they occupy 2/3 of its volume and filled with water. Keep this mixture warm for 6-10 days until fermentation begins, add 3 more equal volumes of water.

Up to a liter of this mixture is poured under each bush, depending on the size of the bush.

Fermented milk products

One volume of whey or other fermented milk product is diluted with three times the volume of water.

Depending on the size of the bush, add from 0.5 liters to 1 liter of this liquid to each bush.

By the way, simply spraying strawberries with diluted milk saves them from ticks and aphids.

Before the flowers appear, you should feed the strawberries a second time. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate, and dilute the fertilizers in 10 liters of water. Under each bush, carefully, so as not to get on the leaves and buds, pour 500 ml of the mixture.

You can also use an infusion of weeds, which helps the plant better fight harmful insects. To do this, when weeding, put the weeds in a bucket rather than throwing them away, then fill them with water and place the container in a warm room, having previously covered the bucket with film. Allow the solution to brew for seven days, after which you can water the plants.

During the budding period, foliar feeding of strawberries with a warm solution of 30 g of urea in 10 liters of water has a beneficial effect on strengthening the root system and the development of healthy flower stalks. As a result, productivity increases significantly.

The third stage of feeding can only conditionally be called spring. After all, it is carried out after the harvest. But he has great value, since it is aimed at stimulating the formation of next year’s flower buds by plants. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska per 10 liters of water. If possible, add another glass of ash. 1 liter of solution is applied under each strawberry bush.

Solutions using ammonia

Various formulations using 10 percent ammonia used at all three stages of feeding strawberries, since it not only promotes plant growth and increased yield, but is also a means of preventing the appearance and control of pests.

  • First feeding.

For watering strawberries in 10 liters clean water pour in 1 liter of soap solution and 40 ml of ammonia.

Plants are watered so that the product gets mainly onto the ground. If a noticeable amount of fertilizer still gets on the leaves, carry out additional watering with clean water.

  • Second.

Treatment is carried out after flowering to rid strawberries of remaining pests. The concentration of the solution used is much lower - 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

  • Third.

The purpose of the last treatment with ammonia after harvesting is to restore the strength of the plants and activate the formation of the next harvest. For treatment, mix 40 ml of alcohol and 5 drops of iodine with 10 liters of water.

Ammonia - a super product for the harvest

We feed strawberry seedlings to get a rich harvest

The result very much depends on how the feeding is carried out (taking into account the variety). Usually, strawberries are simply planted in the ground, fertilized in advance with manure, which is applied to the soil 30 days before planting seedlings (one bucket of manure for one square meter of bed).

If you have properly prepared the land for planting, then during the season all that remains is to add nitrogen-rich compost, 100 g of potassium and the same amount of phosphorus fertilizers. Feeding of remontant plants differs. Such varieties, characterized by a rich harvest and rapid growth, require at least 5 buckets of organic fertilizers, peat and complex fertilizing.

During the growth process, you can add slurry; to prepare it, we need cow dung, which is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:5. For each square meter strawberry patch add 10 liters of mixture. It is important to water the plants before applying fertilizer.

Spring is a time of renewal, hope and work. Active activities of gardeners associated with strawberries begin, as a rule, in April.

After the soil has dried, you can go to the beds to carry out a spring update.

One of the important activities for gardeners is feeding strawberries in the spring, when the year's harvest begins.

Where to start

Spring for strawberries begins in April.

Considered cultivated plant, it has the habits of a wild plant, it is cautious, waits for warmth, and is in no hurry to throw out fresh leaves until the sun establishes itself in the sky in spring.

Please note: There is no need to wait until the strawberries wake up; it is important to complete three types of work in order to count on a good harvest, preferably before they wake up.

Need to do:

  • cleaning;
  • processing;
  • fertilizing

After which the strawberries simply must actively bloom and bear fruit. And the gardener should expect an excellent harvest and, of course, regularly weed the beds if there is no covering material or mulch.

Lazy gardener advice: do not bare the earth, watch nature, the best mistress of the earth: you will not find a bare piece of earth, it does not allow overheating and drying out of the soil. Buy covering material, the waste is small, and the berries will be clean, the weeds will not break through, and the soil will be protected.


If mulch was laid in the winter, it must be removed in the spring.

It was used during winter as warm blanket, which must be reset when it gets warm.

Mulch should also be removed because it prevents the rhizome from warming up while the upper shoots are enjoying the sunlight.

Please note: Old mulch accumulates a large number of different pests, insects, weevils, pests. You need to remove the mulch before they wake up and the air temperature does not exceed 8° - 10°.

It is best to burn mulch along with rotten leaves, thereby reducing the countless army of insect pests.


Strawberry pests

Spring treatment, begun with the destruction of mulch, should be continued by spraying chemicals to combat:

  • gray and black rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • leaf spotting;
  • snails, wireworms, and other pests that slow down plant growth and reduce productivity.

Early spring application Bordeaux mixture is used quite widely. This is a fungicide for the lazy. It is carried out at the end of March before the first shoots appear immediately after the snow has melted.

Responsible summer residents use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, sulfamide, and sulfur. If last year garden strawberries there were many pests, you can use sulfuric acid, it will leave only the roots of the plant alive, but this is a radical method that requires deep knowledge and preparation.

It should be noted: Working with chemistry is difficult and troublesome. It is best to carry out the treatment once a year with Bordeaux, comprehensively spraying the entire garden from start to finish.

After winter, we actively rely on vitamins; winter depletes not only humans.

A long period of cold leaves its mark on plants that need to be fed with nutrients.

In the spring, fertilizers filled with minerals necessary for growth and productivity are applied. The main thing is to observe the measure and fulfill the dosage requirements.

Spring feeding is needed for the plant to become strong, healthy, and resistant to pests and diseases.

The first feeding is carried out using:

These are affordable and effective means, easy to use, not dangerous to humans and the environment.


Manure is an organic fertilizer, rich in minerals, which increases berry yields and is safe for the soil.

Summer residents prefer to use dry manure, believing that raw manure contains many weeds. Yes, this is true, although strawberries like to be fertilized with both dried and raw manure.

A little more than a garden scoop is placed under the bush so as not to “burn” the tender young shoots.

This fertilizer should be applied as early as possible. Spring rains, better than the most experienced botanist, will make an infusion of manure, the beneficial substances of which will saturate the earth.


Humus is the most useful fertilizer for all occasions.

This is the same manure, but rotted, concentrated in itself all the nutrients and minerals, a set of which can meet any needs of green pets.

Did you know that: a manure machine costs 2500-3000 rubles. It needs to be unloaded into a specially prepared place, the so-called manure pit, and there is no need to dig a hole. Cover what you brought with soil and leave it for two years. Then, for many years to come, have the best fertilizer possible on hand, and not just for strawberries!

Chicken droppings

Today, summer residents have the opportunity to purchase bio-fertilizer, beautifully designed, convenient for use, which is called chicken manure.

This is an organic fertilizer rich in nitrogen.

Worth considering: the mixture is very active, it should be diluted 1:20 so as not to harm the strawberries.

The same applies to chicken droppings taken from the chicken coop. An extremely effective fertilizer specifically for strawberries. Villagers throw it away at some distance from the estate to dry. This is how this fertilizer is obtained.

It is also bred like this: a scoop of droppings or a handful into a bucket, although such a measurement cannot be called aesthetic. This solution should be poured around the bush, not under the root.

Fermented milk products

Lots of fertilizers attract buyers beautiful view wrappers, interesting names, in an unusual way applications.

Fermented milk products prepare the soil well; strawberry bushes love this environment.

Under the influence of fermented milk whey, the soil becomes slightly acidic, amino acids, vitamins, micro and macroelements are added to it.

This type of fertilizing can exist as an independent fertilizer, but it is better to apply it along with humus, manure, and ash.

Interesting fact: There is nothing better than organic fertilizers for your own strawberries grown in your own garden for your household!

Nitrogen fertilizers

Organic fertilizers not available to everyone. In addition, feeding strawberries with nitrogen is more than beneficial!

The benefit of nitrogen is that it makes berries:

  • bright;
  • juicy;
  • large,
  • completely forms their presentation;
  • improves taste.

Advice from a hardworking gardener: Read the instructions carefully. Only the correct use of nitrogen fertilizers guarantees success. Excess of the substance affects the taste and aroma. Strawberries become unsweetened and lose their flavor.

One tablespoon of ammonium nitrate is diluted in a bucket (10 liters), and no more than half a liter is poured onto the bush.


Potassium deficiency is visible on strawberry leaves if they turn brown.

A normal potassium content promotes the ripening of strawberries and helps them stay fresh and tasty for a long time. Retains sweet taste.

You can fertilize:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • wood ash;
  • potassium nitrate;
  • potassium chloride.

Feeding with ash

What is wood ash? This fertilizer contains potassium, phosphorus, lime, a whole complex of microelements that are extremely useful for early feeding plants.

The procedure is simple and naive: pour a handful of ash between the rows, not under a bush, and that’s it! Fertilizing is done before mulching and before rain, the water of which will deliver a set of useful substances to the address.

Gardeners offer: collect ash from fires in a separate container. Ash can be stored indefinitely and is needed for almost everyone garden crops, cabbage, beets and many others.


A procedure beneficial for the plant. Foliar feeding is carried out at the very beginning of flowering by spraying in order to saturate the young leaves with vitamins and microelements.

This procedure is also carried out in the fall, immediately after transplanting the strawberries. Any planting of seedlings in the ground should be accompanied by this procedure - this helps young plants gain strength.

Make the following solution: put 2 g of boric acid and potassium permanganate into a bucket of hot water, add a tablespoon of iodine and a glass of ash. Let it sit for a day, shake, and spray on the leaves.

Feeding by age

Opportunities for good care many.

It is not necessary to use the entire arsenal of means, choose one, check the effectiveness on your berry beds.

In addition, feeding should be done according to age.

Important to know: healthy young plants that you planted with your own hands last year do not require feeding.

Two or three year old strawberries need to be fertilized; they have already depleted the soil well and require fertilizing, which should be done at the very beginning, with the appearance of the first leaves, and then, before flowering.

For a better harvest, you can add fertilizer during the development of the berries, but only organic fertilizers are applicable here.

Watch the video in which experienced gardener talks about spring care for strawberries and first feeding:

With the onset of warmer weather, it's time to think about the future harvest. Strawberries are one of the most popular and beloved crops, so the question of how to grow a rich and tasty crop has never been more relevant. Today we will talk about how and what to feed strawberries in the spring.

What types of spring fertilizing are there?

Before applying any fertilizer, the first thing you need to do is prepare the plant and remove the “consequences” of winter.

You should inspect the bushes, remove dead ones, clear the beds of leaves and other debris, and trim off excess tendrils.

Removed plants should be burned to prevent pests from spreading, and excess shoots should only be trimmed. You can't cut it off with your hands.

If you decide to plant new plants, you should do it right away so that the plant gets stronger for the season.

Having completed these simple manipulations, let's start fertilizing.

And feeding can be root and foliar. Let's take a closer look.


Root feeding involves directly applying fertilizer to the ground, closer to the roots of the plant.

Using this method, very often, nutrients are scattered at a short distance from the bush and buried to a depth of about 9 cm. Or applied under the root of the strawberry. Then the layer of earth on top should be about 2 cm.

For initial feeding, which is carried out when the plant grows green mass and during the formation of buds, chicken droppings or manure are perfect.

Spread a thin layer of organic matter and do a small hilling. And during the same period, you can additionally water the plant with organic matter. For the solution you will need a liter of mullein and a bucket of water. Mix all this thoroughly and pour generously onto each bush.

Next feeding is aimed at increasing the size and taste of the berry, so it is advisable to use minerals. Fertilizing is carried out during the period when the berries are just starting to set.

You can add mineral fertilizers in two ways: after watering, scatter the granules in dry form or dissolve them in water and water the bushes. In the form of a solution, nutrients will be absorbed faster by the roots.

Third feeding is very important, because it is produced during the formation of fruits. You can use minerals again, but if you are afraid of “chemistry,” you can make your own harmless fertilizer.

The recipe is simple: weeds and water. The grass is crushed and filled with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. The solution should be allowed to brew for a week, but stirring it daily. After 7 days, the useful and safe fertilizer is ready for use.


Nutrients can be supplied not only through the roots, but also through the leaves. The foliar method of fertilization is ordinary spraying.

You can also feed organically or minerals foliarly.

Substances such as phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen are good at stimulating fruit growth. But for those who are concerned about the “safety” of berries, organic substances are recommended. It won't increase fertility that much, but it certainly won't contain any chemicals.

When spraying, you must pay attention to each bush so that everyone receives the necessary portion of vitamins. You need to be careful with sockets so as not to flood them. It is recommended to loosen the soil a little so that the liquid that falls on the ground is absorbed into the root system.

One of the popular fertilizers for foliar feeding is ash. To prepare the solution, you need to pour 1 kg of ash with several liters of boiled warm water and leave for a day. Then distribute the infused pulp into two buckets and dilute with water. The fertilizer is ready.

Important! For spraying, choose a day without precipitation or wind.

Foliar feeding can be:

  • low mobile, that is, consisting of boron, copper, iron.
  • highly mobile, that is, mixtures based on phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen. To further protect the crop from insects and diseases, fertilizing is supplemented with insecticides and fungicides.

When to start fertilizing in the spring?

There are no specific dates for starting fertilizing; it rather depends on weather and climatic conditions. But if possible, it is better to start fertilizing as early as possible.

When summer cottage plot not far from the city and there is an opportunity to come there at the end of winter, then you can start fertilizing while there is still snow.

You can simply scatter fertilizer granules over the melted snow. And they will dissolve in water and enter the soil to the roots. To do this, you can use wood ash or mineral fertilizers.

If you get to the site only on dried soil, then fertilizers are applied during loosening. They also need to be scattered over the beds and mixed with soil, and then watered. Or use liquid fertilizer right away.

When there is no water on the site and the soil is already dry, you need to fertilize before the rain or immediately spray the plants with a solution containing minerals. Strawberries don't require a lot of water, so you can bring it with you.

For each natural and climatic conditions, its own scheme is selected. That is, the first complementary feeding is determined individually by everyone.

Attention! If strawberries were planted in the spring of this year, that is, a crop of the first year of life, then it has not yet had time to use up its reserves and therefore such a plant does not need to be fed again in the spring.

Feeding stages and schemes

Fertilizing strawberries should be carried out in three main stages:

  • Spring fertilizer
  • Fertilizer after harvest
  • Fertilizer in summer or autumn, in preparation for winter

But it is not necessary to blindly follow this plan; it is more correct to take into account the individual characteristics of your plant.

Here you need to remember that if you oversaturate strawberries in spring time, then the harvest will not increase, but just the opposite. An excess of fertilizing will help the green part to grow, and in the worst case, it will expose the plant to disease. This is due to the fact that the plant will struggle with excess microelements, and the main processes will be disrupted and immunity will decrease significantly.

The scheme for fertilizing strawberries:

  1. Early spring. The beds are cleared of leaves, and each bush is watered with liquid fertilizer.
  2. During the budding period, strawberries are fertilized twice, with an interval of a week.
  3. July-August. When the harvest has already been harvested, you should feed the plants and pick off old leaves.
  4. September. To prepare the plant for winter.

Feeding during flowering

A logical question that arises among summer residents is how to properly feed the crop, when the fruiting process has begun and how to increase it?!

When the first fruits form, that is, in the summer, strawberries need potassium. After the berries appear, wood ash should be scattered or poured between the rows. One handful per bush or 0.5 liquid mixture.

To prepare a liquid solution, you need to take 2 cups of ash and leave in boiling water for about 3 hours, then dilute warm water(10 liters).

Other mineral supplements should be diluted according to instructions, do not experiment.

The berry bears fruit for about three weeks, plus or minus, depending on the variety. It is also necessary to fertilize during this period.

The most universal fertilizer is a solution of mullein in water, proportion 1 to 15. A solution with similar properties can be obtained from chicken droppings, in proportion 1 to 10. It is also possible to use fertilizers that were used in early spring, but it is better to alternate them.

After the harvest has already been harvested, do not forget to loosen, water and feed the plant. During this period, the roots and green layer actively grow and buds are laid for the next harvest season.

If you need to mow the leaves of the crop this year, do it after fruiting, there is no need to delay it. Otherwise, the plant may not recover enough for the season.

Differences between feeding adult and young plants

It is already quite clear that feeding strawberries is a very important procedure. Therefore, it is worth noting that the fertilization of young and last year’s bushes is different.

If we are talking about freshly planted bushes, then spring feeding is skipped.

And if the soil was not prepared so thoroughly, then fertilizers can be applied once, after loosening and cleaning the beds. In this case, a solution is suitable: 1 teaspoon of sodium sulfate, 0.5 chicken droppings (cow manure) - diluted in a bucket of water. Water: 1 liter - 1 bush.

Fertilizing last year's strawberries occurs in three stages:

  • The weather has warmed up, the beds have been cleared and the soil has been loosened.
  • Before the strawberries begin to bloom
  • When the harvest is harvested

What kind of fertilizers are there?

If the question ever arises - is it possible to grow strawberries in simple, in your opinion, “good” soil, then the answer is unequivocal - no. It is necessary to feed the soil for this crop. The question here is different - which fertilizer is better to choose.

There is no single, universal, year-round fertilizer for strawberries. Here you will have to figure them out and alternate.

  1. Organic fertilizers. This is ash, manure, humus or compost. They can be used pure or dissolved in water.
  2. Mineral fertilizers. Phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. Can be used in granules or infusions from them.
  3. Complex fertilizers. It is a mixture of several types of mineral salts.
  4. Microfertilizers. Fertilizers containing manganese, copper, boron and other trace elements.

Let's look a little more closely.


One-component mineral fertilizers include:

  • Nitrogen. Contains nitrate salts and compounds. Used in spring, during the period of sprouting. You can add organic matter to infusions. To form new inflorescences and leaves, such early feeding is used.
  • Potassium. These are potassium chloride and sulfate, wood ash and potassium nitrate. Affects the structure and taste of the berry. Ideal for spring and summer feeding.
  • Phosphorus. Double or simple superphosphate, phosphate rock, ammophos and diammophos. Suitable for autumn fertilizer, increase next year's yield.

There are also entire complexes of mineral fertilizers that may or may not contain microelements. They are more convenient to use and are good so that the plant does not suffer from mineral starvation.

It is quite difficult to find out exactly what elements are currently required, especially if you are not a professional.

For example, darkening or redness of leaves, or chlorosis, may indicate a deficiency of not one, but several substances. To do this, it is recommended to use complex fertilizing.


Organic is good for any crop. Such fertilizers are rich in phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and many microelements.

It is best to fertilize in this way in the fall or apply during planting of bushes. Fresh chicken or pig manure is an excellent helper for a young plant.

During spring feeding, it is more correct to use humus or rotted manure in the form of mulch. Organic matter is added to summer bait in the form of an infusion.

To get this infusion, you need to take chicken droppings or manure, add water and let it brew for a week in the sun. Then dilute with water and apply for irrigation.

Among the disadvantages, you can note that when using such a fertilizer, spring for a summer resident will inevitably begin with weeding, which, of course, complicates maintenance.

Popular folk remedies

To get a decent harvest, you will have to work hard and properly care for your strawberries. Despite the variety of ready-made fertilizers, many still only trust folk methods and consider them to be the most effective.


Treatment of plants with ammonia is used to increase productivity and reduce pests. Strawberries grow well and do not spend additional energy fighting the disease. More .


To prepare the solution, baker's yeast is required. This one contains auxin, cytokinin, thiamine and B vitamins necessary for strawberries. Strawberries bear fruit well and develop well.

Boric acid

To improve yield and increase tolerance weather conditions- strawberries are fertilized with boric acid. Strawberries become denser and sweeter and do not crack from moisture. Acid works best on peat and soddy-podzolic soils.


Using strawberries to become bigger and tastier, immune system more resistant to diseases, increased productivity and safety of fruits.


A wonderful fertilizer rich in potassium. Plus it contains magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. You can use either pure ash or a solution prepared with it. Used as the first feeding in spring and after pruning bushes, in preparation for winter.

Effective drugs

After winter period not only crop growth processes are activated, but also pests and diseases. Therefore, it is imperative to properly process strawberries in the spring.

Before processing, the bushes must be cleared of the “residues” of winter and the beds must be tidied up.

Most diseases of this crop are associated with various fungi.

The best in the fight against fungus are preparations that contain copper. Some use Topaz or Horus, but they belong to hazard class 3, or Funazol, it belongs to hazard class 2.

Carefully! These substances are not safe for humans.

Many people prefer the least effective, but still safe treatments. For example, Fitosporin. Contact fungicide, which affects fungal infections. But it washes off quite quickly, so multiple treatments are needed. It is safe for humans, so it can be processed at any time of growth.

Fans folk remedies resort to planting garlic or onions between rows of strawberry bushes. Plants repel pests from strawberries and help cope with diseases.

Important to note! Malicious residents can be brought along with planting material. Therefore, to avoid a disastrous outcome for the harvest, you need to soak the roots of the seedlings for 2 hours in a phytosporin solution. To prepare you need 10 grams of powder and 5 liters of water. Mix and wait 2 hours. Then carry out the disinfection procedure.

Possible errors

  • Seedlings planted with foliage. To prevent the abundant foliage from drying out the plant and causing it to die, it is necessary to remove all leaves except the 2 youngest ones.
  • Planting undisinfected bushes. To get rid of diseases and mites, you need to give the roots a 45-minute hot water bath.
  • The roots of the seedlings are too long. To ensure that the roots are easily distributed throughout the hole and the roots do not bend, they must be shortened to 10 centimeters.
  • Everyone wants to grow berries without “chemicals,” but strawberries need pest control. You just need to remember that you need to process the blooms after picking the berries and before they begin to bloom.

Frequently asked questions

How to care for the soil after planting?

To prevent a crust from forming at the watering site or rapid dehydration, it is necessary to add humus or soil. If, in your opinion, the soil is too dense, then it needs to be loosened. During prolonged dry weather, strawberries need to be watered several times a day.

How to choose a place on the plot to plant strawberries?

Southern and windy slopes are not suitable. The sprouts do not tolerate strong, prolonged winds and early snow melting. Lowlands and dark places are also excluded. If the planting region has a rather changeable climate, then the strawberries will have to be covered with spruce branches. AND groundwater must be at least 1 meter below the landing.

What is the most popular variety of strawberry?

The “Anastasia” variety is especially popular. But the following are common: - an early, fertile variety, - frost-resistant, less susceptible to diseases, - bright, long-lasting berries.

Useful video

Find out more about spring fertilizing of Vieo strawberries below:


The procedure for feeding the future crop will not cause much trouble, but in its essence it is very important. She's playing main role– will your strawberry harvest be rich?

You can find quite a lot of advice and you don’t need to try to do everything at once. You need to learn to “understand” your plant and help it in a timely manner. The best fertilizer for each their own. You just need to listen to the advice of more experienced gardeners, and through your own trials and, perhaps, even errors, find the right and correct remedy.

Strawberries are a rather capricious crop. But having received proper care, it will certainly delight you with its fruits and you will understand that all your efforts were not in vain.