Online store of garden plants. Pink varieties of hyacinths

Kulizhnikov is a wonderful champion. Really, Erben? Yes. Exactly. Did he manage to win here so easily? Well, on the last lap he relaxed, but he was in control until the end. It seems to me that having your hands behind your back is still somehow strange. Not really. I don't think so. I just remembered how Jan Bos became world champion. Coming out of the last turn, he began shaking his fists 50 meters before the finish, already celebrating. I would too. Kulizhnikov did this in his own manner. Two hands behind your back, showing: “Yes, it’s easy. Winning the World Cup is a piece of cake.” Don’t you think this is a little dismissive of the other participants, no? No, I don't think so. OK. Fine. He ran the first 600 meters at pace. To show who's the champion? He always runs, in control of the situation. At 500 he held back before turning to show a very good turn. Now it's driving very calmly. Look at Kai Verby. He needs to invest a lot more energy. 16.5 is a good overclock. Then he enters the outer turn. Kai runs with all the money. Kulizhnikov pushes off less often, takes a long ride, goes after Kai. Now is the only turn where something can go wrong. The speed is high. Inner turn after 12 runs. What speed? Speed ​​about 60 km/h. Fantastic first lap, 25.3. Half a second faster than Nice. Paul already knows this. He just needs to stay on his feet. Make no mistake. Reach the finish line and he is the champion. And why should he bother? He ran a fantastic five hundred to show that there is only one champion - and it is him, Pavel Kulizhnikov. Maybe he would also like to win a thousand? It doesn’t matter now, the World Sprint All-Around Championships are currently underway. Why take the risk? 12 pairs run 1000 meters. The ice has already been broken in the turns, the ruts have already been plowed. And when you go around a corner, there is a chance to fall. And this is not at all desirable. It is advisable to control the process until the very finish. If he is in good shape, his phenomenal shape, then he is invincible? Yes, and he showed this tonight. Especially in the first 600 meters. How easy it goes. Yesterday he was a little unsteady and had to fight. But in his comfort zone, he picks up speed so easily. He doesn't have to put himself out there. Where does this come from? Is this talent? He is explosive, stronger than others. More than others. He goes faster too. He does it so easily and naturally. Is this a predisposition? Predisposition. He is strong and technically very gifted. Look at the landing, you have to be very, very strong. And how he controls his skate is a pleasure to see. Nice beat Kulizhnikov twice in these two days. This should help him a lot. Especially yesterday's race, in my opinion. Today he rode even better than yesterday, but yesterday there was a struggle, and he emerged victorious. And today the stress subsided, and he ran stronger. Let's listen to Nice and find out how satisfied he is after winning the thousand? Congratulations! With second place and a great race. Does it matter how you came in second? No, I need to mind my own business. It doesn't matter what the gap is. It’s a pity, of course, that this happened with the five hundred today, but the thousand was very good. Did almost everything work out on this thousand? No. Definitely not. The last lap was very good. Acceleration was rather weak - 16.8. That's not what I planned. He rode powerfully. I would run another lap. You ran after such disappointment in the 500, was it hard? No, it wasn't. Then I started in different conditions, but now I was just burning with desire. When you feel that you can, you have to do it. I did everything to win now. And I worked today. Honestly, it’s a pity, of course, that this happened with the last change of track. Kulizhnikov finished with both hands behind his back. Thinking to compare with your time? What do you think? No. You know, he had a two second lead. He wouldn't give that much away. Not after the first lap of 25...and 4, right? You can't lose that much. It was pretty funny, to be honest. I was super happy that I came second and Kai third. You're in second place after four distances. They turned out a little differently: some were worse, some you were more pleased with. What does it mean? I said this morning that I am stable and I will prove it. Only the five hundred didn’t work out very well. At this World Cup I had three good races and one very good one. This 1000 was very good, although I can do better. I have enough motivation. I'll continue. Before the World Cup you said that you would be happy with any medal. After the World Cup - too? If after the first day you think that there is a chance for silver, then you need to work for silver. I'm very happy. At the end there is an unpleasant question about that medal in Kolomna. After these two thousand. Do you think you should have won? I thought about this too. I blame myself. There the difference was minimal, but here it is very significant. But here ice suits me better. Pavel stops after 800 meters. On the last turn for more fast ice , as in Kolomna, it is more difficult to win back the difference. Is it nice to have confirmation that you can beat him? And with such a margin too? Certainly. We will still fight with him for a few more years. And in Korea too. Certainly. I'm already looking forward to it. Kjeld Nice. Did he reach his ceiling at this World Cup? Yes, it was impossible to rise higher in the overall standings. Kulizhnikov is too good. Nice gave out two fine thousand, one decent five hundred. But is it good for Nice to know before the Olympics that he can beat Kulizhnikov? It will be a very exciting duel. But I think Nice is now very upset that he didn’t win two weeks ago in Kolomna. We will really see beautiful wrestling in the future. Is it important to have a rival who motivates you so much? Competition intensifies - higher level. Now he has a goal - Kulizhnikov, whom he wants to defeat. And whom he can win, even when Kulizhnikov is good. Can we say after this season that Nice has found his balance? Yes, I think it's possible. He runs 1000 and 1500, and then he achieved stability. But he is not a 500 fighter. Five hundred is not his distance. He must jump above his head. I don't know if we can expect this from him. Let's talk about the last thousand, which is his distance. Today the acceleration did not work. Yesterday was a good race. Today I drove a thousand in a different manner. At first he didn't shine. Yesterday he accelerated at 16.5 or 16.6, which is what you need to do if you want to fight Kulizhnikov. But today Kulizhnikov accelerated at 16.5, and Nice at 16.8. 3 tenths slower than Kulizhnikov. And when I was traveling with Kulizhnikov, I sat behind him on his shift. Now he drives according to his own technique and calmly. Pushes off more calmly. He does not let go of his opponent, Murashov. He drives like it's 1500 meters. The lap is 25.5, and he still has some strength left, he can still improve in the turn. Yesterday he had to fight. When changing lanes he can’t sit behind his opponent, which is a pity, of course. Ahead of Murashov. But he still has strength, and he can attack the last turn. Comes forward and he's not even tired. Finish line - bam! 1.09.09 is a fantastic time. He managed to drive these two thousand in a different manner. It's a good experience. How important is this? Does he know this? I think yes. It was a great competition. Both men and women. Here Kjeld won a thousand and two times. In two weeks the World Cup final in Heerenveen. We'll see there. There the focus will be on individual distances. There we will see Kulizhnikov again. There they will fight for victory at separate distances. It will be interesting. Same with Bow and Ter Mors. Now it's the World Sprint Championships. Bow won the 1000m. Ter Mors lost. And in two weeks at the KM finals there will be another duel for 1000.

Rare primroses can be compared in beauty and originality with perennial flowers hyacinths - these “curly” inflorescences on strong, although not tall, peduncles are good both for individual forcing and in groups. The number of legends about the hyacinth flower can be the envy of most plants, because this crop was named after the son of the king of Sparta, and who else but the ancient Greeks were famous for writing the most beautiful myths! Description of hyacinth flowers of the most revered varieties, as well as detailed recommendations on their breeding you will get in this material.

The legend of hyacinth and what the flower looks like (with photo)

Already in ancient times, people admired the porcelain inflorescences of hyacinth and created legends about it. Translated from Greek, “hyacinth” means “flower of rain.” The Greeks also considered it a flower of sadness in memory of Hyacinth. The young son of the Spartan king Hyacinth outshone the Olympian gods with his beauty and dexterity. The young man was patronized by Apollo and Zephyr, the god of the south wind. They often descended from Olympus to the beautiful young man and spent time with him, having fun with hunting or sports competitions. One day Apollo and Hyacinth began to throw a discus. The bronze projectile flew higher and higher, but it was impossible to determine the winner - Hyacinth was in no way inferior to God. With the last of his strength, Apollo threw the disk right under the clouds. Zephyr, fearing his friend's defeat, blew so hard that the disk changed its flight direction and unexpectedly hit Hyacinth in the face. The wound was fatal. The death of the young man greatly saddened Apollo, and he turned drops of his blood into beautiful flowers. IN Ancient Greece there was even a cult of Hyacinth, who later became you
crowded by the cult of Apollo. Hyacinth was considered a symbol of dying and reborn nature.

To begin with general characteristics What does a hyacinth flower look like - from the lily family. The fragrant flowers resemble in shape with six bent petals. They are collected in a racemose inflorescence, which can contain from 12 to 45 flowers. There are varieties with double flowers.

As you can see in the photo of flowers, hyacinths come in a wide variety of colors - blue, lilac, pink, red, white, yellow and orange:

The peduncle is leafless, erect, from 15 to 45 cm high. Wide-linear leaves 25-30 cm long are collected in a basal rosette. The spherical bulb consists of 15-20 juicy storage scales, tightly adjacent to each other. They are located on a shortened stem - the bottom. The outside of the bulb is covered with dry covering scales. There is a certain relationship between the color of flowers and bulbs. So, varieties with blue, light blue and purple flowers usually have bulbs with purple outer scales. White-flowered hyacinths have bulbs with light gray integumentary scales, while red-flowered hyacinths have bulbs with dark cherry scales. Plants with yellow flowers have grayish-cream bulbs, and those with pink ones are lilac.

The most widespread are Dutch hybrids of oriental hyacinth. They are characterized by dense inflorescences of various colors - from white to intense purple. Peduncle 25-30 cm high. Suitable for flower beds or containers.

Dutch hybrids are distinguished by color and flowering time.

There is also a group of Roman hyacinths. They have smaller white, pink or blue flowers, loosely sitting on a short peduncle (15 cm high). Mainly used for forcing.

Multi-flowered hyacinths throw out several peduncles; the flowers are loosely arranged and have a white, pink or blue color. They are suitable for forcing and growing in open ground. Multi-flowered hyacinths, like Roman hyacinths, bloom earlier than Dutch hybrids.

The last group is miniature hyacinths, or cintella. Presented in miniature (12-15 cm high) forms popular varieties Dutch hybrids such as "Delft Blue", "Jan Bos", "Lady Derby", "City of Harlem", "Lord Balfour".

Popular varieties of blue and lilac hyacinths

Blue varieties of hyacinths:

"Bismarck". The flowers are pale purple with a darker longitudinal stripe, large - up to 4 cm in diameter, on long (up to 2.5 cm) pedicels. The inflorescence is wide-conical, 12 cm high and 9 cm in diameter. There are 20-25 flowers in the inflorescence. This one of the most popular varieties of hyacinths has a flower stalk up to 25 cm tall. One of the best varieties for open ground. Early flowering. Suitable for early forcing.

Delft Blue. The flowers are blue, large - up to 4 cm in diameter. The inflorescence is dense, wide, 10-12 cm high and up to 9 cm in diameter. There are 25-37 flowers in the inflorescence. The height of the peduncle of this variety of hyacinths is up to 25 cm. Recommended for landscaping, cutting, and forcing.

"Ostara." The flowers are blue with a barely noticeable darker stripe. The height of the peduncle is 20-24 cm. The inflorescence is dense, 12 cm high and 5 cm in diameter. An early flowering universal variety.

Look at the photo to see what blue hyacinths look like:

Lilac varieties of hyacinths:

"Amethyst". The flowers are lilac, more intensely colored at the edges, large, up to 4 cm in diameter. The inflorescence is dense, up to 15 cm high and up to 8 cm in diameter, consists of 25-30 flowers. Peduncle height up to 24 cm. Medium late. Very good for ground plantings and cuttings, can be used for medium forcing.

"Lord Balfour." The flowers are lilac with a dark lilac clearly defined longitudinal stripe; the edges of the flowers are darker in color. The diameter of the flowers is up to 4 cm. The inflorescence is cylindrical, 12 cm high and up to 7 cm in diameter, consists of 20 flowers. Peduncle up to 24 cm high. Early flowering. In the group of lilac varieties it is considered the best. Suitable for open ground, cutting and early forcing.

White and pink varieties of hyacinth flowers (with photos)

White varieties of hyacinths:

"Innosence". The flowers are snow-white, up to 4 cm in diameter, the petals are spread out and wide. The inflorescence consists of 20-25 flowers, cylindrical, up to 12 cm high and up to 7 cm in diameter. Peduncle up to 25 cm tall. Early flowering. One of the most popular universal varieties: used for open ground, early forcing and cutting.

"Carnegie". The flowers are white, up to 4 cm in diameter, collected in a dense cylindrical inflorescence, 10 cm high and 5 cm in diameter. The number of flowers in an inflorescence is 20-25. The height of the peduncle is up to 22 cm. Medium flowering. One of the best varieties for growing in open ground, cutting and forcing.

Here you can see photos of white hyacinths, which are particularly beautiful:

Pink varieties hyacinths:

"Anna Marie" The flowers are pink with a darker longitudinal stripe. The inflorescence consists of 30-35 flowers. Peduncle height up to 25 cm. Early flowering. This pink flower hyacinth is recommended for flower decoration in the ground and early forcing.

"Lady Derby" The flowers are light pink, matte, with a darker stripe, 3-4 cm in diameter.

Pay attention to the photo - this pink hyacinth has 23-25 ​​flowers in an inflorescence, cylindrical in shape:

Plant height 11 cm and diameter 5 cm. Peduncle up to 22 cm high. Medium flowering period. Used for open ground, cutting and forcing.

"Pink Pearl". The flowers are intensely pink with a darker longitudinal stripe. The inflorescence consists of 20-22 flowers. Peduncle up to 23 cm high. Mid-early flowering period. Used in landscaping, for cutting and early forcing.

Red, yellow and orange varieties of hyacinths

Red varieties of hyacinths:

"La Victoire". The flowers are raspberry-pink, with shine. The height of the flower arrow is up to 25 cm. Medium early. Recommended for early forcing, ground planting and cutting.

"Jan Bos." Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, bright magenta-red in color, lighter at the edges, with a whitish throat. There are 25-30 flowers in an inflorescence. It is dense, small, rounded-cone-shaped, up to 10 cm high and up to 5.5 cm in diameter. Peduncle 16-18 cm high. Early flowering. The appearance of a second inflorescence is characteristic, which increases the duration of flowering. Very good for early forcing.

Yellow and orange varieties of hyacinths:

"Gypsy Queen" The flowers are orange, collected in a dense inflorescence (of 20-25 flowers) of a cylindrical shape. Peduncle up to 22 cm. Medium flowering. Used for growing in open ground and forcing.

"City of Harlem". The flowers are light yellow, turning pale cream toward the end of flowering. The inflorescence is dense, cylindrical in shape, consists of 20-25 flowers. Peduncle 25-27 cm high. Medium flowering period. Recommended for in the ground, forcing and cutting.

Below are photos of hyacinth varieties most often grown in home gardens:

Conditions for growing hyacinths in open ground: planting and care

To plant hyacinths in open ground, choose flat areas with good drainage and standing low groundwater, since even a slight stagnation of water can lead to disease and death of the bulbs. These plants belong to early flowering plants, so they can be planted between. To create ideal growing conditions for hyacinths in the southern regions, it is recommended to provide slight shading during the midday hours, because in bright sun the plants fade faster, and some varieties may also become discolored.

For growing hyacinths in open ground, cultivated light sandy loam soils, rich in humus, with a neutral reaction are most suitable. Loamy soils are improved by adding humus and sand, while acidic soils must be limed. Before planting hyacinth flowers, the soil begins to be prepared 1.5-2 months in advance. Add a bucket of humus, 100 g of ash, 60 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2; you can use a combined fertilizer (25-30 g). Then they dig to a depth of 30-40 cm.

Most gardeners grow hyacinths on ridges 15-20 cm high and 1-1.2 m wide, which protects the bulbs from rotting in rainy weather. Every 20 cm, transverse grooves 20 cm deep are made; coarse sand and ash are poured onto the bottom to improve drainage and protect the bottom from rotting. Large bulbs are stirred 12-15 cm apart to a depth of 15-20 cm and covered with a mixture of sand, ash and earth. Small bulbs and baby bulbs are planted at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other to a depth of 5-8 cm. After planting, the ridges are mulched.

Bulbs are planted in autumn, when the soil temperature reaches 8-9 °C. This soil temperature and sufficient soil moisture are necessary for good rooting. IN middle lane Bulbs are usually planted in the second half of September, and in more southern regions - in October. After planting hyacinths, when caring for the bulbs in open ground, after 2-3 weeks, when the plants take root, you can give liquid fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer (20 g/m2). With the onset of frost, the plantings are covered with leaves or spruce branches with a layer of 10-15 cm. When snow falls, the ridges are covered with snow. When growing hyacinth flowers, it is recommended to change the planting location annually. Hyacinths are returned to their original place after 5-6 years.

How to care for hyacinths: feeding and watering

And now it’s time to learn how to care for hyacinth flowers during the growing season. There is nothing complicated here: you need to remove the cover immediately after the snow melts, regularly loosen, weed, discard diseased plants, water and fertilize. Although hyacinths come from warm countries, their resistance to cold during spring development is surprising. They come out from under the snow early spring already with buds. Can tolerate frosts down to -10 °C. Plants are insensitive to sudden daily temperature fluctuations.

During the growing season, hyacinths are fertilized three times: the first fertilizing is especially important. nitrogen fertilizer- 15 g per bucket of water per 1 m2. It is carried out when the plants reach a height of 5-6 cm. The second feeding is during the budding period at the rate of 20-25 g of complex fertilizer per 1 m2. Plants respond well to feeding with infusion of bird droppings or enzymatic herbal slurry. The third time the hyacinths are fed at the end of flowering - superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 20-25 g per 1 m2. Nitrogen is not included in the third fertilizing. Wood ash can be added along with superphosphate.

Since hyacinths are salt-tolerant plants, some gardeners limit themselves to one feeding in the budding phase: 70-80 g of full mineral fertilizer per 1 m2. It is better to use nitroammophoska containing equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

In the process of caring for hyacinths, do not forget to water them. In dry weather, watering is required every 2-3 days. Hyacinths are especially demanding of moisture during flowering. Watering continues after flowering - until the leaves begin to yellow.

Propagation of hyacinths by bulbs (with video)

Hyacinth bulbs should be dug up annually, since a certain amount of temperature is required to set next year's inflorescence. If the bulbs are left in the ground, then next year the buds will be small, green, underdeveloped. In the south of Russia, digging is carried out in mid-June, in the middle zone - in the second half of July, when the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out, but have not yet separated from the bulb. The dug up bulbs are dried for 2-3 days in the shade in the open air. Then the soil is shaken off, carefully cleaned of roots, remnants of leaves and peduncles, and diseased and damaged ones are discarded. Before planting, the bulbs are stored at a temperature of 20-25 °C.

The main method of propagation of hyacinths, like most bulbous plants, is vegetative (by daughter bulbs), and propagation by seeds is used for breeding purposes. But the natural reproduction rate of hyacinths is low. During one growing season, a large bulb usually produces 1 - 3 children (depending on the variety), and bulbs with a diameter of less than 5 cm do not form children at all. This prevents widespread hyacinths in culture.

Hyacinths are propagated by bulbs in the fall, and after rooting, fertilizing is applied to the soil.

Back in the 18th century. Dutch flower growers noticed that bulbs with a bottom damaged by mice form large number small daughter bulbs. Since then, cutting out the bottom (partial and then complete) began to be used for accelerated propagation of hyacinths.

There are many ways to artificially propagate hyacinths: cross-shaped and circular cuts at the bottom, cutting out the bottom completely, isolating the central bud, producing babies from individual scales and even from leaf blades, heating the bulbs.

The video “Propagation of hyacinths” will help you understand how to properly make cuts on the bulb:

Jan Bos

At the 2006 and 2010 Olympic Games he failed to win medals.

In 2011 he completed his sports career.


  • Dutch Championship: 10-time champion in individual distances, 6-time in sprint all-around.
  • World Cup: three times he was second in the World Cup at 1000 m, and three times he was third at the same distance.
  • World Championships: gold, silver and bronze at the World Sprint All-Around Championships, one gold and three silvers at 1000 m in individual distance championships, one bronze at 1500 m.
  • Olympic Games: two silver medals.

World record

He twice held the world record for 1000 meters. The first time he set a world record was on November 22, 1997, but the very next day he was broken by Lee Gyu Hyuk. The second time he set the record was on February 21, 1999, which was broken a year later by Jeremy Wotherspoon.


He took part in the 2004 Olympics in Athens, where he competed in the team sprint on the track together with his younger brother Theo Bos (born 1983) and Ten Mulder. The team took 6th place.

In 2012, he plans to break the bicycle speed record of 133 km/h in the Nevada desert. For this purpose, a special low-slung bicycle with an aerodynamic body kit was developed for the least air resistance.



  • Jan Bos - Olympic statistics on the site


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Born on March 29
  • Born in 1975
  • Born in Harderwijk
  • Skaters in alphabetical order
  • Dutch speed skaters
  • Dutch cyclists
  • Speed ​​skaters at the 1998 Winter Olympics
  • Speed ​​skaters at the 2002 Winter Olympics
  • Speed ​​skaters at the 2006 Winter Olympics
  • Speed ​​skaters at the 2010 Winter Olympics
  • Cyclists at the 2004 Summer Olympics
  • Participants of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Specialization sprint Personal records 500 meters 34,72 (2002) 1000 meters 1.07,20 (2009) 1500 meters 1.44,87 (2007) 3000 meters 3.50,53 (2001) 5000 meters 6.46,59 (2001) 10,000 meters 15.23,18 (1993) Medals
Olympic Games
Silver Nagano 1998 1000 m
Silver Salt Lake City 2002 1000 m
World Championships
Gold Berlin 1998 Sprint
Gold Heerenveen 1999 1000 m

At the 2006 and 2010 Olympic Games he failed to win medals.

In 2011 he completed his sports career.

In June 2013, it was announced that Jan Bos would coach his longtime track rival Jeremy Wotherspoon during the Olympic season, who announced his return to the sport.


  • Dutch Championship: 10-time champion in individual distances, 6-time in sprint all-around.
  • World Cup: three times he was second in the World Cup at 1000 m, and three times he was third at the same distance.
  • World Championships: gold, silver and bronze at the World Sprint All-Around Championships, one gold and three silvers at 1000 m in individual distance championships, one bronze at 1500 m.
  • Olympic Games: two silver medals.

World record

He twice held the world record for 1000 meters. The first time he set a world record was on November 22, 1997, but the very next day he was broken by Lee Gyu Hyuk. The second time he set the record was on February 21, 1999, which was broken a year later by Jeremy Wotherspoon.


He took part in the 2004 Olympics in Athens, where he competed in the team sprint on the track together with his younger brother Theo Bos (born 1983) and Ten Mulder. The team took 6th place.

In 2012, he plans to break the bicycle speed record of 133 km/h in the Nevada desert. For this purpose, a special low-slung bicycle with an aerodynamic body kit was developed for the least air resistance.

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  • - Olympic statistics on the website