Abstract: Protecting people from the dangers of mechanical injury. Basic concepts, terms and definitions in life safety Means of protection against mechanical injury at the site

First aid. A drowning person or someone who has already drowned should be pulled out of the water as quickly as possible, remove dirt and sand from the mouth and nose, place him on his stomach, then lift him with both hands and shake him so that water pours out of the stomach and respiratory tract.

There is no time to waste when rescuing a drowning person, so in some cases there is no need to pump out water. After cleaning your mouth (preliminary measure), you must immediately begin artificial respiration. At the same time, every second counts!

As soon as the victim resumes breathing, he should be given hot tea, wrapped in a blanket and taken to a medical facility.

In principle, every drowned person should be considered only imaginary dead, and therefore it is necessary to immediately take measures to revive him and not stop them until obvious cadaveric signs appear.

Protection against mechanical injury

Means of protection against mechanical injury include safety brakes, fencing devices, automatic control and alarms, safety signs, systems remote control. Remote control systems and automatic alarms for dangerous concentrations of vapors, gases, and dusts are most often used in explosive industries and industries where toxic substances are released into the air of the work area.

Safety protective equipment intended for automatic shutdown units and machines when any parameter characterizing the operating mode of the equipment deviates beyond the permissible values. Thus, during emergency conditions (increasing pressure, temperature, operating speeds, current, torque, etc.), the possibility of explosions, breakdowns, and ignitions is eliminated. In accordance with GOST 12.4.125–83, safety devices can be blocking or restrictive according to the nature of their action.

Depending on the principle of operation, locking devices are divided into mechanical, electronic, electrical, electromagnetic, pneumatic, hydraulic, optical, magnetic and combined.

Limiting devices for design are divided into couplings, pins, valves, keys, membranes, springs, bellows and washers.

Locking devices prevent a person from entering a dangerous zone or eliminate a dangerous factor while he is in this zone.

Electrical interlocking is used in electrical installations with voltages of 500 V and above, as well as in various types technological equipment with electric drive. It ensures that the equipment is turned on only if there is a fence. Electromagnetic (radio frequency) blocking is used to prevent a person from entering a danger zone. If this happens, the high-frequency generator supplies a current pulse to the electromagnetic amplifier and polarized relay. The electromagnetic relay contacts de-energize the magnetic starter circuit, which provides electromagnetic braking of the drive in tenths of a second. Magnetic locking works similarly, using a constant magnetic field.

Noise and vibration protection

To protect against noise and vibration, various means and methods of personal and collective protection are used. Personal protective equipment is headphones, earplugs, etc. The most effective means are those that reduce noise and vibration levels at the source itself; this is not always achievable. But in no case should you refuse to use other means of protection!

The main methods of noise control are:

1. Reducing noise at its source (precision manufacturing of components, replacing steel gears with plastic ones, etc.).

2. Sound absorption (use of materials from mineral felt, glass wool, foam rubber, etc.).

3. Sound insulation. Soundproofing structures are made of dense material (metal, wood, plastic).

4. Installation of noise silencers.

5. Rational placement of workshops and equipment with intense sources of noise.

6. Green spaces (reduce noise by 10 - 15 dB).

7. Individual means protection (ear buds, headphones, helmets).

Vibration protection

1. Reducing vibrations at the source of its occurrence (replacing impact mechanisms with non-impact ones, using gears with special types of gearing, increasing the class of processing accuracy, balancing, etc.).

2. Detuning from the resonance mode by rationally choosing the mass or rigidity of the oscillating system.

3. Vibration isolation (use of rubber gaskets, springs, etc.).

4. Vibration-absorbing coatings made of felt, felt, rubber, plastic, mastic, etc.

5. Dynamic vibration damping - attaching an additional oscillating mass to the protected object, working in antiphase with the main disturbing force.

6. Organizational events.

7. Personal protective equipment (vibration-proof gloves, shoes).

8. Medical and preventive measures.

Legal protection of the population from emergencies

The legislative basis for the protection of the population and territories of Russia in emergencies is the “Law on the protection of the territory and population of Russia in emergencies of a natural and man-made nature.” Rights of citizens of the Russian Federation: 1) to protect life, health and personal. Property in emergencies; 2) in accordance with emergency response plans, use collective and individual protective equipment; 3) be informed about the risk that they may be exposed to in certain places of stay in the Russian Federation; 4) apply personally, and also send to the state. authorities for contacting protection issues; 5) participate in emergency prevention and response activities; 6) for compensation for damage caused to their health and property as a result of an emergency; 7) for medical care, compensation and social services. Guarantees for living and working in emergency zones; 8) receive compensation and social benefits. Guarantees for damage caused to health while performing duties during emergency response; 9) for pension provision in the event of loss of ability to work resulting in the liquidation of an emergency; 10) for pension provision in the event of the loss of a breadwinner who died during the liquidation of an emergency.

Forecasting the risk of emergencies of various types in a specific region, subject or facility is broadly understood as a scientifically based prediction of the development of any natural, man-made, environmental, biological and social phenomenon or the consequences of possible armed conflicts in order to prevent disasters and timely take protective measures .

The second stage - direct protection - is carried out with the aim of reducing and mitigating damage to objects in the covered territory and preventing or reducing population losses in the event of an emergency. The goal of direct protection is achieved by protective actions after receiving information about the real possibility of occurrence certain type Emergency situation in the covered area. The analyzes of the temporal development of emergency situations allow us to conclude that the protected objects, the involved troops and civil defense formations in certain conditions may have some time to carry out protection measures from the moment the threat arises to the impact of damaging factors. Then the longest period of protective actions will begin in the affected areas.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Protecting people from the danger of mechanical injury and from hazardous factors of a complex nature

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Mechanical injury to a person - damage to the skin, muscles, bones, tendons, spine, eyes, head and other parts of the body. 3

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Causes of injury: surface roughness; sharp edges and edges of tools and equipment; moving mechanisms and machines; unprotected elements production equipment; moving products, materials, workpieces; collapsing structures; falling from height; possible eye injuries sharp objects, formed during the processing of materials. 4

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All sources of mechanical injury are divided into actually and potentially dangerous 5

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Really dangerous sources of mechanical injury: surface roughness; risks, burrs; sharp edges and protrusions on parts of equipment; moving workpieces when working on metalworking machines; working parts of stamping and pressing equipment; abrasive particles when sharpening tools; moving lifting machines and means of transport. 6

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Potentially dangerous sources of mechanical injury: pressure vessels; stacks of materials, finished products(at improper installation may collapse); equipment maintenance areas at height; stairs (if they do not meet safety requirements). 7

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Other causes of mechanical injury: falling on a slippery floor (the floor may be stained with oil that has spilled or leaked from the equipment); falling from height; collision with technological transport (trolleys, loaders) moving in the work area; the impact of robots and manipulators when a person enters their zone of action; destruction of containers under pressure; falling objects or people from a height; collapse building structures. 8

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Means of protection against mechanical hazards are divided into collective and individual 9

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Means of collective protection against mechanical injury. protective devices (casings, doors, shields, canopies, strips, barriers, screens); safety devices (blocking, limiting); braking devices; automatic control and alarm devices (information, warning, emergency, response); remote control devices (stationary, mobile); safety signs. GOST 12.4.125-83.SSBT. Means of collective protection of workers from mechanical injury. Classification. 10

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Semantic meaning and scope of application of signal colors 11 Signal Semantic meaning Scope of application Contrast color Red Immediate danger Prohibition of dangerous behavior. Indication of imminent danger. Emergency shutdown message or in emergency condition equipment. Designation and determination of the location of fire equipment, fire protection equipment White Yellow Possible danger Indication of possible danger. Hazard Warning Black

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Meaning and scope of application of signal colors 12 Signal Meaning Scope of application Contrast color Green Safety, safe conditions Help Message about normal operation of the equipment. Designation of evacuation routes and first aid equipment. White Blue Prescription to avoid danger Requirements of mandatory actions to ensure safety. Allowing certain actions. White

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The semantic meaning of basic safety signs 13 Group Shape Color Meaning Prohibitory signs Circle with a transverse stripe Red Prohibition of dangerous behavior or action Warning signs Triangle Yellow Warning of possible danger. Caution. Attention Mandatory signs Circle Blue Instruction of mandatory actions to avoid danger

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Meaning of basic safety signs 14 Group Shape Color Meaning Signs fire safety Square or rectangle Red Designation and indication of the location of fire protection equipment Evacuation signs and signs for medical and sanitary purposes Square or rectangle Green Designation of the direction of movement during evacuation. Rescue, first aid in case of accidents or fires. Safety lettering Signs Square or rectangle Blue Permission. Note. Inscription or information

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Personal protective equipment against mechanical injury special clothing; special shoes; hand protection; eye and face protection; head protection; safety belts; organizational events (instructions, internships). 15

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Federal Law “On Fire Safety” dated December 21, 1994. No. 69-FZ. GOST 12.1.033-81 “SSBT. Fire safety. Terms and Definitions". GOST 12.1.004-9 “Fire safety. General requirements" 16 Fire safety. Normative base

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Fire is an uncontrolled combustion that causes material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, and the interests of society and the state. Fire safety is the state of protecting individuals, property, society and the state from fires. Fire safety requirements are special conditions of a social and (or) technical nature established in order to ensure fire safety by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents or a government authorized body. Violation of fire safety requirements – failure to comply or improper fulfillment of fire safety requirements. 17 Fire safety. Terms

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Flash - rapid combustion of a combustible mixture, not accompanied by the formation of compressed gases. Fire is the occurrence of combustion under the influence of an ignition source. Ignition is a fire accompanied by the appearance of a flame. Spontaneous combustion is a phenomenon sharp increase the speed of exothermic reactions, leading to combustion of a substance in the absence of an ignition source. 18 The combustion process is divided into several types:

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Spontaneous combustion is spontaneous combustion accompanied by the appearance of a flame. Explosion is an extremely rapid chemical (explosive) transformation, accompanied by the release of energy and the formation of compressed gases capable of producing mechanical work. The occurrence of combustion of substances and materials under the influence of thermal pulses with a temperature above the ignition temperature is characterized as combustion. The occurrence of combustion at temperatures below the auto-ignition temperature refers to the process of spontaneous combustion. 19 The combustion process is divided into several types:

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a set of organizational and technical measures to prevent, localize and extinguish fires, as well as to ensure the safe evacuation of people and material assets in the event of a fire. 20 Fire prevention –

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Organizational: correct operation machines and in-plant transport, proper maintenance of buildings and territories, fire safety training for workers, issuance of orders on strengthening fire safety. Technical: compliance with fire safety rules, standards when designing buildings, installing equipment, heating, ventilation, lighting, correct placement of equipment. Security measures: prohibition of smoking in undesignated places, welding and other hot work in fire hazardous areas. Operational: timely preventive examinations, repairs and testing of process equipment. 21 Fire prevention measures

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Application of building structures with a standardized fire resistance limit. Fire alarm. Settings automatic fire extinguishing. Evacuation of people. Devices that limit the spread of fire. Fire warning system. Use of PPE and SCP. System smoke protection. 22 Fire protection system

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Rescue is the forced movement of people outside when they are exposed to dangerous fire factors or when there is an immediate threat of this impact. Evacuation is the process of organized independent movement of people out of premises in which there is a possibility of exposure to fire factors. Evacuation is carried out through emergency exits. 23 Rescue of people in case of fire

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In order to ensure the evacuation of people from a facility or the protection of people within the facility, it is necessary to: establish the number, size and design position of evacuation routes and exits; ensure the possibility of unhindered movement along evacuation routes; organize, if necessary, control of the movement of people along evacuation routes (light signs, sound and voice alarms); organize the use of personal protective equipment and protective equipment for people from fire hazards (shelters); the use of smoke protection systems should ensure smoke-free conditions and a reduction in temperature along evacuation routes. 24 Rescue of people in case of fire

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water; water vapor is used in conditions of limited air exchange, in enclosed spaces with the most dangerous technological processes; water jets - for extinguishing solid materials, oil products; foam is used to extinguish solid and liquid substances, do not interact with water; gases - for extinguishing fires in electrical installations; powder compositions - for extinguishing fires alkali metals and organometallic compounds; sand, soil. 25 Fire extinguishing agents

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Advantages: cooling effect; dilution of the flammable mixture with steam (when water evaporates, its volume increases 1700 times); mechanical impact on the flame; availability and low cost; chemical neutrality. Disadvantages: oil products float and continue to burn on the surface of the water; has high electrical conductivity. Water fire extinguishing sprinkler installations; deluge. 26 Water

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mobile (fire trucks); stationary installations; fire extinguishers. 27 Fire extinguishing apparatus

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designed for the production of fire extinguishing agents, used to extinguish fires at a considerable distance from their location. They are divided into: tank trucks (water, air-mechanical foam); special (AP-3, PS and PSB-3 powder 3.2t); airfield (water, freon). 28 Fire trucks

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are designed to extinguish fires in the initial stages of their occurrence without human intervention. Can be automatic or manual with remote control. Divided into: water; foam; gas; powder; steam. 29 Stationary installations

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- a device for extinguishing fires with an extinguishing agent that it releases after being activated, used to extinguish small fires. The following are used as fire extinguishing agents: chemical or air-mechanical foam; carbon dioxide (liquid); aerosols and powders containing bromine. Fire extinguishers are marked with letters (type of fire extinguisher by category) and numbers (volume). 30 Fire extinguishers

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By mobility: manual up to 10 liters; mobile; stationary. According to the fire extinguishing composition: liquid (the charge consists of water or water with additives); carbon dioxide (CO2); chemical foams (aqueous solutions of acids and alkalis); air-foam; freons (freons 114B2 and 13B1); powder (PS, PSB-3, PF, P-1A, SI-2); combined. 31 Classification of fire extinguishers

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is a system of organizational and technical measures and means that ensure the protection of people from the harmful and dangerous effects of electric current, electric arc, electromagnetic field And static electricity 32 Electrical safety

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The effect of electric current on the human body is thermal (burns, heating to high temperature blood vessels, nerves, heart and brain); electrolytic (decomposition of organic liquids, including blood); mechanical (convulsive muscle contraction, throwing, withdrawing); biological (spasm, irritation and excitation of tissues and organs, specific effect on cardiovascular system- fibrillation effect). 33

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electrical injuries are clearly expressed local violations of the integrity of body tissues caused by exposure to electricity. current or electric arcs. Usually these are superficial injuries, that is, damage to the skin and sometimes other soft tissues, as well as ligaments and bones. electric shocks are the stimulation of living tissues electric shock passing through the body, accompanied by involuntary convulsive muscle contractions. 34 Types of damage to the body el. electric shock

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electric current burn; arc; mixed metallization leather; 35 Electrical injuries

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Electric shocks are divided into four degrees: I - convulsive muscle contraction without loss of consciousness. II - convulsive muscle contraction with loss of consciousness, but with preserved breathing and heart function. III – loss of consciousness and disturbance of cardiac activity or breathing (or both). IV – a state of clinical death, that is, lack of breathing and blood circulation. 36

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Causes of damage electric shock Touching live parts that are energized; touching disconnected parts where voltage may occur: in case of residual charge; in case of erroneous switching on. installations or uncoordinated actions of maintenance personnel; in the event of a lightning strike in the electrical installation or near; defeat through email arc at electrical voltage installations above 1 kV, when approaching an unacceptably short distance; the effect of atmospheric electricity during gas discharges; releasing a person under tension. 37

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38 Statistical data on the causes of people getting under voltage Cause of injury % Touching exposed live parts that are energized 56 Touching conductive parts of equipment that are energized as a result of insulation damage 23 Touching live parts covered with insulation that has lost its properties; touching live parts with low-voltage objects. resistance 18 Contact with floors, walls, structural elements, soil that are energized due to an emergency ground fault 2 Damage through an electric arc 1

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voltage value; type of current (up to 500 V, alternating current is more dangerous); current frequency (the most dangerous range f = 40...100 Hz); current path through the human body; human body resistance (calculated value 1000 Ohm); duration of current; conditions external environment(temperature, humidity affect resistance). 39 Factors affecting the risk of electric shock

Short description

Injuries, as a rule, are the result not of an accidental combination of circumstances, but of existing dangers that were not eliminated in a timely manner. Therefore, every head of a site, workshop, etc. is obliged to firmly know and daily explain to his subordinates the safety rules, to show a personal example of their impeccable compliance. It is designed to relentlessly and constantly demand from workers strict compliance with safety regulations.

1. Methods and means of protection against mechanical injury
2. Protection of humans from the dangers of mechanical injury

Attached files: 1 file





by discipline

"Life Safety"

“Protection from mechanical injury to a person at work”

Completed by a 5th year student of group ZDS-51

Konopelko Nikolay Anatolievich

Teacher_________________ _________

Grade________________________ ________

Date of__________________________ ________

RYAZAN, 2013


  1. Methods and means of protection against mechanical injury
  2. Protecting people from the dangers of mechanical injury




All workers must comply with safety regulations when operating equipment, high-pressure vessels, lifting equipment, etc.

Failure to comply with and obvious violation of precautionary measures when servicing machinery and equipment can lead to a large number of accidents, sometimes fatal.

Injuries, as a rule, are the result not of an accidental combination of circumstances, but of existing dangers that were not eliminated in a timely manner. Therefore, every head of a site, workshop, etc. is obliged to firmly know and daily explain to his subordinates the safety rules, to show a personal example of their impeccable compliance. It is designed to relentlessly and constantly demand from workers strict compliance with safety regulations.

1. Methods and means of protection against mechanical injury

To protect against mechanical injury, two main methods are used:

* ensuring human inaccessibility to dangerous areas;

* use of devices that protect people from dangerous factors.

Means of protection against mechanical injury are divided into:

* collective (SKZ;

* individual (PPE).

VHCs are divided into:

* fencing;

* safety;

* braking devices;

* automatic control and alarm devices;

* remote control;

* safety signs.

Fencing devices.

Designed to prevent a person from accidentally entering the danger zone. They are used to insulate moving parts of machines, processing areas of machine tools, presses, impact elements of machines, etc. from the work area.

They can be:

* stationary;

* movable;

* portable

They are performed in the form protective covers, doors, canopies, barriers, screens.

Fencing devices are made of metal, plastic, wood and can be either solid or mesh.

Working part cutting tools(saws, cutters, cutter heads, etc.) must be closed by an automatically operating fence that opens during the passage of the processed material or tool only to allow it to pass.

The fences must be strong enough to withstand loads from flying particles of the material being processed, a collapsing processing tool, the breakdown of the workpiece, etc.

Portable fencing is used as temporary fencing during repair and adjustment work.

Safety devices are designed to automatically shut down machines and equipment when they deviate from normal operation or when a person enters a hazardous area.

They are divided into:

* blocking;

* restrictive.

Locking devices prevent a person from entering the danger zone.

According to the principle of action they can be:

* mechanical;

* electromechanical;

* electromagnetic (radio frequency);

* photoelectric;

* radiation;

* pneumatic;

* ultrasonic, etc.

Photoelectric blocking is widely used, based on the principle of converting the light flux incident on a photocell into an electrical signal. The danger zone is fenced off with light rays. The intersection of the light beam by a person causes a change in the photocurrent and activates protection mechanisms or shutdown of the installation. Used on metro turnstiles.

Radiation blocking is based on the use of radioactive isotopes. Ionizing radiation directed from the source is captured by a measuring and command device that controls the operation of the relay. When the beam crosses, the measuring-command device sends a signal to the relay, which breaks the electrical contact and turns off the equipment.

Restrictive devices.

These are elements of mechanisms and machines designed to break (or fail) under overload.

These elements include:

* shear pins and keys connecting the shaft to the drive;

* friction clutches that do not transmit movement at high torques, etc.

They are divided into two groups:

* elements with automatic restoration of the kinematic chain after the controlled parameter has returned to normal (for example, friction clutches);

* elements with restoration of kinematic connection by replacing it (for example, pins and keys).

Braking devices.

According to their design, they are divided into:

* block;

* disk;

* conical;

* wedge.

The most commonly used brakes are shoe and disc brakes.

An example of such brakes is car brakes.

Automatic control and alarm devices

Control devices are instruments for measuring pressure, temperature, static and dynamic loads and other parameters characterizing the operation of equipment and machines.

The efficiency of their use increases significantly when combined with alarm systems.

Automatic control and alarm devices are divided into:

by purpose:

* informational;

* warning;

* emergency;

according to the method of operation:

* automatic;

* semi-automatic.

The following colors are used for signaling:

* red – prohibiting;

* yellow – warning;

* green – notifying;

* blue – signaling.

Types of information signaling are various kinds of diagrams, signs, and inscriptions.

Remote control devices (stationary and mobile) most reliably solve the problem of ensuring safety, as they allow the operation of equipment to be controlled from areas outside the danger zone.

Safety signs.

Their type is regulated by GOST R 12.4026−01.

They can be:

* prohibiting;

* warning;

* prescriptive;

* index;

* firefighters;

* evacuation;

* medical.

2. Protection of humans from the dangers of mechanical injury

Means of protecting workers from mechanical injury (physical hazard) include:

Fences (casings, canopies, doors, screens, shields, barriers, etc.);

Safety – locking devices (mechanical, electrical, electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic, etc.);

Braking devices (working, parking, emergency braking);

Signaling devices (sound, light), which can be built into equipment or be components.

To ensure the safe operation of production equipment, it is equipped with reliably operating braking devices that guarantee stopping the machine at the right time, alarms, fencing and blocking devices, emergency shutdown devices, remote control devices, and electrical safety devices.

Braking devices can be mechanical, electromagnetic, pneumatic, hydraulic and combined. The braking device is considered to be in good working order if it is established that after the equipment is turned off, the run-out time of dangerous parts does not exceed those specified in the regulatory documentation.

An alarm system is one of the links in the direct connection between a machine and a person. It facilitates labor, rational organization of the workplace and work safety. The alarm can be sound, light, color and symbol. The alarm system must be located and constructed so that the danger warning signals are clearly visible and audible in the work environment by all persons who may be at risk.

Locking devices are designed to automatically shut down equipment in the event of erroneous actions by the operator or dangerous changes in the operating mode of the machines, when information is received about the presence of a danger of injury through the existing sensitive elements in a contact and non-contact manner.

Locking devices are distinguished:

1. Mechanical.

Based on the principle of breaking the kinematic chain.

2. Jet.

When a worker's hand crosses a stream of air flowing from a controlled nozzle, a laminar flow between other nozzles is restored, switching a logical element that transmits a signal to stop the working element.

3. Electromechanical.

Based on the principle of interaction between a mechanical element and an electrical element, as a result of which the machine control system is turned off.

4. Contactless.

Based on the photoelectric effect, ultrasound, changes in the amplitude of temperature fluctuations, etc. Sensors transmit a signal to the executive bodies when workers cross the boundaries of the equipment working area.

5. Electric.

Disabling the circuit leads to an instant stop of the working parts.

Safety devices are designed to prevent a person from accidentally entering a dangerous area. They are used to isolate moving parts of machines, processing areas of machines, presses, impact elements of machines, etc. Protective devices can be stationary, mobile and portable. Protective devices can be made in the form of protective covers, doors, canopies, barriers, screens.

Design of production equipment driven by electrical energy, must include devices (means) to ensure electrical safety.

For electrical safety purposes, technical methods and means are used (often in combination with one another): protective grounding, grounding, protective shutdown, potential equalization, low voltage, electrical separation of the network, insulation of live parts, etc.

Electrical safety must be ensured:

Design of electrical installations;

Technical methods and means of protection;

Organizational and technical measures.

Electrical installations and their parts must be designed in such a way that workers are not exposed to dangerous and harmful effects of electric current and electromagnetic fields, and comply with electrical safety requirements.

To ensure protection against accidental contact with live parts, the following methods and means must be used:

Protective shells;

Safety barriers (temporary or permanent);

Safe location of live parts;

Insulation of live parts (working, additional, reinforced, double);

To protect a person from mechanical injury, two main methods are used: ensuring that a person is not accessible to dangerous areas and using devices that protect a person from a dangerous factor.

Means of protection against mechanical injury are divided into collective (SK.Z) and individual (PPE). C.Z. are divided into protective, safety, braking devices, automatic control and alarm devices, remote control, and safety signs.
Safety devices are designed to prevent a person from accidentally entering a dangerous area. They are used to isolate moving parts of machines, processing areas of machines, presses, impact elements of machines, etc. from the working area. Fencing devices can be stationary, mobile and portable; can be made in the form of protective covers, doors, canopies, barriers, screens. Fencing devices are made of metal, plastic, wood and can be either solid or mesh. In Fig. Figure 7.1 shows a stationary mesh fence for the danger zone of an industrial robot, and Fig. 7.2 - diagram of the robotic area. Entry into the fenced hazardous area is through doors equipped with interlocking devices that stop the operation of the equipment when they are opened.
The working part of cutting tools (saws, cutters, cutter heads

Rice. 7.1. Stationary mesh fence for industrial robot

etc.) must be closed by an automatically operating fence (Fig. 7.3), which opens during the passage of the processed material or tool only to allow it to pass.
The fences must be strong enough to withstand the loads from flying particles of the material being processed, a damaged processing tool, the breakdown of the workpiece, etc. Portable fences are used as temporary ones during repair and adjustment work.
Safety devices are designed to automatically shut down machines and equipment when they deviate from normal operation or when a person enters a hazardous area. They are divided into blocking and restrictive.
Locking devices prevent a person from entering the danger zone. According to the principle of operation, blocking devices can be mechanical, electromechanical, electromagnetic (radio frequency), photoelectric, or radiation. There are other less common types of locking devices (pneumatic, ultrasonic).
Photoelectric blocking based on

Rice. 7.2. Diagram of the security system of the robotic area

on the principle of converting the light flux incident on a photocell into an electrical signal. The danger zone is fenced off with light rays. The intersection of the light beam by a person causes a change in the photocurrent and activates protection mechanisms or shutdown of the installation. Photoelectric blocking is used on metro turnstiles. Radiation blocking based on the use of radioactive isotopes is used. Ionizing radiation directed from the source is captured by a measuring and command device that controls the operation of the relay. When the beam crosses, the measuring and command device sends a signal to the relay, which breaks the electrical contact and turns off the equipment. The isotopes are designed to last for decades and do not require special care.
Limiting devices are elements of mechanisms and machines,

designed to fail (or fail) under overload. Such elements include: shear pins and keys connecting the shaft to the drive, friction clutches that do not transmit movement at high torques, etc. Elements of limiting safety devices are divided into two groups: elements with automatic restoration of the kinematic chain after a controlled the parameter returned to normal (for example, friction clutches) and elements with the restoration of the kinematic connection by replacing it (for example, pins and keys).
Braking devices are divided according to their design into shoe, disc, conical and wedge. Most types of production equipment use shoe and disc brakes. An example of such brakes are car brakes. The operating principle of production equipment brakes is similar. Brakes can be manual (foot), semi-automatic and automatic. Manual ones are activated by the equipment operator, and automatic ones are activated when the speed of movement of machine mechanisms is exceeded or other equipment parameters exceed the permissible limits. In addition, brakes can be divided according to purpose into service, reserve, parking and emergency braking.
Automatic control and signaling devices (information, warning, emergency) are very important to ensure safe and reliable operation equipment. Control devices are instruments for measuring pressure, temperature, static and dynamic loads and other parameters characterizing the operation of equipment and machines. The effectiveness of their use increases significantly when combined with alarm systems (sound, light, color, sign or combined). Automatic control and alarm devices are divided: according to purpose - into information, warning, emergency; according to the method of operation - automatic and semi-automatic. The following colors are used for signaling: red - prohibited

warning, yellow - warning, green - notifying, blue - signaling.
Types of informative signaling are various kinds of diagrams, signs, and inscriptions. The latter explain the purpose of individual machine elements or indicate permissible load values. As a rule, inscriptions are made directly on equipment or displays located in the service area.
Remote control devices (stationary and mobile) most reliably solve the problem of ensuring safety, as they allow the operation of equipment to be controlled from areas outside the danger zone.
Safety signs can be prohibitive, warning, prescriptive, directional, fire, evacuation and medical. appointments. The type of signs is regulated by GOST 12.4.4026-03.

To protect a person from mechanical injury, two main methods are used:

1. ensuring human inaccessibility to dangerous areas;

2. the use of devices that protect people from dangerous factors.

Means of protection against mechanical injury are divided into:

1. collective;

2. individual.

Collective protective equipment is divided into:

1. protective;

2. safety;

3. braking devices;

4. automatic control and alarm devices;

5. remote control devices;

6. safety signs.

Safety devices are designed to prevent a person from accidentally entering a dangerous area.

They are used to insulate moving parts of machines, processing areas of machine tools, presses, impact elements of machines, etc. Safety devices can be stationary, mobile and portable; can be made in the form of protective covers, doors, canopies, barriers, screens. Fencing devices are made of metal, plastic, wood and can be either solid or mesh.

The figure shows a diagram of the robotic area.

Entry into the fenced hazardous area is through doors equipped with interlocking devices that stop the operation of the equipment when they are opened.

Work zone cutting tools (saws, cutters, cutter heads, etc.) must be closed with an automatically operating guard that opens during the passage of the material or tool being processed only to allow it to pass.

The fences must be strong enough to withstand the loads from flying particles of the material being processed, a broken processing tool, the breakdown of the workpiece, etc. Portable fencing is used as temporary fencing during repair and adjustment work.

Safety devices are designed to automatically shut down machines and equipment when they deviate from normal operation or when a person enters a hazardous area.

They are divided into blocking and restrictive.

Locking devices exclude the possibility of human penetration into the danger zone. According to the principle of operation, blocking devices can be:

1. mechanical;

2. electromechanical;

3. electromagnetic (radio frequency);

4. photovoltaic;

5. radiation.

There are other less common types of locking devices (pneumatic, ultrasonic).

Photoelectric blocking is widely used, based on the principle of converting the light flux incident on a photocell into an electrical signal. The danger zone is fenced off with light rays. The intersection of the light beam by a person causes a change in the photocurrent and activates protection mechanisms or shutdown of the installation. Radiation blocking based on the use of radioactive isotopes is used. Ionizing radiation directed from the source is captured by a measuring and command device that controls the operation of the relay. When the beam crosses, the measuring and command device sends a signal to the relay, which breaks the electrical contact and turns off the equipment. The isotopes are designed to last for decades and do not require special care.

Limiting devices– these are elements of mechanisms and machines designed to break (or fail) under overload. These elements include:

1. shear pins and keys connecting the shaft to the drive.

2. Friction clutches that do not transmit movement at high torques,

3. All kinds of fuses that interrupt the power supply in case of excessive loads, etc.

Elements of limiting safety devices are divided into two groups:

1. elements with automatic restoration of the kinematic chain after the controlled parameter has returned to normal (for example, friction clutches),

2. elements with restoration of kinematic connection by replacing it (for example, pins and keys).

Braking devices are divided according to design into:

1. block,

2. disk,

3. conical,

4. wedge.

Most types of production equipment use shoe and disc brakes. Conical and wedge ones are used in mechanisms that use the ratchet principle.

Brakes can be manual (foot), semi-automatic and automatic. Manual ones are activated by the equipment operator, and automatic ones are activated when the speed of movement of machine mechanisms is exceeded or other equipment parameters exceed the permissible limits. In addition, brakes can be divided according to purpose into service, reserve, parking and emergency braking.

Automatic control and alarm devices(information, warning, emergency) are very important to ensure safe and reliable operation of the equipment. Control devices – these are instruments for measuring pressure, temperature, static and dynamic loads and other parameters characterizing the operation of equipment and machines. The effectiveness of their use increases significantly when combined with alarm systems (sound, light, color, sign or combined). Automatic control and alarm devices are divided into:

1. as directed

1.1. informational

1.2. warning

1.3. emergency

2. according to the method of operation

2.1. automatic

2.2. semi-automatic

The following colors are used for signaling:

1. red – prohibiting,

2. yellow – warning,

3. green – notifying,

4. blue – signaling.

Types of informative signaling are various kinds of diagrams, signs, and inscriptions. The latter explain the purpose of individual machine elements, or indicate permissible load values. As a rule, inscriptions are made directly on equipment or displays located in the service area.

Remote control devices(stationary and mobile) most reliably solve the problem of ensuring safety, since they allow the operation of equipment to be controlled from areas outside the danger zone.

Safety signs can be warning, prescriptive and indicative and differ from each other in color and shape. The type of signs is strictly regulated by GOST.