What blocks are best to build a bathhouse from? Let’s figure out which is better and cheaper: cinder block or foam block. Several nuances of using different compositions

Traditionally, a bathhouse is built from wood, but today it is very difficult and very expensive to find a good master carpenter who can competently build walls. Therefore, they are increasingly used for the construction of baths building blocks. Today there are many types of them, they have advantages and disadvantages, but their main advantage is that having at least some construction experience or friends who are builders, you can build both walls and piers yourself. And since most of the blocks are light in weight, this means that the foundation can be made lightweight, which saves time, effort and money.

  • 1 Types of blocks, their characteristics and features
  • 2 Ceramic blocks
  • 3 Features of building a bathhouse from blocks
  • 4 Reviews from owners of block baths
  • 5 Conclusions

Types of blocks, their characteristics and features

Aerated concrete – refers to cellular concrete. It is made from cement, special foaming agents and quartz sand. This composition is poured into molds and water is added. As a result of the reaction, foaming occurs and the mass fills the mold. To give the material greater strength, the resulting blocks are treated with steam in special autoclaves. At high blood pressure under the influence of steam, quartz sand forms new strong compounds. Essentially it is a synthesized artificial stone high strength.

Aerated concrete block. The color of the block is closer to gray, so the main filler is cement

For the construction of load-bearing walls and partitions, it is advisable to choose autoclaved aerated concrete, and for insulation you can use non-autoclaved one - it is cheaper, but its strength is lower. Aerated concrete blocks come in different densities:

  • from 0.3 to 0.5 t/m3 is used for thermal insulation;
  • from 0.5 t/m3 and above (up to 1.2 t/m3) can be used for the construction of walls.

For the construction of small buildings, you can use aerated concrete grade D500 (density 0.5 t/m3) - it can well be used for the construction of boxes and for the construction of partitions, and costs significantly less than brands with a higher density. When building the walls of a bathhouse, to reduce the consumption of blocks, they are placed on an edge, so the wall thickness is about 200 mm. This is quite enough, since the block retains heat well, especially since the walls will be insulated.

Bathhouse made of aerated concrete blocks. The block is placed on edge

The advantages of aerated concrete are its relatively low weight, ease of processing (it can be cut with a hacksaw or drilled a regular drill), does not burn and becomes more durable over time. Disadvantages are relatively high hygroscopicity when using low-quality material and a fairly high price. In order to reduce the amount of absorbed moisture, special additives are introduced into the composition of aerated concrete. It is recommended to lay aerated concrete blocks using special glue. When cement is used, they absorb moisture from the solution, which causes the thermal insulation to significantly deteriorate.

Gas silicate The main binding material differs from aerated concrete: for aerated silicate it is lime (62% quartz sand and 24% lime), for aerated concrete it is cement (up to 60%). Moreover, gas silicate is produced exclusively in autoclaves. These materials differ in color and hygroscopicity: aerated silicate is always white and actively absorbs moisture, as a result of which it can be destroyed, while aerated concrete simply allows moisture to pass through, maintaining comfortable humidity in the room, and if you choose from these two materials, then it is better to use gas concrete.

The gas silicate block is white, so the main material is lime

Detailed information about construction from gas silicate blocks you can find in the video. Foam concrete - one of the varieties of cellular concrete. It is made from a mixture of sand, cement and water, into which foam is mixed from a special foam generator. The manufacturing process is simple, allowing it to be produced privately. This is where the danger lies: there is a high probability of purchasing low-quality material, which will quickly begin to collapse.

Bathhouse made of foam concrete blocks

The advantages of foam concrete include its lower cost (compared to aerated concrete) and better water resistance. Comparison of gas silicate and foam concrete blocks, see the video.

Cinder blocks made from poured concrete mortar slag - waste obtained after the combustion of coal or other materials. This type of material is the cheapest, but there is one feature: the slag should not be allowed to sit for a long time. less than a year, otherwise it releases harmful substances.

Cinder blocks are the cheapest type of building material

Sawdust can be used as a filler in the manufacture of building blocks. In this case, the material is called “sawdust concrete”. This material is easy to cut and drill, and has 2 times the thermal conductivity of brick. In addition, it is environmentally friendly and non-flammable (sawdust is insulated with a layer of concrete), and is lightweight. The disadvantages include a fairly high absorbency, but it can be reduced by almost half due to pre-treatment sawdust with water-repellent solutions or by waterproofing walls.

Sawdust concrete is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly

Expanded clay concrete - a material that in most cases replaced cinder block. In this case, the filler is expanded clay - foamed and fired clay. This material is absolutely non-toxic, almost does not absorb moisture, and has excellent heat-insulating properties. Expanded clay concrete blocks have relatively light weight, which makes it easier construction work. A bathhouse made of expanded clay concrete is more practical than one made of foam blocks or aerated concrete: less heat-insulating materials are required and it is easier to install fasteners.

Construction of a bathhouse made of expanded clay concrete

The thermal insulation properties of expanded clay concrete depend on the filler fraction - the larger the fraction, the better the thermal insulation, but the lower the density. When building a bathhouse from expanded clay concrete, it is better to carry out insulation from the inside of the room (a layer of basalt wool is recommended, on top of which foil paper is laid with an air gap of 2.5 cm to the finishing materials). The table shows some block parameters that will help you decide which one is preferable for you.

Aerated concrete

Sawdust concrete

Foam concrete

Expanded clay concrete

cinder block

Strength kg/cm2

Thermal conductivity

Volumetric weight kg/m3

Frost resistance (number of cycles)

Wall cooling time

Shrinkage (mm/m)

Water absorption

Ceramic blocks

I would like to say a few words about the possibility of using ceramic blocks to build a bathhouse. Recently, you can see advertisements for this building material, which claim that a ceramic block is much stronger and warmer than regular brick. As laboratory tests and inspections of objects built from ceramic blocks show, everything is not as good as the manufacturers are trying to present.

From what we saw above, we can conclude that ceramic blocks should not be used when building a bathhouse.

Features of building a bathhouse from blocks

Any construction begins with choosing the type of foundation. If you decide to build a bathhouse from blocks, you should choose a strip or pile foundation– most of the blocks are light in weight, and the baths are usually a one-story structure and there is no need to spend extra time, money and effort on making a more complex base.

Laying blocks is carried out by analogy with brickwork, with the only difference that every 2-3 rows it is advisable to lay metal mesh. It will add additional rigidity and strength to the entire structure. To make the work easier, it is very important to lay out the first row of blocks evenly. They need to level and compensate for all existing unevenness in the foundation. At the very top you can attach a crown made of timber, to which it will be convenient to attach rafter system and the base of the roof.

For insulation, it is advisable to use a layer of basalt wool, on top of which a foil film or vapor barrier membrane is laid. It is advisable to provide a gap between the foil (membrane) and the finishing materials by filling the slats with a thickness of 2.5 cm and then attaching the lining to them.

Insulation and moisture protection of a bath using foil films

Most units require exterior wall finishing. Here everyone chooses to their own taste: you can plaster and paint, cover finishing stone or brick, etc. You can decorate the walls with siding, but for better ventilation there should be a distance from the wall to the siding (for foam concrete at least 5 cm). The roof for a bathhouse made of blocks can be any - to your taste without any special restrictions.

For construction structural parts buildings use a variety of building materials. Their choice depends on many factors. It should be remembered that the material for the foundation must be moisture resistant, and for the walls - breathable. This article will help you decide which is better: foam block or gas block, or expanded clay concrete or cinder block.

Technical Parameters

Foam block is a lightweight but durable building material. It easily passes moisture through itself, thereby regulating the temperature in the room. There are four types of foam blocks:

  1. Thermal insulation
  2. Structural and thermal insulation
  3. Structural
  4. Structural porous

Aerated block serves as a material for the construction of walls and partitions. It is made in blocks of cellular concrete.

Divided into:

  1. Autoclave
  2. Non-autoclaved

Comparison table between foam block and gas block

Characteristic Foam block Gas block
Concrete class Cellular Cellular
Production Receive from cement mixture with the addition of special foaming agents. The resulting mass is poured into a mold and hardens in the open air. A mixture of cement, water, gypsum and lime is poured into an autoclave. Aluminum powder is added to form air pimples. Aerated concrete blocks are produced only in factories.
Water absorption Low level of water absorption. Plaster or another protective layer should be applied over the foam block. Absorbs water, which is bad in frosty weather.
Strength Foam blocks are an expensive material, so manufacturers use cheap foaming agents. They affect the strength of the blocks. The gas block is homogeneous in its structure, therefore the density is the same in all parts.
Environmental safety Foaming agents are used in the manufacture of blocks, but they are not harmful. During the hardening process, hydrogen is released. It does not have a harmful effect on the human body.
Shrinkage and subsidence Often houses made of foam blocks crack due to large pores. They have less shrinkage.
Thermal insulation criterion Foam concrete blocks have large pores, which is why thermal insulation is better. But it is worth considering that foam block is not a durable material. Houses made from it should be reinforced with denser materials. Foam concrete refers to durable materials. Therefore, you can build from it load-bearing walls that will retain heat.
Fire resistance Resistant to fire, as it is made from natural materials. Aerated concrete has fire resistance twice as high as foam block.
Dimensions Foam concrete blocks can be made using construction site. Monolithic walls are also sometimes made from it. Aerated concrete is produced industrially, so all sizes are unified.

Cinder block is a type of building stone. It contains slag filler. Binder cement appears.

Now cinder blocks are made from:

  • volcanic ash
  • crushed granite
  • sand
  • concrete
  • glass
  • sawdust
  • crushed stone
  • gravel

IMPORTANT: the filler determines the properties of the cinder block. The strength and thermal conductivity of the blocks depends on it. Sand, crushed stone and pebbles make the material denser than other fillers.

Foam blocks, cinder blocks, gas blocks - which is better? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. It is necessary to proceed from the positive and negative properties of the cinder block.


  1. The scope of use of cinder blocks depends on the type of blocks. There are solid and hollow cinder blocks. They are used in the construction of walls, columns, plinths and foundations. Hollow ones have less mass, so they are used to lighten the structure. The decorative facing block on one side imitates wood, stone or plaster. Colored and torn cinder blocks are used in the construction of fences. Foundation and partition piece materials are used only for partitions and foundations.
  2. The thermal conductivity of cinder block is very low, so it is not necessary to insulate walls from it.
  3. Structural elements made from this material dry much faster than those made from brick or gas block.
  4. The dimensions of the blocks allow buildings to be erected in a short time.
  5. Fire safety. It is a fire resistant material. It only cracks at very high temperatures.


  1. Material weight. The density of cinder block is very high. The mass of the block reaches 15 kg, therefore the installation of structures from it is very labor-intensive.
  2. Hydroscopicity. When it rains heavily, the cinder block gets wet. Water remains in the micropores, which freezes in frosty weather.
  3. The cost is too high considering the density and strength of the material.

So what to choose: gas block, foam block, cinder block? It is necessary to proceed from the area of ​​application of the material and the required strength of the structure.

Scope of application of cinder block, foam block and gas block

Gas block Foam block
Used in the construction of industrial and public buildings. The density allows the installation of only wall and partition blocks.

For private construction, gas blocks are also used for external walls.

The main thing is to protect the material from precipitation.

Foam blocks are used in the construction of buildings with a humidity of no more than 60%. If the humidity exceeds the permissible limit, the block is finished with waterproofing. You can also insulate pipelines with foam blocks. The scope of application of cinder block is very wide. Walls, partitions, foundations and fences are not a complete list of what is built from cinder blocks. The disadvantage of such blocks in comparison with foam blocks and gas blocks is their large weight. This complicates the installation of structural elements made of this material.

Wood concrete or cinder block.

For private construction, you can use wood concrete. The advantages of the material include durability, manufacturability, strength and lightness. But it cannot be used in a humid environment. It absorbs moisture and breaks down. The main components of wood concrete are wood chips and concrete. And this does not affect the strength of the material. It is able to withstand heavy loads.

Cinder block, foam block, gas block or expanded clay block

Cinder block or expanded clay block: which is better to use in the construction of residential and public buildings? Expanded clay blocks are a material made from sand, cement, expanded clay and additives. Strength characteristics are not inferior even to cinder block. Thermal conductivity and sound insulation indicators make it possible to install walls without subsequent finishing.

If we compare the performance of cinder block and expanded clay block, the second one wins in terms of strength and durability. But cinder block is much cheaper than its counterpart.

When choosing a material for a building, you should take into account the climatic conditions of the construction area. In a warm temperate climate, it does not make much difference what material will be used for the construction of walls - cinder block or expanded clay block.

In some cases, there is a choice between materials, the production of which is well established in the construction region. This greatly reduces the cost of construction and speeds up the completion time. Foam blocks, gas blocks, expanded clay blocks are somewhat similar in their characteristics. Therefore, it is very difficult to make a choice in this case.

Which is better: foam block, or gas block, or expanded clay concrete

Structural element Foam block Gas block Expanded clay block
Foundation Using foam blocks for foundation construction is impractical. It accumulates water and has low strength. Prohibited use. Such a foundation is strong, resists temperature changes and does not allow water to pass through.
Walls Good sound insulation, ease of installation, light weight of the blocks.

But manufacturers may use synthetic foaming agents that have a detrimental effect on human health.

Only self-supporting walls can be erected. Load-bearing structures must withstand their own weight and the weight of other structures. The gas block has porous structure, therefore, is not able to absorb such loads. Walls made of expanded clay blocks are durable and reliable. But they should be plastered and insulated in the future.

Brick, cinder block, foam concrete or wood concrete

Brick houses are durable and reliable. The tensile strength of brick exceeds 30 MPa. Structures made from this material do not need additional reinforcement. The water absorption of brick is less than that of foam block or cinder block.

But the thermal conductivity of the material forces the construction of thick walls. And this is not very advisable. Cinder blocks or foam blocks have dimensions that allow walls to be laid in one block.

Arbolite does not emit harmful substances, is soundproof and waterproof.

Brief overview of the main characteristics of materials, pros and cons

Brick, cinder blocks, foam concrete, wood concrete or aerated concrete are materials for the construction of walls, foundations and ceilings. How to make the right choice?

Brick . Dimensions standard brick 250?120?65 mm. Made from environmentally friendly components. Durable and frost-resistant material. Density - up to 2000 kg/m?. Tensile strength - from 15 MPa.

Dimensions of standard blocks are 390x190x188 mm. It has voids, due to which the weight of the material is reduced. The density of cinder block is from 750 to 1455 kg/m?. Weight ranges from 10 to 28 kg.
Foam concrete and aerated concrete. They belong to the class of cellular concrete. The sizes of the blocks are presented in a huge assortment. The density reaches 1200 kg/m2, and the tensile strength depends on the brand of blocks.

Arbolit. The most common sizes are 500×300×200 mm. Main component arbolite wood chips. The density of the blocks varies from 550 to 700 kg/m2. The weight of one wood concrete reaches 18 kg.

Which is better: foam block or gas block, or expanded clay concrete or cinder block?

For the construction of walls, it is better to use foam and expanded clay concrete. But later they need to be plastered. There are strict requirements for foundation materials. Only a cinder block satisfies them. It is moisture resistant, hard and dense. You can build partitions from aerated concrete, but reinforce them with brick columns.

When building a bathhouse, it is traditional to use wood as the main building material. However, recently the use of various types blocks that have advantages over the classical construction method.

Previously, we already looked at what is best to build a bathhouse from, in this case we will dwell in detail on the choice of a specific type of blocks. In order to answer the question of which block is better to build a bathhouse from, it is necessary to consider everything possible options used block materials.

Advantages of using blocks in construction

  • Simplicity of technology. It is much easier to build walls from blocks than from any other material. It is quite possible to carry out these works independently, without the involvement of highly qualified, therefore expensive, workers.
  • Cheap material and construction technology. Making blocks using modern technologies allows you to achieve them high quality at a relatively low cost. In addition, their characteristics, mainly low weight, allow you to save effort and money on the foundation, making it lightweight.

Aerated concrete blocks

The material is a type of cellular concrete. It is made from cement and quartz sand with the addition of special foaming agents. Blocks with the required increased strength are additionally processed in autoclaves. Therefore, there are two types of aerated concrete:

  • volumetric mass 0.3-0.5 t./cubic. m. - can be used for thermal insulation;
  • volumetric mass 0.5-1.2 t./cubic. m. (autoclave) – used for laying walls.

For the walls of a one-story bathhouse, aerated concrete grade D500 (0.5 t/cub.m.) is quite sufficient, and the blocks can be installed on edge, then the wall thickness is approximately 20 cm. Since the outside of the blocks is usually insulated and finished, the resulting structure will be excellent keep warm and have the required load-bearing capacity.

Advantages of aerated concrete

  • relatively light weight;
  • ease of processing (drilled with a conventional drill, cut with a hacksaw);
  • non-flammability;
  • becomes even more durable over time.


  • quite high price (compared to other blocks);
  • requirements for the quality of the material (the need to strictly adhere to manufacturing technology);
  • hygroscopicity (reduced by the use of special additives), resulting in the need to use special glue for laying blocks. Laying on the mortar will cause the blocks to absorb moisture and reduce thermal insulation properties material.

Price for 1 cubic meter m of autoclaved aerated concrete - from 3200 rubles.

Gas silicate blocks

The manufacturing technology is similar to aerated concrete, but differs from it in the composition of the binding material: lime is used to produce gas silicate blocks (62% quartz sand and 24% lime), and cement is used for aerated concrete (up to 60%). Gas silicate always white and has even greater hygroscopicity. Moreover, when saturated with moisture, it loses its strength characteristics, which can lead to destruction of the material. Therefore, its use for the construction of a bathhouse without additional processing or insulation is irrational. Price – from 3000 rub./cub.m.

Foam concrete blocks

Another material related to cellular concrete. It is made from cement, sand and water with the addition of foam created in a foam generator. The manufacturing technology is simple, which allows for the production of blocks in private settings. This leads to the fact that the quality of the purchased material must be carefully checked. Otherwise, the block structure can quickly become unusable.

Advantages of foam concrete

  • the lowest cost compared to other blocks (except cinder blocks) and, especially, wood or brick. Price – from 2800 rub./cub.m.

Construction materials

Cinder block or foam block - which is better for construction?

From the author: We welcome you, dear reader. In the article we provided comparative analysis two most popular building materials, so that you can decide on the choice: cinder block or foam block, which is better for building a house, garage or other building.

Source: http://sarstroyka.ru

If you asked me to express my opinion on the construction of houses, my choice would be clear: brick. But our article is not about bricks, therefore, dear reader, opt for foam blocks. In short, better foam block. At this point you can finish reading the article - and go to the warehouse store for the necessary building materials.

But still, not so fast. It’s worth finding out why foam block is still better. To do this, we will divide our article into three parts. In the first we will describe the advantages and disadvantages of slag blocks, in the second we will characterize the foam block, and in the third we will provide links to useful articles that will be useful to you when further work. That is, you will find out what you have to do after you build a structure made of cinder block or foam block - insulation, wall decoration, and so on.

Let's get started.

cinder block

A fairly popular material that has been used in construction for quite some time. Not since ancient times, of course, but during massive construction during the Soviet era, this building material managed to prove itself well. It is quite strong, relatively durable, but most importantly, it is easy to manufacture and therefore cheap. Houses with cinder block walls still stand in their places. But, naturally, their condition often leaves much to be desired. I wouldn’t like to use a cliched phrase and overly dilute our text with “water,” but “there could be many reasons for this.” The article “” describes the process of reconstructing cinder block walls, so we will not cover this topic in detail here.

Source: http://skorobogatko.com.ua

There is no single GOST for cinder block. Therefore, the weight of each element may vary. You can buy cinder blocks in warehouse stores, which are available in any more or less large locality our country.

Let's name the advantages of cinder block:

  • relatively low cost. In the production of cinder blocks, a “secondary” material is used - slag. However, this is clear from the name. Now you know what is cheaper. More specifically, the price of cinder blocks in Russia is at the moment is about 20–30 ₽ per piece;
  • speed of construction of the structure. Here, it is rather appropriate to compare this material with brick. Elementary, Watson: where you would put about seven bricks, you will put only one cinder block. But in terms of weight, naturally, one cinder block is not equal to seven bricks. Bricks are heavier;
  • theoretically non-toxic. In its production /must not/ be used materials that are harmful to the body of people and animals. But, again, theoretically, anything can be mixed into its composition. Therefore, before purchasing a batch of this building material, it would be a good idea to check the certification to ensure the quality of the workmanship;
  • thermal insulation. The material itself can serve as a good heat insulator due to its structure. And in combination with home insulation produced using the right technology, you can be sure that you will not freeze in the cold season;
  • versatility. It is impossible to say unequivocally what is more practical: cinder blocks or foam blocks. The fact is that both of these materials are suitable for building both a house and a garage or other building. In a word, both building materials are universal.

Let us separately highlight one more fact that undoubtedly deserves your attention. Cinder blocks are used in foundation construction. And quite successfully. As often happens in practice, when pouring a foundation, various materials are often “buried” there. construction waste, which, by the way, not only does not make the structure worse, but in some way makes it stronger and more durable. Of course, if not everything was thrown there in a row, but various fragments of bricks, perhaps metal (for example, unnecessary pipes). So, cinder blocks also make a reliable and durable structure.

Now let's discuss the disadvantages of cinder block:

  • low sound insulation. More precisely, the lack thereof. Due to its structure, the material is practically no obstacle to sounds, say, from the street. Therefore, if you built a house from cinder blocks, you will have to get used to the noise of cars passing along the street. Although, there is another way out - sound insulation. But this, of course, is additional work, time and, of course, additional expenses. Therefore, cinder block is more suitable for the construction of garages or other non-residential buildings. Or for erecting walls inside a house from, say, foam concrete;
  • unattractive appearance. If a brick wall, for aesthetic reasons, can be left without finishing exterior finishing, then a cinder block structure will not look very attractive. Let's just say, for a rare fan. Therefore we will have to do exterior decoration using siding, brick or other material. At the same time, between the wall and finishing material it is possible (and necessary) to lay insulation (foam plastic, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool). But, again, if not a house is built, but a garage, there will be no need to bother with finishing. That's what a garage is;
  • difficulty in subsequent processing. To lay the necessary communications in the room with your own hands, you will have to try hard. It is better to hire professionals who will do the work for you;
  • the need to build a reliable foundation. This cannot be called a disadvantage, since the foundation must be reliable. That's why it's the foundation. But if you are planning to build a two or three-story structure on loose soil, this is not the best idea, since there is a risk that the building will “float”;
  • the need for waterproofing walls. The fact is that cinder block very actively absorbs moisture. But for buildings (especially residential ones) this is completely useless. Moisture both destroys building materials and promotes the formation of fungal colonies, which also destroy building materials. In addition, mold is hazardous to health.

Well, we have analyzed the properties of the stone block. For construction, this material is not bad, but not excellent either. Personally, I wouldn't build a house out of cinder block. But the garage is another matter. By the way, my garage is made of exactly this material. And they built it without much haste - in less than a couple of weeks (taking into account the time spent on cladding).

Enough about cinder blocks. Let's move on to foam blocks.

Foam block

We will not go into consideration of the technology for producing foam blocks. And this doesn’t make much sense in the context of our conversation today. Let's limit ourselves to noting: the foam block is obtained by foaming concrete using special equipment. Most often this material is compared to brick. Many builders say that these materials are identical, but their main difference is the price. Foam block is not completely identical to brick, and its price is actually lower.

Let's consider the advantages of foam block:

  • low cost compared to brick;
  • low thermal conductivity. The material itself is a good heat insulator. Therefore, do not ask whether foam blocks or cinder blocks are warmer - in this regard they are identical;
  • versatility. The material is suitable for the construction of structures of any type. As, indeed, is the shalkoblok;
  • light weight. You can build a house or garage from foam blocks on almost any soil and not be afraid of “seismic activity” on a local scale. But the foundation must still be strong and reliable - no one can cancel this;
  • sufficient level of sound insulation compared to the previous material;
  • relative ease of processing. Conducting communications will not be as difficult as in the case of a cinder block.

Having your own bathhouse in the courtyard of a private house or is the dream of many owners suburban areas. Everyone knows that a bathhouse serves as a place not only for regular washing, but also for health procedures - healing steam cleanses pores, improves blood circulation and gives vitality. In addition, there is a tradition that this particular building often turns into a kind of “club”, where you can have a great time with friends or loved ones.

Therefore, owners planning to create such a useful “complex” inevitably face the question - what is the best material to build a bathhouse from, so that it can be used at any time of the year and without extra costs create and maintain an optimal microclimate. The choice of material directly influences the creation of a healthy, relaxing sauna atmosphere.

In addition, the right material is the key to the durability of this structure. It is imperative to take into account that the internal surfaces of the walls will be constantly exposed to moist hot air and temperature changes.

The modern market offers a wide variety of different building materials suitable for the construction of walls of houses, utility, utility and other specific buildings. However, it is worth taking a closer look and figuring out which one is ideal for a bathhouse.